THE . MORXIXG OREGOXLVy, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2?, 1019. H)K SAI.K AITOMOBILKS. 1117 BUK'K light 6. perfect condition, two extra cord tires. $1175. 63 K. 11th N. Call after 4 P. M. OK lSALK Ford light delivery $435; $250 down, balance terms; car is stored at East Ankeny Rarase. C'HKVKuI-ET Good as new; tool box. spot 1 i h t., ex.ra t ire ; luuist sell this week. 1 iroad way 2o00. H I" I'MOBl US A bargain, fine condition, aM-ttvather top; terms. See Mr. Piggott :tl Pif rc;-A rrow, Oih and Burnside. aiOUEL 00 Country Club OiOrlMfl, will sel 1 at a ; only run 5200 miles. Call Tabor 7347. IMS uLlSMOB!IB 8, $820 down, euaran tp and free service nuf ced. Portland C:ir Sult-s Co., 5th and Taylor. ARB you in the market for & 1117 Dodge touring car ? 404 Davis, near 10th. 1M7 KOKD, $475; bumper, spot light, bat teries, cord tires ; snap; lea v ing city. I--. Emerson st. Wnmiiawn 3233. bAKOAl N IN 101 Oil A LM K RS SIX : Rl'NS AXU LOOKS L1KK NEW. CALL TA i'.OK firm. DODOE. Kike new: $750 il taken this week. Ad dress R.T 17. regonian. tSHI) rebuilt tires. The Finch Vulcan izing Co., 3SJJ Vj Stark, between 9th and loth. 0-PA Sri. Ford. Whan you can buy an A. B. c self-starter and generator for $35. Main 7'25. 53 North 23d. BA'RIFK'K Rl dition. 4 new i 'all 1'.23 Linn ii Kord roadster, Al tires. Phone Sell. WHO will be first to gel this good buy in an Oakland roadster ? 4t4 Davis, near 10th. liUtt . TL'bEBAKEK Good tires. new pa int ; ;t bargain. 53 North 23d. Main 725. 1 : 1 8 C'HALMKRS, RUNS AND LOOKS I,Kb3 NEW, Al CONDITION. CALL TA Hi)R 03O. WHERE tan 0 for $4 S3' 9 4i4 you find a liJ13 Stude baker Davis, near 10th. D'DGE roadster, 10lJ. new; all good tires ; 53 North 23d. looks $luu. as good i Main 702 CA N you use is right V 404 a 1013 Cadillac if the price Davis, near 10th. MAaWKLL ' 1 . New paint, good tires; SNAP, pa-cific Auto Co., 523 Alder st. CHKVKoLET touring car. run 40it miles, $7Mi, ?2no down. States Auto Sales '. FOIt D touring. Al condition. SMITH A UTO CO., Park and Couch. CHEVROLET $335 cash, extra wheel and tire; many other extras. East SHoo. I ODG E tourlni $5o. SMITH AUTO CO., Park and Couch. J"o.RD; demountable rims; $-75, if sold today. 320 4th st. BABY prand Chevrolet. 1P1S. SMITH AUTO Co.. Park and Couch. OR SAKE FORD delivery. East 71-0. 2 Union ave. $350. Phone WHITE chassis, new tires. $3o0. Main 7025. r.:; North 2i;d. Automobiles Wanted. LONG & SILVA. auto -wreckers. We wreck cars and save yon 50 per cent on parts. Send in the parts you need and we will dupli cate them. Autos bought regardless of condition. Phono East 6b40. 402 Haw thorne ae. WANT automobile In trade for lot, S. W. corner at 41th and Division sts., or lot 2. block 45, In Laurel hurst, value $ 1 100. Write J. R. Stafiord, 201 13th st., city. I WOULD like to trade 6 rooms of furni ture tor one Kord truck or machine: my furniture is no junk and I want no junk; rent $20. lot N. 14th st. 1 CAN use your Forod if you can use my new Briscoe. Phone Cruikshank. Sel. 3'24 or Bdwy. 2402. WHAT kind of a car have you to in on a 7-passenger Marmon ? 4M4 Davis, near 10th. GAR DEN" HUM E choice acre, $1 250 ; will consider first-class roadster or chummy four. B hl2. urtgonian. WANTED S and 12-cylinder chassis, also Knight chassis; spot cash ii price is rig h t. East 744a. fcjKLL. or trade for small house or lots. Mitchell a -pass.. 4-cyl. ; good-looking car. ,M'0 Alberta St. W A N T E D M an from country, 3 I 2 ak st. and truck to haul wood $5 per cord. See King, YOU want to sell your Ford bring it to WE CAN SELL ANY KIND OF A FORD. 4(4 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH. Motorcycles. MOTORCYCLE $50 if taken at once. C. G . BLKASDALE. 53 O Alder. Open Sunday and Evenings. MOTORCYCLE. Al "condition, fully equipped, tanaem. lo cash or terms. East 2 1 3.1. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 204-200 3D ST. MAIN 6131 W ANTED Second-hand Cleveland motor cycle; state cash price. A 715, oregonian. T7 H A R LK Y"DA VI DSOX motorcycle $250. ;4i iitn st. .Nortn. Auto Tires and Accessories. H SCH liigh-tenslon magneto, type Z. R, t. l.i Ke new. 4a. 542 ALDER. BDWY. 1723. T P for For d touring, or 1115 runabout body and top. 0 i 1 2 o.ith ave., Lenis Jet Automobiles for Hire. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVERLANDS Hl'DSONS. L HVNSDALE GARAGE. BDWY. 2lOS 15TH AND WASH. NEW CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIVERS. G. N. SMITH. THIRD AND t i LI SAX STS. A 202U. BROADWAY 2021. CARS FOR HIRE. WITHOUT DRIVERS. NORTH BANK GARAGE. 11TH AND FLANDERS. BDWY. 453. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE L. I. SULLIVAN'S FASHION GARAGE. Mar. 232 10T(I AND YAMHILL. A 1230. ALTHOE A- BENNETT. CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE, 3D AND TAYLOR. Main 1CS7. autos wiTHor t'dr I V E R S. New cars, reasonable rates. City Ga- ivtc-. 6 ltitri st. Broadway 40. 5-PASS. Iodge for hire, touring, calling shopping, nign way. ii roadway 3347. SNYDER'S Auto Service; all highways any time; very refreshing. J&ast 4a. FOR SALE TRI CKS AND TRACTORS REO 2-ton ready to go. Sterling 1-ton, pneumatics, electric lights : starter. International 2-ton, run only 2000 milt-s; bargain. Master 2-ton. same as new. Liberal terms. Hauling contracts fur nisheii. DIAMOND T TRUCK SALES AGENCY, b!i-il .North ytti st. Bdwy. 476. "NEW ONE-TON TRUCK. Make offer, must sell at once. C. G. Bleasdale. 530 Alder. Open Sunday and evenings. HAULING WANTED. Hustler with 4-ton truck (nearly new) wants Job hauling lumber, logs or any thing. Phone between 7 and M evenings, East ,v.77. TRUCKS. Several good buys in 2 and 3 -ton trucks. 304 E. Broadway. Phone C 1043. Ft R SALE One-ton worm driva Ford truck, practically new, and a real bar gain. If you a re interested in a real buy It will pay you to see this truck. 40o Burnside. Broadway OM. .REPUBLIC 1-ton trucK, sell-starter. 4 new solid tires, body and top ; $12a0 cash. East Sta rk and Jtth. Russelvilie store. Phone Tabor iK.yi. FOR SALE Three-quarter-ton Studebaker with panel body, just overhauled and in first-class condition. 400 Burnside. Broadway 93. HAULING WANTED. I want work tor one or two trucks at once. Will go any place. G 527. Orego nian. - FOR SALE 1018 Cleveland tractor with Implements. 10 horsepower gas engine and silage cutter on truck. Egger Bros., Oregon City, route 1. Phone 14F4. MAXWELL truck. 1919. just like new, only run a short time; will trade for good touring car; terms either way. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. FOR SALE lf-ton Mjenominee truck; can be seen at 724 E. Burnside; if truck suits, will make price right. Phone East 4075. G. M. C. -ton, dandy shape, nearly new tires and. delivery body; act quickly. AE 2'j0, Oregonian. FOR SAll One-ton Maxwell truck, worm drive, only been run loon miles. A snap. 41 Mt Burnside. Broadway 93. SNAP Doyle 3-ton truck. perfect me- hanieal condition ; $850. Owner, Tabor 50. W A N T ED Tabor 47' 2-yard dump truck bodiea G 52B, Oregonian. TRUCK to haul piling at once, tldg. FOR SALK TRICKS AND TRACTORS. BIO CUT TX PRICES OF USED TRUCKS. SOME R RGAINS 1 HAT YOU SHOULD NOT OVERLOOK. A ONE-TON JTDY AND CAB AT $4 oft STANDARD 3-TON NEW TIRES BODY CAB AT $1100. ANOTHER FEDERAL 2-TON BODY AND CAB ALMOST NEW. AT $1800. The best buy In town. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO., PACKARD AND NASH TRUCKS. 4-1 Burnside. Phone Broadway 521. SEE JONES. 1-TON Ford truck, mill model, has only been used four months. If you want a real bargain, here's your chance. See Kd Howe at the Northwest Auto Co., Alder at 18th. ONE-TON TRUCKS Kord Republic Packard -ton Vim DELIVERIES Kord express ... Studebal tr . ... . $400 son . S00 . 4 UO . 300 . 700 FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO., . Alder and 14th Sts. OR SALE Two-ton Reo truck, over hauled and rt-paimed. The condition of t h is t ruck more than justifies the price Reasonable terms. Call Purdy, Tabor 13 14. FORD truck, 1-ton. worm drive, in best of condition, win sell at ana give terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burn- bide. AUTO REPAIRING. FORD OWNERS, Ford overhauled Rear ax I overhauled . . . .$20 Valves ground, carbon removed Ma gnel o recharged o We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc., which insures a perfect running mo tor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. GUARANTEED AUTO REPAIR CO.. 280 Front st., corner Jefferson. ORD MAGNETOS rema gnetissed in the car; generators and starters overhauled, burning carbons and general auto repair ing. Auto Specialty Works, 302 Pine st., between ath and 6th. DIVISION GARAGE. 1372 Division St. Phone Tabor 5918. We call for and deliver. EXPERT - - AUTO - - REPAIRING. GARAGES. FOR RENT Garage for single car; on East 2itth. corner East Irving, 2 blocks south of Sandy road. Apply Sb3 East I rving. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. ST.50 UP TO $25. Meyer the Tailor pays highest cash prices for men's suits and overcoats. shoes, etc. THE MADISON CLEANERS A TAILORS. 253 Madison St.. near Third. Call Marshall 122ft. We call anywhere in. the city, day or eve. SECOND-HAND GOODS WANTED. We pay the highest price for cast-off clothing, shoes, furniture, junk, etc. au us and convince yourselves. Broadway 2S45. 12U N. 6th st. $S 50 UP TO $23. GOLDSTEIN THE TAILOR PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. SHOES. ETC. BROADWAY 3132. 243 BURNSIDE. RET WEEN 2I AND 3D. WE CALL ANYWHERE IN THE CITY. DAY OR EVENING. CALL ME BEFORE ANYBODY ELSE. UP TO $25. FOR MKN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. Ve will pay any price for men's clothes. OREGON CLEANERS & TAILORS. 117 2d st., N. V. cor. Wash. Main U344, DIAMONDS WANTED. Pawn checks bought. We pay full mar ket value for diamonds, platinum, gold, silver, old jewelry, . watches and fai teeth. NATIONAL JEWELRY CO.. 447 Morgan bldg.. 4th floor. OUR SPECIALTY is buying men's cast-off clothing; highest caab price paia; wuj call day or night. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE. Marshall 3225. 209 Madison. I WANT USED CLOTHING. We pay from $10 up for men's used suits and overcoats. Call us and you wiil get the right cash price for your goods. 107 1st St., near Morrison, jviain ua. JUNK WANTED. Full value paid for all kinds of rags and old clothes, furniture. toolM, machlo ery. etc Call Main 734. 201 fr; 1st st. WANTED Store fixtures. computing scales, show cases, oil tanKs, etc., must be in good condition and cheap. M. A. Freeman. Crabtree, Or. SPOT CASH PAID FOR Carpenter, machinist and automobile tools. Newman, 12S First. Main 4495. Tabor C798 WINCHESTER, Remington automatic and pump shotguns. Hocnteia. go aa st. HIGHEST SPOT CASH prices paid for dia mond s.panMaj2yvasig WANTED Second-hand safe. and price and where at. K 30. State size Oregonian. WANTED Vault and price. J 30! door; give name, t, Oregonian. lz WE wilt buy your old typewriters and pat you cash. Oregon Typewriter Co., 4 5th. WANTED 16-ft. canoe, in good condition; reasonable price. Call Marshall 4313. WINCHESTER or Remington pump shot gun, 12 or 10 gauge. East 401)0. 12 or 14x10. good con- AC !. Oregonian. W ANTE D C o u p 1 e Sol. Oregonian. dictating machines. B WANTED Good tent 8x12. Call Woodlawa 4130. Furniture Wanted. CALL'MAIN 309 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE. CAR PETS. ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUY ER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO.. 192 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 309. BE SURE AND LET US SEE vour furniture and household ftoods be fore you sell. We are in the market for same and will pay highest prices. PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE. 20-1 First St. Main 7728. CALL MAIN 8878. We pay the highest prices for used furniture, see us nerore you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE. MAIN SS78. I WANT used furniture; cash will be paid -for stoves and ranges and all kinds of household goods. Call us for one article or a housefuil, and a competent, courte ous buyer will call. Marshall 2093. Crown. I WANT used furniture; will pay as much as any dealer can pay. East t41. M. H, Calef. dealer, 540 Williams ave. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE, of any description; have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 4027 or 168 First et. CASH for office desks, chairs, files and safes. Pacific Staty. & Ftg. Co. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 3332. BUTCHER shop fixtures wanted. Submit what you have to Wooalawn 2j2L, WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture Wanted. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. We want your used stoves, furniture, carpets and all household goods and will pay highest cash prices. Our three large stores enable us to dis pose of these goods at once and there fore we can pay the top market prices. We also buy and sell hardware, tools, tents, bicycles, sporting goods, type writers, adding machines and all office furniture. CALL. MAIN 0073. LEVIN" HDWE. & FT" RN ITU RE CO.. 221-3-5 Front St. WANTED Used furniture at once. Main 5064. HELP WANTED MALE. CARRIER wanted for Laurelhurst district: must be la years or over. Apply room 203 Oregonian bldg. EXPERIENCED baker, especially good on toffee cakes and sweet rolis; excellent oportunity for the man who can qualify. Apply at once to 511 Corbett building. BRIGHT boys, 16 to 18 years of age. of t eat appearance, who live with parents to make themselves generally useful in our various departments. Excellent op portunity for boys possessed of energy a nd initiative to learn business. Apply Fleischner, Mayer & Co.. First and Ah WANTED Head stock man thoroughly ex perienced in mill logging and hardware supplies, capable of taking charge of Ktor.k of large local supply house. Good salary for the right man. Unlesw you are thoroughly experienced and competent do not apply. L. B. Barde, 240 Front st. WANTED Young man to start in rail road office : 00 Der month mearlv tm ployment with excellent opportunities for advancement; aiso one with experience, s7.50 to start. D t4. Oregonian LLE ATOR operators, window cleaners, janitors, chambermaids, porters and watchmen. Come to union headuarters. rooms 2(m:-7 Goodnough bide.. 5th and Yamhill. Employment bureau for mem bers . W ANTED A good man to take charge of a good garage either for himself or on snares; must be good mechanic and un derstand the auto repair work. Star t-anu o.. 210 Board of Trade. lOtNG man with office experience who can operate typewriter and take some dictation. Good steady position and chance for advancement. State age and pnone. m mm, oregonian. am tL,v single man as collector: one familiar with city preferred. Salary $18 a week and commission. Apply between - ann toaay, 4ie Oregonian bldg. EXPERIENCED or inexperienced bov wanted for machine knitting and wind ing, goon pay. Appiy Jl N. th l Jantzen Knitting Mills. WANTED Young man to drive bakery wagon. A pply ready for work before i o'clock Saturday morning.. New York bakery. Last ith and Belmont. WB HAVE several splendid opportunities ior ortgnt capable young men who wish to lone their way to the top of the lad der. H34 N. W. Bank bldg. W ANTED Junior clerk for position In large office; age 16 to 1W yrs. Salarv $5oto start. Address, giving references. if uo, oregonian. FIRST-CLASS auto painter wanted, high est wages paiu. Apply paint shop fore man at the Northwest Auto Co., Alder at JNtn. PORTER wanted In first-class barber shop. in goon live town. Dig money. Inquire Jacob Miller Barber Supply Co.. 232 3d street. WANTED By October 1, experienced window cleaners and Janitors for office building; state wages and experience. AH 515, Oregonian. WANTED Mill and yardmen; best wages. goou place to worK. Apply Nortby & Scott. Inc., Timber Valley, Wash., or Col Couch bldg., city. YOUNG fellow over 16 to work In coat room and make himself generally useful, good eaiary and two meats, if competent. University club, 275 6th st. WANTED Surfacing gang for logging railroad in Clatsop county. C 254, Ore gonian. WANTED Carpenter for logging camp. 8- nour uay. wgaes t..iu, meals 40 cents. Address C 272, Oregonian. CARPENTER to buildf relght cars at log ging camp, wages meals 40 cents. A 723, Oregonian. . NEAT young man for lunch room from 11:30 to 2, for board. No. 9 Chamber of Commerce. MEN wanted to work on river boats; $70 per mo., board and room. Apply Wash ington st. dock. YOUNG man over 18 for telephone ex change board operator and page iu club rooms. Y 49. Oregonian. RKROOM man, who understands touching. Studio Classic, 209 Panama bldg. BLIGHT, energetic office boy; good op portunity for rlyht boy. A pply at of f:ce. Jones Cash Store. SO Front st. TELEGRAPH operator, first-class'commer- ciai man. 4 to p. m. Chief operator, 202 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED Driver for Ford or Chevrolet : must have references. Apply at Peoples Market & .Grocery. 1st and Taylor. CAPABLE office man familiar with type writer. State age and salary expected. Give phone. B S02. Oregonian. WANTED A good blacksmith for general blacksmltbing. Star Sand Co., 210 Board of Trade. WANTED Married man to work on farm; house furnished and some privileges. 602 Broadway bldg. WANTED 2 first-class automobile paint ers. Address Covey Motor Car Co.. 21st and Washington. 1 CUT-OFF man, 1 resawyer. Apply at Oregon Box and Mfg. Co., 1144 Macadam road. STOCKERMAN, jig and scroll sawyer, frame machine man. 240 Salmon. WANTED A night houaeman. Campbell hotel. 23d and Hoyt. WANTED Boy for drapery department. Apply Powers Furniture Co. DELIVERY BOY wanted. The Famous. 355 Alder. Apply at once. WANTED Elevator man. Elderly man preferred. Hotel Iennox. GOOD, strong boy wanted. Theo. Berg- mann Shoe Mfg. Co., 021 Thurman st. WANTED Dishwasher, good wages. Port land Medical hospital, foxy Lovejoy. FOR TEAM WORK and basement digging can laoor a-ou. MAN WANTED, labor work, $4.50 per day. Stewart facKing to., iventon station. COMPOSITOR, solid 8 point, 50 cents. Times, Brownsville, Or. ROOM In basement for man to attend 665 Everett st. furnace. light work. WANTED A night man for lunch coun ter. See Powell, oth and Main sts. WANTED First-class paper hanger and painter. 550 Williams ave. WANTED All around cook, st Phone Wd!n. 2915. 1751 Derby WANTED TRUCK SALESMAN. 89-91 North Oth st. BARBER, $20 guaranteed, go over $30. Febvet. 332 Main st., Dallas. Or. FINE proposition to agents; small capital required. W. G. Horn, Lenox hotel. AUTO TOP trimmer and builder. Bros., Union ave. at Pine. EXPERIENCED house man. room, Oregon hotel. Apply linen BAKER wanted, ton. Or. Houlton Bakery, Houl- HEPAIRMAN Singer Sewing Machine Co. 402 Washington. FIRST-CLASS young farm : good wages. man 228 for work Alder st. TWO coatmakers wanted: good pay; union shop. Anorews ttros.. ia orange, or. WANTED 2 bridge carpenters on logging railroad, wages jo.oO. B b2i. Oregonian. FOUR non-union carpenters at 533 Colum bia blvd. WANTED First-class tailor. Mount Angel, Or. Inquire Frank, the tailor. AUTOMOBILE washer wanted. Last 202O. HELP WANTED MALE. T. M. C. A. ADVISORY AND EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Is not an employment agency, but a de partment of the Y. M. C. A. which aids ambitious young men io prying open the doors of opportunity. In the past ten years w have assisted 17,530 men in finding positions and at the present time the demand for men exceeds the supply. The standing this department has w ith empioyers is due to the discriminating service rendered them over a period of 15 years, and they turn to the Y. M. C. A. for men to fill tha better sort of jobs. All men seeking employment are cor dially invited to consult with one of the employment secretaries, room 307. MOULDING and frame factory machine man, capable to grind knives for and set up moulders, file saw s for cut-off, rip and dado machine : must be thor oughly familiar with window and door frame and factory work as It pertains to keeping up those machines, including glue jointers, bench saws, etc. ; wages 0.25 tor b-hour day ; permanent posi tion. Write, stating experience and ref erence, to Crosse It Western Lumber Co.. W a u n a . Or. WA NT ED LnteiT who wiil contract and furnish own equipment to put in five million cedar, spruce and hemlock logs. truck or two donkey show direct into milj pond, longest hauf half mile; camp buildings and water and lights furnished; work must start at once. Aloha Lumber Company, Aloha. Wash. MAN and wife to be caretakers at the Arrah Wanna mountain hotel; nice place for tho ulntnr: w.i ecs X40 Der mouth: can make some money by caring for few eupstn: must be thoroughly reliable with Kood references. Apply to Mr. Bowman, Friday, at the Brow nsviile Woolen Mill store. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL, Union Ave. and Wasco St. $23 per month allowed discharged sol diers and sailors while attending school big loo -page catalogue free. WE HAVE an excellent opening for men with good character and lair inteiu- cence: previous experience not neces aary ; 1 iberal commissions, chance for ran id advancement. Call mornincs. OCCIDENTAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., 400 Northwestern Hank blag. WANTED TIE MAKERS New camo on Green river, stage from Opal, Wyoming, 24 miles from Granaer. Good timber, steady work. For information write Standard Timber company, Evans ton. Wyoming, Union Pacific railroad con t rectors. MAN that can handle machinery and men with few hundred dollars can make j l a to $2u per day; get away from day labor, be your own boss, work up inside a year to earn SluO Der day. Call anv time at 7203 54th ave. S. E., one bJock south of Whitman station on Mt. Scott car line. AMBITIOUS young man to learn mattre makina In open shop. $3 per day of hours while learning with guaranteed salary of per d after six montni training. United Mfg. Co., 971 fcandy blvd. WANTED At once, competent all around job printer for well equipped country shop; must be, able to fed cylinder and platen presses; also want good two thirder who can make gool. Gazette Times, Corvallis. Or. EX-SEKV IC K MEN. State allows you $23 per month while at tending scnooi. call or write lor it mi- page catalogue free. Night class begins Sept. 21th. A dcox Auto School. Union avenue ana afro street. WANTED Ranch hand on small dairy and alfalfa ranch, milk five cows and help with hay. etc. Reasonable hours permanent position: state wages want and give references. Address box 10, H. F. D.. Bend. Or. WANTED Two young men about 17 years oi a tie. to work in nag lartory. Ames Harris, Neville Co., lOih and Hoyt sta. W ANTE L For eastern Oregon surveys, levelman. 1 topographer. 1 levlman. experienced chainmen and 12 other men. Apply C S. Govt. Employment Depi window No. 3. Mr. Haycox, 3d and Oak COLLECTOR wanted: young man who has had lots of experience In handling coll tions; state age, experience and salary expected to start. Write h 53, Orego man. WANTED An honest, capable and gressi ve man to manage the city farm department of an established real estate business. Address A Ore gonian. PRINTER Want all-around country print er. or good two-thirder : will give man chance to learn linotype. Write or wire, stating salary and when you can come. The Dispatch. Dayton. W ash. STOCK MEN Experienced in crockerv lines. RECEIVING CLERK, Must be experienced. M. SELLER & CO., 5TH He PINE. APPLE packer wanted; also party c to pick and sort ; house, cooking uten si Is and stove furnished : good w ages start Oct. 1. Write H. W. Dagatt, Lyie. v asn! M EN wanted to carry briquet tea front trucks to basement, 8 hours, wages from $4.50 to $5. Apply northeast corner 2-J and Flanders sts. Portland Gas 6c Coke company. WANTED AT ONCE Newspaper solicitor with, car tor country wora near Port laii. salary and expense; give previous experience and references in letter. AH 5ti, Oregonian. WANTED Names ambitious mn. 18-3 desiring railway mail clerk positions: be ginner's salary $1100 year. AV 3 ti egonlan. LUMBERMEN'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 240 ANKENY ST.. COR. SECOND. WILL WANT 4 MACHINISTS. 83c H OUR. STEADY EMPLOYMENT. WANT man with two years or more ex pt-rience to do flooring and other work in general snop. h. t . Kranmer, Gas ton. Or. YOUNG MAN over 21 wanted for clerical position, private, club: must be Brood figures and able to operate typewriter. tit . Oregonian. WANTED Young man, rustler, outside work, fine opportunity, prominent gen eral insurance office. All 523, Orego nian. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SASH AND DOOR MACHINE MEN FOR DETAIL WORK. WRITE TACOMA M I LL WORK SUPPLY CO.. TACOMA. WASH. WANTED Boys over 16 to work In candy factory: good opportunity to learn prof itable trade. Apply Pacific Coast Bis cuit Co., 12th and Davis streets. EX P ER I ENC E Drlp saw man and cutoff saw man for box factory, wages $5, 8 hours. Apply Chas. K. Spauldlng Log ging Co., t05 Oregonian bldg. ADVERTISING solicitor for special edition of daily newspaper: give age, experience and telephone number. Address A 707, Oregonian. Help Wanted Salesmen. LIVE WIRE SALESMAN to call on auto owners, by the American Automobile Owners Protective association: commis sion. Call between 9 and 12 A. M. 3:30 R. R. Exch. bldg.. cor. 3d and Stark. WANTED A high-class salesman by large manufacturers of prepared roofings and roof paints for the state of Oregon. Sal ary and expenses or salary and commis sion. AV 031, Oregonian. SALESMAN for electrical household appli ances; popular line; commission plan; leads furnished. Stubbs Lieciriual Co., Oth nt Pine. 1 Wo experienced and energetic salesmen icr city, for appointment pnone Kroaa way 2itlft or write A 071, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced grocery packer. Appiy Lann & Co., 1st and Ankeny sts, WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS at once. Sell 50c per month hos pital iicaets. ut corbett blag. HELP WANTED FEMALE. NURSEMAID for 3-year-old child and to assist with upstairs work. Phone East 31MMI. KITCHEN helper in a small lunch room : one who can handle snort orders and make sandwiches and salads. 2 lilt N. 23d. WANTED Elevator girl, one having some experience preferred. Apply 510 Oregon bldg. WANTED Women and girls for inside work ; position permanent ; good wages. Apply 510 Oregon bidg. TEACHERS wanted for rural schools now open. $100. Yates-Fisher Teachers Agency, It 11 Brond way bldg. TEACH ERS wanted for graded posit ions, now open; $100 up. Yates-Fisher Teach ers' Agency. 11 1 Broadway bldg. TEACHERS for high school at once: sal ary from $lu0 up to $150. Yates-Fisher Teachers Agency. 011 Broadway bldg! LAUNDRY workers wanted ; steady em ployment. Apply 500 Oregon bldg. W A N T E I) J ood girl. L'61 13th cook and dining room St. Main 2700. EXPERIENCED bill clerk; no other need apply. Powers Furniture Company. EXPERIENCED wrapper. Apply Rosen thal's shoe store, 121 10th st. WANTED High baby evenings. school girl Tabor OSU. to care for GIRL wanted to work in candy f actory. Apply Thomas Bros., 200 Larrahee st. WANTED Waitress. Apply Multnomah Athletic club dining room, 5S1 Salmon. WANTED Office girl. $45 per Dxo, ply 502 Sherlock bld. Ap- HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED SEVERAL LADIES FOR HOUSE-TO-HOUSE DEMONSTRATING WORK: SALARY 2.50 TO 3.50 fh.K DAY AND CAR FARE. INQUIRE o: STOCK EXCHANGE BLDU.. 3D AND YAMHILL. MACKINAW MAKERS. ATTK.N'TH .V OUR MACKINAW FACTORY START3 MONDAY. SEPT 2. EXPERIENCED OPERATORS APPLY NOW, PLENTY WORK. GOOD PAY. OREGON CITY WOLEN MILLS BRANCH. 244 RUSSELL. ST.. NR. WILLIAMS AV. WE REQUIRE the service of several girls lor light factory work; steady winter s worn, good pay ana chance tor advance ment. Apply raoy ior wont. AMERICAN CAN CO- 14th and Front sta. AT STANDARD FACTORY NO. 2. GRAND AVE. AND EAST TAYLOR STS EXPERIENCED I 'OWE R MACHINE OPERATORS TO LEA RN ON OVER ALLS. PANTS, MACKINAWS AND SHIRTS; $12 PER WEEK GUARAN TEED. ALSO A LIMITED NUMBER OF INEXPERIENCED TO LEA UN AT $10 PER WEEK. TEN girls between the ages of 16 and 18 for work in wrapping department anu marking room; experience not necessary. Apply superintendent's office between 9 and 10:3o In the morning. LlPMAN, WOLFE 6t CO. A REFINED widow, experienced country housekeeper and cook, wants a perma nent position as housekeeper for widower or bachelor in nu:t country home, near school ; have 2 boys, 5 and 0; w ill tako home interest ; no objection to l or J children. Address 1341 K. uth sL N. Wood lawn 52by. YOUNG ladies, between 19 and 30 years of uk'. w no wish to train as nurses, are r quested to write to mother superior f-r information. Good health, one or two years' hitch school course and good refer ences requested. Holy Rosary Hospital, Ontario, or. GIRLS WANTED Highest wages, steady employment and opportunity for ad vancement. Apply room 5o4 Spalding bldg. WANTED 1 girls. 1 to IS years of age, to attend sewing machine; opportunity to learn to oiwrate a machine lat work is steady unit not hard. Apply Ames. Harris, Neville Co.. 15th and Hoyt. WANTED Cabaret dancers for cabaret show going to Caliiornia; experience not necessary. Apply F. W. Miller. Geo. T. Scott show, or Electric Annex hotel. room F, Oregon City. LADY solicitors for city Introducing new line or toiii-t articles tor w omen oniy. State experience and reference in lirst letter. Good commission, steady lor right party. Address AC 1, Oregonian. WOMEN AND GIRLS FOR KITCHEN AND DINING ROOM. GOOD SAMAitl TAN HOSPITAL, 23D AND MARSHALL. WANTED Some one to look after 13- months-old baby, also board mother ami father; we have crib and everything that goes with baby. Call Tauor 5033. Roberts. WANTED Girls for cracker factory, ex perienced or inexperienced; liberal wages and good opportunity for ad vancem-nt. Apply Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., 12lh and Davis streets. WANTED Woman to wash dishes, Sat urday and Sunday afternoons and nit, ht shifts. Rogers candy store, cor. Broad way and Yamhill ta. BRIGHT, quick young laay. n 10 .... lor oilicw worn. Aiiawt-i j i h - : giving experience ir any. pnone anu salary expected. AB 87, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced woman to act as nurse for two chiiilren and assist with baby; private family; relcreucea required. $ 50 . Main 1387. V A NTED Experienced chocolate d Ippers ; fast operators can make big money. Ap piy Pacific Coat Bicuit Co., 12th and Davis streets. SERVICES of experienced file clerk re quired ; must have practical experience. Application should state age, experience and salary d sued. A Q'J7, Oregoulan. EXPERIENCED millinery trimmers and makers- wanted for positions in Washing ton, Oregon and Idaho. Apply to Uwtu gart 6c Co. WANTED Girls to work In woodworking factory, wages $2.25. with advancement after first two weeks; give age and phone number. A E 23, Ore g onl a m EXPERIENCED power-machine operators; steady work, good pay. Apply Simmons Glove Mfg. Co.. 83W Fifta, corner of Oak, Phoenix bldg. WANTED Names ambitious women, la or over, wishing government census po sitions: 4OO0 needed, $1000 year. AV 373. t tr egonlan. W ANTED By October 1, experienced win dow cleaners ana jannresse ior omco Luildings. State wages and experKuce. AC Oa."-, Oregonian. WANTED An experienced laundress for hand -laundry : gooa w ages. tan at French Laundry, OSS Washington. LADY clerk wanted lor bakery and cafe teria WorK, experiencea preierrea. x e li ning's Bakery, 147 Killlngsworth. WANTED Middle-aged or elderly woman as housekeeper. Call after 0:30 P. M., 1007 E. 30th st. N. Alberta. EXPERIENCED luncheon waitress wanted, no Sunday work. Apply at Oregon bldg., 5th and Oak sta., Stli floor. WEST COAST INSTITUTE OF MUSIC. 5th floor Eilers Music bldg. We teach from melody; no drudgeryJ GIRLS wanted on light factory work: steady work, good wages. Apply Ameri can Can Co., 14th and Front sts BURSELL Private Business School Enroll now; day school, mgni scnooi. i.umner mens tlog. 5th and Stark. Bdwy. 3404. HELP wanted Women to work in cafe teria. Experience nut necessary. 133 Park st. GIRL for light factory work, experience not necessary. United M ftf. Co.. U71 Sandy blvd. WEST SIDE high school girl to assist in good home for room, board and salary. Marshall 1U30. VA NTED At once. teacher for grad st liool rear Portland. Good salary. J 2it. Oregoniau. WANTED By widow, girl for companion In country; references; good home. E 547, Oregonian. SCHOOL girl or college girl, to work morn ings and evenings, waiting on table. Whitehall hotel. WOMAN to ings only, blvd. ssist with Cail C 12; housework morn -1, or 1201 Sanuy WANTED Experienced maid, nox. Hotel Len- WANTED Experienced chambermaid. Broadway hotel. GIRL to work and learn photography. Penny Arcade, 20 N 3d st. COM PET ENT worker for hair dressing parlor. Portland hotel. Main &3ol. GIRL to work in dining room few hours in morning. Campbell hotel. WANTED A woman to assist with house work. Apply 12 E. 7th st. T WO women for morning and evening work. Apply Oregon Bldg., 3th and Oak. iirls for lactory work Ap- p'.y 34 1st t. North. WANTED Plain clothe ironer. House Laundry. 3Q Wash. WANTED Finishers and helpers gowns. 302 N. W. Bank bldg. EXPERIENCED nurse maid with refer ences. Apply 251 King st. Marshall 60. EXPERIENCED telephone operators may be obtained by calling Main 102. A 20V7. CHORUS GIRLS Highest wages, long en- gag ements; no travel ing. casino i neater. W ANTED Experienced chambermaid. Paul hotel. 4th and Aide W A NTED Experienced butter wra ppers. Apply .Swift & Co., -Ith and Giiaau. HELP WANTED FEMALE. PERM XT POSITIONS FOR YOUNG W O M E X. ADDITION A I- TELEPHONE OPER ATORS ARE NEEDED. DUE TO CON STANTLY INCREASING REQUIRE MENTS OF SERVICE. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY. FIRST YEAR'S EARNINGS APPROX IMATELY $SOO.UO. $52 00 EARNED DURING FIRST month while learning to oper ate and from $03.00 to $72.00 per m onth at the end of se v en months. further increase given un til operators earn from $55.30 to $94.50 per month. supervising operators earn FROM $i.iMi TO $lniV0 PEIt MONTH. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITIES FOR ADVANCEMENT TO STILL HIGHER SALARIED POSITIONS- APPLY AT TELEPHONE COMPANY. ROOM ".ol, TH FLO R. TELEPHONE BUILDING. r.UiK AND OAK STREETS. Experienced saleswomen for STA TIONERY and HOSIERY DEPT. One experienced elevator operator. Apply Superintendent's Office between 9 and 10:3' Saturdav morning. Lli'MAN, WOLFE fe CO. WANTED FEMALE HELP. YOUNG AND OLD: HAVE PERMANENT POSITIONS. WORK EASY TO LEARN: GOOD SAL ARY TO START AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR ADVANCEMENT. APPLY IN PERSON AT 50I SPALDING RLIG AFTER S A. M. OR FROM 0 TO S P. M WA NTED Thoroughly experienced book- keener for automoot e firm: one compe tent to tnke charge of full details of small office; 'good position for right party ; answer in own hunu w rti ing. slat ing age, experience and salary expected B Ml. Oregonian. H A V E room for one young lad v aft noons and two young lad us evenings to learn mu It ic ra ph in g ; am piacing compe t'-nt operators in good positions all tjir time. Course, fi wei-ks. Tuition $5n. Ca al 53t-531 Railway Exchange, or call 51 : I n 4 55. SCHOOL GIRL WANTED. A good home for a girl attending school; handy to the Washington high or Fern wood school. Phone 1 aoor mil. i:i .EVA TOR onra tors. window cleaners i.niinri rhrfin hernial ds. nort'rs n wut.-hm.-n Come to union hea d Li a rt ers runmi 2i;il-7 Goodtioituh bid tr.. 5th and Yamhill. Employment bun uu for mem bers. Bl'SI N ESS man with two children, boy 2 rt L-irl K vears. w is lies nome w un cln'r 1 v lady or w Mow, w here children will be iK-riecily taken care of. A ti.4 Oregonian. YOUNG Ctrl or midd.e-Hged woman for cenoral housework: small house; 3 fMo-.i'v- rood home for the right person s5 E. 7'Jth North. Rose City car. Taoor 2 43. WANTED Stenograph. -r for bank in town Ii-.-. Tilde Portland. Call for Mrs. Madison Cooper. Imperial hotel, between 12 and 2. Sa turday. : I h i . f or treneral housework, no washing, no upstairs work; wages -0 per month. Call Mar. !53. 110S Thurman SU Will in ette Heights Til R EE callable women w ho w ill not be KMtiried with less than $4 a week; per mani-nt work if you can qualify. Apply ;i4 Stock Exchange bidg. lu to 1-:. WANTED Nure for night work at state tuberculosis sanitarium. Salem. or. graduates not required; $0O month. Ca Tabor lort. v A N" t E I stfiiok! rauher with experiei for railroad office; good opportunity for right party; saiury SSt.oO to start. XJ ov Oregonian. ANY girl in need of a friend, apply to the Saltation Army Rescue Home. 302 East 15th st N., or phone East 123. GIRL, twice a week, from 12 to 5. care fur two If ttlo gii Is : state w ages i phono number. Write C 257, Oregonian, 7jy.M4 ,NSTRATOR for household appll .-. t, il.-moi ances to demonstrate in siore. ai 1 room 45. N. 4th st.. room 420. TOURIST HOTEL, 150 1st st. W anted experienced chambermaid; marrieu worn ay prei em u. LADY bookkeeper: reply In longhand, giv ing exinnnce. ace ami pnone numuor confidential. E 512, Oregonian. WANTED Two middle-age ladles to work on sha king tables, good w ages. t. Laundry Co., 1m Grand ave. WoNlEN to wash dif-hes in tea room, sh hours. Call Sin of tn Rose lea ariop, Broadway, i anthill bidg. GIRLS for lining dry fruit bos. Monday morning. Sept. 211. Aiason-iurman o. 1 3th and Overton. W A N TED S I e n o g salary expected gonian r 1 pher ; s to start. Late B ace 80S. and Ore GIRLS wanted to operate knitting un s-w in g mach ins. Jood pa y. Apply N. 3t h st. Jantzen Knitting Mills. WANTED Women and girls over IO years, Oregon Worsted Co.. K 1st 27th and Uma- tllla. WANTED Experienced girl for genera1 hous'-work Main 07 12. CHAMBERMAID wanted. Hotel Franklin, 13th and Washington. ANTED --Salesgirl for dairy store; good w ages. 2 VI Yamhill C Wanted Domett irs. WANTED A girl for gnnei al housework ; experience not necessary but must be neat and willing. Call mornings Tabor 2 434. V ANTED A girl to assist with general housework; 3 in family; no laundry; one with some experience preferred. Main ;.iio. irl to assist with light house work; Rood home, good wag1.-' 2o0 N. 4th Ft. Phone Marshall 1321. WANTED Experienced girt for cooking and downstairs work; beat of wages. Broadway 5P.. GIRL or woman for general housework; good home, good wages; no w ashing. Ill N 23d. Main 1714. EXPERIENCED girl wanted for down stairs work, private family; best wages. Mam 7243. A 510. WANTED Cook and maid, out of town; good wag. Call 074 Schuyler st.. corner of Eat 15 th. A M1LDLE-AGED woman for general housework, good home, good wages, west side ; references. Phone Marshall 2io5. GIRL or woman to do housework and cook nig for family. Phone Tabor 2484 or call at 1947 Hawthorne ave. RESPONSIBLE lady for housekeeping; not hard; right party. Main 424ti. cooking ai.d nice home fur RELIABLE girl for. general housework, month. cooking and Main 2020; some $00 WANTED An experienced girl for second work. Telephone Mrs. Hunt Lewis. Mar shall ' 24 -3. GIRL for general housework: no $5o rer 1110. Apply Mr. Levitt at Ievitt'S store, cor. 4th and Washington sts W A NTED Experieneed maid for down- m Irs work. No washing. Phone Main CAPABLE woman for cooking, no washing. Phone East H27. housework, plain very best wages. WANTED Maid for general housework. 4 in family. 43fl Kaat 24th N; Bdwy. car. GIRL for general housework. 3 in family; sal iry $4o. East 2S. 4'.0 E. 10th N. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work. Main 3110. GIRL for general housework. Call 7U4. Eas4 WANTED A young girl to assist with housework. Call Main 7Hrt7. GIRL for general housework. 3 In family. 734 W. Main. Phone Main f.070. GIRL or woman for cooking and down stairs work, good wages. Main 53SH. GIRL for gen. housework; apt. : $10. Main Q124. steam-hea led GIRL for gen' I. housework ; w a ges paid. East Q34'.. very his nest 15(1 Knott st. WANTED Wdln. 243 ; irl to assist w ith housework. WANTED Woman to work In kitchen. Call Wdln. 27dfi. ; WANTED Good rook. private family: second maid kept. Phone E 344 w. COLORED fiirl for cook. Mala 710, HELP WANTED FEMALE. Wantfd l)omwl !. WANTED Refined girl Ior cooking and housework; no washing; 2 adu.ts in faml.y; country reMdc nee. city con veniences; on car line, 20 miles from Port and ; good wages. Address Mrs. M. V. B.ddie. Mi.waukie. or phono Scllwood 341. SCHOOL GIRL WANTED. A good home for a girl attending school; handy to the Washington high or Fernwond school. Phone Tabor 101. WANTED Competent in a id abie to i- p;ain cooking fcr fami'y of two; good w ages paid rapuole person ; city refer ences req u 1 red . K ast h-4--7. DEPENDABLE girl or woman to assist with gt-n-ral housework: no washing: no fire; adults: best wajea. S5U Marshall A 1 t,xperiencect wc-mn r s for housework r.nd cooking : family of two; references exchanged. Phone Mar rhrll 4391. WANTED Girl or woman to help with house wo-k; anvil I house; ro washing: $ rr week. Phoue 022 J, Vancouver, Wash. . EX PERI ENCED cook, some housework, I Keep tMToiiii nei p r wa g .. n . Apply immediately. 741 Everett st. Mar shall 3311. nr.I.P WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. APPLE PICKERS. Men $4 day; women $3 day: board and room $1 per day. w a! treses $05 mo., bd. and room. Inquire 2" No. 2d. Phone Bdwv. 727. EXPERIENCED operators wanted for power machine: high wag-s; steaoy work. Apply 5th and Oak sts. 43 Phoenix bbig. Jacobs Hat L- Cap Works. HUN ORE DS men, women, wanted. $1100 year, government office and outMdo posi tion. List f r-e Franklin Institute, dept. 37ft S, Rochester. N. Y". WANTED Man or woman to do Janitor work. Apply Portland Nan & storage Co., 15th and Kearney sts.. mornings. WANTED Man and wife for laundry work in an Instituttion. Mam . . RETOUCHERS wanted. Siudio Classic. 19 Panama bldg. FII CATIONAL LEARN A TRADE. We are giving a spei course in auto mobile, gas tractor, truck, stationary and marine, operating and repairing; Ik nit ion. carbu ration and battery repair ing, for $75 with a $25 discount to (lis charged sold tc-rs and sa ilors. 1 lemphlli's Trade Schools. Inc.. 7u How t home ave. Take Hawthorne or Ml. Scott car, 2d and Aider sis., to E. 2Jlh. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL, UNION AVE. AND WASCO ST. THE SCHOiiI. THAT'S DIFFERENT. ON E W E E K F Ii E E. To Investigate our system of teaching autos, tractors, gas engines, auto elec trical and battery work. SPECIAL E L ECT U I C A L COURSE FO U A U TO M El " 1 1 A N ICS. DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES. CALL OR WKlTd FOR lo'i PAGK CATALOGUE FK EE. ASK FOR Him'K NO. IB. liL'SINESS COURSES. Information concerning any of the LA SALLE eourses can be see 11 red by writ ing or phoning to tb STATE REGIS TRAR'S onici of the LA SALLE EXTENSION UNIVERSITY. 331 Pittoek Block. Phone Hmjilw.iy loll". HAWTHORNE A UTO SCHOOL. 4'.2 Hawthorne Ave. Automobiles, truck, tractors. Ignition and starter work. Vubaiu.ii tig and re treading. Special summer rates. X'a and evening classes. THE SCIIhuI. THAT TEACHES YOU TO B SS TH E Jolt. MOI.ER BARBER C0LLE0E Will teach ou the trade in .. wks. ; give you M set of tools and some pay while learn in g . positions secured ; scholarship and transfer cards iMStied , 32 schools in U. S. and Canada. Send for catalogue. 231 Burnside st. positions assured every or a dc ate of B E 1 1 N K K - W A L ix E R Business College, Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, book keeping, secretarial. Free ca talog ue. OR EG N BA R HER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and faro massuge specialty; tools free, positions guaranteed; pay while learning; tuition reduced this term. 233 Mail isoji. LEARN TELEGRAPH Y. Young men and women wanted. Call 43.1-4 Rail w ay Exchange bldg. Splendid opportunity to learn a, well-paid pro fession. Free booklet. Rail w ay Tcie graph Institute. DECKER'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. Typew rlting, book keeping, comptome ter, all other mod. business courses, buy, night school. Alisky bldg.. 3d and Morrison. Mam 324. Uim-KY M O U N T A I N T E A C H E R S' AGO Y". Frank K. Wei es, ex -asst. state Supt., mgr. N. W. Bank bldg. TeacUcis plated promptly. Hi L.M ES BUSINESS COLLEGE. WASH INGTON at HUh; enter now; day. even ing; all commercial branches, Broad way 1 h2L EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Miss Buekel's private school: indl vidual instruction. 122 Va Grand ave. East 427. TEACHERS registered free this month. Hazard Agency, Ull O. N. B. bldg., Spo kane, Wash. Portland barber college pays you w title learning, gives (.u set of tools free, position secured. 3i N. 2d st. TEACHING Main 4s33. nal bldg. position, free rg is t rat ion. Fisk Teachers' Agency. Jour- OKEGON LAW SCHOOL. Aiisky bldg.. 3d and Mor. W. E. Richardson. See. Main 77. TH E Intern) can raise t ion at "orrespondei your salary. P. 1 ee Schools Broadway. M 1S Matt in bl v's Shorthand, Tye writ ing Sehmd; J'l mo. 2',i 14th. Main 3v..l. FRENCH eon vers at ion. literature, d ictioo tor singers. 4M RHh st. i a bor 1U1 i. Y ATE reg! i-FlSHER st ra tion. M: Tea in rt: hers' A gency Free "7 1. Broadway bldg. SITUATIONS WANTFD MALIC. MAN with family wants position on ranch, gra in or slock ; am ex peri en ced in both : waga or on shares; tan give best of references ; steady position only. E 330, iregoniam WANTED Position as night watchman; will not object to work with it. A O'O, Oregonian. FI RST-CLASS auto met-ha nn wants p -m-t ion ; ov er 15 yrs. experience. A 7-iu. ir-ontnn. YoUNG man desires work from 7 till 12 evenings: employed in datime. A OOii. ire goman. ELECTRICIAN in Baker, Or.: must be all around man; state wages expected. Write Electric Supply Co., Baker, Or. YoUNG man wishes posit ion as collector or work in wholesale house ; references. HP :. Oregonian. HAULING WANTED I have a 4-ton truck and trailer ready to go to work at once. M r. M ;iri Jregor, Wood lawn V'O. WANTED Position. 3 days and 3 half days a week, by man attending college. East OO 14. POSITION wanted by a reliable gardener or watchman. Henry Kiddy. 611 Skid more Ft. MILLER & O'DELL. cement cesspool and septic tanks Main 4224. con t ra ct ors, a specialty. YoUNG MAN. 23 e n r s old, high school time w ork. day graduate, wants part or evenings. AB Sf Oregon lan. W A NTED position w ith 111 mb as vurd foreman or shipping DM Mason St.. Portland, or. company 1 erk. Write EXPERIENCED truck driver wants job. 5 vears' experience. Marshall 55 43. al ter 6 P. M- EX-SOLDI E R wants .iob driving car or truck : 5 yea rV experience Call Main 312.1. room 2o5. after 0 P. M. M".N with 2-ton truck will take cntra- t or steady work. I' hone Maui 445, 327 Front st. WANTED A position by an ex-.o!dle who has had 7 years' experience as fixture wlreman. A 0!1. oregonian. h A INT1NG. knlsomimng liable man. Mam 5V.L by contract; re- POS1TION by middle-aged man as watch man or janitor, laoor I'm. A NO. 1 watchman tion Oct 1. BJ 1" will be op-n for posi- Oregonian. as dav watchman by AR 770. Oregonian. YOUNG MAN wishes Catholic farmer." AV rrk on farm 10. Oregonian. A-l Butler, white, can furnish best of ref erences. AR 704. Oregonian. HoUSE painting and tinning: ref mis hi rig a specialty: reasonable prices. Tab. MoM. CARPENTER New or old ' crete and house raising. S H I NGI.I NG. roof repairing. In or out of city. Call Main .M7. room No. 7. PLUMBING expert, re pa ir any plumbing, gas; very reasonable. MoCurdy. Seil. 1125 1 ELDERLY man wants position as jumlor I or bo use man. Ail Oil Otcg'ja:a.a. SITUATIONS WANTED M A l-F. ACCOUNTANT, general and banking busi ness, d.' connection with public uc counting firm or large corporation; now emplov. d, change to be for advancement and future only Address Accountant. Hii S 13th st. Tacoma. Wash. t P E R H APS I AM THE YoUNG AN YOfj ARE LOOK I NC. FOR. HAVE Bfc.KN IN THE SELLING GAME 10 YEARS. AT PR ES EN T E M PLOY ED : DES IK If CHANGE WITH SALARY AND COM MISSION. O 217, OREGONIAN. MAN and wife, with small girl, wish pla on larm; either to run larm. work fo 1 year, or ient for 3 to 5 years, wittt everything furnished. Address Mr. Harl Kovk. 25 4 I2i ti st.. Portland, or phon Main 4'ii'5 !..r appointment. MAN with family, with 12 years" experi ence cn sales rn in : f j miliar with cherk ing in v oil i?s nnd fl giiring discounts. le nrvs to chance positions by October 1. He city references. AG 261, Orxgo- .n. CAPABLE sad efficient timekeeper, pay roll and distribution clerk wishes posi tion: have had variety of office experi ence, including lumber; would leave city. AH 54 I , Oregonian. WANTED Position as helper on transfer or delivery trucks; some experience, can iio a ny kind of w ork Call evenings Phone 292-W. Oregon .City. A YOU NG MA N wants som e respect b 1 e home where he can work lor board ana F to school. Cail or phono Broadway hotel, room 223. Pi ITU'N v h 11 ted M arried man. aged ex ptTien. ed salesman. ouyer ana general merchandise store manager, la bor iii.74. At; 2ftl. Oregonian. PGSlTh N WANTED Young man wishes to make change; has had charge of week ly n' wj-paper past .war. What have you to otter?. AV ill. 2. oregonian. MI DOLE-AG ED man w ants steady posi tion as janitor Have experience and references. Write M. N., Box 314 Mii waukie. Or. ON E trustworthy elderly man wants work as watchman, elevator man or porter for respectable people. A 7"t, Oregoni-m. REL1 A RLE w el I - o,ual:f id young man vans work ouLstd college hours for board and room or small wages. 24 71. East COLLEGE student. 2. wishes work from to 12 P. M : experienced ciear cferk; will do any kind of work. D tiUU, Oreo rian. COLLEGE student, married, wishes work morn.r.g or evening: can furnish bond and reterenoes. 11 M3. Oregonian. PLUM BKI t-r with IO vears ex eady .10b : out of tow n es. K 542. Oregonian. she. d : reler. POSITION war. ted by etderly man. Janitor, w uterinum, day or night : Al references and cash bond. E 3t'. Oregonian. C E M F. N T M A N work; wants ferred. E 3ii3, "an do any kind of cement Position; country pre- tregon tan. W A NTED Piace as shop foreman In para-re. t yen's experience. 4 years as fore man. E 37". Oregonian. ;Y MARRIED man. steady work, ware house. sirtiniM fireman or watching. B s 1 7. Oregon ja n. JANITOR wants care of apartments. Ad lres W. B. Williams. 0 Strong st. MAN and w if small crew. want position cooking for BF IOO. Oregonian. liookk repent, Mrnographera. Office. BOOK KEEPER, STENOGRAPHER. ir'FlGE. Chief Clerk and Paymaster. Wide experience general oil ice work. El I b lent in tactorv detail, costs, etc. C. H. .L, JMI3 1-ovrlov st. Plume Marshall 33u4. EXPERIENCED lumberman, thorough ac countant. sais experience. good cor respondent, wants position with man u - laeturi r w here intelligent laitniui aerv -iee will be uppreeia ted ; w ould not con sider less than $2 to month to start: no objeetion to leaving city if living Con ditions good. E 511, Oregonian. FACTORY COST MAN. FEW WITH WIDER EXPERIENCE, CAN 1" ANYTHING CLERICAL. PHONE MARSHALL 52uy. ccoi'NTANT. t. n years' general and banking experience, desires position in auditing department lumber company or w !i.''.es.i!e hulls-. Phone C 1Q71. oK KEEPER - ACCOUNTANT. several vears experience; efticient in cost ac i -'Mint in a. record systematizing, etc. A 721. Or eiroman. YOUNG rlerUa for ad man. sin c'e. experienced, wishes : bookkeeping position with chance aiu ement. A R 771. Oregonian. B K K EEPE R w i; h wide experience de sires office work requiring few hours' work daily. Phone Mr. Wilson. East 6J-SS. Soldier and Sailor. KX-S L wants chain ER. marrb-d. over 21 years old. portion with local firm where of ai van cement will be given ti pon s;u ;sf irt toil nd a bf It ty. can fur nish best of references, high school and one term college ed uca t ion, must have $115. $125 to st.irt with; give me a. personal interview and a trial. Phone Marshall H0 and kuve appointment. Dl SCH A KG ED soldier, highest non-com. grade, wants a Utk'-I position iu anv off ic where initiative and intelligence can be used; city or country. A 67o, Ore gon! a n. EX-O V E RS E AS man and w ife want work on ranch: can h im1 tractor nnd ma chinery. What have you ? Write '-l De 1 . a w st . Portland . r. YoUNG in;, attending like to K A f.s-.i, 1 ti n. ex -service, good education. law school evenings, would t In touch with good position. SOLDIER Mechanic, 720 Division at., can save you money: guaranteed work; re- pairs ears at your own garage. wood 1 U W A NTED. bv ret urn ed overseas man. work with "machinery firm : experienced nsembly man. Phone evenings. Tabor 353. EX PERI ENCED truck driver and cliAuf feur wants po.-iiion in city: good refer ences. Call M 457o. l,t-t- 3-5 P. M. SITUATIONS WANT El -FEMALE. WtiMAN, - years, neat appearance, would like i :(! in g f -r s-me m. gazin ; used In meeting public: recommendation, ono of lb- 1 a: gi st print in g concerns in Seat - . tie S -1 i vv oO'i 5?7 before 7 A. M. or "after 7 P. M . EXPERIENCED mother and daughter w ish st . .i.iv ihjsu phi: as housekeeper and maid ; ow n boss ; in or out of the t-lt v. Please phono 331 Montgomery at. Phone Mam 25.HI. A WOMAN who is thoroughly experienced In camp cooking wishes a situation ns meat cook or baker. Address 102 l Orand ave. S Room 32. l' SITlnN in of 1 1. e. lady of refined ap-pearip-e run reeeive c. tilers and handle general office work, including stenog raphy. B Mt:i, or gonian. RESPONSIBLE iadv wants position as jan itress for lirst-clas apartment house; bvt of references given. Call Sell wood W A N TE I A place to take care of chil dren evenings while moiaer is away; ref erences. East 71O0. Good plain took wants place, private fam ily: best city references. AE 423. Ore gnian. EXPERIENCED woman wants to cook in s m .1 1! hotel or hi'spiiai. 2-3 l-z First St. EX PER I ENCED cashier wants position; ref'-rer.ces. Phone Tabor 515. Ht iCR work by experienced wo man ; lrosw ing preferred". Main 73M. RELIABLE worn. in wants day work, S hri. a 1. a y. East 5sd7. KIND KRO ART EN to eher desires positiuu. E r.;5. Oregonian. SWEATERS MADE TO ORDER, TA It' R 4..sK. P HON Id W ANTED Plain, reasonable. Wdln. 213V - Bookkeeper. Stenographer-, Office. i TENOG R A I'M E ii Ex periea ed In law a nd as private secret a r : part icularly successful m oCIce management; quali fied by educat ion and experience to till h i g li - g ra : e pos 1 1 ion ; best references ; si..r ioo to begin. B 7 .". Oregonian. CoM PET EN T bookkeeper, cashier, stenog rapher desires work of some kind Sun ilavs or few boms evenings. 'ad Miss D.. Main 4 240 Sunday or before 9 or after 0 ;;o or from 1 :2i to 1:50 week days. BY EXPERIENCED BOOKEEPER CASH IER ACCUST M ED TO M E E T I N G PUBLIC. MA KINO FINANCIAL STATE MENTS. ETC. MAIN 344. EXPERIENCED estimator, order cierk and stenographer desires to make change Oct. 1; iron and machinery experience. Alt 3f.7. tregonian. ct ETENT eimcru pher. asst. book desires permanent no- ke-per. r:shl sit ion; best man. references. E 520. Orego- YoU NG girl wishes clerieal work besides an operator on a small switch troa.rU. Write Miss Nygard. Parkland, Wash. ?TENt 'GRAPH ER. 7 years experience in banking, lumber and insurance. Phone East 22'i4. LA D Y wants poi w ido wrs home. as housekeeper m Paw- st. I iTTxumakf r.. DRESSMAKING by perienced. L. Hea the day or hour; ax M. 671 GUsan. EXPERIENCED rirsmaker wiU day. Rmadw-ty 27 1M. go out fcy LaSMA.l;C b uay. aa(T7i72i i