Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 28, 1919, Page 12, Image 12

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MaJiv Snappy New:
Fall Models Arrive
Casey's Ruling on Fabrique's
Steers, Horses and Equipment
Arriving at Speedway.
Hit Turning Point.
Sutherland and. Prrlica Stage Air-1
I tight Duel Until Umpire
I Breaks Up Pastime.
! Pariflr Cam Leaaue ritandlncs.
W. L. Pct.r w. I Pet.
VrtiAn hi ..V.'I'San Pran... fli 70 .4 V,
l.nm Anrel'a T.r. ..V.r! Oakland . ... ".'t 74 .4'W
Can 1 k- 7" .-.7 .v. Portland ." 77 .41
cnm nto tk tttf .4VJ Seattle il bl .3ti I
r Yetrrdav' Reolt.
At Portland Lo Anl 3. Portland 1.
At Kmtt ttattl .Y Salt 1.
At lrrlr Sar:nntO 5. Vtnion 2.
At San Kranciaco Oaaiand S. San J-'ran-
CUco 4-
It was perhaps a good thing yester
day afternoon that soma 2000 taxpay
ers had not the right to exercise tne
referendum on Umpire Pearl Barnes 1
Casey. It was a close verdict on the
part of the Irish arbiter which cost
the Beavers the first game of the
aeries. Score Los Angeles 3, Port
land 1.
The questionable ruling came in the
Seraphs' half of the eighth. "buds-
Sutherland and Bill Pertica had been
deadlocked in a pitching duel since the
fifth. With one away Manager Wade
Killefer slashed the stitched Reach into
left field for his fourth consecutive
Single of the day.
A "V
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g W.A"iru
Copyright by Underwood & Underwood.
Fred Stone, noted stage and screen comedian. Is one of the most capable bulldoggers and ropers in the world.
'. Now for the decision which made I'm- I This picture was snapped during the Cheyenne (Wyo.) Frontier Days Round-up and celebration. This is one of the
pi re Casey about as popular as Three- I most dangerous of cowboy sports. Thousands attended the Cheyenne show. Although Stone will not participate in
Fingered Jack Godwin in a oooiy the wild west exhibition and races scheduled tor tne itose city speedway Saturday, Sunday ana Monday, tnere win oe
camp. I numerous cowpunchers on band whose Dunaogging win iurnisn tnriiis.
. Bunnr Fabrinue hit one a mile a min
In all justice to
ute into right field.
Umpire Casey it must be said that itpitcher, appeared for the first time to-
appearea as ir me penei mruc nm day tn a Sait Lake uniform. The lo
amack on the foul line, but you couldn't cag walloped him for 12 hits and his
nave round one rooter in tne scana wno teammates gathered 11 from Brenton,
would not have taken an oath that It Seattle moundsman. The visitors' lone
fell foul. It appeared so clearly a foul taily was scored In the eighth when
to -Biff" Schalier that he loarea in three hits were made. Score
fielding It. I K.i, i .w. i u-.til.
In the meantime Killefer was dashing I BRHOAl BRHOA
for third and Kabridue for second. MaKK'rt.m s 0 o 5 o Wares.:... 4 o 2 2
Cay c.Hed It fair, which brought an Jiff I Wai 'hllV."'. 4 o 1"
awful howl from Manager Walter Mc- xhrriv.i.. 3 0 18 o Knicht.3.. 4 0 0 1
Credie. various and sundry other Beav-I Johnson. . 4 0 2 1 JCnmpton.r. 4 3 2 10
. v. - ., ik. I Mulllr n.3 a 0 I 1 1 fnKhm.m S 2 3 2 0
..j..,v. ... iluiv,y... 4 0 1 2 0 Sweeney.c. 4 0 2 S
sunny afternoon and the snappy ball Upnrrr.c. 2 o 0 4 o Kr-n-h.a. . 4 o 1 1
game which was played In 1 hour and Haum.p... 3 1 o 2 Brenton. p. 4 0 0 0
S minutes. smitn-. .i oo j, ji
Jark Drives la Raaa. Ttalii...33 1 11 24 81 Totals... 34 S 12t2 17
.... . . , ... . I ltattfd for Spt-ncer In ttie ninth
After the case had been argued at tsncer ut. hit by batted ball.
length and play finally resumed. Jacques s Lke o 0000001 o I
Fournier hit one back like a shot from sraiti 0 1 o l o 1 0 2
m small Browninar at Sutherland, which i Struck out. bv Brenton 3. br Baum 3.
finally wound up In ilalsels hands and " B1."" f' Baunl
.. .. " . Two-t.! hits, Sheely. Walsh. Cunningham,
the pair of southerners scored, putting Wirr. Krint. Three-base hits. Kmc, Krench.
tba game In the well-known Ice box. I Double plays. Mulvey to spencer, Johnson
Casey made a ruling In the same In-I lo Kln to Sheely. Sacrifice hits. Slulllan,
n m- am a k 1 1 hit Kv u le m- h I, h mi He I t'un nln.ham, Sheely. Stolen bases. Spencer,
ring on a ball nit by Bassler nicn made Mulv.y- cunninsham. Mulligan, wild pitch.
ik mm 11 iviut n n0ltaum. Kuns responsible lor. Hrenion a,
making an earnest endeavor to even I Baum X Umpires, r'rary and Phyle.
things up a wee bit. Johnny's fly just
back of third base raised the white OAKLAND RETURN'S TO LIFE
dust from the left field foul line and
evervone In the Dark could see that It
was fair. "Foul bail:" shouted Casey. (Much Whitewashed Tribe Takes
and its likely they'd a killed him had
Athletics Hit Ball Hard for Victory
Over Boston Cleveland Hum
bles Detroit Tigers.
not Wade Killefer raised his hand. With
a smile of Christian charity. Johnny
Seals Into Camp, 5 to 4
SAX FRANCISCO, Aug. 27. Oakland
favor of
Powers' leader called off his hounds in ob,erved it8 return to home territory
view of the fact that the Moose had .... ,. . c . .
u ) undiiiiK ottu r isiiiidlw, w iu i ac
ting back the Seals to fifth place. Couch
started for the Seals, but was driven
from the box in the fourth inning, when
three bases on balls and four hits net
ted the Oaks four runs. Smith succeed
ed Couch. The Oaks made their winning
run tn the fifth Inning on a double by
Wilie and a sacrifice fly by Bohne.
Just previously called one
Ais hirelings.
'. laser la liars! Lark.
Umpire Casey seems to have a failing
of calling close ones which go against
Sutherland. In last Friday's game he
refused to call a third strike on Catcher
Brooks of the Tigers which later re
sulted disastrously for Soapy Suds.
Brooks, who ultimately walked on that
occasion, thought it a strike himself,
for he started for the dugout. His out
would have been the third ant' would
hae retired the side and ended the
game, giving Portland a win instead of
the defeat which followed.
The two runs which the big French
man drove In yerterday were all that
were earned by either team. Siglin's
boot of Crawford's hard-hit ball in the
fourth. Hosp's first of two hits and
taker's wild heave allowed the ancient
ajid honorable Wahoo Sam to count.
Portland chalked up its lone run in
tne following inning when Kingdon
gained life by forcing Baker at second,
went to second on Killefer's error and
hoofed It over the top and across the
Khlne on Speas' blow.
Cheer up. gents. "Our boys" looked
very well yesterday and may give the plrea Eason and Held.
enemv a battle all week. The score
LoaAnxele. I Portland "BRICK MITCHELL
KlMerer.m 3 1 4 3 ospeas.l 4 o 1 2
'abrlque.s 412 3 & U isterill.3.. 4 00 2
4 O J 1
4 0 2 3
3 0 1 M
4 II 0 1
2 0 1 I
3 I 0
Portland 1 Ban Francisco
Unr.m.. 2 0 0 4 o Fltz'cld.m 3 0 10 0
Crover.2. . 4 0 13 1 I'orhan.a.. 3 0 O 2 1
I'oopi-r. I . . 2 o o 2 u Burner. 1.. 3 0 0 1 1
tiulKto.l. .. 4 0 0 1 .1 Koerner.l. 3 o 0 7 1
Wllie.r.... 3 2 2 2 Ol'avaney.2. 4 2 2 3 2
A Arlett.3. 3 1111 Sc hick. r... 4 0 2 4 0
llohne.s... 1 0 0 4 .. Kamni.:!.. 4 1113
KMiot.c... 4 112 1 lialdwln.o. 4 110 0
Kkenb g.p 4 110 2 Couch. p.. . 1 0 0 0 4
ismun.p... 2 v u u i
Totals .27 i 0 27 111 Totals. 31 4 7 24 13
Oakland 0004 1 000 x 5
San Francisco 01012000 0 0
Errors. Croner. Koerner. Cavaney. Smith.
Ftoien bates, Uohne. Home runs. Cavaney
Tno-bas hits, talkenbers. wine, toac
riflce hits, tlrover. Bohne. Corhan. A. Arlett
Bases on oalls. Kalkenberg .1, coucn 4, smttn
1 Struck out. Falkenberj 2, Couch 2, Smith
4! louble plays. Gulsto to Grover, Bohne
tn firmer to Guisto. Bohne to Gulsto. Run
responsible lor, Falkenberg 3, Couch 4,
Smith 1. Charge defeat to Smith. Lm
ST. LOUIS. Aug. 27. Felsch's tre
mendous hit over the left field fence
with two men on bases in the seventh
returned Chicago a 6 to 5 winner over
St, Louis today. It was the 15th home
run at the local park in the last 11
games. Gallia hit the ball to the same
spot in the fifth. Score:
R. H. E. K. H. iJ.
Chicago ...6 S 2 St. Louis .. .5 7 0
Batteries Williams and Schalk; Gal
lia and Severeid.
Philadelphia 6, Boston 4.
BOSTON, Aug. 27. Phlladephia hit
Hoyt hard today and won a six-inning
game. 6 to 4, from Boston. It was
called In the first half of the seventh
because of rain. Score:
K. H. E. R. H. E.
Phi la 4 12 O.Boston 4 7 1
Batteries Noyes and Perkins; Hoyt.
McGraw and Walters. (Game called off
end of sixth, rain).
Cleveland 7, Detroit 5.
CLEVELAND, Aug. 27. Clevelan
made it two straight from the Tigers
today, winning 7 to 5. and thus break
ing the tie that existed for second place.
Love was effective until the seventh
when he was relieved by Boland. Score
R. H. E. R. H. E.
Detroit S 15 OjCleveland ..7 12
Batteries Dauss, Love, Ehmke an
Ainsmith; Coveleskie, Myers an
resold, it seems, and the scalpers are
lifoely to be up against it.
Otto Knabe has handed in his resig
nation as coach and scout for the Chi
cago Cubs and gone back to Philadel
phia to look after his business affairs.
Knabe and Kid Gleason, the White Sox
manager, are partners in a bowling
alley or something and they can't both
be away all the time.
When Casey Stengel was traded by
Brooklyn to Pittsburg he complained
that he didn't want to play in the west
When Pittsburg turned around and
traded him to Philadelphia he com
plained that he didn't want to play in
the east not with Philadelphia at
least You can't satisfy some people.
Pitcher Gene Packard "handed in his
resignation" to the Philly manage
ment last week, with the statement
that Ike intended to take a job in
Pennsylvania steel plant. Packard's
last performance was in the first game
of the Philly-Cardinal double-header
on August 14, when the Cards gave him
a lambasting.
tumirr. 1
Craw fonl.r 3 1 0 A
HP.J... 4 O
:nt--.. 40
Mehoff.3. 4 0
fCrLM.aa.p. 4 V
1 s hullt-r.r. .
1 M.ii!el.m. . .
4 mJ Klu. I
4 L'Silln.;
1 0 H.t Kr. i
1 '1 Ktnrrion.. .
1 1 Suihrrni.p 3 U 0
Uttdrr lull 0
i Former rnlversity Oregon Star Now
With Olympic Club.
!Ttm.s. 34 10 17 14 Total... . 32 1 7 27 IS
Bttv1 fr Kirifiion In ninth.
Xf Angelea 0 O O 1 0 0 0 2 0 S
Hit - I 1 1 0 3 -J lO
Portland O O O t O 0 O 0 1
, Hlt . I : il O 2 2 1 7
Error KillcOr. Si(i:i:i. Baker. Struck out,
yy Pertica 3. by !iuthrlntl I Han! on
balls, off rrrtlia 3. off Sutherland I. Two
pit. Biue. Kabrtnu. Houp, Double
play, tflitltn to Ktn-si"n to f.iu-; Fabrique
to Hoep to Kournter : Kabrtque to Kourn if r.
Sacrifice bltit. Kournl-r. Stolen bases. Blue.
Killefer. Kuui rrnponMbl for, I'erttca 0.
ut herland 2. Time of frame. 1 hour 35
minutes. Umpire. '! unit Toman.
Vernon Drops Game to Senators
After Ixnjr Auto Ride.
v T.OS AXC5EL.ES. Ajit IT. Vernon
players, who arrived here early this
jrtorninc after an all-niKht automobile
trip from Sacramento, suffered df(at
at the hands of Sacramento in the op.'n
lns; name of the series. S to . The
Vernon player were In poor condi
tion from their trip, according: to Mun
aKrr Bill E.-!ick. Score:
Sacramento I Vernon
lumpf.l 4 1 I 1 IJ Mltrh'l 1 II 0 O 4
Mfl'lt aj. 3 3 " I t h db'n. :n O li C
ntri.m. 4 n 2 4 n Mu.M.. 4 11? 1
Volir.r. o s) 1 n r llnsl n.r 4 12 1
r.riia-.l 4 119 M ih l 4 I
;( n.2 3 114 OKi.hrr.;.. 4 o
rr. 4 O 2 I HiWn.3... 3 O
I'Mk.r. . 4 I 4 m'r.c. .1 O
a'rousb.n. 4001 ra.wn
SAN" FRANCISCO. Aug. il. A former
university of Oregon star, "Brick
Mitchell, who played left end. Is with
the Olympic club football squad here
this season.
The San Francisco clubmen have
scheduled a srrfhie with the Keel club
of Ixjng Beach. Cal.. for Thanksgiving
day. Jack Spaulding. football com
missioner. is attempting to arrange i
came with some central California
team at Stockton or Sacramento, Cal.,
for Christmas time.
Rapged Fielding by Phillies Makes
Easy Day for Giants.
PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 27. After
New York tied the score in the sixth to
day Philadelphia's fielding became very
ragged and the home team bunched five
errors in the last three Innings, tne
visitors winning 7 to 2. Score:
R. H. E.; P.. H. E
New Tork 7 10 l; Phi la. 2 10
Batteries Barnes and Gonzales; Mead
ows and Tragessor.
riell.p.... 1
Totals. .3a A 11 27 V .. n- I
il ch l.p 0
Totals. .32
O 4 4
o 0 o 3
O I 3
n o ii o
7 27 17
Batt-rf for Dell la ellthth.
Pirrsment. I 10O0 10I 2 3
m..n O0O0I010 u 2
Krrors. Stumpf. fhailrtoum. Stolen base.
Illifh T-.-o-' hits, litis?. Stu.npf. luieh.
li.rrifW hit. lidilllon on bal'v ff Stniiic out. Or Laon 2, by i'rouKh
2. br lll 2. Innino pitched, hv Pa.n
1 2-3. tr "H !-. by W. Mil,h-ll 1. Kuns
rpnnibl for. lawn 2. I'rouKh 2. tvl 1. I Iu'hi. pi. vs. Orr to Oriccs. Orr
o Mf'atf'Kan lo liricfx l'hrr. detcal I
!.. . -). L'topires. Guthrie anl 1nnsy.
61wa-he Touch t'p pider Baum on
Day of Debut.
SEATTLE. Aug. ST. Seattle took tho
pener tn the series with Salt Lake to
k.y, i to Iu "Spider" Baum. former seal
National 1 -ensue Standings.
W. U Pet. i W. Tu. Pet.
rinrinnstl. M .".4 .Tint Pittsburg... R3 Stl ,4Mi
NVsr )ork. 7l 4H .tul Iloston . 42 tl.t .4KI
lhirai: ."'0 .i t- l-ouls... :. tfl .31
Brook. n.. 0 .4,Xir'htladelpa. 2& 70 .a02
Amerieaa Lraaae Mtandlnga.
rhlcaso... 74 40 .4i St. Iiuts AS 53 .523
.)eve and.. IC 4.'. ..v.l Boston M Ml .44
Detroit tl." 4T W.shtneton 4 IW .3M
Vork..v7 0.) ,iJ2 I'hllaue.p'a. 29 bo .2titf
llow trie Merles Maud.
At Portland no name. Los Angeles 1 game:
at Seatt 1 game. Salt Lski no game; at
San Kranclsco no game. Oakland 1 game: at
I .os Angeles, Vernon no gam. Sacramento
1 game.
Where the Teams Play Next Week.
Portland at Sarrameclo, Seattle versus
Oakland at San Francisco. Los Angeles at
Salt l.ake. San Francisco versus Vernon at
l.os Angeles.
Beaver Hatting Averages.
Ah. H Ave i Ab. H. Ave.
S'llin 4.'.H.lo 2 Mals-1 24.1 57 .23:1
H ue 521 144 .27" Schalier 42 0.214
Oldham.. I'll 44 .27:! IVnner 02 19 .2W5
W isiersll. 411 ll'l .27 Schroetler.. 29 4 .3ii
Karmer... 2n .2tl Sut herland. B4 12.1.S7
R.d.r ... :IM I'l .2". Kingdon. .. 3 7.111
Koehler....2'l SO "'" Jones 61 4 ..-.
Baker.... 2".2 1 .247. Haratad ... . 1 O.Oiin
spcaa.... 200 02 -2iv, Meyers. ..M l'O.Ouo'
Former Squadron Coach in Portland
Will Also Take Backfield Position
With San Franciscans.
Bart Macomber, former eastern grid
iron star, who coached the lOoth and
106th squadron football team in Port
land last year, is getting off with
bang in his new job as coach of the
Olympic club eleven in San Francisco.
Macomber, who was picked as an all
American halfback in 1915, will play a
back field position with the Olympic
club aggregation as we'll as coach, and
has a strong bunch of football pastim-
ers out for the team.
Macomber had great success in
coaching the 105th and 106th squadron
team here. Although one of the lightest
service 'aggregations in this part of the
country, the team went through the
season with few defeats and ended by
trimming formidable Standifer ship
builders' eleven.
A San Francisco scribe gives the fol
lowing dope on Macomber and his
Olympic club team, against which Mult
nomah club may tangle tnis season:
"After some 20 men, all dressed up
in their new crimson sweaters, had
Dosed for their pictures. Coach Bart
Macomber. coach of the Olympic club
football team, announced what looked
right now as the team he would send
in against the sailors in tneir Dig game
September 9.
'The backfield is one or tne best
ever assembled by any club in the
western states; each man has had va
ried experience playing on college and
club teams. Bart Macomber. all
American. 1915. is one of the biggest
stars ever turned out of the west, and
with his head the team should have no
trouble in running off plays."
Big League Gossip.
cinnati player, just out of the navy
and an employe at the Cincinnati ball
park, was signed by Manager Cravath
of the Phillies after Gavvy had seen
him work out on Redland field. He is
an infielder only 1 years of age and
said to be a bright prospect.
Cecil Algernon Causey did not like
his transfer from the New York Giants
o the Boston Braves, in the Nehf cVeal,
and while willing to keep in line, re
quested that Manager Stallings make
a new trade for him. It was said be
prefers the Phillies if he can t be with
the Giants.
Arrest of ticket scalpers by govern
ment tax sleuths in Cincinnati gives
a -tip for the national commission in
dealing with ticket scalpers in the
coming world's series. Uncle Sam has
to be reckoned -with- when-tickets are
Only Indefinite Feature Is Time of
Big Game With California.
December 6 Likely.
27. (Special.) Stanford's football cal-
enaar lor next iau was aeiimteiy an-ipiv. i ,,,,..- T , - -,
. , . , , irixe, Charles Menzies. Joe Reilly and
nounced here today by the manager of lr- i u0n ' '
luc team, w . . .Ames. inia scneuuie.
Roster of Performers Includes
Leading Exponents of Great
Outdoor Exposition.
The wild west aggregation of riders.
horses, burros, wild steers, wild horses
and paraphernalia that will be used
next Saturday, Sunday and Monday
(Labor day) at the wild west exhibition
ad races to be staged at the Rose
CSr speedway are arriving. A band
of 'Oians. about 25 wild horses, and
betv een 25 and 50 cowboys and cow
girls, with their famous horses, are
on their way and will reach Portland
today and tomorrow. Bertha Blancett
and several noted riders from the east
and south are already on the ground.
A programme has been arranged of
all the leading races ard events, sub
ject to change daily when new stunts
will be introduced in rapid succession.
The porgramme includes: Grand intro
duction of horses and riders, cowboys'
company race, bucking burros, cow
girls' company race, trick and fancy
roping, bucking bulls, cowboys relay
race, steer-roping contest, bulldogging
contest, bareback riding, Indian- bare
back relay, pony race, maverick race,
bucking contest, ladies' relay race, pony
express race, novelty race, cowboys'
Roman race, chariot race, Roman
standing race, wild horse race, bulldog
ging from an automobile, and ten-mile
motorcycle championship race.
Notables to Appear. .
Among the notable riders and stam
pede performers who will participate
the following are numbered: Bertha
Blancett, Iris Smith, Ollie Osburn, Rose
Wilson, "Broncho" Bob Hall. Wyli
Blancett, George "Nigger" Fletcher,
Babe Ewing, Shorty Hall, Kenneth Ken
nedy, Jim Roach, Frank Roach, Ralph
Farrell. Charlie Reed, Wilkins Williams,
t red Hoag, Jockey Newland, Denver
Carson, Tex Smith, Panhandle Pete.
Goldie Vernon, Narciess McKay, Dan
White, Jim Clark, Red Bush, Skee
Crowder, Wild Bill, Philip Bill, Harry
Wise, William Barr, Bill Cain, Charles
Runyon, Marie Hall. Tex Daniels, V. E.
Daniels, K. J. Burke, Andrew Jack,
Braden Jerking, Frank Beach and Lu
cien Williams.
The following well known motorcycle
riders are expected to compete in the
10-mile daily race: Dusty Farnham,
Bob Newman, H. L. White, "Monk" Mc-
Morran, Harry Brandt, "Red" Cogburn
Al Williams, Butch Wolsifer, Merrill
Bacon, Charles Figoni and Zob Eppen-
Campbell's Band Engaged.
Campbell's American all-union band
has been engaged for the three days
ana win introduce a new and novel wild
west programme of the latest jazz, In
dian and novelty music. Tracy Lane,
of national repute as a cowboy singer
who has Just returned from overseas
where he sang in all the large encamp-
ments, will be introduced with other
Moving pictures of many of the dif
ferent events will be taken.
The officials appointed by the man
agement consist of the following: W.
McKenney, managing director; C. R.
Adams, arena director; E. H. Broeder,
assistant director; Fred Wyatt, assist
ant track manager and announcer;
rred T. Merrill, manager sDeedwav:
tieorge x. strine, assistant track man
ager, George V. Adams, track assist
ant, and A. C. Furlong, treasurer.
Judges: Ray Barkhurst. Joe Mauck
Bert Reed, George O. Brandenburg, Roy
marking the return of the cardinal ath
letes to the American game, calls for
20 games with outside opponents, be
sides the numerous interclass contests
which will be played here.
As yet the date of the Stanford-California
"big game" has not been set
tled. It is probable that the date of
December 6 will be selected. The final
action necessary to this date is the ap
proval of the Berkeley faculty. With
the exception of the California game.
Stanford's varsity schedule is complete,
as follows:
October 18, Olympic club; October 25,
Oregon Agricultural college; November
1, St. Mary's college; November 8,
Santa Clara university; November 22,
University of Oregon; November 27
(Thanksgiving), University of Southern
California. !
Coach "Bob" Evans has sent out a
call which will bring a number of ath
letes to the campus by September 15,
thus allowing two weeks of intensive
work towards forming the nucleus of a
powerful varsity team before actual
classroom instruction begins.
Caughey, Bihlman, Betts, Righter,
Adams and Patrick will likely all find
places on the line.
The candidates for the backfield posi
tions are nearly all men of marked bril
liance. Among them are Lilly, Pelouze,
Campbell. Bonney. Wark, Falk, Rey
nolds and "Bink" Templeton.
In addition to the varsity schedule.
full-season calendars are being made
out for the freshmen and second var
sity teams. The California-Stanford
freshmen struggle will be played at
Berkeley on November Id.
Timers: Perry Abbott. Georee Park
er, Virgil Cooper, Carl Rose, Jack Fa
me, je'rank Anderson.
The labor temple fund shares in the
Grays Harbor Show Now On Has
Largest and Best Exhibits in
Its History.
Portland Referee and Sportsman
Will Act for Boxing Body.
According to Frank E. Watkins,
chairman of the Portland boxing com
mission. Jack Grant, well-known Port
land referee and sportsman, will be
the next matchmaker to succeed George
P. Henry, who has announced his in
tention of resigning. Chairman Wat-
kins will call a meeting of the boxing
commission for some night this week.
when plans for the coming season
and the first show under the ten-round
law will be talked over.
Action on the new city boxing ordi
nance which was up before the com
missioners yesterday was deferred until
Friday so as to enable Deputy City
Attorney Lansing, who drew up the
ordinance, to be present and explain
some points ro the commissioners.
Business pressure is given as the
reason for the resignation of George
Henry, who took up the reins when
Tommy Tracey stepped out last year.
Grant is well known in boxing circles
and promoted shows here a number
of years ago. Since the advent of the
municipal commission he has acted as
ne of the official referees.
Jack Dempsey Making Money.
Jack Dempsey Is in little danger of
dying in the poorhouse if he saves even
pittance of what he s now drawing as
salary. For he's commanding 115,000
week, with 15 weeks guaranteed him
by a Chicago amusement syndicate. As
an illustration of the demand for the
champ's appearance is the offer of Lit
tle Rock, Ark., in which Jack is guar-
nteed $30,000 tor one week s appear
ELMA, WTash., Aug. 27. (Special.)
Oregon's best race horses will vie with
those of Washington, Idaho, British
Columbia and Northern California in
the four-day racing programme, which
opens at the Grays Harbor fair grounds
tomorrow in conjunction with the an
nual county- fair.
The Thursday card includes the 2:25
trot and the 2:25 pace along with two
running races.
Governor Hart and a staff of state
officials will visit the fair grounds
rriaay. which is governors' and
children's day.
The fair officially opened yesterday
and was featured by the best and
largest exhibits ever held in this sec
tion. Ten race horses are entered in the
2:25 trot tomorrow and in the 2:25
pace a total of 14 horses are listed.
The entries in tomorrow's harness
events and their owners are:
2:25 trot Great Ella, G. 1 Parker, Port
land; Bujl Patch, Okum and Richel, Eugene.
Or.; Oregon Bond, G. L. Swisher, Eugene;
Western Scout, C. A. Harrison, Seattle; Ore
gona, J. J. Kadderly, Portland; Andy Peter,
Matt Ennis, Walla Walla; King Ki. C. A.
Peckenham, Chehalis; Bonaray, W. P.
Schultz, Forest Grove; Lottie Ansel, John
Merrill, Cornelius, Or., and Bonkin, W. H.
Rabacker, Spokane.
2:25 pace Ruth Hal, John Cofielld, Golden
dale: Jessie Kidwell, James Dacre, Walla
Walla: Royal Express, Mrs. Bennett Allen,
Portland: Hal Harden, A. E. Harden, Yaki
ma: Commatchee, Howard Fisher: Al Ruder,
Peter Cook; Hal G. Jr., Art Barzee. Moro,
Or.; May Day Hal. J. B. Stetson, Centralia;
Dick Foster, J. Foster, Albert Head; Don
Corlis, C. A. Chambers, Milltown; Joe Ansel,
W. H. Rabacker. Spokane; Lou Hal. Miller
& Cox, Salem.
They're COMING in fast
NOW! and going- out
ful Models
Come in either one or
two button, and cut
along English lines,
shaped in at the waist
with long pointed lapels,
high hook vent, slash or
crescent pockets. Color
tone in brown, green,
blue, and also with hair
pin stripes.
Union Store
10 Steps Off Morrison and Alder
Interscholastic Season in Portland
Promises to Be on Pre-AVar
Basis Soon.
Leon Fabre Jr., athletic instructor at
Washington and Franklin high schools.
is back in Portland after attending: the
ummer session at Stanford university.
Fabre will again take up his duties
as gymnasium instructor of the two
gh schools, next week. Fabre also
coaches the Washington and Franklin
wrestling teams and the Franklin
track squad.
Fabre looks for a big year in inter
scholastic athletics and hopes to see
gh school sports back on the basis
it was previous to the war. Inter-
school wrestling will be revived this
ear and increased turnouts in all
ranches of sports are expected.
As yet a football coach has not been
amed at Franklin high school. Pro
fessor H. White handled the squad
last year, but finds the duties com
bined with teaching too much of a
urden. So far two applications have
been made for the position. The pos-
ibilities so far named to direct the
estinies of the Quakers are Fred Rhe-
ien. former Lehigh university and
Multnomah club star and Bob Tucker,
ho formerly played a stellar game
for Franklin and end for O. A. C
last year. Rhebien has had a good
deal of experience as coach and is a
player of the first caliber. Tucker is
popular with the students at Franklin
and is making a bid for the job.
George Dewey will step into the
shoes of athletic director at Columbia
university this year and will start
with the football team. Dr. W. A.
Fenstermacher seems slated as coach
at Washington to succeed Virgil Earl, I
with F. Storong. former James John
coach, is also mentioned as a candidate.
"Major" Dean Donaldson will take
charge at Hill with Harold Quigley
likely to keep up his good work at.
Jefferson. Harry J. Campbell will
again coach James John. Lincoln,
Commerce and Benson have yet to
announce coaches, with the probability
of some members of the faculty being
named at the latter two institutions.
First football practice will be called
as soon as school gets under way and
classes are arranged.
Bob Martin, A. E. F. Champion, Will
Battle on Labor Day.
AKROX, O., Aug. 27. (Special.)
The Akron boxing commission has
granted Matt J. Hinkel, boxing pro
moter, a permit to stage a bout be
tween Bob Martin, A. E. F. heavy
champion, and either Captain Bob Ro
per or Jack Burke, to take place on
Labor day. The affair will be in the
nature of an elimination contest be
tween the three army scrappers, the
winner of the Labor day match meet
ing the other man of the trio and the
winner of the triangle being matched
with Jack Dempsey for the world's
The bouts will be 20 rounds in
length, affording ample time for a de
cision, and will be staged in the open
air. The commission is now trying to
contract Martin, who holds the A. E. F.
championship, to meet either one of
these men in what will be his first bout
since arriving in the United States.
Football Prospects- Briglit. .
BLOOMIXGTON, 111., Aug. 27. (Spe
cial.) Football prospects at Indiana
university are brighter this year than
for many seasons. Head Coach Ewald
O. Stiehm in a statement to the press
said that football outlook was very
good, but it was not good policy to pre
dict anything, as so many things can
occur which puts a football machine
out of the running.
World's Pole Vault Record Broken.
CHICAGO, Aug. 27. (Special.) A
new world's record of 13 feet 4 9-16
inches for the pole vault was estab
lished here Saturday by Frank Foss of
Cornell university, representing the
Chicago Athletic association in the
open field and track meet held with
the sanction of the Amateur Athletic
union. The previous record for the
pole vault was held by Mart Wright
of Yale. It was 13 feet 3 inches.
Blankets to Be Trapshoot Prizes.
SEATTLE, Wash., Aug. 27. Seattle
trapshooters who are members of the
Pacific Indians are planning to stage
their annual "powwow" and shoot at
Lake Crescent. Washington, September
3-6. Henry R. Everding. Portland, has
offered three prizes for the three high
men in a 50-bird handicap event. In
keeping with the Indian idea, the prizes .
this year will be Indian blankets in- j
stead of silver cups .and trophies. I
"Boost the Labor Temple Fund"
All Cars Transfer to Track
20 Big Feature Events 20
10 Mile Motorcycle Races
2 P. M. Change Program Daily
General Admission, Including War Tax 55 &
Grandstand 55c Extra
Autos Free Tickets on Sale
Rich's, Stiller's, 85 Broadway
All Unions