THE 3IORXING OREGONIAX, THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1919. 1? AMCSFMFXTS. I SEd RR TICKET FARH ! CAPACITY HOUSES I NOW SKLLI Vti FOR THIS WEEK HEILIEI1 TUCHTCD BROADWAT iiii-nii.ii AT TAYLOR AI.Y 1 AND A 1122. TONIGHT, 8:15 ALL, WEEK ALL SEIT WEEK. Mat. Tomorrow S:13 O'CLOCK. balny ANY SEAT 50c HOT HEAT Clrla lader ! Mat Adsnltted. I REGULAR MAT, SAL, AUG. 23 (Both Mea sad Wonri) ADI LT5 30C CHILDREN. to 13. 25- ALEXANDER THE MAX WHO KNOWS And II la All New SHOWOFWONDERS EVE'S fl.OO, 73e, tor, SSc I TICKET SALE OPENS TOMORROW FOR NEXT WEEK. DOVT SWELTER IT'S COOL AT THE IPPODRCiME Today Tonight The Rusticating Misses RCRAL COM ED T SKIT MOSSMAN & VANCE Portland bora bo hava won fame - in the esFt in COSEDT, snfiivn, TALKIXO UA.MINU. JACK AStt rTAKL HALL MILLER D KINO la Bnll-ShJ-Tlkl KID CARSON Th. R.aaaa Gladiator. "Mid Skat and SaeU." rOETELLI TRIO Novelty Aeresstlrs. BESSIE LOVE tn "CUPID FORECLOSES" PORTLAND ROY HEADLINE THIS BILL. '7 t t . . ez V 1 m M CIR.CLE Vshin-to3 MAItGCr-RITE CLARK la T.RETNA GREEN" Al Fill Parsons comedy. "The Wonder fnl Nlghu" and the' Ford Weekly. Open from o'clock In the morning until 4 o'clock of the following morning. Bew clsss 4 HAT 0. it. A royal veleomo awaits yea at THE O.lfcsv. Hvlta end taapplnesa are in stare for the patron, who make the para their plaTgroeoil. We have told our friend that day at THK OAK I. mm aood ae a vac-a-tioau That le trite. Here the health of the opea air combine with the iiapii n of refined entertainment lo suako life eemplrte for our patrons. JOHN F. fORDR.IT, Manager. Today .Tonight Columbia Beach Portland's Popular Park DANCING 6WIMMING AMUSEMENT. Come Early Stay Late VAtXT Dance Tonight BURIALS f RE TION. COTILLION HALL Fenrteeaf a at Waaalastoa. Amort c' finest ballroom: ball - hearing spring; floor. Ladiea, 5c; Gents. 60c, ex cept Saturday. Cot That Happr. Healthy Habit Hop a tC Car Today. COUNCIL CREST PARK AH Amoitmcnti fttart 1 P. K Dan clot tvaalnca ivxcvpt Sunday -Coocirtl fiuaOsur. MAX AsirresTEvrs. IOMCHT ALCAZAR MUSICAL PLAYERS With Mabel WHber mad Oecavr Flrmaa la Kajmood Hitchcock ' Comic Opera "King Dodo" ' THERE'S NO KI(J LIKE DODO ; TKIJiCESS PAT." vissmi Uktttaa AN T A G E MAT. DAILY 2:30 S T. Dwtrht reppl. and X. L. Grrenwald offer "HELLO. PKOTLE, HELLO" With Adele Jmao and Al Prince and a Coterie of Yauclevllliana Extraordinary. OTHKK UIU ACTS Three Performances Daily. JSisbt Curtain at T and 8. Portland vs. Vernon AUGUST 19, 20, 21. 22. 23, 24 Games Begin 3 P. M. a Rates for Classified Advertisements la The Oregonian. Daily and auiariay- For Una One limp l!o rWO COOMCUtlV timM S2 Three coaaecutlr Utum 30c feia or tveiea cvOateeutJve times Tarn following clarifications except!, the rmt ol which 1 ?e per I1m per daji .Situations Wanted Male. Situation. W an ted fmtvl. No ad taken lor lea tbsue two llara. Count six words to the Uae, Advertisement (except ' Pergonals ") w ill be takes orer the telephone If the advertiser la m sabaeriber to either phono. No prim will be quoted over the phone, but utemcat will be rendered tike fol lowing day. Advertisement are taken lor The Daily Oreconiaa until S P. At.; for The bun day Oregotuaa until P. Jul. Mlardaj- ACCTION BALKS TOD AT. At the Baker Auction Honaa Tamhlll and wni fark, streets. Hale at lu A M. af EKTTXO KOTICES. AL KADER TEMPLE A. A O. N. M. S. Stated session Saturday, August 23. at 8 P. M. Masonic temple. West Park and Yamhill streets. Visiting iioui-. corajany invitea. ziy wmt-r oc tne potentate. HUGH J. BOVD. Recorder. MARTHA WAIEINOION CHAPTER. No. 14. O. E. S. Special meethi'ng this (Thursday) morning, o'clock. East th and Burnalde. to conduct funeral serv ices oi nister Martha A. Mason Members requested to attend services at Skewes undertaking parlors. 3d and Clay. 10 A M. By order of W. M. BELLE RICHMOND. Sea WASHINGTON CHAPTER KO. 18. R. A. M. Called convocation this (Thursday) evening. East 8th and Bumslde streets, at 7:30 o clock. P. and M. E. M. degrees. J Isllors welcome. By ordsr E. KOt QCACKEVBUSH. Recorder. COLUMBIA LODGE, No. 114. A. F. AND A. M. Bpeeial com- munlration this &ursday) evening at T o'cloca "Masonic Temple. Labor In the B. A. and P. I ' f1.nM, Vl.ltln. K..,U alwaya welcome. By order w. M FRED L. OLSON, Secretary. . Sl'NNTSIDE IX5DOB NO. 108. A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication Thursday evening at 7:80. Work In the F. C. de gree. Visiting brothers wel come. By order of W. M. JOHN RINKER. Sec KENTON LODGE NO. 14i. A T. AND A M. Stated com munication this (Thursday) evening 7:30 o clock. Visiting brethren welcome. It. F. GEIST. Sec. LENTS LODGE NO. 138. A. F. AND A M. Special com munication tnis I Thursday) evening at 7:30 o'clock. E. A. degree. - Order W. M. C. S. UG8BURT, Secretary. THE) MACCABEUS. PORTLAND TENT. NO 1 Regular review every Thursday eve ning at ball. 400 Alder street. All members, urged to bo present, visiting sir knights wel come. GEO. 8. BAKER. R. K. BIG DANCE AT BRUSH PRAIRIE. 6AT urday evening. Aug. 113. Astor Smith's five piece orchestra from Vancouver. Price. In cluding war tar, 1L10. Good ordsr will be maintained. GOLDEN RULE ENCAMPMENT. NO. 28. I. O. O. F. sleets this (Thursday! evening at H o clock, but oistn ami A.uer sts. Ail patriarchs Invited. A. STAI1U. Scribe. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, pins. dastgna. Jaeger Bros., J31-3 OUta at. FRIEDLANPER'S for lodge emblems. pins and medanx 310 Washington St. JTNERAL NOTICES. MASON Ths funeral services of the lata Martha A. Maaon. wno diea in tnis city August 1. llltt, aged t years. 10 months and 23 daya, will be held today (Thurs day) at lo A. M. from the chapel of the Set ewes Undertaking Co., corner Sd and Clar. Frtenda and members of Martha Washington chapter O. E. 8. invited to attend. Interment Rosa City Park cem etery. WASTES In this city, August, It. Wit, Charlea C. Mast en, age 33 years, 10 months and It days. Beloved husband of MoMie Morris Maaten. Frifnds are invited to at tend the funeral vet-vices, which will be held lrom the Holtnan undertaking par lors toaay ( mursriay t, Augtint .'l, ivih, at 2:Si P. M. Concluding services by the Su Helena Masonie lodge, A. K. and A. M.. at tha Portland crematorium. HAMILTON In this city, Aug. 20. Frances Bryant Hamilton, aged 31 yearn, late of HlUsboro. Or., wife of William 6. Hamil ton, mother of Augusta K. Hamilton and daughter of John H. Bryant. The funeral service will be held todav (Thunday). at. I 2:SO o'clock I. M. at Klnley's, Montajom ery at 6th. Friends Invited. Interment at Mayger. Oregon, Friday. DURNING Late of this city. Aug. It. Ste phen S. Durnlng. aged 40 years. Services will be held tday, Aug. L'l. at 2 P. M. from tha Dunning at McEntee parlors, Broadway and Ankeny t. Interment Mt, Calvary cemetery. Friends Invited. LEWIS Tha funeral services of the lata Nellie A. Lewl will be held this (Thurs day) morning at 10 o'clock at Fin ley' a, Montgomery at 0th. Friends Invited. In terment at Lone Fir cemetery. IS V A CITS AXD CHEM ATION. MA. Disinterment, for either. Bell. MI. FLORISTS. LL-BUNSR. FLORIST. Morrussa st- Port.aad hot.L Mar. 741 Ha Morrtsoa bet. Bdy. and Park. Mar. ef. Portland's Leading Flower fihopa MAKT1N A FORBES CO. florists. U4 vsasalsgton. Mali, xd9. A lou. Flowers for a'.l occasions artistically arranged. CLAKSlE BROS.. llor'SIS. 2T Morrlsoa St. Main or A zsoa, rias iiowers su, tiore. designs. No branch store. PEOPLE'S FLORAL SHOP. !4 Alder. Flow- era snd designs, very reasonao.e. Mar, wit. LKVlNliTON PARI IXORAL CO, 4th aoe TamhllL runeral aeaigners; prices. M. SMITH. Main llli. A 1121. IseiUag bldg-. glsta aaa Aiq.r streeta TONeETH FLORAL CO. 2s7 Washington St. between eta. and 6th. Main 101, A 11L Fhone your want ads to Th Oreg-o-nlan. Main 7070. A 0I. Z 1 07 P , a h A clu-ectory of business firms and professional men condensed and classified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. AGATE CtTTKKS AND JLfO. JEWELERS. Ji;,iXi'-Klf and watch repairing-. Miller's. l&t Washington at. Majestic Theater bldg. ASSAVERS AXD ANALYSTS. iIO.NTA.XA AaJ-Al' OFFICE.. 14U Second Uold. aiiver and piatinum bourbt. CANCER TREATED. U.M. JONES, M. D. CANCER TREATED. 31-' Morgan bldg- Marshall 6143. CARPET WEAVrXO. RIJG 'i'be kind that wear the beat are IIWUw made from your worn-out carpets by the Northwest Rug Co. (Former ad dress 153 L'nion ave-.) Hag nigs woven all sizes. Carpet cleaning, refitting and re sizing. Mall ordeia solicited, is E. 6 til st. PHONE EAST 3530, B H'30. '. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Rag Rugs, all sizes Mall orders prompt. 1 . ... ena lor .Booklet. 9x12 rags steam or dry cleaned, 1.50- FLL'FF RUO CO. 54-og Union avs. X. East G016, B 1475. CELLCLOID BLTTONS. THE 1RW1N-HODSON COMPANT. 387 Washington. Broadway 4J4. A 1254. CHIROPRACTOR. 3U0.0OO KNOW McMshon HMf. rhlraiirsi-tnr Throngs pronouncing treatment easiest "eat, permanent. "treats flf.. TeL CHIROPODIST ARf H SPECIALISTS. WILLIAM. Eatelle an 1 Floratt D Vanv. the only, scientific chiropodists and arch iww,ois ui , city. xanors S'J2 uer linger bldg., S. W. comer id and Alder. r-none slain 1301. CHIROPODIST. un. iiakimr, foot specialist; corns, bunions, foot arches made to order. 311 Bwetlsnd bldg.. 5th and Wash. Main 1081. PAINLESS graduate lady chiropodist. Onen puimaja. ui, sum-Lane, i5roaaway-Aiaer. CIRCILAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO, 1310-11-12 Royal bldg. Marshall 3822. Multlgraphlng, tnlm- egrapning ana man advertising. COLLECTIONS. NETH A CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 1788. o collection, no charge. Estab. 1900. DANCING. KATHERINE M. ROWAN guarantees teach all dances In 12 private lessons; 12 lessens 3r 4 lessons 2. 803 Ellers bldg. pet, stn ana Dtn. on wash. St. Main 00U4. MRS. BATH'S DA.VCI.NQ academy, 8d floor uMum oiag. ; private lessons day and eve. Social dance rrlday evening. Main 1345. BERKELEY DANCING ACADEMY. 129 4th St., 3d floor. First-class Instructors; lea sonsdsy and evening. Main 3318. MRS. FLECK'S ACADEMY", 108 2d st. Ball room and stage dancing. Main 2100. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL. HOSPITAL Dr. O. H. Huthmann, veterina rian, 314 least 7th St, East 1S47. B 1982. ELECTRICAL REPAIR IN G. H.M.H.ELECTRIC CO. 31 N. 1st st., Portland. Or. Re winding and electrical repairing a specialty. See us about new or used motors. Bdwy. 1045.A 1046. VVEL. BOXWOOD SLABWOOD Multnomah Fuel Co. Main S540. A 2118. HEMSTITCHING. K. STEPHAN, hemstitching, scalloping, ac- coruian siae pleat, buttons coverea; mall orders. .210 Pittock blk. Broadway 10UK. WHOLESALERS AND AUTO TOPS. DCBBTJILLE TOP CO.. 9th and Oak sts. DRY OOODS, NOTIONS. LDINKELSPiELCO. Stockroom and office 47 North Fifth street. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIO GRAIN CO.r Board of Trade bldg HATS AND CAPS. THANH AUSER HAT CO.. 63-55 Front at. H11IK8. WOOL AXD CASCAitA BARK. KAHN BROS., IPS Front st. PIPE. PIPE IITTINOS AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE. 84-86 Front St. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. I iiOLMAN UNDERTAKING CO. Funeral Directors Established 1S77. I Third and balnion Strosta, ; Main alii, A 131L Lady Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Cervices for Learn. Independent Funeral Directors Wash. at. bet, 20th and 21st, West Side, alaii. 2Utfl. Lady AaaUtanL A 78ei. J. P. FINLEY & SON PROGRESSIVK ru.-stnAu mnBuiuKa, Main w. juopia"""1 ". McENTEE & EILERS ." n ssr i navriora with all the privacy of home, lbth and Everett ata. Phone .Broad- way '" . F. a DUNNING. ISC ia ta a Id sr. Phone East 62. Perfect service, personal direction, frta use ot noeu'''",-"M,-r. h. DOWNING & McNEMAR Successors to i.uu k uu.iDomaa , ij- s.fc .i Mmmct. iius.MNvi McENTEE. funeral dlrectora, Broadway and Pine st. Phone Broadwajr Lady attendanu 4JU. A 4QUB. , , . r T,ppvl asl 11th and Clay su. 17. XJ. East 7L B lsSd. liKiCSON TwaUth and Morrison at a. soroaaway A. D. KEN WORTHY CO., 8S02-04 924 at Lenta. Tabor B26T. HKEEZE & SNOOK TaTIB?,,, R 7F PR nn 3 .".!!f"iATa a.a.fcfcfcit wwi e.ast loss, c loea. SKilWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY, Sd ana i-iay. Ja. .i-. ja -iiuj aasistaat. MONCMENTH. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS 4th at.. Opp. City PalU Kea Bree, eLAESlNG GRANITE CO. ion sfT I THIRD AT MADISON ST WE NEW TODAY. GARAGES For All Cars. Prices on Application! Ready-Cut and Portable Houses. MILLMADE CONSTRUCTION CO.. - A. 1801 ratoa Ave. Pf. Wdln. 2413. GOLDSMITH'S ADDITION -$ 10,000 Corner lot on Northrup street with eight rooms and maid's room; lights on beams, center, sides and mantel; also eras, plenty of closets and bui lt-ins; hot and cold water in bedrooms; two baths. GODDARD & WIEDHICK 243 STARK ST. . Mortgage Loans own 2 0 Edward E. Goudey Co. V. 8. BANK BLILPIXCJ Sl HARDWOOD FLOORING. GET estimates for new or old bouse. Port land Hardwood Floor Co.. 1ST W. Park St. MUSIC. EAIIL THIELHOB.N, violin, viola teacher; pupil Bevcik. 207 Fliedner bldg. Bdwy. 1629 VIOLIN", piano, harmony, all string Instru- menu taught. Kol Kerrbeck. 4UD Yamhill JAZZ BAND "for hire. Call Woodlawn 8303. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. -.w, GLASSES AT A SAVING. "-"S? I. solicit your patronage on the "WL ? j basis of capable service. Thousands ol satisfied customers. A trial will convince you. Charles W. Goodman, Opto metrist. Morrison. Main 2124. ATTENTION! EYES RIGHT! Dr. George Rubenstein, veteran optician. Is right on the Job of luting the best eye glasses at reasonable prices. tl Morrison St., near Second. PAINTING. REASONABLE! RELIABLE! XJEN.N'IS as HALLOCK. Painting and Tinting. . Tabor 8940. Sellwood 1552. PAIN TIN G John Conllsk, the reliable palnt er, delivers the goods. . Phone Broadway ais. PATENT ATTORNEYS. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years' experience, U. S. and forsign patents. 001 Dekum Plug. GOLDBERG, 620 Worcester bldg. Main 2525. PHYSICIANS. QflOf increased efficiency drugless treat OUOment, goitre, headache, appendicitis. tonsllltls without surgery. ut. rtaymono. E. WATTERS, tfOtt b wetland Bldg. Mar. 4S92. SR. R. A PHILLIPS, Broadway building. Rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lung, liver. kidney, bladder, rectal, prostatic, female disorders, skin affections, blood pressure. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. PLUMBLNO SUPPLIES at wholesale prices. Starke-Davis Co., 21a 'ihlru. main mi. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS, J. E. Gantenbeln, Mgr. Printing and linotyping, loo f ront su, corner Stark. Main or A 1418. DDIMTIUP F. W. BALTES & COMPANY, rnill I IllUlst and Oak sts. Main 165, A 1165 SECOND-HAND STORES. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO., 221 Front St. We buy and sell everything In the hard ware and furniture line. Phone Mala 9970. A 7174, TRANSFER AND STORAGE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH "The Service With a Reputation." MOV1NG-PACKING-STORAGE-BAGOAGB 13th and Kearney. Branoa OSVi Broadway PHONE BDWY. 3309 WILLAMETTE VALLEY TRANSFER CO. General Transfer and Forwarding Agents. TRACKAGE, STORAGB AND TKANdFER 114-126 N. FIFTH T. BROADWAY 454. MADISON-8T. DOCK A WAREHOUSE. OF- FICK, 189 Madison at. (jrenerai mercaanaiee and forwarding agenta. Phone Main 1091. PACKING, MOVING. STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO., 105 PARK ST. MAIN 6195. A 1031. CLAY S. MORSni, inc. TRACKAGE, STORAGE, TRANSFER, 44t-454 GLISAN ST. WATCH REPAIRING. HIGHEST prices paid, old watches and jew irv. t'nnuition no ooiect. iteDairs a bdc clalty. Rainier Jewelry Co., 448 Wash, st. MANUFACTURERS PAINTS, OILS ANp GLASS. "W. P. FULLER CO., Front and Morrison. RASMUSSEN CO.. 2d and Taylor. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE. 84-80 Front St. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. avERDINQ 4 FARRELL, 140 Front street ROPE AND BINDER TWINS. Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrup. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. P. FULLER CO.. Front and Morrison. WALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 230 2d street. NEW TODAY. At Standard Factory No. 2 Grand Are. and East Taylor Sts. ROWER MACHINE j OPERATORS to learn on Shirts and' Overalls Mackinaws and Overcoats $10.00 per week while learning;. Forty-four-hour week. SATURDAY HALF HOLIDAY Experienced operators are earning from $15 to $20 weekly PORTABLE can be shipped anywhere. Prices on application. Modern Construction Company 315 E. 11th St East 5114 SEND US YOUR CLD CARPETS - Old Bam and Woolen Clothlnf. aiaka Bs.enUils. Uaad-Wsvaa . FLUFF RUGS The J Wear Llka Iran. Mall Orders. Bead fcr Boaklsa. Batr lines Woven. All Sizes. Carpet Cleaning . dig Bags, Steam Cleaned, JI M. C4 rnlon Ave. N. East 6S1. B 147. MORTGAGE LOANS Tnproved eltr aad farms prnawrtr lastallmeat repayment privilege If referred! prompt, reliable service. H. BIRRELL CO, tlT-219 Xortbweetera Bank Buildlas. Marshall 4114. a 4118. WANT to lease lODxlOO, near 10th and Fland ers; prefer building: erected to suit. L 487, Oregonian. AM 30 MORTGAGE LOANS I Farm and city property. Wa loan oar funds. No delay. No commission. PACIFIC COAST MORTGAGE CO. Ry. Exc.. Bids. Mala 675. NEW TODAY. JOHN B. COFFEY, MORTGAGE! LOANS, Insurance, Surety Bonds SOS Wlleox Bldaj. Main 702. A S702, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lota. 3 LOTS. MODERN HOUSE, 4000. 7 rooms, fine condition, modern; nice garage, all kinds fruit and berries; three blocks from school and car at Arleta. J. C. CORBIN CO., 305-8-T Lewis bldg. 30x100 LOT, with 9 bearing prune trees. South MU Tabor, 2 blocks from Haw thorne ave. car, free from incumbrance; will sell on very easy terms. Phone East 201S, or address 8z2 E. 15th North. ALAMEDA. Choice lot in this district for sale cheap, closing out an estate. Alameda Invest ment Co., 605 Corbett bldg., Marshall 635. 3 GOOD lots. Eastmoreland. Woodlawn 512 FOR SALE Lot in Rose City Park cheap, 8350 cash or bonds. Write owner, or tele phone Irving T. Rau. Oregon City. Or. ONE-HALF BLOCK. Restricted district, view, fruit. 2500; sell or trade. B 335. Oregonian. A BARGAIN Rose City Park, fine lot, east frontage, easy terms. Phone owner. East 6. FOR SALE Lot No. 14, block 2. York add. cheap for cash. Box 81. Estacada. or. For Sale Beach Vroperty. GET A BEACH. HOME now at Seaside, Or., in DeautKui ia.rtwr.gDE j-irit, at re duced price j. 9J,a to .uu, easy install ments, 6 ft cent; soon to be connected by all-pa V'd highway with eastern and southern Oregon, which, with proposed 2000-foot pier, will make "Cartwright Park" oue of the most attractive spots on Pacific coast. Whltmer-Kelly Co., 414 Pittock block, Portland, Oregon, or in quire F. M. Cole, agbut, 42d Broadway, Seaside, Oregon. SALTAJR, TILLAMOOK BEACH. Two choice lots. 60x100. m. Bait air eta tlon, Tillamook beach, near depot and hotel, adjoins board walk, county road and railroad: faces Pacifio ocean; suit able for business or residence; value 9600; will consider trade for auto, property or mere na noise. A a areas nu zvf, urcgoman. EIGHT beautiful lots. Bay ocean, $70; one .Neahkahnie, $200. A 470, Oregonian. Far Sale Businesj Property. 100x200. 13TH ST. NORTH, ffood 4-storj brick bldg., on trackage, with room for addition; 0 per cent saved . in cost ox building by buying now. R. J. O'Neii, 717 Board of Trade bldg. WORTH 150,000, price today 32,600; month- ly income aoo. sen wood i40. ay owner. For 8a 1 Houses. $2650. ALBERTA DISTRICT, 1 BLOCK CAR, COTTAGE. 7 ROOMS. BATH, GAS. ELEC TRIC LIGHTS, FULL-SIZE BASEMENT, NICE LOT; CONSIDERABLE FRUIT. TERMS. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 200-212 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. WE WRITE, FIRE INSURANCE. FEW CHEAP HOUSES. 8-ROOM, MONT A VILLA... $ 600 7-ROOM, ALBERTA 1S50 7- ROOM, WOODLAWN 160) B-ROOM, MT. SCOTT 2500 4-ROOM. 1 ACRE... 2500 8- ROOM, 22D N 2500" EASY TERMS. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 209-12 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. WB WRITE FIRE INSURANCE. ALAMEDA PARK DISTRICT. A modern 5-rooai bungalow, located on a 40xl00-foot terraced lot, with 10-foot alley, i'ireplace, hardwood floors, cove and beam ceilimr. all built-in conveniences. fume hood, breakfast nook, full cement nasement. furnace, etc. unis must ne seec to be appreciated; $900 will handle; price $3350. See Mr. Christenson. The Brong Co.. 410 Henry bldg. Main 1743. DO YOU WANT TO GET IN GOOD DIS TRICT AND NOT PAY A PREMIUM? If so. call and see uc We have severa good houses for less than you can build for, say nothing about wVat lots would cost. Some not far out. Five, six and seven rooms, from J2200 up to $3300. Come in and let us show vou. STEWART & BUCK, 315 N. W. Bank Bldg. $1875. $350 cash, $20 per mo., 5-rpom bungalow, plastered, elect., gas, concrete basement, BOxlOU-fnot lot, 3 blocks to car, near Franklin high school. If sold this week will include $165 Universal range, rugs and linoleum. See Mr. Farnsworth, The Brong Co., 410 Hemy bldg. Main 174& PORTLAND HEIGHTS. B rooms, 2 blocks to car, finished in old Ivory and gray paper, large living-room, fireplace, hardwood floors, bookcases, gas heating system, pleasant outlook, large porcn; jdou; terms. F H. DESHON, 015 Cham, of Com. Bldg. DON'T WAIT. $550 cash, balance $i!5 per mo. and Int at 7 per cent, buys two lots and 4-room modern bungalow, fireplace, breakfast nook, bath, near car and school. Price $2630. See Mr. Christenson. The Brong Co.. 410 Henry bldg. Main 1743. . $3600 6-ROOM HOME- $3000. Owner leaving city; buy direct and nave commission: on Irvinprton carllne; modern wit hfuil cement basement, furnace and washtrays; extra largo closets; lot-50x105,' with full-grown fruit trees and berry Misncs. Woodlawn 3706. 935 E. 15th N. BUY BEFORE VALUATIONS RISE. $500 cash, balance to suit, buys a new. modirn 4-room bungalow, breakfast nook, large living-room, sleeping porch; price J J GuO. Soe Mr. Christenson. The Brong Co.. 410 Henry bldg. Main 1743. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW, $3500, TERMS. 5 rooms, large attic ana sleeping porcn, fireplace, furnace, 50x100 lot, beautiful lawn, bearing fruit trees, large maple shade trees. This will go quick. See Mr. King, 304 V Oak st. Broadway 266. HOME for immediate possession, choice Jo- cation, Tillamook St.; largo living-room, 4 bedrooms, fireplace In dining room and living room each; 100x100 corner; fruit and shade trees, garage; price $7500. El mer Coleman, route No. 1. Milwaukie. ' NEARLY "ri acre, 6-room house, plastered - young fruit and berries; price oniy i-'ouu; 15c fare; easy terms. You will get a bar gain if vou buy this. Pee Mr. Farnsworth, The Brong Co., 410 Henry bldg. Main 1743. $3600 BUNGALOW $3600. Piedmont district. 6-room modern, fur nace, fireplace. 55x100 lot; $1000 cash. A. H. Akerson, Henry bldg.' $1800 TAKES this 6-room house. 50x100 lot. down, rest like rent. Call Simms, 431 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6127. MODERN 6 rooms, fireplace, furnace, sleep ing porcn, ouiil-ins; on weiuier, cioee w 29th; $3250, half cash: price after this week $3500. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. 8500 IRVINGTON BEAUTIFUL HOME. This perfect home, near Brasee, has nine rooms and billiard room; S. P., ga- ratre: 50x100 lot: exclusive. jast 4i. yniiF.riV 2-story cottage. 5 rooms and bath, cement oasemeni, iwt vja.-j , jimo iuju, terms. 1S5 Bancroft ave., west side. Phone owner. Tabor 8i2L SIX-ROOM house, $2250; lot 100x100; lb bearing trees; house contains customary conveniences; no city liens; $500 cash, $20 month, rabor j.vai. - SftMH K UN G A LOW BARGAIN. 5-room, choice lot, close to school and car; must cell; $1500; $300 cash, balance 6 pe rcent. .Main o-oi '$S500 IRVINGTON DUTCH COLONIAL, ihnut two vears old; four bedrooms. artistic living room and dining room; tiSx 100 lot; garage, aaat LAURELHURST OLD ENGLISH HOME ft artistic rooms, velour drapes and Wil ton stair carpet, . stoves, .arage,- fine grou n ds; $11.000; $3o0Ocash. East 410. $73 CASH will handle 3-room plastered house, modern, full basement, screened-in porch, nice lawn ana iruit; ioi ouxxuu; balance $15 a month. Qr South ivanhoe. IRVINGTON bungalow kitchen, large bath, K 460. Oregonian, by owner; five rooms. enamel Address 5-ROOM bungalow in best part of Irving- ton ; mlgnt taae ursi-cias auiw a part payment, owner. m ait, ure gonian. LAURELHURST bungalow, modern, attrac tive home, at a Dargain it laen t once. 1039 Pacific st. GIFT 7-room modern oungalow only $2200; S150O leSS lUall II wiui WW! iiu" , LCI XilU. Owner leaving city. AQ 69, Oregonian. BY . OWNER 3-room nouse, 4Uxioo lot. gOOd location, near diubub inuge. aJiij. Cherry st east side. Phone E. 7769. $50 "CASH. $10 MONTHLY $850. 4-room house, 50-foot lot. Strickland, 201 Wilcox bldg. LEAVING the city; will sacrifice my 7-room nome, umu wiiua, uuua own wood 34 7a. MINUTES to hi acre (3 acres If desired), nice i) - room uuiifu". ,. "viiiw, fruit trees: $1800. your terms. Main 306. $100 CASH, $15 MONTHLY $1000. 4-room house. Rose City- car. STRICKLAND. 201 Wilcox Bldg. moo CLEAN, neat 4-rocm cottage, mod ern, $300 cash; big lot, fruit trees. Main 3672. McFarland, 602 Yeon bldg. WANT a house in any good district up to 454500, wltn or-iwu to pay cwn, j or o-room bungalow. T 76, Oregonian. 4-ROOM house. 50x100 lot, fruit, chfoken house and barn; $950, terms. Main 3787. 5-ROOM bungalow bargain: $300; bal. like rent; close in; price $2750. Main 9052. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. LAtTRELHCRST AND 1RVINGTON. $4730 6-room place, with garage; all Im provements paid; a splendid buy. . J3700 5-roora bungalow, free and clear. J3GO0 7-room place, with garage, close to car. SH3G0 6-room, beautiful, colonial bun galow, large grounds. 33500 6-room bungalow with garage; will take In a good lot up to 11200. 36900 9-room house, fine location: worth $9000. Come out and see for yourself. Keys at office. East 39th and Glisan sts., or phone Tabor 3433 evenings East 2086. MR. DELAHUNTY. ARTISTIC LAURELHURST HOME. Owner moving- to Astoria, will sacrifice one of the mst beautiful well -planned homes with an extremely attractive yard full of shrubbery and fruit trees for $t000. immense living room witn winaows on o sides, no overhang to cut off light; across side entrance hall French doors lead to a wonderfully attractive dining room and convenient Kitcnen; 3 nice Dearooms ana bath on 2d floor; Immediate possession; substantial payment -required. D-o-n-'t wait a minut. See R. H. Torrcy, 103 Florai ave. Tabor 40i. LAURELHURST. SEE ME QUICK ABOUT THIS. An 8-room bungalow type bouse having 4 large bedrooms and a large, fully en closed sleeping porch ; this house is less than 4 years old, exceptionally well con structed, in perfect condition and modern to the minute. Has- garage with full ce ment runway; Immediate possession; par ticularly good terms. Price only $5500, including everything. Mr. Brown, 270 V Stark st. Main 1700. Evenings. Tabor 59. BEAUTIFUL HOME, EIGHT ROOMS, NEAR EAST TWENTIETH AND COUCH, NEW LY PAINTED AND DECORATED INSIDE AND OUTSIDE, ALL MODERN CONVEN IENCES AND BUILT-IN EFFECTS TWO TOILETS, BATH, FURNACE AND GARAGE. A HANDSOME AD AT TRACTIVE HOME. $6000, TEHM& -. H. COLL1S, HAST StiCO. XRVINGTON. New and modern. 12 snacloua room; finest selected mahogany and oak finish, narawooa Xioors throughout, three artist fireplaces, white tile bathrooms, three toilets, sun parlors, sieepinir porch, iui ce ment basement, large finished attic, rooms beautifully finished, latest sanitary plumb mg, stationary vacuum cleaner, nous phone, large, grounds, beautified with rar est shrubs; one of the finest built res dences in Portland; easy terms. Owner, ijiui, uregonian. DO YOU WANT A HOME AND A LIVING AL507 HERE IS A SPLENDID OPPOR TUN1TY SIX 6 AND 6-ROOM FLATS FINE CORNER ON WEST SIDE, WALK ING DISTANCE; YOU CAN LIVE IN ONE AND THE OTHERS ARE ALL RENTED FOR $200 PER MONTH. WHY WUttKI AliO Li T BUSINESS WHEN REAL ESTATE IS SO CHEAP? PRICE $18,000; T.RM3. E. H, COLLIS, EAST 8660. - NEW LAURELHURST BUNGALOWS. Two unusually beautiful and exception ally well constructed 6 and 8-room bun galows, with garages, AT ACTUAL COST, direct irom owner; imest piumomg. hard wood floors throughout, 9 coats old Ivory iimsn, tapestry . paper, many unique fea tures including breakfast room, party room, turntable for garages. No. 1184-6 E. Burnslde at. R. H. Torrey, owner. Tabor 407. BUNGALOW HOME SN'AP I want to sell Quickly a fine little five room bungalow on a nice paved street. near car. in best section of Mt. Tabor. Beautiful view of city, dandy yard with rafts of shrubbery and fruit trees; house is unusuaizy well Dunt, best furnace, fire place, no hardwood floors; price only lerms; immediate possession ana lurmture cneap li aesirea. n. n. xorrey Tabor 407. THE TIME TO BUY IS NOW THE PLACE IS LAlJRELHURST. See the man who knows Laurelhurst values. I can save you money. I have sev eral good buys this week, including some orana-new o ana o-room bungalows. Come out to or nee at itiast am ft and uiisan It will nay vou. or nhonn Tabnr 3l4:i.'. Evenings, East 2086. MR. DELAHUNTY. AN IDEAL HOME. ' 5-room modern bungalow, built-in buf fet, bookcases. Dutch kitchen, white enamel, nreaKtast table, full cement basement, hard-surface streets nnrl on i-hn best carline in the city. The improvements are paia in iuu ana we consider this an excellent buy. Price $3142, with terms. Kieiy a tiUBtaison. 0a Yeon bldg. ENGLISH cottage of 6 rooms (new)r dining and sleeping porches, hardwood floors, open fireplace, furnace and all modern conveniences, large wooded lot, mountain ana vauey views; location Mount Zion. - Council Crest'- This is a splendidly omit nouse anu tne property is a bar gain at S6500. : John Bain, owner, &07 cpatainsr oiag. THAT VACANT LOT. - Why not turn- a burden into income? We design and build apartments, garages, residences, anything; furnish plans and finance. Established ten years. We offer BlLLUltil a , oiiiitv 11 to, BAXlaf AUTION. L. R. Bailey Co., Inc., contracting archi tects. f)24 N. W. Bank bldg. OWN YOUR OWN HOME. We have a client that will build two houses right away in Rose City Park- on your own plan, not less than $1500, with L'5 per cent down, balance good terms. The lots are well located. THlfi BIRCH COMPANY, Jtfal n 5046. 322 Yeon bid g. IRVINGTON Double constructed modern 10-room house, spacious hall, living room. uen, uiuiug iuuju, oieeumg room ana kitchen first floor, 4 bedrooms, sewing room, sleeping porch second floor; newly painted and tinted; lot 60x100. on corner; possession on short notice. East 5S60. SNAP. For sale by owner, 7-room house, 4 bed rooms, modern plumbing, basement, cor ner lot, graded street, sewer, cement walk, all In and paid for; handy to the car, price $3000. Reasonable terms. Call 1240 Di vision st. Phone Tabor 402. LAURELHURST. A brand-new bungalow. Just n earing completion, exceptionally well constructed. Everything of the most modern. All In old ivory and white enamel. Garage. Let me snow it to you. Air. jsrown, Alain 1700. evenings, laoor ou. FIRST TIME ON THE MARKET. Al 4-room house, beautiful lot, SOxlOO. Fruit trees, berries, garden, 1 block to one of the best schools in city, 3 blocks to car. Price $1600; $300 cash, balance like rent. Don't miss seeing this cozy place. 507 unamoer or commerce. DOCTORS. Would like to show vou a vrv fin. idence, 12 to 15 rooms, make a maternal nome or sanitarium; close in, near East 10th st and Division; sacrifice price. Call MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE: FTRT7tt.a nr. BUILT-IN BUFFET AND BOOKPASffs- GARAGE: CORNER, CLOSE IN ON EAST biuiu ; jsni&'r laullm xa jiTx ; $4250 TERMS. PHONE EAST 3069. BUILD NOW. If you own a lot we will furnish the money ana ouua ior you. Terms like rent. Call and see us. WESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO., Main 2035. 621 Morgan Bldg. 7-ROOM house, cor, lot, E. 22d St., hard-surface streets, sewers all In and paid, fruit and berries, roses, garage; a bargain for $3000, a good comfortable home. H. W. GARLAND, 201 3d, cor. Taylor. WEST SIDE. Must sell 6-room modern house, 10 min utes' -walk to postoffice; all improvements in and paid; hard .surface street, etc. Owner, Marshall 1816. BRAND NEW ALBERTA BUNGALOW. Five rooms, just finished; and a few hundred dollars will handle it, balance easy terms; Alberta, car to 33th st., go north to Roselawn ave.. No. 546. Owner IRVINGTON CHARMING COLONIAL HOME. $8350, choice location, garage, oak floors, attractive suroun dings. Main 807$; evecings East 394, $200 FIRST payment, balance like rent, buys 6-room house, close In, walking distance. See John Brown, 324 Railway Exchange bldg. Mar. 3331. GOING to build or repair T Get my ideas and estimates. B. T. Allyn. 243 Stark su Office hours 3 to 5 P. M. Phone Alain 531. Res phone Tabor 194. $5300 LAURELHURST HOME. 6 large rooms, white enamel, furnace fireplace, built-in bookcases, buffet and wardrobe; terms. Owner. East 2S54 WILL sell a brand new, modern uix-room house cheap on account or leaving city; garage included. Owner, 2042 Hawthorne ave. Mt. Tabor car to S2d St., walk south. FOR SALE By owner, modern west side five-room nouse, corner lot, ia minutes walk to center of city; price $2850; owner leaving town. A 615, Oregonian. ALBERTA Modern 5-room bungalow; fruit. berries, garuen, near jar, iO'JO, terms. 507 Chamber of Commerce. Marshal, 2575. BEST 5-room bungalow in Rose City park; reasonable n mnr-ii Dept. i. jpor in formation phone Woodlawn 3642. " ACRE New, modem 5-room bungalow. terms, cneap; nawiiiume car, uwner, jaar Bhall 3202, or Main 5840. BY owner, 7-room bungalow, up to date In every respect: price $4S00. 656 Reynolds - st. Sellwood car. IRVINGTON excellent S-room mahogany and white enamel center hall, large living room. East 119L MODERN, 8 rooms, sleeping porch, fireplace, furnace; Weldler st., close to 20th; $3250, half cash. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. HOUSE for sale, near Brooklyn car shop. 805 E. 14th St.. or phone Sellwood 1029. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. ALAMEDA COLONIAL HOUSE. This wonderful colonial home may ba bought for $10,500 cash. It is a house with an individuality and in the moat choice part of Alameda. It has six large airy rooms and sleeping porch. The downstair is furnished In old ivory and mahogany; living room extends across the entire west side of house and is beautifully decorated, afiendid dining room; the kitchen is large and light and In white. A beautiful oak and mahogany stairway leads from the en i trance hall to the second f!oor; here ls3 , a large living room with fireplace extend ing across the entire end of housa with al cove room at the end large enough fo sleeping purposes. The bedrooms are cor ner rooms and are tastily decorated; ths bath is Wled and roomy ; the house has oak throughout and thoroughly con structed. The. grounds are large and well kept and in the rear of the house is weil-built garage. If you have the cash and are looking for a home of class, sea Eversoh. FRED A. JACOBS CO., 104 Fifth St. Main 6Sfi9. S LAURELHURST BUNGALOW $(.350. The most modern, complete and artistical ly arranged 7-room bungalow to be found, anywhere In the city. Has large reception hall, & spacious living room. beautiful buffet, dining room, Dutch kitchen wit It pantry, two firepiaces, den. 2 bedrooms on the first floor and one on the second floor. Hardwood floors, linen closets, built-in conveniences of every kind. Located In tha heart of Laurelhurat, only 1 block from the carllne. Splendid view of the entire city. Ground 75x100 with cement iunway to a fine garage. AH street improvements In and paid. Absolutely ihe best buy in Laurelhurat. Anyone interested In buy in b; a fine home should investigate this befor going any further. v J. L. KARN'OPP & CO.. 319 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 6T3. VACANT. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. $4(M0 MODERN R. C. HOME $.40. DON'T WAIT TILL SCHOOL STARTS. 7 rooms, strictly modern, full cement basement, furnace, trays, JI. W. floors,, wonderful lig"it ,'Outcli kitchen, large living room aciose front of house; newly decorated, whole of houso white enamel, built about 2"6 year cor ner, east front, H. S. street; this ts a mighty well-built house and undercriced at $4!00 and a little bonded: terms. Main 7907, Mariels or Williams, K20 Chamber oC Commerce bldg. $4200 1 BLOCK from Glisan-st. carline; 100x100 lot; 7 rooms, den and very large reception hall, furnace nnd, fireplace; $500 down will handla this exceptional bargain. Better make arrangements to see this - at once. You must see the beautiful bed rooms to appreciate this House, J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 10M. POSSESSION SEPTEMBER 1ST. $3650 MODERN R. C. HOME $3S50. A BARGAIN. ON TERMS. 6 rooms, full basement, furnace, trayaj fireplace, bui It-Ins ; a wonderful fine lot, 50x100. all kinds of roses, shrubbery, m peaches, near car, eas-t front, bungalow type; near school and club; newly painted, Main 7967. Mariels or Williams, S20 Chami ber of Commerce bldg. EAST TAYLOR-ST. SNAP. 6-room modern house, furnace, fireplace. cement basement, laundry trays, lot 60; 100; paved street; all city liens -in and paid. On East Taylor, near 2IUh: a fin location. Price a snap; oniy $3000; term can be arranged. GRUS9I & BENNETT, 318 Board of Trade. Main 7452, ATTRACTIVE HOME. A very desirable 7-room modern house, fine condition, 2-story garage with bane men t, lot over 10,000 square feet, with, choice bearing fruit, flue garden; price $0500; terms. SAM NORTON, Henry Bldg., Main 2326. $2100 7-ROOM BUNGALOW. Furnace, fireplace, built-in; fine view; on car line, near good school and business center; ranse and linoleum go with place. At least $1000 less than its value. A sac rifice that won't last. Call at once. J. C. CORBIN CO., 305-0-7 Lewis bldg. 1 $3150 BUYS new, modern bungalow, 5 rooms ana oatn, wan attic, tun cement basement, wash trays; hardwood floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, all built-ins; $500 cash will handle. Let us show you. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 2Q4 Ry. ExcJ-i. bldg. Main 1004. BEAUMO N T B U N G A LOW $ 3500. 7 rooms; hardwood floors, fireplace an 4 furnace, bulit-ins, muuic room, full ce ment basement; fine corner lot with alt hard-surt'ace in and paid for; forced Bale; won't last long. SEE IT TODAY. ... J. C. CORBIN CO., 4 305-6-7 Lewis bldg. $2100 $500 CASH. We have two 6-room houses on Mon roe street, close to Williams ave.; walk ing distance O.-W. R & N. shops; full lot, improvements in and puid for. HOAGL1N & BIRD, E. 3505. 565 Williams Ave. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. Modern five-room bungalow, hardwood' floors, fireplace and furnace, full base ment, floored attic; an exceptionally good buy at $4200, about $1200 cash required CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO., r 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. SUNNYSIDE BUNGALOW BARGAIN. $2250 buys a dandy 4-room home, newly gone over throughout; It bedrooms: corner lot. Paved street in and paid for. Full cement basement. Terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 1004. HAWTHORNE HOME $3000. Modern 5-room home. 1 block from Haw thorne ave., full cement basement, all street imp. In and paid; an attractive home for $3000. $1000 cash. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. i 212 Railway Kxch. Bldg. 6-ROOM bungalow on Mississippi ave.. walking distancis from O.-Vv . R. & Js. shops; lot 50x100, modern plumbing, fur nace, improvements are all in and paid for; price $2750; cash down. $300, balance $20 per month. McClure & Schmauch. aiOU Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 1503. $1650 FOUR-ROOM- MODERN BUNGALOW une ana one-najt diocks irom cwc. 50x100 lot, nice lawn, flowers and shrubs, small garden, good plumbing and It Is va cant; small payment down, bal. like rent. Main 1067. Mariels or Williams. 820 of Com. bldg. $1S00 $500 CASH buys an 8-room house, 50x110 lot, lots of fruit trees, berries and small fruits St, Johns car line. HOAGLIN & BIRD, E. 3595. 565 y Williams Ave. if YOU have 1250 cash .vou can buy a leal homey bungalow on 45x216 feet, the grounds are very well improved with fruit, berries and beautiful shrubbery: this is' a real good buy; price $2500. JOHNSON DODSON CO., 633 N. W. BANK BLDG. FOR SALE One-year lease, rent palil - l April, 1020, on 3-acre orchard with shack, trees full of fruit, 4 tons hay in starlr.-, i blocks Columbia shipyard, $200. Inquira 2d floor, lolVa 2d St., afternoons. Geore Razee. $2250 BARGAIN $25ft 6-room modern bungalow, Dutch kitcJbena buffet, bookcases, full basement. 50x100 lot, cement walks. 3 blka. to Wpod-Uwa, car. A bargain. Easy terms. A. H. Akerson, Henry bldg. M. 724S.. ON LOMBARD, NEAR ALB1NA, 5 rooms, large attic, full basement. oeH floors, built-ins, newly painted, $;.300. $Utjfi cash, balance monthly. JOHNSON-DOD-fiON CO., 633 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAI2 S7S7. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. A very desirable 7-room house, modern, nice view, large lot with bearing fruit; vacant, immediate possession. Main 2326. BY" owner, 7-room house, 03 E. 3oth St.: gas and electricity, iuu uaeement, a diocks; from car line, 1 block from Laurelhurat park; $2800, part cash, balance like rent; house in A-l condition. Phone Tabor 4101. 3-ROOM HOUSE 2 LOTS $2300 Easy terms. This is not a ahack. but a neat little new house. Cor. E. 11th neat Alberta. Phone Main 507 GOOD double-constructed bungalow, 5 rooms. cement basement, Kitcnen, jarge floored attic, lot 40x150, macalan street, close to Union ave. Price $2500, terms. 607 Chamber of Commerce. Man-hall 2575. S57J5 WELL-BUILT 3-KOOM COTTAGE. 3 years old, 3 lots, 1H miles by paved road from 6c fare ; pleasantly located; $275 cash. Tabor 175, or K 440, OREGONIAN. ROSELAWN AVE. Mod'-m 5-room bunga low, sleeping porsh, hard surface, parage, near car $2650; $050 cash, balance like rent 607 Cliambir of Commerce. Mar shall 2575. - ' IRVINGTON 7-ROOM HOME. $5500 takes, for 6 days; has old ivorjr throughout, hardwood floors; sun room, and sleeping porch; Just a years old. East 419. $1350 BUYS 5-room bungalow; toilet and bath near two car lines; $350 cash. bal. $15 per month. 209 Alisky bldg., 3d and Morrison sts. BIG BARGAIN MUST SELL. Modern home, 06x100, Piedmont district, 8 rooms. Owner, Phone Main 1046.. Cham ber of Commerce, room 029. I HAVE for sale at bargain prices 6 beau tiful lots In Alameda Park, or will build house to suit on terms like rent. Harry C. Grice, 621 Morgan bldg. Main 2086. ' HAWTHORNE PICK Ul Almost new. 5-room bungalow on sTth, st. Price $3S0O. $1000 cash. Be quick. TabOr 3433. DELAHUNTY. . LAURELHURST OLD ENGLISH HnkfB. 8 artistic rooms, velour drapes, Wilton stair carpet, stoves and water heater, 100k 100; $11,500, $3000 cash. East 419. 4-ROOM bungalow, $1500, $500 cash. bal. $20 per month. Wilbur V, Jouno, Henxf bldg.