Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 07, 1919, Page 20, Image 20

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AUGUST 7, 1919.
Is not an employment agency, but - de
partment of the Y. M. C. A- which aids
ambitious voung men in pry ins open the
doors of oppQrtunitv. In the past ten
years we have assisted 17,530 men in find
ing positions and at the present time the
demand for men exceeds the supply.
The standing this department has with
employers is due to the discriminating
service rendered them over a period of lo
years, and they turn to the Y. M. L. A
for men to fill the better sort of jobs.
All men seeking employment are cor
dially invited to consult with one of toe
employment secretaries, room 307.
requires the services of an experienced
- busheiman for alteration work on men's
Nothing. Apply superintendent's office,
,i 9 to 10:30 A.M.
LEADING ret a il establishment in the
city has opening for two experienced
salesmen in men's clothing depart
ment; must be first-class in every
detail and familiar with the best
lines of clothing; should be able to
make from fOu to $7. per week..
Correspond with P. O. box 747.
"WANTED at once, high-class furniture sales-
man. one who thoroughly understands this
work; no other need apply. Answer. AM
43o, Oregon i an.
0F INKERS WANTED Night work. 48-hour
week, no woik Saturday or Sunday nights,
liberal pay. Oregon City Wooien Mills.
Oregon City.
ELDERLY couple to look after email stock
ranrh :n mountains 30 miles from Port
land ; muNt understand stork, and rhi:k
ens; some plowing and clearing; rare op
portunity t: rigtit parties for permanent
beautiful home, owners summer home.
Address AC 833, Oregonian.
WANTED Thoroughly experienced carpet
and rug salesman: must be capable. Answer
AM 434, Oregonian.
WE HAVE a profitable contract for haul
ing logs, near good town, about 00 miles
from Portland ; it will be necessary to
purchase a truck and trailer to handle
this. If interested see . Wentworth & Ir-
"-. w in. Inc.. 200 2d st-
TOr.N'G man fully experienced in keeping
price, cost books and stock records, in
wholesale and retail hardware In Spokane.
- Good proposition for right man. Give ref
erences and experience in full. P. O. Box
2125, Spokane, Wash.
UA N. handy with tools, with a few hun
dred dollars, w.lling to work, can make
.;o to 4o per month; le your own man
t'er, handle your t wn money. Call at
72U3 54th ave. S. E.. 1 biork north of
Millard ave., on Mt. Scott carline.
WE HAVE IT An excellent opportunity
for two young men to earn good wages
while learning a business that offers ad
vancement. Apply 014 Stock Exchange
bldg.. 1 to B 1'. M.
20 TO 25 years of age, clerical position de
veloping into accounting; must be willing
to study employer's business for advance-
- mem; give phone, address, experience. F
440. Oregonian.
JANITOR for small apartment house, west
wide man and wife. .Man can work else
w here during day. Basement apart-
- ment furnished, references required. K.
' 423, Oregonian.
WA S'TED Carpenters; rough work, long
- Job; fre fare up the river; $-", 8 hours;
room and board hotel ; carpenter helpers,
$21.00 a week. Portland Labor Agency,
- 11 N. 2d.
EXPERIENCED box factory men as follows:
Cutoff man, edger man and nailing ma-
. chine man, 8 hours, good wages. Apply
Chas. K. Spaulding Logging Co.. 805 Ore
gunian bldg.
Y A HO men for our sawmill at Newberg at
nlsrht; good wages. Apply at office of
' Chas. K. Spaulding Logging Co., New
berg, or 805 Oregonian bldg., Portland. Or.
WANTED Young man with experience in
liability Insurance to travel in Idaho and
Utah as payroll auditor, bee D. b. Murphy,
010 Chamber of Commerce bldg.
WORK FOR YOURSELF We offer sales
men and solicitors opportunity to build up
a permanent income. Call mornings, 316
Railway Exchange.
WANTED Sash and door machine men,
t. cutter, stickermen and cabinet maker. Ap
; ply Chas. K. Spaulding Logging company,
. McMinnvllle. Oregon.
EX-SERVICE men as solicitors for Pacific
Legion, official paper for Portland post.
American Legion. Call room 204, Lum
ber Exchange bldg.
W ANTED Chore man who can milk, for
work around hotel; good job. Phone long
distance at once. Mgr. Ecola Inn, Cannon
B ach, Ecola. Or.
WANTED AT ONCE First-class open-shop
experienced bolters-up for work in manu
facturing plant. 520 Oregon bldg., 5th and
Oak sts.
ISOY for garden, help about house, milk cow,
few miles from town. Give age, references,
- wages wanted. Phone. Write Y 471 Ore-
WANTED Men for sawmill, lath mill and
lumber yards; good wages, steady work.
Write or wire Weed Lumber Co., Weed,
WANTED Young man to work 3 hours
evenings in exchange for board. Apply
Multnomah Athletic club dining room. 581
Salmon street
WANT a sash and door put-up man; also
a cutter; good wages to right man. Haw
thorne Bracket Co., 1065 E. Madihon.
TWO plantng-mill graders, $5.50; 10 planing
mlll laborers, $4.50. Copalis Lumber Co.,
Carlisle, Wash.
MEN wanted to work on river boat, $70
a month, board and room. Apply Wash
ing ton -st. dock.
CARRIERS wanted for west side routes.
Apply City Circulation Dept., room 203,
The Oregonian bldg.
WANTED Pastry cook and pantry man,
out-of-town first-claws hotel. Write Osborn
hotel, Eugene, Oregon.
BA RBER. guaranteed $117; job good for
$.15 ; S S -hour day. Phone or w rite The
Palace. 572 Commercial st., Astoria, Or.
WANTED -Tractor machinist; one with
knowledge of Singer, Union. Special and
Reece machines. AC 832. Oregonian.
WANTED First-class sticker man "at
Walla Walla, $6. 8 hours. See Bollermann.
Oregon hotel. Walla Walla Lbr. companv.
WANTED A dishwasher for vnings.
The Keystone lunch room, 750 Washing
ton. Call evenings after 6 o'clock.
THREE first-class auto painters ; highest
ages paid. Apply paint shop foreman.
Northwest Auto Co.. Alder and 18th.
RANTED AT ONCE First-class open-shop
iron foundry molder on medium work.
520 Oregon bldg., 5th and Oak sts.
COMPETENT surveying
nstrument, maker;
permanent position. The
61 Post st., San Francisn
A. Lieu Co.,
WANTED AT ONCE First-class open-ah
laborers for work In and around shops. 520
Oregon Dicg.. otn ana uait sts.
FIRST-CLASS shoe shiner: good pay. steady
employment. Address Astoria Shoe Shine
Parlor. Astoria. Or.
ACTIVE young married man for laundry
route . gwiu uppunum , give re I erence a,
F 4:14. Oregonian.
YOUNG man for general grocery work;
be able to drive Ford ; references.
Patton road.
COOK. wantea. josepnine notel. Grants
Pass, Or Answer by letter as to wages
ana experience.
EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors, estab
lished publications. R. C. Clyde, 210 Stock
WANTED For 10 days, photosrapher
understands copying. eniarKing and
flex work. XXX. 'reconian.
BARBER Steady job; two Saturday men.
Apply Sam H. Howard, sec. Master Bar
bers' Assn.. 110 Fourth it
MAN with 1 or 2 tams tc
Sherwood. Or.; short haul,
p'v 241 2d st.
haul wood at
good pay. Ap-
WOOD up litters. $1.10 per cord. Inquire
Robinson & Stansberry Woody ard. Van
couver, Wash.
"WANTED - Good. all-around coatmaker;
steady work. Henry W. Jacooson, J24
Morrison st.
DAIRY MAN and milker, experienced. 2."1
Couch st., room 311. Phone Broadway
EX PER1ENCED cook Tor stam labia; no
pastry work; good wages. Broadway
LINOTYPE operator for two weeks or more.
day situation. Oreyon City Enterprise.
"WANTED On e crew rn a nagr an d two
salesmen. Phone Mam ;t432 after 5.
oys. 1. or IS war nf r
t Multnomah club, 581 Salmon.
MAN wanted to work on smail place; must
b nhie to milk. Phone Woodiauh 7s.
CARPENTERS for new homes; $ti per day"
Phone Main ;5144 after 6.
ly pressing.
busheiman nnd preser. most
423 Jefferson.
COAT MAKER wanted, apply Nicoll the
Tailor. 10n Third street.
WANTED Man to take care of duck lake.
Phone Col. 073.
CARRIERS wanted for two Nob Hill routes.
Apply city circulation dept., room 203 The
WANTED Young man as assistant book
keeper and able to operate typewriter:
only one capable of handling general
merchandise set of books need apply.
Address W. L. H.. Box 51, Astoria, with
full details regarding age, experience be
specific (, salary expected and if possible
to make trip immediately for personal in
First-class, experienced man wanted.
Steady job, good wages, favorable working
200 Second St. Phone Main 2592.
WANTED A t once, capable man and wife
io take charge ot an alfalfa ranch in
eastern Oregon ; board yourself and from
1 to b extra men. I will pay board for
extra men; state wages by year; have
ret erence. N 116. OreKonian.
WANTED Furniture and carpet sales-man;
steady position with good salary to thor
oughly experienced man who Is able to
produce results; others need not apply. B
019, Oregonian.
MILKER for certified dairy; best pay; might
consider married man; wife to do some
cooking, but both must be Al. Apply be
tween 9 and 11 A. M.. 508 Lewis bldg.,
4 bench men, 2 sash and door cutters,
for detai! mill; steady work; state ex
perience and wages expected. B. L. Bur
roughs. Pendleton. Or.
WANTED Teacher who can handle ad
vanced piano, be pinners on viol in. out of
town. $200 a month guaranteed. Phone
Main 444. ask for Mr. Cohensky.
WANT an all-around man to work In new
and second-hand furniture store; only one
w it h experience need apply. Michigan
Furniture Co.. 104 1st st.
WANTED Boy with wheel. K night Shoe Co.
Help Wanted (Salesmen.
Accident and health agents wanted In
Oregon, western Washington and south
ern Idaho: part or whole time: best
policies and best commissions; brokerage
.11 ! Lumbermens Bldg. Portland, Or.
TERRITORY will be assigned in states of
Oregon and Washington this week to mer
chandise for a $l.00.0u0 Illinois corpora
tion. Write or phone for appointment.
Address A. J. Waugh, factory representa
tive. Hotel Portland, Portland, August 4
to 9
SALESMAN to do specialty work for local
firm in state of Oregon, salary $150 month
and commissions; must have a car: good
proposition for man if ability. See Mr.
Bo van. room 532 Imperial hotel, between
10 and 12.
WANTED Sal3men to handle as side line
throughout the state of Oregon the snap
piest s-lU on the market in the way of
an auto necessity. Vulca Sales Agency.
329 Oak st.. city.
EXPERIENCED salesman of 50, good ap
pearance, with reliable firm, to call on
millmen. loRgers and manufacturers;
northwest territory preferred. Box 133.
Aberdeen, Wash.
TWO salesmen to sell tire contracts in state
of OreRon; good pay to right men. Apply
only before 10 A. M. and after 4 P. M. 325
Chamber of Commerce bldjr.. Portland.
WANTED 2 salesmen with
estate experience preferred.
Bid ff.
WANTED Salesman to represent factory.
Ford necessary; Reardon Mfg. Co. Peoria,
WANTED Experienced house-to-house so
licitors. 510 Eilers Music bldg.
GOOD proposition for house-to-house; $8
to $10 a day; ladies or gentlemen. See
John Brown. 324 Railway Exchange.
A MONEY-MAKER for a rustler, best propo
sition in city. 430 Alder today bet. 2 and
4 P. M.
AGENTS with car to sell auto specialties
United Sales Co., 633 Washington st.
AGENTS at once. Sell 50c per month hos
pital tickets. 20B Corbett bldg
LADY presser for alteration department.
Apply employment manager, etn iioor,
Meier & Frank Co.
. YOUNG lady, who is good at figuring,
to check incoming invoices in a large
mercantile establishment: one who has
had office exoerience preferred; a good
salary with chance for advancement. F
4X2. Oregonian. fc
W A NTED Strong, healthy woman to wash
dishes, work 6 days per week and as late
as 12 P. M. ; salary $05 per month and
board. Apply to chef of the Hazelwood,
::ss Wash. st.
CLEAN, capable woman for cooking and
care of dining room on rancn, 4U. Ap
ply between 0 and 11 A. M., 503 Lewis
W A NTED First-class lady barber to go to
Pomeroy, Wash.; guarantee 2ii per week.
For particulars apply Lewis-Stenger Bar
bers Supply Co.
WANTED A girl to work in laundry of
fice ; must have had some experience on
typewriter. Union Laundry Co., 2d at
GIRLS wanted on "light factory work: steady
worK. good wages. Apply American tan
Co.. 14th and Front sts.
WANTED A dishwasher for evenings.
The Keystone lunch room. 7."i0 "Washing
ton. Call evenings after 6 o'clock.
WANTED Young lady for addressograph
work; experience not required; salary $2.23
per day. Apply 8th floor, .'I."2 Oak st.
POSITION open for experienced colored
girl and markers and sorters. Apply Troy
Laundrv Co.. E. 10 th and Pine.
TEACH E RS Splendid positions open for
vacation; give education, experience and
phone number. AR 475. Oregonian.
A YOUNG laiy with experience for .the
cloak and suit department ; best of ref
erences. Phone Marshall 4179.
PIANO player for picture house; good on
sight ; state wages and experience. Cozy
theater. Rainier. Or.
MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN as housekeeper. 2
small children would be satisfactory. AV
3M. OretfoniarK
WANTED Experienced alteration woman.
Apply at Levitt's Store, corner 4th and
WANTED Waitress; must be experienced;
room and board. Mallory hotel, 171 Lowns-
GIRL about 17 or 18 years of age wanted
for employment as filing clerk. D 45,
TWO LADY barbers wanted.
Grand avenue. Keystone
room 27.
call at 129
WANTED Experienced power machine op
erators. The McCreery Mfg. Co., OO0 Royal
EXPERIENCED or Inexperienced, man pie
help. Apply Portland Hotel, laundry dept.
EXPERIENCED hemstitch operator. Singer
Sewing Machine Co.. 4o2 Wash, st.
CHORUS GIRLS Highest wages, long en
g tgemeiita; no travelirg. Casino theater.
ELDERLY all-around baker and pastry man
w ishes steady position. L 4 -" , Oregonian.
WANTED Waitress, apply Multnomah Ath
letic club dining room. 5S1 Salmon street.
WANTED Experienced chambermaid. Hotel
M orris. 10th and Stark.
STENOGRAPHER in law office,
western Bank bldg.
802 North-
EXPERIENCED cook for steam table; no
pastry work; good wages. Bdwy. 2o43.
TWO active women for soliciting In town ;
salary or commission. AG 2tS, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED finisher for ladies' suits.
New York Mfg. Co.. Majestic bJdg.
W ANTE D W alt ress
hotel : near city.
and chambermaid for
Phone Marshall 31 4n
EXPERIENCED telephone operators may b
obtained by calling Main 102. A 2687.
WANTED Young lady
man with one child.
to keep house for
L 4H2. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED girl waitress from 11 A. M.
to 2 P. M. 375 X. lHth St.. at Thurman.
WOMAN, kitche
day work. 41
helper. M0 week;
Wash in gton st.
West Millinery. 363 Alder st.
DINING-ROOM girl from 5:30 P.
7:3" P. M. Campbell hotel.
M. to
SKIRT makers and coat finishers wanted.
H. Jamavon. noS Steams bldg.
WANTED Lady attendant at local hos
pital. Tabor 292.
Oaks park.
cashiers. Apply at office.
MH-HNERY maker, $18 per week to start.
35 Aider st.
EXPERIENCED waitress! 473 Washington,
Permanent positions open for young
women as telephone operators; with or
without previous experience.
A pplicatfons will be received at any
centra 1 office in Portland and at room
01.. 6th floor. Telephone bldg. Phone
Broadway 12000.
LIPMAN. WOLFE A CO. require the serv
ices oi experienced salesladies lor it I u
Also experienced cashiers, familiar with
National cash register system; short-hour
waitresses; commissions paid; store in
structions given free of charge, on the
store's time. Apply -superintendent's of
fice between 9 and lOIHO Thursday morn
requires the services of experienced wait
resses. Apply superintendent's office, 9 to
10:30 A. M.
WANTED One girl for bus girl, to tarry
dishes and clear tables; work 6 days per
wek and as Tate as 12 o'clock at night:
salary $01 per month and board. Apply
at The Hazelwood. 3 Washington St.,
or The Broadway Hazelwood, 127 Broad
STENOGRAPH ERS and dictaphone opera-
Tor !-., htenoprapner ana Doo a Keeper
$125, 2 general stenographers $ lOO.
switchboard operator $75. experienced
Wall adding machine operator $85. 301
N. W. Bank Bldg.
WANTED by large wholesale house, young
lady for mailing, desk and office work,
with knowledge of typewriter; answer
stating age. experience. references and
salary expected. K 41, Oregonian.
WANTED at once, several ladies interested
in child welfare, guaranteed $90 for few
weeks' work, good chance for advance
ment and permanent work if willing to
travel. AC 484. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED grocery saleslady with Al
references; must be of neat appearance
and good standing, good pay to right party.
435 (,th St., cor. of College. Main 5572.
White Rose Grocer)'-
TWO girls to travel south, meeting business
peope. attractive personality and educa
tion required. $20 salary and auto trans
portation. Call Miss Hennecke. Benson
hotel ; hours 11 to 5.
EXPERTENCED millinery makers wanted:
high salary, all-year position to capable
workers. Apply Muller Ac Raas Co. of
Washington ,151 3 5th a ve.. Sea 1 1 1 e, W ash.
WANT stenographer capable and willing to
do general office detail work; answer in
own handwriting, state experience, refer
ences, salary expected. AC 831, Oregonian.
W A NTED Com pet en t woman to take care
of 2 children and do ups lairs work: ref
erences required. Apply to Mrs. D. H.
Gearin. 235 Cornell road. Main 3051.
NURSES wanted for training school, fall term
opens September 1, for particulars write
to Mrs. R. E. Harris, matron, Hoquiam
i leneral hospital. Hoquiam, Wash.
WANTED Teacher who can handle ad
vanced piano, and beginners on violin, out
of town; $2U0 a month guaranteed. Phone
Main 4440. ask for Mr. Cohensky.
WANTED Girls to work in . woodworking
factory, wages (2.25, with advancement
after first two weeks; give age and phone
number. AE 283. Oregonian.
WANTED Hand washer to wash fine silks
and wools: lic per hour when experienced.
Cyrstal Laundry, E. 21st. and Sandy road.
Rose City car.
CLEAN cook wanted, wora light. S40, room
with bath and board. Address Miss M.
Coldwell. supt Skamania Hospital, Ste
venson, Wash.
EXPERIENCED millinery trimmers and
makers wanted for positions in Washing
ton, Oregon and Idaho. Apply to Lowen
g a x t & Co.
YOUNG woman stenographer wanted; must
be experienced; state experience and if
married or single, also references. K 23,
LADY with dressmaking knowledge, cap
able of taking charge of apron and house
dress department. Main 21 S3. 32 Wash
ington. POSITION open with large well-known
firm ; applicant must be well educated :
not office work; state education, experi
ence and phone number. BC 81, Oregonian.
TEACHERS wanted, primary, intermediate,
grammar, high school, positions now open,
hierh salaries: write or call. Yates Fifher
Teachers' Agency, 011 Broadway bldg.
YOUNG lady stenographer who can use
dictaphone or willing to learn to do so;
permanent position. Apply Jones Cash
store, 80 Kront st.
WANTED A woman to do plain cooking
in city ; aiso a woman to do plain cook
ing on ranch : no objection to children.
Call Tabor 7581.
WANTED Experienced working woman to
take charge or out-ol-town rooming house;
woman with grown daughter preferred. N
11". Oregonian.
THE Florence Crlttenton Home Is ready ts
help any girl In distress. voa -fc. Ulisan.
M. V. car. East 31o.
ANY g:rl in need of a friend apply to th
Salvation Army Rescue Home. 392 East
15th st. N., or phone East 123.
FIRST-CLASS makers and trimmers. Apply
immediately for position. Long season,
good salary. Muller &. Raas Co.
X.oor Eilers Music bldg. We teach from
melody; no drudgery.
Wan ted Domestic.
WANTED Girl for plain cooking and down
stairs work; no laundry, .good wage;
Portland Heigh ia. Phone Marshall IaTO.
ti41 Gerald ave.
WANTED Competent, steady housekeeper.
family of three; light work, all conven
iences ; good wages. F. G. Sinclair, Bon-
nev i 1 1 e. Or.
WANTED A middle-aged woman for light
housework ; small wages and good, per
manent home. Mrs. Lowe, Main 706.
WANTED An experienced girl to do up
stairs work and care for two children.
Apply 1&3 N. 25th aL -Marshall 2007-
WANTED Girl for general housework;
must be good cook: 2 in family; ttiu a
month. Phone Main 9439.
WANTED Competent girl for downstairs
work and cooking; wages )oO. Telephone
mornings, M ain 0654.
Gl RL to help mornings and evenings for
room and board in private boarding no use.
.'it;? Glisan st.
WANTED Girl or woman for light house
keeping: no objections to one child. AV
:ii. Oregonian.
W A NTED Experienced cook : good wages;
references required; Portland Heights.
Marshall 213.
WANTED A girl to assist with general
housework; no cooking; family of adults.
3S1 Tenth st.
WANTED Experienced second maid ; good
"wages; references required; Portland Hts.
Marshall 213.
GIRL or woman to assist with housework.
Irvington. 43G East 17th East 5273.
MAID for general housework. Call at 1240
E. Burnside or phone Tabor 1044.
GOOD girl or woman, good wages, right
treatment. Phone Main 3U21.
WANTED Excellent cook, references re
quired. Phone Main 7908.
WOMAN for cook and housework;
wa?es: no washing. East 7340.
W ANTED Experienced cook; good salary.
Tabor 5479.
BISHOP BROS.' yards, near Salem and In
dependence. 3ii acres of fine hops, all
uual accommodations furnished; pay $1.20
per hundred pounds, we pick up your bag
gage at your home and deliver it to
ranches free of charge both ways. Rgistet
at 124 N. 5th st. Willamette Valley Trans
fer Co. Phone Broadway 454.
Steady work; 48-hour week; good wages
Apply Portland Woolen Mills.
box and furnish you tents, wood and btraw
free. Write and register now, stating
number of pickers in your family. E,
Clemens Horst Co., Independence, Or.
HOP-RICK ERS wanted. 340 acres, best in
state, OOc box; tents, straw, wood free;
register soon and secure tents. Address
11. p. Buffum, Oswego. Or. JL 1, box 4(.
RAILWAY mail clerk examinations August
23; $1100-$1600 year; sample questions
froe. Franklin Institute, PepL 376 K,
Rochester. N. Y.
WANTED Fruit pickers, packers, sorters
to register now for a long, steady job.
Address U. S. employment office, Payette,
Ca n use about 50 m ore. H ere 1s a
chance to get out of the city and to en
joy the pure country air, and life giving
ozone of the hop yard. Why rail at the
high cost of living, when you and each
member of the family can earn S 1 20 for
each 100 lbs. of hops you pick? Shady oak
grove camping grounds.
Free cabins, water, wood, etc. R- R
statlon and store within 50 rods of yards.
Picking will begin first part of September
and will last until about the Oth. Good
for the health, and healthy for the purse.
If Interested will meet you at room M
Worcester bldfr.. Portland, Saturday and
Wednesday a t' ternoons. Wrl te or phone.
Aurora, Oregon.
Abolish the high cost of llvln
going to the hop fields this season.
oo ai nt. of" UMi wofo.
Located on bank of the beautiful Will
amette river; boating, bathing, swim
ming. Healthy, profitable, pleasant outing,
fresh vegetables, groceries, bread, meat,
milk, etc., brought into yard daily.
Am paying $ 1.20 per 100 pounds hops.
i or iuruier particulars apply, write or
Newberg. Oregon.
T. A. Livesley & Co. yards, near Salem
and Independence, Or. We furnish tents,
tables, stoole, wood, water, straw for beds
and baskets to pick in. There is a store,
cookhouse, butcher shop and dancehall on
the grounds. At ttOc per box you make big
money and have the outing. Register at
2bfe N. 4th St.. or phone A 1931 and get
reservations made for accommodations.
Ask for Guy Creagan, room 2S, Roy hotel.
T. A. Livesley & Co. yards, near Salem
and Independence, Or. We furnish tents,
tables, stools, wood, water, straw for beds
and baskets to pick in. There is a store,
cookhouse, butcher shop and dance hall on
the grounds. At 60c per box. you make big
money and have the outing. Register at
2tt N. 4th St.. or phone A 19:tl and get
reservation! made for accommodations.
Ask for Guy Cruzan, room 2S. Ray holei.
HOP PICKERS wanted in the Mltoma yard,
about U miles northeast of Independ
ence, Or. ; 114 acres of the very best
hops In Oregon, and will pay 60c per box;
nice clean camp grounds, store and good
water; we will furnish tents, benches and
tables, clean straw for bedding; Mr. B.
Stutesman will register pickers at room
415 Commonwealth bldg., 6th and Burn
side streots. Aug. 14. lo and 1.
FIRST-CLASS vest maker is wanted. K, S.
Ervin & Co.. 20.r, Selling bldg.
In the big, p'acLicai automobile and gas
tractor scnool.
Ciaa&e now forming for fall term.
Apply at
lilt Hawuiorne Ave.
41t Hawthorne Ave.
Automobiles. trucnit, tractors. ignition
and starter work. Vulcanising and re
trending, especial summer racea. Day and
evening classes.
We teach Auto, Tractor. Oas Engine
and Auto Electrical Work. BIG JOU-PAOE
CATALOGUE FREE. Address Aacox Auto
Ac Tractor School, Dept. K, Union ave. and
Wasco u, Portland, or. Phone East 7440.
Business College. Portland. Enroll an
time. Teleurapny, stenography, banking,
bookkeeping, secretarial. nee catalogue.
Young men and women wanted. Call 218
Railway Exchange bldg. fepleiidid oppor
tunity to learn a well-paid protestiion. Free
booklet. Railway Telegraph Institute.
Typewriting, bookkeeping, comptometer,
all other mou. business courses. Day. night
school. Aiiaky bldg.. 3d and Alor. Main 3-4.
pays you while learning, gives you a set of
tools; positions uecureu. Sena tor cauiiog.
Phone Bdwy. 1731, 234 Burnside st
TEACHERS wanted for high school posi
tions; salaries irom $l;uu up to $laou.
YateH-Fiuher Teachers' Agency, 911 Broad
ay bldg.
Frana K. Welles, ex-ajbt. State Supu. mgr.
N.W. Bank bldg. Teachers placed promptly.
trade in & weeks; pay while learning; po
sition guaranteed. 234 Couch st.
MEN, WOMEN Learn barber trade free;
wages wmle learning; position guaranteed.
Oregon Baroer College. 233 Madison at.
Miss Bucket's private school; individual
instruction. 123s Grand ave. East 427.
MRS. HANNUM'S shorthand school open
durine summer. Bast 35WJ. 23U Tillamook
TEACHING position, free registration. Main
453o. b lsk leacners Agency, journal disk-
MISS M"aTTINGLY'S Shorthand. Typewrit
ing school; $0 mo. 2ti9 14th. Main 3893.
THE International' Correspondence Schools
can raise your salary. 191 Broadway. '
YATES-FISHER Teacher's Agency Free
registration. Main 0274. Broadway bldg.
Y'OUNG n-arried man now employed, with
spare time from 11 to o. wishes position
with a reliable firm to learn a business
with possible future; salary no object. AM
442, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS stove man, experienced in
coil making and connecting all kinds of
stoves. Slate salary expected and pre
vious employment; steady work. P 344,
HAVE two-ton truck and want work for it.
eteady job preferred, either in or out of
city provided roads are good. Can give
references it required. AV 359, Orego
nian. EXPERIENCED truck driver, at present
working for the U. S. .trans, dept., wishes
position in Portland. Kasean Williams,
box 22, Vancouver. Wash.
EXPERT bookkeeper with varied business
experience, desires position; a hard worker
with a college education; fair stenogra
pher. L 413, Oregonian.
NOTICE merchant buyers, I want position,
salesman, general house furnishing, will
ing to do anything, capable; references.
G 30, Oregonian.
DRAFTSMAN wants steady employment
with chance for early advancement; stats
kind of work, salary. AH 460, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED grocery delivery boy would
like work driving delivery car; well uc
qualnted with east side. Woodlawn 2326.
INDUSTRIOUS young man wants work even
ings or Sundays; experienced chauffeur or
clerlcat; references. AM 44t. Oregonian.
POSITION by first-class auto mechanic In
garage, or with private company; 12
ears' experience. F 435, Oregonian.
Y'OUNG married man, 19, wishes Job driv
ing Ford ; also experienced working in
grocery store. East 162. 374 E. Mth st.
RELIABLE all-around handy man, position,
janitor, watchman or anything In or out
of city. Glen. 221 13th bl Main 7920.
EXPERIENCED fruit and dairy man. wife
and one child aged 5, wants full charge.
William Jones, phone East 1837.
DRAFTING and designing by experts, me
chanical, electrical and structural. 809
Spalding bldg. Phone Main 30 S.
WORK for 3-ton truck, wood or lumber, etc.;
will go out of city; must be several
months' job. L 458. Oregonian.
Y'OUNG MAN, 19, wishes position as truck
driver; can drive any make auto and
knows the city. Tabor 8516.
COOKS Man and wife, good meat and pas
try, wish small logging camp; age 34; no
children. N113, Oregonian.
AN EXPERIENCED salesman with "pep"
is open for position; any line with merit.
G 304. Oregonian.
AN all-round married man wants work of
any kind at once in town; willing worker.
L 459, Oregonian.
WANTED Work for -ton delivery truck
by the month; must be permanent. P 342.
LOGGING cooks, man and wife, want posi
tion large camp ; best references. Broad
way 1069.
WANTED A position as chauffeur. Resi
dence 796 E. Harrison st. AC 793, Orego
nian. EXPERIENCED automobile accessory man,
good references. Call Woodlawn 2346.
MIDDLE-AGED woman as housekeeper; no
children. Address AG 23. Oregonian.
FOR painting and tinting call
1441. Clean work, right price.
ROOKS If you want resMngling and gutter
work, cal! Marshall 1072.
JAPANESE couple wants place, man aa cook,
wife housework. AB 7, Oregonian.
I WANT hauling for my 3-ton truck;
work preferred. Phone East 10S5. .
CARPENTER, Al mechanic, remodeling; or
new worn. rnoue i auor
CARPENTER contracts wanted for building
or a i irrn i iimib. .naiiiiy, seiiwooa il-ti.
MARRIED MAN wants steady work, experi
enced in pipe work. Phone East S321.
GARDENER and grass cutter.
East 339.
WALL TINTING. . Manny, Sell wood 242L
PRINTER Situation wanted by Sept. IS
by practical printer wtth several years
experience in superintending large shops,
estimating, selling and managing; gill
edge references. Henry C. Earle, 107
Martin st.. Dallas. Tex.
PAINTER and d-corator; 20 vears ex
perience handling stock mail paper and
paints; know how to use material and men
to best advantage in contracting: will be
open for engagement soon. Address box
443. Salem. Or.
COOK, first class, m-nnts situation : all
around man. young and reliable; no crank:
Al on meats and pastry; good references:
hotel or restaurant; will go any place,
but must be good house. AC 7h. Ore
go n ia n.
MARRIED MAN. ambitious and industrious,
experienced in clerking and solicit inn.
would like a position of any kind from
about 8 30 A. M. until 3:"0 P. M. : best
references. N 114, Oregonian.
Bookkeepers. Stenographer. Office
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenogra
pher, man, fully capable of taking full
charge of set of books and handling cor
respondence; has taken course in corpora
tion and higher accounting; references.
Phone Wood lawn 6tS. D 44. Oregonian.
BY AN experienced bookkeeper and account
ant, with an extensive experience in va
rious lines; A -1 local references. Ad
dress "J" P. O. Box 6tt. city.
PUBLIC accountant, will taka charge f
your books, do your posting, make out
your monthly statements at a reasonable
eliarge. P 437, Oregonian.
ant; willing t
references. B
bookkeeper and account
r work for advancement ;
621. Oregonian.
Al STENOGRAPHER and general office
man, 24 years of ago, desires position with
a future. Main 719.
BY EXPERIENCED accountant. 2 or 3 small
sets books to keep; kaiislaction guaran
teed. East 6073.
GOOD bookke.oer - atenor raoher.
permanent position in Port and.
G 02.
keeper desires permanent position. AN tt2,
Soldiers and Sailor.
EX-SOLDIER, married, wishes position with
good business firm where can earn $100
per mo. to start, with chances for ad
vancement, give me a trial, a mstady
and can furnish bene of references. Ask for
B. Esteb. Mar. 677. and leave address or
phone number.
YOUNG man out of army seeks Job
with future. Energetic, ambitious, capa
ble. Experience as newspaper reporter
editor, investigator. private secretary.
AC 73, Oregonian.
DISCHARGED soldier, age 28. would Tike
clerical position. Hub kad ten years' cler
ical experience such aa bookkeeping typtnt,
salesman, etc.; references. Phone Sell wood
2:; I.
WANTED Bv ret u rned overieui sold if r.
contract cutting cordwood or 16-inch wood;
large contract preferred. Write H. D.
Forsyth. Mil waukie. Or.
CHAUFFEUR 21 and single: experienced
driver; recently discharged from army.
AC &5, Oregonian.
A-1 experienced dairyman dsire employ
ment; married. B 617, Oreconian.
WANTED A place to take care of children
evenings while mother is aww.y; references.
Wood law n lull.
EXPERIENCED young lady would like a
private exchange; beat of references. Mar
shall 4179.
LADY wants house cleaning, other work,
hour, day; satisfaction guaranteed. Wood-
lawn IJ305.
GOOD laundress wishes 6 or more hours'
work Tliurs., Frl., Sat. Phone Woodlawn
4291 after A. M.
CURTAINS stretched; silk shirts and fancy
laundry. Call mornings. East 4054.
EX PERI ENCED comptometer operator
wishes position. AC 7S3. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED woman wants house clean
ing and laundry. Phone Main 75JH.
MEN'S WASHING and ironing promptly and
neatly done. ll Montgomery st.
L A D V wants work by day or hour.
Uhrlstianson. 503 Guild st. N.
LA DY wishes work as baker in small rea
taurant. Phcne East 3305.
A LADY wants work from 9 to
chamber. Phone East 2414.
kitchen or
WASHING neatly
Woodiawn 4M99.
done at home and out.
Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Office.
ACCOUNTANT. stenographer. secretary,
correspondent, open for position with re
liable firm; prufer lumber; can prepare
detailed statements of costs, etc; assume
responsibility ; highest references. AM
440. Oregonian.
TYPIST wants copy work after 4:30 or
work to take home. Woodlawn 2M0.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper andtenogra
pher. Best of references. Main 2817.
TYPIST wants copy work after 4:3, or work
to take home. Call Woodlawn 2itt0.
DRESSM AKING is an art, we are artists,
fitting stout women our bpeci&itv, suits
ard gowns. Mme. Burling, 22 1 10th nt,
l.hone Main 938.
LADY with two boys. 8-11. wishes to keep
house for re lined gentleman. Call Wdln.
PLAIN and fancy sewing, designing; prices
reasonable. Main 4$tut, 62 N. 21st.
PLAIN sewing done by the day, reasonable
prices. Phone East 542.
DRESSMAKING and remodeling,
anteed. Tabor 6104.
worn guar-
DRESSMAKING, alterations and plain tail
oring. 3otf Tillamook.
DRESSMAKER will go out by day.
B r oa d w ay 2719.
MASSAGE and medical gymnastics is given
in patients' homes by a graduate from
Sweden. Miss t-venson. Marshall 44u,
PRACTICAL NURSE wants position with
sick person or Invalid, in or out of Port
land, $15 a week. B blG, Oregonian.
WANTED Patient
care; reasonable.
at own home.
East 1577."
PRACTICAL nurse will care for infanta In
her home. Woodlawn iJJt.
H o u Hekee pe rs.
REFINED, unincumbered, middle-aged lady
wishes Position housekeeper, for 1 or
gentlemen; good cook, and references; city
or suburbs. L ,4s, oregonian.
A LADY would like position as housekeeper.
inquire at uiympia notei.
WANT housekeeping in city or country. 150
11th 8U, or iJdwy. 2812. room 4.
LADY wishes position as housekeeper.
Marshall 4294. room 3.
WANTED To rtnt furnished house not less
than 5 rooms; have child; best of care will
be given place and will rent tor any length
of time. Phone Wdln. 4724, Mrs. bears,
WANTED To rent 5 or 0-room well -furnished
bungalow In select neighborhood ;
must be high-class in all respects; will
lease for year or more. Phone Marshall
WANTED By reliable young couple with
references, & or 7 -room bungalow for
winter or lonicer. furnished or unfurnished.
in Irvington or Alameda. Newcomu. Main
MAIN 2353. E 240, OREGONIAN.
L 5 OR 6-ROOM modern home, bungalow
cr flat ; Irvington. Laurelhurst or west
side; J35-$40 per month; three adults;
best references. W 387, Oregonian.
MODERN, unfurnished 5 or 6 rooms, bunga
low, apt. or flat ; must be In good loca
tion; 2 adults only; permanent; will pay
good rent: references. Tabor 2023.
A 5 OR 6-ROOM bungalow, with all modern
conveniences, on or before Sept. 1: adults
only; prefer close-in location. AC outi,
WANTED To rent 4 or 5-room cottage,
furnished, with room for garden and
chickens; not too far out and reasonable
price. F 441, Oregonian.
BY COUPLE with 2 babies, 6-room. modern
house, with-furnace, near W. A. or M. A.
carlines preferred; will lease, rent reason
able. Phone East 3185.
WANT to rent a desirable 7 or 8 -room house,
east side, north of Morrison districts pre
ferred. F 411, Oregonian.
FAMILY of 4 wants 4 or
house or flat by Aug. 15;
lawn 1422-
5-room furnished
references. Wood-
W ANTED to rent, 7 tc
modem bouse, in good
9 -room
WANTED To rent 5-room bungalow, pref
erably Irvington. district, by Sept. 1. Cast
WANTED About 4 or 5-room house or lower
flat, vicinity 4th and Lincoln. Main 910.
WANTED 5-room furnished house. not
over $25; adulte; east side. East 7130.
VACANT house. 8 to 20 rooms,
keeping. AN 694. Oregonian.
for house-
WANTED 8 -room modern house,
or unfurnished. Main 7094.
FOUR or five-room
furnished house Call
WANT to rent, 5 or 6-room furnished houee.
i 117. Oregonian.
5-ROOM bungalow and storage attic. mujt
have 2 bed rooms, .must be modern and
on paved street, with parage. Will lease
for year, any good district, prefer one
or two blocks back from car line, bcxt
of reierences, rent must be reasonable;
possession preferred August 20 to 24.
G 313. Oregonian.
WANTED To lease, by Sept. 1, .".-room
bungalow, furnished or unfurnished, for
year or longer, prefer garage: Rose City
preferred: young couple, no children; will
furni-h references. Tabor 1262.
ANTE I By Sept. 1, 5-room modern un
furnished bungalow, on eat side, near
school; will pay 6 mos. rent in advance: 2
small children; can give lst-ciass refer
ences. F 436, Oregonian.
WANTED to lease for one year, at $2." a
month, a six or seven room modern house
or bungalow. B 614, Oregonian.
I WANT now. or not later l han Sept. 1. a
2 or 3-room modern, first-class unfur
nished apartment with bath; In a modern
briJv apartment house: nt over 12 or
15 blocks from Oregonian bldg.; 2 adults:
no children : no Huts considered. i'houe
M r. F i nk. Mai n7 07 0. or M a r s h al 1 4 ! 6 1 .
WANTED To rent 4 or 5 room well-furnished
apartment In select location ; must
be hich-class in ail respects; will lease
for year or more. Phone Marshall 27o.
KM PLOYED couple wishes two housekeep
ing rooms, walking distance: piano pre
ferred. Give phone. C W. Oregonian.
b I RN1SHED apartment not less than
rooms ; have child. Phone Wdln. 47
mornings. Mrs. Sears.
WANTED 3 or 4 unfurnished hotel apt.
Oregon Hotel, room 443.
Room a.
FURNISH ED room wanted ; business bache
lor witnts permanent lv on west side, pref
erably neichborhood Washington and 23d.
comfortable furnished sleeping room in
private house or apartment of small fam
ily and no other roomers; bath, closet, full
Hized bed. rleanlinesa Important; give lo
cation, telephone, term. jnd full partie
ular.AM 433. Oregonian.
ROOM wanted Young man wants room near
bath, modern apartment house, west side.
307. Oregonian.
Ktform With Board.
YOUNG woman with S-year-old son. would
like good board and room in modern
house; m. . place whr there are lurce
grounds If possible; lady has been ill with,
nervous breakdown and wants a good
place to build up ; nnswar in full, giving
price and a! r- i 1 ft. D 47JV Ore iron! an
W ANTED In refined fain
young woman with boy
will be taken care of. M
5 P. M.
! y, home for
i. where child
Lin o;;i2 before
Jl NG woman desires board and rom In
refined home; SunnysMe preferred; ref
erences furnished. E 291, Oresonian.
WA NTED Sleeping porch and board for
tutercular patient. AC 837. Oregonian.
WANTED Light housekeeping room on
east sine, by respectable middle seed
man. elderly people prterred. References
furnished. AE 2G4, Oregonian.
WANTED One light houkeenin k room
ind kiu-heneite; must t clean, cool. Mc-
utchan. apt. 1, 335 Montgomery. Main
VERY comfortable room for rent at 689
orinruy. apartment 1. l'houu Marshal
156. Suitable for two.
4 ROOMS, modern, private bath.
Glisan st. Call apt. 2.
Furnished Booms.
2t5 14th Street.
Furnished rooms with or without board
for business girls and ladv tourists.
Home comforts; rales reasonable. Phone
Main 4119.
A Moderate-Priced Hotel of MeriL
East Morrison and Sixth.
Hotel Clifford Is the principal east side
hotel and is a hotul of dignity and refine
ment. Daily rates $1.00 up; two in room,
$1.75; weekly rates, $5 and up.
170 1 1th st., half block from Morrison
St., clean, modern rooms, centrally located;
transient, $1.59; with bath, $2; monthly,
$25; with bath, $30.
FREE room register, for young men; lifting
rooms in ail parts of the city; also in
Y. M. C. A. bldg. ; shower baths, tele
phones and club t matures. AK. oil, ore
427fc Alder st-. Corner 11th.
Elegant. y lurnished, central location,
clean and orderly. Rates by day or week.
FRONT ROOM, attractively furnished, suit
able for twu young ladies; excellent meals.
Home privileges, mode-rate rate. 507 Vs
Glisan, Phone Broadway 2435.
ANSON Ia" HOTEL, 14th7 and Washington
Clean, respectable home for business peo
ple; transient, $1 up; permanent, $4 up;
private bath, $S. x
MODERN, small, Iront room for gentleman,
one block of Washington, at 17th. oOO
Couch st. apartment ; 3 a week. Apt o.
HOT E lTN OR R IS, 533 A 1 d er-N o ncTautn
mer rates; modern outside rooms, $3 per
week up; with bath, 45; come and set
HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison st. at Tenth
Rates $1 per day up; weekly, $4 up; run
ning water, tree phone and bath.
PALACE HOTEL. 446 Wash. st. ; downtown
location, respectable and strictly modern;
steam heat; rooms large, clean.
LARGE, well lurnished front room for two;
also single room. 705 Everett, near 22d;
2 blka. trom Washington st.
FOR RENT Furnished bedroom in Irving
ton district. Call evenings, 354 E. linn
cor. Broadway.
up; without bath, $1S up. '
phone. $25 mo.
'33 Washington.
SARGENT HOTEL, 271 hk Grand ave., h. k.
apt. and sleeping rooma. East 291.
HOTEL MADRAS," Washington and 12th
All conveniences. $4 and 5 week; $ lday.
FURNISHED rooms and housekeeping rooms.
Dormer apartments, 2s3 13th hi.
SUITE of well lurnished rooms in private
home, close in. 295 W. Park.
ELEGANTLY furniahed rooms, close in. 215
W. Park.
Unfurnished Rooms.
4 UNFURNISHED, up stairs rooms,
water, light, gas and phone. Call
3 P. M., 317 Ssomner.
Furnished Kootnf Id IVivate Family.
LOVELY furnished rooms with large dress
ing room, aiso a dining room if desired,
yard, modern conveniences, use of piano.
135 N. 23d. Marshall 943.
2 ROOMS furnished, bed room and living
room, modern, also private court. io
minutes walk from business center. 204
Stout st., Marshall 425
ONE or 2 furnished housekeeping or sleeping
rooms, employed people preierrea ; uce oi
phone; reasonable rent. Woodlawn 2128.
NICELY furnished room in private family
for gentlemen; 13 mia. waia to cenier oi
city. 203 E. 1st N. Phone C 10O0.
NEWLY furnished sleeping room;
walking distance. can aiter o tr.
Chetopa apts.. Flanders at 18th.
SMALL room with housekeeping privileges
for girt wno wisnes to siuuy luusit. nci
erences. Main 3018.
TWO nice front sleeping rooms, gentlemen
prererrea. at xi Jit. .eiu - ur -
bor 7027.
vi K as A NT outside room in west side
apartment; walking distance. Broadway
1-2 room apartment and 1 large house
keeping room, all furnished. Ill 23d st
Norlh. Phone Main 7029.
GOOD large room, nice home, fine bath.
close in, cheap, aa. i2tn st.
NICE, clean, furnished room lor rent
private family. 513 Irving St.
CLEAN, comfortable room: modern, walking
aisiance, est iuo. -73 -
A FEW pleasant sleeping :00ms, 1 ih
private bath, close in. Broaoway 220b.
ROOM in private family with
board, gentleman preferred.
21 19.
NEWLY furnished front room. 1 loe in.
side, ladies preferred. East 348.
FURNISHED room. bath, reasonable, break
fast if desired. cast torn st.
NEATLY furnished bedroom, walking dis
tance; $2.25 week. 41 tttn st.
UPSTAIRS room, $S month. 3 blocks to S.
W. car. 409 E. Carruthera st.
SUBLET modern furnished room in private
faml y. Marshall I'wo.
NICELY furnished room at 6'. ' Everett.
Boom With Board.
American plan hotel ; desirable rooms;
excellent table; meais servea transients.
380 19th st For business rirls a:td stu
dent: reasonable rates. Marshall 1251.
452 Morrison, cor. 13th. choice rooms and
board, modern conveniences, walking dis-
nrtrtM and board for business giris. al.
modern convenience s. walking distance. (4
per week- Kajt .ids. tu. tin
PARKVIEW HOTEL Rooina with board.
excellent table: close in. 38t Montgomery
near West Park
ROOM and board, home cooking; special rate
to couples transient meais. oi uio at.
Koomi Wlto Board.
NORTON I A HOTEL. Portland's downtown
hih-'-lass family hotl; rooms n suite or
suiglo. with or without board, for (untiles
ard business men and women. We givs
you ail i h cvmtori ot a bona. Reason
Me ra.te.
WAN T ED- ReT i ncd young man to room and
board ; good board, phone and home priv
iRfs; . minutes wa.k. 387 Mill st. Phons
Marshall 4Vt.
Rooms With Board In PrWate rsmil.
FRONT room, at trac lively furnished, suit
able for 2 young lad tes ; excel .en l nira La.
home prl 1 'rices, moderate rates. oti'i
:iuan. bdwj. 2t:t.
ROOM and board for 2 young ladies em
rloyed ; piano, walking distance, horns
privileges. 4is Market. Main 72M.
LAK.iE. weil-furmshe
cookirir, for 2 pop,i
convenience. Kast
room, good borne
exel usive horns . a il
ioiD room and board In private home for
healthy boy, H or 7 years old ; no other
boarders. Sell wood 3o IS.
tion t
will give mother's care and atten
t small children where parent may
12J4 E. Main St.
AN EXCLUSIVE horns offers rooms, with
good home cooking; home-mads bread.
Broadway 4314. 14- N. 19th St.
W 1 Du will care for several children and
room parents, near 14th and ash. Bdwy.
WANTED Small girl of school age to board,
room and care for. 6s; Kant Everett st. N.
ind board fo
Marshall :
two men; home prlv
ilS. 42 5 Mill St.
CHILDREN to board
In private home. 365
Halsey. East 24 46.
WANT care of child. I
to 4 ; good home.
Tabor 3704.
FOR RENT Room or room and board in
pri ate family. Phone Broadway 1403.
Fnrnisoed A partmenta.
Fifth and Columbia Streets.
Five minutes' walk to Meier A Frank'!
vtore; food surroundings, atrictly modern.
2 and S-roora furnished spts.. all outside,
wl tn French doors and balcony.
Twelftn and Taylor. modern furnished apartment o
the Pacific coast.
Roof Garden in Connection.
Walking distance. Bcfemees.
3 and 5-room and sleeping porch, beau
tifully furnished in i'hlnese and Turkish
rues and ll.uw, available at once. Mar.
2 .-;.
BE UTIFUL furnished 3 -room apt., large
private bath, light, phone ; adults only ;
tenants furnish own silver and linen ; $30
per month. hW Union ave., near Beech.
ON K modern f urn if
nor apartment. w
M orriaiin si, $45 ;
Main 2.Uti.
ed 4-room front cor
t side; 5 blocks from
adults only. Phone
KINGSBURY apts., 2bG Vista ave., one nice
ly furnished .1-room apartment with 2 dis
ai'ptant.B beds and outside balcony. $t5.
.Main .
CLEAN 2- room housekeeplnc apartments.
$3.50 and $4 week; sleeping rooms, $2 week.
The A lta Vis l a, 544 Petty grove. Broad
way 35 4 O.
28 1 oth St., Near Taylor St.
Completely furnished 5-rra. apartments.
MEREDITH 3 rooms, steam heat, hot wa
ter, free phone, new furniture. $36. Close
in, 2Jd and Washington. Main 7134.
BELKNAP apartments, completely fur
ni.hed 2 and 3-room apartments, $33 and
up. 17 17th st.. near Yamhill.
TH REE- ROOM apts. with bath, toilet and.
dressing room. '7.50 to $4U. Phone East
2M0. Jackson apts.
THE CAKI.OIS Modern brick, outside apts.
living room. kitchenette, bath, private
phone. $35 ; adults. 341 14th. cor. Market.
A 2-ROOM furnished apartment, $15 a mo.
Corner Rirby and Russell, bet- Mississippi
and Williams aves. Phone East 1594.
ELM WOOD APTS., 415 10th St. 2 and 3
room furnished apts., $45-JoU per month;
desirable location. Phone Main 1621.
DESTRABLE two-room furnished apL Close
in. Suitable lor couple. References re
quired. Call Marshal 5o31. -
3-ROOM partly furnished, no objection to
children, rent reasonable. Apply 519 Kirby,
corner Russell. East 15U4.
WILL SUBLET my beautiful 4-room fur
nished apartment, west side, close - in;
reference, $75. Bwdy 27ul.
FURNISHED 2-roorn apt., modern; phone.
bath, summer rates. 347 Hail, near Broad-
way. Main 3705.
WANTED Young lady employed to share
two room apartment, call Broadway o3.
alter 0:30 P. M.
READY TODAY Furnished 3-room apart
ment, private phone and bath, adults only.
Main 10S2.
Kan. range.
3-room furnished apartment.
East Everett and 2Uth. East
PENINSULA APTS.. 1135 Albma sve. Con
crete bldg., 2 and 3-room apt a Wdln. 1352.
THE Palace apartments 2 rooms, furnished,
private bath, phone; adults. Tabor 20O1.
WALKING distance, 3-room apartment with
bath, toilet, sink. Main 2874 or 028 4th au
COMPLETE apartment. $19: concrete bU'.g.
Union ave. and KMlingsworUi.
BAGGAGE and furniture moving; phone
Broadway 401 Alert Transfer. 411 Vfe Starts.
50. 30 and $35 2. 3 and 4-room apts.,
cam heat, private phone. 210 Market st.
FOR RENT 2-room housekeeping apt.. An-
keny Court. Phone East .23. rurnished.
2-ROOM furnished apartment. $18 a month;
front rooms. Phone Last 1594.
NAP 3-room apt. and kitchenette, singla
room, gentleman. 40i Fourth st.
FU RN1SH ED. modern, clean housekeeping
rooms , $10 and up. 14 1 .loth st.
PORTNOMAH. 4 rooms, hardwood fioora.
alking distance. 200 k. utn.
NICE 2-room lurnished apartment in busi
ness district. Broadway 1 4L
LAM BROOK APTS., East 7th and Yamhill
Two-room apt- c.ast 4Ub.
BOZANTA apts.. 1S9 N. 23d st. ; 3 and 4-
r 00 111 apartments, furnished.
NICELY furnished
-room apartments. 390
private bath; 840 Mississippi
Unfurnished A part me or a.
APARTMENT for rent cheap to party buy
ing some lurnnure. rnone t. 12m.
Furnished or Unfurnished Apartments.
FURNISHED or unfurnished apartments for
rent. Stephenson Court, 15 Mill iL Phone .
.Main 51 10.
-ROOM and bath flat for rent and furni
ture for tsale. Ca.l at Cascade iish mar
ket, on Yajnhill, bet. 3d and 4th. Rent $14-
4-ROOM flat.
modern, adults.
V Williams ave.
Call after
t P- M-, Wl
Famished Flmta.
6-ROOM lower flat, $35; electricity, gaa, fur
nace, basement, tiruadway location, good
furniture io rsale; terms. Thomson, Main
41 9Q. 515 Henry bids-
3 OR 4 ROOMS, modern, 4 blocks south of
N. W. bank. f none Main a 44. f non
Sunday. Marshall 196, 1 to 4 o'clock.
3 DESIRABLE housekeeping rooms, walk
ing distance, no cniiaren; reLerenoes.
Main 3018-
3-ROOM completely furnished flat.
6o4 E.
JOtll St. Phone Sell.
FOR RENT Furnished lower 5-room flat;
piano; adults only ; $37.50. East 5325.
Housekeeping Rooms.
THREE nice housekeeping rooms, kitchen
ette, sleeping porch and living room; also
one small housekeeping room for working
girl, very reasonable. 85 h N. 13th L, w a y HwOv
TWO front rooms with kitchenette, sleep
ing porch ; free cooking gas. electric
lights, bath and phone; accommodate 3 or
4; adults only. 141 N. 10th.
corner E. bth and E. Morrison Completely
furnished 1 and 2-room H. K. apts.
1'KUN K.S, BAGGAGE, delivered In down
town district for 25c ; checks called for.
Auto Service, phone EAST 6434.
FU RN I S HE D housekeeping and sleeping
rooms, cheap rates; business center. 1&9
West Park.
BAGGAGE and furniture moving; phone
B roadway 4ul. Alert Transfer. 411 Stark.
SMALL furnished housekeeping room. 554
h. Madison, corner 13th. Phone East 8065.
NICELY furnished front room for house
keeping. 152 H; Grand ave.. cor. Belmont.
FURNISHED housekeeping
c ! da p. T he Oilman. 142 4
3 H. K.
rooms, electric light, gas and heat;
5U2 12th st.
THREE unfurnished rooms, not modern, but
clean; Albina; adults. Tabor 671.
TWO nicely furnished IL K. rooms; hot
cold water. 372 0th st.
FURNISHED H. K. rooms, cheap rent. :
Washington, cor. Third.
TWO extra large, light H.
Montgomery at.
K. rooms.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms at 510
Hocitekeeoing Room In Private Faotlly.
H. K. SUITE for dressmaker or other !
ness. 150 11th.
105 20TH. cor. Flanders,
housekeeping rooms.
neatly furnished