TIIE MORNING OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, 1919. FOB RENT. t Hoomm WHta Bwirt tm Priea-a Family. JoOM and hoard for 2 young Isdres em- piova; piano; wukwk oii privileges, reasonable rate. 48 Market J street. Main 5K23. CHILDREN to board In private famiiy; no othr children: beat or care, J .1-. -re- FurnUbed ApartmfnU. THE CROMWELL I FIT minute" walk to Meier Franl lie's Z or; gooo surrounamsK. u"""1 .5 and 3 -room 'umished apta. all outalds w 1111 rr'nen uun. m w v . . RATES BY WEEK OR MONTH. Z VTLLA ST. CLARA. Tv;fth and Tax lor. Z Moat modern furnished, apartment os m vam Faciric coaar. Hoof Garden la Connection. t Walking D lata nee, Referencea BRASS BED and dn-sr. library table, dln - jng room set. Wilton ruga, u and heat- , trig move. c. i an su TVP c x RI.OIS I.ivtna room, kitchenette. , b-tth. outside apts., modem brick; adults. ::t... 3(1 urn, cor, jurnet. a LARt.K rooms. min. from city: adults oniy; Eaat 27th and Nelaon. 1 block south 7 r saniy Diva. 1 1 IJANA APARTMENTS. 45 Trinity Place, 2 and 3-room lurnianeo ftpu.; aauiia vuij. VapM:i . gROOM first -olas furnished apt. for fei - weeks to responsible people; reference! - tjnv tith anri FUlmnn - one 1-rnnm apartment with private bath. . fnce. iaoor ia FOR RENT "-room furnished housekeep - inr apartment; St. Johns car. Wood lawn 41" 1. . I ILL iuMft I -room furnished apartment. Call E-lHiJ, mornings betore 11. aA'i(lA'.E and furniture moving; phone BroadwaT 4l. Ann inniicr. n 1 1 - f". CwUPtETB apartment. $19: concrete .bids; Vnion ave. and Klliinnworth. 9-ROOM apartment suitable for . adults, r.rj 11th st S"AXTA APT?.. 180 N. 23d. 4-room apart . men, furnished. . FOR, RENT A two-room apartment. 4-1 HTh St. rnfnrn!bed ApsrtraeBU. iLi-vprRVUHVn 2. roomed aDt.: water. light phone; arfults. 21". lltb St.. cor. Sal mon. rTione 3iain Flata. IfOpGRX a room. Including sleeping porch, bath, front porch, fine view, walking distance, adults, reference. perma nent tenant only. 464 Hail street. Mar shall 4-'0 LAROE. pretty pleeping porch with 2 cosy arii furnished, everv convenience: choice location, refined couple; 1-0. 468 street. 11 well-furnkshed flat: clean, de v Table: electricity, gas -tove. bath, etc Eaat 33d. PhoneEaat SSM. r"mnrftv s.roAm flat at 1314 Corbett . per month. Call Marshall M91 at First st. - FVLT 'Wnratril modem f' fr rent Virginia street. overlooking river. Take Fulton car. CARFIKLP 4-rec.m. hardwood f:oors. $". H E. Falll n g. 1 hi ork west I'nion ave. L Farwhhed Flat. $22.50 MODERN. 4 rooms, electricity, gas. wood range and heater. $ecnnd floor. phone In houe. Phone owner, Sellwood a.11 E--t fide 2h ft- J E. l.tTH ST nAr Ah. room, with attic and port-h; f-ne condition: suitable for 3 or 4 adults; references; near Wash ington high. . T DESIRABLE, well furnished f!t. 4 rooms and sleeping porch, piano, excellent - location, adttita only; referencea, b 64. Oregonian. " MODERN furnished 4-room corner flat: -light airy bedrms; piano and sewing marhln: 1 .! W East Davis st. -RhM furnished flat; a young couple to - ahare name lth the use of one bedroom; gas. light, heat. 3.0 Jackson st. ROOMurnlhed flat. S40 per month: atJ furnished hounekeplng room; call, - f-ond St.. Phone Main 77. liODERN S-room, rent. 30, pbone Eaat . K'7; mornings. Laroe. airy. 3-mom. weat Me. bath, near faruthera, g1 4 1 h. Mam 7-i. COV;ENlAU employed girl to share flat Ctill after P. M. "t lHi IrtrhsL Uotsseaeeptog Batn JtOOMS for light houst-keeping; 2. 3 and " 4-room apartment a. furnished or unfur ruhed; close to Columbia University on "Flske ave. tK6 Harvard st. Pbone Co lumbia iM. ri'RNIHHGD 2 -room H. K. apartment, neat and clean, prelf r prM employed dur ing day, eay walking distance; 11 Monte. 1H7 Stout st., near 2i:h and Waahlngton, 1ML1 N B AGO AGE. delivered la dowa- - tewa district for 1'Ae: checks called for " Auto sVrvlc. phone EAcT 64S4- THE BEAVER, ltb and Marsnall. CIS up per month: clean b. k. roonta, Including eiectrlc lights, hot water, gas range. J-K" OM apartment, very reasonable, with at conveniences. S Hawthorne. The Burns apta . Hol'SE KEEPING rooms CI- CIS P' month, a snap fur couple. UVS Union v- , BaGOAuE and furuiture moving: pbone Broadway 401. Alert Transfer. 411 "4 Ptara. CLEAN two rooms with fuel. C15l tUl Tour man. Marshall 4."1. 4ol EAST'moRRLoX. cor. E. 8th. furnished 1 and i-rjom h. k. apartmenta TWO large f ran t room, large room and k'.tchf nrite. iUr.gTe roo m a 6."5 Flanders yoi'K rooms, pertly furoiehed. gaa, electrle; CIO. Aibina district; adults. Tabor 571. ilnDER.V hounekeeping rooms. 1 or 3-room suites, for rent.2-iS Taylor. SINGLE room. h. k. 1X2.1; 2 Urg front roo ma. h. k.. C -O per month. 4'JO Clay st. FLRNljiHED housekeeping rooms, rent. 267 Knott, near Williams a cbeassl ve. CLEAN H. K. suite for couple, walking distance: Hotel Noma, 533 Alder. CLEAN, airy H K. room!; light, gas. phone . and bath Included 314 Mill st. S NICE housekeeping rooms with sleeping porch. Phone East 2-V FCnNISHED housekeeping rooms. 20 Uashtra -on. nrif .tJ. Heosekeeplac Roetwe la Pnvaie raioily. 1 I R A ULE housekeeping and sice pi nr roma -;o garwxe. .2i Eaat Ash at. Eaal 11. 1. Walking d-star.ie. ft KI'RNISHEO housekeeping rooms In cluding a clean modern kitchen, adults. TN.r nlH. 1 a or o 1 3 MODERN houakcplng roonnt. adults eety. 422 th street, call between 9:30 ' and II A. M. IV and t.re m.ltea of H. R. rooms. 5404 Morrison st. Brtwy. 2rt3. KENT Furmahed housekeeping roo ma 2 T:::amook st. Bt"SINeS em hofflf. tadis may housek trvincton E-tst 7H p in mod- oPER 2-room apaMment, $20 per mo., 547 Morrison st. CvZY hoitsekpinr suite. $14 per month; & Pttvjrovr-, Broadway 2423. eil.L SHARE my suburban home with eon . gonial lamiiv or person, ideal location; 12 rooms; laundry: sleeping porch: bae- mn(. furnace; all modern: garage; cow and chickens; 1 minutes to eiectrlc line; 20 minutes by auto. AG . Oregon ian. FOR RENT Modern house, i rooms and sxeeplng porrh. fireplace, hardwood floors. etc . attic, full i'mnt basement, watking dinunro. Phone East 4h. HKtiK. I2-riMm hoirse. Hollatl.iy district. In very oml condition; leas for trm of ears. S'M per month. 1 K." Moore. 317 Board of Trada. H"EN Y - v. a l's NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC light ' aervlc. Proadwsy 5A. A C74T. lCAL and long distance moving and haul . . ing : f'rt -class equipment Gren Trim Cw T)2H A.derst. Maln12L A . 2H1 MOVING Piano, furniture and long-distance hauling a specialty O. A W. Truck . r-enlce Co.. 40 2d s. Phone Hdwy. 5121 4.R0OM NEWLY "rr RVISHKD. MODERN pfi;I.('V TAKE M-V CAR TO 2TH. ttaU-CMK RESTAURANT. C-RvKlM house, garage, rhtcken bouse, fmlt. ne block Irom car; 1.15. Marshall 2431. -ROOM house, modern. alklnr distance: E. -V Mornings Bdwy. 100. M'IEKN -room heime. rner. walking dis tance. $":o mor.th. 313 thrryst. 4-ptVM houe. $2H; with Br ant strft. garage, 99 E. Farnlsbesl H FOR RENT My nicely furnished home, de sirable location; references required. B 712. Oregonlan. FOR RENT Comfortab'e furnished 9 -room house, oa west side; garage. AN 740, Ore gonlan. aTrOOM furnished hoe: all new furniture. C. J. Cull i n. Real Estate Co.. 205 S, Mor rison st. $33 5-ROOM furnished house. Eaat 2Jth. near Alberta. No children. Phone Wood- 1 U 191- BY SEPTEMBER 1 modern 8 rooms and parage. Phone Eaat 427, mornings. aTpooM Turnihed house for rent, reason able, call Columbia atLt. FOK BOT. FurnUhed Hon FPRXIflHKD rottmee for rent. Cl. close in. 4 rooms, bath, electricity, gas. phone; also 2 rooms upstairs: garden, cnicnen coop, fruit trees; all furniture for sale. cash. In cluding 20 chickens. 100 fruit jars, garden tools, potatoes, peacnes. an ror a--u. . 51st st.. cor. Pine ana 91st sis. 4-ROOM furnished house near LaurelhursL reasonable to right party. Call between lo and 3. 62 Buchtel avenue, between 30th and Slet, near E. Stark. ROOMS, gas. partly furnished. H acre In garden, for CIO month: will sell chickens and winter supply wooa. HU bcotl car. 4.T18 "2d at. 8. E. 3-ROOM bungalow, well furnished. - elec tricity and gaa,. situated Willamette river. Call Main 47. 728 Morgan bldg. NICE clean 6-room house, furnished, piano. walking disrsnce: give reterences; no cnu dren: rent $4. 4-.3 E. Everett, near E. Hih. ROOMS, laundry trays, furnace, water and garag. 4... east side. Kerny at., near Jefferiton high school. Phone Wdln. 3''2. FOR RENT -room furnished bungalow; strictly modern; rent C-""- 243 E, olst ft, near Hawthorne. Tabor M90. Summer Resorts. MacLEANS CAMP. Oewego lake; camp cot tage for rent, furnished with essentials: swimming, boating, fishing. Apply at camp, reached from Oswego station oa r ourtn-sireoi rea cc1 t WANTED at Long Beach. "Wash., house on the ridge, for September and October. F. H. Hildebrand. 644 E. 54tb N. Tabor M'j; CANNON BEACH Special September rates. . .i 1 . . l a -KIKmv Vrn Or. 2 STORES 1st at.. 4 ft- long; C eaea, Tabor 1114. DESIRABLE offices, modem convenience 6'ark etreet. between 8d and 4t. Appiy room I2. I.ailway Bc bangs. WILL give desk room to salesman; 1 ng phone C3 month. Main 2ot'3. cludi Miscellaneous. CHICKEN or rabbit ranch on Columbia; auto repair shop and two modern bouses; cneap. c.aax .011. B LSI NESS OPTORTCKITreS, A FEW GOOD BUYS. Grocery store, located in extra-good dis trict, doing 1 10O a day, fixtures rented with bldg. for $30; will sell at Invoice, stock about S2AOO to $3 wo. Have dandv little grocery, close-in apt. houe dlM., doing a day, rent C30: one nice large housekeeing room, brick bldg.; price 11200. poolroom, 4 tables. In good condition; confectionery and cigar stand in front, doing good business; a snap at $800. Have snap buy In Wash.-st. restaurant. Barber shop, well located on west side; four chairs. SIMMS, 431 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6127. GROCERY STORE, NO DELIVERY. Here Is a dandy grocery doing an aver age of about IIOO per day. Sell fixtures at V ' original cost and invoice stock, will amount to about $3v)0 all told: 3-year lease at $30 per month ; fine f irctt-claas brick building on corner; no delivery. Hurrv If you want It. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 39 oak St. Broadway 4133. CIGAR STORE. WEST-SIDE CORNER. The owner ia in the hospital, hence will give you a good d-al. This Is a good little business and rent only $45 per mo. pon t phone, but come-In and let us show you this. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 3O0 Oak St. Broadway 4133. WANTED Either a man or woman with a few thousand nonars 10 " 'lv, j in an established legitimate business which will stand the closest Investigation and is now paying aV per annum on Investment Address "J," P. O. box oo. City. OARAGE AND REPAIR SHOP. SO cara storage, sell oil, supplies, etc.. and big repair business; profits CtioO month. Call room 4'H Dekum bldg. m BARGAIN. Busy restaurant. $4u day business, good west sine location, "i"'""""' price $W0. Call Ml Railway Exchange. BEND OR, For sale, established retail business, cigars, confectionery and fruit store, at invoice, unuui uw agents. Geo. Lutos, Bend, Or. A CASH BUSINESS. Cigars, soft drinks, lunches, etc.. also have 4 pool tables; clears l-oO to C300 month. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. ' GRAIN WAREHOUSE. Cleaner, chopper, new engine, best part of WliUmette valley: good-paying business. Now running. Spnckman. 24 Oak et. BRADLEY lunch, 801 Stark, cor. Park; quick sale, iiikmi, worm ovirr v. . Bradlev, the pie man, owner. Phone res.. Tabor USS. EXCLUSIVE state agency for "Washington, on the nest auto rus-mhk manufactured; $2."mw cash will buy stock of goods. 40T uregonian piuk, 'uR SALE Tire shop and vulcanizing: new steam plant: good stock new tires; loO second-hand tires. Call 514 Union ave. N. Phone East 7n03. . GOOD country store, land and buildings; fine location ana goou uumr. u. for cash or good farm. Address AV 460, Oregonlan. OPPORTUNITY for practical man as part ner in Duny wi . - Invest $17Q0. 511 Railway Exchange. RETAIL lumber yard for sale: good oppor tunity for someone 10 oumit u.wc. A V ."5. Oregon Ian. GOOD store building, good for cafeteria or Huirv lunch business; good location. 121 Grand ave. , $400 CASHf. gels bet restaurant proposition in town; "- J Q Inquire owner. 42 a Wash., room 8. ALTO repair, filling station and accessories. Thts is a linn pi ut""-'"-"i v' Call 511 Railway Exchange. WILL sell my cleaning and pressing "hop for C2.u; Desi lovanuu m -'.-Park st. $550 BUYS cash grocery; have others up to $5001, See John Brown. 324 Railway Ex change bldg. CASH confectionery store, has living roomj S,U amy ' 511 Railway Exchange. COMPLETE beauty parlor equipment; br gain tor j u" Broadway 136. niNTRBTE garage and repair shop. 3-year lease. $300. Call Wdln. 504U after 6 o'clock $25h 4) WILL nanme i aamg u uipped small laundry lo northweat AV e 4 i- BUYS lunch and ke cream stand. See - r. " i-A Kniv Exchanaa bid sr. J ODD rrvw. - . - - .Jk T4.k w ra L Insurance business, good Idaho c" . . t v JT 1 )r,imr ia n GEN Aonrt " " 1 for SALE Cigars, soft drinks and candy Vnrl h Sixth at. siora TAILOR shop to rent, fully equipped. En I.Tr. 4i9 E Morrison. Clifford hoteL GROCERY STORE with 13 rooms. 334 4th ik. No agen ta r Ari II GROCERY. Invoice $1300. fin loca- V.no(i - r. - v flrarnn m n lion, going efc. rTTAURANT for aale; good paying bual neL 1st storMarket. BiRBKR SHOP. 5 chairs, centrally located, . s 110. oregonlan. FOR SALE Attractive fruit business.: 1 monev getter. Call at 20S Ablngton bldg ; sA. KRra.BLfe. J.'7jn jy pW iSff'tJ Copyright, 1919. by Newspaper Featura Sorrice, Inc. Gr-t BriUtin BUSINESS OPPORTUyiTIES. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC, Suite S14 to ftttt Swettand Bldg. , Marshall 3tfS9. "; ; GARAGES. $1000 Good going country place, 25 miles t from Portland; fine little place; t $170 takes half Interest In one of the . Dest east siae garages; aoing nne, " ' big- business: 5o cars storage, fins -t - repair business: service car. build- - tng 2 stories, 50x100; clearing $400 . to ww per montn. $4000 West side auto district, 20 apart ment houses In 4 Mocks of ga rage: buildinr 50x104k some ma chinery, 35 cans stored, $10 per month; good lease and low rent; lota 01 repair worn. 5 $4500 Nearby" towns, --'tent $25: receipts I2AO exclusive of sales, agency for truck and 2 makes of passenger 4 cars; employs 4 men, modern shop ana salesrooms; line proposition. $4500 West side: 60 cars stored, $7 per month; building NiUxHM ; shop leased $100 per month; wash rack it-a-Hea .u per montn, 4-year yease. This is a gentleman's place who wants something to look after. Will clear $400 to- $90 per month. $4500 West side, two-story, 50x100: good lease of four years to run, rent $125 per montn; 00 cars storea; acces sories, repairs; keeps four mechan ics busy. . PACIFIC AGENCY. INC., Suite 514 -to 511 Shetland Bldg. . Marshall 3US9. POOL ROOM. . Three pool tables, good bar fixtures. siock or cigars ana soit annas, su Durban place, rent $20 a month. This is a cheau buy. If you want something in this line you a oetter hurry; this will go quick. rrice soou. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. Good west side location, doing $40 day cash business, rent $15; price $1200. GROCERY AND DELICATESSEN. Good east side location, doine between $50 and $t0 cash a day, rent $30; price tiouu. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. Fine location on east side, $,0 a day cash business, rent $14.50; price $1400. CONFECTIONERY AND CIGARS. Downtown location, doing $60 day. rent $40, good lease, living room; price $1600. This is extra good buy. We have business opportunities too nu merous to mention here. If you are look ing for anything In business, to buy ot sell, come and see us. ATLAS BUSINESS AGENCY & REALTY CO. tii Hoara oz Trade tfidg. Main 5315. NEAT CONFECTIONERY. Brick bldg., close In, school location, rent $25, lease, doing good business; price C20O0. t GROCERY STORE. $3500 buys a nice grocery and filling station, rent $30, lease; the price of stock and fixtures is all that is necessary, as owner la going on his farm September 1, 1U10. COUNTRY BARGAINS. . ' i have several stores, also hotels, for sale in Oregon and Washington. Call for Information. F. RIERDON, RITTER. LOWE CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WE WANT BUYERS FOR Grocery Storea ugars ana confectionery. Restaurant Garages Hotels and Rooming House a ' Anything in the Business Line. If you wish to buy or sell call ATLAS BUSINESS AG'CY at REALTY CO. 716 Boaru vf Trade Bldg. Main 5315. AUTO REPAIR SHOP. CLOSE IN, WEST SIDE. Auto repair shop, close In on west side; aM tool and machinery go for the price of $looo. This is a one-story brick and in the heart of the automobile district. Hur ry if you want It. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 3Q9 Oak St. Broadway 4133. C13.00O CASH will buy a hotel and bar. the ousiesi. pi ace in v uncouver, is. j. ; rents are collected from 7 different storerooms In the building, that leaves the barroom free, and .over C."0 per month above the rent pid for the entire building; will stand strictest investigation. T. K. Cour tle, 18 Hastings st. west. Vancouver, B. C. MAN THAT CAN HANDLE machinery and men wnn lew nunarea aoiiars can maKe $13 to $25 per day; get away irom day labor, be your own boss, work up Inside a year to tarn $loo per day. Call any time at 7203 54th ave. s. K., one block south of Whitman station, on lit Soott car I Inc. FOR SALE Cr-sh deal only, confection ery ana pool hall doing good business n small but good payroll town, sickness only reason for selling. Price $2000, might ac cept small car up to $500 as part. Act quick if you want this snap. AV 357. Ore- gonian. POPCORN WAGON. " Ode -horse popcorn and peanut wagon for , sale, with location; no competition, bargain for sight man ; on good terma, Call or addresa J. Kohrberg, 7 08 Main iL. Ore gon City. A CASH GROCERY. . Extra good location, very few fixtures to buy and will sell the groceries at cost price: net profits C250 month: have other Interests and must sell; can try it before you buy. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. MERCHANDISE STORE FOR SALE. Seven buildings on one acre of land; to tal value of store property estimated at C1U.OOO; big trade, business prosperous; lo cated at Proebstel. Clarke Co., Wash. Ad dress 1. D. Terrill. Orchards. Wash. 7 : auto "garTge. Sell of's, gas. accessories, etc., and full of steady storage; work 3 men In the repair shop; profits extra good ; only $1500 re quired. Room 401 Dekum bldg. WILL sell my cash grocery for cash, only might consider auto in part payment; am doing a big business; no agents need ap ply; have good reasons for selling. Phone E. 540t for full particulars. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal of so-called Intereat In established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL COWGILL. Secretary. WILL SELL transfer equipment with busi ness. 2 teams, 4 drays. 3 wagons, 2 trucks, price $3200. Business pays about $1000 per month. For location and particulars address AV 457. Oregonlan. " GROCERY STORE BARGAIN. Best Hawthorne district location on ac count of sickness will sell at sacrifice for $705; dotnc a fine cash business PETERS. 15 North Fifth St. FOR SALE Confectionery, cigar, candy and fountain; good location to add noon lunches: might accept good second-hand Ford as part payment; wilt take less than ' fountain would cost you. Ph one Mai n 6631. PARTNER wanted for hauling freight for country merchants; have 2 auto trucks and busy: profit, extra good; J10CJ0 required. Room 401 Dekum bldg. RESTAURANT for sale in a good business town doing !'0 business. For particulars call at 12."4 N. 16th St.. after 6 o'clock. A ik for Percy JoneS; " MANUFACTURING BUSINESS. Owner of a growing business want, a partner Xo tend office, check goods, etc.: $1T.0 required. Room 401 Dekum bldg. S00 BUYS restaurant on Yamhill: have others from 4()0 to SjOOO. See John Brown. 324 Railway Exchange bldg. Open Sunday, and evenings. : " BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. GROCERY STORE. BEST BUY IN OREGON. Sell fixtures for $600 and invoice stock. Did $44500 buslntes rn July. Rent only $; per month. Listen: If you REALLY have your mind made up to buy a good grocery, and YOU ARE FROM MISSOURI, come in and let us show you. There Is no "bunk about this, and you will have to act quick to get It. Stock will Invoice rlose to $4000. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 301 Oak St. Broadway 4133. DENTIST A chance for you; an established corner for dentist, pay rent and move In; - one of the best corners on east side, Belmont and E. 39th. Tabor 6493. AUTO SUPPLY STORE. A solid business for sale; sell auto ac cessories, tires, etc, profits are large. Room 401 Dekum bldg. Business Opportunities Wanted. WILL give $50 to any one who can tell me of a good downtown location for an elec tric ( "butterkist") popcorn machine; reas onable rent, close to theater. Phone Main 5K73. WANT an apartment house, good one. B 718, Oregonlan. Hotels and Rooming Houses. HOTEL BARGAIN. One of the few good buys left in Port land, strictly modern brick bldg., 74 rooms, well furniFhed, clearing over $600 per month, good lease, fair rent; $7000 can do business. 22 ROOMS 22. Modern brick, city heat, hot and cold water, center of west side business district, lease; $2500 necessary. SMALL BUYS. All sizes, from 8 to 40 rooms, some housekeeping, some sleeping. F. RIERDON, RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IF YOU WISH TO BUT OR SELL Business Hotel. Rooming or Apartment House of any kind, anywhere, see F- RIERDON. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 20S-5-7 Board of Vrad Bldg. 50 ROOMS, STEAM HEAT. $3650 HOT AAU UULU WATBK IN ALL KUUMS, SPLENDID LEASE. $2500 HANDLES IT BUY THIS AND CLEAN IT UP AND I WILL SELL IT FOR YOU FOR $5000, THIS IS RIGHT. EXCLUSIVELY WITH GODDARD, 502 COUCH BLDCJ. $425 DOWN. PRICE $775 GOOD 15 ROOMS, FIX THIS UP AND SELL IT AGAIN FOR $1200; HAS HOT AND COLD WATER IN ROOMS. RENT $3Jf; INCOME $125. BRUCE GODDARD, 502 COUCH BLDG. $700 IS ALL YOU NEED TO PAY DOWN ON MODERN 19-ROOM PLACE THAT IS CLEARING $100 MONTH BESIDES MAKING GOOD HOME. IT'S RIGHT. BRUCE GODDARD, 502 COUCH BLDG. 23 MODERN ROOMS. $3000 TERMS. STEAM ONE FLOOR HOT WATER. FIRST TIME ON MARKET; BRASS BEDS. FINE MATTRESSES. ELEC. LTS. BRUCE GODDARD, 502 COUCH BLDG. 50-ROOM rooming house, modern, fine lo cation, good furniture, west side: if sold this week C3500; terms. Call 163 West Park st. Wells & Anderson. SMALL, well -furnished rooming house for sale: mommy income 1-0; rent. ow; would not sell but for best of reasons. Call Broadway 128. WE HAVE ovral ood buvs In 10. 14. 20. 25-room .houses. Call 163 Vi West Park st. Wells- & Anderson. i Rnnvs h. k. best west side location steam heat, electricity. Price $1000. $00 down ; possession on me xsu 1 uonwun, Bin Henry bldg. 30-ROOM rooming house, modern, close In. west siae; line iumnurr, iuw icui. wim two years' lease; price $35G0. terms. Call lti3 V est rarn st. ciia 0 FOR best bargains in rooming or apartment . K Af h. Rualtu Pna rA Yates Realty Co.. 249 4th St. LEAVING CITY, sacrifice good furniture of 8 houseneeping rooiii, ime '"vy ' , income, $450 cash. Broadway 31b6. 8 ROOMS, "some housekeeping, and good furniture, low rent and fine location. Call 24-1 toucn cation, low rent, lease; price $1650. terma t, i r-aii ifliil. Wntit Park at 39-ROOM hotel, steam heat, reasonable rent, K,inAss sol 1 1 n it on flrcount of 111 health ruavi'wash. St.. Vancouver, Wash. HOUSE) 13 light housekeeping rooms. Jef- t n . VnnHv Zt'lQ Salmon. FOR SALE 30-room apartment, close in. call at 1"8 loOOMS, all full, h. k.. clearing C133. Must sell by Sept. 1. Phone Mar. 306. -ROOM H. K. apt., close In. Marshall 3067 SPKCIAL NOTICES. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received by the Commissioner of Public Works of the state of Idaho, at the office of the commis sioner, Boise, Idaho, until 2 o'clock P. M. on the first day of September, 1919, for the construction of three and six-tenths (3.6) miles of paving on the Yellowstone Park highway, between Fort Hall and Gibson, in Bingham county. . Bids will be opened and publicly read at the above stated hour. plans, specifications, form o$ contract, proposal forms and other information may be obtained at the office of the Director of Highways, Boise. Idaho, and from the Division Engineer's office at Idaho Falls, Idaho. . All proposals must be made on tne forms furnished, and must be signed by the bidder with his address. The right is reserved to reject my or alt bids, or to accept the bid or bids deemed best for the state of Idaho. No bid will be considered unless ac companied by-a certified check on some bank in the state of Idaho, made paya ble to the Commissioner of Public Works, In the amount of five per cent of the total amount bid. This certified check Is to become the property of the state of Idaho, not as a penalty but as liquidated damages. If the bidder, upon acceptance of his bid, falls or refuses to enter into a contract or to furnish the required surety bond within ten days (not includ ing Sunday) after presentation of the contract by the Commissioner of Public Works to him for execution. A bond with a surety company, author ized to do business In the state of Idaho and satisfactory to the Commissioner of Public Works, will be required for the faithful performance of the contract, in the sum of fifty per cent (50) of the total amount of the contract price. It is the purpose of the commissioner to build the road in the shortest time consistent with good construction, and complete and well designed equipment and effective organization will be insisted upon. WM. J. HALL, Commissioner of Public Works. Dated August 15. 1919. NOTICE. Scaled bids will be received at the Office of the City Recorder of the City .of lone, Oregon, until the hour of 4 P. M. Tuetday, the Ud dy of September, 1919. for fur nishing the City of lone. Oregon. Water Mains, Hydrants and connections, f. o. b. Portland. Oregon. Specification, thereof now on file in the office of the Recorder of the City of lone, a copy thereof may "be had upon application. . . . Certified check to the amount of 10 per cent of the bid must accompany each bid filed, the same being made payable to the Recorder of the City of Ion. Ore gon, to be held as a guarantee that the successful bidder will, within ten days, enter Into a contract with the City and file satisfactory bonds. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at lone, Oregon, July 30. 1919. F. H. ROBINSON. City Recorder. POLLY AND HER PALS RighU Ra.err.a RegUtered inU. S. ILuTHES COfST, TllE KIK.M1T SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. PROPOSALS for the sale of one lot of fuel (wood) now available for inspection at the Grant Smith-Porter Shipyard. St. Johns, will be opened at 10 A. M. Sept. 2, 1919. at the office of the Supply & Sales Division. E. F. C. room 504 Northwestern National Bank bldg., and award made to the high est bidder. Sale will be for cash on ac ceptance of bid. Proposal forma will be furnished on application. Miscellaneous. NOTICE OF MEETING OF COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION. Notice is hereby given that on Monday, September 8. 1919. the board of equaliza tion of Multnomah county will attend at the office of th county assessor at the courthouse in Portland and publicly ex amine the assessment rolls for the year 1919 and correct all errors in valuation, description or qualities of lands, lots or other property assessea oy me county as sessor. And it shall be the duty of per sons Interested to appear at the time and place appointed. If it shall appear to such board of equalization that there are any laniii nr lotm or othr ornoertv assessed twice or incorrectly assessed as to de scription or quantity and in the name of a person or persons not toe owuei lucic., or a ium4 imrtur nr bevond the actual cash value thereof, said board may make proper correction of the same. If it shall appear to such board that any land, lots or other property assessable by the assessor are not assessed such board shall assess me same ai intj iuu lubii voiuo '- HENRY E. REED, County Assessor. Portland, Or.. August 15. 1019. NOTICE. The real estate partnership of Miller ghip & Nord has been mutually dissolved. Dated Aug. 25, 1919. at Portland. Or. C. W. MILLERSHIP. I H fc K fcj r give notice mtn. 1 ' " " responsible for any bills contracted in my naaio "-"'- v RPORER A E WARD will not be responsible for a debts contracted by his wife, Birdie Aug 23. 1919. (Signed) A. E. WARD. f WILL not be responsible for any W"? con tract, by my wife-M Edna Nelson conintcieu uj j " Marry Jiangea QUICK recovery stolen utoob'le,si,t1e,pirt, to Shaver & Thurman. 1251 Belmont t. xaDor LOST AJTrFOCND. THE following article, have be", fona car, ol tne roruauu tv Power Co., Aug. 26: 4 purse, kn fe key, flashlight. 3 pair gloves, pin. 5"ing lull SSayTbtalnVerty- at First and Aider streets. LOST Between 4fi6 Washington and JS8 Lownsdale, small DiacK iju.". "Vih one diamond rmg. one caroeo r ng wltn Initial and .late. "C. C. V. O.. "-"-J5-. A1 bill. 2 and small change; reward 50. Either address. . . ' i. j V. hat tc.An LOST Elgin gold watcn , " Cook, and Collins. Wash. Hunting cas with engravings ol aeer ami .iii.jv. - ---leather fob with gold block I and -.,..-. r i nr zr Ma vnard. fa Lev en- 1 i a. newa.ru. son. wasn. LOST Bundle of 3 rugs 2 large. Hmall. Dei ween ijauieniuioi . 1 ' . lost by driver who will have to pay if not found; reward, rnone aiu .-j 62;i7 Foster roaa c i.---lr shon nnd LUST Between ju.iiuj' w- V-iJ7 Meier & Frank's, an envelope containing films ana- oearing nw ' . A " Finder please bring to cashier at Oregon- inn. LOST At Seaside, Or., a blue and gray auto robe. Finder please return same to l Paget. First Stale bank. Seaside, and re- c e l ve rewara. no nu""- -r LOST Last Sunday, between Portland and Pip 'gauge 'in pocket." Finder" please Call ov... LOST 1 bundle of 3 rugs, between Laurel hurst and Broadway bridge, by driver who is responsible for them; reward. Phone r.ln R7n LOST last Sunday wallet containing United States . cilixen ppci-n. ... ' e Finder return to 223 Bumside St. 3 re- LOST Boston bull pup, brlndle, last Been &otn ana i-owen .nc, , lIDOr QtiTV. vvti " " LOST A long black marabou neckpiece, between 23d and Flanders and 19th and Morrison. -an ..itnon... J LOST A tan-colored grip, between Ana. bel station and St. Johns Return to 864 Kast BUmilug. rc a.i v. ... LOST Large black and white cat: last seen running eaat wu - PARTY that found Nut House sample case . ....... ii.i. o.m Imv at 606 Kinaiy can - tjucnanan pias LOST Purse containing about 25 in cur rency. OOl XV 11,' ..... ' ' riewaru. J . i f.nm trnin LOST fiowerea lui uai. .... .- -- window near Ford factory. Phone East 6147. LOST Tuesday afternoon, suitcase on high way Detween icwuci. " Tirfwv. 1844. or AG 100, Oregonlan. LOST Monday morning, set of drawing in struments. Hi. BCDurucj, LOST Sunday, filigree bracelet; gift from husband in r ranue. xvewam. ..io..c,.n.. IX)ST on Sat., a fox fur. Liberal reward. fhone xaDor LOST One coat on Front st. Please re turn to 74a g irst. J. oaruy . icwam. LOST Security Life Ins. Co. rate book. Finder pnone aiain to.i LOST Purse on Sellwood car. Call Kirbyson, Sellwood newa.ru. LOST Man's striped silk shirt on east side, in package, n-asi nioi. e.iu. LOST Black velvet coat. Please call Wood lawn 4481. LOST A return ticket over Union Pacific; finder phons Tabor 5388: will pay reward. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS." CASH PAID FOR ANY ISSUE OF BONDS FULL, MARKET PRICE. LOAN ON WAR SAVINGS STAMPS. YOU CAN BORROW CASH OF US ON PONDS AND SAViNGS STAMPS, OR TO FINISH PAYING FOR VICTORY BONDS. SEE E. BURKITT. PRESIDENT. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO. 212 SELLINB BLDG. (2D FLOOR), CORNER 6TH AND ALDER STS- MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. TITLS AND TRUST COMPANY. TITLE AND TRUST BLDO. BONDS BOUGHT. EPOT CASH. SPOT CASH. MARKET PRICE. CASH for RECEIPTS. We will LOAN you money on BONDS, W. S. S., " or to ' make PAYMENTS on BONDS. T. 725 Gasco Bldg., Fifth and Alder. CELLARS-MURTON CO. j CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' con , tracts on real estate in Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble. 316 Lumbermen. bldg. -. PaUot OSFic. W11.V WIS -BV CLIFF STERRETT. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS. If you must sell your Liberty or ictory bonds, sell to us. If you can buy more Liberty or Victory bonds, buy from us. We buv and sell Liberty and Victory bonds at the market. YOU CANNOT DO BETTER YOU MAY DO WORSE. On Wednesday, August 27. we paid the following prices for United States govern ment Libertv and Victory bonds, which were the closing New York market prices, plus the accrued interest: N. Y. Market. Interest. Total. SU.B ...,.$09.86 $ .71 $100,57 First 4s 4.24 .SI 9 05 Second 4s 92.72 1.14 93. 6 First 4s 94.34 .86 95.20 Second 4s... 92.fi2 1.22 94.fR Third 44s 94.S2 1.92 96.74 Fourth 4s... 03.04 1 57 94 .61 Victory 3s.. 99.56 1.02 J00.58 Victorv 4-n.. 99.52 1.29 100.81 t n..hicinr T.ihertv and Victory bonds J we deduct from the above prices 37 cents on a $.M bond ana - on bond. In selling Liberty and Ictory bonds we charge the New York market price plus the accrued interest. ASK ABOUT THE MORRIS BROTHERS PLAN. - Burglar and fireproof safe deposit boxes for rent. , MORRIS BROTHERS, INC. The Premier Municipal Bond House Morris building, 309-311 Stark street, be tween Fifth and Sixth. Telephone Broadway 2151. Established over 25 years. " - LIBERTY BONDS. All Issue. - Bought and Sold. Before Buymg or Falling Get Our Quotations. K. L. DEVEREAUX & COMPANY. Government and Municipal Bond 87 Sixth Street. Between Stark and Oak. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. . WE WILL PAY YOU THE MARKET PRICE FOR YOUR BONDS. WE LOAN 90 OF THE FACE VALUE AT 7 INTEREST. FINANCE SECURITIES COMPANY. 231 U. S. NATIONAL BANK BLDG. DON'T sacrifice your liberty bonds: we will give you full face value and accrued in terest "to date for your liberty bonds; any Issue: will pay half in cash and half in Merchandise: the latter may be taken now or later. No discount, no brokerage, no welting. This mean. 100 cents on the dol lar and accrued interest to date. See the bond man, between 12:30 and 1:30 and - 5 to 6. Ellers Music bldg., second floor, entrance 287 Washington . su, between 6th and 4th. - " HIGHEST values In cash paid for mort gages and sellers' interest in real estate contracts; also money to loan at reason able rates. Williams Loan & Investment Co., 422 Chamber of Commerce. CASH paid for undivided interests In real property and estates. Frank T. Berry. 215 Railway Exchange bldg. Money to Loan on Real Estate. OUR installment plan is the best and surest -s- method of paying a loan. $32.36 per month for 36 month., or 21.24 per month for 60 months, or $13.17 for 96 months pay. a $1000 loan and in terest. Other amounts In proportion. . We loan on improved city property. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. 242 Stark St.. Portland. Or. RESIDENCE LOANS. From 6S4 to 7 per cent for five years. YOU MAY PAY $100 or any amount on principal and reduce interest. ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE TO APPLICANT. Also see ns for lowest Interest rate, on business property. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. Phone Main 2541. 1524-29 Yeon Bldg. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette valley farms. No .commission. No delays. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY. 87 6th St., Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. We make loans on improved city prop erty. Prompt service; no delay. Call and see us for terms. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON, Northwestern Bank Bldg. MC-RTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privilege.. A. H- B1RRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4118. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY, 8V, PER CENT. 6 PER CENT. 7 PER CENT. UNION ABSTRACT CO. Corbett Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved farm and city property; favorable repaying privileges; no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO.. LTD. 506 Piatt Bldg.. Main 5371. MONEY TO LOAN. On real estate security at going rate of interest. Otto & Harkson Realty Co., 413 Chamber of Commerce. TO LOAN, $500, $1000, $1500 and up on real estate, at 6 to 7 per cent, ueorge if. Lent, 717 Corbett bldg. $300. 400, $500. $t50. $750. J 1000 AND UP; lowest rates, quick action. Gordon Mort- gage Co.. 631 Chamber ot Com. Main 1370. MONEY TO LOAN, $2500 to $5000 on Im proved i'ortiana real estate, no commis sion. Phone Sellwood 712. $500, $1000 AND upwara on Improved real estate; favorable tsrms, no delay, no brok erage. John Bain. 507 Spa'ding bldg. $300, $400, $500, $750. $1000 and up at lowest ratfp; quiCK Htliun. r ieu t . uci mean v-w., 732 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6445. $20,000 TO LOAN In sums to suit; building loans, lowest rates. rv . u-. xstsun aiu-.id Failing bldg. Phone Main 3407. MONEY to loan on improved city property. Simmons. 431 tnamoer 01 commerce. Main 6127. LOANS on city and farm property, 5 per cent up. F. Fuchs. 420 Cham, of Com. $1000 AND UP; no commission or delay. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO., 222 Chamber 01 commerce. tn ana ptarn. MORTGAGE loans, lowest rates. Harding, Ji- rtaiiway aicnange. MONEY to loan on farm and Improved city P roperty. K. ix. uaxter. m spaioi ng oiag. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 and 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SOLOMON ft UU- 4a selling oiqg. $3000, THREE TO-FIVE YEARS, ON CITY rKUfhnn. EiAni iwoo. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. DO TO0 NEED MONEY? We make a specialty of loans on auto mobiles, furniture, vlctrolas, etc. Security left in your posesslon. Small weekly or monthly payments. ALSO Loans made to salaried people. Rates , reasonable. Private office. All business ' confidential. PORTLAND LOAN CO. Licensed), Third and Washington Sts. 806-307 Dekum Bldg. Marshall 3286. GEO. HARVEY loans money on household goods. Legal rates. Taoor atuo. FINANCIAJU Money to Loan Chattel, and Salaries. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Phon. Broadway 910. 894 Stark Street. Near Tenth. Loans on diamond, watches, vlctrelai. pianos, kodaks, shotguns, furniture, musi cal instrument, and anything ot value. ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE O" ROWER'0 ,T PROTECT THE TBOR- fiCHyand county warrant cashed tat s CARRIE MYERS-HERRMAN. Manager. SALARY. LOaNS. CHATTEL" WE LOAN MONEY n short notice to salaried or working ' men on their own notes. Weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments. Each rntti trlctljr confidential. NO MORTGAGES. NO INDORSE R. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. ,w. also loan on household furniture pianos, etc., without removal. - CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. . " LICENSED. . 21S Falling Bldg. MONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry; legal rate.; all article, held a year; established .Inc. 1888. Dan Marx. 28.1 Washington. HATHAWAY loan, on pianos and7 furnl- H",fi. lfgal rates- Room 208 Washington building. Loan. Wanted. 8 PER CENT LOANS, wanted on suburban homes at Multnomah station; want 1120O, $1500 and $2000. Se. ATCHISON, 204 Henry bldg. ON IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY. " I150O. JlfiOO. $1750. $2500. $3500 FH. DESHON. 615 ChamLof Com. Bldg. WANTED $2500 at 7 per cent, ""on" new o-room modern house, occupied by owner. Call 417 Chamber of Comerce. WANT $5000 at 7 "on elegant Portland home. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. TO borrow. $1500. 5 years. 8 per cent: good security; oefore Sept. J, 1919. R 228 Or gontan. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO. 22 1 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. WANT to borrow from private party, $3000 on real estate. AG 19. Oregonian. TO borrow $1500 on new bungalow. G 462 Oreftrotilan. PERSONAL. HARMONY. It matters not whom you may be. You are subject to suggestion; For much depends on harmony When betterment is in question. No woman wants a rtfevy SUIT, If brown was most becoming; For shade will much improve her looks. And style will make her stunning. Ofttimes we give suggestions. Also the reasons why; That's why we have great business And you come to us to buy. Besides our great attention. We know you can save more On each fall SUIT, COAT. DRESS and HAT At the PETERSON UPSTAIRS STORE. Second Floor, Pittock Block. Dandruff and falling hair Is . . THE SCALP'S CALL FOR THE EKDEE HAIR CERATE. $2.00 PER JAR. Get It at your druggist or THE EKDEE CO.. S00 Union ave North. PORTLAND, OR. WANTED To learn the address of Pearl Cook, age 40. height 5 feet 2 Inches, weight 150 pounds, blue eyes, brown hair; came to Portland from Cleveland, Ohio in lOltf. Very important $10 reward. Call at room 303 Oregonian Bldg. WILL drive to Falls City, anyone going through Newberg, Dayton, Amity or Dallas. Call East 80S5, between 9 and 10 A. M. Will leave Saturday afternoon. B0 15, Oregonian. THE FUR SHOP Invites your inspection of fine furs, ready to wear and to order, at upstairs prices; remodeling, repairing, redyeing tiOtt ti wet land bldg., 5th and Washington. SURGEON, chiropodist, manicurist, scalp facial treatment, superfluous hair per manently removed. Open evenings, Sundays. 010 Bush & Lane bldg., Bdwy. and Alder. $1 WILL get both feet fixtd up good at Dr. Eaton's, the CHIROPODIST, who doesn't hurt you; 5 years here; exam. free. Glob theater bldg., litn ana wasn. uawy. MRS. STEVENS. 25 years Portland's re- nownea leacner or pai misery ana cryiii gazing, has crystals for rale: also her book "Palmistry Made Easy." 370 Taylor. FEBVET A HANNEBUT, leading wig and toupe makers, finest at oca human hair goods, halrdresslng, manicuring, face and scalp treatment. 349 Alder. Main 546. WANT address of Will Johnson, Pink John son and cnieve f reen. lormeriy irom tnai tanooga, Tenn. C. D. Harper, 170 11th St., Portland. MRS. M. L. LAMAR, 235 FIFTH tiT. SPIRITUAL ADVISER. Instruction lit the theory of health, suc cess and harmony. NEW medium at Zorn's hotel, 291 hit Morri son. - Teach you planets that harmonize in marriage. Daily reading, 10 A. AL to 5 P. M., Main 6487. ( ETHEL ADAMS Seaxp specialist, manicur ing. 407 Morrison St., office 216; hours. 11 to 8. Sundays 11 to 3 P. M. LET the nurse at 20$ Fleldner treat and cure you of rheumatism, neuritis, nervous ness and female troubles. GRADUATE nurse treata lumoago, etc. - Hours 2 to 6, or by appointment. Phoue Main 1049. Office 30S-C Third st SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed by 10 needles method; trial free. Josle Fin ley, 614 Bush & Lane bldg. Main 63S6. SUPERFLUOUS hair destroyed forever by multiple needle methods, indorsed by phy oiclans 504 Swetland bldg.. 5th at Wa.h. DR, NELSON cures corns, bunions, ingrow ' tng nails without pain; consultation iree; very reasonable. 5t3 Dekum bldg. B NOLAN, halrdresslng parlor. 326 Pittock 'bldg. Broadway 4537. 6 years with Oida, Wortman & King. DR ELNA SORENSEN. 508 Panama bldg. Drugless methods. Stomach. kidneys, rheumatism, constipation, etc. Main SUfeo. SOPHIA B SEIP. spiritual advice. 200 Goodnough bldg. Question meetings Tues days and Fridays, 8 P. M. Marshall 2503. 259 MEN wanted, hair cut, 25c; shave 15c 120 Second St. LADY BARBERS Face massage, 35c; scalp treatment a specialty. 325 Glisan. cor, ttth. GERTRUDB DANIELS, superfluous hair, manicuring, face, scalp. 322 Flledner bldg DOESN'T Tom, Dick or Karry pay youT See Vlereck. collections. Dekum bldg. RUPTURE CAN BE CURED wlthoul an op eration. Free booklet. P. O. box 1105 PILES CAN BE CURED without operation; send for free booklet. P. O. box 1105. FK1MJ3DA BALM, formerly called Balm of Figs. 844 K. 63a. seiiwooa --ia, monuini, MAY ANDREWS, phrenologist, card read ing, ia- v r. iMtiiu ui MAGNETIC treatments and manicuring. 511 Morrison, near 16tlK Broadway 268. DR. A. S. DOUGLASS (Chiropractor) moves iA vf r- . - hiitv Rnt. 1. mm. HIZZ CO.. 705 Swetland bldg., wants address of anyone with appendicitis. I WANT to adopt a baby not over 8 months old; good home. AF 114. Oregonian. BABY BOYfor d"o"ption; "Calfc 1270.