10 THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1919. ESTABLISHED BI HESBY V- PITTOCK Fubltehed by The Oregonlan Publishing Co.. lli Sixth street. Portland. Oregon. C A. itORT.EV E. B. PIPER. ilnr. Editor. known what we now know. We should intervene in response to the instinct of self-preservation, in the absence of any formal compact. The object of the compact U to give due warning to would-be conquerors that the world will be against them. ' I The president so clearlv answered ZilJ2SEZZ2rfS: rer lotion that was asked that ciunveiy entitled is th ue Tor put)iic-1 r.e swept away a cioua oi misunaer- vx&iz'!avi&Wila ,nA opened. the way 2. an lorml nri iMjMlahed herein. All right of republication of apodal dispatch heroin re also reerve4. Subscription Jtateo lararlablr la AeWaare: (Br Mall.) , rally. Sunday Included, ne year .tB.0O liatiy. Sunday Included, UK month .... -;-3 I'aily. Sunday Included, threo month ... 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Free Pre building, Detroit. Mich. San Krancisco representative. R. J. Bldwell. THE LIGHT IS BREAKING. President Wilson and the foreign relations committee of the senate have met in "common counsel. " The result is creditable to both side) per haps It is better to say all sides and improves the prospects of early rati fication of the treaty with Germany. The president appeared In a more fav orable light than at any other point in his relations with congress. He was frank in answering questions, and he placed some features of the treaty in & more favorable light. The senators learned some facts about the negotla tions which may modify their views, though they properly restrained any disposition to cross-examine or heckl the president. The crux of the controversy on which ratification .hangs is reserva tions interpreting certain provisions of the league covenant. The presi dent in effect told the senators that they mean just what the proposed in terpretations say that they mean. The senators reply: Then why not em body those interpretations in the reso lution of ratification? The presiden says: Because they were understood to be the meaning by the commission which drafted the covenant and be cause formal acceptance by each sign natory power would be necessary to make them binding, and that would involve serlons delay. He says, how ever, that there would be no objectio to adoption of the reservations apart from the resolution of ratification. and that silence of the other powers lor a reasonable period would imply acceptance. Then the difference of opinion be tween the president and most of the opposing senators resolves itself to this: That the president thinks any Interpretations of the meaning of the covenant should be the separate act of the United States alone, in which the other signatories should not be called upon to acquiesce, though their acquiescence would ultimately be im plied by silence. The sennte majority or a part of the senate majority, thinks the interpretations should be Included in the resolution of ratifica tion and thus made binding on the other powers, though this may require .their formal acceptance. In reply to Senator Fall, the president admitted that Germany's assent would be un necessary as that country Is not a member of the league, thus removing one objection which he bad formerly raised. If the senate should adopt Mr. Wilson's view, the United States alone would stand behind its interpre- tation of article 10, of the right of withdrawal and of the right to ex clude domestic questions from action of the league, but would have in formal knowledge that the men who drew those provisions understood them as we do. The Monroe doctrine be ing a distinctly American policy, our right to define it cannot be disputed, therefore our . definition needs no formal acceptance by other powers, as it will not infringe on their already recognized rights. There is small risk that the inter pretations adopted by the United States alone would be challenged by other powers. We should scrupu lously live up to our obligations as thus defined, and no other power or probable combination of powers would be able to coerce us into accept ance of any other definition. Our manpower and financial power have been scarcely touched, our resources are unequaled and our Industrial capacity has been greatly enhanced by the war. For these reasons we may reasonably expect the tacit consent of other nations to our construction of the much discussed articles of the covenant. Mr. Wilson also elucidated the na ture of the obligations which we assume. It is moral, therefore the more binding on our consciences, "absolutely compelling." to use his expression, when a nation is the ob ject of aggression which cannot be repelled except by armed force. But it can become legal only by operation of the process provided by our con stitution. Thus the president, on each occasion for fulfillment of this duty, would submit the facts to congress with his recommendations, and con gress would decide whether they called for a trade boycott, a war or some other action against the ag gressor. It is not right to assume that, be cause this procedure would be neces sary to give effect to the moral obli gation, the league would be a "rope of sand, as Senator Brandegee said. The president truly said that the United States would "concur in the greatest moral judgment of the world." Who can doubt that, if such a compact had existed In 1114, Ger many and Its confederates would not have dared to plunge the world into war? Their chief reliance for suc cess was upon the divisions and rivalries among other nations. They would not have moved in the face of a world united against them in sup port of a principle which was directly opposed to their alms. But it may be asked, would this nation art upon such obligation when the time for action arose, if it were left free to decide? If the American people had known in 1914 what was to follow Germany's action, is there any reasonable doubt that we should have Intervened then instead of Ir. 1)17? It is proposed now that we assume a moral obligation to do. un der like circumstances in the, future, that which. It is generally agreed, we should have done in 1S14 if we, had understanding with the senate. Even the question of Shantung was put in a very different light by the statement that Japan's agreement to hand the province back to China was reduced to writing, though kept secret. His answer to every question was ade quate, though some of his admissions were surprising, especially that in re gard to his ignorance of the secret treaties.. Many very definite rumors of such treaties were afloat, he had all the machinery of the state depart ment to ascertain the facts and the possibilities created by the war were many and perilous. He should have known, or suspected, what bargains had been made among the nations whose cause we finally espoused When it is possible that such informa tion can be withheld from the presi dent, even after we have become the chief belligerent, it is high time "for open covenants openly arrived at.' TAKING COriiSIX BACK IN '44. An excursion ,by any thoughtful reader through that invaluable work, "History of the American People," by Woodrow Wilson, will bring him face to face sooner or later (volume 4, page 101) with the following inter esting and suggestive paragraph: In April. 1814. Mr. Tyler sent to the senate a treaty of annexation which he had negotiated with Texas. Secret negotiations, a piece of business privately carried to com pletion and made public only whn finished, suited well with the president's temper and way of action. A man naturally secretive. naturally fond, not of concealments, but of quiet and subtle management, not Insl cere, but Indirect In his way of approach, he relished statecraft of this sort, and doubt liked th Texas business all tho bett because It seemed to demand. In Its very nature, a delicate and private handlln The senate rejected tho treaty by th ve decisive vot of sixteen to thirty-five, me of both parties alike deeply irritated th the president should spring this weigh matter upon the country in such a fashion. taking no counsel beforehand sav such as be chos to take. sponsible and to call upon it for in stant remedy. Whatever it does an tagonizes some interest, and others say the thing done is not enough or should hae been done sooner. Lloyd George incurs all the resdlt ant criticism and unpopularity. His task of allaying discontent is rendered more arduous by the fact that he heads a coalition of political extremes and is regarded by the liberal remnant as the destroyer of his party and a traitor to his leader. He reached the climax of his career when he ended the war with victory, and it might have been better for his lasting fame if he had been able to retire at that time. Since the armistice he has rap- Idly lost ground, and the term as pre mier which began so auspiciously seems destined to prove an anti-cli max. Yet if he had retired last No vember, worse confusion than that now prevailing might have followed. No other leader was in sight who could have obtained a majority, for Asqulth was utterly discredited and when all the drift was toward radical ism, a unionist cabinet was imposst ble. Lloyd George may prove to be the martyr of the reconstruction period, as he was the hero of the war period. . WHAT OF THE JINGOES? Th tim Is coming- nearer and nearer when Mr. Carranza will clean house down In Mexico, or have it cleaned for him. What go on in Mexico that concerns it and it people alone is, by and large, of concern to that country alone. What sort of a gov ernment It may have and maintain Is for its own people to say. But American lives Bhould b safe In Mex ico. American property should be rHpctd. There should be in Mexico a government suf ficiently stable to- control bandit on the American border. . . . Carranza has been told by the American government that he must control th situa tion. No better advice could be given him. Portland Journal. Ahem! THE BIGHT AND WRONG OF IT, Two or three reflections are pro voked by County Commissioner Hoyt elaborate defense of the practice of supplying oil. gasoline and tires to the commissioners and other publi officers for their personally-owned automobiles, on the understand:!! that the "principal use" of the cars shall be in the public service. No doubt all the commissioner say; about the necessity and propriety of frequent trips to various parts of the county is correct. No doubt the busi ness of Multnomah is large, and calls for constant, intelligent and anxious supervision and direction by the com missioners. No doubt the commis sioners are not too well . paid. N doubt they mean well. But no doubt, also, the practice which, the commis sioner and his fellow commissioners have adopted and defiantly and ag gressively pursue is unbusinesslike, open to grave objections, subject to the suspicion of frequent and constan abuses, and in principle utterly wrong. We do not at all seek to pass on the position of its legality. Perhaps, and even probably, it is legal. It is for the courts to determiner Commissioner Holman diverts county automobile from the public service to his private use, sending cer tain supplies to his farm in Clackamas county. He pays for . it by check, and It is excused on the ground that the county is fully compensated. If that is so, the commissioner may dedicate any other public property or agency to his own use. and pay for It in money, determining himself of course what the service is worth. If he may thus favor himself, why may he not also favor others? Or if he declines a favor others, why does he decline? Has not every citizen exactly the same right to use county property as a com missioner, in his private capacity, which is no right at all? Let us get this thing straight The county commissioners should not use public property for private benefit. nd the county of Multnomah should not use private automobiles for the public service, except on terms and conditions officially and explicitly determined ani arranged, and with ue compensation. If automobiles are to be hired, it should be by the hour or by the day, and the county should pay "at a fixed rate. W hy is there a controversy about a rule of service so elemental? A child may understand the right and wrong of it. LLOYD GEORGE LOSING GROUND. The reception accorded to Premier Lloyd George's speech closing the busi- ess of the British parliament is not the kind which usually greets a popular minister. He had nothing but rouble to tell of. and the people are not in a state of mind to hear such a story patiently, for they are passing through the nervous reaction which follows the excitement of war and ictory. Their troubles give victory the taste of Dead Sea fruit. There is a strain of resentment against Lloyd George which is not easy to explain, in view of his having brought his country triumphantly out of the muddle which Asquith made of the war. It may be due to his having sed the prestige of victory to secure is return to power before tne excite ment had cooled. That is the view hich many take of the election last December, when he secured an un precedented majority and reduced the old liberal party to a mere rem nant. They felt like the girl who has been rescued from drowning, who mis takes gratitude for love and marries her rescuer, only to feel afterward that he has taken an unfair advantnge of her -confused emotions. This feel ing rises to anger when no end of trouble follows, though it is not of the rescuer's making.. . . Th! enormous adverse balance of trade was unavoidable, in view of the famine of ships and the shrunken bnylnsj powervof therest of the world. The labor troubles are only part of a general reaction from war and of the passions and hoses which it has aroused. These troubles hit Britain hardest because i is a great workshop in which raw material from all- na tions is gathered, manufactured and shipped out again in finished shape. Such a country suffers most severely when the machinery of commerce breaks down. The transportation and mining industries had to be reorgan ized from the ground up. and the ne cessity of satisfying labor was so im perative that the concessions in reply to the coal miners' demands for na tionalization may have been the least practicable In order to keep industry moving. When affairs get into a tan gle, and disorganization ensues. It is customary to hold the government re- Ominous words. Ominous, indeed, but in what respect does the present situation In Mexico differ from that in 1916? In March, three years ago, the American punitive expedition against Villa started on its fruitless way. The same newspaper that now suggests that we may have to clean house for Mexico found specious reason then in the policies of Lincoln, Grant and Taft why we should not clean house for Mexico. Every newspaper that suggested forcible restoration of or aeny government m Mexico was termed a Jingo. Villa was declared to be in the pay of American annexa tionists and it was sarcastically sug gested that Theodore Roosevelt head an expedition of jingo editors to pacify the country. There was also this choice bit printed by the Portland newspaper: And when it comes to "cleaning un" Mex ico, some honest friends might tell us to look to our home premises first. There is plenty of cleaning up for the United States to do without crossing the Mexican border. The bible says that the man who fails to care for his own household 1 worse than an Infidel. The text is a good one to think upon Juut now. From this one may infer that in three years the United States has be come immaculate, and that when one is a citizen of an immaculate country it is no longer jingoism honestly to resent outrages against fellow citi zens in another land. But the stronger inference is that When a democratic president is for watchful waiting, the democratic press is for watchful wait ing: but when a democratic president hints at cleaning up Mexico because of similar conditions and no worse, the democratic press conveniently sees the justice of the movement. a summer climate approaching that of Winnipeg, where the long winters are too inclement for work out of doors, combined with a winter climate like that of New Mexico, where the sun in summer bakes everything that it shines upon? Of course there are other advan tages to be derived from a climate such as ours. The scientist of the weather bureau is chiefly interested for the moment in the commercial as pect. This, as he shows, is very real. It is something that our bridge build ers need to make less allowance for wind stress and expansion, though probably this is not a large item in cost) and that our drainage problems are simplified by absence of sudden floods; and it is exceedingly worth while that the fire hazard is reduced by the faft that the water supply never freezes and that we do not over heat our stoves. These are added items in the account. The factor less easy to appraise, the Joy and comfort of living, alto figures largely in the total of our climatic advantages. By the way, we wonder how many Portlanders know that the average annual rainfall is 45 Inches, and that the mean annual temperature is 52 degrees? This is the showing of the figures of the weather bureau cover ing nearly fifty years. The actual fact as to rainfall is particularly interest ing. It can be advantageously used to refute the mistaken impression, widely prevalent in some localities, that Portland people have web feet. Stars and Starmakers. By Leone Cass Baer. Speaking of actors; strikes, I wish a lot of actors I have to see would go on on a perpetual strike and never be reinstated. William Pester, an erratic char acter who has quit a western desert to go to New York to teach people how to live on $5 a week, is proving nothing worth while by his demon stration that his appetite is satisfied with four plums for breakfast. handful of nuts for luncheon and roll or two for dinner. There have been a few men in every generation who could keep their health on almost a famine ration, but normal people want a normal diet, combining the best of fish, flesh and fowl, with fruits and vegetables and pie and pudding and the rest of the trim mings. We are not yet ready to abol ish the dining table and eat our meals from a paper bag, although from present appearances it may come to that. Still, Fester helps to remind us that at a pinch we can live on less than' we now consume, and we may be compelled to follow his example if people keep on quitting the funda mental industries for the relatively non-producing ones. . Wearing a life belt, or wings or a buoy of some kind will make a poor swimmer appear ridiculous, but it beats drowning every time. The good swimmer needs no equipment, though there have been times of fatal termi nation that would have been pre vented. While deep holes exist in un expected places, young people will step into them. There is good advice in the rhyme of the mother of the darling daughter who wanted to swim but must not go near the water. The old lady knew best, as she always does. CLIMATE A9 AJf ASSET. Weather Observer Wells follows In the track of Professor Ellsworth Huntington and others in pointing out that climate as an asset is not the joke that the vaudevillians and professional funny men would make it appear to be. It is true that one may put too much water in his stock when he capitalfzes climate; Indeed this is sometimes done by the proprietors of summer and winter resorts, and there are folks who are so busy boasting of the climatic advantages of their section that they have time for noth ing else. But the principle has been proved to be sound when properly ap plied. This is where Portland, and Oregon, and the northwest invite com parison with every other city and state and region in the world. As Mr. Wells points out, "locally Portland is fortunate in possessing a climate that Is comfortable all the ear." But it is not too "comfortable" in the sense that one is never con scious of it, or never has occasion to yude to the weather in conversation, enjoys no breaks in what would grow to be unsurierable monotony. Authorities on the subject a grew that the climate which most Incites to en deavor is one whose graph shows an occasional sharp curve. Even heaven would cloy upon us if we had too much of it. It is the pleasing aver- ge that counts. We have, as Mr. Wells' own records will show, an idea. mean" temperature, winter and sum mer. But occasionally tne ther mometer rises, or drops, as the case may be, which is precisely as the pro fessor of psychology would order it if e had the making of the weather for us. The optimum temperature for phy sical work being around 60 to 65 de grees, and for mental effort around 39 to 45 degrees, it follows that tho ideal climate for physical and mental progress is that- which oftenest ap proximates these temperatures, pro- Iding it Also furnishes the right de gree of humidity, and suitable variety. In winter," as Dr. Huntington says, the dampest days are unmistakably the times of greatest efficiency." So we are doubly fortunate in having relatively low Jiumidity In sum mer, when humidity . means dis comfort, and a high humidity in winter, when , it aids in getting results.?. But there will be here a les son to householders, who not con tented with nature's way to attempt to reverse the rule in winter in the heat ing of their houses. They should add enough moisture in the heating pro cess to preserve a semDiance oi tne natural humidity outside. But here Portland shows advantageously in the climatic comparison. "A very little moisture added in the heating pro cess." as Mr. Wells observes, "will render the air amply moist." We have no prolonged high winds, to fray our nerves to a ragged edge and increase our suicide rate. Our death rate is kept well within bounds by absence of the conditions of ex treme altitude, extreme heat, extreme cold and winds which aggravate cer tain diseases. Our health, as well as our working efficiency must inevitably be favorably affected by greater op portunities lor recreation furnished by a climate with a maximum number of days fit for exercise in the "open air." Indeed, this same condition in vites greater production' in all the out door employments. Commonly the climate which permits outdoor work all winter is too hot iri summer. But what could be more nearly ideal than The discovery that W. G. McAdoo scrambled the railroads to such an extent as to render their return to their owners difficult, if not impos sible, supports the belief that his pur pose was to render government own ership certain. If the war had con tinued another year, he might have succeeded, and his proposal of a five year continuance of government operation probably had that end in view. At last the coast and geodetic sur vey has got its maps up to date as to the Columbia river channel, but con stant sleuthing by Representative Mc Arthur and Harbormaster Speier will be necessary to - keep them so. The reason is tha the map-makers have oeen getting ineir lnrorroauon aDout the Columbia river from Puget sound, and old habits are hard to break. A New Tork exchange says ,hat a man eating at a restaurant the other night found a hairbrush in his con somme and called the waiter. "Walter," he said, "look at the hairbrush I found in my soup." "Gee," said the waiter, "show it to the chef. He's been look ing for ' it all day." Speaking of married people and strikes I just read of a couple of ac tors, one of .whom is on a strike and one (of whom) isn't. Wonder what they find to talk about when they're home. ' Charles Compton has forsaken must cal comedy and is to appear in a dra matic production this fall. Rita Olcott, who is Mrs. Chauncey Olcott, has written a play called "Lus more." It is to be presented at the Henry Miller in early September. Alexander is wanted by Klaw & Er- langer for a tour of the east. Alexan der has been his own manager so long he isn't listening very attentively to anything that sounds like some other boss. Robert Gleckler is playing leads in Portland, Me., in stock. He used to play leads in Portland, Or., in stock, at the Baker. Joseph Klaw, son of Marc Klaw, in tends to be heard from in the produc ing game this season. He has contract ed for several plays to be produced shortly. He will make no bid for pop ularity with risque farces or problem plays, he says, but will endeavor to live up to the high mark set by bis father. His Initial attraction will be "Double Harness," a comedy by Edward A. Paul ton and Maurice E. Marks. Rehearsals start next week. "The Flower of Cathay," a Chinese comedy by Guy Bolton and P. G. Wode house, will be produced by Comstock & Gest next month. A. H. Woods has signed a series of contracts for the entire output for five years with the following playwrights: Bayard Veiller, Willard Mack, Wilson Collison and Ralph E. Dyar. Grace George will open at the Van- derbilt theater in New York in a com edy by Mark Reed, entitled "She Would and She Did." Those Who Come and Go. Crane Wilbur, former picture star and writer, now successful actor, will be starred on Broadway next fall by Arthur Hopkins. Hopkins became en thusiastic over one of Wilbur's plays ard immediately entered into negotia tions with Ota Gygi, Wilbur's business manager, for the services of Wilbur. Wilbur accepted Hopkins' offer by wire. He is now in Oakland, Cal piaylng in stock as his own- manager and using his own plays as vehicles. Wilbur has already sold, through Ota Gygi, five plays to five Broadway producers. When it comes to holding fairs Mai heur county is' getting up to the min ute, and the round-up that is -scheduled to" come off at Ontario not so many days from now is going to have an air plane along with the buckaroos an bulldoggers. This is the word that L. J. Aker, attorney from the eastern Ore gon town, brought to the Imperial yes terday. Mr. Aker says business 1 booming and that Ontario Is soon to start laying (160,000 worth of paving. State highway surveyors are also working on roads in the vicinity. Th Warm Springs project will be finishe up this fall and will furnish water for over 40,000 acres of new land, besides forming a permanent supply for that already under ditches. "We had a good crop this year," said the attorney, "an it's bringing big prices. Ontario's good place to live in." Besides liking fish In streams. Dr. J. H. Barr of Marysville, Cal., thinks thousands of them in ponds would b something worth while eeemg, so h is anticipating with great eagerness visit to 'he state fish hatchery at Bon neville. Dr. Barr, accompanied by his wife, son and daughter, motored in' to the Multnomah yesterday after a rough trip. They found the roads extremely bad between Crescent City and Grant Pass and from Grants Pass to Drain Crews, however, are now at work an the motorists believe they will repHi some of the worst spots soon. Dr. Barr is going to take his time going back, and will drive up the Columbia highway to The Dalles and return to California through Bend and Klamath Falls. A private little victory celebration in the form of a complete circuit of the United States is being enjoyed Dy Mr. and Mrs. Horace Reed and their three sons, John Horace and Carl, who were at the Multnomah yesterday. They are from Buffalo, N. Y., not far from Niagara Falls, but curiosity led them up the Columbia highway yesterday to see some other varieties of scenery and compare it with the wonder of their own state. Mr. Reed is in tne mno erranh business. His two older sons were at the front during the war and the tour was arranged to commemorate their safe return. The family came west on the Canadian Pacific and went Into the interior of Alaska. They left last night for California. W. E. St, John of Sutherlin lost one of the titles he has been privileged to sign after his name yesterday when he disposed of the Sutherlin Light 4: Power company plant to John B. ieon, William Pullman and others of this city. Mr. St. John was at the Imperial to arrange the deal and to attend the Ad club luncheon as delegate from the State Fruit Growers' association, of which he is vice-president. He is one of the Douglas county commissioners and has a large fruit farm, raising ap pies, pears and prunes. The crop this year is very line in quality ana rruit will be plentiful, he says. Mr. St. John was president of the power company he has just sold. Portland - platform men are level headed fellows. They reject the award of slight increase, but decide to con tinue on the job and await develop ments. It's an axiom that all .things come to the man who waits, and cer tainly these "boys", are waiting like gentlemen. A young man who committed sui cide in San Francisco left word that he was "just tired," tired of eating, getting up and living generally. There are lots more like him, only they do not go out that way. Possibly what they need Is treatment for hookworm. Adjutant-General Williams com plains of the "crowd-ins" who would travel eastward on Grand Army rates; yet there is little reason why those rates could not be extended to a gen eral public that is not enough fortu nate to possess a bronze button. Banks is pot much more lhan a crossroads, as towns go, in the north ern part of Washington county, but its citizens have the spirit to promote a hog and dairy 'show, and there are lots of places in Oregon that might with profit emulate Banks. Mexico says the American punitive expedition did not get permission to cross the border, which shows the Greaser feeling toward the United States. Forced to a show-down, Mexico is good dog, but only while we are looking. There was a time when Prince Charles of Roumania would have been considered a freak for renouncing the succession to 'the throne, but the act is now taken as. evidence of sanity. Although the daylight-saving law is repealed, ther Is nothing to prevent you from saving daylight. The only difference is that you need no longer make a liar of the clock. - You cannot tell what a town is by its name. A bank in Fossil wants to double its capital and there's nothing "fossil" to an institution of that class. Commissioner Bigelow would , bet ter look out, for the women are after him, and the female of the species is more deadly than the male. If the United States should take Yap, how about self-determination for the Yappers? Some deputy sheriff in eastern Ore gon will get the fleeing convicts as part of his job. Farmers are compelled to kill their thistles and why not the city lot owner? Next year the White House cook will get up on real time. William A. Brady announces that 'Little Women" will be presented for the first time in England at Manches ter October 6. It will be seen in Man chester for a month, after which It will tour the provinces before opening at a leading London theater during the Christmas holidays. On September 13 Jessie Bonstelle, who will stage the play for Mr. Brady, will sail for England, accompanied by several American actors who will be seen in the principal roles in "Little Women." . Tallulah Bankhead, daughter of Con gressman' Bankhead of Alabama, is playing the leading role in "39 East" at the Maxine Elliott theater, New York, having succeeded Constance Bin ney, who was given a vacation. If you notice any extra glad notes or more vibrant harmonies than usual in George Natanson's voice (at the Al cazar theater) it is explainable. Mrs. George Natanson and their 16-months- old baby have arrived to spend several months. Kings being Interviewed usta say "my kingdom, or my realm." For long time now they've been referring to their abodes as "estates. Pretty soon they may be saying "my rooming house, and the cafeteria where I eat." Only one other thing Is more tire some than reading daily accounts of the high cost of living, and that other ore tiresome thing is the high cost of living itself. Madame Desireo Loubovska, the in terpretative dancer, is to enact the principal role in a noted French panto mime next- season, following it wttn appearances in concert and as solo dancer with the leading eastern - orchestras. Charles Compton, one of the favorite musical comedy players on Broadway, has deserted the musical stage and will be a leading player in a new comedy. which will be produced by John Cort. HOW PRICES ARE MANIPULATED Truck Growers Accused of Playing Re- tall Against Wholesale Prices. PORTLAND. Aug. 20. (To the Edi tor.) The sellers on .the Yamhill pub lin market are principally professional gardeners.- The genuine farmers are confined '"to the blocks between Third and Fourtn "streets. . The latter bring in a little drib of vegetables, but most ly 'other, foodstuffs. I farmed until recently, marketed my berries-and produce on what is called in the press, the Farmers.' Wholesale market and I can see the eystem these professional truck growers work. -i. They take their load, or part of it, to the early farmers' market, using the high Yamhill street market prices as a lever to extort a high wholesale price and then sell on the public market at a high price in order to keep the cycle in operation.:' Thus those gentry have the people of the city eating their pro duce at a fancy price. Last year was a very dry Season and desirable vegetables were scarce. but this year is favorable and every thing grows abundantly, yet prices are higher than ever. If the growers had to dispose of all their produce at the farmers' wholesale market there would be an oversupply there and prices to the peddler wagon men would take a material drop and prices would be lees to the housewives all over the city. Allowing the pro ducer to sell both wholesale and retail allows him to play both ends of the game to perfection. W. E. LINNETT. WinnipeK has almost recovered from the effects of its recent strike, accord intr to B. J. Jeskell, who, with his wife and daughter, is stopping at the Mult nomah. He is making a tour or tne r-a cif ic coast and while in Portland went up the Columbia highway. Mr. Jeskell doesn't think much of high prices here after what he has seen of them in Win nipeg. "The price of commodities was boosted sky high by the tie-up, ne said yesterday. "Our fruits and vege tables had to be brought all the way from California. The late war, how ever, has educated our people in the art of raising their own vegetables in stead cf directing their attention en tirely to wheat and other cereals." It took tremendous effort on the part of Albert E. Parker to coax his auto mobile to travel over the rough roads from Seattle to Portland and now that he has it here the problem is to get it home in safety again. Mr. Parker vows he won't attempt to return over the same route, but will go around through Spokane. He Is to be found at the Mult nomah talking JJiesei engines wiin an his friends who are interested in ship ping, as he is engaged in the manufac ture of them. With the intention of maintaining Pendleton's reputation for whoopin' 'er up, five of the town's most prominent citizens gathered at the Benson yester day. In the party were Fred Lampkin, publisher of the Tribune; Carl Cooley, manager of Alexander's department store; R. L. Crommelin, manager of the flour mill; W. L. Thomposn, Pendleton banker, and E. J. Burke, one of the heavy wool producers of Umatilla county. In Salem when you mention Oregon guard they'll tell you to see Colonel A T. Woolpert if you want to know any thing about it, for when it comes down to military affairs the colonel has them to the dot. He was also active in the reorganization of the O. N. G., and is commanding officer for his district Mr. Woolpert, who Was at the Imperial yesterday morning, is one of the pro prietors of the Central Pharmacy In his home town. Despite the fact that his business In- terests are located at opposite sides of the continent, H. W. Sibley of Roches ter, N. Y., contrives to keep an eye on all of them. With Mrs. Sibley and their so i he was at the Portland a few hours yesterday visiting, with friends. He is the owner of two office buildings in Rochester and has large timber inter ests in Tillamook. A real family tour is being enjoyed by the Dickinsons, a party or eastern ers at the Portland yesterday. Making up the group, who are on the trip to the coast, are D. C. Dickinson of Wil- metto, 111., and Miss Helen nicKInson of the same town, Mrs. J. H. Dickinson of Montclalr, N. J Mrs. D. K. Dickin son of Chicago and W. C. Dickinson of Swarthmore, Pa. In Other Days. Twenty-five Years Ago. Prom The Oregonlan of August 21, 1894. Receiver McNeill of the Oregon Rail road & Navigation company has sub mitted a new scale for engineers to a committee of employes, proposing in creases from 13.75 to $3.90 and from $3.85 to 1-4.05, and it is believed this will be accepted. George H, Sargeant, secretary of the state board of horticulture, sighted a half-grown bear galloping along the ridge near his home on Willamette Heights Sunday. The Madison-street bridge, which has - been closed for repairs, will be thrown opes to the public again today. ' The head camp of the Woodmen of the World spent yesterday in discuss- ng constitutional amendments and will end their session today. Fifty Years Ago. From The Oregonlan of August 21. 1869. Trenton. Yesterday the National School Teachers' association held its meeting here, with 1000 male and fe male ' teachers present. A large sawmill is in process of con struction at Cementville by owners of the cement works. The schooners Klaskanine and Ele- nora are discharging at trie O. s. IV wharf the first cargoes of stone for the new United States building in this city. Literature received here from San Francisco urges the adoption by con gress of the postal telegraph system, the claim being that rates may event ually he reduced to 2 cents for a 20- word message sent anywhere in the United States. More Truth Than Poetry. By James J. Montague. THERE MUST BE SOME OF IT LEFT OVER. When a town in the state of Kentucky went dry The officers emptied the whisky supply In a swift little stream, and the fishes therein Partook of the same with a welcoming grin. Next evening a person named Casey pulled out Of the murmuring waters a sizeable trout. He ate it that night, and to make the tale short Turned up with a tide in the morning in court. At least Mr. Casey was free to admit That this was the way that he chanced to be lit. But the judge didn't think that the story was true. And neither, dear reader, will you! The corn in a silo on Hennessy's place Turned sour and "worked" (as is often the case). The cow ate the corn and the milk in the nail That evening was flavored somewhat like Scotch ale. When Hennessy drank some for supper. with bread, He found that it suddenly went to his head, So he cranked up his flivver and. scorching through town, Ran a couple of sheep and a constable down. At all events, this was' the gist of his tale. But the sheriff was sure that the yarn was a lie. And so, gentle reader, am II An apple tree grew on a brewery site And burgeoned and fruited, and one autumn nieht The Peterson kid, who was wandering . by. Took some of the apples down home for a pie. ext morning the Petersons number- inenine. Catne issuing .forth in a wavering line, Their voices upraised as they sang to the moon, clamorous accents a loud Swedish tune. And when sundry neighbors had ques tioned them wv They acted hhat way, they replied "Ap ple pie. But the stall didn t go in the town ' worth a cuss, Nor will it, dear reader, with us! The Only Thing Lacking. The railroad employes who are going to operate the lines themselves will, of course, divide the profits. All they need -now is'somebody to divide the losses. True to Form. . The German officers who are com mitting suicide are merely proving their loyalty to a 'Vaterland which committed suicide before them. Possibly. Perhaps if we waited awhile we would discover that the Chinese want ed something in China also. The Standard. By Grace E. Hall. Ordinary stoves don't concern Frans S. Lang of Seattle, but he Is a regular enthusiast over the kind that hotels generally purchase, on which you can cook enough food for an army. Mr. Lang is staying at the Portland while looking over the branch store his com pany has here. Both the city of Newberg and one of its principal hardware stores had to get along without tnelr cnier ex ecutive yesterday while George Larkin was in town chinning with 'friends around the lobby of the Imperial. rr. Larkin is mayor of the Yamnm county town. Mrs. Edward W. Colesof Haines, who is at the Imperial witff Mrs. N. A Maxwell, was joined yesterday by her husband. They will remain in the city several days while Mr. , Coles attends to the disposal of a quantity or stock he brought In from his eastern Oregon ranch. Brigham City wasn't populated by Brigham Young, even if it is near Salt Lake City. The fact of the matter is the former town is headquarters for an enormous copper camp.. It is also the place from which Veda Hunsaker, who passed the night at the Benson, came.. "Next to being famous for the manu facture of Indian blankets and as the site for the Round-up, Pendleton can claim renown as being the home of Lee Moorhouse, who registered at the Per kins yesterday. Mr. Moorhouse stepped into the limelight in the days when he was agent on the Umatilla Indian reservation. Whate'er its worth to you this shall decide The value of a thing; naught else shall count, Nor cause you to esteem it, since beside Its charm your own desire first must mount- v To point which lures you on to seek and hold The price, of your desire you pay in gold! You read a famous book; it measures high According to your trend; you speak in praise; Another shall perhaps Ignore, decry Or even storm of criticism raise; But Inasmuch: as it appeals to you. Shall you ascribe- a value that seems true. - ' Each seems for his own self to scan .-.'"' and reach Those elements In life that he can use; Beyond his mental caliber none teach Nor touch a man; thus they in turn - refuse To hold as things of worth the craft, the art. To which their brain Is dumb In whole or part. And thus in loving, too, we ever cling To that which brings us Joy; the vital thing Is not the charm nor grace that we espy. But rather that 'they always satisfy! 'Tis idle. quite to argue and discuss We value most what means the most to Us! Kew Flags For OH, PORTLAND. Aug. 20. (To the Edi tor.) A motion passed by the Daugh ters of the Revolution requested the chairman of the committee on preven tion of desecration of the flag to com- unicate with the Portland papers and reouest them to urge people flying or displaying flags to remove those that become tattered or worn out, substitut ing new ones. Our interest Is to keep active a due and proper respect for the national colors. ELIZABETH A. - GAuLD. Chairman. Dad Takes Charge. Louisville Courier Journal. "The store is 21 years old today, dad. We're out of short pants." "Order some immediately, son. That's no way to run a store."