16 TIIE 3IORNIXG OREGOXIAX, MOXDAT, SEPTE3IBER 1, 1919. WANTED MISCEIXANEOVS. Furniture Wanted. BE SURE AND LET U8 EES your furniture and household goods before you sell. We are !n the market for uxai n-1 w.U pay highest pricea. POHTLAXD FURNITURE EXCHANGE. 2oS First t- Maio 772$ HELP WANTED MALB, MEN WANTED FOR LOGGING CAMP CP COLUMBIA K I V K K. APPLY 1117 YEON BLDG. Tt'ESDA Y MORNING. 1 WFISTLE BUY. 2 DONKEY FIREMEN. 1 CHASER. 2 CHOKERMEN. 1 SNIPER. 1 RIGG1NO SLING ER. 2 BL'M MEN. THE METER FRANK COMPANY requires the services of DELIVERY BOYS. Apply Employment Manager, sixth floor, Aleicr ik. Frank Company. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO TRAVEL FOR ADVERTISING A PUBLICATION, CALL ING UN BUSINESS AND PROFESSION AL PEOPLE ONLV; MI "ST BE CLEAN CI'T AND WILLING TO WORK; NO HOUSE-TO-HOUSE WORK ; SPLENU1U OPPORTUNITY FOR THE FUTURE; WE ADVANCE 2U PER WEEK. IU o 1 Art 1. A K 549, OREv;ONIAN. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Several men for canvassing work. Apply Tuesday morning-, manager's office, 302 Oak it THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE A TELE GRAPH COMPANY. WE HAVE an excellent opening for men with good character and lair intelligence. pr v luus experience not necroaary , umsi tummiffioiis, chance for rapid advance ment. "ail mornings. OCCIDENTAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., 4o6 Northwestern Bank Bldg. WANTED Mill men and loggers, will pay top wages, good board $7.33 per week, and fine p. ace to work. App.y Nordby cott. Inc., toi Couch bidg.. or at our mill. Timber valley near Lyle. Washing ton. "WANTED First-class, A No. 1 non-union operators; must be thoroughly familiar with Simplex machines: salary to start $.' per week. Answer In own handwriting and give full name, street add ret and telephone number. C 1-J, Oregonian. EoYS over 16 for light work In box fac tory. 1 experienced planerman. 4 yardmen. Apply 1144 Macadam road Tuesday morning. Experienced pant operator can FiND STEADY EMPLOYMENT. GOOD WAGES. AT THE BROWNSVILLE WOOLEN MILI-S. 3D AND MORRISON ST 3. ; W ANTED Non-union organists with theater; experience; slate kind or organ most s miliar with together with last place of employment: give full name, street address and telephone number, c l-L oregonian, UlVTKrt Thr mn for aurvrvlnt crew inan. chalnman. ex-service men preferred Hotl Venable, Monday, 8 A. M. to 12 M l". K. Clarke. T. M. C. a. ADVISORY AND EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Is not an employment agency, but a de partment of the Y. M. C A. which aids ambitious young men In prying open the doors of opportunity. In the past tea ars we nave assisted 1 7,330 men in una Ing positions and at the present time the demand for men exceeds the supply. The standing this department has with employers is due to the discriminating service rendered them over period of 13 years, and they turn to the Y. M. C A for men to fill the better sort of Jobs. AM men seeking employment are cor dially invited to consult with one of the employment secretaries, room 307. BOOKKEEPER WANTED If you arw a first-ciass bookkeeper and are fully ac quainted with keeping cost data, time, etc., and can give first-class local ref erences and ab:e to make yourself a live wire and want a position with a general contracting concern where you can spend the greater part of your time in con struction camps for a salary of $1.0 per month, write at once Box 3SS, Hermiston, Or.: also address duplicate letter to XY3, Hotel Perkins, Portland. But if you can't "cut the Ice" don't waste your Urn or ours. LEARN A TRADE. We are giving a special course In auto mobile, gas tractor, truck, stationery and marine, operating and repairing ; also ignition, rurburation and battery repairing, for $75. with a $25 discount to discharged soldiers and gallon. Hemphill's Trade Schools, Inc.. 77 Hawthorne ave. Take Hawthorne or ML Scott car, 2d and Alder sta. to E. 2uth- HELP WANTED MALE, Help Wanted Salesmen. WANTED A man who excels as a solicitor. For a man of the right caliber, one who can set the pace and is not afraid to go out alter the money, we have a live specialty, a real snappy seller. Call Tues . day. 315 Macleay bldg. WANTED Salesman for Royal vacuum cleaner and Crystal washer to work In city, good opening for man of ability. Stubbs Electric Co.. 6th and Pine sts. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS at once. Sell 50c per month boa pltal tickets. 206 Corbet t bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED First-class. A No. 1 non-union operators; must be thoroughly familiar t with Simplex machines; salary to start $50 give full name, street address and tele phone number. C 3 22, Oregonian. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY to intelligent, neat-appearing girls between the ages of 16 and IS, who wish to ac quire a sound business training under con genial conditions, while earning good sal aries from the beginning, we offer POSITIONS AS WRAPPERS AND INSPECTORS. in our various departments ; permanent work. We provide free, on the store's time, special educational advantages to enable applicants to fit themselves rapidly for higher positions. Apply at once to Edu cational Director, sixth floor, Meier & Frank Company. TO ALL ELEVATOR operators. Janitors. night watchmen, window washers, porters, chambermaids, come to union headquar ters, reoms 206-7. Goodnough bldg., 5th and Yamhill. Important. WANTED Young girls between ages of 16 ana lb yeais; steady employment with good wages and chance to learn to op erate power machine. Apply Ames-Harris Neville Co., 15th and Hoyt. WANTED Sept. 12, two chambermaids and waitress combined, also one kitchen maid now; references required. Write or ap ply St. Helens Mali, iatn ana riaii st. TO all millinery workers: Come to union headquarters, rooms 206-7 Goodnough bldg., 5th and Yamhill. Employment bu reau In connection. WANTED Experienced nurse for baby and assist in care ol two older children; $.0; references required. Telephone Main 13S7. Airs. Raymond w ncox. WANTED Young lady telegraph operator. thoroughly experienced in .Morse coae to handle commercial telegrams; state age and salary. P 515. Oregonian. "WANTED Good reliable man with ex perl - .-tit for a bushel ma and Dressing shop ta.e salary expected. J. L. Wintemute, Jll3 W. Main st.. Walla Walla, vash. STENOGRAPHER with some experience in bookkeeping and filing, good opportunity lor live young man to advance; give age. phone and relerence. R 26ft, Oregonian. SINGLE man for city place for gardening. milk one cow and do chores; good home and fair wages for good steady permanent man. Apply E. 63d and lamnui. WANTED 2 young men to assist drivers on auto express: call early, ready for work. Moml'iy morning: $15 per week. ira Transfer Co.. 32 Union ave. S. IR i.NTER-OPERATGR Want rinter-op entop for permanent position; short even ing shift on machine and afternoon oa floor. Herald, Albany. Or. WANTED A-l mechanic, lively out-of-town taraKe: steady job for right rn. Call at Hot.1! Houston. A. M. and 1. room 405, between 10 WANTED Combination window trimmer and card writer; preferably one with drug and department store experience, write HF 6. Oregonian. BuY to work In newspaper office; must know the city. Apply advertising depart ment. The Oregonian, 6th and Alder ts., this morning between 9 and 11 o'cl ock. WANTED Experienced steady, all-around tailor, German preferred : free room and other accommodations. Write 1121 2d at, Hillsboro, Or. TWO reliable neat appearing joys, ages 17 to 2o, wanted at Union sta'lon news stand, good wages. Apply Monday at 10:30 A. M. References. WANTED First-class doughnut man: also pastry cook; give phone. B 72S, Orego- W ANTED 1 live salesman to sell automo biles. F. M. Sheck Auto Sales Co., New berg. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED NIGHT CLERK FOR HOTEL OUT OF CITY. EAST 2234. . ELDERLY man wanted for sweeping fac tory. Pacific Phonograph Mfg. Co., E. ; 3d and Broadway. PRINTER for combined makeup and press Job. Morning newspaper. Oregon City Enterprise. Oregon City. Or. WANTED By over IS years old to run elevator. Experience not necessary. Pal ace hotel. 44i Washington st. THOROUGHLY' experienced wringer man or puller. $30 week. West Seattle Laundry, Seattle. Wash. SHEET metal worker, steady job to good all-around man. II. Hlrschberger Co., 247 Ankeny st. tLEKK. excellent opportunity for a capable office clerk, good penman; rtat- previous experience, salary, age. G 49. Oreonian THE MEIER A FRANK CO. requires the services of an experienced fur cutter. Ap ply In person at employment department 6th floor, or if you live out of town write or telegraph employment manager, Meier A Frank Co. WANTED Prospective auto and gas engint students to know that our tuition fee goes up on September la; enroll now and save $40; learn autos. tractors, gas engines. auto electrical work ; state aliows honor ably discharged soldiers and sailors $2." per month while attending school; call or write at unce for free Dig lou-page cata logue. Adcox Auto & Gas Engine School, Union ave. and Wasco st. Phone L. i44. EXPERIENCED millinery trimmers and makers wanted tor positions in Warning ton, Oregon and Idaho. Apply to Low en girt A Co. WANTED Names ambitious women, 18 or over, wishing government census positions; 4000 needed. $10oi year. AV 375, Oregonian. WANTED Girls to work in woodworking factory, wages $2.25, with advancement after first two weeks; give age and phone number. AE 283, Oregonian. WANTED Lady stenographer with some lumber experience, lor large out-of-town mill; state age, experience and salary wanted. W 445. Oregonian. SEAMSTRESS Plain sewing. Must have experience. Call between 8 and 0 this morning. 110 First st., near Washington, American Decorating Co. BUSINESS school or high school girl to work for room and board and wages. Three in family; good home. Phone Wdin in lb, or call at 990 Bryce avenue. HELP WANTED FEMALE. YOUNG LADIES WANTED. PERMANENT POSITIONS. BEGINNERS PAID FROM START. CALL AT THE TELEPHONE COMPANY, ROOM C01, 6TH FLOOR, TELEPHONE BLDG., PARK AND OAK STS. WANTED 100 WOMEN FOR PEALING PEARS. WASSELL HELOREN CO., 1634 E 13TH ST. TAKE SELL WOOD CAR TO TACOMA AVE. MAKE A BONUS EXTRA. Experienced operators on shirts, pants. overalls. p ay-suits and overcoats, also. gins experienced on 2-needle machines. i hreo women to do hand sewing on over coats. We have a very attractive bonus sys tem that we would like to explain to you. Appiy at office, Mt. Hood factory, .j- uoucn st. WANTED Women and erirls. Permanent do bi iions. worx is easy to learn, with good opportunity for advancement, good pay to start with. Apply in person. Take Rose oity rarx or Aiontavtua car to East 10th, walk 2 blocks south. Troy Laundry Co., E. 10th and Pine sta. GIRLS WANTED. Amerfcau Laundry, 140 E. 10th st. N. THE MEIER A FRANK COMPANY requires tne services oi lour sewers lor tne drapery workroom; previous drapery experience not necessary. Apply impioyent Manager, sixth floor, Meier & Frank Company. 2 CARLOADERS. 1 PLANER FEEDER, FAST FEED. 1 STICKERMAN. APPLY TUESDAY MORNING. 1117 YEON BLDG. WANTED CABINET MAKERS AND WOOD WOR KING-MACHINE MEN. CARMAN MFG. CO., 1214 MACADAM. LABORERS WANTED FOR CITY WORK ; STEADY EMPLOYMENT: MARRIED MEN PREFERRED; WAGES $4.30 TO $40 PER DAY OF 8 HOURS. APPLY ROOM 419, CITY HALL. CONTRACTOR to handle siabwood from conveyors to cars, earning from .j to iu per day. Apply in person. Crosse tt Western Lumber Co., Wauna. Or., 75 miles from Portland on Astoria division of S. P. & S. R R. WANTED Experienced marker and distrib utor to take charge oi marKing ana at tributing room. State salary, experience, and give references. Troy Laundry, As toria, Oregon. TO ALL ELEVATOR operators, janitors. night watchmen, window washers, porters, chambermaids, come to union headquar ters, rooms 206-7. Goodnough bldg., 5th and Yamhill. Important. INDUSTRIOUS, CLEAN boy, over 16 years. with some education, to assist in nai room, office and make himself generally useful; two meals and good salary if competent. University club, 275 6tb st. WANTED First-class bookkeeper and typ ist: salary $100 per month; in answerin; please state experience and last place of employment. B i27, oregonian. AN experienced prtcer and billing clerk for wholesale and retail tire bouse; give ai experience and salary expected. C 119, Oregonian. HOUSEKEEPER wanted, by Bohemian me chanic. 34 years, able to do plain cooking and housework; run particulars in first letter. C 120, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED finishers on custom pants; Also learners; union wages paid. 402 Phoenix bldg., 5th and Oak sts. EXPERIENCED power machine operator, steady work. Apply Simmons Glove Mfg. Co., 5th st., cor. Couch. Phoenix bldg. WANTED Girl in office, experience not necessary; In answering state salary. A 500, Oregonian. WANTED Practical, nurse for out-of-town position. No special training necessary. C 126, Oregonian. CAT 'N FIDDLE requires services of two experienced candy girls. 4 experienced waitresses, 1 bus girl. 145 Broadway. LEARN beauty work, we will teach 5 good wiliing girls. Sanitary Beauty Parlors, 400 Pfkum bldg. WANTED Capable second girl; references required; wages $50. Telephone Main 1387. Mrs. Raymond Wilcox. GIRLS wanted to work in paper box factory; steady positions. Appiy at . c. stettler Mfg. Co., east end of steel bridge. WANTED Girls for work in box factory at Multnomah number & iiox Co., foot of Bancroft ave. EXPERIENCED salesladies wanted. Milli nery Department. Apply at once. Wonder Millinery. 6th and Alder. WOMEN wanted at once; light work. Call Columbia Paper ox Co., J2oth and Hol-laday. SHIRTMAKERS. also woman to embroider initials and monograms on shirts. Jacobs onirt co., Raleigh bldg., 327 Wash- iii st tun st. WANTED Experienced operators on power sewing machines; also girls to learn. Carman Mfg. Co., 1214 Macadam. BALES POSITIONS for 20 experienced women in economy basement store. Excellent sal aries. Apply superintendent's office, be tween 9 and 10:30 ready to go to work. LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO. WANTED One girl for bus girl to carry dishes and clear tables: work six days per week and as late as 12 P. M. at night; salary $60 per month and board. Apply at the Broadway Hazel wood, 127 Broadway, after 11 A. M. GIRL wanted for housework and some cook ing in good home with every modern electric convenience, also good nurse girl, two -sisters or friends preferred. Apply not before Tuesday at 491 E. 16th North. Irvington car. Phone East 2932. GIRLS WANTED Experience not neces sary. Good opportunity, with steady work. Apply In person. Take Rose City Park or Montavilla car to East 10th St., walk 2 blocks south. Troy, Laundry Co. East 10th and Pine sts. PRINTER wanted; one who would like to learn linotype; would consider two-thirder or one who has worked at trade for at least one year. The Dispatch, Dayton. Wash. t ADVERTISING SOLICITORS Rand, Mc- Naily Pocket and Railroad Auto Guides, Oregon, 9000; all states, 583,000. Commis sion 25 per cent, paid immediately upon verification. Clyde, 210 Stock Exchange. WANTED Live salesman with car to sell an auto necessity to garage and accessory dealers In city and state. Commission good. Live man will earn $10 per day. tij 6th st. MAN and wife as Janitors for small office building; no Sunday work; wnne or coiorea. room 210 Allsky bldg. KiY w It h wheel. J 75 per month : must he Irt or over. Apply room 7. Board of Trade bldg. w ANTED Live young clothing salesman, one window trimming experience preferred. State age. BF 35, Oregonian. BOY for meat market. 16 or over: one who is not attending school, call Jt4 union ae. North. WANTED Crockery and glassware packer. Apply Employment Dept. Tuesday, Mar- nntii to., irttn ana iovejoy. CABINET makers wanted at Pacific Phono graph Manufacturing Co E. 33d and F;roadway. (;()!. ail-around printer, for country shop, nnr Portland; good wages. O 734, Ore gonian. ' JEFFERSON high school boy wanted for evening work; must oe 10 years oia. can AlMna Branch Library, 350 Rnott st. "WANTED Youns man for delivering gro ceries. Star Grocery. 57th and Sandy bivd. BoY. 16 years old to run elevator, 7:30 to 4:30: permanent position ana iignt work. Conradine hotel. W NTED Delivery driver. experienced. Watcher Bros., Grocers, 594 E. Broadway. ELDERLY man of good appearance for el- evator operator. Hotel Lenpx. BOY WANTED GOOD WAGES. F. W. B ALT Erf A CO.. PRINTERS. MAIL CLE R tC, key clerk, front office clerk, for large hotel. R 4 Oregonian. i. R K A N D BO Y C rare DM. Letter Co., Royal BUS BOY wanted at University club, 275 Hth st. V ANTE D First -cl ass ba rbe r. Boa rd Trade barber shop. 4th and Oak. BARKER WANTED Non-union: $2. guar anteed. Steady job. 25 Morrison st. WANTED Yard men at Multnomah Lum ber Jfc Fox Co.. foot of Bancroft ave. EXPERIENCED PERMANENT. JANITOR POSITION EMPORIUM, 126 HTH ST. WANTED Janltress. Oregon blug. Call at once. ."th and oak sti. IooR man for American theater. Apply after 1Q A. M. Corner 1st and Main sts. OL'NG man wanted with some experience tn m-at market. Call 364 Union ave. N. WANTED Elevator operator. Katon. Apply Hotel ELEVATOR constructors, mechanics and helpers. Apply Tuesday, Otis Elevator Co. WANTED A man to help with cooking. Main 7.'.S4. WANTED At once, a good coatmaker. F. J. Hubrr. Baker. Or. EXPERIENCED shirt cutter. Apply at of fice. Mt. Hood factory. 233 Couch street. W A NTED Del f very boy. The Irwln-Hod-son Co.. 37 Washington sL BOYS for mattress dept. Roys for upholstery depu Boys for spring dept. IjNIVfcU .vit-u. CO.. 971 Sandy bivd. STRONG young man wanted, to work In gen eral merchandise stock room; permanent position to one willing to learn. Apply to Mr. Groenwa'.d, Simon's store, 2d and Alder. . SCHuOLHOY, 16 years of age. to run ele- ator 4 :30 to 10 P. M. Permanent posi tion. No phone calls. $6 per week. Con rad I ne hotel. WANTED Janitor: must be experienced and handy; day work. Apply after 8 P. M. Rialto Billiard Tarlor, Park and Alder. WANTED Cigarmakers, steady employment year around. Factory conditions are good. Communicate with Hood River Cigar Co., Inc., P. O. box 224. Hood River, Oregon. WANTED Tailor, good all-around tailor and cutter, good wages, steady work; state experience: prefer married man; small eastern Oregon town. AV 470. Oregonian. RELIA BLE stenographer, willing to do clerical work. Apply David Hose Co., 0a N. Broadway. WANTED Experienced waitress at Hotel Osborn at Eugene, Oregon. R. . R. fare refunded. ANY t'rl In need of a friend apply to th Salvation Army Rescue Home. 392 East ISth st. N., or phone East 123. EXPERIENCED operator on 4 needle shirt box pleat machine. Bonus paid in addi tion. Mt. Hood factory, 233 Couch street. WANTED Married woman to keep set double entry books; must furnish refer ences. 1224 Sandy bivd. ELDERLY man wishes housekeeper for country; good wages. Inquire 211 Mor rlson NURSE girl with experience to take care of baby, good home. 24o Cornell st, head of Marshall st. Main -. U. WANTED Waitress for country commercial hotel, $3.1, board and. room; pleasant sur roundings, all women help, steady help wanted, no boomers need apply. Apply Main 6252, 322 Ablngton bldg. LIPMAN, WOLFE A CO. require the serv ices of experienced sales women ior WAISTS. TRIMMINGS, GLOVES. CHIL DREN'S WEAR, KITCHEN WARE. KNIT UNDERWEAR. TOYS, HOSIERY. Also stock girls, messengers and mark era, between the ages of 16 and 18. Apply supts office between 9 and 10:30 in the morning. EXPERIENCED fur finisher and apprentice, good wages, steady employment throughout the year. Apply in person at employment department, 6th floor, or if you live out of town, write or telegraph employment man ager, Meier A Frank Co. COAT and suit dept. In local retail store has opening for a young woman as model: must be 36 bust measure and of medium height one having had experience pre ferred. Write P. O. box 747. FORMER employes of Llpman, Wolfe & Co., saleswomen and cashiers, who 'are aesir ous of sharing In the coming event, will apply immediately at gupt-'s office ready to go to work. EDUCATIONAL. LEARN AUTOS AND TRACTORS. FIVE DAYS FREE TRIAL. PAY TUITION WHEN SATISFIED. We teach Auto, Tractor. Gas Engine and Auto Electrical Work. BIG 100-PAGE CATALOGUE FREE. Address Adcox Auto 'A Tractor School, Dept. K. Union ave. and Wasco sc. Portland, Or. Phone East 7445 SITUATIONS WANTEI FEMALE. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL 416 Hawthorne Ave. Automobiles, trucks, tractors. Ignition and starter work. Vulcanizing and re treading. Special summer rate. Day and evening classes. THE SCHOOL THAT TEACHES YOU TO BOSS THE JOB. POSITION'S ASSURED. EVERY GRADUATE OF BEHNKJS-WALKER Business College, Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue. Al DEMONSTRATOR, 18 years eastern ex perience, best reference, no canvass; food or other lines, city or road. Call East 1940. t Bookkeeper, Stcnogrannent. Office. POSITION wanted by young lady; finished stenographic course, familiar with mimeo graph. Call B 12M5. YOUNG lady desires work in office, typing and general office work. A 5S2, Oregonian. DresH makers. MRS. SIMPSON, formerly of Kamapo hotel, is now at Cordova hotel, 11th and Jeffer son Room 202. DRESSMAKING, plain sowing, designing reasonable; guaranteed. 62 N. 21st st. Main PLAIN sewing done reasonable. Mrs. Ford, 8774 East Stark. East 712S. EXPERIENCED dressmaker will go out by nay. Phone Buwy. 2 1 10. LEARN TELEGHAPHY. Young men and women wanted. Call 433- ncnnu'"f; 'ef"Qan pjP?r- DRESSMAKING; work guaranteed. SOS MOHLER BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning, gives you a set of tools; positions secured. Send for catalog. Phone Broadway 1731. 234 Burnside st. ;OUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASS'N. COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Day, night session. All branches taught 14 BROADWAY Main 7S76. DECKER'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. Typewriting, bookkeeping, comptometer, all other mod. business courses. Day, night school. Alisky bldg., 3d and Mor. Main 324. Nurse. RHEUMATISM and fat reduction a spe cialty. Rates reasonable. W E. Sanitarium, 734 Hawtorne ave. East L177. EXPERIENCED practical nurse wishes con flnemeiits. Call Tabor 1S35. EXPERIENCED and dependable nurse, con valescents preferred. Ref. Mar. 349. Housekeepers. ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEACHERS' AGENCY. Frank K. Welles, ex-as&c. State Supt., mgr. N.W. Bank bldg. Teachers placed promptly. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning, gives you se oi tools tree, position secured! 3SN.2d st. HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE. WASHING TON at JOth; enter now; day. evening; all commercial brunches; Broadway lb2l. MEN. WOMEN Learn barber trade free; wages wnne ie.fiuus. position guaranteed. Oregon Barber College. 233 Madison st. KINDERGARTEN Linnea Hall, 666 Irving St.; graduate teacners. v. an Aiain 4obS. DEMONSTRATOR for electrical washing mac nine, one with laundry experience pre ferred. Apply Employment Manager, sixth iioor, .aieier & j-ranK. company. WE REQUIRE the services of several girls w-no nave nad experience in tactory worK; to such we can offer permanent employ ment at good wages, with chance for ad vancement; former employes will be given preference. Apply American Can Co., 14th and Front sts. THE international Correspondence Schools can raise your salary. ltl Broadway. TEACHING position, free registration. Mafn 4b35. Fisk Teachers' Agency, Journal bldg. MISS MATTINGLY'S Shorthand. Typewrit lng school; $6 mo. 26U 14th. Main 3SU3. 1 AXES-FISHER Teacher's registration. Main 6274. Agency Free Broadway bldg. RELIABLE woman, with little boy, wishes position as housekeeper: none but with good intentions need answer. Mrs. E. Reed. 649 -. Morrison st. Bdwy. 2636. WANTED Position as housekeeper by re liable and competent woman with 2 little ' girls; country preferred. Would cook for several men. 13.12 Kell v. Marshall 2rt'f LADY wants position as housekeeper in wid ower's home or elderly couple ; no irnn 11 children, cltv or country, no trlflers. Mrs. A. E. H., 247 Whltaker tC WANTED A position as manager of apart ment house by refined niarrird lady; best of references, experienced. AE 316, Oregonian. NEAT woman, good cook, wishes position as housekeeper for 1 or 2 middle-aged or elderly gftitlfinen. RD 517, Oregonian. WANTED By widow position as house keeper, city or country ; no women boss. A 5iM i, Oregon fa n. WANTED TO RENT. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. WANTED Women to work in Libby, Mc Neil & Libby' s cannery at The Dalles; tents, wood, lights, water free; good work ing conditions. For full particulars apply at Llbby's, cor. Front and Ash sts.. Portland. WANTED Non-union organists with theater experience ; state kind of organ most fa miliar together with last place of employ ment; give full name, street address and telephone number. C 121, Oregonian. WANTED Several capable women with or without experience. .Palace Laundry, iast 10th and Everett. EXPERIENCED millinery makers wanted. Apply at once, wonder Millinery, otn and Alder. Wanted Domestics. TWO young women for cook and second maid can find splendid positions In my home; prefer them to be acquainted and congenial company for each other; high est wages paid ; out-of-town applicants please write Mrs. Bowman. 645 Knott st. A COMPETENT woman to do cooking and general downstairs work in family of 3 adults. No washing or ironing; references. Apply 415 W. Park st. or phone Main 2t45 mornings. VERY experienced dairy and hog man, sin gle, 35 years of age, desires position on a farm where a man with exceptional ex perience and ability is needed; wages s per month; only reasonably permanent po sition considered, w rite immediately B 703, Oregonian. llouhes. YOUNG married man of 30 wants position with wholesale house or small growing manufacturing plant, . 8 years mercantile experience, stock, shipping, books and cor respondence ; am not afraid of responsi bility. AG 155, Oregonian. ROOF ATTENTION Don't wait until it rains. I have the only original webfoot tar and asphaltum roof paint that makes your old root as good as new, as low as 1 cent per foot. Call and I will examine roof. No charges; Woodlawn 445 L WANTED at once, 3 or 4 hours' work after 5:30 P. M. by young man with family, can fire, run elevator or most anything will do; can give reference. D 576, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS mechanical engineer wants position; experienced in hoisting, convey ing and mining machinery; also In esti mating and cost keeping. AH 707, Ore gonian. AN experienced salesman and sales manager wishes position with a well-established and reliable firm, which offers a good future; can furnish satisfactory reference. Call Tabor 902 for appointment. MIDDLE-AGED mai desiring position as salesman, solicitor, collector or any job demanding outdoor work, at least part of day. Can give excellent references. AG 132, Oregonian. HAVE no bull dogs, ppt cats or parrots, but a fine baby boy, 1-year-old, who scores 1"0 per cent, and I want to rent by Septem ber 1 an apartment, flat or bungalow In good district, 3 or 4 rooms, furnished or unfurnished ; private bath. Call Tabor WANTED To rent clean 4 or 5-room un furnished bungalow; family of 3 adults: will buy desirable place inside 8 or In months; what have you? AG 131, Ore gonian. WANTED Small furnished or unfurnished house or apartment by Sept. 15. Must be good neighborhood, not too far out. C. J. Shipley. H'lil Cleveland ave. WANTED To rent by young couple. 4-5-room bungalow by Sept. 1, unfurnished, not over $;I0, with garage preferred. Call mornings, Bdwy. 4050. RESPONSIBLE party wants furnished house, lour to six rooms, not over $.15 per month. Phone Marshall 210 or Mil waukie K7-M. WANTED To rent, by established business man, furnished or unf uriusJied house in good cond it Ion ; family of three adults. Call Sell. 223 or Mar. 1535. WANTED By family of three adults, a home bungalow if possible of 6 or 7 rooms, in good residence district. Broud w a y 1 59 1, room 326. A FIRST-CLASS upholsterer will upholster your parlor suites, lounges, soias, maae over your mattresses at your own resi dence. Address Upholsterer, 51 N. 2d st. WANTED A competent girl for general housework for Uearhart Reach from Sept. 1 to Oct. 1. Address application to Mrs. F, H. Haradon. 385 Hth st., Astoria, Oregon. WANTED Colored girl, about 13 years old, care for boy 3 years: can go to school i necessary; good home and pay. Inquire 30 Title jfc Trust Didg. WANTED A competent cook with satisfac tory references as to ability, neatness and honesty. Wages SoO. Address Mrs. Sam uel Elmore, 35 14th St., Astoria, Or. EXPERIENCED girls for power machines and women to work on mattress fillers; steady employment; good pay. UNITED MFG. CO.. 071 Sandy bivd. YOUNG GIRL HAVING HAD POWER MA CHINE EXPERIENCE CAN FIND STEADY EMPLOYMENT AT THE BROWNSVILLE WOOLEN MILLS, 3D AND MORRISON STS. WANTED Girl for general housework wages $45; small family, no washing. 53 Bu ena V lata drive. WANTED Girl to do cooking in family with a second girl at Reed college; will teach inexperienced girl. Ftione seiiwood 2430. GIRL to assist in general housework; good home, good wages, small family. 848 Washington st. Call Saturday or Monday. LADY TO WASH DISHES IN MILL BOARDING HOUSE FEEDING ABOUT 40 MEN. APPLY TUESDAY MORNING. 1117 YEON BLDG. GIRLS wanted to work in candy factory; fancy box packers preferred. Apply Henry Ross A Sons, Union and East Stark streets. WANTED A woman to care for 5-months-old baby In your own home, near Jefferson high school daytime. Phone Woodlawn 3737, Sunday and Monday. F1RST-CLAS& makers and trimmers. Apply Immediately for position. Long season. good salary, juuuer & naaa Co. THE Florence Crlttenton Home is ready to help any gin in distress, voo u. uusan. M. V. car. Kast BURS ELL Private Business School Enroll now; day school, night school. Lumber mens bldg.. 5th and Stark. Bdwy. 3464, GIRLS wanted on light factory work; steady work, good wages. Apply American Can Co., 14th and Front sts. WANTED Names ambitious men, 18-35, de siring railway mall clerk positions; begin ner's salary $1100 year. AV 376, Oregonian. BODY 1RONER wanted, must be thoroughly experienced; salary 11? per ween; trans portation paid to Wenatchee: position steady. Wenatchee Steam Laundry. FIRST-CLASS slaughter-house butcher, also a helper; wages 30 to J40 per week, in cluding board and room. Frank L. Smith Meat Co.. 22S Alder st. ADVERTISING SALESMEN Extraordinary opportunity, permanent, experience un necessary; INVESTIGATE. Robinson, 207 Stock Exchange. GIRLS wanted to operate knitting and sew ing machine, good pay. Apply 31 N. 5th St. janiscu ivimuuB Mum. EXPERIENCED SALESWOMEN FOR OUR SUIT I'tri.; ruaiuu.Na rfiKMAABNT, EMPORIUM, 126 6TH ST. GIRL for general housework in 3-room apt. and to assist in me care 01 two children. Call Main 6124; salary $30. SCHOOL girl to assist in housework. 106, Oregonian. GIRL for shop office half days, state ex perlence and salary. BF 12, Oregonian. ERRAND GIRL bldg. Crane Letter Co., Royal WANTED cook on ranch in eastern Oregon. H 120. Oregonian EXPERIENCED WOMAN CASHIER. COF FEE CUP LUNCH ROOM. 133 PARK ST. WANTED Strong, active boy, $16 a week to start. Apply Monday morning, . u o'clock. Oregon News Co., 440 Glisan. WANTED A boy. with a wheel, steady position. Chappell a r lower bnop, ooi Morrison st- CYLINDER pressman for night shift. Co lumbia Paper hox co.. 2otn and nowaday. BILL DISTRIBUTOR. Give age, salary ex pected and phone numoer. a iv 4, ore- gonlan. EXPERIENCED Ford driver for Irvington grocery. A24 hi, lotn isortn. cau Tues day momln g. BARBER wanted; steady Job; must be first- class, $25 guarantee. .' over Phone or write. R. N. Hymer. lone, Oregon. WANTED At once young baker or experi enced helper. Atlas ttuxery, AicMinn ville. Or. WANTED Boy with 'bicycle to deliver groceries all day. 4.-u aimon at., Dec 12th and 13th. Salmon Street Grocery. WANTED Husky young man to line sugar sacks; good wages. Apply Ames-tiarris-Nevllle. 15th and Hoyt sts. MEN wanted to work on river steamers; S70 month, board ana room, inquire wean ing ton-street dock. WANTED Boy for grocery store. 16 or over: one who Is not attending school. Call at 700 Washington. WANTED A sausage maker; only com petent man need apply, w. j. tut, wood River. Or. NIGHT clerk wanted: middle-aged man for clerk. C 125, Oregonian. WANTED 1 good automobile mechanic. F. M. Shrek Auto Sss 'o.. New berg. WANTED Busheiman and presser. 423 Jef itrson. WANTED Pastry cook. Give phone. B 730. oregonian. BOY wanted to learn dental laboratory work. Apply Tuegday 518 Medical bldg. WANTED- An old man to do chores for permanent home. 7511 64th ave. B. E. W. M. 10 PILING peelers wanted; long job. Burnett. Jefferson. Or. CABINETMAKER wanted. 2th and Nicola! sts. Kautz Mfg. Co., WANTED Bellboy. Carlton hotel. WANTED Good coatmaker. The Danes. Oregon. J. S. Jensen, BOY wanted to learn trade. Co.. 14i 10th st. Wm. Klumpp CHORUS GIRLS Highest wages, long en gagements; no traveling. Casino Theater. EXPERIENCED telephone operators may ba obtained by calling Alain 102, A 2687. GIRL to do plain cooking and assist with housework. Marshall 856. EXPERIENCED nurse-maid with references. Appiy 251 King st. Marshall 60. WANTED Experienced manicurist. Wilcox bldg. barber shop. PIANIST No experience necessary. Must know "Chlnaland." AC 892. Oregonlon. WANTED Millinery Lowengart & Co. apprentices. Apply WANTED Chamberband. street. 741 Washington WANTED Female help. Apply Tuesday morning, Portland Laundry Co., 42 N. lth. WILL give music lessons for sewing, fancy work or laundry. Main 3018. WANTED A competent girl for generai housework. Apply mornings, 7S7 Overton st. OPERATORS on dresses, good wages. son. 4-3Vi Wash, st. El- EXPERIENCED coat finisher wanted on men's coats. 403 Merchants' Trust bldg. WOMAN to help In small hotel. Phone Woodlawn 400 1. ONE waitress- at the Martha Washington. Marshall 1251. m WANTED Experienced saleslady. Electric co., otn ana rine sats. TWO girls, one dishwasher. Camas, w ash. Palace Cafe. WANTED Three girls to learn rough dry sorting and three girls to shake out sheets. Crystal Laundry, E. 21st and Sandy. Rose City car. A YOUNG lady by wholesale house to do office work and to act as model for coats and suits. Must be able to use typewriter. State salary expected. P 561, Oregonian. AN elderly lady to care for children while mother works. Some wages and a good home, call Monday alter o o clock. Ta bor 5825. GIRL for cooking and general housework no washing or ironing; wages 5U. as; Clifton st., Portland Heights. Mar. 805, WANTED An experienced woman for cook ing and general housework. Apply 860 Marshall st.. Main 7440. WANTED Competent girl for general house work, good wages to right party. Main 377. COOK wanted out of town, female, colored preferred ; very moral family. Write or phone Mrs. H. K. Brooks, Bend, Or. WANTED Young girl for general house work; must like children. Phone East 7614. WANTED Competent girl for cooking and downstairs work, no washing, wages $50. Call Main 610 forenoons. good Call GIRL to assist general housework; home, good pay. 768 Marshall st. Tuesday. MILLINERY APPRENTICES We have room for several girls that are handy with - the needle as apprentices. Apply wonder Millinery. ttn and Alder. EXPERIENCED young lady stenographer by wholesale house ; permanent position ana good salary to rignt party, u iiov. Ore go n 1 an. FE E DERS and folders, hand ironers and press operators wanted. Good pay. Steady worK. Apply in person. Troy Laundry Co. E. 10th and Pine sts. PLAIN middle-aged lady to do chamber work and neip wait tames at noon in exchange for self and husband's room and board. Work 6 hours. 521 Savier. . WANTED Young girl in Rose City Park district to help with light housework aft ernoons and evenings, rnona labor 4J21 JAPANESE girl for housework. Will teach English. Husband may room with her. 85K Northrup, bet. 25th and26th sts. WANTED A No. 1 stenographer with knowledge of dictaphone. Apply Lang &. 00. . 1st and Anneny sts. GIRLS to learn upholstering cots; steady employment. United Mfg. Co., 971 Sandy bivd. PRACTICAL nurse; must be strong and ca pable, for a nervous patient. Apply 812 Johnson. GIRLS wanted at once; light work. Call Columbia Paper Box Co., E. 2oth and Hol-laday. WANTED A woman to work 1 hour morn ings and evenings for room and board. Tabor 4603. WEST side high school girl to work for room, board ind small salary; desirable surroundings. Mar. 1530. SCHOOL girl or middle-aged woman to as sist with light housework, good home and some wages. AG 134, Oregonian. WANTED Bookkeeper capahle of keeping a complete set; references required. E. u . Willey. 200 H Washington st- A YoUNG woman, to study nursing In pri vate hospital: from out or town preferred; good pay. 60 Union ave. N. GIRLS For sowing on dolls. Steady work if adapted. 304 Koyai Annex, ark & Morrison. WANTED Experienced seamstress, also girl for the mangle and snirt department. U. S. Laundry Co., 180 Grand ave. WOMAN dishwasher wanted, $70 month, 8 hours. Apply d and Liiisan. GOOD cook for general housework, no fur nace fires, no laundry work: good wages. 197 N. 25th, head of Kearney. Mar. 4 in WANTED Experienced woman for cooking and housework ; no washing. 535 E. lUtb N. Telephone bast abu. WANTED Girl for cooking and downstairs work. Phone Marshall 1010. Call at 110S Westover road. WANTED Competent girl for rooking and downstairs work. No laundry. Phone Main 230U. WANTED Girl who is first-class cook and for downstairs work; wages $60. Keep second girl. Marshall S23. SCHOOL girl wanted near Lincoln high. Main 4900. GOOD home for services. and wages to woman or girl Kast 2274. 00S -fcj. Wash. W WANTED Competent girl to do cooking, good wages. 429 Vista ave. WANTED Young girl for general house work; family of 3. Woodlawn 3137. girl. COOK or general house work Johnson. Broadway 2600. WANTED Girl for general housework. 4 in family. 4;'.6 E. 24th N. Broadway car. MAID fr general house work. E. 17th N. Apply 534 GIRL for second work. 794 Lovejoy st. Main 247. WNTED Girl for general housework. 730 Overton 8t. WANTED Experienced girl, cooking and general housework. Sept. 1st. Main 1478. WANTED Girl for light house work, no washing. Tabor 3.4. SCHOOL girl to assist with housework for room, board ana wages, r.as. iamj. GOOD competent girl for general housework. Phone East 1842. WANTED Housekeeper In family of 4 adults; references. wu t. wain. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED Chambermaid. hotel, 171 Lou nad ale. Apply Mallory WANTED Woman for laundry and cleaning. Monday and Tuesdays, call Marshall o7S6. WANTED Chambermaid at 204 Columbia street. RESPONSIBLE person with automobile. morning work only. uo: weidier. FURNITURE cabinet maker, belt sender, I WANTED Waitress; room and board. Mar- cabinet makers. 240 Salmon st. BILLING CLERK. State age. salary expect ed and phone number. AK 553, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED furniture man for stock room Healy Bros., 13th and Hoyt. ERRAND boy. Crane Letter Co. Royal bldg. Help Watit LI FE Insurance company wants two men. good opportunity, salary and commission, no experience necessary. 10O0 Yeon bldg WANTED Salesman to represent factory. Ford necessity. Reardon Mfg. Co., Peoria. shall 6070. EXPERIENCED egg candler wanted at once. Call Broadway 3182. Mr. La kin. WANTED Girl waitress; restaurant, 109 Jersey st., St. Johns, Portland, Or. CHAMBERMAID for Portland hotel. Call room 250. GIRL to work In cafeteria. 264 1st. LADY barber. 70 per cent. 189 4th st. B US "glrT wanted. 308 Oak st.. cal 1 Tuesday. WOMAN for small cafeteria. 264 1st. lady di.wa-b.er wanted. 114 3d fit, N. MAID to cook and general housework; 2 In family; good wages and home. Main 7928. GIRL WANTED General housework. 410 E. 11th sL NortN A YOUNG girl to assist with light house work. Marshall 1321. GIRL to assist with general housework. Applymornina,69- Lovejoy st. GIRL or woman for general housework; good home, good wages. East 7607. HOP PICKERS WANTED. Need about 35 pickers: 14 acres in fine, heavy hops; pay $1.20 per hundred pounds; furnish fruit, vegetables, straw wood and spring water; yard 2 miles north of Mountaindale on East Dairy creek; will meet trains Sept. 3 at North Plains. Or., on the United Railways. Ad dress 1. H. Maxwell, Banks, Or., Route No. 3. box SO. HOP PICKERS WANTED. 70 acres clean and good picking hops In Mission Bottom, near Waconda, Or., pay 1.20 per 100 pounds; tents furnished, good camping grounds; start pidking September 8. See W. L. Sun at Lastern Trading Co., 240 Yamhill st., corner of Second. HUNDREDS men. women, wmied, 51100 year, government office and outside posi tions. List free. Franklin Institute, dept. 376 S, Rochester. N. Y. BEAN pickers wanted at Newberg. 1 mils south; 2 cents per lb; board 60 cents pel day and sleeping quarters furnished; good picking. W. Oldenburg. Tel. 25-A-15. WANTED Registered druggist. 28, wants position about Sept. 20, now employed; prefer southern Oregon; salary $165. Ad dress AV 4!0, Oregonian CHAUFFEUR with exceptionally good city reference, wishes place; would consider one where part time was required for other suitable work. Call Main 6738. MAN and wife wish apartments for few hours' daily work; man is employed. Room 17, 414 Jefferson st. Phone Mar shall 5714. . HIGH-CLASS salesman, correspondent and office man, desires connection with grow ing firm where good future will be as sured. B 713, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED country store salesman de sires position, thoroughly familiar with Belling. Duying, management, up 10 uai.e. BD 521, Oregonian. WANTED Furnished house or h. k. rouint,, preferably Piedmont or Wal nut Park. Woodlawn 1213. WANTED 5 or 6-rootn modern bungalow, from owner. Not over $3500. C 113, or egonlan. WANTED 5-room modern bungalow near rarline. Have Ul! Chevrolet in good con dition as part payment. W 401, Oregonian. WANTED To rent furnished or unfurnished house in Alberta; no children. AG 120. Uregonian. RESPONSIBLE party wants 3 or 6-room house or bungalow; can furnish references if desired. East 4712. WANTED To rent by Sept. 15 or Oct. 1, 5 or 6-room bungalow. Phone East 8768. WANTED -Torrent 4 or 5-room bungalow with garage. Phone Sell wood 2823. WANTED Small 2 or 3-room house In tho northwest part of city. O t52, Oregonian. Apartment. SIT. By married man, experienced farmer nice home and congenial surroundings con sidered before high salary. BF 15, Orego nian. EVPKRIEXCED watchman wants position excellent references. C. H. W., 370 First sC, Portland. r.A RPENTER New or renair work ; small lobs promptly attended to; estimates cheerfully given. Tabor 1103. WANTED Work for two-ton commercia truck; will consider out-or-iown joo, O 8o4, Oregonian. MAN and wife, cook and second cook; camp or small hotel. Marshall U0; 3So Yam hill, room 6. CHAUFFEUR Is experienced mechanic and driver, wants position with private family or bank. AC 033, oregonian. f'.OMPFTKMT accountai't wants small set of books to keep, highest standard 01 service rendered. J 21 i, Oivgonian CHAUFFEUR-MECHANIC wants private touring or truck driving; reierences. sc 11, Oregonian. CITY salesman of unusual ability wants em ploy men t. Call rast ftJB. MAN, age 50, wants light, clean work; small salary. M 101. uregonian. SAWYER with several years experience cir cular saws. R 2.i, uregonian. AUTO mechanic, first -class, w il! do repair work at your home. Main your 473 TRUCK work wanted. Special rates to busi ness firms by montn. uroaaway 13. CA RPENTER, A-l mechanic, remodeling new work, f none laoor uu-i:. CARPENTER, experienced, wants city or country worK. rt iu, uregonian. ROOF repairing, roof painting, done by ex. pert. Last -1 -. PLUMBING expert, repair any plumbing, gas; very reasonaoie. ji ecu ray, hen. 112.. Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office. BOOKKEEPER-ACCOUNTANT wants posi tion, 12 years experience, competent, in cost accounting, financial statements, etc.. first-class references, would accept mod erate salary if good opportunity. B 704, Oregonian. Soldiers and Sailors. EX-SERVICE MAN, 25 YEARS OF AGE, WHO HAS A liUUJ i.uy .. 1 'j , ul' BOOKKEEPING, DESIRES EMPLOY MENT WITH LIVE BUSINESS FIRM. I WILL TACKLE ANYTHING WITH A GOOD FUTURE. NOTHING BUT PER MANENT WORK CONSIDERED. AC 908. OREGONIAN. DISCHARGED soldier desires employment for 3V""ton Ki. M. iruLK. A.uii!iiti.iij dump body, first-class condition. E 431, Oregonian. YOUNG man desires position as office as sistant where tnere is opportunity iUi vancement; has knowledge of bookkeep ing and typing. BD 525. Oregonian. EX-SERVICE man, young married man with o years expeneo uni im pairing automobiles; garage preferred. East 6798. WANTED By two adults, mother and son. west side, walking distance, .modern, part Iv furnished apartment or fiat: references If required. Phone Woodlawn 2151. BUSINESS lady desires small modern, un furnished apartments, close in; permanent; references. Call Main 561. WANTED Between Sept. 15 and Oct. 1, apartment ; 3 adults; references. Tabor 7121. Room. WANTED By single man in responsible po sition, nice room with breakfast only: must be in nice neighborhood, close In, and have garage or one nearby; references ex changed. No trlflers need apply. Box T 12;;. Oregonian. YOUNG woman, employed, wants one or two cosily furnished housekeeping rooms, on ground floor; would like fireplace In room. Phone Marshall 26 alter 6:30 P. M. TWO sleeping rooms by 3 employed people. Phone Marshall 46. WA NTED Unfurnished room, at.nu h 1. n-e of bath and phone. AV 44. OregonUii. Kfiot-ia With Hoard. WANTED By a young woman, teaching in t he public schools, room or room and board with a private family. AG 124, Oregonian. YoUNG couple want room and board in steam-healed apartment; must get located by Sipt. 15: Nob Hill preferred; give price and location. Address A F 68. Oregonian. YOUNG cmiple who have Just arrived In Portland w Ish room and board In private home. Irvington preferred; give price and location. Address A F 71. Oregonian. Housekeeping Rooms. YOUNG man wants light, clean housekeep ing room in quiet section of either east or west side; would prefer a residence where I could park a light car In back vard or find reasonable garage cloae ; state terms. R 252, Oregonian. WANTED two or three unfurnished house keeping rooms or snian 110 use, u-i Aim and Francis ve. Phone E. 4604 after 0 Monday or Tuesday morning. Bufdnetts Places. FOR a list of many desirable vacant office. In Portland see air. decora at 00-01 nroau way, phone Broadway 115S; no charge. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. A Moderate Priced Hotel of Merit. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison and Sixth. HotI Clifford Is the principal east sldo hotel and i: a hotel of dignity and refine ment. $1.25 per day; two In room, $L7; t6 per week. $22. 5 0 per ni on t h. THE JOAN OF ARC HALL, 265 14th sL Furnished rooms with or without board, for business girls and lady tourists; per manent or transient; ideal location; rea sonable rates. Maiu 4110. BITCATIONB WANTED FEMALB, BY an energetic. capable woman 01 -o vears business experience as uuice "'"'VV ger overseer or information clerk. T 148, Oregonian. HOTEL BLACKSTONE, ELEVENTH AND STARK STS. Modern, up-to-date brick building, pri vate phone in every room, elevator, lobby. 4.50 per week and up; $1 per day and up. furnished, central location. and orderly. Kates by day or week. J WANTED Solicitors, men and women, besf proposition oui 10 jjci u. and Investigate. 209 Panama bldg. WANTED Schoolgirl in small family. Phone Main 3357. EXPERIENCED body ironer, $18 per week. West Seattle Laundry, Seattle. WANTED Markers and sorters, laundry. E. 31st st. and Alder. Crescent WANTED Mangle help. Crescent laundry. E 31st st. and Alder. GIRLS wanted. Apply Tuesday morning. State laundry, 395 E. Broadway. BU.ti girl wanted. Liberty lunch. 126 Stth. HIGH-CLASS salesman wanted; good money to right party. 208 Fliedner bldg. .ADY cares for children evenings; expe rienced and dependable with the aged and sick. References. Mar. 349. LADY wants housecleaning; othr work; day, hour; good work guaranteed. Wdln, 63U5. ; G RAD CAT 10 NURSE Is prepared to take an invalid lady with means at her private residence. Tabor 299. JAPANESE girl wants position to do house work; can't speak English. E. Nara, S. Ban Co.. 34 N. 3d st.. city. EX-TEACHER, one child, wants home in exchange for housekeeping services; prefer vicinity uotn anu cqara. HIGH school girl wishes to do housework for room, board, wages, west side pre ferred. Main 9451. EDUCATIONAL. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Miss Buckel's private school; individual Instruction. 122 Grand ave. East 427. OREGON LAW SCHOOL. Alisky bldg., 3d and Mor. W. E. Richardson, Sec. Main 977. ironing. Woodlawn 3046, MRS HANNUM'S Shorthand School, day, evening. East 3S00. -0 Tillamook st. THREE Franklin high students want po sitions as helpers. C 124, Oregonian, DISHWASHING in large camp. Tel. Main 375. Room a. . EXPERIENCED woman would like day work. Phone Tabor 9034. WANTED House cleaning by day; no wash ing. Call Main 5077 any' time. GIRL employed wishes to work for room and board evenings. Phone East 4732. WISH 6 to 9 hours' work dally, washing and MIDDLE-AGED woman wants day work. Woodlawn 3035. HOTEL NAVARRE, 427V- Alder St., Corner 11th. Elegantly Ciean ANSONIA HOTEL, 14th and Washington Clean -espectable home for business peo ple; transient, $1 "Pi Permanent, $4 up; private- bath, $& HOTEL OCK LEY, Morrison st. at Tenth Rates $1 per day up; weekly, $4 up; run ning water, free phone and bath. PALACE HOTEl746 Wash, st.; downtown location, respectable and strictly modern; steam hea:; rooms large, clean. CHOICE rooms. 1 very large, with kftchen- ette spacious, beautiful grounds; refer ence's. 631 Hoyt st. Broadway 6SQ. HlTLCREST HOTEL Bath, phone. $25 mo. up; without bath. $18 up. 7:13 Washington. SARGENT HOTEL, 271 Grand ave., X k. apt. and sleeping rooms. East 29L 75$1 DAY; $250 week up; outside roozb Hotel Cadillac, 3d. near Jefferson. BUSHM ARK HOTEL, 563, Wash. St., rooms $3 per week up; clean, modern. ' Unfurnished Rooms. TOP room in garage to party with refer- ences. B roadway 4: i!4. . " Furolsbed Rooms in rrivste Family. LARGE front room, modern, furnace heat, itpe of piano. 327 Sixth st. PRIVATE HOME $7, $S, 10 housekeeping rooms. B 1157. PLEASANT ROOM, access to bath; close In. Broadway 2266. ' GENTLEMAN wishing refined modern horn? near MulL club call Maiu 6502. 1 f.