Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 16, 1919, Page 10, Image 10

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fchamber of Commerce Gets
3 Letter From Hamburg.
$xiral Business Men and Firms to
- Be Told or Opportunity Of
Z fered by I.ale Enemy.
Evidence that the war is held. td be
ner, and that Germany is mora than
ar-xlous to regain her lost place in the
Xrade of the world. la afforded by a
litter received yesterday by the Port
land Chamber of Commerce a bid from
The g-reat German port of Hamburg- for
Oregon exports. Ttn communication Is
rhe firat of its kind to ba received
cal!y aince the gage of war was
Written from the officea of one of
I"? larare export and Import firms of
Qamburfr, and addressed to the Cham
vr of Commerce. Portland. Or.. "Vere
ijiisrte Staaten von Nord Amnka." the
communication unequivocally declares
that German Industry Is looking- confi
dently toward America for the resump
tion of trade, in order that the. defeated
station may receive the essential im
B"rt that will bo required until its
Kwn Industries are sgain on a pro
ducing basis.-
Letter Dlplasaatleally Warded.
"The past war having caused th
greatest changes and revolutiona
the foreign and home trade, has also
ahown much Influence on the impor
and export of Germany," naively admit
trie German firm.
"Before our country will be In the
situation to export again." continue
tiie letter, "it will more or less be de
(tending on Importation of all products
T inouetry. e consider ine tnnsa
States of America as one of those coun
tries which have the best chance
i!i5poing of their manufactured good
$ Germany.
. "We intend to take up the Imports
Unn from America, as soon aa possibl
md to get good agencies of America
factories of all industries.
Reeeat War Referred To.
- "Aa up until now we have not had
the right business relations," continues
the German correspondent. In a most
delicate reference to the late war, "we
would ask you If you are In the posi
lion to put us Into direct communlca
tlon with manafacturers of your town
who want to be repreaented In Ham
burg, either for export or import"
" K- N. Welnbaum. foreign trade sec
retary of the Chamber of Commerce,
will apprise local exportera of the na
toTe of the correspondence and the op
portunltles offered for resuming trade
with Germany. '
Pageant and Address on "Rrsnlts of
J Sin" Cke W. C. T. V. Session.
-CENTRAL,! A. Wash- Aug. 13. (Spe
clal.) The 27th annual convention of
tBe Lewis county W. C. T. U. closed last
niKht with a pageant, "The Toilers,
Ktased under the auspices of the Fords
Prairie union, and an address bv Dr.
Alice Smith of Tacoma on the subject.
"results of sin.
.!iea Myrtle Cotrlll of this city was
rt-elected county president yesterday
.-ted la addition waa voted a life mem
bership in the atate organization. Miss
Alice v. Harrison of this city was re
ejected county recording secretary.
Iher officers elected were Mrs. Alvln
Charlton. Chehalis. first vice-president;
Mrs. M. A. Fell. Chehalis. second vice
prrsident; Mrs. Mulford. Chehalis, cor
responding secretary, and Airs. A. E.
smoon, Chehalis. treasurer..
Mrs. Jlary Wade and Mrs. Jackson
Hfllbaugh. both of Seattle, were among
Te speaker wno addressed tha two
diva' sessions.. ...... -
ore?a Beast Confined at Ashland
Dies of EihsuMion.
-.ASHLAND. Or.. Aug. IS. (Special.)
raptures new did- not appeal to Nine
Kpot-Kour. the big bull elk which waa
recently domiciled with tha rest of the
herd in Lithla park here. After racing
maoiy around tne big enclosure for
eaveral hours the. big animal became
exhausted and died.
..Tha Aahland climate agrees admir
ably with tha remainder of tha herd. A
new lord and master will be provided
for them.
-Another newcomer to Lithla park ia
a 'pelican which alighted on the park
lake a few days ago and seems to like
the place. The ungainly bird must
1 fraxe flown from Klamath lake.
.. Krlso Legion Gels Charter.
TvELSO. Wash.. Aog. II (Special.
A' charter for Guy Kathbun Post. No.
-4. of the American Legion haa been
iceived for the Kelso chapter of the
legion, which was tentatively organ
ized several weeks ago. and a mass
meeting of all former soldiers, sailors
0'i marines has been announced for
tt Kelso Firemen's club. when
the post organisation will be
,-dmpleted by the election of officers
and drafting . of bylaws. There are
more than 15 ex-service men residing
"T or around KeNo.
X ENGAGEMENT which comes as
surprise to their friends is that
of Miss Marie Sheahan, an Oregon
City girl, temporarily living in Can
ada, to Lieutenant Lamar Tooze. Lieu
tenant Tooze is widely known through
oot Oregon and has Just returned from
service overseas. He is at present giv
ing a series of lectures throughout the
state for the benefit of the woman's
building fund of the University of Ore
gon. The wedding will be at Ocean
Kails, B. C, September 11. Lieutenant
Toose will give his last lecture of the
tour September 2 at Pendleton and will
leave for Canada the next day.
Both Misa Sheahan and her fiance
were students at the University of Ore
gon in 1914. Miss Sheahan continued
her studies at the University of Wis
consin and Lieutenant Tooze, after his
graduation from the University of Ore
gon in 1S16 went to Harvard law school
before his enlistment. He served over
seas with company L, 364 Lb infantry of
the list division, and later studied law
and French at the Sorbonne. He Is
Beta Theta PI man and Miss Sheahan
is a member of the Cht Omega sorocity.
After their marriage they will leave
over the Canadian Pacific for Cam
bridge, Mass., where they will make
their home during the next two years,
while Mr. Tooze completes his studies.
They expect to return to Oregon.
Mrs. Lonner Owen Ralston will be
hostess st a tea this afternoon at her
nume. 60S Market street, honoring Miss
Ada Otten. The tea hours are 3 to 5
o'clock. Mrs. Amedee Smith and Mrs.
11. G. Colton will assist in the drawing
room, and prextdinsr at the tern table
t.tll be Mrs. Gwilym Jones and Mrs.
W. R. Kaser. Misa Ruth Buckley, Miss
Hazel Rader. Miss Mable O'Brien and
y,lss Frances O'Brien will assist about
the rooms.
Colonel John Leader is in Portland
for a few days. He was the guest of
Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett Thursday and
yesterday waa with Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Ladd Corbett at Dunthorpe.
Mrs. Elmer Rhodes Moller, who was
here the first of the week from her
home In flood River, returned Wednes
day. e
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Bowles, Miss
Marion Bowles and Misa Molly Green
have returned from a delightful trip
to Banff.
Mrs. W. TV. Cotton, with her guests,
Mrs. F. R. Johnston and the Misses
Vida and Margaretta Marshall, re
turned Tuesday from a week's trip up
the McKenzic. I
Mr. and Mrs. John Porter Weston
are being felicitated on the arrival of
a baby hoy, born Thursday, August 7.
He will be called John Porter
Weston Jr.
Mrs. Frederick Failing was hostess
at an Informal afternoon at her home
in the Irvlngton apartments yesterday,
honoring Misa Martha Wright, who has
Just returned from Fort Riley, Kan.,
where she has been doing vocational
work. Miss Wright took her training
at the art school here and then went
directly to Kansas.
Miss Herberllna Perry left yester
day for Seattle, where ahe will be the
house guest of Judge and Mrs. O. E.
A silver tea will be given this after
noon at the home of Mrs. H. F. Wheeler,
662 Ladd avenue, under the auspices
of the American Legion auxiliary. The
tea hours are 2 to 5 o'clock and all
women eligible to the legion and their
friends are invited. Wives, mothers,
sisters and daughters of men in -the
service are eligible for membership in
the legion auxiliary and officers esti
mate that 3000 Portland women should
belong to the organization. Receiving
with the hostess will be Mrs. E. J.
Elvers, Mrs. Earl Ward, Mrs.. A. O.
Sorenson and Mrs. Margaret Myckoff.
Mrs. Eugenie Craig will give character
readings and B. L. Markee, baritone,
and Miss Grace M. Crow, soprano, will
Pi Beta Phi alumnae will give a
luncheon at the University club at 1
o'clock today. All Pi Phis in the city
are invited.
. -if
Major and Mrs. Harold W. James
(Dorothea Wagner) have arrived from
the east on their way to Seaside, where
they will spend the rest of Major James
leave. They will return to the east
soon and Major James will join his
new regiment at Camp Meade.
' .
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Utham, 663 East
Washington street, are being congrat
ulated on the arrival of a son, born
July 31. lie has been named Donald
Henry. Mrs. Utham will be remem
bered as Miss Marguerite McCoy.
At the home of Rev. E. Lester Fields
in Rose City Park Miss Ella Marie
Ch.rlt.mnn and John Francis Kelly were
married Wednesday evening. The bride
is a daughter of Mrs. J. M. Young jr and
the groom has recently returnea from
15 months' service overseas with the
4th engineers. After a visit with Mr.
Kelly's family at Marysvale, Utah, they
will to to Salt Lake, where the will
make their home.
Miss Pauline Alderman has returned
from Berkeley. Cal., where she took
work in the University of California
summer school.
e e
Mr. and Mrs. George Rodgcrs Jr.
leave today for Tacoma to visit Captain
Owen Summers. They will also take
a trin to Rainier National park and
Vancouver and Victoria, B. C. They will
be gone about a month."
Captain Harkins, Publicity Of
' ficer, to Go to Lewis.
Miss Abby Whiteside will return
early next week after a two months'
vacation trip. She visited first in Los
Angeles and Fresno, Cal.. and after
three weeks at Cannon Beach is now
with her mother, Mrs. Cora G. White
side. She has been the guest of honor
in Eugene at luncheons given' by Mrs.
P. L. CamDbell. Mrs. Henry Sheldon and
Mrs. O. F. Stafford and at. a tea given
by Mrs. John Bovard.
MONMOUTH. Or- Aug. 15. (Special.)
Announcement is made this week in
Oakland, Cal., of the engagement of
Miss Julia Frances Bray, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Howard W.-Bray of Fruit-
vale, Cal., to George Arthur Burkhead
of Monmouth. The wedding will take
place today. Mr. Burkhead is a grad
uate of the Oregon Normal school and
took a special course at Columbia uni
versity while In the United States navy
service. He saw active duty also on
a sub-chaser In European waters. At
present he is in the service, connected
with educational work at Fort Bayard,
N. M., but expects to secure release
Misa France Viririnia Creel Is Busy Lassie of Six, Always Learning
Truck That Must Be Forgotten at Prayer Time, Says Actress.
Ex-Service Men Favor .American
Girls, League, Woman Suffrage
and Universal Training.
The straw voting. In progress four
weeks at the army recruiting station
for ex-service men, closed yesterday.
The wind-up of the interesting vote
resulted when Captain Earl Hark Ins,
publicity officer for. this district, who
has been in charge, received orders to
proceed to Camp Lewis for discharge
from the service. Approximately 40
per- cent of the 2000 men voting had
seen service "across." In addition to
the ballots cast In person by the Port
land boys there were received a con
siderable number of votes by mail. The
few civilian votes accepted were kept
The-last soldier to cast a ballot was
General C. H. Martin, head of the army
recruiting station here.
At the final count yesterday, national
prohibition was found to be X winner.
after a close contest throughout the
four weeks. ' The league of nations,
woman suffrage and universal military
service were overwhelmingly favored.
The final count on. these four issues
Yes. T,'
4Rue Of Nations lBnl 4S
Universal military training.., IM7
. .1S74
Women auffr.-kK'
national prohibition .
Death was favored for the kaiser by
the doughboys, although- a large num
ber were more lenient. Of those voting
on this question 1004 favored death,
765 exile and 157 freedom; 400 declined
to vote. The American girl won over
the French by 876 to 171. But 140
found them equal and 932 declined to
express an opinion.
Captain Harkins, who receied a -ci
tation for his work in France, expects
to leave today for Camp Lewis. He re
ceived his mustering out order yester
day, just two years to a day from the
time that he received his commission.
Reports received from the war de
partment yesterday indicate that Port
land is continuing its creditable work
as a . recruiting point. During the
month ef July Portland gave the army
314 recruits. Spokane enlisted 300,
while Seattle had only 230. The west
continues to lead the nation In recruit-
ng on a per capita basis, according to
the report. The Portland district has
risen from 41st to 37th place.
for chafed.blistered
; If too are foot-sore, and have to
stand on one foot and then on the
ether to get relici you need Kesinsol
."Ointment. For quicker results, first
bathe the feet with Resinol Soap and
warm water, then appiy the ointment
n retihr.g and bandage.
Tte - knw 1W tm
. klMnffaaataMss kim anaMMaa.
Ptr Jm iml W i ' if in
iT lira. M4.
HIS was to have been an inter-
Xvlew with Suss trances Virginia
CreeL aged . and Master George
Bates Creel, aged 4, but It isn't. At
east. It Isn't a first-hand interview.
Inasmuch as Miss Frances Virginia
Creel and her saint-faced brother are
in New Tork. They arrived there yes-
erday. according to a telegram their
mother, Blanche Bates, received last
night. They had toured with their
wonderful mother as far as San Fran-
isco and were coming on for the rest
of the tour, which is only a fortnight
longer, and their mother planned to
have their pictures taken standing out
n front of the wee little cottase where
Ittle Blanche Bates opened her choco-
ate-colored eyes some several years
The house was at Second and da
streets. I believe.' said Miss Bates.
who is Mrs. George Creel in private
life. "It may not even be standin
ow:- It's almost too much to ask of
Father Time," she smiled. " The best
aid plans, etc.," she quoted, "hold good
this instance. Down in san jrran
cteco the children both developed colds.
nd the doctor I had In advised me not
to brine them Into the changes ot ell
mate a tour through the northwest en
ailed. So I sent them back home with
heir roverneea. -
Frances Virginia." said their ador
ng mother, "is a devil. She has an in
,-eticatinz mind and is busy every
minute learning truck that III has to
be unlearned before she says he
rayers at night. Bates, her brother, is
busy little lad. and can amuse nim-
self independently of any artlficia
sources for hours at a time.
Great Jey Foamd la Chlldrea.
"I do not know whether it is good for
mother to be so wholly absorbed in
er babies aa I am irt mine, but the
fact remains that I would rather hear
their little voices calling Good-night.
mother darling' than all the lovely
things the public can say of "tne. Even
when the lure of the stage, is strong
est, when the spell is potent aa in the
present Instance. I find myself chatting
with newspaper folk about Frances
Virginia's penchant for playing in dirt
and Bates' acquirement of a full-siae
cuss word in his babyish vocabulary
"I should be giving nice, well-ordered
and orthodox Interviews about
the theater or my stage work. I posi
tively have to be shooed off the subject
and Into other channels of thought.
Their pictures adorn her dressing
table. Frances Virginia looks like her
father, only her eyes are brown and
big. like her mother a. and ahe Is named
for both her grandmothers, Frances
for Miss Bates' mother, whose passing
away a few years ago has been the
only grief In Blanche Bates' big, work-
filled, purposeful life.
'My husband has figured out that h
has been neatly cheated and eliminated
in the matter of his family. smHed
hia wife. "We named our daughter for
our mothers, and call her for mine.
Frances. ' We named our little lad
George for his daddy and Bates for me.
and we call htm Bates. We are going to
have a family group taken when I get
home, and I shall send the first one to
be printed In The Oregonlan."
Calaatbla Hlvhway Visited.
Miss Bates saw the highway yester
day, and. as might be expected, is cap
tivated with its beauties.- She told me
funny story about Bates. He has
Just recovered from an operation in
hich he bad his adenoids removed, and
when he waa coming out from the
ether one of tha nurses, just learning
that her patient was Blanche Bates'
wee son, said. "Oh. yes. she a the
actress. Is his father an actor, too?'
The little Creel boy, aged 4 and emerg
ing from ether-embroidered dreams,
khispered: "I should say not. He's a
I (17 . '
I '. - : ...v
Blanche Bates.
regular fellow. He'a a newspaper man.
and next to President Wilson he's the
biggest man In the world?' "Privately,
commented the little Creel boy's
mother. I suspect that Bates thinks in
his heart that his daddy is the biggest
man in the world, but it is possibly
Just as well that he makes an excep
tion w hen he ia speaking in public '
Labor Invites De TaleVa.
The "Portland central labor council
has extended an invitation to Eamonn
da akera, "president of the Irish re
public" to visit Portland during his
tour of the country, and address a
meeting of Portland labor men and
women. A resolution asking the Irish
leader to come to Portland was
adopted by the labor council at Its
meeting this. week. The United Irish
.societies some weeks ago sent an in
vitation to De Valera to come here
following hia visit in San Francisco,
bnt he failed to do so.
ucccss. Is Attributed Tby City Com
missioner to Support
J . . : v' y Public; ,'
WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 8. Etched
against the dark background of the
Massachusetts Electrie' railway crisis,
a first-hand. report ori Cleveland's ex
perience with Its now famous street car
plan stood out vividly today before the
federal electric railways commission.
For two hours Chairman Frederick J.
MacLeod of the Massachusetts public
service commission had spoken of the
causes leading to the abandonment of
lines In that state, to a 10-cent flat
oarfare in Boston and elsewhere and
to the calling; of a special session of
the legislature to deal with the emer
gency. There was little hope, he said,
that -even at the high rates imposed
the afflicted companies would be self-
supporting and at least one line, the
Bay State, apparently had "reached the
point of saturation," where increased
fares could no longer help it. Public
ownership, he said, migJit well be forced
upon the state to escape complete de
struction of its local transportation
Mr. MacLeod gave place to Fielder
Sanders, city commissioner of Cleveland
for street railways, and the picture he
drew was startling by contrast. The
Cleveland plan, he said, haa worked out
so successfully that recently fares went
down 8 per cent almost simultaneously
with a 25 per cent Increase in wages
to all employes of the company op
erating the roads. The plant, he said,
was now rated aa one of the finest
surface systems in the country, having
been completely rehabilitated since the
Lplan became effective.
wniie xeatures or. me pian ltaeif ac
counted In part for this condition, Mr.
Sanders said, the chief reason for the
showing made was popular support."
The Cleveland commissioner cited the
recent strike as Indicating the neces
sity of an amendment of the plan to
give the city control of wages as well
aa rate fixing.
And Get $100 for a Name
This Company desires to have the public select a
name for its ultra fine milk products, consisting of
Butter Condensed Milk
Ice Cream Cheese
The manufacture of which will commence this fall.
If you can think of an acceptable name or names
do not send more than 12. Send them to our Adver
tising Dept. The contest will close Sept. 10th and
the winner will be announced shortly afterward.
Contest Open to Washington and Oregon Residents
Columbia Dairy Products Company
. . , A Producer's Corporation
their wages from $5.25 to $5.75 and
recognition of the union. They struck
at all mines except that of the Bunker
Hill and Sullivan at Kellogg.
Mrs. M. Ld. Brummett of Astoria
Victim of Salem Accident.
SALEM, Or.. Aug. 15. (Special.)
Mrs. M. Li. Brummett of Astoria met al
most Instant death today when she
was struck by an automobile driven
by Arthur Lauritson. who lives on a
farm near Salem. The accident hap
pened at State and Winter streets.
Mrs. Brummett was taken to a hospi
tal, but died before eho could be re
moved to a ward. LAuritson reported
to the police station and? was not held.
Blame for the accident has not yet
been placed.
Accoring to witnesses', the woman
appears not to have noticed the ap
proaching automobile ana was strucK
by a fender. She was knocked to the
pavement and the rear wheel passed
over her head.
cided to ask for a bond issue of $60,000
at a special election to bo held in the
near future, for a gravity water sys
tem for Monmouth, water to be taken
from Teal creek, south of Falls City.
At the same election a new city charter
will be voted on, A tentative bid from
Morris Bros, was accepted for the
ing on Bridge street is being done on a
contract b;' the Dennis Construction
company of McMinnville. Paving from
this street to the city limits Is being
done by C. W. Cook, contractor In this
city. '
City Paving Commences.
SHERIDAN, Or., Aug. 15. (Special.)
With a full crew working" each day,
the new pavement in this city should
be completed In a short time. The pav-
Artesian Stream Hit Xear Sutherlin.
ROSEBURG. Or., Aug. 13. (Special.)
Artesian water was discovered on
the J. C. Campbell farm, three miles
east of Sutherlin, today, when the well
drill broke through bed rock and
opened up a subterranean stream. The
well Is six inches in diameter and con-
siderably above the level of tiye valley.
Son Francisco Arranging for Thou
sands of Visitors.
SAN . FKANCISCO, Aug. 15. San
Francisco is being measured for her
"fleet clothes" today.
At a meeting of the finance commit
tee of the general fleet committee, ar
rangements were made to put a strik
ing decoration scheme into effect for
the delectation of the personnel of the
Pacific fleet and the thousands ef visit
ors expected here during "fleet week,"
beginning September 1.
1500 Employes on Strike in Coeur
d'Alene District.
WALLACE, Idaho, Aug. 15. Mine
operators of the Coeur d'Alene mining
district decided today not to attempt
to operate their properties, which prac
tically closed down this morning when
he strike or miners belonging to the
International Union of Mine, Mill and
Smelter Workers went Into effect fol
lowing a vote taken Wednesday night.
More than 1500 miners are out as a
esult of the strike, which was called
against the advice of international rep
resentatives of the union and in epite
of the efforts- or Kooert M. McWade.
federal mediator.
The men demand an eight-hour day
from "portal; to portal," Increase in
Americans Investigate Possible Man
dates In Turkey.
American commission charged with an
investigation in Turkey regarding pos
sible mandates has concluded its work
so far as the Armenian question is con
cerned. Turks who were heard pro
tested against creation of an -independent
Armenian state.
The commission, it waa said, will go
to Smyrna and Adrianople.
Welcome Fund Increases.
VANCOUVER, Wash., Aug. 15. (Spe
cial.) Indications are that the fund for
the purpose of holding the "welcome
heme" celebration will be largely over
subscribed. Proebstel precinct, having
the honor of being the first precinct
to report, today turned in $39, 66 per
cent over its quota. Miss Grace Hill,
who is to have charge' of the girls'
work here, arrived from Tacoma today
and will take immediate steps to or
ganise her work. A committee meet
ing was held this afternoon.
Man Accidentally Sbot.
KELSO, Wash., Aug. 15. (Special.)
Herbert Tooley was accidentally shot
Monday night at Onalaska when a
38-caliber revolver which he was clean-ine-
was discharged. The bullet entered
his shoulder, lodging behind the shoul
der blade.
Monmouth to Vote on Water Bonds.
MONMOUTH, Or, Aug. 15. (Special.)
The Monmouth city council has de-
Where Can I Find Relief From
- - ...
Itching, Terrifying Eczema?
This Question Is Ever on the
Lips of the Afflicted.
Eciema. Tetter, Erysipelas and other
terrlfyling conditions of the skin are
deep-seated blood troubles, and appli
cations of salves, lotions and washes
can only afford temporary relief, with.
ut reaching the real seat of the trou
ble. But Just because local treatment
haa done you no good there is no- rea
son to despair, xou eimpiy nave not
sought the proper treatment, that Is
within, your reach..
You have . the experience of others
who have suffered as you have to guide
you to relief. No matter how terrifying
the irritation, no matter how unbear
able the itching and burning- of the
skin, & S. S. will promptly reach the
seat of the trouble. Give It a fair
trial and be convinced of its efficacy.
Our chief medical adviser is an au
thority on blood and skin disorders,
and he will take pleasure in giving; you
such advice as your individual case may
need, absolutely without cost- Write to
day, describing your case, to Medical
Department, Swift Specific ' Co, .252
Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. Adv.
Don't Buy
We Can, We Will and We
Do Save You Money-
Midsummer Prices This
- Month Only
405 Morrison St.
Phone Marshall 2420
Edward Riley Frank X. Setril
UflTIPC ThronRh a typographical
UU I IUL vrror the wrong: I Hunt ra
tion woi run In onr advertisement
Friday morning-. The correct one ia
herewith shown.
Womeji's Lace Oxfords
Black a d
Brown Kid,
White Buck.
akin Military
aad French
In this group are over 3500 pairs
newest etyle military and "French
heels. Tipped and plain toes. Heavy
extension and light-edge sewed
solee. Cool and comfortable for
'"Jj Sines
a a tot;
summer wear.
Mall Orders Filled.
Parcel Post
Cor. Fourth and Alder Sts.
"The Store of
Waiu Lulilull March
....Helen Louise-Frank Ferera
Kal Mala o ka Maoll Medley
...Helen Louise-Frank Fer'e'ra
Pua Carnation
...Helen Louise-Frank Ferera
Maui Aloha One-Step
Helen Louise-Frank Ferera
Happy Heinle Marrh
.."ale K- L,ua and David K. Kalli
Maid of Honolulu
Pale K. Lua and David K. Kaili
The Rosary pai. K. Lua
Oloha Oe! (Farewell to Thee)..
..Pale K. Lua and David Kaill
Indiana March
Pale K. Lua and David K. Kaili
Minnehaha Medley Waltz
Pale K. Lua. and David K. Kaili
Kawaihau Walts
Pale K. Lua and DnvlH V Vaill
My Hula Love Medley March
jraie tk.. jua and David K. Kaili
Poet and Peasant Overture. Part
I Victor Concert Orchestra
Poet and Peasant Overture, Part
II. .. .Victor Concert Orchestra
Gems from Robin Hood, Part I
..Victor Liprht Opera Company
Gems from Robin Hood, Part II
..Victor Ligrht Opera Company
Gems from "Bohemian Girl,"
Part I. ..Victor Opera Company
Gems from "Bohemian Girl."
Part II Viofnr Hnpru rnmn , n i-
Lucia Sextet Chi Ml Frena...
Victor Opera Company
Rlgoletto Quartet
Victor Opera Company
Kentucky Dream Walts
..Nicholas Orlando's Orchestra
Velvet Lady Medley Walts...
..Nicholas Orlando's Orchestra
Monte Cristo, Jr Medley Fox
Trot Van Kps Trio
Oh. Susie. Behave Medlev One-
I Step Van Kps Trio
wii, my urar . -Mefl ley r ox 1 roi
...Joseph C. Smith's Orchestra
S o m e b o d y's Sweetheart and
Good Morning, Judge Med
ley One-Step
...Joseph C. Smith's Orchestra
Katinka Medley Fox Trot
Victor Military Band
Poor Butterfly Fox Trot
Victor Military Band
149 Sixth, Between Alder and Morrison.
Fat -Mr. -Brown may never
fall into the lake again!
Did you get a good
picture when your
burbling friend
scrambled ashore?
If you used a Kodak,
with Eastman ma
terials, you probably
And if we developed
and printed the scene
you certainly did.
-rVn.e tar?Kall 819