Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 15, 1919, Page 12, Image 12

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Attorney-Plaintiff Is Bent on
i Full Disclosure.
Employes In Practically Every I)e
; partment Said to Be Taking Ad
vantage of the County.
'. "The county treasury is leaking like
a sieve and even though some volun
tary repairs may be made before I can
get all the data together. I intend to
present the results of my investigation
to the next session of the grand jury
and demand a probe into the use of
county property by county officials and
employes, which is costing the public
thousands of dollars," announced John
"fV. Kaste, a local attorney who has
worn to expose abuses of privilege
ty county office-holders, yesterday.
"Employes In virtually every depart
ment of the county government ar-e
taking advantage of county credit and
ability to buy in large Quantities, to
secure supplies for themselves at much
less cost than they would pay outside."
Jve continued. "Sometimes they take
the material they desire and say
nothing about it. Occasionally they
pay the county price, which usually
lias an attractive discount.
. Graft In Paints Alleged.
"The graft in paints and building
supplies is particularly heavy. I have
evidenoe of one instance where a
, painter employed by the county finished
a job and took several gallons of left
over paint home with him to use later
on his own house. Commissioner Hol
man bought white load from the county
at a price about $3 less than he would
have paid in the open market, and the
same amount less than the county
probably would have to pay for a new
"County commissioners and employes
ane not the only ones who should be
investigated. I also shall demand that
the grand jury look into school board
affairs before any whitewashing is
done. I want the opinion of the grand
jury on the expenditure of $10,000 by
the school board to advertise its recent
pond issue and the payment of $514 out
f school funds for the eastern trip of
School Director Thomas."
Mr. Kaste was asked what he jex
pected the grand jurors to do.
Crnxure, and More, Expected.
"I expect them to censure offending
Officers of the county and to instruct
the district attorney to bring actions
to recover losses through improper use
of county funds and property," he re
plied. "And if the grand Jury finds
that certain public officials have been
abusing the privileges of their offices,
theirearly resignation is expected by
Referring to the use of a county
truck by Mr. Holman in hauling ma
terials for his country home in Clacka
mas county, Mr. Kaste said: "A signi
ficant feature of thr! affair, which
anight be overlooked, is that Mr. Hol
man did not reimburse the county for
the use on June 21 of the truck until
July 24. more than a month later, and
after agitation had begun about his
appropriation of county tires and gaso
ir for his private automobile. He
then rushed to cover up his truck trans
action. He paid $12 to the county for
the use of the truck njne hours. The
rental rate of county or state high
way commission trucks to outsiders is
$3.f0 an hour, though that includes a
driver and helper."
Mr. Muclc AIho Involved.
Multnomah county paid for the auto
mobile, the tires and gasoline used by
Commissioner Muck on a six-day vaca
tion trip into eastern Oregon, com
pleted August S. said Mr. Kaste. In
fact, he asserted that it was the in
dignation of the other county commis
sioners, Messrs. Hoyt and Holman, on
lir. Muck's return, which caused the
car to be turned over to Roadmaster
Katchel instead of being left for the
V&e of Mr. Muck.
The commissioner left July 30 and
returned August 5 from his extended
trip. He used the automobile which
was purchased by the county in 1918
for $1450, assigned to the use of Judge
Tazwell. wrecked while being driven
by the Jurist, May 24. 1919. repaired at
a cost of $510 after $47S had been re
fused for tlve wreckage, and then placed
at the disposal of Mr. Muck.
Mr. Muck justified his action by
Baying that he inspected paving and
roadwork in eastern Oregon during his
trip, which was, he said, his first vaca
tion in three years' service "as com
missioner. Itond Inspection Questioned.
"But the car was used on a vacation
trip, in which it is safe to say very
little road inspecting was done, and
the taxpayers footed the bill as usual,"
commented Mr. Kaste.
The injunction proceedings instituted
by Mr. Kaste against the county clerk
to prevent paying out warrants for
3:2 in satisfaction of bills contracted
by the county commissioners for gaso
line and oil used in their private auto
mobiles, is set for hearing before Judge
&avanaugh this morning.
Iowa Society Meets.
PALKM. Or.. Aug. 14. (Special.)
Iembers of the Salem Iowa society
held their annual picnic at the fair
grounds Wednesday. The business
meeting was held in the morning fol
lowed by an outdoor dinner at noon.
Brief addresses, reminiscences and vo
esl solos featured the programme.
Make Cherry Credit
Doubly Interesting
The convenient terms upon
which one may buy at Cher
ry's are not alone responsible
for the great popularity or
this store among both men
and women. Its popularity
is rather to be found in a
!j in I combination of many good
VLl features first of all in VAL
V UES, and in STYLES, not to
forget the spirit of friendly
accommodation which seems to ani
mate the whole institution.
Cherry's chain of stores, with their
unusual facilities for buying and keep
ing in constant touch with the first de
velopments in Fashiondom, are always
a little in the lead in styles.
Cherry's, 3S9-91 Washington street,
Pittock Block. Adv.
CImm & Dmara - Port and
ENTERTAINING the past week has
centered in affairs given in honor
of out-of-town visitors. Promi
nent among the guests this week have
been several groups from the east. In
honor of a party of easterners, Mrs.
William MacMaster entertained at
luncheon Wednesday at the. Waverly
country club. Covers were placed for
Mrs. W. K. du Pont, her daughters.
Miss Paulina and Miss Wilhelmina, her
son, Hallock du Pont, and Miss Ger
trude Bernickle, all of 'Wilmington,
Del., James Ingram of New York and
Samuel B. Baird of Wilmington. Del..
Mrs. E. C. Shevlin. Edwin L, Shevlin,
Miss Louise Llnthicum, Mrs. Rheade M.
Ireland and the hostess. Mrs. du
Pont's party left for the east yester
day. While in Portland, they stopped
at the Benson hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Bird and their son.
Samuel B. Bird, of Wilmington, Del.,
who have been in Portland for several
days, left yesterday for a trip to Cali
fornia before returning east.
Joshia Marvel with his two sons and
two daughters has also been in Port
land from Wilmington. Del., and left
for California yesterday. They have
visited Glacier and Yellowstone Na
tional parks.
Mrs. Allan C. Balch of Los Angeles
and Miss Rogers of New Yorft are in
Portland this week at the Benson hotel.
Dr. H. C. Jefferds entertained in their
honor at dinner at the University club
last night. Dr. and Mrs. John Forest
Dickson also were guests. Mrs. Balch
is just returning from a trip to Alaska.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Balch are close
friends of Mr. and Mrs. Dickson.
Miss Rosetta Klocker. who has been
in Portland several weeks as the house
guest of Miss Dorothy Hunziker, will
leave today for her home in Port Town
send, Wash. She has been the guest
of honor at motor parties, Informal
luncheons and teas the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Hadley have an
nounced the engagement of their
daughter, Agnes Elizabeth Higbee, to
Ralph Edward Hasemeier of Richmond,
Ind. Miss Higbee has a host of friends
in Portland, although she has spent
mosfof her time in the. east. She is a
graduate of Miss Mason's school, "The
Castle," Tarrytown-on-the-Hudson. and
later specialized in playground and so
cial service work in New York gradu
ate schools. Early in the war Miss Hig
bee was chosen as a director of the
Junior Red Cross in the east and has
been prominent in war work.
Mr. Hasemeier is a graduate of the
University of Delaware and a member
of Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity. He
enlisted in the aviation corps and re
ceived his commission as pursuit pilot
and later was a flying instructor. He
is now in Shreveport, La., where the
young couple will make their home.
Miss Higbee is a sister of Mrs. Fred
erick Mason de Neffe and Lieutenant
Frank David Higbee, United States
navy. At present Miss Higbee and her
sister, Mrs. De Neffe. and Master Fred
erick De Neffe are visiting at the Had
ley ranch, "Ramrock Springs." at La
Monta, Or.
-Ir. and Mrs. Thomas Hoffman Will
iams will give a musical and reception
Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock at their
home, 740 Halsey street. Their son.
Parish Williams, baritone, who is visit
ing in Portland from New York, will
give the programme. He will return to
New York the latter part of this month.
Many invitations have been issued.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Runyon are
visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Hood of
Oakland. Cal. They motored down and
will tour the south and Yosemite park,
before they return. They will be cone
five or six weeks.
Mrs. Frank McCrillis and son. Ken
neth, are spending a month's vacation
at the various beaches.
Miss Gladys Romig of Baker and
Albert M. Kidwell of Portland were
married" last Saturday evening at Trin
ity Episcopal church. Rev. A. A. Mor
rison officiating. Their marriage was
a complete surprise to their friends.
The bride and groom were attended by
Mr. and Mrs. John W. McMurray.
Mrs. Kidwell is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. James K. Romig of Baker.
Mr. Kidwell is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
James G. Kidwell of Portland and is
well known here. He was formerly a
student of Portland Academy and
recently returned from 18 months'
service overseas with the 148th field
The ceremony was followed by a
dinner at the Portland and an informal
dance at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Sidney Coyle, after which the couple
left on a short trip. They will be at
home to their friends at 673 Wasco
street after September 1.
Miss Catherine O'Sullivan left es
trerday on a trip to Vancouver, B. C.
Miss Anna and Mary Vanderbeck of
Virginia City, Mont., have been spend
ing several weeks with their sister,
Mrs. J. M. Turk at Garden Home.
Mrs. Rose Coursen-Reed left for a
three weeks' trip to Alaska Wednesday.
Miss Virginia Walbersdorf of Chi
cago, who has been visiting Mrs. S. L
D. D. Ackley Complains His Wife
Kept Domestic Pets and Barnyard
Denizens in Room With Him.
Melbourne Dunn persisted in ar
ranging utensils in the kitchen to
please himself until Mrs. Alice M. Dunn
decided she could stand no more inter
ference in woman's Malm and filed
suit yesterday for divorce. He found
fault with her housekeeping, she com
plains, and insisted upon arranging
places in the kitchen for certain arti
cles and putting them there though it
made his wife's work unduly difficult.
Further. Mrs. Dunn says her hus
band possessed a dual nature, being in
a rage one minute and affectionate the
D. D. Ackley complains in a divorce
suit filfd that Mary Ackley would not
bathe for weeks at a time and con
inually housed cats. dogs, geese and
chickens in the same room with her
Clarence J. Glazier declares that
Enota Glazier smoked cigarettes in
company with Indians at Bay Centej.
Otto J. Bartel asserts thr.t he tried
his best to persuade Dorothy Bartel to
continue living with him. going as far
as to employ "superhuman acta of
Kindness," all to no avail, for she
deserted him.
Genevieve E. Busier complains that
her husband. Irvin H. Busier would
sulk 'in the basement of their home
from early evening until latj at night.
Other divorce suits filed were the
following: R. S. Woolley against
Katherine Wooley: A. F. Friebel
against Anna Friebel; Coral Worneil
against John F. Worrell; William H.
Brown, 663 Stark street, will leave to
day for her home. She motored west
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Waltersdorf, who wiil return east soon.
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence M. Levy are
being congratulated on the arrival of
a baby boy, born Tuesday, August 6.
He has been named William Laurence.
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. McDermld and
sons Percy and Donald of Vancouver,
B. C. accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. G.
L Lester of Olympia, Wash., are guests
of the Portland hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Foley are re
ceiving congratulations over the ar
rival of a son, born August 5, at
St. Vincent's hospital. The mother and
baby are doing well. Mr. Foley is man
ager of the St. Paul hotel.
Pi Beta Phi alumnae will give a
luncheon at the Universitv rlnh at i
o'clock tomorrow. All Pi Phis in the
city are invited.
Mrs. R. F. Gorham and Miss Donna
Spencer have returned from fa rmi
Cal . where they have been for the past
six weeks. Mrs. Gorham leaves on
Saturday for her home in Spokane.
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Herron have
returned from a trip to Lake Crescent,
the park and the sound cifies.
HOOD RIVER. Or.. Alio- 14 is.
cial.) Joe M. Johnson, a graduate of
Whitman college, son of Mr. and Mrs.
- Johnson, of this citv. and Mis
Marian Forney were married Satur
day morning at the home of the bride's
parents at Chehalis. Wash. The bride
is also a graduate of Whitman college
and is a member of the Delta Gamma
sorority. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson have
arrived here and are spending their
honeymoon encamped near the lava
beds in the upper Hood river valley.
Mrs. Johnson's father is a pioneer at
torney of Chehalis.
Mr. Johnson was formerly president
of the Whitman college student body
organization, captain of the baseball
'.earn, and a leading figure in musical
organizations. He is a member of the
ueta Theta Pi fraternity. At the out
set of the war he enlisted as a private
and was assigned to duty with the
iirst gas regiment. He advanced to a
sergeantcy and served with the regi
ment in a number of major drives last
Everyone interested in the women's
building fund of the University of Ore
gon, which has been the inspiration
for many benefits this1 summer, is asked
to atiend the lawn party to be given
this evening at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. K. M. Tuttle, ,'17yi East Stark
street. The affair will be informal,
and after a picnic supper served cafe
teria style at 6 o'clock, an interest
ing programme will be presented. Rob
ert Louis Barron will give several vio
lin solos as part of the musical pro
Tickets are on sale in the book de
partment of Meier & Frank's, or may
be purchased from members of the
corrmittee, of which Mrs. B. H. Hickox
is chairman. The best way to motor
to Overcrest is on Belmont street to
Sixty-ninth, then north two blocks to
East Stark. The Tuttle home may also
be reached by the Mt Tabor cars, which
run every seven minutes.
Women's Activities
THE "flying squadron" of local speak
ers, recently organized for the W.
C. T. U. jubilee campaign, will visit
each union in a body beginning the
latter part of August, and w ill continue
into September until the work is com
pleted. These will be special meetings
and a prize of $5 for the campaign
fund is offered to the union making the
Dest record at the meeting on the fol
lowing points: Largest attendance,
new members gained, active and honor
ary, and most money raised in cash and
pledges. It is hoped that these meet
ings will bring the jubilee campaign
to a close before the state convention.
Plans have been made for the an
nual picnic of the Multnomah county
W C. T. U., which will be held in Lau
relhurst park August 21. From 11 A. M.
until noon there will be a local union
programme, each -union in the county
being asked to contribute some part,
music, readings, speeches or stunts.
Basket luncheon will be served at noon.
At 2 o'clock the programme will be
resumed with an address on a topic
of local interest. All friends of the
W. C. T. U. are cordially invited to be
present. This is the last meeting be
fore the annual one in September.
Mrs. E. B. Gittings. who will leave
soon for the east, has resigned and
Mrs. M. Frances Swope has been elect
ed in her place.
All members of George Wright Wom
en's Relief corps are asked to attend
the sewing circle meeting to be held
today at the home of Mrs. Murray, 3126
East Sixty-second street. Take Haw
thorne avenue car to Sixty-second
Women of company F auxiliary, 162d
infantry, will give a homecoming pic
nic tomorrow afternoon and evening
at Crystal Lake park, Mllwaukie. Din
ner will be served free and a general
good time is promised. The boys are
invited to come and bring their parents
and friends.
Hopfer against Amelia Hopfer. and
Harriett M. Weis against Walter P.
We is.
Ten divorce suits filed yesterday,
eight Wednesday, ten Tuesday and io
Monday, make the highest average thus
far of any week noted in the office of
County Clerk Beveridge.
Plans for Annual Exhibit at Wood
land, Wash., Well Under Way.
WOODLAND. Wash.. Aug. 14. (Spe
cial.) The annual exhibition of thi
Cowlitz County Fair association, to be
neia nere September 24. 25, 26 and 27,
promises to be the most successful in
the history of the organization, anrt
since, with the exception of the fair at
Centralia, the one at Woodland will be
the only one in the southwestern part
of the state, it should be well patron
ized. Good exhibits are assured. On Labor
day. September - . the management of
me lair win give a street dance in thi
afternoon, which will be free, and after
wards a ball in Mills. hall, the proceeds
iu me fair, association.
Idaho Threshing Grain.
LEWISTON. Idaho. Aug. 14. (Spe
cial.) Reports from the prairie sec
tion east of Lewiston state tha hresh
ing is in. full operation there, and that
the spring grain is going from 10 to 22
bushels an acre and fall wheat IS to
35 bushels. Turkey Red wheat has
this year proved the best for standing
drouth and other irregularities of the
season, and one 80-acre tract has pro
duced 35 bushels to the acre.
Fourteen Killed in Explosion.
COLOGNE. Aug. 14. A British muni
tion dump at Klk. an eastern suburb
of tl is city, exploded this morning kill
ing 14 workers and injuring many in
the vicinity.
Head The Oregonian classified ads.
Liebes' Mid-Month Selling Event
Begins Today Continues Saturday
The values are so
evident in 'this mer
chandise that it is un
necessary to quote
the former prices.
We do not promise
any group to last through
the two days' selling.
Gapes, Goats and
Plain and Fancy Silk Lined.
8 check velour coats, misses
sizes. Mid-Month EventQ 7C
Price Wmi I U
3 capes of velour and serge,
tan shades. Mid-Month C7 f (I
Event price OlltOU
3 capes of tricotine and serge
materials in rookie shade.
Mid-Month Event J23 5fJ
1 navy blue tricotine cape.
Mid -Month Event J29 5Q
3 ca'pes. 2 dolmans. 1 coat of
bolivia. tricotine materials, in
taupe, tan, gray. Mid-QC ffi
Month Event Price. .. wOUiUU
4 dolmans, 1 cape, 1 coat of
velour. broadcloth and silver
tone. Tan shade. Mld-ffOQ Eft
Month Event Price ... WU OiU U
3" coats of tricotine and velour
in tan and Copenhagen blue
shades. Mid- Mouth C fin
Event Price OHUiUJ
1 Copenhagen blue tricot ine
coat. M i d - M o n t h C C fin
Event Price OUUiUU
1 rookie tricotine coat.
Mid - Month Event jyg JQ
Sport Goats
5 sleeveless wash coats of
white Bedford cord and white
eabardine. Month - End CO 7C
hfcvent Price gUilJ
1 sleeveless baronette satin
coat In pold color. Month-)
End Invent Price..
28 sport coats of wool Jersey,
paulette. baronette satin, vel
vet materials In tan, Copen
hagen, navy, rose, henna,
black, white. Mid- C I O Cf)
Month Event Price. . . V I ZiUU
Silk Blouses
ISO blouses of crepe de chine and
georgette fabrics. A good
assortment of styles, but not all
colors and sizes in each style.
Round, square. V and high neck
models. Mid-Month Event CO QC
Price ZtO J
White, flesh, coral, blue. malxe
and check voile smocks and cos
sacks trimmed in wool or con
trasting colors. A li m i t e d
number. Mid-Month Event 1
Lingerie Blouses
12S tailored, semi-tailored, lace
trimmed and embroidered
blouses of voile and batiste in
one lot for convenience
in sizing at two prices. Mid-
Month invent
.$2.95 and S3. 95
Prices. . .
Meier & Frank Company Said to Be
Heaviest Single Losei- Jeweler,
Suspicious, Escapes Loss.
A woman forger, of dark complexion
and dressed in black, passed worthless
checks on Portland merchants last
Tuesday to the amount of about $500,
It became known yesterday.
The Meier & Frank company was
probably the largest single loser. In
this store the woman purchased mer
chandise to the value of $144.32 and
raid for it with a check, which she
signed "Mrs. Frank Evans, 1025 Beek
cr street, city." It was drawn on the
Bank of California. Her purchases in
cluded three men's shirts and ties to
taling 157.15 in value, a petticoat valued
at 517.50. and a quantity of expensive
M. Jacoby, jeweler at 326 Washington
street, became suspicious when . this
same woman wrote a check for $250
to pay for two diamonds which she
had selected. When he objected to tak
ing the check without some identifica
tion of the purchaser, the woman re
plied. "Oh, very well. Take the check
to the bank and cash it, and I will call
for the diamonds later." She left the
chock in his hands, but did not return
for her diamonds.
At Llpman, Wolfe & Co.'s store she
ueed another worthless check to pay
for a $65 suit. Other stores were re
ported similarly victimized.
The Bank of California has no record
of a Mrs. Frank Evans. She is de
scribed as about 25. years old. of
medium height and build, and weigh
lug about 118 pounds.
Centralia Boys Discharged.
:ntRALU. Wash.. Aug. 14. (Spe
cial.) Hollle Ogle, son of Mr. and Mrs.
H. fi. Ogle, who recently returned from
There is one 1
to buy your piano
We sell Knabe, Baldwin, Auto
pianos, and other standard in
struments. Ve give terms.
Sole Knabe Representatives
This event is carried out with the single purpose in mind:
The rapid removal of all incomplete stocks to accommodate
the new.
To make room for the influx of new merchandise from the various
style centers which we are constantly receiving, this low-priced sell
ing event is designed to quickly remove all
incomplete size, price and color assortments, odd lots and
all stocks where the choice is limited because of the past
month's regular selling.
This assures you of obtaining present season's merchandise that
is desirable in every way.
All these Mid-Month Selling: Event Offerings we have arranged in this list,
so that you may check the items that interest ybu and bring the advertisement
with you to facilitate buying.
Choose Caj-efiilly
Gowns and Dresses
18 foulard, net. crepe de
chine, satin, mnirp trln
7 taffeta, crepe de chine
and figured georgette
dresses in tan. pink, gray
and French blue. Mid-
p1r?c..t.h.E.,:e.n.t. $35.00
sreorsett aiid wool jersey
dresses in assorted colors
and sizes
i 1 u - m u 11 Lii
Event Price
only ,
4 khaki kool, satin,
georgette dresses in blue,
tan and white. Mid-
13 georgette, taffeta,
crepe de chine and wool
jersey dresses blue. tan.
gray, white and printed.
Mid-Month Eventtf 09 Ed
Price y. 90i3U
11 net, georgette,
crepe de chine and wool
jersey dress es. Mid-
Pr?ce.h.E.:.e.nt S29.50
Month Event
3 jersey and net dresses
in navy and white. Mid-
1 wisteria charmeuse
Event Price.
1 gray Poiret twill dress. Mid-Month
Sport Skirts
10 skirts of Fantasi. faille,
georgette and crepe de
chine. Mid- MonthOjQ 7C
Event Price vlu.l U
3 plaid taffeta xkirts.
Mid-Month Event
1 wool plaid skirt.
1 trlcolette skirt in flesh
tint. Mid - Month OQ Eft
Event Price OZUiUU
Mid-Month Event!
8 skirts of taffeta, georg
ette, khaki kool, faille
and wool plaid. Mid-
1 maize rajab skirt.
Mid -Month Event
The period for selling at the above prices is limited ab
solutely to Saturday at closing time.
Nd Exchanges No Returns No Approvals"
No Merchandise Laid Aside
overseas, has received his discharge in
the east and is headed for home, ac
cording to a telegram received by his
parents today. The soldier was over
seas two years with the marines. Lieu
tenant William Grimm ane Lieutenant
Clyde Dent, who recently returned from
overseas, have received their discharges
at Camp Lewis.
State Sealer Returns Home,
SALEM. Or.. Aug. 14. (Special.)
State Sealer of Weights and Measures
Dalzlel has returned to the capital after
ten days passed in the northern and
western part of the state. Mr. Oalziei
says he found affairs under jurisdiction
of his office in excellent condition.
Common Labor Scale $5.
CENTRALIA, Wash., Aug. 14. (Spe
cial.) A branch of the Tacoma Build
ing Laborers' union has been organ
ized in Centralia, with W. F. Mooney as
Our Entire Stock
of Made-Up
Correctly styled for
next fall and winter at
20 to 50 Off
Regrular Prices
in our
A small deposit will re
serve any Fur for de
livery later.
Wash Frocks
40 wash dresses of voile
and gingham in stripes,
figures and checks.
Mid -Month Event 07 QC
Price 01 .33
36 gingham and voile
frocks in plaids and
checks. Mid-Month tf Q 7 C
Event Price 00.1 U
11 organdie, gingham and
voile frocks in plain
colors. Mid-MonthJQ 7 g
15 linen, organdie. Eng
lish print and voile wash
dresses. Mid-riOTC
Month Event PricevlZ.I 3
20 organdie, voile and
print wash frocks. Mid-
Mid-Month fOC nn
Wash Skirts
42 pique and tricotine
wash skirts. Mid-CI QC
Month Event Price.. 01.03
96 pique, whipcord, trico
tine and Bedford cord
wash skirts. Mid- CO QC
Month Event Price. .0.33
63 wash skirts of surf
satin, tricotine. gabar
dineand pique. Mid-OQ QC
Month Event Price..00i03
49 Si
president. The new union has adopted
a temporary wage scale of $6 a day for
attending plasterers, $5.50 for wheel
ing brick and $5 for common labor, and
has voted to affiliate with the central
trades council.
Gram Goes to Marshfield.
SALEM, Or.. Aug. 14. (Special.)
State Labor Commissioner Gram has
gone to Marshfield to investigate a
number of complaints filed with his
department. He expects to return about
the end of the week.
Child Calls Albany Home.
ALBANY, Or.. Aug. 14. (Special.)
The Albany Red Cross is in receipt of
a telegram from Mrs. N. C. Else, secre
tary of the Osborne. Kan.. Red Cross,
Written with Soul"
I The newer style of writing I
newer than your newest book I
Bg ' I
of Denver
Order your copy at once
Mitchell Kennerley, "Publisher
New York
The great variety
of garments included
in this event precludes
the use of illustrations
for lack of space.
Liebes Service, which
means a thoroughly sat
isfactory attention, will
be maintained.
Sport Suits
1 check gabardine wash
suit. M i d - Month Event Q TC
Price OU.I 3
6 suits of good quality jersey,
tan. navy, purple and pearl
gray. Mid-Month Event J 2 75
4 suits of linen. Pink, lavender,
rose shades. Mid-Month I J CO
Event Price 0 I I awU
1 tan jersey sifit. Mid- I Q 7C
Month Event Price 01 U.I 3
2 gray jersey sport suits.
Mid-Month EventCOOCfT
Price 0OiOU
1 turquoise jersev sport
suit. Mid -Month Event (no en
Price 03. 3U
28 sport suits In paulette. trico
lette and crepe de chine materi
als. Tap. black, rose, white,
gray, navy shades. Mid- ffln Cfl
Month Event Price OivJiOU
3 sport suits, two of tricolette
and1 one of taffeta. Tan. beige,
gray shades. Mid-Month tfOr nn
Event Price 003.UU
3 taffeta sport suits in black
and navy. M i d - Month C C fn
Event Price 033.UJ
1 black poplin suit. Mid- CIO Cf
Month Event Price.... OliOU
2 Gabardine suits, taupe and
brown. Mid-Month4 7C
Event Price 0 I 4. 1 3
2 suits In velour check and
khaki serge. Mid-Month I 7 Cf
Event Price 0 I I 3U
2 suits In serge and velour
brown and black. Mid- I Q Cfl
Month Event Price OlOiOU
5 suits. 2 serge, 1 gabardine. 1
tricotine, 1 poiret twill in navy
and tan. assorted sizes. COQ EH
Mid-Month Event Price.... 0d.3U
2 suits of serge and tricotine.
both navy blue. Mld-(OQ rn
Month Event Price 0tJiOU
10 suits in tricotine. check velour
serge, poiret twill in naw. black
rookie and gray. Mid- COC flfl
Month Event Price OOUiUU
Silk Petticoats
300 petticoats of taffeta and jer
sey top with taffeta flounce.
Black, navy. tan. green, Copen
hagen, brown, purple, gold.
American Beauty and manv other
colors. Mid-Month Event OOC
Price OO.SD
Philippine Embroid
ered Chemise
A limited number of envelope
chemise, hand - made throughout.
Beau tifully hand - embroidered:
good qu-ality batiste. CO QC
Mid-Month Event Price.. . 00.33
stating that a boy 10 or 12 yeara old
has been taken up there and does not
know his name. He gives Albany, Or.,
as his home, but local officials know
of no child who haa disappeared from
this vicinity in the last few months
who has not been accounted for.
Rend The Oregonian classified ads.
This live cliain
store organiza
tion markets the
same shoes for
less money be
cause it knows
A million customers in 50 Amer
ican cities reap the benefits of
this constructive policy.
Zephyr weight Opera Pumps in
Patent Leather or Dull Kid;
long, slender, vamp; full, Louis
heel, hand-turned 95
Same in White Kid
Oppoette Circle Theater