Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 28, 1919, Page 11, Image 11

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Charge Purchases Made Thursday Will Go On September Accounts Payable October 1
We Give S. g H. Green Trading Stamps With Purchases Amounting to 10c or More Filled Books of S. & H. Stamps Redeemed in Cash at Stamp Office, Third Floor
Manicuring and Hairdressing Parlors, 2d Floor Baby Carriages, Go-Carts, Strollers, Bicycles, Coasters, 4th Floor Public Telephones, Rest Rooms on 2d Floor
Increased Authority Conferred
Will Be Exercised.
fir filiation Deal With Hospitals
and Other Institutions and Aim to
Bur Communicable Diseases.
Under authority granted to It by an
act of the last legislature tbe Orejtoo
state board of health, at a meeting J
yesterday In this city, adopted rules
and regulations governing the control
of any and ail communicable disease.
These rules deal with the conduct of
hospitals, sanatoria, baby homes, schools
and cities in general. Provision ts
likewise made for strict rules for com
mon carriers, camps, hotels, water sup
plies and every known agency from
which a communicable disease might
At the conclusion of its session yes
terday the board announced that these
rules and regulations will be printed
and filed within the next few days
in the office of the secretary of state at
Salem. They will then have the full
force and effect of legislative enact
ments by virtue of the authority vested
In the health board by the legislature.
The board announced that strict
measures will be adopted to prevent
the sale or distribution of infected
merchandise of any character. It like
wise has power to compel disinfection
of goods, public buildings and rail
road cars when it deems such measures
Water Tests Provided For.
The water supplies of the state are
placed under the direct control of the
state board of health in all matters
affecting sanitation. To the end that
these supplies shall remain uncon-
tarainated. the regulations, as adopted
by the board, provide that in every
city, town, village or camp where there
are more than five families or 59
persons, the water shall be examined
at least once a month by the laboratory
of the board of health. These examina
tions will be made free for the people
of the state and may be procured upon
request of any resident.
Furthermore, the board holds that
residents upon any watersheds within
the state are under the jurisdiction
of the board and sanitary rules for
them to follow have been ipcluded In
the regulations. These Include pro
visions that residents upon watersheds
shall maintain sewer systems and
otherwise conduct their personal es
tablishments so that the water used
by municipalities shall be free from
Can p to Be Kept Clean.
With reference to the sanitation of
labor and Industrial camps, the regula
tions establish strict control over the
disposal of sewage and refuse and pro
vide for the Isolation of sick workmen
In order that others may he protected
from infection. All persons who handle
foods in these camps must submit to
examination to exclude the possibility
of their being carriers of typhoid or
other dangerous disease germs. The
site for a camp must be approved by
officials of the board and a regular
permit Issued before any labor or in
dustrial camp can be established.
The personnel of the board Includes
Dr. F M. Brooks, Portland, president;
Dr. C. T. Bacon. La Grande; .Jr. I'avid
N. Roberg. Portland, secretary and ex
ecutive officer; Drs. Andrew C. Smith
and R. J. Marsh. Portland; Dr., W. B.
Morse. Salem, and Dr. W. H. Dale,
Highway Between Kugrne and Junc
tion City Surfaced Mile a Week.
EUOEXE. Or Auar. 27. (Special.)
The two paving contracts on the Paci
fic highway In Lane county are being
rushed, according to Mollis W. Libhy.
former county surveyor of Lane, now
having supervision over construction
work in this county.
The Clark Hcnery Construction
company, which has the contract to
pave the highway between Kugene and
Junction City, has two miles finished,
ays Mr. Lib by. and is laying the pave
ment at the rate of a mile a week.
There is ten and a half miles of it yet
to lay.
While this work is being carried on.
all through motor and team traffic is
being routed by way of the prairie
road through Irving, but farmers who
live along the highway between Ku
gene and Junction Cicy are allowed to
use It.
M'lford Buines Men Find Xpw
' Furl Sat lfclor.
' MED FORD. Or. Aug. 27 (Special )
"With firewood nelling at from 9 to $10
a cord, two coal mines have been opened
in the Roxy Anne district and are now
district and are now selling coal to
selling coal to Mertford householders
for 919 per ton. A thousand tons have
been sold and contracted for during the
ysar. and practtcally all the large office
buildings, hotels and postoffice use the
local coal exclusively.
It is believed the popularity of the
rew fuel will soon force local wood
dealers to put down their prices or
restrict their output.
it i
Do You Look
As Young As
You Feel?
Try this simple formula
nbbtd Ically "
Ims if in aea sor. a very
lint. Blear rtmtt sonad "if
fairs or C heck, before
be cream oa dry: sad
slier ta.t lb. Iila Use
powder ever ail.
Your dealer has ELCA YA
and hat told it for years
Ask him.
In Jan at 25 & 60c
James C Crane, SoUAg
Crane Elrara EVcaya Eouge
tlcmra Pace Powder
113 Madison Ave- KewYoxk.
Picnic Shoulder Hams
Special 28c lb.
4th Floor 1000 Picnic Shoulder Hams weighing 4 to
10 lbs. Sugar-cured and well smoked. Phone your
order if you cannot come to the store. Special "Sf lb.
The Standard Store of the Northwest
Olds, Wortman &
- Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Basement Sale
don't fail to take advantage of
the many special offerings in our
Basement Store Thursday, Fri
day and Saturday. Come early.
More Good Reasons Why You Should Shop At This Store!
Sale Extraordinary
Women's Skirts
6 Great Specials
The Garment Store features a month-end clearaway
of women's skirts that will set a new record for value
giving. Prices have been eharply reduced for this event
and there is a wide variety of styles and materials to
select from. A great opportunity DON'T MISS IT.
Women's Skirts
Special $4.49
Second Floor This group takes in a large number of
dress skirts hi the season's smartest styles. Plaid taf
fetas in many beautiful colorings, also plain taffetas,
satins and silk mixed poplins. Skirts for sport, street,
business and dress occasions. Many have (SfA A(
fancy pockets, belts, etc. Black and colors. D'x'
Women's Skirts
At $7.95
Second Floor Women's fiber silk
skirts in attractive styles with shir
ring at top, wide girdle and set-in
pockets. These are of excellent
quality. Shown in rose, green, co
pen and turquoise. Ex- JrT QfT
ceptional values. Special e7J
Women's Skirts
At $17.85
Second Floor Beautiful high-class
dress skirts of plaid fantasi sport
silk, georgette and silk poplin. Nov
elty styles. Assorted J1 rj QfT
colors. Priced special 3-L I eOJ
Women's Skirts
At $9,95
Second Floor Skirts of georgette
crepe and satin combined skirts of
fancy striped sport silks and fiber
silks in beautiful colorings. Some
are trimmed with bias folds others
hemstitched. Many very PQ Qf?
smart styles. Special at 3i7eJ
Women's Skirts
At $19.95
Second Floor This group is com
posed of dainty skirts of georgette
trimmed with wide tucks and lace
medallions; also a few (J- Q QF
of mirette satin. Price 0Xe7.e7J
Women's Skirts
At $14.95
Second Floor Smart dressy skirts
of Poiret satin, fiber silk and geor
gette crepe. Many charming styles
in this offering. Wide belts, fancy
pockets, etc. Blue, rose and copen.
Some are trimmed Ct QJT
with buttons,
At sale
Women's Skirts
At $24.95
Second Floor Novelty styles for
dress occasions. Skirts of trico
lette and georgette in beautiful col
orings. Embroidered OiOA QC
or velvet trimmed. DdLtJO
New Autumn
Smart tailleur hats and dress
hats for early fall wear are shown
in millinery solons, Second Floor.
Specially good display of fall hats
in black and colors at $7.50 and new
felts for school and street wear, $5.
Second Floor.
Extra Special!
Any Summer
Hat $1.95
Take your choice of any summer hat
Thursday for $1.95. Leghorns, Pana
mas and novelty braids. This is our
season-end clearaway and the values
are certainly out of the ordinary. For
merly priced $7.50 to $12. P1 QC
While any remain. Choice DXUO
Millinery Salons
Second Floor
Last Call! Last Call!
Women's Low Shoes
Special $4.95 Pair
- A Clean-up Sale of 600 pairs women's
low shoes at less than today's factory cost.
It will pay you to buy a couple of pairs
for next season's wear. Dept. Main Floor.
$9, $10 Low Shoes
At $4.95
Main Floor The celebrated John Kelley
pumps, one of America's very best makes.
Of brown vici-kid or patent coltskin. Long
pointed last without tip. High leather
Louis heels, small leather bow (j4 QFC
at vnmn Pnrmorlv SP and S10. jVxetJ
$9.50 Laced Oxfords $4.95
Main Floor Women's laced ox
fords of mahogany calf with hand
turned soles, full Louis heels and
imitation wing tip. Dain- OA ftr
ty style. $9.50 grade. D",UO
Women's oxfords of dark brown
vici kid with welt sole and high
curved heel, made on round-toe
last with short vamp. flJ QC
Regular $9 grade. At
All White Footwear at Great Reductions
Boys' School Clothes
Dependable Qualities
Reasonable Prices
Make every dollar count! Outfit the
children at this store and get the utmost
in value for your money. Our new fall
stocks of boys clothing and furnishings
are now at their best. Large- assortments,
dependable qualities, reasonable prices.
Boys' School Suits
At $6.75
Main Floor Good sturdy suits for school
wear. Made up . in fancy mixtures in
dark colors, also a limited number of
boys' corduroy suits. Full cut pants well
tailored throughout. Broken Qn rje
sizes 6 to 18. Special priced DUe I J
Two-Pants Suits
At $9.85
Main- Floor Compare these with what
other stores offer in two-pant suits and
you will realize what remarkable values
they are. Good serviceable tweed ma
terials in dark colors. Ages 8 PQ Off
to 18. Boys' two-pant suits. O7.0J
Blue Serge Suits
$10 to $13.50
.Main Floor Nothing excels a blue serge
suit for all-around service. We have an
exceptionally good assortment of these
ranging in price $10, $12.oO, $13.0.
OWK Coffee
39c lb.
4th Floor No deliveries except
with other purchases made in the
grocery department. We reserve
the right to limit quantity OQn
sold to a customer. Pound J7v
Housekeepers in need of new
things for the home will save
money by coining to this store.
Mercerized Damask
At 95c Yard
Mercerized Table Damask in
assorted patferns. Full QCJ
2-yards wide. Special yard JO
36x36-in. table cloths PO J?f
of pure linen. Special Dw.eJU
Union Huck Towels of A fr
good size. Special at each t
72x90 Bleached Sheets, $1.0
81x90 Bleached Sheets, $2.00
Satin Bedspreads, price $3.93
Pillow Cases, special price 350
Comfort Batts
l-lb. Wool Batts, price $2.00
2-lb. Wool Batts, price $4.00
3-lb Wool Batts, price $6.00
Wool Finish Batts, price $2.50
Special Fruit Jar Demonstration
Housewares Store, lnira rioor
If you wish to know how to put up fruits in the most economical and
successful way come to the Third Floor and talk with the expert demon
strator. She will give you the benefit of her wide experience. The demon
stration will continue all week in order that all women may have an oppor
tunity to attend. Headquarters for fruit jars and canning supplies.
Economy Fruit Jars
Economy fruit jars, pint (PI Ort
size price per dozen only UAeOvF
Economy fruit jars, qrt. (PI Aft
size price per dozen only XtrxXt
Kerr Fruit Jars
Kerr wide-mouth jars, d1 Oft
oints Drice per dozen
Kerr wide-mouth jars, P1 A ft
H"" I
Mason Fruit Jars
Mason jars, porcelain-lined CM
caps, pints price per dozen
Mason jars, quart size, doz. $1.10
Mason jars, -gals, doz. $1.40
Ideal Fruit Jars
Ideal glass-top fruit jars, J1
-pints price per dozen only
Ideal fruit jars, pints, doz., $1.10
Ideal fruit jars, qrts., doz., $1.20
Jelly Glasses
5c Each
Third Floor Lacquered tin top jelly
glass, such as large canneries use in
putting up high-priced jellies. Self
sealing. We have a limited quantity
of these good glasses and offer them
as a very special bargain for C
Thursday. Special price, each
Canning Accessories
In a Sale
Third Floor Wire canning racks for
;asy handling of fruit jars. In- fT
dividual style. Regular 10c.
Wire jar lifters to fit round cook
ing utensils. Regular 50c OKp
value. Special price at each "U''
Wire jar lifters for wash boilers
or oblong cooking utensils. Kft
Values to $1, special at only
Double Boiler
At $1.15
Third Floor Royal Steel Enameled
Double Boilers for rice, milk or other
purposes. Seamless. 3- (PI "1 K
pint size. Special at only A.J-t1
Bargain Circle Specials
Women's Crepe Night Gowns, $1.98
White Sateen Petticoats at $1.79
Main Floor Women's night gowns
of good quality cotton crepe in
white or flesh color. (PI QO
Priced very special at Oi.eO
Camisoles, 98c
Women's silk camisoles in dain
ty styles with ribbon shoulder
straps. Flesh and white. QQp
Main Floor Women's white sateen
petticoats with adjustable waist
band. These are of good (P-! H(
quality. Special at only Di&
Night Gowns, $1.50
Women's night gowns in neat
slip-over style. Made up in good
quality flesh color ba-(P- Prt
tiste. Thursday special DX0J
Flesh Color Crepe Bloomers, Special 98c
i 1
Abendrnth of Portland, compote the execu
tive committe.
September 19 and 20 Dales Set.
State Retailers' Organization Now
lias Store Than 100 Members.
ALBANT, Or.. Aug. 27. (Spoclal.)
The Orepon Retail Jewelers' associa
tion will hold Its next annual conven
tion at Pendleton during the Round-up,
on September 19 and 20. The pro
gramme for the convention was an
nounced today by F. M. French of this
city, who has served several terms
as secretary-treasurer of the associa
tion. The association now has more
than 100 members.
The programme lor the coming ses
sion, which will be the 12lh annual
convention of the association, follows:
Friday, September 1! 8:13. registration of
Celeates: f.::u. convening of convention, ad
dre of welcome by the mayor of Pendle
ton: response to address of welcome:
the" president's annual address, by U. A.
tiartman of Salem, president of the asso
ri.itinn: address by K. Falkenbere of Walla
Walla. Wash., president of the Washington
Ktall Jewelers' association and also presi
dent of the Walla Walla Commercial club;
announcement; address on "A Model Ac
counting fvaiem." H. Victor Wright of lxm
Angeles: transaction of business of the as
sociation, reports of committees and appoint
ment of new committees.
Saturdav. September A. J., selection
of (omentlnn city for 1K0: address. "The
War Tax." folonel John I Shepherd of New
York: election of officers: addrasa, "The
National Jewelers' association," G. A. Brock
of l-o. Angeles, president of the California
Retail Jewelers' association: open session.
The present officers of the Oregon Retail
Jewelers' association who will have charge of
and preside at the coming convention are:
O. A. Hartman of Salem, president: Roya!
M. i?atelle of Pend.eton. fir! vice-president;
Martin J. Reddy of Vedford. second
vUe-president: K. J. Donnerberg of Astoria,
third vice-president; F. M. French of Albany,
secretarv-ireasiirer. The officers above
named and J. P. Jaeger of Portland and F.
Coast Engine & Machine Works to
Operate in Fortland.
SALEM, Or, Aug-. 27. (-Special.)
The Coast Engine Machine Works,
of Portland.' has filed articles of In
corporation in the etata corporation
offices here. The Incorporators are
Sidney and Clara Matcovich and C. D.
Chrlatensen and the capital stock is
$10,000. Jt is the intention of the cor
poration to conduct a machine shop.
G. A. Metzgrer, S. Morton Cohn and
A. H. MeCurtaln have org-anized the
Equity Distributing company, with
headquarters in Portland. The corpora
tion is capitalized at tSO.OOO. the pur
pose of the company being to distribute
moving; picture films and theater
The Continental Finance company
has increased Its capital stock from
$25,000 to $50,000. Headquarters of the
corporation are located in Portland.
Oregon Boy Recently. Discharged
Has Sleeping Sickness.
BANDOX, Or.. Aug. 27. (Special.)
Fred W. Koos. a returned soldier, son
of Henry Koos of Bullards, is at a
local hoepital suffering- from "sleeping
sickness." While working- in the field
at the C D. Jarman farm at Bullards
Monday afternoon Koos became sleepy
and walked to the woods near by and
stretched out for a nap.' Jarman
thought Koos had gone home, but
when he learned the following morn
ingMhat the young man had not been
home a search was Instituted.
Koos was found Tuesday and brought
to Bandon. He suffered a severe at
tack of influenxa while in the army.
He was discharged about three months
ago. I
State Agent Confers With Secretary
of Fair Board and Is Elated
Over Support Accorded.
SALEM, Or.. Aug. 27. (Special.)
Plans for securing a new agricultural
and horticultural exhibit In the Oregon
building are maturing rapidly under
the direction of Mrs. Winnie Braden,
state exhibit agent, who passed a day
in Salem recently conferring with A. H.
Lea, secretary of the fair board, and
other officials.
Mrs. Braden is elated over the sup
port accorded by O. B. Center. R. G.
Hislop and W. L. Powers of the Oregon
Agricultural college, and Eplendid ex
hibits of agricultural products, soils
and honey plants, wool and dairy feeds
are being prepared. Exhibits of sheaf
and threshed grains also are being as
sembled by D. E. Stephens and Robert
Withycombe. of the Mora and Union
experiment stations and every county
agricultural agent in the state is said
to be co-operating in the work.
Representative exhibits'' have been
promised from practically every county
in the state, and at tbe close of the fair
Mrs. Braden will select the best of the
exhibits for display in the Oregon
County courts of Clatsop, Umatilla.
Crook, Jackson, Multnomah, Coos and
Sherman are evincing keen interest in
their displays. Large fruit exhibits are
being prepared by the Hood River Apple
Growers' association and the .ugene
and Medford Fruit Growers' associa
tions. Yonth Indicted for Forgery.
ALBANT, Or.. Aug. 27. (Special.)
Henry Cole, an 18-year-old boy of
Coburg. has been indicted by the Linn1
county grand jury on a charge of
forgery. The young man came to Al
bany and spent two evenings with
Walter Tyler., an Albany young man
who had .formerly lived in Coburg.
Cole admits he took a check on the
Albany State bank from Tyler's room,
signed the latter's name to it and
cashed it.
Highway Between Albany and Jef
ferson Progressing Rapidly.
ALBANT. Or.. Aug. 27. (Special.)
The placing of the hard surface on the
Pacific Jiighway between Albany and
Jefferson, which has been delayed by
various causes, is now under way. The
plan is to complete the paving of this
section of the highway this fall, ex
cept on newly made grades which have
not settled sufficiently. In these places
the work will be finished next year.
Work Is proceding on laying out and
grading tbe highway from Albany
southward to "Tangent. It had been
planned tjpave this section this sum
mer also, but because of the excessive
cost of both labor and material and
scarcity of labor, this work will not
be accomplished. The work will go
shead. however, of getting this portion
Appear At Tour
Best Instantly
If you receive a sudden
caller or an unexpected in
vitation you can fee! con
fident of always appearing
at your best In but a few
moments it renders to your
skin a wonderfully pure,
soft complexion that is
beyond comparison.
of the highway ready for paving next
Dangerous Schoolhouse in Bend Not
to Be Condemned.
SALEM, Or.. Aug. 27. (Special.)
The central school building at Bend
will not be condemned by State Fire
Marshal Barber, although a report re
ceived from G. W. Stokes, special in
vestigator for the department, in
dicates that the structure is In a
Real Wonder-Worker
For Wrinkled Faces
rri . urhA hax-s. rrirl all sorts of SO
called "wrinkle-removers' In a vain effort
to lose those unwelcome traces 01 asc -
a1v f tnrl irnru trt
neSS Or WOir), ' J -- --
express their delight with the wonderful
saxoilte lormuia. once tiicj ivc o.-w -trial
The success of this mMTiod is due not
alone to its marvelous effectiveness upon
the deepest lines and crowsfeet, as well as
upon tne very uuv vna
surprisingly quick action and its entire
harmlessness. It simplicity and its inex-
penstveness ar oiner vu.mnvia
tures, ror one nwu umy
of powaerea imojhb j m.
hasel, and bathe the face in this solution.
At once a reraarnauie n .i.e...,..
beheld. - .
i V. atft nn nv fi n k 1 f nnd
creases that is so noticeable, but facial
contour is remarkably improved and the
. -1 w n rrar Ono arinilM b
i ace iouhd inufc. jwm...,.. - -
sure to ask the druggist for the powdered
.... mi.- K.f n cr ssn rafrenh InC
eaxoiue, i"u " -
Is very grateful to tired, perspiry faces.
Booth's for Button Holes
dangerous condition and a menace to
the 250 or more pupils attending:
school there.
Mr. Barber said today that he had
notified the Bend authorities to re
move the fire hazard and thereby re
lieve the necessity of instituting: con
demnation ' proceeding.
"Read The Oregonian classified ads.
Scallops, Braiding, Shrinking,
Pinking, Plain, Chain and
Hemstitching, Pleating, etc.
What do you drink tea
for? For taste, for cheer,
for gentle stimulation, for
Why then do you buy
common tea? It costs
more per cup, though less
per pound, than Schilling
Tea, the fine practical
economical tea.
There are four flavors of Schilling
Tea Japan, Ceylon-India, Oolong,
English Breakfast. All one quality. In
parchmyn-lined moisture-proof packages.
At grocers everywhere.
A Schilling & Co San Francisco