TIIE MORNING OltEGONIAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, ,1919. POLICE FORCE HELD for several dairymen near Astoria. Mr. f 11 Westover made the trip two years ago TA and purchased a carload of Guernseys K 3 r for dairymen near Oregon City, Clack 1S47TH FRIDAY SURPRISE , Sale Imitation Pearls $1.49 Limited number of these attrac tive imitation pearl beads at this special price while any remain today. Regularly $1.89 strand. Meier A Frank's: Main Floor. 1S47TH FRIDAY SURPRISES Friday Sale of Books 29c Hundreds of good books for fall and winter reading lots of miscel laneous fiction. Regular to $1.00 edi tions. Special Friday 29c Meier & Frank's: Fifth Floor. 1547TH FRIDAY SURPRISE Good 19c Tooth Brush for 9c With every purchase of tooth paste or tooth powder today .we will sell our regular 19c tooth brushes at each 9c. A very special offer. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. 1B47TH FRIDAY SURPRISE! Women's Union Suits 89c Fine ribbed cotton. Low neck, sleeveless and Dutch neck, elbow sleeves, both ankle length. Regular sizes. For fall and winter. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. amas county. HIGHER TAXES INEVITABLE Increase in Umatilla's Levy Next Year roamed Certain. PKXDLKTON-. Or.. Oct. I. (Spe cial.) A little more than a quarter of a million dollars more than was paid this year will be paid by Uma tilla county taxpayers next year, ac More Patrolmen Urgently Necessary, Says Mayor. TM& Q.UALmfSTOr.B OT- PORTLAND rmv. JooUvl-lon-ixxY AUmr Sta. cording to the estimate of County CITY FUNDS ALSO SHORT 47th Friday Surprise tax. as against 7H mills last year. A The county road bonding" measure A and market roads bill account for K about I22.".000 of this increase. Valu- P Problem Difficult One and Grow Inx More Serious Popular Subscription Is Considered. ation of local property on the newjjp assessment, however, is lower by Kd 12.500.000 than last year. Decline in 1M7TH FRIDAY SURPRISE! 19 ' WHOLLY ADEQUATE Assessor strain. In a statement given B out ye.'terday. The estimate fixes the ZA amount to be raised next year as r. II klA n'hl.h will man - 1?.mfll' Sa Portland Is without adequate police protection. Lnleaa 100 patrolmen can be added to the department no im provement in the crime situation can b expected. To make matters worse, the city lacks money and is unable to Incrcasa its revenue by added tax This condition Is admitted by Mayor I-akrr. who says that the raisins; vf SI 50.000 by popular subscription to Improve the police department looms as the only possible solution of the problem. At the present time there are only :7 patrolmen In the Portland police bureau. From his personnel must be selected desk men. traffic officers and men for special duties. Those re maining are placed on beats. Task Rather Large Oae. At times recently there have been as few as II men on the first night relief. Portland covers 6 square miles. The problem of properly pa-1 ironing- such a city with a force of Ir.ia than 50 men seems a difficult one to the mayor. "Even with the handicap under which the police department is work ins." said Mayor Baker, "it is proving efficient. There Is less crime in Port land by two-thirds than In any other city of its siie in the United States, and I am willing: to allow a commit tee of any kind to check on these figures. The police bureau Is every bit as emcieni as couiu De expected with the number of men in the department. I intend to ask the council for men. but I know the city has no money available fur any increase. If the council cannot furnish more men I will ask the people to subscribe a fund of IU0.000 to pay for 100 ad ditional men in the police department lor one year. Farce Seriously Short. "A check shows that under exist ing conditions, if everv man In th department were available, we would have but 70 patrolmen on each relief. But with daya off. men on the desks, and .vacations to which all men in the department are entitled after one ear's service, we have as few as 60 men." Strikes and other unusual events In the daily life of the city, the mayor explained, drew on the department for police officers. Several weeks ago as many as 100 men were on strike duty. Whenever It is necessary to furnish police officers for special events, men must be taken from, beats now pa trolled by the minimum number. When discussion of the police sit uation was directed to the attention of members of the city council yes teraay, city commissioner Barbu spoke In favor of calling a special election to ask the people to vote additional money for the conduct of city atfairs. Relief Held Xeeeasary. "We asked the people to vote a two- mill levy and the proposal was de leated." said Mr. Barbur. "We have no money in the treasury to relieve the situation. The condition exists nd is dally becoming more acute. Some relief must be obtained and I believe we should go to the people ana ass, tor more money." STKXOftKA rilKR l.OVK IX STATU E.HPUIV GOES , TO SEATTLE. -j 1 : AfY : 4 " J r t S : 5 Mln Marie V. Lodge. SALEM. Or.. Oct, 2. (Spe cial.) Miss Marie V. Lodge has resigned her position as stenog rapher In the office of State Treasurer Hoff and left last night for Seattle, where she will be employed by a New York bonding house. She will make her home with a sister who has long been a resident of the Washington metropolis. Miss Lodge entered the em ploy in the office of the labor commissioner. About a year ago she entered the office of the state treasurer. Miss Lodge has many friends among state officials and employes, and her departure is regretted by Mr. Hoff and other workers. the value of horses accounts for a further decrease of about $500,000, and the exemption of mortgages chops off another 1600.000. Public utilities In this county show a decline of about 11,000,000, Mr. Strain believes. EX-NAVY MAN BADLY HURT John Leter Rash Is Taken to La Grande for X-Ray. COVE. Or- Oct. ?- I Snerlat 1 Tnh I -ester Rush of High valley, five miles out of Cove, who bad his skull frac tured and one eye nearly burst from tt socket by a limb of a tree felled cy II. Haines of Union, while they r getting out green timber for in Jacobs sawmill one day last week, was taken today from the home of M aunt. Mrs. Broadus Bates, to La Orande for X-ray examination. lister Rush, who served in the nary on the Atlantic. Is the elder of three brothers In service Corporal Karl Rush, mustered out last March and Sergeant Merrill Rush in service at Long Island from September. 117. and toe past three months student In mechanics at Roseburg. Both were summoned to the bedside of their dan gerously Injured brother. DATE OF Y. MEET CHOSEN Bors to Meet In The Dalles Oc tober 1 ?. THE DALLES. Or.. Oct. 2. (Spe rial.) The older boys" conference of the Y. M. C. A. will hold its annual meeting in The Dalles beginning Oc tober 17, it was announced from Salem today by B. A. Churchill, superintend ent of public instruction for Oregon. Representatives from Idaho and prac tically every county in Oregon will be present. The purpose is to Instill among the youth of this country better iileals of rimensMp and the local community l.as pledged its hearty support to the movement. DUFUR PUPILS MAY PICK School Dismissal Advocated to Re lieve Labor Shortage. THE DALLES. Or.. Oct. S. (Spe cial. ) Owing to the shortage of help at this season of the year an effort is being made to dismiss the pupils from Dufur school district for one week to aid In the harvest. It is said this help m ill solve the labor problem until more workers arrive. This morning 14 women, formerly orange pickers and packers in south ern California, arrived here and will go to Dufur. They will assist local workers and Impart the latest meth ods of packing. Special accommoda tions have been provided. KELSO "CASUALTY" HOME Soldier Reported Missing In Action Returns. KELSO. Wash.. Oct. 2. (Special.) Benjamin Horton of the 2Sth Infan try of the 1st division, who was in some of the severest fighting" of the war. received bis discharge at Camp Lewis a few days ago and has been visiting friends in Kelso. Last fall his mother. Mrs. Alice Horton. was first notified by the war department that he was killed in ac tion and later that he was missing In action. A few days later came a letter from young Horton stating that he had been wounded, but was about reday to rejoin his command. After the armistice the 1st division was with the. army of occupation in Ger many, and he is very glad to get back home. INDIANS SAVE HOP CROP Yakima Growers Say Red Men Averted Active Labor Shortage. YAKIMA. Wash.. Oct. 2. (Special.) Hop pickers in Yakima fields are receiving 1.50 a box, a higher price than ever before has been paid in this valley. The harvest Is now fin ishing in a number of fields. Others, notably the Mc.Neff A Livesley fields. will not be finished for a week or ten days. Indian pickers from all parts of this state and from Oregon and Idano have been the salvation of the crop this season owing to a scarcity ot white pickers, according to state ments of growers. Kelso Legion to Observe Armistice. KELSO. Wash., Oct. 2. (Special.) Guy Rathbun post, American Legion, will celebrate armistice day. Novem ber 11. A grand ball at McDonough's hall and other events are on the pro gramme. The post has also aeciaea to take action toward constructing a fitting memorial for the Kelso boys who made the supreme sacrifice In the war. 2 r4 MEIER A FRANK'S 1347TII FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES Sale 1035 Pairs of Women's Fine Silk Hose A Very Special Friday Value $1.69 2 Pairs $3.35 An extraordinary Fri day Surprise value ! Jwo unusual lots of women's fine quality silk hose at pair $1.69, or 2 pairs $335 One lot is made up of finest plain black silk stockings some are all-silk with lisle reinforced feet, otners nave usie tops ana sutes. Annih cnarial lrf nf wnmpn's fflJlCV silk hoSe with itllVUli IV-Vill W VS. embroidered designs on instep, also clocked effects. Black, white, brown ana navy. Sliehtly imperfect qualities of much higher priced grades. Come early for best selection. Meier & Frank's: Hosiery Shop, Main Floor. J Second Day Annual Fall Sale Paints v Etc. This store is famous for its large stocks of depend able qualities paints and allied lines. Each fall we make a great featuring of paints, varnishes, brushes, etc., at which time we offer many lines at good savings. This year's sale brings an exceptionally large collection at spe cial prices. Now Is the Proper Time to Clean Up and Paint Up Remember that painting is economy through preser vation and economy is a big item in this fall sale. Paint is a sanitary agent, too. Let the good work begin. We have everything you need. Experts to help with your selections. Meier & Frank's: Basement. (Mall Orders Filled.) GUERNSEYS TO BE BOUGHT Col lege Dairyman and Clatsop . - . .Breeder Co to Chicago Show. ""OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL 7.KGE. Corvallis. Oct. 2. (Special. "IT. L. Westover. extension dairyman "of the college, and F. O. Felth. presi dent of the Cla.sop County Guernsey Breeders' association, left today for (Chicago to attend the national dairy fUiow and meet with the Guernsey breeders. Forty pure-bred Guernseys will be -aeiactcd altar the show and bought TIME TESTED and TIME HONORED CSa IVERS & POND There is an assurance of years of musical service in the Ivers & Pond, an instrument of estab lished merit and reputation. Hovenden Piano Co. 146 PARK ST. Bet. Alder and Morrison ! 4 g MEIER FRANK'S 1547TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES Friday Sale of Ribbon . Remnants Off A fine assortment of ribbon remnants including gold and silver brocades, satin dresdens and tapestry ribbons suit able for bags, vestees and fancy work. All at one-third off for Friday Surprise. Surprise Sale of Bag Rings 35c bag rings pair 23c. Our 45c bag rings pair 27c. Our 50c bag rings pair 39c. Our 60c bag rings pair 43c. Our 65c bag rings pair 45c. Meier & Frank's: Ribbon Shop, Main Floor. MEIER FRANK'S 1M7TH FRIDAY SCRPRISE SALES New, Specially Purchased Bath Robes $3.98 These most attractive bath robes, just unpacked in time for this sale, were picked up by our buyer now in the east and her enthusiastic word of them is thoroughly deserved. ' They are patterned in handsome flor al designs of blue and pink on white grounds, they have cord girdle at waist and large pocket. Any one of these would make an ac ceptable gift. One as illustrated. Meier & Frank's: Third Floor, Sixth Street. -I MEIER A FRANK'S 1S47TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES $5.00 Tan Boston Bags $3.95 Soft pliable bags of undercut (split) leather, the handiest bags made for shopping, school, business use, money, etc. Ideal over-night bags. Extensive ly used in the East and deserving of general recognition. Cloth lined. Two handles. m L Meier & Frank's; Luggage Shop, Sixtfi Floor. MEN Surprise Sale of "DENT'S" Gloves $1.85 FIRST QUALITY Dent's tan cape gloves with black embroidered spearpoint backs. Nearly all are WASHABLE. P. X. M. sewn. Sizes 7 to 9 inclusive. . Buy these genuine Dent's gloves for fall and winter while any of 350 pairs remain today at $1.85. Meier & Frank's: The Store for lien, Main Floor. MEIER A FRANK'S 1547TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES 75 New Navy Serge Dresses THAT WILL CREATE A SENSATION AT $29.85 New dresses of such excellent quality navy serge as these and in such up-to-the-minute styles as the illustration sug gests will make a speedy exit at $29.85. They've Just Arrived by . Express From New York specially purchased by one of our ap parel buyers now in the east. Women have only to see them to realize what wonderfully fine dresses they are for the price which, being a surprise price, is less, much less, than actual worth. Dresses for street and business wear in straight line, Russian blouse and coat models. Fancy braid embroidered, braid or satin piped. Round neck and tuxedo collars. Today while 75 last $29.85. Meier & Frank's: Apparel Shop, Fourth Floor. MEIER & FRANK'S 1S47TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES Fine Silk Waists $4.1& Excellent qualities Georgette crepe and crepe de chine waists. Some are tucked and hemstitched, some are beaded and embroidered. Round and V neck styles. Flesh, white, taupe, navy and black are the colors. Early selection is advised. Meier & Frank's: Waist Shop, Fourth Floor. MEIER A FRANK'S 1547TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES Sale of Odd 1-Pair Lots of Curtains HALF Were Priced $4 to $18 Pair Special Now at $2 to $9 Serviceable quality voile, marquisette and net curtains in attrac tive patterns. Limited number about 50 pairs. Come early, Meier & Frank's: Curtain Shop, Seventh Floor. Third Day Pre-Holiday Sale Handkerchiefs With an opportunity such as this sale affords to pur chase as many handkerchiefs as one desires at a distinct saving on every one, Portland people are making sure that they have enough handkerchiefs to supply their own needs for months ahead and are selecting them as gifts for their friends. There Are 24 Great Specials for Men, Women and Children The merchandise is clean, new, desirable. There is every material, every style, every pattern and every, color. The best products of leading American manufac turers and finest imported kerchiefs are included. No phone orders; none sent C. O. D. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) MEIER A FRANK'S 1547TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES Misses' Smocks Less Than HALF . $1.29 Were. Until Now, $2.69 These summer smocks have persisted in staying over among the later arrivals of autumn styles. They want to be worn to school and at home mornings and they are every bit as good as the au tumn models except that they are a little lighter. At half price they will be sold out in a jiffy. Canary, blue and pink batiste em broidered with contrasting color. Sizes 14 to 20 years. Misses' Striped Satin Skirts' Special $5.95 Just unpacked! 150 satin skirts. Various colors with different kinds of stripes. Made in simple girlish fashions. Big pockets. Full at the waistline. Medium width. Correct lengths. Amazingly good looking to wear with a dark-colored smock or georgette blouse. Meier & Frank's Girls' Shop, Second Floor. t r 1547TH FRIDAY SI Rl'RISU Embroidery Flouncing 59c , Fine quality Swiss and cam bric embroidery flouncing suit able for women's petticoats and children's wear. Many attrac tive imported patterns. 12 to 27 inches wide. Yard very spe cial at 59c. Sale Handmade Filet Laces $1.25 values, 95d $1.50 values, SI. 10 $2.00 values, S1.60 $2.50 values, S1.98 $3.00 values, $2.49 Edges and insertions for lingerie, neckwear and art work. 1 to 4 inches wide. J l M: Meier & Frank's: tin Floor, Fifth Street. 1547TH FRIDAY SURPRISE 2000 Hanks of Knitting, Yarns 89c A special surprise sale of Oregon brand knitting yarns in cream, white, natural and all the wanted colors." Regularly $1.10 special Friday at hank, only 89c. Combination Suits $1.19 100 women's combination suits stamped for embroidery on good quality nainsook. Sim ple patterns. Sizes 36 to 42. Very special values at $1.19. Meier & Frank's: Needlework Shop, Second Floor. 1547TH FRIDAY SURPRISE Surprise Sale Flannelette Remnants 33c Good quality flannelettes suit able for kimonos, quilt cover ings, etc. Dark and medium col orings. 36 inches wide. 2 to 7 -yard lengths.' YARD spe cial at 33c. Our 35c Outing Flannel 29c Good heavy weight plain weave white outing flannel for gowns, pajamas, diapers, etc. 27 inches wide. Regularly priced at 35c yard special Friday 29c. r Meier & Frank's: Second Floor, Fifth Street. MEIER FRANK'S 1M7TI1 FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES Sale Boys' 2.00-$2.50 Pants $1.49 200 pairs of finely serviceable pants taken from our regular stocks and reduced for Friday Sur prise. Full cut, full lined knickerbocker pants of tweeds, cassimeres and cheviots. Attractive shades and mixtures. All seams taped. 10 to 18 years. Meier & Frank's: Boys' Clothing Shop, Third Floor. MEIER FRANK'S 1547TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES Can of "Steri-Foam" and Toilet Brush Good 50c Value at 25c , "Steri-Foam" is a dry powder that safeguards health by deodorizing and disinfecting the closet bowls, invisible traps and connections. -Meier & Frank's: Basement, Fifth Street.