16 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1919. WAXTKD REAL ESTATE. I'urms Wanted. Mr. Farmer, do you want to rent that farm of yours? If to. we can gel you cash rent and sell that personal property for rash. We hav a dozen people calling on us every day wanting to rent farms. Send us yours for quick action. A. i. BENDER, RITTEH, LOWE & CO.. 01-o-5-7 Board of Trade bids. Wanted to Rent Farms. WANTED To rent a 5-acre tract with a email house and buildinfrs suitable fo XHi or 3u chickens. Stale rent in first letter. D H(tl, Uregonian. FOR KENT FARMS. iJEAUTIKL'L ltf-aere place on Columbia. II modern houses, accessory buildings foi any purpose. East 77. or 722 tie 1 ling b.ds. FOR RENT ON SHARES. ISO-acre dairy ranch, Tillamook coun ty. Ow nr AN 848, Oregonian. TIM BUR LAM)S. FOR SALK Sawmill and timber In Will amette valley, on main line S. P. ; 25, uOO ft. capacity; price $ii.".(0; plenty of timber. A V 671. Oregon i a n. WANT ."ide cut or entire output from 3 or 4 small sawmills, or will contract for planint your lumber. 774 E. Main st. A MAN who can set up and run mi!!. Call Wdln. C.'ii'K. PILING! wanted; pive scale, price and when cut. O. V. Gamble. Couch bid jr. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. SMALL 1IOUPE FOR LARGER OXE. Six moms, fully modern, with furnace and fireplace, nice garase, 40x,"i0 corner lot. close in on east side: good neighbor hood and surroundings. Want 7 or ?-room modern he-use. in good d istrict, with at least TiOxloo lot. The property advertised is free from indebtedness; will assume a reasonable amount of incumbrance; please describe yuiir property fully. stating amount of indebtedness. BJ 2it. Orego n i in. 6-ROOM plastered and papered house; hardwood floors, full cement basement, furnace, garage, some fruit trees, ground JOOxloO. Everything in the best of con dition, located close in on M ississippi ave.; will consider l.i or 20-acre im proved farm on pood road and reasonably close in. Trice J4O0O. Worth your while to investigate. E. A. Lindgren, Savon I, find Co., X. W. Bank bldg. i N" A P for sm le or rxi-hanw. t-'O-acre full bearing apptf orchard; 6 kinds of apples, o und in-year-old trees, good selling ap ples, already picked 10 tony. 4 weeks picking yet. all apples ront ranted for. Jufi p.-r acre. Bfct orchard in Heau-mr-nt. Cal. ("rime and see. Want Port land income property, or what have you? T. Petcr.-on, I e:i u inont. Cal. I HAVE a new store building, 24x36 feet; lot 4 Ox 13.. in Hncjuiam, Wash. Store rents for $L'0 a month and does $300 business each niont h. Will trade for kiiihiI ranch or good automobile; or will sell at SL'.iOO. Morrison & Davidson, I'Hr-t First ft. lf.So-ACRE wheat ranch, l.VW cul.. to be in crop the coming year, full and complete farming outfit, good well, close to R. R. ; price $30 per acre ; will con sider ob-ar property to $34,000, balance long time, verv reasonable interest. L. K. Moore. 317 Board of Trade. WILL TRADE 80 acres fruit land partly improved, good springs and creak, in White Salmon district, six miles north of Lyle. for property in St. Paul or Min neapolis. Carl F. Leverentz, 55 Williams ave. S. E., Minneapolis. WTLL TRADE. J lots r0xloo. clear of incumbrance, for 7 or S-roorn house and assume; lots near Sandy and 4i!d st. ; give description of house, location and price. E 555, Ore gonian. LARGE and small farms for sale or ex change. Wolfsteln. 4ti McKay bldg. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. GOING to California. What have you. cash or trade for K Xeah-kah-nie mountain beach lots value $'Ki? Roosevelt high way will double value. Also lot 4, block 1 5. Zobrist add it ion. Estacada. value $J00. Best offer Monday takes them. 402 Stock Exchange bid g. WA NT to exchange an L. C. Smith type w riter for wardrobe trunk. D 70S. Ore gonian. FOR SALE. Hontps Vehicle. Livestock. ACCTION SALE. To be held at my place, Clover Hill farms. Deer Island. Or., Friday, Oct. 3. f" head of fine dairy cattle, all are of the celebrated Clover Hill farms herd, consisting of pure-bred and grades as lollows: 4 pure-bred Guernsey cows. I pure-bred Guernsey heifer calf. 5 pure-bred Guernsey bulls, 3 of which are 6 to 0 months old. 15 grade Guernsey. Holstein and Jer sey heifers, fresh and due to freshen soon. 4 grade Guernsey heifer cows. -i grade Guernsey, Holstein, Durham and Jersey cows. Sale to begin at II :30 A. M. pharp. Terms cash, unless other arrangements are made before sale starts. Col. Geo. A. Gue, auctioneer. Shannon B. Shaffer, owner. ON account of other business I will sell my 52 head of high-grade Holstein cows and heifers and r gisterd bull and some farm equipment for $55tt(. These cows are good heavv milkers. See H A. Dryer. 50S Lewis bldg. Phone Main 20S1. EXTRA LA RGB high grade Jerseys. 1 Jersey Durham, just fresh with calf; H-yr.-old thoroughbred Holstein; all large milkers and gentle. Take Wood stock car to 20th, 3 blocks east to 80 tt rowen st. . ti. NICK young farm teams, bay mare and sorrei horse, wt. 2ot lbs. team; team of grays, wt. 2;oo lbs. ; both fat, blocky and well built; harness and wagon rea sonable. 806 Powell st., cor. 20th. Wood stock car. 1'OH SALK Team mares for light farm work, harness. 12-in. plow, single shovel. -tooth cultivator, force pump. Mrs. .Jane rviein, Oswego, Or. O K SA Lb One dar k-brown mare, about .." ids., gooci a river, f iu. 41st and Ae halem ave.. Sunday. W. L. Munro, 1LL sell Mack team, wt. 3000, with harness. C, M. Olseu Transfer & Stor age lO. FOR SALE Registered Holstein bull, age o mob., ui uarn n.. otn ana ivon sis.. rurunnu. noiman r uei oo. &E-AD stock removed quickly. Cash paid for dead cows and crippled horses, Fhone M II waukie :-. for results. IF YOU want any fresh dairy cows of any breed at any tmie, see Mr. Bruce, at the slot Kyaroa. .ortn Jortiand, Oregon. 6 FIRST CLASS cows; must sell: bargain if taken at once. 20th & Powell Valley i ''an. (vuuumik'h car. FOR SALE 31o0-pound team and wo. con 2o) for quick Bale. 80th and 36th ave. 1'EAD horses, animals hauled away free. Portland Rendering Co. Woodlawn 20. FOR SALE 1 pedigreed Jersey bull. Ad dress r rank hnsm u z, Oswego, Or. FR ESH cows, gentle, good milkers. 51 0 Kerby st.; Mississippi car to Russell st. A GOOD team, wagon and harness for sale at a oargam. E. 0th and Flanders N, CIOOD logging team wanted at once. G Bevens, New Scott Hotel. Ill HEAD Cotswold sheep for sale cheap. wousiem, -ot .iiciay mag. DEAD horses taken quickly. Cash for dead cows. la nor 4u.. !Wl LL take horses in pasture. Troutdale. Roth Bros. 6-YR.-OLD bay horse, wt. 1050 lbs.; sell or iraue. tau Hell wood T17. W for sale. 54 2" 4Sth ave. S. E. Piano, Organ? and Musical Instrument. MILTON PLAYER PIANO. Mahog. plain case in the finest of con dition. at almost half price. Seiberling- l-ucas .iusic co.. l - . -stn st. PRIVATE party has Chickering grand piano for sale, used four years, in excel lent condition. A R 701, Oregonian. VA NTED Used upright mahogany piano; will pay cash if reasonable. Marshall 2225. GRAND piano, fancy mahogany, Chick ering parlor grand, nearly new, for sale. Marshall 5826. STOCKTON Mahogany case; this is a very fine piano at some bargain. Sieb-erllng-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. EMERSON Oak case, upright, like new, at some bargain. Seiberling-Lucas Music o., 125 4th st. Main 8580. KENT A PIANO, most reasonable terms in Portland ; no BQuares or thump boxes. Harold S. Gilbert. 384 Yamhill St. PAID $145 on piano valued' at $2H5. Will sell balance of payment for $00 cash Sell. 2034. SPOT CASH PAID FOR PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS. Newman. 128 1st. Main 44'.i5. Tabor 670S. I PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 3S4 Yamhill St. BRUNSWICK phonographs, demonstrated in your own home. Nate A rdey. Sell. 3155 J-OR SALE Drummer's traps. Call 114 JC 30th. st, Jsorlii. complete. FOR SALE. Fin no. Organs and Musical Instruments. SECURITY Storage company closing out: .-u J. r Hale Co. uprignt piano -" $.j5u Emerson upright piano S05 $U0 $75 $305 $35 vuuv cuei, ucbi muuei small uprights. $05 and $750 Weber player piano Parlor organs. $20. $2S and loo 4th st. at Washington st. $113 to $550 in saving on Pianos dur ing Factory Clearance Sale at Schwan Piano Co.. Ill 4th st. $15 or $25 cash. $8 or $10 monthly buys good new or discontinued models. KEEP DOWN COST OF LIVING by buying your piano or player piano at the Schwan Piano Co.. Ill Fourth st., during time of Factory Clearance .Sale. See display advertisements. $450 Weber for $160 cash at Security Storage Co.. 100 4th St., at Washington. SPECIAL phonograph bargain. I am fac tory representative for these machines and am ready to show them to the pub lic from my home address, 553 Roselawn ave. This is the Universal machine, that plays all makes of records. I save you the retailer's profit. Call and be con vinced. Take Alberta car to 13th; three blocks north. 553 Roselawn ave. BARGAINS, $125. $135, $150, $160. Uprights, plain cases, Kimball makes and others ; fine condition ; terms. Also Knabe, Bush & Lane, Webber, Storey & Clark. Behning and others. Brokerage Co., 312 Worcester bldg. The only place for a genuine piano bargain. Hundreds of pleased buyers. PIANO WANTED Will pay cash for good piano or trade Edison, Columbia or Vic tor phonograph. Reed-French Piano M fg. Co.. 435 Washington si. , corner 12th. Broadway 750. VICTOR, Pathe, Mandel, Brunswick or Co lumbia piionographs demonstrated in your home. Call Tabor 1450. my home address, and ask for Mr. Burnett. Low est prices. PIANO BARGAINS. We have several good standard makes of used pianos at about half price; terms given. Selber ling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. $85 ORGAN, with mirror, $35. $400 Washburn. $218. $4U0 Mendelssohn player. $338. Passed by the Haroid S. Gilbert shop. The best in Portland, 384 Yamhill. TRADE YOUR PIANO or organ on a new Victrola and records; our proposition will please you. Seiber-ling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. Main 8580. PIANO WANTED. Highest cash paid for used pianos and player pianos; get our price. Seiberling Lucas Piano Co., 125 4th st. Main 8586. FOR SALE Two pianos, rebuilt by grad uate from Portland School for the Sight less. Fred L. Miller, 207 W. Lombard st. Woodlawn 6273. CASH for piano if reasonable. Call before noon or alter 6 p. m. Marshall 5700. ABSOLUTELY new $200 phonograph for $125. Portland Hotel pharmacy. Furniture for Sale. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR FURNITURE? I have sold my home in Laurelhurst and must vacate by first of month. Therefore here is a splendid opportunity to procure some beautiful pieces reason able at this private sale. Large overstuffed davenport, beautiful oak dining room set, fine collection books and many other household furnishings. Call Saturday evening 7. Tabor 8711. House will be open for inspection Sunday from 8 A. M. until 10 P. M. Phone or call 1217 E. Ankeny. DA V EXPORT $S5. cost $175; library table. massive oak. $3t; 4-in. oak dining room table (6 extra leaves), leaf her finished chairs. $75; leather chair. $28; wood bed and spring, $6; chest drawers, $6. 534 K. 50th N. "RC" car. OAK dining set. rockers, gas range, heat ers, porch swing, white dining set, wit n blue rug : writing desk ; other furni ture. Also entire contents S-room house, $05O. Main 0U12. Saturday and Monday. DON'T sacrifice your furniture if going east or to California, we can save you money on your Ireight in our through cars. Fireproof Storage. C. M. Olsen Transfer &. Storage Co., 248 Pine st. GREAT bargain t-piece solid golden -oak library table, couch and 2 large chairs, covered with genuine leather ; furniture suitable for waiting room, library or den. Call 620 E. loth st. N. FURNITURE for sale, enough to furnish 5 or 6 rooms. Answer before Sat. F. M. as will not be in town after that; bar Kain if taken quickly. Write H. W. H., care C 256. Oregonian. FURNITURE, including rugs, chairs, gas range, pillows, bed, sanitary couch, mat tresses, revolving bookcase, lawn mower and other articles. 611 E. 56th at. N. Rose City Park. BRIDGE BEACH SUPERIOR 6-hole steel range, nickel finish, coiled, good as new, $75; also roll-top desk; leaving city. Cali 151 Floral ave. Phone Tabor 1503. HF AV Y oak dining table. 5 chairs, real leather covered, in good condition, $40. Sellwood 742. Call mornings. 615 Mil waukee st. OFFICE furniture, used 30 days, flat-top desk, swivel chair, six chairs, typewriter desk. 1 10O Yeon bldg. FOR SALE Furniture four rooms com plete, as a whole only. 2,13 Daniels st.. near 26. Vancouver, Wash. FURNITURE of 6-room house for sale; must sell at once; - leaving the state. 048 Clinton. ART ticking felt mattress, used one month; cost $2. sell $20; perfect condition. Mar shall 1061. LIBRARY table, solid oak, dark finish, size 3x. feet. Phone Marshall hi 12. 4 ROOMS extra furniture for sale, ; E. Morrison st. for rent. 0Sis JTCHEX gas range, linoleum and table. fctit; V i lliams ave. Wood lawn 261 t . THREE heaters, gas plates, linoleum, kitchen outfits, cliea p. 248 l.lth bl HOUSE for rent and furniture for sale cheap. Apply ; Front St. H IGH-GRADE oak dresser; 0x12. Phone Broadway 46K4. Wilton rug A. B. GAS RANGE, good as new, $35. 025 E. Couch. FOR SALE Nearly new range. 380 K. Rth Poultry YOUNG White Leghorn hens. Hoganized and guaranteed heavy-laying stock. $1.50 each. Barred Rocks and R. I. Red pul lets, ?1.2a to $2 each. RABBITS. Flemish, New Zealand, White Angora and Himelaya; good, stock and cheap. J. R. MAGU1RE, 787 Oregon st. PULLETS We offer you Barred Rocks. White W vandottes. Black Orpington and Rhode Island Red pullets, $L25 to $2.50, according to age and strain. Northwest Poultry Corp., 82d St., 73d to 74th ave. Southeast- BUFF ORPINGTON COCKERELS To make room I will sacrifice a few of my pure-bred 5-mon.ths-old cockerels from the celebrated W illiam Cook strain, ho ganized, at $5 each. Mrs. M. C. Starke, Chapman, Or. FORCED to sell 306 thofughbred White Leghorn pullets, April and May hatch; some are laying; from $1 to $2 each. Take as many as you like. 1645 Missis sippi ave. WE WILL pay you highest cash price for April, May hatched pullet., any breed. Northwest Poultry Corp., Lents. Or. FOR SALE WhiU L. H. pullets, 5 mo, old; trapnested stock, $2.50 each. Sell from 1 to 4j 137 West Saratoga st. MVANT white Leghorn pullets. Call Bdwy. 3311 Sunday: call weekdays after 6 P. M. PORTABLE chicken house, capacity 24 fowls; price $12. 710 East 73d st. N. CHICKENS for sale at 1213 Tibbetts st. Dogs, Rabbits, Birds, Pet Stock. YOUNG singers for sale. East 6874. FOR SALE OR LET High-class trained setters by day or season. Sportsmen furnished good shooting. Make reserva tions early. Munger, Albany. Or. SEVERAL white An gora kittens for sa te cheap. Tabor 82S7. Latunchet and Boats. MOTOR boats, fish boats, pleasure launch es, row boats, barges overhauled and re paired ; also knockdown frames. Phone and our representative will call. REED ENGINEERING COMPANY, 8th and Lincoln Sts., Vancouver, Wash. Phone Woodlawn 1480, Vancouver 245. FOR SALE J. R. Hand, the Z-bottom model mo tor boat, 6-cy Under sterling en gine. Houseboat No. 11, Sellwood moor age. FOR SALE ."-room boat house and large rowboat. built this summer. $50. E 558, Oregonian. HOUSEBOAT NO. 2, OREGON YACHT CLUB; MODERN, FIRST-CLASS CON DITION. LAUNCH for sale or trade. 1062 Corbett St. Machinery. SPECIAL. 1 70-H. P. Atlas tubular boiler, 150 lb. working pressure. 1 12x18 Russell automatic engine, com plete plant, including brick. Immediate delivery. THE J. E. MARTIN CO., 83 First St., Portland, Or. SPECIAL 5-H P. 1800 RPM three-phase Allis-Chalmers motors, complete; guar anteed. While they last at $00. R. R, pQpoleton, IX Frout BoUi fibsaes FOR SALE. Machinery. FOR SALE One -yard Smith steam con crete mixer complete with hoisting drum, $800; one 7xlO American double drum donkey engine, $1000; also 12-ton H. C. new billet reinforcing steel V&x in 40 and 60-ft. lengths. $00 per ton. Great Northern Concrete Shipbuilding Co., 106 Washington st.. Vancouver. Wash., or call at 205 Cor belt bldg., Portland. FOR SALE 9-i4xlO-foot Tacoma logging engine; 2300 feet main line : ttOuO feet trip. Blocks, chokers, dragsaw. new sled; fine shape, fully equipped. AV 670, Oregonian. Typewriter. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters, ALL MAKES, sold on monthly pay ments; send for price lisL The Whole sale Typewriter Co.. retail department, 321 Washington st. WE can now deliver new machines and rentals; student rate $7.50 for three months. L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co., 806 Spalding bldg. Main 574. RENT a Remington; special rates to stu dents. Buy your new Remington now, immediate delivery, reasonable terms. Remington Typewriter Company. ALL makes typewriters rented and re paired. Oregon Typewriter Co., 04 Fifth. Main 3668. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co., 231 Stark. Main 1407. REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Corona dealers. E. W. Pease Co., 110 Sixth st. UNDERWOOD No. 5. good condition, $40. Apply 510 Fittock block. RENT an Underwood or Remington, $3 month. 254 Broadway. Bdwy. 155. UNDERWOOD typewriter for sate; condition. 611 E. 56th st. N. Miscellaneous. PEERLESS HIGH-GRADE PLUMBING FIXTURES, PLUMBING SUPPLIES, HOUSE-HEATING MATERIALS, IRON PIPE. PEERLESS HIGH-GRADE TOILETS AND "SILENT KNIGHT" COMBINA TION. AGENTS FOR WM. POWELL HIGH -GRADES VALVE AND STEAM. SPECIALTIES. BOSTON BELTING COMPANY'S MECHANICAL RUBBER GOODS. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC CO. Showroom and salesroom, 68-70-72 Front st. Phone Marshall 1001. Portland, Or. WOOD AND LUMBER FOR SALE. A LB IN A ENGINE & MACHINE WKS. BEING WRECKED BY THE ELERATH STEEL & IRON WRECKING CO., INC. THOUSANDS OF FEET OF ALMOST NEW LUMBER FOR SALE. PRICES UPO N REQUEST. WOOD. $5.50 PER LOAD, FOR LIGHT WOOD; $0.50 PER LOAD FOR HEAVY WOOD. Wood is 2x4, and heavier wood deliv ered within 1 mile of the plant for the above price. This is dry and almost new lumber that we are cutting up for wood. Order now If you expect to get any. Call East 8100, wood and sales depart ment. EITHER WAY If you have a diamond ana want the cash, or if you have tne cash and want the diamond, call in and talk it over. MILLERS CLEARING HOUSE FOR DIAMONDS, 355 Wash. stf. next door Majertic theater. EASTMAN autographic kodak. special. ditto with Bush & Lomb tessar series 116 anastlgmat lens. f. 6.3 67-inch focus, with leather case and metal tripod, if could be had new would cost $1 16.06; this one Is the same as new, will sell for $100, AV 660. Oregonian. DIAMONDS WANTED. Pawn tickets bought. Full market value paid for diamonds, gold, silver, platinum, old Jewelry, watches and false teeth. NATIONAL JEWELRY CO., 447 Morgan Bldg.. 4th Floor. SEWING machines, new and second-hand sold for less; no agents employed; com plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. Main 9431. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 100 3d. near Taylor St. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC! Buy your raincoat, motor-coat or leather coat direct from maker and save the retailer's profit at the UNITED RUBBER CO., 726 MORGAN BLDG. SEWING machines, guaranteed to sew, $5 to $16. Late drophead Singers, Whites. Homes and other makes. $15 to $25. Machines rented and repaired. FOURTH ST. SINGER STORE. 103 Fourth st. Main 6833. FOR SALE OR TRADE 22 Winchester target rifle, micrometer wind gauge, peep sights, sling and canvas case, perfect condition. Want Ross, 250 Savage, 1 805 Winchester 1006 or what have you? Call East 2625 after 7:30 P. M. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged. NORR1S SAFE & LOCK CO.. 105 Second St. Phon? Main 2045. FOR SALE Used Richardson & Roynton hot-air furnace. comDlete with brick and top; burns 4 foot or shorter wood; costs 1 new $156; in perfect condition; price $J00. Call Main2300 or2&3 Cornell road. LEAKY roof, eh ? Very aggravating. Indeed. Why not a permanent and comfortable roof ? We repair and Rubber Bond all kinds of leaky roofs; work guaranteed. Main 7776. FOR SALE OR TRADE. $350; 3 setting diamond ring, will trade for lot or Ford roadster or bug, in good condition. AK 560, Oregonian. APPAREL EXCHANGE Ladles' coats, suits, dresses, evening gowns; also furs, hats; slightly used, distinctive styles; reasonable. Tabor 2825. PRINTING FOR LESS Smith, non-trust printers, moved to 216 Commonwealth bldg., 6th and Ankeny. Good printing at reasonable prices. No lockout here. HOT-WATER tanks, new and second-hand, $12 to $26 Installed ; expert boiler re pairing, plumbing supplies cheap. 203 Adams st. East 8516. KKGS ;Hard and soft wood kegs and bar rels, new and second-hand; no country orders less than three. Panama Cooper age Co., 228 Front. BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, showcases and wall cases, fixtures; easy terms. W. J. Quigley, 227 First. Main 53i9. 3 A FES New and second-hand; some with burglar chests, at reasonable prlci. PACIFIC SCALE & SUPPLY CO.. Broadway 1906. 48 Front St. SCHOLARSHIP in International Corre spondence schools for sale reasonable. East 886. COMPLETE set of Universal tire filler tools, greatly reduced. Phone Wood- tools, grea lawn 5S88. WANTED Ten thousand men to buy slightly used IT. s. army raincoats and ponchos at salvage nrices. 247 Davis st. TWO roll-top desks. 1 T. W. desk, 1 table, 1 fiat-top desk, 8 chairs, 3 filing cabi nets. 5usnong ac to., ui farK st. SINGER factory sewing machine with motor, for sale; bargain. Auto Specialty Co.. 62 6th st., near Pine. 7 DOZEN jars of wild mountain black berries, also about 10 dozen glasses of wila blackberry Jelly. Woodlawn 3827. BEAUTIFUL set of genuine mink furs value $200; will sell for $75 cash. Wood lawn 410. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine and showcase. 43 1st st, near Ash. OFFICE furniture for sale 3 dsks. type writer and filing cabinets. 335 Morgan bldg. FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners. 24 hours day. $1 delivered anywhere. Woodlawn 125V. OFFICE DESKS. TABLES. CHAIRS. FROM GOVERNMENT D. C. WAX. 209 ST A K K. ST. IVlAliN 1IM1. NEW and used scales, meat slicer; also scale repairing. 55 2d st. Broadway VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, re'ited. exchanged, bought. Bentley Co., East 70ftu. FOR SALE Cooking apples. 2 cents pound. Tabor J4o4. 4 iiast 57th. St. North. Bring your ooxes. I0O.00O FEET used lumber in good condi tion and five carioaus wood, all dry, Call Tabor 4232. FOR SALE New Ranger bicycle, used only 2 months; perfect condition ; cost $75. will Bvii ror uu 4ist st. N. TAUPE dress hat, new, hand-made, bar gain. Call Broadway 1020, or after 6 f. y, can Broaaway swio. GOOD A. B. gas water heater for sale; dou ble copper coils. Call East 5107. FOR SALE On) Beaver drag saw, $165; new, used ten days. 1155 Rural ave. FOR SALE Safes, one large and one small fireproof safe, cheap. T 142, OtegonUn. LADIES' slightly worn gowns and suits. Main 9567. FOR " SALE Wheat Tabor 1237. and straw. Phone BE M AN garden truck. East Stark and 60th. Russellvllle store. Tabor 0531. LATEST Singer shoemaker machine at a bargain. 103 Fourth. FOR SALE Beautiful Hudson Bay otter coat, size 40. Call Wdln. 3010. FOR SALE 100-galIons good grade floor oil. Portland Hotel pharmacy. SEVERAL white Angora kittens for sale claeap. Tabor S26Z. FOR SALE ACTOMOBILES. WB HAVE WITHOUT A DOUBT THE LARGEST LIST OF USED CARS TO SELECT FROM THAT YOU CAN FIND IN THE CITY. 2 1918 Bulcks. 1 1916 Buick bis 1 1910 Buick buff. 1 1917 Chevrolet. 1 1917 Chandler dispatch. 1 1917 Dodge. 1 1918 Bssex. 1 101S Elgin. 1 E. M. F. buff. 1 1916 Ford buff. 1 1917 Ford. 1 1917 Ford truck. 1 1916 Ford delivery. 1 1917 Hudson roadster. 1 36T Haynes. 1 39R Haynes Chummy roadster. 1 1917 Hudson Super 6. 1 1916 Hudson Super 6. 1 36 Haynes. 1 1918 Hupmobile. 1 1917 Hudson model H. 1 1917 Maxwell. 1 1917 Maxwell roadster. 1 1918 Maxwell. 1 Dayton motorcyycle. 1 1917 Maxwell roadster. 1 Indian motorcycle. 1 1917 Overland model 90. 1 1917 Oakland. 1 1916 Overland 83. 1 1918 Oakland. 1 1916 Oakland. 1 1917 Overland Country Club. 1 1917 Saxon 6. 1 1918 Studebaker 6. 1 1917 Stephens. 1 1917 Saxon. 1 1917 Saxon roadster. 1 1018 Stearns 8. 1 1018 Studebaker 4. 1 1917 Velie 1 1918 Jordan. LEWIS E. OBYE MOTORS CO., Broadway and Couch. Reasonable Terms it Desired. TSE CAR BARGAINS. Chevrolets. overhauled and re painted; two good bargains .$ 450 Mitchell Six. rood runnlnc condi tion; extra tire 475 Maxwell, overhauled and repainted: fine condition throughout 550 Maxwell delivery, one of the latest ones: In good condition 750 2 Maxwell demonstrators. with fartory guarantee ; same as new automobiles 87- Saxon Six, all fixed up 775 Dodge roadster, fine condition 850 Buick Light Six; fine condition.... 05 Velie Light Six; fine condition 905 Chalmers Light Six. all overhauled; repainted, looks like new 1150 Hudson Super Six, overhauled ; re painted; guaranteed the same as a factory guarantee. Your chance to get an automobile that you can depend upon 1300 C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO.. 615-617 Washington st. Portland. EXCHANGE OR SALE. EXCEPTIONAL USED CAR VALUES. PRICES AND TERMS TO SUIT YOU. 1917 Hupmobile. 5-pass., 8500 miles, 3 extra tires, special paint job, extra good condition. 1017 Saxon. 5-pass.. extra good tires, in first-class condition throughout. 1017 Lozier, 5-pass., newly painted and overhauled. 1914 Overland. 5-pass.. has had little use for a car of Its age. 101 7 Klseelcar, 4-cyl., 5-passenger; a bargain. Hupmobile bug; a snap. Cars of such class and prices sell rap idly; don't delay your visit. AUTO SALES CO.. Auburn Distributors. 9th and Couch. Broadway 564. , USED CARS. EASY TERMS. PURCHASER A MOTTO; "EVE1 BUYER." Open Evenings and Sundays. 1919 Peerless dition. 1918 Peerless d itlon. 7-pass,, excellent con 7 -pass., excellent con- 1018 Velie 6, 7-pass., repainted; bargain. 1018 Velie 6, 5-pass., new tires. 1017 Velie 6. 5-pass.. special $000. Reo the 5th. first-class throughout. 1017 Saxon 6. a fine car. Model 75 Overland. 5 tires. $450. 1018 Chalmers hot spot, 7-pass., 6 tires. D. C. WARREN CAR CO.. 58 North 23d St. Main 780. BARGAINS In used cars If sold at onca We have a high class list of good cars, such as Cadil lac 8, with winter top; Cole Aero 8, 6 good tires; Buick road ster, almost new, good rubber; Reo road ster, cord tires ; Nash 6, a perfect car; Saxon 6, new paint ; Willys 6, new top and paint; Overland model 85, new paint.' We have the best of terms and take your car as part payment on any of aoove cars. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO., 421 Burnslde. Bdwy. SEE JONES. 52 L FORD SERVICE. CYLINDERS R E BORED. MAGNETOS RECHARGED. BEARINGS RE BABBITTED. RADIATO -S REPAIRED. CRANK CASE WELDING AND BRAZING. OVERHAULING AND REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS. GENUINE FORD PARTS USED. TOP MAKING AND REPAIRING. PAINTING AND UPHOLSTERING. ROBINSON-SMITH COMPANY. AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS. SIXTH AND MADISON. 1910 ALLAN ROADSTER, EXCELLENT CONDITION. Saxon S-passenger, Al mechanical condition. , Oakland 5-passenger, a bargain. Buick bug. Cadillac roadster, snap. Come and see the above; terms liberal. DIAMOND T. TRUCK SALES AGENCY, Ki-t i in ort n mn si. rJawy -t , SAXON SIX. Good shape, seat covers, new paint, $800. CART. 522 Alder st. Broadway 2492. SPECIAL. Oakland light H, with 5 excellent tires, must be sold; also 1917 Studebaker, 4- cylinder. with 5 good tires, condition AL D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO., 58 N. 23d St. Main 7SO. TWO FORD touring cars. CARY, 522 Alder L Broadway MO 2. OAKLAND 6, 1018 touring car, driven only ooou mnes; jooks nice new, line me chanically; good tires and extras. Cir cumstances force me to sell, $050. Would consider some terms to responsible par ty. TRDOr Ol2. DO you want a 1918 Ford touring car at a big bargain 7 404 Davis, near 10th. 2017 COLE 8 roadster. $540 down and will taKe smaller car in trade; free service. Portlaud Car Sales Co.. 5th and Taylor. MA RMON. 5-pai wenger. In excellent con dition; $225 takes it. 414 GUvao, cor. loth st. ARE you looking for an Overland chummy bug? Electric lights and starter. 404 Davis, near 10th. 5-PASSENGER BUICK In good condition, new top. ftuud Urea, YpouOaWA fiOUo FOR 8ALB AtTTOMOBILKS. WHY. not patronise the east side, the low rent district, where, on account of our mall overhead expense, we can naturally ell you cars for less than you can buy them for In the high-rent district? 1 1918 Buick light six. 1 1916 Buick btr - 1 Chandler dispatch. 1 1917 Dodge. 1 Brand new Essex. 1 Hudson Super 6 roadster. 2 Hudson Super 6, 7-passenger. 1 Model 39 Haynes chummy. 1 1917 Hupmobile. 1 Model 36 Hay nee 5-passenger. 1 7-passenger Stephens Salient 6. 1 Jordan Sport Marine. X 1917 Velie. 1 Steams-Knight 8-cyl., 7-passenger. 1 Overland Country Club. t 1 1918 Studebaker, 6-cy!., 7-passenger. 1 1917 Overland roadster. ALSO FORDS. CHEVROLETS. MAXWELLS AND MOTORCYCLES. LEWIS E. OBYE MOTORS CO.. 12 Grand Ave., near Burnslde. SPECIAL CLEAN UP SALE ON TRADE IN CARS. COMMENCING WED., SEPT. 24 AND LASTING ONE WEEK. We are crowded to the doors with cars taken in in exchange for new Chevrolets and our orders are to clean them out regardless of price In one week. Now, to dispose of a large number of cars In one week, it is necessary to price them way below their actual value and take a very small payment down, all of which we hav done to an amazing degree. We also decided on th.l sale to take part payment in liberty bonds, to give reasonable free service, free driving Instructions and in many casus guarantees. EACH CAR WITH PRICE MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. Chrevolet touring cars $325 to $750 (About 14 to pick from, all models, Fords. 3 touring cars. $350. $450. Oakland touring, a rare bargain, $550. 1018 Baby Grand touring. $800 to $1000. (3 to pick from.) Maxwell roadster, a little old, but acts young, $325. Buick bug. "she's a bear," $225. A large assortment of deliveries, trucks and panel cars. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO., Broadway 240. 14th and Alder Sta. open Sunday and evenings. REAL TIRE BARGAINS. All first-grade tires, not seconds. 23x3 smooth. 30x3 non-skid. U2x4 Q. D., smooth. 33x4 S. S., smooth. 35x4 3 S. S., non-skid. 35x4 S. S., smooth. 36x43 S. S., smooth. 36x4 V S. S.. non-skid. 27x5 S. S., non-skid. Save 30 per cent. PORTLAND RETREAD VULCANIZING WORKS. 429 Stark St.. bet. 11th and 12th. 1917 WINTON. Just overhauled, mechanically perfect, wire wheels, practically new cord tires. Call McCrary, Broadway 1614. CASH FOR AUTOMOBILES. YOU BUT OR FELL A CAR. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. IT IS PERFECTLY SIMPLE. OREGON BOND &. MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING BUILDING. HAYNES. 1918 5-passenger. Al condition, newly painted. good tires. Call McCrary, Broadway 1614. HIGH-GRADE NEARLY NEW CARS. Paige-Linwood; best of condition. Kissel Kar roadster with 2 tops, run only 17oo miles; a real snap for some one. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. S. W. Cor. 15th and Washington. MAXWELL. This touring car has a complete set oi new tires ana is in first -class me chanlcal shape. 845 E. Broadway. Either phone C 1943. OVERLAND MODEL 85. Good tires, bumper and spotlight, xnusi oe sum at once ; terms, $ 4 1 a. C. G. Bleasdale, 530, Alder. Open Sunday and evenings. TIRE AND BATTERY SERVICE. Open evenings and Sundays. Goodyear cora tires ior r oros. 24.o. Authorised w 11 iara saies station. UNION AVE. TIRE Ac BATTERY SHOP 488 union ave. r., cor Sacramento. Phone East 1303. BUICK LIGHT SIX. New top, 5 tires, repainted; looks like new; rine mernanicai condition. C. G. BLEASDALE. 53t Aider SU Open Sunday and Evenings. FORD TOURING. In the best of shape. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, S. W. Cor. 15th and Washington. DODGE TOURING. 5 cord tires, seat covers, first-class condition. C. G. BLEASDALE. 530 Alder St. Open Sunday and Evenings. 1918 CHANDLER. Cord tiren. nice shape, $1375. CARY, 522 Alder st. Broadway 2492. 1917 AND 18 CHEVROLET TOURING. In perfect condition, good tires, re paimea, iooks iiae new ; terms. C. G. Bleasdale. 530 Alder. Open evenings and Sunday. USED FRANKLINS. 1 series 7 Franklin. 1 series 8 Frank 1 In. 1 series 9A Franklin. 1 series 9B Franklin. BRALT AUTO CO., Main 4880. 6Q1 Washington St. MAXWELL TOURING. Good tires, seat covers; motor over hauled; terms. C. G. BLEA8DALE. 530 Alder, Open Sunday and Evenings. HAVE some Maxwells and Chevrolets we can make good prices on. CARY. 522 Alder st. Broadway 2492. KORD roadster with small tail delivery., in best of condition, must sell, a barpain ct 395 with terma. 80 Grand ave. North, near Burnslde. DODGE Uiurina;. a snap at $7.r0 with terma. 30 Grand ave North, near Burn.lde. DODGE car; fine motor, 4 new tirea, new FOR PALE AtTOMOBItFA USED CARS. 1017 87 Overland, good rubber, starter, upholstering and top; a real good buy at $650. 1917 Westcott 6. 7-pass.. overhauled Sept. 23; pantosote top. paint and enamel like new; sells new for $3250; a bar gain at $1650. 1918 Elgin 6. run 4300 miles; A-l rubber, top and upholstering; this car must sell quick; come and see it. 1915 Regal roadster; storage battery, electric lights, motor driven, nicket plated horn worth $25; all goes at $2t0 cash. 1917 Elgin. 5 nearly new tires, taken In from owner on new car; you can't make a mistake to pay $050 for it. 1919 Elgin 6, run and looks like new; A-l rubber; you can save money in this buy. 1917 Studebaker 6. 7-pass.. A-l rubber, leather upholstering and not a break; body and fenders in perfect con dition; $850. 1916 Chevrolet, small roadster: 6 tires, place for small delivery body on rear; $380. 1917 Overland light four, new paint, good tires. 529 Washington. Broadway 2393. Between 15th end 16th Sta USED CARS. USED AUTOMOBILES. TERMS GIVEN. WE WTLL ACCEPT TOUR LIBERTY BONDS AT FACE VALUE ON ANY USED CAR. HERE ARE A FEW WE OFFER FOR YOUR APPROVAL; 1918 191S 1918 101S 1017 1912 1917 1016 1018 1916 1017 Jordan 5-pass., 6-cyl. Jordan 7-pass.. 6-cyI. Mitchell 7 -pass.. 6-cyl. Mitchell 5-pass., 6-cyl. Mitchell 2 -pass.. 6-cyl. Cadillac 5-pass., 4-cyl. Maxwell 5-pass., 4-cyl. Overland 5-pass., 4-cyl. Studebaker 7-pass., 6-cyl. Chevrolet 5-pass.. 4-cyl. Saxon 5-pass.. 6-cyl. SEVERAL OTHERS TO SELECT FROM. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAYER CO. EAST SECOND AND MORRISON STS. Phones: East 7272. B 1218. USED AUTOMOBILES TERMS GIVEN. 1018 Jordan 4-pass. sport car. 8-cyl. 1018 Jordan 7-pass. suburban. 6-cyl. 101ft Overland 5-pass., 6-cyl. 1018 Mitchell 7-pass., 6-cyl. 1018 Mitchell 5-pass., 6-cyl. SEVERAL OTHERS TO SELECT FROM. WEST SIDE SALESROOM. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAYER CO. BROADWAY AT OAK ST. PHONES: Broadway 515. A 3343, C has. C. Fagan Co., Inc., Distributors Pierce-Arrow Motor Cars and Trucks. Rrnari wav 46:.'l. Ninth at Burnside. 191 Hupmobile, 5-passenger. run 3000 miles, cord tires ail rouna. new spare tire. Almite lubrication sstem. a spien- rifrf huv Price $1450. 6-66 Plerce-Arrow 7-pasenger touring, suitable for stage hire purposes. Priced way down. 1019 7-oasenger Cadillac, new. run less than 5oou miles. Splendidly equipped all extras best. Priced right. 1910 OAKLAND TOURING CAR. Light Six) Will sacrifice for quick sale as I an Uavinr Portland: car In perfect condl tlon and looks like new; has been ud 3 months and run less than 2.'o miles; original tires on car with one extra: mm 1 ht. bumoer. etc. : nrice $ 1075. on very easy terms. Owner, phone Main 6537. OLDS 8. TaaIt at the others, then come and ride In a real car, make all the hills on high, the comfort car that seta the pace, cord tires, FORD ROADSTER. Shock absorbers, new tires, speedom eter, cut-out. In fine shape, $300. BABY GRAND. Chevrolet roadster, in fane shape, elec trie equipped. $425. 631 Alder St. FOR SALE 1918 Overland touring car, model 85-4. This car is in perfect con dition and the best model the Overland company has produced. Reasonable terms. Call Furdy, Tabor 1344. REO speed wagon, the best light truck made; special Dody and top; new cat tery , good tires, in perfect condition ; make an offer and name your terms; must be sold today; owner leaving town. Mr. Taylor, at 344 Burnslde st. BIG AUTO AND MOTORCYCLE SALE. 20 cars, must t sold at once. CORNER 10TH AND G Lid AN. FOR SALE, by ownr. 1918 Ford touring. fine condition, jonnson-iieoer uo., 1 1st st., cor. Ankeny. FRANKLIN. SERIES 9. Has cord tires, original paint and in fine shape, price reasonable. PACIFIC AUTO CO.. lth and Alder. Bdwy. 3411. LIGHT Six Mitchell, almost new. in fin est condition; the best buy in Portland for someone who has cash and wants a real car direct from owner. K. 1L Holt. 106 5th WE HAVE several used Franklins, taken in exchange on new Franklins, can be had at reasonable prices and easy terms. BRALY AUTO CO.. Main 4S0. fioi Washington st. AUTO enameling works has moved from 75 Union ave. N. to 351 E. Oak st. Well equipped, fireproof paint stiop. We In vite your Inspection. C M. Oppel. East S677. 1010 VELIE. 5-passenger. by owner: In splendid condition. Call Broadway 2303. 1917 7-PASSENGER. 6-cyl inder'studebaker. new top. new tires ; car just recent ly overhauled; always owned and driven by present owner; :t-nj. rnonf seiiwood t7 1918 FORD sedan, going away, must be sold; wire wheels, shock absorbers, per fect condition, $775. Mr. Reed, Tabor 7404. WHO can afford to mis. thin opportunity of buyins a 1915 Uulck at their own price 7 404 Davis, near 10th. FOR SALE 1U15 Studebaker 8. 7-paa.en-jrer. new tires, jrood condition all around. $7.i0 cash. 733 Va Washington. Main 1074. MOTORS, (ears, bearing, wheela. axles; we wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at half price. David Hodes Co.. North Broadway and Flandcra. 1918 OLDSMOB1LB chummy road.ter. only driven about 3oOO miles; cord tires, spot Iljrht. bumper; need the money and wili sell for H.U.'i. Main 701'J. a:l North i';;il. NEW OVER LANDS. Buy from pThTTi'sT Dunn at hia own salesroom. 16o Kaet 13th St. Sellwood 1393. WHERE can you buy a late model Cadil lac 8 for I17.-.0? 404 Davis, near 10th. FOR 8A1.K By owner, light six Buirk, in ftood condition. Phone Tabor 4534 or Main 101. LATB model Oakland u-paes. tounns car; all new tires; car as Kood as new; must sell this week. .13 North 23d. Main 7ni'5. FOR SALE: 1919 Chevrolet tourlns car In perfect condition; a real buy. 490 Burnslde. Bdwy 93, ask for Smith. LATE 1918 Chevrolet 4-90. In flrst-cln.s condition: can be seen at l'J91 E Alder, week days arter 6, Sunday to 12. 90-MODEL Overland, late 18 model. Al shape. Will sell cheap. Call at 812 Smith ave. N.. St. Johns. WHO wants a 1918 7-passenger Chandler. 6 cord tires 7 4U4 Davis, near 10th. WHAT do you think of Ford roadster at 1333 7 404 Davis, near 10th CHEVROLET. 1918. like new, old today. 329 t'oujriu aj. . -AUTOMOBILES. USED CAR BARGAINS. Reo Six. completely overhauled, new top with plate glass in rear, spare tire with tire cover, has just been repainted dark blue body with cream wheels; looks like a new car; there is a mighty low price on it. too. A late model Chandler, just over hauled and repainted, is also offered at a bargain price. Hudson Super Six, in good condition. Is another good buy. Also a Reo Four, ti$f -passenger. NORTHWEST AUTO CO.. Alder at ISth. WE NEED THE SPACE. As we have taken in several good used trucks on our new Parker truik and are short of room, we are offering them at prices that will astonish you. TERMS TO SUIT. These trucks have all been thoroughly Inspected by our mechanics and are in Al mechanical condition. If you are in need of a truck, it will pay you to cee us at once. A mong t hem are : -ton 1018 Republic, top. body and cab. 1- ton 191 S worm-drive Ford, top, body and cab. Ford delivery, panel body. 2- ton Parker. V.l 9 model. And several other very good buys in sizes from to 4 -ton. W. H. WALLIGFORD CO.. SEE BARTLETT. 522 Alder St. Bdwy. 2402. Open 9 to 2 Sundays. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Bargain Hunters' Barcain. 1 Ford roadster. $325 cash. 1 Ford roadster, just overhauled : terms. 1 Maxwell, 5 passenger, very cheap. First come, first served. Studebaker coupe, sei-Marter: a bar gain. 1 Overland, 5 passenger, in good con dition. 1 Ruick roadster. 1017; A I condition. Btnck. 5 pas-sen cer. MOTOR INN GARAGE A- TRANSFER CO, 850 K. Burns-nit ; phone h.as-t m4v 1017 CASE. 6 good tires, bumper, spotlight; a bar gain. Call McCrary, Broad ay 161 4. FORD TOURING. Extra good condition ; foot th rot tie. spot light, demountable rims, speed ointer. C. G. BLEASDALE. 530 Aider. Open Sunday and Evenings. ROADSTERS. Chevrolet, 101. best of condition. Maxwell, 1! 7, a real bargain, see it. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. S. W. Cor. 15th and Washington. FORCED to sail on account of sickness; 4-cyIimler Apperson. ail electrically equipped and In fine shape; bring $20 and drive It away; easily worth $5mi. Address Second House sout h of Foster road on S:t h s t. ; second house north of "MS car line on MKh St. 5.-.30 MUh si Lent. FRANKLIN TOURING, fine condition and tires: C. G. BLEASDALE. Open Sunday and -.r.f Alder St. Even in g. 101S CHEVROLET touring car; this has been used quite a little, but will sell It cheaper than any other In town. Yep. it Is running fine and has just neen painted. $55o. terms. Field Motor Car Co.. Mr. Savidge. 14th and Alder. Used car department. LATH MODEL OAKLAND roadster coupe, wire v, heels. cord tires, new spare, bumpers, cutout; this car is in per fect condition; just the car for doctor or salesman. A bargain if there ever mas one. Mr.- Tavlor. 34 4 Burnside- st. FORD OWNERS. ANY GENUINE FORD PART AN REAL SE KV ICE. WILLIAM L. HUGHSON CO.. BROADWAY AT DAVIS. IUHVY. 321. AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS. 101 S BUICK roadster, like new in everv way. If you like one of t hese jwipular roadsters. t" this or.e; It has all tne extras you could cet on one; low price, terms you mill like. 525 Alder. A-l A tito Works. BIG BUY OVERLAND. Mod -I S5, five -passenger touring, new Goodyear cords on rear, one extra spare; first-cl.iss mechanically ; must sell, leav ing city, wti: sacrifice. Ask for Mr. Benjamin. N. Broadway. l:il BUICK louring. This is fine t ar and runs first-class ; looks like a new one and has special top. and notice the price. $12541, with part down, balance easy bv 1 he monl h. 525 Alder St.. A-l Auto Works. HUDSON SUPER-SIX. A good car In gmd cotid it ion. ! ex tra tires. 354 E. Broadway. Phone C 1043. LATE 101 Oh k land touring, as good as new: cord tires, bumper, cutout; Just out of the paint shop and can't be told from new ; 9 pa re tire. pWte-glass windshield v ings: a Rift at 90.O. Mr. Taylor, at 344 Burnsido st. FORD DELIVERY CAR. $400. CARY. 522 Alder st. Broadway 2492. SMALL 7 -passe n Re r Chandler, in A-l con d it ion t h rough out. two tirei. practical ly new. 15 to 2u m iles on g.tsoline ; looks fine and rides like a crad le : at 1 ractive price for cash. For particulars and demonstration call Broadway :i:n4 HL'PSON 640. completely overhauled, re painted. 'od tires, will Kell at JllOllO and vlv. l.rmn: vonsiiler umaller car in trad... 30 Grand ave. North, near burn- Hide. I'OI.B BIl'.HT 7-pasnenfrer. in first -elans condition ev ery way. This one we can take a liltht car In "at a Rood prb-e. .VJT Alder at. A-l Al'TO WORKS STI'IIKRA KKK KOl'K Looks and runs fine: two new Hoya! cords, three other flood tires: new top; very i-lieap and easy terms. Pacific Auto Co.. ."il'3 Ai rler St. DO TO!' want a roadster? We have a S-pasencer Mitchell, aood rubber, a snap. 343 Bust Hroadway. Bither phone C 1943. BUICK hBht six. In fine order every way and we will test It any way you like and take IlKht ear In trade or bonds at fare value. .V."i Alder at. A-l Auto Works Paintina- Co. OI.DS.MOBI I.B FOUR New paint job. new top. motor overhauled, new leak proof rincs: looks and runs like new; dirt cheap and e;isy terms. Pacific Auto Co.. .",:t Aldor st. Broadway "411. Mli'HIirAN. new tires. et-.: leaving town Monday: 'highest bidder g-els tins car: not over $;;0. Iacey. Sellwood li':;7. 7-0 Division. FORD tounna. l?ll. in fine condition, ft-ood tires. mut sell, a bargain at S37.. some terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. FRANKLIN Very fine condition: pood cord tires anil a snap at the price; easy terms. Pacific Auto Co.. i-'.'t Alder st. Broadway 3411. FORD roadster. 1117. in best of condi tion, good tires, new top and paint, will sacrifice at .450 with terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. RIGHT-HAND drive 1919 Dodge, roadster, been run tlOO miles, same as new, S"0 worth of extraa; price 91240 cash. AV 701. Oregonian. KLG1N SIX. like new. equipped complete: leaving: will sacrifice at $ll.".u: real bargain. 1 2tt4 Division st. Tabor 12"1. 11.17 11U1CK roadster, by owner: 5 cord tires. Car has ben thoroughly over hauled and runs like new. Tabor i5"u. 1111. BUICK light six. perfect car. run on:y 4oo miles: new tires: sacrifice by owner, cash. B 824. Oregonian. 1919 HUP. new; $1:1 run 7HOO miles; almost like .": terms. Oliver. 122 2d st. FIRST-CLASS 1917 Ford, extra, tire. llo3 J-iiiJU. ran m on. ,Laiuu; . FOR 8 A IJ FOR SALE AUTOMOB1LF.S. USED CAR BARGAINS, Buick light six. $050. Buick four. $750. 2 Buick fours, no starter. $350 eacbk Oakland pedan, 1018, $050. Dodge. $775. Chevrolet. $450. 2 Chevrolet roadsters. $375 and $400 2 Ford deliveries. :t00 and $350. 2 Ford touring. $275 and $:50. 2 Overlanda. $400 and $500. Eight cars. $50 to $2oO. One 2H-ton truck. Gerslx. $1600. One 1-ton truck. Stewart. $:sHJ. One 1-ton truck. Chase. $125. LONG S1LVA. 462 Hawthorne Ave. 1919 CHEVROLET touring car. just re ceived today and cannot be told from new car. Has a spare tire, dash lijrht and tire cover; this will be gone b evening. $00. terms. Fields Motor Car Co.. Mr. Savidge. 14 th and Alder sta Used car department. M AX WELL ROADSTER. New tires, fine condition, owner leav ing city and must sell; make ofter. C. G. Bleasdale, 531 Alder. Open Sunday and evenings. 1010 CHEVROLET touring car. $75. terms See this at t ne Che roiet Kent's. Field Motor Car Co.. Mr. Savidge.. 14th and Alder. Used car department. MAXWELL 1018 touring, in fine condition, good paint and tires. xviM sacrifice at $775 with terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. 1010 CHEVROLET roadster, extras. Run .less than a Ttionth. Just traded in. See it quick. Fields Motor Car Co., Mr. Rlnehart. 14th and Alder. Used car dept. HL'DSO.N speedster in perfect mechanical condition : cord tires: speediest and best h ill cilmber in town ; terms to responsi -hie party. 542 Alder st. Broadway 172:. CHEVROLET touring. 101 in fine condi tion, good tires, will sacrifice st $. with terms. 30 Grand ave. North, ne-ar Burnside. WHY not buy that Hudson speedster where ou will get the best value for your money ? 404 Davis, near lth. MAXWELL 1019 touring", used very little, looks and runs like new, must sell at a bargain at $075 with terms. 30 Grand ave. Nort b, near Burnslde. FREE $1 in trade with $2" sale until w get acquainted; best goods, popu'ar prices, Laurelhurst Service Station. East GHsan at 47th St. FOR D roadster. 1015. in good condit ion, good tires, will sell at 375 and give terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burn side. CA Dl I.LAC 8 road ie r. mechanically per lect. wire wheels. 6 cord tires; going east, must sell before Sunday; $ 1050 Wdln. 2414. MAX WELL tourinc. 1017. good paint and tires, owner must sell, a bargain at $ti25 with terms. 3U Grand ave. North, neat Burnside. 1017 FORD roadster, as good as new; t-pecd-ometer and good tire. 1 extra: $40O: dis count lor cash. 742 Miss. ave. Wdin. CHEVROLET roadster, just overhauled and repainted, good tires, will t-ell a I . and give terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnslde. R. U. 2 B. STING? Let sn ex pert mechanic appraise or select vour prospective car. SAVE $ $ $. MARSHALL 2437. CHANDLER touring. T.U7. in best of con dition. Used privately, good tire;, will sacrifice at $13541 with terms. 30 Grand ve. North, near Burnside. FOR D delivery, just overhauled ; good tires. $425; terms If desired. Call be tween 5::'0 and ti, evenings. iiO East Mb st. North. OVER LA ND touring. 1010, just like new . mus-t sell at a bargain at hmi wun lin er! terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. HUDSON -". in A-l con d it ion. two ext ra tires. $(oo; will take a Ford in on pay ment. H- Dascher. 22S N. 2ih. Broad wsy 2Q7 1. DENHY truck. 1-ton. in good me haiucal condition, will sell cheap on terms to re-re-ponMble party. 30 Grand ave. North, nesr ?turnd'ie. 101 FOR D ; speedometer. Hassler fhork absorbers, lots extras, excellent condition. Will demonstrate. Cash or terms. Main 2042. MAXWELL truck. I , tons. 1010. used verv little, leaving town, must seh. a bargain st $L15 with terms. 34 Grand ave. North. nar Burnstd. 101 S MODEL 0O Overland, just overhauled; 5 almost new tires; car In splendid con dition; barcain for omeoiie at $S.o: terms. F. :.4. 2;i Union a e. N. MAXWELL 1017 touring, in fine condition, with good tires, mu.-l sell, a bargain H $575 with terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. FOR SALE 1!1 Ford touring. peed ometer and shock ahsorbeis. in A;l con dition; price $500 cash. 1510 L. Lincoln Sout h at 5it h. WILLYS-KNIGHT 101 MODEL. Bv owner. A-l condition; a snap: car ran be seen at City garage. Mi l"th st. Rroauway S4. . $425 $55. It Fords, good rubber, lots terms. s5S Union N'oth. "15 and of extras. FOR quick condition, dealer. E sale. 1:17 Ford touring. A two new tirra. a spare; not 5t4. Oregon la n. E LI E 0 touring car. in good condit. or ail new tires and a spare; will cons id. a smaller car In trade Phone Maui 1-1 v w 1 AM) ti used fi weeks; sacrifice for nmrk ."N"ll tuk. Ford . PM. M-r- .ii.il :;!' l'.MS MAXWKI.I. in fi"o .-"iidiuon nw iiainl J"l- " tin-.- A hwrKiin. Trm' 1'l.on. V-ryhHll 1 . AW 4--11.17 MA.XMBI.1- in A-l m-.'hnl..l Hon- l.wk liko now. A bargain. Will Blv" l.rniH. l-hon- .Mrhll 11M. Apt. 4J. for rvi -4 Overland. State pric. OVKKI.ANP. 5-pa.. t)-ryl . fontliM-ntal motor, fully ctiuippt-u. -v. w..". ...... - Kl'Kl I'.'l" tourinn. Ko.i.l li.ilw nd tir.. t-.i,h or trin in r.iianie parly. Thonc i lor.ii afliT :: )'. M. LATB I. oily mo.1.1 Ford tourint itli one-tn.n lop. tHiMi. Katt ."!:t-. rar. api-ial di'mouuutilc rinm. Ki'K M.K Oakland In Rood c-omlitloii : 1 tlr- and rim -xtra: ' '-',': vl!l c-ohmiW term. Phone Tabor 4...'... M A K K vour automobile brina value tor land or .-Ity properly. Mam 1434. ro.l-ilt-nrf J.tr7. GHANT SIX Good ahapp. noo.t tirr; a fine buy lor nine n -... r.J.l Alder t. Broadway 411. i t'o.. A-l Al'TO W ORKS & PAlXTINu I o. IiodB tourina. low pru e. lona terms nd run, to suit you Abler pt. FORD touring. 1915. in best of condition. 0,1 tires, a bargain at 4io. some terms. :nl Grind ive. North, near Burnside. IF you are looking for a 1919 Cole Aero 8, why not try 4.14 Davis, near loth ? .1)13 M AX W ELL. runs and looks Lk. n'.w- a fine buy. $00 cash or terms. Call'Tabor 63Q. BARGAIN in 1918 Hudson speedster; Al condition and good tires. J 21(4. Ore- fOilU touring car. good condition, cheap for cash. Call Broadway 2007. Mr. Hot- 5.jASSKNGElt licht six Haines. In fine con dition, good tires. 5.-9 K. Couch. Phone di Kajl 179. 202:1 f.ust Ain. l'jlrt FORI touring car in the best condi tion: cash or terms. 433 Sumner at., corner K. 7th N. SLIGHTLY used tirea. $3 to tli each: vul canised. 25c; tiro repairing. 207 Miiil- m'li'K chassis, good tires, fender; price !.-.. Mam 7ii2.-.. .VI N-rth 23d. 1915 FOKP touring, sell sliane. :27 Front st. heap; in fine CHKVROI.KT. '18. 701. terms. P. H. Dunn. 1H52 E. 13th st. Sellwood 13H3. lyMi FORD, demounlablo Marshall 347L wheela, $35U l'Jl" CHALMERS, new tires, good running order. 25U: surely a snap. East 51H. WILL sell 1920 Hudson speedster at once: absolutely new. AN 835. Oregonian. HARCAIN IN 1!1 MAXWELL TOURING CAR". Al CONDITION. EAST VMiJ. OVE VELIE delivery, cheap for rash. 42S. 'Belmont t. Tuckers A uto Shop. WHY don't you Saxon buyers come K 404 Davis, near 10th 7 WHO wants a- 1916 Maxwell cheap? 404 Davis, near loth. DO you want a Hupmobile bug; lor Kit)? 4U4 Davis, near 10th. 1918 DODGE. -5 tirea. cutout and bumper. 950. Main 1612. Rexford Apta.. No. 8. 1916 FORD touring car. Al shape. $275. 414 Gllsan st- cor. 10th. cZpASSENGER Ford touring car. fine shape. $225 cash. 414 Glisan. cor. loth. 191S MAXWELL, fine shape. $700. See Al Franks. Lyric theater. 11.18 OVERLAND, model 90, $775. terms. Pat Dunn. 1652 East 18th st. Sell. d3n3 5-1 SS. family car. good mechatiii-a: con dition. $2H. Wdin. 24:K. 7Q6 E. !i N. 1917 FORD $425 cash. $50 extras. A I Call Hicks. 24i Yi conditio mhlil. BY OWNER Model 80 Overland: Perfect toumUou; nw Urea, S ID'J, Oreauutu.