Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 25, 1919, Image 18

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Show-Down Fight With City
Officials Is Expected.
Membership to Include to Per Cent
of Force, Despite Major's Threat
of Dismissal, Sajr Leaders.
In the face of strong- opposition on
the part of Mayor Baker and the city
commission, the Portland policemen
are quietly completing- plans for the
formation of a policemen's union, and
a show-down In the expected fight be
tween the police and the city adminis
tration Is expected to materialise
within the next week or 10 days.
A charter from the American Feder
ation of Labor has been granted the
policemen, according to announcement
which has been made by Otto Hartwtg.
president of the atate federation of
Officials of the new union announced
yesterday If It is the charter for which
they petitioned, they expect to com
plete their organisation and affiliate
with the Portland central labor council
at an early date.
City Fights 1'atoa Flaw.
The police, when they applied for a
charter from the American Federation
of Labor several months ago, asked
that they receive a non-strikinr and
non-assessable charier. They have not
yet learned if this has been done by
the national labor officials.
The city officials some time ago no
tified the police that in the event they
attempt to organise a policemen'a
union, those taking part would be dis
missed from the city service. Mayor
Baker and the commissioners were em
phatic In their opposition to tbe pro
posed onion.
Officials of the policemen's organisa
tion said yesterday that 90 per cent of
the men on the police force have Joined
the new organisation and are ready to
unionise If the charter Is found to be
satisfactory. It was said yesterday
that as soon as official notice is re
ceived from the American Federation
of Labor, a meeting will be called at
which time final action will be taken
by the blue-coats.
Strike Ctaase O Ittr.
A provision of the civil service rules
states that all employes wno are ai
charred by the mayor cannot again
obtain employment In civil service posts.
which would mean that II tne ponce
men should quit because of some dif
ference existing between the city ad
ministration and their union, they could
not return to their jobs once they de
cided to walk out.
The police said yesterday that at
though there Is a provision which pro
hibita them from going out on a strike,
there Is nothing to prevent any or all
members of the force from quitting
their Jobs. Nor Is there anything which
might prevent them from threatening
to quit during an argument between
the proposed union and the city.
Mayor Baker will be out of the city
for the present week, and no official
statement could be had from him yes
terday with reference to the next atep
which might be taken if the police
persist In thetr present attitude and
orranJse their union In spite 01 tne 01-
ficlal opposition. -
(jrpHE Belle of New York." a film
X interpretation of the great stage
success of 20. years ago, is the photo
play feature of the new Hippodrome
show which began yesterday. Beautiful
Marlon Davles, in the stellar role, has
an excellent vehicle for her charms and
dramatic ability.
Columbia Beach.
ALL records for the number of per
sons to enter the water at Colum
bia Beach' were broken yesterday. Be
tween 12,000 and 15,000 persons milled
their way through the gates of the pop
ular bathing resort and amusement
park and more than half of that num
bar took to the waters of the cool Co
The story Is replete with thrilling t,.Ki. -I,,. .,, , ,-
father dies because of the shock caused
by the theft of his invention. Later
the girl falls in love with the son of
the -thief. The thief repents, and the
sweet character of the girl leads the
son to restitution and a new life of
happiness. The Gaumont News com
pletes the motion picture portion of
the bllL
A highly original singing offering.
carrying a Dempsey-like punch of sur
prise, is presented by three maids billed
as the "Three Beauties." They are all
vocally gifted and captured the bouse
with their turn.
Al Conrad and youthful Miss Janos
have an out-of-the-ordinary musical
specialty in which they are as much at
home in the maxes of classical pieces
as they are when setting the audience
humming to popular Jaxs and ragtime
songs. The girl plays the piano with
artistic finish, while her partner accom
panies her on tbe violin.
Marker and Schenck. a Handsome
man and a piquant miss, offer a -pleasing
number of popular songs, sprinkled
with clever dancing. Miss Schenck has
an array of dainty frocks, and Marker
caused gales of laughter with his com
edy characterisations.
Adolfo, past master at manipulating
the accordion, keeps a bountiful store
of tuneful melodies in the Instrument
and has a winning way of coaxing them
out to delight the crowd.
Kayle and Coyne, who open the
vaudeville programme, live up to their
names by producing a million dollars
worth of fun and amusement with a
capital Juggling feature. The pair
work with snap, and are funsters of
high quality.
With a background . of gorgeous
tropical scenery, the three Fishers
close tbe bill in a contortionist act of
the first order. The trio Is composed
of two men and a shapely girl. Their
blxarre twlstings set the house rock
ing with well-merited applause.
from the heat, which kept the ther
mometer on the Jump yesterday. The
spacious bath house at Columbia beach
was filled to capacity and hundreds of
persons were forced to "go back to
the woods" to don their bathing suits.
Another record was broken yester
day and that was for the number of
passengers carried in the Curtiss air
plane piloted by Lieutenant Archie F.
Roth. Incidentally Roth supplied the
big thrill of the day when he circled
the big hot air balloon with his ma
chine Just before "Daredevil" Miller cut
loose in his parachute leap.
The engine of the Hydro-Merrie, the
latest water ride in the country, was
not allowed to cool for a minute yes
terday and space at every trip was at
a premium. Water toboggans were
gobbled up as fast as swimmers re
linquished holds on them.
Rev. F. 0. Belden Pictures
Great King's Dominance.
Shortage of Food Rons Into Millions
of Tons, Sajs Statement, and
Imports Are Curtailed.
Bill for Construction of Railways In
Reservation Country Is Held
I'p In Congress.
ington. Aug. 24. Failure to open the
Klamath Indian reservation In Oregon
and California is Interfering with the
nrcgress of construction of the system
of railroads which Robert E. Strahorn
has been trying to build from Oregon
into both California and Nevada.
A bill was Introduced In the last con
gress by Senator Ashnrst of Arisona
providing for the opening of the reser
vation w hich will require special legis
lation to dispose of the surplus lands
after tbe Indians have received thetr
allotments. Tbe bill made no progress.
however, because the Indian office Is
opposed to having such legislation un
til It has been possible to dispose or the
valuable timber on the reservation.
Allotments are being made rapidly
and in the course of time will be com
pleted, but the Indian office hopes to
hold up action by congress until the
timber Is sold because it is contended
that the welfare of the Indians is best
served by permitting the disposal of
this timber by Uncle Sam as guardian
for the red men.
Letters have reached members of con
gress from the Klamath country urging
congress to act In order to remove the
principal barrier to railroad develop
ment. The Indians are said to favor
the opening.
Uood River Orchard 1st Reports on
Conditions In Nova Scotia.
HOOD RIVER. Or.. Aug. 34. (Spe
cial.) Dr. H. D. Pineo. local orchard-ist-dentist.
who, after service as) a first
lieutenant in the dental reserve corps,
left here last winter for a visit with
relatives la Halifax, reports that the
Nova Scotia apple crop is a large one.
"But the growers there do not seem
to realize the importance of properly
caring for their orchards." eaya Dr.
Pineo. "I toured the entire fruit sec
tion and I found many growers who
pruned once every two or three year.
They spray about twice a year. While
they will have about 1.20.000 barrels
r apples, their quality cannot compare
with that of Oregon fruit.
Klamath School Opens Sept. 8.
Special.) The Klamath county high
school will open its doors on Monday,
September ( with an enrollment prob
ably greater than In any previous year.
Registration and conferences with in
structors are set for September S. ac
cording to J. P. Wells, principal. A new
ruling provides that all boys must take
military training and provide them
selves with uniforms.
Ship Committee Will Go to Aberdeen.
ABERDEEN- Wash.. Aug. 24. (Spe
cial.) The four congressmen now ia
the west to probe emergency fleet ship
building are expected here the first of
the week. Members of the committee
are: Joseph Walsh. Massachusetts;
Lin H. Hadley. Belllngham; P. H. Kelly,
Michigan and L M. Foster, Ohio.
BERLIN, July 21. (Correspondence of
the Associated Press.) The German
deficit in food, the difference between
the amount produced in Germany and
Germany's normal needs, amounts to
J. 600.000 tons of wheat, 1,000,000 tons of
meat and 1.000.000 tons of fats, says
tbe imperial food ministry.
Immediate payment for these neces
sary foodstuffs with inland resources is
unthinkable, the ministry asserts. Only
long-term credits can help and the ac
ceptance of such credits is only possible
If Germany works, for only then can
the creditors have confidence in the
paying ability of Germany.
Immediate decisive effect of the re
moval of the blockade on the German
food market Is not expected by the
ministry, but rather a long, slow con
tinuation of improvement which al
ready makea itself felt. It declares
that control of export must remain
until the average between Import and
export has been established.
Germany must make up its mind td
do without coffee very largely in the
future, says the imperial commissioner
for colonial goods.
Authorities say Germany must sharp
ly restrict her imports of chocolate be
cause of the low value of the mark and
must try to rely on her own chocolate,
the first production of which is ex
pected soon.
THURSDAY will be Orphans' day at
the Oaks. The place will be thrown
open to orphans all day and every ar
rangement has been completed by Man
ager John Cordray to make the annual
outing a success. There will be more
than 1S00 guests at the big picnic, accord-fit
to Mrs. A. R. Mattlngley, who
is In charge of the event.
Free transportation will be fur
nished by President Franklin T. Grif
fith of the Portland Railway, Light &
Power company, and everything else
will be provided by the management
or the Oaks, except lunches, which
must be taken by the orphans and their
friends. There will be no dearth of
food, however.
One of the principal attractions of
fered at the Oaks this week and one
that Is sure to appeal to the boy? and
girls who come out Thursday Is the
show being put on by the Armstrong
Follies company. The piece is entitled
A Jolly widow," and is sparkling with
wit and filled with amusing situations
from start to finish.
This is the last week of the Arm
strong Follies company's summer en
gagement at the Oaks. The company
will conclude- Its performances Labor
day, September 1. The play chosen for
the final week is well calculated to
leave pleasant memories of this com
pany of entertainers in the minds of
patrons of the Oaks.
Several excellent musical numbers
arc on the programme and the Winter
Garden girls have a lot of chorus work
and dancing which fits in nicely with
the spirit of the play.
Israel's Great Poet Extolled as Ben
efactor of AH Mankind; Ac
tions Are Glorified.
Surprises Promised at Coming Hood
t Iflver County Fair.
HOOD RIVER. Or.. Aug. 24. (Spe
cial.) R. V. Wright, head of the agri
cultural department of the Hood River
high school. Just back from a tour or
the upper valley grain fields, says that
exhibits of growers at the county fair
to be held September 13 and ZD, win
surprise many .
I have never seen finer yields oi
grain." says Mr. Wright. "The upper
valley will produce about 9000 bushels
of as fine wheat as ever was seen. J. E.
Van Nuys, rural mall carrier of Park
dale, has a tract that will thresh out
SO bushels to the acre."
Mr. Wright says that applications of
nitrate of soda have been found as
beneficial for grain crops here as for
Increasing the production of apples.
Apple Crop Reported endamaged by
Hot Weather.
HOOD RIVER, Or., Aug. 24. (Spe
cial.) The Mosler apple crop, estl
mated at about 100 cars, according to
Dr. C. A. Macrum, prominent grower
of the district, here today, will run
heavily to extra faney stock. While
hot weather recently has prevailed.
Dr. Macrum reports no damage from
'Our fruit this season and here
after," says Dr. Macrum, "probably
will be handled more scientifically
than any other northwest district as a
whole. We are building a community
packing and storage plant that is at
tracting nation-wide interest. One
hundred per cent of the apples of the
district, shipped through the co-operative
plant, will be graded and packed
at the new home of our association."
City Heating- Plant Started.
KLAMATH FALLS. Or.. Aug. 24.
(Secial.) Construction has started on
the foundation of the heating plant that
will be used to heat the business sec
tion of Klamath Falls. - Boilers and
pipe for the plant have arrived.
Centralia Music Academy to Open.
CEXTR ALIA. Wash.. Aug. 24. (Spe
cial.) The Centralia Academy of
Music will open its ninth year on Sep-
ember 3. The academy is now doing
extension work for the Ellensburg and
Belllngham Normal schools.
Portland Tourists at Roscburg Are
Accused of Killing Deer.
ROSEBURG. Or., Aug. 24. (Special.)
E. C. Ball and H. Day, Portland tour
ists, stopped In the Co-.r creek canyon
yesterday to eat berries. Both succeeded
in staining- their shirt fronts but un
mindful of the spots, filled a large
handkerchiefs with the lucious berries.
A few miles furthet on some inquisi
tive person saw the stains on the other
wise Immaculate linen worn by the two
gentlemen and reported to the game
warden that the travelers had killed
a deer. They were arrested in Rose
burg, but were detained for only a
few momenta.
Franklin Gilmore Is Said to Have
Confessed Sale of Furs.
When Franklin Gilmore alias Frank
lin O'Day. was taken to police head
quarters yesterday on complaint of his
wife, who charged him with beating
her, he learned that he was wanted on
a fugitive warrant issued at Sacra
mento for alleged theft of furs from a
former employer.
Gilmore is said to have confessed to
Inspector Gottz, who arrested him, that
he took the fura and sold -them at
Seattle. He offered to return to Sacra
mento without extradition. He is a
vaudeville actor and has been in Port
land for several weeks.
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Capitalization of 915,000 Given in
Articles of Incorporation.
KLAMATH FALLS, Or.. Aug. 24.
(Special.) Articles of incorporation
were filled with the county clerk here
for the new Malin state bank that will
open its doors within 60" days, with a
capitalization of $15,000.
The incorporators are J. W. Siemens
and John Siemens, both of whom are
connected with the First State and
Savings bank of Klamath Falls, along
with Louis Boldisher and Edward
Bloomlngcamp, local business men.
! A. Kalina, a merchant of Malin, is also
an incorporator.
Mildred Harris.
Mildred Harris, wife of Charlie
Chaplin, who has Just changed,
her affiliation from Lois Weber
to the First National Motion Pic
ture company. She will be seen
in "Forbidden," the last picture
she made for Miss Weber, at the
Strand theater on Wednesday.
Many Exhibits and Amusements to
Be on Covrlltz Programme.
WOODLAND. Wash.. Aug. 24. (Spe
cial.) E. C. Swart, secretary of the
Cowlitx County Fair association, as
sures the community that the annual
fair here this fall will be the biggest
and best that the association has ever
held. Crops have been the best for
years and as the premium list, which is
already out, is a good one there is a
surety of a large exhibit.
The association will - give a novel
street dance here on the Labor day,
September 1. Wednesday to Saturday,
24 to 27, will be the days for this year.
Rev. Frank O. Beldan of the San
Diego First Baptist church took as his
subject, "Coming to the Kingdom" for
the evening address which he delivered
last evening in the Portland White
temple. Rev. William A. Waldo is east
on his vacation and Rev. Belden will
occupy the pulpit the remainder of this
He took for his text Chron. 1:29-30,
"And the times that went over them."
Mr. Belden said in part:
"The historian in the book of Chron
icles is summing up the life of King
David. We are surprised to think he
did it in so few words. In this epitome
of the king's life we have the phrase
we have chosen for our text. By these
words he meant the experiences or
periods of life in which the king passed.
it Is In this life that 1 shall talk about
David tonight-
"First, there was the time of his I
innocency and youth. It began at his
birth and ended the day Samuel looked
Into the face of the shepherd boy and
found he was goodly to look upon,
tivery Ills has such a period. God be
gins every generation with innocent
children. There may be bad tendencies
but there are not bad deeds. In this
period we have the opportunity of the
Sunday school, the kindergarten and
every influence that would benefit so
ciety. It is care-free and laughter
flows like the running stream.
'Second, we have the time of David's
coming to his kingdom. What a time
that is with us all. Coming to the
time we are to, coming to the time
we are to fill in life. If angels watch
over us, how anxious they must be
now. Are there any forces which help
us here? Yes, In David's case I would
mention three. There was the influ
ence of Samuel, the prophet who stood
over the boy with his horn of oil and
id to David, 'You are God's man.'
We was the man that put the new
visions and aspirations into the life
of the shepherd lad.
"Then there was the Influence of his
great friend Jonathan. Without Jona
than David could not have been. Jona
than was the man who put his love for
David before his own ambition. It was
his soul that was knit to David's soul.
It was his friendship that kept the
torch of David's hope burning, in the
dark hours. Blessed is the man that
has Jonathan for a friend.
"Then there were the providences
of God which surrounded David s life.
Some of them were dark and some of
them were light, but from first to last
they led David from the cave of Adul
lam to the throne of Israel. God's
providences are always the friends of
any life that would follow him. They
directed from the time that Samuel
said 'Thou are the man,' until the time
the people said, 'God save the king.
The third period of David's life was
his coming to the kingdom. This is the
great period in every life. But I want
to call your- attention to two or three
facts. The first we wish we did not
have to mention, but God mentioned
and we must. That is David's sin
What a word it is. It has the hiss
of the serpent, the sting of the adder,
the tears of sorrow and the heartbreak
of the lost. David knew all these too
well, for he found his light turned to
darkness and he cried in prayer.
Against thee and thee only have I
'Thank God he found forgiveness.
There was a 51st Psalm in his life and
not only his own soul went up to God
on the wings of this psalm but many a
penitent since has poured out his
heart's anguish in David's words. The
answer came back to David from God
himself saying, 'I have put away thy
There was more than sin In David's
reign. It was a reign of mighty in
fluence. I believe I can truly say
he has Influenced the world more than
any other king who ever sat on
throne. Tell me a king whose writings
have been read as King David's. The
poetry of them surpasses the poetry
of Milton, Wordsworth, Dante, Shakes
peare or Browning. I would rather be
the author of the 23d Psalm than of
any of the poems found outside the
Bible. David was Israel's great poet.
"Then there was the glory of his
reign, so rich, a vision so large that
it reached down through the ages and
could only be realized in his greater
son, for when the prophet wanted us
to understand the fulness and place
of Christ in tbe world he said, 'He
shall sit upon the throne with his
father David.' "
retary of the Portland Church f edera-
tion. In a sermon delivered yesterday 1 A
at the Pihrrim Congregational church. I K
"The last wishes of loved ones are
generally considered binding, at least '
in civilized nations," he said. "Yet for j
2000 years Christian people have In 1
some considerable measure failed to
observe the meaning of Jesus' great
intercessory prayer. He prayed that
all who believed in him might be one,
even as he and the Father were one.
Five times during that one great
prayer near the close of his life, he
directly or indirectly prayed that all
his followers might be one. And at
last Christian people are beginning to
understand what he desired.
"At a recent gathering of represen
tatives from some 70-odd Christian
communions In the city of Portland a
clergyman remarked: "What would St.
Paul or St. Peter think If he were to
come Into this room 7
"And so the Portland Ohurch federa
tion had Its birth because the repre
sentatives of nearly 75 different
churches in our city determined to
work together on the great problems
which confront the Church of Jesus
"Those who understand the alms and
programme of the Portland Church
federation are agreed that there Is
sound philosophy also behind the new
Labor Day to Be Observed.
PENDLETON, Or., Aug. 24. (Spe
cial.) Monday, September 1, will be
observed as Labor day In Pendleton by
the closing of most of the Business
houses of the city. The members of
the various organized trades are plan
ning a demonstration In observance of
the day.
Rev. Harold W. Griffis Discusses
Beattitudes Spoken by Christ.
At the First Christian church the
Rev. Harold H. Griffis discussed the
practical bearings of the second Beati
tude, pointing out the special meaning
of the verse in the life of the Christian.
"The Joys of Sorrow" was the subject.
"Many people," said the speaker,
"have a wrong conception of the- Beati
tudes., They regard these utterances
of the Savior as arbitrary and as hav
ing authority only because they were
spoken by the Christ. But a little re
flection toon proves the error of this
idea. These Beatitudes are true not
simply because Jesus spoke them, but-
Jesus spoke them because they were
"That is to say, these utterances of
the Christ are great fundamental prin.
ciples of human living and as such find
f.heir exemplification.
"The Joys of sorrow are of three
kinds. First, those that attend the per.
sonal benefit of the endurance of sor
row. Suffering is not punitive but re
demptive. It comes not as a punish
ment but as an education. There are
some lessons in life that can be learned
only in the school of suffering; there
are some virtues that can be formed
only In the fire.
"The second kind of Joy issuing from
sorrow comes to us because our sor
row enables us to enter Into and to
help bear the afflictions of others. Sor
row not only makes us strong but also
ordains us to a strength-giving minis
try. "The third kind of joy resulting from
our sorrow is that which Is related to
a fuller knowledge of our God. We
know God best when we know him as
the Comforter when we know him as
the strength-giver. We never see him
so clearly or understand him so well
as when he reveals himself to us in the
hour of adversity."
Ralph McAfee or Portland Federa
tion Occupies Pilgrim Pnlpit.
The value of having Christian com
munions working together was set
forth by Ralph McAfee, executive sec-
'True Christianity Only Cure for
111," Says Rev. Mr. Stansfield.
In his sermon at the First Methodist
church Sunday morning on "Construc
tive Forces In Christianity," Dr. Stans
field took as his text II Peter 1:7, "Add
to your faith virtue, to virtue knowl
edge, to knowledge temperance, to tem
perance brotherly kindness, to brother
ly kindness charity or love." He said:
After the devastating world war we
are now supposed to be in a period of
reconstruction, but it is evident to any
thoughtful and observant person, that
the most destructive forces and pas
sions of human life are flagrantly at
"Profiteering and greed by individu
als and groups and organizations of
both capital and labor in industry and
commerce, and national and Interna
tional affairs, is rampant. Our age
seems intoxicated with power and
greed and the only thing that can pos
sibly save the world today is an in
flux of genuine Christianity the true
Christian spirit and life.
"True Christianity is thoroughly and
constantly constructive to noble, manly
character and life In the individual, in
society and In the nation.
"Christianity is more than a system of
doctrine; it is pre-eminently a life of a
certain character and spirit and man.
ner. Further, by its ideals and stand
ards and imperatives for personal char
acter and conduct, it is the highest and
Deft constructive force in and for man
kind. It is primarily a life of faith.
Faith is that miphty and fine sense of
power in man which sees tho Invisible
and senses the eternal and the rel of
life. Faith sees honor. Justice, truth,
love. God, immortalty.
"Faith senses and appreciates the
highest and deepest and best of life,
and is a mighty dynamic to character
and conduct. The world today, even the
so-called best part of It the allied
nations Is intoxicated with lust of
power and greed. America today is
jeopardized and threatened from or
ganized classes and groups with a far
worse autocracy and tyranny than she
has ever yet known. What alone can
save the so-called freest and strongest
peoples of the world today is the char
acter-changing and constructive forces
of Christianity.
"Never was there a time when it
was so urgent and imperative for
every christian man and woman to be
outstandingly, effectively and help
fully christian as today. "Add to your
faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, to
knowledge temperance, to temperance
brotherly kindness, and to brotherly
kindness, love, and ye shall neither be
barren nor unfruitful In the knowledge
of Jesus Christ'."
Rev. John Rice Discourses on Iden
tification of Christians.
Rev. John Rice of the inter-church
world movement spoke yesterday morn
ing at St. Philipps Episcopal church
on Russell street. Until recently he
was general missionary for this Epis
copal diocese, but was appointed early
this month as field secretary or tne
new organization.
"What is it that really identifies a
man?' asked Rev. Mr. moe. "in some
circumstances it might be the laundry
mark on his collar or the name sewed
in his coat. I There are also identifica
tions of wealth, political influence and
social positions.
Such marks of identification we find
are not the greatest when it comes to
testing Christian character. If a pro
fessor of Christianity complies with the
tests he will be identified with those
worthy of trust and confidence. Such
person Is an apostle of clean living,
righteousness and a valuable asset to
a community.
'Christian character should assert
itself. The influence of such persons
is neeeded mightily. There are great
issues in which moral and economic
factors mingle. Here strong opinions,
grounded on a certainty of their right
eousness, are essential. Strong princi
ples are wanted, but they must be un
selfish principles."
Public Service Commission Consid
ering Hood River Case.
HOOD RIVER, Or., Aug. 24. (Spe
cial.) Hearing on an application of
the Oregon-Washington Telephone
In Each of Yesterday's Papers Told in Part
of the Unusual Values
at the Quality
Store Today
If You Didn't See Our Ads Turn to Them Now
Come and Share in the Savings
For Men and B
Men's Fall Suits $30
These new fall suits for men are in just the right
styles, weights, fabrics, patterns and colors. They
are careiully tailored in a shape-retainmer wav.
They are the best suits at or near this price in
Made of dependable worsteds in dark and
medium shades of brown, gray and steel gray.
plain colors and self -striped effects. Sizes to fit
men of all builds including stouts. Come in and
see these new suits today.
Meier & Frank's: Third Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
New Shipment of Boys'
Good Corduroy Knicker
For School Wear
These suits are of an unusually
good quality corduroy. Finely tailored
garments in "waist-seam" and belted
models with slash pockets. Full cut,
perfect fitting suits in good-looking
shades of gray. Sizes for boys 6 to
17 years. Good values at this most
modest price $10.
Meier & Frank's: Third Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
Tut QmalitV Stork or Portland
company, for a general increase in
rates on all classes of telephone serv
ice, will be begun here tomorrow by
the public service commission. The
company also asks for a toll charge on
all connections between the . Hood
River and Odell exchanges, and the
latter increase will be strongly pro
tested, it Is said.
The application declares that a re
ceivership much be asked in case the
rate increase is not allowed.
Centralia School Jery 13 Mills."
CENTRALJA. Wash., Aug. 24. (Spe
cial.) A special school election was
held in Centralia yesterday to author
ize a levy of 13 mills for next yea;;, 3
mills more than this year. The vote
was 179 affirmative and 26 negative.
The 3 mills increase will permit a rise
In teachers' salaries and the retire
ment of outstanding warrants.
Union Connty Forms Legion Posts.
LA GRANDE. Or., Aug. 24. (Spe
ciaL) Formation of an American le
gion in La Grande and other Union
county points is under way. O. G.
Walker is making the preliminary ar
rangements. On August 27 State Chair
man Elvers will formally inaugurate
the local legion.. The Elgin post will
be established on August 28, '
State Fair
Yakima, Sept. 15-20
Great government exhibit
covering 800O sq. ft.
Large Livestock Show
Livestock premiums $17,000
Counties competing in Horti
cultural and Agricultural
Auto races. Horse races.
Over S300O In race prises
Dally band concerts
Two bands.
Educational Movies and
other free attractions.
Great Alamo Shows on tbe
grounds all week.
Transferable Season Tickets
on Sale Till Opening Day
6 Admissions, $1.50
Antos Admitted Free to Grounds.
Write for tickets, premium lists
or entry blanks to
Frank Meredith, See., Yakima,
Don 't Squander
your income on needless luxuries.
Some time you may need cash
How pleasant it is to have a reserve
fund at your command, how com
forting in emergency.
Open an account with us. 1