Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 28, 1919, Page 10, Image 10

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Public Service Commission
Refuses to Act Now.
Attorney Wrangle Over Reduction
of Ratr Pending Dot'l-lon by
State Official Body.
Trellminarie in the hearin- trltl-
ted by the puhlic service commission
r Orfxon as to the legal authority- un
der which the BurleHon schedule of
rates is put into effect under the
order of July 29. and to determine the
reasonableness of the rates, occupied
mo.t of the sessions yesterday.
The hearing opened at 10 A. M., and
was characterized by sharp tilta be
tween counsel for the city of Portland
and legal luminaries representing the
company, concerning a suspension of
the schedules. Only two witnesses
wrere placed on the stand during the
day, ona repreenting the company and
ona a protectant representing the rural
lines of Washington county.
The greater part of the afternoon
was occupied In a fruitless effort of
the attorneys to agree upon stipula
tions that it waa expected would ex
pedite the hearing by eliminating from
the record a ma 3 of testimony.
This stipulation was suggested Jointly
oy Assistant City Attorney Tomlinson
and Judge C. H. Carey of the corpora
tlon counsel, and It ia expected would
among other things provide that the
company would, in case the rates fixed
by the commission are lower than the
rates now being collected, refund or
credit the difference to exchange sub
scribers and patrons. After a confer
ence with the city council Mr. Tomlin
son. acting upon instructiona from the
officials, declined to enter into the
Kate Ssapeaaln Asked.
H. M. Tomlinson. assistant city attor
Ttey of I'orttand. asked for a suspension
of the rates, pending the result of the
investgation and decision by the com
mission, which was the subject of an!
mated discussion by the attorneys par
ticipating as representatives of the
company, and strongly sunported by
Mr. Tomlinson. Chairman Buchtel. on
behalf of the commission, declined to
order the rates suspended and declared
that the Interests of the public would
be protected, and that In case of rat-a
lower than the existing schedules being
fixd the order would be retroactive so
that refunds would be assured, of tha
amount paid in excess of the legal rata
"Iff eventually, or -nally. or what
ever time It is determined that the
company has been charging a greater
rate than they are legally entitled to,
there will be no question as to the atti
tude of this commission on refunds.
said Chairman Buchtel. "I believe the
people are properly protected, and 1 can
assure you that they will be pni-erly
protected. If this company In pl.icing
these ratea In effect, or Mr. Burleson
In placing these rates in effect, haa
tikn something which It afterwr.rla
appears they are not entitled tn. the
people will get their money back."
xnta statement waa made In response
to the contention of Mr. Tomlinson that
It would be sometime before tha de
rision of the commission would he an
nounced, and that meantime the public
would be paying the higher rates.
Meager Klrmt tVltaeaa.
C. n. Fleager was the first witness
Inirodut-cd by the telephone company
1 n1 was asked by James T. Shaw, gen
eral counsel of trie company, with head
OU.irirr at San Francisco, to identify
certain exhibit introduced. Before ac
cepting the exhibits the chairman stat-
id that unless the exhibits bad a direct
connection with showing the authori
sation of the company to put the
j-rhiiu'e Into effect it would not be
admissible. The attorney said it waa
liata tht he should wish to have before
the body as a prelude to going to that
The tabulation was an estimate of
tha annual revenues that would be re
ceived under the Burleson rate on the
hypothesis of Its being In effect for a
full year, which It waa shown would
give net revenue of J.S per cent, as
compared with a return of 3 0 per
cent under the rate fixed by the Ore
gon commission, effective May I. with
the wages then in effect. It waa lur
Ihrr shown that, taking Into account
the June wage Increase, the net rev
enue under the legal rate as fixed by
the commission would be 1.37 per cent-
Farmer Takes fltaad.
K. W. Haines, who lives on a farm
rear Nrth Plains. Washington county,
gave testimony at the afternoon ses-
Mon in behalf -of the farmers' lines in
that section. He testified that there
are about thirty of these lines con
erc:ns at North Plains and that for a
period of about twenty years they have
had exchange privileges that permitted
them to have exchange service with
any telephone in tne county without
Jong-distance charges.
Recently the company put into effect
rates that confines the service without
toll-line charges to each Individual
line, and that In some cases It is
chpear to go by automobile to a neigh
bor for conversation than to use the
telephone, he said. On the line which
serves Mr. Haines, he stated, there are
about IK subscribers and each is now
charged $3 per month, whereas under
the old svstem their rate was nominal.
He asked that equitable rates be fixed
by the commission for this class of
.Haa File Appearances.
Protests were received by the com
mission n written form from Rnseburg.
ryiHE two sons of Mr. and Mrs.' Robert
Lewis, who have been spending the
- summer here with their aunt. Mrs.
William Wheelwright, will leave for
the east the ftrat of September. The
eldest. C. Hunt Uewla. the 2d. will go
to Princeton and hia brother, Robert
Lewis Jr.. will return to the Hill
aciiool fcr boya In Pottstowii. They
have spent an enjoyable three months
here and their many frienda and rela
tlvea regret having to give them up.
Tuesday evening Hugh Hume had aa
hia guests at tha Alcazar theater Mr. I
and Mrs. William Wheelwright, Mr. and
Mrs. John Lew la and Miss Sally Lewis.
Mrs. Clarence Jacohaon will close her
summer home on the Columbia river
next week and go to San Francisco
to spend the winter. She wil be great
ly missed by her many friends.
Miss Katherine Collins haa returned
to Seattle after an enjoyable visit at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Teal.
Many delightful informal affairs were
given in her honor during her stay
in Portland.
Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Henrv
Jones was at home most Informally to
lew intimate friends, mostly from
out of town.
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Lazell have
their guest Mrs. Lazell'a brother.
Wayne du Cond of Philadelphia. Thev
have Just returned from a trip by motor
10 me.Deacnes.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman F:upp are being
congratulated on the birth of a baby
girl, born last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Linn left last
week for California. They will apend
Bc.crai weexs in uarmal by the Sea.
the guests of Mrs. Llnn'a sister and
brother-in-law. Dr. and Mrs. von Klein
schmidt, who have a charming sum
mer home.
Mrs, von Klelnschmldt will be re
membered as Miss Elizabeth Sawyers
before her marriage. Dr. von Kleln
achmidt is the prealdent of the uni
versity at Tuacon, Arizona.
went to Mrs. D. Alva Miller and Mrs.
N. P. Anderson.
A son waa born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred
W. Rodgers August 18. Mrs. Rodgera
was Misa Lydia Hoener of St. Louis.
Dr. Mary Bowerman-Purvlne of
Salem ia spending the Week at Cedar
Crest farm during the absence of Dr.
and Mrs. Prine.
Mrs. D D. Bellls Is in Seattle today
to meet her father, J. C. Dunn, en
route here from Des Moines, la. Mrs.
Dunn accompanied her daughter home
In June after a trip through the
Canadian Rockies and the northwest,
and has spent the summer here and at
Seaside. At the conclusion of their
visit here Mr. and Mrs. Dunn will re
turn east through California, stopping
at a number of the interesting places
en route.
Mrs. B. E. Stoutmyer of Boise is at
the Portland hotel for a few days on
her way home from Seattle and Rainier
National park.
Dr. W. A. Cummlng and his daugh
ter. Miss Harriet, are home from
Gearhart, where they motored last
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott R. Corbett. ac
companied by their four children and
Barbara Jane Smith, will return home
from Gearhart next Tuesday after
several weeks' absence.
LastDaysMid-Summer Clearance Sale
Portland War Workers Will Be
Enlisted in Campaign.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kerr with their
two children are having a delightful
outing by motor. Thev left her! with
Dr. John Boyd and his party to tour
the Yellowstone. Their last letter rm
from Salt Lake City. They are expected
nome next week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Estabrook IMu
Ziegler) are being congratulated on
the arrival of a baby boy. born Mon
day. August 25. He has been named
Alfred Lee.
The ladies of Kike "500" club will
meet at the Elks' temple today at 2
o'clock with Mra. M. Conkrite aa hos- !
tess. Bridge honors last Thursday
Dr. and Mrs. Harvey- Johnson are
spending the week at Hotel Warrens
at Cannon beach.
The Misses Flanders had as the!
guests at their charming summer horn
at Ecola Mrs. John C. Ainsworth, Miss
Katherine Ainsworth, Miss Suzann
Piatt and Robert and Hun Lewis.
little later Mrs. Ainsworth -will tak
her daughter east to place her in
Mra. Edwin R. Root and her son
Edward Jr., have returned from
couple of weeks' outing at Seaside and
Cannon beach.
Miss Ella Priscilla Roberts, former
ly a teacher in the Glencoe public
school, has returned to Portland after
a year of war service. Miss Roberts
took the reconstruction work course
at Reed college and through that insti
tution was appointed to overseas serv
Ice. She reached New York, however,
Just after the signing of the armistice
and new orders assigned her to duty
first at Camp Devens, Mass., and then
to Plattsburg J. Y. She will resume
her work in the Glencoe school at the
fall term.
Sirs N'Hia Larowe. having returned
from an outing at Seaside, has now
gone to spend a few days at Rainier
national park.
Popularization of Movement for
Erection of Monnment at Wash
ington Is Keynote.
Judge Jacob Kanzler has been chosen
to head the Theodore Roosevelt me
morial organization in Portland and
Multnomah county. He is to be aided
by George F. Nevins as auditor of the
funds. Action was taken by the ex- j
ecutive committee yesterday. Judge:
Kanxler was authorized to select mem- 1
bers of his organization In making!
plans for
the aid
$ Monthly.
$8 Monthly.
912 Monthly.
S14 Monthly.
r d s
purchased deliv
ers one 01 these
models to your
Ml! :
9 1 vu
14 Monthly.
iui 7
Cash, S20 Monthly.
$750&-SS $562
17 Monthly.
fW f ma , if
5Je $695
Cash, 30 Monthly.
.r the campaign. He will enlist I TRUTHFUL ADVFRTlSIWfl Th,s stor satisfies the people throirgh Its unprecedented values. Truths fully named. SI nee r
of business men who have had I """" t" ity is our chief business policy. We tell you now, prices are going higher.
Oregon City. Warren ton and from
Springfield. Amcmg those who filed
appearances were: J. P. Newell, con
suiting engineer, and H. M. Tomlinson.
aaslstant city attorney, representing
the city of Portland: H. D. Plllsbury of
I'HI.-bury. Madison Sutro. and James
X. Shaw. Pan Francisco, and Judge C.
H. Carey. Portland, attorneys for the
corporation: R. X. Lovelace. Rainier.
representing the farmera of central Co-
umbia county: A. H. TarbelL master of
the Pomona grange, and A. L. Morris
of Warren, representing southern Co
lumbia county farmers; O. B. Setters,
deputy city attorney of Astoria; Veazle.
McCamant c Veaxle. counsel for the
Oregon State Chamber of Commerce;
W. o. Sima. attorney for Fremont Ev
erett, a telephone user of Portland:
Dan Johnston, city attorney of Albany:
C E. Fleager, for telephone company,
aa atatlstlclan: O. H. Foster, city at
torney of Eugene: E. O. Immel. Eugene.
attorney, and E. E. Morrison, mayor of
Springfield, and John F. Moore of Cor-
AtforoeylGeneral Appears.
J. O. Bailey, assistant attorney-gen
eral, appears aa counsel for the public
service commission and Commissioners
Buchtel. Corey and Wllllaau are all
participating in the hearing.
The commission has Invit4 1 tha co
ordination of the city officiahj of Port
land and other cities of tha state In
the investigation being made to the
end that all facts upon which the ques
tions at issue may be determined.
The Pacific state Telephone & Tele
graph company has bfeen requested to
bring up to date Information supplied
t the previous hearing at which the
ratea effective May 1. were authorized.
as to station developments, revenues
and expenses in each division and In
ach of the principal exchanges.
year Additions to property In each
exchange and district Is also asked,
and a comparison in growth of ex
penses and revenues, by months in the
past year and half, which will reflect
efect of norman expense or revenues.
and show additional expense Incurred
during the period.
Further analysis of the results ob
tained from application of the long
distance rates inaugurate under the
order of the postmaster-general and
of the increased telegraph ratea Is also
requested, and further Information aa
to the trend of pricea for material.
The company has been asked to make
comparison on each class of service
under public service commission rates
No. 499. in May, with the rates ordered
by the postmaster-general, to show- the
amount of revenue actually derived
under each.
Stephen Mather Confident Portland
Business Men Will Raise Stand
ard of Accommodations.
MEDFORD, Or., Aug. 27. (Special.)
Stephen A. Mather, director of na
tional parks, said today he believed
Portland business men. assisted by
public-spirited men of affairs through
out the state, will see that the roads
to and accommodations at Crater lake
are brought up to the standard of other
rational parks.
1 neneve Portland business men
realize that a modern and first-class
hotel, conducted by experienced busi
ness men. is a necessity at the lake."
said Mr. Mather, "and if even the hotel
did noi pay large returns directly to
the atockholdors. by bringing thou
sands of people into Oregon every year
instead of diverting them to other na
tional parks, it would be a paying in
vcrtment for Oregon.
. "I have no criticism of Mr. Park
hurst, but he ia not a hotel man and
Is handicapped by lack of -capital. He
was the pioneer in this venture and
should be assured of every cent he put
in, but the time haa come to put accom
modations at Crater -lake which will
attract people Instead of sending tliem
Mr. Mather, accompanied by Madison
Grant, president of the National Geo
graphical society, left for Klamath
at noon.
experience in various war loans and
Portland will be called upon to raise
one-half tha total apportionment for
Oregon, according to the decision of the
committee yesterday. Oregon la to
rat&e $37,500. and Portland $18,750 for
the memorial to be erected at Wash
ington, D. C.
Counties to Perfect Pinna.
County chairmen will be selected
soon and the organization in each
county perfected so that the drive
begin enthusiastically throughout Ore- I Manufacturer'
gon October 20. The upstate quota will Coast Distributors,
be apportioned according to popula
tion. A committee consisting of State
Director Edgar Piper Jr., Robert E.
Smith and John L. Etherldge was
named to apportion the quotas. War
drive plans will be adopted. Four
leaders in war drives yesterday gave
PRICE IDENTITY Wny shoul' Pianos not have a price identity? Why should market values not be observed? Wny should
I IllWk lUklll 1 1 I you pay inflated nrices? Tf ill fintif. wnr nlinn nurchflne 11 R or more eaiih IS nr mn mmilkl.
NO Ffll I f)W-!IP XAI FMiM Saves fully 20 ,n our cost of selling. We are not interested in your address if our 25
1 unLLOlllAlil lower-price inducements do not sell you. There is no need to pay $500 to $650 for a piano now.
LIBFRTY RflNIK or othr securities taken in part or full payment of Pianos or Player-Pianos during this sale. Also,
LIULIII I UUHUO your old Piano, Organ or Talking Machine.
DRDFR YflilH Plflfif) RY M4H Rd, atndy and compare our qnaltty, prices and term, aa advertised, nnd you will learn
UIIUi.ll I UUil llnliU u I lllrtlLhT we have hundred, of mail-order buyers.
,L ! ! t,!Uand the piano will be shipped subject to exchange within one year, we allowing the full amount
paid. This virtually gives you a one-year trial of the piano you order.
Every piano or player-piano purchased carries with it the Schwan Piano Co. guarantee of satisfaction, as also the
usual guarantee from each manufacturer of these new musical instruments.
Ill Fonrth Street,
at waanington.
Schwan Piano Co.
Grace Guilds and Lydia Guilds of Wood
land, representing Cowlitz county can
ning clubs in the southwest Washing-
Thejr were John L. Etheridge, ton cannir.s contest, last week secured
Emery Olmstead, Guy
Edward Cooklngham..
Movement to Be Popularized.
Popularization of the movement was
the keynote sounded by Dr. H. Waldo
Coe, chairman of the executive com
mittee. He said the money' would be
raised with little difficulty, but de
clared that effort should be made to
get a large number of subscriptions.
Edgar Piper Jr., state director, an
nounced that the Press club will be
temporary headquarters at which meet
ings will be held. A conference of
county chairmen will he held in Portland.
W. Talbot and second prize and their work was prac-
ning Lewis county team,
were represented.
Six counties
Harvey E. Jones of Seattle Dies.
SEATTLE. Wash.. Aug. 27. Harvey
tlcally on a par with that of the win- E. Jones, former president of the Se
attle commercial club, died here today,
aged 54.
Immediate delivery, 4-ft. green slab
wood, cordwood, coal. Albina Fuel Co.
Chehalia Employes In Fair Way to
Get $15 More Each Month.
CENTRALIA. Wash.. Aug. 27. (Spe
cial.) All city employes, with a few I
exceptions, will receive an increase of I
$15 a month In a new salary ordinance I
to be passed first reading by th-e city I
commission Saturday. The increase is I
necessitated through the fact that the
municipal workers are being offered
more lucrative positions in other lines I
of employment.
The commission Saturday will also I
adopt the city budget for next year.
The city's assessed valuation is $2,459.-
28 and the commission is allowed by
law to levy a tax of 1 per cent of I
his amount for current expenses and I
per cent additional for the retirement
of Indebtedness.
Happy Vision.
Mothers Friend
Gives Comfort to
JEpectant Mothers
Fy making elastic the muscles, during
the anxious months before maternity.
Mother's Friend renders the ligaments
pliant for expansion as the system is
preparing for the coming event. How
natural then that the new dawn is
looked to in happy anticipation.
Mother ' Friend is used extcmjily.
At all Drujrucs.
Special Booklet on Motherhood mmd Bah free
BraatMldResnlstarC, Drpt, (4, Atlanta. Oe.
Repairs lo Ventilating Apparatus
Give Hood River Workers Holiday.
HOOD RIVER. Or- Au. 27. (Spe
cial.) Nine pear packers of the Apple
Growers' association were idle today.
It is not a question of wanes," said
L.uhr Jensen, Dee rancher, and one of
the packers. "We are paid 6 cents
per box. enourh. but we had to strike
tn order to Ret action on poor ventila
tion. Resulting from a broken fan. the
air in the refrigerated chamber where
pears must he handled was so bad that
we were a-rowtna- ill. When repairs
are made and the room made sanitary
we mill return."
Robert Vauehan, In charjre of the
packing- rooms, denies It was a strike.
He says all of the employes were of
fered other tasks Vhile the repairs
were under way. but that they pre
ferred to lay off for the day. They wijl
resume work tomorrow according1 to
Mr. Vaughan.
Xo More Fire? Permits Issued.
KKLPO, Wash.. Aug. 27. (Special.)
-Orders have been Issued to fire
wardens and rangers to issue no more
slashing or brush fire permits until
after a good rain fa 1L County Fire
Warden H. C. Couch and the rangers
of this vicinity. Charles Newell and
William McCarty. have been kept busy
controlling slashing fires, but there
has been no fire of any sise in Cowlits
county during te present summer.
Many Castes Set lor September Term
in Iewls Counfy.
OHEH-ALIS, Wash., Aug. 27. (Spe
cial.) The September term of the
Lewis county superior court, which
will open here Monday, will be one of
the busiest in months. Eight state
cases are to be tried, one of which is
that of Walter Cline, chanted with
first degree murder. Another is the
Pe Ell bank robbery case. Gordon
Brown of Bunker creek being: the
defendant. Clin will set up self
defense as justification for killing Kirlf
Asbury, his brother-in-law. at Morton
some weeks ago. Brown will under
take to show that he was not at Pe
Ell when the bank there was robbed
of about $.1000 last spring.
Other state cases are those of J. G.
Washburn. Walter Parker. D. C. Brooks.
Jim Owens and Harry Elmore, charged
with statutory offenses, and Antonis
Manos. forgery.
Fourteen civil aults are to be tried.
O. A. C. Girl to Teach at Leulston.
LEWISTOX. Idaho. Aug. 27. (Spe
cial.) Miss Winifred Patterson has ar
rived here from Oregon to accept th-e
position of head of the department of
home economics in the Lewiston high
school. Miss Patterson, who has been
for four years an instructor in home
economics in the Albany Oregon high
school, is a graduate of Oregon Agri
cultural college. She comes highly
recommended by the Albany schools
and by Professor E. O. nessler of thvi
vocational department of the Oregon
Agricultural college.
Mayor Hanson Welcomes Delegates!
to Washington Convention.
SEATTLE. Wash., Aug. 27. With
about 127 members present, the Wash- f
ington runeral Directors association I
opened its ISth annual convention here
today. Mayor Ole Hanson welcomed I
the delegates to Seattle. L. L. Brun-
ning. Colfax, Wash., vice-president, re
sponded. Frank Koeple, Seattle, presi
dent of the organization, presented his I
annual report at the opening session.
Professor Will P. HohenschuTi, Iowa I
City, spoke today and will give a dem
onstration tomorrow.
The association will elect officers
Phone Workers to Seek Reopening
of Negotiations With Company.
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug.. 27. Tele-
phone workers of California, Washing-
ton. Oregon. Nevada and Idaho voted I
to reject the compromise offer of the I
Pacific Telephone & Telegraph com
pany and the federal wire control
board, which recently ended a strike I
of the telephone workers, it was offi
cially announced today. -
The rejection was by a big majority I
among the 70 locals participating in
the vote, it was said. , An attempt will
be made to reopen negotiations with I
the telephone company and if they fail I
a strike vote will be taken, union offi
cials declared.
Chehalis Pastor Gives Satisfaction.
CHEHALIS, Wash, Aug. 27. (Spe
cial.) Kev. A. J. McKenzie. who has
most acceptably filled the pulpit of the
Methodist church in Chehalis the-past
year, has been called to fill the pulpit
here again the coming year. Rev. Mr
McKenzie came here from California
and his family recently arrived to make
their home here.
Cowlitz Canners Get Second Honors. I
KEIO. Wash., Aug. 27. (Special.)
Shillady lo Seek Rcdres.
NEW YORK. Aug. 27. John R.
Shillady, secretary of the National As
sociation for the Advancement of
Colored People, Issued a statement here
tonight in which he declared action
would be taken to obtain satisfaction
for the attack v made upon him In
Austin, Tex., when ha went there to
advance the interests of bis organiza
New Zealanders at Hood River.
HOOD RIVER. Or., Aug. 27. (Spe
cial.) En route home from service
with the Anzacs overseas. Sergeant-
Major E. A. Duncan of Dunedin and
Sergeant J. S. Duncan of Christchurch.
N. Z.. arrived here today to study
methods of apple culture. The Anzacs
have toured California and other
American fruit districts and expect on
their return home to Introduce numer
ous horticultural reforms.
Values Combined
With Credit
Bad Checks Made Good.
CHEHALIS. Wash.. Aug. 27. (Spe
cial.) Following his making good on a
number of forged checks which he
passed here recently, Victor W. Gild,
who was returned here from Oregon
City last week, has been released from
custody. Gild paid all costs and made
financial restitution to thoae who bad
been defrauded.
THAT'S the unusually at
tractive combination of
fered you fby Cherry's good
values with accommodating
Many stores can give you
values many stores can give
you credit but to find the
two together and with it
all exceptional style advan
tages this is something pe
culiar to Cherry's.
You will like Cherry's and you will
like the quality and style of mer
chandise carried. Come and see.
Large departments for both men and
women. All outer apparel.
389-91 Washington SU, Portland.
Pittock Block.
j ffl Garters Jf"
is the
of quality
M others of America:
Y'OU know your family is. happier, more co
I-, and better able to produce good work 1
school or business
and comfortable,
ideal one.
produce good work be it in
-if home surroundings are pleasant
So you make your home an
That's just what we've done for our large business
family of a thousand happy workers. We've
established the largest and most ideal garter
factory in the world. Our girls are well
cared-for, well paid and well satisfied.
They not only work here they live here
eight hours a day.
12 rolS years
: ft
We've made this business home of
ours the sort that you'd be willing to have
your daughter work in and the kin!d that
our own children would be proud to re
member us by. We've strived for the ideal.
That spirit, we believe, you find reflected
in our merchandise.
That's one reason why Hickory
Garters are. so distinctly superior in comfort,
service and value.
HICKORY Garters at your dealer:
Twenty -five cents and up
depending upon style and size
for men
New York
Five famous HICKORY features
The only children's garter made with the patented rubber cushion
clasp, which holds stockings firmly between rubber and rubber.
Saves stockings and darnings.
Easily adjusted buckle
- Extra strong pin cannot bend or break.
Highest quality elastic and webbing, thoroughly tested, uniformly
Guarantee with every pair assures your complete satisfaction or
your money back.