8 THE 5IORXIXG OHEGOXIAX, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2T, 1919. ( iftorniujj (Dmrimtan ESTABLISHED BT DEMIT L. P1TTOCR. Published by The Oregonlan Publlnhing- Co., 1.15 Sixth Street. Portland. Oregon. C A. MOKDEN. K. B. PIPKR, Maqcer. ) . Kditor. The Oresonian la a mamber of -the Aa sociatPd Vrbsj. Tne Associated Press ta exclusively entitled to the uao lor .publica tion of ail news dispatchea credited" -to it o- not otherwise credited in thia paper and also the local news published herein. All rights of rf publication of special dia jAtchea herein are also reserved. Subscription Kattn Invariably in Advance. (By .Malt.) Pally. Sunday Included, one year ... Daily, Sunday included, six months . J-Mily. Sunday included, three montha laily, Sunday included, one month 1 .ii ly, v. i tli out Sunday, one year .... ijaily, without Sunday, atx months 1'aily, w ithout Sunday, one month . . W eek ly, one year - Sunday, one year Sunday and weekly (By Carrier.) Tally, Sunday Included, one year ... l)aily, Sunday included, one month ... lHily. Sunday included, three montha luiily. without Sunday, on year ljally, without Sunday, three months Xiatly. without Sunday, one month . . .t.oo . 4.25 . .75 . 6 00 ;S0 . l.oo . a. so . a. 50 $9.00 .75 2. US 7.80 1.95 .65 How to Kemlt Send poatofflce money order, express or personal check on your local bank, stampa. coin or currency are at owner's risk. lilve poatoffi'-e aoaresa In full. includiiiK county and etate. Footage Rates IS to 16 pages. 1 cent; 18 to panes. - centa; 34 to 48 pages, 3 cents. SO to 60 pages, 4 centa; 62 to 6 pages, 5 cents, 78 to 8:1 pages, 6 centa i'oreign postage, double rates. Kastt-rn 15iiliiewi Office Verree Conk lln Urunswirk building. New York; Verree Conklin, Steger building. Chicago; Ver ree & Conklin. Free Press building. De troll. Mu h. San Francisco representative, Il J. illdwell. THE WOKKKR AND THE WAGE. It was well enough for the folk lore of other days to teach that the end of tne shimmering rainbow rested in a bag of gold. But never a grandsire or balladist could name the fortunate mortal who passed the faerie circle, won through to the edge of the world, and brought back minted happiness without the toil or sweat. At a period when the affairs of men are tossed in seas of trouble, when avarice contends with irrational idealism, and "isms" spring like florid weeds in the backyards of the nations, there is sound American common sense in the recent pro nouncement of Secivtary Une, be fore the Association of American Secretaries of State, in convention at Washing-ton. "All down the road of history there is no magical way to happi ness," said Secretary Lane. "Work alone finds the way. Work is the sal vation, materially and spiritually. J et us develop an aggressive, con structive programme for America. Let us all work to make this country a better place in which to live, not by selfish enterprise, but by co-operation." Secretary lane has touched the true key to the future. Clinging to the democratic ideals of the nation, turning not aside to gardens of strange economic fantasies, demand ing rather that all tasks shall be con structive, and that each shall yield the worker's full quota of recom pense in necessarily larger measure than before America should skirt the quagmires of dissension and walk toward the sunrise of economic concord and prosperity. Work Is the open sesame. Here is no quarrel with labor. To carve out its destiny the toil of the nation must have its, tasks. And if these tasks are multiplied, as the de velopment of the country and the de mands of international commerce require, the swift, unhesitating in crease in production will hold the labor market at par and down the dragon of high costs, as at one blow. Higher standards of living have undoubtedly reacted in higher costs of living. Men and women who toil are no longer content with the standards of yesterday, any more than their children with the rag dolls end home-made toys of a decade or so ago. They require that the wage of service shall be such as will not only purchase the shelter and food of the toiler and his family, but that it shall yield as well the purchase price of happiness measured by the stand ard of the times better garments, better homes, and all that such a standard connotes. And wages have gone forward a long stride to meet this demand, in general, at least. Aside from the mercurial ascent of living costs, which have dented the family in come in its tenderest spot, it is ap parent that wage earners nowadays are spending no inconsiderable por tion of their incomes upon purchases and enjoyments that had no place in the popular standard of a generation past. Observers are of the opinion that this tendency plavs its own par ticular part in wafting prices ever Higher. It is Collier's Weekly which com putes the vital difference between the year 1SS0 and the present, in terms of family working hours and lauiiry leisure pursuits. Creating a hypothetical home circle of father, mother, two sons and a daughter. the computation yields an average of 374 hours of work in the week, by the accepted customs of 1880. Off setting this were pleasures so simple and inexpensive that the working balance of the family remained prac tically undrawn upon. Today, says Collier's, the total weekly output of such a family is but 130 hours of work for a single person, withhpleas ures deducted to the amount of 35 hours, or a total of but 95 hours of work for the family support. The plain inference is that the high cost of living riddle is read in the com parison. No economic Merlin can magic back the days of 18S0. They are gone,, in all their happy simplicity, their long hours of toil and their simple holidays of bullhead fishing and butternut excursions.. Nor would one recall them. Though at tended by travail, the accomplish ment of shorter hours and higher wages, of a broaader scope of living, signifies unquestioned progress and undeniable justice to the toiler. The rresent Is with America, and from the present she must hew her future. Here stands a compromise. Labor and capital may beat their heads against it all they choose but it re mains the concrete fact of solution. For the worker there must be a wage and working conditions conformable to the needs of the time, and insur ing a front yard of roses and a kitchen full of groceries in the lean days of age. But an unreasoning demand for all, a denial that the creative facilities of moneyed enter prise should not share in just pro portion, defeats the full intent of economic justice. For capital there must be a return equally in keeping with the investment and with the creative sagacity that sponsored and impels the functioning of the enter prise. To either side of this economic l.ighway, whence turn the lanes of radicalism, lies swamps of chaos. How, as never before, America is in the making. Xot her destiny alone, but the destiny of all nations, is centered in the progress of the world's premier project of genuine democracy. There is too much gen uine good sense inherent in the American people, homely, sincere logic such as that voiced by Secre tary I.ane, to admit of the possibility of failure. ffOMAS'8 INEQUALITY. Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt. presi dent of the National Woman's Suf frage association, has issued, a de tailed statement in which prediction is made that the suffrage amend ment will have been ratified by Feb ruary 1, 1920. The association as- serts that it has never made a pre diction which did not come true. The suffrage amendment will without doubt be ratified and it is not the purpose herein to ques tion the accuracy of Mrs. Catt's prophecy as to time, but to point out that even with the suffrage discrim ination against women removed there will still remain one inequality in the sight of the law. Here in .Portland, an illustration has just been given. Question has been raised as to the eligibility of a woman to hold office in the court of domestic relations, because of her alienage. She has lived in the United States thirty years and is qualified In every way but one to become a cit izen; she has sought naturalization and has been denied the privilege. Her sole disqualffication is that she is the legal wife of an alien, from whom she has long been separated and who lives in Scotland. In America the foreign born man has sole option as to the citizenship of both himself and wife. His natur alization makes her automatically a citizen. His neglect or refusal to be come a citizen deprives her of pos sibility of becoming one. She may through birth in this country have been a citizen, and in Oregon or numerous other states may have voted, but the moment she weds .an alien she becomes an alien. On the other hand a man may have a' wife in Europe, but that fact is no bar to his naturalization. The American male citizen may wed an alien but that does not alter his status as a citizen. Most laws and customs which re strict women have been annulled in later years. Woman may hold prop erty in her own name in most states, sue and be sned; she may be admit ted to the professions that are regu lated n practice by law; her capac ity to take her place beside men in public office, in business and in trades is no longer questioned, and soon she is to have the right In any state to participate in elections. The riaturalization law is the' one remain ing relic of the old theory that wo man is a sort of appurtenance or property possession of man. . THE SOLUTION. Will the Ad club In its purpose to decide on a beardless figure for use by cartoonists in representing Father Portland kindly hold up a bit? Here is the esteemed Pendleton Tribune, grown pensive over the lack of proper recognition given aboriginal nomenclature in many quarters of Oregon. Among other changes it wants this "pulsing Willamette city" to abandon "Portland for Mult nomah." The men who laid out the townsite of Portland did not Tiave a proper reverence for the Indian. Perhaps familiarity, not now possible, bred contempt. Francis W. Pettygrove wanted to name the town in honor of the Maine city. Amos L. Lovejoy, who came from Massachusetts, thought "Boston" prettier and more appropriate. So they flipped a coin and Mr. Pettygrove won, tails up twice for "Portland." We fancy that it would be rather more difficult to change the name of a large city than to change the name of a large mountain, and that, good ness as well as Tacoma knows, is hard enough. But there is the strong arsrument in its favor that the change to Multnomah would auto matically dispense with the distress ing practice of personifying Portland as a substantial, elderly gentleman with chin whiskers. We have not at hand a picture of Chief Multnomah. Unfortunately he passed on in a day when protrait painters were scarce in Oregon and there were no photographers at all. But probably some other Indian's picture would do as well. There was Chief Timotsk of the Klickitats who saw the Lewis and Clark party in 1S06 and lived well over a hundred years. Timotsk's well-worn features have been preserved by photographic art and there is no one living who could swear that his likeness is not also the likeness of Multnomah. Striking indeed is he - in broad brimmed hat, flannel shirt, overalls and buckled overshoes. And he has no whiskers! , This may seem a drastic process for solving an annoying problem, but this is the day of radical changes. On with the revolution! STIDENTS AS RESERVE OFFICERS. Experience in the war demon strated that a prime requisite to rapid expansion and good training of the army on outbreak of war is a large body of reserve officers. In 1917 no such corps existed and it had to be improvised and trained in a hurry. There followed many unfit appointments, which led to scandal and impaired efficiency. . To avoid another such experience, high officers of the army and national guard have urged congress to pro vide training of a large number of students at colleges and high schools as officers. As a large proportion of young men earn their education by woiking. the number in some locali ties running as high as 80 per cent, it is proposed thai the government offer inducements to students to take training during the time which they now devote to work. The national defense act of 1916 provides for 50,000 reserve officers with commis sions for ten years. This would re quire graduation of 6000 a year. The plan proposed would be worked out best in conjunction with universal training, for the govern ment would award scholarships for college education with training for the officers' reserve corps by com petition among the young embryo soldiers. This would be an induce ment to efficiency and study and would preserve the democratic char acter of the citizen army which would be cafled out in time of war. If universal training should not be adopted, well trained reserve officers would be the more necessary, for they would have to command raw recruits instead of men who had been trained for six months. Action on the entire military policy is urgently needed, for on September 30 the strength of the army in the Vnited States will be reduced to 185,000 officers and men, or about the figure at which it stood when war was declared. . PRUSSIANISM STIT.L, RAMPANT. If any further proof were needed that the peace conference erred grievously in its' treatment of Ger many, it is furnished by recent events in Upper Silesia and the Bal tic provinces of Russia and by the attempt to include in the German constitution a provision for future annexation of Austria. The Ger mans never intended to observe the treaty further than they were com pelled; at the time when they agreed to sign they were carrying out plans for its violation in the Polish pro vinces; they have since violated its terms in the Baltic provinces and they have grossly violated the intent in Upper Silesia. In the latter pro vince their action has been marked by barbarity equal to that which was practiced in Belgium. Disregarding all the knowledge of German character acquired during the last five years the peace confer ence modified its original decision that Upper Silesia should be annexed" to Poland by agreeing that a vote of the people should decide whether it should remain Gtrman or become Polish, although German official sta tistics showed the majority of the population to be Polish. The confer ence tfius assumed that Germany would not obstruct a free, full vote, when it knew that the German dele gates had shown special determina tion to keep the territory, the mines of which gave it high economic val ue. In making this assumption the conference ignored the fact that for six months State Commissioner Hoersing had carried on a reign of oppression under a state of siege proclaimed In January. Yet they permitted the province to remain in the hands of the Germans in the in terval between signature of the treaty and holding of the referendum election an interval which is being prolonged by the delay in ratifica tion. The sequel shows that the Ger mans profited by this laxity to carry out the plans indicated in the dis patch from Berlin to the govern ments of the Polish provinces which was intercepted and sent to Paris by the Polish government after Ger many had agreed to sign. Though thus forewarned, the allies only sent a warning; little Germany cares for warnings when not backed by Imme diate, superior force. The story of what followed has been told by correspondents of tho London Times and Morning Post from observation on the ground. A number of German mine owners and manufacturers closed their mines and foundries. Hoersing threatened that all men thrown out of work would be deported to France, his ob ject being to provide labor for recon struction in the devastated region and to remove a large part of the Polish population before the refer endum election. On August 12 a strike of 200,000 miners and work men began and was accompanied by an insurrection, the arms and am munition being wrested by crowds from German frontier guards, tn a few days all resistance was over come in the principal centers, but the insurgents long field out in the woods and mining villages. There followed a typical outbreak of Prussianism. barbarous and de fiant of the allies.,. On August 18 Hoersing proclaimed that all me found with arms in their possession would be shot on sight. He began deporting the Poles on August 13, and where the able-bodied male pop ulation was in revolt, had fled or was in hiding, he carried off their wives and families wholesale. The entire population of two mining villages was deported. Forty insurgents were executed in a body at one place, forty at another and 150 in the prison at Kattowitz. Many were strung up- by the hands for execu tion. The death penalty was not re served for armed men. Many un armed persons were shot immedi ately upon arrest. About 20,000 Poles of all ages and both sexes have fled across the border into Poland fording a stream while German sol diers fired on them. At one place where 2000 assembled, many had faces and bodies bleeding from blows. One man said they had struck and rebelled because the conditions under which they had been com peuea to work-were Intolerable, and the whole assemblage of refugees corroborated the statement. In the fighting the Germans took few prisoners, for the Insurgents preferred to be killed. They took revenge by collecting droves of old uitrii, Huiiicn ana Doys and com pelling them to march for hours with hands above their heads, beat ing them with butts of rifles, pieces of wire cable and belting. P'loors of prisons were so thick with blood that prisoners' shoes stuck to them. The berraans killed one man by tying a hand grenade around his neck and puiung me pin. Another man's wrists were tied to the stirrups of two mounted soldiers, who then e-al loped for a thousand yards, drawing apart so mat iney tore him in two several otner examples of brutal murder are related. Alter thorough investigation the two correspondents reached conclu sions which may be summed up thus: - u.waicr iroiicj OT provocation "J? oppression haa been pursued toward That. 4.t;K..... ii - , u. s.iic,- a srate or siege was de clared in January, for the purpose of In cuius mem to a revolt which would dla credit tne folish nation nnrf u an excuse for further oppression, especially deportation or large numbers of Polea. and tempt Poland to intervention unauthorized ".v ma allies. That Polish leaders were either arreatad or unien to Illgnt. That German plana have bean aided by failure of the allies to put the clauses of the treaty relating to upper Silesia in im mediate effect. Tills policy provoked the strike and in surrection of August 12. and caused re pression to ba enforced with the greatest rigor. That German troops resorted to measures of brutality which match those adopted In Belgium and which demand thorough In quiry. That the Poles showed no bolshevist ten dencies in the strike or Insurrection. That coal production wiil ba negligible until tho coal fields are removed from German control.- That when the province Is occupied by allied troops and governed by an allied commission. Polish workmen will return to work and work willingly. Those Americans who want the United States to wash its hands of the affairs of Europe may ask: "What has that to do with us? Aside from the fact that one of the four teen points, to which this nation Is morally pledged, requires liberation of the Poles, it proves that German militarism is unconquered and de fiant, and therefore that we have not finished the work which we under took: the war stopped too soon. It was not enough, to occupy the Rhine provinces; allied troops should have occupied the eastern provinces as well. As fast as the allied armies are demobilized and as the peace conference betrays weakness. Inde cision and disunion, the Prussian beast lifts his head and shows his talons. Power for evil in Silesia be speaks power for evil in the world at large, as Prussianism recovers its strength. That its spirit still rules Germany is apparent from the fol lowing translation of a song entitled "We German Urper Silesians," which is circulated in the disputed province; If Silesia becomes Polish, may God cause children and cattle to die unborn; may God cripple tho hands and feat of the Polea and blind their eyea, atrike tbem. man and woman, deaf, and make them idiota. May no aound of rejoicing" flood Polish landa. but only groans and erica. May Uod in this wise s'.ake the revenge of the Germans. Freedom of the Poles Is necessary to the peace of Europe, and the peace of Europe is necessary to the peace of the world. Therefore Si lesia is our business, as Serbia proved to be our business. We can beat make peace secure by prompt ratifi cation of the treaty and-by prompt organization of the league of na tions. Many men, women and chil dren are dying because the senate wrangles, debates and delays. It is doing the work of the enemy. Without spilling a single tear for the automobile bandits who were re cently sentenced in Judge Gatens' court, at the flip of a coin, one can not but ponder over whose two months were so lightly disposed of. If the spinning quarter fell "tails" one of the pair of prisoners would face but six months' imprisonment. If it rested at "heads." as it did, his oortion of punishment would be eight months. An enterprising fellow can catch a good many fish in sixty days, can cover a good many miles. can earn a good many dollars or, it must be admitted, can halt a good many wayfarers by the insistent prompting of an automatic. But the nescapable fact remains that two months is a precious commodity to be gambled with, by sanction of court or otherwise, when they belong to the other fellow, prisoner or peer. D'Annunzio's expedition to Fiume should arouse the peace conference o the fact that the habit of settling quarrels by force has taken strong hold of the world through five years of constant practice and could not be broken by the signing of armistices and the meeting of grave statesmen at Paris. The power of the confer ence was no greater than the armies at their command and their union and decision in using those armies. Because the allies shrank from using their armies, demobilized them rap- dly and revealed divided counsels, they were defied by the Germans in Silesia and Courland, by the Rou manians in Hungary and by the Italians at Fiume. Their grip has been slipping ever since Germany gave up the struggle. Those old dynasties never give up. The Hapsburgs were no sooner driven out of Hungary than they be gan scheming to get back. All the power of the league will be needed to keep them in check and. If the Magyars should relapse into mon archy, to prevent them from attack ing their liberated provinces. That s one purpose of article 10 of the covenant. The shipping board has spilled the beans again. It should have an nounced its opposition to the new wage scale for Pacific coast ship builders long ago or should have ap proved it. The country has enough strikes on hand already without add ing one which could have easily been avoided. If the womenfolks of the presi dential party brought from 'Europe "presents" of value, why make scandal because they are alleged to have evaded pay duties? Better simply show them the words "noblesse oblige" in a dictionary. John Barrett is resiging as head o the Pan-American Union. He has held important office since he quit reporting on the Telegram nearly thirty years ago. No reason is stated, but, depend upon it, John has a good one. There Is a nice question of respon sibility opened in the arrest of the San Francisco motorman who jumped off when his controller box exploded and let he car run three blocks. Does the rate of pay cove sacrifice ? An undelivered letter has been re turned to the sender in Washington after 37 years. In all fairness should be stated that Mr. Burleson 1 not responsible. He has not been postmaster-general that long. Emma Goldman may plead th paupers' act and be released from the $15,000 fine, but the governmen has enough on her to keep her In jail or deport her, and probably the latter will be done. No doubt the special guard of secret service men accompanied th president on his hour's walk to th Arkansas river In Kansas Thursday That's "Injun" country In the eastern mind. Disgraceful amusement features always get into fairs, but discovery does not come In time to do rnuc good. Anything that catches th "sucker" should be put out the first day. The sum of $196 was found on youth caught drilling into a safe th other night and one would think a fellow with that much "jack would stay honest a while. The nation is short 38,000 teachers and if teachers were united, like th railroaders, what a grand time would be for a strike in the school rooms! The kind of public spirit that mad the whole town of Sheridan turn ou to gather fruit is the kind that win and makes a town grow into a city, The state board of control is considerate body. Because the adju tant of the soldiers' home got mar ried, the board increased his pay. Ezra Meeker is determined not to miss any new sensation that develops down to the day of his death. He old, but a dead game sport. Vienna is short of coal and publi funerals have been stopped. No connection, of course, between these facts. Y-FRODCCTS OP THE PRESS. Lord Sti-athrona'a Beqoest to Tale. Kalian Soloists Visit America. The Strathcona bequest, one of the wo large gifts which Yale ha recent ly received, haa been put to work. Disposition of the other large gift he one from the late John W. Ster ling remains unsettled but will aoon ome up for consideration by the cor- oration. Out of the $610,000 which Lord Strathcona left to the unltrer- ity, the sum of $280,000 will be used to establish two new professorships In the graduate achool. The rest of the fund will be devoted to memorial fellowships and to the erection of a memorial building to cost $250,000. The men who are chosen to fill these ew Yale claims will be more for- unate than most of their fellows on the faculty, because the size of the ndowment will make it possible to pay the professors about $7000 a year. This salary exceeds the average by a onsiderable amount. It la shown In a statement tn the Philadelphia Public Ledger from Dr. Edw-ard C. Warden, a chemist who was in the United States service and as lately returned from the occupied one in Germany, that all the Humer us chemical establishments In that egion, which had been converted Into manufactories of explosives and as phyxiating gases in the war, have now returned with full and actually ugmented force to the manufacture f chemical products or dyes. Not nly are the'r facilities -entirely un impaired, but they have been able. under allied protection, to expand their former production greatly, and already they have large stocks of hemicals, pharmaceuticals and dye- stuffs on hand for shipment to for eign countries, and particularly to America. They are all ready for a fierce competition with our Infant dye stuffs Industry, and American es tablishments are reported to be warn ing their customers against the un reliability of American dyes! Apparently a little art education would not be amiss among our coun- ry proofreaders, says the Boston Transcript. One rural sheet says. Last night the -pastor took as his subject, that well-known picture. 'The Last Supper,' by Dr. Vinci." Another informs us that "The reredos of the altar is composed of seven gilt panels of Fra and Jellico's angels." A third newspaper, reviewing the performance of a visiting orchestra says, "Among 'the pieces played was Grieg's 'Ass's Death.' " This must be a companion piece to the tune the old cow died of. A Detroit paper vouches for this little anecdote: Three illustrious cro nies, John Burroughs, Thomas A. Edi son and Henry Ford, with a party of friends were Just back from their annual outing in the New England woods. The men talked as they ate In a Hartford hotel, and their meal wasn't one to detract much attention from their interview. Mr. Ford had clam broth, spinach, apple pie and tea. Mr. Edison had apple pie, Roquefort cheese, hard crackers and Iced coffee. while Mr. Burroughs took a lobster cocktail, apple pie and milk. But others in the party took heavier meals, and when the check came It was for $14. Mr. Ford extracted a $50 bill from his pocket and handed it to the head waiter. "Split up the Changs among you," he remarked as he pushed back his chair and lighted his cigar. s Jurors of the district of the Seine having disposed of 14 criminal affairs, of which ten were attributed to the abuse of alcohol, wrote to Mr. Nail. the minister of Justice, asking that measures be taken for the supprea- ion of the sale of alcoholic bever ages. Advocates of prohibition in France (there are a few) have little hope that any such steps will be taken. One of them told a reporter of Le Journal "The elections are too near, and the wine merchant Is a power in the land." Retail jewelers in New York declare that prohibition and high wages paid during the war have combined to make the Jewelry business more pros perous than ever before In Its his tory. The highed priced articles are In the greatest demand. One dealer says: "A large part of the money formerly expended for liquor is now being used in buying Jewelry. The public apparently hus plenty of money and is spending a large part of It for Jewelry." The right man is sometimes hard to find. Simmone and Clarette Hamel of New York, each prettier than the other, traveled through Europe a year or so, clad in Knights of Columbus overseas uniforms, and have coma with a combined record of 234 pro posals of marriage, of which Sim mone received 114 and Clarette 120. "The Irish are the best proposers and the English next," said Simmone. "We also had them from Roumanians, Frenchmen, Americans and one Dutchman. Most of our proposals came from army officers but there were a few civilians mixed In." One restaurant in Xw York uses 24,000.000 eg us a year $1,000,000 worth at least at cold storage prices enough to supply a man with two eggs for breakfast for 33.000 years, or enough to form a giant necklace HOO miles la circumference. The city trustees of Venice. Cal., have been asked to pass an ordinance creating a "roar and odor" zone. By its terms circuses with wild animals to house for the winter, which is not an uncommon thing at Venice, will be restricted to a zone where the howl of the hyena will not break Into the late morning sleep of visitors and the jungle odor will not break up the afternoon teas of the city's elite. Henry Frances Koser Is a New York moving picture actor who plays hermit and bolshevist parts. He has not shaved or had his hair trimmed for two years. After having accepted an advance payment of $250 from a producer Koser was discovered by the producer the other day in a barber shop about to get a round haircut and a VanDyke beard trim. That got hira Into court on complaint of the pro ducer that. trimmed and shaved. Koser would not fit the part and the producer would be out $250. He was temporarily restrained by court order. Of course there Is a woman in tha case. Her name Is Lena and she says she could never kiss a man with a lot of hair around his mouth. Those Who Come and Go. "W have the same trouble with help In Shanghai. China, as the hotels have In the Vnited States." confided Mrs. H. E. Morton, whose husband is manger of the Astor hotel at Shang hai. "Native help la available and some can be used, but the white help for the hotel Is difficult to hold. After the help has been in China a short time they become homesick and re turn to the states." Oriel Smith, for mer cashier t the Hotel Portland, where Mrs. Morton is registered, is assistant manager of the Astor. Mrs. Morton says that the hotel business is booming In the orient, the hotels being crowded with tourists and com mercial travelers, particularly the latter, who are swarming over to make business connections. Gratitude to a took caused Major Frank Tagart of Salt Lake City to fare forth from the Hotel Portland yesterday In quest of an agate pin. "I've had a flock of teeth extracted." explained the major, "and It some what interferes with my eating. The English cook In the home of a friend in the east was kind enough to pre pare special dishes for me while I was a guest, and I want to show mv appreciation. I thought one of those pins made from the famous araiM l Oregon might be nice." Mrs. Tagart has been an active newspaper woman and gave her husband instructions to visit Stanley Reynolds, the news paper correspondent who was injured here while with President Wilsons party. "I 'eel ten years younger than when I came to Portland three weeks go. Your water and climate can't b beaten, and the climate is conducive to rest," said W. H. Moulton of Sioux City, la., at the Multnomah. Mr. Moul ton came here for a complete rest and has not received a letter or telegram since his arrival, and feels quite sat isfied about it. At home he is the state sales manager for an electric light ins: system. As Iowa is a large state, with a large population, and verv lit tle water power, his lighting system is so much In demand That the manu facturers cannot keep up with his orders. It isn't ofton that a Californian will admit that there is any other state in the union, but J. P. Foster is an exception. He says that it is a privilege to live in any one of the " hree big states," California. Oregon and Wasnlngton. With Mrs. Foster. Mr. and Mrs. A. Mouchle. Mr. Foster arrived at the Multnomah yesterday from the Golden Gate. For several weeks they have been on the road, traveling leisurely, and before com ing to Portland they visited the state fair at Salem. Mr. Foster pronounces the state fair a dandy advertisement. From this city the party will proceed through part of W'Hshinston. Every once in a while some one gets out of Jordan valley and comes to Portland, although because of transportation facilities the Jordan valley folk usually go to Idaho. Ru fus M. Dinweddie, from the valley, is at the Imperial. This little known section of Oregon, off on the edne in Malheur county, is developing into a (rood producing region, and to enable the rancners to do business irk Ore gon instead of Idaho, tlfe county is ready to spend money to have a suit able road built from Jordan valley norm to Ontario "When I first went into the Sal monberry country I couldn't see even a trace of dejr. and I wondered what was the matter. Now there are plenty of deer In that vicinity, although they are hard to get on account of the dense underbrush," said Henry L. Pies, at the Hotel Portland. "I shot a deer this season near the camp." Mr. Pies, who has had a camp for sportsmen on the Salmonberry for the past eight years, is considered one of tho best, woodsmen In that coun try. J. Nute Burgess of Pilot Rock al though he registered at the Imperial from Pendleton is in the city. Mr. Burgess is the newly selected mem ber of the state highway commis sion and will succeed W, L. Thomp son when the latter withdraws at the end of the year. Mr. Burgess was to have attended the September meet ing of the commission to get in touch with the work, but was unavoidably detained. Having purchased all the Oregon cherries he could obtain. Max Mayer of San Francisco is now lying up pears and apples. Mr. Mayer, who is at the Hotel Portland, represents a preserving concern in California which takes the Oregon fruit he buys and presents It to the world market as California product. Some of the cherries reappear on the shelves of Oregon dealers as maraschino, and others with the glace coaling. "Roads to Salem are clouds of dust." reports Otto Metschan. "The road Is good to Newberg. of course, being paved, and then traffic crosses the bridge and goes by way of St. Paul. This Is a dirt road from St. Paul and with so many machines using it a person is In a continuous cloud of dust for miles. The most convenient way to go to Salem at present is by train." Wearing one of those nifty French uniforms. Lieutenant L. Framery of the French high commission was at the Benson yesterday In connection with salvaging the abandoned Foun dation company plant at the old bone yard. Paul B. Thompson, who was the last manager of the Foundation yard in this city, is also at the Ben son, coming from Seattle. Now that the summer season is over and the seashore visitors are back home, M. H. Abbey has time to leave his hotel at Newport and visit his mining properties in Washington. He was on the way to the mines, via the Hotel Oregon yesterday. R. H. Webber and T. C. Errtnger of Minneapolis chugged up to the Multnomah yesterday, having made the trip by machine. They have been traveling for nearly two months, making stops in the main towns. They Intend returning home by the southern route. D. M. Ward of Heppaer and W. L. Smith of lone brought a carload of Morrow county cattle to Portland yes terday and after installing the crit ters at the stockyards, registered at the Hotel Oregon. There are many bankers who are democrats, although as a rule bank ers are stalwart republicans. W. B. Blackaby. democrat and banker of Ontario, is in the city and registered at the Imperial. To attend the conference of the in dustrial welfare commission in this city, C. II. Younger and Mrs. W. H. Udall of Olympia and Mrs. J. E. Bur key of Tacoma are registered at the Seward. With a diamond horseshoe that daz zles all beholders, A. Gabriel, who is a traveling ruan but does not sell trumpets, was a Benson arrival yes terday. On their way to see the sights at the state fair. Mrs. Pearl F. Cole and Miss Jane Sanborn of Astoria were at the Benson yesterday. Ira C. Powell, president of the First National bank at Monmouth. Or., is at the Multnomah, accompanied by his family. TWO OLD STAGE DRIVERS LIVING Oae Still Preserves Way Book With Names of Noted Passengers. GOLD HILL. Or., Sept. 25. (To the Editor.) I have before me an old "waybill" book of the California Stage company, dating from October 5. 1S60. to January, 1871. In it are many names Of pioneers who In those early days took passage on the stage between various points on the line of this old stage road, extending from Sacramento to Portland. 1 find the names of Jesse Applegate. James H. Nesmith. General Joe Lane. C. C. Beekman and many others who have made national reputations, and note that in most instances they traveled on a pass. The book belongs to Nort Eddlngs. one of the old stage drivers, who lives here at Gold Hill. I rode with Mr. Eddings In the days after 1871 be tween Ashland and Roseburir and sometimes talk over "old times" with him. I only know of one other of the pioneer stage drivers yet living. George Roberts, who when 1 last saw him a couple of years ago lived In the Slsklyous, by the side of the old road where he held the ribbons over his six splendid horses that drew many nervous passengers over these pic turesque neignts. These men call up memories of the romantic age of the Pacific coast and bring vividly to mind reminiscenses of many interest ing experiences. They are passing and aoon the things they are now ame to relate or those early times will have to be transmitted second hand. I notice In this old book the follow ing order issued by the stage com pany at Portland, January 26, IStiJ to-wit: jooar legal tender notes are at a dis count of 40 per cent. I find it imrn.,,1.1. lo keep you advised, so as not to make a loss. Alter this, until further order, don't take mrai at all for fare at less than SO per cent discount. Copy this order Into your way-nui look. A. G. RICHARPSON, sum. c. s. Co. Portland. January 2. 1S,;. C B. WATSON. The, CoMer? City. By Grace K. Hall. i ii ere s some wnere a goiden city on the hanks of a singing stream Where the streets are a-g!ow and a-glitter and enrapture with sound and sights: ret an ua a nroonmjr pity, as one clings to a vanished dream. All the marvels that met my fancy when I first saw the gleaming ngnts. ine blare and the glare were a mad ness mat ran In mv ratine blood. The crowds were a joyful picture, made up of a million hues: The streets were but lanes of glad ness with brilliance and glow a-flood. And thrills were a vast assortment from which I could freely choose! No more can T find that city with all of its golden glow, That I glimpsed at first from the rlvor as the boat came chug ging in: I recall with a sense of pity tne urgs that I used to know As I gazed at the lichts a-qulver from the rotight deck's splin tered rim. Oh. wonderful childhood travel from farm to the city's street. With all of its unknown mysteries and all of its brilliant lure! Let none ever jeer or cavil at a joy sr all-complete. For the years cannot bring another with rapture so deep and pure. Scope- of Soldiers Aid. PORTLAND, Sept. 2 (To the Kdi tor.) Kindly tell me if a man is en titled to thei state aid who enlisted In the Cnited States naval reserve force and has been placed on the in active status If he wishes to attend school this year. A IlKAPKIl. He is entitled to state aid if he was a bona fide resident of the state at the time of enlistment or induction into the service or If his nbsem-e at thnt time wns only ternporrirv. Where Were Our "Gobs" Wlien the "Doughboys" Smashed Through? Little was learned of the American navy, when the fields of Europe trembled in that final titanic contest which sent Wilhelm as a fugitive to Holland nd scattered the German army in humbled wreckage- But the navy was on the job. The death-haunted lanes of the sea, that must be constantly patroled if the troop and supply ships won through to France, were cleft by American ships, with our puns and our boys on vigil. One man slone is pre-eminently fitted to spin this narrative of seamanship and valor Admiral Sims, commander of the Yankee fleet in foreign waters. "The Vic tory at Sea" is the title of Admiral Sims' story of our participation with England and her sister allies in keeping the sea lanes clear. It begins in tomorrow's issue nnd will continue as a weekly serial the most graphic and authentic narrative of the American navy ever compiled. Gems and Jewels as Portland Wears Them. There is romance ' in a csmeo, if it chances to have been cut in foreign lands. The hit of ancient craftsmanship in the jeweler's window has known fair women and the touch of hands long stilled. And there "is romance in all jewelry, trove that pours to Portland from the treasure chests of all the world, says Dewitt Harry in a special rticle in the Sun day issue. Splendidly illustrated. How It Feels to Be a Medium. When the psychic gift came to her she was a little girl. A voice in the night called her name. Strange elations claimed her. And this was but the forerunner of hundreds of voices that were to speak to her, of faces that were to come, of hands that touched her hand with caress, though to the finite eye no other presence tenanted the room. Remarkable beyond others of the series, in that it portrays the psychic experiences of a woman who possesst the mysterious power to gaze beyond, is the story of an Indianapolis clubwoman, Ollah Toph, appearing in the Sunday issue. "To hold to men a torch that shall reveal a world undreamed!" Read this, cynic and convert alike. , Tail Feathers That Fashion Covets. In Africa, land of strange trove, one of the principal industries is the plucking of wing and tail plumes from the ostrich a task attended with remonstrance on the part of the big bird, and the probability that the despoiler may receive a kick like the thrust of a free piston. But they rifle the mala ostrich, taking his bridal finery from him with ruthless hands, at the mandate of fashion. The Sunday Oregonian carries a story about it, with admirably chosen illustrations, from the ostrich farm to the chapeau. Mail Thefts Reduced to the Minimum. Gone are the days when postal robberies were the source of independent income to many a scamp of the underworld, who needed but a black mask and a "gun" to glean a treasure of postage stamps, of checks and drafts and cur rency. The postal theft was the specialty of the "yegg," the hobo desperado. But postal inspectors and officials circumvented the criminals, and the mail box and the country postoffice are no longer regarded as "easy pickings." A good yarn, in the Sunday paper. Don't Marry a Prince! He used to come riding out of the fairy story, to bear the good little maid away to a castle of perpetual delight, to the confusion of all dragons, giants, ogres and other such. "Don't marry a prince!" warns the Princess Hassan, a California girl who really married one. Her prince proved to be a bounder whose wish it is to be buried with two cases of champagne. But let the princess tell the complete story of his perfidy as she does in the Sunday issue. All the News of All the World The Sunday Oregonian More Truth Than Poetry. By James J. Moatigne, TWA 5 EVER THIS. Women in Paris are wearing gowns which they can carry rolled up In the palms of their hands. Fashion note. The cave man remarked to his bride. as ne lovingly patted her cheek: I've brought you a dinosaur's hide To wear to the party next week." But the lady replied with a pout. mat never w ill answer at all. Those dinosaur skins have gore out; They are all wearing bear-skins this fall." The cave man, the following spring Observed, with a satisfied air. You dear little, queer little thing. I've brought you a bear-skin to wear." But the lady remarked. "I suppose I must try to be happy and smile. In dowdy and cumbersome clothes When nothing but fox i in style." The care man, when summer cams round Dropped into her boudoir to say: My love, you'll be handsomely gowned In the fox-pelt I brought you to day." But the lady replied with a tear Kxpressive of better distress: "The fur of a rabbit this year Is all that is worn for a dress." The cave man procured her a hare And said in a sinister tone. "There's something you eay you can wear; You can taks it or leave it alone." But the lady replied in a huff, "Why bring me that great horrid brute When the skin of a mole is enough To make, me a beautiful suit?" a a Cora penaarloa. New Jersey, the home of the mos quito, is also the home of Jersey lightning, which, in a dry time, bal ances the score. a Still Waitlns: for 11 im. Any time General Pershing feels a little ennui he can go back and finish that Mexican job that was interrupted by the great war. Give Him His Dae. Without any aspersions on the First division, it Is really Colonel House who was the first to go over and the. Inst to come back. (Copyright. 1919. by Bell Syndicate. Inc.) In Other Days. Twenty-five Ve-ara Asia. From The Oreitonlan, September 27, 194. Omaha. When Bryan's free silver forces selected the temporary chair man of the state democratic conven tion, delegntes of six counties bolted and organized a separate convention. The fleet of oversea sail vessels now in port aggregates 57.847 tons of tonnage and comprises 17 ships. Many leaders in society circles will participate in the grand circus to he given by the first regiment, O. N. G., in the near future. Grand President Herman Knkle and Grand Secretary Louis Blank of the Independent Order B'nai B'rilh of San Francisco departed for Tacoma after a visit of several days in Portland. Fifty Year Asm. From The Oregonlan. September -7. lsit New York. Excite. nent ill the gold room this morning, when the price rose rapidly from 137 to 'i, devel oped into an absolute panic. John Barrows of Linn county look premiums at the California state fair on Australian and club wheat. The steamer Ann was sold last week by the United States marshal to the Long Tom Naviga'on company. Both the weekly newspapers at Al bany, the Register and the Democrat announce that they will soon begin issuincr as dallies.