Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 16, 1919, Page 8, Image 8

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br Th Orexonlan Publishing Co,
1U Sixth Strict, romana, urefon.
America has felt only tbe ripple ot the
outer waves. It is for America to
summon the world back to work and
to set the example. For the cure for
our ills and for those of all nations is
more work; that will of itself bring
more wages in the only shape that
counts more things to eat. wear,
Th; c. mnb-r o Jth Ao- I d hear, see and enjoy,
sted Press. Th Associated Pre I x- 1
'rlnilMl mn t it r li In f h m u tof PUbllC-
tion of all dispatch credited to It or
not tfe-rwls credited la till paper and also
th local ns published hereia. All righc
f rputliation of special dispatc- Ber-iu
are aiso rwfnefl.
SatmerltXioa Bale laTariablr la J
Bjr Mall.)
TmfTjr. Suadar tnelu-d. ana year ....
rai!y, iudy Included, alz month .
iJalljr. Funrisy Included, three montha
Iail. Sunday Included, eni monta ..
rt;yf a itnout Sunday, aoa year .. . .
ratlir. without Sunday, sis montha .
Zl!y. without S jaaay, u monta .
Weekly, Ml year ......
Sunday, ana year
SuaOsy ad aeckly
ffiv Carrier.)
Tafty. Suaday Included, oa year ''??
Zaily. Sunday Included, oaa monin ...
Xally. Sunday Included, three muiicba .
tally. without Sunday, on year -
raily, without Sunday, three montha ?
Xaily. without Sunday, on month. ....
How ta Kaaait Send poatoUlc monay or-
e-r. press or peraonai cnea oh you i
bank. Stamp, coin or currency ar at own-
era rtslc (.live poetotflca address m lull, in-.
Tb Immediate and preaalns need of taa
country la production, increased and incraaa-
las production in all llnea of induatry.
Thus President Wilson in his raes
sage of, veto for the daylight saving
bill. He insists that the farmer must
have more daylight in order that 'he
may do more work. All other work'
era, too, he says (n effect, must work
mal. but under the Plumb bill they I Mondell for leader in place of Mann.
would be more likely to rise. Relief I They are busy on a series of investiga
te the consumer requires that theyjtions which may blow up the war de
should fall, for high cost of transpor-1 partment, and on a number of recon
tation is an important factor in high I struction bills which are yet to emerge
prices. Our chief reliance for future! from committee.
prosperity must be on foreign trade, I The president has much lost ground
to which high freight rates are a seri- I to make up, but the skill which he
ous obstacle
Inclination of congress to resent die
Those Who Come and Go.
Traveling a million miles in 50 years
as a shoe drummer and never having
an acident is the record of R. J. Prince,
who is at the Multnomah. Since he
KTnrr-ri n t i H in fginA In 1 flfiO he
displayed in 1916 should warn repub- has averaged more than 20,000 miles a
ncans against overconiinence tnat ne year, or equivalent almost to a trip
More Truth Than Poetry.
By James J. Montague.
. M
4 .6
l (hi I more, and the way to get more work Is
i ne way to get more worn aone is
of course to do more work. More pro
duction will follow more work by all
workers, of course. But the gratui
tous and fictitious gift to farmers who
already work from early morn till
dewey eve of an hour of daylight in
the evening, at the expense of an hour
of daylight in the morning, solves ho
s .5
7 Ml
eltidln. PM1BIV BUll .Ilia
Foataa-a Kal- 1:1 to IS page. 1 cent; 18 farm problems.
to u a .u: u i ii fMJJ Nor will any artificial llght-and
eanta: 7 to aj Vasa, uota. Fgreisa poet-I dark readjustment lengthen any day
ace. aouoi rate. 1 for sundry other bodies or workers,
iiSw!ca bd.n."! VoVT: v.rr.: ""st of whom are demanding shorter
conkiio. tiiecer bunding. C hicago: Verra I hours and more pay without any rcf
rnw:,n -.-- .. 1.. ni. line iMtrolt. sllcu.
San Francisco repreantatie K- J. Bldaell.
erence to the rising or setting of the
sun or the (arbitrary setting forward
or setting backward, of the hands of
the clock.
More work at all suitable hours, and
Nothing but good can result from
such heart-to-heart talks about the I less leisure and loafing by daylight, is
public market as the housewives had I the real remedy for the high cost of
..with City Commissioner Bigelow, Mrs. living.
AIcMath and Mr. Kastman. They tend
to Keep tne city omciais aeyea up to TIBMXG ON THE LIGHT.
pertormance of tneir auiy. iney Evidently Th. Oregonlan prealdential -
check the disposition OI tne mari-ei i ptrationa for -ur. wood ' have actually been
H-.l.r. to farce Drlrtl UDWard. If I Into a relapse. tha present
t " , . diicamt of tha "old Guard' mouthpleca,
me soueii wuuiu avjciui a, sun i I which cornea out with a column of "feelers"
Vigilance Committee to keep Constant I clipped from the republican country pre
watch th-v ronM nermanentlv tier- I William Howard Taft appear
watch, uiey couia permanently exer-1 M th ppuI cnoic th. quoted
else this check and could discover and! editor. n of which win probably convert
break UP Combinations. AS it is, the Tha oreconlan to Iha Deiler that, after all
w I i,A Inl'aa a aA Kaal " GiLra f v i - I Uiirnel
market has done some good in sta
bilizing prices aad. broadening supply.
but it needs as effective organization
on the part of the consumer as on that
of tha producer In order that its full
benefits may be obtained
But after ail, agitation about the
public market and prosecution of prof
iteers are but treatment of symptoms;
they do not go to the
disease. This is that the American
people generally work less, therefore
produce less of the necessaries than
formerly, while they spend more on
pleasure and luxury and demand more
wages. The only way permanently to
reduce the cost of living is to produce
more of the necessaries and to indulge
In luxuries only when we have pro
ided our full share of the necessaries.
The fundamental cause of high prices
In tha market is the fact that, while
the American talks about going back
to tha land and growing his own fruit
. and vegetables, raising his own chick
ens and keeping his own cow, he leaves
it to tha Japanese and Chinese, whom
he wishes to exclude from the coun
try. Tbe plain truth is that, if we re
fuse to do the work ourselves, we
must let the orientals do it.
But we shun work in farm and gar
den for ourselves, because it makes us
sweat. It is even considered impolite
to use that good, old Anglo-Saxon
word "sweat" and we substitute the
more cultured word of Latin origin.
"perspiration." Perhaps the distinc
tion is that one sweats for wages, but
perspires for pleasure. Yet it would
do us a world of good to sweat the
lazy fat off our bones and the toxic
poisons out of our blood, even if we
never raised a potato or turnip In do-
"Oid lave are beat. Salem Capital Journal.
President Wilson, in his disastrous
message to the people last year, laid
down the astounding partisan doctrine
that the poorest democrat in congress
would be better than the best republi
cation In regard to railroad legislation will fail. They still have to make the around the world each 12 months. Mr.
is an encouraelner sism. The custom I record on which they will claim pop- I Prince has seen the sleeping car de
of advocatps of riartlriilar measures. I ular suifcort in 1920. and thev need velop from a crude affair to the palace
or of representatives of particular in- to improve on their recent perform- ?' today and he declares there was less
'. ,i I ,o a. . ,,. kicking in the old days than now. On
i 'mis, 1""- -" "' Spntumhur 3 h will hi. ldn
Uons and delegations and to bombard the advantage of the offensive, but ,,lhiift , ,,. .,,.. A
individual members with threatening I they must make a good affirmative vitatjons have been issued to 00 trav
letters, telegrams and resolutions of I showing of legislation, which must run eling men in the territory to attend
organizations has grown to a public I the gauntlet of a vigilant opponent) a banquet to be held at the Multnomah.
danger, which is increased by the who knows how to wield the veto pen. I Speaking of shop, Mr. Prince asserts
mat quality and prices of snoes now
are better than tlinv wera in 1873 and
SERGEAXT YORK'S NEW VENTURE. neonle have a arreater varietv of
Sergeant Alvin T. York, sometimes) widths; leather is treated so it no
called "the greatest hero of them all,") longer has to be greased to keep soft.
because he killed and captured an
readiness of some members to yield
to such intimidation. The number of
votes represented Is enormously ex
aggerated, fer a pet nostrum Is often
commended only by a small clique
which has adopted an Imposing name,
hired a few clerks and laid in a sup
ply of stationery, thus making a great
noise like a stage crowd. Even when
men speak in the name of a great or.
ganization, there is grave doubt
Along the street of Memory
The little footsteps come and go
That wandered so far away from me
So long ago.
The ringing voices I can hear;
I feel again a happy thrill.
Although the world for many a year
Has seemed so still.
Beside tbe street of Memory
Where swings the old and broken
Beneath the arching maple tree.
1 stand and wait.
The street resounds with joyful noise.
'there comes a fluttering rush and-
The laughing girls, the shouting boys
Are home again.
In Other Days.
almost incredible number of boches on
the battlefield, has announced his in
tention to set out on a lecture tour for
the purpose of raising funds for the
establishment of a university for the
mnunfflln namilii ii f Yiie 1,tn,.
whether even the majority of the mem- Tennessee TJle fact )s si&nificant of
As to the price of leather it was 40
cents a pound in January and is now
85 cents, so there isn't much hope of
getting cheap shoes with
demanding leather.
bers are of one mind with them.
The railroad question is so vitally
important to the whole nation, it
touches all interests so closely, that it
should be considered by a congress nn
influenced by clamor by any particu
lar interests, and above all free from
intimidation by either labor, capital,
shipper or consumer. The present
congress is fresh from the people,
elected by all the people, and should
the awakening of interest in education
among a dormant people, rather than
of tbe wisdom of the particular plan
which Bergeant York may have in
mind. It will be doubted that the
mountaineers' need a "university" in
the popular sense of the word as much
as they need an efficient system of
primary schools. And the thing
needed most of all in cases of this
kind, as was suggested in
Forty-eight years aeo this month
John Bentley spent his first night in
Portland. He has visited the Rose City
once a month since. At first he pat
ronized the St. Charles and then the
Esmond. He was one of the first pa
trons the Perkins had and he has been
repeating there ever since'. The "Jv7o. 1
policeman" of Pendleton in Uncle John
Bentley. He has been carrying that
star for years, no matter who is chief
of police. Uncle John is a sort of of
ficer emeritus, for he draws no pay.
In the two administrations of President
Cleveland Mr. Bentley was a deputy
Along the street of Memory
see the sunlight s golden glow
And happier days come back to me.
The days that vanished lone; axo.
the world "he days of rapturous delight.
JI fairy grots and elfin isles.
When life was beautiful and bright
With Childres s smiles.
be trusted in preference 'to any per- "f, " "" United states marshal and he has also
anna who ,t (, niv . f ih. by the .?ockefe,le.r.. treneral been sheriff of Umatilla. Being a limn
sons who speak for only a part of the
people. It should heed the opinions
of all who properly express them, but
It should pay no heed to recommenda
tions accompanied by open or covert
threats, except to reject them.
One of the most remarkable
board, is the will to establish their
own schools. The genius of our sys
tem of public education is public par
ticipation in it.
Yet it will be surmised, from the
fact that Sergeant York is not can
vassing among millionaires, but js
modestly attempting to raise the neces-I enough to sample each. The commun
of the law is sort of second nature t
the old-timer.
wo one from Ashland neglects to
mention something- about Lithia park.
it spouts an assortment of mineral
waters, with an assortment of flavors,
and every visitor to the Dark is earns
sary funds for a beginning out of the
amples of unarmed, passive resist- I proceeds of his lectures, that he is not
ance Is the boycott of Japanese goods laboring under illusions on this score,
by China and the appeal to the judg- Money spent In making a beginning
mnr .f th ,nifl ,hi.h r-,io moue will be speat from the public
ihrntieh nnhiixitir Th. .n a I point of view. Thereafter, for their sion. and each visitor carries his or her
of China are so weak as to be unfit tolown eTOod, the mountaineers ought to individual cup, and they vie witB one
romnare with those of Taoan hut no look out for themselves, which no another to see how many glasses of
.iaP. " doubt thev will do when the way has water they can take without getting
l'u" ci i:xu vveituuio uie UMti nniiii- i -
ity has spent a fortune in Dioinsr the
water to the park and in beautifying
the surroundings. Lithla park resem
bles a spa of Europe, there being many
pecple who go to Ashland to "take the
water," that being the accepted expres-
I wait there, as the san sinks low
Beside the street of Memory.
Where little feet tripped to and fro,
And-all too soon away from me.
And when the twilight gleams its last,
I take my way, with silent tread
Along the roadway of the past,
where they have fled.
a a
An optimist is a man who thinks he
can get somebody to bet that the kaiser
won't be convicted if he is tried.
a a a
iVothing la Superlative.
There is something worse than a
bolshevist and that is two I. W. W.'s.
a a
Rather Tame, la Fact.
Pershing recently gave a reception
to a bunch of foreign officials, but it
didn't compare with the one he arave
Ludendorff early in November.
(Copyright, 1919, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
The Wish Garden.
By Grace E. Hall.
Tweaty-Bve Tear Age.
From Th Oregonlan of August 1, 1W4.
San Francisco. The battleship Ore
gon made her first voyage today, run
ning from the Union Iron Works to
Hunters Point and return. The battle
ship will not be fully completed for
some months.
Alfred Harrington, said to have de
frauded estates at St. Louis of immenas
sums while an attorney there, wa
taken through Portland yesterday fol
lowing his arrest in Idaho.
The grocers, butchers and bakers
closed up shop yesterday and enjoyed
a grand picnic near St. Helens.
The second day's session of the head
camp of the Woodmen of the World
was devoted to the introduction of resolutions.
Fifty Years Ago.
From The Oregonlan of August 16. 18S9
New York. The war between rail
roads on rates to the west continues
in greater intensity, with the rate on
freight to Chicago now cut to 18 cents
per 100 pounds.
The Vancouver Register boasts of
the fact that two new threshers have
been brought into Clarke county this
Dr. O. P. Plummer, superintendent ot
the telegraph line between Portland
and Marysville, Cal., is traveling the
entire length of tbe line and making
thorough repairs.
Mr. Meacham, superintendent o?
Indian affairs, will start up the Colum
bia this morning to Inspect Indian
agencies east of the mountains.
been pointed out to them. They pos- waterlogged. Lylo,Sams. an Ashlander,
If you stood in a garden of roses to
night, while the moonbeams)!
uia-yea over tne lea.
getting I And you thrilled with the rapture of
can. The country did not and does tion of the Chinese people to have no
not aaree With him. But. If WS do not IHenNno-a with a nntlnn -nrhl)i tnov
mistake the present temper of the feel, has wronged them. Japan is sore- lstlcs or self-reliance an a singleness or The Misses Leah and Maxine Sykes
i .i i . I .. . , . , . . , I niirnnA nnrt arft mitte likelv to ac- nf Rnphi, r .. tha Tm;l
-., ., I ieupit, uiey mo nuw fii'itu iu at- mjt wounaea in commerce ana is neia , : . . r V. 7 . " "
CaUSel OI Ull .. - . I . I .n.ltah that wh rh ihov epI nut trt rfiff Slrants ThA hnr-i-o- miast nn in
cepi a coronary oi me w uson ior- i tip to the oDloquy of all nations as an I -"-" - j - ..- ...
SrJIJ om which 1?J
to any democrat. If that is so, and we nouncements thafjapan Intends soon x orlt nans ts one ot tne most tpicaiiy iists TraveI oveT the Pacific highway
think It Is, it should make no Hitter-I to band to China all sovereign power I " W'B j is so heavy that the botels cannot ac-
enre to anv renublican who is nom- nvor Khnntimc hni that rin nni t- Percentage ot illiteracy is nign. imsicommodate all the motorists, and. any-
inated for president provided he con- isfy the Chinese. Japanese would still is due to lts P8 isolation and its way. many prefer to rough It. For the
cern himself only about election of a hold the concession at Kiao-chow Pver?y OI 'e' '' 4Uii u.
1 I i. j .i- ii . 1 T AVitltno a?I fflllmnlnc x " ci m n ormi n fi w it n I trip
republican and defeat of a democrat, which is the one great port of north
Our Salem neighbor has made the ern China that was not already occu-
illuminating discovery that The Ore- pied by foreigners when Germany
gonian was for Wood and is now for took it. and would also hold the rail-
Taft. This discovery, through discern- road and coal mines. This would
Ing Salem eyes, is quite as interesting I mean economic control of the prov
to The Oregonlan as we hope it is to ince, which experience has proved
the public, including Mr. Taft and equivalent to political control in
General Wood. We rather think the China. That country's sovereignty
Capital Journal will have occasion to would be as shadowy as that of Tur
make new revelations as to The Ore- key over Egypt after Mehemet Ali be
gonian before the presidential primary I came supreme.
of 1920. It may be helpful to an in- Some Americans familiar with the
quisitive contemporary to provide a I orient urge that Japan, as the most
key to'the great secret, and here it is: I civilized, progressive and efficient na-
The Oregonian is not for any repub- I tion of Asia, should be given a free
lican against any democrat for presl- I hand to lead China forward, as the
dent. But, as it sees the prospect latter is very backward, without unity
now, it will be for any republican of language or ideals, a nation only in
likely to be nominated for president name and hopelessly corrupt. That
against any democrat likely to be nom- I is the argument of efficiency which
inated. I Germany put forward in claiming
only do the limited vocabularies of equipping a camp ground with electric
the mountain folk contain many now
obsolete words which were current in
the time of Chaucer, but their mode of
living is nearly as archaic. They have
not kept up with the procession of j
civilization, although the fault has
not been wholly their own.
Now the war has awakened in them
new aspirations. Their young men
who served in the army have returned
utterly dissatisfied with the old ways.
lights to make it safe at night; in
stalling a water system; tables, chairs,
and, in short, everything to make mo
tor tourists have a good impression
and a kind word for Roseburg.
That stalwart of Lakeview, Bernard
Daly, is at the Hotel Portland. Some
people call him doctor and others call
him judge, for he is a physician and
has sat on the bench. Also, he has
been largely instrumental in the de
velopment of Lake county ever since
It is the discontent of enlightenment Heck was a pup. Every time Mr. Daly
and it ought not to be repressed, comes to Portland he begs A. L. Mills
Many of them will not stay in the
mountains, but -will join the rush to
the cities, as many other country boys
have done. But it is everlastingly to
the credit of Sergeant York that he
has elected to remain with his people,
to fight their battles for them, to
awaken further the desire for educa-
world power. China evidently . lu ""i""" ' "
not want Japan for a guardian, and
to visit Lake county to see the land
and the cattle, and the president of the
First National always promises, and
never goes.
There is scarcely an angler in Port
land who doesn't know about Batter-
son, on the Tillamook railroad. When
fishing is good there are always sports
men dropping off the train there. At
first they slept in the big barn, but so
springtime delight that you knew
as you strolled there with ma.
Could each rose hold a wish In tha
depths of its heart, a wish that
for once could come true.
Which one would you wear in the dusk
ot your hair? I would I might
pluck it for you!
Oh, linger a while ere a choice you
make there is much in the heart
of each rose:
Peer closely tonight, for the blossoms
you take shall wither or grow, as
lime Kuea:
There is charm that but fades with the
season's decline, like petals that
drift on the breeze.
But the charms that remain forever
the same grow in the same gar
den wun tnese.
vision the pioture of blossom and
glow, the roses all nodding with
And the wishes all peeping at you as
you go, each wondering which
wish yours will be:
Alas! but one longing springs up in
your neart you are one with aJ
women, in truth
For you pin on your breast, ignorins
the rest, the wish-rose that
brings back your youth!
a halt to iiimii,aiio.. I VI . 71 .ei- emieration
President Wilson' condemnation ol ! Jlas " slVB p."1 "l ".. .iih th- ,
they are rather than incite them to I many fishermen go to whip the stream
Sergeant York is fired in that vicinity that the primitive ac-
they have been a principal means of
used as a reason for handing over the
I country to the tutelage of Japan,
hrpnls nnri unHitA insistancA nn
i.. . ik... .h .!- i.- -...i k- lnipi. nf a .inel- rlnw." was needed cnuna ana particularly in -orea is
. ' , .. j,,,--., .- .K..-H- LnH ho..M h. t.ic.r. to b-art hv all evidence to the contrary.
. tmA -n.,A !-. .h ----- who c-rnw imnationr at the evils which ouuuiu ., suuu u, mt
!, nA ,hil, w-,,1.1 -i.n iinnvnMhlv mark tha rhunni from icaguo 111 ttcii-6 siiumo niijr
break any price, that anybody tried to war to peace. War has disposed peo- renunciation of power in Shantung by
maintain artificially. pie generally to resort to the short cut " tbB '"tura, (f that province
There are about 8 0,000 automobiles of violence in. order to right their . . . , " " .
in Oregon, and probably three-fourths wrongs. The results are seen In the ,T,. C7rr.k.,
of them are used solely or chiefly for hideous condition to which Russia -asr-. . 6 "
-.laaaiiM rint- a-a. o r V. n i-a m a - n-n era 1 I hssan raHllfoH In trtA . I Tri t I T T -tfhifh
their homes to buy cars, and they pro- have disturbed almost every nation Promoting that disunion
test when they find that their incomes of central and western Europe, not
do not suffice to pay for both gasoline excepting supposedly order-loving old
and foods at present prices. They de- I Eneland.
mand a shorter work day in order I The same disposition has been dis
played in a less degree in this country.
General strikes have been declared
for the unconcealed purpose of in
timidating whole cities, not to settle
Ian industrial quarrel, but to overturn
and gasoline. Not that it is not a good the government and set up a new one.
thins to o.i a car The Oregunun iThe purpose has been proclaimed to but to the information imparted by
hoes to see the day when every fain- I place all other classes in subjection to I Chairman Cummings of the demo
lly will have one but no man has a I the so-called working class. Leaders I cratic national' committee, after a tour
I of the railroad brotherhoods boast of I of the west. Common report is that
the six million men at their back and few men tell the president unpleasant
talk of revolt and revolution if the truths, but Mr. Cummings is believed
Plumb railroad bill is not passed. I to be one of these few.
I Their excuse is the evil of profiteer-1 The president may have been de
Questions In Aviation.
PORTLAND, Aug. 15 (To tha Krti-
tor.J tllWhen did Wilbur Wrihi
mane nis urst successtul aeroplane
flight? (2) Was there on exhibition at
the Lewis and Clark fair a heavier
thnn nir manhino? Te j
'.if foTthe'trust: uTZnt in " JST with" the spirit of the missionary, and "daUons have been improved and lt d i7io
-h-i. -n a 0-,iin-i in r i. will find his highest destiny in laoor ; .-"...r .r". " CONSTANT R
amona-the oeoole he knows so well. "te :-"""' """"f""' : " .
Details of the system proposed by , .... . m isuj,
him o- r,tmnr,rtant hv rnmnarisnn nignt lasting 53 seconds, and in 190
with the fundamental fact that the Bee culture is in its infancy, for there thy mde 45 flights, in the longest of
mountaineers are becoming aware of Is a steadily increasing demand for which they remained in the air for half
their own shortcomings. They will honey, so says J. Belshaw of Everett, an hour and covered a distance of 24
not require much outside help once
they have made their start. There are
creat possibilities in this American
giant, just awakening from his slum
ber in the southern hills.
that they may have more time to burn
up more gasoline and tires, when the
way out of their difficulty is to do
more work and produce more neces
saries with which to pay for their car I
moral right to one until he has earned
it; it can be earned only by work, and
the majority of car owners have not
done the work.
All our social customs tend toward
Since his return from Paris Presi
I dent Wilson has evinced deep inter
est in domestic affairs, his address on
I the cost of living being the latest evi
dence. This may be ascribed not only
to the demands of the railroad men
less work and mure luxury. Married ling as though they were the only suf-lceived into believing that the people
people for this reason shirk having
children, or bring forth one or two
spoiled pets and rear them to shun
work which makes them sweat. Old-
fashioned families of six or eight
would go far to solve the cot-of-liv
lng problem. The mother would have
to buy carefully, tbe father to work
regularly and to raise much of the
food in bis home garden, and the chil
dren would help as they grew up.
They would sweat more and perspire
less, hence mould have fewer doctor
bills. Tbe number of customers for
the Japanese and Chinese gardeners
would be so reduced that these gch
try could not dictate prices. The new
generation would not grow up with
such an ignorance of and aversion for
honest, healthy work that it would
tarn with disgust from contact with
the soil. Joyrides would be fewer.
but they would be the mora enjoyed
because they were earned.
If every family which has the op
portunity were to do its part in pro
ducing the necessaries of life, and it
very man in general were to do
full day's work, whether in agricul
ture, gardeuing or any other occupa
tion, the high cost of living would
soon ' settle itself. Actual earnings,
measured in commodities produced
Instead of in Inflated dollars, would
fiacrease and prices would fall in pro
portion, so that all would be better off
with fewer dollars in their pockets,
simply because those dollar would
buy mora.
- - There is. no danger of overproduc
tion, for there is a great deficiency to
be made good in Kurope. Herbert
Hoover tells us that with 450,000,000
people, that continent is producing
only enough to feed 350,000,000. and
it looks to America and other new
countries to make up the difference.
Europe too has carried the demand
for better conditions to the extreme
where less work is expected to yield
more food and clothing. Both for its
own sake and for that ot the world at
large. It is for America to take the
lead in coming gack to Its senses.
Kurope has been almost shaken loose
from Its moorings, moral, intellectual,
economic and of every other kind, by
tbe terrible convulsions through
which it has passed. Comparatively,
forers and as though they had a right are behind him in general because
to force their remedy on congress they are behind him on the league of
without consideration of the wishes of I nations. If Mr. Cummings told the
the rest of the population. I truth, he removed this delusion. The
These methods are utterly undemo- I president was defeated last November
cratic. and the president did well to I because he had Insisted in conducting
call a halt to their use. They are J the war as a party, not as a national,
Justified only against a despot or I enterprise, because he kept incompe
against such a gang of monsters as tent men like Baker, and domineering
rules Russia, All the people of the 1 men like Burleson in his cabinet and
I'nited States have a part in electing because his party leaders in congress
congress, and that body should consld- I were out of sympathy with the war
er the wishes and opinions of all. It and sadly marred war legislation. Dur
hould resent the dictation and threats I ing his absence popular discontent
of any part of the people as firmly as with his party has been Intensified
It resented the dictation of tbe kaiser by revelations of tenderness with
when it declared war on him. slackers, brutality to soldiers, court
Congress Is now at work on a bill martial abuses, war risk blundering,
for the future government of the rail- waste everywhere, failure to get air
roads, and it may be trusted better to craft and guns to the front, cruel neg
guard the rights and interests of all lect of demobilized soldiers, bad rail-
elements of the nation than can Mr. I road service and more Burlesonisms.
Plumb or any other man who acts I With ample power to punish hoarders
only for a single element. Mr. Plumb's and profiteers, he has permitted
talk about financial manipulation of I profiteering to go unchecked. All these
the railroads ;s out of date, for the evils come so close home to the peo-
Interstate commerce commission is I pie that they will not be forgiven
now valuing tbe railroads to deter-1 solely because the league meets with
mine their actual worth, and this work general approval.
will be completed next year. The peo- Mr. Wilson has been striving to re
ple as a whole have as great an inter- I cover lost ground. He scored on the
est in the proper management of the I republicans by his rebuke for their
railroads as have the employes. The I failure to provide enough money for
interests of the latter have certainly f reconstruction of wounded soldiers,
not been neglected in the last three l.that being a case of economy in the
years. If the employes should be per-I wrong place. He forced them tq cut
mated to control, iney wouia Decome i aayngm saving apart from tne agri
a privileged class with power to exact cultural bill after they had failed to
any sum they please in payment for pass the latter over his veto. He put
railroad service, and to render service them in a bad light by calling con-
of any quality they please, good or cress to work on anti-profiteering bills
bad. There is Tactically no opposi- I after it had resolved to take a vaca
tion to the principle of profit-sharing, tion. But he still carries Baker and
for both Senator Cummins, who is I Burleson on his .back, as Sinbad car
drawing the bill, and Director-General ried the old man of the sea. and his
liines have declared in favor of it, but announcement that he would exercise
that does not involve handing over the the power granted by the food control
roads to the management of the em- law two years go was an open con-
ployes. fession of neglect during that period.
The rights of the public must be The president may reap some po-
conaidered as well as those of the own- litical profit from tbe blunders of his
crs and employes. The public is en-1 opponents. The republican senators
titled to good service at a reasonable have put themselves in an unenviable
cost. There is no cause to expect, light by letting their resentment get
from experience of other countries, them Into a position of opposition to
that under the so-called tripartita public opinion from which Taft and
system service would, be good or cost Hughes are trying to extricate them,
reasonable. Rates should fall as gen- In the house they do not seem to have
era! business conditions return to nor-I intended matters much by choosing
If Seattle women go without butter,
eggs, milk and meat, they punish
themselves and their families as much
as th profiteers. They should study
who can talk the bee business from
to izzard. When the war brought re
striction of sugar people turned to
honev as a substitute, and this caused
many people to g'o into the bee culture
as a regular business. The denfand
created by the war is constantly in
creasing. Mr. Belshaw is at the Mult
nomah, e
2 There was not.
Ontario Historian Remeaiberi Monu
ments Along Old Immigrant Route.
ONTARIO, Or., Aug. 13. (To the Edi
tor.) In The Oregonian' of Aucust IS
an item under "Those Who Come and
Go" states that "the old Immigrant
road runs through the town" of Cecil.
This is an error that I often think
should be corrected. The old immigrant
roaa crossed willow Creek in Morrow
county, about three miles below and
north of Cecil. Thirty-six years ago
and later I knew of monuments rudely
made of rocks indicating burials made
by immigrants on ground now owned
by Mr. A. Henriksen, below and north
of Cecil.
During summer and fall Willow
creek is dry, excepting that springs of
perpetual flow begin at the point men
tioned on the Henriksen farm and con
tinue issuing and running 12 miles to
the Columbia river.
After a long half-day drive from
Wells Springs, immigrants camped at
these springs. Had they crossed at the
placa where Cecil is they would have
traveled more than a day without,
I have, myself, picked up behind tha
plow and the harrow, at the Willow
creek springs, rusted oxen shoes, irons,
indicating the old-time lynch-pin wac
on, and various other relics of thote
old days of westward wandering.
Historians of Oregon have an oppor
tunity here to correct an error respect
ing an interesting epoch of the settle
ment and growth of Oregon.
Jason Not With Fleet.
KELSO, Wash.. Aue: 10. fTn th- vat.
tor-) Kindly state whether or not the
U. S. S. Jason is coming to the Pacific
with the Atlantic fleet.
MRS. C. M. K.
While most sheepmen are worrying
ahmit short ranire. Robert Keves
some more to find a punishment that slipped a band of possibly 1500 sheep I roster of the fleet.
to Dasture near Clatskanie. For 40 1 1
years or more Mr. Keyes has been in
the Wheeler county country. His sheep
camp is located on Shoo Fly creek,
which isn't far from Hardscrabble
creek and Cougar creek. They've got
some great names for creeks up that
way. Mr. Keyes was in town yester
The Jason is not included in the
Naturalization of Soldiers.
HUSUM, Wash., Aug 14. (To the
Editor.) Some time, I think, during
the month of June, 1918, a group uf
foreign-born soldiers from Vancouver
Barracks were taken before a United
States attorney at the armory in Port
land, where they signed papers grant
ing them full United States citizenship.
Kindly advise me the name of tlie
above attorney, where .he can bo lo
cated at present, and also the exact
date this procedure was held.
J. N. P.
The naturalization event to which
you refer was held June 21, 1918. Ex
aminer John Speed Smith of Seattle
was here for the examinations, which
were held before Federal Judge Wol-
verton. Matters pertaining to natu
lalization may be taken up in this
tate by addressing the naturalization
service, Postoffice building, Portland.
Profiteering In Rents.
PORTLAND, Aug. 15. (To the Ed
itor.) My landlord has raised the rent
twice in three months and I have been
told it is unlawful to raise rent oftener
than six months apart. Kindly advice
me if there is in existence any such
law or ruling. RENTER.
fits the crime.
Wherever the Elks go they find
something to do for the general good
of the order, which with them means
all mankind, whether it be raising a
Salvation Army fund or fighting a
There is no such law.
There is a serious discrepancy be
tween the value of Henry lord's for
tune and his good name, but if he gets
right to work he may reduce it by
several million dollars before he dies.
The airplane has already proved Its
usefulness in forest lire patrol so con
clusively that the government should
send more of them and provide land
ing fields and repair shops.
By murdering the Greek Boy Scouts
the Turks take the right course to
harden the hearts of the peace con
ference against them. The British
should have finished the job.
The would-be reformers of the
democratic party in Texas would bet
ter begin by reforming their leaders,
ex-Senator Bailey and ex-Governor
Advice of a deputy city attorney
that the pre-wartime phone rate is
egal does not help the man whose
check Is returned by an obdurate
If that missing car contained army
beer rather than tomatoes, there
would be 1001 tracers at work; but
there ain't no such thing" as army
If Portland were hungry for toma
toes it might be grieving over the nan
arrival of a car load of army stuff that
seems more or less mytnicai.
With its pure milk, pure water and
cool nights, Portland is the babies'
paradise, except that their number
does not fit the population.
This is the weather to ripen tha po
tatoes and rains later will start them
into growing those vexatious knobs.
Tha big fire at Klamath Falls was
not part of the Elks' programme, but
was an immense filler.
Those hot winds from eastern Ore
gon yesterday pretty near dehydrated
some of the fat fellows.
The race of the "Reds" and '
ill beat anything in fiction.
Davie Guelph
oses today.
is with the "blue
F. Schafer. the new manager of the
San Francisco & Portland Steamship
company, wnrcn, oespite its long name,
has a fleet of only one boat, is at the
Imperial. The company during the war
sacrificed the rest of its ships to defeat
the Huns. However, the company is
now making superhuman efforts to get
more tonnage, which, in marine par
lance, means more boats and not more
freight tonnage, as the landlubber
might suspect.
Youngsters, as a rule, think teacher
knows eevrything, and teacher is en
vied for not having to go to school.
Professor C. C. Tornason of the James
John high school registered at the
Hotel Washington yesterday with his
wife. The professor has been attend
ing the summer school at Berkeley,
Over the rolling road from Los An
geles, which boasts of having a larger
population than San Francisco, a very
fair grade of climate and a river that
has to be irrigated, come Dr. and Mrs.
E. G. Howard and daughter and Miss
Whitcomb. They, have visited Crater
lake and are making all the scenic
points via the gasoline route.
Getting a hotel in Portland is about
as difficult as finding a house to rent.
F. T. Mittauer, having sold the Geiser
Grand at Baker, came to Portland to
enter the hotel business here, but he
hasn't made much progress thus far.
Mr. Mittauer is at the Imperial.
One of the first men to go overseas
was C. C. Ijames of headquarters com
pany, 148th artillery. Beiore malting
the world safe for democracy Mr.
Ijames was at the Imperial. He en
listed yesterday as day manager of the
Hotel Washington.
A bold bank robber, a boy in years.
was the motive for Sheriff Anderson of
Baker passing through Portland. Tbe
sheriff had in custody the youth who
undertook to stick up the bank at
Haines and made a fizzle of the job r
the boy did.
Y. Shiota and his family, consisting
of wife, children and maid, were met
on their arrival at the Benson yester
day by representatives of Mitsui and
taken out on the highway.
O. H. Laastamoincu of Kuopio, Fin
land, and Hutti Kankomcio of tine same
place are at the Benson with Clemens
Nienis of Chicago.
Governor-general of tha fedsral
reserve bank at San Francisco is John
W. Calkins, who arrived at the Benson
yesterday accompanied by his daughter, j
Life After Death? "Yes,"
Says Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
When the breath deserts the body, when the heart falters and
ceases in its rythm, when the phenomenon called death transpires,
does the spirit smile at mortality and step forth to freedom ? Do we
live after death? "Yes,' says Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, one of the
foremost of English 'novelists, whose conversion to spiritualism left
him wholly without scepticism. The first of a series of articles pn
spiritualism and psychic manifestations, alleged proofs that death is
but the door to another life, appears in the Sunday issue, presenting
Conan Doyle's own views and the narration of those experiences
which brought belief.
"THE DARK STAR" The guaranty of keen interest, tense situations,
and a dramatic plot well worthy of the following, accompanies each
story that bears the signature of Robert W. Chambers, decidedly
one of the most popular of American novelists. The Sunday Ore
gonian announces the publication of a new serial by Chambers,
"The Dark Star," the first installment of which appears in to
morrow's issue.
-: Wild days and wilder nights were once the vogue in that locality,
now a bower of beauty, where Portland children play and picnic
parties convene 'most any summer day Peninsula park. Once'
the site of a notorious roadhouse, operated by "Liverpool Liz," the
sordid and ugly and evil were obliterated and the prettiest park
in Portland placed in their stead. In the Sunday issue, with illus
trations, is the story of the Peninsula park playground, told by
James D. Olson.
other of the illuminating series of industrial'articles, by Frank A.
Vanderlip, noted American business man and financier, appears in
the big Sunday paper. Social unrest, labor problems, the ugliness
of bolshevism, and the remedies that must be applied to bring the
world again to the path of sanity and progress, are ably presented
by Mr. Vanderlip. The citizen owes it to his citizenship to be con
versant with yiews so important and clearly detailed as are these.
Daughter of an Oregon chief justice, wife of "the diamond king,"
and one-time principal figure in a notorious "badger game," Mrs.
Fayne Strahan Moore Lewis, toasted of yore as "the sweetest girl
in Dixie," crosses the sea each year, from English estates, to visit
her aged mother in Atlanta, Ga. There's a story in the Sunday
issue of Fayne Moore one that cannot but compel your interest.
It isn't often that the book of real life reads like the creation of a
highly imaginative novelist.
AND OTHER FEATURES GALORE The Sunday issue specializes in
a trinity of attractionsnews, entertainment and illustration.
''Three Men, Their Monuments and Their Romances," or the divert
ing "Story of Alcohol." These are but a few of the many features
pfferel for every reader's information and delectation.
All the News of All the World