Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 28, 1919, Image 19

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BELT WATtf Mill.
AMEb Intaligent young man who has
Bad varied tibcriemt in clerical wwi
lor limeArtprr in local machtue siiup
ob ftfio 1m rDAul ot answering- ph n
calls and do4r arn of :Ue work. Musi
b thuruaih and codk i-ntlos worker,
aulck and accural- a: Iluru. Anawer
la own handwriting, state married
. fincl, pri(Hii tuiinu nptrieme, ll em
DiDTad at DrMni and when you could gt
to work. Hr;fff n ce. T 11. Qregonla
W ANTED Six yard men. t.JO per day.
' etgtu hoars . on automatic trtmmertn
mni rd ftimnuiiL K-KKl ulac- I
married men: 4 ni. 'irom Portland;
new fit -room lOltkKra. f Per moil h
wood (r. good tcnoi. Fnon .Mala au,
or call at liov Corbettbldg.
V ANTED A farm hand; strong, healthy
stngla man. weight DM or over, who has
h.l eminence la (arm Work. V ik i, !
Mr month with room nd board. Steady
von lr a t lory.
way at r lan -J era.
Fred Dundee, broad
"L" a Tt:ij i;ond Dorter fur Klamath Fa
Oregon; guarantee. 1-1 per week.
aver JO and aU be make on bundaya and
alao shines on Sunday. For particulars
auoly to Lw.-3tnger Barbers Supply
Co. ,
WANTED Flrst-ciaa mchinlt for Uthe
a ad bench wrk, must be familiar th out. k and a-
rate ; steady work, good wagea. Fred
Dundee. Broadway and Fianuers.
i: vTi-n Umnri AP rDir iiuiii. muat
Taml.lar with ail standard car. good
ki. - t. iik rriik- and IK
barinci: ateaiv work and good pay. Fred
Dundee. "Broadway and Flanders.
WANTED Two ftnt-cla barber to go to
K .amat h Fa Is. Oregon. Guaran ee $.
per rlL Job good, (or between $40 and
.M per week. For particular appiy to
Lwu Steuger Barbers Supply
Room and board. Small restaurant out
f town. Skinner as bite, 35 N. 2d t.
MAN for sto k and help w nh sas on
fioor- a good opportunity for one who is
wiillng to w.rk and think. Addrca Id
crniftrfen e. G 4 It. Oregonian.
WANTED Bright boy about 1 years old;
muat be quick at figures. Permanent post
tlan. wholesale house. Apply, own hand
writing a. 6, Ore onlan.
WANTED AT ON ' r Open shop riveters,
aiso on rivet heater for work in car
buildin plant In etiy. Apply 20 Ore
gon b:dg.. .'.in and 1'alc st. m
AN o d-eetabliahed firm w ants a solicitor
and cohevior for city work. Salaried po
sition. Age 21 to 4l See Saeuxanaer,
4v Mohawk bldg.. 9:30 A. M.
WANTEli Several 17 to 1 year-oid boys
tor shipping room, and machine pP
bench work. ii.d wages, cutler Mr.
o.. Eat lth and i i-
v.- Tii iu fiTV i fitrm caroentera. So
K tm. S hours: pay every we k. Long
lob: 4 months' work. Portland Lebor
Agency. 11 N. 2d.
TKACHERS wanted . for manual training.
in.- mathematlra. etc. High salaries.
te-Klher Teachers Agency. Ull Broad
way bldg.
tX'tKif-N' KD with know ledge, of
rnniirnrilnn work and handling or ac
counts, tiiv rwerenie and experience.
ti t, Oregontan
WANTED Assistant bookkeeper for whole
aa.e house, young mun. sins e; state age
and experience;
O 737. uregonian.
give phone number.
iTKh A saxh and door and marhlne
mn. to per day. Must be (Irsi -class.
Hawthorne Hrackett ''ft. I0" Madia
WANT ED Kiderly man for night watch-
man. Must work 7 days a week. Sltrr
rett Packing t'o.. Kenton station.
jit SKY boy not less than 1, help about
farm; must know horses; $ and board.
22a Alder mi.
& vtlti Man who hM had experience
the grocery and .e!tcates.-'en line. Apply L.
Mayer La. io ruin .
FI RST-t'LASf experienced vuicanixer and
tire changer. Apply at Harper & Hall,
4tM Burmtde st. ,
a YOL'NO men. must be neat and arcrcMive.
for permanent position. Apply bi aiotk
Exchange. I to o. .
SARRKR WANTED Pant. 1. Must be first-
riM. iuar.: far C. F. Thomas,
Wallowa. Or.
WANTED At once young baker or exp-ri-need
helper. Atlas Bakery. McMinn
ville. Or.
WANTED Man pan-waher; good wages.
Multnomah rtotei.
WANTED Man or capable. husky boy.
Paiac Laundry. E.1 Oth and Everett.
, WANTED Sausage maker. f.1S; 10 hrs.
Mountain Meat Co.. Enterprise. Or.
WANTED Night man.
lMh and Wah.
Lownsdale garage.
WANTED An office boy.
cox bldg.
Apply 1W9 WU-
LA B KER4 wanted,
b dg.
Apply 510 Oregon
WANTED A buaboy. t to 8 P. M. Campbell
EXPERIENCED automobile driver wanted.
Oregon T4iifb Co, tregoa hotel.
WANTED Janitor fnr office and store
biillding Ca.I Mr. Clark. Eat 4W1.
JANITOR and wife for first-claa house. 35
apts. C 4HO. Pregonlau.
Ash ford.
-Picture framer. steady position.
4u Washington st
anted to learn dental laboratory
Appry M Medical M.ig.
MALE VIOLINIST, solo and ob!igato work;
New Zealand tour. 1"01 Broadway bldg.
WANT man hamlv with tois for furniture
r. pair mop. .".s;t K. Vahtnglun.
Apply chef. Arlington club. IMP Tsrk st.
W A T:rvFvtr boy. Hotel Ramnpo.
lii Washington st.
WANTED Offii boy. Apply Lang A Co..
lt ari'1 Ankeny.
CO MPETENT houseman and porter. Apply
Nartonla hoteL
WANTED Molder and cupola man. Address
Bend Iron Works. Bend. Or.
ASSISTANT shipping clerk, grocery ex
pertenre. Sea ly Preag er Co ,21 O Stark sL
OFFICE bov wanted tt 1 Yeon bldg.
Met W anted Mlnwnra.
WANTED 4 men for a selling position, to
travel with manager in cars through east
em Oregon: permanent position: could
ue one man w ith good Ford car; salary
and com.: must be good mixer and have
references, over 21 snd single. See Mr.
Iray. Hotel Oregon, after 9 A. M. today.
WA NTED A live wire spcialtv salesman
for a man who ran set the pace and who
t not afraid to go out after the monev.
we have a snappy seller. Call room 315
Melesy bldg.
SA LESM EN To demonstrate and sell live
specialty: self and easier seller; salesmen
now making from to $4 per day.
ait - Washington St., bMween 1 and
3 P. M.
MEN with Ford car to demonstrate and
s'll starters for Ford cars: -absolutely th
best eer put on th market: fully guar
anteed. See Mr. Rogers. 226 Srark st.
AGENTS at once. Sell Soc per month ho
Itai tickets. 206 Corbett bdg
TO all millinery workers- Come to union
headquarters. rooms 26-7 Goodnough
bldg . 5th and Yamhill. Employment bu
reau In connection.
TEACHERS wanted f.r French. Spanish and
o;her h;gh school subjects, high jaran-s.
Yates-r ;ihr "Teachers Agency. 911 Uroad-
way h!dg r
W A XTED A 1 elevator operator. Call at
E'evator Operators. Janitors and Window
Cleaners' untou, rooms 2t6-7 Goodnough
RELIABLE woman for light housework ir
refined home; C S. preferred) ; no objec
tion :n little glrl Main 2-"'oJ
WANTED Lady who has had experience in
the grocerv and leHr.itesen iine.- Appiy
I Mayer A Co.. 1 66 Ft ft h st. ,
WANTED A woman flunkey for camp: $7
and board. 270 Burnlde. Call Broad
way 42.
W ANTED Girl to operate power sew ing
machine: must have some experence. Ore
gon Autotop Co, Hth and Couch.
WANTED One girl waitress, from II A. M.
ii 2 P. M. :!". North 16th St.: Thurman.
WANTED Cook for Sella ood hop4tal; good
v a s. bo.irii and rom. Sv! I wood 34 7.
ELDERLY lady to take care of children dur
ing day. sleep home nights. Main 430.
GIRL wanted at once. Coffman Candy
Shop. 152 Broadway N. W. Hank bidg.
WANTED An experienced chambermaid al
the Old Peoples Home. 32d snd Sandy.
Ol RTJt wanted.
Ci, Srark 1
Oregon Paper Boa Factory.
LADY barber
wanted: M N. 6th. corner
.v eretu
WANTED Experienced kitchen helper.
Shamrock Cafeteria, 12th and Stark sts.
MASSEUSE for plvf e hopf"aI for month
of Sept. CsM Broadway 116.
-Short-hour wattr
12 Park.
"WANTED A maid. Apply Hotel
Bt'SS girL Cat a Fiddle. 143Broad ay.
EXPERIENCED fur flnlshor and apprentice.
good wage, steady employment throughou
the vear Annlv in Mrmn at emDlovmem
department. 6th floor, or If you llv oat of
town, write or telegraph employment man
agar. Meier Frank, to.
the services of four sewers for the drapery
workroom; previous drapery experience not
neeeaary : those having had experience In
sewing can qualify. Apply Employment
manager, sixth floor. Meier ee .rank coin
require the service of experienced ml J
linery saleswomen and makers. Apply
superintendent s of flee 9 to lU:v A. Al.
requires tne or stock gins tor
women's ready-to-wear department; must
be 11 years or over. Apply superintendent's
OII1C v to io;ju A. AL
WANTED Energetic ladv to travel for ad
veriisuig a publication; no nouse-to-nouse
worn, xiumx do or neat appearance, epien
did opportunities for the future. We ad
vane $J0 per week to start in. Particu
lars, age and experience. W 474. Orego-
W ANTED On waitress. S53 per month and
bard first month. '!- per month and
board seeond month and thereafter; work
six days per week, and as late a 12 P. M.
iod chance for promotion to girls who
apply themselves. Apply Broadway Haxel
wond. 17 Broadway, after 9 A. M.
SALES POSITIONS for 20 experienced women
in economy basement store. Excellent sal
arlea. Apply FUperintcndent's offtc. be
tween 9 and 10:30 readv to go to work.
IAIMA.S, WoLffi t CO.
WANTED Women to work in Libby. Mc-
rweii : Ltbby t cannery at Tne uaiies,
tents, wootl. lights, water free; good work
ing conditions. For full particulars apply
at Lobby's, cor. Front and Ash sts.. Port
requires the service of experienced gro
cery order sales women and experienced
waitress. Apoly superintendent's office, 9
to U :u A. M. .
YOL'NO LADY who I good at figures, can
typewrite and do general office work; no
disadvantage If you are a beginner. lfvou
are quick and willing answer own hend
writlng. giving phone. C H'6. Ore go man.
WANTED Help, experienced or Inexperi
enced; best wagea Paiac Laundry. East
10th and Everett.
WANTED 3 experienced salesladies for ex
clusive woman's store: must come well
recommended: state salary expected in
first letter. The Woman's Store, Klamath
Falls. Or.
requires the services of experienced wait
resses, also experienced ssles women,
waists, hosiery and la re departments. Ap
ply superintendent's office. 9 fo 10:30 A. M.
TO ALL ELEVATOR operators, janitors.
night watchmen, window washers, porters.
chambermaids, come to union headquar
ters, rooms 206-7, Goodnougn bldg., 5th
and Yamhill. Important.
WANTED A high school teacher, DUL 128,
Lea burg. Or. Term nine montns. salary
IIOU. For further Information writ to
C. V. Lanstfbery, Walterville. Or.
WANTED Younr lady tele raph operator.
thoroughly experienced in Morse cod to
handle commercial telegrams; stat age
and salary, f olo. Oregonian.
WANTED Two waitresses for small lunch
room and two giris for bakery counter
must be experienced; good wages and 6
days a week. J in, oregonian.
EXPERIENCED millinery trimmer and
makers wanted for positions in Warning
ton, Oregon and Idaho. Apply to Lowen-
gart A Co.
WANTED Names ambitious women, 18 or
over, wiahinjt aovernment census positions
4HK needed, 11000 year. AV 375, Orego
WANTED Girls to work tn woodworking
factory, wage S2.2X witn advancement
after first two weeks; giv ag and phone
numoer. as os, uregonian. e
WA NTED Stenographer In law office In
small city near r-ortiand. Give age. ex
pcrienre, salary expected, phone number
and full particulars. AV 441. Oregonian.
WANTED Lady stenographer with some
lumber experience. Inr large out-of-town
mill ; state age, experience and salary
wanieu. w oregonian.
POSITION open with large well-known
firm; applicant must be well educated
not office work: state education, experi
ence and poon nunioer. tnj 01. oregonian.
VtT SIDE high school girl, to work for
room and board nnu small salary; de
sirable surroundings. Marshall 1930. or
write L -ii. orrgonian.
WANTED Girl to learn to operate pressing
ma nine, vtaierprooi garment CO.. SJ It.
rittn st.
to use c
ry. 251
nted; must be energetic and able
.-h n giaier. call Bake Aite Bak
Yamhill st.
YOUNG lady
nted to run errands and
learn the tailoring trade; good pay while
learning. .were nan t a trust 0 id g.
Ol R cost department need an Intellis-ent
w elI- ducated girl, accurate and quick at
figures. Phone labor
EXPERIENCED hair tirmmr and manicure.
a!so apprentice. Llpman. Wolfe 4 Co.
nifmninr floor.
EXPERIENCED lunch waitress wanted
Commercial Club, corner 5th and Oak. No
Sunday work.
TEACHERS Splendid positions open for
vacation ; giv education, experlenc and
phone number. A R 475. Oregonian.
Loor Eilers Muic bldg. W teacfc from
melody; no drudgery.
FIRST-CLASS maker and trimmer. Apply
Immediately for position. Long asoa.
good salary Muller A Raa Co.
THE Florence Crlttenton Home is ready to
help any girl In distress. U55 E. Ulisan.
M. V. car. Eust 316.
lit' R SELL Prlvste Business School -Enroll
now; day school, night school. Lumber
men b:-?.. yth and Stark. Bdwy. 34rt4.
ANY g-rl in need of friend appiy to tb
Salvation Army Rescue Home, 49S East
15th st. N.. or phone East 123.
GIRLS wanted on light factory work; steady
work, good wages. Apply American Can
Co.. 14th and Front sts.
STENOGRAPH Er7i6o to 125rbright be
ginner in shorthand $75: dictaphone op
erator. $110. 301 N. W. Bank Bldg.
WANTED Mangle glrla. body iron era. pres
girls; also inexperienced help wanted.
National Laundry Co.. East 8th and Clay.
WANTED Experienced night nurse. Writ
L Mary's Hospital. Albany. Or. ' lt
salary expected.
GIRLS wanted for manufacturing and stock
work; no experience necessary, lhas. S
Lrpachueta Co.. 65 5th st.
EXPERIENCED skirt makers wanted by H
Jonason. 30S Stearns bldg.. 6th and Morri
son. GIRLS nted at once; good wages and lunch.
Mult Roman noiei launurj in aiuitnornab
EXPERIENCED operator on custom pant.
2TOHt Washington it. room 43S. J. Weln-
CHORUS GIRLS Highest, wages, long en
gagements; no traveling. Camo Theater.
WANTED A chambermaid at White Hail
hotel. 6th and Madison. .
GIRLS wanted, stendy position, good wages.
Portland Laundry Cq,., Oth and Couoh.
EXPERIENCED telephone operators may b
obtained by calling Main 1U2. A 26$7.
GIRL wanted as waitress and fruit grader.
-l4 Washington.
PRESSER wanted for ladles' dresses. Apply
iu; I'utock block.
WANTED Waitress. Kite's sweet shop, 291
Morrison. . "
WANTED Companionable housekeeper; no
children. T 9... oregonian. -
TVvO u-idergradunte nuie for out-of-town
hosp. T 97. Oregonian.
COOK for out-of-town hospital ; no objec
tion to woman with child. T 96. Oregonian.
SALESWOMAN and office girl wanted
C. E. Holllday Co.. 33 W ash, at.
GIRL to do plain cooking and assist
housework. M arshall h56.
WANTED Experienced
4H Deknm bldg.
beauty operators.
WANTED Experienced
Marshal! 3146.
waitress for hotel.
WANTED Good, plain cook on
Apply 426 Abington bldg.
EXPERIENCED girl for sewing mattress
tickets United Mfg.Co.. 971 Sandy bjvd.
MAN want
housekeeper that wants home
wage. BC 24, Oregonian.
more than
GIKLS in a'l dept's. App;y Vogan Candy Co.,
E. 11th and Flanders.
LIPMA.V. WOLFE A CO. require the serv
ices of experienced sales women for
Also stock girls, messengers end mark
ers, between the ages of lt and IS.
Apply supt-'a office between 9 and 10:30
In the morning.
TEV z-trl . between the aces of Iff and IS
to act as cashiers and wrappers; only those '
who wlrh to work permanently need ap
ply; experience not necessary, hut girls
having html education given preference:
rapid advancement. Apply supt.'s office
between 9 and 10:30 in the morning.
WANTED 15 experienced waitresses for 1
or iu day" work In large rlrst-claas res
taurant In Spojcane during fair week:
complete uniform supplied and laundered
free of charge; railway fare paid both
ways In addition to salary; girls must be
able to arrive there ready for work not
later tnan Sunday. August 31. Apply
Broadway Haxel wood, 127 Broadway, after
:3U A. M
COAT and stilt dept. In local retail store
hss opening ror a young woman as model:
must be 5i bust measure and of medium
height one having had experience pre
ferred. Writ P. O. box 747.
FORMER employes of Llpman. Wolfe A Co.,
snieswomen and cashiers, wno are desir
ous of sharing In the coming event, will
apply Immediately at supt.'s office ready
to go to work.
ONE cook. 1-0 a week: waitress and dish
washer, s.o a month each, room and
board: Janltress. rt); girl to run power
machine, S2..V n day; 2 camp cooks. $75
and $ko. Ladles Dept.. Portland Labor
Agency. 301 Ra:elgh bldg.
TWO women for lumber company boarding
bouse, east: $60 and board; fare advanced;
one as waitress and one as kitchen helper.
Pacific Emp. Co., 235 Burnside st.
WANTED Housekeeper, country home, five
ami its, no woman boss, modern Home,
and permanent situation. Call at room
644 Portland Hotel today between 9 A. M.
and 2:30 P. M.
WANTED Competent girl for cooking and
general housework: permanent position;
month of September at Oearhart. See
W. E. P., 67 Jlroadway, between Oak and
YOUNG lady for filing and mailing. Per
manent position wholesale nouse. .ive
age and telephone number. D 0G2, Ore
gontan. WANTED Middle-aged woman as cook and
housekeeper for single man on ranch at
Lowell, Or.: nice home for one familiar
with farm life Phone Wood lawn 31T1.
WANTED Experienced office girl to answer
phone and do clerical work; must be
quick and accurte. Address in own band
writing. BC 2(1. Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced power machine op
erators: steady work. Apply Simmons
Glove Manufacturing Co., 83 H Fifth St.,
corner Oak. Phoenix bldg.
WANTED Young girl for office work, ex
perience not necessary : state age. refer
ences and salary expected and give phone
number. 5 ior. oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER with good knowledge of
bookkeeping and general office work
name references, salary expected, phone
number. oregonian.
WOMAN for general housework who is
strong enough to lift small convalescing
woman In and out of l"IId chair and
turn her In bed. East 6923.
YOUNG lady for office work; must have
some bookkeeping experience and operate
typewriter; references required. Apply
Freeeman's grocery, 249 Yamhill.
WANTED EIdrly lady who wishes good
home, take care of little girl during day;
small wages. Mrs. A. C Bittgen, 371 E.
44th st., cor. Harrison.
EXPERIENCED or Inexperienced girls want
ed for machine and hand sewing, good
pay. Apply 31 N. nth st. Jantzen Knit
ting Mills.
EXPERIENCED cuffer and slever or if
Inexperienced a willing worker for perma
nent work. Opera House Laundry, 245
- Everett.
EXPERIENCED millinery trimmer for out-of-town
management position; good sal
' ary. Muller A Raas Co.
FIRST-CLASS millinery makers; also some
with little experience: also apprentices.
Emporium, 12ft Sixth st.
CASHIER wanted with some knowledge of
bookkeeper. Apply Jimmy Dunn, -id floor
Bush & Lane bldg.
30 EXPERIENCED women for window dem
onstration of electric washing machine
4 hours dally. AG iiu. oregonian.
WANTED Young girl to assist with ligh
housework and care 01 Z children; wages
$30. Call Eaxt IH.'T.
WA NTED Competent girl for general
housework, family of 3 adults. Call 34.i
E. 13th st. N. Phone East 024.
GIRL to work In hospital with opportunity
to learn nuraing: hoard, room and wages.
Apply 702 Dekum bidg. '
WANTED Girl for general housework
good wages, email family. East 28. 406
E. 10th N.
WANTED An elderly lady to take care of
house, good home, not hard work. Lai
Vancouver 175.
GOOD cook and an experienced maid: ref
erences. lv.l fvlng st. rnont mornings.
Vain 2470.
WOMEN wanted to work in fruit cannery
now working on pears ; good w ages and
light, clean place to work. Phone fc.ast Oulttf.
WOMAN to keep house and care for two
children for couple employed, ivv 31 ten 1
gan ave. ; Mississippi car.
TAILORESS wanted for repair work. Ore
gn Cleaners. 1 1 1 a, w. cor asn
Ington. Main 9344.
WANTED Woman for washing, ironing and
cleaning, two days a week. Call at 2il
San Karaei st.
MIDDLE-AGED woman to care for children
part nf day and evening; rets, "required,
Call East 1304.
WANTED -Bookkeeper cspable of keeping
a complete set: references requirea. ,. w .
Willey. 2(MH Washington st.
YOUNG or Inexperienced girl to assist with
housework in lamiiy or 3 or wouin consider
high school girl. Phone East 5 1 93.
WANTED Competent woman to work for
self and husband s Doara ana wages.
Marshall 2410.
W a NTED CM for general housework. 205
E. 11th North, cor. l lacaamas. take
Irvington or Broadway car.
WANTED School girl for companion; board.
room free, small compensation; Lincoln
high preferred. Phone Broadway 1501.
FIRST-CLASS experienced waitress. We fur
nish room ana ooara. Aiexanart court, 04
Ella st.
EXPERIENCED hand Ironer, 7:30 to 4:15;
light, airy and cool room. Tale Laundry.
500 E. Morrison
INEXPERIENCED girls or women in sev
eral departments. Yale Laundry, 500 E.
WANTED Experienced pastry cook for
delicatessen work: no bread; salary $20 a
week. P 534. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED chambermaid. Apply Nor
tonta hotel.
PRACTICAL nurse: must be strong, for
nervous case. Call SI 2 Johnson st.
WANTED An experienced chambermaid.
Cordova hotel. 11th and Jefferson.
WANTED Competent floor maid in small
-hospital. Phone Broadway 12.6.
WANTED Experienced mangle girl and
shapers- Yale Laundry, 5tH) E. Morrison.
WANTED Experienced manicurist. Call
Wilcox bldg. barber shop.
WANTED A housekeeper In family of 3.
Call Woodlawn 623.
WOMAN to help with cooking: must live
near 23d and Wash. Main 7584.
WANTED Lady piano player, only for
even 1 n gs. 45 9 Wash i n gton st.
WANTED A violin teacher. H 113, Orego
nian. PIANIST No experience necessary. Must
know "Chinaland." AC 892, Oregonion.
EXPERIENCED candy girl.
145 Broadway.
Cat'n Fiddle,
GIRLS wanted at once. Columbia Paper Box
Co.. East 25th and Holladay.
CHAMBERMAID, experienced, wanted at
Broadway hotel. Broadway and Burnside.
WANTED Experienced chambermaid. New
Perkins. , .
RESPONSIBLE woman for housework, fam
ily of 4; references. Woodlawn 4323.
WANTED Second girl for dining room and
1 ray work at sani tarlum. Tabor 260.
WOMAN to help In small hotel. Phone Wood
lawn 4057.
Wanted Domestics.
GIRL for general housework.
1240 East
Burnside. Tabor let.
GIRL to help
with amre of children. Main
GIRL or woman for light housework. Phcne
Tabor 8766.
Wanted Domestic.
WANTED Cook on ranch near Culver, Or.
Can have full charge; $30. Woman with
small girl, $2.x Apply 211 Lewis bldg.
U. S. Employment Service.
."0. RING E. 3-VI7. OR CALL 313 WASU-
WANTED Reliable girl, cook 2 meals a
day. clean downstairs, excellent wages.
Call mornings between 9 and 12. - SOS
Northrup st.
WOMAN wanted to keep house for man and
two children 4 and ? years old; no wasn
Ing. 1127 E. Grant. Call after 6 o'clock
P. M.
WANTED Girl to do cooking In family with
a second girl at Reed college; will teach
inexperienced girl. Phone Sell wood 2436.
GIRL for cooking and general housework; no
washing or ironing; wage $50. &S2 Clifton
St.. Portland Heights. Marshall Sft.
WANTED An experienced woman for gen
eral housework on ranch; wages $50 a
month. Call Tabor 2702.
WANTED Neat, reliable girt for down
stairs work and plain cooking, good wages,
pleasant home. 710 F landers st
WANTED Woman for general housework:
no entertaining; flat work sent out; 3
au 1 ts;$30. Phone Sell w ood 2717.
WANTED Girl to assist with light house
work; no washing; good wages. Call Main
bsu, or i (J irvmg.
WANTED Experienced girl to assist with
housework and care o( children; modern
home. (Rio northrup st.
WANTED Competent woman to do cooking
and housework, good wages, family of
two. Apply iito Hoyt st.
WANTED Girl for general housework
wages $45; small family, no washing. 539
uuena vista drive.
COMPETENT girl to do cooking: good
wages. Apply 429 vista ave.. corner of
"arter lane.
til HI. t general housework, smal
good home. Call SO 2 N. W. Bank
GIRL for general housework and plain cook
ing, small family; pleasant room and quiet
home. Apply beiore Z f. M., bal 6th.
WANTED Competent girl for general house
work, good wages to right party. Main
WANTED Young girl for general house
work ; must like children. Phone East
GIRL for second work. 794 Lovejoy st. Main
GIRL for Ironing and plain cooking; no
wjiiii, fou. i.ii vvo
WANTED Woman to work
morning for room and board.
WANTED A girl to assist with general
housework, . in lamuj Main y-oi.
WANTED Experienced girl, cooking and
general housework. fcep it. Main 14 iS.
WANTED Woman for general housework.
small family, good home. Tabor 5177.
GIRL WANTED General housework. 410 K.
11th sL North.
WANTED Girl to assist with general house
work. Apply forenoons at 274 N. 25th st
YOUNG girl to assist with work. 555 West
Broadway, cor. Lincoln. Phone Main 5316.
GOOD home and good wages for competent
maid for general nousewora. laoor o46.
GIRL for housework in small family; very
best wages. raL oo-, oou ivnou si.
WANTED Girl to assist in housework and
care ot cnuaren. aiain e-t. . -.
WANTED Competent cook and second cirl.
7?l TiU;imook St. East 395.
WANTED School girl to assist with house
work, small family; wages. Tabor 4710.
WANTED Girl for light house work; nt
washing. Tabor 7354.
GIRL for general housework, good wages,
small family. 617 E. 24th N.
WANTED Middle aged woman, plain cook.
2H4 Main street.
BISHOP BROS.' yar-s. near Salem and In
dependence, 377 acres of fine hops, all
usual accommodations furnished; pay $1.20
per hundred pounda. We pick up. your bag
gage at your homo and del Ivor It to
rancnes free of charge both ways. Kgistet
at 124 N. 5th sU Willamette Valley Trans
fer Co. Phou Broadway 454.
At Lee Loy'a place at Champoeg, 25 miles
from Portland, on-Oregon electric; 30 acres
good hops, good camping ground; will pay
1.25 per hundred. Appiy at 227 Hall sL
A 2911.
30 acres of fine hops, Waconda, Or.,
price M.20 per hundred; shacks provided.
Call at Philip Hotel, Burnsidu. bet. 4th and
5th sts. a. G. idnage.
3." acres fine hop. Independence. Or.
6n cents uer box: tents, wood and straw
prov ided. Cal 1 H. E. Eof f , SU & East
Killingsworth ave.. after o P. AL
HUNDRED- men. woman, wanted, $1 10U
year, government ofiice and outside posi
tions. J. 1st tree. r nnnuD nisii.u.e, uoyi
37 S, Rochester, N. Y.
ikJVS or fclrls past school age, permanent
position and excellent opportunity lor ad
vancement. Kitfs Opuca.1 Co., iUI fit
lock block.
WANTED Man and wife, cook small camp,
$140 per moirth, transportation furnished.
iiutts & taK, uuucii.
wiVTKD 8 centlemen or lady solicitors
can make $7 to $H per day. Nor. All Rub
ber Co., 315 Flanders St., near bth.
LE VRN auto, tractor and truck mechanics.
We teach mi earn, gaa and electrical engin
eering, machine snop practice, oxy-acety-lene
welding Personal instruction on actual
woik in the best-equipped school on the
pacific coast. Day or uigbt sessions and
you can start any time. Write for free
catalogue. Seat Lie .Engineering &. Auto
hcUooi, Seattle, Wash.
We teach Auto. Tractor, Gas Engint
and Auto Electrical Work. BIG 100-PAGE
CATALOGUE FREE. Address Adcox Auto
& Tractor School, Dept. K. Union ave. and
Wasco L, Portland, or. rnone r-asi i
416 Hawthorn Ave.
Automobiles, trucju, tractors. Ignition
m ...i nancr work. Vulcani-ina and r
treading. Special summer rate. Day and
evening c la sea
Business College, Portland. Enroll any
lime. Telegrapny, stenograpny. banking,
boo keep 1 u , beuretanai. re catalogue.
Young men and women wanted. Call 433
a Kuiiuitv Exchange bidg. Splendid oppor
tunity to learn a well-paid profession. Free
booklet. rtaaiway ieicuya iuuumie.
Tvnttwritlna. bookkeeping, comptometer.
all other moo. businea s courses. Day, night
school. AUaky oiag., oa ana mor. jain d-i.
pays you winie learning, gives you a set of
tools, position otvui c. cuu iui vautlO.
phoue Broadway 1731. 234 Burnside ml
Day, night sesa 10ns. All branches taught.
194 BROADWAY Main 7876.
LEARN corset making; class just starting
bio- Droiits; smaii tuiivon tuarge Held
laige; success guaranteed. 508 Eiltrs
Music bidg
laUjk tV- ns"t ; wmic uuvl., mgr.
N.W. Bank bldg. Teachers placed promptly.
TEACHERS registered free this month.
Hazard Agency, j. -. mug., Spo
kane. Wasn. j
while learniuK, o act wi too tree.
position secureo. 00 .-u
TON at .10111, nun , uajr, evening;
all commercial branches; Broadway lsL
Mis Bucket's private school; individual
instruction. 122 S Grand ave. East 427.
MEN. WOMEN i-earn Darner trade fra;
Wage II I' luaiaaigitu,
Oregon Barber College. 'ZH-i Madison st.
GIRLS to learn comptometer; easy to learn.
gOOd BWtarwra , ,wu rni. DCS L1SS
Thompson, 313Morgan bldg.
LEARN how to 'vulcanize and repair tires.
See Flanders, u, oeiw een tn
and lotlu
TEACHING position, free registration. Main
465. FUbk Teachers' Agency, Journal bidg.
M1SSMATTINGLYS Shorthand. Typewrit
ing school; $6 mo. 269 14th. Main 3893.
1A1ES-FISHER Teacher Agency Fro
registration. Main t62 Broadway bldg.
OREGON "LAW" SCHOOL, Alisky "bldg., 3d
and Mor. W. E. Richardson. Sec Main 977.
MRS. HANNUM'S Shorthand School, day.
evening. .East 3860. 230 Tillamook st.
THE International Correspondence Schools
can raise your salary. 191 Broadway.
POSITION wanted by married man on up-to-date
dairy farm or will work. on shares:
w!ll not live in house with other family;
p'.ace must be up to date; state particulars
In first letter. Theodore Braa", Bidge
field. Wash. Route 2, Box S
MILLWRIGHT and constructing foreman
open for position, 30 years' experience,, will
contract or build on percentage: alterations
while running a specialty; references. H
1 14, Oregon ian. .
LIEUT, and" agricultural college graduate,
experienced in all krnds of farm work,
desires position ab foreman or -as assist
ant on valley farm. Addresa H 94. Ore
gonian. ' "-
YOUNG man wants position with small
growing manufacturing or wholesale Bouse.
Several vears mercantile experience, cor
respondence, books, warehouse,, stock, etc.
G 4til. Oregonian.
WANTED By a young man a position at
which he can make expenses while going
to high school. Can work rrom uum
11 P. M. Kindly call East 5o.
WANTED ?oslt!on as clerk or light work
in hotel with some experience, by middle
aged man; city or out; good home pre
ferred to salary. C 109, Oregonian.
TWO men, with drag frw. want v 5000 or
more cord wood contract; timber and
gi ound must be good. Address H. M.
Gorham. Vancouver, Wash.. Gen. Delt
POSITION wanted by young married man
as truck driver or deliveryman. laundry
route preferred. Am well acquainted
with city. T 122, Oregonian.
PAINTER, decorator, paperhanger: can do
high-class of work insiae; gooa reierences.
want work day or contract. T 112, Orego
nian. EXPERIENCED clothing man, 11 years ex
perience, capable of ..taking enure cnarge
of department-; references. P 545. Ore-
HIGH-CLASS salesman, correspondent and
office man, desires connection with grow
ing firm where good future will be ae-
. sured. Bt 713. Oregonian. -.
YOUNG MARRIED MAN J Ith his own car
with business ability wishes to connect
wlth reliable firmEast 34o4.
YOUNfJ MARRIED MAN with mechanical
and business experience. with a little
money and Ford wants a permanent po
sition. AG 88, Oregonian.
MAN and wife, first -clas cooks, would like
mill boarding house, country hotel or good
camp. AG 96, Oregonian.
A GOOD chauffeur wishes permanent po
sition in private family. AG 1J2, Ore
gonian. '
MAN and wife as cook and second cook or
waitress, camp, small hotel or cafeteria.
Marshall 60S.
EXPERIENCED private chnuffeur. wants
position In town or traveling. A 557, Ore
gonian. '
MAN. middle-aged, handy with tools, wants
position, city or country, tsu oia. ore
gonian YOl'NG MAN wishes to work reasonable
time after school in exchange for room
and board. AG 107, Oregonian.
COMPETENT bookkeeper, experionced in
waiting on trade, wining- ana trustwortny;
references. Tabor 8776.
YOUNG married man, 25, selling and execu
tive experience, wants position witn iu
turt:. BC 23, Oregonian.
SITUATION wanted by first-class camp
cook at $150 per month and board, b bo,
O re go n ian. ' -'
wants private
referenoes. . BC
touring or truck driving
11, Oregonian.
TWO men want to cut wood by corn with
contract not less than uuu coras. . n 21U,
and roses; etiicient men. unroy, Broadway
EXPERIENCED watchman wants position;
excellent reierences- j. a. vv., u f irst st.(
EMPLOYMENT by elderly man, janitor or
general housework; reierences. G 47.'Ore-
GARDENER experienced in landscape and
vegetable gardening wants work by day
or job. AG 1U1, Oregonian.
JOB driving truck, experienced driver, with
prospects 01 buying truck. AG lit, ore-
CHEF open for position; only first-class cafe
a la carte or cateteria; go anywhere.-, i
125. Oregonian .
CAPABLE and efficient man and wife wish
position as manager or janitor of small
apt. nouse. ras 1 a 1 n.
BARBER apprentice wants steady work in
a shop in city. AG lOs, Oregonian.
DRAGSAW and two men want work; a
tract or cord. B tJ. Oregonian.
BOY, 14. wants any kind of work; prefer
east side, call Kast oJ. apt. 14, mornings.
MAN 38 years, like night watch job; steady
and reliable, ax bU4, oregonian.
MAN with selling ability and- Ford .car.
W hat have your f f4o, Oregontan.
GOOD carpenter wants work, 211 Columbia
t. Main JS48.. .
LANDSCAPE gardening done by experienced
men. Call Tabor 130U.
16-YEAR-OLD farm boy wants job on ranch.
P. O. box 344, city.
WORK from 7 P. M. till about midnight, W
4.J, oregonian.
CREAMERY man. thoroughly experienced.
B 716, Oregonian.
TRUCK work wanted. Special rates to busi
ness firms by month. Broadway 13.
man. Mail
tinting by .contract; reliable
KALSOM INING, painting, plaster patching,
reasonable. Main 2S65.
CARPENTER,' A-l mechanic, remodeling or
new work. Phone Tabor 9049.
JAPANESE wants any kind of job, hotelor
restaurant. A 577, Oregonian. -.
CARPENTER, new or repair work, estimates
cheerfully furnished. Tabor 1193.
CARPENTER contracts for new work, or
alterations wanted. Manny, Sellwood 2421.
EXPERIENCED night clerk-wants position
in small hotel. S IPS, Oregonian. .- ,
YOUNG man wants work driving truck
or tractor. Tabor 0573.
SHINGLING, old roofs torn off, work guaran
teed. Tabor li64.
ROOF repairing, roof painting, done by ex
pert. .1..
Bookkeepers. Stenographer, Office.
YOUNG man, experienced in lumber office,
desires position in or near Portland:
good at figures, A-l typewriter, adding
machine and comptometer operator; good
references. AG 1U4, Oregonian.
PUBLIC accountant, books audited or spe
cial work at any time, small sets of books
kept at your convenience. R. N. Tufford,
304 Lewis bldg. Mar. 3i9.
BOOKKEEPER and accountant with varied
experience wishes position; familiar with
cost and analytical accounting; good
typist; locai reierences. J na, oregonian.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and office man.
stenograpner; can lane run cnarge. K 510,
VERY able bookkeeper seeks responsible
position. T iJb, Oregonian. -
STENOGRAPHER wishes afternoon work
small salary. Marshall 2603.
Soldiers and Sailors.
RELIABLE young man has been overseas
as motor truck driver and 4 years' expe
rience before enlisting, would like to get
a job as driver but do not know city very
well. Am willing to go as a helper. B
682. Oregonian.
DISCHARGED officer, graduate engineer
with 6 years experience in construction
work in paving and concrete construction,
-salary $200. Phone Main 977, or address
4o AMsky bidg.
YOUNG man, just returned from service, de
sires position as stationary engineer or
fireman; 4 years experience; can furnish
first-class reference. Call M. 2276.
iOL'Mi man bookkeeper and .ll-around of
fice man desires position rhlch will lead selling end of busfness. AF". 119.
Oregonian. - ' '
DISCHARGED overseas soldier desires
clerical position; law graduate and typist;
married. AC 893, Oregonian. -
WOULD like to drive car part time: able to
thoroughly care for car; would be avail
able any time of day. B 719, Oregonian
DISCHARGED soldier would like work in
country with good people; experienced ana
willing to work. B 699, Oregonian.
ARMY OFFICER open for position as In
terpreter and (raiLsiater in Czecho-Mavic
languages. Mail offer to 212 Morris hotel.
WANTED Teaching position, primary, in
termediate or rural, oy iaay or. so years
experience. Good references. AV 481," Ore
gonian. '; - , 1
WANTED Permanent position in .drug
store; seven years experience in touei
goods department. D 515, Or-gonian.
EXPERIENCED and competent young lad
operator wants private exchange ;i reier
ences. T 89, Oregonian.
WANTED A place to take care of ehlldren
evenings while mother is away; reference.
Woodlawn 1611. -
EXPERIENCED telephone operator desires
position on P. B. ; references; state wages.
Address M. Kennedy, 468 E. Broadway,-
WANT place near school for a 14-year-old
girl, work for her board. Broadway 2281.
CHILIRENared for at their homes. Call
Marshall 3211.
YOUNG lady wishes confectionery work
evenings. Hours J to 12. Call Mar. 3211.
EXPERIENCED woman wishes day work,
Thu.,- Fri.. Sat. Sellwood 1932.
WOMAN wants day work, 35 ceus hour,
washing, ironing. Main llltiL
GIRL, 16. wishes position in eastern Oregon
in country; inside or outside work. Can
ride. Will start for $15 month. W 473.
LADY wants housecleaning; other
day, hour; good work guaranteed..
EXPERIENCED Finnish woman wants day
work ; pie use write to M E. Baldwin t.
Hookkeeper.a Stenora?er.Offlce.
WANTED By young lady of good educa
tion, position with reliable firm as general
office assistant: Al stenographer, good
bookkeeper; experience large' eastern firms;
state salary and opportunity. AF 122,
POSITION wanted by experienced stenogra
pher; two years In law office and two years
with railroad. N 199. Oregonian.
YOUNG LADY with fire Insurance ex
perience, wishes position by Sept. 15th
Phone E. 6195 after 6 P. M.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires sut
stituting work by day, wek or month. $4
n nay. Marshall o2i.
EXPERIENCED young lady wants position
as me or mRii clerk or to learn account
ing. Tabor 258.
POSITION by an experienced stenographer
and bookkeeper; best or references. if
LADY desires clerical position; one requir
ing use 01 comptometer preferred. J l.a.
YOUNG lady desires work In office, typing
and general office work. A S2, oregonian
BILLER wishes position ; 8 months expe
rience. A 31o9.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper
and stenog
Main 2S17.
rapher; best of references.
A GIRL wishes office position by Sept.
East S0S9.
CONSULT me before discarding your old
suits and gowns; remodeling a specialty:
Fewing and tailoring. Mrs. Crose, S30 E.
30th st, Sellwood 2783.
FOR BEST results and prices in dressmak
inr? and remodeling see Mrs. Kinder at
Emporium Dye Works, 549 Morrison
Broadway 4259.
DRESSMAKER, just arrived In city, sew in
your home by day; neat, hiKh-class work
guaranteed. G 4.-tH, Oregonian.
PLAIN and fancy sewing, designing; prices
reasonable; work guaranteed. Main 6.0&
62 V X. 2 1 s t st. ,
EXPERIENCED dressmaker will go out by
day. Phone Bdwy. 2719.
RHEUMATISM and fat reduction a spe
, cialty. Rates reasonable. W E. Sanitarium,
734 Hawtorne ave. East 1577.
NURSE to take care of baby, good home.
243 Cornel st., head of Marshall st. Main
EX PERIENCED nurse wishes confinement
cases. Sellwood 241H.
MIDDLE-AGED widow with boy 7 years
old, wishes position as cook and house
keeper in country 50 miles or more from
Portland. Write J. Darcy, 575 Gideon St.,
Portland. Or.
CAPABLE and competent housekeeper wishes
position for widower, no objection to one
or two small children; no triflers need
'answer.- BC 19, Oregonian.
FI RST-CLASS housekeeper and cook : wid
ower's home preferred; reference ex
changed. D 560, Oregonian.
WOMAN, with girl of 2, wants housekeeping
on ranch; good cook. K 472, Oregonian.1
NEAT, capable woman wishes position as
housekeeper. AG 07. Oregonian.
Dome tics.
work. 40 cents.
ill housework: wish day
carfare. 784 Woodward
A JAPANESE girl wants housework in small
family. fc 10i. Oregonian.
CAPABLE, efficient woman wants day work
Phone Woodlawn 4768.
BOR 3209.
TWO adults want, by first week of Sep
tember, small, well-furnished house
a oa rime nt. for one or two months
longer. HaVthorne or Richmond districts
preierred. Rent must be reasonable, but
best care guaranteed. References. AV
4, Oregonian.
WANTED fo rent about 2 years with op
tion of bey ing, farm with good house;
i-niind 10 acres, suitable tor poultry;
about 15 miles from Portland, S. P. or
O. E. ; must oe near school. Take pos
session Sept. 16. W 43U, Oregonian.
WANTED To rent as soon as possible fur
nished or unfurnished apt. or tlat or a 4
or .".-room modern bunealow; responsible
people, permanent; will lease or pay several
,.r..h- rem In urivuniP. Ta bnr IIT.'I.
house, or apartment, adults, no children,
will pay rent 6 months in advance If rates
are reasonable; state all particulars in
first letter. B 711, Oregonian.'
CLIENT wishes 8 or 10-room furnished
house near street car; modern, west siue
preferred; needed about Sept. L Address
Douglass, 64 Morgan bldg.
BY responsible adults by September 10. 6-
room unturnisned nouse, large tot, iurnace
unnecessary; best of care; will . lease;
about $25. Call Tabor 9213.
WANTED To rent by young couple, 4-5-
room bungalow by wept. 1. unturnisned,
not over $;o, with garage preferred. Cal)
mornings, Bdwy. 4950.
WANTED To rent furnished house or apart
ment, modern: three rooms wr more;
adults; references. Broadway 3435. Mrs.
BY YOUNG married couple, a w ell fur
nished house with Dath. lights, gas ann
piano; not over $35; by Sept. 1st. East 3464.
UNFURNISHED house or bungalow in good
.district. Phone H. H. Bond. Marshall
OuuO, after 6 P. M. Tabor -577.
5-ROOM modern bungalow, any time to
Oct. 1, by young couple; no children; will
lease. AG 109, Oregonian.
WANTED 5 or 6-room furnishes! cottage or
bungalow, Sept. 1. not over $30; refs. ex
changed. Phone East 39SS.
WANTED To rent, between now and Sept.
0. fiat or house of 6 or 7 rooms. Main
1137. W 476,Oregiiian.
WANTED 5 or 6-room modern house., fur
nished, not exceed $25; will lease for year
or more. Tabor 7440.
WANTED TO RENT 5 or 6-room bunga
low by Sept. 1, not over $25; very respon
sible parties. Woodlawn 5473.
3 ADULTS want a 4 or 5-room house; close
in preferred. East side. Good neighbor
hood. Furnished, f iu, oregonian.
SIX or seven-room furnished modern house
by responsible party, to occupy immedi
ately, labor StbS.
WANTED Bv reliable couple, modern fur
nished apartment or small bungalow. P
535, Oregonian.
FURNISHED HOUSE wanted, with no ob
jectlon to children.. Answer, Phone East
TTB, Mr. arton.
WANTED A modern 5 or 6-room house,
furnished or unfurnished, by the year, be
fore Sept. 1, 1019. ti. r, oregonian.
OCEAN PARK, Wash.; furnished cottage for
Sept., $10. wood lawn tPg-
WANTED 4 or 5-room house with yard, in
good locality. U. Bowden, 794 Thurman.
WANTED To rent furnished 3 or 4-foora
house or flat. Phone Woodlawn 2642.
5 OR 6-room modern house or bungalow; best
of references. H.ast 4t-.
WANTED 4 or, 5-room furnished, or un
furnished flat or house; adults, labor o.a.
WANTED To rent or will buy furniture of
5 or u rooms, ak 41 a, oregonian.
FURNISHED flat or house, about five or six
rooms, wanted, vv 4n, oregonian.
WANT to rent 5 or 6-room cottage at once.
Mr., Douglas, Franklin hotel.
WANTED By small family, a small house
or bungalow, fhone h.. 4io4.
REFINED lady wishes 2-room unfurnished
apt.; would consider iurnisnea: in private
--family; prefer good district on east side:
references exchanged. AJ 624, Oregonian.
WANTED to rent, furnished 4-room flat or
5-room house, not later tnan oept. 10;
.adults; references furnished. Address
Washington hotel. 12th and Wash., or call
"from 8 A. M. until 4 P. M., Broadway
3948, J. C. Leitch.
WANTED Two-room apartment or house
keeping rooms 01 party who win take nw
Singer sewing machine as payment for
rent. S 102. Oregonian.
RESPONSIBLE couple wants two or three
room furnished flat or apartment. Rent
must be reasonable. CallMarshail 3609.
FURNISHED flat or apt. i west side) for
winter; will give best of care; state price.
W 472, Oregonian.
WANTED Well furnished apartment, pre
ferably west side; referyVA M. P. Allen.
Portland hotel.
Apart men s.
WANTED Furnished apartment, fiat or
bungalow. Immediately, for two or mora
months, by discharged officer and wife;
no children. Phone East 5!1T.
WANTED By single man In responsible po
sition, nice room with breakfast only: must
be in nice neighborhood, close in, and have
garage or one nearby; references ex
chaused. No triflers need apply. Box
T l;i. Oregonian.
YOUN'S woman, employed, wants one or two
cosily furnished housekeeping rooms, on
ground floor; would like fireplace in room.
Ph one Marah all 26 after 6:30 P. M.
WANTED By young woman, employed.
heated, unfurnished housekeeping rooms In
private home where there are no other
roomers. D 503. Oregonian.
BUSINESSMAN wants room with sleeping
porch in private family; must be in walk
ing distance from 34th and Belmont. Ta
bor 4617.
Uioris With Board.
REFINED young business girl, employed
during day, wishes good home with good
family; pleasant surrnirndlnire: willing to
help about house for part payment; Pied
mont district preferred. Tabor 6717; eve
ni r. a a mil y
YOUNG couple want room and board In,
steam-heated apartment; must get located
by Sept. 15 Nob Hill preferred; give prfc
and location. Address AF OS, Oregonian.
YOUNG couple who have just arrived in,
Portland wish room and board in private
home, Irvington preferred; give price and
location. Address AF 71, Oregonian.
WANTED Place to room and board In pri
vate home by young man working in
shipyards; will pay $10 per week. K 514,
WANTED A lady to board and care for 3
children and room mother; walking dis
tance. west side. Main 7602.
WANTED To room and board boy 6 to 15
years. Woodlawn 2346.
W ANT room and boa rd for
5933. 4309 66th Ft. S. E.
a man. Tabor
Business Places,
Tiny place in center of town, wit'.i gas
and electric connection, running water,
display window; repairs or painting will
be done by tenant; leae required. Address
L 54i4, Oregonian.
M iscellaneous.
RETIRED farmer wants light, clean house
keeping room in private home by Sept. 1st
ciose in; state price. 553 Morrison it.
WANTED to rent good deer gun for 2 weeks.
irooo. reierence. can bast . '
STORE ROOM on side street. Call at 621
Morgan bldg. Main 2035.
WANTED To rent duck lake. Call Main 539.
HotiHckeeping Rooms,
WANTED Living room and kitchenette In
private home, west side. Will furnish liv
ing room; would like small porch. Wet-t
of 10th; state terms. AF 103. Oregonian.
HOUSEKEEPING room In quiet district
wanted by single man: must have large
table suitable for writing and drawing;
state terms. T 86, Oregonian.
YOUNG COUPLE wants 3 or 4 furnished
rooms in private home, or a small bunga
low; must be wen furnished and modem.
Phone .Main 7835.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms or apart
ment where 4-year old noy can De cared
for, reasonable. Tabor 7011.
Furnished Rooms.
A Moderate Priced Hotel of Merit.
East Morrison and Sixth. -Hotel
Clifford is the principal east side
hotel and is a hotel of dignity and refine
ment. $1.25 per day; two in room, $1.75;
jti per week. J22.0 per month.
265 14th st.
Furnished rooms with or without board,
for business girls and lady tourists; per
manent or transient; ideal location; rea
sonable rates. . Alain 4119.
Modern, up-to-date brick bulldlnr. pri
vate phone in every room, elevator, lobby,
$4.50 per week and up; $1 per da' and up.
LAURELH URST home, 8 rooms, sleeping
porch and breakfast room; every con
venience; hot-water furnace; baby grand
piano; nicely furnished; garage; $100.
.Main 6967.
42TVa Alder St.. Corner 11th.
Elegantly furnished, central location,
clean and orderly. Rates by day or week.
ANSONIA HOTEL, 14th and Washington
Clean, respectable home for business peo
ple, transient, $1 up; permanent. $4 up;
private bath, $8.
PA LACH OTEL, 44fWas. St.; downtown
location, respectable and strictly modern;
steam beat: rooms large, clean.
HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison sL at Tenth
Rates $1 per day up; weekly, $4 up; run
ning water, free phone and bath.
NOTICE these rates $3.50 per week up;
strictly modern rooms; with bath, $6 week.
Hotel Norris, 533 44 Alder.
BUSINESS woman wants one or two nice
rooms for light cooking, at once. W 480,
Oregonian. .
ONE sleeping room and one sleeping porch.
phone and bath, at r. -Utn su Marshall
HILLCREST HOTEL Batn. phone, $25 mo.
up; without bath, up. jJ Washington.
FURNISHED room In a modern downtown
apartment. Gentlemen. Aiarsnaii
SARGENT HOTEL, 271 Grand ave., X k.
apt. and sleeping rooms. n,ast xui-
75c, $1 DAY; $2.50 week up; outside roorc
Hotel Cadillac, 3d. near j en ergon.
BUSH MARK HOTEL. 565 Wash. sL. room
$3-per week up; clean, moaern.
SLEEPING room, Lambrook apts., E. 7th
nd Yamhill. East 4Uu.
FURNISHED room for rent. 781 E. Yamhill.
Unfurnished Kooms.
UNFURNISHED' room to rent for house
keeping. 161 22d st. North.
TOP room in garage to party with refer-
f rnces. B roadway 43 1 4.
Furnished Rooms In Frlvate Family.
DESIRABLE, large and comfortable fur
nished rooms. No objections o electric
cooking grill and laundry privileges, easy
walking distance, suitable for couple or
quiet, employed ladies; $5 per week. Del
Monte, 167 Stout St., near 20th and
Washington. Phone Marshall 1133.
NICE room in private family. LsVld's ad-
dition, must furnish reference; every con
venience, half block from Mt. Scott and
Hawthorne cars; walking distance. 601
Elliot ave.. near 20th and Hawthorne. ..
$8.50 PER MONTH Cosy room, large clos
et, west side, 10 minutes' walk to busi
ness center: elec. lights, bath and phone.
415 Broadway.
FOR 2 or 3 gentlemen, nice suite, living
room, bedroom and bath, close In, east
side. East 8206.
VERY pleasant front room, close in, suitable
for 2 gentlemen, 10 per weea. ail iJ
B road way.
FURNISHED room walking distance. 404
East Washington, cor. 10th. Phone East
209 14TH, near Jefferson; choice rooms,
wa 1 k i n g distance. Main 3893.
FURNISHED rooms, Irvin gtoiy E. 7800,
Rooms With Board.
741 Washington.
23d and Hoyt.
Residence Hotel, American Plan
Excellent Dining Room Service.
On Car Line, Near Garage
Reasonable Rates.
Permanent or Transient.
KOKTONIA HOTEL, Portland downtown
high-class family hotel; room en suit
or single, with or without board, for
families and business men and women.
We give you all th comforts of a horn.
Keasouable rates. 1
THE MTGON NURSERY is where any child
will find a mother's care and attention
from an experienced . nurse. 1224 E st Main
American plan hotel ; desirable rooms;
excellent table; meals served transient.
380 luth st. For business girls and stu
dents; reasonable rates. Marshall 1251.
ROOM and board for business girls, all
modern conveniences; walking distance; $4
per week East 4732. 12 E. 7th st.
452 MORRISON, cor. 13th. choice rooms and
board; modern conveniences; walking dis
tance. .
PARKVIEW HQTEU Rooms with board.
near West -Par'k
Rooms With Board in Private Family.
AN exclusive home offers rooms wlilj good
home cooking: ' home-made breaA. 14J
North 19th st. Broadway 4314.
ROOM and board at 643 First St.. fre bath.
$y pr week; over Star bakery; all home
TWO front furnished housekeeping rooms;
employed preferred. 6 E. 12th st. N. Eust
PRIVATE home for children.' 4 to 10: 20
years' experience. 714 Everett. Mar. 2102.
A LARGE front room, alt modern conveni
ences. 431 West Park st.
WELL furnished room, home privileges and
cooking ; modern. East 7100.