Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 07, 1919, Page 15, Image 15

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Philbrook to Consult Records
to JiCfse Northwest Men.
Movement Begun to Take Holding of
ly-ack and field Events From
Hands of Philadelphians.
Incorporated in a letter written by
George Philbrook, chairman of outdoot,
athletics at the Multnomah Amateur
Athletic club, and sent .yesterday to
Frederick W. Rubien, secretary of the
Amateur Athletic union, are the marks
made by the best athletes in the north
vest this season.
It is probable that six or eight track
and field stars of this section of the
country will represent the Pacific
northwest association at the national
track and field championHhips sched
uled for Philadelphia September 5. 6
and 7. As soon as Chairman Philbrook
ascertains how much expense Tnoney
will be allotted for the Portland dele
gation he will decide on how many and
who will make the jaunt. Those who
go will most likely leave here late this
month so as to be on the ground a few
days before being put to the acid test.
Among the northwest delegation will
most likely be the three famous pole
valters Ralph Spearow and Sam Bellah
of the Multnomah Amateur Athletic
club and Jenne, the Washington state
college boy.
Secretary Rubien will use the records
forwarded by Chairman Philbrook to
determine just how many northwest
men are rated to make the trip.
Although the dates have been set
for the National A. A. T7. meet the site
of the carnival in Philadelphia is yet
to be settled. Franklin field, the "scene
of many great athletic events, was an
nounced some time ago as the place,
before the consent was gained from
the college authorities to stage ,the
meet there.
After extensive publicity had been
sent out by the A. A. U., stating that
Franklin field would be the holding
place. President Sam Dallas of the
American Amateur Athletic Union was
notified that the field would not be
available for the meet.
Mr. Dallas wes let down easy- by the
college people, who informed him that
it was the intention to sow grass seed
and the holding of the games would
destroy the growth of the grass. Presi
dent Dallas has since been on a quiet
hunt in an endeavor to find some suit
able location around Philadelphia.
Last week an announcement ap
peared that Lehigh field, Behlehem,
Pa., would be the "promised land." At
the headquarters of the A. A. U. it was
denied that the games would be held
on that field. Some of those among
the powers that be in the east have
been after the A. A. U. heads to take
the meet out of the hands of the
Phlladelphians and stage it at the
Weequahic track, Newark, N. J.
Reservoir park, Jersey City, where
the Metropolitin association A. A. U.
track and field championships will be
held on August 23, is said to be well
An eastern exchange says. " "The
other day there was enough water in
the field to hold the national rowing;
regatta and the A. A. U. swjmming
Krederick W. Rubien, secretary of
the American Amateur Athletic Union
and his son. Frederick Jr. are superin
tending the construction of the track
at Reservoir park, Jersey City, where
the. senior national championships are
scheduled to be held next month.
Although it was announced that
there will be no mara tlion run on the
programme at the International Olympic
games scheduled for 1320 In Antwerp,
American t rack managers will not
eliminate this popular event from their
schedules. One of the most interesting
contests held in years was the recent
"double marathon" from Chateau
Thierry to Paris, conducted by the
K.nights of Columbus.
Portland Boy Defeats Old Enemy in
"Wright of Spokane.
TACOMA. Wash.. Aug. 5. (Special.)
Phil Neer. Portland's youthful tennis
star and northwest junior champion,
stayed in the running today for north
west tennis honors, when he defeated
Jack Wright of Spokane, 8-ti, 9-7. It
was a brilliant, hard-fought match,
with Neer showing the better staying
Kenneth Smith. Neer's teammate, lost
a tough three-set match to Leon De
Turenne, Harvard player, hailing from
Seattle, 8-6r 2-6, 6-2. It was close
Miss Stella Fording of Portland de
feated Dorothy Kahler. Tacoma, 6-0, 6-0.
Miss Campbell of Portland also won
her match.
Thirty-seven matches were run off
in the northwest meet here today, with
the second round practically complete.
"Strangler' Wins Two Falls From
Ivan Grandavich.
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 6. "Stran
gler" Ed Lewis won two of three fails in
his match here tonight with Ivan
Grandavich, the Russian wrestler who
is credited with having defeated many
of the best matmen in the country.
Lewis won the first fall in 46 minutes
and 29 seconds and the second in 36
minutes and 55 seconds. He won both
with the "Lewis" headlock.
Grandavich weighed 225 pounds and
his opponent registered 10 pounds heav
ier. Sports of All Sorts.
Van Cortlandt park. New Tork city's
great athletic field, may soon include
a circular half-mile track for light
harness horsemen.
There ia a movement on foot among
Long Island sound yachtsmen to build
a new class of 18-foot, one-design
yachts for racing in 1920.
The Merchant Shipping company A. A.
of Harriman. Pa., will enter a team for
the national and American cups next
Harry Greb. the Pittsburg light
heavyweight, is among ambitious pu
gilists ready to try to dethrone Jack
McLoughlin and Bundy will repre
sent the Pacific coast in the Longwood
tournament this month on the fameus
club's courts doubles competition.
Lew Tendler, the brilliant southpaw
lightweight of Philadelphia, is willing
to box Lightweight Champion Benny
Leonard at 135 pounds ringside.
John Reeves, the trainer of Baron
Rothchild's flat racers, celebrated his
jubilee recently, 50 years in Hungary
as trainer of race horses. The Hun
garian Jockey club gave him a dinner
and presented him with a magnificent
silver cup.
English golf officials have extended
the age limit for the British girls open
golf ch ampionship to contestants who.
at the time of entry, have not attained
their 21st year. The tourney will take
place September 17-18.
Last year a total of 164 public schools
in Greater New York conducted field
days,- in which 125,000 youngsters par
ticipated. In class athletics the great
est popularity was shown for chinning
the bar. In 122 schools and 2068 classes
56.306 boys followed this mode of
strengthening their muscles. Jumping
attracted 55.637, while running fur
nished recreation to a total of 53,330
boys. .
Norman E. Brookes, by far the most
interesting figure in the lawn tennis
world of the present generation, will
lead the Australian experts who are to
take part in the national tourney at the
West Side Tennis club. Forest Hi Us,
L. I., beginning Monday, August 2 5.
Brookes has played more international
matches than any other player alone.
He' played with the Australians four
years ago when they lifted the Davis
cup. A memorable match with Maurice
E. McLoughlin, when Brookes was
beaten, the first set of 15-13 being the
longest ever recorded in an interna
tional contest, was a treat to all the
enthusiasts who witnessed the game
oetween tne two experts.
v :
One Point Gained Durinc Week
Pushes fcrnnd Arerage to .372.
Sam Crawford Is Xext.
Bill Rumler. Salt lake's hitting
demon, continues to hold his lead over
all coast league regulirf-s with a grand
average of .372 up to and including
games of Sunday, August S. Rumler
gainel one point in the week. Sam
Crawford rests in second position, the
Angel slugger striking the ball at a
.362 rate. Roy Grovert the Oaks' new
ballplayer, has the highest average in
the league, batting .385 for 11 games
in which he has played. Tex Wisterzil
is giyen the call over Portland batters
with a mark of .293.
Billy Lan-e of Oakland leads all the
base runners with 39 steals. He is also
second among the-run getters, with S3
scores. Harl Maggert of Salt Lake
being firstwith &8. Following are the
averages up to last Sunday:
G. A B. R. BH. Pet. IVk.
11 10 is .m .::r.:i
n 3S 7 144 .art ::v
Grover. Oakland...
Rumler. Salt Lake.
Crawford Lm Ang.
Miller. Ofk.anH
Krause. Oakland...
Dale. Salt Lake. . . .
ileusel. Vernon ....
108 401 14S .362
o4 o 7s .3.V,
9 17 :;
2n 7:; id 23 .342
94 377 !) 127 .337
Eldred, Sacramento..
K'l) :.!- 70 131
rournier. L,os Ang.. Ill 423 77 13S
Fitzgerald. San Fran.KK 433 S2 141
Spencer. Salt Lake.-. 64 1S9 2o 61
B'jrton, Vernon 113 31 113 123
Wilie. Oakland 96 3:12 19 107
Koerner. San Fran..lo4
Cooper, Oakland 84
Johnson. Salt Lake. S3
Sheoy. Salt Lake... 103
Bassler, Los Angeles 32
Mjgcert, tsalt Lake.lo7
Compton. Seattle-. . .103
Killt-fer. Los Ang...ljs
Wolter. .Scrmento. 107
Kfldington. Vernon.. 107
372 as 118
04 .-.) IKS
33.7 .14 1U
!1 .317
3'.i4 70 124 .31
loo 13 31 ..310
411 SS 127
4114 C.4 12.1
440 l:f
:i.o 4:1 117
.309 .3
k;i 11 -j
f'u.nningham. Seattle 7
Ho .303
High. Vernon
H05 3
Griggs. Sacramento., hi 321
LarKin, Sacramento. S 20 2
KKiott. Oakland..... 37 199 22
Zamloeh. San Fran..' 39 S2 6
Wisrerzll, Portland.. 91 33S 43
Sweeuey, Seattle.... 'Z'l 73 4
Mulligan. Salt Lake
Markle. Salt Lake..
Bonne, Oakland....
Siglin. Port land ....
Murphy, Oakland...
Farmer, Portland...
AMridge. Los Ang.
Srhultz, Los Ang...
Kates, Los Angeles
Knight. Seattle.....
Si hick. San Fran..
. 7S 273 44 79
. 2H Ml 3 23
. S4 2'.H 49 K;i
.I08 411 S3 117
.113 433 7,1 123
201 20
4: 4
42 114 17 32
S4 313 32 SS
. 106
439 77 123
SO 9 22
429 64 lis
347 3!r 93
1 1 O 3
416 47 113
Smith. San Fran.... 2S
Krug. Salt Lake. ...117
Cox, Portland 1)3
.lames. Oakland 3
Middleton. Sac 107
Couch. San Fran.... 24
.273 .333
.270 .273
.279 .272
.26S .21
i 7 17
Blue. Portland 10S 440 (12 119
Crandall, Los Ang.. 39 S'.t 6 24
Mulvrv. Salt Lake.-loR 441 39 Wi
Mitchell. Vernon 113 44H 72 119
Chadhourne. Vernon. 113 439 73 117 .11K7 .267
Walsh. Seattle 99 3i9 49 9s! .266 .270
P.rooks. Vernon 49 134.22
Thomas, Sacramento 13 34 3
("randall. San Fran..l02 336 40
Drisi-oll. Los Ang... lis 121 17
9 .263
94 .264
32 .264
31 .263
71 .262
lerrirk. Seattle 36 IIS IS 31
Racier. Portland 74 271 43 71
liosp. Seattle 63 226 17 39
Caveney. San Fran. .lOS 421 33 10S
Ftfterv. Los Angeies 7S 8 20
Schorr. Seattle 29 31 6
Fisher. Vernon 78 291 27
23 4
Pln.-lli. Sacramento. 104 4o0 64
Sntth. Salt Lake..
131 29
Gjlligan. Seattle 4
R. Ariett. Oakland.. 2S
l.apan. Seattle SO
12 1
30 .2
30 .2
J 411 .24
c lleichmann. Seattle.
Wares," Seattle
Reiger. Seattle
Raker. Portland
Koehler. Portland...
Maisel. Portland
McKee. San Fran..'.
Pertica. Los Ang...
Blghee. Seattle
Roche. Seattle
Holling. Oakland....
McC;a(igan. Sac...
278 30
69 .248 .239
3rt 1ST 21
22 49 S
263 23
160 16
177 21
36 133 13
242 .240
242 .262
2411 .24.1
2:M1 .243
66 6
TOO 17
SS 20 33
. . 28 76 8
. . 77 234 32
. . 97 3n9 27
. . 49 203 32
. .109 403 43
. . 24 S
. . 70 213 16
.. 19 47 1
. . 43 124 14
. .lOS 1197 S3
. . 37 192 9
. . 11 39 .1
. . 3 220 19
. . 39 140 18
60 .236
73 .216
48 .236
93 .236
16 .233
Kamm. San Fran.
Speas. Portland..
Ellis. Los Angeles
Brown. Los Ang...
Mitze. Oakland...
Baum. San Fran..
Oldham, Portland.
Lane. Oakland....
Murphy. Seattle...
Regan, Seattle....
DeVormer. Vernon.
French. Seattle. . . .
Kenworthy. Los An
Viehoff. Los Ang.
.10 .233
234 .244
.234 .244
.234 .223
.234 .2K4
.233 .20
.11 .232
32 .229
S3 .228
70 .228
I.107 373 44
3A7 28
Stumpf. Sacramento. 10S
39S 34
S4 7
Dell, ernon
A. Ariett. Oakland..
Bromley, San Fran .
Schalier. Seattle
Beck. Vernon
Finneran. Vernon....
Brenton. Seattle
Vance. Sacramento.,
r-.-v, n , j n Fran . . .
.22rt .231
I224 !'222
.223 .227
.219 .217
.219 .231
.219 .297
.216 .204
.213 .213
213 23
49 6
121 13
263 19
32 4
32 4
22 31 3
.17 172 23
Rodgers. Sacramento 35 180 14
Gardner. Seattle 24 2 5
Fahrtque. Los Ang. .101 SI
Hunter. San Fran... 32 20S 19
Sutherland. Portland 17 49
Baldwin. San Fran.. 3. 14 IS
Boles. Los Angeles. ! 1 i. 14
211 .20S
13 .210
78 ,2"7
43 .207
10 .204
33 .201
33 .200
Jim Morley Goes East Seeking
Pitcher and fielders.
LOS ANGKLES, Aug. 6. Jim Morley,
business manager of the Los Angeles
baseball club, will leave tomorrow for
Chicago, where he will confer with
National and American "eague club
owners vin an effort to secure an in
fielder. outfielder and a pitcher for
the Los Angeles club.
Continued Outrages on Vpper
Reaches of Vain River Reported.
TOKIO. Advices from Antung. Man
churia, ' on the boarder of northern
Corea, tell of continued outrages by
Chinese mounted bandits on the upper
reaches of the Yalu river. A band of
several hundred raided the police sta
tion at Changbu and carried away arms
and ammunition. On the following day
the residences of the wealthy people
were attacked and sacked of their con
tents. Subsequently about 20 persons, in
cluding officials of a lumber mill were
carried off by the bandits &s hostages,
probably for purpose of ransom. Xne
Chinese government has organized a
punitive expedition.
Phone your want ads to The Orcgo
nian. Main 7070. A 6095.
Champ Has Lot of Fairly Soft
Picking in Sight.
Captain Rob Roper Now Down in
Mexico City' Taking Lessons of
Jack Johnson.
When "William Harrison Dempsey
gets through piling up the family
fortune and feathering the nest of one
Jack Kearns by his -appearances under
the big top, before the footlights and
on the screen he will have, plenty of
opportunity to be a fighting cham
pion. Would-be champs are springing
up in all parts of the globe like mush
rooms overnight, and a few of them
are entitled to consideration.
yillie Meehan, Harry Greb. Billy
Miske, "Battling" Levinsky and a flocK
of others are clamoring for a chance
at the title, and Dempsey could spend
a few profitable months of disposing
of one after the other. Then there is
the winner of the Carpentier-Beckett
go across the pond, who will in all
probability be JacK's next opponent
and as soft as the rest.
But. the army is the foundation of
hope of the majority of boxing fans,
who ure as eager now to see Dempsey
whipped as they .were to see him stop
Willard. They love variety, and after
all that is what eeps the game going.
Several so-called promising heavy
weights have been uncovered in the
ranks of Uncle .Sam's fighters, and
there is one chance in X thousand that
one of them may be the man to knock;
Dempsey from under his crown.
Army Has Flock of Hopefuls.
Three of the crop of embryo soldier
pugilists are now engaging the at
tention of boxing authorities in the
east. They are Bob Martin, Eddie
Stout and Jack Burke. Martin won a
lot of bouts in the army via the knock
out route and is credited with the
A. E. F. title. He has height, weight,
reach and punch, but lacks experience
and has yet to show that he can as
similate punishment. Dempsey has a
habit of feeding his opponents in the
early rounds of all of his bouts. And
another thing Portland's own middle
weight. Leo Cross, won a pretty easy
six-round decision over Martin in
France not so very long ago. Martin
might do. but if he were to enter the
ring tomorrow against Dempsey the
betting would likely be 10 to 1 or more
on the champion.
A gentleman by the name of Ike
Bernstein Is touting Eddie Stout and
he has touted Kddie so loudly that
many of theQhicago fans are begin
ning to sit up and take notice of him.
Stout is 20 years old and weighs 235
pounds. But that is about all that can
be said for him aside from the fact
that he won a few bouts while in the
aviation service at Fort Ethan Allen.
Vt. Bernstein hooked on to him when
he saw Eddie put away three fellows
in a street fight with a punch apiece.
Larney Lichenstein of Chicago has
Jack Burke in tow. Burke is 22 years
old. stands about six feet and weighs
nearly 200 pounds. He Is said to have
won 30 fights, including a bout with
Terry Keller. Burke has & bunch of
admirers, who like his style and who
think that he has a chance with Demp
sey, provided he is properly handled.
Then again there is Captain Bob
Roper, whom Jack Johnson and
Charley Cutler are grooming for the
title in Mexico' City. Roper is the
American amateur champion and if
he has a fighting heart Dempsey might
have something to fear from him. He
has fought always because he loved to
fight. He is 26 years old, weighs 208
pounds, stands six feet one inch and
has a reach of 78 Vz inches, which is
a half an inch greater than Dempsey's.
Charley Cutler and Jack Johnson have
been working hard with Roper and
expect to make him 'a champion. Before
entering the war he was a physical
exponent in Chicago. He enlisted, won
a commissien as a captain and served
as physical instructor in army camps.
He was honorably discharged from the
service four months ago and left for
Mexico City immediately.
Dick O'Brien and Fred Fulton are
both possibilities. O'Brien who is
Biddy Bishop's young protege, has had
25 fights, winning 21 of them by
knockouts. Fred Fulton will tackle a
few setups in Paris and try to get
back into the -good graces of the fans.
Oversea Fighter Passenger on Foma
From Versailles.
XEW YORK. r-The story of an uprising-
of natives and an attack: upon
the town of Assiut, Egrypt. in the latter
part of March was 'brought to port
yesterday by Professor Roy Allgood,
of Birmingham, Ala., who was a pas
senger on the transport Roma from
Had it not been for the airplane,
monitors and other devices of modern
warfare, rr. Allgood said, the defense
of a handful of beleagured white men
m U?h t have been as bloody as the siege
of Luck now and ended in a massacre
such as occurred in American villages
during the days of the Indian wars.
Dr. Allgood, who had the chair of
science at the College of Assiut. was
one of 400 foreigners who held off
5000 Fellaheens and Senyussi Arabians
in a siege lasting three days.
"There had been trouble brewing
ever since the deposing1 of the Khe
dive." he said, "and an attack was not
unexpected. The great mistake made
by the natives, however, was the cut
ting of the wires between Assiut and
Cairo. This was virtually a signal to
the British forces at the capital and
at Alexandria that something was
wing down our way.
"On March 20 an autpost" rider came
in with a report that Senyussi Ara
bians had- killed an Englishman. The
railroad tracks had been torn up. AVe
expected an attack by the Senyussi,
but we learned that the leading band
of marauders were the Fellaheens. the
low Arab class. We all got together
in a little garrison protected with a
stockade and were determined to give
the enemy our best resistance. We had
a hundred faithful troops, but we were
greatly outnumbered. They tried many
times to get close enough to the gar
rison to set fire to it, but always were
repulsed by machine gun fire, which
proved to be effective.
"With the wires down it was impos
sible to communicate our plight or our
immediate needs to army headquarters
in Cairo, and our greatest fear was
that our ammunition, which was. run
ning low, would be exhausted before
help arrived. If the natives once got
the upper hand there would have been
a massacre.
"The women of our garrison were
brave throughout, and were prepared
to kill themselves rather than en
counter a worse fate in the hands of
the maddened tribesmen.
"After two days of fighting a sea
plane came from airo. about 250 miles
The Real
in Cigarette
Some smokers are just beginning
to realize that the fancy-colored,
expensive pasteboard box is no
longer the popular cigarette
At nearly all of the big fashion-
able clubs and hotels, as well as
among those smokers who go to
French Lick; to Atlantic City and
Palm Beach, and even to Newport
itself, the one package most fre
quently seen is this sensible "soft' :
yellow package that carries twenty
to the north of us, maneuvered over
head and then flew away. The be
siegers saw it and renewed attack. A
few hours later the plane came again,
flyi nlgow and with good aim dropped
a supply of ammunition into our stock
ade. "After this plane disappeared another
plane, which we afterward learned was
laden to capacity with bombs, came
down from Alexandria and with deadly
aim bombed the enemy village, killing
about 500 Datives. On the third day
our hopes brightened, for more air
planes cam.e up and, flying low, poured
a steady and, it seemed, never ending
machine gun - fire into the opposing
"At the same time native and Brit
ish troops were , coming up the river
on gunboats and smaller craft, and the
Arabs were routed, with heavy losses.'
Dr. Allgood said that for the sake
of safety all foreigners were moved to
Cairo. During the siege he said the
Arabs destroyed as much British and
Christian property as they could.
Right Rev. David II. Greer Be
queaths Estate to His W idow.
NEW TORK. In a will of less than
two full pages the Right Rev. David H.
Greer, bishop of the New York diocese
of the Protestant Episcopal church, be
queathed his entire estate to Mrs. Car
oline A. Greer, his widow. The will
was filed in the surrogates' court and
disposes of an estate estimated at $200,
000. While leaving: his estate to Mrs.
Greer without reservation. Bishop Greer
provided that in the event of her death
before his securities valued at $25,000
were-te be turned over to his daughter.
Miss eJn Greer, who was to share
equally with her sister, Mrs. Mary Mc
La and two brothers. William A. and
Lawrence Greer, in the residuary es
tate. The will was offered for probate by
William A. Greer, as petitioner and rep
resenting the estate is another eon.
Lawrence, of the law firm of Pierce &
Greer, of No. 37 Wall street. The peti
tion stated Bishop Greer left no real
estate, but personal property valued
in excess of $10,000.
The will was made June 10, 1918, and
was witnessed by William H. Pott, Ada
M. Barr, and Howard C. Robins. Mrs
Greer lives in the bishop's house, at
110th street and, Amsterdam avenue,
with her daughter. Miss Jean.
Auti-Prohtbltionlsts to Demand En
forcement of 14th Amendment.
N'S'W YORK. The National Associa
tion Opposed to Prohibition announced
ast night that the keynote sounded by
uongwsaman neu uen nastceu would
become a national issue. Congressman
Haskell in his address declared that he
would fight for as rigid as enforce
ment of the 14th and 15th amendments
to the constitution as the drys would
for enforcement of the bone-dry ISth.
The 14th amendment provides in
part: -
"No state shall make or enforce any
law which shall abridge the privileges
or immunities of the citizens of the
United States, nor shall any state de
prive any person of life, liberty or
property without due process of law,
nor deny to any person within its juris
diction equal protection of the laws.
"Representatives shall be appor
tioned among the several states ac
cording to their respective numbers,
counting the' whole number of persons
in each stare, including Indians not
"But, when the right to vote at any
election for the choice of electors for
president and vice-president of the
United States, representatives in con
gress, the executive and judicial offi
cers of a state, or the members of the
legislature thereof, is denied to any
male members of such state being 21
years of age and citizens of the United
States or in any way abridge, except
for participation in rebellion of any
crime, the basis of representation
therein shall be reduced in the propor
tion which the number of such male
citizens shall bear to the whole num
ber of male citizens, 21 years of age,
in such state."
The association's statement says in
"Had it not been for the votes of the
senators and congressmen from the so
called 'Solid . South' the 18th amend
ment would never have become a part
of the constitution of vthe United
"Congressman Haskell Relieves that
if one section of the country can im
pose upon every state in tne union the
enforcement of a 'bone-dry' constituT
tional amendment, then that particular
section ought to have the benefit of an
equally drastic enforcement of. an
amendment which has not recently
been tnforced and never will be ln
forced if the states south of Mason
and Dixon's line can prevent it."
Maine Baby Challenges All Comers
to Equal His Record.
LYMAN. Me. Dorrance Alton Brown,
one-month-old, throws his baby bonnet
into the ring ad challenges all comers
to equal his record of six great-grandparents
and four grandparents. ,
This youngster, who was. born into
more than the usual share of living
ancestors also enjoys having them
within easy visiting distance, all mak
ing thir homes in York county. . Hs
two great-grandfathers live n Wells,
being Charles H. Tarbox and Charles
Stevens. His four great-grandmothers
are Mrs. Julia Brown of. this town. Mrs.
Jackson Colby of Welis. Mrs. Adeline
Stevens and Mrs. Mary Tarbox of Ken
nebunk. His maternal grandparents
are Mr. and Mrs. A. ,C. Stevens of
Kennebuck and his paternal grandpar
ents are Mr. and Mrs. Weston Brown
of Lyman, x
The youngster is expected to have
more than his fill of cookies adn dough
nuts and jacknives and petting in the
course of the next few years.
Battle Creek Chamber of Commerce
Aids Folk to Build.
WASHINGTON. One of the cities is
now working enthusiastically in sup
port of the own-your-own-home
movement started by the United States
Contains more Turkish.
than any other,, -- v
Turkish blend'! cigarette
YOU don't wnt too much Turkish tobacco in
your cigarette. "Too much" keeps you worry
ing about how many cigarettes you can smoke, j
But you do want ENOUGH Turkish. .
The extra large proportion of Turkish in
Fatimas gives smokers that delicious Turkish
taste. But blended with it is just the right
selection of Domestic tobaccos, carefully propor
tioned to offset entirely that over-richness so
characteristic of straight unmixed Turkish.
That is why even if a man smoke more
Fatimas than usual they leave him feeling just
as he should feel fine and fit for his work.
department of labor. Is Battle Creek,
The chamber of commerce of that
city supplies plans for builders and is
now finding that five-room bungalows
with a great deal of closet room find
favor with most women. One of these
plans, which provides for Quantity con
struction, contains not only all modern
conveniences, but Includes many aris-
tic ideas. It has a living room 12 by
16 feet with hardwood floor and large
double windows. Special attention has
been given to lighting1 and emphasis
is placed on good material and sub
stantial construction.
The fact that architects and con
tractors are now recognizing the im
portance of closets and other conven
iences that appeal to women, whose
workshop s the home, s ponted out as
oneof the evdences of progress toward
a tme when men and women wll co
operate more fully n all that prtans
to domstic comfort and domestic econ
American Woman in San Salvador
Tells of Terror Experienced.
LOS ANGELES, Cal. How the San
Salvador earthquake of April 28 partly
demolished the - national palace and
"rocked a solid concrete building like
a leaf in the wind" was told in a letter
received here by Mrs. J. W. Marshall
from her cousin, Mrs. C. L. Curtis, who
was in San Salvador when the tremblrr
"This was the worst earthquake in
San Salvador in 40 years, wrote Mrs.
Curtis. "The volcano -that caused the
trouble in 1917 was not to blame this
"There was a lake ten miles away,
from which the disturbance radiates as
a center, and this city, being so near,
gets about all it can stand.
The first shock came about 1 o'clock
in the morning, when most persons
were asleep. Many were caught by
plaster falling on their beds. Others
were buried under the falling walls.
"The electric lights were instantly
cut off.
"I awoke in terror and cried out to
my husband. The solid concrete build
ing, in which I now sit, rocked from
north to south like a leaf in the wind,
and all the time there was a terrifying
rar Impossible to describe.
"Shock followed shock, although di
minishing in intensity each time.
"Our place faces the front of the
national palace, from which great
blocks of marble, which had ornamented
the balconies of the second story, were
thrown down, chipping great pieces
from the madble steps.
V'ln all, about 100 lives were lost, not
including those of convicts who were
shot while attempting to escape."
Marshal Guarded by French Colonial
Troops on Estate at Futak.
BELGRADE. The exact where
abouts of von Mackensen. the German
field marshal, has for a time been a
mystery. It was rumored some weeks
ago at Salonica that he would be
guarded there. While at Novi-Sad I
learned authoritatively that until Jan
uary 4 the German marshal was kept
at the town of Budafok, twelve kilom
etres south of Budapest, under guard
of Moroccans. On that date be was
sent to Futak, a small town on the
banks of the Danube, twelve kilom
etres from Kovi-Sad. At Futak he has
made his residence on the large estate
belonging to Count Rudolf Kotek,
which is about one mile from the river.
Until recently he has had the freedom
of the place, and has been allowed to
hunt, fish, ride, or walk to adjacent
villages as he chose. With him at the
castle are the mtmbers of his staff
and other German officers to t"he num
ber of about 30. The prisoners have)
not had an unpleasant time.
About ten days ago, however, a plan
to attempt escape was discovered, and
as a result von Mackensen is now a
prisoner under close guard. He moves
about only in company of a Freneh
officer. The plan involved the use of
an airplane and was discovered about
the time trouble began" at Budapest.
Intercourse with the field marshal is
forbidden at this time, and an at
tempt by your correspondent to ar
range an interview was forbidden by
the chief of staff of the French army
at Belgrade.
It is said that the marshal's health,
is good and that he is in cheerful
spirits. The estate is guarded by the
Fourth Malgash Battalion, Armee
Coloniale. which consists of negroes
from Madagascar, and 200 men are de
tailed for guard duty. Responsibility
for the care and conduct of the dis
tinguished prisoner is vested in head-,
quarters at Novi-Sad.
The first telephone ever placed In a.
private English residence is still to be
seen at Marlborough house. It was
made in 1878 on board the warship
Thunderer and was subsequently set
up between the schoolroom and the
boudoir of the princess of Wales.
Cincinnati "Reds" Pilot Be
lieves in Sloan's, the
World's Liniment
"When my players get sore. I dont.
rub them the wrong way; I use Sloan's
Liniment it penetrates."
Mo ran knows how to keep his men
fit for the pennant scramble keeps
Sloan's handy for emergency. "Glass
arm." "Charley Horse," stiffness, sore
ness, bruises, are quickly and comfort
ably relieved. Penetrates without ran
hing:. keeping the boys ready for the
winning game. Three sizes, all drug
gists. 30c 60c. S1.20.