TIIE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1919. 21 Kate, for Classified Advertisements u The Oregonian. Dailr aad Bond ax Per line Dm Ha. T e.tew.a,lT. time.. ............ .tie Tbm eMMcatlv. time S Ms r ....a rwiirrathf time. 3e Th. tn lew In, elasairiratlon. etrepted. lilft rate f wliirh to le per tin per dajj Kilualkon. Wanted Male, fciluation. nwrd frmilr. Na ail taken fwr Ina thaa tw liara. Cunt six awili to tfte liaa. Adverti.Ment. lese.pt -Per-aoaaia") mill h. tjikM aver tha tele phone If th. ailvertiMr la a Mbanihar to either phone. prlrea will ba quoted er the phone, bat atateraent will ba rendered the fallowing dor. Adiertlaa raenta are taken for The Dally Orego niao until f. M-: for Tba Monday Or g.aiaa until F. M. Saturday. MEETING NOTICE!. EOnr.vS In this city. August 39. N'"e Rob ins. aed T3 years, beloved wife of George K Rooms, mother of Mrs. C. H. Everett. Mrs. J. H. Worrell. Mrs. D. C. Kellogg. It..ort J. Vance and John A Vance of this citv and Mrs. E. Marlon Crawford or Kan Francisco. Cal. Funeral services will be he'd at Punning A McEntee s chapel. Broadway and Ankrny street, today Tueg !;... September 2. at 3 P. M. Friends In vlted to atund. Interment In famny plot. Multnomah ParK cemetery. tvavhoe ipc:r5 no. l. KNK.HTS OF FVTHIAS. meeta every Tueeday evening. fasti. j Hall. Eleventh ana Aioer iweew. THAU L. U RAVES, K R. 8. A AND A. & RITE ORE GO V L'UOE OK PKRFEC' TinV NO. 1. Regular meet- Ing In Memorial hall. Scottish Rite t athearai inis evenm. . 8 o'clock. By ordrr VEX. MASTER. IMPERIAL LODGE. NO. ISO. A. r". AND A. M. Special com munication this (Tuesday evenlug. September 2, 3 o'clock. Work In K. A. degree. Vial tori welcome. A. C. JACKSON. Sec . WTU. 1RVR lilTKIE. NO. III. A. K. AND A. M. Plated communication this (Tuesday! evening at o'clock. Social. Members urged to attend. Visit ing brethren welcome. C. E. -MILLER. Fee PORTLAND CHAPTER. N'O. f7. O. E. S. Stated communica tion this ITueaday) evening. Sept. 2. lfip. at T:40 o'clock. Reception to Brother Lealle I. Parker. A. G. P. By order of W. it. MRS. HOBSO.V, Sec OREGON-ELECTK10 COLTv'ClU ROYAL A RCANl'M. will met thia (Tueadsy) even ing at o'clock at Maonl- temple. All mem bers Invited. O. O. HAI.U Sec. -".1 East Tenth StreeL EMBLEM Jewelry, button, charms, pine. Bew design Jaagar Bros.. 131-1 lstb St. FRIEDLANDER'S tor lodge emblem class pins and medals. 110 Washington si riNEBAL NOTICES. OTOVNER In thl city. August SI. Mary Ellen O'Conner. aged 1 years, beloved mother of William D. O'Conner of this city. Mrs. Charle. C. Carpenter of Cin cinnati. 0 Mrs Oliver K. Jeffrey of this citv. enter of Mrs Nora McKenna of this city. Jlra. Samuel Guyot of Juneau. Alaska. M's Josephine Sullivan of this city. P. J. Sullivan of Seattle. Wash.. Maurice Sulli van of Detroit. Mich., and John T. Sulli van of .thia city. Funeral cortege will leave the residential funeral parlors of Miller A Tracey today (Tuesday), Septem ber 2. at 8:3" A. M., thence to the pro cathedral. Fifteenth and Davis streets, v. here requiem maaa will be offered at V A. M. Interment at ilount Calvary ceme tery. PEASE In this city at his lata residence. 7t4 Pettygrove St.. Aug. 31. Captain Archi bald Leon Peaae. aged tio years, husband of lint Ada Pease, father of Dr. George Norman Pease and Captain Archie, Leroy Pes, of this city, brother of Mrs. Hattle Colnurt of San Francisco. CaL Th, funeral services will be held Wednesday. Sept. S. at li:30 o'clock A. M.. at Flniey'a. Mont gomery at 5th. FrtendaaJnvlted. The re mains will be placed TTi the Rlvervlew abbey mausoleum. Pleaaa omit flowers. BASHOR In this elty. Sept. 1. Willis Baaho. aged a years 4 months, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Rufua Bashor. residing at 202 West Leavltt street. Th funeral services I will be held from Uie conservatory chapel ' of F. 8. Dunning. Inc. 414 East Alder street, today (Tuesday), Sept. 2. at 2:30 P. M. Friends Invited. Interment in Co lumbia cemetery. DITCrLBCRN At Rainier. Or August 29, 19i. Amelia Ditchburn. age 4 years, be loved wife of John Ditchburn or 3oS Col lege street. Portland. Friends Invited to at tend (uneral services, which will be held at Holman's parlors at 2:30 P. M. today (Tuesday), September 2. lalft. Interment Rosa City cemetery. TUCKER In this clf Aug. SI, James El bert Tucker, aged 2S years, huaband of Mrs. Pearl Tucker, son of W. W. Tucker, hrorher of Ruben. Aldin. Nancy and Myrtle Talker of Grants Pasa.. Or. The remains will be forwarded thia (Tuesday) evening bv Flnleya. to Grants Pasa. or., wnere services will bo held and Interment made. THOMSON In this city. Emma Thomson age 48 years, of 1U2 Win street S. E. Tlie funeral aervicea will ba held Tueadny, September 2. at 2:30 P. M.. from the In nml oarlors of A. D. Kenworthy Co &mi2 v.'d at. S. kL, In Lenta. Interment Lone Fir cemetery FARREI.L In this city. Sept. 1. Emily Far- relL aged 3 years, wile ot oeorgo rarreu. 10.U E. Morrison atreet. Funeral services will ! beld Wednesday. Sept. t. at 2 P. M. at the chapel of Breexe 4k Snook, Bel moot at 3.Vh. Friends Invited. VAtLTS AND CHE.MAT1QN. VAU1.T 'if sRrM(TmloitJin BURIALS CREMA TION. DlsJotannaata far either. Sell. Ml. FLORISTS. LUBL1NER. J-LORI8T. t: Morrison at Portland hotel. Mar. TBS. .48 Morrison beu Bdy. and Park. Mar. 2ot. Portland's Eeadini Flower Sbopa. MARTIN FORBES CO, florlata. S.M Waaainston. Main A 12UU. lowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS.. Iiortsta. 28T Morrison st. Main or A l&. Fin. flowers and floral desiirna or-B- atorea PEOPLE'S FLORAL SHOP. 243 Alder. Flow. era and designs, very reasonable. Mar. 5y'2. LRVLNOTON PARK FLORAL CO.. 4th and Yamhill. Funeral designers; lowest prices. MAX M. SMITH. Main l-'IS. A S12L Seillnc bldg.. Sixth and Alder streets. TOXSETH FLORAL CO 2ST Washington St.. batween 4th and 5th. Main HOi A 11SL FTNERAL DIRECTORS. II0LMAN UNDERTAKING CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. EstablUhed 1S7T. Third and Salmon f tree La. Main 6u. A 1SU. Lady Assistant- MILLER & TRACEY perfect Funeral Services for Leas. Independent Funeral Directors. Wsso- St.. bet. 10 1 a and 21st. weat side. Main UtivL Lady ass'stanu A eS3. J. P. FINLEY & SON PROGRESSIVE FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Mam . Montgomery at 8th. A lSBft. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all lb. privacy of a home, loth ana cvervu it, raiwi srH way 2134 Home. A ill Si r. a DUNNING. INC. 414 E. Alder. Phone East SX Perfect service, personal direction, free uw of floral chapel and auto equipment. DOWNING & McNEMAR Successor, to Wilson A Hoes. Multnomah at E. seventh. East t4- lrv Ing ton district. (jL'WlVd McENTEE, funeral directors, Broadway and Pin. at. Phone Broadway 430. A esoa- Ladyattndanu . P' T T ITPPtl Sm,t 11,h Clay sea. CUIP'SnNI rwelfth and Morrison atresia, il.lvioU.' Broadway 2534. A. D. KEN WORTHY OX. ' 002-04 2d St.. Lenta Tabor 52T. uurr7Pf,CVfinii' 104T Belmont. Oftuuuijuunuuii Tab 12ia. B 254 A. R. ZELLER CO. SiYsf, Ua C toga. 3KEWE3 UNDERTAKING COMPANY, ad and Clay. Si 4U6J. A, XZtX. Lady asmrsat. rULHTCULt I A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and ! classified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or ! A 6095, House 29. . AGATE CITTKKB AND Mi'G. JEWELERS. JEWELRY and watch repairing. M.ller-a, BIS Washington at.. Majestic theater bldg. A1WAVKHS AND ANALYSTS. I MONTANA ASSAV OFFICE. 142 Second t ooid. allver and platinum bought. 1 BOOKS NEW AND bECOND-llANU. SCHOOL supplier, new and second-hand school books, magazines and stationery. JOHNSON BOOK STORE. 1!0 4lh St. CANCER TREATED. L. M. JONES. M. D. CANCER TREATED. 81- Morgan bldg. Marshall 6143. CARPET WEAVING. Rllfi The klnd that wear the best are IIUUO made from your worn-out carpets by the Northwest Rug Co. (Former ad dress lo3 Union ave.) Rag rugs woven ail sizes. Carpet cleaning rufltling and re sizing Mail orders solicited. 168 J. bth at- l-UO.SE EAST 3iu. B 12$0. .M HOGS FROM CLD CARPETS Rag Ruga, all sizes Mail orders prompt. Send tor BookleL 9x12 ruga stem or dry cleaned. $L50. FLUFF RUG CO.. 64-56 Union ave. N. East 6518. B 1475. CELLLLOID BUTTONS. THE IKWIN-HoDSON COMPANY. 347 Waahingtun. iroauay 44, A 1-54. CHIKOPRACTOIl. 300.000 KNOW Mcalanon. loo Chiropractor. Throngs prnouncing treatment easiest. beat, permauenu 1 "treata" 15. TeL CHIROPODIST AKC'H SPECIALISTS. WiLLlAJJ. Esteiie and Kloretta De Veny. the only scientific chiropodists and arcn specialists m tna ciLy. Parlors 3o2 Ger- ilnger Diug.. S. W. corner 2d ana Alder. s-nons zmd 130L CHIROPODIST. DR. GARTNER, foot specialist; corns, buniona. loot arches maue to order. 311 Swetiand bldg.. 5ih ana Wash. Main 10M. PAINLESS graduate lady chlropooisU Open ounaaya 010 liush-Lane,riroadway-Aioer. CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO.. 1310-11-12 Royal bldg. Marshall 5822. Muitigrapmug. mim eographing and mail advertising. COLLECTIONS. NETH A CO.. Worceater bldg. Main 17Ud. No collection, no charge. Esiabllaned ltfuo. CONTRACTORS. TWO-STAR Roofing Co. will solve all your ruiuro troubles ey calling Main 20U3. DANCING. MRS. BATH'S DANCING academy. Sd floor Dekum bldg.; private lessons day and eve. Social dance Friday evening. Main 1345. BERKELEY DANCING ACADEMY. 129 4th St.. d floor. first -class instructors; lea sons day and evening. Main 3318. MRS. FLECK'S ACADEMY. room and stage dancing. 109 2d st. Ban Main 2100. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL. HOSPITAL Dr. G. H. Huthraann. veterlna rlan. 314 East 7th st. East 1847. B 19U2. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. HI.H.ELECTRICC0. Portland. Or. Re lectrlcal repairing apeclalty. See us about new or used motors. Bdwy. 1045, A 1046 FCEL. ' BOXWOOD SLABWOOD Multnomah Fuel Co. Main 5540. A 2116. HARDWOOD FLOORING. GET estimates ror new or old bouse. Port- i lanq Marasrooa f loor Co.. 17 w. Park st. HEMSTITCHING. K. 6TEPHAN. hemstitching, scalloping;, ac cordion side pleat, buttons, covered; mall orders, allt Plttock blk. Broadway 10JU. OLESALERS AND LTO ToTj )P CO.. Cib DUBRUILLE TOP CO.. th and Oak DRY GOODS, tof ION 8. LDINKELSPIELCO.M room and oflice orth Fifth street GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Board ot Trade Bldg. HATH AND 'AP8. THAN HA USER HAT CO.. M-S3FrqntEt. Ill PES. WOOL AN P CASCARA BARK. KAHN BROS.. 1W5 Front St MILL StFPLlES. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COM PANT. Front Street, oPrtland. PAINTS. OILd ANU GLASa. V7. p. FULLER CO.. Front and Morrison. R 4.sMi:SSKN & CO.. 2d and Taylor. ACCTIOS SALES TODAT. At th. Baker Auction House. Tamhlll and Feat Park, streets. Sal. at 10 A- M. MONCMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS tM th St.. Opp City HaU. Neu Bros. BLAEISINQ GRANITE CO. VhTrP AT -MAmSOU 3TRCET OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY O'Uoa, Boom 133 Courthouse, blta St. FnlrwiM. Pbon. from S to 4, alsuii IJ8, Horn, phons A Xii5- Stlfnt CSUi alias wnw . 1A1 KeDort all ease of cruelty to tha aboys stddreaa. l.lectnrml lethal cham Der lor uuu ""rr.VVr Vi... .n.h..l.nr. for aick and uia aoseal animals at a vnuoaent'. uotic-a. Any M . dealrlng a doc .r .ther pel, commiul mia with as. tall for all loat or etrayew stack, as) we look alter the Impounding. Ttser. I. ao mora, city pauad. Just, Oregua Miunaa. S.cietjr. ST.W TODAT. PORTABLE can be shipped anywhere. Prices on application. Blodern Construction Company 315 E. 11th St. East 5114 MORTGAGE LO,NS Isaprawew IT farm protrrr. laetwllmeat repaysneot prlTlleg. U preferred! praaapf, reliable aervlew. A. H. BiRKELL CO, SI7X1S !orthwe.tera Baalt Balluia. Marskall !. A . MORTGAGE LOANS Farm and city property. We loan our own funds. No delay. No commission. '. PACIFIC COAST MORTGAGE CO. IS Ry. Eire, Bldg. Mala STS. JOHN B. COFFEY MORTGAGE LOANS. Insurance Surety Bonds 3f3 W 11 cox BMg. Main 702, A 3702. Mortgage Loans 0 Edward E. Goudey Co. VVV5;-1 winding and e a Ml SIC. MRS. BKL'CflMANN. teacher of singing, opera, oratorio, ballads, speaks authorita tuely on the technique of the volce.Eaat Mini for appointment, or address 49 Ja loth st. North. . E.M1L TH1ELHORN. violin, viola teacher; pupil Sevcla, JUi r lledner bldg. BdylB-a vToLl-V. piano, harmony, all string Instru ments tauKht. Kol. Kenbeck. 401) iamhlll. OI'TOMETRITS ANjJ OjTTICLANg. .-tsc. GLASSES AT A SAVING. sC'fexT' I solicit your patronage on the ajSIw of canable oervice. Thousands - ne ...rIHfip.i customers. A trial wili convince you. Charlea W. Goodman, Opto metrist, 20a Morrison. Main Ll-4. a tt :-' VTH I V ' kvks RIGHT! Dr. George Kubensteln, veteran optician. In rlrhi on i Oe lob of llttitix the best eye glasses at reusouaule prices. 2-0 Morrison btieet, near second. PAINTING. PAINTING John Coulisk. the reliable paint er. delivers the goods. Phone Broadway 2U45. PATENT ATTORNEVS. K. C. WRIGHT 22 years' experience U. S. and foreign patents. QUI DeKum oig- GOLDBEKG, (iO Worcester bldg. Main 2525. PHVSICLANS. Onrrf Increased, efficiency drugless treat OuOment. goitre, headache, appendicitis, tonsllltls wittioul surgery. Dr. Raymond E. Waiters. 3oti Swetland bldg. Mar. 4'.)2. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. Broadway building. Kheumati.m. stomach, bowel, lung, liver. kidney, bladder, rectal, prostatic, female (iisoruers, sMn affections, blood pressure. i-lCSibing supplies." PLUMBING SUPPLIES at wholesale prices. Starke-Davis Co.. 212 Third. Main illi. PRI.NTIN'O. keystone PRESS. J. E. Gantenbein. Mgr. Printing and linotyping. 100 Front st. corner Stark. Main or A 141S. DDiWTIWf1 W. BALTUS & COMPACT, iniil I i!lU .st and Oak sis. Main 105. A 1165. SCHOOLS. IRVINGTON Montess-jrl kindergarten dl- rectoress. Mrs. L. M. Pettycord. Open 5th year Sept. 2. 1019. lrvmgton club house. Thompson and East 22d aC N Phone East 75S2. SECOND-HAND STORES. LEVIN HARDWARE A FURNITURE CO, 221 Front St. ' We buy and eell everything In ths hard waie and furniture line. Phone Main 970. A 7174. - SHINGLES. PHONE, wire or write us for prices, extra STAR 'A" STAR (green) RED CEDAR SHINGLES. Carload lota. We are mill representatives and can guarantee grade and delivery. Webfoot Lumber Company, ool Couch bldg., Portland, Or. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH . ; -The Service With a Reputation." MOVING-PACKING-STORAGE-BAGGAGE 13th and Kearney. Branch 6S Broadway PHONE BDWY. 3309 WILLAMETTE VALLEY TRANSFER CO. Oneral Tranfnr and Forwarding Rntt. TRACKAGE. (STORAGE AND TRANSFER N. FIFTH ST. BROADWAY 454. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 oLlSAN S1. Corner or i3in. Telephone iiroaoway lzai or lltiG. We own and operate two large Class "A warehouses on terminal track. Lowest insurance ratea In the city. FIREPROOF STORAGE C. M. OLSEN TRANSFER CO.. 248 Pine. MADISON-ST. DOCK & WAREHOUSE OF FICE, latf Mauiaon st. izenerai mercnanaise and xorwarUing agentav pnone main levi. PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE a: TRANSFER CO, 103 PARK ST. MAIN Sl5. A 1051. CLAY S. MORSE. Inc. TRACKAGE. STORAGE. TRANSFER. 448-454 GL1SAN ST. WATCH REPAIRING. HIGHEST prices paid, old watches and Jew elrv. Condition no object. Repairs a spe cialty. Rainier Jewelry Co.. 449 Vi Wash. st. JMANUFACTURERS I'IPU, PIPE JrlTTlNGS AND VALVES. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY. tio-7"-7-' Front Street, Portland. M. L. KLINE. S4-8 Front St. PLIMBING AND STEAM Sl'PPLIKS. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY, C3-7u-2 Front Street. Portland. M. L. KLINE. S4-8o Front St. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERD1NG He FARRELL. 140 Front St. ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. SASH. DOORS AND liLASS. W. P. FULLER CO.. Front and Morrison. WALL PAER. MOP.OA.N WALL PAPER CO., 2.10 2d Pt XEW TODAS. At Standard Factory No. 2 Grand Are. and East Taylor Sts. ' POWER MACHINE OPERATORS to learn on Shirts and Overalls Mackinaws and Overcoats $10.00 per week while learning-. Forty-four-hour week. SATURDAY HALF HOLIDAY Experienced operators are earning from $15 to $20 weekly GARAGES For All Cars. Prices on Application. Ready-Cut and Portable Houses. MILLMADE CONSTRUCTION CO. 1801 TJnloa Aee. W. Wdln: 2413. SEND CS YOUR OLD CARPET. Old Ron and Woolen Clothing. W. Make Reversible. Hand-Wares FLUFF RUGS They Wear Like Iron, fall Orders. Mend for Rookie. Bag stuga JVotco. All biiea. Carpet Gleaning lit Bugs, Steam Cleaned, f l.o. WEslEKN tLlFl alU CO $ Colon A ve. N. East 51. B 147a, WILLIAMS AVE., NEAR RUSSELL 50x100-foot Eaat Front. Address owner, P. O. Box 1S2. REAL KPTATK. For Sale Lot. ALAMEDA. For choice lota in this exclusive bulld inr district, iret our prices for go buy. lamd laveaUueut Co. . REAL ESTATE. Far Sale Lota. 3 BLKS. IRVINGTON CAR. 7 rooms, full lot, shade and fruit trees: M00. Will accept $500 cash, baU term a See photo at office. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO, 212 Ry. Ex. bldg. Main G752! 5 LOT8 OR 5-8 OF ACRE SNAP. All In bearing fruit trees. 3 blks. Mount laoor car. water, gas. electricity. op portunity for large homesite or for builder tlti'io. X5O0 down. J. C. CORB1N CO.. 805-8-7-8 Lewis bldg. 10x100 LOT, with 8 bearing prune trees. South l Tabor, x diocks irom Haw thorn ave. car. free from Incumbrance will sell on very easy terms. Pnono East 2015, or address szi IS. jbtn Norm. ROSE CITY LOTS. Lota 18 and 17, block 100, Rose City . Park, lor sate oy owner, j. u. inaylor, V07 Tlllamooa. 50x100 on lath st.. 1650. one block to Irv ington car. Improvements all paid. Owner, Marshall 407V. SACRIFICE Laurelhurst lot. S. W. cor. Peer less and Pacific: 70x100. at almost half of original cost. Inquire 1089 Pacific st. ROSE CITY PARK. 50x100. 60th st.. ht block off Sandy blvd.; paved st.; fMOO. T lUtf, uregofiian, WILL sell my lot at East 53d and Flanders streets reasonable. Charles W. Olsen. 248 fine st. A BARGAIN Rose City Park, fine lot east frontage, easy terms. Phone owner. East 8. For Sale Brae b Property. GET A BEA.CE HOME now at Seaslda, Or. In beautiful "Cartwrlgnt Park." at re duced pricey $1'5 to $700, eaay Install ments, tf p'X cent; soon to be connected by aH-pav-d highway with eastern and southern Oregon, which, with proposed 20u0-toot pier, will raaka "Cartwrlght Park" oa of the roost attractive spots on Pacific coast. Whitmer-Keily Co., 414 PtttocK djock foniana. uregon, or in quire F. M. Cole, agent, 423 Broadway, treasiae, uregon. 8ALTAIR. TILLAMOOK BEACH. Two choice lots, 50x100, at Saltalr sta tion. Tillamook beach, near depot; and bolel, adjoins board walk, county road and railroad; iacea racuio ocean; stin- able lor business or residence; value l&OO will consider trade lor auto, property or mercnandise a a areas tsu aui, urugonian. Flat and Apartment Property. MR. INVESTOR. There are many money-making oppor tunities In Klamath county today. Here Is one of the very best. Klamath Falls will justify one of the best apartment houses between Portland and ban tran cisco. 1 have the choice location, 1 block from center of business district, with income of $400. Desire to Improve with modern building and want rignt man witn OoO to take half interest. Or would sell outright on present valuation adjoining pro pert lea provided same is handled within so days, investigate tnis at once. a. a dress A 2528, Oregonian, and give ref erences. ..... SS000 BARGAIN IN FLATS S000. 2 modern up-to-date flats, large rooms, ffood location. Ground enough for 2 more. On Union ave. Close in. Rent for $bo per month. CLKV'KLAND-IIENDERSON CO., 212 Ry. Ex. bldg. Main 6T52. HIGH-CLASS strictly modern duplex apart- ment house, Deauiiiui jocation, cioue in, west side; nets 7 per cent on sell ing price and gives the owner an ideal home; price SIS.OUO. P08 CHAMBER OP COMMERCE. HOME with income. $6500; rent $60; can be increased; small apartment house on weat side, lot ooxii-'. on mnsiae. owner, jur. Kuhner, 473 Washington st. 30-ROOM furnished apartment, paying $225 month profit; lady can do ail the work. AE 339, Oregonian. For fiale Houses. NICE BUNGALOW. $2150. . 4 -room bungalow, room for 3 more rooms in attic; basement; cabinet Kucnen; Duitei; in fine condition; lot 50x100; paved street, sewer, etc; on E. 8th near Prescott, Price $2050, plus $07 bal. on city liens; some terms. Sell furniture for $300. GRUSSI & BENNETT, 318 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. LAURELHURST. $5000 for strictly modern 8-room resi dence in this exclusive neighborhood; near the beautiful park ; on paved street ; up to date, " with all built-in conveniences; you cannot attempt to duplicate this for the money: act quick, for thia bargain. ALAMEDA INVESTMENT CO.. 605 Corbett Bldg. Marshall 635. SNAP VACANT MOVE IN. Good 8-room practically new house; full basement, modern; bath, toilet, lights and gas; fine lot, 50x100; ideal location; close in on E. Gar rut hers st. ; clean and neat, ready to move into; only $375o; smaUl payment down, balance like rent. C. W. Hughes, 507 Journal bldg. Main 2858. HAWTHORNS DISTRICT BUNGALOW, PRICED TO SELL $3200. Good 6-room bungalow, with all built in s. etc, at 1118 Stephens St.; 50x100 lot; paved streets; four kinds of fruit trees. Phone Tabor 0555 or call Stewart & Buck, 815 N. W. Bank bldg. FOR 8ALE By trustee, corner, 3 lots and Improvements, Hawthorne and 32d ; also finest residence in Overlook addition. For particulars apply J. LeRoy Smith, Dekum bldg.. or L H. McCarthy, Northwestern Bank bldg. ALBERTA BUNGALOWS. 5 rooms, bath, fireplace, bullt-ins. $2300; only $300 required. 121 N. W. Bank bidg. 6 rooms, bath, fireplace, $3000; only $1000 cash. Main 143. MUTUAL REALTY CO.. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. ROSE CITY PARK REAL BARGAIN. Modern 6-room bungalow with sleeping porch, well built, conveniently arranged; all built-ins and up-to-date features; good garage, fine location; must setl; leaving citv Price $2S50. Terms. Tabor 655H. SEVEN rooms and sleeping porch on the southeast corner oi otin auu n&ncocK bis., in Rose City Park, two blocks from the car, most desirable location, for $4500, $3500 down, balance 6 per cent, easy pay ments. Phone owner, Taoor 8036. 6-ROOM; ACRE AND BUNGALOW Right in city gas, water, cement walks. Fine home and chance to reduce cost of living. Price 13500. Terms. 615 CHAM. OF COM. BLDG. MAIN 1166. $2600 ROSE CITY CAR $2650. Five-room modern bungalow. 3 blocks to car; corner lot. 50x100; $650 cash, balance easy. Call at 1314 Sandy blvd. $5500 MODERN 8-room house with dandy sleeping porcn; nouse in gooa conuuion; on Schuyler St., in Irvington; a very desir able home; terms. M. Billings, 509 McKay bldg. Main 1390. FOR SALE $10,000 home, beautiful location. 8 rooms, sleeping poren, uui water neat, $000 down; $75 per month. Interest 5 per cent. Will sell for $8000. No agents. Call Tabor 002. 5-ROOM cottage, garage, with lights and bath; corner, east ironiage, near grammar school ana college; price 4i.vuu, casn or terms. Address 002 North 18th sc. Cor- vallis. Or. 1 r.oft K AS Y TERMS R. C. PARK CAR, Modern 3 -room bungalow and sleeping porch, electricity, gas, run piumoing. shade trees, garden, shrubbery: quick pos session; eaay terms. Tabor 6559. 6-ROOM mqdern house In West Piedmont, orner Micnigan ana oirapson, -i diocics from carline. Price $3500, $600 cash. Sea Mr. Harding, 1242 Michigan ave, Phons C. 2240. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. New, modern bungalow, complete In every respect and ready to occupy; price fHHOO. Rice Construction Co. Phone East 2432. $2000 A great bargain, 6-room house, 28th and &. fine. lerras n ucnirea. Sltiuu A snap 3-room house, also 2Sth and E. Pine. See owner. 511 Merchants Trust bldg. Matn 1353. FOR SALE Modern 4-room cottage, full basement, large attic, iruit trees, roses. Improvements paid : block Woodstock car. Price $2600. 841 East 28th st. South. IRVINGTON CHARMING HOME, $6000; $C0 casn, 93V mommy, o per cent; large living room, fireplace, oak floors, choice location. Main 8078. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. New and modern, with garage, at 731 H. 16th. st. N. Turner & Winship. Tabor 2124. $2900 FOR 5-room modern cottage. Sunny- si ae, ooxiuu ioi, e. uiuuixs nam caruae, near school, terms. Phone C 1256. FOR SALI3 7-room bouse on 47th St., neaf Ii vision; StHtu aown. x'auntj owner, raoor 492. COSY 4-room furnished bungalow. East 25th, near rioigate, sz-uu; uu casn, oatance monthly. Owner. East 3225. IRVINGTON DUTCH COLONIAL. Attractive, east face. T rooma. beautiful lot. cauirai trees; $7200. EaaI ild. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. ALAMEDA PARK HOME. Owner moving to west side offers his de lightful, nearly new -Dutch colonial home, located on a choice 75x100- lot, on the ridge-in the midst of the most ;beautlful homes in the tract, at a rare bargain. You'll find an attractive entrance hall, a beauti ful large living-room with tile fireplace, an all-glass sunroom adjoining, French doors to an artistic dining-room. Dutch kitcnen with screened back porch and toilet, orna- mnfftl stair lmli n A well-ventilated bedrooms and an elaborate tile bath. The main bedroom is very large with white tile fireplace and connecting enclosed sieepine porch. Best hardwood floors throughout and all rooms beautifully pa pered. Nice basement with maid's room and orlvate bath, ifood furnace, double x-ars.ee. lawn, lance fir trees, pergol fence around back yard. This is a won derfully attractive home, in excellent con dition, and the price is but Jtt500. R. H. xorrey, Manor 4U.. DON'T FAIL TO VISIT LAURELHURfaf TODAY IF YOU ARE LOOKING r'UK A HOME. OFFICE AT EAST 39TH AND G1LSAN STREETS. RRi n 4 V SPRflALS (RT.nn rl.rnnm nlrtninl with caraee. 2 lots. $5600 Brand-new 5-room bungalow with garage. $5ioo 7-room bungalow-style house, with garage. cenn u tnrrta int. hnt -water neat. garage, 3 firepiaces, 2 baths, hardwood .floors throughout; must be sold before Ortfthflr 1 ALSO Some 5 and 6-room bungalows, just being 'tinichpH Com nut and in ok them over, Office E. 39th and Glian, or phone for auto. Tabor 3433; evenings. Last jom MR. DELAHUNTY. REAL VALUES EASY TERMS. Al semi-modern 4-room house; lot 80x 100; near jcar and school; $itt. Modern bungalow, 5 rooms, sleeping tmrch: lot -SoxlirO : macadam street; $2800. Southern style bungalow. 6 rooms, den; lot 80x100; fruit of all kinds; $3000. Nifty 6-room bungralow, buitt-ins; two blocks to car and school; $.,100. Six-room bungalow, gas, electricity; lots; 10c car tare; good value; $2000. 60S CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. IRVINGTON. New snd modern, 12 spacious room finest selected mahogany and oak finish hardwood floors throughout, three artis tic fiieplaces. white tile bathrooms, three toilets, sun parlor, sleeping porch, full ce ment basement, large finished attic, rooms beautifully finished, latest sanitary plumb in, stationary vacuum cleaner, house Dhone. larea crounds. beau tiled with rar est shruos. one of the finest built resi dences in Portland; eaay terms. Owner, T 110. Oregonian. DO YOU WANT A HOME AND A LIVING ALSO? HERE IS A 8PLENDIU UffUK- TU.MTT : SIX 5 AND li-HOOM L.A l . FINE CORNER ON WEST SIDE. WALK ING DISTANCE; YOU CAN LIVE IN ONE AND THE OTHERS ARE ALL RENTED FOR $200 PER MONTH. WHY WORRY ABOUT BUSINESS WHEN REAL ES TATE IS SO CHEAP? PRICE $18,00. TERMS. E- 11. COLLIS. EAST SOtiO. BUNGALOW BARGAIN. OWNER LEAVING STATE. Modern 5-room buniraiow. tlnished attic. sleeping porch, corner full lot, cement walks, street improvements paid; near sphnni! nrlre 13000. worth $4000: $750 cash, balance same as rent;, will sell furniture if desired. See owner at place. 1015 East 23d North; one block south Alberta car; no agents. , THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into Income ? We design and build apartments, garages, residences, anything; furnish plans and finance. Established ten years. We otfer SECURITY, SERVICE, SATISFACTION. L. R. Bailey Co., Inc., contracting archi tects. 324 N. W. Bank bldg. IRVINGTON Owner's atrictly modem home. seven rooms, sleeping porcn, narawooq every room; ffroplace in living and buf fet and beamed ceiling in oir.ing room; tile bath, full cement basement, furnace, trays, and fruit clct; 3 blocks Irvington car or school; $tiJ0. Seen by appoint ment with owner. P. O. Box -1152. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. J45D0 a lovely home for someone, 5 rooms, living room 13x20, strictly modern, furnace, linoleum on kitchen and bath, water heater, newly tinted, enameled and painted inside and out, paved street. 660 East 55th st. North. Tabor 7603. ROOM bungalow with large sleeping porch. Property new, never been occupied; built in breakfast roo.m, food cooler, all modern conveniences; a dandy little home on terms to suit. For particulars see Ben Riesland, owner, at 404 Piatt bldg., or at Multnomah on Sundays MODERN bungalow on sightly lot 100 feet from carlie. Owner DreaKing up House keeping and has no use for the home. Will sell at $2600 on terms of $000 cash, balance monthly. See ATCHISON. 204 Henry bldg. t IRVINGTON 520 E. 24th st N.. cor. Bra- zee; lot aaxiou; Derries, iruu trees, snruo bery; house 8 rooms, double sleeping porch, large closets, hardwood floors downstairs, two fireplaces, furnace, laundry, full base ment. For sale by owners, F. E. Bowman & Co., 213 C. of C. bldg. Main 3026. LAURELHURST $5600. Owner going to California. Will sacrifice modern, well-appointed two-story, six room house, located on sightly lot on E. Flanders st., for $5600, terms. R. H. Tor re y, Tabor 407. WEST SIDE 6-rom cottage with garage. walKmg atstance irom ousiuess ujbuiuu $2t00. Make your own terms. Have been instructed by bank to dispose of this prop erty at once. Ste ATCHISON. 2o4 Henry bldg. . 2000 BUYS a modern 5-room cottage with full concrete casement, on r. naisey st., near 84th st. House In good condition, lot is sightly and well located. For par ticulars see owner at 404 Piatt bldg. BARGAIN 1 acre 7 miles from courthouse. on 07 th st. ana om ave. -room nouse, fruit trees, all in garden; price $700, $100 down, balance $10 per mo., with 6 per cent interest. Inquire Mrs. J. A. Wharton. BUILD NOW! If you own a lot we will furnish tht money and build for you. Terms like rent; Call and see us. Western Construction Co., 621 Morgan bldg. Main 2035. MODERN 4-room bungalow, just like new. double construe ieu, wim mrgB woouunea, can be used for a garage, near two car lines; price $1700; terms.- Owner, 6004 06th sL S. E. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE; FIREPLACE, w-..t. rr. TXT f 7 IT E" TT T A V T"i T rl f C A Q V C ' GARAGE; CORNER. CLOSE IN ON EAST RIDE; BEST CARLIKE IN CITY; $4250, TERMS. PHONE EAST 8069. i-ROOM house, modern conveniences, on main nara-Bunauts bucwl, m ,-ciiimiieni business section; with little expense can be made to pay big revenue; $2700, including all improvements; need money. Owner. AP 382, oregonian. 200 FIRST payment, balance like rent, buys 6-rOOin nouse. Close iu, w.imu uiBisnga, See John Brown, 324 Railway Exchange bldg. alar. 3331. s $4800. ROSE CITY PARK. $4800. spect. Full cement basement; 2 fireplaces. Exceptional bargain. Owner. Tabor 6807. GOING to build or repair? Get my idsaa ana estimat. . Aiiit, dii Office hours 3 to 5 P. M, Phone Main UL Res phono Tabor 194. IN WESTMORELAND, o-room modern bungalow; lull ccincni uMemeni, extra, laige lawn. Improvements in and paid. $3000. Phoneseii. ioo. FOUR large-room bungalow, newly painted. electric llgnta anu bu, uranus iruii ireeu, cloae in, near two car nnei, price uu, $1500 cash. bal. like rent. 608 E. 10th at. S. ROSE CITY PARK, strictly modern bunga low, five-room and inclosed sleeping porch., ivory finish, garago. one block south of Sandy. 544 East Pith at. N no agents. ALAMEDA PARK HOME. - ft Tarve rooms and recpt. hall, full base ment snd heating system; corner lot. 50x loo. Owner. 823 Mason st. IN CENTRAL Albina, 9-room house, modern conveniences; improveimmw pu-iu, .ouu, half down, balance $25 per month lnclud In g Intere st. Call Wood lawn . 3737. IRVINGTON AND ALBERTA CAR. Seven-room substantial, modern house: $4200. Terms easy. W. H. Ross, lloO N o rthwestern Bank bldg. AI L, Sellwood 2594 to buy 6-room house. 6U5 Tacoma ave. Bargain. Only small cash required. Itjoo 5-KOOM cotage, bath, cement base ment, 40x100 lot; peach tree, fir trees. Hawthorne. 615 Chamber of Commerce. $22,000 HOME. Tho very best in the coity for the money. W. H. ROSS, 1100 N. W. Bank bldg. 2200 NEAT 4-room cottage, modern, $300 Alain 8672 McFarland 602 Yeon Bidg. NIFY bungalow in Rose City. Park, hard wood floors, 5 rooms, lot 50x106. 696 E. 57th st. N., owner. 500 4 LOTS, furnished 3-room house, with V 1 w.1 w 111 nhlnlraH. II evenings after Monday. Sellwood 3218. IRVINGTON Modern 8-room furnished tlOUse, 0 J., iiim t. no no. $1350 CASH buys 8-room bungalow, big lot. Main OOlsi -MCf allttllU W. a. cull UIUR. TO BUY. SELL OK UACUANlilU PKOP- . ,-, .-.ear PV 410 T V I7 V TT ERT, OtUHl OAAIjOI. t0 wi. FOR SALE By owner, strictly modern home In irvington. aam .. IRVINGTON BEST HOMES. Call McDonald. East 419. MODERN 7-room house on Northrup St.. west Ot ZlSt. aaat tJJJ. PC. SAXsE 6-room ho us a at 326 Benton C REAL K STATE. ror Sale Houses. HOME BUYERS ATTENTION! It frequently happens that we advertise " a real bargain for several days without anyone 'apparently taking any interest, in same. Suddenly it is sold, then several people" wake up to find they have over looked one of the real bargains still for. sale. Can you take a hint? $2350.00 buys a dandy 5-room bungalow in first-class condition, electric lights, bath, gas, full basement. 50x100 lot, only one blk. to car. Terms. ' $3550.00 for a bungalow-type home of 5 rooms and attic, all built-ins, Dutch kitchen, foil cement base ment, wash trays, fireplace, 47Vs115 lot, st. imp. all in and included in price. Terms. $4500.00 buys 6 rooms and sleeping porch in Rossmere that is on East 37th st. R. C. P. car. Strictly modern, hardwood floors, fire place, buffet, Dutch kitchen. One v bedroom down or can be used as den, two bedrooms and sleeping porch up. Furnace, lull cement basement, wash trays. Terms. It will pay you to get In touch with us. We have some wonderful bargains. J. A. WICKMAN CO. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 1094. IRVINGTON. A most substantial and attractive home of eight larK rooms and extra largre sleeping porch, which can be heated and closed the same as a room. This home is complete in every detail, with all modern conveniences of the build er's art. It is in fine condition, located on a most desirable 100x100 corner, with east and south frontage, with choice roses and shrubbery. The owner built this house for his own home and the cost four years ago was between $18,000 and $20,000; however, on .actual sale will make au attractive price, and he even might accept well located vacant or improved Portland property for his equity. SAM L R. NOKTU.N, ilonry tfldg. .ROSE CITY PARK. A REAL BUNGALOW HOMH2 $6000, Here is a home away above the ordinary, steam heating plant, an exceptionally well constructed bungalow, with large livin room, finished in white throughout; hard wood floors, fireplace, butlet. Dutch ku:fi en, etc., steam and shower bath; you will never appreciate the real worth ot tu home until you see it. Yes. it has a rage. Let us show you. You probably eoulun t duplicate the property today to A. G. TEBPB CO.. 2f?4 Stark St., Near Third. Main 3092, Main 3516. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. IMMEDIATEPOSSESSION. " LAURELHURST COLONIAL. This Is a handsome colonial 2-story ho in the finest possible condition, all rooms are finished in ivory. There are 3 hea rooms, bath and gia.?ed-in sleeping pore on upper floor, hardwood floors in mai rooms. French doors leading to livin room, an unusually fine fireplace, a high grade turnace; lull cement basement; th price is $51150, on terms. Wo are anxious to show you this handsome home. COE A. McKKNNA & CO.. 82 4th St.. Bd. of Trade Bldg. Main 4522. ROSE CITY CAR. 5 ROOMS BUNGALOW- $3750. We do want you to see this splendi bungalow. It's modern, extremely so. You will appreciate the big living room wun the large plate-giass window, hardwood floors, fireulace. buffet. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, etc. A home like this for so little money surely will be sold quickly, Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St., Near Third. Main 3092, Main 3516. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. LAURELHURST DESIRABLE MODERN HOMES I have a few good homes in LAUREL HURST, consisting of 5. 6 and 8 rooms and priced from $5000 upwards. These homes are modern in every way and at prices much below the present market. Several of these homes are ready ior immediate occupancy; LAURELHURST is a restricted residential district, which makes this lo cation most desirable for a home: reason able first payments and balance like rent. MR. BROWN, 270 Vi Stark St., Main 1700 evenings. Tabor oo. ROSE CITY PARK. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW $4450. Folks, you will ha.ve to hurry If you want to nick uo this genuine bargain; real classy bungalow with 6 rooms and sleeping porch, on one floor; hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, cement basement. furnace, etc. ; street assessments paid, Bear in mind. too. that this is right in the Very best part of Rose City. Cail 423 E. 5oth st. N., or call Mr. Geddes at Main aoaz or Main 3oit. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St., Near Third. IRVINGTON $7000 On East 15th St., among high-class homes, we have a fine 2-story house ot rooms and large attic, hardwood floors, wide fireplace, hot-air heating system, ga rage; the rooms on iower floor are fin ished In natural fir, on upper floor in ivory: yes. the street liens are paid. This is a fine home for $7500. When may we show you? COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 4th St., Bd. of Trade Bldg. Main 45: AN ALMOST new high-class 8-room colonial house with sleeping porcn ana line garage, house Is in old ivory and contains every modern convenience; it Is situated one block from car and on a most sightly snot. has large grounds, beautifully landscaped at considerable cost; a desirable home in every way; priced for quick sale $2009 under present market, $3000 will handie and good terms on baiance. MR. BROWN, 270 4 Stark st,. Main li00; evenings. Ta bor 59. $3000 ROSE CITY $3000. Five rooms and sleeping porch, two story type bungalow; large living room across front oi house, oak xioors, i ire- place, dining room and kitchen on first floor, two nice bedrooms and sleeping porch on second floor, full cement base ment; very convenient; 50x100 lot; In fine condition; 2 blocks to car, on the hill; $7o0 cash, balance easy. Call 1314 Sandy blvd. OVERLOOKING LAURELHURST PARK. This is without doubt one of the hand somest homes in Portland, contains 8 large rooms, lot ioxioo; owner has gone Washington. D. C, to live and is very anxious to sell, instructed me to reduce price to $11,000, cost $12,.00 four years ago. Not a schatch on it, come and see for yourself; no phone information, no agents. Call at the tract office, E. 30th and Gllpan. or phone for auto. Tabor 3433, MR. DELAHUNTY. AINS WORTH AVE. $5000. On Ainsworth ave., near Union, we have ror sale- & handsome 7-room nouse on 60xll4-foot corner lot. This is really beautiful home, strictly modern, with all built-in conveniences; hot air heat, wide fireplace, good garage, fruit trees and berries. If you are interested in this sec tion we want to snow you mis nne come. COW A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 4th St.. Bd. of Trade Bldg. Main 4522. SNAP ALAMEDA PARK. Beautiful interior finished old ivory. la rata 11 vine room. 11 replace, oooKcases, dining room with buffet, large hall be tween, kitchen complete, all hardwood floors, three large bed rooms, bath, sleep ing porch, furnace, hard-surf ate street, in fact, a beautiful home. J. BOBBINS, 301 Railway Exchange. -Office Main 7031. Res. Tabor S319. ONE MORE GOOD BUY. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. 6 rooms, all furnibhed, good view, east exposure. Owner is going to New York city and will sell for less than they paid for property one year ago. Price $10,000, which includes the whole thing. This is worth much more and must be seen to be appreciated. Call Mr. Lawrence. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 309 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON HOME. 7-room house in the center of Irving ton's best residential district. All pave ment and street improvements In and paid for. Right pp to the minute. Hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, sleeping porch, full cement basement, wash -trays: built in bookcases. Act at once if you are inter ested. J. C. Corbin Co., 305 Lewis bldg. Open evenings HAWTHORNE 8-ROOM HOUSE. SNAP. Nice 8-room house, furnace, fireplace, 1 bedroom down, 3 upstairs; cement base ment, laundry trays; 5 bearing fruit trees, small fruits; lot 40x100, paved street and all city liens paid; 1 block to car; E. 31st st., between Hawthorne and Main ; fine location; price a snap, $4000; about $1500 cash, balance to suit. GRUSSI & BENNETT, 318 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. CLASSY BUNGALOW $4500. Splendid bungalow, hardwood floors In every room, fireplace, buffet, bookcases, Dutch kitchen with breakfast alcove, ce ment basement, furnace etc.; street assess ments paid. Let us show you this. - A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark St., Near Third. Main 3092, Main 3516. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. JUST COMPLETED. Artistically arranged bungalow, elegant ly finished, white enamel kitchen, hard wood floors, floored attic, sleeping porch, all built-ins. cement basement, 50x100 lot. restricted district. $3750. $500 cash and good terms, at 6 per cent. C. E. Adams, 507 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Marshall 2575, in morning. $10,000 HOME HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. witn .nuu worm lurmmre; iuiuu taxes gvrvtflingr. Will throw in auto for rood . measure, half cash. Tabor 4930. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. LAURELHURST. 6 Rooms and Sleeping Porch $4950. Folks, here Is your opportunity to irrt a real pickup a genuine bargain in our opinion. This is one of those real classy, downright modern Laurelhurst homes, and you will be delighted to find so complete a home for so little money; hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, etc; finished in white throughout; we want to show this to those of you who have looked and looked and couldn't find whst you wanted for the money; must be sold this week ; owner has reduced price for quick sale; don't delay don't hesitate. Get busy with the phono or send a messenger after us. Several of you are going to be late and downright disappointed, too, when you learn that this has been sold. A tain let us urge quick action. A. G. TEEPB CO.. 264 Stark St., Near Third. Main 302, Main 8516. Branch office, 60th and Sandy. $11,000. $11,000. $11,000. VIEW PROPERTY. PORTLAND HTS. BUY AT THE RIGHT PRICE. 7-room house and nearly 8 lots. This has never been offered for sale before, and will not last long, so it you are looking for a good buy, a,nd one of the best bar gains on the Heights, do not fall to see this. Modern in every detail. If inter ested call L. M. Lawrence, with RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 309 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. ALAMEDA PARK. Hl'NOALO W $4750. Folks, here is a nifty bungalow, splen didly located in beautiful Alameda Park. Must be sold immediately or property will be tken off the market ; hardwood floors, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, furnaoe, eto.; street liens paid. Let us show you. A. O. TKEPK CO., 264 Stark St., Nesr Third. Main Main 3516. - Branch office, Both and Sandy. BEAUTIFUL HOMFS, EIGHT ROOMS, NRAR EAST TWENTIETH AND COUCH, NEW LY PAINTED AND DECORATED INS1DO AND OUTSIDE. ALL MODERN CONVEN IENCES AND BUILT-IN EFFECTS TWO TOILETS, BATH, FURNACE AND GARAGE. A HANDSOMB AND AT TRACTIVE HOME. $6000. TERMS. aU. H. COLLIS. i-AS'r 660. A GOOD PROPOSITION. Modern bungalow, arranged for 2 fami lies; each a complete, modern. 5-room apartment, beautifully arranged; s. hand some place, on 50x100 feet, with pretty grounds and fruit; Piedmont district; would m.iKA nice home and bring income at same time; must bo seen to be appreci ated. M. BILLINGS, 509 McKay Bldg. Main 1390. SNAP BUY IRVINGTON. Large living room with large hall, larga dining room with buffet, don or bed room, pass-pantry, kitchen, toilet on porch, 3 bed rooms, bath, fine sleeping porch, lull ce ment basement, furnace, fireplace, hard wood floors, hard-surface street, garage. Price $0200. Terms. J. BOBBINS, 301 Railway Exchange. Office Main 7931. Res. Tabor 531ft- MAGNIFICENT LA URE L H URST HO.M Es'. I have 6 elaborate homes in the mot exclusive sections of Laurelhurst for sal at extremely low prices: Four are located on choice oversized corners, all have hot water heat and every modern conven ience. Pries from $900e0 to $15,000. Also several smaller places. May I show them to you? R. H. Torrey, 103 Floral ave. 407. MODERN 7-room house with closets and Bleeping porch, room on second floor: first floor has fireplace, front and back parlor, dining room and kitchen, concrete floor in basement, good furnace, can easily be changed into two flats; nonresident owner compelled to sell the property Immediately and is offering It at a bargain. Call for particulars a t 404 Play bldg., 127 Park st., corner Washington. 0000 ROSE CITY BUNGALOW $5000. Strictly modern 5-room bungalow, beau tiful nook and music room, hardwood floors throughout, fine fireplace, full ce ment basement, furnace, dandy garage, everything in very best location in Rose City; one-half block to car; this plac in worth $6500; $1500 cash will handle. Call at 1314 Sandy blvd. BEST BUY IN SUNNYSIDE FOR THRKH DAYS. Modern 5-room bungalow In the heart of the best residential district; fireplac. full cement basement, wash trays; a beautiful home at a sacrifice if taken at once, for $3000. J. E. BADLEY. J. C. Corbin Co., 305 Lewis Bldg. Marshall 309. Open evening. $4000 LAURELHURST $4000. Modern 5-room bungalow, with sleeping porch; hardwood floors, fireplace, full ce ment basemen r, furnace, large attic; lot 50x125; assessments $110 to assume; you will have to hurry, as $1000 cash wlU handle, balance $25 per month and lntor est. Call at 1314 Sandy blvd. H A WTHOR NE $3700. HARDWOOD FLOORS. FIREPLACE, FURNACE. GARAGE. 6-rm. bungalow; 48th St., slope of ML Tabor, block to car; modern to the letter; liens to be assumed $135; paved sta. Main 4803. Main 3730. G. C. GOLD EN BE RO, ABTNGTON BLDG. "30 Years in Portland." A BIG BARGAIN FOR YOU. Five-room bungalow with $0o0 worth of good furniture, fireplace, .buffet, white enamel kitchen, cement basement, all built-ins. 76x100 lot, graded streets, cement sidewalks, some fruit trees. Price Includ ing furniture $3175. $1800 cash, balance mortgage. C. E. Adams, 5.07 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Marshall 2075, in morning. BUNGALLOW HOME $4200. Attractive 5-room bungalow In nice lo cation on Mount Tabor at 70 E. 68th st (2 blocks N. Belmont car). Choice view, nice yard, shrubbery and fruit, furniture cheap if wished. Open for inspection. Own er moving. Will cut price to $4200, terms. R. H. Torrey, Tabor 407. ROSE CITY SNAP Large living room front of house, with fireplace; dining room with buffet; two bedrooms, bath and hall, kitchen complete; full basement. Price $3150. Terms. J. ROBBINS, 301 Railway Exchange. Office Main 7031. Res. Tabor 5319. $2250 BUNGALOW $2250. Four large rooms and bath, 2 rooms can be finished oh second floor. 80x101 lot. on 65th st. S. E.. close to Arleta school. House numbered 5205. $250 cash, balance liko rent. See E. M. Brown with N EI LAN & PARKHILU 219 Lumbermen!! bldg., 5th and Stark sta. $2050. HAWTHORNE. 5-room bungalow, besides two finished rooma in attic; close to Hawthorne ave.; fireplace, Dutch kitchen, good neighbor hood, paved streets; hurry if you want a bargain. A. K. Hill Co.. 216 Lumbermen bidg. ' 100x100 $1800. Mount Tabor car. 6 rooms, plumbing, basement, good repair, sleeping rooms on ground floor. Corner, all fenced, 4 blocks to car, near school: $500 down. Yeu can not match this offer. Immediate pos session. J. C. CORBIN CO.. S05-6-T-8 Lewis bldg. FOR SALE 2-story, 7-room residence wRi full lot with all atreet improvements pax, at 687 Wasco, between R. 19th and E. 21 it. Owner has left city permanently and place will be aold at bargain. For pric and terms see representative of owner at U cation. ROSE CITT. Bungalow, 5 rooms, heated by gas; cor ner, 00x100, double garage, $4500. East 1347. 100x100 with grape vineyard, cherries and apples, nest garaen spot jn ronmna; t-r. house with large closets, Dutch kitchen. Pnoleum, gas, electricity, clean and in fine condition; walking distance. Might con sider some trade or easy terms. Address owner, room 011 Carlton hotel. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Five rooms, 2 blocks to car, finished In Ivory enamel throughout, large living room, bookcases, hardwood floors, gas heating system, large view porch, pleasant outlook. Price $3."oo. Terms. 615 CHAM. OF COM. BLDG. MAIN 1166. HAWTHORNE AND GLENN AVES. $3000 for a fino 6-room. 2-atory residence in fine condition; going east, must Ml this week; r.ow vacant: $1000 cash, bal. monthly. Phone owner. Tabor 780. ,500 PORTLAND HEIGHTS. five cosy rooms, beautiful view, fir trees and fine air. gas heating system, fireplace, old ivory woodwork, hardwood floors. Why stay In an apartment 7 Come in and let xne tell you auout it. oiu oi mug. THE nicest home in one of the nicest cities in the w n lame ne vaney; Dries, nouse, four bedrooms, two baths, built-in kitchen and dining room; paved street, hard surfaced road to Portland. T 146, Ore gonian. WILLAMETTE ADDITION. JUST NORTH OK ALA M Cj DA. 6-room modern bungalow, lot 100x150, garage, lovely grounds, fruit and berries of all kinds, nut trees; price $4000, terms. Thomson, 515 Henry Bldg. CLOSE-IN HOME. Beautiful, well built, modern home on East 14th, near Yamhill, walking distance; Thia is a splendid buy. Sea it. M. BILLINGS. 509 McKay Bldg. Main 1390. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $1600. 1069 Arnold st, near 36th. 5-room house (vacant), lot 46x100, street hard-surfaced and paid. $800 cash, $20 month. 615 CHAM. OF COM. BLDG. MAIN 1166. FINE HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. 7-room. choice lot, strictly modern: must sell; $3400. Main 5231.