THE 3IORXIXG OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1919. 17 AMrSEjTENTS. AT HEILie THEATER. IN VAUDEVILLE Simday, Monday, Tnen"a.T 'i-ht, 15c to SI. feunda', Mnndy, Tuesday, Wednesday Afternoon. 15c to 75c. CARL, JOR.V Ja-Ia Trio, Frank Burt and Myrtle Rok daltt, 4olut KfsHy and Lorraine , Sisters. BII.7.IK BI KRE'S T-XGO SHOES" lielgium Trio, Kinnjrravms, Topics of the Iay. MADAM KLLIS 'The AVomun Who Known." THIS SHOW CI.OSK.S IVITH TILE MAII.NEE WEDNESDAY. A RFfJPFIT nFVA!?TATFn FRAWPF TONIGHT. ALCAZAR MX" SIC AT. PLAYERS with Mabel ilber and Oscar flyman in the Operatic Trlnroph "SARI" Better Than "The Merry "Widow." Evening 30c, 75c, $1. Wednesday and Saturday Mutineer, 25c, oOe. ;EXT "Wizard of the Nile." iMfis, fi f i t riv nir "it- BAKER STOCK COMPANY. Tonight All Week Mat Wed.. Sat. ONE OF US A sensational melodramatic - crook com edy. A genuine hit. Next Week "The Walk-offs. P AN T A C E MAT. DAILY 3:3 1 Villaxd Jarris Present the Metropolitan MiiHical Comedy Success THK FOOTLMiHT REVl'K With CharleH Jordan. Oeorge Offermnn. Sara Marie and Ten Twinkling: Chorister. 8 Other Kig Acta 8 Three Performances Iaily. Xieht Curtain at 7 and 9. LYRIC MUSICAL COMEDY CO. Mat. rtaST at 2; Nights at 7 and 9. This week Dillon & Franks as Mike nnd Tke Great Company of 30. With the Rosebud Girls. In "THE MERBT LIARS." Everything to the Merry Merry. Chorus Girls' Contest Friday Night. CIRCLE Fourth at Washington Marguerite Clark "STILL WATERS" Also a Bill Parsons Comedy, "Chasing the Ralnbeanx" and the Ford Weekly. Open from 9 o'clock in the morning until 4 o'clock of the following morning. DANCE PARTY TONIGHT Real Jazz Music OC ADMISSION o e "J Including Tax. OC Temple Dancing Academy Second at Morrison Dancing Class TONIGHT Two-Hour Lesson 7 P. M. to 9 P. M. Gents 50c Ladies Free Private Lessons Daily Temple Dancing Academy Second and Morrison Dance Party 9 to 12 Dance Tonight COTILLION HALL Milton Bufterfleld and the New Cotillion Orchestra. Public dancing every evening except Sunday. Sunday afternoon and eve. at toiumbia Itcach. COUNCIL CREST PARK Remains open during September. DAXC1XG EVERY EVENING Except Sunday. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. 3.14 E. BROAD W A V - "We have a number of exceptionally rood USED CARS at attractive prices, and on we can give vou EASY TERMS 1011 Premier Six tourinsr tn inlfnilM condition, new tiras. Practically a new car. Hudson Super Six, just newly painted. OLiitM v ist' in uesi ot snape. Mitchell roadster, good mechanical con dition. Maxwell touring, new tires, mechanically first-class. Come and see it. ;i Denny truck, lots of powr and a Dargain in a truck or this capacity. A. M. BEAVER MOTOR CO.. 3M E. Broad wav. V A-n i iiu jkjiais Aian not over 4. years of age, not leys than six feet in heleht must De sooer, mieiiigent anu capable or handling the public in a courteous man ner. Apply in person between I and o clock today. LIBERTY THEATER BUSINESS OFFICE. TOOL, ad dye-maker wanted at Beaver State Motor Co.. Gresham. Or. WANTED A chambermaid. Ramapo hotel. 47. Washington st. ACCTIOX SALES TODAY. At the Baker Auction House. Yamhill and West Park, streets. Sale at 10 A. M. JOIKD. ilORGUS" In this city. September 17, Fred erick Li. Morgus. aged 2: years, son of Mr. ast. Mrs. Henry Morgus of St. Helena, Or., an" nephew of John Morgus of South Bend, Wash., and cousin of A. T. Kibian. The deceased was a member of the Elks lodge. Knights of Columbus and American legion. Remains are at McEntee & Filers parlors, lfith and Everett streets. Funeral notice later. TWEEDY Tn this city, Tuesday, Sept. 16. Thomas J. Tweedy, age 69 years, 8 mos., beloved husband of Airs. Laura Tweedy. The body was forwarded Wed. evening by Chambers Co. to the family home in Pen dleton, Or., where services will be held at 10 A. M. today (Thursday). Interment will be made at Pendleton cemetery. FOSTER In this city, September 16. Jennie Foster, age 78 years. Funeral notice later. Arrangements in care of Miller & Tracey. WE furnish limousines for funeral service. J on a Automobile Livery. Marshall 114, 9V 0 THE BEST MEETING NOTICES. B. P. O. ELKS NO. 142. Regular meeting this (Thurs day) evening. K'.ks' temple, 8 o'clock. Initiation. Visiting; brothers welcome. M. R. SPAIXDIXG. Secretary. EAST GATE LODGE NO. 155. A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication this (Thursday) evening. Sent. IS. 7:S0 o clock. Work In F. C. degree. Kast SOth and GHsan sts. Vifilting- brotners cordially invited to attend. E P. MERTZ, W. M. CHARLES P. NELSON, Sec. COLUMBIA LODGE NO. 114. A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication this (Thursday) vening at 7 o'clock. Masonic Temple. I.abor In the E. A. de gree. Visiting brethren always welcome. By order W. M. FRED L. OLSON. Secretary. SUNNYSIDE LODGE NO 163. A. F. & A. M. Special com munication Thursday evening 7:30: work in K. C. degree. Visiting brothers -welcome. By order of W. M. JOHN RJNKER, See. HAWTHORNE LODGE. NO. 111. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Thursday) evening at 7 o'clock. Work in the E. A. degree. Visiting brethren welcome. C. E. MILLER, Sec. WASHINGTON CHAPTER. Ko. 18. R. A. M. Called convoca tion this (Thursday) evening. E. Sth and Burnside sts.. at 7:30 o'clock. P. M. and M. E. M. de grees. Question of holding an ual banauet to be brought up. Visitors welcome. By order E. H. P. ILOY QUACK-ENBUSH. See. IONIC COURT NO. 1, ORDER OF THE AMARANTH, will give a dancing and card party this (Thursday) evening at 8:30 o'clock in Matonic Temple, West Park and Yamhill streets. All O. E. S. and-friends cordially invited. Admission 50c, ALICE c. GIBUS, secretary. OREGON COMMANDER!, K. T. Special conclave today at 5 o'clock P. M. Order of the Temple. Please attend. C. F. WIKGAND, Recorder. KKGL'LAR meeting to jRLOp .night. Baker hall, Alblna "tfl and KlUlBSworth avenues. The second degree team of Maau CUy view Lodge No. 2U itors always welcome. A. tu. iv. c,in w urt i xi x , i. C. E. WILSON, Secretary. ONEONTA TRIBE NO. -. IMPROVED ORDER OK RED MEN Regular council this (Thursday) evening at 8 o'clock at W. O. W. hall. East bin and East Alder streets. Members urged to attend. Visiting brothers welcome. L. . SMITH, o. oi t. HIGHLAND SOCIAL CLUB, formerly of K. P. hall, will give dancing parties every Thursday evening. Columbia hall. Second and Oak streets. Come and tell your friends. Good floor, clean hall, best music Good time assured, introa uctions. THE MACCABEES. PORTLAND TENT. NO 1 Regular review every Thursday eve ning at hall, 409 Alder street. All members urged to be present. Visiting sir knights wel come. GEO. S. BAKER, R. K. GOLDEN RULE ENCAMPMENT NO. 28. I. O. O. F. Meets this (Thursday) evening at 8 o'clock. East Sixth and Alder ts. Pa triarchal degree. All patriarchs invited. . a. bi'AKK, bcrioe. PUDT Pit -tatwaalrv n.itwnnm s-K m ymm new designs. Jaeger Bros.. 131-8 fiixtii a. FRIED LANDER' 3 for lodge emblem. clans pins and medals. 310 'Washington at. I'l'XERAL NOTICES. BYRNES Tn this city, Sept. 16. James x rnes, age ou years, neiovea nusoana oi Julia Byrnes, father of Peter L., Eugene L. and Elizabeth SI. Byrnes, all of this city ; son or Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Byrnes of Big Rapids, Mich. Also survived by two sisters and six brothers, all in the east. Funeral cortege will leave residen tial parlors of Miller & Tracey Thursday, Sept. 18, at 8:45 A. M. Thence to St. Law rence church, Third and Sherman streets, where requiem mass will be offered at 9 A. .M.. Interment a,t Mt Calvary cemetery. FISH In thin city, Sept. 13, Edward Fish, late or o4U Jast .Morrison st., beloved hus band of Mary Fish, lather of Mrs. Mary Childs of Portland, Sirs. Annie Stafford of Salt Lake City. Utah; Parley, Fred A. and Raymond Fish of Portland, Leonard and Edward Fish, of Salt Lake City, Utah. Funeral services will be held at Dunning & McEn tee's chapel, Broadway and An keny sts., Friday, Sept. 1U, at 2 P. M. FriendK invited, to attend. Incineration at Sit. Scott Park cemetery. SABEL In -this city, Sept. 16, Mary Sabel, oi jcftia. i unciiti uoriege win leave the residential parlors of Miller & Tracey Thursday, Sept. 18, at 9:15 A. M. Thence to the Pro-Cathedral, 15th and Davis sts., where requiem mass will be offered at 8:30 A. M. Remains will be forwarded un der direction of Stiller & Tracey to Friend, Neb., where interment will take place. KELLEY In this city, Sept. 15, 1919, Mrs. ida o. K.eiiey, aged &3 years, widow of the late Fred A. Keiley and slater of George W. Vollum and C. A. Vollum. Friends In vited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at Holman's funeral parlors at 2:30 P. M. today (Thursday), Sept 18 19iy. Interment Mt. Scott Park ceme tery. ORM ANDY At her late residence in this city. ,101 weidler St.. Sept. 17, Sirs. Mary A. Ormandy. aged 74 years, beloved mother of Harry, William, James, Alice and Wal ter Ormandy. Funeral services at West minster Presbyterian church, E. 17th and Schuyler, lo A. SI. Friday. Sept. 19. In terment Riverview cemetery. Services at the grave will be private. RANDALL In this city September Ifl. 1919, Mary Belle Randall, aged IK years 16 days, sister of Henry, Edith, Francis. Turnout. Ra.y Rindall and Mrs. Mlna Gra ham. The remains are at the conservatory chapel of the F. S. Dunning, Inc., 414 E. Alder st. Funeral notice later. ANDERSON In this city, Sept. 16, Thorleif . j. Anaerson, agea 3 years husband of Mrs. Effie Anderson of 14." Grand ave. N. The remains will be forwarded this (Thursday) morning by J. p. Finley &. Son to Carson, Wash., where services will be held and interment made. PATTERSON The funeral services of the late James R. Patterson will be held to day cinursaayj at a:au o clock P. SI. at Finley's, Montgomery at Filth. Friends Invited. LIND The funeral services of the late Fred Lind will be held at the chapel of Slilller Interment at Rose City cemetery. Friends inviieu. Lnicago, in., papers please copy. McGREW The funeral services of the late Phoebe McOrew will be held Thursday, Sept 18, at 3 P. M. at the chapel of Sillier 3C l racey. VAULTS AND CKEMATIOX. VAULT BURIALS CREMA TION. Disinterments for either. Fl'XERAI, DIRECTORS. H0LMAN UNDERTAKING CO, Funeral Directors Established 1877. Tblrd and Salmon Streets. Alain 507, 4. 1311. Lady Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect uneral Service for Less. Independent Funeral Directors. Wash. st. bet. 20th and 21st., west side. Main 2o01. Lady Assistant. A 73bo. J. P. FINLEY & SON PROGRESSIVE FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Main 9. Montgomery at 5th. A 1599. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with- all the privacy of a home, Ibth and Everett st. Phone Broad way 11133; Home, A 2133. F. S- DUNNING. INC., 414 E. Alder. Phone East 52. Perfect service, personal direction, free use of floral chapel and auto equipment. DOWNING & McNEMAR at E. Seventh. East 54. Irvlngton district. nrvxiNG & McENTEE. funeral directors. Broadway and Pine sts. Phone Broadway 430, A 4B5S. Lady attendant. PT T VPPT4 East 11th and Clay sts. . Li nation East 781 B lg3 l?PTPQnI Twelfth and Morrison streets. H.ri.XOOtJi.N Broadway 2534. A. D. KEN WORTHY CO.. 5802-04 92d St., Lenta. Tabor 8267. BREEZE & SNOOK v12!9 AD 7CI I CD PH 592 Williams Ave. n. LLLLLn OUl East 1088. C 1088. SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. 8d and Ciay. 2d. 4152. A 2221. Lady assistant. A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and classified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. ACCOUNTANTS. JULat. It. BLACK, accountant, auditor, specialist on Involved accounts. Modern sy.tem. Installed, maintained. T28-U -it- .wv inui-n. leiepnone aroaaway x AtiATg CTTTKKS AND MFG. JEWELERS. J M2. Y nd watch repairing. Miller's. aanictton st.. Majestic tneater diuj. CAKPET WEAVING, Flifi The klnd that wear the best are T roade from your worn-out carpets by the Northwest Rugr Co. (Former ad dress 153 Union ave.) Rag turs woven all sizes. Carpet cleaning, reflttins and re-sizing-. Mall orders solicited. 1S8 a. Sth t. I'HO.Nt: EAST 3."e0. 128U. ALTERATIONS. ALTERATIONS and refitting of ladles' ar ments; work guaranteed, at reusonabl prices. I. Iteubln. Ladies' Tailor. Hush & Lane bldg. ASfeAYEKS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second Gold, silver and platinum bought. BOOKS NEW AND SECOND-HAND. SCHOOL supplies. new and second-hand school books, magazines and stationery. JOHNSON BOOK STORE. 10 4lh St. CANCER TREATED. L. M. JONES. M. D. CANCER TREATED. 312 Morgan bldg.. Marshall B143. . FLUFF fiUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Rag Rugs, all sizes Mall orders prompt. . Send for Booklet. ., 9x12 rugs steam or dry cleaned, $L50, - FLUFF RUG CO.. r4-56 rnlon ave. N. East B519. B 1475. ( EM.I I.OH) Bl'TTONS. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY. 3S7 Washington. Broadway 434. A 1:254. CHIROPRACTOR. 300.000 KNOW McMahon, 100 Chiropractor. Throngs pronouncing treatment easiest. st permanent. 31 "treats" $15. Tl. CTHROPOniST ARC H SPKCIALISTS. WILLIAM. Estelle and Floretta De Ver.y. the only scientific chiropodists and arch specialists in the city. Parlors 302 Ger llnger bldg.. S. W. corner 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODIST. DR. GARTNER. foot specialist: corns. Dunions. root arches mane to order. ail Swetland bldg.. Sth and Vash. Main lost. CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO.. 1510-11-12 Royal oicig.. Marshall DS'-'L'. Multlitraphing. mlm eographing and mail advertising. THE LETTER SHOP Main 3541. 405 Cen- iraioiag., mimeograpning ; speed, service. COLLECTIONS. NETH & CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 1708. NO collections, no charge. Established 1900. DANCING. KATHER1NE M. BROWN guarantees to teacn all dance, in 1L' private lessons; 12 lesions $5: 4 lessons $2. 603 Ellers bldg.. bet. 4th and Sth, on Wash. st. Main 5004. BEGINNING Sat., Oct. 4, regular dances will be given Ko. 3 nan, w. o. w.. 11th, bet. Wash, and Alder; popular prices; best music. BERKELEY DANCING ACADEMY. 129 4th St., 3d floor. First-class Instructors: les sons day and eve. Main 3318. Dance Sat. MRS. FLECK'S ACADEMY, 109 2d St. Ball room and stage dancing. Main 2100. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL. ROSE City Veterinary hospital, 415 East 7th. East 1847. a lam. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. H.M.H.ELECTRIC CO. 81 X. 1st St., Portland. Or. Re winding and electrical repairing a specialty. See us about new a specialty. Bee us about new or used motors. Bdwy. 1045, A 104S EYE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT. 'R. F. F. CASSEDAY. Specialist. Glasi fitted. 700 E. Burnside. cor. Uuth. E. 47 sses 44. El' EL. BOXWOOD SLABWOQD Multnomah Fuel Co. Main 0540. A 2116. HARDWOOD FLOORING. GET estimates for new or old house. Port- i.tiu iiiiruwwa r loor o . , ibt w . iark at. HEMSTITCHING. K- STEPHAN. hemsltchlng, scalloping, ac- coruian siue pieai, Dutions covered; mail ord.;i 8. 2 lit pittock hlk. Broadway loutf. WHOLESALERS AND AX TO TOPS, DUBRUILLE TOP CO.. 9th and Oak Sis. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. I niklCI CDICI Oft Stockroom and offlc. La UlitlXLLOl ILL. UU. 47 N North Fifth street GRAIN MEHC HANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO., Board of Trade Bldg. HATS AND CAPS. THAN HA USER HAT CO., 53-65 Front St. HIDES, WOOL AND CA&CAKA BARK. KAHN BROS.. 195 Front St. MILL SUPPLIES. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY. 68-70-72 Front Street, Portland. PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER CO.. Front and Morrison. BASML'US EN & CO.. Second and Ta ylor. FLORISTS. LUB LINER, FLORIST. 828 Morrison St.. Portland notel. Mar. T53. 848 Morrison bet. Bdy. and Park. Mar. 257. Portland's Leading Flower Shops. MARTIN Al FORBES CO.. florists. 354 Washington. Main 269, A 12o9 Flew.r, for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., florists. 2S7 Morrison su Main or A 1805. Fine flowar, and floral designs. No branch stores. FEOI'I.C H FLORAL SHOP. 245 Alder. Flow ers and designs, very reasonable. Mar. 5922. litVINGTON PARK FLORAL CO.. 4th and Yamhill. Funeral designers; lowest prices. MAX M. SMITH. Main 7215. A 8121. Selling bldg.. Sixth and Alder streets. TONSETH FLORAL CO.. 287 Washington St.. bet. 4th and Sth. Main 5102. A-liat. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS 166 ttb t.. Opp City Hall. Neo Bros la BLAESING GRANITE CO. THIS DAT MADISON STREET NEW TODAY. GARAGES For All Cars. Prices on Application. Ready-Cut and Portable Houses. MILLMADE CONSTRUCTION CO. - XSOl I'sloa Ats, If. aJ WdlD. 2413. MORTGAGE LOANS Improved rlir Imrmk pro..rtr. laattallment npsymro prl-vllesi U preferred I ,(, reliable arrrle A., rl. BiRRKLL GO, K17-31V Kortkwcatera Hank HallUjis Marshall 4114. A. llsV MORTGAGE LOANS Farm and city property. We loan our own funds. No delay. Ko com mission. PACIFIC COAST MORTGAGE CO. 119 Rt. Each. Rldsr. Main 073. JOHN B. COFFEY MORTGAGE LOANS. Insurance Surety Bonds . 3WI Wilcox Bids. Main 702, A 3702. PIANO studio, modern methods, arrange ment, made for practicing. Uu'J 14th. near Je!f.Tsou. Main iib'Jii. EM 1 L TH1ELHOKN, violin, violrt teacher: pupil Sevcik. 2u7 Flleduer bldg. Broad way ltlliU. VIOLIN, piano, harmony, all string inslru-rr-ents taught. KjI. Kenbeik. 409 Yamhill. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. GLASSES AT A Sa.Vl.NO. yJ.-.-T' I solicit your patronage on the 'T basis of capable aervlce. Thousand cl satisfied customers. A will convince you. Charles W. Goodman, op tometrist. liua1 Morrison. Main 21-4- attention: eyes right; Dr. Goorge P.ubensteln. veteran optician. Is right on ihe Job oi fating the beat eye giasKes at reasonable pneeo. ilJo Morruoo street, near Second. PAINTING. PAINTING John Conllsk, the reliable plant er, delivers the goods, phona Broadway -'iH.-i. PATENT ATTORNEYS. K. C. WRIGHT 22 yeurs' experience J. S. and foreign patents. 601 Delturn bldg. GOLDBERG, il-'O Worcester bldg. Main i:,V-'.V PHYSICIANS. 80 C Increased ef f iclency drugless treat Oment. sroitre. headache.. aDDendicttis tonailitis without surgery. Dr. Raymond E. Watters. 30 Swetland bldg. Mar. 4!I2. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. Broadway building. Rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lung, liver, kidney, blalder, rectal, prostatic, female cMwordera. skin affections, hlood pressure. DR. J. K. W. KEHREK. phys. and surg.. has opened office, 809-813 Steven, bldg. Main 7475. Reld. Campbell Hotel. Marsh. 8S1. PLl'MBING SUPPLIES. PLl'MBIN'G SUPPLIES at wholesale prices. Starke-Davis Co.. 212 Third. Main 797. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS, J. JS. Oantenbein. Mgr. Printing and Linotyping, loo1 Front St., corner Stark. Main or A 1418. PPIPJTIWR F. W. BALTES & COMPANY. nun iitu 1st an, nd Oak sts. Mnln lo5. A 11.". SHIVtiLES. PHONE, wire or write us for rrl-e. extra STAR A STAR (green) RED CEDAR CU 1 U n I Carload lots. We are mill OniilULCu representatives and car. guarantee grade and delivery. Webfoot Lumber company, 601 Couch bldg.. Port lnnd. Or. , SECOND-H N D STORES. LKVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO.. 221 Front St. We buy and sell . verythlnjr In the hnrrt 'wire and furniture line, l'hor.e Mala 9970. A 7174. TINTING. ROOMS tinted J3.SO and up. Hawthorne Construction Co. Phone East 333. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH The Pervlre With a Reputation. MOVlNO-PACKrNG-STOKA'lE-IIAGGAGB 13th and Kearnev. Branch 6Sti Broadway. PHONE BDWY. 3303 WILLAMETTE VALLEY TRANSFER CO. General Transfer .nd Forwnrdlng Atnlj. TRACKAGE. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. 124-128 N. FIFTH ST., BROADWAY 454. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 G LI SAN ST.. Coiner of ISth. Telephone Broadway 1JM or 1169. We own and operate two large Class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest insurance rates in the city FIREPROOF STORAGE C. M. OLSENTR A NSFER CO.. 24 Pine. MADISON-ST. DOCK & WAREHOUSE OF FICE. 189 Madison st. General merchandise and forwarding agents. Phone Main HI'Jl. PACKING MOVING. STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO.. Ili5 PARK FT. MAIN 5195. A 1051. CLAY S. MORSE. Inc. TRACKAGE. STORAOK. TRANSFER. 448-4."i4 GLISAN ST. TRANSFER. EATON & MAXWELL TRANSFER CO. Piano and furniture moving. Long-distance hauling a specialty.- 22 I'ine Mt Phone,: Office. M. 7XS2; res.. Wdln. 213. WATCH REPAIRING. HIGHEST prices paid, old watches and jew elry. Condition no object. Repairs a spe cialty. Jewelry Co.. 440 'a Wash, st. MANUFACTURERS PIPE. PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY. 6S-70-72 Front Street. Portland. M. L. KLINE. 84-86 Front St. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY. 08-70-72 Front Street. Portland. M. L. KLINE. 84-86 Front St. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVEKDING & FAR R ELL, 140 Front St. HOPE AND HINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrup. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER CO.. Fro nt and Morrlwon. WALL PAI'LR. I MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 230 ;d St. NEW TODAY. tea BotieraCo. E1T1BUIHED 1693. Special Auction on Friday Next AT PHIVATK RKslDKrK, 740 HOYT S T R K K T. XKAH TWKNTY TIIIRII STnEKT. WK HAVE BKEX PAVUHKII w I T ii Jys iHi crio.xs k n. o m tmi. S. J. 31 AVIOIl TO SKLF, THK RKAITI h'VL. AMI COSTLY I'l llViSUIM.s ur HKR PHIVATK HOMK AT AHOVK ADDRESS, comprising very elaborate living-room suite In pan plush cover ings, viz.. overstuffed davenport and ur easy cnaira, nign - Kiale library table. Tiffany electric table lamp, andirons, gas log and fire guard, sev eral artistic paintings and pictures, im- I'rit-u repp urapes and curtains, several sections of mahogany book cases, large hall mirror, down cush ions, hall rugs, brass umbrella vase, etc. The dining-room suite is old Knglisli as follows: Table, buffet and set of eight chairs, including two arm rhaim cut glass and other glassware, silver ware, cnina dinner ware, large pier glass. THE BEDROOMS ARE AS FOLLOWili Twin brass bed complete with box sprinprs and hair mattresses, mahog any Sheraton dresser and chiffonier with chairs to match, hair-stuffed couch and cushion, large mirror, velvet carpet, enameled bedroo-ji suite, rocker and chair, complete wtih springs and mattressies. Mulberry carpet, 9x12. Maid's room Iron bed, dresser, table and chair, carpet, pictures, etc. Bronze and marble statues, Vienna chairs, portieres, etc. Jn kitchen Refrigerator, table, chalm and utensils. Al'CTIOM TOMORROW AT in . -M (SHARP) AT 74l HO T HTKKKT. StAK TU KM l-THIKI) H T It K K T. I AKB TV E.V1Y - THIRD - STIttlli 1' CAUS. W. c. BAKER A W. II. DEa, Aoctlonrrri. Offices Maannle Temple Hid sr.. Ysunfaill and West Park. Sta. SEND US YOUR OLD CARPET- Old Ban and Woolen Cloth Id. V. alAka Hcveniui. UaaU-UvrM . FLUFF RUGS They Waar Like Iron. . Mall Orders. Mend for Rooklsa, baa isuas Woven. All aiaaa. Carpet Gleaning tsit Han-. Steam Cleaned. S1.6A, Wle.x4Tfc.KN jritii'Jr ki-Lli CO., M Caioa -a. Am Jt toil, a 147. NEW TODAY. S2B50 Six-room houne and 2650 v sraratre on fraction- 1 lot, near Sixteenth and Montgomery streets. Walking distance. $500 cash, balance easy terms. IRYINGTON fSftO CASH. ft.VI MO ANU IT. Six-room house on full lot in one of the choicest locations in Irvinjrton. Only block to Broadway car and close to Irviiifrton car. FRED II. STKOXG, 307 Orrsronlaa Hid. 5y2 Mortgage Loans Edward E. Goudey Co V. S. Bank Bulldins REAL KSTATE. For Sol -Lota. ONE ACRE Here is an acre ot first-class soil, fer tilized -and in tip-top condition. Four-room house, chicken houte. plenty of fruit, close to car line; a very special bargain at $1050. 7500 down and balance to uit buy er. The owner also has two good cows and a number of chickens, which can be bought at a reasonable price. No time lo lose. If you want this bargain. See Pe terson. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 Fifth Street. Mam tist9. S900 LOT. NOW 300. $30 cash. $6 monthly buys one of these lots at Ibis bargain price; build a little home, pay like rent; located convenient to center of Portland, also convenient lo Vancouver. St. Johns, Kenton and waler . front. JOHNSON-DODSON Co., 633 .N. W. Bank blug. Main ; 37s7. VL have two chaica lots In the heart of Alameda that can be sold for $4u0 each, plus improvements. KIELV & GUSTAFSON. ""S Teon BUlg. Marshall 1456. tuxioo LOT. with oearlni prune tmi, fcouth Alt. Taoor. 3 blocks from Haw. Ifloru. ave. car, f re. iroro incumbrance; will sell on very eaay terms. Pboa. sCast 2016, or address a . lam North. MIGHTY CHEAP 7 lots, undivided, located 9 blocks from the Irvlngton cluonou.. lor H10O. half cash. bal. terms, p. o. box 4-io, city. LuTS 1 and 2, block 14. El Tovar, cost .1900. Need the money, best oiler takes them. Gus Kallas. 1115 Berwyn aiv., Clu- cuigo. Hi. WILL sell my lot at 53d and Flanders streets reasonable. Charles V. Olson. 24S Pino street. MLfaT sell at once. 2 lot,. 25x100. 20 minutes center of city. (400: worth (Too: pavad street. S 137. Oregonian. WESTMORELAND Improved lot. .'.OxlOO. on car line. Special bargain for quick sale. Owner. AP 400. Ores"iiian. J1400 BUYS 50x100 lot in Irvington dint., on 2th st. Simms. 431 Chamber of Com. Main H12T. FOR SALE CHEAP A good Alameda Park lot. Phone Marshall 1102. ROSE CITY PARK SNAPS Tabor 6559. A-'or bale -HeacTI rruDBrtT. GET A BEACH HUM now at Seaside. Or., In bemutilul "Cartwilght Park," at re duced price-j; 25 to 700, easy install, ments, 0 p-e cent; soon to be cooimu4 by all-pavvd highway with eastern and southern Oregon, which, with propoMd VOOO-toot pier, will make "Canwright Park' d of tha most attractive spots on Paciilc coast. vVnitmer-K.ily Co., 414 Pittock block, Portlaud. Oregon, or In quire F. m. Cole, axouf, 4X3 Broadway, beaslde, Oregon. For bale -Houses. S1I700 ROSE CITY DISTRICT. Very substantial 7-room modern home, on a full lot with all liens paid; hardwood f.oors; firepiace: interior woodwoi-k In oak; massive bullet: built-in conveniences. This house could nut b. built for $4000. Can arrange terms. We have over 7uo photographs of inspected homes In our office for saie. 12 experienced salesmen with autos a; your seiv,te. sEE FRANK L. MeGUlRE. TO BUi YOLK HO.M.C. Abington bldg. Main luo. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. AN. EXCEPTIONAL BUY. S2500 Do you want the best buy in Port land for $2.u0? If so. let u show you this 5 -room bungalow with large floored attic, fireplace, built in bookcases, buffet and Dutch kitchen. large basement, par titioned; while enamel plumbing, garage; to be sold before Saturday. Terms. J. A. WICK MAN COMPANY. 204 P.y. Exch. Bldg. .Vain 1094. Olflce open evenings. Clotted Sundays. LARGE UKOl'XPS AND HOUSE. BIG SNAP. Ground 100x115 and well built 8-room hou.c, batli. electric and gas. full base ment, 15 good bearing 11 uil trees, berries and shrubbery, just 1 block from car. owner leaving city and Is sai rfticliig this for $2Mio. J.'.OU cash, balance like rent. Don't oerlook thi.. C. A. YVARR1NER. RITTKR, LOWE CO.. 2Q1 -3-5-7 Board of Traoe Building. :;li.".0 NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH. If ou know the value of property see this: li-rm.. 2-story, dbi.-constd. residence, extra large ronms. built-in buffet, full basement. 5oxlo lot, fruit, berries, grapes. 3 hlocka Jefferson high. 3 blocks Penin.-uila park, S block St. Johns car. 1 block Mis sissippi line; (1O00 cash. bal. easy pay ments. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 10O7 TEON BI.lX). ROE CITY BUNGALOW. Will sell a new six-room bungalow in best part of Hose City, including garage, for SnooO: this Is atrlctly modern in every respect and well worth tho money: can be handled for $1000 cash and l.M) per month. For appointment call Lawrence, with RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak St. Hdwy. 41S3. MAWTHOUNE. Slitioo. mom) CASH, BAL ANCE MONTHLY. Owner leaving city, h.ts Inntrurlert to sell his 7-room bungalow-type home. 5 rooms and bath on first floor, all bullt-ln features, fireplace, two plastered rooms in aitlc. full cement basement, lot 5Oxll0. hard-surface I street int luded in price. JOHNSON-DODSON Co.. .lS N. W. Hldg. Main 37i7. $1.100 NEAT COTTAGE $1500. EASY TERMS. 3 rooms, bath and screened In bark porr-b. can be used for sleeping porch, elecsric and gas. good basement. 2 short blocks to car; $375 cash, balance easier than renting. Alberta district. C. A. WARRINER. . RITTER. LOWE Sc CO.. S01 -3-5-7 Board of Trade - Building. - nUTCH COLONIAL XRV1XUTOX $10,000. Four room on lower floor: 4 and sleep. Intr porrh on upper; maul's room on too floor; hardwood floor throughout; mahog any flnitih. When may we Miow you thi beautilul lutch Colonial home? COE A. MrKEXNA 6c CO.. ilain A::2. S2 Fourth Bt.. Hoard of Trade Bid. ItUSlv CITY BUNOALOWS. $:tl r0 .Vroom motlern. Oux l (X lot : S blot Ks from car; $750 cash, balanca like rent. S2300 5-room modern, UOxlOO lot: 4 blocks to car; $r.oi cash, balance $Jo month; muHt be mid at once. SIM M.S. 431 Chamber of Commerce Bldf. 1 :.-m O L" K E N A X X S Bt NO A I A W. ljocated on f4th i-t. near Franklin hiirh. 4 room, llviny-ro'tm, fireplace, bifokrases. beumiMl eel II nn . fine kltch en, full cement basement, laundry trays, dandy lot. fruit trees, berries, nice lawn, close to school and car, Sloi'O cash. bal. terms. GEO. T. MO"RK CO.. UH7 YEON DLDC. $ 3 500 BUNOAUiW $3500. This is a fine buy. being on a nice corner lot. 75xl0u, ail street Improvements In and paid, ptrictlv modern, excepting no fur nace, splendid garden, on Going and loih. .Mitchell se Rippey, 32-2 Henry Bldg.. Main 25S4. HAWTHORNE Cosy 5-rocin bungalow, full plumbing, full cement basement, choice fruit, fine lwn. roses, etc.. hard -surf eed street Included in price; price $3000. .750 cush will handle. .lOHNSoN-nODSON CO.. 33 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main S7K7. KENTON Five cottages and lots st and near Mlts. and Wine hell ; prices SOOO to $17."i0; terms. MontaviUa, 7Sth nMr Pine; S-room house. 40-foot lot. $22W; terms. D. D. Hathrirk. M 5 C. of C. Main 11 7-HOo.M home. In good condition, on lot .10 x lOo, large fruit t res. berries; you only need to see i his to know it's a reul bar gain at $3"00, lortO down, balance like rent. Thomson. .Mo I1 e n ry hid g. jlOt TERMS ROt?E CITY PARK CAR, Modern 4 -room home, electric! ty. gas. complete plumbing, nice large corner lot. fine garden, etc. ; immediate possession. Tahor 6 ."i $7.,it $2."0 CASH, balance $15 per month, buvs wall-built shack, large lot with fruit and gars re. This Is located west side. M K LEE. .105 Corbet t bldg. 81'NXTSIDE MODF R X HOME, nnx lo lot, full hinAment, extra good; termw. Main ftjai. W H Y pay comm (union on the house you buv? I have the houneg and charge no sale commiwlon. J 3H, Oregonian. BI'NOAIOW, 4 rnnmi and bath, large porch and good basrment: Hrt.10; $40O cash; bal ance trm. Tabor PO'T. 1HVINOTON HOME $000. nrar 21st and Knott, easy terms. Very desirable. Mala 607 b. - REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Hou UrKELUL'KST A fine colonial home mcelv situated on a sichtly spot tn Laurel tt u rut. lias Urso living room with den. dining room and kitchen on first floor: three good bed rooms and sleeping porch on second flot.r. The landHcaped lawn contains many choice flowers and the lew U of the best. Houn built only a few years and in perfect condition. Fine gars ice. Reasonable terms can h mnrie on this hlch-clana rropei i MR. BROWX. 70 STAKK ST. Main 17mi; evenings. Tabor o9. HIGH-CLASS lKVi.fGTUX RESIDENCE. Modern 12-room ruidenct. finished In selected mHhoK.tny and oak. hardwood floors throughout, spacious rooms, ihrce artistio lile fireplaces, tile baths, latest sanitary plumbing, sun room, sleeping Porch, full cement basement, largo finished attic, stationary vacuum cleaner, rooms beautifully finished, grounds p,anted with rare shrubbery; absolutely one of the best constructed homes in Portland. Terms. By owner. X 52. Oregonian. DO YOU WANT A ROME AND A LIVING ALSO? HERE 13 A SPLFN1UD OPPOR TUNITY: SIX 5 AND 6-KOUM FLATS. FINE CORNER ON WEST SIDE. WALK ING DISTANCE: VOU CAM LIVE IN ONE AND THE OTHERS ARE ALL RENTED FOR $200 PER M ON TIL WHY WORK Y ABOUT BUSINESS WHEN REAL ES ,TATE 13 SO CHEAP? PRICE 1S.OUO. TERMS. E. U. COLLIS. EAST eOOO. 45P0. CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW. PRAC TICALLY NEW. 5 ROOMS. llARDWooI) FLOORS. SLEEPING PORCH. FURNACE. ELECTRIC LIGHTS. GARAGE; ,12ud CASH. BALANCE MONTHLY. OREGON BOND tt MORTGAGE CO.. 208-212 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1S0O. WE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE. LAPD ADDITION BIO BARGAIN 8-room house, sightly , lot 50x120. garage. Owner, non-resident, wired me to sel im mediately. Price t750. Free and clear. C74 Elliott ave. Don't disturb tenant. Phone for appointment to Inspect. Tabor 341.1. Evenings. East 20io. Mr. De la hunt jr. BEAUTIFVL HOME. EIGHT ROOMS. NEAR EAST TWENTIETH AND COUCH. NEW LY PAINTED AND DECORATED INSlDtt AND OUTSIDE. ALL MODERN CONVEN IENCES AND BUILT-IN EFFECTS TWO TOILETS. BATH, F CRN AC hi A.VD GARAGE. A HANDSOM1S AND if. TilACTIVB BOM E. leuoo, THKIld. Aw B- COLL13. lAar booo. SISOO BUYS A DANDY MODERN 4-ROOM BUNGALOW with fireplace, built-in bulfet. Al moaern plumbing, stationary tubs, good basement, .large lot. In desirable residence section of the city. Owner of Ihe property unable to occupy It. Will sell on terms ot ..oo oon and $20 per month. For par ticulars call at 404 p,att bldg.. 121 Park street. LA U R E UI UKST NEW 5-RooM BUNGALOW INSPECT IT TODAY Key at ofiice. East 3ith and Glisan sts. Just finished. One of the handsomest bungalows In Laureihurst. Close to park and club grounds. Sure to please you. Good terms. Phone for auto. Tabor 343. Evenings. East 2liC roli SALE 32d and Alberta, new bunga low, trout room, bookcase each side of fireplace. 2 bedrooms, white enamel Dutch kitchen and bathroom, breakiast room, cement floor In basement and wash travs. double constructed, painted white outride, roof stained green, 50 feet Irom patcd street, close to car line; no mortgage; $32.'.o. owner, 5o Alberta st. NICE WEST SIDE HOME. Less than ono block to car; lies high and sightly on improved street. n w r run. . nectious in and paid for. house o rooms, tut , i.e i anu clean ; uewiy pain tea and tinted ; basement, furnace, full plumbing ; price J-V.jO. lt'UO caoh. balance eaay JOh.50.-DuUioN CO.. o; X. . ilANK BLUU. Main 7u7. FOR SALE 2S-8tory, 9 or 10-room reol dence. J large inclosed sleeping porches, fu:l lot. all street improvemeiiis paid, at S7 Vbco atreet, between Kait lltth and Kast I'lat; owner has ltrft city permanently and place will be sold at bargain, i-or price, and terms representative of owner at location. i ACRE HOME SIT.OO. Splendid, .siphily tract with three-room p1 aate red bhacK cotts fie, pit-nty of fixiit nnd bifrrles. city w at, r and sink ; good chicken h'tuse and oodhed : splendid tcnruen ; S-ou cash, monthly. Fred W. tierman Co., Chamber of Cotu- merce. Opvn Sunday s and evenings. NEW I K VI NOTO.VBr.NG A LOV. Six large, airy rooms and breakfast al cove, oak floors, papered and deocrated t h rou ft ii ou t, f 1 re p la ce, 1 u rnace, bes l o 1 piumbmg, full baement. Ivory finish. Open today, evening by appointment. I'rice termsu Owner. Tabor Ooy or Ta bor -J14. THAT VACANT LOT. Why noLs turn a burden Into IneomsT We delfca and build apartmeoia, garasea, reotdeoova. anything; lurniMti plan and financu. ICata olit. liod tea years. VV oiler bbCLhlTX. MartVlClfi. SA l iSFACTlON. X R. Haiiy Co., Inc.. contracting arctu tct, n. W. Bank bldg. OXB of Portland's best HriKhts homes, close in. Full unouetructible niouma.n lew. Four bedrooms, w u h two batu, Crrsa:ng rooms, s.eepmg porches. Two maids rooms, with one bntn. Aiut water heal. Mahogany woodwork. all oak Xioora i rice j0,0oa iteaidence pho to Main 33oi. 200 WILL HANDLE. 1 story, 4 rooms, on t,"x 1 1 1 i lot. has light. Ka. bath, toilet, lavatory, book cases, lawn, trees, is in good repair; can bo had lor -U"u. .1UHN SUN -rODSON CO. , 633 Noriliwcdiern Uank liidg. Main 3TS7. r'uR SSALiS Four room house, double con atructlon, ground luux loo. You can keep a cow and chickens ami havw a large gar den. This la a splendid buy for aome unn. Takes $ 1UOO cash to handle, long term oq balance, sb.uo.uire owner, lull iv. 1'u.k at., ISt. Johns. OX THK PKNINtfULA $1000. $U'u do ii, 1- monthly, buys two-story, ittx-room jcuiv, cei Jed with I ath and tot let. This Is a snap and you win have to hurry. Fred W. Uertnau Co., 7:ij Cham ber of Com-nerce. Open Sundays aud evenings. MODERN 8-ROOM HOUPK; FIREPLACE. .BUILT-IN BUFFET AND BOOKCASts OAHAGK; COK.NEH, CUpE IN uN JiAf fclLE. aWKiST CAKi.iNr. I.N ClTlf. AJaO. TEKMS. i'JlOXC KAST 30o. 7-KooM modern house, hardwood floors, pu ne led diiiing room, buiit-iu buffet, Uutch kitchen, lu e place, furnace, gas water lieaier, concrete ba'rneiit. lot foxllL ii7 Kast. &7th st. i'hou Tabor WKST TKRRY ST. SHACK FOR $07i. Near Kenton car line and xchooi, .t 34x100 ; J-A will handle, balance luv rent Soo JUHNSON-PODSON CO., 633 Northwestern Bank Bldff. Main 3T8T. BUILD NOW! If you own a lot. wa will furnish the money and build for you. .Terms lika rent. Call and see us. WKST K R.N CuNb i It UCTION CO. Main -!o3i. tiJl Morgan l;.dg. CASH BAHRAIN AT 13700. 6-room modern home, large grounds. 4 block, lota ot fruit and garden, Dutch kitchen, bent of plumbing and electric light fixture,; an ideal home, ault inuu, TlioinMiu, 615 Henry bidg. IX 1KVIXOTON (several fina modern homes or will furnish lota, finance and build to autt. Built lo0 homes in PortlanO. Kice Construction Co., K. H. Rice, agent. mu W as CO St. East -4w 2. BY OWNER 7-room house, grounds, 13 aJ70; a0 bearing fruit trees, grapes, ber ries, $7ft0t; cash, $J5u0. reaaonabie terms, la Went Liberty St.. near livuver ave. and 1'ortland blvd. A REAL SACRIFICE. 7-room modern house, lot 0uxI02; lots of fruit; one and a hu.f blocks from Alberts st. ; $'-tuo cash, b.lanc iong time. t?ee John Brown. 3J4 R:tlJway Exchange blog. PORTLAND HE IOHT S. Large bungalow, modern conveniences; 2 lots, Ivel. with paved street ; on the corner; -! blocks frura car. 4 blocks from Alnsworth school. Main 74. $3.10. ROPE CITY Fine home, three bedrooms and sleeping porch, strictly niodrn; pa-d atree;s; terms. Foindxter. belling bldg. Main lsOO; reside nee. B 71 20. MUST ELl. AT ONCE. 7-ROoM modern for $2Juo. $000 down, balauce easy. Go and see u at 7SJ9 d ave. a. E. Owner. FOR SALE By owner. modern 8-room house. li 80x100. garage, poultry hous; easy terms- 71JJ oTth ave. S. E. Call Main l 7. or at 4-. Mohawk bldg. $7.oO WILL buy an excellent 8-room house w Ith gars ge and corner lot. Anx loo. o-n-traily located on East Bruaa way. John Bain. Tu7 Spalding bldg. latoo FIRST payment, balance like rent, buys g-room houne. close tn, walking divtaoce. 10 John Brown, 324 Raoiw Ej.ct.aag bidg. Mar. 3381. OWNER must sell S-room modern bunga low, completely furnished, near 2 car line, garage; $..5oo. f 1200 cash. bal. $40 per month, Including interest. Marshall 3343. NICE S-room bungalow In good district; will sell furnished and give possession at once. Call W ood lawn -i' MODERN bungalow In Hawthorne district, garage, furniture; have to go; save $luu0 by seeing me. Tabor 10J7. FIXE modern R-room house. 30 minutes out; 1 acre, highly Improved. 3Q0. Main Sud ., 7 ," N r w . modern. 5-room bunnHlow, od rood location. Owner. Tabor til2Z. I FINE lrvin gtoTi home taken on mortgage; J will sacrUictt. Owner. East fciU. REAL ESTATE. or rSal -lIoute A RARE PROPOSITION. The owner of one of Irvington's choicest corner, wishing to move into a smaller home offers his beautiful 10-room home away beiow its actual value. The first floor contains a very large living room and din ing room, music room, breakfast room. en, coat room and kitchen. The paneled beam ceiling, the beautiful fireplace the seven-foot buffet,. with large beveled plato mirror, al finished in old Ivory, barmon--e splendidly. Second floor has four large bedrooms and one umall one. Each with vir,B..V uV'tl n,i beveled mirror doors. i ?i tUr b,1"' lwo avto-es. very largo attiv. lomph-te aad weii-finisbed base ment, new tubular furnace, finest electric 5;f;ii.rer and nt hardwood floors Inrini.HOU.l: ronon,le Prag- V 75xl0O; splendid trees, shrubbery and wWJirV Vr win . l"1 for 13..V0 on terms. in ilart tVL f modern -room bungalow ylu trado if not over two blocks fpom z""nrA11 locaicd- Caii r- tTjH!S(Kt:i A JACOBS COArPANY. T"4 Hfth Street Mltin BICSOKST BARGAIN IV L AT"REXr- HI KST 8-KCKM HOVSli- V"i-ier neat, j firen aces. nucit fn ca" 1. ?' ori'- Phone Information. VhL ffice. i.ast 39th and Glima-n. today. J hone for auto. MR. DELAHCNTY. Tabor 4J3; evenings, ICast 50S6- JfST COMPLETED. NEVER OCCUPIED. Te have three .1-roora nifty bungalow t latest architecture; hardwood floors, iiut-m effects and in good location: 2 locks from car. Price of each 33730; of b b good terms. e E A. LIVDOREX. t-avoa Land Co. &35 X. W. Bank BJdgi. ALAMEDA PARK A moet desirable 6-room modern bun galow with breakfast room and sleepinc purch; located in fine section of Alameda 1 arlt. Ciood garage, near streetcar. Tbers is a strong demand for high-class bunga lows of this character, so if In the mar ket do not delay seeing me. Reasonab:e iirat payment and gocd terma on balance. MR. BROWX, 270 STARK ST. Main I7'H; Tabor MJ. ROK CITY PARK CAR N 1 FT V Bl" N l A Lo W $ . si lO. Foiks. we .tnt to te;i ou n,;nt here la one of those real nifty, downright mod ern, ci assy bungalows nnd al the low price or Soun. iou would expect to pay o much more. The owner needs tho money to go into a new business enter prise and must raise some cash at once. Let us show you. Y.-u must hurry. A. G. TKEPE CO.. a-'4 Stark St., near od. Main :i"'.l2-Maln 3516 Branch office. ;0t h andSandy. Va-At RE country home, with every city convenience. 1 block lo car. gas, clectrlcitv. lull plumbing hout-e well built and mod ern, jut outMdo city limits, with no citv 11 to . pa ' hard-surfaced ttreet !n and Paid, all kind.- of lrult and berries, weil t'uilt chicken house and run, a good place ma,ke one inoependent of the high cost of living; price only $3150. $ttoO cah, bal ance iike rent. JOHNSOX-nODSOX CO., 633 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Main 3787. KoiE CITY PARK $43;0. BL.NiiALOW. OASCO FURNACE, I'OUBLE GARAGE. Owner hum reduced price for quick aa!e. it s a genuine bargain and vou will ap preciate its true value, too. Fireplace, full ceineni basement and best of all. a Gaseo iurnaca. .Musi be sold at once. Jjou't linger. Hurry. A. G. TEEPE CO. -.04 Stark st.. rear .it.. Main 3o2-Maio S31 Branch ofiice, :,oth and Sandy. NEAR KNOTT AND KERBY STS. S.'.uOO &-KOOM HOUSE srooo. long lot. Hall, living, dining room, den and kitch en. hardvoJ fioors. large windows, pretty stairs ay on first floor. 4 bedrooms and bath second floor, full basement. furna.. wash tra9. all complete; house alone would cost $r-oo to rebuild It. Gi-JO. K. EXGLE HART CO.. Main 7Ji.6. ,J4 Henry Bldg. OWNER LEAVING THE CITY. Will sacrifice for $130o an exceptionallv attractive well-built 4 -room bungalow with gas and city water, fine garage, chicken In. use. fruit, berries and rot-es. full lot. on Omaha, neur Lombard. Loot in las this : it will sell quleklv. R. F. FEEMSTER. Abington Bldg. M..rdiall 413v ALBERTA HOME. 1 -story. . rooms and Sleeping porch, full plumbing, buut-in buffet, uouble con structed. bjument, lawn, trees, shrubbery; price $ Jisou, (wu ca-sh.. balance $ju per month. JOHNSON- DO DSON CO.. Northwest Bank Bid. Main 3797. 3 ROOMS FOR $14tU. 1 -story, j-rooui plastered home, bath, toilet, cement basement, double construct ed, in good condition, 3 blocks to car iine, lot 4'ixnio, no ileus of may kind on the property. Price Hm). JOHNSON-Hii DSON CO.. 6rtH Northwestern Bank Bidg. Main 3787. A BUNGALOW, fl rooms, modern except furnace, concrete bs.meiit. on a corner and car iine ; price $ J .On. ftimi down and baL. monthly pay ii" tits. Tli.i is an excellent and a cheap buy. See J. A. Mills with Sperling 6c llMnna. -04 Corbett bldg. CLOSE-IN HOME BARGAIN. Well-built 7-room home, ftrep.ace. fur nace, oak floors, built-lns, large bedrooms; a snap at .uoo: will setl this home com pletely furnished for $0000. pt. F. Pond K'. i t y Co.. U.itt Sandy hlvd. Tabor io.j. t'filce open Sunday and evenings. Shi V ERA L blocks from M t. Scott car at tilt h s 1 , aud tlft h ave. is an exceptionally w fll-built -rom house, large porches, basement, garnge, chicken house, fruit and berries ; Mx lOu ; a gen uine bargain ; pru-e l.loo cah. Owner, Mar. 413S. Evenings THbor 4,114. ALBERTA HOME. Si' TOO. $itO WILL HANDLE. 7 rooms, light, attractive and convenient, usual plumbing, bu lit-ins in kitchen, ncax car and chin-l, bit 4ox 100. b"ce JOHN.mi X -1 0 DSl X CO-. 63 Northwestern Hank Bidg. Main 37S7. Host; CITY PARK bungalow for sale by o k iier, on corner, one block from car, 4-o East 46m st- North ; five rooms, all modern, gurage . $ jimki down, balance to suit. This Is one of the bf t but it and prettient homes in Portland. Phone Broad w ay 3473 lor Inspection. 1-SToRY. 7 rooms, on F.ast .loth st. High grade plumblnie, 2 toilets, furnace, double constructed, cement basement, bulit-ln buf fet, lot lonxlno, with choice fruit ; price $370O. noon cah. balance like rent. J OH X SON - DO I So X CO. . 6.13 Northwestern Bank Bidg. Main 37S7. FOR SALE BY OW NER. 7-room corner house In Rose City Park addition: nil modrn conveniences. fu.; concrete basmnt, firepiace: mubt he sold at once. Ca.l Mr. Ko.niu, Main 3ou2. for Mpppintrr? nt. P'ice $.I'.'oq. Terms. Mol'KKN 8-rocm house, sleeping porch, ga riitre, nie lawn, loveiy fruit trees, p:en Old neighborhood, street Imp. all tn and paid. Cood condition throughout- This la a batK:iln: price 3.1 0. terms. See house and ow tu r. SA'J E. Main t. $Jr .'. 0 1-: X T K A o R l I X A it Y B A RG A I X $.100 IHiis N-room liunaiow. on E. ;t h si., with furnace, firep.ace and ail built-lns, fuil lot. paved st.. double plumbing, pre war price: Investigate by aii means. R. F. FK !-:.! ST EK. :i0 Ah:ngton B dy. f SOOO. Laureihurst, 8 rooms, sleeping porch, fur nace. hri w ood f ;oors, aiooem home. Garage. Price includes everything. Pom clexicr. Selling bidg. Main 1M0; residence, 11 71--0. Do Vol" WANT a beautiful home for $2250? Bungalow. A rooms, basement, eiectric lights, bath and toilet, liuy of owner and save agents' commission. Come out and ree it. W22 44th ave. S. E. Phone Ta S22: " ROSE CITY PARK. Attractive. modern, .'-room bungalow nnd garage; lot SO by lOo. fuliy Improved; fruit tre-s and garden. Owner leaving city $;;ii0. Will also sell furniture. o6 E. 4'Jth st. X. Tabor -0"-s. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 7-room corner house in Rose City Park addition ; a : I moue rn con veniences. full concrete basement, firepiace: must be sold at onre. Cail Mr. Kolnitx, Main UiuJ. for appointment. J'rice :p.h'm,. Terms. j 3 .H 6-ROt M BUNG A LO W $23.10. 6 rooms. Mfeping porch, fireplace, all bulit-ius. Dutch kitchen. .Itixioti lot. sew er? 1 hik. to car: J'.1o cash, balance easy. S.MlTM-WAGi.NER CO., STOCK EX. G01NG to build or repair? Get my Id as and estimates. 13. T. Allyn. S43 Starke su office hours 3 to 5 P. al. Pbone MmUu B4L. Res phone Tshor 14 Ft'R SALE Strict'y modern 6-rvt,-. low, wiin garage. Apply 470 Holman st., near East 8th North. Wood lawn 614. No agents. f V .VA1.0, 4sOOO. Corner lot ; per.a all paid : half Mock from Rose city car on K. Hth su W. H. It oss. 1Hm N. W. Hank bldg. BUNGALOW. $3000 $4 jiKl Bt " YS K-room well -built houe with iiiiXlini-iooi I'i. 1 'M r iruin irvirui, cur W. H. Ross. 1Hh N. W. Bank bldfc II Rt OMS. - bathrooms: nrver occupied, good location and reasonable. 1J43 H Flanders. N K R ltnun way bridge. 7-ron moderv h.u-e. a hurnin. See Hall. ?11 Wash. Ft. DRIVE by '. E. 21st st N : rt-room bum low , $0u0 cash; $o0oo; vacant. tmrZ 40 .ul years ago. Never of r. b"for- Owner an Invalid t?n ,f ,nue to -lifrnla. Hardwood !'rr'snout Good garage. Prlca T. ' . A11 imProvements paid. Shown by