THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1919. 5 EMPLOYERS REJECT JOB PITERS' SCALE Acceptance or Walkout Is Put Up to Men. 45-HOUR WEEK GRANTED Io.ibiIity of Strike September Is Looming Larger Houses Plan for Contingency. With the refusal of the Portland Employing Printers" association to jcrant the demand of the newly-formed allied printin crafts Joint scale com mittee for a salary srneauie no,. u,.j. $1 an hour, the possibility of a strike on September 2 looms larger on the horizon. . .1.. t-v.- remains only two alter natives for the printers, to accept the offer of a 45-hour week and the scale set at a meeting last Wednesday, or to walk out. In event of the latter k.i,r taken, the employers are already mappin out plans for facing such a crisis, me issue i ic- 11 .Hntlnr houses only. The employers met Monday nlsht upon request made by the Joint com mittee Saturday and the union repre sentatives presented further pleas for their attitude, basing them on the high cost of living. Offer Made x Kmployerm. They explained that they were ready to grant a concession and volunteered to rhanse their request so mai f Bttkinr a 42-hour week or seven-hour day they would seek to have 44 hours with an eight-hour day and half holiday on Saturday. The employers' committee went Into session and offered the same scale pub lished last Thursday, but granted three knnn Ims a week, making a 45-hour week ending at 1 o'clock Saturday. C. S. Dietrich, chairman of the print ing crafts representatives, emphatically declared that nothing less than Jl an hour offr would be considered. K. H. James, chairman of the employers' as sociation, replied that no other propo sitions would be discussed and the ses sion adjourned. Farther 4'aeeioB OealeA, R. Kennel), secretary of the employ ers' association, said yesterday that the organization he represents has made Its final offer and will not propose further concessions, despite the pros pect of a walk-out. Portland is the first city In the Vnited States to offer a 45-hour week for commercial printers." he said. "The scale we have auain put up would have the equivalent of a three-hour increase in pay. "There is no doubt that this is a serious proposition and there is a big possibility of the men leaving their Jobs On the first, when the new scale was supposed to become effective. We are making preparations for such a continKency. While it would not be possible to run all the plants for a few days, we could handle much of the printing." dants of porkers brought to the Island a half century ago by Russian seal hunters who. on departing after a stay of several months, kitlnape-1 a numoer of Indian women then resident on Santa Cruz. The women w-e tiKen to th! Arctic lands and forrnej part of a seal hunting colony there. Because of the strange and beautiful scenery of the Island it i. frequently used as a motion picture background. The island management has been averse to permitting cjmpers on the Island In considerable numbers, but oc casional trips are made to It by Cap tain Ira Eaton in his snip the Sea Wolf with vacation parties. If the island ia split up some of the contesting heirs will build a wharf and niako a bid for tourist patronage. Tradiiton declares that'.'S made the island their rendezvous, and there has been desultory and fut lo search for burled treasure by various adventurers. DBPHHiM TO OPEN SUNDAY BESSIE. CLAYTOX TO BE STAR OF IXAUGCRAL BILL. Renowned Danstnsc Supported by Celebrated Spanish Dancers and Other Clever Artists. The Orpheum season will open at the Heilig theater next Sunday afternoon. The star of the inaugural bill is Bessie Clayton, renowned danseuse, who Is x ft 1 .;! FOR RICH COAL PRICE Labor Trouble Also Factor in Reducing Production. BILL FOR NATIONALIZATION Measure for Federal Operation of Mines Ready, Subcommittee of Senate Is Told. ; . Bessie Claytoa, tar of OrphennTs ope Bins; bill. WILSON IS EXPECTED WEST Trip to CoaM in Interest of Treaty Considered Most Probable. WASHINGTON. Aug. 17. Presider. Wilson's proposed trip to the Pacific coast In the Interest of the peace treaty Is "more Imminent than it has been in the past few weeks." in the view of ad ministration officials. As between go Ing to New York to meet General Pershing or reviewing the first division in Washington and going l"fore the countrv. it was said by persons close to the president that he would consider the speech-making tour ot more Im nortance. It is considered probable that the president will decide to leave Wash ington in time to review the Pacific fleet at San Francisco the middle of September. EX-SHERIFF WORD ACCUSED Failure to Cut Grass and Weeds on Vacant Lots Charged. Tom Word, ex-sheriff of Multnomah county, now working for the depart ment of justice, was served with a war rant Tuesday charging him with fail ure to cut Krass and weeds on vacant lota which he owns inside the city lim it.". Police could not find -Mr. Word who was out of the city, but R. M Word, son of the accused, promised to deliver the warrant to his father when the latter returned later In the night. The case will come up for trial In the municipal court today. The war rant was In-sued yesterday In the cours of the campaign to clean up vacant lots, which are alleged to be un nightly and a fite menace. ISLAND SCENES BEAUTIFUL Wild Pic. Foxes arid Mountain Lion Abound on Santa Cm. I.OS ANOKLES. CaL Santa Cruz Island abounds in wild pigs, foxes and mountain lions, the wild pics descen- I owe finecomplexiraito ResinciSoap The mothintr, healing Resinol medi cation in Resinol Soap, combined with its freedom from harsh, irritatins; alkali, prve to red, rough and pimply com plexions that whiteness and velvety soft ness which women crave. A skin washed only with Resinol Soap is usually a skin to be proud of. WVn th ki. is la nallr bed oswlitHia. epnad an ol hnx Rniaaot Ouraatat Iw ttm Biaotu kdnailtaxlW kmJhitu4I im! OtMMat arm od by all drocsuu. supported principally by EUsa and Kduardo Cansino, celebrated Spanish dancers, who appeared here as head liners of an Orpheum show two years aro. James demons, an eccentric dancer of note, also is a member of Miss Clayton's company, and other clever artists appear in the act which holds the stajre for 40 minutes and which is as elaborate scenically as a Broadway production. Special arrangements were made yes terday by the Orpheum management with the Heilig Theater company to pi a lie an extra show next Wednesday nipht. In this extra performance the Orpheum's inaugural show will be pre sented in its entirety. Winnipeg1. Vancouver, Calgary, Vic toria and Seattle have received the Orpheum's opening show with acclaim and the newspaper reviews pronounce It to be one of the best inaugural bills offered by the Orpheum in several sea sons. Millroy A. Anderson, who presides as treasurer in the Orpheum box of fice, reports that the seat sale for the beginning- of this season is the best on record and that the demand for season reservations is greater than ever. BEER SOLD IN VANCOUVER Traveelrs From Cnited States Able to Quench Thirst Across Border. VANCOUVER, B. C Thirsty travel lers coming here from the dry United States find themselves able to push open a swinging door, walk Into regular saloon, put their foot on the rail and order beer, which, although of the two and three quarter per cent variety, still, according to some, tasted much like it did down in "the states" before July 1. And, often to the surprise of the stranger customers, the bartender or barmaid serves the beer for the old price of five cents a glass, without war taxes. "Hard" liquors, under the British Co lumbia prohibition act. are handled in the larger cities at government "liquor dispensaries where they are sold on doctor's prescriptions. WASHINGTON. Aug. 27. Entering on an investigation of the increased price of coal, a senate interstate com merce subcommittee Tuesday brought forth testimony that a shortage of cars and labor difficulties were hindering coal productton; that certain elements in the miners union were intent on na tionalization of the coal mines with adoption of a six-hour day and a five- day week, plus a wage increase, and that unless problems of production were solved 'the country would be brought face to face with coal famine the coming winter. So emphatic were the witnesses that the railroads were at the bottom of th present low production that Senat Frelinghuysen, republican. New Jersey, chairman of the committee, indicated the committee's intention of bringin Dinector-General of Railroads Hines into the hearing. After detailing the effects of labor difficulties and alleged car shortage o: coal production, Harry N. Taylor, pres ident of the National Coal association, an organisation of operators, declared bill had been prepared for submissio to congress providing for the nationaj ization of the mines. He added tha what the miners wanted was not only that the government should own th properties, but that the mines should be turned over to them for operation. He insisted that the more radical of the miners appeared to be gaining con trol in certain districts and that there was a serious danger that these ele ments would make an earnest effort for the institution of something ap proaching "soviet methods in con ducting the properties. Fear was expressed . by Mr. Taylor that at the miners convention Septem ber 9 in Cleveland, and at a joint con ference of miners and operators Buffalo September 25. action might be taken to further endanger production. He told the committee that the strikes in Illinois, Kansas and Missouri were in violation of the Washington agree ment, which provided for the continu ous operation of the mines until peace definitely Is established. The, strikes in the middle west, he said, were many cases influenced by radical ele ments. He said it was known gener ally in the industry that an attempt would be made at the Cleveland meet tng to put through a nationalization programme with a six-hour day, a five day week and an increase in wages. EIS DISABLED SOLDIERS AXD SAIL ORS TO GET MORE. SAILORS DO NOT CRAVE FISH Mine Sweepers in North Sea Eat Their Fill of Sea Food. LONDON. American sailors on mine- sweeping duty In the North sea prob ably will not crave fish when they get back home, w hen mines are exploded in the process of clearing out the barrage thousands of fish are killed. One of the little sub-cHasers in the fleet scoops up hundreds of pounds of them each evening when operations cease for Amounts Raised From 50 to 150 Per Cent Beneficiary List Is Widened. WASHINGTON, Aug. 27. Increases ranging from 50 to more than 150 per cent in the monthly compensation paid under the war risk insurance act to disabled soldiers and sailors are pro vided by a bill recommended for pas sage today by the house interstate commerce committee. Proposed exten sion of free insurance for two years. however, was rejected. The principal provision is that pro viding the increased payments for dis ability, rated as total and temporary. Single men would receive $80 a month, instead of $30 provided by the original act: those with a wife $90 instead of $45; those with a wife and one child $95 Instead of $55; those with a wife and two or more children $100, in stead of $65; those without a wife but having one child $90. instead of $40, with $5 additional for each two addi tional children. Partial disability is to be rated by a percentage of the fore going. Another important amendment, esti mated to cost the government $5,000, 000, is that granting automatic insur ance for 120 days to every one in serv ice at any time between April 6, 1917, and November 11, 1918. The new measure extends the per mitted 'class of beneficiaries to include uncles, aunts, nephews, nieces, brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law. Like wise the terms "father" and "mother" of the original act are extended to in clude step or adopted parents. several vessels for rood. The men en joyed it for a time but now hate the sight of a fish. One catch included a salmon which was cruising around miles out from land. Anglers say that a salmon should not be so far from land. MAIMED VETERANS VIEWED Prlnee of Wales Visits Military Hos pitals in Toronto. TORONTO. Ont.. Aus. 17 Nearly ; noo maimed and fftck veterans of the r. Inmates of St. Andrew's and Do minion orthopedic military hospitals, passed under the sympathetic eyes of he prince of Wales when he visited those Institutions. The depree of doctor of laws was conferred by Toronto university upon him at Convocation hall. A garden party at Government House and a military dance at the Royal Canadian Yacht club completed tha day's programme: CINCINNATI JEWEL CENTER City Ranks Second to Geneva in Jewelry Industry. CINCINNATI. The jewelers of Cin cinnati have announced their intention to beein a national advertising mm. the day and distributes among thejpaiKn. its purpose being to acquaint a Jaded world with the astonishing fact that Cincinnati ranks second only to Geneva. Switzerland, as the great est manufacturing city of the jewelry Industry. Nor is this Cincinnati's only resem blance to the seat of the league of na tions. Geneva Is Switzerland's gate way to France: Cincinnati is the south's gateway to the great north middle west. The citizens of Geneva unite in their personality the soft charm of the southern French with the alert busi nesslike virile native of Switzerland; Cincinnati combine the languorous charm of the southland with all the facilities of a metropolitan and cosmo politan city. Cincinnati was settled In 1788; It be came a city in 1819. while Boston was still a town. During the years of the civil war, Cincinnati was the larg est American city west of Philadelphia and New York. The town was filled with soldiers going and coming; rela tives, contractors, war workers, nurses, crooks and spies; and many a lively tale and dramatic Incident had its set ting 1 nthis city on the Ohio, the link between the embittered north and south. . Cincinnati played a creditable part In the civil war. and the great world war just ended found her valiant sons on the f'rlng line, her daughters pre pared for work, and her vast resources poured unstlntingly into the coffers of her Uncle Sam. For Cincinnati boasts 79 per cent native white Americans out of her population of 630,00 souls. America is like a young giant just coming into manhood. His strength has scarcely been tried; he little realizes his own power, nor thinks to test his sinews. America is so prodigal and big that we are accustomed to think of it as one great harmonious land, very worthy of our love and pride. In these days of rampant patriotism one Aoes not pause to think why the land of MOVIE MEN FEAR TO QUIT Operators Afraid Angry Public Would Turn Again.-t Strikers. CHICAGO. Aug. 17. Motion picture operators voted Tuesday to postpone he threatened sympathetic strike In support of actors who have caused every legitimate playhouse to close by striking two weeks ago. Fear of alienating the public by de priving It of all amusement was the reason given. ' Immediate delivery, 4-ft. green slab- wood, cord wood. coal. Aiblna Fuel Co. 1 Adv. Your New Fall Hat Here you are sure to find a-shape and shade that will suit you best. Dobbs Fifth Avenue Mossants From Paris 6 to '15 Men-s Wear Corbett Bldg., Fifth and Morrison the free has justified in unstinting measure the pride of its sons. National pride is only the parent of civic pride; and how gladsome it Is to have cause for pride in the city in which we live, to realize that the town of our nativity is one of the mighty and dependable sinews of the young giant American. This civic pride is a dominant char acteristic of the Cincinnatian. He was reason. Cincinnati is located in the heart of the country's population. Within six hundred miles of it live three-quarters of the population of the United States. It is the natural distributing point to the norh. south, east and west. It is a. great music and art center; expends annually $2,500,000 for its public schools It possesses the only municipal univer sity in the United States deriving its sole support from city taxes. The city has contributed more than one celebrity to literature. Here Harriet Beecher Stowe lives whilst gathering material for and writing "Uncle Tom's Cabin." Thomas Buchanan Read wrote his fa mous "Sheridan's Ride" in the old Gar rett house; and the gentle Cary sisters. Alice and Phoebe, made their home on College Hill. As a music center, Cin cinnati has long enjoyed an enviable reputation. The mortality of Cincinnati is very ow, particularly in infancy. This is not due to happy accident; it is the result of wise legislation. All mik must be pasteurized. The sale of raw milk is strictly prohibited. A $20,000,000 mu nicipal water works plant supplies water so pure that it is used direct from the faucet, even in hospitals. The climate is also a factor in. maintaining healthful population. There is a very marked absence of severe winter weather, and unbearable summer heat s rare, never lasting longer than three consecutive days. Cincinnati is built on hills, hills as steep and beautiful as those of San Francisco. The broad Ohio river, wind- ng its course in and out among these hills, rivals in beauty the blue Danube, famed in song and story. Broad bot tomed picturesque river boats as large as those that ply the waters of the Mississippi, carry passengers and much freight to cities and hamlets in Ken tucky, Indiana and Ohio. But it is to its industries that Cin cinnati points with greatest pride. There are 2629 manufacturing estab lishments in Cincinnati, each of which produces goods to the value of more than $500,000 a year. The three essen tials to manufacturers, fuel, lumber and iron, lie at the city's door. There is ample supply of fuel high in quality, low in price, throughout the year. The Union Gas & Electric Co. has re cently completed in a $10,000,000 electric power plant capable of meeting the maximum requirements of all indus tries. All machinery and operating fa cilities are of the latest improved type. placing this power plant among the finest in the worlft. . This plant has already attracted to Cincinnati enter prises of magnitude, and is capable of caring for additional manufacturing plants for many years to come. In this central station service Cincinnati has found the logical solution of the power problem. The city is one or the largest hard wood markets in the United States; and ron. both northern and southern, is available at low transportation rates. The scrap iron market is hte lowest in the country. The success of Cincinnati as a manufacturing center is equally attributable to the high quality of la bor. American labor, highly skilled and intelligent, the higaest type of ublic industrial education, is employed in the various industries. laeswateM.kmtok etaoinshrdlucmfwyp There is no bolshevlsm in Cincinnati. There is Intelligent contented labor and capital is not stoney-hearted, but warm with civic pride. The western spirit of the "booster" has taken the city by storrm Cincinnati possesses all the ad vantage s that make a great metrop- lis: Cincinnati is great ana intends that the world shall know it. This is evidenced by the recent decision of the jewelers to start a campaign that will tell the world, familiar with the quality of their goods, that they have quantity also. Cincinnati seeks loreign traae. its leading citizens are keenly alive to the vast possibilities that await us in dis tant markets, to which we now come not as strange merchants, but as warm friends. There are several exporting manufacturers in Cincinnati. One great iron work has for 30 years marketed its product only in Mexico, Central and South America. Another concern is al ready as well known in Calcutta as in New York. To quote a manufacturer of this mid-west city: "The future of American prosperity lies in foreign trade. In a few years people will wake up to this fact, and realize that swapping dollars between i New York and Chicago, Cincinnati and Kansas City, is an insignificant past time compared to tackling the vast for eign trade markets that eagerly await our goods." This then is the spirit that has made : Cincinnati, and that insures her a still j greater growth and prosperity; this farsighted judgment and deep-rooted pride in the city that Longfellow so aptly called "The Queen City of the West." SELECTION PLAN SOUGHT Secretary Baker Would Incorporate Proposal in Army Bill. WASHINGTON. Promotion by selec tion for officers of the peace-time army through a system even more radical than that now in effect in the navy is under consideration by Secretary Baker, with a view to incorporation in the army bill to be presented to the pres ent congress. Special boards, appointed to com pile from the efficiency reports . of officers' master lists-which will be promotion, already have made their final reports in many cases and the plan is practically ready for adop- tion, as soon as it has been given leg islative approval. Announcement was made today of the appointment of two boards of offi cers to review the lists already submit ted. In each case the board includes the highest ranking officers of the army to be passed upon. Lieutenant General Robert L. Bullard heads the infantry board, which includes Major General William M. Wright and Briga dier-General Henry G. Learnard, while the cavalry board will be headed by Major-General Jesse Mel. Carter, and will include Brigadiers-General Frank M. Caldwell and John S. Winn. These boards, it was announced, will submit to General March recommenda tions for the final classification of all officers in the regular army. All officers will be listed in three classes first, those found qualified for higher rank ragerdless of their posi tion on the permanent lineal list; sec ond, those qualified for promotion be cause of seniority and. In the final cat' egory, officers disqualified as a result of the lo.w grades indicated on their efficiency records. Officers in the first class would be jumped into higher positions over the heads of any number of seniors who are placed in the second and third classes, and officers in the second class also would be promoted to the higher rank for which they are quali fied. The third list would include those who have failed to keep step and who in the opinion of the department, should be eliminated. The proposal that promotions in the army shall hereafter be by selection is regarded as the only important per sonnel feature which the war depart ment will attempt to insert in the new army bilL With respect to the war de partment itself, however, it is consid ered certain that the gill will include provisions designed to perpetuate the new organizations which have grown out of the experience of the great war. The finance department under the plan would be continued entirely sep arate from the quartermaster corps with increased responsibilities and scope; a transportation corps, in addi tion to the motor transport corps, would be provided, and the quarter master corps would be reduced to a shadow of the old department, having to do only with comparatively minor matters of equipment. Procurement of all supplies may be placed under the A nsaaaasmjin f Remember this wonderful show will 1 1 stop at midnight tomorrow so if HURRY ALONG! i I i in i ii i ! yittiam F ! : , til 1 i : J - Y.!V r V" -v ' j . V-. i MA W rl !a-T Mark Sennett Comedy Kinograms Murtagh and Our $50,000 Organ COMING SATURDAY he GREAT PRUPy LANE MELODRAMATIC SVCCfS&i THE UNDER-SEA SCENES ARE THE MOST MARVELOUS EVER TAKEN IT'S AN UNUSUAL PICTURE purchase and storage service. Separate bureaus for the air service and tank corps, as provided in the bill submitted to congress last January,' will be againsuggested, it was thought. from a ship with a sling and automatically- releases It as it reaches the water has been invented by an Englishman. stampede. A Bingle davit which launches a boat Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Adv. Portland's first annual Get Them From bur Grocer An improvement over old style corn flakes A TOA J IiaiWIMJUIPHIilll1IWIJll' JWJ.l,JIM.. H.WWI.-' I jiBW.yil.ilnMnmnV I WIH1UIHW k' - fr'll-T -i ' -:'-- --' - ------ ' !?.;'. innilriiimil : .v: v. " You have but Today and 1 Friday to see this won- v iy derful picture of life in II 9; f II I rsV116 Kentucky hills- JACK PICKFORD as Bill Apperson's Boy Bill Apperson's boy thought he knew it all just as you probably did at his age. But Bill's boy found out that he didn't know much after all just as you probably did. It's a grand little picture ! Coming Saturday Margeurite Clarke in "A Widow by Proxy'