WANTED TO BEST. A pa rt mful. IT one, by business women. -"r?'"1 ," r fu.nlshed or unfurnished. 'Je ur Nob Hhl; references. Main i4au. west side. walking distance, Woodlawn 54:: ltoom. lolNii man. out of city most of tho time. Uh to rent attractive ndf?ri.bly tS furnished room, convenient P'""1 " a notel in residence section. At- or TOl 'nG mn dessres room with private lam- Koom. With Board. BT gentleman, room with bre.l fa ana dinner; must have plenty ' h"' ""n, water; walking distance: " home a lads and cake, are not "i"!.-". be first-cla-: might consider mmnt. T-f-rm-es exchanged. AC OQO. wg tYANriD- to 10-room strictly modern houae. furnished, rent Oct 1 to J" rarige: lrvington district preferred, rel ereneea Marshall 44.l. apt- 1 . a THOL1C unl man wishes room an I on. 5Si a'nTe- .'ddrMuarbe'cVn! 'efeTnr'-ato-n-hra-h i. hool. A 554. Oregonlan. Housekeeping Rooms. ONE large H. K. room by single man em ploy ediFS;nflonlan, FOB BKNT- Furnished Booms. A Moderate Priced Hotel ot Merit HOTEL. CLIFrOBD. HotefBorrth.'prlnflpLjW. rn. go per week. t-'Xio or month. " I HOTEL. NAVARRE. 4274 Alder at.. Corner ",tB-.,.on Elegantly furnished. central ,0 cln and order :yHatesbydayorwe. k. jlEWLT furrtohed housekeeping and sleep- l.ig rooms in residential die rlct. 7 mln tiles' walk from heart of business district. 633 Everett 1L. corner20tll ; , ANSON1A HOTEL 14th and Wuhml clean, respectable, modern. "ans'en's ' up.permanent4JipPrlvateJ bth BOTKL SAVON. 131 ltth - Ington and Alder, ciean modern room per week up; 11 per day up- HOTEL. UCKLLY. Morrison st. at Teuth Kates 1 per day up; weekl. , P. a mng water, free phone and bath. cm AOIj. HOTKL. 44 Wash. St.: downtown 'location. "relpeclabl. and strict., modern, steam heat; rooms large, clean. jTbf El7"eM PKESP L'hanged hnd'n: s.ent rooms 1 up: week, 4 up- nQ Stark. . HILLCHEST HOTEl Bath, phone. 25 mo. up ; wunout balh. lib up. Washington. riRGE and small ciean furnished sleeping rooms; uric "V11- SARGENT HOTEL 271 , and ave.. h. a. att- and steeping rooms. East -hi. Tie tl DAY- J2.5U week up: outside rooms. Hotl Cadillac 3d near Jefferson. BUSHMARK HOTEL, 55Hi Wash, at., rooms 13 prweekup .I'anmodtrri. , BOOM, board for two gentlemen, private home. 0i l.add ave. East 2333. I n furnished Rooms. LARGE, clean rooms, unfurnished, first 1100". private house, close In. weal aide. Desirable adulta only. 7 Irving St. . 2. 3 OR 3 unfurnished rooms. Apply East wainmg.m st. ranualied Booms la I'rtvale family. UKCK front room lor rent, well n',d: brlaht and airy, furnace heat, electric ba"h. phone, west side. 1U minute.' walkto business center, space for port able garage. Pa rtlculars. Mars hall 34 La RUB front sleeping room; bath, electrici ty, telephone, carat door. 10 minutes walk postolflce. 4o E. Burns.de Gentlemen in I y; suitable lor two. East 401U. LARGE, airy front room for gentleman. ftripTace. bath, phone, walking d'stance; home cooked meals across street- MSI East Main, near 13th. E-13oU. A PEEASANT. neatly-furnished room, mod ern home, suitable for two gentlemen or man and wife. .4e BelmontC. near 22d. VERY dealrable large front room, modern residence, weal side, close in. Call morn- Ing or evenings. 100 J""r"u .... . .... 1 11 . room, mod - LAHbb rt) 11 L rooiu . - . ..... h em home, with conveniences. IJj Norm asd. corner Hoyt. Alarshaljg43- KICK, airy sleeping room, convenient to bath; walking distance. West Side; gcntle- man prtierreu. " LamiNo room suitable for 2 employed people: bath. heat, light, close In. -sJ 1'ark near jeirrwii. .lCa; large s.eeping room, large windows, wnveniint to .balh. genUeman preferred. trail laoor 00.10. n uviiHKU room, business man or wom- an. CaU after 6;3M or Sunday. o-t luth st. WELL furnished rooms In nice private borne, running water In rooms. 21a 1-tn St.. corner faaimon. tLKASA.NT furnished rooms, laundry and cooaing privileges, reainable. Broadway till. iaCE comfortable room In lrvinglon home for rent to young man reasonaule. Phone e.asi .010. ROOM and board In widow's well furnished borne: home cooking, heat and hot water. East 71U. NICELY furnished tor lady or gentleman. 4 minutes" walk from P. O. 404 Clay su NICELY furnished rooms, heat and bath. aiast UlU. jo- JIBO i... TWO rooms, private family. Ladd'a addition gen tiemen. rnuu - - lKVlNGTON room, modern, breakfast. 1 i ... ..i, . . .u" .ir ..ml 419. Diocas to v FRONT room for gentleman In modern home. Mrs. M. G. Hall. 52 Lucretla. FOR RENT Furnished rooms in apt-; heat, light. Sunday. Main 3449. LARGE front room suitable for two gentle men. o r f imc. g. CHOICE rooms In refined home near Wash. 54 N. 16'h. RO N T room, lrvington. East 7S00. Rooms With Board. KORTONIA HOTEL. Portland s downtown high-class family hotel; rooms en suite r single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. "We give you all the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. . THIS HAZEL Excellent table: a real home table at reasonable rates. Third and Mont- gomery. Main 7094. . THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. .ao llnh st. For business girls and Ittt- gents: reasonaoie rates. - KOOM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences: walking distance; $4 per week. East 4732. 12 E. .th sL PARKVIEW HOTEL Rooms with board; excellent table: close In. U6 Montgomery, near West Park. u aitH Hoard In Private Family. VANTED To take care of children from i from school ; school children preferred. I iunr f PRIVATE home for children. 4 '0.,10.;. A0 years' experience. 714 Everett. Mar. 216- TLRNISHED room with board in private family. Phone East 7328. FINE room, with breikfast; close In. hot wa'er heat. East 63HI. CHILDREN to board In private home. East 2456. 365 Halsey St., near Union. " Fammbed Apartment. THE CROMWEI.U Fifth and Columbia Streets. Five minutes- walk to Meier ft Frank s tore: good surroundings, strictly modern. 2 and 3-roora furnished apts.; all outside with Frenc h doors and balcony RATES or vtccrt s MY apartment of 4 rooms at the Tudor Arms apartments: furniture for sale: Im mediate possession. Phone appointment. nM.1w-BV 3i2. MERLIN 3-room apartment. 2 dressing rooms? to buyer of furnltura for $14o. Maranaii 1 , 4-KOO.M furnished apt-. Including bath At . " tB-, iwr month: aduits ana aressin i w... - only. ' ' . . , . n K r K n4 ONE NE 2-room suite. ie.i-f..- -- aieeDin room. N. -Oth st. Mar- snail oij. srftAM-HEATED housekeeping rooma clean and con.enienu 24i N. 17th. Broadway MT4. work; ."oontroSm and kitcn.nSt.V 28 Ml: I. nrar r' " BAGGAGE and -- Hroaqway " - COMPLETE apartment. $19: concrete bldg. Union av.andJCllimgswortb. smr'viSHED 3-room apts.. $S0 and $35. . ' ... . T.rk.nn aDta. r-none - - rCRNlSHED 3-room apt.: adulta only. 727 Wilwaukee st. Sellwood HS. J OR -ROOM apartments. Peninsula Apt., ll1 Aim"- ------- 'OR RENT A 2-roora furnished apartment. 4-KOOM furnUhed apt. Aduita only. Zi& i rOB BENT. Cnfurnished Apart nienla. 3 AND 4-room unfurnished apartments at S3 Caruthera St.. rent- Ilo. Call Mra Buckner at apartment. FOR RENT 6-room apt.. Including sleeping porch: price -'5. Kelly iu Take Ful ton car to Klower st. KoK RENT P.-room unfurnished apartment, $20. S2H oth st. ft-KOOM unfurnished apt- at the Marl borough. flats. 3 ROOMS and sleeping porch to adults; cooking range; 3 blocks from "HA" car; Ji. Harrison. Gerllngcr bldg. 4-ROOM modern lower flat, linoleum, gas range, hot water heater; adults. 231 E. 21 t.. corner Multnomah. $1M 4-ROOM flat, also two 2-roora flats. 532 Williams ave. Furnished Flats. (-ROOM flat, well furnished, west side, close in. turn street, a oargain. x-none onau way 530. 5-ROOM modern furnished flat. 740 Minne sota ave. 2 LARGE rooms, kitchen. 125; lanre room, kitchenette. 20: bath on floor. 402 Park. Foil PBNT Fine 6-room flat, furniture for sale. 3.15 13th St. Main 41141. WEST SIDE 4-room flat, neatly furnished, walking distance. Sellwood 1370. Housekeeping; Booms. 2D-STORY room, housekeeping privileges ir desired: water In room; electric light, gas and bath. $16. One front room. 3d floor, with porch, $14. Also one large unfur nished room. 3d floor. This Includes bath, lleht and water; $10 for this room. 193 21st St.. cor. Taylor. 1 ROOMS for rent. $20 per month; com mon frame bldg. 14th and Pettygrove sta. R1TTER. LOWE ft CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg HOL'SFKEEPINO rooms. 31.1 22d st. N. 3 large furnished rooms Including water, light and heat. $35. See Mr. Ellis. Bdy. i'lus. Housekeeping rooms. 315 22d st. North. 5 partly furnished rooms. Including water and iight. newly tinted and neat, $28. See Mr Bills. Bdy. 2183. t'UHNlSHED or unfuriished housekeeping room. 15th and B. Cllntun on car line. 10 minutes out. Call Sellwood 461 or Sell wood 394 or 500 E. Clinton. TRUNKS. BAGGAGE, delivered In down town district for 25c: checks called for. Auto Service. Phone EAST 64:14. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall. $15 up pr month: clean h. k. rooms. Including Hertrlc lights, hot water, gas, range. THREE large housekeeping rooms, living room. Dutch kitchen and sleeping porch. n.-tg X. 13th. Broadway 3QCH. SINOLE I'urmshed housekeeping room, suit able for one man. very reasonable. 175 North I7th, cor. Johnson. FOUR unfurnished rooms. $10; 3 rooms, $7 per month: gas. electricity; adults only; lower Aibina. Tabor 571. THE MONTGOMERY Cor. B. Rth and Mor rison, completely fur, 1 and 2-room H. K. apartments. BAGGAGE and furniture moving; phone Broadway 401. Alert Transfer. 41H4 Stark. CLEAN two rooms with fuel, $15. 631 Thur man. Marshall 451. TWO large front rooms, first floor, single rooms, warm, comfortable. 6-"5 Flanders. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms; phone. lent and batn. 1U4 East lam st. NEAT, single H. K. room, kitchenette; $4 per week. 206 1.1th at. THREE housekeeping rooms. Apply 66 North 21st street. Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family. TWO neat, clean furnished H. K. rooms, walking distance, beat light, water, tele phone, eas. No small children. East 797. 1 FURNISHED housekeeping room, with sleeping porch, use of phone, piano. 779 Marshall st. Phone Main 4749. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms with pri vate bath: also sleeping rooms. 508 East Ash St. Phone Eaat 4053. CHEERFUL 3d-story room, suitable for woman employed; can be fixed for h. k. ."n Gllsan st- TWO nicely furnished large light rooms with kitchenette. 3 blocks from Morri son st., facing park. 223 W. Park St. TWO furn. H. K. rooms, elec. lights, gas, $25 per month. 527 Taylor. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms furnished. K. 3mh st. No children. Wdln. 4H51. FL KNISHBU housekeeping rooms for rent. 292 Russell St. Phone East 1562. TWO clean furnished h. k. rooms; rent rea sonable. 540 East Stark. 10.'. 2UTH. cor. Flandera, neatly furnished housekeeping rooms . ONE cicelv furn. h k. room, walking dis tance. 146 Kith N. 1RVLNGTON Elderly lady has 2 furnished H. K. rooms, modern. 449 K. 12th st. N. 2 LARGE rooms, one floor, modern, one block Broadway car. 3K2 East First- ONE H. K. room, $18 per month. 321 West Park. RENT 2 H. K. rooms; walking distance. 4-'il Hall st. Houses. MODERN 8-room house for rent, furniture for sale. $700. weat side on Broadway. 10 minutes' walk to business center, space for garage. Particulars, owner, Marshall 349. WHEN YOU MOV K Use NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC light service. Broadway 80. A VtT. MOVING Piano, furniture and long-distance hauling a specialty. O. ft W. Truck Service Co.. 4i 2d st. Phone powy. ai-l. LOCAL and long distance moving and haul ing; first-class equipment, t.reen irans. -o.. 2QL'i, Alder St. Main 1211. A 7261. 4-KOOM cottage, close to car service, stores, schools and in American district; only $16, see Miss Wetsler. 214-215 Panama bidg. x i kivi near Graham. 8 rooms, sunny slightly, full lot, electricity, gas, bath. 1102 paining. FOR RENT Modern 10-room house at 340 Has?alo st- See T. F. Hoss. 701 Corbett numiing. SIX-ROOM modern bungalow. 3 blocks from Ml. pcoil car. O.'Ot goo p. n. . 6-ROOM house, basement, modern plumbing. Star grocery,- h-eninsuia ave. FOR RENT Modern fl-room house. Apply 8 East litn. near aiara. 8-KOOM modern house. $33. Go see it. 47 East utn st. i-i. buw v-n7 w 10-ROOM house. 586 First street, $35. Furniehe4l Houses. ii.utvnv a-li furnished home. 955 Clinton St.. cor. 2nd. Rkhmond car. Price $60 per mo. Phone Main amz. co cnuurm NEW bungalow. 5 rooms and sleeping porch: piano and tumace. vtooaiawn oi-o. vn Sunday 116 Buffalo st. (Kenton car line). FoK RENT 5-room furnished house, ga- yage. close to rranami uikii. i uu.mu oor 1-11. O-J" .Pin ac .J. c $22 50 4-r. cottage, partly furnished, Ala meda district, for rent. Call 633 H Aider, 1 to 3 Sr. M. oon pnone, po MODERN furnUhed 8 rooms and garage, in lrvington. Rent Phono East 4-H7. A. -M. HIGH CLASS bungalow, completely, fur nished. R rooms and sleeping porch,. $53. laoor i .. FOR RENT 7 - room moaem lurnmiieu tinu.r. KPnt. 1' . ,.p SUBURBAN 2-room furnished cottage. Mar shall r.lo raruroay iinniwu. 5-R JOM furnished house. 546 Broad way. THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, SATURDAY, SEPTEJpER 13, 1919. FOB BENT. rnnubrd Houses. THREE extra large rooms, partly furnished tor unfurnished) $17.30. Five large rooms, partly furnished. f2o; garage. $5; barn. $5; several acres cheap rent. Apply corner 89th and East Stark. Mt. Tabor (MT8STH) car to end. four blocks north, one east 8-ROOM furnished liouse at SOU North 24th St.. for rent Sept. 15; 4 bedrooms; hard wood floors; furnace, gas, electric lights: 75 per month: can be seen Saturday and Sunday after 12. Phone Mar. 3304. LA Hi; 12 6-room houae. partly funished. bath (gas lights). furnace, fireplace, wash tubs, phone, 2 porches, adulta. near loth and Davis. Call after 2 P. M. 54 N. 19th. ' 7-KOOM house, west sida. hot water and fireplace heat, hardwood floors, elecflcitv and gae. built-in conveniences: 165. Phone Main 7797. 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. 4-ROOM furnished house, modern. 6650 85th st. S. B Tabor 9110. Summer Beaorts. BEAUTIFUL furnished cottage for rent. $10 per weea; on riage lacing uw.. oj. away. Or. W. S. Hamacher. 185 Park at. STALL for grocery store In pubtio market. Vancouver, wasn. inquire mr. """"-'h Pacific Market, 6th and Washington eta., Vancouver, Waah. TWO store buildings for rent in good n11- borhood where any Kina oi Business wuuiu do well. S 134. Oregonlan. STORE room wanted for lady barber shop. with living room. iNotny o-j vjng. 2 STORES 1st st-, 4 ft. long; $20 each. Tabor 1114. A FEW desirable offices. $S and np: most central location, ouo awetianu urns., o.u and Washington. DESIRABLE offices, modern conveniences. Stark street, oetween oo anu -t.u. room 312 Hallway txenange PHOTOGRAPH gallery, very centrally lo- . , m - n n , V. .hnwn AT cateo; rental . vt ....... , - appointment only. Apply S 143. Oregonlan- DESK room In clean, nicely furnished of- Iice, reception room auu l' , ...... .. 2693. BUSINESS OPPORTCNlTreS. GOLD MINING. GREATEST OPPOP-TL'NITV OFFERED IN A GOING MINING CONCERN. $2:i00 WILL . HANDLE THIS OPPORTUNITY OFFERED ONCE IN A LIFE TIME. IN VESTIGATE QUICK. CALL EAST 3983 OR 202 GRANDEST A APTS. $230 BUYS lunch counter and ice cream stand. $4oO Duys restaurant, w.w. $1100 buys restaurant on 6th st.. west side. $1000 buys notion store. 4 good liv ing rooms, rent $13. $14o0 buys cash gro cery, rent $20, 2 living rooms. Have others up to $.0ll0. See John Brown. 324 Rail way Exchange bldg. PARTY with $3000 cash can earn $300 to $400 per weea; nanaie your own uimicj, be your own boss. An opportunity of your life. Call at 7203 54th ave. S. E., one block north of Millard ave., on ML Scott car line. PROSPEROUS Oregon county seat weekly will consider partnersnip wun competent printer and pressman; exceptional oppor tunity. Slate experience and other par ticulars in reply. AV 585. Oregonlan. CAUTION. BUYER8. Before closing deal of so-called Interest in established real estate business, gel advice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL COWG1LL. Secretary. TENT-MAKERS, attention! Only business in central wasningion. Dei. opomhc nu Seattle; doing $."oo0 business yearly. Est. 10 years. Kef. Central Trust, Tom Mason, . akima. FOR SALE i acre of lana ana largo dwelling house ana aiso targe niwru store with full stock; price cheap, for particulars, call at 125H N. lth street. between hours 6 to 8; Ask for Mr. Jones. A POOLROOM FOR SALE. Have 4 pool tables, also sell cigars, solf drinks, confectionery; lunches, etc.: profits $200 to $3oo month; will sell cheap. HOOtn 401 UtRUIU OtUK. WANTED Good location for cigar and con fectionery store, tuat a ini, v-o.-.i - ment will handle. Call 27514 Clay st. Phone -Main o;oi. FOR SALE Largest and most complete Darner snop in nunnwot ' " " tT 1 retire: It will pay large dividends on in vestment. AK 593. Oregonlan. AGENCY for the Rainier Trunk for every county in t-iregoii, our icjiiros.i."-. - go and talk it over with you. Service u rage. 351 First st-. Oregon distributors. DIAMONDS WANTED. Full market value for diamonds. NATIONAL JEWELRY CO.. 447 Morgan bldg.. 4th floor. FOR SALE One of best paying groceries in Vancouver, old established location; will sell at invoice; best reasons for selling. AB 9. Oregonlan GROCERY. $1300 will buy cash grocery In apart ment district doing $".0 day business. Call quick, 511 Railway fcxenange, WANT to hear from some company that will make a new kind of auto tire, and a sale for same; patent pending. AV 5S6, Oregonlan. GARAGE. Large storage, good lease, good repair and accessory trade. Price is rlghL Call Ml Railway Exchange. , $'00 CASH for dandy grocery store, close In, west side, apartment house district, ' doing $50 day cash business, with living rooms. AN 797, Oregonlan. SUBURBAN GARAGE. Fireproof building, has large storage, low rent, lease; profits $400 month; only $1,100 required. Call 511 Railway Exch. GARAGE. Vj interest $1500; paying propo sition, full of storage, west side; want to sell on account of other interests. AN 807, Oregonlan. WANTED Experienced skilled nurse to take mv place as a partner; lorceu to umt uu account of other business; some money re quired. W 511. Oregonlan. r.itnrKRy and delicatessen, apt. house dls. t-lct. east side, doing $50 day. Owner, East SI5S. RESTAURANT for quick sale: good location; $300 will handle this. 288 Front St.. near Jefferson. WANTED Lady physician as partner In es tablished hospital; some cash required. AC 963, Oregonlan. WELL equipped 2-chair barber shop for sale at reasonable price: county seat, well lo cated. Address Dennis nenry. louuuie. t-r. good erocerv with four living rooms, fur nlshed, for sale at a bargain; owner go ing east. 6ns K. iith .ortn. laoor qik4 A CSH store business on busy Yamhill market: can clear $50 week; will sell cheap. Room 401. Dekum bldg. FoR SALE Up-to-date shoe shop, lota of work, a bargain. 110 S. Jersey St.. St Johns. AUTO transfer; have opening for ateady man to drive auto truck; good pay; $1000 required. Room 401 Dekum bldg. CORNER grocery for sa'e: doing gooj busi ness: close in; will invoice; east side. AB 3S. Oreironian. WANTED A partner in first-class tailor shop. Mt. Angel. Or. Frank the Tailor. BARBER shop for sale, chairs and fixtures white enamel. 642 Thurman st- FOR SALE Groceries, cheap; invoice; liv ing rooms. Tabor 8633. BAKERY equipment and store fixtures for sale: storo for rent. Phone Wdln 4458. FOR SALE Fruit stand: rent $25 per month; good location. 524 Washington. BCSITCSS OPPORTUNITIES. SPLENDID BUSINESS OPPORTTJNITT. WANTED LIVE BUSINESS I -MAN OR AUTOMOBILE DEALER. AMSRESSIVB. ENTERPRISING. RESPONSIBLE. IN AN CIALLY ABLE TO ACT IMMEDIATELY AS COUNTY AGENT FOR OUR DERFUL NEW FRONT-DRIVE AUTO MOBILE AND TRUCK. CONSIDERED BY ENGINEERS YEARS AHEAD OF ALL OTHERS; OUR $525 RUNABOUT AND OUR $550 TOURING CARS, WITH ELEC TRIC STARTERS. ELECTRIC LIGHTS. THREE SPEEDS FORWARD AND RE VERSE. ONE-MAN TOK CENTER CON TROL. LEFT-HAND DRIVE. STEWART SPEEDOMETER. STEWART 1v.A.CLfj(M FEED, ETC., ARE EQUAL TO ANY $1000 MACHINE PRODUCED; SUPERIOR EF FICIENCY. ECONOMY AND EXCEL LENCE OF FRONT-PULL AXLE Po v fc,K TRANSMISSION. MAI L CJSI IP LE T E QUALIFICATIONS. P?ORSnv I?! REFERENCE. FINANCIAL R3P(XT B1LITY. ETC., AND WIRE FOR 30-DAl RESERVATION ; CONTRACT RIGHT R TERRITORY DESIRED. FACTORY At DETROIT, MICHIGAN.ADDREas western Representative and DISTRI BL'TER, H AM LIN-HOLMES MO TOR'COMPANY. INCORPORATED. Stw ARD HOTEL. SEATTLE. WAbtL ONE of the best paying , "'tore: doing $3800 month; rent 0 garage. ; sior . and warehouse. EsiaDiitneu o -manufacturing and farming toi BUTCHER SHOP, DOING $140 Oo j MARKET AMH..Wo0 ON YAMHILL MAIN Z1IO Oft r. " BIG PROFITS in vu.canUlng on III enr"a most profitable busines. j "Kh ee.ePunt! iemwo?i inlton St.. Portland. Or. WE WANT BUYERS FOR Grocery Stores. Wt Cigars and Confectionery. Restaurants. Garages. Hotels and Rooming Hous es less. dorl,esf- "."'"'hts See Tinventor. Tall UmetUsruIkgdary'sBhtFactory 372 East cai'ic BaKKage transfer and storage '..nfU aelive7ortrucks.n.arge S -SfSf obSsfn.,; cash. No terms. Phone Bawy. interview. BOOT 3LACK SJAKJD. t""RELIABI.E INVESTMENT.. Clay m., iWO rV ii iM THAT CAN HANDLE machinery and MAN THAT cain " . . dollars can make men wun tew at awav from day olHrnTsSSM HALL AND SOFT DRINKS. P WEST SIDE. PRICE $700. Here is a. nlje little business on the i,..mBv LAUNDRY Property and busi- TlZSSS. half cash: bestbuy tn Oregon. Mary De Courcy. Bend. Or. " CONFECTIONE RY. Ore for $'100. Another for $1300. w,,H SALE Cash deal only, confectionery .,rcaSre"u'pB-toP$0 UpUart"'ctaqC fa ff you want this snap. AV 357. Oregonlan. HY OWNER, restaurant and 9 furnished onv doing good business; owner has hbu.?neL;gwlll sell part buslnes. for two or all for $800. Come and t.l k It over. U. S. A. restaurant, 300 Wash. St.. Vancouver. Wash. . . i FITF l.Y equipped west side auto repair Abine for iSr.; profits are large- Room .... 1,1liT Uuslneaa opportunities Wanted." tTvTooking for a business for sale: will invest 3O0O or will Invest with a reliable firm that win consider active services of a firstclass man. V 501. Oregonlan. WANT a mercantile business: have $500 Swetland bldg. Phone Main 3827. NEWSPAPER WANTED Country news paper, county seat preferred; no n?-man proposition considered Address, with full details, at once. BF 82. Oregonlan. BUSINESS man with few thousand and eerv ices wishes to Invest In good, legitimate business: state your business first letter. BJ 10, Oregonlan. HAVE $5000 or more to Invest In business, lumber or hardware preferred; w ill In vestigate other propositions. AN 80S. Ore- gouiaii. Hotels and Rooming Houses. IF YOU want to sell a hotel or rooming house, list with us; we have clients walt- ATLAS BUSINESS AGENCY ft RLTY CO.. 716 Board of Trade bldg. Main 5.115. FOR SALE 30-room furnished hotel, steam heat, good business, reason for selling; price $2600; will consider terms 813 y Washington Bt, vam-M... BEST buy, 11 well-furnished H. K. rooms; deal direct. Owner leaving; $800, part cash. 370 First at. FOR best bargains in rooming or apartment houses see members of the Realty Board. Yates Realty lo.. -" -tp t. FOR SALE CHEAP 14-room lodging and apt, house, fully equipped. 509 Lovejoy st. 2"-H K. RMS A real bargain; good rea- . .., .-1. n Main m son ror seiuus- t. -- NINE-ROOM H. K. APT WEST SIDE. MARSHALL 8UOI. TWENTY furnished rooms for sale, $1100. 609 Savier POLLY AND HER PALS CL 1919. THE FIRST BASE HE SAW WAS WOOD ENOUGH .as.ss. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Booming- Houses. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL Business Hotel. Rooming or Apartment House of any kind, anywhere, see V RIERDON WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. RITTER. LOWE ft CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bidg. FOR QUICK SALE. Just what you want, stop looking ror apts.. see this lovely 5-room flat, elegantly furnished, close In on 12th St.. rent JU. will make someone a beautiful home. price $850. SEE MRS. KELLER. -Geo. T. Moore Co. 1007Yeon Blag. 18 ROOMS forwent. $20 per month: com mon frame bldg. 14th and Pettygrove sts. RITTER. LOWE ft CO.. 201-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LOST AND FOUND, $20 REWARD. For return of male r-ostoo bulldog, name Monty. Lost Sunday night at 0th and Jackson sts. White mark on head, front white foot, cut tail. The same reward will be paid for any information .eading to the recovery of the dog. Any person keeping this dog after 5 days of this no tice will be prosecuted to the full cxte"1 of the law. The license number of tne dog is rr-gistered at the ity hall. Phone Main 4S04 or Main 350 or Main 2.1o or 2S6 Morrison st. No questions asked. THE following articles have been found on cars of the Portland Railway. Light & Power Co.. Sept, 11: 5 purss. pin. spec tacles 2 pairs gloves, 10 packages, coat, 6 lunch boxes. 2 suitcases. 19 umbrellas. Owners may obtain property at 1st ana Aiaer sts LOST Monday, between H. Hlrschberger Co. 247 Ankeny and. Clossett & Devera Front and Ankeny. a watch fob. French and Belgian gold coins, souvenirs or war Call Broadway 405 or Wdln. 2821. Liberal re ward. Capt. Ward M. Ackley. DOST-In one of the large department stores, lavalier containing number of dia monds; liberal reward will be paid tor re turn of same; no questions asked, com municate witn aiarsnaii ioij. LOST Gold-band bracelet, with M P. J. engraved on outside, in Alcazar theater. Inst Thursday. Present from my hus band. -Finder- will receive reward. Phone labor ooy. LOST Gray lynx fur at Lincoln high gym nasium Thursday P. M. Will the teacher who took the above please call ray Barnes, 66 East 41st street North. Tabor 6U3.S ? LOST Gray leather olblong purse at Meier & franks l nursaay, lit". i:iii return to Rae Jackson, U. S. National bank, and receive rewara. STOLEN $30 reward for return of late moaei rora car. uai. hwuk ... model T 3051505. No questions asked, r. J. Blackerby. 549 Commercial Court. LOST Purse containing return ticket from Seattle to Bay City, Mich., signed Hattle Steingraeber. Return to Emma Mathes, 943 22d ave. N Seattle, Wash. Reward. LOST Wednesday, on Hawthorne ave car. A.'in n VI oo nnrkaee from Ben Selling, containing suit of clothes. Finder call East llS.i. Reward. lyjST A package containing scissors, great line of thimbles, on 2d St., bet. Aider and Washington, or on R. C. cat. Kindly call ren. oio. r ' ... TTT r-n..noii rr.t car from Council Crest, between 8 and 8:40 Friday morning, a sum of money. Call Mil-shall 1724. LOST Sunday night, Sept. 7, at Columbia beach dance hall, a blli purse with money. Call Woodlawn 417 and receive liberal re ward LOST Cameo brooch in Portland Hotel or Yamhill st; aeepsas-e ot mj uitfii.-. o. ward. Main ou;io. Apt, it FOUND Two sheep: will be sold on the join ii out t.iaii.i- St. Woodlawn 1761. LOST Two fish license books; notify State Game and Fish Commissioner or Wood lawn 2524. LOST A string of pearl beads, near 32d and Belmont. Kewarq. laoor p.. it. LOST A bunch of keys with name. Jame Quinn. Return to oregonlan omup. SI'KCIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. NOTICE OF SALE OF IRRIGATION DISTRICT BONDS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed proposals will be received till the 14th day of October, 1919. at the hour of 8 o clock ir. the evening for the purchase of Kortv Thousand Dollars' worth of bonds of the Enterprise Irrigation district of Klamath county, Oregon. Said bonds are to be dated November 1. 1919. and are to draw Interest at the rate of 6 per cent per an num intorest payable semi-annually upon the first day of July and the' 1st day of January of each year until the maturity of said bonds. , . Said proposals will be received by the board of directors of said :rrigatlon dis trict, and should be directed to the secre tary of the Enterprise Irrigation district, care of Charles J. Ferguson. Loomla build ing. Klamath Falls. Oregon. The board of directors reserve the right to reject anv or all bids offered. Q. J. HILYARD. Secretary of the Board of Directors of Enterprise Irrigation DJstrlct. Miscellaneous. MANUEL COZONE will not pay for any goods bought by his wife after the 11th of September. 1910. SI?ned) SEI'T 9 1919 From this date and on I will not 'be responsible for bills contracted by my wife. Hazel Mae Wahlstrom. Signed this date. H. L. Wahlstrom. QUICK recovery stolen automobiles: report to Shaver ft Thurman, 1251 Belmont st. Tabor 7274. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS. All Issues Bought and Sold. Before Baying or Selling Get Our Quotations. E. L. DEVEREAUX ft COMPANY. Government and Municipal Bond 87 Sixth Street. Between Stark and Oak. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS. CASH PAID FOR ANY ISSUK OF BONDS. FULL MARKET PRICE. LOAN ON WAR SAVINGS STAMPS. YOU CAN BORROW CASH OF US ON F.ONDS AND SAVINGS STAMPS, OR TO FINISH PAYING FOR VICTORY BONDS. SEB B. BURKITT, PRESIDENT. OREGON BOND ft MORTGAGE CO. 21 SELLING BLDG. (2D FLOOR), CORNER 6TH AND ALDER STS. HIGHEST values in cash paid for mort gages and sellers' Interest in real estate contracts; also money to loan at reason able rates. Williams Loan ft Investmen. Co., 422 Chamber ot Commerce. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' con tracts on real estate In Washington, Ore gon. H. E. Noble. 316 Lumbermena bldg. t N.w.P.per F.,tr. S.rv.c Inc. FOR PAW.-Blf CXIFF STERRET. t-m J. -: FIN AN CI AJ LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS. If you must sell your liberty or victory bonds, aeil to us. If you can buy more liberty or victorv bonds, buy from us. v. e buy and sell liberty and victory bonds at the market. YOU CANNOT DO BLUER YOU MAY DO WORSE. We are today paying the following prices for United states government liberty and victory bonds, which are the closing New York market prices, plus the accrued in terest. Market. Interest. Total. 3U.S $II'I.HS $ .86 $100.84 lsi 4s 84.M .!S ..;2 id 4s 98.0S l.:U !4.3 1st 4'4S 04.70 1.04 il.-..i4 2.1 48 :i l4 1.30 4.:-3 3.1 !.-24 2.10 .;.4 4th 4s 113.24 1.7) 4.!'M Victory 3s 99.72 1.1S 1.00 00 Victory 44s 99.74 1.411 101.23 In purchasing liberty or victory bonds we deduct from the above prices 37c on a $50 bond and $2.30 on a $1000 bond. In selling liberty and victory bonds we charge the New York market price plus the ac crued Interest. ASK ABOUT THE MORRIS BROTHERS' PLAN. Burglar and fireproof safe deposit boxes for rent. MORRIS BROTHEJtS. INC.. The Premier Municipal Bond House. CAPITAL ONE MILLION HOLLARS. Morris Building. 309-311 Stark St.. bit. 5th and Oth. Telephone Broadway 2151. Es tablished over 25 years. BONDS BOUGHT. 6POT CASH. SPOT CASH. MARKET PRICE. CASH for RECEIPTS. We will LOAN you money on BONDS. W. S. S.. or to make PAYMENTS on BONDS. 7. 725 Gasco Bldg.. Fifth and Alder. CELLARS-MURTON CO. A MAN with $30,000 or more to loan on ab solute security, participation in insurance. interest and brokerage, yields about 15 per cent net: permanent interest aiso in incidental business; exceptional offer to a man of high standing. AJ o8o, ore gonfan. WANTED Party to finance logging propo sition in Oregon or Washington. Write box 286. Francis, wasn. CASH paid for undivided interest In real property and estates. Frank T. Berry. 215 Railway Exchange bldg. Money to Loan on Real Kstute. OUR installment plan is the best and surest method of paying a loan. $32.30 per month for 86 months, or $21 24 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 lor 96 months pays a $1000 loan and In terest. Other amounts In proportion. We loan on Improved city property. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS ft LOAN ASSN. 242 Stark St.. Portland. Or. RESIDENCE LOANS. From" 6V4 to 7 per cent for five years. YOU MAY PAY $100 or any amount on principal and reduce interest. ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE TO APPLICANT. Also see ns for lowest Interest rates on Dusiness property. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY Phone Main 2541. 1524-2'J Yeon Bldg. FARM LOANS. lnsurai.ee company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette valley farms. No commission. No delays. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY. 87 6th St., Portland. Or. IF you want to borrow money to build or buy a home, or pay off a mortgage, you should compare the total amount of in 'terest paid on a straight loan with our monthly repayment plan. Loans made in every town in the Slate. Pacific Bldg. & Loan Assn., 1333-5 N. W. Bank bldg. "MORTGAGE LOANS. " Loans made on improved city property. Prompt service; no delay. Call and see us for terms. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON. Northwestern Bank Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges. A H BiRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bidg. Marshall 4114. A 4118. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED CITY REAL ESTATE. Homes, apartments, business properties, quick service, low rate, repayment priv Uege. Call 11. P. Barnhart, Marshall 0170. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY, &V, PER CENT. 6 PER CENT. 7 PER CliNT. UNION ABSTRACT CO. Corbett Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN, on Improved city property and also Im proved farm property. Current rates. WM. MacMASTER, 331 U. S. National Bank Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS On improved farm and city property; favorable repaying privileges: no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO.. LTD. 500 Piatt Bldg. Main 5371. MONEY TO LOAN. On real estate security at Kolng rate of interest. Otto & Harksou Realty Co., 413 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS. OUR OWN MONEY AT LOWEST RATES. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 80 Fourth St.. Portland. Ol WE have plenty of mon.y on hand to lend on city property and farm land at low rates of Interest. R. F. Bryan. 500 Cham ber of Commerce TO LOAN $5u0, $1000, $1500 and up on real estate at 0 to 7 per cent. George P. Lent, 717 Corbett bldg. $100,000 TO LOAN on farms. No delays, no red tape, no publicity. Willamette Valley Mortgage Loan Co., Aurora, Or. $;iou. $4.10, $01)0. $050, $750. $1000 AND UP; lowest rates, quick action. Gordon Mort gage CO., t31 Chamber of Com. Main 1370. $300, $400, $500. $750, $1000 and up at lowest rates: quick action. Fred W. German Co., 7:12 Chamber of Commerce. Main 0445. $20,000 TO LOAN In sums to suit; building loans, lowest rates. W. G. Keck. 215-210 Failing bldg. Phone Main 3107. $.ji0, $1000 AND upward on improved real est-tte; favorable terms, no delay, no brok erase. John Bain, 5Q7 Spalding bldg. LOANS on city and farm property, 5 per cent up. F. Fuchs. 420 Cham, of I om. $1000 AND UP: no commission or delay. F. H. DESHON. 015 Cham, of Coin. Bldg. SEE OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. MORTGAGE loans, lowest rates. A. H. Harding. 312 Railway Exchange. MONEY to loan on farm and Improved city property. K. K. Baxter. 704 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SOLOMON ft CO.. 40S Selling bldg. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. ' DO TOO NEED MONEY? We make a specially of loans on auto mobiles, furniture, vlc-trolas. etc. Security left in your poaession. Serial, weekly or monthly payments. ALSO Loans made to" salaried people. Rates reasonable. Private office. All business confidential. PORTLAND LOAN CO. (Licensed). Third and Washington Sts. 806-307 Dekum Bldg Marshall 3288. SALARY. LOANS. CHATTELS. WE LOAN MONEY on short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes. Weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGES. NO INDORSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household furniture, pianos, etc.. without removal. , CALL AND INVESTIGATE. -COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. LICENSED. 218 Failing Bldg. HATHAWAY' Loans on pianos and furni ture; legal rates. Rm. 208 Washington bldg. C,..t BHuU. RighU R..-.d. Revered in U. S. P.Unt Off.cc 21 FINANCIAIk Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries- PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Phona Broadway 910. S94 Stark Street. Near Tenth. Loans on diamonds, watches, vlctrolat, pianos, kodaks, shotguns, furniture, musi cal instruments and anything of value, ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE Of PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BOR ROWER. City and county warrants cashed for face value, CARRIE MTERS-HERRMAN. Manager. MONEY to loan on diamonds, jewelry: legal rates; all articles held a vear; es Wl il islied since 1S Dan .Marx. 2S:1 Washington. GEO. HARVEY loans money on household, goods. Legal rates. T:ijor JIM'ti. - Lonns W antee. FIRST MORTGAGES ON IMPROVED PORTLAND PROPERTY FOR SALE F. H. DESHON. 613 Cham, of Com. bldg. Slil.ooo ON 100x100; Income sufficient to pay taxes and interest; north of I!urn.tde. eabt of Tenth streets. 11 l:(ti, oresonian. WII.I. exehunue renting 0-room houe on Union ave. for moilern home In Montavilia ' or on Montavilla car line. East H41. WANT $i)uoo loan at ri for 3 years on good improved Portland real estate, from pri vate party. Address '. O. Box 1001. SEE OREGON 1NV. ft MORTGAGE CO. 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. PERSONAL. CAUSE AND EFFECT. The positive and the negative life Produ.-e both "cause and effect." The "effect" we take as positive And the "cause" do not detect. Then put "cause" on the positive. The "effect" will be all gain; 'Tis nothing more than active minds And progress of the brain. As minds create conditions. So conditions are "effects." The "cause" ii. proper thinking In any and all respects. "We're positive on the styles and price. And we will save you more On each new SUIT. COAT, IRESS and 11 A T At the PETERSON UPSTAIRS STORE. Second Floor i'ilto.'k Block. Dandruff and falling hair la THE SCALP'S CALL FOR THE EXDEE HAIR CERATE. 2.00 PER JAR. Get It at your druggist or THE EKJ-.EK CO., 800 Union ave. Noith. PORTLAND OR. PILES, constipation and rheumatism driven out of your system by nature's gift, Wild Pigeon Mineral Water, direct irom the -rock, unadulterated, order a gallon today from your druKslsl or Iroin riot-k Remedy Co.. 7 First st. A 1410. Portland, Or. iiANNAll NELSON, formerly with Llpman. V olfe & Co. beauty parlors, wisnes her friends lo know she is now with Gleo C Mad-Jen French lieauty Snop. 450-451-452 -Morpaii tiklg. Marshall o0t. GRADUATE chiropodist, manicurist, super fluous hair permanently removed, wrinkles erauicate.1, scalp irealmeut. ulu Bush Lane, evenings. Sunuas. Broadway and Alder. DIAMONDS WANTED. Full market vaiUe !ur diamonds. NATIONAL JEWELRY CO., 44i Morgan bldK.. 4Ul floor. NEW medium at Horn's hotel. 291 -Morrison. Teach you planets list harmonize in marriage. Daily reading. 10 A. M. Main 048i. $1 WILL get both reel fixed up guod at Dr. Eaton's, the CHIROPODIST, who doesn't hurt you. 5 years here; exam. free. Globe theater bidg.. llttl and Wash. Bowy. 284. MRS. A. COUSINOW. spiritual and mental scientist, readings aim trea I inents. circles Thursdays. 8 P. M. 411 Raleigh bidg., bin and Washington. AlKft. STEVENS, 25 years Portland's re nowned leather of plmlstry auu civsial gazing, lias crystals lor rale, aleo aer book "Palmistry Made Easy. ' m75 lay.jr DR. RUTH OLSON. 552 Washington HUlg.. Druglcss Swedish System; steam baths, electricity. Rheumatism, constipation, run down condition. Maui 034. l-cBViX ft HANNEBUT. leauiug .vix and loupe makers, finest stock human hair goods, halrdrestlug. manlcui in:, lace aud scalp treatment. 349 Alder. .Main 540. Mit. M. L. LAMAR. 2o5 Kil-'TU ST. SPIRITUAL ADVISER. Instruction in tne llieory ot health, suc cess and harmony WANT to get in touch with someone ship ping automobile east; chance lo tave money. Phone Broadway 5040. - UitAUd ATE nurse treats lumbago, etc. Hours 2 lo 5, oi by appointment. Pilous Mam 1049. Office 30S-C Third st. SUPERFLUOUS hair destroyed forever by multiple needle methods, indorsed by phy- -slciana. 5U4 Swetland bldg.. 5th at Wash. DR. ELNA SORENSEN. 508 Panama bldg. Drugless methods. Stomach. kidneys, rheumatism, constipation. etc. Mum 5086, vTULD like to know whereabouts of.-. OlOUfcl.teo , . .- ;.ira. Eva Hoffman. ' Bailie Ground. Wash. CLEAN your carpets, $1 puts vacuum cleaner in your home lor 24 lluurs; delivered auy- where. East 7024. t LADIES' purses and handbags repaired, traveling bags and suitcases lellned. Port land ijealiier t.o., --o v. asuiita.uo il.ilia.lln EUGENE, from Chicago, teacher scientific palmistry and cards. 141 ;a 11th cor. Alder, upsiairs. Dr;TECTIVE United Service Detective Bureau: work executed by skilled opera-, tites. On" Stock Exchange bl.lg. Main 3512. MAGNETIC healing, manicuring. 311 .Morri son. Broadway 25S4. Masons' patronage rc.iuete(l. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, wans removed, by 10 needles method; trial free. Josie riu ley 614 Bush ft Lane, bldg.. Main 030S. i TWO boys for adoption, 2 and 3 years old; must be together anu m a uuu ........... S 12o. oregonian. BEST steam bath, chiropractic, vibration and electric In city. Dr.. Margaret llaynifc 215 Swetland bldg. Main l.Oo... ,,'OPHIA U SE1P. spiritual advice. 200 " Goodnough bldg. Question meetings Tuea da?s anFrtd.BKM.Marshall 2303. MRS JULIA E. KEYS. 403V4 6th street bpiritual teacher of cards. Pilous Mam TEACHERS "of new life, Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Bland, 575 E. Burnside. DOESN'T" Tom. Dick or I.arry pay you f See Viereck. collections. Dekumlljdg. RUPTURE CAN BE CURED wlthoul an op. eration. Free booklet. P. O. box llO- 1MI ES CAN BE CURED without operation; send for fret booklet. P. O. box 1105 PH1MEDA BALM, formerly called Balin of FiasT 844 E. 33d. Sellwocd 2213. morning.. D"rTNeWn. chiropodist, cures all foot trou ble very reasonable. 503 Dekum bldg. l"Y ANDREWS- phrenologist, car read- i...- - u. e-arn St.. imt... RHEUMATISM. I can cure you. Consultation free. Phone r.ast 10. caw vnur doctor bills. Let our nurse treat you with vio"t ray. 20S FUe.lner bldg. vTk .IS T1TCH I NO 10c yard, buttons covered, " i'mnir braiding. 514 Bush-Lane bldg. r'fPTHIIDB DANIELS, superfluous hair. V,'!c. face, scalp. .122 Flledner bldg - r -. 7n .,mi r.n nnnniod. Main r.l'.M. , LA W i " "f-'-LH-l-' : r aia.-- JLJt.