J TITE MORNING OREGONTAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1019. 11 REAL ESTATE. For Sale -House. VIEW PHOE'ERTY. SUPERB HUME SUPERB LOCATION. 9 1 3,000. If yea are looking for a home way above the ordinary, a home of i-lass and distinction, do let us show you this splen did home ; you' 11 find here all the mod ern reiinements and essentials desired by the up-to-date housewife ; as to con struction. It is the very zenith of the builders' art, there are 7 rooms and bil liard room, hardwood floors throughout ; a to the -iew, won' t you let us show you, so that you yourself may feel the thrill and joy of It? We foricot to men tion that there is a double carace. Let us show you today now. It'll be shown Only by appointment. A. G. TKEf'E CO., 2ft4 Stark St., near Third. Main :toi2. Main 3516. Branch Office 50th and Sandy. ROSE CITY PARK J4300. Don' t rou know it is almost Impos- rlble to iind a bungalow on a large lot n Ro!e City Park? Well, here is one. and It's a good buy, too; a 5-room bun galow type home with fireplace, all bui!t-lns, full basement. Fox furnace, parage. The lot is 64x100 feet and the street is paved, the sewer in and paid. Owner requires $ 1 0o cash. Remember, this la in Rose City Park, within 2 blocks of car. COE A. McKEN.VA A CO.. Main 4522. 82 4th St., Board of Trade Bldg. NO PROFITEERING H EKE. 65xPM. good biff square house, 8 rooms with four lovely bedrooms ; the place is in finest of condition; no furnace; fine fruit trees and lawn; alt Improvements in and paid; next to corner of Haw thorne, between 43d and 44th sts.; pos sion at once ; only $4500, small pay ment down. This will appeal to party who wants location and value. J O H N M A L N E. MrOLURE & &'HMAL'CH CO.. Main 150:t. iioO Ky. Eich. bids. GRAND 6-ROOM HOME. Larp living, fireplace, dining, buffet, den, I'm ten kitchen, 3 fine bedrooms, bath and toiiet up, cement basement, good turnace, 50x1 00 lot, paved street, all paid, close in on E. Madison, sur rounded by splendid homes and desir able neighbors; owner is asking approxi mate value for lot, only $4500. $UMi0 cash; this is surely a big buy and & fine home. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 205 Chenoweth bids. Alain G915. ROSK CITY DISTRICT. ATTRACTIVE MODERN BUNGALOW. 5 rooms and enclosed back porch, mod ern to the minute, hardwood floors, fire place, built-in bookcases and buffet, f uil cement basement, furnace, only I'-j blks. from Sandy blvd., full lot; quick posses ion can be had; price J.lhOO, $1200 cash, balance easy. O. A. WARR1NER. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. PARK ROSE V-ACRE HOME. Just a real nice bungalow of 4 rooms. 2 bedrooms, bath and toilet, fine lot of fruit and finest garden soil, facing on Sandy blvd., 3 blocks from car ; this is one of the most beautiful and attractive i-acre homes near Portland; owner wishes to move east and will sacrifice at $3150, half cash: be sure and see this. THE LA WHENCE CO.. 205 Corbett bldg. . Main 0015. ROSE CITY PARK. T have two new bungalows in the west ern part of Ro.se City Park, all ready for occupancy. These bungalows are 5 and rooms and modern; located in a very desirable neighborhood on street with all improvements in; demand for homes of this nature is big and they will go quick. Mr. Brown. E. :19 th and Glisan. Tabor 343; evenings. Tabor 50. 3 BRAND-NEW BUNGALOWS. IN LAURELIIURST. It you have a moderate amount of cash and a good Job you can move right into one of them. We cannot build any more at the price we are asking for them. See Mr. Delahunty at 270-2 Stark street or phone or auto. Main 1700. Residence E. 20MS. FOR PALE BY OWNER. 7-ROOM HOUSE IN SUNN YS IDE. GOOD CONDITION', A DESIRABLE HOME. OR CAN BE MADE INTO FLATS; TERMS REASONABLE. 1113 BELMONT. 1'IVE new Lnir'ieh, cottage, Ii rooms, din ing and slee ping porches, hardwood floors, open fireplace, all modern con veniences, with large wooded lot, at Mount Zion. the most beautiful view suburb of Portl tnd. Price $i5.(0, easy terms. John Bain (ow ner), 5o7 Spald ing bldg. Telephone A. 7442. ROSE CITY PARK. 6-room bungalow, brand new ; hard wood floors, fireplace, furnace, white enamel wooJwork, cement basement, 5 Ox loo corner lot, east front; new, clean, vacant; 4.10011. terms. JOIIXSON-DODSON CO.. (133 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 37S7. $4500 FIXE modern 7-room Queen Anne borne; hdwd. fioors living and dining rooms, beautiful antique fireplace, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, laundry trays and furnace, large bedroom first floor, 41 bedrooms and bath second.- A REAL SNAP. 015 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FURNISHED MT. TABOR Bungalow, 5 pleasant rooms, modern, magnificent view, fireplace, furnace, near car; a very delightful home; price $5000, terms. MacINNES & PRATT. Main 413 Board of Trade bldg O-ROOM HOUSE. $1S50. On Roseluwn ave., 2 blocks from Al berta car, $200 cash, balance monthly. See E. M. Brown with NEILAX & PARK HILL, 210 Lumbermen's Bldg.. 5th and Stark. IR VINO TON Nice 6-room house. fui nished; fine furnace, concrete garage, corner lot .10x100, choice location, 1 blk. from Broadway car. For tale by owner. . ("all any tim during the day. ti74 Schuyler st. BUILD NOW. If you own a lot, we will furnish the money and build for you; terms like rent. Call and see us. WESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO. Main 2Q35. 621 Morgan Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK! 5-room bungalow, cement basement. Fox furnace, all built-in features, beau tiful home, block from car. 3050 and assume $100 assessment; $0.10 cash, bal. like rent. Owner, 534 E. 50th N. 6-ROOM bungalow, Rose City Park; fur nace. fireplace, hardwood floors, white enamel; new. clean, vacant, ready to uivo jino, 9-ti.m, terms. JOHNSOX-DODSON CO.. f33 X. W. Bank bldg. Main 37S7. ROSE CITY PARK. 6-room. strictly modern bune-alnw garage, roses, fruit, etc. This is one of the best bungalows in Portland; must have at least $25o0 first payment. 5SS tasi niTn st. orcn. laoor 0O45. TWO nifty 5-room bungalows, never occu pied; built-in effects, hardwood floors cement basement; of latest architecture: line view location; only 350, terms. E A. Lindgren, iavon Land Co., 035 N. W "Bank bidg. STOP. LOOK. LISTEN. A swell 5-room bungalow., strictly mod ern, now. noors ana all the ' f ixins . Paved streets ; has to be sold this week. owner wants ?1L'.( down. Price Is richt See Mr. Biilings, 509 McKay. Main 13:t0. JUST completed, strictly modern, 6 rooms ana steeping porcn: also classy 5-room bungalow; price of each $3750; good location : 2 blocks from car. Owner. j a dot oi?. $5500 PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Five cosy rooms, imwu. noors. oia ivory wood work, gas-h eating system. beautiful view; fireplace and bookcases. 615 Ch. r o m . uiug. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 7-arge bungalow, modern convenience 2 lots level with paved street, on cor ner. 2 blocks from ear. 4 blocks from Ainswonn scnooi. .Main i y-. IN IRVIXGTOX Several fine mortem homes or will furnish lots, finance and build to suit. Built 100 homes in Port land. Rice Construction Co., R. B. Kice, 1RVINGTON SEMI-BU.'r,ALOW HOME. This new home has 7 rnoms. tn-n hatK. built-in bookcases, liuffet, real hardwood noor, iuii lot, garage, $S2UU. $1300 will $4200 CASH 7-room house, modern, up to date. cor. lot 5oxl00, east front. 1 block no in c i j . of na hi. luui l.ast 20 1 h St, onn. ruy irom owner and save com mission. i-fi.OOM plastered hou.ie. elec, gas side walk, fruit trees, berries, 2 lots, $2250, terms; also rurnuure for sale. 11. A car in nan. o.m ootn st. $2-00 6-ROOM modern house harS basement, gas, electric lights, lot so loo; 4 blocks from car; terms. Phono 4. LOTS, all in bearinar fruit, grapes and berries, 5-room modern hou.se. tm rr ire 8 blks. to car. $31100. $1200 cash. T. C. Maiy. xl rtai i w a y tu xc n a n ge. $2300 GOOD 5-room modern bungalow near car and school, cement basement! garaue. oeanriiui yarn. anxBH. terms M. BILLINGS. 500 McKay. Main 1390. WEST SIDE. 26x30. 7-room house near 10th and Everett sts.. terms. Phone Broadway $250 CASH. 20 MONTHLY: S16."0. 4-room house, lot 100x100; 4-horse . .v r. sewer., stlckland, mug. .nam a.iii. 8-ROOM house, full basement, oantrv hath hot water, gas and electric light- cloe to Lincoln high. Price $33oo. Phone JSiX-KOO.M nome romnWelv fj ,i modern in everv respect; fin district! a in. 4uut oattf. REAL ESTATE. For Sale House. BARGAINS. NO. 1 $r,00 Good -'-room shack, barn, 50x100 lot, city water; 3 blocks to car. Your ttrnis. ( No. 2 $1000 It-room m cdf rn bungalow, with bath. Dutch kitchen, fine chicken house, 5ox lOO lot, some fruit trees, good garden ; near tar. lour terms. No. 3 $1500 5-room modern bancalow, near car; mot e than you expect for the pi ice. , See Peterson, THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 5th st. Main 6ti:. LA UR ELH UR ST $ 550. A WONDERFUL BUY. Six large rooms and glass-Inclosed sleeping porch; finished in rich old ivory and white throughout. You'll be more than delighted with the design, construc tion and interior finish; hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, cement basement, etc. ; garage. This is way above the ordinary and would probabiy cost $7500 to dupli cate. Very liberal terms of payment. Let us show you. It'll be a downright pleas ure. Naturally you'll be under no ob ligation. But hurry. A. G. TEEPE CO., 24 Stark St., near 3d. Main 3002. Main 3516. Branch office, 50th and Sandv. IN" LAL'RELHUKRT. A TRUE-To-NAME COLONIAL HOME. Located on one of the very choicest corner lots, close to car; not many rooms, only eight, but they are double the size of rooms in the ordinary house; fin ished in solid mahogany down staira: in old ivory above; full cement basement with a very fine hot water heating sys tem, extra large tile bathroom with very choice fixtures; if you are looking for something very choice in a very select neighborhood let me show you this pa latial home, well worth $15,000. but a big sacrifice will be made for a auick sale. Phone Main 170O. . Residence E. 2OS0L Mr. D E LA HUNT Y. 55150. BUILT BY OWNER FOR A HOME IN THE HEART OF ALAMEDA PARK. BRAND-NEW DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED BUNGALOW, SIX LOVELY ROOMS AND A BREAKFAST ROOM; HARU W OOD FLOORS THROUGHOUT LOWER FLOOR, BASE PLUGS IN EVERY ROOM; FINISHED IN OLD IVORY, LINEN SHADES, DOUBLE RODS. AND J NLA ID LINOLEUM; IM MEDIATE POSSESSION; BUSINESS CALLS OWNER TO ANOTHER CITY'. POINDEXTER, SELLING BLDG.. MAIN 1600; RESIDENCE B 7120. IN PAR KROSE. $2530 SUBURBAN HOME. ON HALF-ACRE TRACT; 1 block from Sandy Blvd. Paved road ; 2 blocks to car line; 2 blocks to school; 3 blocks to store; 4 nice rooms, attic, big fireplace and basement; ground all cleared and young bearing fruit trees; chicken houses wiih runs, sightly location. Thia Is in deed a good buy. The interior finishing is not quite complete but place may be occupied while finishing. The furniture is also included in the price. Possession -.ry quickly. Terms half cash. J. L. HAKJMAN COMPANY, 7 Chamber of Commert-e. Main 208. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. Six rooms, 3 sunny sleeping rooms, large )i vin g room with beautiful fire place, handsome glass doors between liv ing and dining rooms. Dutch kitchen, bath, sewing room, reception hall, laundry,- hardwood floors, fine cement base ment, furnace ; lot 50x100. on hard-surfaced street, 1 block to car. Price $5000. Terms. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 013 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6067. "NOB HILL If you are looking for a real home see this 8-room house. 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch. near hospitals and schools. This is a modern house and you will not be d isappointed when you see this. Call early. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak St. Broadway 4133. HERE'S A REAL BUY. A 6-room house, basement, bath, etc.. In fine condition, corner lot 50x1 00 feet roses and shrubbery; IMMEDIATE POS SESSION ; price only $2250. with $300 down, balance like rent at 6 per cent interest. RUMMELL & RUMMELL. 274 Stark Street. $4050 ALBERTA $4050. LARGE GROUNDS AND HOUSE. Ground 1(6x100 corner, abt. 14 good bearing fruit trees, abundance of ber ries, good, well-built 7-room house, paved st. In and paid, on car line, terms. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BEAUTIFUL home on Broadway, & rooms a-.m large sleeping porch, oak floors, fireplace, built-in conveniences, cement basement, furnace and laundry trays, garage and paved street, the home you have been looking for; price $3700, $1700 cash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. A33 N. W. Bank bldg.. Main 8787. $2930 ROSE CITY PARK. 4-room bungalow, on corner; nice large rooms; beautiful buffet, white enameled Dutch kitchen ; good base ment, laundry trays; nice locality; 1 a blocks to Rose City car; $1250 cash to handle. See this cozy little home. Autos always at vour convenience. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon BIdr. 5-ROOM bungalow, oak floor.-, bookcases. ii rpnn.tr, living room extending across front, high grade plumbing, cement base ment, beautiiul lawn, trees; the house alone could not be built for $4000, only $3550, $S50 caph. .lOHNSON-DODSON CO 633 N. W. Bank bldg.. Main 3787. $::;ro rose city bungalow. 5 rooms and attic, lot 30x100, 1 blk. to car, hard-surface, sewer, etc; splen did fireplace. Fox furnace, hardwood lira., natural wood and white enamel finish; a dandy home In first-class diaU, below the hill. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO 212 Railway Exch. bldg. Main 672. $300 buys a beautiful new strictly modern nome except lurnaee; never been oc cupied; garage; this home could not be duplicated for the money and $500 cash will handle. J. A. WICKMAN CO. 204 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 1094. Open Evenings. PIEDMONT DISTRICT. $300 cash, easy monthly pavments, buys an excellent 5-room house, 50x100 ft. lot, near Catholic school; price for immediate sale $2b00. See Mr. Chris tenson. Interstate Investment Co., 410 Henry bldg., Main 1743. FOR SALE Beautiful Irvlngton residence. i.jAi.u-ioui ioi, i rooms, including lour bedrooms and sleeping porch; all hard wood floors; worth $14,000, but will be so. a at a sacrmce on easy terms. In quire 1207 Gasco bldg., or telephone Main 6302 during day. Evenings, Tabor i .-.. i nis is a real bargain. $2600 SIX-ROOM BUNG A LOW trtrtft CHEAPER THAN RENTING; SEE THIS o rooms on one rioor. run basement rireplace. good plumbing, gas, electric lights, 75x1 10 ground : near car : a bar gain. on terms. Main 7967, Mariela or wiuiams. inamoer of Com. bldg. Til AT VACANT LOT Why not turn a burden into income' .We deslan and build a Dart men ts. irar ages, residences, anything; fu'nish plan.- and finance. Established ten vears. Wa offer SECURITY. SERVICE. SATISFAC TION. L. R. Bailey Co., Inc.. ontract- mg arcnuecta. v. nanlt bldg. ONE of Portland's t st Heights homes. c lose in ; full unobstructible mountain view; four bedrooms, with two baths; aressinr rooms, aloep'ng porches ; two maids' rooms, with one bath ; hot-water neai ; manogany wooawork. all oa.1: noors; pri'.-e .u,ooo. .Residence phone, Main 3360. IRVINGTON SNAPS 833 Hatapy. $4250; 544 Brazee. $4800. Immediate possession: easy terms. 711 Thomuson St.. 0tM. V lump tnr appointment and we will show you these ana oi tiers. R. T. STREET. Agent East F94- $730 CASH. $35 MONTHLY; PRICE $3150. 6 rooms and sewing room, firenlace. furnace, full 5Oxl00 lot. flowers, shrub bery, etc.. near two carlines. on East Aoni tin'i'i can move right in. JOHNSON-DO DSON CO. 633 X. W. Bank bldg.. Main 3787. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE; FIREPLACE. BUILT-IN BUFFET AND BOOK CASES; GARAGE; CORNER. CLOSE IN ON EAST SIDE; BPJST CAR LINE IN CITY: $4250. TERMS. PHONE VACANT 4-ROOM Ri:T. a t ow 4 rooms, small basement, good plumb ing, electric lights, pas. closets, fine lot, 50x100, near car, good lawn, several fruit trees; irice $1650. pus v term 79117.- Mariels or Williams, 820 Chamber o i lomnirrce mag. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW " Don't overlook this if you want i modern 5-room bungalow with every con vemence; oaa Xloors. 399 E. 45 th N. F. W. TORGLER. 1Q6 Sherlock Bldg. rv r . i .n uistrict. 4-room bunmlw place, electric lights, concrete basement corner lot; $2000. also 25 feet for $50 and advance money to build. r I Bathrick, 515 Chamber of Commerce or lort WInchell alter 4 P. M"me"- or $35oo. Alameda Park, hard-surface street bungalow, 6 rooms, bath, -electric lights gas. full-size basement; $2500 cash bal ance $2". month, with I-tere.-f. Poin- sc:vfi&" MUB- uin isooj REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, ROSE CITY PARK. One of the most artistic, well-built bungalows in the city; located among Rose City Park's finest homes ; living room 25x14 feet; fine fireplace with cozy built-in seats, hardwood floors of finest quality oak, 3 sets French doors, extra large sun porch, built-in' buffet, and many other conveniences; white enam eled Dutch kitchen; 2 fine bedrooms; plate-glass windows; ventilated closetsi cement basement, fine furnace, laundry trays; 50x100 lot, fruit. Ix22 GARAGE; 3 blocks north of Sandy blvd.; all im provements in and paid;, full price $60m; 3olM cash will handle. Here is a real home among homes. Call for appoint ment. Autos always at your conven ience.. GEO. T. MOORE3 CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. 7 ROOMS, WALNUT PARK, $5250. Cleveland avenue, corner lot. hard surface Hreet, fine shade, lawn and flowers. 2-story, large attic, rec. hall, living room, library, dining room, kitch en and kitchenette, 4 bedrooms, tiaished in nat. and white, hot water heat, bevel plate doors and windows, mirror door, 2 toilets, wide porch, full basement, furnace, fruit room, coal bin. w a h trays, etc., large garage. A splendid house in a beautiful district, one block to car. terms. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO. 212 Railway Exchange bldg.. Main 6752. 6-ROOM, 2-story plastered bungalow; base ment and garnge; MxlOO; $150U. $250 cash: 6th st., 6."-60th ave. S. E. ti-room modern bungalow. $22oo. $;o0 cash; 67th ave., o-id st. S. E. Grocery ttore and fixtures. Ford delivery, $32O0. cash, stock at Invoice. 7 rooms, 0ixl20, 2t-ft. alley, on Woodstock line, $22oo. $500 cash. 5 rooms and bath, 122x137 $:;250, $500 cash. 5 rooms. Sox loo, 3ox 21 -ft. chicken house for 300 chickens, $15uO. $io0 cash. 4 rooms, electricity, gas, basement, G blks. Mt. Scott car. $so0, $50 cash. Fred Spear, Tabor 5&b. ' 65th ave.. 07th st. S. E. ALBERTA BUNGALOW BARGAIN. J32U0 We claim that this is the nicest finished home in the city for this money; beautiful paneled dining room, swell buffet, elegant electric fixtures, full cement basement; one bedroom and bath down, two bedrooms and sleeping porch up. Easv terms ; owner has moved to Seattle. Vacant Thursday; let ua show you. J. A. WICKMAN CO. 204 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 1004. Open Evenings. HIGH-CLASS IRVINGTON RESIDENCE. Modern 12-room i evidence, finished in selected mahogany and oak. hardwood floors throughout, spacjous rooms, three artistic tile fireplaces, tile baths, latest sanitary plumbing, sun room, sleeping por h, full cement basement, large fin ished attic, stationary vacuum fleaner, rooms beautifully finished, ground plant ed with rare shrubbery; absolute y one of the best constructed homos in Port land. Teims. By owner, X 52. Orego nian. . DO YOTT WANT A HOME AND A "VINO ALSO? HERE IS A SPLENDID OP PORTUNITY: SIX 5 AND tt-Rf'J FLATS, FINE CORNER ON W Er f SIDE. WALKING DISTANCE: Y ' L CAN LIVE IN ONE AND THE OTHERS ARE ALL RENTED FOR $200 PER MONTH. WHY WORRY ABOUT BUS INESS WHEN REAL ESTATE IS SO CHEAP? PRICE $l.0O0, TERMS. E. H. COLLIS. EAST feOtiO. VACANT ROSE CITY HO.MB. $400 CO M P LETE L Y F U R N 1 S H E D $ 4000 Out-of-town owner must sell at sacri fice, 0 rooms and sleeping porch, built-in con v., cement basement, furnace, good furniture, paved sts. in and paid, just 1 ' blocks from Sandy blvd. You can t ar ford to miss this if you are looking for a good buy; $120O cash will hanule, bal. long time. C. A. WARRINER, RITTER, LOWE Ac CO., 201-3-5-7 Hoard of Trade Bldg. " ROSE CITY PARK. This Is a double constructed 5-room bungalow, located within 2 blocks of car; it has all buil-in conveniences, fireplace, furnace, heat, garage, 80x loo lot. street paved, sewers in and paid. The price Is $43o0, $1000 cash, balance very easy. Where in Roe City Park can you buy a 5-room bungalow on a large lot for this price? CUE A. McKENNA & CO., Main 422. K2 4th St., Board of Trade B.dg. PIEDMONT BEAUTY. This is an exceptionally well built home, will have to be seen to be appre ciated. 7 large rooms, strictly modern, ii-inch hardwood floors, Hrepiace, built in bookcases and butfet, good basement and lurnace, paved sts. in and paid, full east front lot, garage, nice lawn and shrubbery, 2 blocks from car; let ua show you this; price $70oo. terms. C A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOWE At CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BE AUTIFUL HOME. EIGHT ROOM to. NEAR EAST 20TH AND COUCH. IN w -LY PAINTED AND DECORATED I v S1DE AND OUTSIDE. ALL MCOERN CONVENIENCES AND BUILT-IN EF FECTS; TWO TOILETS. BATH FIR NACE AND GARAGE; A HNOS ME Ai-ID ATTRACTIVE HOME ; $0000, TER.M S. E. H. COLLIS. EAST 6660. $325) A LAM EDA HOM E $5250. VACANT. MOVE RIGHT IN. 7 rooms, btrictly modern, 1 bedroom on 1st floor, 3 above, firepiace, built-in bookcases and buffet. white enamel Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors. full cement basement, furnace, paved sts. in and paid, nice lawn and shrubbery. Just 2 blks. from Bdy. car line ; quick action necessary, terms. C. A. WARRINER, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. C ROOMS $4250. Now vacant and ready for occupancy, splendid 6-room home, basement, etc. ; street assessments paid; $0o cash and $50 monthly, including interest. , Move right in. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St., near Third. Main 3092. Main 3316. Branch Office 50th and Sandy. 4-ROOM bungalow, large wide porch, ex ceptionally large living room, uuin-in kite lien. conveniently arranged, two bedrooms and bath, lot 6,xll2 w ith trees, shrubbery, roses, attractive and beautiful, owner non-resident, must sell at once; price $2Q0O, $200 casa will handle. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank bldg.. Main 3787 CLEVELAND AVE. NICE HOME. Fine 6-room house, elect., full cement basement, laundry trays, buffet, cabinet kitchen, 3 bedrooms, corner lot Soxloo, paved streets, all paid, some fine fruit trees and small fruits, chicken house and run; 94S Cleveland ave. cor. Prescott; price $3700. $1200 cash. ' GRUSSI & BENNETT. 318 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. VACANT YOl.'R OWN TERMS. $2650 NEAR JEFFERSON H. S. $2650. ti-room well constructed house, base ment, good plumbing, electric lights, gas, some fruit, small lot. H. S. street, near car. Jefferson high school and car barns; this is a mighty good buy on easy terms and better than renting. Main 7907, Mariels or Williams, Chamber oi Commerce bldg. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. $4000 buys this thoroughly modern 5-room bungalow, on corner, full sized lot. large living room, dining room, two bedrooms and kitchen; hardwood floors, good furnace, garage, beautitut trees, fine neighborhood. A snap. Call Evcr Eon, THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 5th st- Main 6S6. CHOICE IRVINGTON HOME, lonxino SNAP. TAKE SMALLER HOUSE. Strictly modern and up-to-date, 9 rooms with garage, corner. J. BOBBINS. 301 Railway Exchange. Main 7931. Res. Tabor 5319. WHY PAY RENT? $2800 buys 6-room house on Cook ave., near Williams: couldn't be duplicated for $4i00; ooxloO lot; fruit trees; close in; rare bargain. Charles Ringler, 225 Henry bldg. FOR SALE or exchange for Seattle resi dence property 5-room house and sleep ing porch, furnace, fireplace, 2 lots, near Iaurel hurst park ; reasonable. Phone Broadway 2447 between 9 and 5. FOR SALE Modern 4-room bungalow, cherry, apple, plum and prune trees, ber ries, etc; 3 blocks from car; price $2100, terms. Inquire at premises, 1192 Tibbetts. $05O SNAP 2-ronm house. $150 cash, bal. easy; 2 lots, east front; lots of berries; some furniture. Call at 6927 Kid st. S. E., south of Grays Crossing, Mt. Scott car. OVERLOOK ADDITION. 6-rocm house in this fine location ; modern, up-to-date furnace, fireplace, hardw ood Loors, etc. Price $360o; very easy terms. Call 511 Railway Exchange. ONLY $1300 $300 CASH $25 PER MO. 7-room house, Hawthorne district ; sewer, side wa Iks and paved street in and paid : owner. 304 Oak St. FOR SALE By owner; $ 3 1 5 O West of Piedmont, 7-room house; fruit trees, ber ries, chicken house, lot 50x110; terms. W'oodlawn 5403. BY OWNER Strictly modern house in Irv lngton; oak floors, full cement basement. 50-foot lot. $4500. East 2377, or 722 Selling bid g. SALESMAN for electrical household appli ances; popular line : corn mission plan : leads furnished. Stubbs Electrical Co., 6th nt Pine. CLOSE IN. modern H-room house lens thar cut of building. Owuer, East 211L REAL ESTATE. $9500. IN LAURELHURST. A BIG BARGAIN. 8-ROOM HOUSE. SIGHTLY LOT. HOT-WATER HEAT. THREE FI REPLACES. TWO BATHROOMS. Siberian oaK and blrdseye maple floor. Owner invalid, going to California Oct. 1. Catch this on the fly. No phone information. See Delahunty. 270 S Stark st- or phone for auto. Mala 1 o0. Keeidence. E. 20fri. IRVINGTON $7500. This Is a handsome colonial home with large living room with fireplace, dining room with fireplace, den, Dutch kitchen on lower, and 3 bedrooms, glassed-in sleeping porch and bath on upper floor and two finished rooms on top floor; hardwood floir.s, all rooms are beauti fully tinished in old Ivory and enamel. The lighting fixtures are very fine: terms $134io cash, . balance to suit; immediate posyession. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. Main 4322. b2 4th St., Board of Trade Bldg. $5O0 CASH VACANT MOVE RIGHT IN. $3tk0 buys a dandy new modern home of live rooms and bath first floor, two bedrooms up, fireplace, hardwood floors in living, dining room and kitchen, heautnul Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, wash trays ; sewer and tidewalk in and paid; you may have seen a number ot homes but none better than this for the money. Let us show you. J. A. WICKMAN CO. 204 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 1004. Open Evenings ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW $4100. Folks, here's a dandy 5-room bunga low, located below the hill, within one block of Sandy; hardwood floor?, fire place, buffet, 50x1 0O lot, asses.-ments paid. Sounds pret ty good for S4100 in that location, doesn't it? You would expect to pay more. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO. 261 Stark St., Near Third. Main 3O02. Main 3516. Branch Office 50th and Sandy. LAURELHL'RST. I have several very modern nlgh-o'.ass colonial homes in Laure hurst, the pre mier restricted residential district of Portland. These homti while now occu pied can be had for occupancy within a whort time. They are in perfect con dition and located in the best parts of Laurelhurst tract. Under present high cost or Duiiaing, these houses are unuer priced and can be purchased on terms. M R. BROWN. E. 39th and Gliaan sis Tabor 3433; evenings. Tabor 59. ROSE CITY PARK. SIX ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH, ' $4350. Must be sold by October 1. Splendid bungalow with hardwood floors, fire place, buffet, cement basement, furnace, etc., the chances are this will be sold immediately you'd better hurry. Even ings phone Tabor 8255. A. G. TEEPE CO. 264 Stark St., Near Third. Main 3092. Main 33X6. Branch Office fiOth and Sandv. $75oo. $;ooo. WEST SIDE VIEW HOME. There is not a more magnificent view In the city than is had from this home; i rooms, thoroughly modern, with hot water heating system, garage, pavement. Lowers, lawn; on car line; i minutes walk to 23d and Wash. For appointment set- iiiVersnn, THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 5th st. Main 6S69. MT. TABOR BUNGALOW. $3500. A 5-room bungalow, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, ail built-in, cement base ment, wash travs. earaue. etc.. a well- kept lawn, roses and shade trees and a beautiful view; if you are looking for a real California bungalow let us show you in is. RUMMELL &. RUMMELL. 274 Stark Street. LEAVING CITY. IMMEDI ATE POSS ESSI ON. in aacriiH my beautiful 5-room bungalow, strictly modern except fur nace, newly painted and tinted, on 6ox it mi lot, bearing fruit trees, paved sts. sewer; near car and school : room for garage; all improvements included in price; only $35ot; $ luoo cash, balance easy terms. 023 E. 34th si., near Division. ""$ 3 500. $3 500! ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. Th Is 4-room bungalow Is a dream home. Two bedrooms, bath, large liv ing room. fireplace. Dutch kitchen breakfast nook, hardwood floors, cement basement. A cosy, com fur table home. M'o t, verson. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 5th st. Main 6T A WONDERFUL BUY. 7 ROOMS LOTS OF FRUIT. 7-room house, ciose in, east fide, good plumbing, basement, gas, lights, a line lot 50x100, 4 large cherry trees. 2 apples. i prune, x pear, lots or grapes; H. s street, all liens In and paid: a snap at $270o, on easy terms. Main 7967. Mariels or Williams. 820 Chamber of Com. bldg. Suburban Hume. ATTRACTIVE 7-ROOM BUNGALOW. Large buncalow. fireplace, good plumb Ing, water system: one acre in fruit trees, apples, pears, peaches and Kraoe arbor located convenient to Oregon electric sta tion; 1 2 c commutation fare ; county road; exceptionally fine place; photo at oi' ice ; persona! iy inspected ; price $2Mio half cash. It would cost $4000 to build this bunaralow now. John Ferguson, Gcr linger b 1 d g GARDEN HOME BUNGALOW. Brand new, just being finished; acre of ground; fine view; strictly mod cm, with cement basement, firepiace, launary trays, wnite por-eim Datn s'.eeplng porch, gas. electricity, water built by owner for home, and forced to sell. A real bargain for $2S50 ; $1250 cash. You deal with owner; there's no commission. Get the address at 4 la Fenton bldg. FINE SUBURBAN HOME. Located on the pavement, close to elec trie line. 2 big acres. lots or t run. an pi os, prunes, pears, plums and berries, nice grounas. o-room bungalow, piumn Ing. fruit, basement, water system, large chicken house, lor lnou cnickens, garage price $3SOO. $1500 down; personally In spected; photo at office. John Ferguson, teriinger blag. 1 HUDSON ACRES. Small tracts to suit purchasers, all In high state of cultivation. Bull Run water and city gas; two carnne service. Low price and terms. Let us show you this acreage tr you are wanting a suburban home with city conveniences. R. E. MENEFEE. 416-417 Railway Exch. bldg. Main 4035. SUBURBAN HOMESITE. ONLY $475. 210x100. over 4 city lots, rocked road, Tine spring brook, piped water, electric! ty, close to electric station, fine view- cedar, dogwood, maple, swlmmlnt i boating. Remember, $r0 down and $ lo per month. 500 Concord bldg.. Second and Stark. GARDEN HOME BARGAIN. 2 '-i acres, all in cultivation, and 1m proved with all kinds of full beating trees ana Derries; gooa live -room houe. city gas. electricity; fine view ; faces main county road; 12 minutes walk from G. H station. Price only $3750. half cash. O. G. McCORMIC CO.. 41S Fenton bldg. 4-ROOM bungalow on acre, water, gas electricity, iruit trees, perries, woodshed 2 chicken houses; west side. 6c fare choice, sightly lots; $25oo; will take auto as part payment, balance like rent. Buy u .rec v i rom o w ner. v oon, oreRonian. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME. and acreage, well located, near car line from $1S00 up. Inquire third house north of R is icy station, on Oregon City car line, sign Aiuer .rtrooic. FOR RENT 3 acres, mile from car; rent until next spring paid by a few days' work; 3 -room house, barn, some fruit. n 557. oregontan. For Sale -Buwinesa Property. QUARTER block on trackage. East Water street, between Morrison and Hawthorne bridges; sacrifice; easy terms. Owner. X ;3, oregonian. For Knle Acreage. ACREAGE ALBERTA CAR, KENNEDY bCMOOL. $30 cash, $10 mo. Water: no gravel nice tract with shack. Main 1643. Mr. Cary. 1219 N. W. Bank bids;. fcMi ACRES, with 20 partly Improved, houwe Darn, stream and well: iod soil. miles from good town In Coos county: $1000. cash. T. C. Staley, 318 Railway Exchange. A BEAUTIFUL acre near city limits, good car service, city water and gas; good soi!, at a bargain. R. K. Menefee. 4itJ and 417 Railway Exch. bldg. Main 4035. SALE OR TRADE 2 acres with 2-story house, unfinished; will trade for auto, Buick or Oakland, 'HJ or '17, or will sell equity for $7S0. AE 4 45. Oregonlan. 10 ACRES7$2750, short distance east of etty limits, beyond Montavilla. away be low anything in vicinity. Owner 010 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 15H5. CHOICE river front and river view acre age; a: so other acreage and farm lands on Oregon City car line. H. ii. Stark weather, rtn2 Broadway bldg. FOR Oregon City Una acreage. Improved or unimproved, see John Brown, 324 R a i 1 road Exchange bldg. Mar. 3531. 141- ACRES, ell cleared, all food, no build Ing. l!t miles Oregon City. $3tiifl, $loo0 cash. T. C. Staley. SIX Ry. Exchange. CHOICE. close-In acreage. Sale or trade. A snp. Owner. Bmartwuy- 4CS3. FOB SALE IO acres here. 15 st Olympia ; buUi highly improved. 401 Coucb bids;. REAL ESTATE. For Sule Acreage. HOOD RIVER. HOOD RIVER. 13 acres 1 miles from Hood River; 10 acres in U-y ear-old commercial ap ples; 3-acre homesite with small build ing; beautiful location; on fine road; excellent soli; a wonderful buy at $5250. A Hood River estate of greatest srentc beauty, overlooking the Columbia river gorge and lower liood River val ley. This la a commercial proposition consisting of 117 acres of red-shot land. 40 of which are In orchard. 20 more in cultivation and 20 more easy to clear; Irrigated and has fine springs and a liv ing stream: good farm buildings; $25,0OO; reasonable terms. T UC K E R & SHRECK. 502 Spalding Bldg. 12 ACRES BEAVERDAM LAND. WITH CROP. STOCK AND EQUIPMENT. 13 acres, located 5 miles from city limits, all under cultivation; good new 5-room bungalow, barn, chicken house, lare orchard; price $4000, m ith 3 horses, 2 wagons, 3 ploughs, harrow and other implements; 10 tons hay. potatoes, 4o0 cabbages and fruit. This property located on macadamized road. h -mile to school; 12 acres beaverdam land, tiled and drained. Personally inspected. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bidg. ONION AND POTATO LAND. 20 acres, ft miles north of Vancouver on hard surface road, and fine larming district, approximately one-half of land is richest beaver dam; there Is 17 A acres under plow and land Is fenced and cross fenced, fair house and barn, good wl I of finest water ; crops on this and ad joining farms show t he productivity of soil; a real snap at $3.oti, lo00 cash. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 205 Corbett bldg. Main C913. WELL IMPROVED PLACE. Nearly four acres, located close to the electric depot in Tigard, all under cul tivation ; creek and well : 4-room house, plastered, barn and chicken house; price $2;50 on very easy terms, balance at 6 per cent interest ; personally inspected. Photo at office. John Ferguson, Ger linger bldg. OREGON CITY line acreage. 1 big acre on hard surface road, four-room house, chicken house, lots of fry it. electric lights and gas, well, all under cultiva tiun. close to school and station; price $2ooo, $4t0 cash, balance like rent. See John Brown, 324 Railway Exchange bldg. ACRE TRACT, CLOSE IN. Six blocks from Bell station; good dis trict, water piped to house, gas, 7-room bungalow, lath and plastered, wired for electric lights; 11 fruit trees; shed, garage and outbuildings; price $1850, $500 cash; personally inspected. Photo at of -flee. John Ferguson. Gerllnger bldg. $100 DOWN $15 MONTHLY. 10 acres of rich black loam land, all In cultivation; good sized shack; 1 V miles from the electric; total price $1000. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. Open Sundays and Evenings. 5ooo ACRES In southwestern Washington for sale to settlers only; easy terms. low price. $5 per acre and up. Liberty bonds accepted at par. Writ for map show ing location, terms, etc. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY, Ta.com a Bldg., Tacoma. Wash. FOR SALE or trade 14S acres near Blod- gett. Or., 10 acrea cleared, good house, shingle mill, barn and other outbuild ings ; balance timber and pasture ; price $1000. pari down, balance long time. R. F. Walton, Blodgett. Or. Write for in formation. LOGG ED-OFF LANDS. Tracts, 5 acres up, located within 30 miles of Portland, on railroad; good soil, no rock, plenty of water; work nearby ; buy on your own terms. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. FOR SALE Five acres near Portland; one acre cleared, balance standing timber; between O. E. and E. P. railroads, about a mile from each depot; cabin on ground; will entertain reasonable offer, cah or terms. Inquire 507 Market iL Phone Main 3599. NEW FOUR-ROOM BUNGALOW. One acre of good land, located in Metz ger, convenient to car; good well; plas tered bunaiow of 4 rooms; attractive place; price $1600, $500 down, John Fer guson, Ger linger bldg. 13 ACRES on county road, 5 minutes to hard surface. J. minutes wik Gresham carline. 30 minutes by auto to courthouse. Portland. Fine view, close to school. 22 j per acre, part cleared, best soil. F. W. Hiil, owner. 1112 Gasco bldg. BE A UTI KUL 16-acre place on Columbia, 2 modern houses, accessory bulidinfcs for any purpose. Laat 23 1 . or Selling bldg. Homesteads. Relinquishments. 160 RELINQUISHMENT, house. road. creek, soring, clearing In potatoes, lum ber for new house and barn, 20 cords wood cut. good neighbors, close to saw null, partly beautiful timber, 40 acres easy cleared. $500 cash. 320 Morgan bldg. For Sale -Farms. 335 ACRES, all in cultiatluin and under Irrigation; 2 sets of good buildings; l j inues noni rauroaa. uedi jmiucu bu. per acre this year. All level. A dandy buy at $163 per acre. 1.7 acres. ,-j-miIe uom town; 115 acres In culti vation, bal. liver bottom pasture; all of place is under Irrigation ; new 7-room house, fine large barn. Priced to seil at S21.0UO. For further iniormatlon on these farms or on Wallowa county, write 1 he Pyramid Land Co.. Enterprise, or. 3910 ACRES WHEAT LAND, one mile from railroad station, oer suou acres under cultivation: half ot the place Is fenced with hog-tight wire fencing; two modern d wellings, large barn and other outbuildings; plenty of good water; about S 1 5,000 wort h of lm pie men t a of all kinds that will go with the place; price $40 per acre; $45,0OO cash, balance small annual pay menu, liunuuri Realty lo Condon, Oregon. 33 ACRES ot good, level land, with 2 -room shack, good barn. Vs-full of oat itiaw; all cleared but about 2 acres, all fenced and seeded to timothy and clover. Also 3 sood lots, with Rood S-room house new ly papered, good barn and garage and $12oo worth of new furniture, never been used. This property lies in the town of Banks. Oregon. Price $2oo, with very liberal terms. Address Box 3S3, Banks, Or. 640 ACHES, one of the best Improved wheat farms In Gilliam county, modern dwellinc. barn and new bulk granary plenty of ater. piped to house and barnyard: 2iO acres in summer-fallow price $."o per acre, part cash, balance reasonable time at 7 per cent Interest. liuriburt Realty Co., Condon, Oregon. 480-ACRE wheat farm. 6 miles from Con don, nearly all under cultivation; good dwelling, bam and other outbuildings, deeo well with Plenty of water; price $20,000, only $35oo down, balance $1000 each year. liuriburt itcatty Co., conaon. Oregon. 40 ACRES, ONLY $1000. $150 DOWN. Good 3 -room house, on county road, S blocks to school, family orchard, good soil, no rock.. sinoo: Slo down. DRAPER & CALWAY, 526 Chamber of Commerce. 443 ACRES; best farm and stock ranch in the valiev. 8 miles from Lebanon. Ore gon ; i ood d well in g, 3 good barns and wonderful outranae for stock; an Ideal place to raise turkes. Price $55 per aire; sio.ooo aon, terms on Daianre. Call or write J. N. Morns. Lebanon, Or. i0 ACRES. Hood River valley; small house. larsre barn. acres apple orchard. vears old : k -mi.e from station ; good level land ; over In cultivation, under nitcri; very cneap at iuw; terms ll de sired. J. M. Curtis, 317 Sherman ave. Hood River. Or. FOR SALE By owner, highly Improved 2 4-acre farm southeast of Lents Junc tion at end of pavement on roster road 8-room house, young orchard, small fruit, good barn, chicken house, etc. $350 per acre If sold soon, vv . r . Garrison, Oresham. Or. SAUVIES ISLAND RANCH. M acres. 12 acres cleared. balance easily cleared, faring Columbia river, da lly boat to Portland ; 2 houses, barn and other outbuildings; good duck lake on place ; bu an acre. 11. k.. Xvoble, Lumbermena bldg. 40 ACRES, 6 miles cast of Gresham, all in clutivatlon. on Lusted road, family orchard. 2 springs, good barn. 9 -room house, full cement basement, bath, hot nna roiu wair. i.ooo. terms. ECKES,60S CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CHICKEN, FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. $75 to $2O0 per acre, easy terms; best soil. harms for sale, all aises. aic ariana, xeon oiag.. Port land. &Vi ACRES near Wlllamlne; level, cleared. fenced. Good 3-rm. house; $1350; $150 cash. $13 mo. Jesse K. Sharp, 63 U 3d st. " SPLENDID quarter-section at $20 per acre. 4 miles from railroad on good road, well and small house; easy terms. Jo)t Bain, 5o7 Spalding bid. LOGG ED-OFF lands. $10 acre up; running water, good soil, Vb tillable; employ ment; easy terms. Jesse K. Sharp. S3 i Hd st. FOR SALE BY OWNER 240 acres under fence, best buy In state; terras are right; fine water all year. BP 104, Oregon i an. FOR W I LL A M ETT E V A LLE Y FARMS WRTTE OR CALL ON V. R, PUTNAM. W OO D BU R N. O R. HOOD FARMS for sale on good terms, ranging from 14 acres to 20o acres. E. C. Baker. Turner. Or. Marlon county. AMAZING bargain northwest of Hlllsboro. 40 acres, 12 cultivated, orchard, spring; 11250, (250 dow n. MJ4 Spalding bldg. SO ACRES. 20 clear. 30 miles down the Columbia; mock, hay all go for $3000; terms. Wood la wn 1 o;t. FOR FARMS AND ACREAGE SEE EC EES, COS CUAilBEH OF COiiMKRChi, REAL ESTATE. TRACTOR FARM. 800 ACRES. Located in one of the good fal! whet producing sect ions of Washington ; 1 20 miles from Spokane ; aovca miles from two small towns; two miles from state road. Lies exceptionally we!! and has all been farmed with a tractor; all In cul tivation; 4U0 acres In good clean sum mer fallow, ready to seed; 400 acres in stubble. Improved with a fair five-room house, barn for IS head of stock, with room in tbe center for hay and feed: small ma chine shed, small chicken house, etc. ; there la a good well, windmill and plenty of water. The neighborhood Is good and some of the nearby farms are excellently weJ Improved. Adjoining land sold over a year ago to a young farmer w ho know s the dis trict well, for $t0 per acre. This iani was not Improved. Land wit hin t wo miles sold for $75 per acre, but this piece was well improved. This- farm could be handled with 12 head of horses. To a farmer who wishes to get ahead this Is an exceptional opportunity. Price, including fall wheat seeded, combined harvester. two nearly -new grain drills and one cultivator, is $42. 0tH. The owner will carry a large por tion of the purchase price on the crop payment plan, taking one -half the crop each year until paid. Why should you think of going to Canada or any other lcal!ty when you can buy a place like this here? It would be a pleasure to tell ou more about this ranch. Good farms are our specialty. J. F. DEALY & CO., 417-41S Hyde Bldg., Spokane. Wash. IF YOU DON'T BUY THIS YOU DON'T WANT A FARM. 47 acres, all under cultivation except about 5 acres in white oak along the creek that runs through this farm: good 8-room house, newly repaired and painted inside and out; good barn, chicken house, hoghouse. brooder houe, well: I acre va riety of fruit and berries; Pacific highway and It. R. on one side and graveled road on the other side: almost ail under hog tight fence; located only a few blocks from a postoffice and railway depot of a good valley town: water enough to irri gate the place if desired. The Improve ments are almost worth the price asked; 7 acres of wheat. 8 acres of oats and 4 acres of clover already seeded, and the price for all is only $5500. terms $35oO cash. E. A. LINDORKN. Savon I.and Co., 935 N. W. Bank bldg. 4ti ACRES, $4000. with horses, stock, tools; convenient to R. R. town, in sec tion of every advantage: lot acres pro ductive loam tiliase, 75-cow past u re. estimated 2tM) cords wood, timber, iruit. big basement, barn. 2 silos, horse stable. g ranary, corn houses. Retiring owner includes pair good horses, hei(-rs, pins, poultry, full list tools, wagons, har ness, machinery, gaoliie engine, hay. gram, feed, etc., at only $4ooO. ea.-y lerniN. See picture 12-room house and details page 20, big loo-pagu fall cat alogue just out; farm bargains. Maine to Florida and west to Nebraska: copy free. Strout Farm Agency. 20S Biv, Plymouth bldg., M tnnea polls. M R. FA R M BUYER. I hsve some of the best buys In Ore gon. Remember 1 specialise In selling farms. 1 ( you buy w ithoui seeing me. you are the loser. I can save you money; give me a trial and be convinced. Watch for my bargains In Sunday's and Wednesday's Oregonian. 1 have some Boo fine I arm a. 1 cannot advertise ail the farms 1 have. Come in and see lor yourself. Ion't fall to see me. A. G. BENDER. RITTER. LoWE Ac CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. CORN. CLOVER. WHEAT. 843 acres 315 acres In cultivation) of level land, with Just enough roll tor drainage; all good wheat land ; not 10 acres of white or pooriy drained land on fatm; 10O acrea of clover. 50 acres of corn and balance was in small grain. Place well fenced ; 4-mu from sta tion, school, etc: fair builainKs. 2 silos, foed shed, etc This Is one ot the best farms in the valley. Price $123 per acre. KINNEY CO.. FARM LANDS, Corvallis. Or., Home of O. A. C. STOCK AND GRAIN FARM. 145 acres, loo acres under plow, bal ance In timber and pasture, 20 acres easily cleared; finest rich mould soil ; fenced a nd cross-fenced ; large barn, small house, 2 springs and well of finest water: 2 l miles from Oregon City on hard road 4 a most beautiful lying farm, fine neighborhood, close to school, and a splendid buy, $23.uto, $Sik0 cash will handle, I alance long tune at 6 per cent THE LAWRENCE. CO., 205 Corbett bldg. Main Itfil.V A SACRIFICE. 40 acres. lO acres In H'-year-old apple orchard in very best condition. Well lm pro ed and not one foot of waste soil. Good district school Just across the road from place. Only 6 miles from Mosier. There are $:t5oo worth of apples on place. Owner has lost his eyesiaht and Is forced to sell. Anyone that will look at this place will buy It. Price only $7000. Small payment and long terms. Cnmpbell-Phelrtn Land & Cattle Co.. 301 Couch bldg. Main eiM. CLOSE-IN FARM. 20 acres, located on the Foster road. 1 miles from courthouse, or 8 miles from city limits; all good land, no waste; 12 acres under cultivation, balance pasture; large orchard, macadamized road, rural conveniences; good fences; attractive G room house; water system ; gas engine for pumping; a fine attractive place. In good locality; personally Inspected; photo at office. John Ferguson. GerlUiger bldg. ON HAHD-SUR FACED ROAD. CLOSE TO ELECTRIC DEPOT. 30 acres, ail under cultivation, located 25 miles from Portland ; nice level land; exceptionally fine soil ; good 4-room house, barn. chicken-house, orchard, water piped to house: close to school and electric line. Personally Inspected. Price $4250 with about 10 tons hay and enough grain and potatoes for seed. J ohn Fer guson, Gerllnger bldg. &0-ACRE going farm, with stock and im plements, for sale; 24 acres under cul tivation. Including 7 acres of commer cial orchard, mostly Bartlett pears; good buildings. Including large hog house, with herd of Mock hops and registered boar; located on Pacific highway. 27 miles from Portland, on Lewis river; dally beat to and from Portland lands on place. H. E. Noble, Lumb rmens bldg. FINE 33-acre farm near Gresham, 5-room house, good barn, orchard, good well pump and gas engine; 3 acres potatoes and garden : good team, harness and wagon : A good cows. 3 large hogs, 110 rhickens, 18 tons hay. 10 bushe.s onts, farm tools and implements; price $7500. easy terms. K RIDE R & ELKINGTON, Gresham. Or. COLUMBIA RIVER DAIRY RANCH. 120 acres, located 6 miles north of Vancouver, Wash. AH bottom land ; 40 acres under cultivation, 70 acres pasture; orchard: new house, barn 02x0; dairy house and silo; good fences; boat landing on place; price JS7.50 per acre, halt cash. Personally Inspected. Anderson, with John Ferguson, Gerllnger bldg. GOOD bO-ACRE FARM near Gresham. every acre lies fine, splendid soil, M) acres In cultivation, some good timber, on good road near school. cood barn, house, outbuildings and orchard, wilt bear inspection; price $15,000, terms ar ranted. KR1DER A ELKINGTON. Gresham. Or. FOR SALE GO acres well improve.!, cose to Eugene. E. D. Wycandl. Goshen, t r WANTED ItKAL KSTATE. HAVE client for 5-room modern bungalow. Rose City. Alameda or Walnut Park ; around $5000, hal f cash. Poind ex ter. Selling bldg. Main 1SOO, residence B-712. WANT the best 3 or 6-room house that $1500 to 12250 will buy; not over 30 minutes out. give best terms, description. AO 5M. oregonlan. HOW much do you want for your suburban home T Have buyers for 1 to 5 acres, some with all cash. MeCormlc. 41a Fen ton bldg. Phone Broad way 1 5 1 ii. HOW much do you want for- your bunga low? Phone McCormic. Broadway loiti today. W A NT modern 3-room bungalow on Port land Heights up to $5ono. C.OPDARD St VVTFDRI-. 243 Stark St. SMALL mod. house or bungalow on paved street, few hundred do Mars down. ba:. ance $25 to $:;o month. Phone East 2553. HAVE party willing for house on WiTl" amette Heights up to $tH)o. GOP DA R D A: W1EPRIOK. 243 Stark St. BOSK ciTi bungalow viinted; modern snd denirable local ion ; prefer w ith sleeping porch and ;arsfe. Phono C 12 CO, WANTED REAL ESTATE. NEED SEVERAL H ME3 AT RIGHT PRICES. We have a num ber of customers f -r fhe or six-room buri.i!os in lrvington. Rose Ciy or Lsure;hurst district, and would appreciate tbe opportunity to han dle our property if In the market at a reasonable pri'-e for ch . We ait-o have a customer for seven room house InMde 3tit i-1 tawthorno dis trict, offering SJ'KM Lrst payment. We are In c'.'e touch w:ta Portland's housing situation and can dispose of good list ;ngn w i t hon de'a V. O. II. SKOTHE1M COMPANY. Fifth Floor Henry Bldg. Main 5190. Notice After October 1 we will be located in 331-332-l33 Railway Exchange B!Cr. STOP. l.t.HtK AND LISTEN. Want houses. SunnysMe. Hawthorne, Trvington, Rose City Park. Alameda. Piedmont, and will consider property that needs repair If our locat ion and price is worth while; will inspect and make offer. J. RORRTNS. Railway Exchange WILL PAY SPOT CASH FR LOTS. I am looking for some desirable build ing lots in best local ion f-T building purposes. Lots inutft positively be below prices of I jacent prop rty. Spot cash offered. Write full description or phone to HOME BUILDKRS. Henrv Bldg. Phone Main SI Oft. IRTINGTON If you will sell your lrv ington houe at TOP PRICE. CASH. let me know; buyers are waiting, espe cially if below $ 10. 0 00 and not loo old. R. T. Street, lrv. agent. East 894. WE will e.l lour homa within la da If located in In m ;lon. Laurelhurst, Rose ti:y Park. Hawthorne or west sia We have sold nt -a riy all of our listings irom S40OO to $tK,o. CoE A. McKENNA & CO. Main 4522 82 4th St.. Board of Trade Rid;. liouM'S In Re trie ted Districts oi:. WANT IRVINGTON HOUSES. In bundling Dilution homes .tea we naturally are in touch with buyers for homes already buiit. List your lrving ton house with us. We are boosting this district. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade B.dg. IS YOUR EQUITY A BURDEN? We have coid over 4o0 parcels of medium-priced properties, and no mat ter what cond it ion ours u In, we can sell it if the price is riKht. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. 732 Chamber of Commerce, Open Sundays and Evenings. M A N V 1 EO P I . E W A I T 1 N 1 WANT TO RENT FARMS. Have Fveral good farmers who want to icnt farms ai.d have the money to pay cash rent; send ua a list of what sou have at once. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. 305 OAK ST. BDWY. 4133. LAURELHURST HOME wauled Uom own er, either 1 or 2 lots, at least 10-room house ; must be st rit t ; mouern and lo cated nt-ar the PARK; give lull inscrip tion In reply, with price. A lav, uie gonian. BUILD NOW. If you own a lot, wc will furnish the money and build lor you. leraii like rent. Cail and see u. W EST K EN CONSTRUCTION CO.. Main 20j5. i-l Morgan bi-lg. VACANT lota in the Rase City Park dis trict. We have clients w ha will pny casn. Tell us the price and where your lot is located. It might be just where we want it. J. L. Hartman Companv, 7 Chamber of Commerce bIJg. Main 2iS. WANTED To lease for one year with option for purchase. 5-acre Improved pla e with modern house, near car line. Will pny cash for any stock. Answer, giving full particulars. A 710, orefco nian. FOR SALE or trade--New invent ion, key lesg:ocks: pat. pending. Wi.l sell the entire interest, or will trade one-third interest lor house up to $2000. Informa tion, p. o. box :;oo:i, n.. WANTED 5xl"i. or larger, lot in East or Northeast Portland, tor lipht furniture factory. liav e $ lto lot at 24 1 h and E. Flanders to oner at a bargain If acce;te l In l raIe. Phone Fast 4-40. f" W ANT a irt clofo In on east side. Sun nvslde prc'rred; wi.l give a lot on the coiner of TMh and 47th ave. and wiii pay rash dtnerence. Ca.l Tabor &152, or write ti 77. Onoiiian. MacINNKS & PRATT. MAIN .is;s. TO S K LL YOUR Hoi sC OR LOT. PROMPT AND COUKTKOUS SERVICE. 413 BOARD OF TRADE HI.DG. WE HAVE TilK BUYERS. Phone us the bu-at ton of j uur house and we wt'l d the r'M. , LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. M?t 'ham. of Commerce. Main 6O07. H V 1-1 f-pot -cusli buyer f or 4 t r 5-r.om modern home near K 0th nnd SkMm to, must be sacrifice price. Phone McCor mic. Broad way 151 6, today sure. WANTED Best 4 or 5-room buncalow for around $2.'tm cash, ulso s-rornn bunga low, Mt. Scott, around 22'K. F. Fuehs, 420 Cnamber of Commerce. WE HAV E a hu er waiting for a 5 i H-room bungalow; want ouick action See uh at vnce. .1 olinscn-Do-! -on Co. iKlli N. W. Bank bldg. Main li.7. WK want liuUM 5 to se'.! in a.: parts of the ntv; now is t :ie time to turn your prop t-rty into cash. U -PDA K D tf WIKPr.ICK. 241 Stark St. WANTED At once. Rose City bungalow. Phone Mr. King. Broad way 2t. iO BUY. SF.LL OR EX" H A NGE PROP ERTY. SEE STAI.EV. 5-s 1 Y . EACH. I ami W unt4l. Mr. Farmer, do you want to rent that farm ot yours? If so. we can cet vou cesri rent and pell that personul property for cash. W have a dozen people calling on us o.ery day wanting to rent farms. Send us yours t.-r Tuck actiou. A. G. RENDER. RITTFR. LoWE i CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. ABOUT $2500 cash snd 2 good lots, want SO or 4' acres on good road, plent y water, about biCf In . ultlvation. near Portland. Krogstad. ".:rt Overton st. ll WE ash buvers for acreage Is right. H. W. Garland. 2ul Ta lor. if price 3d., cor. Wanted to Kent Farm. WANTED To rent a 5-acre tract with a s-riall h-mse and buildmjrs suitable for 200 or 3tO chicKens. St.te rent in first letter. D 601. oregoniim. WANTED To rent a farm In Columbia 4-ounty or near Portland. Main OoS. 1'OR KENT FARMS. CARLTON. OR.. FARM FOR RENT. Here is a highly improved Lrm. is all stocked :nu equipped ii:d ready to go to work and is a mom y-makitig proposi tion. The owner is desirous of look iiig after other business in I'ort land, there fore he wishes to tease this place; 450 acres. :i50 acres under cultivation, few acres timber, sll kinds of berries. 13 acres orchard, including 5 acres prunes; A-l soil; all fenced with woven wire; close to It- R.. 1 mile to school. R. F. I- telephone; 5 riprius, good road, yood ti-room house; hot nnd cold water, bath, etc.; basement, barn. to.w. granary, hog house, machinery shed, buiiKhoube and outbldgs. Will lease this place for 1 to 3 years for one-thirl gram and hay i nd haif the fruit. Personal property for sale is tractor, horses. 6 cows, .'i hei fers. 3 calves, I bull, 1 steer, sheep, 45 Iambs. 3o goats. 3 kids. 75 hoa, ma- hlnery of ail d'-script ion. 4 tons buy. 3- bushel oatn. ion bushels wheat; price for evervthim. $175 ; ome terms. C. H. WOODWARD. RITTER. LOWE At CO. COl-o-j-7 Board of Trade bldg. FOR RENT ON SHARES. l0-acre dairy ranch. Tillamook ty. owner AN h-JH, oregoman. TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE Fine 21 M Russell mill : also im,xiu Seattle donkey, full loosing equip ment; bargain price anil terms. F. 11. Bowman k Co., 213 Chamber of Com merce. FOR SALE Sawmill and timber in Will amette vaiky, on mu in ' ine S. P. : 25. Ooil It. a pad ty ; price $2500; plenty of timber. AV 71. Oresontan. PILING wanted; f:ie scale, price and when cut. O. V. Gamble. Couch bidg. TO KXf HANTiF REAL TESTA TK. EXCH ANG f. IS acres 6- ear-tod apple orchard near Albany to exchange for well located I'ort land vim nt. MacINVES A PRATT. Main SSt;. 413 Board of Trade bldg. WILL TRADE. 5 lots 50 x low. clear of Incumbrance, for 7 or i-room boute and assume; bus near Sandy and 42d st.: give description of house, location and price. E 555. orc jronldn I WISH to trade my equity In a 4-sertlon of Sout h Dak. land nen r grow in g town, ts payment on a good 4i or r farm in the W 1 1 1 a me ? e valley. T. J . Robin son. SI : vert on. Or. FOB SALE or exchange for Seattle resi dence property, 5-room house and sleep ing porch, furnace, firepiace. 2 lots, near 1-aurelhurst park; reasonable. Phone B roa d w a y 244 7 he w ee n U and' fv Ifi ACR E5 Southern Orer-n. price I3500, tnort Kce $1 : will traOe an first pa v rnent on sfl home, balauc muoiiily. Call Woodlciwn 2ft25, TO EXfltAVf. K REAL ESTATE, fr.MALL HOUSE KoR LA iiGE R ONE. Six rooms, f u'ly modern, w ii h furnnet snd f irt-p mcc. nil e gar.ise. 40x50 corner lot. c'.oso In on east side; o.i neighbor hood and surroundings. Want 7 or S-room modern h-iua in g-od d. strict, with at least 5oxlto lot. The property advertised is free fr,,m i n -1 ebt t-d n s : will jsurne a. res.inab.c amount of incumbrance; Pasa d-s-nte our property fully. statins? amount of jndc Jtednesa. 1J 29. orego niart. 6-ROOM pla.Mered and papered houj-e; hard w ood floors, f ui cement basement, furnace. gnra.'. some fruit trees, ground looloo. Eer thing in ill a bt of con dition, located c'.oe la on Mississippi ave. ; will consider 15 or 20 -a ere im proved farm on good road and reasonably close in. Prico $ touO. Wort :i your whiio to investigate. E. A- Lindgren, Cavoa Land Co., ':i5 N. W. Kara b.JPT. SNAP for le r exchange. 2d-arre foil bearing n;p orchard; C kinds c-f apples. 8 and 10-ear-oM trees, good selling ap ples, already picked 10 tns, 4 eoKV ptckin ft, all s pplra contracted tor, $VK jvr aro. i;.t orchard In TVnu mont. Cal. Com n r.d see. Waait 1'ort lirid income rr,Mrty. or what have ou? T. Peterson. Briumont. Cal. 15IW-ACRK WHEAT RANCH. Most all ti::nh!e, in good part of east ern Oregon. 4.".oo acres summer failnwM, 3"0 acres mere, to b seeded: abundance of water, fair biiild ings : lies' s ation. fine soil, all eoutpped, price 4S.OOO. in cumbrance $ 1 ."i.t'iMi. This is a coIt proposition, wi.l trade for city or valley, part must be c'.ar. E 53:. Oreonlan. HAVE n new store buiK'.in. 2x3d fe-i ; lot 40135. in Hoquiim. Wash. Srcre rents for $ 21 a month . ml does $5oOi business each month. Wi!I trade fcr smnil ranch or go-l ;i u mobile : or wi.l sell at $2500. M.:r..n i Davidson. 23 F.rsr st. 155-ACRE wheat ranc'i. l.'.oi- cul.. i to be In crop tho coming car, l'-ill anil complete larming outfit, good well, close to IL R.; pnert $3i per acre; will con sider clar property to $3I.n0, balance long time, very reasonable interest. L. K. M. .re. 317 Board of Trade. WILL TRADE SO acr-s fruit Ian I partly lm r roved, good s pri n cs and ere a ii, in "Whit Salmon district, six miles north of Lvlo. for property In St. P:u:l or Min neapolis. C.trl K. L.-vcrentz. 53 Williajus ave. S. E. Minneapolis. LARGE and small farms fr salo or ex charge. Wolfstein. 40ii V.cKiy bldp. TO FXCH r. K-M1 SfK I JAXTTOr . EI' I SON phonograph and IS records; ii trade for t. nt. Call Sell wood 212-v IOR SALE. Horvs. Vehit le?. I.lvewtoek. EXTRA LARGE high grade Jerseys. 1 Jersey Durham, jist tre.-h with calf: 3-yr .-old thoroughbred iiolstcin: a"l larce mllkt-rs and gent I e. Tak- Wood -stock enr t- 2 'It h, 3 blocks east to J 1 'ow ell t. S. 1 1. 2 NICE ouni farm ams. bay mare and torr'i horse, wt. 2-tm lbs-, team; team of gra vs. w t . 2.0' ji.s. ; not n lai. piock y and well built; harness a-id wagon rea-t-otiaMo. Sl'G Powell st., cor. CytU. Wood stock car. FOR S-A I.E. One 12-year-old Belgian stalMon: one 5 years old; 'ii 4 enis old; one 1 years old; on I year old. ST A 1 1 SAND CO.. 21' Hoard of Trade. F i R S A 1 .E Tea m m.i r. s for I i c ht farm work, harness. I2-i;i. p.ow, sin;:. shovei. 7-t ooh cu.t iv a tor. lore pump. Mrs. Jane Klein. swe-o. t r. v 1 l.L sell Wa--k team, w t. ."ooo, w n a ha rnr ss, C. 51. Cica Transfer & Sior-n-e fo. Jp O K SAL K iit'S .slered 1 1 olstei n bu tl, k S iiiox., at bain E. -t h nnd hoa sts.. port. and. Ho. man Pin I Co. DEAD stock removed rjuickiy. Cash pid f-r dead cow ivtid cri;-p:c l horses. Phone Mi!HuM.' r.'-J for results. IF Vol want any fresh dairy cows of any breed ut any Tmie, s-- Mr. Bruc. at the j. to i k a r'is. N or t h I'ort I.in-i. 'nyon. 5 FIRST CLASS cows: must sell; Karcairi if taken s t or.ee. ;tn a; r ow cii v aiiey roa-1. WooilstocK car. r ' it S A l.E 1 ' pound t a m and waj; or. $200 for quick sale. M'tli and 3ith ave. .S. K. DEAD hni!.s. BPimi'.s haul d away ii ! -n'.an.i Rend.-rni? "o. U o..d aw n Ptnm:. Orami and Mri-lrnl InJJTJ'J?..1 toE"l RIT Y S'ot a ? cornpinv clsiig out : $.I5n J. p. Hale Co. upright piano 1 " i-rfoi upriM .".t piano $. ta $",o.i Weber, be-i model ' ". 2 small uprights. $5 end '- 75 Weber pl.i er piiitto ''' Parlor orns. - . and 10J 4111 U at a; Illusion Bt. $11 to $550 in saving on Pano dur Ii.k 1 actorv C.e ,r.i:i.-c S.i .e at m Pi.no Co. Ill 4th st. $15 or i-l. cash. $.- or ii luont ;ily buys good new or d iscon i Iiued r. : ode '. . KEEP DWN O'ST OK LlMNr bv buving vour piano or p'ayer p mo nt Die Athw.ui l';i::o Co, 111 Fourth sL, fluring ti:i.e of Factuiy t'.viuio to.tl.. Sec d.spty aJviii.svUiLii:, $450 Weber for $ IrtO ca.-h at Prenritv Storage Co.. 1 "-. 4t liJ1LtVyj,shgt. PIANO WANTED WT.! 1 t V c sh for go-d piano or trade Kuiwi.. . In :i. O.a or It tor phonograph !: cd-l-uuoi Pian. M g. Co.. 455 Wac.niriiou St.. corner 1 2: h . Broa u w ay ". PIAN. BARGAINS. We hae seiru ood si mdird makes of used pianos at ab.-ut h.l: price: term given. SciLcrlm.-Lucas MutiC Co., 1- 4;!i st. J.5 OKGAN". wi:n mirror, Jvia. $ 4' W.i.-hburn. $ J I $4oo Mcndclsfcdui player. $S. I'ased by the Haro.d S Gib rt sV The best In Iort:..nd. 3-4 UmWl TRADE H'l'it PIANO or ortran on a new V.ctrola and records; our pruposi: :on w 111 p.cise you. -e;' r-:iK-Luca4 Music Co., 12a 4th St. M an 1MANO WANTED. Highest cash paid tor u.-td r Linos and r!aer p:a ih's; Ket our priv. Sc icrUr.g Lucas Pi h-.l-:,4thhtiMrt-'" s '"; MILTuN PLAYER PIANO. Maliog. p;u:n ise in the inest of con dition, at 'tiaiost na.l irice. Sliberlins l.ucjis Music '.).. 12.i e-N"o T E PLAY i: '.i PIANO LOLLS. 25c Larwe as-or : r.ient- Kol' e.c uanucd. New in. in. 1- 1" : i - r.eur Waahni-.wu- f l I V A T E pa rt has Ch i- K ring grr 1 piano lor salt, u-I f;;r eais. ir Kr.t co nun im. A it 7:l, uipk in excel an. WANTED Lsed upright mahogany p:a:io; will pay ca ii 1 1 reaoua b ie. M ar.-1 a i 1 GRAND p;ano. fancy mahogany. Ciiiek-eri:-n par. or ralid, ntai !' la ', fvr sale. M.irs::ail 520. STOCK'ION Mahogany case; this is a ei y fine piano ;--t some bar k.hiu. Sieb cr.irmd .u.-..s Mu:-f Co. 1-5 4.h St. EM KK.-u. o.i k case, upng ut koiiiv' bargain. S".t.f! ny. i o 4ir. s-t. Maui s;,t'. 1 1, ll rt new, -4.Ui.4d Music KENT A PIANO, most reus., poi-tlaiul ; no ff-iuares or Harold S t.ilbert. V:' i.lle tenia In iliuni boxes, -iiiul st. SI'oT CASH PAID Ft Ml PHONOGRAPHS AND Kh-'OHPS. Now in in. 12S 1st. V mi 4 4 '5. Tai'or OTPS. svi'S S125 bUNS Jaco I Hi i p.ano ; 135 Kiiiit a.l inaKe. 312 Won r bldg. ST KG K U & SoNS JU(10 play riano for saie at grc atsacr:f .ce. 210 E. 3 2d st. KN ABE. al:n lir.iiveraK" 31 w. I PAY CASH FOR PSED PIANOS. HAI".'LD S. GILBERT, 3M Ya.nhul BR L NSW K K -hoiio graphs. leu:o::str.ited in your ov n home. N.ite A nloy. Se 11. 31 5 Iji " S H LAN E. a : 'lost new ; ow ner must se.l. cheap. 32 Worcester blttg. Ir iit SALE 1 Ca'i !Lt5 E. ri :i. ir.rr i t r a; 5:n sr. Nor; h. COIlip. Vie. CASH for piano if reasonable. Call before noon or alter p. m. Marshall 57. Furiiittir for Sale. Ft" RN 1 T lR E ef lo-room bou.-e, fine w-t h .de li.ration. a rooms pa. S r'-r.t ; Goo i!..nn, J15 'n t'.x months. ilornuit:-, Brnadwav 4111. HEAVY 4.ak dintns: table, 5 chairs, rl leather covered, in good condition, f t. e.lwood 712. Cail luuriUiiKt. 015 Mil wai: W ie st. TTtiit KALI-: Fi.rr.iturc lour roon:. non. nlefe i - near 2'i. 'an-ouver. Wash. Fl" R N 1 Tl R E of I'l-n-om houtg for sale; must se,l st onv.ii; Kavin; tho siatc 04 Clm lor. ART HV:n f.-'t iiiuitri-is. us. A (.no nu.r.th; ct f-7. el $2u. perfect condition. Mar shall loci, A 1 1 ; A i I h ii ire n out Of lU vl. IZ. Couch, IU Foil SALE I pcoiercr.1 Jers. y foi... Au- Ir.-'H Frank Ko-t'x :c:-.. osw r ci or. D1-'D hir"i t alien quickly. Cash tor dead c.wti. 'l.-mor 4 '.":' MY ENTIRE lord hssh-crad llolsteins ';ir s;.. D ; 12. 'rc "ot.i iti. WILL take horses m pasture. Roth Bros., Ti.iiMai". 3-Y 'ID rmy " "50 lbs.; sell or trade. CaM Seiiw ood 71 7. Go 'D Incv.ns team wanu d. Geo. bovem, N-- w Scot T 1 1 ot 14 R'MMS ex t ra f i: rn it ure for sa.e, flat f.-r re:t. t'.N-o. E. Morrison st. THUKE hewt-rs. R.ts pl:i!.-, ltuoleuin. ki' l.en mt'ilrU-fcr". 24 LltU t-t. .d ne e