T VOL. T.VIII. XO 18 Entered at Portland (Ortionl VJXs. litlll. y' 1 0,-J Postoffice as S-cond -C!a! Matter. PORTLAND, OREGON, "WEDNESDAY, AUGUST. 20, 1919. PRICE FIVE CENTS. WILSON PLEADS 600,000 WORKERS ASK $1 -A DAY MORE OFFICERS OF RAILROAD MEX S UXIOX APPROVE. CAVALRY DASHES $16,903,361 OF ROAD THREE BATHERSARE TRANS-PACIFIC CABLE IS WANTED BY JAPAN AMERICAN' AID SOLICITED IX TEXTURE BY DIPLOMAT. IS WORK LET IN OREGON FOR LEAGUE PACT 3 70 MILES OF PATIXG INCLUDED IX STATE CONTRACTS. PUBLIC MARKET Of WTO MEXICO 01 VICTIMS SCORED BY WOMEN I V Interpretations. Welcomed if Not in Formal Act SENATORS AT WHITE HOUSE All Lines In Xorth and Central America Affected; Referendum Is Now Be ins Taken. U. S. Troopers on Trail of Kidnapers. President Tells Committee He Expects Japan to Give Up Shantung. SOME QUESTIONS ARE PARRIED Executive Declines, for Policy, to Give American Vote on Race Equality. V.ASHIXGTON'. Aug. 19. Fresi lent Wilson, interpreting the league of nations covenant today for the sen ate foreign relations committee, de clared it imposed no legal obligations for the use of American military force in protecting the territory or independence of any other nation. But he added that the covenant might involve, in certain circum stances "an absolutely compelling moral obligation" which might be even stronger than a legal promise. Pressed for a more exact defini tion by committee members who in sisted that the whole arrangement i was "a rope of sand" he asserted that i on the contrary he considered it as placing the nations in "an attitude of comradeship and protection," which would compel respect for the princi ples of justice and liberty. The president, in a prepared state ment which he read to the senators, said he had no objection to interpre tations, provided they are not a part of the formal act of ratification. Meeting the committee in a round table discussion in the East Room of the White House in contradiction to the precedents of more than a cen tury, and with the whole nation lis tening through the medium of a re lay of public stenographers, the pres ident went into many of the de tails of the peace negotiations and touched on all the hotly-debated questions which have divided the senate in its consideration of the peace treaty. War Rests With Congress. Article Ten of the covenant, guar anteeing the integrity of league mem bers against aggression, he declared, would leave to each nation "complete freedom of choice as to the applica tion of force." Even if the American representa tives on the council joined in a rec ommendation for military action, final declaration for peace or war must rest, so far as concerned the United States, with congress, he said. Whatever advice the council gave under its authority to take such ac tion as is "deemed appropriate" mujt also be deemed appropriate by the DETROIT. Aug. 19. General chair men of the United Brotherhood of R"":r. ,TJl.T.:7:: TORRENTIAL STORMS HANDICAP ment already submitted to tne ran road administration, calling for an In crease In pay of app-roatmatety 91 day per man. time and a half for over time and promotion by seniority. The demands, it was said, affect all railroads in the United States. Canada and Centra'. America and involve about 600.000 workers. Half of that number are members of the union. A referendum now being taken Is returnable August H. Union official declare 99 per cent of the men favor the proposed schedule and a general strike of all maintenance of way em ployes is Imminent if their demands are not met. 0 BULLDOG RAIDS CHURCH Worshlner Is Attacked When He Saves Child From Dog. THE DAU.ES. Or.. Aug. 19. Spe cial.) Charley Simons Is nursing 1 badly torn hand as the result of the Intrusion of a bull dog at the Free Methodist church last night. As the congregation was passing out of the church the dog made a rush at one of the children and Simons grabbed It by the hind leg and threw it over the fence. The dog came back; this time at Simons was the object of the attack. Simons mas bitten in both hands and on the arm before he was hU t r r-, tn A nlars of safety. Doss are strictly barred at all ftr- ther meetings of the church. INDIAN LANDS ARE SOLD Choice Sections Disposed of at Aue tlon and More Follow. PENDLETON. Or.. Aug. 19. (Special.) Seven allotments on the Umatilla res ervation went into the hands of white men as the result of the public sale here. Thomas Thompson paid 1 20. 031 for ISO acres: D. C. Bowman, 40 acres for $4790; Harvey Horn. 40 acres, 13215: 40 acres. Ill 15: Ben F. Marlin. 40 acres. J5263; Michael F. Unbarger. 40 acres. 14411; J. D. Owen. 40 acres. IS50. Other allotments of choice Indian land are to be offered at auction this month. IRRIGATION WATER AMPLE Reservoirs Discharging at Capacit) in Yakima District. YAKIMA. Wash., Aug. 19. (Special.) All reservoirs with the exception of Keechelus are discharging to their fullest capacity and an ample suppl- of water is on hand in all sections of the valley to meet the season's needs. On the Sunnyside project 4700 acre feet are being released daily, as against 4300 feet daily a year ago. Diversions from the Indian service at Union Gap are now running 5000 feet daily. 400 feet daily over last year at this time. ADMIRAL SEBREE DRIFTS Tug Bringing In Steamer With Cargo of Xews Print. SEATTLE. Wash.. Aug. 19. The Pacific Coast Steamship company's steamer. Admiral Sebree. reported early today it had lost a propeller wheel and was drifting helplessly 115 miles west of Cape Flattery. The tug Tyee Immediately put out from here and took the Sebree in tow. The Sebree was bound from Ocean Falls. B. C. to San Francisco with Weary Horsemen Are Guided by Ransomed Fliers. AIRPLANE IS FIRED UPON American Scooting Machine Back With Holes in Wing; Replies With Machine Gun. MARFA, Texas, An. ID. Aa Amerl M alrplaae returned tonight from 1 coating trip lata Mexico with two ballet holes through a wing' of the machine. The aviator-observer aald he 1 fired oa by three Mexicans. He rctnrned the fire with a uachlne gna and believes he killed one. The cavalry Feur additional airplanes arrived to night from Fort Bllaa flying field at Kl Paso, increasing the airplanes for recent work In Mexico. The airplanes will fly Into Mexico at daybreak, tomorrow to resume the carch for bandits nnd for Unison dnty between troops and field headquarters. Later reports tend to confirm earlier reports that rain storms In the Mexl- mountalns today obliterated bandit trails. MARFA, Texas. Aug. 19. Rain- soaked and saddle-weary the American roops of the Eighth cavalry were pur suing the Mexican bandits who held aviators Peterson and Davis for ran som over the Mexican mountains south of the border. Lieutenant Peterson and Lieutenant Davis, the ransomed fliers, are riding with the column to help find the place where the .bandits made them prisoners and to identify the bandits If captured. Following release of the aviators near San Antonio; Chihuahua, early to day American cavalry troops crossed he border! Reports received from the troops in the field late today gave no ntlmation that contact had been made with the bandits or that there had been any fighting. Storms sweeping the Mexican moun- ain district south of the Rio Grande- Big Bend district multiplied the diffl- ulties of the American troops. In the Ojinaga district, torrential rains made it difficult to follow the "hot trail" on which the troops crossed. Clouds and low visibility prevented he airplanes from rendering good scout service. Bandits Hiding In nil Despite the handicap the Americans swept forward. The bandit band led Macadam Is Being Laid for 193 Miles, With 528 Miles of Grading Also in Contractors' Hands. SALEM. Or., Aug. 19. (Special.) State highway work under contract in Oregon August 18, including all post and forest projects, totaled 916,903, 361.08, according to a report completed today by the state highway depart ment. There are included in the contracts approximately 370 miles of paving, 193 miles of macadam and 528 miles of grading. - Ten per cent additional allowed for contingencies amounts to 31,408,613.42 and 10 per cent for engineering totals tl. 408,613.42. The Improvements include the Co lumbia River highway, at a cost of 3.407,67S.21; Pacific highway, 34.396, 775.75; west side Pacific highway. II,- 314,669.40; Salem-Dallas highway, S320, 742.50; Tamhill-Nestucca highway, 1426,682.11; Coast highway, 3601,054 Dalles-California highway. S46.188.70 Portland-F o r e s t Grove-McMinnville highway, 3817.502.50; Ashland-Klamatli Falls, $177,957.50; Crater Lake highway 46.000; John Day highway, $399,- 913.65; LaGrande-Enterprise highway. $42,370; McKenzie River highway, $136,145: Old Oregon Trail, $475,866.97; Oregon-Washington highway, $536, 076.25; Baker-Cornucopia highway, $178,431.75; Flora-Enterprise highway, $73,560; Mount Hood. Loop highway, $227,567.60; Grants Pass-Crescent City highway, $62,985.35; Burns-Lawen high way, $197,967. (Concluded on Page 2, Column I.) GIRL MINERS MAKE GOOD Development Work Done by School Teacher and Companion. ROSEBURG. Or., Aug. 19. (Special.) Miss May Murphy, a school teacher of Baker county, and Miss Lilla Sher land of Portland, were In the city to day filing their report on development work done on the minlng'claim recently left to Miss Murphy by the death of her father. The mine, situated in a wild country 22 miles from West Fork, has been worked by the two girls, who have cleared it, constructed flumes and sunk shafts. They also repaired a dam which had been damaged by a freshet. They left Roseburg this morning for their homes. Velma Davidson Dies in Attempt at Rescue. UNIVERSITY STUDENT DROWNED Raymond F. Koessell Goes Un der While Bathing at Goble. LLOYD G0FF IS ALSO LOST Efforts of Girl Prove Unavailing and Lad Is Carried Under by Strong Currents of River. MELON C0STS MAN'S LIFE Farmer Xear Glcnns Ferry Shoots Raider on His Patch. BOISE, Idaho, Aug. 19. (Special.) A tragedy that created a sensation at Glenns Ferry was enacted yesterday when Howard Belmire. 19, a resident of Ontario, Or., was killed by C. C. Smith, a rancher, when Belmire was In Smith's watermelon patch. Smith is said to have emptied two barrels from a shotgun into Belmire. Belmire was in the employ of the King Hill Irrigation company. He was sent out to investigate the canals for leaks. After completing the inspection he decided to get a melon from Smith's patch and the shotting followed. Three lives were sacrificed in the waters of the Columbia river yester day by bathers who sought the cool comfort of the stream. Velma Davidson of Gold Hill, Or., 19 years of age, gave her life in the attempt to rescue a companion bather, Lloyd Goff of 1246 Union avenue, Port- and, at Forest Hall, near Crown Point. Raymond F. Koessell of 727 Hood street, a student of the Uni versity of Oregon, was drowned while j bathing in the river near Goble. Raymond F. Koessell, 19, a sopho more at the University of Oregon, was drowned while bathing in the Columbia river near Goble yesterday, according to a message received by his father. ugust E. Koessell, 727 Hood street. The boy was working for the Warren Construction company. The boy recently returned from an officers' training school in Kentucky, and had been working for the Warren Construction company since closing of the university last June. He is sur vived by his parents and his grandmother. In company with a friend by the name f Lawrence young Koessell started to take a swim in the Columbia, just opposite the Goble postoffice, after finishing work yesterday. He was wading when he suddenly stepped off into the ship channel, it was reported, sinking at once. Grapplers had failed to recover the body last night. Miss Davidson and young Goff both were employed at Forest Hall. Yes terday afternoon they went for a swim about a half mile from the tavern in company with George Lord, who lives at Bridal Veil. Lord and Miss David son could both swim, but Goff was in experienced in the water. Lord, according to reports from Forest Hall, warned Goff to stay near the shore and close to his companion's. They had left the water and were starting back to Forest Hall when Goff decided to take another plung. Be fore his companions realized his danger he had got in the current of the river and beyond his depth. Lord first atempted to rescue him. Affair Held to. Be Mutual and Split in Expense Is Desired by Oriental Capitalists. SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 19. (Spe cial.) Thirty million dollars of Japan ese capital has been subscribed to lay another submarine cable across the Pacific from San Francisco to Japan Kakichi Uchida, former vice-minister of communication of Nippon, an nounced upon arrival here today from Japan. " In addition to the new cable, Japan is now proceeding with th: construc tion of another powerful wireless plant. This will be flrished and in operation about January 1. Uchida made his first visit to the United States several months a -o. He proceeded to New York to interest American financiers and received the approval of the United States govern ment. He then returned to Japan and financed his undertaking. He said: "Japanese interests have subscribed the entire amount needed to lay' the cable; but we are of the opinion that as the cable will benefit both coun tries, it should be a r-.utual affair. I was promised support at New York and will go ahead and see if we cannot have the capital split between the Americans and Japanese." Institution Weighed and Found Wanting. . ANGRY PROTESTS ARE MADE General Conviction Is That Prices Are Too High. FARMERS ALSO ARE HEARD Meeting at Library Hall to Considea Cost-of-Living Problems Proves to Be Very Lively Affair. FLEET AT SANTA BARBARA Vessels Ahead of Schedule; Daniels' Advance Guard at Honolulu. SANTA BARBARA. Cal.. Aujf. 19. The Pacific fleet anchored off Santa Barbara at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon, 15 minutes ahead of schedule time. The official reception committee boarded Admiral Rodman's flagship, the New Mexico, shortly afterwards and offered the city's hospitality. The flagship and others of its group left Los Angeles harbor promptly at 8 o'clock this morning and had a smooth voyage. The various other groups of the fleet which had been visiting other Los Angeles county ports joined the flag ship at the appointed rendezvous, ten miles south of Point Dume. Then, with the New Mexico in the lead and fol lowed by the Mississippi, the Wyoming, the Arkansas all dreadnoughts the Birmingham, flagship of the destroyers and the other vessels of that type, it steamed in squadron formation at a speed of 12 knots. SALEM PATROLMAN WEDS ( Continued on Page 2, Column 2.) THERE'S A LIMIT TO EVEN UNCLE SAM'S PATIENCE. cargo of news print paper. No pas- United States to be binding on thiSsengera were aboard government, ne argued, tnougn" in ma background would be such a potential moral force that he doubted if the ation would decline to act. The president revealed that Japan's promise to return Shantung province to China was reduced to written form in the minutes of the peace confer ence. He asserted he had "every confidence- that the promise would be rarried out, and told the senators it was the best "that could be rot" out of the negotiations, Japan having given notice she would withdraw from SCHOOL TO FOLLOW CAMP Portable Building Planned by Mill for Workers' Children. El'GENK. Or.. Aug. IS. (Special.) That the children of the men employed In the Booth-Kelly logging camps above Wendling may not be deprived of education, arrangements have been made by the company for the erection of a portable schoolhouse. The camps above Wendling change locations occasionally and every time a. move Is msae nerearter tne scnooi- the conference if her demands were' houe will be taken along, so that the children may continue their studies. -e fused. U. S. Troops to Stay on Rhine. The American delegates, he said, had tried to keep the nation free from obligations in European affairs "so far as it was honorably possible to do to," but he asserted that it might-be necessary to keep some American troops on the Rhine district under the treaty for the next 15 years. He declared the nation would be its own sole judge whether its obligations had been fulfilled under the disputed withdrawal clause of the league cov enant; that purely domestic questions were afe from the league's interfer ence, and tn&t the Monroe doctrine was clearly preserved. The league, the president explained, was built on the plan of General Smuts of South Africa. Mr. Wilson revealed that he had suggested the United States take no part of the German reparation but had asked that the conference reserve dis- SUGAR LURES FOUR ASTRAY Ton of Sweets Causes Arrest Seattle Quartet. SEATTLE. Wash.. Aug. 19. Charged with the theft of more than a ton of sugar from the warehouse of a whole sate grocery company here, two men and two youths, company employes. were arrested here today. Police, who are withholding names. allege the sugar was sold by the men to restaurant owners, in some cases, one whole cent below market price. r.niinnit oa f u. 4. Column L-i PRESIDENT IS OVERRULED Dajlight-avlns Bill Repealed House 223 to 101. WASHINGTON". Aug 1. Repeal of the daylight-saving law was passed to day over President Wilsons veto by the house on a vote of 223 to 101. seven more than the necessary two-thirds. The repeal now goes to the senate, where its supporters claim victory. i !l : : : : ii IF 'fOVI CAHT f 4 3V ayrtrii i mv Bar ma.y y i of i An! i y9t T IT I LKT f I I H 1 " 1 is 1 1 ii Krr 1 M III fTM I A I i i .....tt,.tt 1 Walter Thompson and Miss Muna Medly Married at Capital. SALEM. Or., Aug. 19. (Special.) Walter Thompson, well-known patrol man of this city, and Miss Muna E. Medley were married Monday morn ing at the home of the former. Mr. Thompson has been a member of the Salem police force for several years and at one time was a guard at the state penitentiary. Mrs. Thompson was formerly a telephone operator in the local offices. Following the ceremony Mr. Thomp son was summoned to the sheriffs office ostensibly on official business. As he entered the offices he was seized by a number of his fellow-officers and thrown into cell, where he was held for several hours. About the time his predicament began to look serious he was released. FLIER TO TEMPT PACIFIC Japanese Army Aviator Will Try Flight Across Ocean. SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 19. A trans Pacific flight is to be attempted soon by D. Isobe, a Japanese army aviator, according to a cable received from Japan by the Japanese-American News of San Francisco. This will be the first attempt at the aerial conquest of the Pacific. INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. Sb degrees; minimum. degrees. TODAT'S Fair and warmer; gentle north erly winds. Foreign. British fleet besieges Kronstadt, sink, bol shevik! battleships. Pags 2. Japan plans closer ties of communication on mutual .basis. Page 1. National. Opposition to soldiers' land bill shows signs or weakness. Page s. Daylight-saving repeal passed by house over president s veto. Page 1. Walker charges against army prisons billed for senate hearing. Page 2. Domestic. United States cavalry dashes Into Mexico after kidnapers of flyers. Page 1. Six hundred thousand railroad workers to ask SI a day more pay. Page 1. Freed flyers tell of their captivity. Page 3. i - Pacific Northwest. $16,003,561 of road work is under way in Oregon. Page 1. Campers warned of forest fire by Paul Re vere in auto. Page 1. Forest fires spring up anew In Oregon. Page 8. Sports. Laurelhurst tennis tournament to start Sat urday: Page 14. Evan, and Ouimet will decide national golf title today. Page 15. , Commercial and Marine. Heavy purchase of flour made by grain corporation. Page 23. Corn higher at Chicago with light offerings. Page Si. Settlement of traction strike leads to rally In stock market. Page 23. Shipyards will raise pay on October L Page 24. Portland and Vicinity. Parents of murdered soldier receive postcard mailed before death. Page 12. Sale of poisonous . fish brings Jail term and S5O0 fine. Page . Tourist tide to northwest declared greatest ever seen, rage ii. Government offers army food through Port land postoffice. page 23. Three bathers are drowned In Columbia. Page 1. Women declare public market is not f unction- ijig. properly. . Pae l. Volley after volley of red hot in vective were fired at the administra tion of the Yamhill-street public mar ket yesteiay when 250 women gath ered in Library hall to voice thci views on the high cost of living. Practically everyone present vi anxious to recite her experience;, de spite rules of order and lack of timst; Though the stories differed, the con viction was general that the publi market is not doing its work in the) way originally Intended and that prices are too high. Upon motion by Mrs. F. O. Northruf. a committee of five, representing each) section of the city, was appointed and! a meeting will be held at 10:30 o'clocH today to work out some systematic plan for handling the public market problem. Later another mass meeting is to be called for adoption of a gen eral programme. . Consumers' Interest First. Those on the committee are Mrs, Northrup. from the central west sidsr chairman; Mrs. W. L. Block, North) Portland; Mrs. H. B. Johnson, South) Portland; Mrs. H. A. Bicknase, nortbj east side, and Mrs. J. M. Rice, sou til east side. Mrs. J. F. Chapman presided yes terday afternoon, calling first upoi. Acting Mayor Bigelow to present tha administration's side of the question, Mr. Bigelow presented and compare4 some market quotations compiled frors the daily papers . and results of in-4 vestigations he has carried on. "The first consideration of th market is to benefit the consumer," he declared. "The man with a stall there is expected to sell at a figure some where between the wholesale and retail price." Maximum Held Iteeeasary, The speaker defended the maximunf set by the market master, as he sai it bars profiteering. "There is no truth In the statement." he went on, "that the market master forbids selling at a lower figure than he has set. When I quote some of these figures we have obtained and you see the wide variance, you will know that an arbitrary maxi mum must be fixed r the producer would go by the top price quoted. We; have investigated and found that where men or women declared their neigh borhood stores sold cheaper than tha public market this was not actually true." At this point the audience became impatient and a woman interrupted I witn, isn t it a fact tnat tne nowi tha I people have been making the last few I days has caused - prices to drop oa j Yamhill street?" I Mr. Bigelow replied to this, attribute I ing the decrease in some lines to a greater supply of green vegetables. "I'm not here to argue with you," he said. "I just came to give you facts." Another Objector Riaes. Objection again was raised, when ona of the women exclaimed," "Mr. Bige low has told us a lot, but it was what we already knew. We want to get down to business. Is this market being car ried on according to Hoyle?" W. T. Spencer of Troutdale took the floor and presented the producers' side of the case. "Somebody has declared it strange that one doesn't see more Americans in the public market," he said. "I tell you there won't be any left at all unless you leave that maxi mum price alone. We farmers live without all the conveniences of the city, we have to work from daylight to dark and skimp ourselves to save any money. We're not making a lot of it. "The public market is not right, as you say, but its faults are not those that you have "designated. Why not leave it alone until next winter, when things are dull and you can carry on your reorganization without hurting the producer or yourselves? The farmers to day place a certain dependence on the market as an avenue by which their products can get to the .people. Any time you disrupt any regular element in the handling of produce you are do ing what the bolsheviki are doing in Russia. Through those methods you won't have any public market for farm produce next year. Fair Profit Necessary. "Don't go too fast. Take my own place. I've got to make a fair profit or quit. Mr. Bigelow can send any body down to my farm and find out what your fruit and vegetables actu ally cost. I'm business man enough to know that if I wanted to I could dis pose of them without relying on the market." Mrs. Northrup arose at this point. "That's fine talk from the producer," she said. "Now, what about the con sumer's Bide of it?" She told, of soma of her experiences in purchasing corn Concluded on Page 15, Column 2.)