Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 16, 1919, Page 12, Image 12

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Lengthy Side-Swipsr Smears
Paint Over Mackmen.
Caveney to Crandall to Koerner. Runs re
sponsible for, by Scott 3. Umpires. Finney
and Glhrl.
Srwashes Errors Help Vernon to
-to2 Victory.
SEATTLE. Wash.. Aug. 13. When
Schaller dropped a fly in left field in
the eighth Inning today. Vernon was
able to send two runs across and take
the lead in a tight game. More loose
work by Seattle in the field and hits
by Vernon added two runs to the visi
tors' score in the ninth, making the
final fi to Z in Vernon's favor. Score:
Two Firsts, Two Seconds, One
Third, His Tally Sheet.
Vernon I
Lefty Scbroeder Twirls Good Ball,
bat Errors Behind ITlm Gam
t, Tp Pastime Score, 6 to 0.
Pacific Coast Lean Standing-.
WLP'1.1 WTuPcJ.
T.oe Angeles 73 51 .ft'., Sacramento 6 2 . 4. 5
Vernon.... 73 31 .3V Oakland . . . . 7 .44
Salt srt r.2 .5.-.i Portland . ' .430
Kn i nn... 4 81 .312 Seattle 44 73
Yntrrds.T'i Results.
At Portland Oakland . Portland 0.
At Peatll Vernon 3. Seattle 2.
At Sin Francisco Oacramento 4. San
Francisco O.
At Los Angeles Los Angeles 5. Salt Lake
Ty" Falkenberg's old soupbone was
altgether too much for the Beavers
yesterday afternoon. and Portland
dropped the third fame of the series
via Whitewash avenue. The former
stable mate of Napoleon Lajole and ex
Federal league string- bean with the
side-arra delivery let "our boys' down
with three measly hits. Score. Oak
land . Portland 0.
ueorge Alalsel got two of ' Cy s ra
tion of base knocks, while Arthur
Koehler busted the stitched Beach for
twotehassocks when, with two away In
the closing- round, the tall tenor of
Howard's hirelings eased up. The vet
eran brought to the coast by Bill Cly-
mer, and then swapped for Lynn Bren-
ton. held the Macks as helpless as
Jugful of blind men.
"Lefty" bchroeder made his first ap
pearance as a Beaver at Twenty-fourth
and Vaughn streets, and during- his
eight Innings of occupancy, although
nicked for eight hits, pitched good
enough baseball to have won an ordi
nary ball game. As most youngsters
do. the Albina kid looked bad once or
twice when the enemy got to bunting
the horsehlde. But two of the three
runs registered off the big portsider
were earned.
Alalia Fui is) Placta.
Schroeder retired in Portland's half
f the eighth to allow Captain Patrick
Siglin to strike out for him. Joe Dailey
then made his 1919 debut and. despite
tne fact that he was welcomed by sin
gles on the part of Murphy and Samuel
Cohen Bohen. might have escaped with
hut one run scored against him had not
Farmer misjudged Elliott's Ions' fly as
a result of which Elliott gets credit for
a two-bagger, and a brace of those
things that win ball games were chased
across. Kowdy went to third on Falk-
nberg's sacrifice hit and was wild
pitched over the top.
Grover'a double and singles by Cooper
and Gutsto accounted for the Oaks
first run In the opening canto. Jaycat
Ewings hired help turned the trick
again in the second. Lane's swat to
center shoved Murphy across the
Rhine. Murph had beat out a tap to
Klngdon, was sacrificed to second and
proceeded on his merry way. taking
third on Elliott's infield out.
The Acorns' third run. which came in
the seventh, was unearned because of
I'.ader'a error. Bohne singled through
the pitrher's box and went to second
while Kingdon was stopping Elliott's
hit just to the right of the keystone
sack. Bohne overran the middle sta
tion and would have been caught get
ting back had not Pendleton Donald
fumbled Klngdon's toss. Before King
don could recover the pellet and get it
to Wlsterxil Bohne was perched on the
difficult corner. He was on the tally
ing end of a double steal a moment
Beaver Play TLasy Ball.
Some 1109 fans and fannettes wit
nessed the slaughter. The Beavers hes
itated like a bunch of stags at bay,
and It Is as obvious as stars on a clear
night that unless some punch is added
that well give nary a Coast league
club serious opposition durinr the bal
ance of the semester. When Siglin and
Luseme Blue get back In the game it
may be a different tale.
Klngdon made h'.a first error of the
week yesterday, although he has the
earmarks of a great pastimer who
needs seasoning both In the field and
at bat. Koehler fills in nicely at first
base, but Blue is missed for both his
field generalship and his .2' I batting
average, which Is good, taking into
consideration the fact that Lew is a
Lovey Lou Guisto again cut fancy
capers around first base for Dashing
Del. He drove in the first Oak run.
laid down a sacrifice hit and drew a
walk as his share of the California
gang's offensive.
Double-headers are scheduled for to
day and tomorrow. First game com
mences at 1:10 P. M.
The score:
Oakland I Portland
ABROA' arpoa
,... t 0 I 3 ORsder.s.. 4 O O S 1
Orover.S. 8 111 wi.t'ill.S 2 0 o 3
Ceerer.U - "srmer.l. 3 O O
-.ti'.to.l. 3 0 11'"" MalaeLc.. 3 O I 1
W'her.. 4 O O 3 e Spe r. . 4 O
tlurpbT.I 4 3 3 3 5 Khi.l 4 e 1 13
Fnhnw. 3 3 3 1 :Bik.c. 4 O 8 S
K"itt.e. 4 13 1 Kng.Jon.2 4 0 3
rk'nbij 2 o 0 a CS,hrdr.p 3 e 4
Sslln... 1 O O
Dailer.p, 0
TtaL 31 tltSTlfH Total.. SI 127 13
Baited for Schroeder In elchth.
Oakland 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 S
lilts 3 3 0 0 S 1 S 11
Po-TUBd o o o o n o o o o o
Mrs V...0 o l l o o l s
Struck out by Pchroeder 7. Jr'alkenberg 3
Rase on balls off KalKenberc -. 4crtroar
3. Two-bas hits. Grovtr. E.'.lott. Koeh'.er.
rouMe riaa. Klrdon to Rader to Xoehier:
"tt't.terxtl to Koehl.r to Wlateraill Hacnflo
hits, Wisters:!. H3hne 3. Gulsto. Falker.berg.
fc-.olen bases. Elliott. Bohne. Coooer. Baker.
Hit by p.uhed ball-. Farmer. Wild pitchea.
T'alley. Innings pitched, bv 8chroe4er e.
runs 3. hits S. at bat 24: Dailey 1. runs 3.
hits 3. at bat 3. Runs responsib: for.
Hchroeder 3. Dallejr X Tim. 1 hour 0' min
utes. L'mrtrea, Casey snd Toman, Charge
AsXaat La Schroed-r.
Senators' Portsider Allows Only FlTe
Hit Daring Day's Work.
SAN" FRANCISCO. Aug. 15. Saera
mcnle evened the series with San
Francisco by defeating the Seals.
"Lefty" Malls, making his second start
rf ths week, had th-n &-a!s under per
fect control, allowing only five scat
tered hits, while Scott, pitching for
San Francisco, was touched for eight
hits and four runs in the last three The score:
Sacramento I 5an Frarfface
It K H O .V H K H O A
Mitchell., 4 0
C'hrtbe.m. 4 0
M-usel.3.. 4 0
norton.l.. 4 2
Hish.l 2 0
Fisher.2.. 3 1
Edington.r 4
Brooks. c. 4,1
Fiaeraoji 4 1
S'Oun'h'm.m 4 0
1 3 OlHrei,:... 40 2 3
0 2 2 Compton.r. 4 0 0 0
2 10 2 Schaller.l. 3 111
1 4 U.Mullen.1.. 30 0 14
12 2 ..2103
1 2 Murphy... 3 0 0 0
0 1 French.. . 3 o 1 1
z a a
12 1 Keler.p
Totals. .33 3 11 27 131 Totals.. 29 2 5 27 IS
Vernon 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 2 3
Seattle 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2
Errors, Fisher, Schaller, French 2. Struck
out. by Raiser 2, Finneran 1. Bases on
halls. off Finneran 6. Two-base hits.
Brooks 2 Double plays, Mitchell to Bor
ton. Wares to French to Mullen. Sacrifice
hits. High 2, Malleo, Runs responsible for.
Relger 2, Fiaoeraa none. Umpires, Phyla
and Frary.
Lneky Seventh Produces Three Rons
and Game for Los Angeles.
LOS AXGELES. Aug. 13. Two home
runs that scored thnee- Los Angele
players In the seventh inninir brough
victory over Salt Lake. Killefer opened
the seventh for Los Angeles with
two-bagger to the left field: Bates
knocked a borne run. scoring Kllle.'e
and Crawford, following Bates, hit
second home run. The score:
Salt Lake I Los Angeles
Plts'lek.I 4 12 10 Klllefer.m 4 2 12
Mas 4 0 2 4 4 K.ib'oUe.s 4 13 3
Sp-ncer.e 3 0 2 4 1 Hafs.l.. 3 1 1 10 1
Mulver.r. B O 1 0 Oi'rn ford.r 4 13 2
Sheeiy.l. S 0 0 10 0 Hansier.c 3 0 2 3
Kroe.2. .4 1 3 2 3 K-nir'y.2. 4 0 2 2
Johnson.s 4 12 3 1 Kills.l 3 0 0 2
Mul an.3 1 0 0 0 0 .Niehnff.3 4 0 0 0 1
Dale. p.. . 4 0 1 0 0 Brown. p. 4 0 0 1
Totals 30 3 13 24 71 Totsls .13 3 11127 13
salt Lake 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 :t
Los Anssles 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 1
terrors. Jvroc. Dale. Home runs. Hates.
Crawford. Two-base hits, Fitxpatrlck 2,
Kluefer. Johnson. Three-base hit. Crawford
sarrkfice hits, xlasgert. Mulligan 2. ra
brlnue. Bass on bal.s. off Dale 4. Struc
out, by Brown 2. Dale 3. Runs responsibl
for. Dsle 6. Brown 3. Double piays. Xruf
tneeiy. i mpireit. r:?tsnn ana Hetd.
Mr. Dudley Gives Natalie the Great
Her First Defeat In Youngsters'
Trot Time 2:13.
National League Standings.
w L Pet. I W L Pet
Cincinnati.. 70 S3 ." Pittsburg. .. 47 32.4
New York.. 61 37 .0,-' Hoaton .... J0o.41j
Chlraso.... 54 43 .14.'. Philadelphia 3 34 .33
Brooklyn... 49 52 .4s3 St. Louis... 30 00.373
American League tandiDgs.
Chicago 3 39 .Olt New York.. S3 43 .541
Detroit .... IS 4 lloston 4 oa
Cleveland.. 57 43 .37o Waehlnton 410L.4M2
. Louis... 54 45 .545 Philadelphia 27 71 .2
How the Series Mand.
At Portland 1 game. Oakland 2 games: at
Seattle 1 game. Vernon 2 games; at San
Francisco 2 games, Sacramento 2 games; a
Los Angeles 3 games. Salt Lake 1 game.
Where the Teams Play Next Week.
Vernon at Portland. Oakland at Seattle
Sacramento at Los Angeles, Salt Lake at San
Beaver Batting
ABHAve.l AB H Ave.
424 124.2H2 Speas 243 57 .2.13
373 1" .22 ..Maieel.... ll'U 4 .23.1
Farmer. .
Koehler. ,
474 12 .271 I'enner. .. xs In .2u
Sl'U oH .2rtl Sutherland 54 11 .2U4
2i2 70 .2H7 Shroeder In 3.17 S .2ii Klngdon. . 27 VIM
I'll 4 .247 Jones 1 4 .
377 S2 .244 Harstsd. . 4 0.OO0
3U0 70 .23.1:
Gobs of Goat Island to Tackle
Olympic Club Team.
SAX FRAXCISCO. Au. 15. Septem
ber 7 Is the date set for a football game
between the sailors of the Yerba Buena
(Goat Island) naval training station
and the Olympic club of San Francisco.
It Is expected to bo the first important
football game on the Pacific coast for
the 1919 season.
Forty-eight candidates for the club
team here are practicing under the di
rection of Jack Spauldlng, Olympic
coach, formerly of the University of
Pennsylvania. Lieutenant Kutz and
Ensign Hanna are teaching the 'gobs"
the strategy of the gridiron.
Lacrosse Revival Successful.
VANCOUVER. B. C, Aug. 15. This
rear's successful revival of lacrosse in
the British Columoia cities oi Van
couver, Victoria and New Westminster
will doubtless mean, lacrosse followers
say. the organization or a inree or rour
cliib British Columbia Lacrosse associa
tion. Seattle may enter a team in tne
Grand Circuit meeting, twice postponed
by rain and a heavy track, was re
sumed at Belmont track today with a
rearranged programme of five events.
The-biggest surprise of the day came
when in the William Penn stake for
2-year-old trotters, purse 12000, in
which the Brook farm entry, Mr.
Dudley, driven by Brusie, .beat a good
field of youngsters, including the
Laurel Hall- farm's Natalie the Great.
This was the tatter's fifth race and
she had never lost a heat until she
was beaten in the second heat today
in 1:13.
The veteran reinsman, "Pop Geers,
had an entry in all five events and
won two firsts and finished third, sec
ond and second. After Camalita Hall
ha dtaken the first heat of the 2:13 trot
and had finished second to Sam Fore
man in the second Gears brought Ker- I
rigan through the stretch with a rush
and nipped bam Foreman by a nose
at the wire in the third heat. He also
won the extra heat for winners in
Gfeers piloted his second winner in
the 12000 Nawbeek Stack' farm stake
for 3-year-old trotters, winning in
straight heats with Mollle Knight,
which stepped the first heat in 2:074.
The Bellevue-Stratford stake, purse
12000- for 2:06 trotters, furnished the
fastest time of the meeting so far.
the first heat being won by Prince
Loree in 2:05I. Wilkes Brewer was
driven by Hyde and beat Royal Mac,
driven by Tommy Murphy, in a close
finish, in the second heat. Koyal Mac
was awarded the third heat, but in
the extra heat for winners Wilkes
Brewer won handily from Prince Loree.
McGregor the Great won the 2:16
trot for the Bull's Head bazaar stake
of $2000. Hollyrood Naomi finished
second. The summary:
2:17 trot. 3-year-old. purse 2000
Mollle Knight, b. f.. by General Watts-
May Stewart (Geersl 1 1
Norman Dillon, b. g (Gregory) 2 5
Little Lee, b. g. (McDonald) 5
Peter Worth, b. c (Ackerman) 3 8 I
Dark Flower, br. f. (Murphy) a 3
Liberty Todd. Admiral Harris and Brother I
Peter also started.
Time: 2:07 ; 2:10U.
2:10 trot, purse S3000:
McGregor the Great, b. s. by Peter the
Great-Ruth McGregor (ox) 1 1 2 1
Holyrood Naomi, b. m. (Dodge) 2 6 1
Joseph Guy. b. s- (Hyde) 4 2 4 I
Zomldott. b. m. (McDonald) 3 3 til
Marlondale, blk. s. (Murphy) 6 5 3
Hegiar also started.
Time 2:08; 2:07 and 2:07.
2:0ti trot, purse 3UO0
Wilkes Brewer, ch. m.. by Nutwood
Camels are sold every where
in scientifically aemled pack'
ages of 20 cigarettes or ten
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mend this carton for the
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R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.
Winston-Salem, N. C
18c a package
CAMELS are the most refreshing, satisfying cigarette ycy
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Camels are an expert blend of choice Turkish and choice
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Camels win you in so many new ways! They not only pefveit
you to smoke liberally without tiring your taste but leave
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Compare Camels with any cigarette in the
world at any price ! You'll prefer Camel
quality to premiums, coupons or gifts!
Wilkes-Mary Batea (Hyde) 3 13 1
Royal Mac. b. g. (Murphy) 2 2 13
Prince Loree, b. g. (McDevitt) 1 8 3 2
The Toddler, br. s. (Stinbon) 3 4 5 r
Peter June. ch. s. (Geers) 6 3 4 rl
Buey Lale also started.
Time: 2rU5'4; 2:06; 2:054 ana 2:07.
Two-year-old trot, purse $2Hrt)
Mr. Dudley, blk. g., by J. Malcolm
Forbes-Bourbon Todd (L. Brusie)... 2 1 1
Natalie the Great, br, f. (Thomas). .. .1 4 4
Dudette. br. f. (Geers) 3 2 2
Day Star, b. c. (Cox) 4 3 3
Madam Dillon, ch. f. (Scrrlll) 5 5 2
Time 2:1014: 2:13: 2:12.
2:13 trot, purse S10O0 .
Kerrigan, br. s.. by Axworthy-Carrie
Kerr (Geers) 8 1 1
Sam Foreman, ter. g. (Carr) 8 12 2
Cartnelita Hall. b. m. (Clark) 1 2 4 3
Ed H-. blk. G. (Sturgeon) 2 4 3 r
I.otta Watts, b. m. (Murphy) 3 3 0 r
Dr. Elmore, Humfast, Olive hint and Doro
thy Day also started.
Time: 2:10i: S-IWH: 2:0i and 2:11.
Steel Men Win at Soccer.
STOCKHOLM, Thursday, Aug. 15.
Special.) The Bethlehem Steel soccer
football team defeated the fctocknolm
Tigers today by a score of one to
nothing. King Gustavo was among the
large crowd in attendance.
McFarlnnd's Brother to Box.
Jimmy McFarland of Chicago,
youngest brother of Packer McFar
land. the retired windy city batler, will
try his hand at the mat game. The lad
is said to be scientific and a good
J. Hosford, Xorthwest Title
Holder, to Represent Oregon at
Contest in Philadelphia.
The eyes of the swimming world are
on Philadelphia and New York today,
for at Philadelphia they are staging
the National Amateur Athletic union
ten-mile marathon swim from Race-
street wharf, Philadelphia, to the
Riverton Yacht club pier, Riverton,
N. J., and at New York they are stag
ing the national 440-yard swim lor
The ten-mile marathon swim Is the
race par excellence of swimdom. Never
before have such a galaxy of swim
ming stars been in competition and,
with such a large field to choose from,
it is hard to pick the winner. The
present champion Is always more or
less the favorise, but Portland fans
are betting on Norman Ross and Stubby
Kruger with a few out for Schroth and
Hosford, the Portland entrant. Many
have even gone so far as to pick the
first five In the race.
Among the entries are Norman Ross,
Perry McGillivray and Mike McDer
mott of the Illinois Athletic club:
Stubby Kruger and George Schroth of
the Oakland (Cal.) Athletic club.
O. J. Hosford, titleholder in many
events in Oregon and the Pacific north
west, will represent Portland and is
expected to make a place. All swim
mers who finish are awarded medals,
the first three getting the A. A. U.
medals and cups put up by the River
ton Yacht club.
At Manhattan Beach, New York, they
are staging the national 440-yard
swim for women. Miss Fanny Durack
and Mina Wylie. the world's champion
women swimmers, are to meet in com
petition the best women swimmers of
the east.
Lewis After Challenger.
SAN JOSE, Aug. 15. (Special.) "I'm
no boxer, but I'll agree to stop thi
Elmo Lincoln in four rounds and
the same time I'll throw him ten times
in an hour." Thusly does 'Strangler'
Lewis size up the Los Angeles movie
strong man, who has posed as anxious
to meet Jack Dempsey.
r'n-?'t3. -
-I t. n I 4
V.n.'.wt.T. 4
i . a2. 3
-.... 4
-.k.r. 4
1 1 KltiM.r. 4 o 1
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Tptn'-..! 4 1 -T III . 7. 2 0 1 1
rrn"ii' 0 0 ii O J j ik
Fr:ulro 00O0fftU ft
b'.TTT. H:iwii Two-Hat hli. 7-am-r-rrV
iiMfo. r-r?'l" hit. Vl . tj un.
p t,m t.n b"s. n't Vit- o'f ii on I
iM. J" k 31. M l'9 1. I ' v 3 I.Miht
, aC-im'vXh to CrSaVjitil to Koero-cr.
j r 1 1 : : 1 I
J &OiH fdOf 1" r ANt FtBAP tttiS COLO &fH - THE.
-ao &cneTtHz. to oo FRtfireBfiiNG scamoac Wife's cieANinc
Zry YOU iPUffiNCm fHcL Alt live of0"lf
I 2 53r cit tih& f 7tectACHAnA j j
--Srf He HE. . TAKE. LZY a&ovT Twrv ' y
Here se. tw "'V --Mw
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" ' a
-.-- . . ssss...s. . s s s s 4
Braves Take Two From Pirates j
Cards and Phillies Break Even.
Dodgers Trim Cubs.
NEW YORK, Aug. 15. The New York
Giants virtually were put out of the
National league race here today .when
Cincinnati defeated them in both games
cf a double-header, winning the series
four games out of six. The Reds in
creased their lead to six and one-half
For the first time in years the police
were called into the park. They came
in after the first game, when bottles
had been thrown at Cincinnati players.
The crowd surged onto the field and
Centerfielder Roush was enveloped,
City and special police then pushed
back the crowd and after an Intermis
sion the game was finished under
ground rules. Scores:
First game
R. H. E.
Cincinnati. 4 11 2ew York.
Batteries Eller and Wingo
Dubuc and Gonsales, Snyder.
Second game
R. H. E.l
Cincinnati. 4 4 2New York.
Batteries Fisher and Randen
ton, Dubuc and Snyder.
Pittsburg S-2, Boston 5-3.
BOSTON, Aug. 15. Boston won both
games from Pittsburg, taking the sec
ond in 15 innings. The overtime game
was a duel between Fillingim and
Carlson. Score:-
First game
R. H. E.
Pittsburg.. 3 7 21 Boston
Batteries Adams and
Causey and Gowdy.
Second game
R. H. E.l R.H. E.
Pittsburg.. 2 9 II Boston 3 16 1
Batteries Carlson and Lee; Fillin
gim and Wilson, Gowdy. (15 innings.)
R.H. E.
R.H. E.
0 6 1
and Seattle are tied for sixth place,
with .955.
Averages on games up to those of
last Tuesday are as follows;
Clnb Batting.
Salt Lake
Oakland ,
Los Angeles
San Francisco
Club Fielding.
Los Angeles. . . .
Salt Lake
San Francisco .
P. C.
. .2114
. .278
. .273
. .272
. .2i
. .262
. .251)
. .2o8
. .9B9
. .fltiS
. .!Mi0
. .11511
. .II.'.T
. .85S
, .05.)
. .048
L. W."
L. w.
R.H. E
...5 7 1
St. Louis 7-2, Philadelphia 2-7.
PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 15. St. Louis
and Philadelphia split a double-header.
In the first contest St. Louis fell on
Murray for eight hits, which, with two
passes, netted five runs in one and
two-thirds innings. Scores:
First game
R. H. E. R.H. E.
St. Louis... 7 12 llPhila. 2 4 3
Batteries Goodwin, Woodward and
demons; Murray, Hogg and Adams.
Second game
R. H. E.l R.H. E.
St. Louis.. 2 5 2Phlla 7 5 1
Batteries Woodward, Tuero, Jacobs
and demons; Meadows and Trageseer.
Brooklyn 3, Chicago 1.
BROOKLYN, Aug. 15. Brooklyn beat
Chicago, making it three victories out
of five games. Score:.
K.H. JS.l R.H. E.
Chicago 1 5 lBrooklyn.. 3 9 0
Batteries Martin, Carter and Killi-
fer; Grimes and Miller.
Study of Team Hitting Explains Po
sition in League Race.
There is good reason for the Salt
Lake club making such a showing in
the coast league race. It is far in the
lead in team batting and is third in
team fielding.
The Bees are hitting at a .294 clip.
which is very high for a team average.
It is 16 points more than Oakland,
which is in second place, can show.
Portland, with .259, is next to lust place,
uhich is held by Sacramento. Vernon
leads the league in club fielding, with
969, with Los Angeles second. Portland
Tigers Win Batfest From Yankees;
Washington Defeats Cleveland.
Browns Swamp Athletics.
CHICAGO, Aug. 15. The Chicago
Americans presented Charles Comiskey.
owner of the White Sox. with victory
over Boston on .his 60th birthday. John
Collins' great baserunnlng was the big
factor in Chicago's llth-inning victory.
Score: .
R. H.E.I R. H. E.
Boston 5 11 llChicago... . 6 11 2
Batteries Hoyt. Jones and Schang;
Williams, Kerr, Cicotte and Schalk.
Detroit 7, New York 0.
DETROIT. Mich., Aug. 16. A bom
bardment of hitting In the third and
fifth innings gave Detroit today's
game. New York was unable to hit
Dauss consistently. Score:
R. H. E. ' R. H. E.
New York.. 0 6 2Detroit. . . . 7 13 2
Batteries Shawkey, Smallwood and
Ruel; Dauss and Ainsmith.
Washington 3, Cleveland 2.
CLEVELAND, O., Aug. 15. Wash
ington turned the tables on Cleveland,
winning in the ninth inning. Washing
ton did not get a hit off Myers until
the seventh, when the first three men
to face him singled. He was taken out
in the eighth. Score:
R. H. E. K. H. B.
Washington i 6 lCleveland... 2 3
Batteries Shaw, Johnson and Ptcln
ich, Agnew; Coveleskie and O'Neill.
St. Louis 8, Philadelphia 2.
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 15. St Louis batted
its wav to a victory over Phlladelprsfa
and went into a tie with New York for
fourth place. The locals hit Johnson's
offerings to all corners of tha park,
piling up a total of 17 hits. Score:
R. ti. JS.l n. -
Philadelp'ia 2 8 5St Louis. . . 8 17 1
Batteries Johnson ana rergins. ivic-
Avoy; Leifleld and Severeld.
I t-W Reinforced Head'.)?!
ii 2 :UIA-17 Pins Jf
ff , St., I'ortland. Pbonesif" I
Brondwar 1703; Home. I J
i 4622. is..
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