Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 15, 1919, Page 6, Image 6

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AUGUST IS, 1919.
Hydro-Electric Power Availa
ble Incalculable.
Professor Dearborn of O. A. C. Tells
of Great Energy-Generating Proj
ects in East and West.
LEGE. Corvallis, Auk-. 14. (Special.)
The largest electrical development
plant in America, at Keokuk, on the
Mississippi, 200.000 kilowatts when the
last unit is installed, still lacks 150.000
kilowatts of equaling the capacity Tof
the proposed Celilo plant if desirable to
develop it to that decree, says g,R. H.
Dearborn, head of electrical engineer
ing at the college, after inspect-? the
bi5 electrical works of the east and
"A dam nearly a mile long: extends
across the river at Keokuk," aid Pro
fessor Dearborn, "backing: up the water
for 60 miles and making: a 32-foot
head. The dam and forebay are de
signed to care for 30- units of 7500 kilo
watts, but only 15 have been installed."
The largest steam-driven electric unit
in the world is in New York and was
inspected by Professor Dearborn. It
lias an output of 70,000 kilowatts.
Interesting Comparison Made.
"In comparison this is more than is
generated by the Portland Railway,
Disrht & Power company at Cazadero,
Bull Rjn. Oregon City and steam sta
tions com bined." he said. "In other
words, this one unit would very nearly
supply the needs of . the Willamette
The longest and hiarhest voltage
transmission in the world was vtrwed
at Los Angeles. Power is sent a total
of 250 miles at a voltage of 150.000, the
maximum used commercially. The wjde
margin between this maximum and the
2 0. 000 tet transformer volt aire of the
college lHboratory is noted Ty Profes
sor Dearborn, who installed the bis"
transformer here.
The 220-mile section of the Chicago,
Milwaukee & St. Paul line out of Seat
tle, almost ready for electrification,
was inspected by Professor Dearborn
on his way east. The developments
were instructive, especially through
he steeper portions of the Cascades.
Furtner east a 440-mile section, begin
ning at Avery, Idaho, was traversed on
the electric locomotive. The regenera
tion of power on down grade was about
40 per cent of that required to ascend
to a like height over the continental
divide, where grades and curves were
Kdlfton Plants Inspected.
The Commonwealth Edison steam
plants, among the largest In the coun
try, were studied to see the system of
plants that must supply a peak load
of 400,000 kilowatts.
The Nela research laboratories at
Cleveland were inspected with a for
mer O. A. C. instructor, Mr. Weniger.
One of the recent developments there
is 9, glass-blowing machine for making
electric light bulbs, which does the
work of many thousands of men.
The Massachusetts Institute of Tech
nology, whiih exceeds anything of the
kind in the world in buildings and
equipment, also was inspected with G.
K. Co veil, dean of engineering at O.
The Pchenectady pJant of the Gen
eral Electric company makes a greater
variety of electrical instruments than
any other plant in the country. This
was viewed by Professor Dearborn in
company with Louis Happold, 1918 at
O. A. C who is working there. Mil
lions of dollars' worth of proposals are
on hand and the managers expect their
busiest year beginning next winter.
Equipmen t for the Seattle division of
thw Chicago. Milwaukee Ac fct. 1'aui
lines is in process of making, as are
generators for France and motors for
the new 1. battleships .pat
terned after the electrically-driven
Nw Mexico, flagship of the new Pa
cute fleet.
E. R. Piltelkaii Assumes Control of
Campbell Building.
The Hotel Campbell, a four-story
brick structure at Twenty-third and
Hoyt streets, was sold yesterday by the
"Wright Investment company to E. R.
Pittelkau pf this city for a considera
tion reported at $100,000. Tart of this
sum was in cash and part in mort
Kasres. A lot at West Park and Mont
gomery streets also changed hands in
the deal
The Hofcel Campbell was built in
1912 by the 'Wnsht Investment com
pany, consisting: of A. M. Wright. G. A.
Housman and M. Marks. It has been
tinder lease since it was opened to Mrs.
K. Jean Campbell, whose -cave to the
property will still be in force for sev
eral years.
The hotel contains 102 rooms and is
of modern construction throughout.
The deal was transacted through the
agency'of D. R. Mackie.
Forester Thinks K Xpert s Ouht to
Aero l n i a n Fliers.
SALKM. Or., Auk. 14. (Special.)
"Provided the best results are to be ob
tained through the operation of the
Oregon forest fire patrol, V. A. Elliott,
state forester, believes it will be neces
sary for men well acquainted with" the
timbered districts over which the
planes are routed to accompany the
pilots on their daily flights.
Although several fires have been re
ported at the offices of the state for
ester by the aviators, in a number of
instances the locations given have not
reen correct, thereby delaying1 the state
forester in notifying the supervisors in
charge of the field work.
There are several other timber fires
in different parts of the state, accord
ing to Mr. Klliott, but none is serious.
Twenty Others in Picnic Crowd Are
Injured in Collision.
PARKERSBl R(f, W. Va., Aug". 14.
The deat hlist. as a result of the crash
between a street car crowded with
women and children en route to a pic
nic and a railroad engine at Parmanco,
two nines norm oi nere, today, was
increased to 11 tonight, when eight
persons succumbed to their injuries in
More than a score of others were in
Stephen T. Mather Favors Extension
ol Crater Lake aNtional Park.
' BEND Or.. Aug. U. (Siecial.)-Oa
the first leg of a tour of the "horses
of the national parks." Stephen T. I
Mather, director of the national park ;
service, department of the interior,
Charles P. Punchard, Jr., landscape en
gineer for the service, and Madison
Grant of New York, trustee of the
American museum of natural history,
arrived fro mthe south by auto last
night, and left this morning for Rainier
ational park. They had completed 2600
miles of their jonrney when they
reached Bend.
Mr. Mather is making the advance
ment of the park to park highway
fdea the chief object of his tour, but
for Oregon in particular, he said he
was anxious t hat the extension of
Crater lake national park, to include
Diamond lake, formerly proposed in a
bill introduced by Senator McNary,
should become a reality. By construc
tion of a road from Diamond lake and
improvement of the road from the north
and south state highway, a direct route
through central Oregon could be pro
vided for tourists, he stated.
Fair Price Committee Plans Series
of Open Meetings to Discus
Local Food Costs.
Bread ill be the subject of investi
gation today by the fair-price commit
tee at an open hearing at 3 o'clock in
the old postoffice building. Master
bakers, journeymen bakers . and the
public are invited.
This will be the first of .a series of
hearings planned by the committee to
determine whether there is local profit
eering. The main purpose of the com
mittee will be to gather facts and then
submit them to the public. In this way
the public may decide whether anyone
is exacting a larger profit than is rea
sonable. While meat, butter, eggs, shoes and
a few other articles will be investigat
ed, the committee is of the opinion that
the bread subject, owing to its import
ance, if of first consideration and for
this reason the probe is started on this
Bakers, who announced an advance
of 1 cent, to take effect next Monday,
have agreed to postpone . the increase
until after the committee makes in
quiry and reports. There Is a prospect
of the inner workings of the bakery
business being spread before the public
by the committee.
After today's meeting announcement
will be made of the sub-committees as
signed to take up various subjects. One
sub-committee will inquire into meat
prices and another into eggs, and these
investigations will be carried on simul
taneously in order to save time. The
committee does not intend to make any
statement until it is sure of its facts,
for V. K. Newell, food administrator,
declared that onu the committee says
a thing it does not want to have to re
Troublesome Fact Brought Out
Hearing of Ben Timber Workers
Before Conciliation Board.
Successive wage increases have left
timber workers of the Bend district
just as poor as they were before, be
cause, by concerted action, the mer
chants supplying them with their needs
have boosted their prices to meet every
rise in the wapre scale, according to
testimony offered by representatives of
the timber workers union yesterday
afternoon before the state board of
conciliation. The hearing before the
board was upon the demand of the
workers for an increase in the mini- I
mum wage from $4.23 to $ 4. SO per
The two companies concerned in the
demand of the workers are the Brooks
Scanlon Lumber- company and the
Shevlin -Hlxon company. The com
panies were represented by T. A. Mc
Cann, manasfer, of the Shevlin-Hixon
company, and'' H. Richards, superin
tendent for the Brooks-Scanlon- corn
ran y.
Testimony showed that the minimum
waire of the workers was raised 25
cents a day June 1 and again July 16,
but in each case the cost of living was
raised by the merchants, so the higher
w.ges left the timber workers no bet
ter off than, before.
The board of conciliation took the
matter under advisement. A decision
is expected late today.
Acceptance of Conference KhicLjngs
on Women's Labor Discretional.
SALKM. Or., Aug. 14. (Special.)
The Oregon Industrial Welfare com
mission is not bound by the recom
mendations of any conference with re
gard to hours of labor, wording condi
tions and compensation for women, ac
cording to a legal opinion gien today
by I. H. Vanwinkle, assistant attorney
general. The opinion was asked by Mrs. Trum
bull, seceretary of the industrial wel
fare i emmisfion. following; recom
mendations of a recent conference in
Portland that a 48-hour week and max
imum nine-hour work day for women
be established. The assistant attorney
general holds that acceptance of these
recommendations are discretional with
the welfare commission.
DecisionOver Sale of Berries to Be
Carried to Supreme Court.
SALKM, Or., Aug. 14. (Special.) J.
W. LaFoIlett. wealthy Marion county
rancher and fruitgrower, has appealed
to tho supreme court in the case
brought against him by the Salem
King Products company to restrain
him fro mselling his berry output in
the open market. The plaintiff won the
original action before Judge Bingham
in the circuit court here. It was
charged that Mr. LaFoIlett signed a
contract to deliver his berries to the
Salem King's Products company at a
stipulated price, but later disposed of
his product to other concerns.
Mr. LaFolletfs fine of $100 for re
fusing to obey the decree of the court
relative to the delivery of the berries
also has been appealed.
George Slevers Dies at Pendleton.
PENPLETOS, OV.. Aug. 14. (Spe
cial.) George Slevers, well-known
I'matilla county (armer,.Vho had been
ill in Hood River for some months.
and who recently had been broufrht
here in the hope he would improve,
died here today.
Saleni Boy Home From Overseas.
SALEM. Or.. Aug. 14. (Special.
Edward D. Whitney, son of Mr. and
Mrs. E. J. Whitney of this city, ar
rived yesterday after 18 months' over
seas. He was with the 1st engineers,
4th company, grand, division, trans
portation corps. .
Recapture of Asylum Inmates
Soon Is Expected.
Sister of Edward Southwick, One of
Escapes, Disclaims Any Part in
Break for Liberty.
SALEM, Or., Aug. 14. (Special.
Miss Florence Southwick. sister of Ed
ward Southwick. who, with IX C. Brich
oux, yesterday escaped from a motor
truck while being taken from the
state hospital for the insane to the flax
fields beyond Turner, this afternoon
appeared at the asylum and disclaimed
any part in the transaction.
"I did not know that my brother had
escaped until I read the story in a
newspaper this morning," Miss South
wick told the officials, "and further
more, had 1 known of his intentions
I would have tried to persuade him to
remain at the "institution. The rVport
that I was implicated in arranging the
escape is untrue, and apparently orig
inated from the confusion resulting
from the different stories told by the
guards in charge of the men."
The officials now are inclined to be
lieve Miss Southwick's s'ory.
Men Thought Headed Kat.
Although the officials f irat thought
that Hrichoux and Southwick entered a
waiting automobile after escaping from
the truck, they are now working on
the theory that the men merely crossed
the main traveled highway and are
making their way In a northeasterly
direction through the densely timbered
districts. Both men were committed to
the penitentiary from eastern Oregon
and the off icers Relieve they are head
ed for that part of the state.
Brichoux spent considerable time in
Baker, while Southwick passed much
of his life on cattle ranches in Wal
lowa county.
Officers in practically every town and
city between Salem and Baker have
been notified f the escape, but up to
this evening nothing had been heard
to indicate the whereabouts of the con
victs m Fugitives Have X Money.
Neither of the men had any money
or provisions when they escaped, ac
cording to the officials, and it is be
lieved that they will soon visit some
farmhouse in quest of food. Unless they
are supplied with sufficient food to
remain in hiding for several days, the
officers are confident they "will be
captured soon.
No one thus far has reported seeing
any men answering the description of
the fugitives and this leads officials
to believe they are avoiding the main
highways and traveling at night.
Miss Southwick this afternoon told
the officials that in the event she was
able to get in touch with her brothor
she would persuade him to return to
the hospital. Miss Southwick is a
comely little woman and came to Salem
about a month ago to prevail upon the
parole board to release her brother.
She is now employed as a domestic here.
M iss Southwick eays her younger
brother, who accompanied her here
from eastern Oregon, returned there on
July 11.
Bank Robber Gets Away.
Chester William Clark, received at
the state penitentiary a month ago to
day to serve a maximum term of ten
years for holding up the cashier and
robbing a Beaverton bank of approxi
mately $3800, escaped this morning
while employed in the berry field a
short distance north of the prison.
Clark arrived at the berry field with
other convicts shortly before 8 o'clock,
and had been gone only about 15 min
utes when his absence was discovered.
Guards at the penitentiary were Im
mediately notified and a large part of
the country about where the fugitive
was last seen was surrounded.
Tracks found in a corn patch some
distance from tire penitentiary this aft
ernoon indicate that Clark had taken
a northeasterly course, apparently with
the intention of reaching the timbered
districts before night. This theory is
substantiated by reports reaching the
prison late today to the effect that a
man answering the fugitive's descrip
tion had been seen by ranchers on the
Silverton road.
Clark Held Nervy Youth.
Besides sending out posses from the
pen itentiary, telegrams containing a
complete descript ion of Clark have
been forwarded to officers in practical
ly every city between Salem and Kills
boro. Clark is 21 years of age. At the
time of robbing the Beaverton bank he
held up the girl cashier and ft customer,
locked them in the vault and leisurely
made away with the money.
Officers brand him as a daring youth
and say he may commit other depreda
tions in order to make good his escape.
Under a law enacted at the last ses
sion of the legislature any person serv
ing less than a life term who shall
escape or attempt to escape from the
Oregon penitentiary is subject to
prosecution on a felony charge and
upon conviction may be sentenced to
a term of not more than 10 years.
Clark will be subject to the provisions
of. this measure.
At the Theaters.
THERE'S not one dragging moment
on the new bill at the Hippodrome,
and every act is 'of he speed-em-up
entertaining variety. Gallets Monks
are about the funniest little apes in
vaudeville. There are two of them.
smart little creatures who ride shaggy,
big dogs in a highly natural race, and
then come out to play sweet old-time
melodies on revolving bells. Their piece
Increase your jaded appetite", re
store your weakened digestion, rebuild
your shattered nerves, replenish your
vanished vitality. Try Proud's Port-
olive Tonic and note the almost imme
diate and steadily increasing improve
ment in your condition. This wonder
ful, purely vegetable nature tonic acts
directly, on the stomach and bowels,
cleansing the system of all impuri
ties through the proper channels. It
infuses new life into the tissues,
strengthens the muscular action, and
restores your former energy, vigor
and interest in life. Use it for thirty
days and watch results. Energizes im
mediately. .Strengthens permanently.
1 Indorsed by physicians. Sold by drug
gists. AdVj
de resistance, however, is an episode in
a barber shop, in which one gray-headea
monkey is the bolshevist wielder of the
raxor and scissors, while a meeker
monkey is the customer. The meek
attitude, however, changes quickly un
der the anarchistic ministrations of the
barber, and j-andemonlum reigns, with
the audience shrieking at their antics.
Vot only children but the grown-upb
find the joonkey act exceedingly hila
rious. Earl and Edwards are a couple of
funsters who have a catch linewTThat'll
be about all." which fits neatly into
their songs and sayings and provides
fun. Thev sing cheerily and have new
ideas In comedy. They feature a trav
esty on telepathy which is amusing
and original.
Don Stanley and a pretty girl named
Minnette Lea are wis players on the
old banjo and Minnette gets gay tunes
out of the accordeon to go along with
Don's banjo melodies. They play jo
ounly and rapidly and the act pleases.
One of their best bits is an Hawaiian
"ukulele" number done on banjoen.
Billy Hicks occasions fun with his
happy comparisons about the lengthy
news in a modern newspaper and the
condensed version published in his own
miniature sheet. His reading of his
brief news is a riot. Bil'.y also sings
and they like him.
A c&pital opening number, full of
original developments in gymnastic art.
is offered by the Gabberts duo. a charm
ing girl and a chap who smiles happily
as if he enjoyed doing his work. They
are really sensational in their ingenious
athletic stunts and decidedly original
in method. jr
The photoplay is a delightfully told
story called "A Home Wanted," featur
ing the talented youthful Alade Evans.
The story has a romance, but it is full
of heart interest, in which a homeless
little one finds a place in the heart of
an old man, and finds a home with h m.
Representative Hare of Washington
County Looks on Proposal
With Disfavor.
SALEM. Or., Aug. 14. (Special.)
William O. Hare, representative from
Washington county, is unable to per
ceive the necessity of calling; a special
session of the state legislature to ratify
the woman's suffrage amendment to
the federal constitution, according: to a
letter received from him at the execu
tive offices today.
"However, should your judgment di
rect you to call an extra session for the
sole purpose of considering not to ex
ceed one or two measures, I am witlinn:
to attend without cost to the sate."
continued Mr. Hare.
"Permit me to suggest, however, that
in my opinion, before an extra session
is called, some understanding should
be arrived at with respect to its dura
tion. Like a great majority of the
members of the legislature I am busily
engaged, and while I am willing to de
vote a day or so to the service of the
state. I do not care to be entertained
by long speeches, a part of which will
evidently be made for political purposes
Few letters asking for a special ses
sion have been received by the gov
ernor during the past few days and It
is the opinion of officials here that the
campaign for ratification of the amend
ment is waning.
State Marshal Recommends Im
proved Service.
SALEM. Or., Aug. 1 4. ( Special. )
If the city council of Albany carries
out the recommendations of H. H. Pom
eroy and George W. Stokes, of the
state fire marshal's department, six
instead of two laid. firemen will be
employed, an Inspection system will Ve
Installed, the present horse-drawn en
gine will be replaced by a modern mo
tor-driven triple-combination pumper
and water heretofore used from cis
terns will be pumped direct from the
Albany is said to have had a number
of disastrous fires during the past few
years, and it is believed the proposed
Improvements in the equipment and
manning of the department will have
the effect of reducing future losses to
the minimum.
Excavators at Saleni Partially Bur.
led; Bruises Suffered.
SALEM, Or., Aug. 14. (Special.)
While excavating for the plant of the
Oregon Pulp & Paper company now in
progress of construction here, E. G.
Paterson and J. J. Bodies, laborers, this
morning were partially buried in a
gravel slide. Both men were removed
to a Salem hospital, but it is believed
their injuries arqsjnot serious.
Patterson, who was the most seriously
hurt,' suffered a number of bruises as
the result of being struck by falling
Xew Chairman Says Board Will Xot
Rush Sale of Bottoms.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 14. Ships held
by the United States shipping board will
not be sold at bargain price. JohnBar
ton Payne, newly appointed chairman
of the board, said today adding that no
efforts were being made to force their
Smaller vessels will be disposed or
first, Mr. Payne said, and the establish
ment and operation of shipping lines
interests of commerce would be the
first consideration.
ree -A p
' 7 1P ,WE
4 cr so c 4iroo
t 1 t
(if SfppS,
Chicago Packer Says Situation
Fully Understood by tircat
Mas-s or Public.
CHICAGO. Aug. It. (Special.) The
great supplies of food now held in
stoiage are placed there for use during
seasonal shortages, according to Louis
Swift, president of Swift & Co.
In commenting today upon the agita
tion in favor of confiscation of stocks
if food. Mr. Swift said:
'.Swift & Co. deny that the food
stuffs which it is holding in storage
have been put there for speculative
purposes. Cold storage performs a
r. 1 sAri'toA not 1' n ( ' r 1 1 V D-
preciated by the public. The present
system has been evolved by the public
demand They want some of this pro
duce throughout all the year. That is .
to say, they do not want to eat all ;
th( ir etss in six months and then go !
v.ithout- during tho remainder oi me ;
yar. " I
"If it were not for cold storage much
of the perishable food produced during
the months of heavy production would
be lest, because the supply would I'm- I
norarilv exceed the demand and prices
would fall so low that production would
be discouraged. Later, without stor
age sto.ks to draw from, a serious
shortage of these commodities would
occur with resultant high prices. No
bo!y would benefit from such a sitja
tion. and consumers would pay much
higher average prices.
"Swift & Co. does not purchase and
store goods for speculation, but merely
to assure our branch houses of a sup
ply sufficient to meet the needs of
their trade throughout the year. If
slocks of butter, eggs and other com
ir.c"ities are commandeered and thrown
on the market, there is little question
but that current prices will be forced
down temporarily but where will your
butter and eggs come from next winter
when tiiese storage stocus normally
would be used to bridge over these
months of small production?"
Tax In Oregon for Three Months
. Exceeds $30,000.
Next to ice cream. Oregon residents
like jewelry, while the silk shirts, silk
stockings, 116 creations and J14 shoes
are not nearly as popular. i
That little old 1-cent tax which the
cashier at the soda fountain extracts
netted Uncle Sam more than $40,000
in Oregon in May and' June. The re
turns from July are not in, but the
figures submitted disclose that a Strang
thirst is prevalent In this state.
The tax on jvelry. covering April,
May and June, yielded more than J30,
ooo, and shows that Oregonians are not
overlooking personal adornment. The
for the Steaming Cup
pefcixmo PI ace3
Harvesting an Income
Your saving's, put by regularly and at com
pound interest, are like the seeds planted last
spring. They grow and in due time return you
a g-ood harvest in a steady income.
There is a direct application of this thought in opening
a savings account. If you have an extra dollar today,
you can open this account now at our Savings Depart
ment. "
Washington and Third
mi yi ifr-i l, ni.ur. t l- "
luxury tax In May and June produced
more than $9000.
Hardy, Texas. Rushes at Blanlon,
Who Calls Him "Rubber Stamp."
, WASHINGTON, Aug. 14. Members of
the house intervened today to prevent
a personal collision between Represent
atives Blanton and Hardy of Texas,
both democrats.
Resenting the charge by Blanton
lhat he was a "mere rubber stamp" in
the sense that he always defended the
administration. Hardy rushed at his
colleague, but was restrained.
Hood Folks Glimpse Airplane.
HOOD RIVER, Or.. Aug. 14. (Spe
cial.) Hoocr River residents had their
glimpse of the airplane this afternoon,
when a machine, unheralded. was
sighted at an estimated 5000-foot alti
tude above the Columbia gore?. The
pecial Attraction
Complete at
Some one will get a bargain !
placed upon a good spring: in
sures a good night's rest. Your
old feather bed can be made into
a Roll-Me Mattress.
REMEMBER, that in our Ex.
change Department we may
have just what you want and
at the price you can pay. We
take in used furniture in pay
ment on new.
plane traveling eastward . at a rapid
speed was out of sight before persons
attracted outside by the hum of the
motor, could notify their famil?s and
friends. The machine presumably was
of the forestry partol service.
Machine Brushes Willow Trees; Soft
Land Field Blamed.
THE DALLES, Or., Aug. 14. (Spe
cial.) A Curtiss biplane owned by the
Pangborn Aircraft company, piloted by
C. K. Pangborn. with A. C. Re,ed as
mechanic, crashed to the ground here
at 4:S0 this afternoon from an altitude
of 30 feet, breaking the landing gear
and lower plane. The propeller was
The soft ground of the landing field
prevented the machine from rising
easily and caused the machine to brush
a clump of willow trees.
The machine will be dismantled and
sent to the factory for repairs.
In our. windows this
week you will see an
elegant five-piece
ivory enamel bedroom
suite, consisting of v
This suite was used
for a short time in a
fine home in this city
and then sent to us for
disposal. For quick
sale we are offering it
the Low Price of
- A Complete Line of
resosably priced awaits
your inspection. It will be
to your interest to look it
ca-to - rrTM ST.