16 ACCTIOX g.M.ES TODAY. At the Baker Auction House, Tamhill tnd West Park streets. Sale at 10 A. M. iited. PKTBKFON In this city. Sept. 20. inil. Ruby E. Peterson, aged 30 years. De ceased leaves her husband, Hj aimer Peterson, of this city, and a father and mother, four brothers and one sinter in St. Paul, Minn. The remains are at the conservatory chape of the F. S. Dunning. Inc.. 414 E. Alder st. Notice of funeral in a later issue. FOLEY At Clackamas, Or., Mrs. Cather ine Jane Foley, wife of Patrick Foley, born in Ireland Nov. 2, 14.. Besides her husband she is survived by four chil dren, Oeorge P. of Clackamas, Owen J. of San Franri.co, Mrs. George F. Clem, Portland, and Mrs. W. P. Redmond, De troit, Mich. Salem papers please copy. KASTLAR At the residence. 175 Knott St.. Elizabeth Kastlar, aged years, wife of Jacob Kantlar. Remains at HoN man's undertaking parlors. Funeral no tice later. WE furnish limousines for funeral service. Jones Automobile Livery, Marshall 114. I'l'NERAL NOTICES. LYMAN At the family residence, G'224 6Jd ave. S. E., Ardin W. Lyman, age tel years, beloved husband of Elizabeth Ly man, father of Clifford J. Lyman of Bend., Or.; Mrs. Geo. E. Thompson and Mrs. Carrie A. Moshier, both of this city. The deceased was a member of the Ben Butler Post, G. A. R.t of this city, also a member of. Newbery lodge, I. O. O. F., of Kingston, Mich. The funeral services will be held today ( Tuesday I, Sept- .'in, at 2 P. M-, from the funeral parlors of A. D. Kenworthy fc Co.. 5MU-04 yjd st. S. E., in Lents. Interment Alt. Scott Park cemetery. FLORISTS. LUBLINER, FLORIST. 328 Morrison St.. Portland hotel. Mar. 753. $48 Morrison bet. Bdy and Park. Mar. 207. Portland's Leading Flower Shops. MA RUN A FORBES CO.. florists. 354 Washington. Main 269. A 12UU. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BRoS., fiorists, 287 Morrison st. Main or A lbUA. Fine flowers and Loral designs. No branch stores. PKOPLE'S FLORAL SHOP, 245 Alder. Flowers, designs, reasonable. Mar. o'J'2'2. IRVINGTON PARK FLORAL CO., 4th and Yamhill. Funeral designers; lowest prices. MAX M. SMITH. Main 7213. A 3121, SeU ing bids.. Sixth and Alder sts. TONSETH FLORAL CO., 287 Washington iU bet. 4th and 0th. Main 5102. A lluX FTjyERAL DIRECTORS, HOLMAN UNDERTAKING CO. Funeral Directors Established 1877. Third and Salmon Streets, Main 507. A loll. Lady Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY perfect Funeral Service for Less. Independent Funeral Directors. Wash. st. bet. 20th and 21st., west side. Main 2tiL Lady Assistant. A 7&i5. J.P.FINLEY&SON PROGRESSIVE FUNERAL DIRECTORS Main 8. Montgomery at 5th. A 15UK. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of m home, 16th and Everett sta. -iiono Broadway 2133; Home. A 133. F. S. DUNNING. INC. 414 B. Alder. Phone East 62. Perfect service, personal direction, fre use o floral chapel and auto equipment DOWNING & McNEMAPw Successors to Wilson & Ross. Multno mah atE7thEastB41lrvint ton d 1st. DUNNING & McENTEE, funeral directors. Broadway and Pine sta. Phone Broadway 430 A 4558. Lady attendant. PT T TT,Pr,HEast llth and Clay sts. . Li. JjJl.rk.UJ:l Kast 78L B 1833. L'U lfCAT Twelfth and Morrison sts. llltlLyOW Broadway i!i34. A. D. KENWORTHY CO.. 6803-04 9id st.. Lents. Tabor 5267. BREEZE & SNOOK "j"' A. R. ZELLAR CO. 592 Williams Ave. East 10SS. C 108S. SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. 3d atd Clay. M. 4152. A 2221. Lady assistant. VACLTS AND CREMATION. Vault Burials tion. uislnterments tor either. Sell. 967. MONCMKNTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS ESS 4th St., Opp. City Kali. u Broa, tfb BLAESING GRANITE CO. PUT THIRD AT MADISON STREET ft n t 'nr Classified Advertisements In The Oregonian. Daily and Sunday Per line. One line P-c Two consecntlve times 22c Three consecutive times 30c Six or seven consecutive times 63c The following classifications excepted, the rat of which is 7c per line per day: Situations Wanted Male. Sit nations Wanted Female. No ad taken for lefts than two line. .Count six words to the line. Advertisements (except "Per sonals") will be taken over the tele phone if the advertiser a subscriber to either phone. No prices will be quoted over the phone, but statement will be rendered the following day. Ad vertisements are taken for The Daily Oregon iau until 7:30 P. M-; for The Sunday Oregonian until 6 P. M. Saturday. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office. Room 153 Courthouse. 5th st. Entrance. 1'bone from 8 to 5 Main 378. Home rbone from 8 to 5, Main 378. Home WoooJawn 764. Report aH rasen of cruelty to the above addrooa. Klectrlral lethal chamber for mail animal. Horse ambulance for Mick and disabled animal at a moment's notice. Anyone desiring a doff or other pet, com municate with ob Call for all lost or strayed stock, as we look after the im pounding. There is no more city poand. Just Oregon Humane Society. NEW TODAY. HALL FOR RENT Beautiful Murlark Hall Trrenty-thlrd and Washington, For Rent One or More Kvenlns a Week. Call De Honey. .Main 7656. MORTGAGE LOANS Improved eity and farm property. Installment repayment privilege If preferred; prompt reliable service A. H. BIRRELL CO. 17-219 North-western Bank Bulldinc Marshall 4114. A 4118. MORTGAGE LOANS Farm and city property. We loan our own funds. No delay. No commission. PACIFIC COAST MORTGAGE CO. 810 Br. Eirh. Bide Main B73. JOHN B. COFFEY MORTGAGE LOANS. General Insurance Surety Bonds 1K7 and 8 Wilcox Bids- Main SO20. Phone Your Want Ads to THE OREGONIAN Main 7070 . ... A 6095 Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas sified for ready reference. For rates by the month 'or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian. Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. ACCOUNTANTS. JLI.ILS R. -BLACK, accountant, auditor, specialist on involved accounts. Modern sstems installed, maintained. 728-a Plt tock block. Telephone Broadway 1. ALTERATIONS. ALTERATIONS and refitting of ladles earments, work guaranteed, at reason able prices. I. Reubin. i-adiea" Tailor. "JO-' i.nn bids. ASSAVERS AND ANALYSTS. UOXTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second --old. silver and platinum bought. BOOKS NEW AND SECOND-HANI). SCHOOL supplies, new and second-hand school books, magazines and stationery. JOHNSON BOCK STORE. 190 4th St. CANCER TREATED. l M. JONES. M. D. CANCER TREATEJb. 313 Morgan bids. Marshall 6143. CARPET WEAVING. RUGS The Kind that wear the best are made from your worn-out carpets by the Northwest Kug Co. (Former ad dress 15a Union ave. Rag rugs woven all sizes. Carpet cleaning, refitting and resiz.ns. Man orders solicited. 1SS E. Sth st. PHONE EAST 35S0. B list). FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Rag Rags, all sizes Mail orders prompt. Send for Booklet. B12 rugs steam or dry cleaned. $1.50. , FLUFF RUG CO. 64-56 Union ave. N. East 6016. B 1475. CELI.ILOID BUTTONS. THE Ililviv.nniKnv r- r i p A V V 3S7 Wathlngton. Broadway 434. A 1254. H I ROPR ACTO R. 300.000 KNOW McMahon. 100 Chiroprac tor. Throngs pronouncing treatment easi est. best, permanent. 3 "treats" $15. Tel. CHIROPODIST AKCU SPECIALISTS. WILLIAM. Estelle and Floretta De Veny. the only scientific chiropodists and arch specialists In the city. Parlors 3012 Ger linger bldg.. s. w. corner 2d, and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODIST. DR. GARTNER, foot specialist; corns bunions, foot arches made to order. 311 Swetland bldg.. 5th and Wash. Main 10S1. CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO.. 1510-11-12 Royal bldg Marshall 5822. MulMgraphlng, mimeographing and mail advertising. THE LETTER SHOP Main 3646. 405 Cen tral bldg. mimeographing; speed, service CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. OLIMANSKY & L.KIX, contractors ati builders, store and oTfice fittings, gen eral jobbing. 211 Curry st. city. Xel ephone Marshall 2744. COLLECTIONS. NF.TH CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 17!8. No collections, no charge. Established 1U00 DANCING. KATHERINE M. ROWN guarantees to teach all latest dances in private lessons; 12 lessons. $5: 4 les sons. $2. Cp: Eilers bldg.. bet. 4th and r.th on Washington st. Main 50O4. DANCING We cordially invite the patrons of dancing to attend our opening of Saturday nights at W. O. W. hall No. 3-11. between Wajh. and Alder. Breard & Lowe. MRS. SUMMERS wishes to announce th opening of her. ciaes dances on Tuesday and Thursday, at the Herkelev Dancing academy, 12W 4th st. Main 3318. MRS BATH'S DANCING academy. 3d floor Dekum bldg.; private lessons day and eve.; class Tues. eve. Main 1340. BERKELEY DANCING ACADEMY. 1254 th St., 3d floor. First-class instructors; les sons day and eve. Main 3318. Dance Sat. MRS. FLECK'S ACADEMY. 109 2d st. Ball room and stage dancing. Main 2100. DOG ANI CAT HOSPITAL. ROSE City Veterinary hospital. 413 East "th. East 1S47. B 1962. II EM ST ITCHING. K. STEPHAN. hemstitching, scalloping, ac cordian side pleat, buttons covered; mail orders. 219 Pittock bile. Broadway 10S'9. EMU. THIEI.HORN. violin, viola teacher: pupil Sevcik. 207 Fliedner bldg. Broad way 1629. WHOLESALERS AND ALTO TOPS. DUBRUILLE TOP CO.. 9th and Oak sts. UKYGOOLS,"iOTIOy S. L.D1NKELSPIELC0. Stockroom and of fices 47 N. ilh st. GRAIN .MKRCH ANTS- PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Board of Trade bldg. HATS AND CAPS. TH A N H A USE K MAT CO.. 53-55 Front et. IIIIIKS. WOOL AND CASCAKA BARK. KAHN BROS.. 195 Front St. MILL SI PPI.IES. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY. 6S-7U-72 Front St.. Portland. PAINTS. OILS AMI GLASS. VV. P. FULLER CO.. Front and Morrison. RASMl'SSKN & CO.. Second and Taylor. NEW TODAY. MODERN CONSTRUCTION CO. GARAGE BUILDERS 315 E. llth St. East 5114 GARAGES For All Cars Prices on Application Ready-Cut and Portable Houses MILLMADE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY -,-?" ? ' I 1601 Vnlon Are. A, jlftfrriT rwYI Wdln. 2413. SEND US YOUR OLD CARPETS Old Rngi and Woolen Clothing;. TV. Make Reversible. Hand - WoTen FLUFF RUGS They Wear Like Iron. Mail Orders. Send for Booklet. Bag Hue" Woven. All Sizea. Carpet Gleaning 0x12 Ran, Steam Cleaned. 1..'.0. WESTKHS FLl'FF Bid CO., 64 Vnlon Ave. N. Hamt 11 1475 Ci rtf MortgageLoans t)7270 Edward L Gondey Co. U. S. Bank Building REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Lota. LOT TrOxlOO. corner, all improved, hard surface streets, close In on E. Glisan. A real bargain. Thomson. 620-21 Henry bldjr. $1800 BUYS a lot 50x100 on 25th St., clost to Thurman st. Will give terms. See owner. 301 McKay bldg. Phone Main 1004. FOR SALE Clear lot. 75x100, near Pen insula Parle. Must sell, cost S10O0, will take 5500. terms. R 17, Oregonian. MAKE me an ofrer on one or both of lots 7 and S, block 147, Rose City Park. tuicacoctf ow aw aw . EYE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT. lIt R. F. CASSKDAY. Specialist. ;iases fitted. 700 E. Burnside. cor. 20th. B. 4734. KI.ECTRICAL REPAIRING. H.M.H.ELECTRIC CO. 81 N. 1st St., Portland. Or. Re winding and electrical repairing a specialty. See us about new or used motors. Bdwy. 1045. A 1046 11AKDWOUD 1 LOOKING. GET estimates for new or old house. Port land Hardwood Floor Co., IS" W. Park st. OPTOMKTKISTS AND OPTICIANS. ... . , . , - r - . , .er a t AVlVll XjLjAOOCjO A. A I Eolicit your patronage on tM basis of capable bervice. Thou- sands or tauanea tumunici -trial will convince you. Charles V. Oood man, optometrist, liUtf Morrison. M. 21-4. . t t v -rtnvt l:vks RIGHT! Dr. George Kubenbtein, veteran op tician, 1h right on the Job of tittin the best eyeglasses at reasonable price. 1 I 1BUI1 fc LI CC l, I1LBI uvvuiiw. 1'A TEXT ATTOKXKVS. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years' experience U. S. . r A . . .. Kill I m DldK. ana ioreitu ynicn u. w. -- (JULDBKKU, 6J0 Worcester bldg. M. 2525 PHYSICIANS rrf increased efficiency d r u g 1 e b - :. ...... .1 1 BDDen- 80 diciu. tonsilitls, without surgery. Raymond E. Wattera. 30 Swaaod bldg. Marshall DR. R. A. PHILLII'S. Broadway building. Rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lung, liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostatic temala disorders, skin affections, blood pressure. fLLMlll.NU SlPFUt-S. PLl-iiBIXG SUPPLIES at wholesale prices. Starke- Davis Co.. 212 3d- M. i J I. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS. J. E. Gantenbeln mgr. Printing and linotyping. 100 Front St.. corner Stark. M'L?Li. DP HIT I IIP K. W. BALTES & COMPANY. Pnlll I INU 1st and Oak stsM. 165. A 1165. S ECOND-HAND 5TOK KS LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO, 221 Front St. We bby and sell everything In the hardware and furniture line. Wont Main U'.t70. A 7174. TAINTING. JOHN CONI.ISK. painting and paper- hanglng. i'in. nunc . j- - TINTING. C. H. TERRILL. house and sign painting. tinting anu ., , St.; phone jaoor -mi l ROOMS tinted $3.50 and up. Hawthorne Construction Co. Phone East 33H. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. ""OREGON AUTO DESPATCH "The Service With a Reputation." MOVlNG-PACK'G-STORAGE-BAUOAGB 13th and Kearney. Branch BSH Bdwy. PHONE BDWY. 3309 OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 GLISAN St. Corner or 13th. Phone Broadway 12S1 or 1169. We own and operate two large Class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest Insurance rates in city. FTREPROOrSTORAGE C. M. OT.SEN TRANSFER CO.. 243 Pine. UADISON-ST. DOCK WAREHOUSE OF FICE. 1S9 Madison st. General merchan dise and forwarding agents. Main 16'Jl. PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO.. 105 PARK ST. MAIN 51'-'5. A 1U51. WILLAMETTE VALLEY TRANS. CO. General transfer and forwarding agents. 124 N. 5th St. Broadway 4"i4. CLAY S. MORSE. Inc. TRACKAGE. STORAGE. TRANSFER. 44S-454 GL1SAN ST. TRANSFER. EATON & MAXWELL TRANSFER CO.. Piano and furniture moving. Long distance hauling a specialty. 222 Pine st. Phones: Office M. 7SS2; res. Wdln. 62B3. WATCH REPAIRING. HIGHEST prices paid, old watches and jewelry. Condition no object. Repairs a, specialty. Rainier Jewelry Co. 440. Washington st. MANUFACTURERS PIPE. PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY, GS-70-72 Front st.. Portland. M. L. KLINE. 84-S6 Front street. PLUMBING AM) STEAM l I'PLIES. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANyT GS-Tu-72 Front St.. Portland. M. L. KLINE. 84-S6 Front street. PROm t E COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVEKDINU & FARRELL. 140 Front stT KQPE AMI BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER CO.. Front and Morrison. WALL I'AI'EK. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 230 2d it. REAL ESTATE. I or Sale -IoU. FOR the next 30 days the owners of Capi tol hill property will offer to home build ers a special inducement In aniaU tract 1 acre for $900. H acre for $HO0. 14 acre for $30. . 1 lt oOxlOO for $200 and up. This property la on the Oregon Electrlo lly., oc cur fare. Hull Kun water, gait and electricity available. Also Rood achoola ee owners. -301 McKay bld. ?hout Main 1004. . IRVINOTpX. 100x100, SNAP. Fine quarter block on northeast corner East 7th and Thompson; over $100 city liens paid: no restrictions; price $-t'MJt; about Jiono ca.h balance 5 vears, tt'-fc. GKVSSI & BENNETT, .118 BR. OK TRADK BLLm!. MAIN 7452. HOSE CITY PICK-UP. Dandy east front lot on E. ftOth; paved street, sewer, between two f mo houses; a real snap at J10.V). tpfmi cash. HITTER, LOWK & CO.. 2Q1-3-.V7 Board of Trade Bldg. WILL sell my lot at East 53d and Flan ders streets reasonable. Charles W. Olscn, 24-S Pino street. LOT on Mh. Wycant; a snap. Owner. M Nor by. Kt. A. Mox 247. Cresham, Or. Flat and Apartment Property. LA RGB well-built home on corner lot. mx imp, loraiea in one ot t ne best res idence dLstrirtu; with very little epn.te could be made into apartments. P 61, Oreeonian. For Salts Houses. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. PRICK ONLY $11,000. One of the finest medium-priced homes on Portland Heights. StrictV modern In every detail ana the FIXKST VKW OS THE HEIGHTS. This i 30 per cent he low the market. P. sure to see this. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO 3fi." OAK ST. BROADWAY 4i:jh. ROPB CITY. HI NG ALOW, COM-PLETET-Y Fl'RNISII El. 5 ROOMS HARDWOOD FLOORS, BUILT-IN EF FECTS. FURNACE, GAR AO E, IM MEDIATE POSSESSION; 0O0 fSH ijju riAiMMir-. mtj L't,. rt.K, PEL Rl'lLDIN'G, MAIN lo0. KESI CNCE B 71 O. DE WAVKRLY HEIGHTS HOME. 6 fine rooms in nood state of repair on paved street, all paid; bath and toilet, cement basement, ROxloO lot ; $3O00; $HMK cash ; on 2d et, 1 block from Richmond car. THE LAWRENCE CO. 205 Corbett Bidg. Main 6915. VACANT MOVE RIGHT TV $3S0O buys new 8-room home, completely moaern except J urn ace. never oeen occupied; garage. $500 cash will handle. .J. A. WJCKMAV CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Mam 1004. Open evenings. FOR SALE By owner, a strictly modern 6-room house; fireplace, full cement basement. furnace. toilet both floors, hardwood floors, full-size lot; leaving city. 1142 Clinton st. Phone Tabor IRVINGTON SWELL HOME, nave $3000; $13,000 buys It; choice 100x100 corner; 5 rooms down, 4 and sleeping porch up. Neuhausen & Co., N. W. Bank bldg. GOOD home buy. immediate possesion; full lot with rt-room house and sleeping porch 'for only $2200. $000 cash will handle. F. Furhs. 420 Cham, of Com. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE, elegant home, extra well hullt. artistic finish, beautiful grounds, 100x150; garage. MUST SELL. Gil Hancock st. MOVE right in; new 4-room cottage, one block to car; cheap and terms, ilitch cock. 0 4Ui 1U REAL ESTATE. for Sale Houses. BRAND-NEW modern 4 -room house on sightly lot near Multnomah station. $21 .10, on easy terms. This la a cute little white bungalow, with boxed front porch, built-in conveniences In the kitch en, modern fixtures In the bathroom, in fact, everything necessary for a littlo family. 1 wish to see buyers only, agents need not apply. 1 am the owner and desire to do buslne? direct. For par ticulars call at my office, 404 Piatt bids-, 127 Park st. GET BUSY OX THIS KBAIj BARGAIN. ROxloo lot on Nob Hill. Johnson St.. r.ear d. west sid: only a short dis tance to the downtown district. Im provements: A splendid bldg., 10 rooms, perfectly modern, in perfect cond it ion ; It is a home and money-maker; increase in value will make the purchase a fine investment; our price is away below the present market; only $7.VH. For partic ulars call C. R. DeBursh. Tabor 2719. BEJMTTIFUr. HOME. EIGHT ROOMS, NEAR EAST 20TH AND COUCH. NEW 1.Y PAINTED AND DECORATED IV KIPB AND OUTSIDE, A F.I. MODERN CONVENIENCES AND UUlf-T-IN EF FECTS; TWO TOI1-KTS. HATH Ft R NACE AND GARAGE; A HN"S ME AiiD ATTRACTIVE HOMfc ; $6000, TEHMS. K. H. COIT.TS. EAST 860. MODERN lO-room house on choice corner, all improvements In and paid for; walk ing d istance on the east side; one of Portland's prominent streets: which I am instructed by non-resident owner to sell immediately at $6ono; the property is worth at last 25 per cent more and can be used for either private residence, flats, sanitarium or clubhouse purpose. For part iculars see her atLorney, 404 riatt bldg., 127 Park st. FOR SATE BY OWNER, 7-ROOM HOUSE IN SUNNYSIPE. GOOD CONDITION. A DESIRAP.L.E HOME. OR CAN BE MADE INTO FLATS: TERMS REASONABLE. 1113 BELMONT. FIN E new Lrglipn. cottage, 6 rooms, din ing and sleeping porches. hardwood floors, open fire place, all modern con veniences, with large wooded lot. at Mount Zlon. tb most beautiful view suburb of Portl ind. Price $i.".;0. easy terms. John Bj In ( ow ner, 507 Spald ing bldg. Telephone A, 7442. ON PAVED STREET $2500. Tars;e K-rootn plastered house; modern plumbing; concrete foundation and base ment: near Twohy Brot. ; future busi ness property; houhe newly painted: $;i0 cash, bal. to suit. Fred V. German Co.. 7H2 Cham. qZ Com. Open bundays and evenings. 7-ROOM house, in perfect condition, near grammar and high school, furnace, ga rage, fruit trees, walking distance; price $:itK0. Fine furniture, also at great sac rifice ; winter fuel In basement : a real home; absolutely clean; on car line; half cash. Owner. 40 Shaver st. Phone Wdln. 1510. ONE of Portland's txst Heights homes, close in: full unobstructible mountain view: four bedrooms, with two baths; dressinr rooms, 3leep'ng Pf2J"l"hs: two maids rooms, with one bath ; hot-water heat ; mahogany woodwork. all oak floors; prlTe tO.OOO. Residence phene. Main 33;. MODERN IS-ROOM HOUSE; FIREPLACE. BUILT-IN BUFFET AND BOOK CASES; GA RAGE; CORNER. CLOSE IN ON EAST SIDE; BEST CAR LINE IN CITY; $4200. TERMS. PJKNE EAST auttt. SPECIAL bargain in Alameda Park, cosy 8-room strictly modern, beautiful new decorations ; price, including all st. as sessments paid, $6000 : it would cost $7"0o to duplicate it today; located at fcyii E. 30th st. N., Broadway car. Owner at 417 Chamber of Coin. Main 52.". 6-ROOM modern bungalow. CoxlOO. Pied mont district; hardwood floors, good plumbing, first-claes in every respect; fruit, garden, lawn, roses, gas range and water heater installed ; $ l."oO down, balance month ly. Thomson. 620-21 Heary bldg. MODERN lu-room house, hot water heat, full cement basement, large fireplace, built-in bookcases and buffet, paneled ceiling and sides in dining room, large porches and 175 feet frontage; fine for studio, physician's home and office or school. Phone Tabor 3421. VANCOUVER AVE. AND RUSSELL ST. 8-room modern home. lot uOxIoo. dou ble garage, all built-in?", best finish. 2 sleeping porches, 2 fireplaces, furnace, bath. 2 toilets, very cWte in. furnished. $5On0; unfurnished $45m; terms to suit, THOMSON. 620-21 HENRY BLDG IRVINGTON. Brand new seven -room home on 21 st street, between . Klickitat and Fremont streets: complete with garage; center entrance, two fireplaces; $77uO, terms L. R. Bailey Co., 124 Northwestern Bank bids. HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS $1500. 1-arge rt-room plastered cottage on paved street In Fulton; an assortment of bearing fruit trees; at reasonable terms. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, o! Com. Open Sundays and evenings. BUILD NOW. If you own a lot we will furnish the money and build for you. Call and see us. WESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO., Main 2035. 621 Morgan Bldg. $5500 NEW 5 -room modern bungalow, corner K. 4tith and Broadway; hard surface pavement; everything paid. This is a beautiful home, well built ; $ I5imi cash, balance terms. Taggart, llol Spald ing bldg. WEST SIDE 5 -room modern house and ga rage; walking distance, clo.se to .ir; taken over by our bank as security for debt: must unload: a good buy at $2650, terms to suit. See ATCHISON, 204 Henry bid g. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME Pretty 6-room house, hardwood floors. Sleeping porch. beautiful unobstructed view; tinely improved lot. Price $54O0 "With furniture $4im; terms. Mar. 4S27. BROOKE. A 3839 Jonx125 ON Eait. 7hth st. N. 2 blocks south of Glisan-st. car line; fine 7-rooin residence, roses and fruit of all kinds; this Is not a new house but It la better' price $3500; $15o0 cash, easy terms on balance. Call C. R. De Burgh. Tabor 27H 6-ROOM modern home, lot 50xlO0; 3 bed rooms and bath upstairs: lots of fruit and berries, full c ment basement ; near Pen. Park. Price $3450. $s5o down, bal ance $25 monthly. Thomson. 620-21 Henry bldg. MODERN lH-"tory 6-room bungalow with garage, on pavea street, corner lot; will exchange for house or bungalow in Rosti City Park or Hawthorne ii.vtr(-t ; w HI take or give difference. Call Wdln 1957 IN IRVINGTON Several fine modern horn's or will furnish lots, finance and build to suit. Built 100 homes in Port land. Rice Construction Co., R B. Itice, agtmt, 6IH Wasco st. East 2432. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW Beau tiful gray bungalow on corner lot. Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet, etc.; some buy, $'io0, $1J0 cash, $-. per month; lmrae diate possession. Tabor f6. Owner. 100x100, 3-rom house, garage, a.tnorted fruit tfos, flOO down, balance like rent hurry If you want this. Inquire 1S19 Haven st., St. Johns car. 5-ROOM bungalow, south Portland, on th hill, close to car; city water; a snap at $19."0, on your own terms- See ATCH ISON, 204 Henry bldg. FOR SALE 4 -room shack ; So-ft. str ei ; car liner stor-; gas nd water; fruit and berries; $1200, terms. Phone Tabor 14i:l. FOR SALE by ownr, 5 -room bungalow in excellent condition; 340i E. .5ih t 1 block north of Powell Valley road Phone D 1139. BY OWNER Strictly modern house In Irv Ington; oak floors, full cement basement ,r.0-foot lot. $4000. East 277. or 7 " ' Selling bldg. IRVINGTON Fine 8-room home, white enamel and mahogany finish, like new attractive Interior design. Owner.. Ka-tt 2S38. $200 FIRST payment, balance like rent, buys 6-room house, clona (n. walking distance. See Joan Brown. 324 liail- way LicnangB mng, Aiar. j l . GOING to build or repair? Get my Ideas and estimates. B. T. Allvn. 243 Stark at. Office hours 3 to 6 P. M. Phone Main 631. Res, phone Tabor 194 MUST be sold at once. In Rose City Park on the car line, with all modern con veniences na sarage. thrice $6000' $2. S0Q cash. By owner. J 30Q. Oregonian. NEW COUNTRY home, 30 minutes out on the electric, on paved highway. $-70o terms. F. Jensen, 72Q Board of Trade ' MT. TABOR, 7 rooms, entirely modern garage, beautiful home, bargain. Owner' Tabor SS24. $2S00 MODERN 5-r. bungalow. East .VI th st. Main io i . Met arland, 602 Yeon IRVINGTON HOME. PELAHUNT. EAST 1347. r uk ivca.uui.ic. lumunea house Armour st. Eaat St. Johns. " SIX-ROOM home completely furnished: modern In every respect; fine district. Terms. Tabor 8849. 6-ROOM house in Irvington. fireplace, hard wood iioors ana garage, f.ooo. Call WOOQiawn ioi ur i.n ndigiu ave. FOR SALE Modern 5-foom btincalnw large attic, full cement bapment. wa&h trays, lurnave. f imnc wuiawn Ul-iU. $6.'00 FOR fAOOO 7-room modern, Belmont HEAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. IRVINGTON HOME. "Without question one of tha finest homes in Irviugton. on 75x100 corner lot one bferk from Broadway car. Streets all paved and paid; there is a beautiful entrance ha 1 1. cloak room and piano nook, large living, fireplace, dining, most lovely bur'ft. den, fine hreakfast room, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, four Ju;-t grand bedrooms, sleeping porch, bath and toilet, finest fixtures and plumbing, 1st and 2d floors are oak polished and the finish Is old Ivory and white enamel, full cement baseim-nt Boynton tubular furnace, fine garage, lovely shade and few large fruit t rcs. This home must be seen to be appreciated and the owner haj cut prRe much below actual value, fall us up or come in and we will tako you and show you one of Portland's most bt-aut iful homes. THE LAWRENCE CO. 20.- Corbett Bldg . Main 6915. DEAL iith owner and save commissions. $tt)00, modern house and $tioo worth of good f urnit ure and household goods for $ O.'iOO, Party offering best terms by Oct. 6 or $.VHJ rash, get th is sacrifice aud Immediate posnession. House has large living room with fine fireplace, book cases, dining room, den, hall, Dutch kitchen. 3 large bed rooms, bath, sleep ing porch, full cement bane ment. fruit room. Radio heat ing system, garage, paved street, lot r"xl,"u. large garden, all kinds f berries, fruit tre-( and flowers. Ideal location, west slope Mt. Tabor, near Hawthorne, car and Franklin hitjU achooL Call iit2 East Guth street. $ 3,-.O0 HOLLA DAY IR VI N G TONH OM E. n Clackamas t-t, on a lull lot, is a 7-room very modern homo ; living room with fireplace, solid paneled dining room, leaded gla. buffet, cove ceilmg.s, full white Dutch kitchen. 3 light, airy bed rooms, w hue enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas, sleeping porch, full ce ment basement, furnace und laundry trays, fan arrange t'rins. See our dis play of over tkto photographs of homva lor tale; mi ton at our service. SEE FRANK L. McGl lRE, To Buy Your Home. Abln g ton Hid g. M am 1 OfiS. Office open Evenings and Sundays. ALAMEDA PARK. SWISS CHALET $SOOO. This is not an ordinary home; It la different. It is located on the heights command ing a view of the city. There are 7 rooms aud sleeping porch, French floors betwet-n reception hail, living and dining rooms, hardn ood floors. 2 fire places, all built-in conveniences, hot air heating systems, double garage; the view from the porches in splendid. This is an unuHUMKy altnutive borne. IL will be a pit .ifaure to show you. Terms. CoK A. McKENNA CO. Main 4 ".2 2. S2. 4th St.. Hoard of Trade bldg. M. u71. $ j i oo k eaiTHthTm e b"arg Al n On a laige corner lot on E. Washing ton st reet, just sout h fif Laurel hurst. 2 blocks from the M t. Ta bor and Sunny Side cars, is a very substantial 7-room modern home ; white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas, 4 bedrooms; can arrange v ry easy terms. We have over ttoo photographs of inspected homes in our office for sale. 12 experienced sales men with autoti at your service. EE FRAN K I McGT I RE. TO BUY -iOUIt HOME. Abington Building. Main lh8. Qtfu-e t pcn Evenings and Sundays. FINE C-ROOM HUM E. Located on E. - It h st.. ' block from Anki ny rar; living, dining, kitchen, pan try. 3 fine bedrooms, bath, toilet, cement basement. 40x72Sft. lot; hard burface street. This Is good, substantial home and has Just been tinted mid arnished and clean ; could not be built today for $4000. but you can buy this for $30"0 and only $0u0 cash down, balance like rent. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 205 C orbett b 1 d g . M am 6915. $ 2 S00 A DJ OIN I NG Pi EDM O N T. Very attractive ti-room colonial type bun gal ow home on a lull loi ; very con veniently arranged ; house like new ; va cant ; mo e in ; $0oo down, en t ire bal ance at J 20 per inont h. No mortgage or street liens. S'e this today. We have over ioo photographs ut inspected homes In our oil'lt'p lor sale.- Li experienced salesmen with uutos at your service. SEE FP. A X K L. M cG U 1 R E. TO BUY YOUR HOME. " A bin gt on bid g.. Main loiiS. Office Open Evenings and Sundays". N-ROO.M BUNGALOW SNAP. Fine bungalow, riMims downstairs, two bedrooms and sleeping porch up stairs, 5 bedrooms, furnace, fireplace, buffet, china closet, bookcases, cabinet kitchen, full cement basement, laundry trays, garage, corner lot, 43 -x 100, paved street, liens all paid, corner East Salmon and 3Sth, close in, three blocks to the car lines, four blocks to school ; price $4000, home terms. GRUSSI A: BENNETT. 318 Board ol Trade Bldg. Main 7402. $ o 7 o o i rt vTxTjt on i iUN;.i.ow. On a full corner ln on Broadway, west of 20th, Is a it-room attractive typical bungalow ; living room wit h firepiace; paneied dining room; beamed ceiling ; con eiiient kitchen ; 0 bedrooms ; white enamel plumbing; electric lights and gas; r'ull cement basement; furnace and laundry trays. Can ur range terms. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE. TO BUY YOU II HUM E. AbtniMon bldg.. Main loos. Office open Evciiingri and Sundays. SWELL BUNG A LOW COOK AVE. Fine modern 0-room bungalow, furnace, fireplace, all built-lns. cement basement, laundry trays, finely finished and built for a home; lot Ouxlns; conin fine bear ing fruit trees, lots of small fruit, city liens in and paid; lo minutes ride to west side on Cook ave.. near E. 7th, ad Joining Irvington; price $4000; $1000 cash, bal. to suit at GRUSSI & BENNETT. 318 BUD. OF TRADE BLDG. MAIN 7402. hawthorn:; bargain. See us at once if you want a modern 6 room residence at a bargain prfce In this choice resident ial district. A bungalow of graceful lines with spacious iront porch, fireplace, hardwood floors, sleep ing porch, full cement basement, etc. A lovely home at an unusually low price. Onlv $33oo: $snn cash. R. F. FEEMSTER. 34i! Abington b!dg. IMEDM NT. PRIE ONLY 40O. Fine, modern home, double constructed, triple floors. 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch, full basement, fin f urn ace. all built-in features, hardwood floors, etc.; Oo.xlOit lot. allev in the rear. REL1A RLE INVESTMENT CO.. HOP OAK ST. BROADWAY II OX OWNER OFFERS CASH BARGAIN. $;;0oii Model 0-room. 1 -story house, beautiful lawn, fruit tree? tnd f'nwers: Jiooo below present building costs: near Holy Redeemer church and school; pe ninsula playgrounds near; Woodlawn car to Dekum ave t hen w-est to 1 4:io Van couver a ve ; $ 1 200 cash, ha lane .1-ycar m ort ga ge. PARK ROSE S-ACRE HOME. Xhi acre face north on Sandy hlvd. Paved. Has n nice 4 - room boiie. ce ment basement, finem soil, heaps of fruit trees and berries; owner In moving away and offers at a real buy. $0100. $1700 caiih. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 2on Corbett Bldg. Main CO 15. IHVIXC.T'iN; BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW. Near H ranee nd 10th. 10010tl. double g 1 rs ge. $ in 11 Mt ; tprms. A I so 7-room new bung a low -. ai ' old ivory. 2 ba t hs. fu'l lot, carage, $.jon. On 7-room house on Broadway. $12n. Anothe 7-roorn house or -Oth. $ri2"-4i; nil on easy terms. M lontie;t. East 4 IjV fi ROOMS. GOOD DIST. Went of Laurelhurst. 1 block to ear. six -room cot 1 age. lot OOx lt. shade and fruit trera. Improvements all In and paid. $000 cash. bal. lTm. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 2 12 R y . Exch. Bldg. Main 67 02. :tto CASH $Jon 110 EAST 07TH N RTH. S-room modern bungalow. Just psint Ing throughout. This in a snap; block to car, OOxI'xt. just bevond Laurelhurst. G. C GOLDEN BU R 1. Abington bldff. "I'.O Years in Portland." Main 4 !. OWNER leaving city, wishes us to sell his 0-room bungalow at once; has fine 1 10 3t 1 garden. lots fruit. berrlew. etc., furnished. 9020O, unfurnished $0000, some terms. JOHNSON -DOPSOX CO.. :.1 N. W. BANK B1D4J. MAIN n7S7. ;p;nr TERMS, fl-morn modern home, on E. 40th St.. H block nortli of Hawthorne ave., beautiful lot. gnoil trarace and a bargain. WRIGHT Ar JACQUES. Main OOS. 417 Abington bldg. Sell. 1.V..Y SNAP $24410 horn for 22m. some cash, some trade, balance $jr. monthly; cash discount: 6 rooms, modem, closets, attic, basement. furnace, porches. concrete waiks, fruit, irarden. Call after 3 P. M. Owner. 4047 tiOth st. S. E. ROSE CITY" PARK BUNGALOW. CIS; E. 4th st. N., 1 blocks south of Sandy blvd., 5 rooms, modern, finished in old Ivory ; fireplace, furnace, cement basement, and porch, garage. East 2S7 1. NEAR. Jefferson high, good ti-room house, full lot. pave men t and sewer, full base ment; this must be sold this week: owner going east; $2'J0O cash, bal. on time. 1004 Commerrlal st. A HOME in Piedmont for sale. 8 rooms, hardwood floors, garage. 12 fine bearing fruit trees, flowers, five blocks from Jef ferson high. Inquire lltJ7 Cleveland ave. or phone C 241'.. $.iO FOR SALE by owner, modern 6 room bungalow on Kstacada line, one mile east of golf park; sightly; built- in leatures, rirepiare; win consider ex change for city house. Call Tabor 3004 NICK 7-room house and garage, cor. lot 0xHH; all Improvements paid, no in cumbrance. Price $.T0d0. terms. Owner, phone Woodlawn 5 1 H. 3X3 Beech st. ROSE CITY PARK 1700 cash, bal. 1ik rent; 5-room bungalow, cement basement. Fox furnace: 1 blk. from car, Owner 634 E. &0Ui fiU N' , . . REAL ESTATE. For SaJe -Houses. LIKE RENT BEAUTIFUL HOME. Want a home Then read every -word of this. $5uo puts you In possesion of a 7-room modern house on 100100 feet of ground, 3 blocks from the car, on E. ltfth st.. Alberta- This is a fine looking, substantially built, well-planned residence. lias large pleasant front porch with beautiful vines; reception hall ; large living room ; dining room , kitchen and pantry on first floor; 3 large light, airy bedrooms and fine sleeping porch unstairs; full cement basement, l iundry trays, mod.-rn plumbing through " out. Hf.sides a. fine garden pot there are numerous fruit trees of selected arletie; an abundance of berries, and choice varieties of j;ra pea now ripen ing on the vines. Price only $H250. Non-resident owner wants to sell at once. tee thta now. You will buy and tx happy. R. F. KEKMSTER. SOfl Abington Bldg. TAKE YOU R CHOICE. I have 2 beaut if ul colonial houses for sale In Laurehurst and if you are look ing for a real colonial, true to name, at a very moderate price, don't fail to In spect these. No. 1. loca ted on a choice iOxloO comer, close to car, 8 extra large rooms, hot-water hat; finished in solid mahogany downstairs, old ivory above ; fine bathroom ; good garage. No. 2, English colonial style. Inside lot fiOxlOO. park section, hot-water heat, 0 large rooms, & bedrooms. 2 bathrooms, maid's quarters; owner moved to New York and must eel this place at any reastn abie price. Now it's up to you. Get key today at Iaurelhurst Tract office. E. risuh and Giisan, or phon Tabor 3433. Res., East 20 Ml. MR. DELAHUNTY. $4070 ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. On E. 02d St.. below the hi:i. is an attractive typical bungalow, like new; reception ha.l, larg living room with fireplace and built-in bookcases, beamed ceil ing. solid paneled dining room with plate rail, if i .aid hard ood floors, w hite Dutch kitchen, central hall. 2 light, airy bedrooms, white enamel plumbing, elec tric lights and Rs. large floored attic, good cemen basement. furnace and laundry tra s; full lot; paved street liens paid in full. SEE FRANK L. .lrGl'I RE TO BUY YOU K HOME. Abington Building. Main 100S Office Open Evenings and Sundays. $0200. ROSE CITY TARK. HOT-WATER HEAT. Beautiful (l-room bungalow house, especially well built ; selected finishing material; attractive living room and din ing room ; fireplace ; beautiful Dutch kitchen and breakfast room; good base ment and garage; attic space for another room and sleeping porch. See this, it's good. MR. DARING. Union Safe lcp. A Tr. Co, ?Kt Oak. $01 M BUILT BT OWNER FOR A HOME IN THE HEART OF ALAMEDA PARK. BRAND-NEW DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED li L" N i A Lo W, 0 LOVELY ROOMS AND A BREAKFAST ROOM; HARDWooD FL oRS THROUGHOUT LOWER FH KiR; BASE PLUGS IN EV ER Y RO M ; FINISH ED IN OLD IVORY ; LINEN SHADES. DOUBLE RODS. AND INLAID LINOLEUM: IMMEDIATE POS SESSION; BUSINESS CALLS OWNER Tt ANOT1IK R CITY. I 'O I N D E X T E K, SELLING BLDG. MAIN lsuu; RESI DENCE, B 7120. W H AT IS YOU R ANSWER? Continue paying rent aud remain for evr horneUtts, or today tnveaiiKate Wal nut Park's p. an and own a home of your on. Many are building beaut it ul homes In Walnut Park. WH Y NOT YOU ? I-ots 00x100 with 10-ft. sllev H; streets paved and paid for; convenient to 0 carlines. aiso Jeflerson high school and library, located in Walnut Park ; extra inducements for 0 more homes THIS week. WILL YOl BE ONE OF THE FI V E ? Save commission by deal -ing with owner. W. M. KUlingsworth. office 1141 Union avenue. Office hours lo to 1 - A. M. Phone appointments to Wdln. J304 or Wd.n. i01. $37UU ROSE CITY DISTRICT. Very substantial 7-room modern home on a full lot w ith all liens paid . hard wood floors, fireplace, interior wood work in oak ; massive buffet, built-in con veniences ; this house could not be built for $40o0 ; ran arrange terms. We have over t0 photographs of inspected homes in our oiiioe lor sale; 12 experi enced salesmen with autos at your serv ice. SEE FRANK U McGUIRE. To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 10KS. Office open Evenings and Sundays. IRVINGTON. Model home, situated in a nook, massed with flower beds, arched per- u Hm r.l uiih v-lns..- aim r-.M. ... Iiv. ing. dining and breakfast room can b thrown into one as a whole by .arge French doors, all in ivory, rubbed to a satin finish; 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch and garage; only $ 7 OUO, 110 agents, piease. EAST 147. $10041 NEAT BUNGALOW HoME. On E. 74th st., near Stark, close to the car and school, on the north slope of Mt. Taoor. is an attractive 4-room nun galow; built-in conveniences: white enamel plumbing: v.ectrlc lights and gas; attractive lawn. Ilowers and shrubs. Can arrange terms. We h.te over 4oi photographs of inspected homes In our office for sale. 12 experienced salesmen with autos at your service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUK HOME. Abington Building. Main IO68. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. I RVINGTON $70410. This Is a haiidome s-roorn home with large living room with fireplace, dining room with fire piuce. den. Dutch kitchen on lower floor, and 0 bedrooms, glassed-in sleeping porch and bat h on upper floor and two finished rooms on top f loor: hardwood floors, all rooms are beauti fully finished In old Ivory and enamel. The lighting fixtures are ery fine: terms SI04IO cash, balance to suit; immediate imssessUin. C4E A. McKENNA 4 0. Main 4022. 2 4th St.. Board of Trade Bldg. $I0iMi NEAT BUNGALOW HoME. On E. 74th st. near Siark. close i the i-ar and school, on the north slope of Mt. Tabor, is an attractive 4 -room lom galow; built-in conveniences: whne enamel plum hing : ele- t ric lig h ts a nd gas: attractive lawn, flowers mid shruts. 4'ari arrange terms We bae ier " pnotograpbs of Inspected homes in our of fico tor tale. 12 experienced salesmen with autos nt vour service. SEE FRAN K L. McGU I U E, Tt BUY YOl'K HOME. A hint ion bldg.. Main l04i.v fr-e open Eenings aud Sundas. HIGH-CLASS RNGToN RESSIDENCE. Modern 12-room residence, finished in ejected mahogany and oak. hardwood floors throughout, spacious rooms, three artistic tile fireplaces, tile baths, latent sanitary plumbing, sun room, sleeping porch, full cement basement, large fin ished alt ic. stat ioner . vacuum clea ner. rooms beautifully finished, ground plant ed with rare shrubhery ; absolutely one f the bent constructed homes In Port land. Terms. By owner. X 02, orego nian. do tott want a home and a living a lso? here is a splendid op portunity: six s and 8-rom flats, ?inb corner on west side. walking i'istanck: can live in one and th f otheks a r e a ll rented for $-io per month, whi worry about bus iness WHEN REAL ESTATE IS S 1 CHEAP? PRICK $lH.OtK. TERMS, E H. COLLIS. EAST tfi0. $4imi FOR a 7-room house, on corner lot 4tix 120. facing north, close in on the east side ; 4 rooms on 1st floor, hard -wood fioorn, fireplace. bookcases. gas water beater and toilet: on 2d floor. 3 Large belroonm and glassed-in eleeping porch, large bathroom and toilet. A good attic, with 3 windows, a good fur nace with water coil, cement wajh travs In basement. House could not be but tt at tne present time for $rioOO. For t -ms artdres F 0i0. Oregonian. FINE ALAMEDA BUNGALOW. PRICK ONLY lftv04. One of the finest bun galows In the city; very artistic and nllty; has abso lutely every modern convenience. 2 fine bedrooms and sleeping porch, dandy ga rage, large lot; here is a REAL BAR GAIN, and a beautiful home. Call up and arrange appointment m see this. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 80S OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. ALT- ROOMS ON FIRST FLOOR. 6 big. light rooms, fireplace, furnace, buffet, dining room has paneled walla and beam callings, full cement base ment, all street improvements in and paid. located close In, 1 block to car ; price $40h. $1 04 mj cash, balance month ly ; no mortgage or leins to assume. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 6702. $ 30 A D.IOINING LA UREL H U R ST. Very homelike, substantial 5-room bun galow cottage; white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas; on OOxliK) lot with abundance of fruit, flowers and shrubberv; on E. 3iith st.. near oak., ad joining. I-aurelhurst- A BARGAIN. SEE FRANK Ifc McGUIRE To Buv Your Home. Abington BMg. Main loH. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. N O W VAC AN T 21MMJ . 6-room house, newly painted: In fine shape. E. 3(th and Burnside. E. 271. MODERN 7-room house with garage, close in; easy terms. Wdln. H'.'tO. $100 CASH. $15 mo.. 8-r. mod.. fcoxl20; Xxulu garage. Dear car. iO. Iin a0o. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Hoosft. THE McGUIRE SYSTEM makes home-buying easy. You can come to this office and see over 600 photo graphs of homes for sale, arranged in their respective districts with full de scription. Every home has been ap praised by an expert appraiser; some re markable, bargains. That is why we sold over 60 homes since January 1 this year. 12 experienced salesmen wlUi auios at your service. SEE FRANK I. McGriKF, TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Building. Main lOfiS. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. A GOOD BUY IN HOLLADAY ADDITION. Here is a good, substantial 7-room home, located ou 2th st. There are 4 rooms on lower and 3 bedrooms and bath on upper floor; fireplace, full base ment, furnace heat. 50x 1 OO corner lot, fruit t ree in bearing. . Yes. the street assessments r " paid. The price is $4700 with $1000 cash. If you can find a better home for the price In Hotladay we would like to nee lt COE A. McKENNA K CO. Main 4522. S2 4th St.. Board of Trade bldg. M. f71. $ 1 0i BUNGALOW WITH 1 00 x 1 4 7 . On 100x147 corner lot with abundance of fruit, berries .nd garden, is m neat 4-room bungalow; white enamel plumb ing: large b.im and chicken house; price reduced S700 for quick sale; can arrange easy terms. Wc have over 600 photo graphs of inspected homes in our office for sale; 12 experienced salesmen with autos at your serlee. SEE FRANK I. McGUIRE. TO BUY YOUK HOME. Abington Building. Main lOfiS. Office Open Evening and Sundays. $3000. ALAMEDA PARK. HARD-SURFACE STREET BUNG A 1- O W. ROOMS, BATH. K L E C T R I C LIGHTS. GAS, FULL-SIZE BASEMENT: J2.MI0 CASH. HA LANCE $25 MONTH. WITH INTER EST. POINDEXTEK. SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1MK); RESIDENCE, U 7120. $44o0 0-ROOM modern bungalow. 00x100 lot. 1 block from Haw tborne car. $3200, six-room house. fiOxino-ft. lot. 1 block f rom Rose City mr. on E. 21M street. $00l down. $"'0 a month. $l'00. eight-room mod-Tn bungalow, on Webster St.. 33 1 by H0-f i. lot. h on re 3 yea rs old. $on cash. $20 a month. Sim ma. 401 Cham, of Com. Main 127. PARTLY FURNISHED 4-room rood house, vox l ; fruit tree?: a p endid buy at $l7m; cash down only $34MI. bal. like rent; you can move in at mce ; close to Ken. Park station, Mt. Scott car. JOHN M A LONE. McCI.URE St'HMAUCH CO.. "OO Railway Ex. bldg. Main 100.T. T 1 1 1S I ST 1 1 K P I AC K FOR Y I T . A nice, clean, modem, ,-rooin bunga low. Dutch kitchen. French door be tween living and dining room; 0itlOO lot with allev; ni e. kept-up lawn and flow ers; 3 lovely fir trees. Price $2700. 2OO0 cash, rejt ea?v terms. Call Woodlawn 2il7 or lllO tHenn ae. N. OWNER LEANING FO R E A S T. $2000 You must act quick to get this re a l bargain ; rt rooms and bat h. with furnace, full basement, wash trays, nice lawn, a real home and wort b cop ti derail v more ; term. J. A. WI KMAN CO., L'4 Ry. Exch. bliig. Main lut4. Open evenings. THAT VACANT LOT Why not turn a burden into Income? design and build apartments, gar a ses. residences, a n v t h in g : f u n is ti p'.: t . and fir.am Established ten oarj-. W . offer SECURITY, SERVICE. SATISFAC TION. I R It-n ley Co.. I nc c nt ract Ing architects. f24 N W. Ur.k bldg. ALAMEDA $0001. $JOO0 CASH, BALANCE TO SUIT. Modern S rooms and bath, buffet, book-ca-es. fireplace, hardwood floors, furnace heat, cement basement. pa ed street uil OOxHiO lot. 1 block to car. JOHNSON - DODSt N C-O.. r.::.s x. w. bank bum;, main r.i7. J R00M residence, loox 1 00 lot ; t his is a fine opportunity for a high-class room ing and hoarding: fine location, close in in the Ladd district on Division at., ta est of iMii st. Price $tr4ioo: easy terms: $lono cash, balance to suit 7 per cent. For particulars call C. R. Dcliuifih, Tabor 1:713. $40410. CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW. ROSK CITY PARK. 0 ROOMS. HARDWooD. FLOORS. BUILT-IN EFFECTS. Kill N A 4 ' E. GARAGE. IMMEDIATE PO S -SESSION: $12iMJ CASH WILL HANDLE. P4 UN DEXTER. SELLING BUILDING. MAIN 1-sOO, RESIDENCE B 7120. LAI D D D T I N . BIG BAR4LXIN. f-roo:n house, lot 04xl20. walking dis tance. This is a mighty good buy; Idea', for large family of workers; good garage, paved allev; good terms. Phone Mil. DELAHUNTY. Tabor o4:;0; lies.. East juvr,. IRVINGTON REAL HoME $!ioii. Perfect throughout. la r ire living room. 2 fireplaces, four B. D. and S. P.. garage, fine lot, natural trees, ail draperies. st.ir runner and Kuud beater included: will take liberty bonds or cash up to $ooo for first payment. And two other heaulirs at $l-.0oo; exclusive. East 41'.. ASSURE BARGAIN. 4 ROOMS. PRICE $1400. lOOxlOO ground. 4-room bungalow, sev eral bearing fruit trees and small fruits. - cash. This is .nt: -0 minutes car rfde from center of citv. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. 3O0 OAK ST. BROADWAY. 4i:'..t. IRVINGTON PARK $2700, $1000 cash, balance like rent. Living room, dining room, kit c hen. bedroom and but h. lari;e sleeping porch, also two rooms upsiairs. laundry t rays, concrete foundation, good basement, etc. Ji HNSON-DtDSON CO.. C".3 N W. BANK BID". MAIN 077 ROSE CITY PARK. 0-room bungalow. "he low the hill; oak floors, fireplace, rooms white enamel, new garage, block and half from car; paved street and sewer In and paid. $ toot 1, $7."e cas-h. F. and u n. 0 10 'ham her of Cum merce. Main O00. Lot IK HERE! J010O Ha w t borne bungalow . art i-t ic. 0 ta rge rnumx. at t j f. c. has." ment. f li e n. ace. bi:ilt-ins. tenant moving today. Paved streets, block to car The kind that s-ell You'i: like It. term arranged. :. 4". Ct iLDENRF.R:. Abington bldg TV" Years In Port l.i nd " Main 4o0. Mol'NT TAROK RU.NGM.4VW. 6 rooms. fireplace. (mm 't - in-. hard wood floors, full b.isetneni ; white ena-nel plumbing. 0O loo lot. all for $20oo, terms. WRIGHT JACQUES. Main -Vs.s 417 Ah.ngton b ric. Sell. 1.100. VACANT MOVE RIGHT IN $02'' bu v s ne room tuinea low with aiiic. firepia-e. all buHi-itis. full cement h.semnt. wash trays. $'0 c:ish w t' handle J. A. Wh'KM AN C4.. 'JO R y. Fvrh. btlg. Main 1 4114 m Orwn evenln x ALRERT A--l4'.fiO cash. $-A per month, price $"J.'.Oi. T rooms and bath, good plumbing, cement haemen and founda tion, lotn of fruit and shrubbetv. J H. S 'N - I l S N co. . r.-.r. N W. RANK Hll'il. MAIN r.77. Ri SE 4 IT Y PARK, room bungalow . oa k f ioors. f urn see. firepljire. good Sttu-. bui't-in effeitp. on paxed sfeet. close to car and school. $l7T.n. F. YanHitvn. ."1 1 5 Chamber Com merce. Main 1 '.."t.i. THIS IS A HI; M.K'".AIN. fi-room home on Ontitenhein are., near i-roni home on b:ir.tfnbf in ave.. rir.r monthl : no mortgace. po liens. WRPH1T A JACQUES. Main .nv 417 Abington b.dg. Sr-M. 1T..VV I.KAVIX'. CITV. M U T S A c R I F ! ' fc: m y 7 -room boufe. full basement, bath, e'.ee I ric lights and i is . heart r- g fruit t rce. corner lot; bui'ding in rear suitaiile f-r garage; walking distance Jefferson high. P tilo. Ortgonian. sj.-.on. t-room semi-mo.1ern cottage, fractional lot, -asv Wi-tWitig distance: west side. r4:i She nan st. ; ;io cash, bal ance terms. Phon- tain 7.' PORTLAND HKIC.HTS. fege bungalow, modern conveniences. 2 lots, level, w ith paved st , on corner. j blocks from car. 4 . Idocks from Ains worth whnol. Main 7L'!4. HAWTHORNE bungalow. 5 rooms, fire, place; paved street, furnished if desired; ow ner going a w v ; tmmed ia te posses sion ; 1 .11 -' cash, including furni ture. 11VJ Caruthers. MoPERX B UNO A LOW. l Rooms and fireplace, but It -Ins. full cement basement ; $:;.Hi. terms. ECK E;. 4i Chamber of Commerce Building IMMEDIATE POSSESSION A SNAP. .VT. . E . J t h st., cor W ood w a r d ave., Brooklvn carllne. rt-room modern house, '400. "cash fMNi, bal. like rent. E. :s7L MODERN, artistic Richmond bungalow, best material, paved district, vacant; Im mediate sale. $;;i"0 : cash $10oo. Owner, evenings. Tabor 7... LEAVINii city, will sell my furnished mod ern S-room house. Piedmont. Woodlawn 4l!4f4j. Immediate possession. FINE home, overlooking Willamette river; view best In the city: splendid buy. A. W. Davis. I'hone Columbia U4. SUNN YSIDE 2 rooms, sleeping porch, lawn, garden, big lots, garage, paved; bargain. Tsbor o77S. IRVIXiJTON SNAP. $Hl'A0, terms like rent; 7 large rooms, sleeping porch, oak floors, choice location. Main Mi7m. SWELL HAWTHORNE HUNCALOW. Up to date, ,Vxl40 lot, best location, close In. Main VJ3L " fl- CASH. $i37S VACANT. BE.4L ESTATE. For S4le -Houses. GOOD BUY" IN ROSE CITT. Who is roing to get settled In this coxy horue tor the winter? Might as well be you! This attractive bungalow con sists of 5 rooms and sleeping porch- Oa lower floor is reception hall, largo liv. Ing room with fireplace, dining room, Dutch kitchen, bedroom aud bath ; oa upper half story la la-ce s-unnv bedroom. ewing room and sleeping porch; hard wood floors throughout enure lower flor and you'll be more than please! w ith J des,f'. -construction nd interior finish; cement basement, furnace. Inun c'ry; lot oOxlOO, on j aved rreft. 1 hlo k from car line. I'n.-e $;.Ooo: trjn.i. ?t may be just the ftome vou're ljkln f.-r. and it will be our pleasure to snow It tO Volj. LUEDDFMANN COM PANT. nl- Chamber of Commerce. tv REAL KisE CITY HoME on East 6i, street, close to cr. in a very attractive C-room. modern botr very pleasing lines; reception haJl. Lvinj room w itb fireplace and leaded gla-i nookrascs; trry pretty oiling room wiMi r-ui.t-in. leaded g'a;s bullet: cove cci -Incs: hardwod fooin, white Puirn Kitchen, fu.l cement basement, f jrn.ic and laundry tns; ;; lighr, airy bo: r, iotas and sleeping porch: white enamel p. woo ing; can srranire term s K FRANK 1 MctSUIRE. . . . To I'.uy Your Home. A nine on Huiid mg. Mnn 10t3. f Open Kv r ngs and Sundns. LIVE IN IRVINGTON. Here ( a wondcrtul op;ortunltT U buy a fine Irington borne wav beltr Its real v;lu. Just 'M..n to this; L-irRj living room, Jtix;;;.; kitih.n hia built -In refrigerator; 4 light, pleasant bedrooms and a large gla-ed-in sleep ing ron-h. Hot water beat, French plate p!as.j In every window ; garage; n;'-r school mid car. -!T 'n il "al hom." rnd a Mg value a4. jw. w u 11 rou cn tent PRATT. Mitn 5Si;s. 4 Li Hoard of Trade PMc A GRAND, CISE-1N HOME. Locate. i on Kast Madison and 2'M street. .Mixlou let, paved street, a I pa:. I reception ball, large living. 11 replace dining. butfcl. dt n, 1 Utch kitch. n down. .1 large bedrcMms. bath anil toiit ip. cement basement, hot Jr furnace this is a fine homo and a Mgh- luss property Mirroii'vii-d love.v liom- ' A nap at t ir.'Mt. loK rasj, TH E LAW KE.NCE C 20,-i Corl.ei t Ridg. Mam tl SAI-E 4omfr:ahie mourrn horre; bungalow, fi rooms, one f our, fu'l center t basement. firp; e. lu; t in buffet. ;ar; windows with w.ndo frx!s; solid brM hardwHre. electric .ight, ga. m e corner lot. appve. rlt rry and piu:n trees iuj; ready to lear; sm.i:; fruits, rases, dahlia, etc. Terms if la-ce payment down; prjrt? $4.".on; wort h $:.;.ou. uwior. G.aa s?one eve. Phone e!i i':;li. 4 llli.Wb NEW PUNG VI.OWS IN LAUKELllUKST OPEN FOR I PK Tl- -N TOHAT. Kes at Laurelhurst Tract off-ce." F. Tf-:h and G.iion sts. Pri.-es range from $..SO0 up to S.imhi. 4f you hae a. mod erate amount of cash nt d a good job votj ran move r-iri-t ir-to one of them. r!i'ni for aino. T 1 or r,4.;U; Kcs.. t ;om; MR. I!-:i.UMNTV. I i V I NtiTt N lb .tut 1 f ul !-room hom-. a I old ivoi-j- and ni.iliot.un . grounds 7."i.l.V, near L'-d : $lo, pom; f rnis. L ist -4 1 . Suburban Home. A 4;KNTLEMAN'S SI UCKRAN home s 34 acres on paved highway. 7 miles out ; auto si a ge bv the door, city tele phone, ti-room plastered buna ow wit li splendid fireplace. L'-story b.irn "it:i. anl -story chicken bouse 1;1J; 6 aor-'i in the btuhet tlate of cu 1 1 1 a ttoii ; as sorted orchard of a pproxi ttia 1 'i y 1 mo t reej hearing ; price $.:04i; $ 1 0oo cash, bal. as ou like it. l'hotos at office f l'riI W. German Co., 73- Cham, o Coin. Open Sundays and evenings. "tlx 1 10 FEET Choice corn,, with large bea rin g fruit tree, gra pes and berries, chicken bouse and ard. s:na.l barn. lo cated in a district w hero ou can keep a cow; t-room hou-e, m-aLy finisned en the inside, but needs to bo completed in several details 011 the outside: price flt04i. For sale by owner, who will seii on reasonable terms to responsible pur chaser. For particular? ca.l at my oT fice, 404 lVatt bids . 1TJ7 Park st. THREE large lots and modern bungalow, nearly new, $JLu: property is worth considerable more money, but the own er has l ft the city and is anxious to make an early sale; only three block from Multnomah sl.itin on the Ore son Electric railway, and close to Capital highway. For p:i rt icu ,t rs call at 4H Plan blilc.. 1 -7 Park street. MODERN 4-room bungalow, '2 sleeping rooms. 2 choice sisini .ots in Iluckmc ham Meig tus. near M u '. : i;o:na h sta l ion : $J1'.'0. J.'.mii down. F'o per moiitb.. Tin is the best buy we have in this sec tion. Don t fa . I to see it immediately 1 p ou want a home. For particulars call at 4M4 Piatt bilg., 1 "' 7 Park st. Fv R SALE bv ow r r, Ten acres, aojoma the city of Portland, we I imprmfii. two I a rge barns, ga ra re, ."-rooni bun sa lo w . loon rune and apple trees, runs f-r loon chickens. Mull Kun w.il. r and gns. Will make tcrni.t. CK nt room 7 ''". Im perial hotel, lical estate agents need not c ill. J ACRES, ONLY J.T.rt. .P down and per month: located on coun t y rad in the he.m 1 1 : u . T ua a 1 1 n valley, hiT"sm Mr to electric line, pa rt i y fenced, tine lor chicken, or lop a n berries. roo Concord bldg.. Ud and StarK. A it T E K - AC li E t ract on e com m lit a -tion larr. west side: ; - w bmse. ci'v w ater, gas, electric ! ic h 1 s ; $ 1 .Vni, Term c-.nsid red. See ATCHISoN, ol Hem v bldg. CHOICE SUBUIUIAN HOME, and acrease. well bc.i'.eii. mar tar line, from $lttu vi p. Innuire t Mrd house nonn of Kisb-y -staTloti. on Oregon City car Htie. sin "Alder Urook." Jj.'tMi-- NKW bungalow, ai-re. near depot; elect ric tt v. water, phone, t low er ; terms. M -rar ii.d. ti" Yen bidg. Ma n .:'.7J Ftr ale Rulne Properly. FtK S A l.E - 7 : room be nd slo- s. w i: h cori. r iot "" f 11 rn 11 lire, clo-e t- dipot. cori. Ih. iiicoti.e $l7o p.r m'?itn. f .'.on if .ik-n it once. . l: rice flJ. u.r. The .t 1 b- r. QUARTER block on ttackace. East Water street, between Morr.son and IIawtborn bridges ; sacrifice ; easy Uru.l Ow ner. X !"". 4 res;oni.in. VACANT lot in Sou business corner. lor Sale rt la 1 , ;i..o d. destrah. -Acreage. O R E4 .4 N CITV I ;ne screa se. 1 big f-re on bard surface road, fo.ir-rooui hoii?. chicken hou-e. lots of fruit, e:eciri-: li c his and g . s. well, a II u inter cu ' i a -tion. cb-se to 11 htm. and Matlon. prbw $joort. $400 ash. balan. e like rn. ee John iiruw D. liJ4 Railway Lxchanft b'dg. .-.4 miYN. Jl-'NO MONTHLY. Fine. Uurl, I'M mi re Imd of b'S -ed -n', untiPproveil land. cinitv of Hillsroto. J T .! per n-ri' . t;:ie miI, r u n n 1 im -1 r a nv We be tiiree o' t h--s tra-t- oft, Kr- 1 . lo rman ' . 7:tJ chain, ul Coin. Op- n Sundays and excnirfts. AirOO A'R ES in foul U w estern Wastt ing ton for n t- settlvis onl ; ay tetni. pnre, per acre rd up. Liberty bondi accepted at par. Write for map now -r g 'oca tion. I' r-n, etc, W Ki EKHAKUSER TIMBKR "VPANT. 1 Mcoma R'tJg . T--tm, Wash. ui;i:kim'H' lands. Trac. .". a. r. s 1. p. o .,t. d nitMn ' mi e of Portland, on r 1 rod : coo.1 no I. m ro k. pientv of water, work ncart' , buy on vour own terms LU'kdDEM NN t - iVIMVT. PIT. i'HAMHKH iF 4 -iMMERCK. A4i;ES on county r-an. minj:'i 4tr bnl aurface. jr mn ' w I k lo .i eshata t.'l ne. ,;n r..in;ie by au:o ti cotjr liouse. I'ort la n d. Fine ic v. I use I o school. --." per acre, part cleared, betl so! I. F. . Hi I. ow- ner. 111.' i?ro b r. ."-ACi;E tr.i'l m "tt1fd ruiinniiiiiy t..r $1 I'.i t r cre . w ; ! ( lake I'.OI ..t Lit. r mod r 1 Ford t ou "i n g or d e" : r y bod y ;t s In pa-n. nt. HoUlk. 1 141 lmh st. I'hot.e Hro-tdw ay -Ma ; 5- A ' R E h-ime nrar 1 .: : n-. Ft. 1 ; husc, fiirn.t jrr, barn. rh-. krii house; wcii; gas ct.; t.e , IO miles f r em p . r: ia n !. 1 rs. o $''), terms. orcs.'.am. or., K. I. box I. Ai'KK. inn1. ' acre, natural tr-c. a 1 clear or in f ru : 1 ; no era v el or it v ; s - segments. AW" M:i car. P. vin en J. 1 o o Week, l-'ll N. W. Ra.lk b.dg. . s A 4 ' li H.S ad ioitur. g station; house ai nio.t new; er' best o s--!'. c i:el; $.;oot. terms- -fj Oregon b.dg. broj w a y 1 -. l'h1"K rier front and river sew age; aiso other acre.m and farm l:iij 011 Oiegon Ci;y car line. H. 4j. S:aik w eat her, Co-j lirua J w ay bldg. COLUMBIA highway berry trac-tsl Jd ac-i s u.ih for $I4mi; $j;.n cash; taUnc yearly. Here is your opportur.ity. il r. .".-'. Corle't B d g. 2 A "RES ri h t a: stat ion. cleared ; 1 ry best of soi i ; $74i. terms. liroad w ay 1 ore sen bid g. CLOSE-IN aereaite. extra g od t-oi.; rar service. liiproke:ueut. Luer, Hroad way 5 ACRES, ail cleared. blocks 10 station; line sot', no grave!; $1710. terms. Bioad w ay ltV-S. . Oregon b'dg. FOR Ore son City line acreage, improved or unin-.proved. see John Brown. 3-4 Railroad Exchange bldg. J'.ar. 3331. $;t WEEK, shack and acre, natural trees, citv water, fine soil. 110 city assess ments. 1 21 N. W. Bank bldg. TH REE acres cleared, near car. small house, orchard; rea?onab.c. 7 JO East Davii. R It IiO A I N" 'OVER two seres 011 car line, choice loca tion. Eugene. Or. K.. ;,.i4. Own r. FoR SALE - acre, under cn ivaiioo; Xor icriiia aud pi ice cui jUai;a 3ouJ,