Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 28, 1919, Page 4, Image 4

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Single National System Urged
by Boston Authority.
Judge Anderson's Plan Would Make
. Strikes Illegal; Lenroot Asks
for One PiiTale Line.
WASHINGTON. A us. ST. Railroad
reorganisation under a plan combining
"the most drsirable factors" of both
government and private ownership and
operation was offered today as a solu
tion of the railroad problem by Judgs
eorsje W. Anderson of the I'nlted
tilates district court. Boston, a former
member of the Interstate commerce
rommtion. who appeared before the
house Interstate commerce committee.
Formation of a federal railway com
pany, with broad powers, including em
inent domain, to take over existing
transportation facilities, so as to pro
vide "a siniile national highway and
carrier ystem." was advocated by
Judge Anderson, who admitted his plan
contained no element not already pre
sented In essence, but was a combina
tion of elements that "is radically new."
Labor would, by the proposals of the
witness, have a new status and respon
sibility. Including profit sharing, but
strikes would be Illegal. Along with
capital and the public, labor would have
equal representation on the board of
directors selected to manage the roads.
Rates would be initiated on the servlce-at-cost
principle by the federal com
pany, subject to approval of the Inter
state commerce commission; states
would deal with purely local questions,
such as commutation rates, improve
ments and safety precautions.
Owaera Boaaa te Be Aaaane.
Present owners of the carriers, by
his plan, would be protected in that all
valid and properly outstanding bonds
would be assumed by the federal com
pany and guaranteed by the : vern
nirnt. and stockholders in regular dividend-paying
companies would be per
mitted to exchange their holdings on a
basts not exceeding the return during
federal control, while others wouldi
have due process of law. Stockholders
in the new company. Judge Anderson
proposed, would have an incentive for
efficiency, economy and progress by
authorising a dividend In excess of the
standard one and pro-rata issues of
new stock at par.
Public interests, he said, could be in
sured against undue capitalization by
limiting a majority of capital In the
new company to bonds, issued at the
lowest available interest rate. Stock
certificates on the federal company he
proposed should contain provision that
they might be taken over at any time
by the government at par and the ac
crued standard dividend.
War-Time eatrol Deferred.
Uovernment control of the railroads
during the war was deferred by Judge
Anderson, who asserted that under such
control there was "less failure in the
railroad business than In any other big
Industry, a statement which he said
he recognized was "Inconsistent witn
public sentiment."
Several representatives of railroad
appearing before the committee urged
that equipment purchased by the rail
road administration at war prices be
sold to the companies when the roads
were returned at reduced prices. t
la the senate a bill was Introduced
by Senator Lenroot. republican. Wis
consin, providing for unification of the
railroads Into one privately-owned sys
tem with minimum earnings guaranteed
and management shared by the security
holders, public and employes.
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Ansell Accuses Secretary and
Growder of Cruelty.
vote of a quorum will be sufficient to
elect, which means that five votes will
be necessary in event the full member
ship of the council is present.
Councilman Robert B. Hesketh re
turned from his eastern trip tonight
and will be on hand for tomorrow's
meeting. It is understood that his vote
and those of Councilmen A. F. Haas.
R. H. Thomson and John K. Carroll are
promised Mr. Fitzgerald, and that Coun
cilman William Hickman Moore will
also probably cast his vote for Mr.
Fitzgerald. With Councilman Moore's
vote. Mr. Fitzgerald s election Is as
sured, unless there is a slip in the
Mr. Fitzgerald having been promoted
to mayor, the council will proceed to
vote for his successor as councilman.
Under the agreement said to have been
reached by four and possibly five ot the
councilmen, A. T. Drake, finance com
mittee clerk of the ity council, will
probably be the choice of the council.
Programme Arranged Especially for
Amusement of Youngsters by
Management of Park.
1-8 8. Overdue at Los Angrlcs From
Panama, Fall to Reply.
IS AXOKLES. Cal.. Aujr. 27. Th
raptured tiermmn submarine. U-68,
whi-h was due at Los Anjreles harbor
a ffk a?o from Panama, has failed to
Arrive. The naval radio station here
arfid at Point Lomt have been endeavor
tnjr to reach the vessel by wireless but
without success.
At the submarine base at Los An
aelee harbor it was said today no
word bad been received from the eub
marine sinee it left Balboa, Panama.
i . i e
(Continued From Ftrt Pite.
ran grit, the mayor's resignation will
be read to the council Immediately
after It convenes and promptly ac
cptei. Councilman YV. D. L-ane. presi
dent of the council, then becomes ex
officio acting mayor and loses his vote
a a member of the council. A preji
dent pro tempore will then be chosen,
after whii-h the council will proceed
to the transaction of legislation pend
Mavar tm Be Fleeted.
Following the transaction of general
business, a motion will be made that
the council proceed to the election of
a mayor. The election will be by ballot
and it understood that three and pos
sibly four votes are pledged to Council
man Fitxgerald for the place. Under
the city charter provisions a majority
Two discoveries have added greatly
to human welfare.
In 1835 Newton originated the vac
uum process for condensing milk with
cane sugar to a emi-liquid form.
In 18S3 Horlick at Racine.Wis., dis
covered bow to reduce milk to a dry
paxder form with extract of malted
grains, wiUiout cane sugar.
This product HORUCK named
Malted Milk. (Name since copied
bjr others.) Its nutritive value,
digestihity and ease of preparation
(by simply stirring in water) and the
fact that it keeps in any climate,
has proved of much value to mankind
as an ideal food-drink, from infancy
to old age
Ask for HORUCITS AvM Imitation
Night and Moralnrf.
Havm Strong. Healthy
. If they Tire, Itch,
Smart or Burn, if Sore.
Irritated. Inflamed or
C . .ululated, use I." urine
(tv Wlkai. Befreshec. Scfe for
Infant or Adult. At all Druggist. Write for
Frea Eye Book. Kirlat tjt U, Cuco
ran .
Nearly fOO of the little folk who In
habit the several Fortland homes for
orphaned children are expected at the
tiaks amusement park thin afternoon
to enjoy the programme of fun pro
vided for the day set aside for their
special entertainment by Manager John
K. fordray. With their attendants, the
orphans will arrive at the park at 1
P. M. on upeclal cars provided by the
Portland Railway. LIcht & Power com
pany, and every effort will be made to
make the outing enjoyable.
The upeclal programme for the after
noon has been arransed by Manager
Cordray and a committee of prominent
Portland women, of which Mrs. A. It.
Mattinirley, z Fourteenth street, is
chairman. Aiding Mrs. Mattintcley are
.Mrs. j. J. Frankel, Mrs. Alva Ste
vens, Mrs. Charles Billington. Mrs. W.
I. Frank. Mrs. A. F. Flegel. Mrs. C. J.
Devereaui, Mrs. Bruce Horafnll, Mrs.
E. J. Steel, Mrs. J. F. Kelley. Mrs. Ed
ward Palmer and Mrs. A. Bailey.
Refreshments will be served in the
afternoon through the courtesy of &
number of Portland business bouses,
which have donated bountifully to. the
larder. Throughout the afternoon the
many amusements along the Trail at
the Oaks will be open to the young
sters free of cost and they will have a
special section reserved for them In the
park auditorium to witness a perform
ance of "A Jolly 'Widow," staged by the
Armstrong company.
Governor Denies Report He Will
XTall Legislator Together.
SALEM. Or., Aug. 27. (Special.)
That Governor Olcott does not intend
to change his attitude with regard to
calling a special session or the state
legislature to ratify the woman s sui
frage amendment, is evident from :
statement issued by the executive im
mediately following his return to the
capital today, after attending a con
ference of western governor at Salt
Lake City. Utah.
"Upon my return to the office today
I received a large number of telegrams
from woman suffrage leaders con
gratulating me upon a step 1 was re
port ed as havihg taken at the gover
nor's conference at Salt Lake City, In
agreeing with a number of other gov
ernors to call a special session of the
legislature this fall for the purpose of
ratifying the national suffrage amend
ment. "I regret that this false report should
have gained circulation, as it is abso
lutely baseless and without founda
tion. "For the information of all in Inter
est, I wish to say thataI have not de
viated In any way from'the policy con
talned in the statement issued from my
office just prior to my departure for
Salt Lake City."
Paving. Macudam, Grading and
Bridges I ncl uded I n Pro
gramme of 11 Counties.
SALEM, Or., Aug." 27. (Special.)
Bids for 25.6 miles of paving, 55.4 miles
of macadam and grading, five bridges
and several small culverts will be
opened at the Portland offices of the
state highway commission on Septem
ber 9 at 10 A. M., according to an
nouncement made here today. It Is
understood that awarding of these con
tracts will practically conclude - the
road and bridge building programme of
the state highway department for the
present year.
Paving, macadam and grading proj
ects follow:
Columbia county Sappooe-Ieer Island
section, Columbia River highway, paving,
10 H miles.
Clatsop county Unit No. 1, Astorla
fteanidA section, Columbia, River highway,
paving-, fi.l miles; unit No. 'J, A ft toi-la-Seaside
section, Columbia River highway, pav
tnn. 9.7 miles.
Gilliam county John Day rlver-Blalock
section. Columbia River highway, gradinc
and macadam, IS miles.
Hood River and Waco counties Hood
River-iiowier sectin, Columbia River high
way, macadam, tt.4 miles.
K lamath county Klamath Falis-AIpoma
sect I on, Th Ir1 I es-Ca 1 1 fom la high way.
grading and macadam, 12 miles. county Waiker-Cottage Grove sec
tion. Pacific highway, macadam, three miles.
Sherman county Columbia River high
way. across Sherman county, grading and
macadam, 14 miles.
McMinnville Wast Dayton section,' west
side Pacific highway, grading five miles.
The bridtce projects Include:
Polk and Yamhill counties Three bridge
and two culverts on the Amity-Holmes
gap section of the west side highway.-
Lan coun ty One 40 R. c. brid ge on
Cow creek, near Junction City, on the Pa
cific highway.
lmiglas county One R. C. bridge on the
Pacific highway over Sand creek, near
Plans, specifications and form of con
tract may be obtained by communicat
ing with the state highway departmeat,
Collage Grove Man Injured.
COTTAGE GROVE. Or., Aug. 27.
(Special.) M. H. Anderson, dealer in
poles and piling, is limping around
with painfully injured legs, the result
of getting caught between two poles,
which were being loaded on a wagon.
He was unable to stand or to speak for
some time.
Salem Rotary Officials Named.
SALEM. Or., Aug. 27. (Special.)
H. S. Glle was elected chairman and
C. B. Clancey secretary of the Salem
Rotary club at a meeting held here yes
terday. Formal organixation will take
place following receipt of the charter,
which is expected iu about two weeks.
Salem Farmer Alleges Mistake in
Message Cost Him $200.
SALEM, Or.. Au(r. 27. (Special.)
Charg-lnff that the Western Inion corn
puny substituted the word "cars" for
"oats" and thereby caused him heavy
loss in the sale of his crop, Phillip
Stortz today filed suit against the cor
poration to recover damages in the
sum of J263.55.
Mr. Stortz alleges that he sent a tele
gram from Salem to Walcott, Ind.,
ordering his oat crop sold at the run
ning market price. The recipient of
the message found that the instruc
tions pertained to cars and wrote to
Salem for instructions. In the mean
time. Mr. Stortz says, the price of oats
dropped from 81 to 65 cents a bushel,
thereby causing him loss of more than
Enlisted "Man With Dishonorable
Discharge Is Hounded by
Army, Is Charge.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 27. Samuel T.
Ansell. formerly acting judge advocate
general of the army, told a senate
comittee today that Secretary Baker,
General March, cbief-of-araff ; Major
General Crowder, judge advocate-general,
and other general officers placed
deliberate obstacles in his way when
he sought to obtain clemency for sol
diers given harsh sentences. The com
mittee is considering a bill by Senator
Chamberlain for changes in the mili
tary justice system.
When he first made a report on the
subject of reform in the sysWem in 1917,
Ansell said he was relieved imme
diately "with the knowledge, if not
the suggestion, of Secretary Baker,
from all duties relating to military
"The truth is," said Mr. Ansell, "that
they did not like my liberal views. Of
course they won't say it. but the facts
speak louder than words."
Curt Repllea Reeelvnl.
When he had opportunity later as
acting judge advocate-general to re
view court-martial sentences and sant
clemency recommendations, Ansell said
frequently he received curt . " replies
amounting to Tnind your own busi
Secretary Baker later Issued a gen
eral order, prohibiting the judge ad
vocate-general from making clemency
recommendations, he said, but added
that in numerous cases when he was in
charge of the office in the absence of
General Crowder he disregarded this
After the armistice, Mr. Ansell stated,
army punishments, especially in camps
in this country, became more severe.
At Camp Dix in particular, he said, pun
ishments were "shocking.
When he reported these conditions to
General Crowder. Mr. Ansell said, the
judge advocate-general said he was
reluctant to act because he feared it
might be construed as "an impeachment
of the system of military justice."
Offirera' Treatment Dlffrrrmt.
"Between the treatment of the cases
of officers and enlisted men there is a
world-wide difference," said Mr. Ansell,
replying to a question.
The witness said that when officers
were dismissed it was difficult enough
for them to "come back," but that in
the case of the enlisted man who re
ceives a dishonorable discharge his re
habllitation was practically impossible.
"We follow the man with a dishonor
able discharge wherever he goes," An
sell said. "We give him his yellow sheet
and wherever he goes we try to keep
him from getting a job. These punish
ments are life-long. Wherever the army
is known his efforts at rehabilitation
are met."
Before Taking Tanlac Schultz
Was in Misery Both Day
and Night.
'There is no doubt about this Tanlao
being a real medicine, for it has over
come my troubles after everything else
I tried had failed to even give me
little relief," said C. it. Schultz. a well
known and prosperous farmer, who
lives at Hubbard, Oregon, while In the
Owl drug store in Portland the other
"About six years ago," continued Mr.
Schultz, "rheumatism struck me in my
right shoulder and finally went down
into my right leg and foot and the pain
and misery I have gone through since
that time is more than I can tell about.
My fingers and toes would cramp so
bad at times that I couldn't move them
at aiL I was in so much misery at
night that I could hardly sleep a wink,
but just had to lie in bed and suffer
hour after hour. My stomach was in
bad condition,.- too. and what 1 ate
would sour and I would be all bloated
up with gas for hours at a time. 1 was
badly constipated and frequently had
bad spells of headache. All these
troubles just got the best of me and
while I was under treatment all the
time and tried many different kinds of
medicines. 1 gradually got worse right
"My daughter came to see me one
day and she told me about the good
Tanlac had done her and insisted on
my giving it a trial. Well, sir, that
medicine just got right down after that
rheumatism and knocked it winding.
Why, I can walk as well as 1 ever did
and can hustle around and look after
my farm all right. My stomach trou
ble is gone, too, and 1 eat three hearty
meals every day and never suffer a par
ticle afterwards. I have actually gained
ten pounds already and just feel finei
and dandy all the time. I have also
noticed that I am not bothered with
constipation like I was and I haven't
had one of those bad headaches since I
finished my first bottle of Tanlac Yes,
sir, Tanlac deserves all the good things
that are being said about it, and I'll
tell the world that it is the only medi
cine that has done me any good at ail
and that I owe my good health now to
Tanlac" '
Tanlac Is sold in Fortland by the
Owl Drug Co. Adv.
Funeral Services and Burial Will
Take Place at Kelso, Wash.,
Saturday Afternoon.
Mrs. Bernard Laffey died yesterday
at the home of her daughter, Mrs. E. S.
Collins, 877 Westover road, at the age
of 88. The body will be sent Friday
night to Kelso, where the funeral will
be held at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon
Short services will be conducted in the
Finley chapel Friday, the hour to be
announced later. President Edward H.
Todd of Puget Sound college will con
duct the services at Kelso, and inter
ment will be In the Kelso cemetery.
Mrs. Laffey was a well-known
pioneer of - the northwest, having
crossed the plains with her husband in
1852. After a year's residence in Pert
land they located in Cowlitz county.
Washington, where they lived until a
few weeks prior to Mrs. Laffey s death.
She was born in St. Joseph county,
Michigan, October 11, 1830.
Miss Jessica Todd and Miss Cornelia
Marlon Plan Five Months' Trip.
mouth, Aug. 27. (Special.) Miss
Jessica Todd, dean of women, who has
gained prominence by her economical
management of the state normal girls
dormitory, and Miss Cornelia Marvin,
state library, will make a five months
visit to the Orient. A thorough study
is to be made of economic and social
conditions with a view to inaugurating
changes in the social life'of the normal
Miss Todd and Miss Marvin have
made arrangements to' leave in Oc
tober. Sailing from Vancounver, B. C.
they will visit Japan, Corea, China
and many of the south sea islands.
Multnomah Housing and Brooding
Methods to Be Studied.
Poultrymen of Multnomah county are
to join in a tour of the poultry district
Saturday. Professor James Pryden of
the Oregon Agricultural college will
Join with them and conduct culling
demonstrations. A study wiil be made
of the different methods of housing.
brooding and handling of poultry.
Poultrymen and others wlA meet at
the office of County Ant Hall at
GreshaTO at 9 o'clock. They will pro
ceed by auto to the yards if Messrs.
Marston. Lyman, Dowsett an! a num
ber of others in the forenoon. They will
eave the county agent a offlc acaln at
1 o'clock.
Hurlbnrt Contends Labor
Open Air Will Give Captives Op
portunity to Be Useful.
Federal aa well as county and city
prisoners could be used on the Kelly
Butte rockplle if it la put in commis
sion in compliance with the wishes of
Sheriff Hurlburt, according to word re
ceived by that official yesterday from
United States Attorney Haney. In
previous years it has not been thought
possible to use the men held in the
county jail on federal charges for
breaking rock.
At the next meeting of the county
commissioners Sheriff Hurlburt will
press his request for permission to re
open the rock quarry and if refused
will ask for specific reasons. If a re
fusal is based on the fear that a few
favored county employes may lose
berths at Kelly Butte, a strenuous pro
test will be lodged.
that the cost of erecting a stockade at
the Butte will be negligible, as he can
have It put up by prison labor, using
trusties now on duty in the county jail.
He said lie did not know the amount of
work necessary to place the rock crush
er again In commission, as it has been
neglected for several years, But that
he thought the cost would not 'be ex
The re-opening of the quarry will be
a profitable move for the county, con
tends the sheriff, as the cost oi opera
tion will scarcely exceed Jl a yard for
rock produced, all of which can be
sold to city and private contractors at
11.40 a yard and higher. City Commis
sioner Barbur has informed the county
commissioners that the city paving
plant will be able to use at least ISO
yards of crushed rock a week from the
"Numerous private contractors are
behind in their work because they have
been unable to get rock," said Sheriff
Hurlburt yesterday. "1 think there will
be ample demand for crushed rock to
Justify opening the quarries, if the
matter is to be considered solely from
a standpoint of economy.
"The quarry should be more than
self-supporting. But it is not to make
money that I would like the quarry
opened. It is to preserve the health
of the prisoners. There is nothing bet
ter for them than hours of labor in the
open air daily. It is far better than
confinement in close cells, and though
arduous, it is something the men them
selves desire.
"When Kelly Butte was closed about
three years ago, those who regretted
it most were the prisoners who had
been assigned to work there. There is
more chance to make a useful citizen
out of a man who has been at healthy
labor daily in the open air than out o
a man who has been confined in the
close quarters of a Jail 24 hours out of
the day.
v Free Help for
Where are you going to find it with competent
women so scarce :
We will send it to you, and you'll find it willing
and quick.
It will be one of the -greatest household helps of
the century it is the . '
- mm
Use it for washing everything. Not only the reg
ular family wash, but blankets, mats, the heavi
est articles as well as the daintiest, hand-made
curtains you have.
No need to rub and scrub any more. The soapy
warm, cleansing water does it all. The average
family wash takes but an hour, but only 2 cents
worth of electricity.
an ideal home device. Easy to operate, safe
and sure. . The Electric Wringer comes with it
without extra cost.
Just say the word
and we will send one
of tfiese machines to
your home. Show
"you how to use it
and leave it there on
If you decide to keep
it, we will accept
easy payments. If
you don't want it,
we will take it back
without complaint.
Could anything be
more fair?
Scott Electric Co.
Washing Machine Headquarters
G. P. A. Profit-Sharing Coupons
Karman Keener Implicated by Con
fession by One of Pair Which
Held Up Night Watchman.
After th arrest of R. G. Snellen
berger and R. DeBuhr, both 19 years of
age. on a charge of robbery yester
day, DeBuhr in a confession is said
to have implicated Karman K. Keener,
ex-soldier, in the robbery of P. M.
Webber, cook in a restaurant at Fourth
and Salmon streets, several days ago.
Keener later was found and sent to
the army authorities at Vancouver bar
Shellenbrger and DeBuhr, officers
say, held up the night watchman at
the Albers dock Monday night obtain
ing a little money. They had been
employed at the dock for several days
following their discharge from the
In confessing to the robbtery at
Fourth and Salmon streets, DeBuhr
said that Keener went into the restau
rant and distracted the cook's atten
tion by ordering a cup of coffee while
he did the gun work, securing about
fa. Keener is said to have confessed.
DeBuhr had been staying in a room
at 387 Taylor street and offioers re
port the finding of a revolver in one
of his shoes at that place.
Keener Is a former member of the
spruce division.
S. & H. green stamps for cash, Hol
man Fuel Company, Main 353. A 33S3.
Blockwood, short slabwood. Utah and
Rock Springs coal; sawdust. Adv.
Races and races,
Sheriff Hurlburt is prepared to show and Monday. Adv.
Saturday, Sunday
Machine Caught Near Albany as It
Attempts to Cross Track In
Front of Fast Train.
ALBANY, Or, Aug. 27. (Special.)
Victor Wallett was killed almost in
stantly and his brother-in-law, J. R.
Morley, was injured, when a truck
they were driving was struck by the
incoming Albany-Taquina train at the
North Albany crossing at 5:15 o'clock
tonight. Morley is not seriously hurt.
The train struck the rear wheel of
the truck and knocked and drove it
through a cattle guard north of the
track. Both men were thrown off. An
auto following the truck picked them
up and started for the hospital here,
but Wallett died as the auto was cross
ing the bridge across the Willamette
river here.
The two men were driving from A I -
bany to their home in Benton county,
about seven miles north of this city.
The scene of the accident is about a
mile north of Albany.
Victor Wallett was 31 years old and
unmarried. He resided with his mother,
Jennie Wallett, on a Benson county
farm, where the family has lived for
sixteen years, coming to Oregon from
Illinois. He is survived by his mother,
one brother. Louis Wallett, and a sis
ter, Mrs. Lottie Morley, all of whom"
live in Benton county, north -of this
city. a
Lumbermen Go to Meeting.
Thirty Oregon timbermen, represent
ing all of the larger operators of the
state, left last night for Spokane
where, today, the annual meeting of
the Western Pine association will be 1
held. A preliminary meeting of the
Oregon delegates was held here yes
terday, at which was had a general
discussion of market conditions.
Shingle Mill to Be Built.
WHEELER, Or., Aug. 27. (Special.)
Frank Gustisjand J. E. Parsons have
purchased 1,000,000 feet of cedar tim
ber at Haddon, near here, and will be
gin the construction of a shingle mill
there at once.
other Lasts.
Black Gnnmetal
Malic-gang Calf
Izidimi len Call
t r i " I
Comfort is something you can't tack on to a shoe it must be there to
begin with. It is not a veneer; a finish that can be applied from without
it must come from within. It must be built in at the very start.
Comfort all day and every inch of the way this is what the
. Buckhecht Army Shoe gives you. Truly for sheer comfort and
solid service it would be hard to beat it at any price. Get a pair todayl
The BuckJiMt Army Shoe Is sold In Portlaa by C II. Baker, la
j ' otaer lomi by principal dealers.
Manufacturer. BUCKINGHAM & HECHT
San FraaeJac