13 T1TE MOItXISG OREGoMAX, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1910. CONFERENCE VIEWS TRIPARTITE PUN City - Officials, Carmen and Company's Agents Meet. ALL ANGLES DISCUSSED Proposal Has Direct Bearing on Application for 8-Cenf Fare. Employes to Demand Rise. The first official conference on the proposed tripartite plan of street railway control in Portland, as a pos sible solution of traffic and fare troubles, was held yesterday at the courthouse, between the public serv ice commission, Mayor Baker and the city commissioners, and President Franklin T. Griffith and officials of the Portland Railway, Light & Power company. The tripartite plan has no direct bearing: upon the current petition of the street railway company for an other fare Increase, approximately an 8-cent rate, in order to meet recent wage awards and mounting operating expenses in general. Rather, accord ing to J. P. Newell, special consult ing: engineer retained by the city, and author of the plan, it is designed to provide a permanent remedy for street railway difficulties. Two Statement Vital. Two bits of testimony at the con ference rose above the mass of at tendant " detail. The first was Mr. Newell's statement that the tripartite plan, if adopted, eventually would usher the street railway lines into the field of actual municipal owner ship. The second was the statement of H. E. Kinney, president of the carmen's union, that another demand for wage Increase is almost at hand. "Regardless of the outcome of this Investigation," said Mr. Ginney, "the streetcar men will make a further de mand for an increase in wages on Oc tober 1. They are working seven days a week, and are agreed that the present scale is not a living wage. They believe that they should work only six days, and yet have enough left to put away ind prepare for the inevitable rainy day." The tripartite plan, as explained by Mr. Newell, received the rerious at tention of the conference members. An agreement was reacned whereby the public service commissioners, the company officials and Mayor Baker ar.d the city commissioners, are fur ther to advise themselves regarding the innovation, and reassemble on Monday of next week, at the council chambers. New Franchise Proponed. At that tima, in all probability, a plan will have been worked out for the organization of a committee of experts,, representing the public, the company and organized labor, who will take up the lengthy and exhaus tive task of drafting a p'roposed franchise embodying the tripartite plan. It is understood that the pran chise. when presented, will not be obligatory of acceptance, but will in tur i furnish the basis for final action by the interested elements. . Mr. Newell explained that the tri partite plan, whereby the company, the employes and the city became mutually concerned in the operation and profits of the enterprise, is de signed to establish uninterrupted service, permanently settle wage dis putes, and fix a just return upon the property, whereby the credit of the company will be assured. Under the proposed tripartite plan, based on the 1916 valuation of the street railway property, as fixed by the public service commission, the in terest on the bonded debt would be insured, including its amortization and a low rate of interest on the act ual investment, the suggested mini mum rate being three per cent.' Should the stabilizing of the company's af fairs react favorably upon its credit, with the result that the interest rate of loans ie lowered, the minimum rate of profit is to be increased by an amount equal to the saving. Profit-Sharing Provided. The profit-sharing plan comes into play with the provision that all re turns in excess of the minimum shall be divided, the employes receiving a bonus of one-half of the excess, up to the point where such bonus equals 10 per cent of the payroll. The maxi mum return that the company may receive on its actual investment is fixed at eight per cent, attained by progressively decreasing percentages after one per cent above the minimum has been reached. The proposed plan then provides for the creation of a guarantee fund, a financial sheet to windward, to the amount of $500,000. Whenever, should times become backward, the returns fall below 1 per cent over the mini mum, the guarantee fund shall be used to maintain the bonus and the profits at the same amounts as though the returns wer at 1 per cent above the minimum. Purchase Fund Suggested. Then comes the provision by which the city itself will enter the street railway field as an owner. All excess not required by the guarantee fund, it is provided, shall be devoted to a purchase fund, which shall be used at the discretion of the city council for the purchase of the company's tracks and roadbed, piece by piece, or for the construction of new lines and ex tensions. These shall become the property ot the city, yielding only operating expenses to the company. "More effective service will be given by the men themselves," said Mr. Newell, when they have an in centive and inducement to look atter the company's affairs in order that they may share in a larger bonus" The. provision that arbitration for wage increases should be carried on only between representatives of the c.mpany and the carmen, brought a objection from Mayor Baker ar.d from Kred J. Buchtel. chairman of the com mission. Both said that the public, as the ultimate source of any increase, was entitled to demand representation for the car-riders. Mr. ewell Assents. To this Mr. Newell assented, though President Kidney, of the carmen's unioi, declared that it would be unfair to admit the public in a wage discussion. Mayor Baker took issue With him, again asserting the right of the public to representation in an issue which so closely concerns the average citizen. "'We are here as representatives of the public," said Mayor Baker. "We have no quarrel with you in your demands for what . is just and right. If it is just and right, you should get it. The same applies to the com pany. But the factor of the public must not be forgotten. We are here in the interest of right and justice." When the question of revaluation came up. should the tripartite plan progress that far. Chairman Buchtel said that he would be disposed to operate upon the valuation found in 191S. inasmuch as prices had risen rtunirfcnt-yy than ud a. revalua tion would undoubtedly be of great advantage to thjmpany. "I'd like to have it reopened," smiled President Griffith. "I appreciate that you would," laughed the chairman. "This does not propose a constant fluctuation In fares," said Mr. Newell, in response to another question. "It proposes that the company and the employes shall take up the slack to a certain extent." Bonus Plan Held Excessive. Here Mr. Kidney, of the carmen's union, declared that, for himself, he believed that a 10 per cent bonus was excessive and unnecessary, providing the basic wage is a living one, such as the workers are entitled to. C. A. Bigelow,- of the city council, discussing the civic acquirement trend, said that he wasn't "strong" for municipal ownership, but won dered whether it would not be advis ably to take over the lines now. at approximately a 60 per cent valua tion when stockholders are wearied of their long wait for revenue rather than aid the company to re cover its financial poise and then pay 100 per cent for the same property. "The bondholders ought to be glad to get 50 cents on the dollar," as serted Commissioner Bigelow. . "Do you realize that what you are proposing is practically the confisca tion of money invested?" asked Presi dent Griffith. Valuation Is Discussed. Commissioner Bigelow said that he didn't view it that way, and that he would be loath to be a party to any plan that made the city pay more for the property, after it had aided !n restoring values, than it could te bought for at present. Chairman Buchtel asked Mr. Newell when the public would see a practi cal reflection in reduced fares under the tripartite plan. The latter re plied that no reduction in fares would be possible until the maximum pro visions of the plan had been reached, no more "than they are possible at present, but that the tripartite plan would hasten the day when lower fares shall go into effect. "The public will more than be re paid in improved service," said Mr. Newell, "and the plan would assure the public that they were not paying more than they should for street rail way service at all times." Representing the city at the con ference was Deputy City Attorney Stanley Myers. R. A. Leiter appeared as attorney for the street railway company. ARSON-MURDER TRIAL ON Case or AI Zuver Is Called in Grants. Pass Court. GRANTS PASS, Or.. Sept. 23. (Spe cial.) Judge F. M. Calkins convened court here today and the first case to come up was that of Al Zuver, who is charged with killing Philip Frainey near Waldo by burning him up in his cabin several months ago. The case Is attracting considerable attention and a large crowd was in from the Waldo and Takilma districts today. About 25 witnesses have been subpoenaed for the defense, while five have been called to testify for the prosecution. up to 3 o clock today only two of the witnesses had been called to testify. The case may oc cupy several days. MORE APPLES GO ACROSS Fourth Carload Started From Eu- gene for England. EUGENE, Or., Sept. 23. (Special.) The fourth carload of apples con signed by the Eugene Fruitgrowers' association to London, England, this season went out yesterday. The ship ment consisted of Grimes Goldens and Kings and the top price was received for them, according to J. O. Holt, man ager of the association. The bulk of the prune crop of this locality has been brought in to ' the evapprator of the association here, but small lots will, be coming in for a week. Mr. Holt says the prune crop this year is about 50 per cent of normal. Damaged Mail Arriving. SALEM, Or.. Sept. 23. (Special.) Letters partially burned in an air plane wreck will be received in Salem within the next few days, according to information received by the post master. On each of the letters will be the following notation: "Unavoid ably damaged by fire on aeroplane due to leave Cleveland. O., at 8:30 A. M. September 15." Among local people who will receive these dam aged letters is Mrs. E. B. Lockhart. secretary to the state corporation commissioner. Road Work Brings Suit. SALEM, Or., Sept. 23. (Special.) The state highway commission has been made a party to the defense in suit brought by the Aetna Casualty & Surety company against Hall & Soleim and the First National bank of Eugene. The complaint charges that Hall & Soleim contracted with the stat3 for the construction of cer tain road work, but later defaulted, with the result that the contract was completed by the plaintiffs. Judg ment is now asked by the bonding company in the sum. of $1700 against the state. Mining Activity Reported. GRANTS PASS, Or., Sept. 23. (Spe cial.) W. R. Burner, from the Hol land district, states that there is con siderable mining activity, in the way cf prospecting, now going on in that section of the state. It is rumored that the R. Boswell mine has been "OUCH! THAT OLD RHEUMATISM!" Just get out that bottle of Sloan's Liniment and "knock it galley-west" EREN'T prepared for that quick switch in temperature, were you? Left you stiff, sore, full of rheumatic twinges? You should have had a bottle of Sloan's Liniment handy that would have soon eased up the muscles, qui eted the jumpy, painful, affected part penetrated without rubbing;, bring ing gratifying relief. Helpful in all attacks of lumbago, sciatica, external soreness, stiffness, strains, aches, sprains. Get a bottle at your druggist's. 35c. 70c, $1.40. & 47 A7 7 & TST, Use Cuticura Soap To Clear Your Skin ATI drnsKMto: BoapS, Ointment VI 50. Talonm 2Sb bample dka rree ox "usncn. jMps. a. T TT? TT T0 TONIGHT ' : i j IT. Hll!ll VX AT 7 AND 9 f7 it'V ' k I CONTIXUOI S PERFORMANCES If j 4i . . -. ' 4 I , 1 to 11 P. M. Tomorrow. fcJ ' ' . '', Friday- and Saturday. . , ' "' 'ySr m , , .muni V " ' '" ' JkJ : LA lffiS 'J ADMITTED. ' ' j-l tkemendous If young men could only know - T ' what a harvest their wives TixhV - ff and daughters reap from their A lJi sowing of wild oats. n "'jf J't- M i -J bUt bonded by a. mining: company for C150.000, the same company having alco secured control of the Cone Ledgre and Little Gem mines adjoining. These are noted producers and work on them will probably be started in the near future. Robbers Sentenced at Astoria. ASTORIA, Or., Sept. 23. (Special.) -;-Carlos Luna and Krancisco Varagaz, two Mexicans, pleaded guilty in the circuit court today to a charge of as saulting and robbing two of their countrymen of $58. They were sen tenced to from one to 15 years in the penitentiary. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. WANTED A man with light delivery car to deliver meat and poultry. In quire Pacific Market. 4th and Yamhill, Mr. Kolt. FURNITURE of 6-room house for sale. house for rent, must sell at once, going east. 1 Buchtel avenue S. LOST A bunch of keys, down town dis trict; return to 431 Aider. Reward. Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas sified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian. ACCOUNTANTS. JULIUS R. BLACK, accountant, auditor. specialist on involved accounts. Modern systems installed, maintained. 728-9 Pit tock block. Telephone Broadway 1. AGATE CUTTERS AND MFG. JEWELERS. JEWELRY and watch repairing. Miller's. abi Washington t.. Majestic theater mag ALTERATIONS. ALTERATIONS and refitting of ladles- garments; work guaranteed, at reason able prices. I. Reubin. Ladies' Tailor, Jiush & Lane bldg. ASSAYERS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second ootu. silver and platinum bought. BOOKS NEW AND SECOND-HAND. SCHOOL supplies, new and second-hand school books, magazines and stationery. JOHNSON BOOK STORE. 190 4th St. CANCER TREATED. L M. JONES. M. D. CANCER TREATED, 312 Morgan bldg. Marshall 6143. CARPET WEAVING. RUGS The Kind that wear the best are by the Northwest Rug Co. (Former ad dress 153 Union ave.) Rag rugs woven all sizes. Carpet cleaning, refitting and resizing. Mail orders solicited. 188 E. 8th st. PHONE EAST 3580. B 1280. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Rag Rugs, all sizes Malt orders prompt. Send for Booklet. 9x12 rugs steam or dry cleaned, $1.50. FLUFF RUG CO. B4-SB Union ave. N. East B516. B 1475. CELLULOID BUTTONS. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY. 387 Washington. Broadway 434. A 1254. CHIROPRACTOR. 300.000 KNOW McMahon. 100 Chiroprac tor. Throngs pronouncing treatment east est, best, permanent. 3 "treats" $15. Tel. CHIROPODIST ARCH-SPECIALISTS. WILLIAM. Estelle and Floretta De Veny the only scientific, chiropodists and arch specialists In the city. Parlors 302 Ger- llnger bldg.. S. W. corner 2d and Alder Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODIST. DR. GARTNER, foot specialist: corns, bunions foot arches made to order. Rl 1 Swetland bldg.. 5th and Wash. Main 1081 CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO.. 1510-11-12 Royal blag.. Marshall 5822. Multigraphing, mimeographing and mall advertising. THE LETTER SHOP Main 3846. 405 Cen- tral bldg. mimeographing; speed, service. COLLECTIONS. NETH & CO.. Worcester bide. Main 1706. No collections, no charge. Established 1000 DANCING. KATHERNE M. ROWN guarantees to teach all latest dances in 12 strictly private lessons Learn dance where each pupil receives personal attention. : - lessons . o lessons f .i 4 lessons $2. 6dS Eilers bldg.. bet. 4th ana otn on wash. st. Main 5v4. MRS. BAYH'S DANCING, academy. 3d floor Dekum bldg.: private lessons day ana eve.; beginners class Tuesday even lngs. Main 1345. BEGINNING Sat.. Oct. 4. regular dances win oe given no. 3 hall. w. o. W.. 11th, bet. Wash, and Alder; popular prices; Desi music. BERKELEY DANCING ACADEMY. 125 4th st. od lloor. jrirst-class Instructors; les sons clay and eve. Main 3318. Dance Hat MRS. FLECK'S ACADEMY. 109 2d St. Ball Main 2100. room and stage dancing. HOC, AND CAT HOSPITAL. ROSE City Veterinary hospital, 415 East 7th. East 1847. B 1062. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. H.M.H.ELECTRIC CO 31 N. 1st st.. Portland. Or. Re winding and electrical repairing a specialty. See us about new or used motors. Bdwy. 1045. A 1046 EYE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT. DR. R. F. CASPEDAV. Specialist. Glasses fitted. 700 E. BurnslUe. cor. 20th. E. 4734. HARDWOOD FLOORING. GET estimates for new or old house. Port land Hardwood Floor Co.. 187 V. Park at. WHOLESALERS AND AUTO TOPS. DUBRUILm TOP CO.. 9th and Oak Bts. I niMCI CDICI Pfl Stockroom and of- M. X.. KLINE. S4-86 Front atreet. LiUmNC.Lorir.LbUi ce 47 x. 5th at. i-hmbi; ani ste.m mipplikh. CRAIX MEKC'HAMn. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY. PACIFIC G RAIN CO.. Board of Tradg bldg. 6S-7D-73 Front at.. Portland. , HATS' AXP CAPS. M. L. KTINE. 84-88 Front atreet. - THAXHAUSKR HAT CO.. 53-f.5 Front at. pROfUTE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. HIIKS. WOOL AXU CASCARA BAKK. EvERP1XO & FARRELL. 140 Front at. KAHN BROS.. 15 Front at. ROPE ANI BINDER TWINE. MILL SIPPLIKS. portiand Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COM PAN T. k.kh i,nnR AVI1 til AH 6S-TO-72 Front at.. Portland. HASH. lOOKS AU OLA. FAINTS OILS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER CO.. Front and Morrlaon. W. P. FULLER CO.. Front and Morrison. WALL PAPER. RASMUSSEN & CO.. Second and Taylor. MORGAN WALL. PAPER CO., 230 id at. t TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. PAINLESS EXTRACTION CHIROPODIST. Good chiropody bent Investment, inferior chiropody aggravating causes irritation, consequently necessary receive satisfac tory results patronizing surgeon chiropo dist: superfluous hairs permanently re moved, wrinkles eradicated; manicurist, scalp specialist; open evenings, Sunday. H10 Bush & Lane bldg.. Bdwy at Aldtr. 9-ROOM furnished house with garage, Diana and newlnE machine, suitable tor 1 families; rent $50 per month. Call or phone between 1 and 7 P. M. : lease for months. J. M. Pittinger. 674 Borth wick st., phone East 2113. TWO desirable housekeeping rooms, rea sonable. 2U1 11th st. Hir.H-SCHOOL boy wishes position after school and Saturdays. AR 781, Orego nian. EXPERIENCED stenographer, salary 18 per week. Call today, 2 to 4, 408 Ore gonlan bldg. YOUNG man and mother want two con necting rooms, close in, west side. Alt 548. Oregonian. LOST Brown bank purse, marked First National Hank of Or.-gon City. Liberal reward given. Call East G200. Main 7070 or A 609o, House a. HEMSTITCHING. K. STEPHAN. hemstitching, scalloping, ac cordian side pleat, buttons covered; mall orders. 219 Pittock blk. Broadway 10!). EMU. TH IELHORN, violin, viola teacher; pupil Sevclk. 207 Flledner bldg. Broad way 1S9. MUSIC furnished by Hawaiian orchestra for society dinners, parties and lunch eons. Broadway 2241. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. GLASSES AT A SAVING. I solicit your patronage on the basis of capable service.' Thou sands of satisfied customers. A trial will convince you. Charles V. Uood man, optometrist, 209 Morrison. M. 2124. ATTENTION EYES-RIGHT! Dr. George Rubenstein. veteran op tician. Is right on the job of fitting the best eyeglasses at reasonable prices. 226 Morrison street, near Second. PATENT ATTORNEYS. R. C. WRIGHT 2: years' experience U. S. nd foreign patents. 601 Dekum bldg. GOLDBERG. 620 Worcester bids. M. 2525. PHYSICIANS. 0rof increased efficiency d r u g 1 e ss WW V treatment, goitre, headache, appen dicitis, tonsllltis, without surgery. Dr. Raymond E. Watters. 306 Swetland bldg. Marshall 4892. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS, Broadway building. Rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lung, liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostatic, female disorders, skin af fectionB. biood pressure. DR. J. K. W. KEHRER. phys. and sure. has opened offices 809-813 Stevens bids. Main 7475. Residence, Campbell hotel. Marshall SSI. 'LUMBINti SUPPIJES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES at 212 wholesale 3d. M. 7U7. prices. Starke-Davls Co.. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS. J. E. Gantenbein. mgr. Printing and linotyping. loo1 Front st.. corner Stark. Main or A 1418. PD!WT!WR F- W. BALTES & COMPANY, mill I lltU 1st and Oak Bts. M. 165. A 1165. SHINGLES. PHONE, wire or write us for prices, extra STAR A STAR (green) RED CEDAR CUIMPI EC Carload lots. We are mill wniifULLu representatives and can in-arte and delivery. weniooi Lumber company, 601 Couch bldg. land. Oregon. Port- SECOND-HAND STORES. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO.. 221 Front st. We buy and sell everything In the hardware and furniture line. Phona Main UH70, A 7174. TINTING. ROOMS tinted 3.50 and up. Hawthorne Construction Co. Phone East33. TRANSFER AM STOR.VGE. "OREGON AUTO. DESPATCH "The Service With a Reputation yOVIXO-PACK'O-STORAliBjBAOGAGB 13th and Kfarnfv. Branch fi W Bowy. PKONE BDWY. 3309 OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 GLISAN St Corner of 13th. Phone Broadway l-'Ml or 1109. w. own ana operate io mrs Clam "A" warehouse. on terminal tracks. Lowest Insurance rates In city. FIREPROOF STORAGE C. M. OI.SEN TRANSFER CO.. 248 Plne MADISOX-ST. DOCK & WAREHOUSE OF FICE. 1N9 Madison at. General merchHn rtl! and forward Ins agents. Main 10M1. PACKING. MOVING, STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO.. los PARK ST. MAIN 51!I5. A 10-M. CI.AY S. MORSE. Inc. TRACKAGE. STORAGE. TRANSFER. 44S-4S4 ULISAN S'I TRANSFER. EATON & MAXWELLTRANSFER CO., Piano and furniture movipK. LonK dlstance hauling a specialty. 2l'2 Pine Ft. Phones: Office M. 78:;; res. Wdln. 6203. WATCH REPAIRING. HIGHEST prices paid, old watches and Jewelrv. Condition no object. Repairs a apectalty. Rmlnier Jewelry Co. 440i Washinntonat. MANUFACTURERS PIPE, PIPE riTTINGS AND VALVES. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY. Front fit., Portland. AMCSEMKXTS, '"fL T HEIIJG Theater Hun. -Mon. -Tu-. Msht. 1 to l. Sun. -Mod -Tue.-ted f'oooo, lie to 73c Carl Jorn JA-DA TRIO RITRT AND ROSEDALE Tango Shoes REGAY 4NT LORRAINE SISTERS BELGltTM TR, tVladam Ellis THIS l-HHW CLOSKS WITH WKDNEhUAY MATINEE. 3" 1 MATINEE TODAY ALCAZAR MUSICAL, PLAYERS With MABKI, WII.BRR and OSCAR KICMAX In Frank Daniel's Comic Opera THE WIZARD OF THE HiLE Eve. 50-75c-l ; Wed. JL Sat. Mats. 25-SOc NEXT WEEK 'THE LILAC DOMINO' ENGAGE SEATS XOW BAKER STOCK COMPANY All "Week Mats. Wed, Sat. By Special Arrangement With Oliver Morosco. THE WALK-OFFS Clever Comedy by the Authors of "Upstairs and Down." Etc. , Next Week. Slck-a-Bed. P A N T A G E MAT. DAILY 2.30 Vaudeville's latest Novelty THK KRKMI.IN OF MOSCOW With Maurice , olden. Ills Own Company and the Kamoua Rusnian National Balajka Orchestra. 6 OTHER Bill ACTS 6 Three Performances IjrPv. Night Curtain at 7 and S. LYRIC" Musical Comedy. Matinee Dally at 3. Nights at 7 and I This "Week Dillon and Franks la THE KING OF ALABAZU. Gorgeous Musical Extravaganza. With 2 Pretty Girls. Country Store (extra). Tonight. CIRCLE Foorta at naainston Constance Talmadge, in Mrs. LeffingwelTs Boots" Also a Harold Lloyd Comedy. "Heap Big mei. ana r'atne News. Open from 9 o'clock In the morning until 4 o clock of the following morning. DANCING DE HONKY'S DAXCIMi ACADF.MY Twenty-third and Washington. All new steps and modern dances taught in eight lessons. Ladies $2.50. gentlemen $!. New classes for beginners start Monday and Friday evenings this week. Advanced class Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Take one or rour lessons a week. Tickets are good until used. The only school teaching from 8 to 11:30. Plenty of practice. No embarrassment. Sepa rate step room and extra teachers for backward pupils. A thorough printed description of all dances free for pirpils. We have large and select classes, and the social feature alone is worth double the price, and this is the only school where they gtiariiii tee to teach you to dance. Private lessons given all hours. Call after noon or evening. Learn from profes sional dancers. Phone Main 7656. Dance Tonight COTILLION HALL Milton Rnttrfirld and 1he INevr Cotillion Orchestra. Public dncln vvery evening except Sunday, Sunday afternoon and eve. at Columbia Beach COUNCIL CREST PARK Remains open during September. DANCINO EVERY EEM.G Except Snndajr. BASEBALL Portland vs. Sacramento Vaughn St. Park Sept. 23, 24, 23, 26, 27, 2S Phone Your Want Ads to THE OREGONIAN Main 7070 A 6093 Al'CTIOX 8A1.ES TODAY. At Wilson!! Auction Haum. 10 Furniture. 1rt1-171 Second t. A. M. niF.p. MORTENSEN 5eptemter 21. Marina Mor tennen. e -S yearn. belo ed brother of I. art. Mortensen of SRO Robs atreet and Mrs. Jnnie SlmonTi of J;VM I'orty fifth atrt aoutha!t. thia city. Te ceaad wan & member of a local boiler ma kern union. Remains at Pearaon'a undertaking parlora. Ruaaell street at Union avenue. HAVGNBR In this city. Perd. 2?. Andrew Hauener. ice IS yearn, beloved himband of Marie HauRner of 10224 Sixtieth ave nue Southeast. Remains are at the fu neral parlors of A. I. Kenworttiy Co.. 5H02 Ninety-second street Southeast, la LentH. Notice of funeral later. HORN STROM In this city. Sept. 23. 110. Helen Hornstrom. aged 87 years 6 months 6 days. Remains are at the parlors of the Skewes lTndertakinjr Co., cor. 3d and Clay. Funeral notice later. THOMPSON Emanuel hospital. September 23. Emma Thompson, ape 40 years, be loved .wife of John M. Thompson. Re mains at P. t. lerrh undertaking par lors. Funeral notice later. PAYSOX At the residence, 470 East Ktffhty-pixth atreet north. September 22. lli. Arthur (:- Payson. aed 47 years; remains at Hnlman's v funeral parlors. Funeral notice later. "W'E furnish limousines for funeral service. Jones Autoraobiis Livery. Marshall 114. MEETING NOTICES. PORTLAND TENT NO.'l. THE MA CCA - BEES, will hive a rousina smoker on Thursilay evening, Sept. 2.", at their hall. 40i Aider street, corner 11th. A fine pro gramme is offered. Including boxing mau-h- clears, etc. All member are uriied to be present and bring a pronpeot for the great campaign now on. By order ot com mittee. PORTLAND LODr.E, NO. ,V A. F. AND A. M. Special communicat ion this Wednes day evening- o'clock. Mason ic Temple. Work In K. A. do st ree. Yi Kit Ins- brethren we.1- By order W. M. H. J. HOUGHTON.. Sec MOfNT TABOR LOPCK. NO. 42. A. F. AND A. M Stated Communication this ( Wednesday i evening, west side temple. 7 S10 o'clock. M. M. degree. Visiting brethren welcome. EDWIN I. MIN AH, W. M. WASHINGTON COUNCIL NTV 8. R. AND P. M. Stated assembly -this (Wednesday) evening. 7:.'U oVlork. fclai.1 Stb and 3urnsitie. Dt'Srees. Com panions, for assignments ' to uper-exceirent work. Please be present. J. H. RICHMOND. Recorder. FRIENDSHIP LODGE NO. 1HO. A. F. & A. M.. E. 43 D AND SANDY BLVD. Special communication this evening. 7:3H. M. M. degree. Vlsltms brethren welcome. H. F. CHAPIN. Secretary. SAMARITAN LODGE NO. 2. T. O. O. F. Meets every Wednesday evening at 8 ' o'clock. Odd Fellows temple. 22 Alder St. Tonight drill for first degrees. Visiting brothers wel come. JESSS T. JONES. Sec. E. A. NEALOND, N. G. Regular meeting this ty evening. E. nth and Alder streets. Third degree. Visitors welcome. X. P. OAKERMAN. N. G. S. A. STARR. See. PORTLAND CHAPTER. NO. 8. R. A. M. Special convocation this (Wednesday l evening at 7::in. Most excellent master degree. Visitors welcome. L L. SCOTT, Sec. DANCING. NOW OPEN. Berkeley dance ball. 120 4th st. Dance every Sat. Good ftoor ar.d good music. Pay us a visit and have a good time. MASONIC dance, main ballroom. Masonic temple. Thursduy evening. t-"epteml-r ... Masons, their families and friends Invited. EM ni.EM Jewelry, buttoni new designs. Jaeger P.rns., charms, pins. 131-3 tith st. FRIEDLANDER'S for lodge eml)ms. class pins and medals. 310 Washington st. HMCRAI. NOTICES. BARCER At th resident. nt3 Twrnty t hird street north, September U l !. Keb era J. Bars r. 8'd 4 y ars. mother of C. W. Bncr of San Kran r !, Cnl., and Mrs. R. W. Helm of Sa I e m. Or. t u n rtt I e rv i-a w i J bo held at Jacks' funeral parlor.-. SlI orton. ( r.. at 1 :3d P. M . tomorrow t Thursday . Se ptember 1 !!!. Krit-nds Invi i-d t at tend. Remains at Hoi ma n's 1 imt-ra 1 parlors. Third and Salmon, until Thurs duy morninK. CARD At the reldenre. 205 North Eight eenth street. September 11. lUl'K M ra Card, a (red year, beloved mother of Kloyd T. Smith of Croatian.. Or.; Roland K. Card of Boie. 1-inho: T o A. a ml Harry C. Card of Garden Volley. Idaho. Friends Invited to at tend funeral srrv ice t 11 ol man' a funeral parlors. Th ird and Salmon streets, at II 1. ?!. today Wednesday September 'J. UH'.t. Con cluding services at Portland cremato rium. MKI.DRfM At him late residence at Meld rum station. John W. Meld rum. ace "I years; husband of ileorct 1. Meld rum. and father of Charles K. and D. Thompson Meldrum; brother of Mr. M. O. Moore, Mia. L. P. Thompson. Mrs. S. M. McCown and Henry Mei.frum. Fui.i ral services at M. E. church. 7 1 h and Main Ms., OreKou City, nt - I. M .. Thursday, September US. Erlenda in vited. Tt'ROESBX In this city. Sept. 112. I-aura C. Turfiesen. rkc 40 years: beloved wif" of O. I. Turgnsen of riti7 Ninth-first street Southeast. Funeral aervlces ill be held tomorrow t Wednesday i. Sept 2. at 2:30 P. M.. from the funeral par lors of A. P. Kenworttiy & Co.. rso2-Ninety-second street Southeast, in Lent.-. Interment at Mount Scott cemetery. HOCCK At Good Samaritan ho-pital. Sep- i tember 23, I-ah J. liouck. aue it years, mother ot Dr. George Houck of Rose burg. Funeral services ill be held at Albany. Or., today (Wednesday!. Re mains at P. L- Jrch undertaking par lor. CIIAMPLIN The funeral services of the la te George M. I ham pi in will r-e n-hi Thursday. September 25. at 3 P. M. from the conservatory chapel of the K. S. Dunning, Inc., 414 K. Alder. Friends invited. Interment. Lone Fir cemetery. BHt'MBY The funeral services of the late Frances A. Brum bey v ii 1 be held today (Wednesday at 1:30 o'clock" P. M. a; Flnley s, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends Invited. Services at the Portland crem atorium private. Please omit f towers. SMITH The funeral services of Baby Smith, beloved Infant ton of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smith, will be held Wednes day. Sept. 24. at 2 I. M.. at the chapel of Miller Traeey. interment at Mult nomah Park cemetery. ROSS ITER The runernl services of the late Marv Lucy Rostlier will be held to day (Wednesday), at 2:30 o'ciock P. M. at Finiey's, Montgomery at Mh. Friends Invited. Interment at River View cem etery. LYNCH In this city. Sept. 22, Mary Frances Lynch, aged 4u years, wlie of Waiter P. Lynch of 424 Jefierson at. Remains will be forwarded by Mccnteo & Lilers to Minneapolis. Minn. PH 1 LLIPS Remains of the late corse King Phillip? will be interred Wednes day. Sept. 24. under direewon of Miller & Traeey nt Multnomah Para emetery. FLORISTS. I.C B IAS K K. b'LOK I ST. 32 Mornaon at., fr.rtlaml hotel. Mar. 7..3. 34S Morrison jet. ldy and Fura. Mar257. Poriianda I-eadinif Klo er Shops. MARTIN & FOKBEf CO.. f lorista. :i.".4 Washinsrton. Main 2)'J. A l2ui. Klowen for all occasions art im ically arranged. CLARKE BROS., f'.ortsis. 2S7 Morrison st. Main or A 1 S0.V Klne flowers and flora! dsitfns. No branch stores. i'KOl'LE'S Flowers MarshH I! FLORAL SHOP, and designs, very M22. 245 Alder, reasonable. IRVINJTON PARK FLO K A L CO.. 4th and VanihiU. Funeral deinet. iowtst prices. MAX M. SMITH. Main 721 mg bidR:, Sixth and Aid- A 121. Sell- TOXSETH FLORAL Ct 2"7 Waa!ii?ton Main 1 u . 1 1 1. st.. bet. 4th and .th. Fl NtRAL DIRECTORS. HOLM AN UNDERTAKING CO. Funeral Directors fcl.-tabliFhed 177. Third and Saimon Streets. Main :.07. A 1011. Lady Aaai&tant. MILLER & TRACEY I'erfoct Funeral Service for Less. Independent Kuneral Iirectri'. Wash. Ft. bL 2th anil 21t-t.. we.t ntde. Main 2tRl. L-ady Assistant. A 7.V J.P.FINLEY&SON PROGRESSIVE PUNKKAL I'IRECTORS Main l. Mouigomery at 5th. A l.'.yj. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the pnva--a home, lt.th and Eventt "In. A'l Uroaii w a y 2133: Home. A 213a. of F. S. PUNNINC. INC. 414 E. Alder. Phne Kact ."2. Perfect service, personal direction, free use ot floral chapel and auto equipment. DOWNING & McNEMAR Sucee5tar to Wtlt-on & Ross. Multno mah at E. 7th. East 54, Irvinctvit ditt. pl'NMNG & M i'ENTEK, fui.t-iil directors. Hroadway and Pine ium. Phone Broadway 4'Mi. A 4.ri7H. I-ady attendant. I t t l?l?PTT t:MSt 11th and ('lav eta. J. Ji. J-all.1.11 East 781. B 1 fJ. InTrCfiM Twelfth and Morrison tts. HiKlV-'Oi.N Broadway 2a34. A. r. K EN WORTH T CO., 582-4 92d st.. Lents. Tabor 5267. BREEZE & SNOOK Tab. 12.-8. B 1546 1047 Belmont. AD 7CI I AD PH 592 Williams Ave. lit LLLLMH UUiEast 10SS. C loss. SKEWES UNDERTAKING and Clay. M. 41.-.2. A 2221. COMPANY. 3d Lady assistant. VAM.Tfi AM) CREMATION. jig:,. jior(Tesralflaiinn1 tion. Disinterments for either. Sell. 967. MOM MKNTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS :6R 4th St.. 0.p. City Nail. NfD Brpn. BLAE1S1NG GRANITE". CO. 'T THipn .r- wAPijON street 1 OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office. Routu 1.: ConrthoUM, 5th U Jkntriim'. l'hone from to 0' Mitin 8. lfoni - Phone from 8 to 5, Main 378. Hume KrHrt all fftMM fif rruHtT to tho above wlrirnifi. t.leetriral lethal chamber for ma animnlH. Home auibulanc-e for nk'lc and flNahleri animal at a moment's nntlre. Anyone deWHna; a dofr-nr other pet. rom-munH-ate with lit. Call for all lont or wtra.ved stork, aa we look after the 1m toiinrimc. There la no more city pound, jiint Oreicon Humane rwelety. NEW TODAY. --'.5..,-5:- MODERN CONSTRUCTION CO. GARAGE BUILDERS 313 E. 11th St. East 5114 "SfcX -ja'- FGR SALE BY OWNER. A good 7-room house in Kose City Park. 5ixino lot. i:h vtaraee, price $1S'0. Tern on part if desired. To inspect property see Mr. Iaring 24 Onk St. Garages Call for IlltiHtratrd 351 Ankcny Si. Plume Broadway 149 Sam Ccnnell Lumber Co. MORTGAGE LOANS I mnrovfd city anil farm property. lnnlsJIment repayment privilege If preferred; prompt, reliable aervlce A. H. BIRUELL CO. :IT--I9 or(hwtlrro Hank lluildlnu. Mnrmhall 4114. A 41 IS. SEND- L'S YOUR OLD CARPETS Old ItuKi nnd W oolen Clothing. We Make Iteversl blc. Hand - Woven FLUFF RUGS They Wear I. Ike Iron. Mall Orders. Send for Rnnklrt. lUx Hues Woven. All Sixex. Carpet Gleaning Ptl2 Units, Mrntn ( leaned. ? I. .'. W11!:.1 1 Ll I F Kt .. 64 I ulon Ave. i. h'tnt ."!, II 147." frf MortgageLoans. t 72 VQ ward E. Goudey Co Dank Itulidlni; JOHN B. COFFEY MOKTUAUK LOANS. Insurance Surety Bonds! :tl2 Wilcox Bids. .Muin 7o2. A :t72. KEAL KMATE. 5.-Ooo Three acre 7i;n si., i: i,oll a: M , owner. 4U47 i I'uwt'l! Valley e. Call alter st. . E. lm INuTU.N L.ot or hlf block. 2m fc st. BKAl'TI Fl'E IRV 1'ort .itnl s tiio.it-I hum your lot now: iriL-y wrr NO TON. ' a.-ct ion ; aelrct froir.K last. V cjt. : e pmpert y are e.iln the liuhea at nrti en lower tluin ever l. !vrc oi: 1 and on easy ivntia: tnslily imprnvi-il li.ia li kt- thete will boon itr.r.n w ii.it x ln y ..re r-.ti;y Antii. aa we ar- stliiu ili-m way boio'.v thir true value- Ali impro m-n trt. sueb .in pr;.!.i str.-.-ta. c-nu n t w . i k i. iui hi. - w v r find ! - nif u t a t o in unil pain for ami re;rent a pr-aii-r poiftm ot our cc;:ii. price. We ati.! liave l oi n- rs, i.ixitjn, insiie i and r.uxHto LIS. liny juur future homeiit nx.ay. KITTKK. l.OWK At Co.. 201 -:i-5-I liuard ol Trade l;du. Flt the neiwt days the owne tol hill property wi ! ifr to n era a pe-ial it: 1 cnn nt in u.i. 1 acn- for S'.Hi. aciv lor t;n. lt a. re for Jo'Hl 1 lti .Vaiim ior 52uO and up. Ti:is jiroperiy ia on ihe Oregon P... ."). i at ijrr, liiil tiun waui'. eleciri- it y a v al :ubl Also Kv-d See uw :iei a. 30 1 All Kay bd. Klectric t,as and ai h oMfi. i'hona M.i:n l"Oi. I uT I S u n. i ! block "'2. Irvlnjrton. Park " lat :. b'.ock. 14. Terrace 1'rrk e',(J Lot 10, bl-.t k 4. Sumn-.t Annex .e0 Lots 7 una s.. loik Ternii. 1 per etii cusli. - Pr cet.t ino.uh:v, inieist per cent on ba.aticts. t. HAS. li. L'L'l'K . Ad:nir;UrT-ator. Tatior 277 or Liroaaway lti;u. ? I M Ui A-l I .A N U lot and two locations la Uo.-f C.ty Park. on a corn r. at Half lr-ce; e Lome ; tractor. I. hi. aeii o.ic a.i uitr.ii-i.vf site ior a M'eiial iuo uceinen ta to a con ATKINSON". 2 Cham, of Com bOl.Nii TO C A 1 . 1 K O i : N 1 A For sale. 4 iot. hiKh-c!aa tit li de l ark, 3 b cheap ftr moicj. f.r l.o- Ai.e.- j 3.;-j t-th .t.. Port.i at Rom City, rva troni car line ; d tenitb. i.l trade rt Si't o i;-r. ;.1 a-K ij'T.aati.n. W I L.I. i A M S - A V E. 1 .OT. ju-t r.orih of li dmoi.t; lot lt. blo-k :;. l.o Adn:on. b:en Moman liuf i." ; iKar of tiu-um l . h : rtn 1im4. b;:; $."..'.0 cali tiik.-; il. h..r.e Ma.. i ;LT"l Itmxlito; it-mcnt ua.ks In and AH'eria. Ideal rnr. tir Krie eaMiy yrttl S12tU. Will K'il tvt nis. paid : a:"' .r re.: 51 n..0 liL'VS a lot .Vtxioo on 25ih st.. cl" t.i Tlinni.iin sV. W'i.l tive terniw. ."-v o . ier. :ii-l jI Kay bldg. I'hone Main loo. i.tL r-i. 'oi . '"xl"ti. 4-room Ituuae. $TuO. 14.. E. 7d N'.uh. "MV" ..tr. liuflSE Mail :s un -1 and (.pw n-ri, St 1 i w FOR SA l.E Fine Main 7.".'-l Irvingtou lot. cluup. Flat and Auuimrnt Proixrty. ItO.OoU 5txlH WITH larce mod-rn build in . 22 1 N. 1 St h. ntxt hp Loi ejoy ; lia.if cu-ti : im-onie $" .". Address V. O. box 3iu. Mar.-Iiiieid, Or. FOR SALE by ownr. double flat, on paved street, on guuil sirect cur line. Near lieed , nt.ee. .N Ort-St'tiluii. 1 N iii iucnn; property cui -d. i'rice .".ot. mo. : wej lo- 1 n veisliaie. din. For Sale -IIotie. WEST HLY IN WALNCT PARK: SpUndid. mod rn. up-to-date home. It ini prov em'ius m and paid; you are liMdnsj a iar.in !f you fn.il to bte tii.s. L. K. Mt.fOltE. Main Sitl7. iil Ni'iALOW' for ha!1, close in ea-t sil. t-iunpletely furnished, linen and dish-.; 3-(o. down, )4o a month; like rent; hy owner. No agent?. Marshall a..43. Itar;ain. VT. TA-IUR SNAP. 7 larce rooms, modern every particu lar, well built, improvements paid. lo72 Helm ont. IU l.MTON Pine S-room homo. w hlte enamet and malingany finish, like new; i tractive interior d cs.fi a. Owner. East ;3 keu BsafJ 1 BMs REAL KSTATE. For Sale H,nie. OOOn TTOMK HUTS. Hnwthrne 2..1 Olenn a vs., l ninderu house, lot 50x100 feet; f 3u ternirt. Alberta T-mom modern hone, r nace. B-h trava. Rood baaeniant. jot f.oxlOJ feet. li3 blocks car; 13600. termrt. 6-rom modern buniralow, eleeptnic porch, full basement, garage, corner lot. 1 block car. is minutes out; $o200, f&OO canh. ba ia nee easy. 4-room OMttage." (tarajre. p-'v' 0Tet, N'o. 4IS Skidmoro at Last 7th. N. Prica l .i."0, term a. 'room houe. basement, lot 50x1"!, nar Ciir: $1045. $.12. cah. balance flO, uitli 7 per ct nt interest; a ana p. Vronru cottge, oonicr lot 00x100, near car. 2:1 minute out ; $lfit0. $400 caah. balance $15 month. Including inter?rt. Hawthorne 7 rooms, sleeping porch, paved street, on Glonn ave., near Haw thorne : $.oo, $iotH cash, balance 2 P r mom h. 7 per cent. Iv. M. CiATRWOOD & CO., l554thPt. LAI R KLHl'RST HO". B. $10,000 KOK $7500. Ptrlctly modern, nearly new 2-storT. S-room residence, just rapainted and decorated inside and out. Iwated near car. in park section, very larse rooms throughout, beautiful oak floors, old. ivory linlah, 4 larjie bedrooms and over sized sleeping porch, tile bath, lots of French doors, fine view of city; $2500 cash, balance to suit. It. II, Torrey. 10 Floral ave Tabor 407. ATTRACT! V I LAL'ltKLHUKST HOME. A new house, o rooms and bath down stairs: all modern conveniences, hard wond floors, plate glass windows, nice fixture?, cement basement, ffood furnace, nice garage; street improvements in and the house faciiiR one of the widest atrt in I'ort.and; price $.C0O. A. LIND'IKKX, Pa von Land Co., o." X. W. Bnnk PMg. HOPE CITY PARK. I have two new bungalows In the west ern part of Ro-e City l ark, all ready lot occupancy. These bungalows are 5 and ti rooms and modern; located in a very desirable neigh borhood on street wit h. ail improvements in; demand for homes of : hi nature is b:u and they will ko quick. Mr. Brown, i. oith and Uiisan. Ta br "4.i:; ; evenings. Tabor fi. U H UAXD-NK W JU'NGALO W S. IN UL'KELHURST. If you have a moderate amount of casH and a grood jol you can move right Into one of tbm. W cannot build any mora at the price we ary a.kinK 'or tuem. tee Mr. Lelahunty nt 2 . 0 lv Stark street or phone tor auto. Main 1700. Keaidence K 2'ri. "IVK new r.mHsii cottage. 6 rooms, dln uik and nit?- ;nnr porches. hardwood, fio..rs. open fireplace, ail modern con-v.-niences. with large wooded lot. st Mount Zion. the most beautiful view suSurb of Port! ind. Prico tr.K. easy t rms. John i. n lowner). -ry7 SpalU tng bldg. Telephone A. 7442. 11Y PAY KENT. $2S00 buys 6-room home on Cook ave. n ir Williams ave; couldn't be duplicat ed for $M. i; n-e!a little paint, but see how cheHp on are buying it; 60x100 lot. rrul tre.s. and close in. fhns. rangier A.- Co.. rj Henrv bids. 'OL 7 rooms, bath. r-s, elec ctc. lawn, trees and shrubbery, ment b.ts nient. just block A to s hool. 4000 down, balance trintv good " ;ir. on our own i rms CO, Main S: V. W. IJ.tnk 121dc. '87. l.it TuX Nice ti-room house, fur m.vhed : fine furnace, concrete garage, corner iot ' Aoxloo. choice location, 1 blk. from .Broadway car. For saie by owner. uunag tli day. b74 s.-huy : !t. KE.Nlt.N Fn,. cottages and lots at and rr-ar M;s. and Wlnchell; prices 'J00 to $i;..t; terms. Montavuia. 7th near Pine: 5 -room hou.-e. 4ti-iot lot, $22oO: terms. D. I. Batririek. filfl C. of C. Main 19S5. Bl lI.U NOW. If you ovn a lot. we will furrlsh the money and build for you; terms like rent. fail and s-e us. WESTKUN CUNSTnUCTION CO.. Main 2t.H.-,. t;i Morgan Bldg. HOSK CITY PARK. 5-room bungalow, cement basement. Fox lurnace. al! built-in features, beau ti? ul home, block from car. $3jr0 and assume Jioo assessment: $!irrt caah, baL. l:k rent nor, ,ri34 E. 5uth N. FuK fti A LE. A ro.il bargain in b-at section Irving ton ; roor.s. bat h and dn. full cement 1 .merr.en:, all newly painted, ready r. lay jour rus; $d.u0; easy paymenia.. Tabor :S..U KOSE CITY PARK, fl-rnnm, strictly modern bungalow: g:ir;iije. ror.es. rruit. etc. This is one of the btrst outiga - s in Portland ; must h.iv :it le:ist cJ.'.oo first I'.i!Hent, obS East T.o; h Ft. Narth. Tj bor t;;4."i. I IE I ' MONT llOMK Mod ern. fireplace, lurg I: vinit 1 ovn. corner lot lOOxloo, garage ; pb-nty cf fruit, grapes, ber ries, English walnuts. Near car line a". 1 "(:'--.. I'i.ui. oodiav, n J L ST completed, strictly modern. 6 rooms h r.d sl"eiin g pore h ; also classy 5-raoin bungalow ; price of each S700: good l.M.ttu-n; 2 blocks from car. Owner. Tao..r -12. i' t;TI-A N'L) H KIC.HTS. I.arn iuiifr.ti, inuUet n conveniences. '2 nt3 It ei ti ti pa eti street, on cur lier. 2 blocks from car. 4 -j blocka from A.nw(ith soliooi. Main 7-14. ST ItK '1.D AT ONCE. Tin"i-rii 7-ronm liouiv. Corner lot. innx ion; oak finorn anti fireplace; all bin i-ln cen eiiit-n -5. Ii .i rt'-fMrf afced si r-'-.-ts. paid for. Piinne N" iin o-'Jl. 1L"NJAI.CW f-r aile. cb.s,. in east aid. completely f ui n:bd. linen and dishes; $;:..oii, down. $4 a month; lika rent ; by ovn-r. N'o a gent a. Marshall M 74 3 . 1 1 a a i n . IN I H V 1 NJTi N Several fin modern hotirs r ill furnish lot n, finance and build t, amt. Huilt Itto homes in Port laml. Ko e Construction Co.. R. B. Rice, nciit. .:m WiiM'o at. Bast 2432. litiSK CITY PARK Ul'XCJALOW Beau tnul Kray bungalow. on rorner lot, 1 u:ch kitchen. built-in buffet. etc. ; sume huy. -..-' : $ 1 2."o ra.-h. $25 per month : i milled late ioaaesaion. Tabor r; ( v tier. v i"Tl Kl 1- s-rooia Irvmton homet. t l.-v t i -i oadw ay and 1 rvinjrton cars: h..i f l-M -wuttr heat. i:uud heator, hardwood r.n, maid's room, garate. Call Caat with water. ."Oxloj lot well gard:i and chicken park. i. . Price t;..u. terms. t, ; Wilcox bids. Main 3517, . d M x . M.i K;i. i ii;.; "W KST sirc.' room ot t a j.-. one ..iO M.ll tU. floor: walking at 10th; $4700. d t in, e. t : n.s. i : at Kwoon A CO.. inr.ij 4th St. 4-Ri" n- a Ph. ad. M ho u.s M',' .11 Mai s !at and 2"t-f t . motorboa t ; on i.- ' n Hi'i-i'Uiit of sickness ,.,!'.. or call a; 1124 .Mac ri A nd. or., ask for Howard :n st.. P 11 a: i it vYvrrox skmi-rfnoalow home.- This new home J-.as 7 roms. two baths, built-in '..iH'ki-a.M-., buIS-t, r al hardwood tKior. r-j.i lot, BaiaKH. $20i. J1500 will handle. Eat 4 MOlKKN lln !mnnil i'ungiiiftw. paved rils tr. l. rtTtfJ $'7"o; immediate Ba.e. f.".i'ip(i; rtsli, ? I ihi Owner, even trigs after (. ::'.. Tabor 7Ar,5. 5-R OM tri-t m'd.rn buncaiotv In Rood rtis l I'resctitt Mreet. Price $23.l. -n. Marstera, 202 Wlicox bid -c. 17. Ea.-t ll'.'S. M a i n . liiiKAT sa.-r?f. '-; 3 hou. : i to lie In. 2 to rent ; 27 1 h St., East Portland. .-e onc-r, M unlock. 1 Morchanii Tr-i!t i p.. fi. h and Was i.lncton. - i,o ;-KOi'M modern house bath, toilet- b;tsm'TU. HAZ. cbrttrit loo; 4 from car; mhts. lot h'lx terms. Phooe ,.a nM b.-tuo -n 27th t.. Last Portland; ntove ti!i in; a jrreat l;rr.iin. Sew owner. Maddork. "ll Merehants Trust h"di: lt h wtirt Wafhinnton. f JliH.. Onlv $..o ;"xloo. Close to -jr d u. oi n-r it and si'hoji. J2U N. W. Bank bide Mam $12oo WILL buy 7-room house. 10-xUn lot, fruit. .r;'ire, berries. t.lli 42d ave. r,.. ,r M ; At. S'-ott car; half trash; Lb- ral r.if'nunt for all cajh. F1HST painnt. balr.nee like rent, buvs ti-room house, close In. walkiot; distance. See Jonn Hrown. 324 Kail w :i trvebature bldr. Mar. ;;;ni. 4-iit M eor.y buiii.'abTw lot r.Oxlmi, 2 t,l(M from peiimsulKX school and car line. R.-ai-onabie. See owner, latj N Mth Mar. 1214. OINO t build or repair? t'.et my idus and estimiitea. B. T. Allyn, . 243 Stark t. tf t tee hours S to ft I. M. Phone M ;iln Sl. Itea. phone Tabor 104. STRICTLY mod.-rn bv o ner. East bide house in Irvinpton 2377 or 722 Selling N E Alt UruaJw ay house, a bargrtj incton ntret. bridge. 7-room modern n. See Hall, 211 "ah- FKuM sie- v owner, loth and Hancock, fi rooms n tz iMjrrh. hardwood floors wh work. Price 47.Vi. Phone E. 57'i;; FL" UN ISH Kl houFeboat. three rooms and bath, nas, elect ricity and city water Houseboat No. 4'.. Willamette mom age A I - A M K DA S E M I - B UNO A LOW." jt;.-ou takes th;s. Two biocks from car and perfect. East 4 ll. iiHln U rox l ttn w it)i 7--21s: and MiihHll. Pro:; y Von N K W I . Y P a i n t e d 4 - r . $:b(i cah. McKAItt.A.N'b. rn ti'jtiRalow, Yoon bldK. 8-TtoOM modern hnue. Nob HiU. weit sida. I WolUtein. 40d McKay bld. 5