VOL. LVIII NO. 18.Z'2 Kntred t Portland (Oregon) PnMoffie ft SVcond-Clays Matter. PORTLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 1G, 1919. rillCE FIVE CENTS. PEACE VOTE WITHIN NEW YORK STRIKES . BREAK ALL RECORDS 6 CENTS TO PAY FORD DONATED BY EDITORS DRAFT SENT FROM OREGON IN MAZAMA KILLED BY. FALL FROM RAINIER W.C.T.U. 2 1 KILLED BY THUS INDUSTRIAL BATTLK LIST LONGEST IX HISTORY. IS JACK MEREDITH DROPS 6 0 FEET ON LITTLE TAHOMA. CARE OF CHICAGO TRIBUNE. NATION 1 RAILROADS' FATE IS DECLARED VITAL Steadying Hand Needed, Congress Told. WORKER WEEKS 110 HOARDERS Pact to Be Reported Out by Committee. MMIWICTDITIflM l UnDCnil I AUimNlolnAIIUIl lO HUrtfUL! I : f-M 1 Caac Droeirlont lc ! Silent on Reservations. QjiANGE IN TEXT OPPOSED Alison Sajs German; Would Haie to Paes on Amcn-Jmcnts; Senate Situation Is flcarer. WASHINGTON. Aug. 15. Senator Hitchcock. Nebraska, ranking democrat of the foreign relations committee, told President Wilson today he believed the peace treaty would be reported out by th committee within ten days or w ceks. .,rnr w,i.-h,n.k said he did not discuss reservations with the president. He indicated that the position of the .mini.tniinn forces was that no bndires would be crossed until they were reached after the treaty had been brought into the senate. The Nebraska senator save the presi dent very optimistic report, he said, after leaving the White House. He would not co into details concerning hi talk with the president. tw. administration forces are not now disturbed about possible reserva tions, said Mr. Hiteheock. adding, will cross that brsuge when we to It" we got The thing now Is to pet the treaty reported as quickly as possible. The fiffhl in the committee is on textual amendments. It may be reported with some amendments and then they will be voted down in the Senate one after another, in my opinion." Textaal Chancre "Impomiihle. Senator Hitchcock said the president look the position that textual changes t-.the treaty "absolutely i.upos- ..hl '- and cannot be accepted, as it would rrsean the amendments ' w ould have to be acceptable to Germany and the treaty could not be forced on Ger many by military action. The same rondition. he said, does not exist now, Germany having ratified ti treaty that existed when she was shown the place to sign and forced to do so. Such a situation in the view of the presi dent, the senator said, would give tier many the rfielay she failed to get at Paris in order to present her case to the world and would likely mean the negotiation of a new treaty, entailing possibly years' delay. Jn reply to questions concerning whether or not any reservations made by the senate would have to be ap proved by Germany and the allies he decltnrd to enter Into that phase. 4( Deaaorrata tousled . The prese.nt concern of administra tion senators Is said to center on get ting the treaty out of committee. The democratic leaders count on at least 4 4 of their own party in the ratification fight. It takes 64 voles to ratify the treaty. Chairman Lodge is understood to be in sympathy with the move for early action by the committee, and it is thought examination of witnesses next week may be hastened and no more called. Much Interest was manifest in the set of reservations shown to the sen ators by Mr. Lodge. It was suid he did not aggres.-iely advocate their adoption but merely asked the opinion f several senators. It is understood they differ in phraseology from those drafted by the seven senators under the lead of Senator McNary. republican, Oregon, but that some of the seven nere raoetly favorably impressed by them. tatlre (.roup May He Adopted. It was suggested as one possibility that the entire reservation group might eventually substitute the reser vations framed by the republican lead er for the McNary draft. One of the many conferences of the day was held late this afternoon at Mr. Loifge's office, and Senator Mc Nary was present. It was said to be the first time the two had gone over at length the reservation question. Afterward neither had any announce ment to make. Senator Hitchcock also talked with Senaor McNary before go ing to the White House and during the day t-everal republican members of the foreign relations committee went over the ground of the senate situation. The original McNaiy draft contains provisions designed to protect the Mon roe doctrine, injuring domestic deci sion of domestic questions, amplifying -the withdrawal clause, and reserving the right of congress to decide ques tions of peace and war under article 10. Early Agreement K peeled. The possibility of a breaking up of the whole senate situation was evi denced by the fact that negotiations between democrats and republicans to day were of a far more direct charac ter than those which have been in progress during the past few days. Senator Hitchcock told the commit tee seve-al daw ago that unless there was some prospect of an early report, independent action on the floor of the senate fright be expected. In this stand he is understood to expect the dun i i d vn fas? It Trouble Affects Umbrella-Makers, Actors, Many Other Lines; Now Builders May Quit. NEW YORK. Aug- 15. Mora Indus- : tri.. arf affected bv strikes now coins I on or threatened in this city than ever before in the history of labor unions, according to figures compiled by labor leaders and made public today. Besides the actors and railroad shop- men. those now on strike In New York Include painters, plasterers, machinists. I carpenters, shopmen of the Brooklyn Union Uas company, cigar mnivcie. brass workers, shirt makers, furriers. brass bed makers, umbrella makers and art lamp workers. A nation-wide building strike, tak ine 1.500.000 men out -of work, was threatened in a statement issued yes terdav bv i'7 international heads of labor unions. The trouble is the out' growth of charges that building con tractors employ nonunion labor. JEWEL SMUGGLERS BUSY Imports, Legal and Illegal, Show In crease at New York. NEW YORK. Aug. 15. Scores of almost priceless jewels which have been worn In the courts of Europe for fenerations, are streaming daily into this city, and the staff of the collector of port of New York has been enlarged to meet increased activities of jewel smugglers, it was learned today. Im poverished European nobles have sold heirlooms and jewels in great quanti ties, it was said, and although the lesal imports of such articles recently have been larger than at any time since the war began, the customs serv ice has been keyed to its utmost to detect smuggling. Russia is contributing more than any other country to the jewelry being brought here, it was stated. RADIO PHONES INSTALLED Wireless Talk Can Be Carried On With Ships at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 15. Wireless telephone mechanisms which will per mit San Franciscans to talk to ships of the Pacific fleet in the harbor through their ordinary desk or wall telephones, were being set up by the navy department at the Goat Island radio station here today. To get the connection it will only be necessary to call up the iadio station ani then ask for the ship and person desired. The connection will be made by the station. It can be made whether the ship is anchored or in motion. LAND TO BE SOLD SOLDIERS .Mc.Nary Bill Would Appropriate $20,000,000 for Reclamation. WASHINGTON. Aug. 15. Under a bill Introduced today by Senator McNary. republican. Orcpon. the government would be authorized to acquire and re claim swamp, cut-over, arid and semi arid lands for sale to soldiers, sailors, marine or war workers "without re gard to sex," frtr agricultural pur poses. An appropriation of 1250, 00. ft") Is proposed. McNARY HAS PENSION BILL Persons About 65 Making Less Than $6 Would Get SI a Week. WASHINGTON, Aug. 15. Plans for old-age pensions for persons more than 65 years of age were proposed in a bill introduced today by Senator McNary, republican, Oregon, and referred to the pension committee. Under its provisions persons with in comes ox not more than 36 a week would receive a weekly pension of $4. I.IDESDORFF'S STORY TO A P I'KAR I THK onK(iOll, 5.T4RT1M; MCPTEMBER 7. Stellar figure in the cast of the great war, it was to Ludendorff that the central powers turned in the trial of battle. Born of the common people, he rose to a mili tary prestige so huge that the orders of emperors were disre garded if his judgment dictated. General Ludendorffs own story, his views of the tremendous strategy of the war, of its po litical effects, of the moves that were checkmated, of the very heart of the German hope itself. Is to appear serially in The Ore gonian. beginning September 7. Bold as a fighting man and di rector of momentous and terrible campaigns, so is Ludendorff as a teller of tales. He minces no words. He hews to the root of the matter as though his pen were a sword. Personages are naught to him. It they merit credit In his estimation, they are accorded It. If their records ex cite his condemnation, he flays without pity. The story of Ludendorff is by long odds the greatest new-spapcr serial of the war and its after math. It Is Germany's own story, told by her foremost military ser vitor, in a trenchant style. Though it is no wail of the defeated, the Teutonic military expert, from the standpoint of a German militarist, tells why, when and how the cause of the central powers was Irretrievably lost. Federal Attorneys to As sist in Seizures. PACKERS' EVASION ALLEGED Shipments of Foods Made to Violate Law, Is Charge. MEAT TO BE CONFISCATED Forty Warrant Issued by State to Be Followed by Arrests; Eg-gs Seized In Detroit. WASHINGTON. Aug. 13. Close co operation between state authorities, who possess detailed information of food and price conditions, and the at torney-general and his staff of assist ants, empowered to enforce the food control law, is being established as part of the government's fight to re duce the cost of living. Instructions went out today from Attorney-General Palmer to two dis tr,Ict attorneys In Ohio to proceed im mediately to assist Governor Cox in the seizure in large quantities of meat, but ter and eggs alleged to have. been held in storage in that state for more than six to ten months, the legal limit. Criminal prosecutions will be insti tuted, it was said, if it can be shown that the foods were held from the mar ket for the purpose of boosting prices. Officials here were inclined to think that the long period of storage indi cated some other reason than an ef fort to spread the abundant supplies of producing season over the lean part of the year. Transfers t Be Punished. Acting on a telegram late today from Governor Cox saying that a Cleveland concern in order to escape possible prosecution for hoarding was moving its meat products to w-arehouses in Chicago and destroying its records, the department of justice ordered the dis trict attorney at Cleveland to look Into the matter Immediately. ."All attempts to effect transfer of goods in storage, officials said, would be summarily dealt with. Seizure ot large stocks of foodstuffs in storage continued today with re ports received of libels filed in Cleve land and Detroit and preparations for such action in many cities. The de partment was informed tonight that the distrirt attorney at Detroit had filed libels in three cases and seized approximately 10.460,000 eggs and 300, 000 pounds of butter, all of which had been held in storage for some time, Statistics announced by the bureau IConlinued on Pa(t J, Column l. : - t i a - There Is Nothing Penurious About State We Would Have Paid It Thrice," Is Declaration. SEATTLE, Aug. 15. (Special.) "United we'll ride in high-priced cars, divided we will have to ride in fliv vers. There is, nothing penurious about Oregon. We would have paid it had the amount been twice what it is yes. e,ven three times." So declared the members of the ex ecutive committee of the Oregon State Editorial association today as they drew a bank draft for 6 cents to send to the Chicago Tribune as a tender to Henry Ford for the 'nominal award made him by the jury in his suit for libel. "We realize the dangers of news paper publication as well as anyone in the world can," said C. E. Ingalls, pres ident of the editorial association. "With the necessity of producing reading matter for people who think that the war for independence was fought in 1812 and think that the history we write is bunk, we have enough on our minds without expecting some of these intellectuals to fall on us for' anything from 6 cents up to a million dollars." The Oregon .editors are attending the National Editorial association conven tion here. " Other Oregonians who helped to raise the "pot" for the Tribune were Lloyd Riches, secretary of the Oregon State Editorial association; S. C. Mortqn, president of the Oregon newspaper conference, and John E. Gratke and E. E. Brodie, members of the conference executive committee. JAIL BREAKING IS HABIT . M. Delmas Even Escaped From German Prison in War. OLTMPIA, Wash., Aug. 15. Extradi tion papers have been issued to .bring D. M. Delmas, former British soldier, back from Texas to face a charge of jail breaking in Grays Harbor County, Washington. Delmas, who claims he won the Victoria cross during the war. recently was arrested in Seattle and sent to Texas to face another jail breaking charge. Late advices said he was pardoned by the governor of Tex as on account of his notable war rec ord. Police say Delmas has a record in making escapes from jail. Delmas said he escaped from a German prison cimp during the war. : v CITY TAKES INSURANCE Canta Cruz Writes Policy on Mis haps During Fleet Visit. SANTA CRUZ, Cal., Aug. 15. A blanket indemnity policy with Lloyd's of London to protect the city against damage suit losses as the result of any accidents while the Pacific fleet is visiting )ere was taken out by the mayor and city council nere today. A 500 premium was paid. The city is protected up to $10,000 in uits for damages filed by a single ndividual. MAKING IT PERFECTLY CLEAR TO SIX PER GENT PLAN URGED Warfield Scheme Supported by Security Owners. ROARS KEPT IN 'BREAD LINE' Relief Denied by Commerce Board; End of Basis for Warfare . With Shippers Wanted. WASHINGTON. Aug. 15. Advocates of the Warfield plan for reorganization of the railroads on a basis that would pay holders of stock a flat minimum return of 6 per cent closed their case today before the house Interstate com merce committee. F'orney Johnston of advisory counsel of the National Association of Owners of Railroad Securities, sponsor of the plan, and Samuel H. Beach, president of the Savings Banks' Association of New York, discussed its provisions at an all-day session of the committee. Both declared the plan could be made effective with the return of the roads to private management without dis turbing business conditions. Mr. John ston said a steadying hand must be extended to the railroads after the period of government control if foundation for American prosperity was to be built. Half of Population Involved. In denying the more or less popular belief that railroad securities were owned largely by wealthy people, Mr. Beach asserted that half the people of this country were concerned directly in the welfare of the roads and de manded a law that would afford reason able compensation on invested capital The committee has not yet reached the top of the hill in its big task of hearing proponents of all plans an of reporting out a. bill. Beginning next week, representatives of the railway executives' advisory committee will be heard, along with other witness who want to see the roads turned back the end of the year, on the same basi as heretofore, except with added regu lations as provided in the bill by Chair man Esch. "If congress does not take courage ous and constructive action now," said Mr. Johnston, appearing in behalf of the "Warfield 6 per cent return plan "the progress of a generation toward a well-regulated system of privately owned and operated railway transpor tation will be destroyed and the 66th (Concluded on Page 3. Column 3.) HIM. Lee Benedict, Also of Portland, Is With Victim When Rock at Feet Gives Way; Body Found. TACO.MA. Wash.. Aug. 15. Jack .Meredith, 25 years old, of Portland, Or., was killed last night when he plunged from a ridge of Little Tahoma peak on Mount Rainier and fell about 60 feet. Meredith was a member of the Ma zarna club of Portland, a mountain. climbing organization -which was en camped on Mazama ridge. In com pany with Lee Benedict, also of Port land, Meredith set out to climb the peak early in the evening. While standing on a ridge the rock gave way beneath him and Meredith plunged from sight. A searching party several hours later found the body in a ravine. Jack Meredith was the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Meredith, 735 Hillsboro street. Up to a late hour last night Mr. Meredith had had no direct news of the tragedy. He said, however, that he had received a letter from Jack yesterday morning in which his son spoke of the enjoyment of the trip. The young man's mother and sister are down at Seaside. COAST SHIP INQUIRY NEAR nouse Investigating Committee Will Start West Tonight. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, Aug. 15. The special nouse committee which is Investigating the shipping board activities is expected to leave tomorrow night for the Pacific coast, where it is understood examina tions will be made of all the shipbuild ing plants at Portland, Seattle, Tacoma, Vancouver and other cities. There are five members of the com mittee, of which Representative Walsh of Massachusetts is chairman. The onlji Pacific coast member is Represen tative Hadley of Washington. FORD TO GET LITTLE COSTS Not More Than $50 for Plaintiff, in Million-Dollar Case. MOUNT CLEMENS. Mich., Aug. 15. The amount of costs that Henry Ford may receive from ' the Chicago Daily Tribune in addition to the 6 cents dam ages awarded him last night by a jury which heard his libel suit will not ex ceed $50. Under the law. where nominal dam ages are awarded not more than J50 costs may be assessed against the los ing party. Some' held that in cases where damages awarded amount to less than toO, costs collectable may not ex ceed the judgment awarded. In this event Mr. Ford could demand only 6 cents costs from the Tribune. AIR LOOP FAILS; 2 DEAD Army Flyer and Newspaper Reporter Victims at Paducah, Ky. PADUCAH, Ky.. Aug. 15. Lieutenant James Stewart of Park Field, Memphis, and S. Reed Campbell, reporter em ployed by the Commercial Appeal, were killed when the army airplane in which they were giving exhibition flights fell near the Country club here tonight The pilot was attempting to make a third loop when he lost control of the machine. Both bodies were horribly battered. MINE MILL IS ROBBED Two Watchmen Overcome and Gold Taken at Victor, Colo. CRIPPLE CREEK. Colo., Aug. 15. The Independent mill at Victor, Colo., one of the largest in this section of the west, was robbed last night. The ban dits overpowered two watchmen and escaped v ith a quantity of gold con centrate. The watchmen are in a hospital at Victor. No estimate of the amount of loot has been made. NDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature 96 degrees; minimum, 53 degrees. TODAY'S Pair and cooler; moderate winds. becoming southerly. Foreign. Europe's sick man lies now on death bed. Page 3. Roumanians reach terms with sllies. Page 2. Japanese premier promises to restore Shan tung at earnest possible date, i'age 3. National. Chicago packers accused of evading law to gouge public, i'age i. President vetoes daylight saving repeal for second time, i'age ecurity owners representative urges con gress to nelp rallroaas. i'age a. Domestic. New York strikes break all records. Page 1. Bailey democrats to give old party chance to retain tneir loyalty, I'age A. Pacific Northwest. Elks eat elk at Klamath barbecue. Page 7. Oregon editors send 6-cent draft to pay Ford. Page L Portland streetcar company asks new in crease In city lares, i'age o. Mrs. Roy B. Taylor clears husband of sus picion ot inuraer. i'age it. Commercial and Marine. Dairy produce market weakened by price gltatlon. i'age -i. Withholding of corn by farmers strengthens Chicago mantel, i'age :u. Stock trading limited and price drift aim less, i'age Zl. West Harshaw to continue on to Italy with wheat, i'age zz. Portland business houses offered chance to trade in uermany. i'age zz. Kporta. Pop" Geers has clean-up day at Grand Cir cuit meeting, x-age j. Amateur athletic union track meet to b held at i'nuaaeipma September 13 and 14. . Page 12. Local golfing interest centers on tourney play at uearnari. i'age 13. Pacific Coast league results: Portland 0, Oakland 6; Los Angeles 5, Salt Lake 3.; Sacramento. 4, San Francisco 0; Vernon fiw Seattle 2. Page 13. I Mrs. E. W. Freeman Victim of Gas Pipe Murderer, ROBBERY IS HELD MOTIVE Son Finds Mother's Body otj Returning From Work. , SKULL CRUSHED BY BLOWS Crime Believed to Have Been Coin milted In Forenoon Slayer Leaves S'eiider Clews. Her skull crushed by powerful blows with a gas pipe and her body lying on the kitchen floor of their home at 42 Fourth street, Mrs. F.unice W. Free man, aged 68, former press represen tative of the W. C. T. U. of Oregon, was found dead at 5:45 yesterday after noon by her son, Cecil Freeman, 21, when he returned .from work at that union station, where he is employed an pass clerk. The brutal murder had been commit ted some time during the forenoon, it the opinion of Coroner Earl Smith, who took charge of the body. That the probable motive of ths crime was robbery is attested by the fact that the murderer rifled Mrs. Free man's purse, left on the top of the bureau in her bedroom, of $40 in cur rency, besides taking her gold watch and a crescent pin, wrought in small gold nuggets. Neighbors Are Abaent. The home of the Freemans is in a, t-wo-family flat, an old residence at Halt and Fourth streets, the upper floor having been occupied by the murdered woman and her son. The lower floor Is tenanted by D. C. Shearer and family The Shearers left home early yesterday morning, and were absent until late in the afternoon, a circumstance which afforded the murderer opportunity to enter the dwelling and perpetrate tha crime without anyone hearing the at tack. None of the other neighbors along the street noticed anyone enter the doorway which leads to the Free man rooms. Cecil Freeman bade his mother goodx by yesterday morning and went to hisl work at union station. He did not re turn at noon, but lunched at the sta tion, as is his custom. When he en tered the flat at 5:45 o'clock yesterday afternoon, he missed his mother'8 greeting in the living room, and sought for her in the kitchen, where he sup posed her to be busied with prepara 1 ions'j.r their dinner. Son Fiuds Body. He opened the door to see his moth er's body prone upon the kitchen floor, the linoleum dabbled with blood, her head resting in a clotted pool, and the blood-stained section of gas pipe tossed aside near the form of the niur dered woman. Detectives Hellyer and Leonard of th police bureau, with Dr. Harry Blair ot the emergency hospital and Coroner Smith were immediately summoned. Both Dr. Blair and the coroner wera agreed that the crime had been com mitted early in the forenoon, probably within an hour after the son had left home. Mrs. Freeman's head had been, repeatedly crushed with blows. The murderer deliberately chose his weapon in the Freeman flat, according to the evidence discovered by the de tectives. Murder Tool Is Picked. Between the living room and ths kitchen is a small pantry or buffet In a niche to the right of this sat a tool box filled with odds and ends ot metal. Several sections of gas pipe, identical with that utilised in the crime, were in this box. The slayef of Mrs. Freeman, entering the kitchen, evidently paused and selected th dead ly weapon with which he struck her down. It is problematical whether the muri der occurred before the thug had com mitted the robbery, one theory being that Mrs. Freeman may have returned. from some errand to find him in th rooms and that he struck her down to avoid the consequences of his lesser crime. But the trend of the evidence, as Detectives Hellyer and Leonard see it, is that the murderer entered the flat openly, walked through the liv ing-room and pantry to the kitchen. where Mrs. Freeman was at work, andi deliberately beat her to death, taking his time at the robbery afterward. If the latter theory is correct, ths) detectives are inclined to believe that the slayer of Mrs. Freeman was per sonally know:-, to her, and that he en tered the flat with the assurance ol! one familiar with the premises, coni- dent that his appearance would causa . her no particular alarm. Then, accord- ins to this hypothetical version, tha slayer, familiar with the home, selected the gas pipe, stepped into the kitchen and killed the woman. Mrs. Freeman lived alone with her son Cecil, having separated from her husband, F. P. Freeman, some years ago. The latter is now at Richland, Wash., where he is engaged In the nur sery business. Another son, Koy it- Freeman, is at Oakland, Cal., while a daughter, Mrs. A. A. Griffin, resides at Olympia, Wash. These relatives were immediately notified by tto cor oner. One theory of the crime to which, there is a marked scarcity of clues id (Concluded on Page 3, Column 3.) i m 108.0 1