THE MORNING OKEGOXIAX, THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1910. uwnm mm DEMAND HIGHER WAGE Communication to Hines Sets Forth Men's Position. CUMMINS WRITES WILSON President Is Told He Already Has Power to Handle Situation , Without Jiew Law. "WASHINGTON, Aug. 6. Representa tives of 14 different railroad unions now have joined in a communication to Director-General Hines asking Im mediate increases in vages. This is first instance on record in wnii-ii the railroad unions, representing the all 2.000,000 employes, have acted as a uini- Mr. Hines said he nao not nau to analyze the communication, but it seemed a formal presentation of wage demands already made public CnmrnlM "Writes Wilson. thq. onato interstate commerce com mittee late today by unanimous vote di rected Chairman Cummins to reply to President "Wilson's suggestions for leg islation to create a special railroad v.,,,h senator Cummins' letter --m nn ho marie nublic until tomor row, but it is understood to advise the nridrnt that he has full authority The senate committee also decided -.,i.u..r Hiuaant tn take no action on either suggestions in the wage situa i,. r,H not attempt an inquiry n,,n,ri inin the relations of railroad employes' wages to living costs. ew Law tnneceHHary. The committee is understood to take the position that there was nothing in the president's letter to unairman vum mins which required action by con cress. The committee, it was said. In iiiriino- II democrats as well as re- nMin silsn takes the view that while the railroads are under govern ment control the president and di rector-general have ample power to adjust both wages of employes and rates, and that a special legislative wage board is neither necessary nor de sirable. Chairman Cummins' letter, it waa oaid will state plainly the present ihilitv of dealing with the rail road employes' demands is on the presi dent and director-general and not on congress. INDIANAPOLIS. Aug. 6. In a tele pram to President Wilson, the Indiana Federation of Farmers' Associations, representing more than 100.000 Indiana farmers condemned "veiled threats of a revolution," and declared that if the railroad strike continues it seriously considers advising all its members to hold all farm products until the strike ends. BELGIAN FAMILY IS HAPPY MOTHER AND CHILDREN SEPA RATED RY WAR REIXITED. vidual profiteer as well as "big busi ness" extortion. Legislation to define profiteering. thereby making easier prosecution un- uer existing laws. Laws to make speculation In neces saries a crime. Legislation limiting the margin of profit on necessities. Another major development of the day was the making public of the fed eral trade commission's report on the ndustrial investigation. This report charged that the high price of shoes resulted from excessive profits taken By every factor in the trade. The pack ers, tanners, manufacturers and re tailers all shared in the blame. The report was placed before Attorney-General Palmer today. Hoarder to Be Panrht. The hoarder "is the big part of the game right, now," In the opinion of the government officials in charge of the efforts to bring down prices, and Attorney-General Palmer indicated to day that he was depending largely on the section of the Lever act dealing with hoarding as one of the most im mediate means of forcing prices down. xne price gougcr can be reached in another way," the attorney-general said, explaining that there was not much difference between hoarding and profiteering. The attorney-genera! today pointed out that all of the war-time laws gov erning production and distribution of foodstuffs still were in force and that they would be used o the fullest extent. Th-e conditions confronting the country now, he said, are properly classed as resulting from the war and are a part of war conditions. Not Profiteering, Says Packer. Testifying before a senate committee investigating living conditions in the District of Columbia, Thomas E. Wil son, president of Wilson & Co, and chairman of the Institute of Ameri can Meat Packers, declared that the packers were not profiteering. The high cost of living, he told the com mittee, was a world problem and not local. "The world is on a, holiday and peo ple are spending money like drunken sailors without producing," he added. FREIGHT EMBARGOES FORCED BY STRIKE Lines Stop Shipments of Coal and Wheat to East. MORE SHOPMEN GO OUT day there was no strike on the South ern Pacific lines in Oregon, and no movement by men at the big Albina shops of the Oregon-Washington. Leader Believes Railroads Will Be Tied l"p Soon Mail Influence to Bring Prosecutions. DEDICATION PLANS READY 500 Editors Expected at Oregon City When Tablet Is Cnveiled. OREGON CITT. Aug. 6. (Special.) Plans are complete for the dedication ceremonies at the monument erected by Willard P. Hawley, Sr.. to commemo rate the site of the Oregon Spectator, the first newspaper established west of the Rocky mountains, which will be held during the visit of the delegates of the National Editorial association in this city Saturday. It is expected that nearly 600 of the members of the as sociation will be in attendance, com ing to Oregon City on a special train operated by the Portland Railway, Light &. Power company. The special train is scheduled to leave Portland at 4 o'clock from the station at Firs t and Alder streets. Father Joins American Army to Be Xear Youngsters, Who Xow Are at Home in Portland. After having lived in America for the period of the war. while her children were somewhere in Belgium, their fate unknown. Mra. Polydoor Witteoreongle, who lives on Oswego street, at last has her .youngsters safe on American soil. She and her husband came to America about two months before the war broke out for a visit, and left the children, a pirl of four months and a boy of seven, with their grandmother at Charleroi. Belgium. The parents were not permitted to return after war had involved the lead ing nations of Europe, and rarely heard from relatives because of interrupted mail service. Such messages as they did receive, however, informed tnem of 'the safety of the children as well as of the hardships they were .forced to en dure. " In the hope that he might reach the younarsters and at the same time be of assistance to his native land. Mr. Witt . eorengle joined the American army and went overseas with a detachment of engineers. In this capacity he was able to learn that the children had escaped the f rightfulness "of the first days of the. conflict and were being well cared for. although improperly clothed and underfed. He kept his wife informed, and it wju a happy reunion that took place in Belgium a few weeks ago when the mother claimed her tots. She reached Portland last Friday with the children, and called yesterday at army recruiting headquarters for her hus band's victory button. Mrs. Witteoroengle found the boy sturdy and apparently in good health, but the girl fared' less fortunately and is almost a nervous wreck, due. It is said, to shock of heavy bombardment, lack of proper food and clothirfg and exposure attendant upon fleeing to es cape the Germans when they visited Charleroi. PITTSBURG, Aug-. 6. Warrants were issued this afternoon for the arrest of officers of the Pittsburg branch of the Central Sugar company of Chicago, charged with profiteering. The infor mations, which were sworn to by Spe cial Agent Edgar J. Speer of the de partment of justice, charged that the company during the last two weeks sold sugar at 14 cents a pound whole sale. CHICAGO. Aug. 6. Approximately ..iuu.uuu wortn of surplus leather goods, finished and unfinished, pur chased by the government before the and during the war, was soil at pub lic auction today. The prices obtained were greater than those paid by the government at the time of the pur- -u.ue. it was saia. ine Didders rep resented several hundred manufactur ing concerns. CHICAGO. Aue. 6. .Rffnrc the sion of the Illinois Agricultural associa tion called to adopt an attitude to waiu legislation pending in congress lor regulation of the Dackine- industry narles iiorglet of Havana. III., relat ed an instance of "how the high cost ot living hit the farmer." He said: Hide, S4MiO Shoes, S12.SO. Kecently I bought two pairs of shoes for mv children. They cost me " ieatner is very expensive these oays. was the explanation at the store. Soon after that one of my cows died, and then I lost a calf. I got $6.50 for the two hides. 'We can't pay as much as usual; leather is very cheap now,' was the explanation. As near as I can figure it, each of my children Is wear ing the equivalent of a hide on each foot. There is a great big gap some where between the producer and the ultimate consumer." COLUMBrS, O., Aug. 6. County Prosecutor Schlesinger, in the name of the state, filed proceedings in the Frank lin county court today against the Co lumbus Packing company and the Fair mont Creamery company for an In junction and a receiver for 151,251 pounds of pork which the prosecutor alleges the creamery company has held in storage for the packing company in excess of the period stated by law and for the purpose of profiteering. The suits are the first filed under the new Ohio storage law. SEATTLE, Aug. 6. Forty thousand pounds of bacon, 1000 cases canned corned beef and 1086 cases of canned tomatoes, obtained from army quarter master's depot here, were placed on sale to the public at cost by the city today. SPOKANE WILL CHECK FOODS City to Make Inventory of Stock and Keep Eye on Waste. SPOKANE, Wash., Aug. 6. As a step toward co-operation with other cities of the northwest in an effort to reduce the cost of living, the city council to day instructed the health department to make an inventory of all food stocks held in this city. It was also suggested that the city crematory report on the amount of wasted foodstuffs it handles each day. An increase of one cent a loaf in the price of bread was announced today by a large wholesale bakery of this city. Increase in the cost of labor and materials, it was stated, has made the rise necessary, in spite of an expected reduction in the price of flour shortly on the local market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Aug. 6. P.ail roads bringing wheat into Kansas City must curtail their daily arrivals to two cars, compared with the former daily average wheat movement to this mar ket of 850 cars, officials of the Kansas City Terminal Railway company an nounced late today. The fact that all railroad shopmen here are on strike is assigned as the reason for the order. CHICAGO. Aug. 6. Leaders of the Chicago district council of the Feder ated Railway Shopmen's union said to night that a conservative estiba,te 275,- 000 were on strike throughout country and that the movement was spreading. They declared no violence would be countenanced by the organization and that so far as they knew no mail trains had been interferred with. Assistant District Attorney Roy said that evidence of interference with the mail, train schedules would bring ac tion against persons responsible for calling the strike. He also said he Questioned several representatives of the shopmen today. Rank and File Demand Strike. L. M. Hawver, president of the dis trict council, said so far as he knew none of the shopmen had been sum moned by the district attorney or ques tioned. As to responsibility for the strike, he said, the rank and file had demanded a strike in spite of the wishes of their grand lodge presidents and that the men were determined to remain on strike until their demands for 85 cents an hour for mechanics and 60 cents for helpers had been granted. He said that every railroad in the middle west and south has been serious ly crippled by the walkout. He predicted that freight service and a large part of passenger service will be tied up within a week in nearly every section of the country. The executive council of the union, through President Hawver, today is sued an order calling on all shop fore men to join the strike. Lines Put on Embargoes. Effects on traffic of the strike of federated railroad shopmen were seen today in the embargo placed by sev eral lines on all freight shipments ex cept carload shipments of livestock and perishable goods. Accessions to the ranks of the strikers, which seemed to be increasing, it was believed, would lead additional lines to refuse to ac cept less than carload shipments. Investigation of the manner in which the strike was called is under way here by R. A. Milroy, assistant United States district attorney, who seeks evidence with a view to prosecution of those responsible for efforts to tie up the railroads, which are under government supervision. SPOKANE, Wash., Aug. 6. Shopmen in the employ of the Northern Pacific and Oregon-Washington Railway & Navigation companies here went on strike today as a result of a vote taken yesterday, and shopmen of the Mil waukee railroad at Maiden and Othello, Wash., and Spirit Lake, Idaho, also are on strike. Three hundred and seventy men in the Northern Pacific shops at Park water, a suburb, 120 in the locomotive shops and 250 in the car shops, left their work this forenoon, and 90 men in the Oregon-Washington shops here walked out. Boilermakers Back at Work. At Othello 100 carmen went on strike today, while 12 boilermakers who struck yesterday returned to work to day. One hundred men are out at Maiden and an equal number at Spirit Lake. The car shopmen of the Great North ern at Hillyard, a suburb, remained on duty today, pendinr receipt of strike ballots from their international officers. Five hundered locomotive shopmen who went on strike there yesterday, stilt were out today. FLIGHT COSTS $1 MINUTE Salem Flier at Albany Readv to Take Passengers X'p. ALBANY. Or., Aug. 6. (Special.) Albany people will have their first chance to ride in an airplane tomorrow. lieutenant K. IX Cook of Salem landed at the local field at noon today and will carry passengers in the air ten minutes for 110. He will stay here as long as there is demand for the trips and then fly to Corvallis. Lieutenant Cook Is flying a Curtis J.-4 biplane. He was in the fifth pur suit group of the American aviation corps in France 23 months. GREAT ARMADA ANCHORS Continued From First Pax.) PROSECUTIONJS PLANNED Continued From First Pajre. his address to congress until Tuesday next week instead of this Friday. Prrldent Declines to Delay. Republican Floor Leader Mondell of the house suggested the postponement because of the absence of members 1 from Washington, but the president de clined in a letter to the republican leader. The- president told Mr. Mon dell that the situation now was as acute as it was last week, when he re quested con press not to adjourn and that he felt it his duty to present his vifws to congress at the earliest pos Bible moment There was no intimation from the White House as to the nature of the recommendations the president would make in addressing congress. From the trend of the government's activi ties in an attempt to solve the living: cost problem, however, in the view of several officials, the president proba bly will deal with these subjects; knlargement of provisions of the "Lever food control law to make it op erative after the proclamation of peace and applicable to shoes, clothing- and all life necessaries in addition to food. Iepislation to reach the small indi- DOZEN ENGINES ARE DEAD Mineral Salts in Water Supply Choke Boilers of Milwaukee. SIOUX CITT. Ia., Aug. 6. A dozen locomotives pulling; freight trains are stalled on the Sioux City division of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway. They can move neither forward noi backward. In the phraseology of the railroad shop they are "dead." Owing to mineral salts held in solu tion in the Sioux City water supply, it is necessary to clean the boilers of all engines after each trip, said Superin tendent C. H. Buford. The trains were sidetracked by fresh engines. As soon as the motive power is available the cars will be delivered to their destina tion and the locomotives hauled to Sioux City. 6 Beu-ans' Hot water , Sure Relief LL-AMS LFQR, JNDSG&STIOrj INVASION .BY AIR CHARGED V. S. Aviators Act-used of Violating Mexican Sovereignty. EL PASO, Tex.. Aug . Mexican military officers today protested to the United States army headquarters here against what they claimed were viola tions of Mexican sovereignty by Amer ican army airplanes flying over the border. It was claimed that an American avi ator flew eight miles south of Juarex yesterday. American army officers deny the charge. Senator Chamberlain to Speak. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. "Wash ington. Aujr. 6. Senator Chamberlain will go to Shelbyville. Indiana. Satur day, to ppeak Sunday night and from there will go to Shelbyville. Illinois, for another speech on Wednesday. S. & H. green stamps ror cash. Holman Fuel Co.. Main iSJ, JL S35. Block wood. chort slabwood. . Rock Springs and Ulan, coal; sawdust. Adv. NEW YORK, Aug. 6. Service on the subways, elevated and trolley lines of the Brooklyn Rapid Transit system was demoralized at the rush hour early today by the strike of part of the com pany's 13,000 employe. The walkout did not assume, serious proportions until 8 A. M., when thou sands of passengers on their way to work in New York from various boroughs across the river awaited in vain for service. Congestion in the subway trains which were operated on a limited scale, was most marked. Coal Traffic Suspended. The strike was called to enforce de mands for an eight-hour day. recogni ion of the union and increase in pay to 75 cents an hour for all trainmen and proportionate raise for other em ployes. HUNTINGTON. W. Vs., Aug. 6. All coal traffic was suspended on the Ches apeake & Ohio this afternoon as a re sult of 1 the shopmen's strike. At the same time an order was issued from division headquarters here proclaiming an embargo on all classes of freight. E. L. Bock, division superintendent of the Chesapeake & Ohio railway, of ficially announced tonight that begin ning tomorrow, all passenger as well as freight traffic of the line west of Clifton Forge would be discontinued. WALLA WALLA, Wash., Augr.. C. Boilermakers in the Union Pacific rail road shops here, went out on the gen eral wage strike here at 10 o'clock this morning. At this point they are only four or five in number. The ma chinists and others are still at work waiting further instructions from their headquarters in Spokane and Portland. OREGON SHOPMEX" ARE SOI OUT Xo Move for Walkout Contemplated as Far as Can Be Learned. There is no strike of railroad shop men in Oregon so far as could be learned up to a late hour last night. There have been no demands made upon local officials of the railroad administration, leaving it. difficult to check up on what may be contem plated by the men. Machinists in the northwest at points where others of the shopmen have gone out. are await ing orders from the general chairman of their organization at Omaha. Reports received yesterday at the offices of J. P. O'Brien, federal man ager of the Oregon-Washington and Southern Pacific Oregon lines indicated that the strike had not become gen eral. Spokane, with 103 shopmen out. leads northwest points on the Oregon Washington. The total employed there was 170. Argo, the shops at Seattle, has 67 men out. Walla Walla seven and Tekoe, Wash., 12. . So far as had .been reported yestar- early view of the fighting ships. The motor -boats darted in and about the war-vessels like pilot fish about a. shark and causing Captain Twining, Met of staff on board the New Mexico, to remark. "We must be getting an un official reception." Officer. Vllt Admiral. Though Admiral Rodman had sig nalled an order on anchoring that com manders of other warships need not pay their respects or come aboard, many visits were paid by the ships' of ficers to the commander-in-chief dur ing the day. The following ships and their com manding officers were present tonight on lms coronados: New Mexico. Captain A. L. Willard; Mississippi, Cap tain W. F. Moffett; New York. Cap tain W. V. Pratt; Texas. Captain F. H. Schofield; Wyoming, Captain H. H. Christy: Arkansas, Captain L. R. De Steigner; Georgia, Captain L. C. Pal mer; Vermont, Captain F. P. Clark; Birmingham, Captain F. T. Evans; Montana, Captain G. C. Day; Yarnall, Commander W. F. Halsey; Rathburne, Commander T. A. Symington; Wicks, Commander J. S. Barleon; Woolsey, commander V. McNair; Dent, Lieu tenant-Commander W. C. Wickham: El liott, Lieutenant-Commander E. L Ou ri cher; Tarbell. Commander H. Powell; Lamberton. Lieutenant-Commander F. Slingluff; Radford. Lieutenant-Com mander. A. S. Carpenter; Montgomery, Lieutenant-Commander J. C. Jennings; Breese, Lieutenant-Commander J. M. B. Smith: Gamble, Commander R. Jacobs: Ramsay, H. H. Norton; Buchanan. Lieutenant-Commander H. H. J. Benson; Aaron Ward, Commander R A Rom ance; Waters, Lieutenant-Commander J. r. nairoth: Beggs. CommnnrtAi- H V McKittrics; Ward. Commander M. S. Da vis; falmer. Commander R. R. Stew art; Thatcher, Commander L. P. Tread well; Walker. Lieutenant-Commander J. . Meigs; Crossby, Lieutenant-Commander F. T. Verry; Ludlow. Com mander H. K. Kewitt. ABOARD FLAGSHIP NEW MEXICO. OFF LOS CORO.VADOS, Aug. 6. (By the Associated Press.) Admiral Hugh Rodman, commander of the Pacific fleet, swung himself down the ladder that led from the high bridge of the flagship New Mexico and, stepping briskly to the quarterdeck, went to his cabin, where he eased himself In a big arm chair. He had observed with keen eye the- great fleet under his orders as It dropped Its mudhooks overboard off Los Coronados. Royal Pictures Deeorate Dealt. Turning to his desk, on which were autographed photographs of the king and queen of Belgium. King George of England and President Wilson tokens of appreciation for what the admiral and his sixth battle squadron had done in aiding the British navy to lock the Germans behind Helgoland bight Admiral Rodman became reminiscent end consented to tell of the work of the sixth battle squadron, four of . whose ships the Wyoming, Arkansas, I New York and Texas are now with the Pacific fleet. "The American fleet left for Eng land in November, 1917," said Admiral Rodman, "and we did not get back un til the following December. After rounding Cape Wrath we Joined Admi ral Sir David Beatty's grand sea fleet in Scapa Flow and were immediately assigned to a place of honor, that of one of the two fast wings of the Brit ish fleet. From the time we Joined Sir David Beatty's forces until we teft the American warships took part in all regular tours of duty in the North sea with the British fleet as a whole, and not infrequently we worked in smaller detachments In convoy work and scouting, but always with & mixed force of British and American ships, on which occasions sometimes I was under the command of a British ad miral and sometimes I had two or three British admirals under my command." British Fleet Saved World. "Let me say this right here," added Admiral Rodman, "had It not been for the British fleet the war would have been won in six months, and In favor of Germany, unqualifiedly. . The Brit ish fleet has been the backbone upon which the security of the British em pire rests." The admiral's blue eyes sparkled with evident delight when he told of the amazement with which the British beheld the efficiency and celerity with which the American fleet worked in conjunction with the British navy. "There are two things which the British venerate above everything else that is royalty and the Erttlsh navy. When we became part of the grand sea fleet and when we proved our ef ficiency we were given every confi dence. They gave us their signals, their codes: all information pertaining to policy, and confided to us their most recret codes, which was very much like the Jews of old when they entered the holy of holies; They also gave me se cret information on their espionage system which I have never even given to our own government- This system enabled us to know whenever the Ger man shins stuck their heads out from their holes. The Germans could not have steamed coffee in a pot for an hour but we would have known it. Sab Mnnk ky Propeller. The admiral said that much other information was exchanged between the American and British fleets, in regard, to fire control, interior discipline and matters of all kinds relating to the work at hand. Instruments were also "The British marveled at our quick use of the Knslish codes and signals.' continued the Pacific fleet's admiral, "but in suite of all this co-operation that part which surprised them most was that we never lost our American ism In the slightest degree." Satisfactory Wear Guaranteed The confidence of its custorners is the greatest asset any institution can possess. Every act in the conduct of our business affecting quality, values and ser vice, is calculated to gain, and by deserving hold your patronage. To serve you courteously, intelligently, and depend ably is our earnest en deavor, so that the high standards we maintain will be constantly reflect ed through the clothes we sell. Kathis Va. MEN S WEAR Gorbett Building, Fifth and Morrison OIL LIS UP TO CONGRESS SINKING OF NEW WELLS IN MEXICO TO BE DECIDED. Xo Official Records Found of Pur chase of Oil Lands by Japanese Interests. MEXICO CITY. Aus 6 Oil legisla tion will be taken up about the middle of this month by the extraordinary session of the Mexican congress, which will base its consideration of the sub ject on the message sent to congress last November by President Carranza, according to a statement made today to the Associated Press by Leon Salinas, acting head of the department of in dustry and commerce and also chief of the oil bureau of that department. Senior Salinas declared that, insofar as his department was concerned, tne question of new oil legislation was closed, saying that the department, in issuing provisional permits for oil in terests to sink wells, had turned the whole question over to congress for final disposition. Discussing the report that Japanese interests are securing oil land on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of Mexico, Senor Salinas declared that his de partment had no official record of such transactions and that Japanese oil men had made no Inquiries at the depart ment. He admitted, however, that it wodld be possible for them to secure holdings from private individuals and that his department would not be advised as to tnese oeaia. oiuto of the oil territory along the Atlantic coast is held by American British or other interests. Senor Salinas said it seemed hardly probable that any new comers could acquire Important hold ings by purchasing smaii iracu. Mexicans. Referring to "Circular bo. " permission tor me o'n' ---7 which was issuea uimci 1 by the direction of President Car ranza, the acting head of the depart ment said: "This circular is intended to be a temporary solution of the fuel problem. The Mexican government, for the pur pose of showing its helpful disposition, gives permission for companies to drill wells, provided they subject themselves to the law which will be enacted by the Mexican congress." 5 CENSUS-TAKERS NAMED Supervisors Appointed for Washing ton to Have 100 Deputies Each. SPOKANE. Wash.. Aug. S. Appoint ment of five men a& census supervisors for the congressional districts of this state is announced in a telegram from Washington. D. C. Each supervisor will name about 100 deputies to assist in taking the census. Supervisors were named as follows: First district, Roy Erford. Seattle: second, C. W. Oyen, Everett; third. Er nest A. Llvermore. Vancouver: fourth, William E. McCroskey. Colfax; fifth, Thomas A. Scott, Spokane. paving plant cost the county $16,000 and will be enhanced by two other simi lar plants early next year. Marion county voters, on June 3, voted market road bonds in the sum of $860,000. and all of this money will be spent in improving the highways of this section. Irrigation Bonds Certified. SALEM. Or., Aug. 6. (Special.) An additional $75,000 of the bond issue of the Talent Irrigation district in Jackson county were yesterday cer tified by the irrigation securities com mission. Prior to this time $175,000 of the total issue had been certified. During the last few months of the war as many as 200.000 American sol diers passed through England in a month. Read The Oregonian classified ds. PAVING PLANT PROFITABLE Marion County Making Rapid Pro gress on Liberty Highway. SALEM, Or.. Aug. 6. (Special.) Operation of the new paving plant pur chased recently by the Marlon county court has proved a valuable asset in road building here, and rapid progress Is being made In paving Liberty high way. This Improvement is a part 01 tne Marion county road programme ana upon completion will represent an ex penditure of about $40.000. The new LUNCH abundantly served at Ye Oregon Grill from 11 to 2 fifty cents. A cool, spacious dining place; a menu deliciously good and appetizing. Table d'Hote Dinner 5:30 to 9; 51.25 Delightful music and dancing. Broadway at Stark Street. t'VA '??4l' swap Schilling Tea is not "the best in the world," the "finestpartofthetea-plant," or "you can't get better tea, i no matter hmv much voil pay." Schilling Tea is twice as good as tea sold only a little cheaper. It is the fine practical economical tea of this country. There are four flavors of Schilling Tea Japan, Ceylon - India, Oolong, English Breakfast. All one quality. In parchmyn-lined moisture-proof packages. At grocers everywhere. A Schilling & Co San Francisco wi tu W Sjjj TjrS fr. ifis i) ) I) I) ft D ) ' 8 ' 9 i) 8 D ) i) ft THOMPSON'S Deep-Carre Are Better . -Trademark Rjrlater4 THE SIGN OF PERFECT SERVICE Thoroughly x p erleneea A vpmmemsw tor toe examtna fU Mob and adjustments, akUled workman to construct ths "" a concentrated, serv Ice that guarantees depend able classes at reasonable prices. (I 9 CaaaaJeta Lni Crtadtas Factory oa the Prcmiaee SAVE YOUR EYES 1 THOMPSON OPTICAL INSTITUTE EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS Partlaad'a Larajeet. Moat Mad era. Itoat I.atpBed, Baelnalva OptloU Uataaliaaaaeat. SOa-IO-11 COHBKTT BLDG. FIFTH AND MOKKISUM, Bine lMtl, 5jr jt S t -SrJ DANCING G & Guaranteed in elgrht lessons 'ladles 12.50. gentlemen $5.00 at DeHoney'8 Beautiful Academy, 23d and Waafe in g ton. New summer classes start Monday. Tuesday and Thursday evening. to 11 :30. Plenty of desirable part ners and practice. No embarrassment. Private lessons all hours. Learn from professional dancers. P h o n Uaia 1