1G TITE MORNING OKEG ONIAN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1910. REAL ESTATE. For sale Houses. WEST SIDE HOME SNAP. Attractive and unusually well -built 8-room bungalow near 2'ith and Marshall sts.. on choice Bite having unobstructed view of city and river. Large living room, massive fireplace, hardwood floors, artistic dining room, 7 coats of old ivory finish on cedar. 1 large bedroom and elaborate bath down stairs, 2 bedrooms, maid's room, sleeping porch and toilet and lavatory on 2d floor, delightful social room with fireplace in basement, best furnace. beautifully landscaped grounds. Cost owner $!500 several years ago, but $S200 takes it this week. It's a. rare buy. in excellent condition, and in fine neighborhood. R. H. Torrey, Tabor 407. LA U R ELHURST $ ."7."0. A WOXOERKL'L BUY. 6 large rooms and glass-inclosed sleep tag porch: finished in rich old ivory and w h i te t h roil L'hnn t You'll K m r-.i v,an delighted with the design, construction j anu interior unisn ; hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, cement basement, etc.; garage. This is way above the ordinary and would probably cost $7500 to dupli cate. Very liberal terms of payment. Let us show you. It'll be a downright pleas ure. Naturally, you'll be under no ob ligation. But hurrv. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark SC. Near Third. Main 30!t2. Main 3516. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. IN LAURELHURST. A TRUE-TO-NAME COLONIAL HOME. Located on one of the very choicest corner lots, close to car; not many rooms, only eight, but they are double the size cif rooms in the ordinary house; fin ished in solid mahogany down stairs; in old ivory above; full cement basement with a very fine hot water heating sys tem, extra large tile bathroom with very choice fixtures; if you are looking for something very choice in a very select neighborhood Jet me show you this pa latial home, well worth $15,000, but a big sacrifice will be made for a quick sale. Phone Main 1700. Residence E. Mr. DELAHU.NTY. $$500. IN LAURELHURST. A BIG BARGAIN. 8-ROOM HOUSE. SIGHTLY LOT. HOT-WATER HEAT. THREE EI REPLACES. TWO BATHROOMS. Siberian oak and birdseye maple floor. Owner invalid, going to California Oct. 1. Catch this on the fly. No phone information. Pee Deiahunty, 270 Stark st. or phone for auto. Main 1700. Residence. E. 2'0. ROSE CITY PARK CAR. VERY MODERN BUNGALOW $300. FOR SALE BY OWNER. I MUST RAISE SOME CASH AT ONCE AND TO GKT IT QUICKLY OFFER MY BEAU TIFUL BUNGALOW AT AN EXTREME LY LOW PRICE. CONSIDERING THE LOCATION. THE QUALITY OF MA TERIAL USED AND THE WORKMAN SHIP THROUGHOUT. HARDWOOD FLOORS, FIREPLACE, BUFFET, DUTCH KITCHEN, FULL CEMENT BASEMENT. ETC. CALL 1695 EAST .STANTON STREET, CORNER 6GTH. 1 LONG BLOCK FROM SANDY. ROSE CITY PARK. 42D-ST. BUNGALOW $4400. Here, folks, is one of those new, nifty "bungalows with large living room ex truding the width of house ; hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen with breakfast alcove, cement basement, large attic (.space for 2 more rooms); jrice includes assessments, 2 blocks north of Sandy on 42d st. Very liberal terms. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO., 2ft4 Stark St., Near Third. Wain 3"!2. Main 351Q. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. LAURELHURST. I have several very modern hlgh-ciass colonial homes in Laurelhurst, the pre mier restricted residential district of Portland. These homes while now occu pied can be had for occupancy within a nhort time. They are in perfect con dition and located in the best parts of Laurelhurst tract. Under present high cost of building, these houses are under priced and can be purchased on terms. MR. BROWN, E. 3lth and Gliaan sts. Tabor 3433; evenings. Tabor 51). HIGH-CLASS IRVINGTON RESIDENCE. Modern 12-room residence, finished!, in selet ted mahogany and oak, hardwood Ilocrs throughout, spacious rooms, three artistic tile fireplaces, tile baths,, latest sanitary plumbing, sun room, sleeping porch, full cement basement, large fin ished attic, stationary vacuum cleaner, rooms beautif jlly finished., ground plant ed with rare shrubbery; absolute'y one of the best constructed homes in Port land. Terms. By owner, X 52, Orego nian. DO YOIT "WANT A HOME AND A LIVING ALSO? HERE IS A SPLENDID OP PORTUNITY: SIX fi AND 6-ROUM FLATS, FINE CORNER ON WEST SIDE. WALKING DISTANCE; YOU CAN LIVE IN ONE AND THE OTHERS ARE ALL RENTED FOR $200 PER MONTH. WHY WORRY ABOUT BUS INESS WHEN REAL ESTATE IS SO CHEAP? PRICE $1X.00U TERMS. E. H. COLLIS, EAST 86U0. ROSE CITY PARK. SIX ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. $4350. . Must be sold by October 1st. Splendid bungalow with hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, cement basement, furnace, etc. The chancss are this will be sold im mediately. You'd better hurry. Evenings phone Tabor 8255. A. G. TEEPE CO., 2fi4 Stark St., .Near Third. Wain 3002. Main 3516. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. IRVINGTON HOME FOR $yi00. On 20th, near Brazee; large livinff room, beautiful dining room, opening on enclosed porch; hardwood floors; 4 larg? bedrooms and sleeping porch; finished 3d floor; 2 fireplaces, fine grounds, natural irees, large garage. With house goes iriueres, new linoleum. Ruud heater, stair carpets and runntr. Own-r will take liberty bonds up to $4000, cash or iriortgage for balance. Owner leaving for east, will sell new Bulck, driven 2000 . ra&t 4iu, McDonnell. ROSE CITY PARK. BUNGALOW S4inn Polks, here's a dandy 5-room bungalow, located below the hill, within one block i oanay; narawood tloors, fireplace buffet, 50x100 lot, assessments paid : sounds pretty good for $4100 in that location, doesn't it? You would expect i" j uiuio. uei uk snow you. A. G. TEEPE CO., . Stark St., Near Third. Wain 3092. Main 3516. nrancn oince, outn and sandy. . ins atjtiftjtj home, eight rooms, NEAR EAST 20TH AND COUCH. NEW LY PAINTED AND DECORATED IN SIDE AND OUTSIDE, ALL MCDERN CONVENIENCES AND BUILT-IN EF FECTS; TWO TOILETS, BATH. FIR 'ACE AND GARAGE; A H1N.OSC ME JERMS HOMfc ; $6000, E. H. COLLIS, EAST 8660. ROSE CITY PARK, 6 ROOMS $4250. Now vacant and ready for occupancy. Pplendid 6-room home. Hardwood floors fireplace, buffet, cement basement, etc. Street assessments paid; $M)0 cash and $a0 monthly, including interest. Move figni in. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark St., Near Third. Main 3092. Main 3516, Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. COSY LAURELHURST HOME. Nearly new, unusually well built, with oeautnui oversizea grounds, just re painted and decorated Inside and out, located in very heart of Dark section. near car. hardwood floors throughout. 3 nice bedrooms, artistic garage with entrance through basement : built by owner and NEVER OFFERED FOR SALE BEFORE. Price $8500. R. H- Ti orrey, 103 Floral ave. Tabor 407. WEST MT. TABOR. 5 -Room Bunealnw S4350. Folks, here is a nifty bungalow with hardwood floors throughout; 5 large rooms ana oreaKiast nooK; located with in half block Hawthorne ave. Assess ments paid. Let us show you, A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark St.. Near Third. Main 3092. Main 3516. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. $7500. 97500. WEST SIDE VIEW HOME. There is not a more magnificent view In the city than is had from this home 1 rooms, thoroughly modern, with hot- water neating system, garage, pave ment, 1 lowers, lawn; on car line, min utes walk to 2:td and Wash. For' ap pointmem see jverson, THE FRED A. JACOBS CO., 104 5th st. Main 6S6fl. RED-HOT IRVINGTON SNAP. $12,500 FOR $8500. Circumstances necessitate immediate pale of classy 2-story. 9 -room home. lO' cated in choicest sections. near car and Knott st. ; large rooms, sleeping porch hardwood floors throughout, tile bath, maid's room and social hall on 3d floor. fine garage, east front; actually the bes buy in Irvington. R, H. Torrey, Tabor 407. 3500. $3500. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. This 4-room bungalow is a dream home. Two bedrooms, bath, large liv ing room, iirepiace, uutcn Kitchen breakfast nook, hardwood floors. xnent basement. A cosy, comfortable home. See hverson, THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 5th st. Main 686! IOR SALE Strictly modern 6-room bun wh low. with garage. Apply 470 Holmai at., near East 8th North. Woodlawn 41. N atfenU. REAL. ESTATE. For Sale House. LAURELHUKST BUNGALOW ub00. This Is really beautiful, 6-room bun galow home ; we believe you'll like it. The living room is unusually large; there are two iarge bedrooms and one smaller. There are hardwood floors In main rooms. There is an artistic fireplace, a hand some buffet, lat&e Iutch kitchen, lull basement, hot air heating system, ga rage. The terms are $1000 cash, balance to suit purchaser. . CUE A. McKENNA & CO. Main 4522. &2 4th et.. Board of Trade blug. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. Nice, large living, fireplace and book casts; dining with built-in buffet; oak polished floors, large plate-glass win dows; Dutch kite-hen, 2 just line bed rooms, large inclosed sleeping porch, bath, toilet, full cement basement, Boyn ton tubular furnace, uOxlOJ lot, 14 blocks from R. C. P. car, east facing; $4000, $1500 cash. THE LAWRENCE CO., 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 615. 7-ROOM BUNGALOW, $3000. Fireplace, Dutch kitchen, breakfast porch. Panel dining rooms, all double constructed, just as good as day it was built, large porch, two fine lots, filled with all kinds of fruit and berries, ga rage, chicken house and runs for 100 chickens, fine garden and flowers. ACTUALLY THE BEST BARGAIN IN PORTLAND. f J. C. COKBIN CO.. 305 LEWIS BLDG. BUY' DIRECT FROM OWNER. SAVE COMMISSION. Modern residence, well located. cloae in; 7 rooms, nicply finisned. all built-ins. large closets, fireplace, veny fine hot water heating plant, full cement base ment, lot 50x100 ; all assessments paid ; excellent cement garage. Must sell quickly; a bargain ai $55o; terms. Phone Broadway 3.2. ROSE CITY PARK. $4200. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Pay $0O0 cash and move in tomorrow. This is a hondsome 2-story house with a big living room, fireplace, all built-ins, full cement basement, high-grade fur nace. Located on paved street, close to car. Phone for auto to take you out. COE A. McKENNA CO. Main 4522. &2 Fourth St., Board of Trade Bldg. "NOB HILL." If you are looking for a real home see this S-room house. 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch, near hospitals and schools. This is a modern house and you will not be disappointed when you see this. Call early. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak St. Broadway 4133. 4-ROOM bungalow, large, wide porch, ex ceptionally large living room, built-in kitchen, conveniently arranged, two bed rooms and bath, lot G-x 1 1 2 V2 with trees, shrubbery, roses, attractive and beautiful. 1 owner non-resident, must sell at once; price $2000. J2U0 cash will handle. J0HNSON-D0DSON CO.. 633 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 3787. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. $530. Modern 7-room bungalow with sleeping porch ; all built-in conveniences, furnace, laundry trays, oak floors, absolutely the best buy in Laurelhurst. Lot ti5x'J0, with improvements all in and paid. J. L. KARNOPP & CO.. 310 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 675. BEAUTIFUL Piedmont bungalow, $4500, $1500 cash; 55x100 east-front lot, beau tiful fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen. 2 bedrooms, den. bath, linen closet, oak floors, cement basement, furnace unci fruit room. JoHNSON-DODPON' CO.. 6M3 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 3787. CLOSE-IN HOME. Just a fine 7-room home on East 24th st., H -block Ankeny car; nice, large rooms, all newly tinted and clean as a pin; cement basement. hard-surface street, all paid; a splendid buy; $3500, $500 cash. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 205 Corbett BIrig. Main C915. THAT VACANT LOT Why not turn a burden into income? We design and build apartments, gar ages, residences, anything: furnish plan and fir.anre. Established ten years. We ofrer SECURITY, SERVICE, SATISFAC TION. L. R. Bailey Co., Inc., contract ing architects. 924 N W. Bank bldg. ROOM bungalow, oak floors, bookcases, fireplace, living room extending across front, high-grade plumbing, cement base ment, beautiful lawn, trees. The house alone could not be built for $4000; only $3550, $sr0 cash will handle. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 3787. MT. TABOR. $4200. Seven-room bungalow in one of the finest districts in the city: oak floors, fireplace, bookcases, etc. High and sightly. REAL BARGAIN. J. L. KARNOPP & CO.. 319 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 675. $750 CASH. $35 MONTHLY ; PRICE $3150. t rooms and sewing room, fireplace, furnace, " full 50x100 lot. flowers, shrub bery, etc.. near two carlines. on East 10th Bt. N. Can move right In. Easy terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 6."3 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 3737. ONE of Portland's b st Height homes. close In ; full unobstructible mountain view; four bedrooms, with two baths; dressing" rooms, ztleen'ne porches; two maids' rooms, with one bth; hot-water heat ; mahogany woodwork. all oak floors; price $30,000. Residence phone, Main 33i9. ROSE CITY MODERN FOR $4000. 7 rooms, furnace, fireplace. H. W. floors, all built-ins, den. nursery room. full cement basement and trays, nice back yard and runway for garage; every thing in first-class shape and big bargain with jiuuo down, balance like rent. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 305 LEWIS BLDG. FOR SALE Willamette Heights. My house, 10fis Thurman, for. 32d, hardwood floors, mahogany dining room, 4 bed rooms, 2 baths; second flor. 2 bedrooms. bath, attic; gas and electric lights, built by Turnbull and in FIRST-CLASS condi tion ; possession October 1st; may be inspected in interim. W. G McPherjon. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE; FIREPLACE, litna-iw a u r tr ta l A . l BOOK CASES ; GARAGE; CORNER, CLOSE IN ON EAST SIDE; BEST CAR LINE IN CITY; $4250, TERMS. PHONE EAST 30ty. IRVINGTON. 520 E. 24th st. N.. -or. Brazee. lot 53x100: 8 rooms. double flleenlnc porch, 2 fireplaces, furnace, hardwood xioors downstairs, iuu basement, gar age. For sale by owners, F. E. Bow man & Co.. 213 C. of . C. bldg.. Main 301: . 100x100. 6-room bungalow, modem except hard wood floors; in splendid condition, and grounds are beautiful. For immediate sale this place offered for $3050. See Peterson, THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 5th st. Main 6S60. 4-ROOM HOUSE. . PRICE ONLY $1300. 4-room house and earaee: SOtcIOO lot- 7 fruit trees. On good car service. A good little home and priced right; $550 cash. KKLlABLt; i.VbST.ME.T CO., 305 OAK ST. BDWY. 4133. 6-ROOM HOME. . Nice rooms, fine cement basement. Duxiuu j 01, pavea street, near uivision, on 32d street; a splendid buy for $3000, $1000 cash. THE LAWRENCE CO., 20 5 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. ROOMS. FURNACE. FIREPLACE, $2300. $000 down, balance $25 per month buys this SNAP near Kern Park, full lot. large porch, built-ins. $1000 less than rea value. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 305 LEWIS BLDG. S4S50. Rose City, hard surface street, modern two-story residence; 3 bedrooms, cement casement; garage. lerms, oO cash balance mortgage. Immediate posses sion. Poindexter. Selling bldg. Main iuo. residence ti- 1 1 JO. SUNN YS IDE. Nice S-room bungalow : owner leaving cuy ano. must sen ; muio; iooo cash. Lawrence, with RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO 305 Oak St. Broadway 4133. $2900 8-ROOM modern bungalow, 33 1-3 by 100-ft. lot. 4 blocks to the rar 7 blocks to Jefferson high. 7 bIocks to puouc scnooi ; casn. balance in easy paymcnis. oinimons. j tnamoer Com. .Main t z i. ONLY $300 DOWN. 4-room bungalow., located 2 blocks from Ainerta car, huxjuh lot ; shade trees, : fruit trees, berry bushes: nrir x 1 inn good location; some buy. John Ferguson oerimger omg. $1600 4 40x100 LOTS $1600. 4-room nouse, -J nice fruit trees, chicken house, woodshed: 2 blocks, vt' Scott car; $250 down, balance $15 per SMITH-WAGONER. CO., Stock Exch LEAVING TOWN Must sell small house. 2 complete apartments, one furnished and rented for $22; just painted rfnd re modeled, winter wood in basement: East AnKeny, near d. .Phone owner, B 1714 jno ajcents. OVERLOOK ADDITION 6-room strictly modern house, hard wood floors, furnare. paneled dining room, only $3500. $1000 cash. Call 511 $12O0 3-ROOM COTTAGE $1200 $100 DOWN. $22.50 PER MOKTH Fine fruit trees, gas, toilet, good lot. i-a C1V...V, - jMiuiir 1 11 1 ormation. SMITH -WAGONER CO.. Stock Exch. c citiit;, iimupm o-room house If ss man coat ul uunmng. uwner, East 291 1 7-ROOM bungalow at 995 E. '21st N. east REAL ESTATE. For Sale Homes. ATTRACTIVE BTTYfl. REASONABLE TERMS. $1500 3 rooms, bath, elect., gas, good cement basement, fruit trees, $375 cash, bal. easier than rent. $1500 7 rooma, basement, elect., gas, about ti good bearing fruit trees, $200 cash, bal. like rent. $2400 5-room bungalow, ground 100x144. abundance of fruit trees, berries and shrubbery; terms.. $2500 5-room bungalow, with full floored attic, fireplace, full Dutch kitchen, full basement; $500 cash, bal. to suit. $2800 Ground 100x115, good 8-room house in fine repair throughout, about 15 fruit trees; $500 cash, bal. easy. $3700 5-room bungalow, full floored at tic, built-in con v.. full cement basement, paved s4S. In and paid, near Sandy blvd.; $700 cash, bal. like rent. $3600 5-room bungalow, near Sandy blvd.; strictly modern $1200 cash, bal. reasonable monthly payments. $4000 Completely furnished 6 rooms and sleeping porch; full cement base ment, furnace; now vacant, move right in; $1200 cash, bal. long time. $49513 90x100 corner, well built 7-room house, about 14 good bearing fruit trees, paved st. in and paid; rea sonable terms. $5000 8 rooms. 2 sleeping porches. 2 bat hs. etc., fireplace, full cement basement, furnace, paved sts., abundance of fruit, fine garage. This is a large Hose City resi dence, nicely arranged for two families; terms. $5200 7 rooms, strictly modern, paved sts. in and paid, nice lawn anil shrubbery, near Bdwy. car; Ala meda; easy terms. $5300 Ground 100x130; two good houses, near Bdwy. bridge; hard-surface sts. In and paid; terms. $7000 7 rooms, strictly modern, excep tionally well built, nice lawn, shrubbery, garage, paved sts. In and paid; terms; located in beau tiful Piedmont. The last word in a perfevt home. Call at our office- for Information In full. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C. A. WARKINER, RITTElt. Lu WE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LAURELHURST. $7500. If you are interested in this section we want you to see thi 11-room home, living room, dining room, den. kitchen and pass pantry down; 3 bedrooms, bath and glassed-in sleeping porch on second floor and 3 furnished rooms on top f ioor; hardwood floors, in nearly all rooms; fireplace, beautiful lighting fix tures, all built-in feature; hot air heat ing system, garage, street liens all paid. Owner will accept $125o cash. We firmly believe this is the best buy in Laurel hurst. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. Main 4522. h2 4th St.. Board of Trade B:dg. ROSFJ CITY PARK. NIFTY BUNGALOW $4050. Here is one of those real nifty, more than modern bungalows, finished in rich old ivory and white throughout. Splen did hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, cement basement, furnace, garage, etc. We have others listed for $Hmo more that we don't think are as good. Street assessments paid. Lf-t us show you. A. ti. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St., Near Third. Main 3O02 Main 3516. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. HEIGHTS HOME SACRIFICE. Modern 8-room, situated on largo lot with excellent garage; superb view. Home well arranged. Woodwork is sol id mahogany. 2 fireplaces, lovely plate glass windows. Anyone looking lor a line Heights home at a bargain will buy this at the sacrifice price of $500. See Stockton. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 5th st. Main QSOP. $1.-H0 ACRES EAST GLISAN ST. You can have acreage with berries on East GUsan st. You can ride on the street car and have all city conveniences and pay for it from the berries alone, and enjoy country life on an acre while your neighbor only has a city lot. ."ho down and the balance $25 per month. We will be pleased to show you these acres. Alameda Inv. Co.. 605 Corbett blrlg. Marshall 63Tk NEW BUNGALOW. JUST COMPLETED. ROSE CITY UISTKltT. Five-room modern bungalow, large at tic, plenty of room for sleeping porh, cement basemen t, artistic electric fix tures, shades in, ready for occupancy ; corner lot. with street improvements all In and paid; $1!5K cash, balance on mortgage. If you are. looking for a beautiful home see this. TAGGA RT. 1101 Spalding Bldg. $40O0 NIFTY 5-room strictly modern bun galow in nose ity rant uim.. im w i. firs., furnace, f ireplace, finished light enamel, good plumbing, full lot, paved sts., $1250 cash and might consider some trade. Owner, 50i McKay, Main 1300. BY OWNER Beautiful 7-room bungalow. corner lot. 1 block east 01 uaureinurst Park, hardwood floors, fireplace, ivory finish throughout, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, gas heating plant, garage ; now vacant. Shown by appoint ment. Phone B 7346. IRVINGTON 6 rooms and very big sleep ing porch FIRST TIME ADVEKTRSEU, near 19th and Schuyler; has one bedroom, very large; 100x100 in beautiful trees, $6.S50. 057 Schuyler st. By appointment only. Another. 17th and Thompson, $65O0. R. T. STREET. Agent. East b94. $3500. Alameda Park, hard-surface street Bungalow, 6 rooms, bath, electric lights, gas, full-size basement; $250O cash, bal ance $25 month, with interest. Poin dexter, Selling bldg. Main 1800; resi dence. B 7120. $i50 BUYS A LITTLE 4-ROOM HOUSE on choice lot ioxioo, aii.piantea to gar den. Fine chicken house and yard on the property ; in good residence section ; some furniture. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park at-, cor. Wash ington $1500 MT. SCOTT BRENTWOOD $1500. A gooa suostantiai o-room piasiereu house, cement foundation, basement, city water and gas; lot 80x100. fenced, ga rage, fruit and berries; very easy terms. FEEMSTER. Abington Bldg., Mar. 4138. $1900. Two blocks Sandy blvd., lot 50x100, cottage 4 rooms, completely furnished, even piano; immediate possession. Poin dexter, Selling bldg. Main 1800; resi dence. B 7120. $5300. Alameda Park, brand new bungalow, 6 rooms; immediate possession; assume mortgage $200, balance cash. Poin dexter, Selling bids. Main 1800; resi dence B-7120. - ROSE CITY PARK bungalow 5 rooms, bath, basement, 50xlOO lot ; faces east ; quite attractive. Price only $J55(: $400 cash. $25 month, 7 per cent. This is a great bargain, sure. 761 E. 65th N. labor 6095 for appointment, please. $2O0 DOWN, $10 monthly. Creston. Frank lin high district, ouys weii-ouui, wen equipped 7 rooms and bathroom, house on large lot; price $1S00. Voce. 6702 Foster road. Take Mt. Scott car to Kern Park Station. Hurry! SPECIAL BARGAIN. Alameda Park Classy 6-room strictly modern beautiful residence: fine lot 50x1 00; paved sts. Price $0000, terms. See owner, 417 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 5256. $23M pretty 5-room modern bungalow, in good district, near car and school, cement basement, garage. A good buy for some one. Terms. M. Billings, 509 McKay. Main 1390. 5-ROOM house, lot 50x100. near O.-W. R. & N. shops, fine view; 100 feet Willam ette blvd ; house now renting for $10. price $1525; only $200 cash, bal. like rent. Hedges, 282 Taylor st. $300 MODERN 5-room bungalow, on 57th st. in Rose City Park. Light fin ish, hardwood floors, paved st.. lot 50x 100; some terms M. Billings, 509 McKay. Main 1390. MODERN 6-room bungalow. fireplace built-ins, hardwood floors. Dutch kitch en; price $4200. Will take auto as part payment. ECKES. 6t'8 Chamber of Com merce. Main S043. $2350. A well-built 5-room modern cottage, beautiful lot with plenty of fruit; a real bargain, close In on 32d street. FEEMSTER. Abington Bldg., Mar. 413R. FOR SALE By owner. 5-room bunxalow modern. newly painted, faces east, on 2 101s. s-i.mu ; terms. ;i4"a is. n.tn st.. 1 block north Powell Val ley road. Phone D 1139 or Main 7784 from to 4. SNAP at $3000; 5-room house on 50x100 lot. In nawmorne, .hmi casn. Dai. to suit. A. W. JORDAN. WILBUR F. JOUN'O, Henry Bldg. WILL Dav 17 ter cent net on $5000; 4 houses, 2 sharks. 27th st.. East Port land, see owner, Maddock, 511 Mer chants Trust bldg., fith and Washington NEW Laurelhurst home, 9 rooms. 2 bath rooms, sun room, breakfast nook, large corner, terms to suiu xid is. blander. BRAL ESTATE. For SaleHotiftefi. DUTCH COLONIAL. BEAUTIFUL ALAMEDA PARK. $6750. And now, folks, we're going to intro duce you to a real bargain and at the same time we've got a wonder house to talk about in perfect condition, too. First let ua say that this was built three years ago by one of Portlands very highest-class builders. The style, design and finish Is the very zenith of what' could be dewired. There are 6 large rooms and sleeping porch. Hardwood f?oors Tennessee oak throughout. The house is finished in rich old ivory and white throughout 1 7-coat work on first floor). Two fireplaces, tile bath, full ce ment basement with piaatered ceiling. Fdlks, we just can't tell you in a limited space of all the downright good things about this beautiful home. The owner is moving to Eugene, otherwise you prob ably couldn't buy It for $W5oo. And most liberal terms of payment will be given. Can't you see your way clear to at leat investigate? It'll be a downright pleasure for us to show you and naturally you'll be under no obligations. Don't hesitate, act quickly. If you wish to see this even ings or Sundays, phone Tabor 3721. TRADE 5-rm. house for vacant lots to $1500 and little cash for equity. Furnished 4-room house, $2200; $500 cash. Furnished 4-room house, $20O0. terms. 5-room bungalow, near 37th and Sandy ; $3500; $ lono cash. fl-room house, $1750; "$1000 cash. Held heretofore at $5250. E. Salmon; strictly modern throughout ; close in ; a bargain at this price. Must be sold. John P. Weston, 630 N. W. Bank Bldg. 3-ACRE country home, nicely Improved wit h fruit, berries, buildings, etc. House is a modern 7-room bungalow with every convenience of the city, electric lights, gas. water, nice built-in bookcases, buf fet, fireplace, furnace, full cement base nient. stationary tubs, fruit room, two blocks to car, on gnod hard-surfaced tre: price $5oo. $2500 cash, balance straight mort cage. SEE JOUNSON-DODSON CO.. 3 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 3787. A HOME. AN INCOME and apartment-house service, two family flat building, also 3 rooms which I give free for janitor service, I live in one. rent one for $50, this is something ni building in first-class condition, loca tion the very best, hot water heat, will sell tor less than it cost to build a few years ago, look this up if you want something good for your money; cali owner Main .sr.oo. It A. M. to 3 P. M. and Tabor 51SS mornings and evenings. RICHMOND CAR, $2950. Close in. on Eat 22d st.. a 6-room semi-hungalow with big living room, fireplace. 3 bedrooms and bath on upper floor; this is an unusually good bargain: remember the location, only 15 minutes to car; owner will accept $."ot cash. If you can give references we will help you m.iKe tne nrst payment. Hurry. COE A. McKENNA & CO. Main 4522. S2 4th st.. Board of Trade Bldg. A REAL HOME AT REDUCED PRICE. Five-room bungalow on lot 50x2 IS-ft corner, near carline. close-in district, east side. Hou.e is practical I y modern and w.,Jl built, only a f w years old. For Immediate action this has been reduced to $275o; sninll cash payment. O. H. SKOTHKIM COMPANY. Fifth Floor Henry Building. Main 5100. After Oct. first we will occupy 331-332-.13 Rv. Exch. Bldg. UNION AVENUE BUNGALOW. $1050. Good five-room bungalow, only 3 4 blocks' to Union avenue, near Shaver. Good basement, laundry trays and mod ern throughout. Improvements all in and paid. J. I. KARNOPP & CO.. 3U Railway Exchange bldg. Main 675. -j r, 0 oTfi ; i ; NO A LOW 2.no. $10oo first payment will buy this. 5 roo m s, with two or m ore roo ins u n f i n -tstied. full basement, purt cement floor; laundry trays, bookcases, beamed ceiling, white enamel kitchen, built-ins in pan try, 5oxloo lot. will sell furniture; party leaving city. jHNsoN-nonsoN co.. 6:.:: N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN' 37S7. A COrXTKV home in the city tor only $31 50; J0.O cash, and only $25 per mo. This place is n-arly aero, with all kinds of fruit and berries, right near the Columbia Park, one of 1 'or t la mi's bent : has good 8-room house, gas, elec tricity, bath, basement, etc. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bnk Bldg. Main 37S7. ' DON'T LOOK AT THIS UNLESS YOU WANT TO BUY. S-ronm house, and a good one. on a lot 50x1041. strictly modern, fine, full basement, a good furnace and only $450. $1500 cash will handle: balance on easy terms. See L. M. Lawrence, with RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 3Q5 O ak St. Broadway 4133. 6-ROOM bungalow. Targe north and east front porch, large reception hail, portiere opening between living and dining room. 3 nice, convenient bedrooms, opening on to a central hall, good fireplace, plumb ing, nice electric fixtures, price $2700, $650 cash, balance like rent. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 3787. FURNISHED 7-ROOM BUNGALOW. $3750. Furnace, fireplace, built-ins. sleeping porch, two lots, tine garden, flowers and fruit. Can give possession on Oct. 1. Will sell to responsible party with small payment down. 7111 Foster road. Mr. Bad ley. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 305 LEWIS BLDG. BUNGALOW ARRANGED FOR TWO FAMILIES. Has complete apts. of 5 rooms each, nicely arranged ; modern and in splen did condition; lot 50x100, fruit, flowers. Piedmont dist. M. Billings, 509 McKay. Main 1390. $2750 $1000 CASH. New double constructed 4 rooms and bath. fireplace, good built-in Dutch kitchen, finished in white enamel, good cement basement on 50x100 lot. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37R7. HAWTHORNE FLATS AT BARGAIN. Each has 6 rooms and sleeping porch, furnace and all built -ins. fine location, 43d and Harrison. Will sell for $0000 on very easy terms or trade for other prop erty. J. C. CORBIN CO., 305 LEWIS BLDG. $1850 Good 4-room bungs low, bath, gas. electricity, etc., . on 4)xiu east front, lot, concrete foundation, and basement ; 3 cash, balance easy. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. $350 CASH $2350. 5-room modern bungalow; full lot with plenty of fruit; west of Mississippi near Skid more. If you know a bargain, you will buy this on sight. MARSTERS. 2Q2 Wilcox bldg. Main 3517 ROSE CITY' PARK BUNGALOW. 30 E. 40th st. N., lhi blocks south of Sandy blvd., 5 rooms, modern, finished In old ivory, fireplace, furnace, cement basement and porch, garage. East 2871. LOOK this up 5-room bungalow and 10 fine Improved lots with bearing fruit tres; soil Is good and the view is fine; $4650: $2000 cash, balance monthly. 404 McKay bldg. $3200 New 5-room bungalow. No. 4328 Clinton, near 43d st. Richmond car: also number fine building lots. $500 each. Owner, Tabor 5361. $5200 1R VI NGTON BU NG A LOW. Modern 7 rooms; paved streets, paid. 27th near Knott. Chas. Ringler & Co.. 225 Henry bldg. FOR SALE by owner, 5-room house, with sleeping porcn, iirepiace, lurnace. two lots, near laurelhurst park. Phone Broadway 2447 from 9 to 5. IRVINGTON ENGLISH COLONIAL. 2 bedrooms, bath down, 2 and bath room up: ivory finish, art paper, oak floors; garage; Main 8078. BARGAIN Cheerful, well-built 6-room bungalow on ML Tabor carline. $2500. See owner 215 Lumbermens bldg., or phone Broadway 421, ask for Hill. $20O0 4 ROOMS, lot 133 1-3x100. fruit. garden, splendid chicken house and run. Terms. M. Billings, 509 McKay. Main 1390. 6-ROOM bungalow and lOOxlOO In Cor nelius, Or., can be had for $2000; part cash. This is a fine home. 404 McKay bldg. LAURELHURST SACRIFICE. Beautiful artistic home that could not be duplicated for $20,000; will sell for much less: make an offer. East 251. IRVINGTON SELECTED BUNGALOWS. 629 Haisev street. $5500. 749 East 2th st. N.. $5000. R T. STREET. Irvington Agt. East 894. $7M GOOD 6-room house. including shades; all gas fixtures, winter's wood : walking distance; half cash ; terms. 253 Hancock. 5-ROOM house. In fair condition. Portland Heights ; walking distance. Price re& sonahle; terms. AC 52. Oregonian. $50 CASH. $10 MONTHLY $850. 4-room house, lot 55x90. STRICKLAND. 201 Wilcox bldg. 30TH AND E. BURNSIDE 6-room house, newly painted, in excellent shape; price J20OO; cash, $1000. See It. E. 2871. IRVINGTON district. beautiful 6-room. modern bungalow, high-class in every respect. East 5438. SIX-ROOM home - completely furnished; modern in every respect; fine district. Terms. Tabor 8849. WAVERLKIGH HEIGHTS. $3150. 877 Tibbetts, near E. 28th, 5 rooms. Ttiftiprn, clean; open toaay. rast 2x71 7-ROOM house on Stanton st., near Will iams ave. You can see the house by a nnointment. Phone Wood lawn IO88. 6-ROOM, close in, east sirle house for aale term. Pbone Main 7314, REAL ESTATE. t-'or Sale Hounm. IRVINGTON HOUSES. X. W. cor. E. 15th and Hancock. $1000 cash ; 8 rooms. 4 bedrooms, good fur nace, all improvements in and paid; price only $05o0. ANOTHER IRVINGTON HOME. $20H0 CASH. r 8 rooms, modern, on E. 18th, near Knott, east front, fine furnace, well con structed, beautiful shade trees, fruit and shruboery ; price for quick sale oliOO. The lot is worth $2500. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. 00x100 corner on Schuyler St., 8 rooms, modern from A to Z, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, built-in conveniences, full concrete basement, fruit to sell and shrubbery. This is a real fine home for 'only $7500; terms. REAL VALUE FOR THE MONEY. Irvington, 8 rsoms.'$20H0 cash; on E. 25th, near Thompson ; hardwood floors, large Dutch kitchen, full concrete base ment, hot-water heating system, 4 bed rooms on second flour, lull east-front lot. all Improvements In and paid; price for all only $0850. If you want a home or a homesite In Irvington, see us; we are selling this district. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board ot Trade Bldg. VIEW PROPERTY. SUPERB HUME Sl'PiinB IvOCATION. loOO. If you are looklns for a home way above ihe ordinary, a home of class ana distinction, do let us show you thi splendid home. You'll find here all the modern refinements and essentials de sired by the up-to-date housewife. As to construction. It is the very renith of the builders' art. There are 7 rooms and billiard room. Hardwood floors throush out. As to the view, won't you Ut us show vou. so that you yourself may feel the thrill and Joy of It? We forsrot to mention that there Is a double Karaite. us show ou today now. It'll be shown only by appointment. A. U. TEEl'H CO.. S04 Ptark St.. near ad. M:i-n Main :i.Mi. Urnnch Office ."Vuth and SHnrty. AN IRVIXfiTON BEAUTY. TTnfndl:it miKst'&Klon of weven-room hue In the heart of Irvi-nston. Four beautiful rooms, including den. on firet floor; three bedrooms, hath and jIeepini? porch, second floor. Oak finish throuKh out except bath and kitchen, having white enamel. All built-in conveniences, artistically and mussivelv constructed for the owner. Full cement basemont with fine furnace. Place for saraue. Ijt f.nxloil. This home Is irrently underpried and should s ll at once for prhe we are aaklnK 7."Vou. Terms. Call Mr. Phillips for appointment to see this property at once. O. H. SKOTHE1M COMPANY. T-lflh Flnnr lliflirv Butldime. Main r.lff After Oct. first we wiil occupy al-oo2- Ky. Exch. BUlg. IKVlN!TON mXfiALOW. $300. JIOOO CASH. 6 rooms and sleeplnR porch. The liv lnc room and dininK room are especially ut iful ihpr arp hiirdvvood floors ninin rooms, a handsome built-in buf fet nn nrtistic firenlace and bookcases, a full cement basement, a hot-air heat ing furnace, a plassed-ln rear porch Street liens all paid. We forcol t. men tion the almost new Baratte. 7-roo:n un--!w In ihU district priced at ..in. miirhtv scarce. You'd better see this COE A. McKENNA & CO. Main 4."2'J. VJ 4th St.. Hoard of Trade Hide. J4S.-.0 H P. Folks, vou will acree that this is the most mapniticent home In tlii.t e.-i on for comlorl. convei once and value: corner ouxlito, paved sts.. block car: 7 larite rooms with every modern convent ence Incorporated; the plans an wonderful. Thit Includes furnace. fireplace, oak floors. hish-Rra.lf buiit-ins, extra plumbing; Raragc O. C. GlU.DENHKKO, Ahinglon Hldu. "33 Yrs. In Portland." Main 4WI3. J7.VKI f-jnoo CASH. BEAl'TlU'l. HtVINiiTON HOME. u .., Hi- riohl near '.Millionaire Kow on l."lh St., near Knott; lacine east. This home was built by lllce for owner. "Nut taifl " It has larse entrance hall, larite lilni? and dining rooms and cosy library. kitchen, pantry, lavatory on ursi mwi 4 hHr,mniH and bath up: fine plas. tered attic and maid's room; finished In t.i,.,.ro.i fir: all oak floors down and ab solutelv modern. Garage, you bet. l!t us show you. VM. C. MURPHY CO.. Tabor 4HU. 1314 Sandy blvd. si;:ih) Sl.vio CASH. BEAUTIFUL, LAl'KELHUKST DUTCH COLONIAL. 6 rooms and garaKe. glassed in en trance to large living room, wttn rire oliice and bookcases: fine dining room nntnh Uirchen and hall. living room, handsomely papered and finished In old ivory; It nice large bedrooms and bath up. Full cement basement. Hot-air hpt. Lot AUX1U6. Level lawn. We will he pleased to show you this at tractive home. WILLIAM C. MURPHY CO., 1314 Sandy blvd. Tabor 4i'. A LAl'KELHUKST bungalow, near the park, with every fea ture you have looked for; extra large lot. prettily landscaped; imported shrub bery; 7 cheerful rooms. '2 bedrooms and den. or 3 bedrooms; old Ivory finish, ail modern features; HOT-WATEll HEAT. Its exceptionally well built and home like lu every detail. Never before of fered for sale. And there is a fine con crete garage. At very low price of $ ,on. half cash. MacINNES & PRATT, Main 3Stih. 413 Hoard of Trade bldg. HAWTHORNE $3250 A Wonderful Buy. 5 large rooms, attic, full cement basement, furnace, fireplace, com plete built-ins, enamel plumbing; paved streets, 2 blocks car; terms. Main 403. G C, GOLDENBERG. Ablnffton bldg-. Abington bldg. 4'35 Trs. in Portland."' Main 4803. ROSE CITY PARK. SPLENDID BCNGALO W $ 4 30 . Folks, we want you to fee this splen did bungalow, located 100 feet from Sandy blvd., facing east: exceptionally large living room: hardwood floors, fire place, buffe-t. cement basement, furnace, etc. Finished In old ivory and while throughout. Let ua show you. Oh, yes, there is a garage. A. G. TEEPE CO., 24 Stark St,, Near Third. Main aot2. Main 3518. Branch Office, SOth and Sandy. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. 100x100 CORNER, 913.500. This home was designed by one of Portland's best architects. It couldn't be duplicated now for less than 9-0. "00. The living and dining rooms are in ma hogany. The paneling Is especially beau tiful. There are 3 fireplaces. 5 bedrooms and sleeping porch; owner leaving city, offers xhis splendid home at a genuine sacrifice. Terms. COE A. McKENNA A CO.. Main 4522. 82 4th Hoard of Trade Bldg. 92250 WOULD you expect to get a seven- room noilie w coi ' 1 near beautiful Laurelhurst park for so little money ? We have it and will be glad to show you, but don't delay. This is your chance for a real bargain. Full basement, full line of plumbing, east front, no st. improvements and no mortgage to assume. J. A. WICK MAN CO.. 204 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 1004. Office Open Evenings. 027 WILLIAMS AVE. 9200 cash, 5-room. newly painted, modern; now vacant, go look; 92375. 1123 FRANKLIN. 9150 cash, 4-room bungalow. 50x100. electric lights, gas, water; go look. 91250. 6110 57TH AVE. S. E. 9100 cash, 8-room, modern, plumbing, full basement, electric and gas. vacant now. K0xl20, fruit, garage; 92250. G. C. GODDEN BERG, Abington bldg. cost- .. p"u-toa uj eg.. IRVINGTON DUTCH COLONIAL, 910.0OO. See description in my big adv. In New Today on Page 7 last Sunday's Oregonian. This property has not been advertised nor shown you it is a buy do not let It slip through your fingers if wanting something good in Irvington. 91". " the last word in the home line, hardwood finish, all floors hardwood, two baths, two fireplaces, billiard room, near 1 St h ' and Thompson. By appointment on ly. R. T. STREET. Irvington Agent, E. 814. $41500 TERM S. West lfne of Laurel hurst. 6-room artistic bungalom-, tike new; extra large living room, furnace, f irepiace, oak floors, mag. buffet, and all o titer built-in features; full cement bast., en. plumbing, all finished In white enamel. A real beauty ; 50xlO0; paving and sewer pd. ; blk. car. Main 4Sn:$. G. C. GOLDEN BE RO. API NG TON" BLDG. "35 Yrs. in Portland. Main 4o:t. SNAP, 91 ROO l-room house, modern, clos ets, attic, basement, furnace, stationary tubs, porches, concrete walks, fruit, gar den: terms. Call after 3 P. M., own er. 4047 65th st. S. E. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, east side, close in. lot 50x100; price 92500. easy terms, other bargains. H. W. Garland. 201 Third, cor. Taylor. A PRETTY good 3-room shack, good lot, lor 9iu0; S1Q0 cash Hotick. 110 10 tlx. REAL ESTATE. i'or Stale Houses. :54t BUYS a 5-room home, all on one lloor; exceptionally large roogia and so arranged that you can have 3 bedrooms If desired; bath, gas, elec tric lights; full basement; wash trays, street Improvements in and paid. Nn mortgage to assume. J. A. WICK MAN CO., 204 Railway Exch. Hldif. Main 1094. Office Open Evenings. FIVE-ROOM modern bungalow, full cement basement, finished attic, all large rooms and in splendid condition, two good lots, 100x100; lots of fruit and berries for family use. This Is a very fine corner and a bargain at $3?0u. easy terms. If you only want one lot. 34ou. Would be glad to show you this prop erty. THOMAS VIGARS CO.. 270 Stark street. Main 3032. 1330 BUYS a dandy home of rooms and bath. Plastered, electric ugnis, gas. lull basement, wash trays, fur nace, nice lawn; place -in dandy condition and only 1H blocks to car. Don't overlook this wonderful bargain. Terms. J. A. W1CKMAN CO.. 204 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 1094. On'ice Open Kvenings! $ 3 M0 T E R M S 1 3 200. ALBERTA BUNGALOW. 6 large rooms, furnace, hard wood, floors, buffet, electric and gas. enamel plumbing, full base ment, SOxlOO. paving paid, block car; you could not build, the house for the money. G. C. Goldenberg. Abington building. "35 years in Portland. ' Main 4MI3 (2330 BUYS a bungalow of 5 rooms and bath with additional room tor stor age, gas. electric lights, full base ment, new shades, attractive elec tric fixtures: newly painted; double construction; easy terms. J. A. W1CKMAN CO., 204 Railway Ech. Bids. Main 1094. office open Evening. WE HAVE nn eight-room house, with two lots, juuxiuu: lots ot uenring min irw. good location, near carline and school. Why pay big price for a home when you can buy this oue for $-tk0. ou easy terms ? THOMAS VIGARS CO.. 27o tark street. Main :io32. IU3O0 BUYS bungalow, 5 rooms and attic. Iirepiace. oonacases. ounei. wuivu kitchen, electric lights, garage; terms. J. A. WICK M AX CO.. 24 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 1094. Office open Evenings. Mr TJKOR BARGAIN. Must be s.tld this week. 3-room bun- gal". v. modern, except furnace;, fine ros and good lawn; house just newly painted. Price J-vi. terms. Call lot E. 5IT11 ST. WEST SIDE bargitln. large corner lot. next to two larue apartment housts; two r room houses now ou the property. This is close-in . property and Is great vaiue at U. .".'. THOMAS VIGARS CO.. 27l Stark street. Main :or.2. GOOD BUY. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. $L'2iMt Only 3UU cash, balance like rent for full lot and well built ti-room bouse, with sleeping porch, at tn East :17th st. F. Fucha. 4Jll Cham, of Com (I.-hhi TERMS R. C. PARK CAR. Moilern- 4-room bungalow, electricity trus. full plumbing, nice large corner lot fine eurden: immediate possession. Ta bor .".".!. oii BY OWNER 3-room bungalow, lot :.oxlir: easy terms. Call Wdln. 4 1 .". Suburban Homes. SOUTH MULTNOMAH HALF ACRES .lusr !? blocks south of Multnomah sta tion on Oregon Electric Ky. Bcautilul I, 1 1' i. . tracts .- i I h c r wooded with Oregon's most beautiful shrubs and trees or In cultivated ground consisting of high-class gardening land. The grad ers are just linishlng the streets, side walks are In. Bull Run water Is being Idi.i to .v,-rv tract- Never in the Ins torv of this entire section has land been otfered a such low prices. The owner n man of w-Mlth. desires this addition which has been platted' under the direc tion of Mr. Chancy of the city plan ning commission, to be the most at tractive home section in the entire south western part of the county. The prices V.. .. K..r d,-llleratelv p aced at low 1'tizures to enalde people of merit with small means to obtain a choice horn sir.. ut i ..now of lit',, down and Slu p month. Tracts are now selling as low uu t.ioo liott't tnisii this opportunity. lit take a look at tho property before .11 of the choice sites are picked out. Thev are going fast. Ali improvements In n,l iihiiI for bv the owner. Aut torn itAiirli from the Capital hiehvtav at Clinton street. There will be an agent on the ground all day hun dav. If vou fall to find him. call for particulars at 404 Piatt b:dg. during the week, Ben Klesland. exclusive sales agent. Main S0. SUBURBAN" HOME. $.!;!00. $3300. HALF CASH. Here Is the most attractive country home to be sold this summer: Its mll.-s from the city: IV: acres, most of it cleared. A beautiful modern j-room bungaiow; hot and cold water, splendid bath fixtures, basement, laundry trays, fireplace. bounteous garden. chicken house. Including J.' young hens: gar age Here is a HOME. HMJ feet to car. Vou. who want a country home with every convenience, come end your search here First party to see this place will huv It. Call Ted Peterson. Main CSO'l ATTRACTIVE 7-ROOM BUNGALOW Large bungalow, fireplace, good plumb ing, water svstem; one acre in fruit trees, apples, pears, peaches and grape arbor; located convenient to Oregon electric sta tion; lli'-c commutation fare; county road: exceptionally fine place ; photo at office; personally Inspected; price 2h'0 half cash. It would cost $4000 to build this bungalow now. John Ferguson, Ger linger bldg. GARDEN HOME BUNGALOW. Brand new. just, being finished: H acre ofground: tine view; strictly mod ern, with cement basement, fireplace, laundry travs, white porcelain bath, sleeping porch, gas. electricity. ier built by owner for home, and J sell. A real bargain for $-JS.: !.. cash. You deal with owner; there s no commission. Get the address at 413 Fen ton bldg. HUDSON ACRES. Small tracts to suit purchasers, all in high state of cultivation. Hull Run water and city gas: two carline serviie. Low price and terms. Let us show you this acreage if yiu are wanting a suburban home with city conveniences. R. E. MEN E FEE. 1.41T Rnf.wav Kxch. bldg. Main 4035. GARDEN HOME BARGAIN, o i acres, all in cultivation, ana Im proved with all kinds of full bearing trees and berries; good five-room house, city gas. electricity; fine view; faces main county road: 12 minutes' walk from G. H. station. Price only 93750 half cash. G., G. McCORMIC CO.. 41 3 Feuton bl d g. MODERN 4-room ha use with two cholca. sightly lots on Buckingham Heights, nfir Multnomah station. 92250; this is the best buy in this section; don't overlook it. For particulars see either myself or one or my anents at Multnomah on Sunday, or call at the office. 44 Piatt bldg.. during the week. Ben Riesland, sales agent. OSWEGO LAKE FRONTAGE. ONLY 9425. 50x150 on lake shore; good view, water and lights, rock road: better than going to the beach and much less money. Call 5H) Cou-ord bldg.. 2d and Stark. rHOIPF. SUBURBAN HOME. and acreage. ell loeated. near car line, from fl sou up. Inquire third house north of Risley station, on Oregon City car line, sign "Alder Brook." OU R ACREAGE homes are going fast: 10 20 and -40-acre homes in Tualatin va'iley will suit you. Call 404 lcKay bldg. 93 oo. HANDSOME bungalow, acre, garaen. fruit, line place, eiec, pnone, n-r uru. Main 3672. McFAKLAND. 6o2 Yeon bldg. lor Sale Business Property. QUARTER block on trackage. East Water street, between Morrison and Hawthorne bridges: sacrifice; easy terms. Owner. X 53. Oregonian. For Sale Beach Property. G Ea R H A RT Good el gh t-room modern furnished house. 930O0. Owner, Main 4403. For Sale -Acreage. a L4 AC RES. adjoining station on electric line: house almost new; good soil, no gravel; 9-iOOO. teri.a. 201 Oregon bldg. Broadway ld5S. BEAUTIFUL 10. near Cresweil; good buildings, commercial orchard. 95H) , reasonable terms, owner, evenings only. 141 Eaat 6tth North. BARGAINS In 1 and 2-acre cult, tracts at Metzgcr; also many others all sizes and locations, Tallmadge Realty Co., 614 Henry bldg. 40 ACRES. $4000; house, bam. 15 cult., 150O cords wood, near R. R., 22 miles Port land, $1000 cash. McFarland. 602 Yeon bid g. 2 ACRES. 2 blocks to station; cleared, fine soil, no gravel; $700, terms. Broadway 165S. 20y Oregon bldg. 5 ACRES, all cleared, one block to station ort electric line; very bt of soil; $17to, terms. 209 Oregon bldg. Broadway lrt.'.S. 5 TO 40 acres from owner; no com. For Information write M. Barnes, Morning Oregonian. FOR Oregon City line acreage, improved or unimproved, see John Brown. 324 Railroad Exchange bldg. Mar. 3331. CHOICE, close-in acreage. Sale or trade. A snap. Owner. Broad way 4683. UNION County land for $20. 40-1 McKay bldg. See Hansen, oNE ACRE with six-room bouse fruit. Tabor iu. Lota ut REAL ESTATK. For Sale -Acreage. CREEK BOTTOM LAND. Located on the pavement, 2 blocks rrom electric depot. 2 miles east of citv. 12c commutation fare: ti and a fraction acres; all under cultivation: over lis) good bearing fruit trees: berries; good fences; 4-room house, finished down stairs and room for 2 rooms upstairs: also small house, celled; chicken houses and barn. This land is not subject to overflow. Fine place on paved road, all the way. Also frontage on electric line; J.IKI0 cash, balance on easy annual pay ments; 6 per cent. I'ersonallv inspected. Photo at office. John Ferguson, Gerlincer bldg. Vegetables, hay and fruit go with place. 12 ACRES BEAVERDAM LAND. ITH CKuP. STOCK AND EQUIPMENT. 15 acres, located S miles from citv limits, all under cultivation; good new 5-room bungalow, earn, chicken house, large orchard; price t4O00, with 2 horses, 2 wagons, 3 ploughs, harrow and other implements; 10 tons hay, potatoes. 4uil cabbages and fruit. This property located on macadamized road. H-mile to school; 12 acres beaverdam land, tiled and drained. Personally inspected. oJohn Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. J ACRES GOOD IMPROVEMENTS :130. Land all lies good. 8 acres cleared, neat plastered' house, good barn and chicken house, spring water and well, rt tons good oat hay: less than hour's drive from business center. Price $3oou; rea sonable terms. LUEDDEMAXN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. 3-ACRE HOME. Fine 5-room plastered bungalow, gas and phone; only 4 miles from city limits, paved road: about 1 acre cleared, bal ance fir grove; fine well; an ideal home. Price only :il."."; terms. F. L. Eddy with LUEDDEMAXN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. CLOSE IN IMPROVED ACREAGE. i We now have over 300 places; any di rection: some on Improved roads, with buildings and orchards; some c.nse to eiectric transportation; all personally In spected, appraised and photographed; photos at otfice; tour efficient salesmen, with autos. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. ONLY ONE-FIFTH DOWN. 4 ami b-toih acres, located close to Stanley station; on good hard-surtaced road, close to school, convenient to car; in a district of good homes; price $2."iOO, on very easy terms; ti per cent interest, lligh-c.ass district. Per;-onally Inspected. Photos at ollice. John Ferguson. Ger linger bldg. WBLK IMflioVEI) PLACE. Nearly lour aorty, located clo.-? to the elect rit- ds-oi in TicrJ, all under cul tivation; creek and weii; 4 -room hoti-e. plastered, barn and chicken houi-e; jriee $Jt50 on very eay term, ba.anee at i per cent in tp rest; personally injected. J'hoto at ol Lice. John Kerguaon, Lier llnyer bids- LOGAN-BERRY LOGANBERRY. Ve have several loganberry tracts, close to a pood cannery, in a good log-in-herry district, w her- they are making 6vtril hundred dollar jt ain-, oiuy a few mi lei out, from MOu per acre auu up; tmiitll payment down imAI'El' v VAl.WAY, .V.'rt Cham. Com. OREGON CITY line aiTfuR.'. 1 big acre on hard surface road, four-room house, chicken house. Iota of fruit. elt-ciric lights and b. well, all unWr cultiva tion. cle to at liotil mid M.ttioi; I"I e $JmM, loo cash, balanre like. rent, s-ee John Brown, a. 4 lv.nl way Exchange Mdg. ACRK TRACT. CLOSE- IN. Six oUxks from Bell station; ro 1 dis- irut. water piped to houe, ko. 7 bungalow, lath and plastered. ir d Ier trie 1 ights ; J 1 1 ruit trees ; she.! garage and out hu i ld ings : priee $ I $."o ah. prTMimiiiy inspected. Photo at ol flee. John Kerguj-on. Gerlinger b!d;. ACRES. Hol SE ANI BARN" $ 1 :.nti. Land a! I und.- c uitivat ion, f.tmi.y or chard, o-room house, barn. w-'A on l:n k poreh, handy to si.it ion. r.n-k ruii nni aehool. Price fL'.'iO; terms i00 tilth, bal ance ea.iv p;i v men i l.l'Kl'hEMANX CO M PA N" V. !M .t Cii.iin t cr of 'om merce. 50OO ACRES In southwestern Washington for alo to net t tern only; easy irm. low price. 5 per acre and up. Liberty bonds accepted at par. W rite for map show ing location, term", etc WKYKKII AElSEi: TIMBER COMPANY, Trtcoma BmIj: . Tacoma, ah. FoR SALE Five acres near Portland; one acre cleared, balance standing timber; between O. E. and E. P. railroads, about a mile from each depot; cabin ou ground; will entertain r.aonalle ot tea, ca-h or terms. I nquirc 6u Market si. l'Uoue Mam 35ii. BARGAIN NEAR TIGARD 9250 DOWN. Hi acres, about 7 unier cu.tix atioii. on the bank of the Tualatin river. 2 1.3 miles of Tlgard, 910ou. balance to suit. t per cent. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 305-6-7-M Lewlff B'dg. NEW FOUR - RO tTvrIU ' N ; A LO W. One acre of good land, located in Metz ger, convenient to car; good w ell ; plas tered bungalow of 4 rooms ; attract ue piace; price $H00, 9500 down. John Fer guson, fieri in per bldg. 20 ACRES. In high state of cultivation with fine building, on auto road; only $.uoo; $luoo cash. J. KENNEY. WILBUR F. Jul'XO, Henry Bldg. A BEAUTIFUL acre near city limits, good car service, city water and gas; good soil, at a bargain. R. E. Menefee. 4 1 ti and 417 Railway Exch. bldg. Mam 4035. For Sale -Fruit I-ands. $11.000 HOOD RIVER $11,000. SACRIFICE SALE. 30 acres. 12 full bearing commercial orchard, crops Included in sale; modern 2-story house, barn, storage house, etc.; ;i miles from Hood River; $ 4 000 gives immediate possession. East 25L Homesteads. Relinquishments. 1 60 R ELI NQUISH M EN" T. house, road, creek, spring, clearing in potatoes, lum ber for new house nn(l barn. 20 cords wood cut. good neighbors, close to saw mill, partly beaut nut timber. 40 acres easy cleared, $500 cash. 320 Morgan bldg. For Sale -Farms. A REAL FARM HOME. $35 PER ACRE. IOO acres. 20 in cultivation, 4M acres more tillable when cleared. 1M acres- slashed and burned, good soil; a lot of good timber, several sprin us. 7-room frame house, fair barn, outbuildlnes. or chard. On good county road and fine view of the Columbia river; 1 horse. 3 cows, some crop, all farm machinery and about 15 tons of hay. 3 S miles from Car rolls. Wash. ; $1 5O0 cash. ba lance good terms. A. W. Ebtcs. tHitt Chamber of Commerce. CLOSE-IN FARM. 20 acres, located on the Foster road. 16 miles from courthouse, or H mi.e.i t rem city limits; all good land, no waste; 12 acres under cultivation, balance pasture; large orchard, macadamized road, rural conveniences; good fences; attractive ti room house; water sstm; gas engine for pumping; a fine attractive place, in good locality: personally inspected; pln.to at office. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. BARGAIN ON TUALATIN RIVER. 40 acres, only 12 miles from court house, on bank of Tualatin river; 30 acres under cultivation. 5 acres bearing peach orchard, good comfortable houre. large barn and other buildings. This is a fine country homesite ns well as a first-class farm. Price $0tiw; terms. $2500 cash. LUE DDE MANN COMPANY. 113 Chamber of Commerce. ON HARD-SURFACED ROAD. CLOSE TO ELECTRIC DEPOT. 80 acres, ail under cultivation, located 25 miles from Portland; nice level land; exceptionally fine soil; - good 4-room house, barn. chicken-house. orchard, water piped to house; close to school and eiectric line. Pen-onally Inspected. Price 94250 with about lo tons hay and enough grain and potatoes for seed. John Fer guson, Gerlinger 20 ACRES, fine. rich, level bottom land, all under fence, about half cleared, bal ance easy cleared. 2 acres timber, fir and cedar, fine creek, small orchard, fair barn, some old buildings, near school, thicklv settled community, 3 S miles to railroad and town. 45 miles from Port land. This is a real bargain; price $1101 cash. A. W. Estes. Uoi Chamber of Commprcft. LAND SNAP. 73 acres closer in than part of the city limits, lies well, fine soil, part in cultivation, balance easily cleared, run ning water, some bottom land. For quick sale, $5 per acre. $2M1 cash required. See Mr. Austin. Interstate Investment Co.. 41Q Henry bldg.. Main 1743. lO ACRES. 14 MILES Fourth and Wash. ; best of soil, nearl v all under plow, young bearing orchard, well, 4-room house, barn, chicken house: near school and town; $3250: terms. J. C- CORBIN CO.. 305-0-7-K Lew la Bldg. FOR SALE rO acres in Clackamas Co., near Molalla; 14 in cultivation, old house, fruit. pasture. sprinns; price $3500; terms. See owner, 6730 5th ave. S. E., Portland. 5V, ACRES near Wlllamlna: level, cleared, fenced. Good S-rm. house; $1350; $150 rash. $15 mo. Jesse IL Sharp, &31 3d st. LOGGED-OFF lands, $10 acre up; running water, good soil, V tillable; employ ment; easy terms. Jesse K, Sharp, b'dha 3d st. FOR WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMS WRITE OR CALL ON V. IL PUTNAM. WOOD BURN. OR. GOOD FARMS for sale on good terms, ranging from 1 4 acres to 2'to acres. E. C. Baker, Turner. Or. Marion county. FOR SALE SO acres well improved, close to fiufene. . D. Wygandt, (Jos hen, or. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Farma. VALLEY FARMS. 113 arres extri choice, rolllnir. hlgll land, so acres burn, state of cultivation, bal. timber; creek, spring, well, orchard, waln-.lts. etc.; hopvar.l, hophouse. 7-room dwelling. bub. "toilet. hot and cold water. 2 barns: 21 miles Portland. 3 rniles Ncwberg. lu miles Ky. sta. This farm is one of the verv best In the val ley Price tun per acre, 13.S0: terms. acres; 2-M acres in cultivation, bal. timber and pasture: running water, r-ew bug:tlow. barn and outbuildings: 4 miles Portland. 2 miles Yamnl'.l; 73 Per acre, and worth It ; terms. So acres: ;;1 Hcres In cultivation, bal. pasture and timber; rolling land, creek, springs. 3-room house, b.irn. outbuild ings; 1 nvlcs Portland. 1 mile paved highway. Ky. sta. 1'- miles. 2 ii miles Sherwood. Price 32.".i. half cash. This Is an exceptionally good buy. 30 min utes out of Portland KrMG-TEWOOl jb CO., IOoU 4th St. FINE FARM. EQ r " I P P E lVAXrT STOCKED 12 MILES FROM COURTHOUSE. SM.oiiO. MONTHLY INCOME t-H:.. 41 acres, practically all cultivated: no better soil along the Capital highway lhard surface), in Tlcarrt district. PLENTY OF Fill 'IT. House '6 rooms, good bam and other buildings, including d:iirv house and tw. o silos; bej,t of water In abundance from Wells. PKKSOXAL PROPERTY INCLUDED. 7 dairy cows, milking. 2 hellers. 2 horses good brood sow, o doz. chickens, t.arn Juil ot hay; thrifty, growing corn to nil silos, wheat, oats, potatoes. 10 acres of clover and pasture: plows, drill. Planter mower, rake. chicles and other tools. Death of owners wue causa tor selling. See M. .1. Edwards. GEO. E. ENGLEHAUT CO., -Main .2iib. til'4 Henry Bldg. 240 ACRES. Itooo. wtln horses, stock, tools, convenient to K. K. town, in sec tion of every advantase: loo acres pro ductive loam tillage, 73-cow pasture, estimated 2000 corn.-, ood. timber, fruttl big basement, barn. 2 Mlos. horse stabfe. granary, corn houses. Retiring owner includes pair good horses, hellers, piga poultry. lull i,st tools, wagons, har ness, machinery, gao.i:ie ciicine. hav. grain. Iced, etc.. at oniv $4u..u e.sv terms. See picture 12-room bouse and details page 2:.. big luu-page la.l cat alogue just out. larin buruains. Main,' to ,Ua uo.i west to Nebraska copy wee. r.trout farm Agelicv, Plymouth bldg.. .Minneapolis. 2oS BK. MR. FARM BUYER. I nave some of the best buys In Ore gon. Remember I specia.Ue in selling : arms. J t jou buy 1 ; m.ut s eing me. you are the loser. 1 can save you money; Kive me a trial and be convinced. Watch 1r , "W bargains in Sundav s and ednesday's Oregon;. n. 1 have some Kl line tiirms. 1 cannot advertise al the farms 1 have. Come in and see lor uursell. Don't fail to ee me. A. G. BENDER. RITTER. LoVVE k CO. -"1-3-5-7 buard of Trade Bldg. :1 FOR SALE. r to a casn market n S l lie elt t :re Cl op ; i-n 'uui;r. - 1. pork, us, and ail k t 1 .. i. nn ir:;atid, in at in.- Co. 10 .11 M . HO i(ltk T son. la : e t rout cret k ; :tt Ui 1 1 v.i Iwii. lairic Hew barn. Willi hoi aid cold Wiil.r No: Th.i .0 m lull! r i hills. fert I acres Ulldi S-rtom ho f urnisht-d orchard. I. cash. o.t !. nnht 1 1 a. .-IT.: Mii.tll bear in a !; ti:u ram. h in ot 1-1 11 Tefc. P. ATKINSON. 422 Cham, of Com. CORN. CLoVER. WHEAT. 315 iicn-s 3I5 aire.-, in cQitiation) of loel land, with ju.-i onouKU roll for dr.. Tuif:-. all i;o..d lit m l.4iid; n.'t 10 acres ot while .r iv o rained land 'ii 1 arm ; loo a ere, o ' o er. 5t acres ol corn and ba.au c was m iiia.i grain, I'hlie well tel.-e-.. j-nille ! To 111 M.i- 1i-'ii. s. hool. ia;r buildings, 2 y 1 . feed sued, t--. i i. is one ot tbe 1m st f arms in t!i- a .'. l rico per K 1 N N E Y Corva.i : is, CO FARM LAN US. li:e t.l O. A. C. 1 r.. THIS FLACK IS CI. 1 7i ai'M's n ar N cu '. 1 i a l ! in. 5 - rotni si 1 a w tied . k . od - : and l-.epll.ilie b . ..w 7 i.ii.T h.. -en.-. 1 .. m.-m s 1 't IRTLAN . s, .'.d under 1-arn. new ;e. It. F. O. t a hi Hi, kinds JtUMMi and STEWART A- BUCK. 315 N. . BANK Bt.l" IKIJld.VTKK FA KM LAN! S. Eastern ort-rioii on mam line t'niop Ia lt"ie syMi-m. . t .ali-'li 5oo l, -t-t. ((niJ f witti-r and s a n. I -: m 1 i d ttiiil.-r bll iip-l- rops of a.lai'a. t.-rn. trulls aiol x -, abler. . id-n! iuii;ietis lor hoMi K r a and 1 11 1 . - 1 u 1 e I' : 1; h sr 1 1. to I. b s of op m tr t u n 1 1 1 i's ior d.n ; 1 n 14 and r s lUK Ilia's rtlid at!..-. Lit 11. e show ou a i-'Uiitrv of p:opertus and satlsned 1 aimers. ' a 1 or write to W. 11. Buoy. . I 7 c.rle -it bii .. I'ortiand. Lot pK Ji KKh I u w ant ween hero latd road acres of id S .-. i iiid runs ran have nice. K11t.1l and pouM- ? l-'r-iii ; hack lo 1 a m an annual mediae ir.-m wj Jh acre.- clt-ar d. small hou si7.e barn team and 4 c hav in barn, lot ol" grain ft $r,L'ui ; or all. or win take er t roulade, and poo.l i s. HI tons d for stock; less without personal. 1 t-rms STEWART X- BUCK. 31." N. W. BANK i:i.l A SACRIFICE. 4 niTPs. li acres in l"-year-old apple orchard in very best condition. Well lin pro ed and not one foot of waste soil. Good district s- huol just across the read from place. only t miles from Mosicr. There a re $:;.",oo" wort h of apples on place. owner has lost his eyes. cat and is toieed to sell. Anyone that will look at this place will buy it. Price only $7000 Small pavineiil ami long terms, Campbcll-Phelan Land & Cattle Co., ;tl Cou h bldg. Main mis'j. DAIRY FARM FOR SALE. S2 acre, all hot lorn land except building spot. nearly all cieired; S mile fiom tiw n, 1-a mile to si hool and church ; 2 good springs, running water year around, water piped 111 house; will stdl farm with sto. k. crop ami machin ery, or will sell i.inu aiotie; 12 to 2d acres beavertiam land on place ; can grow anything wan lea ior me im.. long and easy terms. H. W . Banks. Or. Pricket t. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS :'i ACRES, N E A R W N-S i.V VI LLE. N LY 2a MILES FIJI M I ' 'iiTI.AN I . A 1 soil, no bet it-r in the country, pood 5-room hou.- , barn a nd oih. r outbu lid -inc. extra Rood yourg orci.ard; 1 tuik from station. Tb: i- an id a", small place and u can make it pay and no mistake. STEWART .v r.I'K. 313 N. W. HANK Hl.l L o-ACRE Koine farm, with stock ami im- Plemt-nts. for sale; 24 acr s u i-ul- i m . 1 1 1 d i 1 1 tr T a c r c -t of t o m m -r - cial orchard, mostly HaitK-tl penis; g--o.I buildings, including arge hog hoiit-. with lurd ot ptoek hoc-; ami remsnrel bear; located on Facilie hiKhway. mil'-s from Port' and. on Lewis river; u.. ulv on dg. tent to and from Portlaiol lands Place. H. E. Noble. Lumbt-rmer.s U TW O M I LES FROM SH ERW Ol 7." acres. located on g..od hard -surfaced road; ." acres under Uiti at an. al the land can be cultivated. ta;ai pasture and Umlx r; creeK and we.:, orchard, (i-room house; coed larne chicken house; place wed teiiced: J loo per acre; $2aoo cash; thi pro on! y 17 mi.fs from Port land. Julia guson, 1er'.inr;er bldg. g....d ba-n. hi;h-class farm. We have personally inspected proper tv. Come aril get com ph-te tails; there is Ho at rs. ma ro under cultivation, excellent soil, me buildings w ith city convenient cs and equipment. I -oca ted on Pa tis df- highwav. short drive iron A. K. HILL CO., 213 Luml rrmens bUc. C4 il.UM HI A MVKR DAIRY RANCH. 121 acre located f. miles port il Wash. All bottom mnil; acres under cultivation. acres past i orchard; new house, barn o2M; da 1,1. f and si'.o: eood fences; boat ttTl.ii on place; price r.o per acre, i. Personally inspected. Anderson, John Ferguson, liT'incr hid g. CR .- J 1 w i V.l FERTILE LAND. HI AN ACKF- UP. In the moist mild climate of :he val ley of t he lower Col nm Id -i river. la miles from Portland; g.od '.,!. schools, n-ighbors: mar the paved high way; nr the Coiumbia river; small rs i navment; ea-v 1 ruis. J. H. ATKINS. 422 Cham, of Co SI ACRES NEAR PHERWOOO. Small house, barn, spring and wll water - part in cult i vat ion : 4 acres I : a i inn pruti. s; ?ot 2.m o.4io jc,.t good piling end tie timber: price i2 per acre 1 2 down : f irst-cla ss soil. DRAPER CALWAY. ."2 Cham. Com. SALE OR TRADE. 2 acres with 2-story house unfinished, will trade for auto. Bulck or oaklnnd. 1 or 17 or will sell equity for JT.Mt. A K 44S. Oregonian. CHICKEN. FRUIT. 41 A R DEN RANCHES, near Portland. $7a to $2dO pr acre, easy terms; best soil. Farms for sale, ail sUes. McFarland. GO 2 Yeon bid;.. Port land. IO ACRES. $275. short distance east of city limits, beyond Montavilla. away be low anything in vicinity. Ow ner ID Chamber of Commerce, telephone Mar shall irsV SACRIFICE Willamette foothill SO, im proved, excellent soil; immediate sale. $U."0: terms. Owner, evenings only. 141 FFt th North. SPLENDID Quarter section at $20 per acre, 4 miles from Portland, on Rood road. wll and small bous. easy terma. JoUu Bain, 507 &paidiri blug. l V 4 i