THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 13, 1919. 20 WANTED .MISCELLANKOIS. S7.5U UP TO $25. Meyer' the Tailor pays highest cash prices for ir;en's suit and oveiL-oats, shoes, etc. THE MADIftON CLEANERS & TAILORS. 2 55 Madison St.. ne;ir 1 bird. Caii Marshall 1223. W call anywhere in the city, day or eve. VP TO $23. FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. We will pay any price for men's clothe. OREGON CLEANERS & TAILORS, 117 2d at.. N. W. Cor. Wash. Mam 9344- HIGHEST PRICES PAID for gentlemen's and ladies' second-hand clothes. Try me before you cail others. Phone Broadway 3932. 245 :,i Burnside. between 3d and 2d. I WANT UPED CLOTHING. We pay from $10 up for men's used suits and overcoats. Call us and you wii: get the right cash price for your pojds. 167 1st St., near Morrison. Main 738 WANTED GdS water heater; Ruud pre ferred. AE 267. Oregonian. W ILL pay cash for wardrobe trunk in good condition. J 132, Oregonian. WANTED er. Y 31.;. or 4-horsepower concrete mix Oregonian. Furniture Wanted. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. We want your used stoves, furniture, arpets and all household goods and wit. pay highest cash prices. Our three large stores enable us to dis pose of these goods at once and therefore we can pay the top market prices. W e also buy and sell hardware, tools, tents. bicycles. sporting goods, type writers, adding machines and ail office furniture. CALL MAIN 9072. LEVIN HDWE. & FURNITURE CO. 221-3-5 Front St. FURNITURE WANTED. WE WILL BUT FOR .SPOT CASH YOUR HOUSE HOLD FURNITURE FOR A N Y AMOUNT A PHONE CALL WILL BRING US TO YOUR DOOR. NO CHARGE. OUR VALUATION IS HIGHER THAN THE OTHER FEL LOWS. THERE'S A REASON. BE CAUSE WE SELL TODAY WHAT WE BOUGHT YESTERDAY. Phone MARSHALL 59S1 Phone. CEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPAN1 1S5 First street. BEFORE YOU SELL YOUR. FURNITURE SEE US. We are in need of all kjnds of used fur niture, rugs, carpets, stoves and ranges; All kinds of gas stoves and oft ice furni ture, and we will pay absolutely the top prices for same. Call MARSHALL 587. and our buyer will call at once with ths ShGEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE. 205 and 207 First at. Between Taylor and Salmon sts. CALL MAIN 309 IMMEDIATELY! WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE3 EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE, CARPETS, ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUY ER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO.. 192 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. . MAIN 309 BE SURE AND LET US SEE your furniture and household goods before you sell. We are in the market lor am and will pay highest prices. PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE, 208 First st. Main 7728 1W ANT used furniture ; cash will be paid for stoves and ranges and ail kinds of household goods. Call ue for one article or a housefull. and a competent courteous buyer will call. Marshall 2093. Crown. WE MUST nave furniture, therefore wa want to pay the highest price possible Call us up and you will be money ahead. Marshall 1H22. VE NEED SE COND-H AND FL'RNITUR E of any description ; have the ready cash Phone today. Main 4027, or 1 60 First st. WE WANT FURNITURE. ' Main S951. I WANT used furniture; wiil pay as much as any dealer can pay. East 0417. M. H, Calef. dealer, 540 Williams ave. CASH FOR USED FURNITURE. Highest prices in city. Main 1633. CASH for office desks, chairs, files and safes. Pacific Staty. & Ptg. Co. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 3332. IF YOU want to sell your furniture. Ford. Main S951. 191 2d St. W A N T E D Used Mai" 5004. furniture at once. HELP WANTED MALE. WA NT ED Party with i 1 tio to invest :n logging truck. $4i to $t;o per day. 2 years" k work; work all winter. Y 514, Orego nian. YOUNG man, experienced in grocery line; must be good sa lesma u ; good wages to right man: furnish good references. Apply 24'. Yamhill st. "W A NT ED A 11 -around sheet metal worker, steady work. ti, S hours. Hahn's Plumb ing store. Lewiston. Idaho. .PICTURE trainer and gildi-r; good position with chance ot toremanship. Apply 201 Henry bid?. TWO barbers wanted for Saturday; $7 guar anteed. Tlie Panama, 249 3 Alder st. The boycott is still on. I AM ready to close concessions for Tilla mook fair. Aug.. 2ti to 29 inclusive; state In full what you have O JSlO. Oregonian. A SASH and door machine man, must be first-elas, none other need ajply. Haw thorne Bracket Co., 1065 E. Madison st. BARBER Steady job; two Saturday men. Appiy Sam H. Howard, sec. Master Bar bers' Assn.. 110 Fo u rt b St. $50 TO $75 a week easily made selling ex-clu'-ivc automobile specialty. Wagnon. 2!S Eleventh st. INDUSTRIOUS man steady job; money gonian. with $1000 secured. T WANTED First marker and distributor: first-claes wages. Wire Your Home Laun d ry . K la math Fa It s. O r c g on. WANTED A few active men to help dis tribute circulars. Call ".d f 1 00-. Miicleay bldg.. Wed. morning at 7 o'clock. BOY wanted today to sell soda, peanuts, etc.. at baseball grounds. Apply conces sion stand, 24th and Vaughn sts. CITY SOLICITORS wanted for r:re. automo bile, accident and maitne insurance. Seeiey & Co.. Board of Trade bldg. FIRST-CLASS steam fitter wanted. Apply ready for work 7 A. M.. Friday. Portland . Rubber MiliH. Macadam and Nevada sts. fclNGLE janitor for apt. house work; must h ave ex perience or need not apply. Call Main r. MIDDLE-AGED man for garage at night; one uhii can drie ail makes, of cars. Ap ply 5th st. garage. ,".th and Ho t. "YOUNG man as collector. 029 Worcester EXPERIENCED automobile Apply Oregon Taxirao Co driver anted. Oregon Hotel. WINDOW trimmer and card writer at once good salary. Levitt's. 4th and Wash. WANTED Dark room man. ique, 209 Panama bldg. Studio Class- BOY wanted t.i h.v versity dub. tit h st in din in; room, and Jefft-ron. W NT f-rst-La undrv C iss washer. l-0 Grat d WANTED Poor stickerinan and hands. AV 392. Oregonian. COAT MAKER 1 Tailor. lOh ;d anted. Apply Nicolai the BARBER wanted, goou man. star Barber ( LA BORERS bldg. Apply 510 Oregon liOY with Kerns ji: w h e e ; . A bbott .0 run errands. Co.. h and Fl wanted ; sha Oregonian. JANITOR, young man. for suburban theater, afternoons ; state w ages H 32. Oregon ia n. BO Y S wanted. 1st st. Apply factory, 34 North WANT reliable man for outside work. Call at jnu-ery store: some 42 1 E. Burnside st. HORSE coi: Sons. 3:13 ar thonger wanted. W. Davis & Market St.. San Francis co. Ca . six live solicitors Call Sel ! vvi'od 2007 on e n t i re 1 y new MEAT cutter wanted; must give references. Write box 201. Monmouth. Or. BARBER wanted for Saturday. 249 Morrison treet. mechanics willing to leave Oregonian. ahie man wanted for dance-floor evenings. Apply Cotillion hall. BARBER wanted Burnside st. w ages guaranteed. MAN wnli Furd car. 402 Washington street. WANTED h ord tow n. AV 3si, TALL, can manager HELP WANTED MALE. MECHANICS. NOTE. We will want an A No. 1 mechanic in about two or three weeks, to take charce of our shop; wages no object to first-class man : must furnish best of references : steady position for the right man; any other will be tanned. Transportation fur nished to our eastern Oregon town if right man; must be good Ford man. Ad dress A V 4-1', Oregonian. 10 YOUNG MEN to learn the manufacturing end of the lumber business, we can accept some young men for the following depart ments: Box, shingle, veneer, siio. tank, spruce shop, shipping sheds, tallying, giading, repair and shop: modern machin ery for stacking and loading, also tractors are usea ana a good chance tor auvance ment is offered to bright young men in this plant, which is one of the largest in North America and right in a good little town. From 45c to 60c per hour to start. See our Mr. Rylander today. We will ad vance your fare if you wish. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., 235 Burnside st. T. M. C. A. ADVISORY AND EMP LO VME N T DEPARTMENT Is not an employment agency, but a. de partment of the Y. M. C. A. which aids ambitious young men In prying open the doors of opportunity. In the past ten years we have assisted 17,530 men in find ing positions and at the present time the demand for men exceeds the supply. The standing this department has with employers is due to the discriminating service rendered them over a. period of 15 ears, and they turn to the Y. M. C. A. for men to fill the better sort of jobs, t AH men seeking employment are cor dially invited to consult with one of the employment secretaries, room 307. YOUNG man or high school student for Oregonian route, west side, earn from $35 to $40 per month, small territory. Ap ply to room 2U3, Oregonian. THE Meier & Frank Co. requires the serv ices of two experienced drapery salesmen; permanent positions; good opportunity ior advancement. Loyal applicants call at Educational Bureau. 6th tioor; out-of-town applicants write to Employment Manager; state experience and salary expected. Meier At Frank Co. SALES MANAGER wanted who can or ganize force for selling real estate hold ings up to $500,000 in a town with im mense resources tributary and where de velopments have begun; no money ad vanced: must do your own financing; an attractive proposition with sliding scale of commissions; office furnished for pre liminaries. O 793. oregonian. HAVE several positions open for boyg, 16 to IS years of age, who are living at home and have graduated from high school. Require boys who are neat in appearance, quick to think, willing to work for ad vancement and want to start in at the bottom w-Uh a large corporation: salary $55 to start: answers must be written in longhand. T Hi. Oregonian. METER & FRANK CO. require the services of two boys between 16 and IS for help ers' positions in the delivery department. Apply to Delivery Supt. at garage, 2d and Jefferson sts. WE HAVE a good, smail shingle mill oper ation, to present to some practical, reliable shingle mill man: mus. be responsible, one and a half million feet of red cedar logs now on hand. Good location in good labor market with rail and cargo shipping ta dlities: located on Coos Lav. Will market products through our sales department if desired. T 23, Oregonian. BY LOCAL DEPARTMENT STORE. Sunerintendent of night janitor force, a man of trust and ability. Will be held responsible for all nluht work. Best ref erencts must be furnished. Salary to suit right man. Write P. O. box 747 stating references. WANTED at once, hiah-class furniture sales man, one who thoroughly understands this work; no other need appiy. Answer. Ail 4 Jo, uregonian. WANTED Thoroughly experienced carpet and rug salesman; must be capable. Answer AM 4o4, Oregonian. FOREMAN finisher to take charere of fin ishing departent in chair factory ; steads position: must be an experienced finisher. Apply at once. Oregon Chair Co.. 1190 Macadam sL WANTED. 4 bench men. 2 sash and door cutters, for delail mill; steady work; state ex perience and wagea-expected. B. L. Bur roughs, Pendleton. Or. EXPERIENCED hardware salesman wanted; good wages, steady posit ion for the righ : "party; none but experienced need apply. References required. Levin Hardware & Furniture Co., 221 First st. ALL AROUN D printer wanted, will pay as much as city w a ges, living costs co n -sidcred; must have some linotype experi ence, but great speed not necessary ; need man at once. Observer, Dallas, Or. DRAFTSMEN Field and office; experi enced in highway or R. R. location; give detailed experience, sample of work, sal arv expected. Bureau of Highways, box 1 ISO. Boise. Idaho. WANTED Office boy by large manufactur ing company; good chance tor bright, en ergetic boy. one with wheel preferred; answer in own handwriting. Address F 448. Oregon i an. CLERK Capable, energetic clerk who has had experience in offices of large cor porations, must be a good penman; state age. qualifications, i salary. F 447. Ore gonian. W A NT ED High-grade non-union coat maker; steady em pioy men t ; will pay bet ter than union scale for first -class work Lowell . Piayford. suite Lumber Ex rhange blrig.. Seattle. Wash. WANTED A Japanej-e and wife to go to country ; man to do cooking, w if e second work : housl? with all mou t-rn conveniences. Call at Weist Apts.. 9 N. 2:d. apt. 4, t tweeii ; and 5. WANT an industrious, honest boy about 16. with some ed ucation. to assist in office and make himaelf generally useful: saiary and two mels. university t.iuo. 1 . bin st. SECOND millers wanted for country mills: good pay and steady work: mills well lo cated. Write or apply supt. of milling, 1'22 Board of Trade bldg. . M 1 LLW RIGHT wanted for spouting in our country mills ; transportation and top wages. Appiy supt. of milling. Iu22 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED - Two good teamsters and two men to cut wood on contract. per cora See Ware at Morris hotel, Sunday, be tween H and 10 o'clock. WANTED A frst -class bookkeeper and ac countant. one who has had some expe rience in public utility work preferred. AV 421. Oregonian. WANTED Names ambitious men, 18-35. de siring railw ajftihiail clerk positions; begin ner s salary Jiioo year. av j.o, urego nian. WANTED Sash and door machine men cutters, stlckermen and'eabinet maker. Ap ply Chas. K. Spautdtng Logging company, McMinnville, Oregon. YARD men for our sawmill at Newberg at night; good wages. Apply at office of Chas. K. Soaulding Logging Co.. New berg, or S05 Oregonian bldg.. Portland. Or. MEN wanted to carry briquettes from trucks to basement. 8 hours, wages from $4.25 to $4.75. Appiy northeast corner 2d and Flanders sts.. Portland Gas & Coko Co. WANTED Men for sawmill, lath mill and lumber yards; good wages, steady work. Write or wire Weed Lumber Co.. Weed, California. EX PER 1 ENCED hand box nailer; carpen ters, do not apply ; don't phone. American Box Co.. 29th st.and St. Helens rd; MANAGER for cafeteria; state where last employed, length of time and salary ex pected. O S17. Oregonian. WANTED Young man. IS or over, to learn trade ; $1 5u per day to start. Western Picture Frame Co.. 170 First st. OFFICE boy: permanent position; oppor tunity in whoiesale house; answer fully .1 1U2. oregonian. TWO burbers wanted, $20 guaranteed : 60 per cent over SJ0. schwenn Ac Lindley. Eugene, Or. WA NTED Paper hanging and tinting in exchange for board, room and wages. Mar shall 303O WANTED Newspaper artist for layouts, etc Address F 5S9. Oregonian. WANTED Experienced grocery clerk. Con solidated Mercantile Co., Hood River, Or. P.IVPllSlTOR wanted. Colombia Pan.p Tint Co., East 25th and Holladay. HELP WANTED MALE. MEN WANTED. We are now ready to receive applica tions for en roll men t in our AUTOMOBILE. GAS TRACTOR, STATIONERY AND MARINE. OPERATING AND REPAIRING courses. Our Portland school has just been remodeled and is now ready for in spection: new machinery has been in stalled in every depr. ; visitors a-e wel come. New c 1 asses. Day and NighL beiei n Aug. 1. Students receive practical train ing both in the Day and Night classes. For full information call at Hemphill's Trade Schdnls, Inc., 707 Hawthorne ave. Take Mt. Scott or Hawthorne car at 2d and Alder to East 2uth at. TAILORS. For a short time I will give Instructions on designing, cuttiner and fitting, ladies' and gents' garments, and convince you that in m. few lessons you can become effi cient if the art. Classes forming now. Cail evenings after 6 or Sunday all day. Edmund Gurney. Ladies Tailor. 692 Schuyler ?t. WANTED- Discharged soldiers and sailors; quick money. Appiy 404 Spalding bldg. MAN THAT CAN HANDLE machinery and men with few hundred dollars can make $15 to $25 per day; set away from day la'cor, be your own boss, work up inside a jt-ar to earn $loo per day. Call any time at 7 203 .4th ave. S. E., one block south of Whitman station, on Mt. Scott carline. W ANT ED. A first-class engineer who understands steam and electric power; must have first clats references. Wire or write J. L. Wil kins, at Shiherds Mineral Springs. Con don. Wash. "WANTED Experienced young man who can handle detail work in box factory office and who is familiar with price estimating; permanent position; state age and salary expected. O Sit, Oregonian. WANTED First-class miller for our Tr.O-bbl. mill, in small town; prefer married man from 30 to 40; the place will be steady if results are proving satisfactory. Lewiston Milling Co., Lewiston, Idaho. COM M ISSAR Y manager wanted by lumber company in the country: must be experi enced in general merchandise business; ma rned man preiertpd ; give references. Address AV Orionian.' A-l DENTIST, experienced man guar ; iom -Dr. J. petent man can make $ T 1 0 weekly. J. Pittengor. HIGH-CLASS solicitor, opportunity to ad vance for right parly; liberal salary but efficient results required. Apply Friday or Saturday A. M.. Grand Union Tea Co. WANT ED Good trimmerrnan for foot tri tn mer, pine country, eastern Oregon. $1 a day for t hours; fare advanced free if sta "ii days. Butts & O.-i ke. 241 Couch st. VAUDEVILLE acts, entertainers and musi cal comedy people in all lines. Apply Art Baker Booking offices, 620 Heury bids. Main 3S2. WANT good job. two box nailers, SI per hundred, board and room $1 per day ; lung Han ley Employment Agency, 2 N. Phone Broadway 727. 2d. WANTED 1 or 2 good barbers to go to Lewiston, Idaho; guarantee $25 week. For particulars apply Le wis-Stengcr Barbers' Supply 'o. Help Wanted ha Irs men. SALESMAN for house-to-house campaign on vacuum cleaners and washing machines; liberal commissions. Stubbs Electric Co.. Oth and Pine sts. LIPMAN. WOLFE & CO. require the arrv ices of an experienced salesman for their dress goods and silk dept. Apply supt.'B office between 9 and 10:3O Friday morning. THREE experienced tea. and coffee route solicitors at once: if you are a business getter we can show you the best proposi tion in our line to be had in the city. Ap ply Ideal Tea. Co., 711 Union ave. N. EXPERIENCED salesmen, permanent situa tion, theatrical and bulletin advertising, business producers easily average $100 weekly. ROBINSON, 207 Stock Exchange. WANTED A man who excels as a solicitor; for a man of the right caliber we have the specialty that a novice can sell, but we want the maximum. :29 oak st. SALESMAN wanted; important accessory line for city and country. Apply Daniel Sales Agencv. 84 Broadwav. Phone Broadway 2994. MAN with car; have a Venable hotel, after 4: money-maker. ;o P. M. 33; WATU AGENTS. AGENTS wanted to demonstrate and sell novel lawn sprln k lers; even! n g work on large lawns in suburbs: good proposition offered, ''all 427 Railway Exchange bldg. TWO men to solicit in town: salary or com mission. Call bet. 5 and 6 P. M.. 20S Stock Lxch. bldg. - AGENTS, with car. to sell auto specialties; experience unnecessary. 633 Washington. AGENTS at once. Sell 30c per month hos pital tickets. 206 Corbett bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Girl to help with housework in small house, must be able to do plain cooking: going to beach for month of Sept.; this also offers a permanent place, good wages. - Phone Main 0045. WANTED Lady about 40 years old to care for invalid wife and do general house work in modern 5-room bungalow; two in family; $19 per week. Call alter 9 A. M., Tabor 7910. 33 E. 42d st. GIRL for clerical work in automobile parts ouslness, gooa opportunrty to learn auto mobile business; must be accurate and write good hand, stenography not essen tial; state experience. AO 490, Oregonian. WAITRESS AND CASHIER FOR R. R. EATING HOUSE: EAST; $03; ROOM AND BOARD; FREE FARE. SKINNER & WHITE. 35 N. 2D ST. YOUNG LADY who can operate typewriter and takerfshorthitnd ; must be good at fig ures; permanent position; state salary ex pected. R 194. Oregonian. OPERATORS on power machines; also hand sewers; experience not necessary; good pay. Apply Metropolitan Hat & Cap Mtg. Co.. 131 ' -j 2d st. WANTED A stenographer, beginner pre ferred; $50 per month to start. Apply 60S McKay bldg., between 1 0 and 12 A. M. Saturday. W A N TE D Housekeeper. must be neat, clean, thoroughly competent and good cook ; for middle-aged gentleman. Apply, giving rererences. to y oregonian. SCENARIOS wanted for 1-reel high-class comedies. Cloverio Film Co., Eilcrs bldg., 4-4 :30 daily. EXPERIENCED girl for soda fountain work. Northern Pacitic Pharmacy, 3d and Mor rison. W A N T EL Experienced girl to work in con feet ionery and cigar store ; must have fountain expe rience. East 035. WA NT ED Motion picture inspector. A p- ply Famous Players-Lasky Corp., 9th and Burnsiile ts. OFFICE girl. legible writer. - Reply in own handwriting; state wages expected. J 12. Oregonian. TWO experienced waitresses wanted, out of town positions; good wages. Phone Mar shall 150. after 6:30 P. M. CATHOLIC ladies, salary and commission ; congenial work. (all 0I8 leon bldg., be tween 4 and 6 P. M. WANTED Cook by Sept. 13; references re quired. Write or apply St. Helen's hall. 13th and Hall sta. WA XTED Waitress for luncheon hours In tea shop. Call 501 Broadway. Yamhill b;dg. EXPERIENCED chocolate dipper. Apply Northern Pacific Pharmacy, da and Mor rison. CAN use 10 women familiar with soliciting can earn good, w ages. Call at 351 Vs Mor rison. COMPETENT law stenographer, fully ex periem ed. 415 Lew is bid g. GIRL to wait on Gresham S31. table. Cross Road Inc. EXPERIENCED chocolate dipper by Choco late Products Co., 393 E. Belmont. W ANTE I- Maids. Multnomah Hotel. Ap ply Ash st. entrance. COAT FINISHER wanted on men's coats. 403 Merchants' Trust bldg. WANTED A. M. to An experienced girl waitress. 11 I P. M. 375 North 10th st. W ANTED Experienced chambermaid. Hotel Rowland, 27 V3 Fourth st. WOMAN flunkey, logging camp, $120 a month. Apply 21 N. 2d st. EXPERIENCED eounter girl wanted. Amer ican cafeteria, loO Fifth st. WANTED A chambermaid. 1751 Larrabee. Phone Wdln. 2915. WANT six live solicitors on entirely new line. Call Sellwood 2007. EXPERIENCED camp cook, out of city. J 151. oregonian. YOUNG ladies wanted to act as Introducers. Apply Ringler's. Cotillion hall. BUS GIRL. Cat n Fiddle. 145 Broadway. WANTED Ledy barber at 177 Madison st. BUS girl wanted. Liberty Lunch. 12t 5tn. KITCHEN bjj?erl Campbell hotel. HELP WANTED FEMALE. $25 PBR WEEK. WANTED, 25 YOUNG, PRETTY CHORUS GIRLS. LONG ENGAGEMENT. APPLY LYRIC THEATER BETWEEN 12 AND 2 p'. M. DAILY. GIRLS w a rued for general factory work; ex pcrienced or Inexperienced; also experi enced chocolate dippers; splendid oppor tunities. Apply 7:30 A. M. Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., 12th and Davis st. MILLINERY makers have unusual oppor tunity for permanent positions with well established Portland concern. Immediate reply necessary. Correspondence confi dential. Please state details fully, giv ing names of former employers and periods ot employment. r duo. oregonian. THE OLDS, WORTMAN & KING STORE requires the services of experienced beauty parlor operators. Apply supennten denCs office, to 10:30 A. M. THE MEIER & FRANK CO. require the services of an experienced saleswoman for Oeorgette and Luce Uepartiiient. rerma nent position. Appiy Employment Uu rcau, sixth floor, Meier Ac Frank Co. MEIER & FRANK CO. require the services of two experienced saleswomen for candy department ; permanent positions. Appiy Employment Bureau. 2d floor. WANTED Brieht women to learn spot re moving; knowledge of chemicals helpful; experienced operators can earn $20 to $.iJ per week, deoending on ability; steady work, no lost time; working conditions ioeal. City Dye Works. 3000 Central ave. Los Angeles. Cn.1. SHIRTMAKERS wanted. Jacobs Shirt Co. Raleigh bldg., Uth and Washington. WOMEN WHO 'HAVE RUi FRENCH BRAIDING AND EMBROIDERY MA CHINES. BOOTH'S. 823 MORGAN BLDG, GIRLS WANTED. Experienced bag sewers. Apply factory, S4 North 1st St. EXPERIENCED AND INEXPERIENCED WOM EN FOR H EMST ITCHING. BUT TON HOLE AND SCALLOP MACHINES, BOOTH'S. 82 MORGAN BLDG. PRIVATE secretary, $115; bookkeeper $110, tonnirrflnhfr Sinn, k i enoirra oner ana DOOK- keeoer $125: dictaphone operator $110. o01 N. W. Bank bldg. WANTED A girl or woman to assist wun housework, 4 in family; easy worn, j eve ni.igs and Sunday off. Good wages. 22 N. 19th. Bdwy 322. HEAD WAITRESS WANTED AT PILOT BUTTE INN, BEND. OR.; REFERENCES AS TO ABILITY AND CHARACTEil KE QUIRED. WANTED Girls to work in woodworking lactorv. wages $2.25. with advancement after first two weeks; give age and phon number. AE 283, Oregonian. YOUNG woman with good clerical nerienre to handle. Derma nent responsibl position In wholesale house; answer fully. J hm, oregonian. VAUDEVILLE acts, entertainers and raua eat comenv ueonle tn all lines. Apply Ar Baker Booking offices, 020 Henry bldg. Main 3t2. EXPERIENCED millinery trimmers and makers wanted for positions in War hing ton, Oregon and Idaho. Apply to Lowan gart &. Co. TEACHERS registered free during August. Have grade, rural, high school and spe cial openings. Hazard Agency, 811 Old Nat, bldg., Spokane. Wash. WANTED Names ambitious women, 18 or over, wishing government census positions; 4ooo needed, flOOO year. AV 37-i, Orego nian. NORMAL graduates wanted for district schools in California ana ievaaa; salaries $85 to $125. Easterly Agency, 717 Market St., San Francisco, Cal. LADY presser for pieces and skirts; sewers. finishers for ladles suits, r . a. aurgman & Son. S3 Vi 5th st. GIRL wanted to work In sanitarium. paid Ap- with opportunity to learn nursing, ply 702 Dekum bldg. W ANTED Experienced second maid, good wages; references requirea. rortiana Height s. Mar. 2 13. TH E Florence Crittenton Home Is ready to help any girl in distress. uo xu. oiwan, M. V. car. iast 31ti. ANY g?rl in need of a friend apply to th- Salvation Army nescue iiuuie, .- oai 1Mb, st. N., or phone East 123. FIRST-CLASS makers and trimmers. Apply Immediately lor position. Long season, good salary. Muller & Raaa Co. GIRLS wanted 011 light factory work; steady wurtc. goon wages. Appiy Amentnu v..n Co., 14th and Front sts. WEST COAST INSTITUTE OF MUSIC, 5th floor Ellers Music 01a g- vv e icacu trom melody; no drudgery. WANTED Woman to do second work in boarding house lor ooaru tor sen ana nus band. W oodlawn 3727. Kenton. WANTED Experienced COLLA R girl ; ex- . eel lent position ana gooa wages. Appiy Troy Laundry Co.. E. 10th and Pine sts. WANTED 5 experienced house-to-house demonstrators; salary $25 a week to start call mornings. 5lo Ellers Music bldg. WANTED Bookkeeper. experienced, have lirst-clats references. BC 310. gonian. must Ore- GI RL or woman as chambermaid, $M) per month: room and board. Hotel Kockrlt. Kalama. Wash. two vnimv w.time-n to solicit in tow n : sal arv or commission. Call bet. 5 and 6 P. M., 20S Stock Exch. bldg. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted, wages $16 per week. Call or write t-nii jonnsoi.. Seaside. Or. . WANTED Experienced references required. Mar. 213. cook, good wages Portland Heights. WANTED A chambermaid and woman to take care of old lady. Patton Home, wdln. 1 7 00. FIRST-CLASS stenographer, hours 2 to 5:30 each day. Standard Machinery Co.. 55 1st st. CHAMBERMAID, wanted at Hotel Navarre, cor. 11th ana Aider sts.; must oe expen enced and competent. WANTED Bright girl J 119. Oregonian. for dental office. GIRLS wanted, experience not necessary. Phoenix bldg. WANTED A cook and second maid. 595 Heights terrace. Main 3222. Apply COOK and general housework; girl on large farm near Portland. r J, oregonian EXPERIENCED telephone operators may be obtainea by caning jiam iu., j -oat. WANTED Housekeeper: couple employed; have girl age w ouu, uresonitn. GIRL for general housework, small family. Main 4S2o. CHORUS GIRLS Highest wages, long en gagements; no traveling. Casino Theater. WANTED Head waitress. Coffee Cup lunch room. 1.j3 ParK g.. WOMAN to care for Invalid and do light housework, laoor atiia aner d:ju r. m WANTED Experienced girl. Confectionery. 365 Alder. Apply Rebe'l POSITION for good stenographer with au tomobile experience. W 426. Oregonian. COOK wanted. $70 per board. Hotel Kockrttz. month : room and Kalama. Wash. WANTED Girl or woman for Hong Kong Cafe,lCt76th t. waitress. WANTED Middle-aged woman as house keeper for two. 750 Prescott st. WANTED Middle-aged lady, small wages. Tabor 9220. light work. WANTED Experienced waitresses. Call any time. 34r ' Washington st., upstairs. LADY dish w asher war ted. son. 409 E. Morri- WOMAN to care for invalid and do light housework. Tabor 5209. after 0.30 F. M HELP WANTED FEMALE. YOUNG LADIES WANTED. PERMANENT POSITIONS. BEGINNERS PAID FROM START. CALL AT THE TELEPHONE COMPANY. ROOM 601. 6TH FLOOR. TELEPHONE BLDG.. PARK AND OAK STS. AGENT for small telephone office near the coast. Company wiil furnish office and living quarters and attend to all plant work. Agent required to furnish house, furniture, light, water, heat and other household expenses. Duties consist ol operating switchboard, collect bills and otherwise represent the interests of the company. Persons having some experi ence in dealing with the public preferred. Salary $12U per month. As the hours are too long for one person the position is most suitable tor small family. When replying give such particulars in full as an emplover would want to know about. Pacific Tel & Tel. Co. LIPMAN, WOLFE. CO. require the serv ices or experienced salesladies in the 101 lowing depts. : CLOAKS AND SUITS. NECKWEAR AND VEILINGS. SILKS. PATTERNS. Also 2 experienced markers. Apply supt.'s office between 9 and 10 :30 Friday morning. WANTED 2 or 3 young ladies to learn mu It igraphing ; can teach you in 4 to n weeks and get you a posit ion paying from $TO to iS't per month to start; charges-$50. Call at 4.;n Railway Exchange bldg., or call Main 4". WANTED Housekeeper for man, 4 small children. woman between 2. and ,l., f toady position. Call after 2 :30. 1 :;05 In terstate ave., Mississippi car to Ainsworth, walk 5 blocks west, opposite school play ground. Wanted Domestics. WANTED Experienced girl for genera! housework, good cook. to laundry, no Sunday ai n'ter, good wages, -nces. Call mornings. Tabor 9. U 1919. 874 E. Taylor. WANTED Girl from 16 to IS yers. Swed ish preferred, to assist with light house work. Good home and good pay. 170 Tillamook st EX PERI EXCEL young woman for general housework ; sleep at home ; small place, 3 adults. Call between 2 and 4. Phone East :tsti. W A XTED Young girl to help with general housework and cooking in small house; no laundry; good wages. Phone Main ;o45. EXPERIENCED laundress, full time, by mont h, in private taml.y ; all modern con veniences, room, board and good pay. 'all Main 102. W A NT ED Experienced erirl for general housework: one who understands plain cooking. Apply 256 12th st. WANTED Woman to help with general housework; good wages. Call Rose City Dairy. oodlawn 2.1. EXPERIENCED nurse, with references, for care of three children, willing to go to Beach. Main 6970. W ANTE D G i rl to do cook i n g in w ith a second girl at Reed college. Sell wood 24.'6. family Phone M A 1 D for general housework, wages $40, Come 10 527 E. 2lst st. N., Broadway car. No phone calh WANTED A girl for general housework must be a food cook. Apply at 4t4 Mult- Isomah st., cor. 9th. NURSE with . experience to take care of baby. Main 5550. 243 Cornell St., head ot Marshall. MAID for general housework, small family Apply M2 Johnson st. WANTED A second maid. Apply to Mrs. Burrell, 2a Hawthorne. Phone East : EXPERIENCED cook for Tamily of adults. Phone forenoons. Main 2185. WANT Apply i woman to sfcsist with housework. 12 E. 7th st. MAID to aEsist with housework ; ing. Marshall 52 66. no wash- GlliL for general housework at 1161 E. Burn sri ds; st. Tabor 060 1. GIRL to assist with housework, st reel. 747 Glisan GIRL for general housework. 3 adults. Kearney. HELP WANTED MALE OB FEMALE. Hop t- i.KEiv&, ATTENTION ! Pickers are now wanted for the Seavey yara at Forest Grove, Oregon; 130 acres in good hops , pay $ 1.20 per hundred IbB. We furnish shacks for families; stoves when requested; wood sawed to -stove length; clean straw; water is piped to the camp grounds; grocery store and mey market on the grounds. Baggage will be hauled from Forest Grove to yard free of charge. Ail former pickers and families are requested to come in early as we will only need a limited number from Portland. Mr. R. C. Ogle-by, foreman of the yard, is at the oftice to register pickers. Come prepared to sign up and buy your ticket. J. W. SEAVEY HOP CO.. 222 Pittock Block. 10th and Washington Sts.. Portland. Or. HOP PICKERS WANTED. T. A. Livesley & Co. yards, near Salem and Independence, Or. We furnish tents, tables, stools, wood, water, straw for beds and baskets to pick in. There is a store, cookhouse, butcher shop and dancehall on the grounds. At 00c per box you make big money and have the outing. Register at -hj N. 4th st., or phone A 1931 and get reservations made lor accommoaations. Ask for Guy Cruzan. room 28, Ray hotel HOP PICKERS WANTED. T. A. Livesley 6c Co. yards, near Salem and Independence, Or. ' We furnish tents, tables, stools, wood, water, straw for beds and baskets to pick in. There is a store, cookhouse, butcher shop and dance hall on the grounds. At tiuc per box, you make big money and have the outing. Register at 28 4 N. 4th St.. or phone A 1931 and get reservations made for accommodations. Ask for Guy fruzan, room 28, Ray hotel HOP PICKERS. REGISTER NOW Mr. B. Stut?j.aman will register pickers for the M ITOM A yard, about 3 4 miles northeast of Independence, at room 415 Common w ealth building. 0th and Burnside streets. Three weeks of good picking at Ouc per box. Nice, clean camp grounds with store and good water. We will furnish tents, wood, benches and tables and clean straw for bedding BISHOP BROS.' yaros. near Salem and In dependence, 3i 1 acr.'s of fine hops, all usual accommodations furnished; pay $1.20 per hundred pounds. We pick up your bag gage at yojr homo and deliver it to ranches free of charge both ways. Rgistet at 124 N. 5th st. Willamette Valley Trans fer Co. Phone Broadway 454. HOP PICKERS WANTED. Riverside hop farm, near Newberg, on Willamette river; pickers' houses and all usual accommodations furnished free : good water, stor-j cn iarm, excellent pick ing. We prefer families. Register now. Main 842. A. J. Kay At Son. 336 Sher lock bldg. HOP PICKERS WANTED. For over t0 acres fine hops, close In on Willamette river near Newberg ; going to pick two adjoining yards with one crew, consequently long job; regular accommo dations. Inquire OuO Worcester bldg., 3d and oak sts. HOP PICKERS WANTED At Lee Loy"s place at Champoeg. 25 miles from Portland, on Oregon electric; 30 acres good hops, good camping ground; will pay L2.i per hundred. Apply at 22 Hall au A 2911. HUN I 'R EDS men. women, wanted, $1 100 ear. government 01 lice and outside posl ticns. l ist free. Franklin Institute, uepi 376 S, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Assistant general office work some experience and stenography nces sary. Western Picture Frame Co.. 170 First st. HOP PICK ERS wanted ; ideal camping grounds. Phone Woodlawn 4045 or write E. Oberg. riuppara. or., rtoute 1. CITv sales force of 5 men and women. Ap ply 517 Chamber of Commerce bldg., i to 11:30 A. M. for details. CHANGE lor cook and wife, $0Ort, and you can take charge of 2b -room hotel. i. o Oregonian. ioist for vaudeville trio. Ap- ply "Art" Baker, room 62 1 Henry bldg. VEST MAKER wanted. Broadway bldg. Alfred Ogilbee. 404 EDUCATIONAL. ROCKY" MOUNTAIN TEACHERS' AGENCY. Frank K. Welles, ex-asst. State Supt.. mgr. N-W. Bank bldg Teachers placed promptly. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Miss Bucket's private school; individual instruction. 122 Grand ave. East 42 PORTLAND BA RBER COLLEGE teaches trade in 8 weeks; pay while learning; po sition guaranteed. 234 Couch st. MEN. WOMEN Lern barber trade frse; wages while learning; position guaranteed. O re gon Barber College. 233 Madison st, TEACHING position, free registration. Main 435. Fisk Teachers' Agency, Journal bldg. MISS M ATTINGLY'S Shorthand. Typewrit ing school; $0 mo. -09 14th, Main 2S03. EDUCATIONAL. LE VRN auto, tractor and truck mechanics. We teach iitam. gas and electrical engin eering, machine shop practice, ox y -acetylene welding Personal instruction on actual work in th best-equipped school on the Pacific coast. ' Day or night sessions and you can start any time. Write for free catalogue. Seattle Engineering 6c Auto Schoo:, Seattle, ash. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. 410 Hawthorne Ave. Automobiles, trucks, tractors. ignition and starter work. Vulcanising and re treading. Special summer rates. Day and evening classes. THE SCHOOL THAT TEACHES YOU TO BOSS THE JOB. LEARN AUTOS AND TRACTORS, FIVE DAYS' FREE TRIAL. PAY TUITION WHEN SATISFIED. We teach Auto. Tractor, Gas Engine and Auto Electrical Work. BIG 100-PAGE CATALOGUE Fit EE. Address Adcox Auto & Tractor School, Dept. K. Union ave. and Wasco st.. Portland, or. Phone East 7445 POSITIONS ASSURED. EVERY GRADUATE OF BERN KE-W ALK ER Business College, Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Young men and women wanted. Call 21S Railway Exchange bldg. Splendid opportu nity to learn a well-paid protes-s-ion. Free booklet. Railway Telegraph Institute. DECKER S BUSINE S SC OlXeo E '. Typewriting, book Keeping, comptometer, all other mod. business courses. Da.y. mgnt school. Atlsky bldg., 3d and Mor. Main 324. MOHLER BARBER COLLEGE pays you wtme learning, gives ou a set of tools , positions becureu. Sud lor catalog. Phone Broadway 131. 234 Burnside u OUN G WOMEN'S CH RL-TIAN ASS N. COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Day, night sessions. All branches lausht H4 BROADWAY Main TsTti. VATES-FISHER Teacner s A gency Free registration. Main 6274. Broadway bldg THE International Correspondence Schools can raise your salary. lil Broadway. SITUATIONS W ANTED MALE. THOROUGHLY experienced farmer. mar ried man. would like to secure a position as manager ot large stock ranch: experi enced in the care, feeding and raising of cattle, sheep, hogs, horses-, poultry and general tanning; can repair and operate any kind of larm machinery; know how to handle men and get resu its; know how tc buy and 1 1 stock : good business man good habits, honest and industrious. O M5, Oregonhin. THOROUGH L experienced general me chandise ana grocery clerk wants positiun in small town; understand buying and selling, also R. R. and logging commissary; a ny tiling in re card to store ; a :n Jb. ma r ried, no children; will no anywhere any time; A-l references. Phone ancouver. 51 UK, or add ress O V4, oregonian. CH E F First-class meat and pasti y ; best references : 30 years Vx perience in hotels. rates and cat eterias ; 4 y i s. ot ace, American ; In city or out. Phone Broad way 3221. H 33. Oregonian. TRAFFIC MAN with executive ability who understands office organization desires to affiliate with good concern; 1 jfars' ex perience; best references. AM 402. Ore gonian. CA RTKNTKR wants new or old work. houte raising or cement, bet work at lowest price; references. estimates cheerfully made; please leave your number. Mar. 1226. COOK First-class, wants position; A-l on dinner meat and pastry; all-around man on every: hing , good reference ; hotel or restaurant; will go anywhere. H 11, Oregonian. DAIRYMAN AND MILKER, married, can take charge of dairy herd: nothing less than SlbO per month considered; refer ences furnished. E 302. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED young man wishes position driving Ford car: prefer soliciting and de livering. Call Marshall 5355. room 211. Must be steady. SITUATION WANTED by high -class and experienced general office manager, credit manager, auditor and cost accountant. AV 427, Oregonian. WANTED Contract doing light deliver or hauling w ith 1 - ton truck ; will 1 urnisn car or truck. Address E. M. Lew is, 3i2 4:h st.. city. LIVE and energetic farm foreman leaves present position Aug. 25; ex p. in stock, dairy, all lines of farming. AV 41S. Ore gonran. WANTED By young married man. posi tion where salesmanship and executive ability are recognized. Address M. F., 210 Pittock block. JANITOR work. 4 huurs in morning, for 1 or 2 modern housekeeping rooms and small wages. Q S12. Oregonian. WANTED Truck driving; can keep same in good sha pe. 5027 70 th st. S. E. Phone Tabo.1 0503. EXPERIENCED floorman wishes position, either in garage or as chauffeur, auto or truck. In or out of town. F 453, Oregonian. EXP E R I E N CED auto and truck salesman wants position; salary, or salary and com missicn. AV 379, Oregonian. CARPENTER, n?w or repair work, estimates cheerfully give; small jobs promptly at tended to. Tabor 1193. IF YOU want a good painter call Haw thorne Construction Co. East 338. 354 Hawthorne avenue; we get results. CHEF. Al dinner man and meat cutter; 25 years' exp. ; very economical; out of town or city. J 87. Oregonian. WANTED Position as engineer; long ex perience; chief's license. E. Farrington, Milwaukie, Or. YOUNG married man. 25. selling and execu tive exierien-e. wants position with future. E 300. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED young man wants position running elevator. Davis, room J29 Alder hoteL YOUNG man attending trade, school will work, for room and board. Phone Ea-l MECHANIC wishes position, truck or delivery- driver: will keep same in repair. Broadway 292 S. CARPENTER JOBBING AND REPAIRING' ALL KINDS; NO. 1 WORKMAN. EAST 5391. CONTRACT wanted cutting from imtu 10 2nifo cords of wood; must be good timber. Address E. M. Lewis. 392 4th st.. city. WANTED Lace curtains to launder. 50c a pair and. car fare. Phone Sellwood 2050. 017 By bee ave. JANITOR. thoroughly experienced ; have tools for repair work. J 12. oregonian. CHAUFFEUR, experienced on passenger cars or trucks; knows city. ail v oodlawn .;.ti.i. POSITION as truck driver. 2 years' experi ence; know city rair. I'none Marshall l'o. ROOFS If you want reshlngung and gutter work done, call Marshall iu2. CEM ENT work, repair or new. any whrtje Caii evenings, nroaaw ay in: . PLUMBING expert, repair any plumbing. gas: very reasonable. .icuruy. atn. iijj. HOUSE PAINTING Rensonable prices and good work. 1 aoor jo,h. WANTED Hauling with Ford 1-ton truck. Tom Bersie. East 1O21. EXPERIENCED hotel and building janitor wants posi tlon. 1 ..... iregonian. I WANT hauling I1,. -ton truck. East 632S. PAPERHANGING. painting and tinting; good work ; right prices. Marshall 24'.3. MAN with 3-ton truck wants work. Call East 7904 or 095 Oregon st. CA RPENTER, Al mechanic, remodeling or new work. Phone labor '.K'4'J. Bookkeepers, fetenogrwpliers. Office. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and general office man. 3- years ot age. wen acquaint ed with export and import, for many year In the orient; linguist, well educated, seeks position with reMable and stead. f concern; would leave town; best local ref erence. G 400. Oregonian. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR. Let me put your records I n condition tn mwt with the new federal tax law Now have facilities to supervise several more sets of books at a reasonaoie iee, which includes regular reports, sugges tions, income tax service, etc. C 30. Ore gonian. t OFFICE MAN. steady, accurate, reliable long experience with large corporations wants position; familiar with cost ac counting; correspondent; can take charge of office. O STrt. Oregonian. ACCOUNTANT, familiar with farm and road machinery business, good correspondent. might invest in sman concern wilxi an as sured future. T 35, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER and accountant with varied experience wishes position, gord typist. local references. r'o-'i. urefmuan. A-l BOOKKEEPER, accountant, typist, de sires position with reliable firm. Y" 517. Oregon ian. Soldiers and Sailors. JUST returned from overseas service. Who can use ine? Age 23. single, ambitio-i. en ergetic and conscientious ; can work as salesman, office manager, correspondent; opportunity for reliable concern to get a good man; wil: start at once and stick. AC 870, Oregonian. EX-SOLDIER All-arour.d printer, some lin otype experience, would like to locate in some town near Portland or Seattle; mar ried. Y 519. Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. EXPERIENCED compositor, also experienced on linotype, desires position on linotype. Marshall 31 86. COLORED woman wants day work. 6593. SITr AT ION S W A N TED FEM ALE. LADY would, sit with invalid. .day or even ing, by hour ; with ch ild ren evenings ; city references. Phone Main 24;1S. LADY of refinement would tike the man ace men t of an apartment house; excellent reference-. Phone East 72rt4. JAPANESE girl desires position as cook, and housework; gWe address and phone num ber. O 7t. Oregonian. LAL'Y cook desires position in ramj), hfat or railroa d. Address 1 i Jx Front st-. Na tion,! 1 hotel, room Sit. EXPERIENCED woman wants cleaning, ironing; gnod work; Fridays only. Woou-Iit-wn ii."7v W ANTED A place to take care of children evenings while mother is away; references Wood lawn 1 ll 1 . LADY h o u r, o;.o".. wants house c lean in g. other work; day; good work guaranteed. Wdia. COLORED WOM AN wants position dish wanhisg. Call. E. S12S before 8 A. M. or after 5 P. M. WAXTEP East 7t- -Day n ork of any kind. YOUNG woman, posit ion cook Jewish (am i'y preferred. Y 522. Oregonian. Wi'fAN wants day work for Fridav and S lurday. Phone Tabor '"'9. LADY with Ford, now wmployed. desires ha nge. V 1 t. Oregonian. CA PARLE youn c; lady, clerical experience, j. E 3."S. Oregonian. reference WIDOW wants 0 or 8 hours light work each day. F 4 2. Oregor.ian. NEAT colored lady wants chamber work. Broadway 47P1. Boo I. keeper. Stenographers. Office. WANTED Position by stenographer, $15 per week. J 1T years' experience. iregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper; executive abtl ity. desires temporary work. Main 4 362, m ornln ks. W A X TED General office. bookkeeping or clerical pwn t ion ; many years' experience. Cull M un !:. WANTED clerical Call Sell General office. bookkeeper or ksitio:i: manv years' experience, ood 1565. D re mi 1 na a era. PLAIN and fancy sewing, designing; prices reasonable; work guaranteed. Main 660S. ;-' N. 2 1 t M. EXPERIENCED dressmaker, will go out bj (lav. Call Broadwav 2719. N u rre. W SANITARIUM E. Home for invalids and chronic ailments, special care, rr.tes reasonable. 74 Haw t hone ave. East 1577. TRAINED nurse will take sick or cona lscont nt her own horn-: male or female: bet cart ; nas?-ag-; given Tabor G329. TR A I N EL NURSE wishes engagements; terms reasonable; some housework. Tabor 3479. W A NT E I Work, by practical nurse ; con finement cases preferred. Phone Tabor PRACTICAL, experienced nurse; moe cases. sick or any needing care. Marsha'l 2S3. NURSING or con f inemen t cases a special I long ex perience Call Wood t awn 1 o;t. M 011 Hekee perm. MIDDLE-AGED lady wants position as housekeeper in grod home w here there are no small children; state wages in firt letter. .-27 E. 4th st.. Albany. Or. A POSITION as housekeeper for gentleman: good cook. Call from 5 to 8, room 216. new Perkins hotel. ELDE-.ILY working housekeeper wishes po sition where there is no woman boss. H 28. Oregonian. W 1 L0 W would like housekeeping, room ing house or hotel: best refs. Woodlawn 6204. WOMAN with two small boys wishes po&i tlon as housekeeper. W 421. Oregonian. Domestics 3 GIRLS in need of a friend wish to assist with liy. h t housework w here t hey wili be treated as one of the family: homes with out children preferred. Mar. 4779. . LADY wants d a v after in A. M. work. Call East tisSS, WANTED TO KENT. House. WANTED To rent by Sept. 1st, 5 or 6-room. furnished house or bungalow with garage. Irvington or Rose City preferred: perma nent, responsible family of 3 adults who will take best care of property; will rent or lease for winter or longer. Call Fred Spoeri, East 1771. WANT 4 or 5-room modern furnished house pr flat; no children. tSin furnish best references; about $30. Phone East 4245. TO LEASE for year, furnished or unfur n.shed. modern. 5 to 7 -room house in Irvington; 3 in family: can guarantee property wiil be well taken care of in every respect. Phone Broadway 1 055. WA NTED -To lease, bv Sept. 1. 5-room bungalow, 0 months up. furnished or un furnished, by young couple with no chil dren: prefer Rose City Park ; best of ca.e guaranteed. Tabor 5202. WANTED -Tj rent by Sept. 1, 5 or ti-room house, unfurnished, modern, in good dis trict; permanent: guarantee best of care; adults. Phone B 7143. WANTED By Sept. 1st. 4 or 5-room bun galow, by responsible couple: Laureihuist. Rose City or lrx-ington preferable. East OO01. WANTED- About 5-room furnished house or Mat where 2 girls 9 and 12 and boy 3 are not objected lo. O S9, Oregonian. OR 6-ROOM unfurnished, modern bunga low or house by Sept. 1st ; best references ; 3 months' advance rent. Tabor 1503. FAMILY 3 adults wish 5-room bungalow with attic by Sept. 1; must be good dis trict, near car line. Tabor 3751. WANTED To rent furnished house or 4- ronm a part m en t on west side ; relerences rxclmn ged . Phone Mar. 6112. WA NTE D 5 or 6-room bungalow, on or before Sept. 1, by reliable couple with one child. Phone Tabor 62S9. RESPONSIBLE couple want 4 or 5-room bungalow, no children, permanent renters. E 355. regonian. 5-ROOM absolutely modern bungalow by re sponsible couple ; no c hi. a ren. 200 Alisky bldg.. Main 6792. BY Sept. 1st, 5 or 6-room. modern, unfur nished, $4h; six months rent in advance. X 77, Oregonian. WANTED 5 or 6-room bungalow, furnished or unfurnished, for winter or longer. New comb. Main 113. I WANT for immediate possession, small f urn ishrd house ; references given. Phone Main mi:;;;. WANTED 6-ROOM FURNISHED BUNGA LOW B Y YoUNG COUPLE. CALL MR. ECOFF. MAIN 1503. W A N T E D for Se p t e m be r and Oc tqber on vest sme. goov ize nirnisnea 110 use, gar ige preterred. llo7 Y'eon bldg. Main i73. 4 to (i- ROO M house to responsible tenants. 2 adults; references exchanged. Phone Tabor fe-5. 4-ROOM bungalow or apartment by desir- rihie aau:ts. rnone Main i;iut. 0 R 0'M S. or small flat. near Northwest Steel. H Id. Oregonian. Apartments. TWO LADI ES want small furnished fiat or apartment, reasonable. Answer J 129, Oregonian. WANTED Single room, adjoining bath, in private family, west side, close in; steam heat. F 443. oregonian. GENTLEMAN wishes to share office u.e of phone. W 417, Oregonian. Rooms With Board. WANTED Place to board and room healthy baby boy. 2 1 years, w here t here a re no other -hil d ren. where mother ca n room, aiso; Montavilla district preferred. Ta bor 39t. YOUNG couple want room and board in steam-heated apartment; Nob Hill pre ferred ; give price and location. Address A F 65, Oregonian. t BOY. 15 years old, desires room and board near Franklin H. S. References exchanged. Address box 337- Anyox. B. C. WAN to live, private Oregonia. single man. Housekeeping Rooms. W A NTED 1 large, clean, furnished H. K. room for an American working man. very neat and clean around house; must be reasonable. N 157. Oregonian. FOR KENT. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison sL at Tenth Rates fl per day up; weekly. $4 up; run ning water, free phone and bath. PALACE HOTEL. 440 Wash. st. ; downtown location, respectable and strictly modern; steam heat; rooms large, clean. NOTICE these summer rtes Modern out side rooms. $3 week up; with bath. $-. Hotel Norris. 533 V Alder. Come and see, HILLCREST ri OTH L -Lath, phone. $25 mo. up; without bath. $!S up. 733 Washington. SARGENT HOTEL. 271. Grand ave., h. k. apt. and sleeping rooms. East 291. " HOTEL MADRAS," WashiDf to n a n d "Tsth AH conveniences, ?4 and $5 week; 1 day. - tSc. ii DA Y ; 13 week up; outside rooms. Hotel Cadillac. 3d, near Jefferson. THE GEM, 651- 1st St., 1. 2. 3 rooms for housekeeping? transient, rooms 25c and up. BEAUTIFUL furnished room for rnt at 689 J Northrup at., apt. 1. Phone Mar. 1S56. I