f 11 TTIE 3IORXING OREGOXIAX, SATURDAY. AUGUST 16, 1919. TOMATO PRICES DUE FOB TUMBLE TODAY Acting Mayor Takes Steps to Lower Costs on Market. . Toasted Corn Flakes as c origin al55 in their leadership today as when the imitations first appeared STORE PRICES ARE HIGHEST Arrival of rorf?atid9 Crr!oa4 , of Army Tomaiors Expected Early Next Week. t : 1 t Sir I i X ft Tt prfe f tTntf5 l dn for a tumble in th public market this morn ins Surb wan th announcement mad l.t mht by Arttnic Mayor Bicelow ater havin epent most of the day lonktnr after details in connection ih lowf rlnir prices of foodstuffs. How fr quotations will fall was not indi cated by the acting; mayor. f am putttnjr. in considerable of my tn coins: through the market," said Mr. Bieelow. "keepinr check on prices if h the marketmaster. "The maximum price that- is fixed each day by the marketmaster Is for fr quality of coods, and we are aet ttna; reports on those men who are hold ins; an Inferior arade of aoodft for Mile at maximum quality fl cures. There mill be suspensions as soon as we ob tain the evidence desired." Market fHcea Below Store. A comparison of public market figures with those maintained by four Portland stores was made yecterday by an employe of the police department. who was transferred temporarily t - Mr. Bicelow's department for the pur poj. This agent does not know the marketmaster. and the marketmaste is not aware of his Identity, so the com parison was made without consults tion. Thete fi cures show the public markets quotations to be qu'te cen ri,y under those of the other re ta;U-rs. trie of the most interesting- com ' parisons yet made, however, is that of public market figures with wholesale prices, this showinc the following;: :i lU - f; .11 r A -u -r 7 I I tifrNiitr '--iiai,r-i')"-f ..... ... ..wZhtfsmmmm a Orra.t Wulbra la aceae from Love Insurance," aonl photoplay walch tarf tooif at the Star theater. "rtramodlty ('ti.c ....... l-'nlatoe. ....... Onions ;rn bans .... ltjr Wholesale market. price. .. .03 f .03 fill .03 i-; .. . .02-3 . . .04 .03 .. -OS .OSftV .07 .. .51 .30 Xutter ........... .uH .(to i'epper 13 .12 1-2 Toaaaloea Exaeeted Xezt Week. Portland's carload of tomatoes may arrive here the early part of next week, according to City Purchasing; .xent Mcintosh, who has received no tre. from H. R. Casey, lieutenant ' colonel, quartermaster corns, and as sistant sone storare officer, stationed at Fort Mason, California. The messac . i-aid that Libby, McNeill tc Lib by had been instructed to ship Immediately the 26.000 cans of army surplus ordered last week by Commissioner Pier. Mr. Mcintosh has telegraphed to the ' shipping point for car number and oth er data by which he hopes to hurry the delivery of the tomatoes to Port-l-i nd dealers who have agreed to dis tribute the product free of charge. - Portland railroad officials have signi fied a desire to co-operate In every way in facilitating movement of the car. .IRRIGATION BUDGET MADE Yakima Valley Betterments for 1931 to Cost $2,2 15,000. TAKIMA. Wash, Aug. 15. (Special.) -Estimates of R. K. Tiffany, project manager here for the reclamation serv ice, for expenditures that should be made in the fiscal year of 1921, call for a total of t2.215.000. About f 2.000.000 Is recommended for construction of ex tensions to the present project. Maintenance costs in the Sunnyside project are estimated at 125.000; on the Tieton. ITS. 000. and S15.000 is es timated for maintenance of the storage ' units of the project. Included in the new construction is the Granger siphon, which would bring Immediately 6000 acres additional land under irrigation. Work would also be started on one or more additional irri gation canals, according to Manager .Tiffany's plan, and work would be par tially completed on the Rimrock sior age enterprise. TODAY'S FILM FEATURES. Majestic Mabel N'ormand. "A Perfect 3S." Columbia Lila Lee, "Rose o the River." - Peoples Elsie Ferguson. "A So ciety Exile." . Star Bryant Washburn, "Love Insurance." Liberty Robert Warwick. "Se cret Service." Strand Peggy Hyland, "Cheating Herself." Circle William S. Hart, "The Silent Man." Sunset Mary Pickford, "MMiss, and Fattv Arbuckle. "A esert 4 Hero." I Globe Marguerite Clark, "Miss George Washington T the author of-"The Seven Keys to Baldpate," Bryant Waihbur n's newest feature. "Love Insurance," will open today at the Star theater. Need less to say having mentioned Mr. Washburn's name the picture is a comedy. The story is that of a young man who was sent by his insurance com pany to promote the wedding of an American heiress and a titled English man. His company having insured the nobleman for a large amount should the heiress fail to marry him, it is necessary for its agent to hasten the marriage if possible. But unexpected developments occur when the insur ance company's representative, him self, falls in love with the girl. The role of heiress is taken by Lois Wil son. The cast for "Love Insurance" in cludes several notables in addition to Mr. Washburn. A prominent part is taken by Edwin Stevens, who won fame on the legitmate stage first in comic operas, and later in vaudeville. Eddie Sutherland, Just mustered out from the service and fresh from France, is also in the cast. The pro duction was under the direction of Donald Crisp. Screen Gossip. To arrange for the distribution of photoplays soon to be released through Goldwyn by the Emmlnent Author's as sociation. A. L. Aronson, special home office representative, and J. A. Koer- pel, resident manager of the Seattle exchange, were in Portland yesterday. Mr. Koerpel has returned to Puget sound, while Mr. Aronson left last evening for San Francisco. The pictures for which they were arranging are from the pens of Rex Beach, Gertrude Atherton, Mary Roberts Reinhart, Gou- veneur Morris, Basil King and other au thors, who have lately banded together in an effort to have produced on the screen real literature in a manner by which it is better interpreted and not marred. Alice Joyce has rejoined her company after a severe Illness due to exposure in a rainstorm during the filming of an important scene, and has gone to Ny- ack to finish exterior scenes on "The Winchester Woman." J. A. McGill of the U. S. A. Theater company, Vancouver, Wash., left a few I days ago for the east, where he is I working on a production project that is expected eoon to be undertaken in southern California. Mr. McGill has been associated with John Kiggins, former mayor of Vancouver, in theatri cal enterprises in that city for several years. - Marie Walcamp, who has starred in serials for several years, is engaged in production of a series of two-reel western features, adapted to her riding and athletic ability, under the title of the Tempest Cody series. Bert Lytell will be starred in the screen version of "Lombard! Ltd." and and will have Alice Lake as his leading lady for the third time. Marshall Neilan is negotiating with the owners of dramatic rights in "Ben Hur ," with a view to producing a screen version of It. Harry Houdlnl has completed the j final scenes of his serial "The Grim Game" and has returned to New York for his theatrical tour in his handcuff I work by which he won his first fame. Anthony Hope's book "Captain Dieppe is to have Major Robert War wick in the star role in the film ver sion. James J. Corbett is in the east on a I vacation after completing his serial. "The Midnight Man," but will return soon to California to begin work on I feature productions. otw cleicaM, curvcL L&Anwce4, uAicA, off 7ruun6 off -ffanuiza. OX 2 t&t These hot days Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes is an especially agreeable food. Light, satisfying, easy to digest you can .have it at lunch at any eating place just as you do for breakfast at home. Our "Waxtite" package saves the oven-fresh flavor and quality for you. Every grocer everywhere sells Kellogg's every day. Si? i I Wbn Us favor ihwujh its flavor PURE-BRED CATTLE BOUGHT fourth Carload of Stock Reaches Ashland for Distribution. ASHLAND. Or.. Aug. 13. (Special.) A carload of cattle, pure-bred and sired from the best shorthorn stock, has ar rived at Ashland. The cattle were pur chased by D. M. Lowe, representing the Jackson County Livestock association. and Elton Beeson, representing the ccunty farm bureau. This is the fourth carload of stock that has been brought iiro the county by these organizations. Th last carload was purchased front the Gibson estate at oodland. Cal Vrank Brown, president of the National Shorthorn association, passing on the snimal'te pedigree and testing the stock The purchase was financed by the Citi zens' Bank of Ashland and State Bank of Talent, which will also finance in dividual purchasers. CENTRALIAN DIED AS HERO Details of Lat Hours of Lieutenant Hodge Are Received. CENTRA LI A. Aug. 15. (Special.) Further details of the death in action of Lieutenant Grant Hodge, a former Centralta high school athlete for whom the newly organized local post of the American legion is named, are con tained in a let&er received by W. H HiKige. the officer's father, from Miss Esther Karlow, a Centralia girl who went to France as a research worky fur the Red Cross. The officer was wounded near Mont faucon on September 27. 191S, while fighting with the 39th infantry and died In a hospital without regaining consciousness. Miss Farlow enclosed a photograph of Lieutenant Hodge's grave in the oemetery at Souhesmea. KELSO TO PAVE TWO MILES Citizens to Vote on Bond Issue !.500 for Work. of KE3SO. Wash.. Aug. 15. (Special.) Organisation of local Improvement dis tricts Nos. 27, -S and 29 were com peted hv the council at the last meet it, k when ordinances Nos. 214. 215 and lis were adopted by that body. At ."the same time ordinance No. 217. call- ing an election to vote 122.500 in bonds tor the city's share of the paving im provement, w-as adopted. Kt Iso's policy tn the past has been for the city to pay for paving the in . tersections. The proposed Improve ments will include paving of two miles f streets in the principal residence sections of town, and the construction of sidewalks and drainage sewers. EARLY SHOPPERS MAY SAVE PENNIES AT PUBLIC MARKET Good Supply and Reasonable Rates to Be Found by Housewives Who Look Carefully Over Displays Offered in Morning Hours. PEN? da) sav .. Read The Oregonian classified ads. BNNT change comes In handy these ays and when a housewife can ve the coppers by the tens and twenties it pays to shoulder a shopping basket and scour around among the stalls in the public market on Yamhill street early In the morning. High though some prices are, a careful pur chaser may find a number of real bargains along the line. Yesterday, for instance, when big cu cumbers were averaging from two for 5 cents to 6 cents apiece, a woman had stacked up a quantity of fine, large onea she was disposing of at 1 cent apiece. The only canning fruits in are black berries at 10 cents a box. These prob ably will go no lower, on account of the demand from the canneries. A good many stores at the present time are selling them at two for a quarter. reaches are coming in plentifully. but this is too early in the season to buy freestones economically for can ning purposes. In about 10 days the prices will be much lower. An echo of the strawberry season was to be seen in one of the stalls. where a few boxes of small berries were going at two for 25 cents. Although about the cheapest good tomatoes may be had at 10 cents pound, a few fair appearing ones were on display at two for 15 cents yester day. Green peppers are now on hand in great stacks and are, as a rule, bring ing 13 cents, the top price. However, the housewife may easily find some of apparently the same quality at 10 cents. There are lettuce heads and lettuce heads, and they all look good. In fact the only difference seems to be in the size. The small apartment house cook may find heads at two for a nickel that will supply a delicious tit of salad for friend husband and herself. The top price for larger ones is 3 cents, but there are plenty to be found for 6 cents and at three for 10 cent a In the past few days there has been a marked decline in the cost of potatoes. peas. eggs, corn, poultry ana lettuce, Eggs, which were ba cents a dozen on Thursday, were at 53 yesterday and will probably remain at this mark over the week-end. having declined 4 cents dur- ng the week, very few of them are to be found in the public market and all are being sold at tne maximum price. Potatoes range from seven and eight pounds for a dime to 2H cents a pound. The former are small, but of the. same quality and Just the thing to boil with Jackets on. If you are lucky in your choice of corn you will find it at 15 cents a dozen, although big ears are selling up to 35 cents. Thos' at the former price are small, but full and sweet. Good apples may be had at 5 cents a pound, but there are a number of small ones at three pounds for 10 cents and a few that are excellent for cooking at 1 cents. Saturday is always the big day for eggs, butter and poultry. Hens are now 32 cents a pound and fryers 36 cents. Beans threatened to disappear en tirely from Yamhill street yesterday morning when canneries phoned in of' f era to take them by the sack at 7 cents. Farmers, however, decided to keep them in the stalls where 8 cents and 15 cents for two pounds are being asked. Evergreen Berries Plentiful. TOLEDO, Or., Aug. 15. (Special.) An enormous crop of Evergreen black berries will be harvested in Lincoln county this year. The Elmore Fish cannery on the Alsace bay and the To ledo Canning company of Toledo are the only local concerns to can black berries this year, but a considerable tonnage will likely be shipped to out side canneries as usual. Both the El more and Toledo canneries are making a feature of canning string beans, a considerable acreage having been plant ed for each concern. Fire Damages Machinery. CHEHALIS, Wash., Aug. 15. (Spe cial.) Damagfc to logging machinery and other equipment valued at 33000 is reported in the logging works of the Lytle company near Porter. Thus far the fire- has been kept from the green timber, but it has been hard to keep under control, despite the utmost vigilance. U WORK IS GOING ON LIXCOlST COUXTY COURT SUPER. VISIXG CONSTRUCTION. Much Grading Is Done, and Gravel Will Be Laid Xext Week Big Tractors Prove Economical. TOLEDO. Or., Aug. 15. (Special.) A gang of men and teams began con struction work on the third mile of the Newport-Corvallis highway under direc tion of the county court this week. It Is probable that a considerable portion of the Lincoln county grading work will be done by the county itself, as it is believed that it can be done more economically in this manner. The first work to be done on this road was started a week ago by Contractor Clyde McMillan, who was awarded the grad ing contract at 79 cents a yard. The road has been definitely located No Wrinkles j: at Forty Try this simple formula A little CREMB ELCAYA rubbed fentiy into tbm skin: llwfl if yo need color, a ry j little Elcy ronie spread cm fnlhr over the ctjecke before I i the cream ia oite dry: mad Iter that tbe film ci U Vowdcr over I 1 CREilE I ELCAYA Your dealer has ELCA YA and haM sold it for years. Ask him. In Jars at 25 & 60c James C Crane, Sols Agmtt ' Crene Blcaya Eleavs Kouge Elcaya Face Powder 118 Madison Are.. New York If Schilling Tea is really tea, common tea ought to be called something else. Schilling Tea is rich and delicate and fine and in vigorating. Common tea is mostly tannin that they tan leather with harsh, puckery and bad for diges tion and nerves. Fine tea costs less per cup than common tea. Nowwhichdoyou think is cheap and which is dear? There are four flavors of Schilling Tea Japan, Ceylon - India, Oolong, English Breakfast. All one quality. In parchmyn-linedmoisture-proof packages. At grocers everywhere. A Schilling & Co San Francisco and preliminary surveys made on almost the entire route with the excep tion of the sector between Chitwood and Toledo. Here two routes have been proposed one by way of Simpson creek, which is the present traveled route, the other a proposed water grade down the Yaquina river. The diffi culty at present in connection with the water grade seems to be the building of a bridge at Toledo. Work on the Toledo-Siletz road is progressing nicely, a good portion of the grading being done. It is expected that they will begin moving Siletz gravel onto the road next week. The county court has purchased bet ter than $17,000 worth of road ma chinery this year.. Included in this equipment is one Hall and one Federal dumpbed gravel truck, two new Yuba tractors, a couple of graders and much miscellaneous equipment, such as fres nos, slips and minor equipment. The use of the tractors for grading as com pared with the old method of horse grading is more economical. Tacoma to Have Parking Stations. TACOMA, Wash., Aug. 15. (Special.) In an effort to clear up the traffic situation In the downtown districts the Tacoma council is having prepared an ordinance to permit the construction of parking stations on vacant lote. The ordinance provides for corrugated Iron roofs for the parking stations which may be built for temporary or perma nent use. Traffic congestion and fre quency of automobile theft made such an ordinance imperative, city officials eaid. Hotel at . Mineral Ready. CENTRALIA, Wash., Aug. 15. (Spe cial.) The Mineral Lake Lumber com pany has just completed a new hotel at Mineral, in eastern Lewis county. Another improvement at Mineral is a new hospital being erected by Dr. A. V. Bridge of Batonville. MS e iaieatuiiP"Ot'''tma?' ww Ever since the early 70's Ghirardelli's Ground Chocolate has been known and acknowledged as the triginal Ground Choco late the chocolate of proven purity and un common quality. As a beveraee h stands alone in taste, in flavcr, in nutriment. As an aid in baking; and ' cooking you will find it indispensable. To protect yourself against inferior subctitutes look for the Ghtrardelli label on the GhirardeUi can. Say "Gear-ar-delly" Since it$z D. GHIRARDELLI CO. San Franciics (SHIIKAmBIElLO