THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, THURSDAT, AUGUST 7, 1919. STATE PHONE RATE IS INQUIRY Restoration of Tariff in Effect Prior to Jury 29 Purpose. HEARING TO BE AUGUST 27 Public Service Commission Kxpects to Meet Representatives From All Oregon' Towns. SALEM. Or.. Aug. 6. (Special.) In vestigation of the telephone rates now In effect in Oregon, with a view of re scinding the so-called Burleson sched ule and restoring the tariff effective prior to midnight. July 29, has been ordered by the Oreeron public service commission, to be held in the court house at Portland on Wednesday, Au gust 27. at 10 o'clock A. M. All per sons interested in the telephone con troversy will be heard at that time. The order of the commission calling a public hearing follows: "Whereas. At 12 o'clock midnight on July 31, possession of the facilities and property of the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph company was assumed by the United States government pursuant to a joint resolution of congress of the 65th congress, and by proclamation dated July 22. 1918. the president of the United States directed that the supervision, possession, control and operation of the properties should be exercised by and through the postmaster-general, Albert fc. Burleson, and Jurisdiction In ( hanged. "Whereas, by act of congress signed by the president on July 11. 1919, the possession, control and supervision of the facilities and property of the Pa cific Telephone & Telegraph company were released from federal control, and thereupon became subject to the juris diction of this commission under the public utility act on and after midnight of July 31, 1919, which said act further provides that existing toll and ex change telephone rates fixed by the postmaster-general on or prior to June 6. 1919, should continue in force for a period not to exceed four months from and after July 30, 1919. unless sooner modified or changed by the proper state regulatory bodies; and "Whereas, the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph company has filed with the public service commission of Oregon a schedule of rates designated P. S. C. Or. Xo. 3, covering the local telephone exchange service throughout the state of Oregon, which are attempted to be put into effect and collected, and which said rates are an increase in certain particulars and instances over the rates fixed by this commission in its order No. 499, dated May 1, 1919; and Investigation 1 Ordered. 'Whereas, this commission believes that sufficient grounds exist to war rant nearing Deing neld as to the le gality and reasonableness of the rates contained in said schedule O. S. C. No. 3: "Now, therefore, it is hereby ordered that an investigation be and hereby is instituted on the commission's own mo tion into the legality and reasonable ness of all rates and charges, rules and regulations, of the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph company for exchange telephone service rendered entirely within the state of Oregon, and that - a hearing in this matter be had before th peblic service commission of Ore gon at its offices at 252 Courthouse. Portland, on Wednesday. August 27, 1919, at 10 o'clock A. M., at which time and place all interested parties may ap pear and be heard." Order Subject to Chio&e, The commission made it the forme Tomlinson. "should either produce the postmaster general's order authoriz- : ... . . ....... rafliral increases or should franKly admit there no such order. There is but one soKrce from which the company could havfe obtained lawful authority or advancing- rates and that is from the postmaster general prior to June 5, 1919- It would be a very- simple matter to produce the order if there is any such order in existence. "It cannot be questioned that the people have a right to know the au thority upon which this utility at tempts to make this increase and in view of the persistent disinclination on the part of the company to be frank and fair with the public, it would seem that the telephone users are amply justified in refusing to pay the pro posed new rates until their lawfulness has been established." Following announcement of the In crease in telephone rates in Oregon, effective July 29. the city council re quested local officials of the company to furnish a copy of the order from the postmaster general authorizing the increases. W. J. Phillips, division superintendent of thj company, replied to this request by saying that the local officials did not have copies of the order and that the request had been forwarded to the telephone administra tion through regular channels. ITALIAN HATRED FOR i AMERICA OBSERVED! i U. S. Attitude Toward Fiume Disappoints, Says Officer. BIG TRADE FUTURE SEEN STARTS TODAY THREE DAYS SHOE PROFITEERING FOUND HIGH PRICES BV TRADE ARE ANALYZED COMMISSION'. Excess Margins Held Collected All Parties Laws to Protect Consumer Urged. by WASHINGTON, Aug. 6. The high of shoes was declared, to be due to ex cessive profits taken by every factor in shoe production in a report by the federal trade commission to congress and made public today. The packers were charged with having begun the pyramiding of shoe prices by an un warranted increase in the price of hides, the supply of which they were said to control. On top of this the tan ners have taken "exceptional profits," while the shoe manufacturers have de manded an "unusual margin," and the retailers have charged prices that are "not justifiable." The commission's report covers the four-year period from 1914 to 1918. To show that the packers have made unwarranted increases in the price of "packer" hides, the report pointed out that the price differential between their hides and "country" hides hides of lower grade has increased 4far beyond the usual proportion. "Some relief from the intolerable prices paid by consumers for shoes may be had. the commission said, by: "1. A rig-id enforcement of the laws against monopolistic control of com modities. "2. Legislation forbidding producers of hides from engaging in the tanning business -and. "3. The adoption of a devise in the distribution of shoes that will acquaint the consumer with the selling prices of the manufacturer. While noting that, because of - in creases in the cost of materials during the war period, "prices were bound to advance considerably even though no large profits were obtained," the com mission said. Leather manufacturers, shoe manufacturers and retail shoe merchants all made "unprecedented profits. MILWAUKIE BOY DROWNS Roy Appleby, Coxwain in Knocked Overboard. Navy, ORKGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, Aug. 6. Roy Appleby of Mil waukee, coxswain of the United States navy, attached to the Minnesota, drowned Puly 29, when he was struck bv a coalintr bucket and knocked over- plain that ' board, according to an announcement of order was subject to change the navy department today. His mother Lieutenant Robertson, Assistant to Attache in Rome, Thinks America Slow in Sending Supplies Abroad. "Italy needs food; Italy needs cloth ing, but she is getting little response from the United States to her appeals for these commodities," said Lieutenant Charles A. Rooertson, who has re turned from Rome where he has been stationed for more than a year as as sistant to the military attache of the American embassy. "President vv H- son's attitude is having the effect of aligning Italy again with Germany af ter her association with that country had been severed. His stand on the Fiume question, especially, has dis pleased the Italians who feel deeply the injustice of the peace conference decision in this respect. Mr. Robertson, formerly an attorney of Portland, is visiting with hif! par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Robertson, 1329 Sandy boulevard, prior to going to New York to locate. He recently made a report to the army intelligence bureau in Washington, based upon conditions as he observed hem. Balkan Mandatory Held Ned. The establishment of a mandatory for the Balkan states, Mr. Robertson believes, will be necessary ultimately, as already the various states are fight ing among themselves, and do not in tend to maintain peaceful relations. While not presuming to solve the vex ing question that has given nations of the world much concern, Mr. Robert son yesterday expressed the belief that a mandatory offers the most satisfac tory solution. That the strength of the American army in Italy when the armistice was signed was a disappointing surprise to Italians generally, Mr. Robertson said, is proved by a perusal of Italian papers of that date. One long regiment con stituted the American strength in Italy, and on this regiment was bolstered the great Italian morale which enabled her valiant army to put to rout her en emies. Army Ilnappoiiita Italians. This American regiment, he said, never was engaged in battle and suf fered one casualty due to the acci dental discharge of a rifle. The Italian people had been led to believe that a great American force was in their midst and the announcement of the real strength upon signing of the armistic was a keen disappointment. Possibilities of trade between Amer ica and Italy are stupendous, said Mr. Robertson, who saw the need of that country for raw materials and who learned Italy's desire to trade with this country direct rather than through England and France. Oregon products, such as grain, lumber, wool, flour and caned goods, may find their way direct : onto Italian markets, provided judg ment is exercisd in handling diplomatic issues. At present there is a strong feeling in Italy against what ts termed a one-man diplomacy, and people there express confidence that the American rank and file will not stand behind the president for any length of time in sup port of his Italian attitude, he said. TUB T? T? xxv r v-rs . : . : ' - SLIGHTLY SHOCKING? YES! '-ZZ L'Vr-J?V THRILLING ? YES ! - ;r IV- ' -VUI Y ASTOUNDING? : ' ' . C- -1 Here's One J 7 . That All ii fe- ; - '" ' 'il'-:v;::;: 1 the Women ' ' t Nearly 1 " ' - - I ' AU the Men, U V - , Vjj -And Many . . . - HiM of the Boys , ; iWJPt'KW Will Want i - Y : -'" I "' f ToSee. j il ' . 1 s " . " it , ; ll ' ?-'$&&Ui?'i; 'i'i: Si :.i.i.;; - - . : i ' ..iXvi:::iS' fiSiSi- i iiv iSiijiS I r X - ' -TV .i ' - " - ' lit; . g without notice, although the confer ence probably will be held as scheduled. Members of the commission yesterday held a conference with attaches of the attorney-sreneral's office, and it is be lieved here that they have received sufficient assurance of jurisdiction in regulating telephone rates as to war rant a thorough investigation of the issue. Because the increased rates af fect practically every town and city rn, the state, it is the opinion of the commissioners that many sections of Oregon will be represented. Should the commission find itself elothed with jurisdiction to rescind the eo called Burleson schedule of rates, the tariff in effect prior to July 29 lrobably will be restored. This sched ule was granted by the commission last May, and authorizes an increase not to exceed 25 per cent of that grant - ed by the postmaster-general. PHOE SCUEDCLES RECEIVED BorVesmi Order for Rate Increase, Bewever, Not Included. Scred,ues of the increased rates ef fced by te Pacific Telephone & Tele--riph company in the city of Portland a July 29 were received late yester day by Mayor Baker from Senators Ch.mberlain and McNary. Copies of Che orders issued by the post mast er grneral, if any were issued, were not included and iti s probable that another message will be sent today requesting that copies of orders or authorization of the schedule be sent to the city offi cials. 1 The copy of schedule rates received yesterday bears no indication of the time when it was authorized by the ftorrnaster-general, other than the fol lowing notation at the top of the sched ule sheet, station development as of June 30, 1918.' The schedule also refers to the rates as 'proposed rates applica ble to all exchanges listed hereunder." The rate quoted for one-party wall business telephones is $8.50 per month; one-party desk business, $8.75; two pifrty wall business, J 7 per month, and two-party desk business, $7.25 per n?Sith. . The schcedule also cites $3.75 ftr one-party wall residence telephone; $4 per month for one-party desk resi dence telephone; $3 for twoparty resi dence wall telephone; $3.25 for two party desk residence telephone; $2.50 it four-party wall residence telephone. ami $2.75 for four-party desk telephone. Measured service for one-party busi ness service is quoted at a rate "of $6.50 fur 130 calls per month and 4 cents for eTi additional call. The rate for coin boxes is 5 cents for all calls, with a gimi-vntee of three calls per day. The schedule also cites the rates which were in effect prior to May 1, 19W, when the public service commis sion increased rales following a hear in sr. The information which was received yxerdny did not satisfy City Attorney ijiRoche or Assistant City Attorney Torniinson. who are haudling the tele phone situation for the city. Both offi cials said that in their opinion the schedule submitted by the postmaster f.'eneral's office had no meaning and .could not in any way be construed as a opy of an order or authorization by the postmaster-general. Unless officials of the Paeific ele rtne & Telegraph company produce authority for the recent advance in telephone rates within the state of Oregon, telephone users are justified in refusing to pay the add it ional ergea, according to Attorney Tomlin acrn in an interview yesterday. telephone company,' said .Mr. is Ella Appleby of Milwaukee. Captain Albert K. Wood, engineers, was today ordered relieved from duty at Camp Lewis, Wash., and ordered to proceed to this city at once to become assistant to the chief of the construc tion division of the army. Colonel Clar ence E. Lentler was today detailed to duty as inspector instructor of the na tional guard of Oregon with station at Portland. He is ordered to report to the governor of Oregon immediately on his arrival at Portland. Oregon and Washington troops have sailed from overseas recently as fol lows: Evacuation hospital No. 16, one officer and 51 men, sailing on the 1m perator from Brest "for New York last Sunday; 6th corps, military police, 33 men, on the same ship. All of these men will go to Camp Lewis for demobiliza tion. Representative Hawley's bill to re lieve mining claimants of this year's assessment work was favorably report ed today by the senate committee on mines and mining. MILK CONDENSERY GROWS Solo Concern to Enlarge Plant to Care for Increased Trade. ALBANY, Or.. Aug. 6. (Special.) Another story and an addition will be built on to the Scio milk condensery building this fall to enable th ecompany to handle its growing trade. Eight trucks are delivering 24,000 pounds of milk each day to th econdensery. Expensive testing equipment has been added to the plant and a new of fice built. The company is furnish ing a big consignment to the govern ment for army camps in the west, and will be ready to ship within a few days. The milk trucks are covering the country within a radius of 28 miles of Scio. They cover a territory as far as Sweet Home and rivalry for the milk of Linn county between the Scio condens ery and the Jordan cheese factory is keen. Cook to Fly in Eugene. SALEM. Or.. Aug. 6. (Special.) Lieutenant Cook, in charge of a local airplane operating on a commercial ba sis, left in his craft early today for Eugene, where he will remain until late in the week. On his last visit to the Lane county city Lieutenant Cook was kept busy all day and evening taking people of that vicinity on tours of the clouds. Heirs Combine to Pay Debt. SALEM. Or., Aug. 6. (Special.) The heirs of William A. Reynolds, who died recently in ouvenoii, nave pooiea xneir interests and agreed to pay off all the indebtedness of the estate rather than sell his holdings in the Silverton Lum ber company at forced sale. Mr. Rey nold's share in the lumber concern is said to aggregate about $49,000. MARKET CLEANUP URGED Screening of Fruit and Vegetables Is Suggested by Inspector. Unsanitary conditions in the public market and in private markets in the downtown section are charged in a let ter to Mayor Baker from H. W. Van Hovenberg, a sanitary inspector. The letter was referred immediately to City Commissioner Bigelow, who called Mr. Van Hovenberg in his office for a con ference. Mr. Van Hovenberg advocated that all fruit and edibles on display outside of markets should be screened a a pro tection from contamination and dis ease. To determine if such a plan would be feasible Mr. Bigelow appointed committee composed of E. Li. Melton, of the state dairy and food inspector's office; Gordon Lang, chief sanitary in spector of the bureau of health: J. A. Eastman, marketmaster of the public market, and Mr. Van Hovenberg. In addition Mr. Bigelow issued an order to Marketmaster Eastman to sus pend any market user who fails to keep rubbish in cans or boxes. Many of the tall users, it is charged, allow rub bish to be cast about the street and sidewalks, making an unsanitary and filthy condition. LEGION FIGHTS SLACKERS Clatsop Camp Asks Deportation of Disloyal Foreign Residents. ASTORIA. Aug. 6. (Special.) At the meeting of Clatsop camp, American Le gion, a movement was started to bring about the deportation of every foreign er who proved disloyal to America dur ing the war. A list or the men from this county who had canceled their first citizenship papers in order to avoid service in the army or navy was ordered sent to every business house and manufacturing plant with the re quest that none of these men be given employment. The federal authorities will be asked to deport these slackers. A communication was ordered sent to the co-operative Packing company, re questing that the services of Hennes Fritjof Huttula be dispensed with im mediately. Huttula is the man who was denied citizenship by the local cir cuit court about two years ago because he said he would not take up arms in support of the government. "MODEL GIRLS" A Prizma in Natural Color Showing the Live Ones and the Wax Ones. HAROLD LLOYD in "Just Neighbors" for fun only. MURTAGH and our $50,000 Organ. T T 'Tn L liie Frice of Innocence THE DICTIONARY SAYS: "VIRTUE "SINNER Strength, Valor, Chastity, Anything good and honorable. One Who Sins, An Offender, A Degenerate. Can a Man or Woman Answer to Both Definitions at the Same Time? THE ANSWER IS GIVEN IN THIS POWERFUL DRAMA OF SEARED SOULS. Coming Sunday CHAS. RAY in "Hayfoot-Strawfoot" was for 11 months in the air service and Bruce was in the service 22 months. He did a great deal of flying in France and England. Judge Marsters at Salem. SALEM. Or.. Aug. 6. (Special.) R. W. Marsters. retiring county Judge of rouglas county, pased a part of today in Salem conferring with Governor Ol cott and other state officials. FIRE FIGHT COSTS $10,000 Two Campers Are Fined for Leaving Glowing Embers. YAKIMA, Wash., Aug. 6. (Special.) Government expenditure in fighting the forest fire which raged last week in the valley of Rattlesnake creek amounted to 110,000, according to E. J. Fenby of Tacoma, forest supervisor. Mr. Fenby was here yesterday for hearings before Justice C. RoV King of two men charged with leaving unextin guished camp fires in that region. The glowing embers of the cam p fires were found by a forest patrol. As the men said that they thought the fires had died out they were assessed the mini mum fine of J10 each. S. A K- green stamps for cash. Holman Fuel Co., Main S53. A 3353. Blockwood, short slabwood, . Rock Sprtosa and- Utah coal; sawdust. Adv. Centralia Red Cross Worker Home. CENTRALIA, Wash., Aug. 6. (Spe cial.) After 10 months' service In France with the Red Cross. Miss Esther Farlow returned to her home in Cen tralia Monday. The young woman, a graduate of the Centralia high school. was teaching in Bremerton when she I decided to cast her lot with the Red Cross. She served successfully as ste nographer, canteen and research worker. Hay is being sold In considerable quan tities for S25 a ton and upward, it is claimed. L. W. Y. Gone; Harvest Help Steady. WALLA WALLA, Wash., Aug. 6. (Special.) Most of the men sent to the harvest fields have stayed through the season, according to Pitt White of the federal employment bureau. The un usual condition is attributed to the ab sence of I. W. W. agitators. Hay to Be High at Yakima. YAKIMA, Wash.. Aug. 6. (Special.) O. S. Gossard of Toppenish, secretary of the Yakima Haygrowers Association. said here yesterday that, though the valley would put out an enormous crop of hay, the prospects were that a new record would be established for price. . The Dalles to Have Lieglon. THE DALLES, Or., Aug. 6. (Spe cial.) Captain E. J. Eivers, state chair man of the American Legion, will be here tomorrow to organize a local chap ter of the American Legion. Pasco Army Nurse Released. PASCO. Wash., Aug. 6. Miss Lulu Hughes arrived in. the city last night from Whipple barracks, Arizona, where she was released from active duty as Itching, Scratching, Skin Diseases That Burn Like Flames of Fire Ex-Servlee Flyers Buy Planes. BOISE. Idaho. Aug. 6. (Special.) The first airplane service to be estab. lished in Boise will be inaugurated the latter part of the week by two Boise men Grover C. Tyler and Walter W. Lindsay. Warren Bruce, also of Boise, bea been engaged, as pilot. Lindsay Here Is a Sensible Treatment That Gets Prompt Results. For real, downright, harrassing dis comfort, very few disorders can ap proach so-called skin diseases, such as Eczema, Tetter, Boils, eruptions, scaly irritations and similar skin troubles, notwithstanding the lavish use of salves, lotions,-washes and other treat ments applied externally to the irri tated parts. No one ever heard of a person being afflicted with any form of skin dis eases whose blood was in good condi tion. Therefore, it is but logical to con clude that the proper method of treat ment tor pimples, blotches, sores, boils. an army nurse, and she ts now visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. S. M. Henderson. Miss Hughes, who formerly resided In Pasco, entered the service at Portland and was sent to Camp Lewis, where she spent some months. Later she was transferred to Whipple barracks. I 1 rough, red and scaly skin is to purify the blood and remove the tiny germs of pollution that break through and manifest their presence on the surface of the skin. People in all parts of the country have written us how they were com pletely rid of every trace of these dis orders by the use of S. S. S., the match less, purely vegetable blood purifier. S. S. S. goes direct to the center of the blood supply and strengthens and builds up the circulation, giving a clear and ruddy complexion that indicates & healthy condition of the skin. Write today for free medical advice regarding your case. A.ddress Swift Specific Co., 443 Swift Laboratory, . Atlanta. Ga. Adv. . HEADACHES You may have tried various kinds of "cures" for your head ache with only temporary relief, causing grave danger to your health. Why not come to me for a thor ough examination of your eyes, and if a defect is found let me relieve you of all your headaches and eye troubles have me make you a pair of Perfect Fitting Glasses. DR. WHEAT Eyesight Specialist Second Floor Morgan Building Entrance on Washington St. I Women Made Young Bright eyes, a clear skin and a body' full of youth and health may ha yours if you will keep your system in order by regularly taking GOLD MEDAL Th world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles, the enemies of life and looks. In use since 1696. All druggists, three sizes. Look for the nam Gold Md1 on mvmry box INDIAN MEDICINE MEN In the Indian Tribe one finds the Medicine Man" one versed in the healing1 art of roots, herbs, leaves and barks. In these he discovers emolients. astringents, laxatives and tonics, all of which are prepared and offered to sufferers among the tribe. To such good, old-fashioned roots and herbs Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, the most efficient remedy in the world for female ills, owes its suc cess. For forty-five years it has been restoring the women of America to health, until it is now recognized as the standard remedy. Adv. Phone Your Want Ads to THE OREGONIAN Main 7070 A 6093