Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 15, 1919, Page 10, Image 10

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Publithed hv The Oregonian Publishing Co..
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ban Francisco representati
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If Pacific coast shipbuilders succeed
In threading their way through the
labyrinth ot obstructions which the
shipping board places in the way of
contracts, they encounter another ob
stacle in the shape of the freight rates
on steel which are exacted by the ex
tremely beneficent, highly efficient
railroad administration. These rates
have not been raised the modest 25
per cent which has applied generally.
Since December 30, 1916, rates on
steel to the I'acific coast have been
raised 9 2 per cent from Pittsburg and
105 per cent from Chicago. At such
rates the freight on steel from Fitts
burg for an 8800-ton vessel amounts
to $87,500, which is no small item.
This freight charge operates as a
protective tariff in favor .of Atlantic
coast yards, but, much worse, it pro
tects Japanese shipbuilders against
American competitors on the I'acific
coast. While the all-rail rate from the
Atlantic to the I'acific coast is $1.25 to
$1.37 per hundred pounds, the export
ruil-and-water rate from the Atlantic
to Japan is only $1.20. American steel is
actually delivered to Japanese ship
builders cheaper than to American
shipbuilders on the Pacific coast. Thus
protection to Japanese industry is the
latest innovation in American govern
ment. There is no cause for wonder that
the shipbuilders have combined to
resist this imposition. They do not
ask that the export rate be disturbed.
They recognize that the increased cost
of operating the railroads justifies the
general advance of 25 per cent in rates,
and they are willing to pay it. They
justly protest against being compelled
to pay practically double the 1916 rate,
and to 'pay more than Japan pays, with
the ocean voyage added. The expense
to a railroad in handling steel is less
than with any other commodity and
the risk of damage is practically nil.
Ship steel moves not only in carloads
but in trainloads and, therefore. In
volves a minimum of handling in
transit. It is used in a new industry
which it should be the policy of both
parties to foster in America rather
than Japan.
The question may be asked why the
shipbuilders do not bring their steel
west by water. Because the shipping
board controls all the ships and it
refuses to allocate any for traffic from
the Atlantic to the i'acific coast.
Scores of ships built on the Pacific
coast have gone eastward to the
Atlantic coast, but they do not come
back. The explanation offered is that
they are needed in traffic to Europe
and that there is a better market for
sale on the east coast. But there is
another reason which is not acknowl
edged. Both the shipping board and
the railroad administration are parts
of the same administration, which is
struggling to live down a well-earned
reputation for waste of the public
money. While the government is ordi
narily conducted in water-tight com
partments, there are occasions when
community of interest causes two de
partments to open the doors. Such an
occasion has arisen.
The railroad administration is con
fronted with a huge deficit, which it
is striving to make good. Therefore
it makes the shipbuilder pay all that
the traffic will bear. The shipping
board prevents traffic from escaping
this charge by denying use of vessels
for Atluntio-to-Pacifie traffic. That
course tends to discourage shipbuild
ing on the west coast, which has proved
an uncomfortable rival to Hog Island
and other favored spots on the east
- coast. It also stiffens the market for
ships already afloat, of which the
shipping board has several million tons
for sale. Its vesstls were built in a
hurry, largely by green men and ac
cording to government designs, which
. are not well adapted to general com
merce. Ship owners prefer newer,
better-built ships of designs made for
their traffic and built by men who
have become expert. It is to the in
terest of the shipping board to dis
countenance new contracts until it has
unloaded its great tonnage, to which
it is still adding at Hog Island and
other favored yards. The nearer ap
proach it can make to coming out even
on the emergency fleet, the better
record it will make for the administra
tion. What is the life of the Pacific
coast shipbuilding industry compared
with such a noble aim?
Increase in the number "of visitors
: to the Portland public library may be
due in part to the fact that "the peri
odical roitm of the library is one of the
coolest places in the city." as a libra
rian too modesty suggests, but there is
a much more satisfactory way to ac
count for it. The library has im
measurably widened its service to the
public in the last generation. It
more than a "coincidence that the read
ing habit at the same time has been
acquired by increasing numbers of
people. Never in the history of the
world has so much white paper been
consumed in the making of books and
We would not decry the practice,
nor urge that people give less concern
to acquisition of information, nor seek
to direct them too paternally as to the
employment of their leisure: yet it
will not have escaped the notice of
the observant visitor to some libraries
that reading in and by itself may be
indulged in to excess. It is the kind
and not the quantity of reading that
counts, and it is the thought which Is
given to the printed page rather
than the contents thereof that
makes it a power for good. A good
deal of reading that is being done is
a pure waste of time. Some books,
said Bacon, are to be tasted, others
to be swallowed, and some few to be
chewed and digested. But there are
too many who read but do not dis
criminate. Reading unaccompanied
by thought hardly serves even the
purpose of entertainment. Thinkers,
who. like John Bunyan, have not been
readers have oiasionally been leaders
of men; readers who did not also
think have never been anything better
I . . , . . a -.
man Human recepiacies 01 umer peo-
Ipje s ideas or masses oi usually in
consequential facts.
Reading to kill time may keep one
out of mischief for the moment, but
bV itself it will not do the wonders
that popular misconception attriDUtes
to it. The merely "well-read man
may be only an intellectual ape. The
reader who also thinks is worth a
million of him.
The Chicago Tribune may have been
or-tied astray by the fervor of its indig-
nant" fancy when it charged that
Henry Ford is an anarchist. Certainly
he is no bomb-thrower, and certainly
he does not advocate violence to over
throw society. Whether he encour
ages violence may be another ques
tion. There are various forms of an
archy and anarchistic endeavor; but
the word itself in its original meaning
implies absence of all government and
in its popular sense an overturn of
law and order and all their instrumen
talities. Just what Henry Ford has been try
ing to do by his public assault on gov
ernment for making war, by his paci
ficism, by his bombastic outbursts of
a spurious philosophy, by his constant
appeals to class prejudice, may or may
not have been. clear to him; but it was
clear enough to others that he was
making it difficult lor the country to
defend itself against its enemies with
out and within.
So the Tribune may not have proved
that Ford is an anarchist. But it hvto
the point, so far as any popular verdict
on the result is concerned, that it did
prove Ford to be a good deal of a
humbug. The showing of ignorance,
made by him on the witness stand.
was pitiful. There are two rords
one the mechanical genius who has
given the world a cheap and valuable
automobile; the other is Ford the
teacher, who sought to show to Amer
ica its duty in war and in peace. The
former is the real Ford, the latter the
bogus Ford. tso man who proclaims
that history is "bunk" is qualified to
teach- anybody anything. To the re
peated accusations of the Tribune that
Ford could not even read, he was able
to make reply that he could and did
read, but he gave no demonstration
of it. What is to be thought about his
failure to bring confusion upon his
traducers by a simple exhibition of his
mental powers?
Ford did not need to know
much, he said, for he could hire
brains," and he did hire them, or
thought he did. One of his methods
was to commission a publicity agent
to write articles bearing the signature
of Ford. He writes also that delecta
ble literary offering in Ford's paper
called "Mr. Ford's Own Page." It is
not Mr. Ford's own page; it is some
body else's and it is a deliberate fraud
on the public for Ford to subscribe his
name to it or make his mark.
The shoemaker would better stick to
his last and the mechanic to his little
hammer. The state of Michigan was
spared a great humiliation when it
failed to elect Ford to the United
States senate.
Secretary of State Lansing's state
ment regarding the peace treaty be
fore the senate committee on foreign
relations was most illuminating as to
the position to which President Wil
son has reduced an office that stands
second to his own in rank, and has
hitherto stood second also in im
portance and authority Mr. Lansing
had to confess unfamiliarity with many
details of the negotiations, was unable
to answer many questions and as to
such vital features as the league of
nations and Shantung he said: "Ask
the president."
Mr. Lansing's title of delegate to
represent the United States at the
peace conference seems to have been
an empty honor. He was relegated to
the position of a mere confidential
clerk, perhaps entrusted with some
minor matters, while Mr. Wilson con
sulted his confidential friend. Colonel
House, about matters of major import
concerning which he negotiated with
the allied premiers. Although, as sec
retary of state he is charged with the
conduct of foreign relations, Mr. Lan
sing's name does not appear on the
treaty as signatory.
As one passes in review the names
of the grea men who have held his
office, it seems incredible that any
of them would have suffered such
humiliation. In the early days of the
republic it was customary to appoint
as secretary of state the candidate who
stood second in the ballot for presi
dent. That was not the case with
John Jay. Washington's first premier,
but he alone negotiated the celebrated
Jay treaty and he was not of the type
to be treated as an underling. It was
true of Thomas Jefferson. Washing
ton's second secretary of state, and he
later became president. John Mar
shall, who served under John Adams,
later became chief justice of the su
preme court. James Madison, James
Monroe and John Quincy Adams each
in turn stepped up from the depart
ment of state to the presidency. Then
came Henry Clay, one of the greatest
figures of his day, Martin Van Buren,
who succeeded Jaskson as president,
Daniel Webster and John C. Calhoun,
who were commanding figures in the
senate: James Buchanan, later elected
president; Edward Kverett. William
L. Marcy and Jeremiah S. Black, not
one of them a rubber stamp.
With Lincoln's inauguration began
the frequent practice by the president
of appointing his strongest rival with
in his own party. Thus it was that
William H. Seward was appointed.
That custom was not followed by
Grant, but he named Hamilton Fish,
a man of high ability and strong per
sonality. He was succeeded by Will
iam M. Kvarts. his intellectual equal.
Under Garfield, James G. Blaine, one
of the great republican leaders, was
put at the helm, but was displaced by
Arthur in favor of Frederick T. Fre
linghuysen. Cleveland revived the cus
tom of naming his chief rival for nom
ination by choosing Thomas F. Bay
ard, a man or brilliant parts, and Har
rison followed that custom by recall
ing Blaine to the state department.
The custom then died, but Walter Q.
Gresham. Richard Olney, John Hay,
Elihu Root, Philander C. Knox were
all men of such high ability, strong
character and dignity that they would
have held their own with any states
men of Europe and would not have
submitted to be relegated to an ob-
scure position in the background.
When W. J. Bryan found that he was
expected to sign any paper which the
president dictated, he resigned, and
Mr. Lansing was chosen as a pliant
What most intimately concerns the
American people .is the consequence
to them of the one-man rule which
this degradation of a high office sig
nifies. The most serious consequence
is that, while the president was absent
in Paris doing the work which should
have been done by the secretary or
other able men, of whom there is no
lack, affairs in this country were per
mitted to drift. They drifted at a
critical period of transition from war
to peace, when revolutionary fire
brands are at work all over the world,
when affairs need a strong, guiding
hand and a watchful eye. They have
drifted Into a state of general indus
trial unrest, in which there is a strong
undertone of revolution. This has
come largely because the president in
sisted on doing the work of the secre
tary of state, and because the man
who held that office submitted, as few,
if any, of his predecessors would have
The attentive reader of The Oregon
ian will not have failed to note, in that
interesting and romantic department
devoted to "marriage licenses," that
Vancouver is a favorite haven for the
connubially-bent. It frequently hap
pens that as many couples are married
in Vancouver in a single day as in
Portland. It frequently happens also
that as many Vancouver-tied couples
are divorced In Portland as in Van
couver. We have no available records
on this suggestive point, to be sure;
but we venture nothing in making the
statement. What is done at Van
couver may be easily undone in Port
land. One reason that Vancouver has
achieved its doubtful distinction as a
matrimonial mart for itinerant grooms
and brides, in a hurry to be 'made
one, is that it is near Portland and
it. gets the overflow created by the
little obstruction of Oregon laws which
require physical examination of the
man by a physician. To avoid the in
spection, or to save the $2.50 fee, or
both, there is a rush to Vancouver.
Runaway youths and girls and
men and women matrimonially ineli
gible in this state because of recent
divorce make up a considerable per
centage of the eager emigrants; but
the medical examination is doubtless
the chief trouble.
Five couples married at Vancouver
were divorced in Portland one day
this week. All of them had been
wedded in the current year, and all of
them soon learned that they had been
unhappily joined. It was done in
haste, and they repented in haste, and
were separated with speed. They will
soon be free again to try their luck
at Vancouver.
The Vancouver method is a scandal
for which Vancouver is not alone, or
even chiefly, to blame. The ridiculous
Oregon law is partly accountable.
The general laxness of all law and
custom about marriage accounts for
the) rest.
.Some day the public as a whole will
awaken to the ancient and wholesome
truth that marriage is a sacred rite
and not a libidinous adventure, and
will make uniform laws controlling it,
and will enforce them.
This is the time of year when the
berry grower by his conduct to a
great extent determines what his crop
next year shall be. Work done in the
berry patch now probably counts for
more in the next season's yield than
work done at any other time of year.
The raspberry fruiting season has
just come to an end and in the rows
of bushes stand the dead and dying
canes that this year did or did not do
their duty, all depending upon whether
the grower did or did not do his par
ticular duty, and they are waiting
now to be disposed of. Along with the
canes that have finished their mission
there have sprung up new ones, many
of them now five feet tall, and these
likewise await the attention of the
grower, for these are the canes that
will or will not produce next year.
Cared for properly now, they will
yield an abundance of luscious fruit
next season; neglected, they will not.
For years it has been the custom ol
berry growers generally to count the
old canes so much trash, to be gotten
out of the way as expeditiously as pos
sible. Therefore the grower set to
work with pruning shears and when
they were cut out dragged them to the
edge of the patch and burned them,
his sole idea being to get rid of them.
Fertilizers being scarce and high and
difficult to get and apply, it naturally
followed that the ground whence
these old canes were taken away was
left a little weaker for the new ones
than it was the year before. Naturally
also it followed that the next berry
yield was a bit lighter than the pre
vious one, and when this process of
annually taking the produce of the
land away and never returning any
thing to it had gone for some years
the berry patch simply petered out.
It couldn't well do otherwise. There
was never a time in any part of year
when the grower with a sympathetic
interest in the welfare of the bushes
couldn't see that they were hungry,
but in far too many cases they were
left to shift for themselves as best
they could and face their own cost of
living problems in whatever way they
might. That is the sort pf treatment
that makes for small berries, small
crops and small prices, and it doesn't
Within recent years some of the
more progressive berry growers have
abandoned this old system of burning
the finished canes. They have come
to the conclusion that it is something
really more than waste to destroy the
old canes: that' these old canes, once
decomposed, are an excellent fertilizer
for the new ones; an ideal and perfect
one. in fact. Rotted, in a measure at
least, they furnish the food elements
that are needed by the new growth,
for they are made up wholly of those
very elements. Now it is a custom with
some of these growers to- remove the
old canes from the row, and instead
of burning them cut them up with a
hatchet and block, or in whatever
other way is possible, and leave them
on the ground, later plowing them
This method of disposing of the
played-out canes involves some toil,
but it is not so difficult as some might
imagine to dispose of them in this
way. and unquestionably it pays.
The old canes in the berry patch out
of the way, the new ones should be
trimmed to a height of three to four
feet, according to the strength of the
ground and the vigor of the plant.
This trimming of the new canes, many
growers will say, should be started
earlier, when they are about two feet
in height. If the tips are cut off at
that tirfle the canes will soon send out
laterals, developing a bush form, with
much greater fruiting surface or
capacity than a single spindling cane.
However, in working for bush form
and heavy production, one must con
sider the capacity of the soil, for no
raspberry bush will develop and ma
ture a heavy crop unless it has the
right sort of root system and plenty
of provender.
The new growth that is cut away In
pruning at this time of the year should
be left on the ground also. Like the
old growth that has just been re
moved, it will rot quickly, and so far
as it goes will help the coming crop.
But it is not well to depend solely
upon the surplus wood growth of the
berry patch for fertilizer. The more
the growing bushes are mulched the
better. They are voracious feeders.
They will draw sustenance from
almost any kind of refuse, and, the
more readily disintegrating refuse the
berry patch gets the better will be the
yield of fruit. Further, this liberal sort
of fertilizing keeps the ground in a
loose and workable condition and
helps in the retention of moisture at
a time when for the perfect maturity
of the fruit water is a most essential
thing. A perfect berry largely is
Always the grower should have in
mind large berries, for they alone are
profitable. Large berries make more
crates than premature, dried-up ber
ries. Invariably they have better qual
ity than the small ones, and they sell
more readily and at better prices. In
the berry business, as in other things,
it is well to have an ideal and work
like the old fiend to attain it.
If the plumbers now making new
wage demands find themselves mostly
without the sympathy of the public,
they will do well to consider how far
they have themselves to blame. For
the chief grievance which practically
every householder who has had oc
casion to call in a plumber holds
against plumbers in the mass is the
outgrowth of small irritation which
may be summed up in the symbolical
practice of "going back for his tools."
Mr. Householder, for example, is
troubled by a leaking faucet. Almost,
but not quite, willing to trust himself
to make the insignificant repair, he
calls . at the shop on the way down
town and describes as accurately as a
mere layman may the nature of his
difficulty. Does the plumber put a
few implements in a bag and go to the
house prepared to go right to work?
Nine times out of ten he does not. He
first calls and inspects the job, though
it may have been fully outlined to
him, and then he returns to the shop,
the bill meanwhile running on as ag
gravatingly as the meter in a taxicab,
with the difference that the added ex
pense is wholly unnecessary, and that
Mr. Householder knows that it is so.
This single practice, because it Is so
obviously wasteful of the plumber's
time and the householder's money, and
is so economically unsound, is largely
responsible for existing prejudice
against the useful and highly neces
sary profession of plumbing as a
We have no predilection against
plumbers, either personally or in their
professional capacities. They number
among them many gentlemen of high
talent and engaging personality, who
do their work well once they get
about it. It will be admitted that the
really wealthy one exists chiefly In
the imaginations of vaudevillians and
colyumists, and that no one ever heard
of a billionaire plumber. Neverthe
less, there is a feeling that waste is
waste, wherever one finds it, and men
will pay a high rate more cheerfully
if they know that tlje workman is giv
ing some thought to their interests as
well as his own.
Those who like to moralize will per
haps see a wider application of the
principle herein suggested. If wages
are to advance in purchasing power as
well as in dollars, the increase must be
accompanied by greater efficiency, or
less waste, of production. If this can
be accomplished without in any re
spect impairing working conditions or
lengthening the working day, there
would really seem to be no reason why
it should not be done. Necessity for
making more work for more men no
longer exists in the face of a shortage
of skilled labor of every kind. The
plumber is not the only workman who,
figuratively speaking, "goes back for
his tools." The custom is only sym
bolical of wasted effort in general.
And since almost every wage-earner
is also at some time an employer of
other wage-earners, it illustrates an
other phase of the vicious circle which
it is within the power of wage-workers
themselves largely to obviate.
There comes a time to every fellow.
i -whether official or common man. who
goes about picking flaws in the con
duct of other men, when somebody
arises to prick his hide and he gets
what is due.
Truly, half the world is trotting
around bare-footed and much of the
other half would enjoy doing so. This
is barefoot time, though not as the
calamity howlers mean it.
If parents would let their children
go barefooted In summer, much of the
demand for shoes would lessen; but
maternal pride keeps many a boy and
girl on the suffering list.
Holders of railways securities want
government assurance of 6 per cent
interest. Of course! Ride poor old
government to death and let the other
fellow pay.
The people of the Pacific coast
would like a visit from the prince of
Wales if only for the sake of studying I
the species before it becomes extinct.
Time was when Blanche Bates was
a Portland girl and it may not be un
gallant to say that she is dear to the
hearts of the oldtimers.
The German grain crop is said to
be overripe for lack of workmen to
harvest it. "Workmen!" Typographi
cal error for "women."
Chance for "Governor" Vinton next
week, while Mr. Olcott is in Mormon
dom. but the suffragists must be easy
on him.
When two congressmen rush at
each other, both are restrained always.
Pure bunk, with committee rooms
One would think salaries were more
important around the city hall than
mere working for the pay given.
Tinoco has gone the way of Huerta,
who was the first victim of the Wilson
freeze-out game.
Must be warm in . Klamath Falls,
but there's near relief.
Those Who Come and Go.
Every Hay there is an influx of tour
ist parties to the hotels of Portland.
These tourists travel under a guard, or
guide. They are mobilized in the east
and are escorted around the country so
that they can cover the largest amount
of ground in the least possible time.
Several agencies are engaged in this
business and each is putting Portland
on the travel map for at least two days.
These tourists gave one day to Portland
and another day to the highway. When
the Mount Hood loop and other pending
projects are completed tourists will be
unable to get out of Portland in a
week. On an average each tourist
leaves $10 a day in the town, but this
is considered a very conservative
"San Francisco cafes are as cheerful
as a hospital these nights," announced
a returned Portlander. "There isn't
much of a crowd in any of the well
known grills, and the places which of
fer entertainment are about as sad as
the others. With a glass of Iced tea,
lemonade, or any of the other kickless
cocktails the cabaret performers find a
cold and unresponsive audience. The
songs don t 'go over' and the customers
get out Into the street about as quickly
as they can. And as for the waiters,
they are disgusted, for tips are shrink
ing and becoming intermittent instead
of being continuous."
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pemler and son
of Monmouth are at the Hotel Oregon.
The main interest in Monmouth at pres
ent is the highway construction. A few
hundred feet from the beautiful build
ings of the normal school there is a
paving plant and there is an incessant
movement of motor trucks to and from
this plant all day long. Weather per
mitting. Independence and Monmouth
will be joined by a strip of patented
pavement before snow flies. Mon
mouth is on the west side Pacific high
way. F. H. Nave of Hilt, Cal., Is at the
Perkins. Once upon a time Hilt fur
nished the power for many a thirsty
Oregon citizen. Now It is furnishing
power to operate a crusher on the bump
of Sisktyous. where basalt of intrusion
formation is being ground to make J
paving material for the Pacific high
way. The juice is carried seven miles
to the crusher.
T'm paying girls $5 a day to put
pieces of paper around pears at Stan
field." said Dr. Henry Waldo Coe. "For
merly girls were paid $1.50 a day to
perform this task. I just mention this
to show that the high cost of living is
hitting the producer pretty hard, and
that when costs mount upward like
that, the producer must pay more for
his supplies."
Last February Dr. G. L. Bigger of
La Grande bought and paid for a high
priced, high-powered car, and he hasn't
received it yet. The. doctor came to
town yesterday to inquire when on
earth that machine would be turned
over to him. Meanwhile the doctor has
been using a tin cootie pending the
delivery of the big ear, insisting that
If he can't have the best he will use
the cheapest machine he can find.
"We won't have more than half a
crop," declares Bruce Dennis of La
Grande. "These statements of big crops
in eastern Oregon I take no stock in.
While we have a half crop there will
be no suffering, nor anything of that
sort, but our wheat men will be unable
to obtain the fullest advantage of the
guaranteed price."
A party of young women who are
chugging along the coast to the scenic
points drove up to the Hotel Washing
ton yesterday. " The party consists of
Miss Aloyse Sinnott, Miss Blythe
f-laughter. Miss selma Wilson and the
chaperone Is Mrs. W. O. Clark. They
live at Palo Alto, Cal., and are on their
way to Glacier Park
State Treasurer O. P. Hoff dropped
in at the Perkins and was assigned a
room. After he had gone. Clerk
Thompson leaned across the desk and
confided as follows: "Let me tell you
something funny. When Hoff was a
candidate I wrote 118 personal letters
In his behalf. Hoff was nominated by
118 votes." Well, what's the answer?
Instead of one of those plain concrete
or iron posts at street intersections
with the label "turn to the right." Tilla
mook is more artistic. The posts in
Tillamook streets have an ornamental
bowl on top, filled with flowering
plants. Mr. and Mrs. C. Dye. of the
cheese county, are at the Imperial.
From Mocllps, where the oil excite
ment is now raging and the price of
land is soaring because any piece of
land may conceal millions of barrels
of oil, comes T. J. Long to the Hotel
Oregon. The Mocllps oil Investigation
has stirred inquiry in other places, in
cluding a few sections in this state.
One of the several men mentioned for
the state highway commission to fill
the vacancy caused by the resignation
of W. L. Thompson, who leaves the
commission January 1, is William Poll
man of Baker. Mr. Pollman, who is at
the Imperial, isn't discussing the sub
ject at all.
Since 1875 Mitchell has been on the
map of Wheeler county. It was built
on Bridge creek and has attained i
population of about 350, but the peo
ple are active and nearly every day
someone from Mitchell Is at a hotel
in Portland. F. L. Mansfield is at the
L. E. Barnett of Mabel is at the Mult
nomah. If you go three miles north of
W.endling, in Lane county, and hit the
Mohawk river you will come to Mabel,
which has a high school and is sur
rounded by a good dairy and fruit
Mrs. L. B. Markham of Government
Spring camp, Washington, is in town
on business and is registered at the
Hotel Washington. She reports that
travel is very heavy to the camp.
Vice-president of the Olympic Ath
letic club of San Francisco. L. M.
Hoefler is at tVie Multnomah. Aside
from his connection with the athletic
organization, he is a lawyer.
Hot sumrrvers and cold winters of
Minnesota drove Forest Baldwin to
Oregon. He has been engaged as night
manager of the Hotel Washington.
"Reserve me two seats on the Co
lumbia highway." This is a telegram
received from a man in California by
Manager Childs of the Hotel Portland.
In nine days Dr. E. P. Rohrbaugh
and his wife motored from Casper.
Wyo., to the Hotel Portland. This is
considered going some.
R. S. Eccles, who is an extensive
lumber operator In eastern Oregon, is
at the Benson, registered from Baker-
G. M. Raymond, connected with the
Astoria- Marine Iron Works, is reg
istered at the Multnomah.
R. W. Harvey and wife are heading
a party of residents of Bend who have
motored to Portland to see the sights.
They are at the Perkins.
State Senator F. G. Barnes and
daughter. Vernon, of Silver Lake,
Wash., are at the Imperial-
Keep Out of Bad Company.
Washington (D. C.) Star.
"Do surest way to keep out o' bad
company," said Uncle Eben, "is to mind
yoh own business so close dat bad com
pany won't take no Interest in you."
More Truth Than Poetry.
By James J. Montague.
There was a goody-goody boy
Who learned his lessons well
And took a vast amount of joy
In knowing how to spell.
Whenever other boys were slow
With their arithmetic
He'd raise his hand and say. "I know!"
And tell the answer quick.
So good a child, in short, was he,
His teacher used to say,
"Our little George will surely be
The governor some day!"
There was another little boy
Who sat up nights to find
Ingenious methods to destroy
The teacher's peace of mind.
He'd scatter - powder on the floor
To make the children sneeze.
His teacher, whom he should adore, -
He called a piece of cheese.
And she would frown and look severe
And shake her head and say.
"If Thomas won't be good, 1 fear
He'll go to jail some day."
Now teachers do not always know
Forthere is no sure rule
Of telling where a boy will go
When he departs from school.
Good boys have perpetrated crimes
And fallen in disgrace.
While naughty boys have oftentimes
Been foremost in the race.
But that is not the ending for
This truthful little tale.
For George became a governor
And Thomas went to jail!
Xow You Know,
The reason the deacon holds the col
lection plate in front of you longer
than he used to, Mr. Congressman, is
because he is waiting for you to drop
in the war tax.
A Disappointment.
The sale of ice cream sodas hasn't
met expectations. When people dis
cover that winking at the girl doesn't
change the character of the drinks,
they either order water or nothing.
Ask the Cider Man, He'll Know.
A lot of hogs are going to do a lot
of wondering about the whereabouts
of a lot of good cider apples that won't
be allowed to rot under a lot of trees
this fall.
(Cnyripht. T 01 J, by TM SynrticntA. Inr.l
Sins of Omission.
By Grace I".. HalL
They pass, an army wan, ghosts of the
things I meant some time to do.
Neglected, undernourished, in the dawn
and hesitate, because alas! 'tis
I've thought of them ofttimes with mo
tives kind.
Hoped aye, and planned that I at
length should find
The opportunity to give them thought
ful care.
Which should develop them beyond
But they reproach me with a look of
scorn and pass in silence.
Every day is born an army which, in
active, passes by.
Leaving the world the poorer when
they die.
The deeds we meant to do! How rich
were all
If we dreamed less and acted more!
The all
To sacrifice and serve comes to each
The real desire to help; upon the whole.
man's better self implores.
But is denied through lack of action.
Some may laugh, deride.
But, counting o'er the thoughts that
run the course
Within our brain each day, we find the
Is not so foul as some would make be
lieve. Though judged alone by acts, one is
Had all our good intentions turned to
The earth had blossomed and human
Had been attended: for T feel 'tis true
That all men dream each day of good
they'll do;
And when a life seems empty, I suspect
'Tis thus not through intention but
I offer no excuse. I know full well
each one
Should do some kindly deed 'tween sun
and sun;
And as my own intentions I review.
I am aghast at what I've failed to do!
At Judgment I would rather face my
Than my omissions crying out their
Law-Abiding Should Unite Against
Lawless of Whatever Race.
PORTLAND, Aug. 14. (To the Ed
itor.) Had our white congress, fed
eral and state authorities done their
plain duty to lynchers and ravishers
of women in years past, irrespective
of the offender's color, and adminis
tered simple justice to all, the frightful
race war as exhibited In Washington,
D. C, would not have occurred.
The thing now to be done is to see
to it that all law-abiding citizens, black
as well as white, shall unite against
all lawless elements of whatsover ra
cial descent.
Our hundreds of thousands of well
trained soldiers, if fairly treated and
rightly handled, will be of incalculable
service in maintaining good govern
ment among their kindred: but if
served with continued prejudice and
contempt, they cannot fail to become a
menace to be reckoned with.
One thing that sticks in the craw of
these returned colo'red soldiers is that
Mr. McAdoo, as director-general of the
railroads of the land, could by pruning
a single sentence, have removed the de
grading and irritable "Jim Crow" car
in transporting our soldiers, a thing
he refused to do, though urged repeat
edly to do so; and his successor, ap
pointed by the president, has been
equally unwise.
These dreadful outbreaks of inter
racial warfare at Washington and Chi
cago are the result of long-existing
discrimination against a people now
grown numerous and strong enough to
submit no longer to such humiliating
treatment in a government for which
they have willingly fought, not a few
of them paying the supreme sacrifice.
C. E. CL1NE.
Gel ting Rid of Mnny Dollars.
New York Sun.
The Rockefeller foundation has
spent $22,444,815 on war work, includ
ing appropriations for 1919. since 1914.
The vast scope of the foundation's ac
tivity was reyealed in the first instal
ment of a review prepared by Dr.
George E. Vincent, president of the
The flood of gold poured out to re
lieve the suffering and the necessities
of humanity covered pretty much the
whole world. To the United War
Work fund went more than $5,000,000
after large appropriations had been
made to the seven individual agencies
composing the united service, an equal
amount having gone to these previ
ously. Large sums went for medtca!
research, the war work of the Rocke
feller institute, for war research, in
cluding the work of Dr. Alexis Car
rell; for hygiene and for demonstra
tions. Great sums were appropriated
for relief in the small countries most
devastated Belgium. $1,498,000; Ar
maria and Syria. $610,000; Serbia. $163.
C5. The American Red Cross received
.he immense contribution of $8,083,772.
In Other Days.
Twenty-live Years Ago.
Prom The Oreuonlan of 15. 1S94.
William A. Maury, for IS years first
assistant attorney-general at Wash
ington, is the guest of Richard Nixon
at the residence of Senator DolBh.
F. C. Baker, editor and proprietor
of the Troutdale Champion, was arrest
ed yesterday on charge of criminal
libel, preferred by Mrs. Johnson of
County Superintendent Ackerman re
ports that of the 56 applicants exam
ined for teachers' certificates last
Wednesday 38 passed the tests.
Charles Pooch, a German copper
smith, was arrested yesterday by fed
eral officers when they found a com
plete still in his home.
Harney County Alien "ot Slacker, as
Questionnaire Mlcht Indicate.
BURNS. Or.. Aug. 9. (To the Edi
tor.) In justice to a resident of Harney
county I desire to correct a statement
appearing in The Oregonian under
date of July 28 under the caption. "List
of Slackers Is Compiled by Legion."
and warning employers against men
who refused to enter the service. In
this list appears the name of Jacob
Aschbacker, Burns. Or.
In justice to Mr, Aschbacker I desire
to say. while admittedly an alien of
the United States, not having as yet
completed his citizenship, he should not
have been placed in that category, for
he does not bear the slacker tissue in
any sense. I prepared his question-,
naire for him. While he does not ex-
press himself clearly in conversation,
nor does he readily read, yet he has a
very intelligent unde "standing of the
English language whtn spoken to.
In answering question 6. VII series.
citizenship, his answer Is shown to be
"yes." when it rightly should have been
By carefully reading this question
you will observe it is somewhat equi
vocal and on first blush it might easi
ly occur that it should properlv be
answered in the affirmative, thereby
showing registrant's willingness to be
come a citizen of the United States and
wholly without intent of evasion of
service, and if error it was. It was my
mistake and fullyhls Intention to con
vey that idea, as he is at this time car
rying on procedings to complete his
citizenship in our circuit court.
In this connection I wish to say
that a short time after the question
naire was returned my attention was
called to the error by the registrant
himself and I at once submitted my
affidavit in the hope of correcting the
error and filed the same with chief
clerk of the locai board P. T. Randall
but it now develops that said affi
davit was without avail.
1 desire the onus of blame be placed
where it belongs.
In Mr. A-sch backer's behalf I will
state that he has been a resident of
Harney county about three years en
gaged in farming being the manager
of a 640-acre tract, and is not seeking
notoriety or employment; having no
otlyr motive in protesting against the
Injustice imposed by this publication
than to set himself right in the com
munity where he resides.
I might add in conclusion that during
the whole of my service on the local
board 1 closely scrutinized the per
sonality of every alien resident who
appeared nerore me and at the outset
mentally resolved to give any slacker
the benefit of some wholesome advice
and 1 was pleased at the attitude of
this registrant, this being one of the
principal reasons why 1 recall the cir
cumstances so clearly. 1 also desire to
say that the local board of this county
stood as one man. thereby aiding and
supporting each other, feeling that a
pronounced slacker should not only be
given a sound lecture but by right
ought to be scourged with a cat-o'-nine
tails and deported or banished.
Member of legal advisory board.
Limit Purchases to Actnal Needs and
See Prices Come Down.
PORTLAND, Aug. 14. (To the Ed
itor.) As one who- is familiar with
prices in the east. I wish to voice my
appreciation of your editorial. "No Ben
efit to the Consumer." If the editors
throughout the country would employ
some of their staffs in exposing "big
business" in its eiforts to create and
stimulate an artificial demand and so
bring about a reaction in an artificial
lack of supply, the high cost of living
would drop to normal price level. Every
prominent business men who goes to
Chicago or New York for goods returns
with the same story: "Prices are going
up. as there are no goods to be bought."
Yet big bargain sales go on in shops,
with burlesque regularity, to refute the
story of a lack of production. The arti
ficial demand is a part of the scheme
to keep up and stabilize high prices,
not to lower them. The dollar is now
worth about 35 cents in purchasing
power and while the cause of its de
preciation is the inflation of the cur
rency and the national debt, the oppor
tunity also is given to the profiteer to
boost the cost of production and create
an artificial demand for commodities.
All this is so apparent that any
EChool boy unfamiliar with world
finance can grasp the situation. In or
der to release the public from the octo
pus of high prices it should buy only
what it needs and so force prices down
by stagnation. So long as the public
nibbles at and swallows bait, hook and
line, the jobber and retailer will reap
the harvest. The laugh is always on
the public.
Portland markets .need to be revolu
tionized and the consumers' end con
sidered. I believe that price fixing and
gouging are going on in your public
markets precisely as they are in Cleve
land. Indianapolis and Seattle. Force
the farmer to sell goods at 25 per cent
less than the stores or surrender his
privileges and you will see a big change
In local market prices. As to the cause
of the high cost of living, the above
solution is offered for thoughtful con
sideration. DR. J. C. F. GRUMBINE.
We saw the czar go roamin' off
Deserted by his men-ski;
And also through the gloamin' off
Went Ivanoff Kerenski.
And Ludendorff i.e. too. went off.
And Bela sniffled, snuffled.
"I'm feeling' blue, not red." he said.
As down the road he shuffled.
And down the dim and dusty lanes
That fizzled monarchs travel
About a thousand dukes and lords
All merrily scratch gravel.
But who is this that totes a saw.
And answers Fate, 'aye, aye, sir,
The while mankind gives a guffaw?
My word it is the kaiser.
And just who else has hit trie pika
It seems we have forgot-ski;
But we remember we would like
To see old Trotzki trot-ski.
Elinor's Homestead Rights.
PORTLAND, Aug. 14. (To the Ed
itor.) Can a minor who is obliged to
earn his own living take up a home
A minor who is also head of a family
may take a homestead, but the fact
that he is earning his own living would
not alone entitle him to do so. Although
a minor, a soldier may also take up
land under certain conditions too da
tailed to be given here. If interested
in this phase of the question, see elr
cular at the United tates land office.