19 THE 3I0RXIXG OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 16, 1919. FOR RENT. I urnisdied Booms. A Moderate-Priced Hotel of Merit. HOTEL, C'LU'KURD. E-ist Morrimn and ...S.xth. Hofei C.ifford is the pr:ncpai east side hotel and la a hotel o: d:gaitr and refine ment. Daiiv rat-s $1 up. two in room. S 1 7-1 ; week'y rates. $3 and up. HOTEL BLACKSTONE. ELEVENTH AND STARK ST3. Moutrn. up-to-date brie building pri vate phono in every room. elevator, lobby. H .-0 per week and up; $1 Pr day and up. HOTEL, NAVARRE. 427H Alder Corner Iltn. Elegant:? furnished, central location, clean and ortir.y. Rates by d ay or wren. ANSONIA HOTEL, 14th and Washington Ciean. respectable home for bwmeii p p.e; trans en i, tl up; permanent. 9 up; pnvate bath. IS. HOTEL, OCKLET, Morrison st. at Tenth Rates fl per day up; weekly. $4 up; rua n.ny water, free phone and bath. THE GEM. 663 lt St., 1. 2. room? housekeeping; transient rooms 2.c ana up. FURNISHED roome for rent. $1.00 and $2 pr wek. 153 Front it. Fa rat shed1 Booroe In Private Family. r, v . r . . i-rt 1 Aninf Dorch with "dressing room,' iteam heat; for gentleman j only; walking d. stance; nppos.io mu.i nomah Athletic club. Call &M Salmon St. Main 373. ' , v. iu d v--r twa im.m m furnished house keemna' rooms ground floor. Call morn- Inn. 1M7 'orb-tt st Marsha COSY weil furnished seeping room with clothes closet and running water; ciose in. Main 7Q-3. VERT desirable, large. light room In apart ment bow. c:oae in; referencea requ.red. Marsha l 237. - FTKMSHED room, reasonable, for gentio- man; heme privileges. 431 San Rafael. J-ROOM lower floor private residence, with garage- Tabor 421 Hume conveniences. 10 MONTGOMERY at.. or. Hark, large front sleeping room, vacant Sunday. 2W 14TH. near Jeffrs on: choice rooms; walking distance. Main 393. TWO nice rooms, modern, attractive; walk ing distance. Main 411 j OR 4 NICE furnished room a 347 Grand ave. East 4"T3. CU L front room in ino!'ii home, cioee in. 4.4 Ml!! st. Mam 4"13. NICE, big front rnm for two. walking dis tance. 433 Market. Main 1737. l.AKGE. nea'iy furnished bedroom, walking f! tne; 2 2 ' a wet-k. 4. fh at. i PER MO Good rom for roan ; nlca home, clojie In. 37 l'-'th st. Roome With BoreL CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL. 741 Washington. CAMPBELL HOTEL, U.M and Hoyt. Fldenee Hotel. American Plan. Excellent Dining Room Service. On Car Line. Near Garage Reasonable Ratea Permanent or Transient. VoftTOVIA HOTEL. Portland's downtown high-ciasa faml.y hotel; rooms en suite OT lnk. wim or w uuuui w' , v.. fami'iea and business men and women. We give yoj a?l the comforts of a home. Reason a b'e ratee. CHEsTfcRBL'RY HOTEL 201 N. uTH. American pan hotel; delrab.e rooms; ex siien t taile; meals served transienta THK MARTHA WASHINGTON. 80 l'Jth at. For buainea glrla and stu dents; reasonable rates. Marshall 1-31. KoOM and board for business g'.r.a. a.l modern conveniences; walking distance; $4 pr week. East 4732. 12 E 7th St. PARKVIEW HOTEL Rooms with board, excellent tare; close In. $dd Montgomery, near West Park. Rooms With Board la PrWate Family. PLEASANT, nue.y furnished room for one or two young lad:es ; good mea:s. steam heat In wmir: alaa plenty of hot water; home privileges. 30 7 Gllsun sU Broad way CI39. FoK company, little g;rl to board; beat home care. no other children; child treated as if my own; god yard; not too cloae in. Woodiawn 4.170. ROOM and board in private family; front room, nicely furnished; hot aud cold a tr, piano, I'cme privileges, twin beds. Kast ?-. 71 T Rodney. AN'TKI) Have one rhlld. would like one more near aaes J to 7 years; mother's love, excellent care; full charge preferred, Phona a ia;4. AN exclusive, home orrers nice rooms with good home cooking, hme-made bread. Broadway 4314. HI N- lth st. WANTKD One or o children to room and board la private home. Call Woodiawn ?:W1 ATTRACTIVE room and excellent bard for two; homelike, homo privileges. 331 East 2lh. Eut 127. WILL care for children in my home. Wood lawn ;.2J4. . WANTED Children to room and toward mother s care. R. A., Box 1M. Creaham nth Or. TWO wo-Vmg men can have room together and ooard. nonnwi'n mi. GENTLE MEN to bard In widow's well- furnished home. E. 71' . WANTED Tiny baby to care for. Call Woodiawn SI 30. WILL care for child in own home. Tabor 374. Ri 0 M. board t wo home. 370 Ladl ai In private Fnralened A part men la. "STELWTN APARTMENT." HIGH CLASS. $Nve-room apartment. 2 sleeping rooms and sleeping porch, 14 windows, very ele gantly turiit.!.!. in new i hlnese and Turk ish ruga, w iliow and mahogany, very up to date, avai'able at once; also a two and three-room apartment with aiceplng porch and room and bath for gentleman only, reference required. Mar. JU. THE) CROMWELL Fifth and Co.umbia Street. Five minutes' walk to Mel.-r A Frank's tore. gd surrour.d nes. s'rictiy modern, 3 and .'.-room furms.-t'd apts. ; ail u;aide with Frent h dors and ba. cor . .RA T KSB Y W KEK OR MONTH. W!IKW. alone, awny much of the time, would like lo share her attractive and comtortat. e .".-room apartniint in a fir'. clas apartment nui'. w.t a. do. with a re'med woman empt. yed tiir-ugn the day; $ti. r would rent the entt-e apartmmt, ; every home comfort. F 4-". Org ti'it VILLA FT. CLARA. T.f:h an-1 Tay.or. Meet iol-n fumishrd apartment on the Pa.-tfic coast. Roof Garden tn Connect ton. Wl'V i Distance. Let rencea FLU SAN T 4-room apt . onvrni nt lo Al hina. Kenton. ft. J oh re an-1 Vancouver InduslMee AIMn av. at b-.rd s( ; nuin. to t 'n. I'one w.j.n. 2l12 any time -Trr 2 o clw-k SaturUa. " "RE I .K N A H A PTS. TompVtelv furn::id 3-rootn apt. $!: une sma'l r.orn f"r light h-uekerr-in. $14. I" luring !iht and ;aa. W 1 7' s . ear Y t -1 hll '. THE ELMWOOP. Two and 3-roon apartments: handsome ly (urn rge. airy rcms. ts; IP t 413 l'rrt t. Ma n fc'-V -K M M farmsned spi.. a.i outside rooms. m: s:. c'.aa in. adults on v. from S pt. 1 to May 1. References require,!. Main 73! 3. FURNITURE f 2 room sp fr sa. .". h t rii: re-t $10. or for ren? furnished. $-. S Wain., room 2I, Inquire elf, vator. PORTNOMAM. 4 roorre. hardwitod floors, anrev adu'ta - 20 K. 1-tto. ralkir.g dls- KINGSPURT APTS.. T Vi-'a nieeiy e.t Vi' furntsliea a-roont npjrrnien-. ba'.'or.y Call Main 3i; prtce 9W TH R 1! E-ROO M ar's. wtih bath, toilet -nd .-eseing room. $.'7.oO to f 10l J'bone E- 2t Jackson sr'- FOR KENT 2 rlcely f irnisoed 2 room apartments, 3d f.oor. $24 a month. Brwad way t. ONE 2-room suite and 1 s epi:iga porrh. phone and bath. Marshall 2213. li North jth a'. H E STAN KIELP. 2M Porter at., modern room apta. furnished, reasonable. Main 73-J2. I tlNlN?!'!. ATTS. 11 .3 A.hma ave. Ton crete b'dg, 2 snd 3-rcnm apta W vtln. 13. BAGGAGE and furniture mov ng . phone Broa.iway . Alert Transfer. 411 S Sta'k. GARFIELD. 4 East Failirg. rooms, porch. $37.30. -til one MiK-k w es t V n : o n . 3-RoGM aprtment, bath; adu ts on.y housekeeping; private Kusei: st. COMPLETE apartment. $!'-; concrete b.dg. I'n'on ave. and K :'. ' In gsw or:h. TliRfc. or 4-rvm famished spu, pr.vate t.a.ta. 4 M sslse.ppl ave. Fl.'oKKNVE A PTS.. 3v 11th; 3 and 4-room tur.Tisied a:t.. wi?i piano. 3-KiXU rurcislied apt. Tao Kaihenae, 19 v. .-.-1 ;. Cnf unit heel Apartmrots. LORENZO A PTS . 47 Salmon at- phone Main IMTS Unrurntshed2-room apartment; w ater. iig?it. phone; adults ft-ROOM apt.. $30: about the 15th. Jackaoo apta Phone tast 2H44. 3 ROOMS. ba;h. hail and kitchen; modern; 2 au-wLe. e3 E. Gl.san. FOR RENT. Flats r ppro haih tnilt electric lights. KU, west side: Fulton car, 2d at Morri son line; 12 minutes out; $13.00. water free. 1293 Corbett at. 4-ROOMi unfurnished apartment for rent. 5-5 E. Stark at. Last 40-.. Faralaaed Flata. Avn .t.rnnm fumiKhed flata: light, phone and bath, yard and porch; also one large housekeeping room wiin nucmnene. i- Last lNin at. MUSIC teacher will share her flat with girl who wishes to study music: walking dis tance: references. Mnfn 3"IS- CLEAN, well-furnlshed, modern 3 -room flat. ilrst rioor, rent reasonable. J'"" gomery. Call Main 2530. TWO reliable young ladies to share nicely furnished fist, west aflue. rnone -nam 3H). after 6:30 P. M. J-ROOM well-furnlahed flat and sleeping parch for 1 month. Seliwooq .'oo. FLRM6HED fiat, suitable for two adults; 2n floor, tast 22u st. last aio. 3-KcOM furnished flat 3 East 30th. Housekeeping Rooms. a-ROOM furnished H. K. suite, $18; elec lights, ho: water and phone; west siae, walking distance. 40 College Bt. Mar shal 3.H3. Week days. 10 to 4. TRUNKS, BAGGAGE, delivered In down town district for 2 Ac; checks called for. Auto Service, phone EAT 6434. THE MONTGOMERY corner E. 5th and E. Morrison. Completely furnished 1 an 2-room H. K. apta, THJS BEAVER, lUth and Marshall. $15 up per month ; clean h. k. rooms. Including eirtric lights, hot water, gaa range. 1 NICK H. K. rooms, living room. Dutch kitchen, sleeping porch; ai.uo single H- K. for ecu pie. .' 4 13th. Broadwa y 308 S. FOR Ki-NT Partly rurnisned. unfurnished rooms. Apply photographer. Hi"1 1st St. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms at 510 t .anders. BAGGAGE and furniture moving; phone Broadway 401. Alert Transfer. 411 fctar. BUSH MARK 3rt5' Wash st. Cleanv mod ern 1 and --room outside apts ooso in. 4 Rooms, bath, kitchenette. 4Sl Chapman st. car, orr at u.nton st. auu;is. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, -07 Knott, near Williams ave. ween up. ONE furn.shed houekc ping room with kitchenette. 171 N. 17th. uawy. 3--U. 2-RiOM SUITE housekeeping. $2.30 up. close In. I."! Knott st; children welcome. 2 CLEAN rooms, respectable house, $13. in eluding fuel. Marshall 431. NICE clean housekeeping mom for couple. 03H N. 13th st. Bdwy. 3io. TWO front U. p'-r m 'T. t h - K. rooms; very pleasant, $20 417 Kirth street. FURNISHED H. K. rooms; neat and clean. 6l Savter at. FURNISHED basement H. K. room, suitable for working man. 2!- 11th. Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family. IRVINGToN Two rooma and kitchenette, como'etel v furnished, on carltne. ground floor; large yard, porch, fireplace, aewing machine, including pnone. iignis, wa ter; no children; suitable for man and wife. E.TSt 41(4. ONE large hou-keeplng room, fine for toup'e employed, walking distance, very n-in and iifsiraDie. in onn -ou st. PLEASANT room in nail furnished home for man ; fine location ; near three car Mn; reasonable. East S..4S. TWO nice, furnished housekeeping rooms, with or wit hou t ga raae ; v ry reasonable, S77 E. lavis. Phone East ft 709. TWO housekeeping rooms with private bath for 2 adults. Call after 10 A. M., 1 Bel mont st. Phor.e Tabor 7-.1 ROOMS for light housekeeping; clean and reasonable; porch room cheap to working man. :is i. llama ave. TWO housekeeping rooms, single room and I room witn Kitcnenette. dJi jionigom ery. Phone Main 233" BUSINESS lady or two may housekeep in modern home. Irvington; teachers pre ."erred. East 7S0. FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms in cluding a modern kitchen; adults only, Tabor 6(11. -UOoM apartment; running water, elec tricity: neat and clean. Main 3862. 413 Mill at. 103 20TH, COR. Flanders -Neatly furnished housekeeping rooms. FIVE furnished housekeeping rooma.all con veniences. I0.u fci. M am. .apor oioi. Lir.HT houskeeplng rooms; aingla 2, 4 rooms. I' hone East ."H3. TWO or more clean furnished housekeeping rooms. 34 'J E. btark. LAR'K ROOM with alcove kitchenette. 134 North ltru TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. 573 ONE H. K. room and kitchenette. Apply X. L'lSt St. TWO furnislied H. K. rooms. 639 Everett st. Houses. Houses For KENT. S rooms, modern and well furnished. !n good d;st rtc.. close to ear, to responsible tenants for $43 per month. Also 0-room house, suitable for two f ami lies, unfur nished, for $43 per month. See E. M. Brown, with NEILAN PAR K HILL, 2!! Lumbermena Blrlg.. 3th and Stark Sts. FOR RENT Unfurnished 8-room modern house, in center of Piedmont; cleanly, careful tenant only, for a home to be rented until May. Call after P. M. dally except Sunday. 27S Alnsworth, cor. W Mi lams. ' WHEN YOU MOVE Use NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC light ervlc. Broadway fiSft, A 6747. FOR RENT One acre. ."-room cottage, sUteping porch, electric light, phone and water; $1.1. Located Oswego Lake. Goodlu stuiion. Call East 7. LOCAL and long distance moving and haul ing; first -class equipment. Green Trana Co.. 202 4 Alder St. Main 1261. A 72H1 MOVING Piano, furniture and long-distance hauling a specialty. O. ac W. Truck Srvic Co 40 2d st. Phone Bawy. .1121. 10-KOt M house, south Portland, within S blocks of two shipyards. 53 Kelly at. Cull East S.'W or East 14t. 'LEAN bungalow, 4 rooms ; fruit; E. loth N. McKarlnnd. f2 Veon r'dg. COTTAC.B for rent In South Portland. In quire 312 N. E 'JSth St. house In Walnut Park. Uhnne W ooH ',iwn 3 4 .1. Ft R RENT 3-rooru V--rr;son ; Mt. Ttoi hucgaiow. on Eaat 1 1 n v. East 3233. Iioi SK for rnt at Metxger station. $7.30. phone East arter finnay. Fumi-hed llouaew. PARTLY furnished ll-mom house, furniture f,,r sale, noil.-e Ir rrni, .i-n,-i 1 in'iiuii, t a harsaln; 2 toilets, bathroom, station ary tuhe; room. toard or apartment. For ai'Pintmenr inll Main 4371. j.;00f, ir. oiern. suburban, furnished home. w ith garden anl rr-irana: goon neianoor- hood. In exchanee for board of 2 boys, ace 12 and 15: references required. Boa 153. Route A. Port and. fYrNITUKE f-r e of 5-r om house; hnwae for rni; good location; close in, :7k Hall St.. cor. 4th. Jt;;i u M house. rety furnished, fireplace: ba.heor or refined Japanese family. J 1 -j.;. i regonfan. OMS. indrn. neat, partly furnished, nm s. "h.im. t'n merce bldg. .-M V 1. 1, house. gard n. fruit, roeoe; adults; 3 1 79. e'.rences. ' :inr w i Cooight. 1919. b W Ptf FwlOT Si lo. I.e. Cr t Bri-in Right 1mtt XgjMurmAJn U.Siifvic . ' , ' "m , ASHIR-S TO SOLVE A rEEPLEXIVG PBOBLEB BY CUFF STEHRETT. t , - . t ..... i . t t nuiMtnttttM FOB BENT. FarnUhed Houses, MODERN 8-room furnished house, conveni ently located. Hellwood 60 for particulars. fcmmmer Rrsorta, IdacLEAN'S CAMP, Oswego lake; camp cot tage for rent, furnished wltli essentials; swimming, boating, fishing. Apply at camp, reached from Oswego station on Fourth-street red electric line. TILLAMOOK BEACH Nicely furnished 3 room place, near depot, after Sept. 1. very reasonable. Tabor 5750. . SEASIDE Modern 4-room bungalow, near ocean, well furnished, from Sept. 1st; rea sonable. Phone Eaat 5S37. SEASIDE Glenmar cottage for rent, Sep tember. $iu.. Apply Mrs. "Wm. Reid. 31 1st. -Seaside. Or. CANNON BEACH Special ratea on fur nished cottages for September. M. B. Mc Kay, Ecoia, Or. HOTEL MAYXOR, Nv Creek. Newport Cooking privileges: $) per daj and up. 2 STORE? 1st at.. 04 fU long; $20 each. Tabor 1114. STORE with living room. Phone Woodiawn 5145. Offices. PROFESSIONAL MEN ATTENTION We have a desirable apace connecting with our reception room; use of phone and office girl; we will rent thia very reason able to the right party. Smith Long Den tal Service. 310-317 Bush 4 Lane bidg. FOR RENT Elegant suite of offices la modern, up-to-date office nuiiaing aown town district, reduced rental, epeclal re duction for month of August. Call 203 Stevens building. Phone Main 171 DESIRABLE offices, modern convenience Stark street, between sa ana eta. Appi room 31. Railway Exchange. FOR RENT 100x100. upstairs, centrally lo cated, ak iiju, oregoman. M iscellaneous. DUCK HUNTERS Chance for four hunters to get In on good duck reserve; close to city by auto. L 406, Oregonian. BUSIVKSS OPPORTUNITIES. SOMETHING NEW FOR PORTLAND. A GOOD MANUFACTURING BUSINESS. PROVEN TO HE A GOOD MONEYMAK ER. WITH ELEVEN ARTICLES NOW READY TO MANUFACTURE SOME OF THEM ON THE MARKET. ORDERS COMING IV SO FAST IT IS ABSOLUTE LY ESSENTIAL THAT THIS PLANT HE ENLAROKO. ONE OF THE BIG WIN NEKS IN THK WAY OF INVESTMENT. WE WANT A BUSINESS MAN AG Eli WITH CAPITAL. THIS PROPOSITION WILL STAND A THOROUGH INVESTI GATION. PHONE BROADWAY 413. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. FOR SALE. Confectionery, ice cream parlor, and pool and card room, doing good business, but selling on account of health.; businesa es tttblislied lo years, run by same party, situated on coast highway 60 miles from Portland; will take about $200 or $2200 to nanaie. write me it you mean Business. AV 430, Oregonian. GARAGE. West side. 2 floors, room for SO cars; 4 years ieae. $123 a month; price $4J00. PICTURE SHOW. East side, established 7 years, selling out on account or sicKness: price siuuu. ATLAS BUSINESS AGCY. tc REALTY CO. 710 Board of Trade bldg. CASH grocery for sale, doing $I30-$200 a day cash; living rooms in rear of store; large, airy, light building; very reason able rent; can give lease; strictly cash proposition; no agents need apply. AJ t23. Oregonian. CASH GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. Good went side location, doing a day, rent $40 a month, 2 years' lease; price $J730. This place must be seen to be appreciated. ATLAS BUSINESS AGCY. & REALTY CO. 7IG Board of Trade bldg. FOR SALE. Confectionery and light grocery with 2 furnished living rooms; rent $20; sales per day $30. Price $1400. Call Wood lawn 6330. CONFECTIONERY AND CIGARS. Good east side location, with 3 living rooms, rent $12.30; prire $1300; good cash trade. 710 Board of Trade bids. $400 BUYS good restaurant on west side; have others up to ui'u. tee aonn orown. 324 Railway Exchango bldg. Open even 1 n gs. PLUMBING and sheet metal, doing a good business; will exchange for Rouse and lot, or sell for cash. Phone Columbia 92, or address 709 W. Mohawk. PARTNER wanted to sell supplies, used cars. etc., and make nimseii generally usciui m auto garago; profits large; $1500 required. Room 401 Dekum bldg. WILL sacrifice furniture business and re pair ahop; on account oi oiner interests must seli; JSOO will handle. Address Box 4 .1 K e 1 s o. Wash. FOR immediate sale; a good cleaning, press ing una tailoring snop, aoing excellent business: owner going east and must sell. J 137. Oregonian. FOR SALE 2-chair barber shop, eastern Oregon, inquire rwemp caroer ouppiy to., Portland. Or. WANTED Dealer to handle truck agency; good line; ior state or any part. uenry Mossbach. 618 East Pike at., Seattle FOR SALE Bakery in valley town of 1200. M ust evil at once. kou reniuns. vjuou terms. AV 411. Oregonian. SHOE repairing shop. 404 East Burnside. good location; o years in uiai locauou, guaranteed to make money. A CAFETERIA, doing $40 a day, suitable for man and wue: wm sen cneap ac count sickness. E 330. Oregonian. DELICATESSEN, west side, apartment house district, 9 win nanaie inm. n money -maker. Call r1 1 Railway Exchange. ESTABLISHED cleaning and pressing shop. This Is worth investigating, r ine cnance for a hustler. B 636, Oregonian. GARAGE for sale. SO-car storage, sell sup plies, gas. etc.. ana oo repairing, proms $0'M1 month. Room 4H DeUum bldg. CASH grocery store, doing $50 day: rent $1S; living room, fine location; price --00. au Ml Railway Exchange. TRANSFER business: new t rucks j best of reasons lor selling. I'nono nuor oi- anur 7 V. M- T 3, Pr-gonlan. A TIRE vt'lcanUing buslnens for only $lloi); good location atil eoo monn near jiront. Call room 4l Dekum bldg. FOR SALE. CASH Good grocery ana conr.. line location, a er.iHinn nou -j daily. If interested, call Sell wood 26. .AUTO repair business; have fully equipped p and a Dig irauc ior oniy 4l Dekum bldg. MAN going to Siberia to buy and sell good.s wants partner to invest $2.10; big returns; rei.Tcnces exchanged. T 31, oregonian. si" Ht'lvBAX grocery, 4 living rooms, rent $1 7 5i' no fixtures to buy; price $1550. full 511 Railway Exchange. FoR SALE Soft drink and lunch counter; fine location. Owner. 211 Couch at. SHoOTfNG galiery. best location and doing fine bn-dnei-s. Inquire 26 N. 6th st. fli Ml BUYS active interest In best paying business in Portland. V 4!, Oregonian. HWE leae on good-paving country hotel; jV-mi will handle. N 138. Oregonian. FR ; LE Short order and waffle house. E. Morrison. Owner going east. VULCANIZING shop for Bale; fully e q u i p pe d : g o o d ! o r a t ton. B road way 284 7. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. TRUSTEE'S SAL COMPLETE HARDWOOD MILL. ELECTRICALLY EQUIPPED. 50.000 FEET LOGS IN BOOM. READY FOR IMMEDIATE OPERATION. Located at Harrisburg. Copy of Inventory Sent on AppUcatlon. Bids must be In the hands of the trustee oyi or before August 20. 10 of amount must accompany the bid which niu oe returned it bid is rejected. Address Inquires to William Hutchison, ii utiiee estate j. ai Pattison lumoer vo., Inc., 1108 Northwestern Bank building, x-ornana. or. FINE GROCERY STORE. .'Ce clean grocery with postoffice, nice ...UUCjU jiving rooms in connection, city water, electric lights and gas: will sell natures for J300 and Invoice stock; the iuio ming win come to about $2000; do ing an average business of $100 per day iiere is the best buy in a grocery we have iistea this year. - EI-IABLE INVESTMENT CO., 309 Oak St. Broadway 4133. WE WANT BUYERS FOR Grocery Stores. ana ooniectionery. Restaurants. Garages. Hotels and Rooming Houses. Anything in the Business Line. .- you wish to buy or sell call ATLAS-BUSINESS AG CY & REALTY CO. . lb Board of Trade Bldg. Main 0315. WEST-SIDE RESTAURANT, PRICE $1100 CASH. Dandy, well-eauiDned west-side restau rant, doing $85 to $100 per day; if you ut nice, clean place in a central west side location, see us at once. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 300 Oak St. Broadway 4133. BIG CHANCE. A splendid established location for dentist on a live corner; sickness caused dentist to move. You can pay rent and move in, living rooms in connection. See McKenna. Belmont and E. 3lth. Tabor huj; bunnyside car. UP-TO-DATE restaurant for sale; in city ui euuu people, the oest city In north Idaho; 7 tables. 4 booths, counter for 12; splendid equipment; fine location; no en cumbrance? good louse; $1200 weekly uusiuess; poor ueaitn cause or selling; price oniy .t.,uu. AV -Wo, Oregonian. WANTED By experienced auto and tractor man, silent or active partner with about $3000. Have agency for small, high-class wheel tractor and truck in state of Ore gon and Washington. This is a high-class proposition. This will bear investigation. B U.;7. Oregonian. MAN THAT CAN HANDLE machinery and rren with few hundred dollars can make $15 to $23 ner dav: et awav from day la.or, be your own boss, work up inside a year to earn ioo per day. can any time at 7203 54th ave. S. E., one block south of Whitman station, on Mt. Scott carlir.e. FOR SALE Cr.sh -deal only, confection ery and pool hall doing good business in bmall but good payroll town, sickness only reason for selling. Price $2000, might ac cept small car up to $500 as part. Act quick if you want this anap. AV 357, Ore gonlan. FOR SALE CASH. Grocery, con feet ion ery. doing a fine business, good location, averaging $90 per day; owner leaving city; will bear in vestigation. For further particulars Mala 1 73S. FOR SALE OLD-ESTABLISHED CAFE TERIA IN DOWN-TOWN BUSINESS DIS TRICT; LOW RENT; SEATING CAPAC ITY 250; CLEARING $400 MONTHLY. SEE MR. BALLIS. WITH WAKEFIELD. FRIES & 'CO., 65 FOURTH ST. A BIG MONEY-MAKER, On account of poor health will aell my up-to-date bakery, with improved ma chinery; only practical bakers apply: no competition; will stand Investigation, Sam uel Viereck, Tillamook, Oregon. CASH grocery for sale, doing $130-$200 a day cash: living rooms in rear of store; large, airy, light buiiding; very reason able rent; can give lease; strictly cash proposition; no agents need apply. AJ U23, Oregonian. FOR SALE at once, good restaurant in best town on river and rail between Portland and Seattle, outside interests call my at tention; come quick if you want a bar gain. J. A. Clark, Kalama, Wash., P. O. box 323. HARDWARE and implement store for sale; stock about $11,000. fixtures $1500, build ings $3000; average monthly sales 1919. $4250; located in irrigated section Southern Idaho. M. B. Wlihoit. Bliss, Idaho WANT financial backing from reliable business men. If you are interested in making this city a greater Portland and want to welcome a new industry a home this is your opportunity. O 79S. Oregonian. AN INVESTMENT of $50 will put you in a business ; you can operate right in your own home and make from $5 to $20 every day; investigate quick. Call mornings 503 Eiiers Music bldg. UNDERTAKING business in fastest growing city of 10,000 in west; one competitor; finest surrounding country; splendid chance for live wire. Answer, AV 42S, Oregonian. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal of so-called Interest in established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL COWGILL, Secretary. FI RST-CLASS grocery for sale ; close In ; good transient trade: wisn to retire irom business; If interested, phone East 483. between S and 10 A. M. No agen t s $550 BUYS cash grocery; rent $20; have ot ner gooa mores uj 10 t c nt Brown, 324 Railway Exchango bldg. Open evenings. REVOLVING-OVEN bread business is a business man's proposition; full particu lars obtained from B. J. Hansen, agent, I Bakebest ovens. 1527 4th ave., Seattle. FOR SALE Wishing to return east, I wish to aell one or Dest paying restaurants m one of best cities in state of Oregon; In vest igatAVSOTOregonian FOR SALE Good-paying business in bakery and delicatessen, reason tor selling poor health; reasonable. Box 5S0. Newport. Or. Business Opportunities Wanted. CASH CUSTOMERS WAITING. WANT GOOD POOL HALL: MEDIUM PRICED ROOMING HOUSE; WELL LO CATED GROCERY; WEST SIDE RES TAURANT. SEE US AT ONCE. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 39 OAK STREET. BDWY. 4133. I AM looking for a good garago proposition oueside. of the city; have a few thousand to Invest; proposition must bear closest scrutiny; mignt consider -interest with good reliable partner; give full Inform a lion first letter. Address AV 424. Ore gonian. - WHAT have you to offer in location and building, either for lease or partnership? Have full garage repair shop and office equipment for large garage. AP 32S, Ore gonian. TIRE stock, vulcanizing shop and auto ac cessory business wanted; will invest up to $:;000. Address AG 66. Oregonian. WANTED A small portable sawmill; must . he in good .running order; state where out fit can be seen. O 797. Oregonian. INVESTMENT for garage or garage and trade school; new incorporation; salary, dividends. V 478. Oregonian. WANT $10.0oo from banker or accountant for corporation: salary $3000; dividends. V 47. Oregonian. Hotels and Rooming House. FOR SALE BY OWNER 25-room hotel, ail on one floor, $2300. Call A 1438. 6th-st. location. POLLY AND HER PALS BCSTNESS O PPOBTTJNITI-8. Hotel and Rooming Houses. IF YOTJ WISH TO BUY OR SELL Business Hotel, Rooming or Apartment House of any kind, anywhere, see F- RIERDON, WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trada Bldg COUNTRY-TOWN hotel, furnished, kitchen; water in all rooms, only hotel and place to eat in the town; good business for some one with a little money. Call and see Thomson, 515 Henry bldg. FOR best bargains in rooming or apartment 1 houses see members of the Realty Board. Yates Realty Co., 249 4th st. HOTEL, 50 rooms, full, industrial district, turning away people every day; $-00, terms. Owner, O SIS, Oregonian. ROOMING HOUSE for sale, two blocks from Public Library. Phone Main 49S5. HAVE CASH to buy small transient room ing house. AJ 620, Oregonian LOST AND FOUND. THE following articles have been found on cars of the Portland Railway, Light A: Power Co., Aug. 14: Purse, fountain pen, fob, 2 keys. comb, book films. 2 gloves, letter, belt, 2 packages, box, traveling bag, pipe, umbrella. 7 luneli boxes. Owners may obtain property at lax, ana iu.ci qiq- LOST - Wednesday evening early, between 1st and Ash and 10th and Washington streets, a gold buckle pin with setting on side of four small diamonds; especial valued by owner as gift from mother. Finder please phone Miss Morse. Broad way 1050; liberal reward. LOST Watch fob. block ribbon and locket, two photos children inside; H. C. i. initials on back, lion head front; not valuable to any but owner. Phone Main 12tiS. or return 373 Yamhill. t LOST Between 14th and Yamhill and Chamber of Commerce or courthouse, tie pin. moonstone setting; finder please call Marshall 5350; liberal reward is offered. J. D. Watts. LOST Last Thursday evening on Ash St.. pair of eyeglasses, in case richsen's (jeweler) name inside. inaer kindly phone Miss Morse, Broadway 10o0, Reward. LOST One tent, between Colton, Clackamas county, and Portland, r inner .c" ""'"l N. C. Davis. 227 Union ave. N. or phone East 2107 and receive reward. LADY'S watch, Monday night, on a car or 22d and Gleason sts. Illinois m-nv-. return to lamp room at Hippodrome theater and receive suitable reward. LOST Black suede bag with Greek letters: had some knitting, Lucretia at. or vii hvp KAtvarn fnone. Aiaiu ,uo. w Market st. drive. NAME price for information recovering Ktiv niir iiernr nnnn fl iemaie susiuii o" terrier. Call Mrs. Chandler, 700 Belmont. East 6040. l.nsT dniA npuiacA. fillcree work, small diamond center, valued as keepsaKe. r inuer please return to oregonian. iiuemi ward. LOST Key ring with keys, probably be tween :ast Ttn ana uuyior anu w. Markell's store. Phone East 4174. Reward LOST Thursday, mink fur cape, between Hazelwood and Campoeii j-iiii now, uo- eral reward. Phone Mam iot4, room oao. LOST FtiAcit fox fur. Pacific highway. Aug. o; rortiana, &eatue; unuer uaiujr us lana, 1212 .nowe St., Vancouver. .an. LOST Christ i;i n Science OUrterii in black .Morocco case, near 22a ana loucu, uuuci please call Kast oMOi. newara. LOST At Seaside, Oregon, jade pendant on gold chain. Finder leave at iotei aeasmc. Reward. LOST Female Airedale terrier. Liberal re ward for information concerning same. Call Wdlri. 2094. . LOST California gold ear ring, between Burnsme, Hoyt ana unsan. -i xmrnsiue, Mrs. Brattln. Reward. LOST Block of Swiss cheese, in business center. Call Marshall liti. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOT responsible for bills contracted for after August 9 oy my wue j-eaxie Schwartz. Signed, A. Schwartz Jr. I'roposals Invited. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned up to 12 o'clock M., August 20, lili, for the improving and paving of certain streets in the City of Helix, Umatilla county, Oregon, according to plans and specltications on file at the office of the said undersigned in the said city. All proposals shall be addressed to the City Recorder, Helix, Oregon, and shall be plainly marked, "Proposals for Improving and Paving Streets," and shall be accompanied by a certified check in an amount equal to 5 per cent of the bid and the same made payable to the City Recorder of the City of Helix. Said check shall be forfeited to the said city by way of liquidated damages should the suc cessful bidder fail or refuse to enter into contract or furnish surety bond, as set forth in the specifications, within five davs from the date of award. The common council of the said city reserves the right to reject any and ail bids. By order of the common council of the City of Helix. VICTOR MASON, Recorder. SEALED bids for supplies for the Benson Polytechnic scnooi win oe receiveu ine office of the undersigned, 401 courthouse, Portland. Or., until 4 P. M-. August 21, 1919, and will be opened at a regular meetting of the board in room 304 court house at 8 P. M-, same date. The board of directors reserves the right to reject any and all bids or divide the award. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of the proposal payable to R. H. Thomas, school clerk, must accompany each pro posal. Specifications may be obtained at the office of the undersigned. Dated August 14, 1919. R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk and Business Manager. Miscellaneous. I WILL NOT be responsible for any bills made by Mrs. W. C. Jones. W. C. Jones, 204 8th st, Hoquiam, Wash. WILL not be responsible for any bills con tracted by my wife after this date, Aug. 10. 1919 DAVID KOTH. fWILL not be responsible for bills made by my wife. Lulu M. Hollingshead. from Aug. 2. W. A. Hollingshead. REPORT stolen automobiles to Mrs. E. W. Shaver. No. 1251 Belmont st. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. WE WILL PAY YOU THE MARKET PRICE FOR YOUR BONDS. WE LOAN OF THE FACE VALUE AT 7 INTEREST. FINANCE SECURITIES COMPANY. 231 U. S. NATIONAL BANK BLDG. BONDS BOUGHT. SPOT CASH. SPOT CASH, MARKET PRICE. CASH for RECEIPTS. We will LOAN you money on BONDS. W. S. S., or to make PAYMENTS on BONDS. 7. 725 Gasco Bldg,. Fifth and Aider. CELLARS-MURTON CO. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers con tracts on real estate In Washington or Oregon. H, E. Noble, 316 Lumbermens bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. Bt private party; no commission. $2000 to $5000 In Improved Property. Y 536. OREGONIAN. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS. If you must sell your Liberty or Victory bonds, sell to us. If you can buy more Libertv ox Victorv bonds, buy from us. We buv and sell Liberty and Victory bonus at the market. YOU CANNOT DO BETTER YOU MAY DO WORSE. On Fridav, August 15, we paid the fol lowing prices for United States Govern ment Liberty and Victory bonds, which were the closing New York market prices. plus the accrued interest: jv. I. .narKei interest Total. $100.49 04.84 It 4. 01 95.02 94.33 00.7S 94.67 100.68 100.92 3s .$!9.fl0 $ .S9 1st 4s 2d 4s 1st 4 '4 s 2d 414s 3d 4s 4th 414s Victory 3 'is.. . . 3.0 . . 94.30 . . I.2 . . 9.1.00 . . HS.24 - 1.01 1.07 1.78 1.43 .90 1.14 99.78 09. 7 S Victory 4s In nnrchasine Libertv and Victory bonds wa deduct from the above prices 37c on a $50 bond and $2.50 on a $1000 bond. In selling Liberty and Victory bonds we charge the New York market price plus the accrued interest. ASK. AHUUT THE MORRIS BROTHERS PLAN Burglar and Fireproof Safe Deposit Boxes j? or Kent. MORRIS BROTHERS. INC.. The Premier Municipal Bond House, Morris building, 300-311 Stark st. bet. 5th and 6th. Telephone Broadway 2151. Established over 25 years. LIBERTY BONDS. All Issues Bought and Sold. Before Buying or Selling Get Our Quotation. E. L. TEVEREATJX & COMPANY. Government and Municipal Bonds. 87 Sixth Street. Between Stark and Oak. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS. CASH PAID FOR ANY ISSUE OF BONDS. FULL MARKET PRICE. LOAN ON WAR SAVINGS STAMPS. YOU CAN BORROW CASH OF US ON BONDS AND SAVINGS STAMPS, OR TO FINISH PAYING FOR VICTORY BONDS. SEE E. BTTRKITT. PRESIDENT OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO. 212 SELLING BLDG. (2D FLOOR). CORNER 6TH AND ALDER STS. CASH paid for undivided interests In real property and estates. Berry, 215 Ry. Ex change bldg. Money 10 Loan on Real Estate. OUR installment plan is the best and surest method of paying a loan. $32.36 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 for 96 months pays a $1000 loan and in terest. Other amounts in proportion. We loan on Improved city property. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN., 242 Stark St.. Portland. Or. RESIDENCE LOANS. From 6',i to 7 per cent for five years. YOU MAY PAY 5100 or any amount on principal and reduce interest. ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE TO APPLICANT. Also see us for lowest interest rates on business property. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. Phone Main 2341. 1524-29 Y'eon Bldg. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette valley farms. No commission. No delays. DEVEREATJX MORTGAGE COMPANY, 87 Sixth St., Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges. A. H- BIRRELL CO., 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4118. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY, 5 PER CENT. 6 PER CENT, 7 PER CENT. UNION ABSTRACT CO Corbett Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS On improved farm and city property; favorable repaying privileges; no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., LTD. 506 Piatt B!dg.. Main 5371. MONEY to loan; $15,000 at 6 per cent, first mortgage property; $2500 at 7 per cent. Apply to David M. Dunne, 536-33S Cham ber of Commerce. $100,000 TO LOAN on farms. No delays, no red tape, no publicit Willamette Valley Mortgage Loan Co., Aurora, Or. $500, $1000 AND upward on improved real estate; favorable turns, no delay, no brok erage. John Bain, 507 Spalding bldg. $300, $400, $500, $630, $750, $1000 AND UP; lowest rates, quick action. Gordon Mort gage Co., 631 Chamber of Com. Main 1370. TO LOAN, $.100, $1000, $1500 and up on real estate, at 6 to 7 per cent. George P. Lent, 717 Corbett bldg. $300, $400, $500, $750, $1000 and up at lowest rates; quick action. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6445. $20,000 TO LOAN in sums to suit; building loans, lowest rates. w. ij Jr.ecK, iiy-iia Failing bldg. Phone Main 3407. $500, $750, $1000, $1500; some 6 per cent money ; no commission. v ara. Any., u i Spalding bldg. ' $2000 TO loan on terms to suit the borrower. Motter Ac sarren io., -u-( ranaraa oiug., "d and Alder. WANTED to loan, $3500, 3 to 5 years, 6 gilt-edge loan in iaureinurst. x t24, Ore gonian. LOANS on city and farm property, 5 per cent up. F. Fuchs, 420 Cham, of Com. $1000 AND UP: no commission or delay. Jr. 1. uditiUi', ou v. nam. oi om. iag. SEE OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO., !22 Chamber or Commerce. 4th and stark. MORTGAGE loans, lowest rates. Harding. 312 Railway Exchange. MONEY to loan on farm and Improved city property. K.. K. Baxter. u topammg mag. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 and 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SOLOMON & CO.. 40S Selling bldg. $11,000. 3 TO 5 YEARS; WILL DIVIDE IF DESIRED. EAST 543S. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. DO YOU NEED MONEY? We make a specialty of loans on auto mobiles, furniture, victrolas, etc. Security left in your posession. Small weekly or monthly payments. ALSO Loans made to salaried people. Rates reasonable. Private office. All business confidential. PORTLAND LOAN CO. fLIcensed), Third and Washington Sta. 306-307 Dekum Bldg. Marshall 3288. SALARY. LOANS. CHATTELS. WE LOAN MONEY on short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes. Weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGES. NO INDORSEE. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household furniture, pianos, etc., without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. LICENSED. 218 Faillna Bldg. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Phona Broadway 910. 394 Stark Street, Near Tenth. Loans on diamonds, watches, vlctrolaa, pianos, kodaks, shotguns, furniture, musi cal instrument! and anything of value. ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE Off , PORTLAND TO PROTECT VHE BOR ROWER. City and county warrants cashed for face value. CARRIE MYERP-HERRMAN. Manager. HATHAWAY Loans on pianos and furni ture; legal rates. Room 208 Washington bldg. MONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry; legal rates; all articles held a year; established since 18S8. Dan Marx. 283 Washington. GEO. HARVEY loans money on household goods. Legal ratea Tjl'or 3.S06. Loans Wanted. ON IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY. $1500, $1600, $1730, $2500, $3500. F. H. DESHOX, 615 Cham, of Com. Bldg. 0 PER CENT If you have mom-iT'to" loan on highly improved city property at 6 per cent, address O 809. Oregonian. WANTED To borrow $3500 on choice resi dence in Irvington: 6 per cent; no broker age. Telephone Main 3067. WANT $750 on suburban home, 7 per cent; no commission. Hale. Main 3517 or Mii waukie, STY. SEE OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Charrtber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. PERSONAL. CONSUMER. The union man protects his wage, But not what he may spend. For the price of things he has to buy Keeps on the upward trend. The capitalist makes a profit On most everything today. But not with the consumer. Who has the bills to pay. Consumers are not organized And tlu.Ir wishes cannot vole. High cost of living has us all. The consumer is the goat. As you are a consumer Remember you'll save more On each FALL SUIT, COAT, DRESS and HAT At the PETERSON UPSTAIRS STORE. 2d Floor Pittock Block. Dandruff and falling hair Is THE SCALP'S CALL FOR THE EKDEE HAIR CERATE. $2.00 PER JAR. Get It at your druggist or THE EKDEE CO.. 800 Union ave. North. PORTLAND. OR, LEATHER-TEX COATS ARE IN VOGUE. We have just received 28 ampie coata from one of our returning salesmen. If you are interested Jn buying one at w hole sale price, call at our sample show room. 726 MORGAN BLDG. UNITED RUBBER CO. . INDIAN herbal baths, made of native roots and herbs; paralysis, rheumatism, chronic diseases, nervousness and blood disorder and other ailments. Mrs. Dr. Wheatiy Howe. Woodiawn 276. Herbal sanatorium. 232 Monroe st., cor. Vancouver ave., east side. W. A. car to Monroe st. REV. MR. AND MRS. J. C. SCHOR1 Free Sunday meetings? d ana o r. u. . O. W. Temple, E. 6th and Alder stt. At 15 E. 15th, cor. Burnside, class Tuea., circle Thurs.. 8 P. M. East 30S4. THE FUR SHOP Invites your inspection of fine furs, ready to wear and to order, at upstairs prices; remodeling, repairing, redyeing. tiott Shet land bldg., 5th and Washington. DR. RUTH OLSSON. iu2 Washington bldg. Swedish massage, eiectricity. exercis-3; steam, rheumatism, constipation; 12 years' experience. Main 634. $1 WILL get both feet fixtd up good at Dr. Eaton's, the CHIROPODIST, who doesn't hurt you; u years nere; exam. iree. oioua theater bldg., 11th and Wash. Bdwy. 2S24. MRS. STEVENS, 2a years Portland's re nowned teacher oi palmistry anu crystal gazing , has crystals for Eale; also her boolc "Palmistry Made Easy." 875 Taylor. SURGEON chiropodist, manicuriat, scalp. fackil treatments, superiiuous nair pei -manently removed. Open evenings, Sundays. 610 Bush & Lane bldg.. Bdwy. and Alder. FEB VET & H ANNE BUT, leading wig and toupe maaers, nnesi utoca numan nan goods, hairdressing, manicuring, face and scalp treatment. 349 Alder. Main 540. MRS. M. L. LAMAR. 235 FIFTH ST. SPIRITUAL ADVISER. Instruction in tho theory of health, i cess and harmony. uc- MISS M. ARXESEN, scientific massage and medical gvmnasium, graduate from Nor way. Telephone East 24yo, hours by ap pointment. . GRADUATE nurse treats lumbago. etc. Hours 2 to 5, or by appointment. Phone Main 1049. Office 308-C Third st. GOITRE, enlarged glanas. cure yourself per manently. A. R. Strachan, Route 5. Hills boro, Oregon. SUPERFLUOUS hair destroyed forever by multiple needle methods, indorsed by phy sicians 504 Swetland bldg., 5th at Wash. NEW medium at 144 11th Bt. ; teach you planets that harmonize in marriage. Daily reading, 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. Bdwy. 3233. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed by 10 needles method; trial free. Josle Fin ley. 614 Bush & Lane bldg. Main 6386. DETECTIVE United Service Detective Bu reau work executed by skilled operatives 607 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 3812. SWITCHES and transformations mailt' from hair combings; work called for and de livered. Col. 1188. 519 Allegheny Bt. ETHEL ADAMS Scalp specialist manicur ing 407 Morrison St., office 210; hours, 11 to 8. Sundays 11 to 3 P. M. MRS. ROSE BOWMAN holds circles Tues days, Thursdays and Sundays, 8 P. M. 385 4th st. S. Readings daily. IS YOUR clock out of order? If so call Bdwy. 1501, Portland Clock Co., we call and deliver. DR. NELSON cures corns, bunions, ingrow ing nails without pain; consultation flee; very reasonable. 503 Dekum bldg. SOPHIA B. SEIP, spiritual advise.. 200 Goodnough bldg. Question meetings Tues days and Fridays. 8 P. M. Marshall 2503. B. NOLAN, hairdressing parior. 326 Pittock bldg. Broadway 4537. 6 years with Olds. Wortman & King. MADAME EUGENE, teacher scientific palm istry and cards. 141 11 tb, cor. Aider, upstairs. ' DR. ELNA SORENSEN, 50$ Panama bltlg. Drugless methods. Stomach, kidneys, rheumatism, constipation, etc. Main 50S6. LAWYER Cases not opposed, $35. Main 5199. ; LADY BARBERS Face massage, 35c; sculp treatment a specialty. 325 Glisan. cor. 6th. DOESN'T Tom, Dick or Karry pay you ? See Viereck, collections. Dekum bidg. RUPTURE CAN BE CURED without, an op eration. Free booklet. P. O. box 1105 PILES CAN BE CURED without operation; -send for free booklet. P. O. box 1105. PRIMED A BALM, formerly called Balm of Figs. S44 E. 33d. Seltwood 2213, morning. GERTRUDE DANIELS, superfluous h.ilr. manicuring, face, scalp. 322 Filed ner bldg MAY ANDREWS, phrenologist, card read ing. 2S24 Park st. Main 7548. WANT to adopt baby not over 2 months old; good home. H 27. Oregonian.