VOL. LVIII. NO. 18,324 Entered at Portland fOrin) prvtofftre a Px-ond-Clas?" .Matter. PORTLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY, ( AUGUST 1919. PRICE FIVE CENTS. MEIER & PRINCE HELPS GIRL NEW YORK CAR STRIKE ENDS IN COMPROMISE 19, FRANK fiAITAHORII WILSON FACES QUIZ ON WORK AT PARIS Public to Get Every Word of Conference. SCORE OF MEN HELD ENTOMBED IN MINE MEXICO IS TOLD TP FREE FLYERS Instructions Sent Call for Prompt Action. TO MAKE EASY DIME TO DOUBLE PUNT L ALL HEIR HAS TO DO IS TO TELL SERVICE TO RESUME AFTER KXPLOSIOX XEAR LAVKTA. COLO., CATCHES FORTY. HER WHO HE IS. TWO-DAY TIE-VP. 0FF1NCIA fill 10-Story Structure, Block Square, Is Plan. STORE TO BE ENLARGED, TOO Young Woman at Halifax Beach Wins 10 Cents on Rojaltj When He Is Sure of His Identity. -Warning of Disaster Is Sounded by Premier. New Building Will Care for Wholesale Department. SITE BOUGHT AT $130,000 He-tall Establishment Will Hue Two Additional Floors and Many Xfw Sales Sections. Purchase of the block bounded by Thirteenth. Fourteenth. Everett and Flanders streets s the site (or a ten- story building to permit an expansion or wholesale and retail facilities or the Meier Frank company, ao that It will surpass any department store west of Chicago, was announced by Julius l Meier yesterday. The price paid was f 110.000. Wholesale business of the firm will be concentrated in the proposed struc ture, which will provide 600.000 feet of floor apace. Two stories will be added to the present store building; at Fifth. Sixth. Morrison and Alder streets for retail departments. The expansion will pro vide for employment of an additional force of more than 600 men and women, riaaa -Wear Ready. The date of construction of the new building has not been announced, but It la the intention of the firm to hasten building operations as much as possi ble. Local architects, whose names have not yet been disclosed, are at work on the plans and expect to have the elevations ready by the end of this week. The sale of the up-town property waa handled by Henry W. Fries of Wakefield. Fries A Co. The four owners of the property, which was divided Into quarter blocks, were F. C. Barnes, M. M. Spaulding estate. Lyons, Buckley 4b Fields and Charies Broock. Consummation of the purchase was de Jermined upon after the return of Abraham Meier, president of Meier & Frank company, from an extended trip through the eastern markets. Fortlaad t Braeflt. The announcement is one of the most Important of Its kind made in recent years In Portland, and establishes Portland as one of the greatest com' merclal centers in the west for the dis tribution of merchandise. Develop ment of a vast m-holesale establishment behind the retail departments Is what made Marshall Field & Co. of Chicago one of the largest stores in the world. The effect of the announce ment upon Oregon and Pacific coast Industries Is expected to be par Ucularly encouraging, as It will tim late production on a much larger acale. The property has trackage facilities direct from Portland terminals, and railroad spurs will be constructed eo that cars may enter the building for loading and unloading. Announcement of the sale was made to heads of departments in the Meier A Frank store in a brief meeting called by Mr. Meier yesterday afternoon. Spontaneous cheers greeted the news. ew llaaa Oatllaed. "While Meier & Frank company has been in the wholesale business in this city for a great many years past, it intends now to enter the field on a broader and larger scale and in the aame manner that the larger Jobbing bouses are operating in the big manu facturing centers of the east," said Julius Mfwr. who Is vice-president and general manager of the firm, yester day. "The firm will continue aa it has In the paat to encourage production of Oregon-made products, only on a much larger scale. he went on. "It will be found that the new acquisition in the commercial world of the northwest will act aa a very large distributing medium. The fie of the building in contemplation has not definitely been decided, but It very probably will be ten stones high and will embrace every modern facility known to the commer cial world. With basement and gal leries, the building should have a floor space of approximately 500.000 square feet." More to Re e'alargetf. Mr. Meier said further that the plans included a considerable extension of the present retail facilities by the ad dition of two stories to the building at Fifth and Morrison, which, with the transfer of some wholesale depart ments from that structure, will add about SO. 000 square feet to the present selling floor space In all making a total of 14 selling floors. There are now 70 or more depart ments under the roof of the Meier & Frank store, to which Mr. Meier ex pects to add several new selling sec tions, the nature of which will be an no unoed later. The wholesale and retail divisions of the Meier Jc Frank company will be conducted as two separate units and will in no way conflict with the methods and assortments now shown in the retail section. One of the mem bers of the firm will devote his entire Cni to the supervision of the whole sale end of the bueirress. but Just which member. Mr. Meier declined to say yes terday. "As a result of these extensive Adverse Balance $4,000,000, 000; Debt $39,000,000,000. HALIFAX. X. S.. Aug. 18. During an informal visit ashore yesterday the Trin-e of Wales hud the pleasure of helplng.young woman win. 10-cenUJnr: SITUATION ALARMING Strolling along the beat at Northwest arm. attired in civilian dress and at tended by members of his staff, he watched three young women bathers. One emerged from the shallows and advanced toward him, saying: "Are you the Prince of Wales? . He replied with a amile that he was. but this did not quite convince his fair interrogates who followed with: "Are you sure you are?" When he had solemnly reassured her with a second affirmative she confided to him that she had wagered 10 cents that he was the prince. After a few moments of pleasant chatting, he bade her good-day and politely expressed the hope that they might meet again, to which came the quick response: 'Sure, we'll see you tomorrow. COSTSUP; EARNINGS DOWN People Consuming More, Producing Less, Says Lloyd George Can not Compete With America. GRAIN, MULES, COMBINE, GO Runaway Team of Xlne Animals, Over 350 Acres, Thresher Burned WALLA WALLA, Wash.. Aug. 18. (Special.) A power combine used by Hotlls Conover was set on fire Sat urday afternoon following a runaway and the combine, nine mules, S50 acres of standing grain owned by Qjnover and 80 acres of grain Just threshed on the C. E. Shaffer ranch, were burned. The fire was near Waltsburg. The loss was partly covered by in surance. Tne grain was going IS bushels to the acre. HOSPITAL JVARD IS GIFT American Red Cross Contributes to Free Poland. WASHINGTON. Aug. IS. A 100-bed memorial ward has Just been pre sented to the Warsaw university clinic at Child Jesus hospital in the Polish capital, as a permanent contribution by the American people to the educa tional and health welfare of free Po land. I This announcement was made today at headquarters of the Red Cross. AERIAL DERBY IS PLANNED pikm Will Race From Coast to Coast for $100,000. NEW JORK. Aug. 18. Plans for a transcontinental aerial derby from New York to San Francisco with more than $100,000 In prizes, including a first prlxe of 120,000. were announced today by Captain Charles J. Gliddcn. chair man of the aerial touring league com mittee of the Aero Club of America. No date has been set for the contest OREGON TO SAIL MONDAY Famed Battleship Ready for Service as President's Boat. SEATTLE. Aug. 1!. The battleship Oregon is expected to leave for San Francisco next Monday, according to officera of the 13th naval district here today. The Oregon has been chosen as the! official reviewing vessel for President I Wilson when the new Pacific fleet ar- 1 rives at tne uoiaen uiie. RADIO SPANS 12,500 MILES! J New Station at Bordeaux to Be One or World's Most Powerful. PARIS. Aug. 17. (Havaa.) The new wireless station to be erected at Croix d'Hins, near Bordeaux, will nave a sending radius of 11.500 miles, accord ing to the Excelsior. It will be one of the most powerful wireless stations in the world, the paper adds, and will have a capacity of 72.000 words daily. ITALIANS HONOR PERSHING Highest Military Decoration .Gi-ven American Commander. ROME. Aug. 18. King Victor Em manuel conferred on General Pershing the grand cross of the military order of Savoy, the highest Italian military honor. The only other men to receive this decoration have been Marshal Foch. Field Marshal Haig. General Diax and General Cadorna. EUROPE HAS HEAVY CROPS Grain Rots in Austria for Lack of Fuel for Harvesting. VIENNA. Saturday, Aug. IS. (By the Associated Press.) Banner crops are reported throughout Jugo-Slavla. the Ukraine, Austria. Bohemia and soviet Russia. Much grain, however, is rotting In Austria and elsewhere because of lack of coal for harvesting machinery. LONDON, Aug. 18. Premier Lloyd George in his speech in the house of commons today on the financial and ndustrial situation waa pessimistic concerning the financial future of the country unless consumption was de creased and production increased. Un der present conditions, he sail. it was impossible to compete with American imports in England. In discussing the financial and in dustrial situation, the premier said that there was an alarming trade bal ance against the United Kingdom of XS00.000.000, which threatened to in crease. He announced that import re strlctions would be removed Scptem ber 1. The British government has accepted the policy of the state purchase of min eral rights in coal. This announce ment was made by Premier Lloyd George in the house of commons today. He said the government had accepted in principle Justice Sankey's plan for the unification and reorganization of the coal industry. Advanced World. "We have advanced some 4,000,000 000 to the world from which we are getting something like 200.000.000 yearly in interest. We have sold 1,000.000,000 of foreign securities to pay for war material for ourselves and our allies. We have borrowed 1,200, 000,000 from America and Canada for the same purposes. Our allies, includ ing Russia, owe us 1,800,000.000. "At the present moment our adverse trade balance is 800,000.000. "We must bridge that chasm or at the bottom of it is ruin. We are building a temporary bridge by borrowing, not only state borrowing, but traders bor rowing for raw material, food and so forth. That will only add to the catas trophe. "In every direction we are spending more. We are earning less. We are (Continued on Page 2. Column 2.) Stores and Offices Open Late Owin to Paralysis of Lines; Men Get 25 Per Cent Rise. NEW YORK, Aug. 18. The strike which has for two days' paralyzed the subwsy and elevated system of the ln- terborough Rapid Transit company in Manhattan, the Bronx. Brooklyn and Queens, was formally called off to night by a vote of the strfkers to ac cept a compromise offered them at a conference of city, and state officials this afternoon. , Under the terms of the settlement, the men will receive a wage increase of 25 per cent, and it is provided that the question of whether they shall receive the additional S3 per cent demanded by them shall be submitted to arbitra tion. Resumption of service was or dered to take effect at midnight to night. The 25 per cent wage increase was made retroactive to August 1 and, ac cording to Interborough officials, means an annual increase in the pay roll of $5,000,000. The agreement also provided for re instatement of all strikers with their old seniority ratings and for arbitra tion of all other differences which cannot be adjusted by negotiation. Settlement of the strike came at the end of a chaotic day In which the In terborough's 2,300,000 daily patrons plodded to work in a driving rain through crowded streets, rode Jammed surface cars, steam trains and steam boats or auto busses. SYRIANS ALSO DISPLEASED Son of Hcdjas King Leaves for Paris to Represent Arabs. PARIS, Aug. 18. Prince Feisal, son of Hussein Ben All, king of the Hedjas, will embark at Beiruth today to come to Paris and resume his place at the head of the Arab delegation. He is dissatisfied with the settlement of Syrian and Persian questions, accord ing1 to the Frencn press. The aspirations of France in Syria are being discussed by French news papers in connection with the Persian- Anglo understanding which is looked upon as providing for a British pro tectorate in Persia. Half Make Way Out; Rescuers Fail to Reach Others, While Women Weep. SHANTUNG DEAL TO MEAN WAR Chinese Adviser Says America Must One Day Fight. JAPAN TO HEED ONLY FORCE China Said to Have Been Betrayed at Peace Table; Xippon Expected to Challenge U. S. WIFE SUES VANDERBILT Xew York Society Matron Asks for Custody of Daughter. NEWPORT, R. I., Aug. IS. Mrs. Cathleen (Neilson) Vanderbilt began divorce proceedings against her hus band. Reginald C. Vanderbilt of New York today, by having service made on him at his farm at Portsmouth. Mrs. Vanderbilt alleges desertion and will ask for the custody of their only child, a daughter, Cathleen. Mr. and Mrs. Vanderbilt were married I IS years ago. He is the youngest son I of the late Cornelius Vanderbilt. I WASHINGTON, Aug. IS. At a con ference In some respects unparalleled In American history. President Wilson will talk over the peace negotiations and the treaty with the senate foreign ations committee tomorrow at the White House. By virtue of extraordinary plans to Inform the public of every word Uat is spoken, the meeting will have the aspect of an open forum discussion at which the whole nation can look on. As head of the American peace dele gation and one of the inner circle which formulated the world settlement at Versailles, the president is to be asked the meaning and purpose of pro visions of the league of nations cove nant, the reasons behind the decision to give Japan control in Shantung province. Just what part the United States is to take in reconstruction and many other questions raised in senate consideration of the treaty. Chance to Be Given to Tell All. Whether Mr. Wilson will answer fully in so public a manner all the questions put to him. or will consider that some of the information he re ceived at the peace table should be held in confidence as a matter of national policy, remains conjectural. But the committee members mean to give him the opportunity, if he chooses, to tell the whole of the inside story behind the treaty. Today the committee heard its. full direct account of the Shantung nego tiations from Thomas F. Millard, an American writer, who acted as adviser To the Chinese peace delegation. He said the settlement was reached after the Japanese virtually had threatend to bolt the conference, but he added that President Wilson seemed to be alone in considering the threat more than a "pure bluff." ' All the American experts on far eastern affairs at Versailles, Mr. Mil lard declared, agreed that the settle- TRINIDAX), Colo., Aug. IS. Eighteen men . are believed dead, buried under the debris from the explosion this morning in theOakview mine of the Oakdale Coal company near Laveta, Colo. Four bodies wore recovered at 7:30 o'clock tonight. Fumes from the gas explosion to night filled the mine, and several res cuers were overcome and were revived with difficulty. Owing to the wrecked condition of the mine and to the gas fumes, it was considered doubtful whether the full death list could' be learned tonight. Approximately 40 men were in the mine when the explosion occurred. Ten escape through the main stope after the explosion and 10 others made their way to the surface through an ad Joining mine. William Davis, a miner. one of those overcome, recovered suf ficiently to make his way to the sur face. None of the others has been heard from, , The explosion' occurred about a mile and a half in the workings of the mine. Tonight tearful throngs of women and children relatives of the missing men eagerly waited at the mine for word from the rescue crews. Mine of ficials said the rescue attempts would be continued all night. Officials say there is slight chance that any of the men still are alive. WAR DEPARTMENT MAY ACT Secretary Baker Refuses to Discuss Situation. ANOTHER AMERICAN HELD Porto Rican Doctor Kidnaped In July; Fate Unknown; Robbery by Bandits Reported. WOODEN LEG SCARES THIEF Night Prowler in Med ford Lodging House Drops Loot to Flee. MEDFORD, Or., Aug. 18. (Special.) A wooden leg left in a pair of trousers saved several occupants in a local lodging house from being robbed early today. The thief had obtained $37 in cash and several gold watches, but when he came to the pair of trousers with the wooden leg pro truding he dropped the loot and made his getaway. The rifled clothing and wooden leg were found later in an alley In the rear of the lodging house. Nearby were other articles of apparel, which had not been touched. The lodgers on re tiring had left the doors of their rooms open to benefit by the fresh night air and the thief hid made a circuit of the rooms and carried off all the cloth ing he could find. (Concluded on Page 2, Column 1.) ISN'T THAT THE LIMIT? Hello thv i s "the, WE, O-EAAft.HEi'-'SS' AWEE.lt f iCuALUiu4 oa Fa 2, Column HAIRPIN FIRES DYNAMITE One Hand of Inquisitive B-Year-OId Lad Is Blown Off. BFTLLXNGH AM. Wash, Aug. IS. Burrell Kuans, a J-year-old boy. is at local hospital today as a result of having attempt to explore a stick of dynamite with a hairpin. One of the child's hands was blown J off and he sustained other injuries. ! L ) .AW : , ,wM j J at I 'SJ - Tr ' Bliaa- MfK 7 -C,.- T , r ft- m. T WMF Jt I T I NEBRASKA DRYS TO FIGHT Court's Blow at Ratification of Amendment Will Be Appealed. LINCOLN, Neb., Aug. 18. An appeal to the state supreme cojrt will be taken from the decision of the district court today, holding that the action of the Nebraska legislature in ratifying the federal prohibition amendment is not final until it has been approved by the voters of the state at the next gen eral election. This was announced late today at the office of the secretary of state. WASHINGTON, Aug. 18. The pro hibition enforcement bill was presented to the senate today by Senator Ster ling of South Dakota, chairman of the judiciary sub-committee, which con sidered the house measure. There was no indication when the measure would be called up. INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, S3 degrees; minimum, 58. TODAY'S Fair, moderate westerly winds. Foreign. William T. Ellis suggests America as man datory power to aid Russia. Page 11. English expert lists eight ships laden with treasure tor salvage. Page 4. Supreme council of allies at Paris to ignore archduke's government at Budapest. Page 2. Great Britain on brink of financial ruin, says Loyd George. Page 1. Prince helps Halifax girl win 10 -cent bet. Page l. National. War risk insurance methods are much tangled. Page 2. Great Britain accused of making .Egypt a permanent possession. 1'age 7. Quick action wanted of congress on high cost or Jiving, page Mexico Is told to free kidnaped flyers. Page 1. Wilson to face query on Paris peace confer ence today. Page l. American business said to be against govern ment ownership of railroads. Page 3. Secretary Baker Bays nation needs large army. Page 6. Domestic. New York car strike ended by compromise. Page 1. Western governors urge cession of U. S. lands to states. Page 4. Score of miners held entombed near Laveta, Colo. Page 1. Pacific Northwest. Hart decides to call extra session to ratify suffrage. Page 10. Crews leave mill near Silverton to fight for est fires. Page 15. Commercial and Marine. Valley farmers freely offering hay on con signment. Page 21. Chicago corn breaks with constant liquida tion. Page 21. Wall street stocks under severe selling pres sure. Page 21. Coast shipyard interests must pull together, says J. C. Bowles. Page 20. Sport. Pacific Coast league results: Vernon 32, Seattle 2; Los Angeles 4. Salt Lake 2; No ocher games scheduled. Page 12. Mrs. James Dougherty has low card in quali fying round of Gearhart golf play. Page 13. Vernon Tigers arrive to open series with Portland Beavers. Page 13. ' Francis Ouimet, although playing while 111, survives in national golf play. Page 12. Beavers beat Sullivan's Newberg All-Stars, 9 to 3. Page 33. Portland and Vicinity. Members forum hears of devastated France and trade opportunities with Russia. Page 10. Portland recruiting officers told of new fed eral insurance offers. Page 22. Meier & Frank -company to double Port land plant; new site bought. Page 1. Four northwest states recommend Roosevelt memorial highway. Page . I WASHINGTON. Aug. 18. Officials here tonight, after a day during which the Mexican situation was to the fore, awaited news of tne release by Mex ican bandits of Lieutenants Paul H. Davis and Harold G. Peterson, Amer ican army aviators. Prompt measures to obtain the re lease of the aviators vho were cap tured by the bandits near Candelaria, Mexico, and for whom $15,000 ransom, has been demanded, was expected by state department officials following: the forwarding of instructions to the American embassy at Mexico City to call upon the Mexican government for "immediate adequate action." There were several conferences at the war department at which the situ ation resulting from the indignities upon American military officers were understood to have been discussed. Statement Not Yet "Safe." Returning to the department late in the day, Secretary Baker refused to divulge the contents of late depart ment dispatches. He also refused to discuss the situation beyond saying; "As soon as it is safe to do so. I will Issue a statement." The secretary's remark, made as he passed out the door of his office on his way to play, tennis, was, regarded in some quarters as significant, especially his emphasis on ,a statement being forthcoming only after it was "safe" to make one. The attitude displayed by the Mex ican government toward the request for immediate action, it was asserted by some officials, would have much to do In determining future relations between Carranza and this government, even though the two aviators should be re leased through payment today of the demanded ransom. Vigorous representations were made to the Mexican government today by the state department concerning the capture and detention of two American army aviators by bandits who demand $15,000 ransom. This announcement was made by Sec retary Lansing, it also was announced that complete statement, including de tails of the capture of the two officera and particulars regarding the repre sentations made by the American gov ernment, would be given to the public later. State Department Announcement. The department's anouncement said; "The department of state has tele graphed instructions to the American embassy at Mexico City toimmedlately call upon the Mexican goversfmcnt for quick action to effect the release of Lieutenants Paul H. Davis and Harold G. Peterson of the United States army air service, captured by Mexican ban dits near Candelaria, Texas, while patrolling the border and threatened with death on failure to pay 115,000 ransom. "The instructions pointed out the se riousness with which the United States government views this situation and called for Immediate adequate action. The department also directed the Amer ican consul at Juarez. Mexico, to take all possible steps with the Mexican authorities to secure release and pro tection of the officers." Another case of the kidnaping of Dr. A. Goenaga, American citizen, by Mex ican bandits under Valentine Reyes, who demanded ransom was announced today by the state department. He was a Porto Rican doctor, who was taken prisoner July 22. The ransom was to have been paid August 15, but the department has not been advised whether he has been released. Letter Tell of Kidnaping. The doctor succeeded in getting a letter through to an American friend in Mexico, near where the kidnaping occurred, and the American embassy immediately reported the case to the Mexican government. The depart ment's statement said the Mexican r government replied that troops would be dispatched immediately to the scene and that if necessary the government would pay the ransom. Mexican bandits operating in the vicinity of Jimenez recently attacked a truck train of the Alvarado Mining & Milling company enroute to Parral. Dispatches to the state department to day telling of the attack said that Leslie Webb, an American employe of the company, was injured slightly. Another dispatch reaching the de partment said that bandits raided the office of the Pennsylvania-Mexico Fuel company, an American corporation, last Thursday and robbed It of 25,000 pesos. EL PASO, Texas. Aug. 18. Assur ances were anxiuuoiy aw-iieu aiong the border tonight of the safety of Lieutenants Paul H. Davis and Harold (Concluded on Page 3, Column 3.) i " . . ) . - MfHU io7.o