12 TI1E MORNING OREGONIAN, MONDAY, SEPTEMItEK 22, 1919. NEW TODAY. SEND US YOUR OLD CARPETS Old Kuk" and Woolen ClothinK. We Make Ilcvei-Hlble, Hand - Woven FLUFF RUGS They Wear I.Ike Iron. Mall OnlerN. Mend for Booklet. JliiK Kub Woven, All Slua. Carpet Gleaning 9x12 Kuks, Steam Cleaned, 1 ..50. HKSIKH.N FLLFF Ht(i CO., 64 I ii ion Ave. X. Kant 516, It 147. REAL ESTATE. IRVIXGTO.N- 2Mb. st. -Lots or lialf block. 012 N. E. Flat and Apartment Property. 1 OH iALK by owner, double flat, on paved st ret t, on good street car line. Near Reed c.d.ege. A." W3U, Oregonian. For Sale Lota. i'uli the next J0 days the owners of Capi tol hill property will offer to home build ers a special inducement in small tracts. 1 acre for $100. acre for U00. a4 acre for $300. i 1 lot 50x100 for $200 and up. This property is on the Oregon Electric rt'., 5c -'ir fare, Hull Run water, gas and electricity available. Also good schools. See owners. ol McKuy bldg. Phone Main 1004. tuTri IS and 20, block 32, Irvington. Park ...$ 4f0 Lot '. blocks 14, Terrace Park...... 500 Lot 10, block 4, Summit Annex 300 Cots 7 and 8, York 30"0 'JVrms, 10 per cent cash, 2 per cent ir.omhly; interest 6 per cent on balances. CHAri. B. DUFFY. Administrator. Tabor 2747 or Broadway 1600. BARGAIN IX LOTS. 75x100 ;;inh and Halsey, lot in Ala meda Park, 5 lots in Sellwood, all sts. hard paved; lot in lvanhoe. Owner. Sell wood :.7i'2, evenings. 1'OK A LK, cheap, lot on 14th st., -block off Alberta; east front; will take piano in part payment. Inquire at 1002 E. 14th ft. N. HAVE one lot 50x100 or 75x100 best part Broadway district ; all improvements in and paid ; sell on terms or take some trftde. Broadway 2797. J,mjo BUYS a lot 50x100 on 25th at.. clos, to Thurman st. Wiii give ierm. Sea o-.vn'-r, :toi McKay bldg. Phone Main 1004. JuK SALE Lot in Columbia Heights. $300 cash. Cull 50 E. 57th N. R. C. Park. For Sale Ho u set. Zj, YOTT WANT A HOME AND A LIVING ai.su? here is a splkndid op 1'uktunity : six 5 and 6-room 3'lats, fine corner on west siie, walking distance; you can live in one and the othkrs kb all rented for $200 per month, why worry about bus 3 xfss wii en real estate is so " he a p ? price $18.00m. terms. e. 3i. COLLI S, EAST feuOO. ROSE CITY PARK HOME. Owner moved away, wishes to sell his l ttractive 2-story, 7-room home with large screened sleeping porch (just re painted and decorated inside and out) located on a high, sightly lot 2 blocks Irom car on E. 48th st. N., large rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, full cement basement, good furnace, nice yard, tiees. Price only $5250. $1500 cash. R. H. Torrey, Tabor 407. ROSE CITY PARK. I have two new bungalows In the west ern part of Rose City Park, all ready for occupancy. These bungalows are 5 and j rooms and modern; located in a very desirable neighborhood on street with all improvements in; demand for homes of this nature is big and they will go uuick. Mr. Brown, E. 30th and Glisan. Tabor "433; evenings. Tabor 59. 3 BRAND-NEW BUNGALOWS. IN LAURELHURST. If you have a moderate amount of cash end a good job you can move right into one of them. We cannot build any more at the price we are asking for them. See Mr. Delahunty at 270 Stark street or phone lor auto. Main 1700. Residence E. 20SO. VOR SALE 2 -story, 9 or 10-room resi dence. 2 large inclosed sleeping porches, j'ull lot, all street improvements paid, at is7 Wasco street, between East 10th and East 21st; owner has left city permanent lv and Dlace will be sold at barsaln. For price and terms see representative of owner at location. fcACRIFlCE my cosy home, Sunnyside, 5 rooms tine iaree ath. laree. uoorea aii v attic ; all just painted, inside and out; dandy lawn. 5 fruit. 2 walnut trees. all bearine: roses, shrubbery, paved, st, 1 block to car, 2 blocks to school. For iiuick sale oniy $2075. Tabor LEAVING TOWN Must sell small house, 2 complete apartments, one furnished and rented for $22; just painted and re modeled, winter wood in basement; East Ankeny. near 22d. Phone owner, B 114. No agents. CASH BARGAIN AT $3700. 6-room modern home, large grounds, block, lots of fruit and earden. Dutch li it chen, best of plumbing and electric light fixtures; an ideal home, suit any one. Thompson. 515 Henry bldg. IRVINGTON. Corner lot. modern 8-room house, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, hot- -u.-:itr heat caracfl. s lo.5o0. Poindexter, Celling bldg. Main 1800: residence. B 71 20. IRVINGTON Nice 6-room house, fur nished: fine furnace, concrete garage, corner lot 50x100, choice location, 1 blk. from Broadway car. For sale by owner. 'all any tim during the day. Schuyler st. JUST completed, strictly modern, 6 rooms and sleeping porch; also classy 5-room bungalow; price of each $3750; good location; blocKS irom car. jwavr. Tabor 6128. S05G. Block and half Rose City car, bunga low, 4 rooms and bath, electric lights, gas. corner lot. Poindexter, Selling bldg. isoo; residence B 7120. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Laree bunealow. modern conveniences, R lots level with paved street, on cor ner, 2 blocks from car, 4Vi blocks from Ainsworth school. Main 7204. " MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. IVIodern 7-room house. Corner lot, 300xlo0; oak floors and fireplace; all !built-in conveniences. Hard-surfaced streets, paid for. Phone Wdln 3229. $4500. California bungalow. 5 rooms, strictly Jnodern and garage; $1250 cash will han dle. Poindexter, Selling bldg. Main isoo. residence B 7120. WEST SIDE HOME. Strictly modern, eight rooms, .two taths, hot water heat, corner lot, one Mock from Westover car; price $15,000. D 37, Oregonian. iOR SALE 3-room houseboat, fine con dition, good moorage, on west side of river; 5c car fare; $400 furnished, $300 unfurnished. See Mr. Baldwin, 521 Yamhill st. Bake Rite bakery. 13UNGALOW for sale, close in east side, completely furnished, linen and dishes; $3500, $1200 down, $40 a month; like rent; by owner. Ko agents. Marshall 3543. Bargain. JjKOADWAY, N. W. cor. East 17th st. N., the center of Irvmeton: 100x100 and modern colonial house, 7 large rooms. Owner. East 7686. XJ Y owner, 12-room modern home on one of the choicest quarter blocks In Irving- ion - hot -witter heat in nouse ana ear ape; no agents need reply. AE 40L Oregonian. 3UODERN buniralow. 5 large rooms and sleeping porch with large attic, fire place and furnace, fine view. 152 E. tith st., near Belmont. Tabor 3422. Si.-.oo MODERN 4-rm. house on E. Web sier st. Easv terms. Inquire at 143 East Alberta st. Wdln, 4427 from 6 to 8 P. M. 4.R(i rnT.v hunealow. lot 50x100. blocks from Peninsular school and car 1 i np. Reasonable. See owner. 186 N. 24th. Mar. 1294. GOING to build or repair? Get my ideas onrt nafimuten B. T. Aliyn. 243 Stark st. Office hours 3 to 5 P. M. Phone Main 831. Res. phone Tabor 194. FOR SALE Strictly modern 6-room bun- lw with tra i-ire. Apply iiu no i man st.. near East 8th North. Woodlawo 214. No agents. IRVINGTON home for sale by owner. 7 or 8 rooms, close to Broadway and Irving- ton cars. AL 584, Oregonian. hiotirrm 4-rnom bungalow, close in, $2250. H down, bal. 5 years. 6 per cent. Owner, Phone Sellwood 2i6Q. i.RDOM modern houses, near Peninsula Park: sell separately or together. $1700 and $lRO0. fi-ROOM HOUSE in Irvington; fireplace. hrdwood. parage; $5000. Call w ood- lawn. 187. 1211 Haight ave. strictly modern house in Irvington, hv owner. East 2377 or 722 Sellin bldg. ; IsiEAR Broadway bridge. 7-room modern ington street. rPARHART Good eight-room modem furnished house, $3000. Owner, Alain 4463. . 5-ROOM house, big lot. fruit trees. B 73d st. North. Montavilla. 152 t acre ground ; modern 7-room house; 1 outbildinsa; fruit, berries. Bdwy. ati.S, REAL ESTATE. For ?aie Houses. MAHOGANY INTERIOR FINISHED HOME. HOT-WATER HEAT. $.( HI PIEDMONT PARK $0500. Spacious porch, lovely large living room neatly designed. built-in book cases, stair casing and even the steps all solid mahogany. DINING ROOM. Paneling, buffet, doors, etc., all solid and beautiful mahogany; large windows, oak floors, sp4ehdid basement, artistic ally designed raaiators, modern kitchen, bedrooms, one with large adjoining dressing room, large sleeping porch. Bathroom equipment strictly first-class, garage, driveway at rear of lot. Im provements all paid ; pretty lawn and shrubbery. Some terms. GEO. E. ENGL EH A RT CO., See A. C. Galbraith, Main 7260. 024 Henry blag. WEST SIDE HOME SNAP. Attractive and unusually well-built 8 -room bungalow near 20th and Marshall sts., on choice site having unobstructed view of city and river. Large living room, massive fireplace, hardwood floors, artistic dining room, 7 coats of old ivory finish on cedar. 1 large bedroom and elaborate bath down stairs, 2 bedrooms, maid's room, sleeping porch and toilet and lavatory on 2d' floor, delightful social room with fireplace in basement, best furnace, beautifully landscaped grounds. Cost owner $1500 several years ago, but $6250 takes it this week. It's a rare buy, in excellent condition, and in fine neighborhood. R. H. Torrey, Tabor 407. $8500. IN LAVRELHURST. A BIG BARGAIN. 8-ROOM HOUSE. SIGHTLY LOT. HOT-WATER HEAT. THREE FI REPLACES. TWO BATHROOMS. Siberian oak and birdseye maple floor. Owner invalid, going to California Oct. 1. Catch this on the fly. No phone information. See Delahunty, 270. Stark st. or phone for auto, Main 1700. Residence. E. 2086. $2800 FOR 4 -room, with batn, toilet and basement, on lot 5x2o8, on E. 39th St.. lots of fruit, only $300 cash. $3000 for a fine 3-room, with bath, toil et and concrete basement, with garage; lot 132x208. on E. 30th; $300 cash, bal. terms. $4800 for 1 acre and fine 5-room. gen uine modern bungalow ; all in bearing fruit; $1000 cash, bal. terms; on E. 40th. $5500 for an acre on Powell valley, with tine 5-room bungalow; lots of bear ing fruit trees on this. Phone Mar. 829. F. L. BLANCH ARD. 510-20 Railway Exchange. LAURELHURST. I have several very modern high-ciass colonial homes in Laurel hurst, the pre mier restricted residential district of Portland. These homes while now occu pied can be had for occupancy within a s-hort time. They are in perfect con dition and located in the best parts of Laurel hurst tract. Under present high cost of Duiidine. these houses are under priced and can be purchased on terms. MR. BROWN, E. 30th and Glisan sta. labor 8433; evenings. Tabor 50. IRVINGTON $12,000 HOME FOR $0000. On 20th, near H razee ; large living room, beautiful dining room, opening on enclosed porch; hardwood floors; larg? bedrooms and sleeping porch; finished 3d floor; 2 fireplaces, fine grounds, natural trees, large garage. With house goes raper:es, new linoleum, Ruud heater, stair carpets and runner. Owner will take liberty bonds up to Mono, cash or mortgage for balance. Owner leaving for east, will sell new Buick, driven 20O0 miles. East 419, McDonnell. HIGH-CLASS IRVINGTON RESIDENCE. Modern 12-room residence, finished in selected mahogany and oak, hardwood flocrs throughout, spacious rooms, three artistic tile fireplaces, tile baths, latest sanitary plumbing, sun room, sleeping porch, full cement basement, large fin ished attic, stationary vacuum cleaner, rooms beautifully finished, ground plant ed with rare shrubbery ; absolute'y one of the best constructed homes in Port land. Terms. By owner, X 52, Orego nian. BEAUTIFUL HOME. EIGHT ROOMS. NEAR EAST 20TH AND COUCH. NEW LY PAINTED AND DECORATED IN SIDE AND OUTSIDE, ALL MCOERN CONVENIENCES AND BUILT-IN EF FECTS; TWO TOILETS. BATH FL R N ACE AND GARAGE; A H.N'-C ME A K D ATTRACT IV E HOME"; $ 6M0, TERMS. E. H. COLLIS. EAST 8630. LAURELHURST HOME. $10,000 FOR $7500. Strictly modern, nearly new 2-story. 8-room residence, just repainted and decorated inside and out, located Vear car, in park section, very large rooms throughout, beautiful oak floors, old ivory finish. 4 laree bedrooms and over sized sleeping porch, tile bath, lots of French doors, fine view of city; $2500 cash, balance to suit. R. H. Torrey. 103 r loral ave. Tabor 407. IRVINCTON RESIDENCE. $8250 for one of the finest homes of 7 rooms, with sleeping porch 2 fireplaces, all hardwood floors, fine garage: on E. 18th. This was built for a home and has all the built-in convenience to make home attractive. We have others at $5500 and $7500. Mmshftll 29. F. L. BLANCHARD. 519-20 Railway Exchange bldg. FOR SALE 32d aid ylherta, now bunga low, front room, bookcase on each Mde of fireplace, 2 bedrooms, white enamel Dutch kitchen and bathroom, breakfast loom, cement floor I.i basemenf ar.d v ash travs. double constructed, painted whito outside, roof stained greer. 5b feet from paved street, close to car line, no nion gage: ?3250. Owner. gO Alberta ?t. THAT VACANT LOT Why not turn a burden into income? we aesien and build apartments, gar' ages, residences, anything; fui nisli plans and finance. Established ten vears. We offer SECURITY. SERVICE, SATISFAC TION. L. R. Bailey Co., Inc., cmtract- lng arcnitects. oi'4 N w. Bank bldg. ON K of Portlands btst Heights homes, close in; full unobHtructible mountain view ; four bedrooms, with two baths dressinr rooms, sleep' ng porches ; two maids' rooms, with one bjth; hot-water heat ; mahogany woodwork, all oak floors; price f 30,000. Residence phone, air in .-j.ity. 'OR SALE Willamette Heights. My house, 1069 Thurman. for. 32d. hardwood floors, mahogany dining room. 4 bed rooms. 2 baths; second fl-or, 2 bedrooms, oatn, attic; gas and electric lights, bull by Turnbull and in FIRST-CLASS c-ondi tion ; possession October 1st ; may be inspected in interim. W. G McFherson $2000 DOWN. HOLLADA Y PARK ADD. Corner lot, 50x100, with modern 8 room house, garage, best location, close to car, owner moving on ranch, must sell quick, $7350, all clear. Rice Con struction Co., R. B. Rice, agent. Phone East 2432. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE; FIREPLACE, n u v r ni t A .". u KOOK CASES; GARAGE: CORNER. CLOSE IN ON EAST SIDE; BEST CAR LINE IN CITY; $4250, TERMS. PHONE EAST 3069. 4-ROOM HOUSE. PRICE ONLY $1300. 4 -room house and garage; 50x100 lot: 7 fruit trees. On good car service. A good little home and priced right: $550 cash. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 OAK ST. BDWY. 4133. CLOSE IN EAST SIDE $2900. 6-room 2-story house, cement base ment, wash trays, lot 50x50. house va cant. 31 E. 18th st. Terms. J. J. OEDER. Grand ave. at B. Ankeny St. ROSE CITY PARK. 5-room bungalow, cement basement. Fox furnace, all built-in features, beau tiful home, block from car, $3950 and assume $100 assessment; $950 cash, bal. like rent. Owner, 634 E. 50th N. $5250. ROSE CITY Fine home, three bed rooms and sleeping porch, strictly mod ern; paved streets; terms. Poindexter. Selling bldg. Main 1800; residence. B. 7120. PIEDMONT HOME Modern, fireplace, large living room, corner lot 100x100, garage; plenty of fruit, grapes, ber ries, English walnuts. Near car line and school. Phone W ood lawn 3669. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, corner lot Butch kltcnen, nrepiace, electricity, near Adventists sanitarium; price iHoOO. terms to suit buyer. Thomson, 515 Henry Henry bldg. IN IRVINGTON Several fine modern homes or will furnish lots, finance and build to suit. Built 100 homes in Port land. Rice Construction Co.. R. B. Rice, agent. 690 Wasco st. East 2432. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW Beau tiful gray bungalow, on corner lot, Xutch kitchen, built-in buffet, etc. ; some buy, $2950; $1250 cash, $25 per month ; immediate possession. Tabor 56. Owner. BEAUTIFUL 8-room Irvington home, close to Broadway and Irvington cars; hot-water heat, Ruud heater, hardwood floors, maid's room, garage. Call East 20. $200 FIRST payment, balance like rent, buys 6-room house, close In, walking distance. See John Brown, 324 Rail way Exchange bldg. Mar. 3331. ROSB CITY PARK $3550. Modern: 5 rms. and den. 439 E. 54th North. Terms to responsible party. 4-ROOM bungalow 2760. for sale. Sellwood $3750 NBW, modern. 5-room bungalow. REAL ESTATE. For fea-le -H onset. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON BUNGALOW 550O with garage, all street improvements In and paid. large living room, fireplace, I dining room. Dutch kitchen. 2 bedrooms and bath downstairs. 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch upstairs, hardwood floors downstairs, white enamel finish througn- out. complete sewing room, with folding cutting table and laree chest of drawers. cement basement. furnace, laundry trays, fruit room. lot 5oxl00. has lot. of fruit; two cherries, 2 plums. 2 grape vines. loganberries. 50 feet of redcaps. roses, shrubs, fine lawn; owner has bought larger house and Is making low 1 price. Immediate possession. 03O E. 20th N. D. G. Wilson. 250 V 3d. Main 5002 Marshall 5015. IN LAURELHURST. X TRUE-TO-NAME COLONIAL HOME. Located on one of the very choicest corner lots, close to car; not many rooms, only eight, but they are double the siae of rooms In the ordinary house: fin ished in solid mahogany down stairs: in old ivory above; full cement basement with a very fine hot water heating sys tem, extra large tile bathroom with very choice fixtures; if you are looking for something very choice In a very select neighborhood let me show you this pa latial home, well worth $15,000, but a big sacrifice will be made for a quick sale. Phone Main 170O. Residence E. 2080. Mr. DELAHUNTY. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. $2500 for a 5-room semi-modern on 36th: $500 cash, balance easy terms. $3200 for a very fine 7-room bungalow on Division; $1000 cash, balance terms. $3?5o tor a very line 5-room on E. 49th. This is a good, buy at half cash, balance terms. $3700 for a modern 7-room bungalow. hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, con- I crete basement, on E. 40th; $1000 cash. balance terms. Phone Mar. 82. F. L, BLANC HARD. 519-20 Railway Exchange. IF YOU WANT A NIFTY LITTLE BUN GALOW of 4 rooms, with large fire place, built-in china closet. Dutch kltcn- en, stationary wash tubs, full set of plumbing: larsre lot 40x145 In good resi dence section at $1800; terms $.00 down and $20 a month, see me at once at 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park St., cor Washing ton. I am going to sell this house to the first responsible buyer and advise you to iook into the matter If in need or home. Place Is now vacant and possess- lon can De given immediately. COSY LAURELHURST HOME. Nearly new. unusually well built, with oeauurui oversized grounds, just r painted and decorated inside and out. located in very heart of park section. near car. n arc wood floors tnrougnout. 3 nice bedrooms, artistic garage with entrance through basement: built by owner and NEVER OFFERED FOR SALE B EFORE. Prl ce $ 8500. R. H. I nrrcy, 103 Floral ave. Tabor 407. RED-HOT IRVINGTON SNAP. $12,500 FOR $M5O0. Circumstances necessitate immediate I sale of classy 2-story, 9 -room home, lo- ! cated in choicest sections, near car and j Knott st.; large rooms, sleeping porch. narawooa iioors tnrougnout, tne oatn. mam s room and social hall on 3d floor. fine garage, east front; actually the best buy in Irvington. R. H. Torrey. Tabor 41) f. S45CO. CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW, PRAC TICALLY NEW. 5 ROOMS. HARDWOOD FLOORS. SLEEPING PORCH, FUR NACE. ELECTRIC LIGHTS, GARAGE; 120 CASH. BALANCE MONTHLY. CAN BE SEEN TODAY. PHONE B 7120. OKrA.ON HON D & MORTGAGE CO.. 209-212 SELLING BLDG. MAIN ISOO. WE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE. IN IRVINGTON. At a sacrifice If sold quick, recently built modern 9-room house, one bedroom on lower floor, hardwood floors, fire place, buffet, furnace, cement basement. wen ount. lot NuxlOO. all clear, $0500. RICE CONSTRUCTION CO., R. B. Rice, Agent. Phone East 24.12. IRVINGTON Duplex home, just off Knott street; a beautiful high-class residence with two absolutely separate, exquisite. b-roora apartments; will rent for $60 eacn; oniiaro nail and special finish to aetaii; a lovely home with steady in come tor i2,ooo, terms. Talk to owner andwe can make figures on investment. MAKE YOUR O W V flFVK R On a nice 6-room house and 100x100 giound, close In, good east side district; property is unincumbered, possession can oe Kien very soon; bringing good rental. uut wani to use me money. For par ticulars, address owner. AE 412, Ore- PORTLAND HEIGHTS $3500. o rooms, 2 blocks to car. finished In o.d, ivory throughout, large living room, fireplace, hardwood floors, bookcases. - 'icauns nera, pieasant outlook. iiKt? porrn; -f.ion, terms. n.i CHAM. OF COM. BLDG.. MAIN 1166. $ : ; 1 o S U NNYSID E $3 1 50. NEAT 5-ROOM rilTTu:w Basement, furnace, convenient to car. soou urruunuings ; easy terms. GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO., See A. C. Galbraith, Main 26. 624 Henry bldg. 0000 modern home and K. -acre at bar gain; 3I00 cash or will take and bal-I j ciear ana plenty fine frulti "err,ei garage; will accept late 1 -A. vT io. U2S ;ast 76th. 4uth ave. Bi:ii.r vnw If you own a lot, we will furnish the money and build for you; terms like iciii. .aii ana see us. WESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO.. Main 2035. 621 Morgan BIdff. $J.0 b-ROOM bungalow, almost mrHr- I in Sunnyside, $300 cash, am offering this to give some one a chance to get a home; don't answer unless you mean bus iness. See J. p. McKenna, Belmont and 'ui. 1 aoor o-iui w. a. FOR SALE By owner. 5-room bungalow. modern, newly painted, faces east, on 2 lots. -oou; terms. 3405 E. 55th st.. 1 mock north Powell Valley road. Take 111. otuu car, gei oil at Preston station, walk east to 55th st. Phone D 1139. i:s IRVINGTON By owner. 6-room bun galow, furnace, fireplace, built-in, ce- inent nasement, stationary tubs. eKt 1 front. Owner, phone East 5127 after 10 rt. .-so agents. -' 1 wisnes to realize on contract which he holds on 5-room bungalow. I Buyer is making regular payments. Wili I oincouni 10 pay o per cent. See Mr. Phillips, Union Abstract Co., Corbet t bldg. run. hAi.b An N-room house in Piedmont; narawooa iioors, garage, 12 large bear ing fruit trees; 5 blocks from Jefferson nign scnooi. can no Cleveland ave., or phone C 2419. $2500. t ive rooms, complete, bath, electric ugnis, gas. fun-size nasement. furnace: terms. poindexter. Selling bldg. Main 1 ou ; resiuence H 71 20. BY OWNER, strictly modern 7-room bun galow, corner lot, one block east of Laurelhurst park; Ivory finish. Rector neaung plant, garage; immediate pos session. Phone B 7146. $23O0 COTTAGE of 8 rooms, lot 40x140, several splendid fruit trees, sewer in and I paid $3000 cash. See J. P. McKEWa Belmont and 39th Sunnyside car. Tabor 04: t a w. a. FOR SALE or rent, by owner, modern nome, o rooms and large porch, furnace. fireplace, hardwood floors, garage; beau tiful lot. 50xi2o; . Hawthorne car line. call A i:go. Bdwy. 000. IRVINGTON Owner must sell especially nign-ciass o-room nome, niate g ass. etc.. select material throughout, com plete to detail; a bargain at $7500. No dealers. aj (01, oregonian. Ht-burban Homes. TIGARD. 4S ACRES. BARGAIN. 4 acres, all cultivated and a nice little 3-room nouse. good well, woodshed and small basement ; only 200 feet from paved highway, fronting on good rock road: o min. walk irom station: the big- gest bargain around Tigard. Price only S32.1O. on good terms. LISTEN We have all kinds of acre- age homes on the Oregon Electric. We have oargains at Ryan Place. Multnomah, Garden Home. Metzger, Tigard. Any kind of a place you want at the price you want to pay. i?ee us at once. g. g. Mccormick co 418 Fenton bldg. 85 Sixth st. HUDSON ACRES. Small tracts to suit purchasers, all In high state of cultivation. Bull Run water and city gas ; two canine service. Low- price and terms. Let us show you this acreage if you are wanting a suburban home with city conveniences. R. E. MENEFEE, 416-417 Railway Exch. bldg. Main 4035. GARDEN HOME BARGAIN. 24 acres, all in cultivation, and Im proved with all kinds of full bearing trees and berries; good five-room house, city gas. electricity ; fine view ; faces main county road: 1 2 minutes' walk from G. H. station. Price only $3750. half cash. G. G. McCORMIC CO.. 418 Fenton bldg. FIN E new English cottage. 6 rooms, din ing and sleeping porches, hardwood floors, open fireplace, all modern conven iences, with large wooded lot, at Mount Zion, the most beautiful view suburb of Portland. Price $6500. easy terms. John Bain (owner), 507 Spalding bldg. Tele phone A. 7442. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME, and acreage, well located, near car line, from $1S00 up. Inquire third house north of Rlsley station, on Oregon City car line, sign "Alder Brook." A BARGAIN 20 acres, all cultivated, fine m)l; 5-room house, large barn; 500 prune trees, 75 cherry. 30 apples. 3 miles from Lents. Easy terms. Tabor 1R1L $100 ACRES, good small bungalow, per fect road. 8 miles, east side; small pay mcnU biaLe -Ji. rent, .lain 3S REAL ESTATE. For Sale Buti news Property. 100x2o0. l.tTH ST. NORTH, good 4-story brick bldg.. on trackage, with room for addition; 50 per cent saved In cost of building by buying now. R. J. O'Neil, 717 Board of Trade b 1 d g. QUARTER block on trackage. East Water street, between Morrison and Hawthorne bridges; sacrifice ; easy terms. Owner. X 53. Oregonian. PAID $40,000, income $318. price $25,000. terms. Owner, J 243. oregonian. For Sale -Arrrsce, TWO acres, highly improved; 54 young bearing trees, 200 young black and" red currants, all kinds berries, house 24x32. four rooms, sleeping porch and attic; building finished In paneled beaverboard ; gas for lights and cooking. l2xlS garage. 10x24 chicken houit-. 7xl ih-d. 35 Young W. Leg. laying hens. 6 cords fir wood, gas stove; locateu lo blocks from Iluber sta tion, on west side So. Pac. Ry.. near 2 highways; sell tor $2ioo, 1000 cash. bal. terms, or will trade for and assume close in property, walking distance, west side preferred. Mrs, ottilie Herse. Hu b er. Or. FOR SALE OR RENT FOR CASH. - ine-acre chicken and berrv ranch : selling price $1250; rent $85; one mile from Noti, Or., 18 miles west of Eugene, on Southern Pacific railroad; seven acres in high state of cultivation, with water on place for irrigation it desired; fair o-rooni no use, good barn, good chicken houses, plenty good water, family or chard, good fences, hay in barn. Ad dress owner, F. L. Kirov, Riddle, Or. 8 ACRES OF FINE LAND, NEAR THE RUBY FARM, ON BASE LINE; WITH IN 12 MILES OF PORTLAND; CHEAP FOR CASH IF SOLD AT ONCE. THIS IS ONLY ONE OF THE MANY BAR GAINS WE HAVE. CALL 440 TAYLOR. MAIN 2175. P. O. BOX bU8. 5000 ACRES In southwestern Washington for sale to settlers only; easy terms, low price, $5 per acre and up. Liberty bonds accepted at par. Write for map show ing location, terms, etc. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY, Tacoma Bldg., Tacoma, Wash. FOR SALE Five acres near Portland; one acre cleared, balance standing timber; between O. E. and E. P. railroads, about a mile from each depot; cabin on ground; will entertain reasonable offer. cah or terms. Inquire 507 Market st. Phone Main 350;. 10 ACRES Newberg district; 80 acres under cultivation ; 2 seta buildlnKs. tne orchard for family use ; extra line buy at $125 per acre; good terms. B. S. COOK. 601 Stock Exchange Bldg. A BEAUTIFUL acre near city limits, good car service, city water and gas ; good soil, at a bargain. R. E. Menefee, 416 and 417 Railway Exch. bldg. Main4035. 20 ACRES or more of uncultivated blak bottom land, 2 miles from Molalla, $60 per acre; favorable terms. BF 00, Ore gonlan. i 2 - ACRE tracts. Junction Oat field and Concord roads, Concord station, Oregon City car line, $70O to $800 per acre. owner. Broad way 142. BARGAINS in 1 and 2-acre cult, tract; at Metzger;. also many others all sizes and locations. Tallmadge Realty Co., i Henry bldg. 5 TO 40 acres from owner; no com. For information write M. Barnes, Morning oregonian. FOR Oregon City line acreage. Improved or unimproved, see John urown. 024 Railroad Exchange bldg. Mar. 3331. HOUSE, orchard, 2 acres, Hawthorne car line. owner, fcast hhj. CHOICE, close-in acreage. Sale or trade. A snap. Owner. Broadway 4083. ONE ACRE with six-room house. Lots of I fruit. Tabor 426. Homesteads." Relinquishments. 1 60 RELINQUISHMENT. house. road. creek, spring, clearing in potatoes, lum ber for new house and barn, 21 cords wood cut, good neighbors, close to saw mill, partly beautitul timber, 40 acres easy cleared, $500 cash. 320 Morgan bldg. HOM ESTEADS Four relinquishments for sale; all cleared land. For price and full details, apply 1305 Northwestern Bank bldg. F'or Sale -Farms, CAPITAL H 1GH WAY FRONTAGE. 24 ACRES. $!5oo; $20iJ0 CASH. All cultivated, fine well and contin uous running stream. Ideal lor hog and dairy ranch. N one better for loganber ries. Fair 5-rooin house. dand barn, surrounded and crossed by woven-wire fencing; Al condition; family orchard; 6 per cent on deferred payments. See M. J. Edwards. Selling farms, acreage, business prop erty and homes. "That's Our Business." GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO., Main 7206. 624 Henry bidg. CO RN. ' LO V E R. WH E A T. 345 acres (315 acres In cultivation) of level land, with just enough roll for drainage; all good wheat laud; not 10 I acres of white or poorly drained land on farm ; loo acres of clover. 50 acres of corn and balance was In small grain. place well fenced; S-mlle from sta tion, school, etc.: fair buildings. 2 silos, I feed shed, etc. This is one of the best farms in the valley. Price $125 per aCKINNEY & CO.. FARM LANDS, Corvallis, Or., Home of O. A. C. $133.33 PER ACRE. 1 mile to school, electric station and west-side highway; no acres river bot tom land, 47 or 48 In cultivation. 12 In timber: all fenced except the Yamhill river side with woven wire; new 5-room bungalow, new barn; buildings cost over $4000. Has a good spring on place; electric light and power line passes in house. This is a good buy. See SPERLING & H ANNA, 204 Corbelt Bidg. IRRIGATED FARM LANDS. Eastern Oregon, on main line Union Pacific system; elevation iiOO reel, plenty 1 of water and sunshine, mild winters. bumper crops of alfalfa, corn, fruits and vegetables; Ideal conditions for home; grade and full-course high school, best of oDDortunities tor dairying ami rais ing hogs and cattle. Let me show you a country of prosperous and satisfied farmers. Call or write to W. H. Buoy. 51 7 Corbelt bldg.. Portland. TWO PIECES OF LAND. Each are deep, black soil, and are all In cultivation; located mile from the state normal school at Monmouth. One niece has 88 acres and can be bought 1 for $135 per acre. The other has 46 acres and is priced for $125 per acre. This Is excellent clover or grain land. Reasonable terms can be had on it- See SPERLING & H ANNA, 204 Corbelt Bldg. 80 ACRES fine apple land In midst of bearing orchards in one of the best ap ple districts east of Cascades, will be sold for less than half value. Inquire of T. E. Manchester, &22 Aider st. DAIRY FARM FOR SALE. 824 acres, all bottom land except building spot, nearly all cleared; mlle from town, mile to school and church; 2 good springs, running water year around; water piped in bouse: will sell farm with stock, crop and machin ery, or will sell farm alone; 12 to rO acres beaverdam laud on place; can grow anything wanted for the dairy ; long and easy terms. H. W, Prlckett, Banks. Or. CASH rent in advance. 2 well improved farms at Tatrai station, on s. f. it. it.. via Can by. Or., North Liberal, electric, 1 mile west, school, mail, phone, river. county road, frontage. 150 acres No. 1 land in cultivation: am old, just crip pled. Act quick. Owner. Route 1. Box 59, Aurora. Or., or 554 E. Salmon st. Portland, Or. East 6933. FOR SALE OR TRADE stock ranch on Columbia river, 400 acres, 4 u acres in cultivation, 35 acres In alfalfa; black loam soil. 6 acres orchard. 5-room house. spring 'water, large barns, short, mild winters; outside range; price $12,500. Josephine Schmidt. Flaven, ash. FOR SALE 5-acre orchard tract, young trees, in bearing next year; H mile from Dufur. Or.: warranty deed and ab stract ; cheap, with terms. Address J. K. Hart, Liberty Auditorium. Aberdeen, Wash. 200 ACRES Yamhill county, 30 miles south Portland. 3 miles from Willamette river. 2 houses with plumbing, excellent outbuildings ; price $25.oM; consider Portland residence up to $15,090. AK 658. Oregonian. FOR SALE: 160 acres cut-over land, ad joining South Bend and Raymond, Wash.; bottom land: all good soil, right in the heart of civilization. J. L. Sut- ton, 4511 Camp St.. New Orleans. L CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES. near Portland. $75 to $200 per acre, easy terms; best soil. Farms for sale, all sizes. McFarland, 602 i eon bidg., Port land. FA RM for sale, partly cleared, balance easily cleared. For further Information write J. A. Miller. Elma, Wash., R. F. D. 2. box 150. LOGGED-OFF lands, $10 acre up; running water, good soil. V tillable: employ ment; easy terms. Jesse R. Sharp, b5 1& 3d st. &u ACRES near Wlllamina. level, cleared. fenced. Good 3-rm. house ; $ 1 350 ; $ 1 50 cash. $lo mo. Jesse R. Sharp, e-Vi 3d st. FOR WILLAM ETTE VALLEY FARMS WRITE OR CALL ON V. R. PUTNAM. WOODBURN, OR. 1 HAVE a 54-acre ranch, 35 miles from Portland, will sell cheap, am leaving suite 2-2 L'L&y. Alar. lb. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Farms. M R. FA R M B U Y E R. I have some of the best buys in Ore gon. Remember I specialize in selling larms. if you buy wltmui see in g me. you are the loser. I can save you money; give me a trial and be convinced. Watch tor my bargains in Sunday's and Wednesday's Oregonian. 1 have some 5m fine farms. 1 cannot advertise all the farms'! have. Come In and see lor yourself. Don't fall to see me. A. G. RENDER, RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. DO YOU THINK because the price is $25 per acre it Isn t worth looking up? Listen! These are the ailvantaKfs. First an opportunity to make a good home, and w hlie you are doing it muke smne money. It has about 55 acres in cultivation. 10O acre of saw timber, a tt-i 00m house, a good barn, several good springs, unlimited outrange, auto stage line and telephone line go by 1 he huu.ne; is IS miles to school, 16 miles to railroad; terms $1000 down and $5H a year at 6' ir interest. We ran tell you more about iu See J. A. Mills, with SPERLING & II ANNA, 204 Corbet t Bldg. WANTKI) REAL KsTATE. LIST your house now, while 1 have the buyers waiting. Your house will be giv en proper attention. 1 specialise in house selling. WATCH OUR ADS; WE GET RESULTS. C. A. WAKKINER. RITTER, LOWE At CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. CASH. CASH. CASH. ROSE CUV OR HAWTHORNE. Want good house In Rose City or Haw thorne districts aud will pay spot cash. M ust be modern and have uardw ood 1 lours ; must have 3 bedrooms. Sets my agent at once. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 05 Oak st. Broadway 4133. NOTICE to you who wish to sell your home. e have a bona-:ide casii ouyer for a 0-room strictly modern bungalow, Hawthorne or Rose City, not to exceed $4000. Let us hear Irom you at once, as buyer is anxious to get settled be tore winter. Kiely & Gustalsou, 0O5 1 eon blug. Marshall 1456. BUILD NOW. If you own a lot, we will furnish the money and build lor you. Terms like rent. Cail and see us. WESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO., Main 20;.5. 021 Morgan bldg. VACANT lots In the Hose, City Dark dis trict. We have clients who v. ill pay cash. Tell us the price and where your lot is located. It might be just where we want It. J. L. Harnnan Company. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 20S. WANTED 5oxloo. or larger, lot In East or Northeast Portland, tor light furniture factory. Have 1M0 lot at 24 th and K. Flanders to oiler at a bargain ll accepted In trade. Phone East 4.4"i. 1 WANT a lot close In on east side. Sun nyside preferred ; ill give a lot on the coiner of 7Mh and 47 ih ave. and will pay cash diiierence. Call Tabor 5152, or writ H i4, Oregonian. FOR CLIENT Modern home, Portland iits.. Westover Terrace, Arlington Hts. w 1th hot-w ater heat. 2 or 3 baths, gar- are, view and some v;i ru. Poindexter, Selling bldg. Main isoo. res . B 7 12Q. MacINNES & PRATT, MAIN ;;m;. TO SELL YOL R HOUSE OR LOT. PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE, 413 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. WE HAVE THE BUYERS. Phone us the location of your house and Me will do t he rest. LUEDDEMA.NN COMPANY. 913 Cham, of Commerce. Main 690' HAVE client lor 5-room mod. bungab Rose City. Alameda or v alnut 1'ark ; around $5oitO: rash. Poindexter, ell ing bide. Alain ivw; residence, t il2'. WANTED 1 or o-room modern house on It -acre, outside city limits ; .oo can. balance monthly. A, 81, oregonian. SMALL mod. house or bungalow on paved street, lew hundred dollars down, t;il ce 25 to .;o month. Phone East 2-.j.. WANTED Good bldg. lots In Irvington. Laui el hurst or Alarm da Ik. 1 urn r Ac Winship. labor 212. or la nor .o:4. WANTED To buy 6 o 7-room house for on pavement. W cash; good1 condition, t. ' M-egonl.i 11. lo BUY 4 or 5-1 00m bungalow on month ly payments. H. A. llollopeter. Alliens hotel. I'O BUY, SELL OR EXCHANGE PROP- ERTY. SEE STALE. -I R Y . IA C I i. WANTED 5 or 0-rm. mod. bungalow. $ 2 5o down. $25 per tnon t h. Sell. :1 4. 1 urniN Wanted. Mr. Farmer, do you want to rent that farm of yours? It so. we an get you cash rent and sell that personal property for cash. We have a dozen people calling on us every day wanting to rnt farms. Send us yours ir quick action. A. G. BENDER, RITTER, LOW E CO., 201-O-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. 5 tR 6-ROOM bungalow or rut t age. with privilege o buying ; reference. 1 abor 1009. Wanted to Kent Farm. WANTED To rent dairy. 15 l cow, gjnd near city, with good rouus buildings. J 27:, oregonian. FOR KENT FARMS. STOCK OR DAIRY RANCH. G 1 V E 5- YEAR I. E A S E. Fine large stock and dairy ranch with large bam, new 9-room modern house, stock shed, etc. Over loo tons ol hay which the renter will be required to pay for at the market price. Will sell the farm machinery at a low figure, and as much of the stock as you iumv want. See us soon. RKLIA BLE INVESTMENT CO.. 3o5 Oak St. Broadway 4 1 33. BEAUTIFUL 16-acre place on Columbia. 2 mod. houses, accessory buildings for any purpose. East 2377. or 722 Selling bldg. TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS. Wanted, to lease sawmill on Columbia or Willamette river; one to cut 40 to 100 M prefer red . V 5 4 0. Oregonian. W A N TE I Capable logger, with 2 don keys and equipment, to log :;o.noo,ooo It. timber by contract. Harris Lumber Co., ElHin, Benton Co., Oregon. ABoUT l.ono.ooo feet second-grow t li t im- ber. suitable for small mill, near station. F. Dahl. 5s7 Hoyt st. PILING wanted: give scale, price and Gamble. Coiirh hldg. when cut. O. V . TO KXfllAMiK RKAL KSTATK. A GOOD HOUSE of 0 rooms, all mod. conveniences, on a corner Km x loo ft., near a car line, 5 hlks. to school; house has hot-water heating. Would like to exchange for smaller house of 5 or 0 rooms. Phone Main 4777. or call at 204 Corbelt bldg. $l.s.ooo WORTH outlying property, some within city limits, to exchange lor apt. bldg. or Improved business property and will assume some debt. D G3o, orego nian. WILL give $70 cash and business lot worth $1300 for $2oOO bungalow ; give lo cation and particulars first letter. C 224, Oregonian. 7-ROoM house, near car line. Alberta dis trict, for sale or exchange for Seattle residence. Wood law n 2751. 4o ACRES, near Deer Island for house and lot or acreage, span horsea with place. C. L. Cox. 4Q5 Ross St.. city . SM A LL apt. house, east side, nell or take ranch. Hall. 211 w ashington st. FOR SAI.K. Horse. Vehicle, Livestock. FOR SALE 2o rams i ind 20 ewes, ail H, T. Smith, registered L otsw olds. Yamhill. Or. WILL sell black team, wt. oOOO. with harness. C. 51. Olsen Transfer & Stor age Co. FoR SALB Registered Holstein bull, age 8 mos.. at burn L. bth and Ivon sts.. Port land. Hoi man Fuel Co. COME to 4o E. Kih st.. pick out your team: 40 Horses and mares to pick from; 4 to S years old ; trial given. DEA D stock removed quickly. Cash paid for dead cows and cripple! horse. Phone Mllwaukl tV.-J for results. - WANTED 15 good milch cows: must be fresh h nd a bargain; pay cash. A 645. Oregonian. IF YOU want any fresh dairy cows of any breed at any tmie. see .Mr. rure. at the stockyards. North Portland. Oregon. DEAD horses, animals hauled away free. Portland Rendering o. wood?awn 20. DEAD horses taken quickly. Cash for dead rows. Tabor 42o:t. TEAMS wanted to haul lumber, long job. Riley Boyd. Lyons. Or., at once. FOR SALE Frrsh milk goat. 2H4 W. Far-r-gut st.. near Peninsula ave. MY ENTIRE herd high-grade Holstein for sale. D Q42. 1 regonia n. FOR SALE Cheap, good young cow. b17 S5th st. S. E. Mt. -f''tt car. FIVH head young, fresh dairy vowa; h.avj lulikcra 701 iu. Ash su FOR SALE Itorwes, Whtelea. Livestock. t AUCTION SALE j Owing to going out of the dairy busl-1 ness the unders. giied will sell at public! auction on the Hartness farm. IS miles northwest of Beaverton and nuie 1 south of Barnes Hchooihouse, on Canyon road, on THURSDAY. SEPT. 25. AT 1T. M.. 22 extra good dairy cows, ages 3 to years. 10 fresh and balance will be fresh by December 1 5 ; 3 thoroughbred Mol steln cows, strain from the W. W. Cot ton herd of (In-sham. Or.; 2o head of graded Ho lutein heifers, ages 2 to 3 years, some bred to freshen soon; 3 thor oughbred Holstelu bulls. 2 three months old and 1 2S years old; 1 buggy horse. years old ; ! manure carrier and 4mk feet of track. 1 Ordmru binder, 1 buggy. 1 sievl lever harrow. 1 Empire force pump, lo new lo-gallon milk cans and other articles too numerous to mention; also 5 head of Holstein thoroughbred heifers from 2 to 3 ears old. Lunch at noon. Terms. $20 and under, casn ; over $20, 0 month' time, s pr cent bankn ble note ; 2 ier cent off for cash over $20. J. ALEX, Owner. J. C. Kt'RATM. Hillshoro. Or.. Aurt ioneer MARES AND HORSES. JUST ARRIVED. Carload of mares and horses, ail well broke a ud ready for w ork. every one a real low-down, blocky-built chunk with lots of bone and quality, the kind that n Iw ays give satisfaction ; ages from 4 to 6 years, wt. Lloq to 1m0 pounds, sev eral well matched ten nis. If you want satisfaction at the rignt price, call a nd examine this stock. Sanitary Stables, .' 1 1 1 5 Union ave.. cor. Stevens st. 5 HEAD of horses for sale or hire, with harness or w it bout. These are stock that 1 have been working on contract work, such as grading, and they are for sale. These ate nil young stock and guaranteed as represented; must be sold within the next lo days. Phil Suetter. Crown St. 1 hie. 25 Front st. FoR sale. One 12-year-old Belgian stallion: one 5 years oid ; one 4 years old; uue 3 years old; one 1 year old. STAR SAND CO.. 210 Hoard of Trade. JUST received a new shipment of .fresh cows, mostly Durnams and J erseys and some heavy springers. J . K. Howlett. I '11 ion Stockyard barns. North Portland. ONE fine registered Holstein cow and calf. heavy milker. Ta ke ancouver car ,o Columbia boulevard station uud go 1 block nort h. WANT horse and wagon for transfer busi ness; wagon for luiuling. capacity I ton; must be iu good condition. H lo, t regonian. $W BUYS team of bays. wt. 22m lbs., in god condition, guuis 11 teed, wnn gooi farm wagon and harness. Tabor io.4. 502 1 Mlth st. M. S. car. SEV EN fr-!h cows. 3 to 8 gallon; sell or trade beef cattle. Take Vancouver car to Columbia boulevard station, go 1 block north. Go D Jersey cow for sale, cneap. !t::iG. Tabor ll:mo-. Organ- and Musical Instruments. SKCU RIT Y Storage company closing out : 35o J. P. Hale Co. upright piano i"o x.t.ai -.mersoii unnht ulano $5oo W eber, best model $P.H1 2 small uprights. $t5 and $75o Weber player piano $-''-' Parlor organs. 20. 2n and -i 109 4th st. at Washington st. $113 to $".5t in saving on Pianos dur ing Far tor v Clearance Sa le at Si'hw an Piano Co. Ill 4th st. 15 or $25 cash. or $ 10 moii t lily buys good new or (ilHi oli t mued toodels. KEEP. DOWN COST OF LIVING by buvhig votir piano or player piano at the Sch wan Piano Co.. Ill Fourth St., during lime of Fact try Clearance ale See display advertisements. $450 Wehe Storage Co.. r for li0 cash at Security ion 4th st.. at Washington PIANO WANTED Will pay cash for goo. piano or trade Edison. Columbia or Vic tor phouogra ph. Reed - French Plan 1 M I ir. Co.. 4-5 Ws tiington St., coi ner 1 2 1 h. Broadway 75. $7..o PLAYER PIANO, like new. good se lection of music. Sell reasonable with terms or take good diamond. i Bel moiii st. niter 0 P. M. Will be home until 12 Sunday. PI A NO B A KG A INS. We have several good standard make of U!-d pianos at about hul' price: term given. Sciberling-Lucas Music Co.. 12 1th st. 5 ORGAN, with mirror. $.5. $ PMI W ardihurn. $21 S. loo Mendelssohn Player $33S. Passed by the Harold S. Gilbert shop. 1 lie nest in Portland. lamiiill. TRADE YOUR PIANO or organ on n now ictrol.i aud records our prioition will piease you. Seih It 11 g-Lucas Music Co.. 120 4th st. Main PIANO WANTED. Highest tasli laid for used pianos an pl:er pianos; get our price. Seiberling Lu a Pt no Co.. l-" 4th st. Ma 111 MILToN PLAYER PIANO. Mnhog. pi. tin case iu the iinest of con dition. at almost half price. eioernng l.ti.as Mil; If Co.. 125 4th st. GRAND piano, lancy niahotMii; eriti.' pailor grand, nearly new. Chirk for sale. I Foil SALE Upright Mehlin piano, first class condition. Call- for Jane Hums Al bert. Hroadway 374 1 or Main 2oV7. SToCKTi N Ma hogany case : t bis ery fine piano itt some bargain. fT'itiic-l.ucan Music Co.. 25 4th st. EME KS N at some ti - i:ik case, upright, like new, :rguln. Seiberliiig-Lu. as Music h st. Main sr.so RENT A PIANO, most reasonable terms in Portland ; no squares or thump boxes. H:irld S Gilbert. 3M Yamhill st. SPOT CASH PAID FoR PHON MJRAPHS AXO R EC RIS Newman. 12S 1st. Main 44l.". Talu.r i' ss-NoTK PLAYER PIAN'o R LLS. 25c. Lnrge assortment- Roll- ex hanged. Newman. 12N First, near Washington. SA LE A fine violin, a Iso a maiido Call 1167 Cleveland uve.,t or phone 2 1 1 ? ;HD-ToNED Kimbn.ll piano for sale for ensh. half price. Apply E. loth S. I PAY CASH H A R LD S. G FOR USED PIANOS. LRERT. :! Yamhill liRUNS W I K phonographs, demo nst rated in your own home. Nate Ardey. Sell. "1'" C H 1 K E i I X G grand piano, in excellent cnnd.iioii. Main '.... evenings C V N cornet, like East or.i. Furniture for Sale. FURNI TURE of 2o rooms sacrificed. Forced to vacate by Oct. 1. Will sell alt or part to suit : Solid oak dresser. $ lo to $ 1 s ; oak wardrobes and chiffoniers, library tables and stands, rugs. Px12. and rar Mts. $ lo to $ 1 : davenirts. $1 to $ C (worth $'.'o each); oak dining tables, kitchen tables. cupboards, Eug'ish breakfast tables, oak nickers, plain and upholstered chairs. Ice box. coal heaters $d.5o wood heaters, gas heaters, good gas ranges $12. 5o. gas plates, oil heaters. Hoosier cabinet only $25. sanitary fold ing beds mid couch e and pad. I ron beds, springs and mattresses, pillows and bedding, dishes, rooking utensils, slop jars. bri'-a-brac. furnishings, etc. ; many other articles tno numerous to mention. 471 Morrison. Broadway 25tHi. ST EEL KANilK. with water coll. $22. 5o; Garland gas range. $22. 51 : iron bed. springs and new mattress. $4'; Axrnin ster rug. 0x12; B yards hall cartet. $l; trunk, $5; gas plates, etc. Phone Tabor 5-P1ECE parlor set. 1 settee. 1 rorker. 2 chairs. 1 bed. spring, mattress, pad. ;i pillows, blankets. 2 baby buggies anil I sulkv. 4 sewing machines. Singer. White. V heeler & W tlsnn. Domestic, washing machine. 1"! K. 1Mb st. DoN'T sacrifice your furniture if going east or to Ca 1 i f orni a . W" e ca n sa ve y o u money on your freight In our through cars. Fireproof Storage. C. M. lseu Trn nsf er Storage Co.. 24 s Pine st. BA RGA I N. nearly new f urn it ure. cheap; d resser. ru cs. range, couch, chairs. icas plate, etc t'.2 E. 51st sL N. Alberta) ear. FOR SALE I-arge. heavy display table aud 2 chairs. $20. Apply 150 tith st ron m :to7. Marshall :ot:'.o. WILTON rug 0x12. for $5o ; beautiful oak flresser. French plate mirror. $55. Phono Broadway 4-4. FOR SA LE Furniture four rooms rom plete, as a whole only. 25111 Daniels st.. nar 20. Vancouver. Wash. DAVENPORT BARGAIN, tapestry covered 'or jt'i.- : set mink furs. ? 7 " . Main ti'i. 1 5. FU R N ITU R ' AND HOUSEHOLD EQUIP MENT CHEAP. 24S UtTH ST. KI RNLTl'RK rugs, gas range, etc., good as new. Tabor 4Is-7: Poultry. PULLETS We offer you Bare! Rocks. A'hit Wvandottes. Blak (rpington and Rhode Island Red pullets. $1.25 to $2.51. according to an and strain. Northwest Poultry Corp., b2d M.., 73d to 74th ave. Southeast. . WE WILL pav you highest rash pri-e for April. May hatched pullets, any hreed, N ort h west poultry Corp.. Lents. Or. I WANT pullets, anv breed. A. C. Miller. 1045 Miss, ave. Wdln. 37- after 6 P. M. I WANT white leghorn pullets. Call Bdwv. 3atl Sunday: call weekdays after 6 I. M I oc. Rabhits. Birls. I'rt Stork. B STON terriers for sale : perfect mark ing . some best eastern stock. Bdwy. 120L FOR SALE, Dog.. Rabbit. Bird. Pet Stock. WANTED An Airedale dog or puppy for country home, or ill pay reasonable price. Am not looking for fancy slock. AE 4Q3. Or-gonlan. l-aiinche and Boats. MOTOR boats, fish boats, pleasure launch es, row boats, barges overhauled and re pa ired ; also knockdown frames. Phone an 1 our representative will call. REED ENGINEERING COMPANY. 8tb and Lineoln Sts.. Vancouver. Wash. Phone ViHdU n 14 SO, Vancouver 245. HOUSEBOAT NO. 2. OREGON YACHT Hi M iDEK.V, FIRST-CLASS CON DITIO N. FOR SA ore ;i -E. TRADE OR LEASE. MAN Machinery. ELECTRIC MOTORS. Any size motor you need Century automatic-start motors. all standard makes and sizes of used motors; all guaranteed. Motors bought, sold, exchanged, rent ed, rewound, replaced, installed. See us firAt on your motor problem. We are motor specialists. it H I'ul'l' LETON. 1 Front st. .Mar. 41Q. or A 141Q. OR SALE 200 H. P. saw and planing mill: also lxl2 Seattle donkey sawmiu. has nmger log turner, live rolls, trans fer chains, large edcer. gsng trimmers, 2 slab .vaws, 7 band resaw. 3 planer, pow er ripsaws, 56-inch by 48-tnch head saws, 4 head blocks, steam led; 3 engines. 2 loo-H. I. boiler, belts and lull equip ment. Inquire ot D. S. Linsay, Wood burn, or., owner. KI'Ki'lAL 1 70-H. P. Atlas tubular boiler, 150 lb. working pressure. 1 12x18 Russell aiuomstic engine, com plete plant, including brick. Immediate deliverv. THE J. E. MARTIN CO., 3 First St., Portland, Or. AIR COMPRESSORS. AIR TANKS, U. S. TWO-STAGE COMPRESSORS. A Ir hose, check valves, safety valve j roupllngs and automatic switches, every I )i 1 n ir t.tr th i t r 1 1 f 1 AIR COMPRESSOR & EQUIPMENT CO, Broadwav 33oo. 329 Couch st- SPECIAL 5-H. p. l.soo RPM three-pliase A ills-Chalmers motors, complete; guar anteed. While thev last at $90. R. R, Popple ton. 71 Front. Both p nones. FOR SALE Complete planing null wttn electric power, $2-0. Oregon iiacnina-ry ( .. Eugene, or. NINE-INCH sticker, not much used, rea onable price, r. 49H, oregonian. FOR SALE Utica lathe. 9-Inch nwinc, nower and foot at rhm ts. 8. I nion a e Typewriter. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters. all Id A K ES. so d on mont niy pa incuts: .end for price list. The Whole sale Typewriter Co., retail department 321 w ashing tun st. W E can now deli er new machines and rentals; student rate ...u lor tnree mouths. L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewrite Co.. M6 Spalding bldg. Main : 4. R EN T a Item ing ton; special rates to stu dents. Buy your new Remington now immediate deliery, reasonable terms. Remington Typewriter Company. RENT Underwood or Remington. 13.50 p. month. Empire Transler. phone road way 155. ALL makes typewriters rented and re paired. Oregon Typewriter Co., 94 t ifth Main 3t,s. N E W. rebuilt, second - ha nd rent a Is at ni -ates. I', l . Co., 2Jl MiirK. .Main i o REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Coron dealers. E. W. Cease Co., l i" jmmii TO RENT Good Underwood typewriter for hme usv: state price. A E 4Q6. regoni M irellaneoii. NoTlCE TO THE PUBLIC Rather than return our salesman sam nles to the lartorv. we have placed sj at the disposal of the putwlc at wholesal prices, consisting of raincoats, mot coats and lea i her coats, in our sales room at 726 Morgan bldg. UNIT ED RUBBE R CO. Dl A MONDS WANTED. Pawn tickets bought. Full market value paid tor diamonds, gold, silver, platinum, old jewelry, watches and false teeth. NATIONAL JEWELRY CO. 4t7 Morgan Bldg.. 4th Floor. SE W I NG machines, new and second-hand. old for less; no agents employed, com plete line of parts for all lin kes ; ma chines repaired and rented. Main 1431. SEWING MACHINE KM' R1L'A1. Po ;id. near Taylor St. FoR SALE Medium be box, wicker Itich c h:ir. nursery chair, quilting frame. Ki -sell carpet sweeper. brass bed com plete All In giod conditio? . -ill Sun day and Monday mornings at 525 E. 1 slh st NTth. RIFLES AND SHOTGUNS. Bought, sold, rented, and exchanged. NEWMAN. 12 First. Mam 41f5. Tabor 670. BICYCLES. $22 5o ml up; guaranteed one year, easy terms. We have the lest prices m tow n. The Eden ing Kepa ir Stiop. 340 N. 23d, cor. Raleigh. Broad -w ay 3ooo. SAKKS Fire and burglar-proof safes, n- and second-hand, at right pricus, bought. Mold ind exchanged. NORR1S SAFE & LOCK C .. in Se ond St. Phone Main 2015. FOR SALE No. 3 "Mitts Merrill"' ki-v seatr with equipment and countershaft. Bargain $425. Commercial Iron U oi ks, Port la nd, r. Al'I'AKKI. EXCHANGE 1-adlos' coats, suits, dresses, exemng goy ns: also lur. hats; slightly used, distinctive styles reasonable. Tabor 225. PRINTING FOR LESS Smith, non-trust or inters, moved to 216 Commonweal tddg . 6th and Ankeny. Good printing at reasonable prices. No lockout hTt. LEAivY RooK, EH? ery aggravating, in deed. Why not a permanent ami com fortable roof? We repair and Rubl Bond all kni'ls of leaky roofs; work Kuurant eed. Main 7776 SAFES. FILING SAFES, Dl EBOLD AGTS. Ex pert work done. Prices right PACIFIC SCALE Ac SUPPLY COMPANY, 46 Front St. Broadway 1006, lloT-WATER tanks, new and rond -hand, boi ler re - 12 to 2d installed ; expo pairing, plumbing supplies cheap. 203 Adams st East .tl. KKGS Hard and solt wood kegs and bar rets. new and second -hand : no rountry orders less than three. Panama Cooper age Co , 22H Front. FoK SALE Rifle. 351 Winchester auto matlr, with two Lyman Bites. 125 ctgs., good as new, $50. E. E. Biles. Cherry Grove. Or. W A N TED Ten thousand men to buy slightly tised U. S. army raincoats and putichos at salvage prices. 247 Davis st. E. 1- B AW LEY Painling. tinting, pair ing, best material, best workmanship, lowest prices 4;i:t E. Morrison. East 6525. SM ALL diamond ring, solid gold beads, electric toaster, dress form. 36. Phone Hroadway 4i4 fAS RANGE. 4-hole. oven and broiler; Al condition; one gas dropllght. 707 East Ca rut hers Phone Se: wood 16. N E W heater, good coal range, two gas plates, some kitchen furniture and 6 quarts fruit. 1224 East Main St. ONE Vukan gs range, $25: 1 Majestic Meel range. $45: both in good condition. M rs. Robinson, Marshal I 1 622. CHANCE for sportsmen to take interest in fine duck lake near Portland. K. 504, oregonian. TWO roll-top desks. 1 T W. desk, 1 table. 1 flat-top desk, S chairs, 3 filing cabi nets. Ruhnng & Co.. Ol Park st. SEWING machine. White, drophead. $2V Empire Transfer, 2f4 Broadway. Broad wav 1 55. mi l URI) and nocket billiard tabb showcases and wall rases, fixtures; easy terms. W. J. Uuigley, 227 First. Ma 5SMO. KoUR 4-gal crocks. 2 17-nuart waar-ever aluminum preserving kettles, l 4-lb. con foct toner scb. t nil r.ast 44 -ib. KoK RENT Vacuum cleaners. 21 hour da v. $ I delivered anywhere. Wood la v n V.'.VI. M ALT. hops, c fruit punches ps. ra ppers. rider. pire and syrups lor parti dances, etc. J. 11. DcLacay, 213 Yan.hill NEW and us-d scale, scale repairing. 55 : IIH-.H d st. slteer; also Broadwav VACUUM cleaners sold, re pi-ired. r exchanged, bought. Bent ley Co., 7r.o. FOR S A LB Cash re Kilter. f:tie. adding machine and hownae. 43 1st st., near Ash. KOR SALE Safes, one f'roproof snfe. cheap. rge and one smi T 142. Oregonb. LADIES slightly worn gowns and suits. Main 9 57. 12x1 4-FT. 12-0'- tent with fly. Si m pson st. Wood I aw-n 527. $25. 4 d6 F R SA LE Cash register, first-class con flit Ion. Wood law n 2713. FINE BICYCLE. LIKE NEW. BARGAIN. 12 FIRST. NEAR W" ASHI N GTO N MODERN meat-sllring machine: will sell on monthly payments. 4lo S I'nion ave. FOR SALE A reliable 4-hole with side oven, price $10. Ti gaa ibor " RA-NGL fur sale, cheap. Wuud.awn -OOi. FOR S M.K. Miscellaneous. PEERLESS HIGH-GRADE PLUM Bl NG FIXTURES, PLUM HI NG Slft'Ll ES. HOUSE-HE ATI NG MATERIALS. IRON PIPE. PEERLESS HIGH-GRADE TOILETS AND "SILENT KNIGHT COMBINA TION. agents for wm. Powell high -grade valve and steam SPEOl A I.TI KS. ROSTOX BELT I N G Ci M PAN Y" S MECHANICAL Kl'HHBK GOODS. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC Ct Showroom and itioroom, tVs-TO-72 Front st Phone Marshall P.mH. Portland. Or. SOME GREAT BARGAINS. 1 bear rug. natural head; 1 auto robe (new t : 5 ext ra f tne shot guns. 1 rifle. 1 Spanish guitar. Id yd fin stair ini't. 1 single harness, almost new ; I raw hide bridle. 1 ompieu ay outfit. I ma hogany settee, chn closet, severs I oil paintings, all kinds bric-a-brac, stuffed birds, etc.; 4 doi. d-.M-oys (wooden), deer foot hat rack, valuable book. 1 broad cloth ovirrout, chair, kitchen utensils. 3M6 64th st. S. K. Phone Tabor bt. UP TO $25. GOLDSTEIN THE TAILOR PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICKS FoR MENS SUITS AND OVERCOATS. SHOES. ETC. BROAD W A Y 3n:2. 245 l- BU RNSIDE. BETWEEN 2D AND 3D. WE CALL ANYWHERE IN THE CITY, DAY OR EVENING. CALL ME BEFORE ANYBODY ELSE. FOR SALE, cheap Ithaca 12-gauge -hot- gun. i Grand ave. N. FOR SAI.K ATTOMOBILKS. STAG E DRIVERS. NOTICE. Nearly new 7-passenger Case; ail kinds extras: has never been on stage or pubi.o run ; owned by private party, who w ;il guarantee it absoluteiy to be in first-cias condition : live new cord tires ; run onl y a few thousand miles : this car w 1.1 be sold at a great aclflce and wi:i pi terms. loo llth L, between Stark and Washington. DO YOU KNOW Sedan weather is here? Ford Sedan. 4ooks new, has all comforts of home. It is a real family rar; one ou will not be ashamed . of; $rtoo; $2oo "down, $10 p.-r Broad ay "411. month. PACIFIC A y TO CO , :'23 AMer St 11 CHANDLER. Cord tires, nice Uape. $1375. CART, 522 Alder SL. liroadway 2402. USED FRANKLINS. 1 series 7 Franklin. 1 series 8 Frank 1 .n. 1 series JA Franklin. 1 series Oil Franklin. RKALY AUTO CO. Main 40. 6tl Washmc! r SAXON SIX. Good shape, seat covers, new paint, $'ku CARY, 522 Alder SL Broadway 2i:2 II AVE some Maxwells and Chevrolet w can make good prices on. CARY, 522 Alder Su Broadway 2402 OA K LAN D 101 S touring car, in fine tu rban ical cond tt ion ; looks like new driven about 5immi miles ; 5 good t ire Circumstances force me to i-ell. $!i7 rms to r sponsible party. Phone ow m- at Tabor ! SAXON SIX. Good shape, seal covers, nw paint, $oo CARY, 522 Alder SL Bruadw 2i:'2 Git ANT LIGHT SIN. LATE MOUKL This Is a wonderful buy. If ou In the market for a car don't fail to ihls one. We will take a smaller ca on this Broadway 3411. PACIFIC AUTO CO. 523 Alder St. a it 11 P. FoRD touring, has speedometer a' other extras, and the low price o! .. with onl y 2h dow n. w give ou ! j ery at once of new Ford. A r.l x one can sure climb. 525 Alder s t . Auto Works At Painting Co. 1117 HAYNES 4-passei.ger roadster. o hauled, in itrst-jss mer hamra co;t.: lion ; new Sll vertow n cord tires on r. a car like new ; ft I '.: terms, ow n. r. lumt'ia Highway Gara uv 4 2d and I mont. Ph ne Tat-or 5il . HUPMoBlLE show car. $5oti extra equ. ment. yy. ire wheels, ot.e extra, rias-v the bel boy we have eer shown, d" i wait expecting to get this car later. Y. ran see t h is car by ra.IiiK Mr. Rob. i or Mr. Ireland. Broadway 217. FORD DELIVERY CAR. $ too CARY, 522 Ald.r St. Broadway 2 It' 2. 111 RTTCK touring car. with 5 cord lire T irst -cla-s mecha meat condit ion . s p,,; -light. Weed chains; must srl: quick. $ l :ti c hen per than you can tuy " $1250. some terms. Phone owner. Mar. 1 5 r 5 1 . h PE E R LESS 1 0 1 Repainted, thorougni.y overhauled, cord tires, aimost new. a real snap. D. c. Warren Motor Car Co., 5S N. 23d st. Mm 7o. Bl 1CK F 'UK. rw ly painted: in fine tne rhamcal condition; new pantaote top Five tires, curtain- open with door. $-5. Terms to responsible party. Phone Frank Smith. Bdw'y. 1 I-'". 101 H CH A I.M ERS Hot not. 7-paa.. driven under mi miles. . tires. tubes and rims, a r. al buy at 51L"ti. D. C War ren Motor Car Co., 5 N. 3d" st- Maiu 7 so NASH SIX. must se . I Phone Bro or Sundav P.H0 model. ful'V equipped, quick, owner leaving town, nd w a y 2 a: tor 6 o'clock ; ph.oie A 4:t!v seat cov ers. new t ires, new FoRD New ? top. newly hauled, car terms. 3 G painted, thorough. y orr tn best of cond.lion; $475, -and ave North TWO FORD touring cars. CARY, 522 Alder SI. jroawa. l.ooR AT THE PRICES. 7-ps-nger Chandler. iM: 5-pas-rn-gor Velio. $i:;50; 5 - pa sen r Voile. P.tuO; King st Carac Main 1 s4. oR SVl-E A Ford bug. wire wheels, top and Mde curtain, extra wheel and tire spot light and lot of accessories, (.ml East 523 iHt-M DEL ' verUnd. late h a p. ohns. Si model. Al Call at 112 shape. in Smith ave N . St. . OVERLAND touring. 111. only run mil.-s : ow per le.; v : nc i flee: a bargain t HMmi. th terms. JO Grand ve. North ar Uti rn:d . .MAXWELL touring. I'M", run very '" 11 Just ll ae new. a narg.nn .11 - terms. 3d G-tnd ave. Nrtn, near , urn side. H -1 s N "40." com pi e new- sport top. go yd tire nt $1iho. with terms. North, near Burn-ide. t-ly werbauled. il hi renin a r- Grand ave. 17 inii'.K new pan t. 5 ord tires, good mehirtr1 ord r : a barr.n 44 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH UM5 BUI CK four, r le. t n fjhts and slarl- er; a rood car. rne.ip. fill DAY NEAR TENTH. N K W I od ue touring rar. Kmc h t J ulv 1 ; 5 new cord tires. Klrestone: witl sa.:rii--c for llo. Wootlbtyvn 4 4'.''. UAKilGX IN PM CH A I. V ERS SIX; RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. CALL lOlS CHANDLER, runs liKe nev ; 5 404 DAVIS. "-prfssenL-er; looks and r. rd t ires. NEAR lorif. hi HI SALE Chevrolet iCht de model. Call Woodlawn 5-'l5o. liverv. lOtS 2-J Beach OLDS MOB ILE S, per I eel median leal con dition. 404 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH. MARMoN race I need ra sh barcain price r. a sweiT bug. good tirrs! badlv and wi!! sell at a J ::o2. Oregonian. FR SALE bv owner, Briscoe, lust over hauled, must s.I at ope.-, lea v in - city, easv terms. Phone Woodlawn 5-:. 17 MAXWELL tourinc: refinished ard runs good ; verv low price : a t 252 Aider st. A 1 Auto Works & Vaintln; Co. 10 1 3 CADI LLAC. electric lights starter, runs like a new- one. 4i4 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH. and 101O $1 47 It TMOB1LE. with Been used very m a n v e t ra s. little. Tao.t 1014 SAXON. Mke 4i4 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH A REAL SNAP 1" a 4-c.j Imder Ca il FOR SALE Ford 5-r--. car. late model, kt 13 Hawthorne av. ;ourine car. late model. K. 0th st S bares .n. uii at SA' 'RIFK'F. Must rai5e rash : la'e 101 1 Dodge; fine condition. Tabor 47:1. ONE VE1.1E deliverv. cheap for cash. BemoMt st. Tucker's Auto 8hp. 1117 MAXWEL East 73 -In good condition. Call 101 0 FOR D touring, good cord u ion. ? 550 rush :t54 Ross ; t. 1'ORD -oadstT. lute 17. 400 rash. t25 terms. I. rf--t ror rft ; ior, Marshall tovt. FORD touring. 1014-17 block. $300. Owner, 1.5 -tout at., cor. Mornoon. i