13 TITE MORNING . OREGOXIAX, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1910. TAX LIMITATION IS STUMBLING BLOCK City Council Puzzles Over Budget Estimates. EXPENSE ON INCREASE WOOL MARKETS EAST 111 BETTER SHAPE - " j Figures by Department - Heads Show More Money Is Needed Than Is Available. Members of the city council are facing a complex problem in compil ing the budget of expenditures for the next fiscal year. This problem con sists in the main of attempting to operate the city in 1920 with increased forces, increased salaries and in creased activities with virtually the same revenue that was available in past years. The tax limitation la.w which makes it impossible for the city to levy more than an S-mill tax is blamed by the city fathers for the unsolved troubles which now confront them. True, an emergency tax levy of 1 mill is avail able next year, but it is argued that even 9 mills is insufficient to defray the expenses of the city and to care for the expansion of the city's busi ness in every line. Departments Prepnre Budgets. Heads of all departments are pre paring the budgets for the next year. On every hand these heads of depart ments have heard that strict economy must prevail. If they fail to prune their budgets to the finest point they have been told that members of the city council will do the job for them. And yet these heads of the various departments are unanimous in the opinion that it takes far more to op erate the departments now than it did one year ago. Salaries of city em ployes have been increased, and fur ther increases are anticipated. Pro vision for the added expenditures for personal service must be included in the budget. Departments Are Larger. Many of the city departments, since the cessation of hostilities, have in creased their scope and activity, which brings with it added costs of operation. The department of public works, in addition to pne of the largest im provement programmes contemplated since 1910, is digging a channel for a sewage system in the northeast sec tion of the city, which involved the expenditure of $300. 00U. Some of this money must be expended before it can be assessed and collected, which adds to the burden of the years budget from this department. In addition, the department of pub lic works has expanded a paving re pair plant into an actual paving plant and already has work of large pro portions contracted for. Thousands of dollars must be expanded tor improve ment of the plant to care for this work, making Just another item to be cared for in the budget. Mayor XTres Kconomy. "From information that has reached me," said Mayor Baker yesterday. "the city must practice strict econ omy on every hand in the conduct of city business the next year. w ith prices of labor and material at a high stage and the city growing, making necessarv the expansion of the van our city departments, such a policy is difficult." All budgets must be filed with the city council before October 6, after which time the council may begin con sideration of the various proposals offered. Under the provisions of the city charter the budget must be com pleted and approved by the city coun cil by the last Monday in November. r i s - ' tut.-,:-.,---2 - - .v..-. KM.. . ';:v;- " -0 :-:J:-''-x:" t 4 ill4 "-vs 11 ' " ' - f Demand From Manufacturers Has Enlarged. from Kansas and 14 from Idaho, a total of 567 case. Dromed poultry receipts were S36 pounds and storage hoMlrnrs ltto.oie pounds. Bank ClearlniCH. Bank clearlncs of the northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: Clearings. Balances. Portland -. l.M 1 1. "TO Seattle T.B.i.llM Tlromi .MiH.JIS ItU.lil!. Spokane 2. .. tj l.bU.GUS PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain. Klour. Feed. Kte. Merchants' Exchange, noon eilnn: 4 LONDON PRICES HIGHER Sept. 0t. Nov. Oats. No. 8 white fe-a.$4'...vi :.o.o IMi.imi l-tarley. ftamlard teed, ihmmi l.M Barley. No. 3 blue ttl.oo 1.M1 Bl.so, Corn, No. 8 yellow .VMM! 67.0O 64.00 Eastern oatn and corn, bulk: Oats. 31l-lb. clipped 4S.S0 40.00 4!.S0 Oaui, 38-lb. clipped.... 4M.im 5H.no 51. OO Corn, No. 8 yellow 5X 30 57. " 5.1.H0 iiariey, ."s o. mz ftf.uu oa.nu m.'iw 3 , - ri , Scene from Alma Ruben's; "Man's, Country." a picture atory of the frontier northnnt, which, will open today at the Star theater. "The Thirteenth Hour" serial in France and the British isles. Marie Walcamp, former star in "The Red Glove," has finished her "Tempest Cody" series of westerns and has started for the orient to produce serial there. The title of this serial is "The Petals of Lao-Tzo" and film- TODAY'S FILM FEATURES. Majestic First stage Woman's relief release, "Tom's Little Star"; Mable Normand, "Up stairs." Columbia Fatty Arbuckle, "Back Stage"; Lewis S. Sin clair, "Man's Desire." Strand Nazimova, "The Brat." Liberty William S. Hart in "Wagon Tracks." Peoples Sessue Hayakawa in "The Gray Horizon." Star Alma Rubens, "A Man's Country." Sunset Charles Ray, "His Moth er's Son." Circle Special production, "The Caillaux Case." British Government Will Sell Large Quantity of Australian and Xew Zealand Wools Here. An improvement In the demand for wool in eastern markets is noted in trade re ports. The Increased demand, while It is not large, seems to have been of com fortable proportions and the trade is feelins; much more cheerful, especially in conjunction with the Information from London that the market there has shown further advances both for fine and for medium wools. Purchases of merinos for American account show sains of about 15 per cent over the closing; rates at the previous colonial sale, and an advance in medium to low crossbreds la also re ported. Much Importance Is attached to cable news from England that it has been de cided to send a committee of selling brok ers to America to auction some 40,000 bales of Australian merinos and 10,000 bales of New Zealand crossbreds. The sate is scheduled to take place the latter part of November. The sales of Kast Indian wool in Liv erpool have been increasing in strength steadily since the opening and first white "A FID l1 MAX'S COUNTRY" is the title given Alma Ruben's lat est picture which will open at the Star theater today. The pic ture is of the romances, the tragedies and the smiles of "Huxley's Gulch." a crude, little western frontier place. Alma Rubens is seen in a remark ably strong and colorful role in "A Man's Country." Those who delight in tales of the good old west of '49, when the Cali fornia gold fever resulted in a rush of adventurers to the Pacific coast, will find in this picture excitement galore and an emotional appeal that has basis in real facts. Kate Carewe (Miss Rubens) was a scarlet woman of the dance hall, typical of the old west, who held un disputed sway at Kemp's resort in Huxley's Gulch. When the Rev. Ralph Bowen, part preacher and all man, selected the Gulch as a fitting place to be regen erated, Kate resented his intrusion. She broke up his meetings, held him up to ridicule and flaunted her wick edness in his face. Pestilence breaking out in the val ley, the inhabitants fled to the hills, leaving only Kate, the preacher and some helpless children in the deserted village. Kate's mothering of the chil dren taught the preacher the real meaning of charity, and realized her self the awakening of her conscience. Kate is attacked by Duncan, who had returned to avenge himself upon her, and is rescued by the preacher after a furious fight. Screen Gossip. Antonio Moreno has gone east to his first vacation for a long time, after completing the serial "Perils of Thunder Mountain." . While Eddie Polo is working on $10,000 ASKKD FOil SCHOOL MEDICAL WORK. Health Officer Places Protection of Children Against Disease With City Council. Protection of school children of Portland against disease will rest with the city council, according to City Health Officer Parrish, who ' yesterday ordered an item of $10,000 for this work to be included in the health bureau budget of expenditures. At the present time the city of Portland is without school medical inspection. There are approximately 40.000 school children in the city and provision has been made for one physician and six nurses to handle the inspection work. "We are not attempting to give service in the way of school inspec tion," said Dr. Parrish, "for we have cot the funds or the authority to provide a proper force. There is no use of attempting to bilk the public by claiming that one physician and one nurse can handle the work of school inspection in Portland. If the council believes that the health of the coming generation is of im portance, the appropriation asked will be approved, if not. the children must be neglected along health lines, as far as the city is concerned." ancher of this county, was released ithout bail and proceedings against him will be withheld until after his mother has been taken to her future home. BUDGET CHANGES OWNERS Astoria Evening Paper Bought bj Pendleton People. ASTORIA. Or., Sept. 26. (Special.) The Astoria Evening Budget is to change hands October 1, and become the property of the men who are. pub lishing the East Oregonian at Pendle ton. The new owners are Messrs. Aldrich, Drake, I-ampkin and Chess man. The Astoria Evening Budget was established in 1892, and for nearly 26 years has been under the ownership of John E. and W. F. Gratke, pioneer residents of western Oregon. J. E. Gratke says he does not intend to give up his residence in Oregon but will devote his energies to de veloping his cranberry holdings on Clatsop Plains, in which he is one of the original investors. The Budget has been a factor in the upbuilding of the western part of the state and is considered one of the leading daily papers in Oregon. ILL MOTHER HALTS TRIAL H. E. Kruger, Accused of Makin Liquor, l-'reed for a While. ROSE BURG, Or., Sept. 26. (Spe cial ) The wheels of justice have been stayed long enough to permit H. K. Kruger, recently arrested on charge of manufacturing intoxicating liquor, to take his invalid mother to Washington, where she is to be cared for by a daughter. Kruger, who is a wtll-kuowu intr of some of the scenes was made I Jorias are now quotable at about 3a pence on the dock in Seattle last week, wnen I in .Liverpool, while Kanoanars ana vican Marie Walcamp and her company sailed from there to the orient. The famous play, "Dad's Girl." by E. H. Schwartz, has been purchased and will be adapted to the screen by J. Clarkson Miller, for filming at the studios at Fort Lee. N. J. "Dads Girl" as stock and repertoire on the spoken stage has seen more than 10,000 performances. Mary MacLaren's next feature, fol lowing "A Bonnie Lassie." which is just completed, will be "No Experi ence Required." David Butler is her leading man. Thurston Hall, who played opposite her in several of her recent productions, has returned tem porarily to the spoken stage. Yvonne Gardell, daughter of the famous New York sculptor and Thro- dore Kosloff, the Russian dancer, will he featured in the De Mine produc tion, "The Tree of Knowledge," with Major Warwick starred. They will appear in an allegorical represen tation in the garden of Eden of Adam and Eve. Harry Carey is to picturize Peter B. Kyne's story of "The Three God fathers," which formerly appeared in the Saturday Evening Post. The pic ture will be issued under the title "The Gift of the Desert." mm Pleasanton, Cal., is to furnish the "small town" scenes for "Ambi tion," the Dorothy Phillips produc tion now filming, and the company is now at work in that town. "Dangerous Days" will be the first production for Eminent Authors from the novels of Mary Roberts Rinehart. The author herself and two sons are in California and conferred in this decision, which makes her latest novel her first picture. "Dangerous Days" is a vivid pic ture of American society during the most deeply aroused period of our history and the men and w.omen are caught up in the great tide of an un suspected current of life. It is a brilliant, penetrating stuly of married life. "The Amazing Interlude," previous ly given as a possible subject for Eminent Authors to dramatize, will be done later in the year. STEEL SHARES ADVANCE TEEY POINTS RECORDED. Financial Interests Anticipate Early Adjustment of Strike Other Industries Are Kirni. NEW YORK, Sept. 26. The tone of to day's sto'k market heightened the lm-prei-alon that foremost financial Interests were IncreaMnsly hopeful of an early ad justment of the lniluMrial crisis created by the steel strike. Much or tne day s news dealing with the labor situation was of a tenor calculated to allay apprehension- Steels and kindred Issues, namely equip WHEAT Government basis, $2.30 per I ments and motors, were among the lead- bushel. KLOUR New eroD patents. 10.75: bale s' hard wheat. I10.50& 10.75; whole wheat, tlO.nS: eraham. 1U.60: pastry flour. $10.2.".; straight.. $10. MILLFEED Mill run. I. o. l. mm. car- lots, ton lots or mixed cars. $398 JO; ton lots or over, delivered. $1.50 f 2 extra; Ine features of the session, their strength from the very outset imparling a comment tone to the general list. Oains anions; pomilar steel shares ranged from 1 point In United States Steel to almost 1 points In Crucible, the movement In the latter stock, however, evidently being due to technical conditions. The same reason al- LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS Tf you must se'l your I.isrty or Victory bonds, sell to u. If you can luv more I.ifrtv or Victory bontl. buy from us. On Kri-Iav. Sept. J. th rlnsinc market prices were frtven l1ow. Tn'y are the covernhu prices lor Liberty anl Victory bonds all over the world, ana tna hlKhcst. We advertise these pri'-es daily in order that you may ai ay? know th Zew Yortt market, and ine exact vaiue ot your Liberty and Victory bond?. 1st -M 1st 3d 4tn Victory Victory Siis -4s 4s 4a 3s 4 V- Market .'.$100 04 f it.vso $y.34 $.vx- $i4.:.n ,n $-j4 44 $ iw.t4 $ W-J Interest . 1 13 1.47 158 .14 l.tfl l'-i l-t Total $ii.o: $.. 4:1 jo.ym lOrt sn 04 J'..t4 ;rt.3."i $101.2 $101.60 When buying we deduct S7r- on a bond and $J. on a $10m bond. We 11 at the New VorK market plus the accrued interest. Hunthir itml Ki reproof Safe Iejoit Bt for Kent. Open Until S P. M. on Saturday, MORRIS BROTHERS. Inc. The Iretnler Municipal Ilond Hotw. C'M'lTAl ONK MILLION IKILI.AK.S. MnrrU IUIk.. :lf!-311 Murk M.. let. Mh anrl th. Telephone liroudway 3151. KMabliMued Over -5 Years. rolled barley. $S; rolled onts. $60; ground I ,,leil to the .point advance in lienerai GOAT GROWERS ORGANIZE Meeting Elects Officers, Plans De velopment of Industry. SALEM, Or., Sept.- 26. (Special.) The Oregon Goat Urowers' association is the name of a new state organiza tion which came into being here to day. The association is not to De a selling agrency, but will confine its efforts toward the development oi the goat industry.' Officers of the association are: President, LV S. Grant ot .Dallas, also president of the National Mohair Growers' association; secretary, n- liam Kiddell of Monmouth; treasurer. M. Nelson of Corvallis; directors. John B. Stump, Monmouth; A. t,. Gage, editor of the Angora Journal of Portland; H. W. Hoag. Salem; W. D. Gilliam, Dallas; and S. fc. Zysett, Scio. Addresses were delivered loiiowing organization by J. L. Peterson of the United- States forestry service, and O. M. Nelson of the animal husbandry department of Oregon Agricultural college. LARGE DELIVERIES DUE CORX MARKET IS "WEAKENED BY PROSPECT. Xew Crop Moving Two Weeks Ear lier Than Any Previous Record. Export Trade In Oats. SALMON SEASON ERRATIC Silversides Remain Outside of River Catches Light. ASTORIA. Or.. Sept. 26. (Special.) The fall fishing season is proving fully as erratic as the spring season and the present outlook for a big pack is not bright. The fall season opened with good catches of silver sides by the trollers outside, but few fish entered the river. Uurine the past two weeks tne catch outside has dropped off until it is practically nothing, the schools of silversides, which were piaing about the mouth of the river, ap Durcntlv having headed out to sea or gone further north. The condi tion inside the river remains the same with the seines, traps and gillnetters doing almost nothing. Fruit Concern Gets Permit. SALEM, Or.. Sept. 26. (Special.) Packing and dealing in dried fruits are the purposes of the Drager Fruit company, a California concern, which today obtained permission- to oper ate in Oregon. The capital stock is $100,000. and the officers are V. J. Hall, president and director; II. R. Lipman, vice-president and director; and Albert Frolich, secretary and treasurer, all of San Francisco. The Cylinder-Grinder company of Port land has filed articles of incorpora tion here, the capital stock being $50,000. The incorporators are J. A. V'anWie, C. Richmond and A- E.' Mc-Croskie. CHICAGO. Sept. 26. Prospects of large aeuvenes on September contracts did f Rood deal today to weaken the corn mar ket. Prices closed heavy. to 5 Vac lower. witn uecembfr ll. to and Way $1. :!( to 1.LM. Oats finished in changed to Sc higher and provisions un changed to 97c up. Kxpectation that corn deliveries on Sep tember contracts would be on a .liberal scale waa due more or leas to knowledge that considerable amounts had been sold today and yesterday to go into store here. Besides, some new corn was scheduled to arrive in Chicago Monday, which would Be about two weeks earlier than any pre vious recora. Kevlval of export demand helped to strengthen the oats market. Provisions took an upward swing as a result of packers bidding for lard, and because or higher quotations on hogs. Leading figures ranged as follows: CORN. Open. High. Law. Clia. -Pi. .. i. !.- s l. 4:14 x 1.44 I'PC. ... 1.4 J.L'J' May ... 1.20 - 1.11)54 OATS. Pept. .. .IWM .C,7 .CO Dec. .. .OS'S .B! .6S Slay ... .70 71 .70 PORK. 1.22-4 1.20 .; 71V. ers are strong in proportion. The goods market In this country shows no material change. Manufacturers could do a larger business if they had more ma chinery and as fast as possible they are trying to get additions built so as to care for the orders wblch they could have for the mere taking. Needless to say, there has been little new business contracted, ex cept on the allotment basis, -which con tinues, much to the chagrin of the buy ers of cloth, who. In not a few Instances, have been disappointed by the small al lotments which have been made them for the coming lightweight season. Spinners and combers report a quiet market on the whole, with prices hardly more than nominal because of the fact that they are not entertaining much new business, especially on the fine end of the market. SMALL INTEREST IN FEED CHAINS Bid Prices Are Retraced at Merchants' Exchange Session. Grain prices worked lower at the ex change yesterday. The market waa quiet locally and in the country. Oats bids were reduced 50C&-S1.50, and corn was down 2rclr$l. Bulk barley was un changed, but sacked barley . offers were S0ci(1.50 lower. The Chicago barley mar ket waa weak, December closing at 1.20. A Chicago wire said it is reported the German government has prohibited tbo threshing and transportation of oats for six weeks in order to take advantage of dcamess Of oats. Weather conditions in the middle west: "Northwest, .weather clear, cool. 50 to 52 degrees; Illinois. cloudy to clear, cool; Missouri. Kansas, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, all clear, cool. Forecast: Illinois, Missouri, Wisconsin. Iowa, Nebraska, fair and warmer; Minne sota and Eakotas, part cloudy tonight and Saturday cooler. Montana unsettled, colder." Argentine wheat shipments this week were: United Kingdom, l.uits.uuu ousneis; to continent, 1.167.00O bushels; to non- Europe. 321,000 bushels. Shipments of both wheat and corn falling off sharply from previous week- Terminal receipts, in cars, were report ed by the Merchants Exchange as fol lows: Wheat.BarIey.Flour.Oats.Hay. Portland. Fri. :! Year ago 79 Season to date.2:ifc0 Year ago Jlt.l Tacoma. Thurs .M Year ago -1 Season to date.inOO Year ago Seattle. Thurs 14 Voar ii 4 11 40 S.-ason to date.l"tS7 Year ago 1(5.. H TONE OF BUTTER MARKET IMPROVES Feeling; Is Better, Owing to Advances at Eastern Points. There was a better -feeling in the butter market yesterday because of the advances in the east, but there was no Improvement in the volume of business. Dealers were unable to move stocks, except in a limited way. as buyers were filled up. With the scarcity of top grade, 01-score advanced half a cent. Undergrades were plentiful and dragged. Street stocks were about unchanged at 2901 cubes and 707 boxes. Storage holdings were 0!4,73-t pounds, a decrease of 1307 pounds. Receipts were 47C.0 pounds from Oregon and 62 from California. Cheese receipts were 13.646 pounds from Oregon. 7272 from Washington, 140 from California and 24.731 from Wisconsin, total of 45,7b9 pounds. For the week to date cheese receipts have been 6l.r,91 pounds, against 50,405 pounds in the same period last week. ONION CROP CONDITION 0.5 PER CENT Production of 21,569 C'urloads Is Estimated by Government. Estimates of the 1019 onion crop. In carloads, and the acreage planted this year in the 15 principal producing state-, as figured by the Bureau of crop estimates. follow: Acreage. Prod't'n. barley. fC8: scratch feed. $78. CORN Whole. $70: cracked. $72. HAY Buying prices, f. o. b. Portland: Alfalfa, $2S30: cheat. $17 010; clover. $21&22; oats and vetch. $21022: valley timothy, -'ti-'S. Dairy and Country Produce. RTTTTFn Cithp. O-Nonre. 60c: 91 -score. KOi... sn.pnr. ."ifto- nrints. oarchment wrappers, box lots. 6rc: cartons. Otic; half fo . ia mnr.: I Minn nail doxvb. ' mote: butterfat. No. I, 65 8 6t!c per pound. CHEESE Ti amook. X. O. D. Jlliamooa. triplets, 30c; Young Americas. 31c; long- horns. 31c: Coos and Curry, f. o. b. Myrtie Point Triplets, 2uc; Young Americas. EGGS Oregon ranch, candied. o-oc. POULTRY Hens. 24330c: broilers, ---.tw He: ducks. 25 a 35c: geese and turkeys. nominal. VEAL Fancy. 26c per pound. POKK Fancy, 2lc per pound. Km its and Vegetables. T" r?T7TTQ Drnncq 1.1 75 Iff 6 75 : lemOHS. box- iSt.i.nnAK. HWHWc per pound acnlrs. $1.202.50 per box; cantaloupes. 2.75 per box: Dtarx ..o-Jiflj; cu.ua. VEGETABLES Cahhsre. 34S.50 per inii nnnntlR. lettuce. S2. 25'tf 2. 5 per crate beets. $2. 50ft 2.75 per sack: cucumbers. Sue $i JI a box; tomatoes. 75e'fl$l p--r box; KOTllo? frr-een corn. ,su it -t"c n"T.?u. exiTDlant. 7V&tfc pound: turnips. $2.o0J z.3 per sac; carrots, m-.-u -. sat k. potatoes TSetv. 275'fi,3 ner sack. ONIONS Oregon. 3V4l3VsC per pound. Provisions. Local lobbing quotations: hams All li.. choice. an.C40e; standard. 3b-(j3iic; iklnnei, a3030c; picnic, !2."i : rnllazp roll. 30c. LAUD--Tierce. basis. 32c; compound. 7 Vic per pound. DRY' SALT Short, clear backs. 2833c; pistes. 2H(f29c; exports. 2Ufli 3Jc. BACON Fancy. 4Utti2c; staudard. 42 4c; choice, JSC. Staple Groceries. Local tobbinc Quotations: SUGAR Sa-k basis. Fruit or berry. $?.65: bect. $0.55: go'den C. fi.lo; pow dffn-il. in barrels, $10.25; cubes, in barrels. $lo.io. NUTS Walnuts, 2636c; Prn7.ll nuts. 35c: filberts. 30c; almonds. 14 30c: pra nuts. t6ja'2'tc SALT- Half ground, loos. $17 per ton; 50s. $18.75 per ton; dairy, $20.50 o2S per ton. RICE Blue Rose. 14V4C per pound BEANS Pink. "c: lima. lovo per pound; bayous. e; Mexican red. c. COFFEE Roasted, in drums, 303 50c Hops. Hides. Wool. Etc. HOPS3 1U10 Crop, Oregons 65c pound. HlLiES Green, 2Sc; salted. 32c; skins. !5c; kips. 55c; dry bides. 42 can Fkins. Ml-. WOOL, Territory staple. iSjfJM. ac cording to shrlnkare: clothing or French combing. 45i 54c; half-blood combing and clolhing, 45g-(lo; three-eighths clothing and ccmblng. 45365c: quarter-blood cloth ing and combing. 40oz.c; common and b;ald. 36 50c- jhohaik iia clip. 4.c per pound. TA1.1.UW No. 1. lllc per pound. CASCAKA BARK New. 11c p;r pound Motors, although the entire motor list and its subsidiaries gained 2 to 5 points. Sugars led the food division, some at gains of 2 to 5 points. Sales amounted to 025. oou shares. There was less activity In liberty Donas. but fcome of that group were strong with other domestic Issues, internationals hold ing steadv. Sales, par value. aKgregateu Jlo.75u.iKHI. Old failed States bonds were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. l.ll"U 1.0IM) 1.IHMI ti.imo 7"0 2O0 tml 3. Sou L2U0 per calf dry 3 2 1 .... 1 1 4 1U.1 560 219 479 2l 3h2 204 U2 1 1 2 2 1 1 40 64 250 10 .... 63 4US 5 6 4 7 94 16K 171 4:to 21 449 184 S26 Oils. LINSEED OIL Raw, barrels. $2.26. raw, cases, $2.30: boiled, barrels, $2.2;, cas boiled, cases. $2.. ,8. TLRl'EN 11NE Tanks. $1.91: cases. f Z.U1. COAL, OIL, Iron barrels. 13VSflSc: tana wagon, ljwc: cai'-s. J l ir .t ic. GASOLINE iron barrels, 23-c; tank wart 11. 23Vc; cases. 4c: engine distillate. iron barrels. loc; unK wagon, luc; cases. 26 V C SAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Prices Current on Egg", Vegetables, Fresh Fruits. Etc.. at Bay Cllj. SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 26. Butter- SMes. Am Peet Suit. .1.nhj Amer.'.-au Can 4. Oou Am Or & Fury Am H & L Pld I.immi American Loco 7.0"0 Am Sin A: Rig 4...00 Am Sug Refg. S.ooO Am Sum 'lob. i.iwhi Am Tel & Tel. 13.3' Am v. L Sin 4.4'tu Anaconda. Cop 2, MOO Atchison -ou A G Ac W I S S Lialdwin Loco. 54.40O Bait A.- Ohio .. l.tiiio Itelh Steel B.. 3.:i'M H a- s Copper. Calif I'etrol . . Canadian Pac. Cent Leather. Ches At Ohio.. Chi M & St P. Chi A: N W .. C 11 I A- l"ac. . Chlno Copper. 1 Fu Ai iron Corn Produi:!, 20.0110 Crucible Steel. 27.1'Ml Cuba Cane Sug 27. '."to l" S Fd Prods, o.-ou Erie 7"0 Gon Eleciric i'" Gen Motors .. 42. .'' Ut No pl"d 4" C.t No Ore. etfs 14.700 lliinnls cut., lnspir Comer. lilt .M .M PTU.. Inter Nickel.. Inter Pa-er .. Kennecott Cop Louis Ac Nash. Mexican IVirol Miami Copper. Mulvale Steel. Missouri Par.. Montana lw. Nea,la Cop. . N Y 'ent ral . . N Y X II Ac H. Xorf & Wm.. Northern Pac. I'aclilc Mail.. Ian-Am 1'et.. Pennsylvania . . PlltM Ac W a. Ittsbing Cial Hay C"ii Cop.. Iteatlm Kep Ir A- Steel ltl OH A: ItTg. oulhern l'ac. -lout hern Ry.. "' studelmker Co 4i'" Texas C .""'i Tobac Pr.xls.. 4.1"" Inl'.n ParlMc. " I'nlt Ret ft.. 32.5m I' S lnl Alco. I' S Sleel lo prcl T'tah Clipper.. Westlnt: Hlec. Wlllvs-Ov i.l .. Natl. .nil Lead, i'hl'i Cits Gas. itoyai Dutch.. ISld. Hish. 125U llirj 73 i 13 7 -s P" ' 90-H 24 b: i:'ti;i 3 ys 27 '- 51 i 150 I'll 43':, HO Low. PI , 5V 124' " lod 72'4 130 -Jt '.'0 !T4 23 47'i " 132' 'i ;iv 20 51 '.K 50;. 4t T 27 V 42 2. ooo 2 ooil l.':i"0 s..7'" 2,5oO Yr.'.W) 1. y.otMl 4"il 1 IMI 2' 0 i;h l.r.'Mi 1 0O t;oo lot S.ooo l.O'HI " 1. I'll) 1 ."I'll 2 7O0 65.5"' ll.OO'l 64.""" 5oi 1.7'XI l.i-.otl 7.7"t 2"0 5.2ll' 25.8O0 80 V 203 v 4" h7W, 15 104 ' 2"' 4 !-"'S 40 ; "tilt' " 118 25 o- 35 '. iiovi 20 50 611 17 73'i -:i-- its i2 S.l'. 37 list. 4 ! till -H 1"1 Io7!; I 22 Vs 111 13P-S, 1"! S I I 'I 7H :;:t 82 53 101 Last S.. le. !U I. 02 ; 132'. 12.'.' lo7 137 00 24 6 s lm b 155 135 .. OS 20 51 'i 1511 loo t 50 : 42, b!l 27 42 44 87 . 2113 30 We offer subject to allotment American Telephone and Telegraph Company 6 Notes PRICE 99 U AND INTEREST Due October I, 1922. Redeemable any interest date at 1DZ and interest. Subscription books open September 29, 1919 E. H. Rollins & Sons 411 U. S. Natl. Bank Bldg. Portland, Oregon ' Phone Broadway 1274 San Francisco, CaJ. Los Angeles, Cal. '.-X S-7 l: lot 230 31 Ti iii"" 20 51 2 or.H 17 31 ! 1 1 '! ' 42', 7s '.11 511 Ioiia, 114 2il'.l l'U 122 los 134 l"l. 113H 54'i 31 S2 52V lo 15 104 254 1ATS 5 34 M.i 210 2i 5'', 2S t;i: 17 73 'i 3 I " S5 37 ll'i'l 42 33 B3 23 ' 7-. --2 Ii 1 .'..I 1IHI i TV' To!; 122 loi 1311 l'U 113 3 2 (2 Wilson, Heilbronner Co. Announce their acquisition of the E. F". IIITTOX & CO. 1MIIKS AM) 5F.RI1CK Mid the offices at 201-202-203 Railway I'-xchanne Boildlns They lifive direct wlrr connections wltli fTfry rxrhfln jre In the eon n try. and will bay or aril any Kailresd. Industrial, steel, topper, GraJm or Cotton stocks or llonda traded in. YOm BCSIXKSS IS COl'RTEOVSLY SOLICITED. Wilson, Heilbronner Co. TIIK HKII,BHOF.R C. Butte, Mont. roilTHMl. OHEGfl. I'boneas Mala b3-Si4 Correspondents: I'. -'. HrTTOX CO., ew York. ( I.K11KT, CUTIS ( II. Chieairo. 1I A1UO, SI'U.Ml fc C. lioslon. Anglo-French Bonds To Net 7.50 Government and Municipal Bonds Bought and Sold fJ-Hevereaux 5c(5mpany S7 Sixth Street Broadway 1042 Qround Floor Wells-Fargo Building: BON'PS. U S Lib 3'i-..!"' A TAT cv s.ini do 1st 4m.... AU-nrn pen ri. ".1 4s tl.4M 1 V- K Li ret Tim f'H du 1ft 4i.. H3..HI X V l-l (In 4s... t4.4'!.Nor I'ac 4s... do rt 4s... iZ.Vl' do 3a..;..... do 4lll 4 Vs.. 14 44 Pac T & T fH. Victory lM.!n IVnn con. 4VyS. do 4h y. wt i m.u . U S ref rB-lH ty 0. . do coupon ..."" I I S c 3- rK. .Ml I 7- r.7 P 4 Anslo-Fr 5s. .UmP-I Bid. 73!ic; extra pul- youn; solid cubes, b5c. Kreah extras, lets. iiJc. Cheese Nw firsts unquoted; Americas, 3 t c. I'oultry lien. 2S?3:ic. accordinir size: roosters. 2U33c. according to Ke. oioilrTH, mV2 it .i.tc, uccording to size; iryers, iS' '.l'.ic, according to size. ejfetauics lettuce. uci 1 crate; crk plant, 5u w 4 .c lug box: beil poppers, uu( 75c box; chile, 50 .c; sumnit-r squati 5of( 7."c laro lugs; cream. 7oc 'u $1 bux . tenia to', ijc a 1 tar;e Iuk box ; pot a trf, garnet. $2.25 fl2..'ii; new crop, sweet .ifa 5 "ric pound ; onions, ye. tow, cen tal; red, $2.7.; curutnbiTs, oUU75c; box ureen corn. 2a'2.'2Z sack: okra. 60& btx; garlic, 2u'y J-c pound; bcuns, siring 4 u 5c pound ; wax. 4 fj rc ; iimua, "J i peas. 8 U yc per pound ; celery. $3 crate. Fruit O ran pes. $45.50 box; lemons, f fi 6; grape fruit. $51 t; bananui, kj m pcund ; pi nen pules, $2..n a: 4.."0; Bartlt pears, $ rt .1. .".0 box; apples. tier, iJrav enstein. 2.2." J.r0 ; Hellefleur, $l."J."t'(r 1 quinces. S1&1.15 lug box; p-ache. 7ctl$I small box: melons, casabas. oil n s..c; hoiu. dew, 7."c?$l; watermelons. Mi 1 SrC pounu cantaloupes, stands. 91.75 6 L'.25; do. pony Mix 1.50; figs, black single layer box. $1; white. 00c'd$l; rnpberris. 14i1i. chest; strawberries. $X:tl4, blackberries f lO-ii 12; huckleberries. Lew If pound plums, flOc'a all varieties; grap malagas. $l.'JZtt 1.50 crate; feedlens. 1.50 small lug box; mkay, 1.50 irat Receipts Klour, 3l!t',o tiuart-r; barley. N.411 centals: banj. OOO a k; iotatoei 143 sacks; nnlonn, 1350 afkf: hay. 441 tons; hides, 47; wine, 40.3nti pultons. 104 'MS 5'.l Ho niutmn.. .! Anglo-r r 03...1H V S 4s r g . . . do coupon . . Mining Stock at Ilonton. BOSTON, Sept. .'loslni; quotations: Allouez 41 'North Hutte . 14 utia Dominion 7- . ola 42 yuint-y 15'u Superior 5o lt Sn P A- Horiton ltt I tab foil . 4 Winona S3 Li ilranby Con S'., Greene Cananea 41 c,:t 15 i. 41 5S K 3 '.I IS'i 7 Ariz Conil . cal & Arias. ChI Nc Hccla tN-ntennial . p Haim . K;ifC liiitte . i'rar.klin ... Isle Hoyalle Lake 'opper Mohawk . . . Money. Kxchunge. Etr. NEW YviKK. isopt. 6. Time loans. tead v, unchanged. tall money. ttrtng. High. S per cent; low, per cent: rulins rat-. ! r cent, riosluc iid. "'a per cent; ottered at H per cent; iat loan, pr cent. I.ON'IX N, Sept. tf. liar silver. and discount unchanged. money Navttl StorcH. SAVANNAH, Uji.. Sept. IN. Turpentine lull, tl.'.'J'i ; sales no; receipt:! 177; ship i ents Ji7: i-l3 H IO.o'.mi. Kosin firm: sales 371: receipts 413: ship- nenlH 1V1J stock 41.4Ki. Wuote: H ;15 50; D rl $li:ii: K $li4.; ii 11 Jl!o; t, ls.4o: K. $l!i.i5; M. J-O; N, 'J1 ; U Jl.5t; W W -'- PA1I.Y MKTKOKOI.O(.ICAK iKl(KT. POKTI.ANl. ,r.. Sept. VH. Maximum orn ern 1 ure. H'J rti-gn'fs; iiiinimum teinper f.ure. 5o U. cr.-ta. River r a.lniK. b A. M., ; 3 feet: change in lai i'4 hours, .ol-tt all. Total rninlall (5 V. M. to 5 I M. , . t : tital I a lilt -ill s.nee Seplell. i-er 1. ROBERTSON & EWING LIBEUTY BONDS ev orl& lutiitinf, ln(rr,Nt Itieluft!. a' yiiii.i:t Fimt 4n IMI. l:t Sriund 4h Vr,.l I-rl 4', !Mt.r,tl - nd 4't INIJRI I hlr.l 4', JMi.tiS Knnrth !Hi.::r, irlorT 43,a lol.HI c ilu.v nnd Srll An) Amount. FEDERAL TAX EXEMIT BONDS Local Securities 207-S Northwestern Bank Building. PORTLAND, OR. LIVESTOCK - RUN SMALL THADIX; AT LOCAL VAUDS vOT IIKAVV. IS MILLS ARK SOLD TO Sept. Oct. Sept. Oct. Jan. 34.73 25.30 24. HO 35.SS LARD. 30.O0 2."..no J4.T 22 .00 4n.no 35.35 2.".. 87 2.V70 20.7.1 IS SO 1S.37 No. Xo. 4.400 N.IIIHt nn.-.o 4.0.-.0 .." TO .:u.7o .!: 4.4MI 2.1tl 4.KI5 :i.4;'. Phone your want ads to The Orego ui&a. Zlmin 7070. A. 6UUi. 22. 70 RIBS Sept. .. 1S.40 1S.KO 1S.S." Oct. ... is. 33 1X.37 17.1)3 Cash prices were as follows: Corn No. 2 mixed. S1.40M&1.47 yellow tl.44 'yt tf 1.47. oaii 2 wnite '-i 4i 7 1 "-.c: white M 70'tc. Kye ?o. 2. Cl.42'4. Barley. (1.23i 1.34. Timothy. Js.riO'g. 11.23. Clover, nominal. iork. nominal. Lard. 237. Kibs. tlS.30t l!..-.ft. Grain at San ranctMCo. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 26. Flour. 8-8. fll.UO. drain v neat, sj.u; oau, red feed. J2.K5'n2.06; corn, nominal; barley, feed. J2.ini fff 3. , Hay Wheat or wheat and oatf. 18: tame oats. $1518: barley. S12H: aiXlfa. $17)i22: barley traw, 5o80c bale. Minneapolis Oraln Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Sept. 26. Barley, 95c ;i.28. Seattle ed and Hay. F BATTLE. Sept. 26. City derfvery: Wed Mill. 43 per ton: scratch feed, so: fd. wheat. $82: all-prrain chop, $74: oatK, $62: sprouting oats, $71; rolled oats, $64: whole corn. $76: cracked corn. $78; rolled barley, $71; clipped barley. $76. Hay Eautern Washington timothy, mixed, $36'(!37; double compressed, $4ll; alfalfa, $31g.32; straw, $15rl6; Puget sound, $31. Iried Fruit at New York. NBW YORK. Kept. 26. Hvauorated ap plet, nominal. prunes, low. i'caches. quiet. . Massachusetts ..... New York. ............. Ohio Indiana California Leadinir 14 onion states. . The condition of the 19iy crop and the ten-year average condition are here ptven: 10-yr. mill. Ave. Massachusetts o.o New York HO.O Ohio Si. II Indiana 73 . 0 California !o.o Leading 14 states .60. 3 Kantern Wool Market Stabilized by Ad vanees at London. BOSTON, Sept. 26. The Commercia'. S3 . 0 t-.0 7S.0 81 .0 !2 . 0 til. 6 Service Will Be Cortmiled. On September 30. the telegraphic market news service, which the bureau of mar kets of the. United States department of agriculture has been conducting for the benefit of Pacific coast growers and ship, pers of fruits and vegetables, will be great, ly curtailed. This action it necessary be cause of reduced appropriations this year. The special leased ' wire connecting the Portland office with eastern markets can no longer be maintained with the funds available. After September 30 the serv ice conducted from the local office prob ably will be limited to a market report on one crop at a time, instead of on five or six simultaneously as during the past ye ax. T.inseed Oil Declines Again. Aasther decline of 10 cents in linseed eft was announced. The new quotations: Boiled, barrels. $2.28; drums, (2.31; cases, $2.38; raw, barrels, $2.26: cases, $2.36. More Kansas Kggs Received. Another car of Kansas eggs was reported in. There was no change in Jobbing prices. Street stocks were 1068 cases and storage holdings 31,034 cases, a decrease of 4!5 KeceivU wars) isi cae Irooi Oregon, 400 Bulletin tomorrow will say: "The American wool markets have shown little change during the week, hinrt ralh-r dull. i'rlces, which have tten more or leas erratic, seem to have been somewhat stabilized as a result of the strength in London. whVre fine and medium wools both are 13 per cent above the bales cloc ing rates. 'Manufacturer report little or no change In the goods markets, everyone being sold to capacity for months to come." Scoured basis Texas -Pine 12 months. $1.6iro 1.70; fine eiht months. 1.:in t I.411. California Northern. l.tiO 'n 1 .63 ; mid dle county. $1.401.30: southern $1.3U'ti 1.33. Oregon Eastern No. 1 staple, tl.so-.i 1 S3; eastern clothing. $l.!Mi 1.33; valley No. 1. 1.63l 1.7o. Territory Fine staple. fl.SAttl.iMi; naif blood combing. l.ui l.wi; threc-eishths hlood combine. $1.3 'i 1 .33 ; fine clothing. J1.30'i 1.60; fine medium clothing, $1.4o f l.r.o. Pulled Extra. $1.73 1.80; A A, $1.6.W 1.70; A supers. $ 1.3. 'f 1 -to. Mohair. best comldng, wiviwc; oesi carding. 3541 6oc. IllYIXa Cl'KTAILKD BY MltlKil Trade Reports l'ront Other Sections Are Cheerful. NEW YORK. Sept. 20. Bradsireefs to morrow will say: Labor troubles have bulked large in the trade and Industrial situation this week, the great steel strike, whlrh bus rendered possibly 2ou.ooo men Idle, not all of these strikers, by the way. leading In Importance. While buying and produc tion have alike been curtailed in this key industry. It is noteworthy thut. ex cept In sections immediately afrected by mill and furnace suspension, the tone of reports ir, cheerful. Jobbing and retail distribution have aliko been large. Even In the vicinity of Chicago, where it Im stated so.ooo to 10. ooo men went out. retail trade is reported good, mail-order buying larse and September jobbing and wholesale trade will reach a very liign September 1. 1.4S Inches: excess of rain fall since September 1, 101:, 1.20 inches. j Sunrise. 7:.; A. M.; sunset, i :ol 1. M. ; l total sunsmne. n.mis; possum sunsiiuie. CAPAC'ITl. J i2 hours. Moonrlse. !:.".4 A. M. ; moon I set. M34 P. M. liarnmetcr tredurea sea level. 3 1. M.. 2'.i.. inches. Kcialive humidity: '' A- M.. ft per cent; 1 P. 31.. 73 per cunt; 6 P. M.. 60 per cent. THE WEATHER. Prices Hold Stoutly in All Lines, lliitt-rs Iay Full Values for I.amlis. Trading at the st eky.ir.ls w sterd.iy wrts light with on'.y lwiif a do.en o.ads in. There was no clunue in pri cs and t.ie t..ne ot tli- maikeL w.is a. -out steady '''tV.cel'pts'wore 31 c.ittle. 14 calves. 120 hoes and 172 sheep. The d.iv's Saies W. TO lol.OWS. Wl. Price. $111. !l .1" 7. l"i : -. va rtid 5 !? 7- 3 g 3-5 I I II I i m 5" C STATIC NS. n : 3 : ? Weather. f I i! : ; S3;": : ' linker . tioi.se . "ill,; jry . , ..i UU ao 1 - . t-n .-r i "- ,.nn ka i . 1 alv oston . ..( -i 7 .iri . . ;sv ! "iprtr So (t.oo . .iN H'lear .' . . N (Cloudy 4 bank clearingrs wore $s,ii-j,. total. Metal 31j.rk-C. NKW YORK, beit. lit. A.11 luclald un- n u ii tHu ... .1 ' Knnisai lty. . I .os A n ijfltn . ) vlurst h : leld. . . i . . . .It'll ronl . . -.1 . . - Illllif;loIirt..l w rk . . . Voi-th lliati. .. Vakiitm. . I'h. nix i t'0 Ht.'llo . ..I I'oi tlaml -....j Itosfturi; . .. St. l.unir . ..! salt Ukf ..I San Dl'-teo S. Franclitco. Sea tile Sitka . Spokan TarniiiA tVHlilex Vi ii. on . .'SK l't. cloudy Tn k.iniiu sW t lr .".i; ti.iMi . . N ,t "imnly ,S4 H . Hit 1 0.SK ' "lea r 4 it . imi JO N V iimly f.u o . mi . . N ;( "le.ir 7 i . . . S H "l-ar vio.uii i; sV 'Uudy .. ;; o.i .xw.noar . . I mi ii.ihi . . 'NV IM. cioudy 4x vhi.imiii S ,i'ar I,-, si ii.imi . . , N V(t 'Jtm r .-.;. Hl U.OO I'J NE :le:ir ."4 ."ii.t" ..!S ii'lituiiy 4x 7I (.'" . . N V I'lfar ;- sol.-o .. SK il't. cloudy Ml it.tMt . . S 74 I.Ui IO N sj ii. imi . s 7 4 O.imi 1 SK S' II.IK . . 'S 7; ii .on o s II. IMI it; W .".4 tl.Hii . . V ftl II . (Mil . . I . . 1! BU-t-rs. 1 cw . . 1 io . . 7-0 'J t o ws . iM'" 1 COW . . 1MI 1 c.w . . MI 1 row. . 4.:.i 1 COW . . 4 oil. 1 row . . ."" :t c. 1 ; t-.t ; v- i i v.i'f . . 1 cair. . 4 1 r ,f . . -'-" 4 t ahr 1 i.u:: . . . '.'mi l .ui: ... l ! 1 lui'I . . . 1 !-' 1 ImiII ... 1 :'. 4 .-!, U II" I i:. :." : I.V.V.; 1.. IMI hos. 7 h.es. 4i linilS. - hiK5. ft lutes. '.I liOK J Iios. 1 hoc . . 1 hoK. . 1 lU'K. . 1 M' 1 C' wt. Price. 17.7-1 1! '2 ' 47 L'l 4 1 7.- in; J7l 1"K :; 1 1 in 1 h..- . . :'.!' '2' t:i ill t8 1 1 IM 17. 17 17. 1 mi 1 n li; imi n; ir. "' 1 .. 1.-. :.m S 2, " Ii. l.'t rotifrh l.i:.rtn1.V;0; pic 15i'17. I'.ittl Receipts .1" no. Rtnerary utearty. ItW t et-rs. n u ilium and htavy veiRh't. chui. o nn.! pnino l." .il7: niediuni ami Kood fU.J.''iil."; common lu.i.; !iht weisht. Rood and choice $'.7." 1 4.T.0 : com mon and iiii'diuin 6.7."'uU;. buichcr cat tte. heifers $0.r.n n It 5o; cows $ 5 (j ri i ann-in and cuitera $ 1 1.."0 a 1 4; veal c::ve. 11!ht and handy weight, f 7X''i 1.1: ft.-.i-r stf-rs 7-i1m, m-Kkt-r steers $7 i S h ee p I ; et--1 t s 1 M.. 1.". fir J.'.r lower, l.nmbs. pounds down. 1 J..0fi 1 4.7T ; cui.s ,iml common $7. U -5; yt-ariinff w et hers u ! 70; ew es, medium a nd choice. ?.i.7.". ti. 7." ; culls and common $ i 5.75. Seattle IJvewtoek Market. SEATTLK. S. pL L'li Hni;a Receipts Steady and dull. I'rlme. 17..V IS. 50; iiu-'lium to choice. $ltr 17; roui;b. heavy, fl."t'li; pips, il5-ni50. Cattle Kerelpts 1 T.0. Steady. Rest tccrs. $10 5im. 1 1.5; medium to choice, $Wrt..Mi: common to Rood, $t7: hesr cow s and ht-iitT.-j, $7 y ; bulls. 4)5 7.50 ; calves, 7.-5 ij 1 5.5i. Kannit i'ity Ilveitock Market. KANSAS CITY, Sent. 21. Sheep Re ccipta MUM). 25 to .Vic hicher. oiinia tioiis at th: ards w .-re a.i foiiow.- 4. 5'i "leaf ! 'louiiy ! iear l' I ear ''lear t'l. cloudy 1 iouily H'loudy loudy fii fvs i . imm . .NE ilt. cloudy 4i 5t u. imi . . t loudy 5" O.imi 14 K i lear ;;4i v; o .on ...Nr. tt "lear Walla Walla. I ..: 74 h.Imh . . SW (Clear Wiiahlntetun..! 5i. i o .imi, . . .V .near Winn I pi - K . ..' 41' r.; o.imi jo W !ft. cloudy A. M. today. Ing- day. I. M. report ol pteceil- FORKCASTS. Portland and vicinity Generally cloudy and cooler; pentle westerly wlmln. Oreson Generally cloudy and cooler; I., u orlV WlUllp. Vauhlnjrton seneraMy cloudy, cooler In ,nuth portion: Rentl- westerly winds; heavy Hoal in uviLUetuiL purilua in lu iuurmnc Pf! :e-rs i ;od to choice st ers Kair to grtoil steers - Cc.mmon t fair steers Choice cows and heifers i;r.od to choice cows aad heifer Medium' to liftod cow?. hif"i s Fair to medium cows, heifers C liners I : u ' : s i 'a ' von " ........ Sto kr and feeders Mot; I'ridie niixcd Meiimm mtved i:om'li h.ivtcs 1'ip Prime iambs Fair to medium lamns Ye.tritti: i-t hers K es $lrt oo .i 11 no ii .-.! lo oo . . . . 7.."' i 'j ro . . . . i oo 'T 7 on . . . . " i s.:,n eifers 7.H''i 7 75 l lio ''i i.l'O r..itn r fi.l'O a i 4..V 5 l0 7 mi S imi ,t lO.nn li.lM) .1 9 17 r.ii'tr 1 no 17 oo -i 17 -Mi 15 7." i lt on 15.75 ;t Hi. 10 1 1 5ft f 1 1. on 1 ! . i 1 I 5H s oo '$ n oo ".Ml-- M.ltll i.i'U 7.50 hieaco Uvoloi k Market. ch ICAdO. Sept -- rx.-c-ip i strons neav 1 2. ooo. $lli ."'' 17. 40; niedlum mi 17 so- 'iiit JI'Im'i !....; iiKhl lichis $15 75117.2..: heavy paekind sows, smo-th. l5.5o I'"-.25: packiniE s.s. ruufiti 1151 15.5m: piss $1 i '..-.. Cat tie Kt-eipm ::ooo. firm, pee? sters. um a nd cooi f i i medium c i tt ,i m : r ' 1,1 -nr.. 11 . 1 : r- h I iIL'!l! common . . " Ild chOI'-O. I I '. ioo.-.. r c.i i i Oil la.So; Rood M4.5i"i 17 and medium 1 U.A' k.ifom Srt.MIW 14.75: cow $t :.nn. rs and cutters 5.5o rt -.O; ver,! c..v.-s sn "' '1 5o: feeder nevri . 12. itock'er Meet s 7.". 1 0; wn. ra; n Re ateers Ki 15; cows and hdfers ..... o -i 1.. heep Ke.eiptV 14.IMMI. s'eadv. 1 .:i 111 bs $12 5i i ii 15 .25; cuiis and common 12 2 '; ewrf, medium, nood and choice ti 2-. . , 2..; rul and common K;ji-. breeding ! 13.25. Omaha UvetMk Market. OMAHA. Sent. 2f.. M. s liureau Murkeis. lower. 1 -lloKS Receipts 17. bulk si." 4sAit. ii 11: of ii 2K" heavy COAST AM KASTtKX DAIRY PROtCCk; Butter Market at San FmnriM-o and Lesvd inu Ka stern t itie. BOSTON Market about stca.ty and somewhii t unsettled. Fine butter rrves In fair shape, but underprades are Inclined to be a little weak ana draRRini;. rhic.iRo Market ma do another sens a -tfonat advance of 2c today, due to demand for fine butter and extreme scarcity of thee k rad cm. Lower prades chowinR mm, decline under pressure to sell. Market not lie;i'tiiy and some more conservative un-d.-itoiie apparent. Centralized top R-rad f.diow .d advance with sales of standard an h i Kh as 57 Vc Kecelpia very litcht. a.7i pounda. Nw York Market remains firm with trad m q rood. Fine butter scarce and brine asking prices. Demand for. cars Mid underrad. s Improvins;. S7-SS -score cm-M FeliitiR about 53 . c. Mi-Hrore a bout 4 anil io-score 5.-55 i-j c. ISeveral car.- soj.l today. Storage but ter in tetter demam! with I'.'t-s ore brine in nbnu t 5vc. sn h ranctsco Market very firm and price advanced 1c on all score-. Trad in is win more active and all erades are clean ing up well. .2-ncore. 1 c. 1 - Coffee Futures Quiet. NEW TURK. Sept. 26. The market for coHec futures wan iuiet today. There was .in coerin or scattered buying eiarly on t he siirntiy rirmer tone or the Rio market and a f ter opentns: unchanged, pricei t :f -fened up with I -ecember ieilinc at 15. 1 .V; and March l.Vllic or two to 5 points hush- it. The irrepularity in Santos futurvs kuk- rested continued nervousness in thut quar ter, how ever, ami prices iiere sa .Tired, off Inter under nmnll offerinirs. Herember -old! back to 14. inn- with the sencral Ht cloinc at a net decline of 13 to 25 points, S'pt. 1.V4IK-; fn.t. 15 25c; lo. 14.!c: Jan. 14.t0c; March It ssc; May 14 S2c; July 14.9c Stet off"e quiet hut steady; Kio 7a 1 5 . W i -S SanttM4 4a 25 t ti 23 c Katern Iairr I'roductaw CHICAGO. Sept. x Butter hicher. Creamery. 4S61c Kjips Ueceipts. fio27 casew; nnchantceiS. 1'tiulT ry A live hiRher; springs, 24 ; fow Is. 21 1 27c. NBW YORK. Sept. CV Eccs firm; freah intherd extras. r.orle; fresh rathtrel et r;i firsts, 57 ii 5c ; lresh-ffat he red 1 irstx. N3r 5te. 'heeC !teady. nrFiancort. ...., tiR-r. it:- medium weiebt lrt lo-M I Ttutter firm: creamery htpner thsn e- 17 light weisht lrtHt'jl7; he.,sy packinc I traw. extra. 2c ; first 5.t cr 6lc ; sums, aiuww'U $10.5U4ilu, i-wk.iui auw, I pvkiun bluca uurruut make iNo. 2, 42 o. i