TIIE MORNING OREGOXIAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 30, 1019. H0MEBUHN5; GIHLS SAVED'g i Charge Purchases Made Today Will Go On the g Member Bills Rendered October 1 3 KESCTER, " SCREAMS, ATTRACTED BY BREAKS DOOR. 24 Mother Builds Fire and Goes Visit Neighbor While Two Chil dren Are Asleep in Bed. to By breakinr through the front door and rushinir through blinding smoke, Antonio Giandonenico, 40 Stephens street, saved the two small daughters of Mr. and Mrs. &. W. Foster from I Ki death by burning at the Foster home, R 3(2 East Second street, yesterday morn- The home caught fire shortly afte 7 o'clock in the morning while the children were still in bed and while Mrs. Foster was visiting with neigh bors. She had built a big fire in the kitchen stove and left the children asleep while she left the home. Mr. Foster was at work. Uiandonenica waa attracted to the house when he beard Jessie Foster, aged S. screaming for help from her bedroom window. He rushed into the house and carried her to a place of safety and then rushed back and res. cued Jjeona. aged 3. The house was a total loss. It is owned by K- W. Hendricks. Tt was val ued at 100. fully insured. The Fosters lost their entire furniture, valued at with no Insurance. Society Chocolates Pound 75c Nut and fruit chocolates of the "just one more piece" kind. Ready packed if you like for quick shopping;, or you can choose your own variety. For week-end trips to the seashore and mountains. Meier & Frank's: Ninth Floor. Special Sale of Picnic Needs 15c Picnic Plates, 8-inch size, 20 for 1 1 7c Ice Cream or Salad Dishes, doz. 5. 15c Paper Napkins, .100 for 5c Wax Paper, 15 sheets in roll, 7 rolls 25 Many other good specials. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. . I0O7 The- Quality Store op Portland Rftl 3ixtv"Morraait Akkr Sis. Get Your Eastman Films Here Youll need a generous supply of films for over Sunday and Labor Day. We have fresh stocks of genuine Eastman films in sizes to fit all kodaks. We do expert kodak finishing work. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. Our "Rose City" Hairbows 75c These attractive hairbows are made up of beautiful all-silk taffeta ribbons with fancy edge. Each bow contains Vi yards of 5 -inch ribbon. All the wanted staple shades. Regularly 90c. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. fj Supply bchool The Store Will Be Closed All Day Monday Labor -Day Over Labor-Day, Here Today pORMER Meier & Frank em ployes not now -engaged who are desirous of taking up all-day or short-hour work in the store are requested to report at Em ployment Bureau, Sixth Floor, at 9 A. M. today and Tuesday morning. Please come prepared to go to work. LUMBER TRADE STRONG Cottage Grove Firm Baa Orders Enough for Two Months. COTTAGE GROVE. Or, Aug. 23. fSpeciaL) Indicative of the prosperity of the lumber and affiliated industries 1s the fact that one Cottage Grove Ilrra has prominently displayed in Its busi ness office a sign reading: "No more orders taken until we have filled those now on the books. One of the proprietors explained that when an order was put on the books and wasn't gotten out promptly it took so much time explaining why it wasn't ut that the work in progress didn't receive proper attention. "We have work ahead that will keep us busy two months and we are going to get some of this out before taking on business that we can't get out," he said. MINORS GET WAGE RISE Minimum Scale, Effective October 14, Is Announced. New minimum wage scales for mi nors, going into effect the same time as the new adult wage schedules, have been announced by Mrs. Millie R. Trum bull, secretary of the industrial welfare commission. The changes are increases and take effect October 14. Under the new ruling, no minor be tween the ages of 14 and 15 years shall work for less than JS a week; between 15 and It. the minimum is 17-20; be tween 1 snd IS. S3-&0 a week, with an Increase of Jl a week at the end of each term of six months' employment until the minor reaches the age of 18, when wages for adults will become effective. SEATTLE COMPANY FINED Sale of Improperly Evaporated Milk Costs Firm $100. The Logan Commercial company of Seattle pleaded guilty to a charge of disposing of a quantity of milk marked evaporated, which had not been prop erly evaporated, and paid a fine of 100 in federal court yesterday. . The government. Which waa repre sented by Deputy United States Attor ney Goldstein, carried the action against the company on the charge of misbranding and adulterating. Attorneys for the company explained In court that the product was originally intended for sale abroad, but that it had later be in diverted to eastern markets. Portland Firm Incorporates. - SALEM. Or, Aug. 2. (Special.) Bennett. McCormack ft Kelly company fats incorporated here with a capital stock of $2000. Headquarters will be established in Portland and it is the purpose of the company to conduct a general real estate business. The in corporators are W. C. Culbertson, W. R. Kelly, C. H. Bennett and V. J. McCormack. Chamberlain to W ork for Fire Patrol. SALEM. Or.. Aug. 59. (Special.) United States Senator George E. Cham berlain has assured Governor Olcott that he will do everything possible to a.tsist in maintaining the Oregon air plane forest fire patrol, in a letter re ceived at the executive offices today. 5 Pies and Fillings will be the subject of Mrs. Ginger's FREE Lecture Demonstration to be given in our Sixth Floor Auditorium today be ginning at 2 P. M. The Daughters of the Rebec cas will act as hostesses. Just One Week to Enter Our Bread-Making Contest The few simple rules of this contest will be furnished upon request at any of Mrs. Ginger's lecture - demonstrations. Ten valuable prizes are to be given away free for the best bread. Contest closes next Saturday, September 6. Ask Mrs. Ginger for particulars and the list of prizes today is a good time. No charge to enter the bread making contest, or to attend any of Mrs. Ginger's demonstrations. Meier ft Frank's: Sixth Floor. SCHOOL NEEDS MEIER & FRANK'S is prepared to supply all needs in boys' and girls' school apparel and accessories to the entire satisfaction of youthful wearers and their parents. FOR GIRLS 1 5 ? Plenty of Middies: . Regulation navy blue flannel, sizes 6 to 42, at $8.50 to $11.50. Navy blue serge, sizes 6 to 44, at $5.95-$10. Red flannel, 12 to 18 years, $11.50. White jean with flannel and eerge collars, sizes 6 to 44, at $2.50 to $3.50. White cotton with red or blue collars, sizes 6 to 44, at $1.98 to $2.98. Navy galatea with white braid, sizes 6 to 42, at $2.98-$3.98. Serge Middy Skirts: Pleated skirts with attached muslin under waists, all navy blue, 4 to 14 years, $3.98 to $6.50. Domestic Science Aprons For Cooking School: White aprons with caps, some with sleeve hold ers, $1.25, 11.59, $L79. Bungalow aprons of figured or etriped per cale, with pockets and belts, 2 to 8 years, 75c and 98c Gymnasium Bloomers: Black sateen, $2.98. Elack serge, $3.95 $5.50. Plenty large; sizes for children high school students. " " . -' and and For Rainy Days: Bain capes, $3.95 to $16.50. Bain coats, $6.50 to $18. Sizes 4 to 14 years. Tub Dresses for School: Pretty ginghams, 6 to 14 years, $2.47 to $3.98. Begulation sailor frocks in white, cadet and navy, 6 to 14 years, $4.98 to $10. Regulation Dresses of Serge: Carefully tailored smart dresses of navy blue serge, many with embroidered emblems and nautical stripes. For school and college girls, $12.75 to $36.50, according to size and quality, Coats for Autumn and Winter: Cheviot, chinchilla, plush, corduroy and velour coats in all wanted colors and new styles, 6 to 14 years, $10 to $85. y Meier ft Frank's: Second Floor. (Mall Orders Filled.) Coats for College Girls: More than a thousand coats in latest authori tative autumn 6tyles, $25 t $50. s Meier ft Frank's: Fourth Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) Corduroy Bathrobes: Eose and blue corduroy with and without fancy linings, 14 to 20 years, $6.95 to $18. Meier ft Frank's: Third Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) FOR BOYS Famous Sampeck Knicker Suits: Another new shipment of these famously good suits has just been received. Boys and parents know that Sampeck suits lead all other ready made clothes for boys in smartness of style, quality of materials, fineness of workman ship, perfection of fit. These new arrivals are shown in the clever waist-seam models as well as new belted styles. Patterns and colors for every boy, 6 to 18 years. Prices begin at $15. Boys' Smart Neckwear: Your-in-hand, Windsor and string ties in fine selection, 25c to $1. Boys' New. Fall Hats and Caps: . New fall hats in fine tweeds and high-grade felts, all colors, $1.50 to $3.50. Caps in new styles in all the latest plain shades and mixtures are $1 to $3. . Boys' New Shirts and Blouses: We have a splendid selection of boys' shirts and blouses in a wide range of finely service able fabrics and an almost endless variety of patterns and colorings at $1 to $6. Boys' Leather Belts: A variety of boys' belts in a good assortment of leathers, all colors, 25c to $1. Meier ft Frank's: Third Floor." (Mail Orders Filled.) New Angora Scarfs $1.95 4'4 m ' 4 5 ! J rA 1 Tt 2 2 w4"4 New Capes Black plush, beaver, varimole and karami capes, scarfs and stoles with fancy silk linings. Some have ball fringe and pockets. $7.75 upwards. Neckwear A good assortment of new models in washable venjse and filet lace roll collars. Very dressy for coats and o n e-p i e c e dresses. $1.25 to $2.50. Meier ft Frank's: Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) Saturday only we will sell the regular $2.50 and $3.50 Angora wool scarfs at $1.95. These scarfs are particularly desirable, for school wear. Many of the most wanted plain shades with striped borders, also novelty stripe effects in in rose, brown, gold, etc Special at $2.50 to $4.75. Angora and lla ma wool and worsted scarfs suitable for mo toring and sports wear. Wanted plain shades, plain colors with novel ty borders, heather mixtures and scotch plaid. Some have belts, pockets and tied fringes. Neckwear Children's popularly priced neckwear for school. Collars and col lar and cuff sets of pique, organdy, lawn, etc Priced at 50c to $3.50. "Van Raalte Is the Most Popular Veiling; of the Year We now have a splendid se lection of this well-known veil ing in both imported and domes tic lines. Also veilings showing the French chenille dot in navy, dusky brown, black and taupe. Filet mesh combined with chen ille dots and scrolls has also taken its place in public favor. Some of the veilings have bor ders and chenille dots in copen, henna, navy, purple and castor. 50c to $2.50 yard. . Meier ft Frank's: Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) On Sale Today New September Victor Records, Among the sure to be popu lar numbers are: Alabama Lullaby. Anything Is Nice If It Comes From Dixieland. You're Still an Old Sweetheart of Mine. Have a Smile. Lazy Daddy. Tell Me. The Vamp. Beautiful Ohio. First 'Rose' of Summer. For You a Rose." Many other equally good selec tions. .. Hear them - today in our sound-proof parlors. Meier ft Frank's: Sixth Floor. New Fall Veilings Of Great Exquisiteness The world of fashion has at last ' recognized the important position that fall and winter veilings have taken. The veil is the final and completing touch to the costume, and fall veilings of such charm and enticement ' are here that you will agree with us that they will enhance the charm of every wearer. 10,000 Yards of Flouncings and Edges 25c Imported and domestic edgings and flouncings Swiss, nainsook and heavy convent embroideries in neat eyelet and floral patterns. Suitable for 'trimming children's school gar ments, undermuslins and neckwear. 3 to 15 inches wide. Filet Crochet Laces Good imitations of real hand made laces. For brassieres, cami soles and art work. White and ecru. 15c-18c values 120. The 25c values 19. The 35c values 260. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. Toddler Toys In a Sale . Children take keen delight in these little horsie toddlers. Sturdily made, easy running toys suitable for kid dies from 10 months to 7 years. Four sizes reduced as follows: $2.00 size $1.49, the $2.75 size $1.84, the $3.50 size $2.34, the $4.00 size ' $2.67. Meier ft Frank's: Fifth Floor. Toiletries H. & H. Carpet Soap, cake 15c Synol Soap, cake 25c 4711 White Rose Glycerine Soap, box 65c, cake 23c ' Carlton British Bath Soap, doz. $2.75, cake 25c. Satin Skin Greaseless Cream, 35c Dr. Charles' Flesh Food, 60c. Dr. Berry's Cream Balm, $1.25. Mary Fuller Nail Polish, 25c and 50c. Nonspi Deodorant, 50c Mum Deodorant, 25c We have a complete line of the "Wayne" wardrobe bags made of heavy cedar paper, moth proof and ' airtight perfect protection against dust and dirt. 75c to $2 Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. rx " P? Many Men Regard Labor Day as marking the transition to a new season and, naturally, the matter of new clothes comes up for consideration. WE have given this subject careful consideration ahead of time, with the result that we are now in a position to help men and young men select their new fall suits and furnishings in shortest time to best advantage, we feature today: New Fall Suits for Young Men at $40 Of course, we have many other lines from $30 upwards, but lots will find in this group just the suit they want. Fabrics are thoroughly dependable.'. Designing is top notch. Workmanship is uncommonly good. There are patterns and colors for every taste. New single and double-breasted waist-seam and belted models for young men, including high school and first long-trousers suits. See the garments you'll say $40 is a very moderate figure. ' Meier at rraiiK s; xmra j? ioor. ima.ii urucro x mca.; New Hats for Fall Alreadv men are showine: remarkable interest in the new fall headgear and our large displays have been the subject of much admiring comment. : You . couldn't ask for a better line-up. ..... Our own M. & F. Special heads the list at $3.50. Stetson. Knox you'll find the best at this store, feature groups in these makes being $7 and $8. Genuine velours ideal all-around winter nats are Scratch and smooth finishes. ; New shades. All sizes. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) Last Day of the Shirt Sale . The opportunity to acquire new shirts at good savings by making selection from the three fine groups in this sale at $1.45, $2.85 and $5.00 is too good for a forward-looking man to over look. Last call! Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) Women's and Misses9. Sport Coats Reduced to $10.50 Short belted sports coats for over the holiday and all September week-end wear. Made of blue, rose, tan, gray and violet wool jer sey. Excellent for golf. These standard sport styles are sure to be good next year, too. Meier & Frank's: Fourth Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) A Clearance of $6.85 Were $9.85 to $12.00 Blouses 3.95 Were $5.00 to $5.85 Exquisite blouses at these prices. Of Georgette crepe, taffeta, a few of crepe de chine. Some with the new bertha collars and the very fashionable frills. Others with scalloped net collars, laces, beading and unusually attractive embroidery. White, flesh, league blue, corn, coral, lavender, sunset, black. Sometimes only one of a kind, other models in several sizes. " . " None of them can be duplicated even at the higher prices. A few show marks of handling, but majority are perfectly fresh. r Meier & Frank's: Blouse Shop, Fourth Floor. s til