Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 27, 1919, Page 20, Image 20

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    the aronxixc oiiegonianv Saturday, September st, iota.
Cocoanut Divinity
Cream Bars 60c b
Made of cocoanut, sugar, eggs and walnuts and nothing else.
Flavored with strawberry, vanilla or chocolate.
Fresh from our own daylight candy kitchen.
Ready packed in boxes if you are in a hurry.
Meier & Frank's: Ninth Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
The Popular New
Song Hits 15c
Saturday is highly favored by music lov
ers for picking out their favorites in our
Sheet Music Shop on the Basement Bal
cony. They're all here. An especially big
selection at 15c, others at 30c, 35c and 40c
. Meier & Frank's: Basement Balcony.
(Mail Orders Filled.)
All Charge
today and balance of month will go on
October bills
Rendered Nov. 1
Films Developed
and Printed
in our Kodak Shop are finished in the shortest possible time re
quired to do high quality work. We make a specialty also of
enlargements. We have complete stocks of kodaks, cameras
and all supplies, including new Eastman films.
Meier & Frank's: Kodak Shop, Main Floor.
Tut Q.UAirrV Store, or Portland
rOv. AixUvTforriwcy Aider ata.
.Ready to Dispense; America's Best Merchandise to Appreciative For ilanders
Thousands of Practical Garments
for Misses, Juniors and Women
Coats, Suits, Dresses,
Skirts, Raincoats
Less than a week and it will be Octo
ber. The Fashion Salons are ready for
every demand of weather or style. Sizes
for girls and young; women of 13 to 20
years. Sizes for small women who wear
misses' clothes but who want more ma
ture styles. Sizes for women who wish
the smartest things in "36 to 44." Ex
tra sizes designed to give good lines to
women who wear "46 to 52."
Fascinating little evening frocks for,
young, girls' dances even pannier
styles at $25, $29.50, $35, $48.50.
Pretty dresses of serge and Panama
cloth at $19.50, $22.50, $25, and there
are tricotine and superior quality serge
dresses at $32.50- upward.
Good-looking suits for women and
misses at $39.50, $42.50, $45, $57.50.
New raincoats in various colors and
materials at $17.50 to $35.
The Coats Pictured
Are $25 and $35
$25 coats are for misses. . Good plain velour
coating in several colors. Coats that show
the skill of their makers. Tucked in cording
style, belted and with rows of buttons. Col
lars button over the chin or can be worn open.
$35 coats are for women. Made of ALL
WOOL coating every thread wool. Light
weight and warm as toast. Big soft seal
dyed plush collars. Attractive lining to waist.
Meier & Frank's: Fourth Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
For the Youijger Members
of the Family
What about hats for all the
little folk?.
Warm white silk bonnets with
a touch of hand embroidery or
lace. Fascinating caps, bonnets
and roll brim hats of white and
colored corduroy. Cozy hand
crochefced wool bonnets. School
and dress-up hats of velvet and
beaver. Sizes 2 to 12 years. Find
them in the gay Millinery Shop
for Children on the Second Floor.
Wee Sweaters for 2 to 8-year
girls come in the prettiest colors
and styles imaginable at $3.50,
$5.95, $6.50.
Sweaters for girls 10 to 16
years include the latest tuxedo
collar kinds at $6.95 and belted
coats with twin pockets at $10.
Coats are the next question.
For 6, 10, 12 and 14-year girls are
pretty striped plushes, corduroys
and soft woolens at $12 upward;
sizes for 2 to 6-year girls include
fancy plush, chinchilla and kerJ
sey at $9.85 to $15.
Gingham Dresses for school
are brand new; pretty colors and
styles at $2.98 for 6 to 14-year
Regulation and other woolen
dresses for school start at $9.50;
sizes 6 to 14 years. Some par
ticularly fine serges in strict
Peter Thompson style, sizes 14 to
16 years, are $27.50 to $35.
Plaid Skirts at $19.50 have just
arrived; other good school and
dress skirts at $6.50 to $20.
Blanket Robes keep away many
an early morning chill; attractive
designs in pink and blue, sizes 4
to lb years, $5.95 to $16.50.
Meier & Frank's: Second Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
New Autumn Hats
85.75, $7.75, $8.50, $10
and $12.50
Scores of attractive hats at prices like these will
make Saturday a busy day in the Millinery Salons.
Quantities of styles and colors. Black, brown,
taupe and navy blue in velvet. Black hatters'
plush. Soft tones in furry beaver. Large and
medium-size hats, little turbans and low tarns.
Trimmed with wreaths of flowers, bands of ostrich
tips, glycerine ostrich and embroidery. Too many
to describe them in detail. Three styles are pictured.
Any woman can be sure of finding what will be be
coming1, because there is something: for every type of
face and complexion.
Hats for misses and juniors are shown in their
own shop adjoining the grown-up millinery.
Meier & Frank's: Fourth Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
Sale of Children's
Hose Pair
Children's fine ribbed lisle
and cashmere stockings, also
medium and heavy weight cot
ton hoee in black, white, brown
and light colors. Broken assort
ment of sizes. Splendid hose
for school wear. Pair very spe
cially priced at 39c
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor.
, (Mail Orders Filled.)
Introductory Sale
Regular 60c Can
"Pipe - Flush" is the
ideal pipe cleaner it
is a scientific compound
for removing accumula
tions of filth, grease,
rags, etc., in waste
pipes, drains and clos
As an introductory offer we
will sell the regular 60c cans of
Pipe-Flush today at 49c.
Meier & Frank's: Basement.
Frolaset Front Lacing Corsets
For Large Women
give smarter lines, more comfort and perfect
control of superfluous flesh.
In the picture is shown a pink coutil corset
with soft low bust, long- back and a specially
cut gore, heavily boned in front.. Trimmed
with satin and lace. Sizes up to 38 priced
$12. Expertly fitted.
Frolasef (pronounced "Fro-la-say") front
lace corsets for slender and average figures
are $4 upward. "
We are sole Portland agents.
Meier & Frank's: Third Floor. (Mall Orders Filled.)
Newest Fall Neckwear
Just a hint of the more recent arrivals:
Neckwear at 95c
Embroidery and lace trimmed
georgette crepe collars. Filet lace
roll collars. Gilets of net combined
with lace frills and organdy with
tucks and lace. Bertha collars of
net top laces. White and cream.
Fall Neckwear
New batiste vestees and collar
and cuff sets in English eyelet ef
fects. Round and bib style collars
with cuffs to match. Vestees have
Puritan and tuxedo collars. Sets
$1.50 to $2. Vestees $5.75.
Meier & Fra
New Wool Scarfs
Angora and knit wool scarfs and
shawlettes for early fall wear.
Heather mixtures, plain colors and
medium and dark shades with
bright borders, also Scotch plaids.
Moderately priced $4.75 to $22.50.
New Boutonnieres
Attractive boutonnieres to be
worn with furs or tailored suits.
A variety of color combinations in
both fruit and flower novelties. At
tractively priced at each 50c and
nk's: Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
Newest Mesh Veilings
New designs in imported and domestic chenille dotted mesh veilings.
Small, medium and large dots. Very smart when worn over the new
small toques. Yard 65c to $2.50.
New Van Kaalte veilings the "Bab," "Lafta," "Wispa," "Twinkle,"
"Sunburst" and "Pert" in fall shades yard 65c to $1.25.
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor.(Mail Orders Filled.)
Sale Hairbows 49c
Hundreds of kiddies' hairbows in this special Saturday
sale. Made of fine quality ribbons Hose City bows with
heavy satin edge, butterfly bows with heavy corded edge
and fancy striped effects. All the staple shades. Some
slightly soiled or mussed from handling. Each bow con
tains 1V& yards of ribbon. Regularly priced as high as 90c.
Meier & Frank's: Ribbon Shop. Main Floor..
Drugs and Toiletries
Mount Hood Floating Castile Soap,
1-lb. bar, 39c.
Lurline Soap, 4 cakes 25c.
4711 Bath Salts, $1.70, 96c and 48c
4711 Bath Soap, cake 25c
4711 White Rose Glycerine Soap,
cake 23c.
Packers Tar Soap, 23c.
Roger and Gallet Toilet Soap, cake
Danderine, 96c, 50c and 35c
Packers Liquid Tar Shampoo, 48c
Roger and Gallet Violet de Parme
Toilet Water, $2.35, $1.90, $1.45.
Gourard Oriental Cream, $1.35.
Nonspi Deodorant, 50c.
Mum Deodorant, 25c.
Neet Depilatory, $1 and 50c
Castoria, 33c
California Syrup of Figs, 59c.
Merk Sugar of Milk, lb. 85c
Boric Acid, lb. pkg. 40c
Miran Cough Syrup, 50c and 25c.
Pisos Cough Syrup, 25c
Pinex, 55c
Listerine, 85c, 45c and 23c.
Bromo Quinine, 25c.
Lysol, $1, 50c and 25c.
Peroxide, 4-oz. bottle, 7c.
-Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
Ten Blouse Styles
$6.50 to $10
Entirely charming is a youthful model in Alice blue georg
ette embroidered with graduated coin spots to match. Notice
the boyish lacing in the center of the yoke, the effect of em
broidered undersleeves and the touch of cherry red given by
the pendants. $10.
Showing the new use of lace is a flesh pink georgette with
an inverted V gilet tucked and ruffled with lace. $7.50.
Georgette with loose collar ends embroidered with soutache
braid is very simple indeed and also extremely good look
ing. $6.50.
American filet lace forms the round neck line and trims the
cuffs of a side-fastening blouse of georgette at $10. Besides
these illustrated models there are
Front peplum blouses at $7
Beaded blouses at $7.50
Blouses with inch pleats at $9
Pleated tailored blouses at $9
Embroidered blouses with filet. $10
Meier & Frank's: Fourth Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
The Overcoats Men Are
Asking for Now
are here, of course, in as many variations as the most
widely varying tastes call for. At present there is
considerable demand for
Light Weight
Knitted Coats
which are ideally adapted, especially for morning and
evening wear, to these pleasant early autumn days,
and will find many wearers throughout the fall.
We have a fine assortment of overcoats in all-wool
knitted fabrics and coverts. Chummy, warmth-with-out-weight
creations that give a man's fall dress the
finishing touch and are fine things to have along when
the thermometer cuts unexpected capers. Dressy
enough for anywhere, just right for between-office-and-home
wear. Fine traveling companions.
Waist-seam and form-fitting models for young fellows and
roomy, conservative coats for older men. Appropriate patterns
and colors. Shape-retaining garments.
$30 to $55.
Young Men's Suits
Clever form-fitting models and loose-belted styles
are here in a new shipment for fall. $45 and $50.
Meier & Frank's: Third Flooi. (Mail Orders Filled.)
1000 Pairs Men's Silk Sox 95c
First quality and sub-standards of $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75' grades. All sizes in
plain shades of black, white, green, tan, navy, Palm Beach, gray (these are mostly
sub-standards) and FIRST QUALITY silk sox in fancy clocked and striped effects
size 10y only. Many are all silk to the top. Most men and young men will think
the opportunity too good to let go past without buying 3 to 6 pairs.
No Doubt as to Which Is
Hat Headquarters
Lots of men of course have known for years and
others are rapidly finding out that MEIER &
FRANK'S Store for Men on the Main Floor is the
best place to buy a hat when a fnan wants a satisfy
ing variety to choose from, safe qualities, correct
styles and value for his money. We might mention,
too, that our expeYt sales service makes a hit in
every case.
In fall hats we feature our own good Meier & Frank spe
cial at $3.50, genuine velours at $5, Stetson hats at $7 and $8,
Knox hats at $8.
New cloth hats are $4 and $5. Lots of style to these.
New caps $2.50, $3 and $3.50.
Meier & Frank's: -Main Floor.OIail Orders Killed.)
"Sampeck" Suits for Boys
$15 Upwards
Our Sampeck suits for1 boys are everywhere
known as the "Standard of America" in boys' clothes.
They are the finest ready-made clothes for
boys between 6 and 18 years. They are skillfully
tailored of thoroughly dependable fabrics and are
shown in up-to-the-minute styles, patterns and
Sampeck suits are the ideal suits for dress or
school wear. We have just received a new shipment
of these nationally famous clothes for boys. $15 up.
Corduroy Suits $10-$15
Every boy should have a corduroy suit for school and
everyday wear. Another new shipment of these sturdy suits
has just been received. Shown in clever waist seam and
belted styles. Steel gray and mouse colors. Sizes 7' to 17
years. See these new corduroy suits today at $10 and $15.
Boys' Furnishings
Boys new tweed hats in
latest shades and mixtures,
$1.50 to $3.
Boys' caps in the newest
styles and colors, $1.50 to
Boys leather belts in wide
variety, plain and embossed,
$1 and $1.25.
Boys' shirts and blouses of
high-grade silks, percales,
chambrays, madrases, ging
hams, all-wool flannels, wool
mixed flannels, etc. A large
assortment of attractive pat
terns and colors. Prices
range from $1.50 to $5.
Meier & Frank's: Third Floor.
mi Jm
(Mail Orders Filled.)