14 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, ATJGTJST 7, 1919. WOOLLY HMC PUTS SKIDS UNDER Seattle Gets Only One' Hit, but Scores 5 Tallies. HIT BATSMEN ARE COSTLY Free Trips to First Coupled Witb Fielding Slips Slide Luckless 31 ac km en on Toboggan. Pacific Coast Leane Standing. W. L.. PC! W. T.. pr. Tos Angeles. fi 48 ..V0 1 Sacramento .S2 58.473 Salt Lake. . -.'t 47 .572 Oakland . 54 63.4;:; Vernon . . .66 iM) ..Vll) Portland ....48 63.432 San Fran 62 54 -534;Seattle 3I U .358 Yesterday's Result". At Seattle Seattle 5, Portland 1. At I-os Anjreles Oakland 6. Los A ft gel es 4. At Sacramento Salt Lake 7, Sacramento 5. At San Francisco San Francisco 5. Ver non 2. SEATTLE, Wash., Aug-. 6. Special.) One lonely hit was all that Seattle could grather off Portland, but that one bin pie was enough to win the ball Fame. Ray French 'was the lad who delivered the two-base blow, and he chose a time when the bases were full for his little click, and the double beat the bustling Beavers in the opening ctrugrgle of the series. The score was 6 to l. With their new pilot eyeing" the con flict from the bench, the Rainiers fielded and ran bases like a real ball club. Charley Mullen's release from Toledo was not received until game time and the blonde manager will not assume his managerial duties until to morrow afternoon. Rl fob era IvOe Game. McCredie's pitchers, as Portland twirlers are wont to do, helped Ray French win the game.- 'Deacon" Jones, Walter's first choice for the heaving honors, filled the paths in the second with two hit batters and a walk and French did the rest. The youngster's fc'am over third base was delivered TAhen the count was 3 and 2 and took ail the starch out of McCredie's boys. Marki Score Once. McCredie had squeezed a tally over in the first inning, but wtien the locals pot their three in the second, Claude Thomas, who occupied the knoll for Se attle, saw to it that Skipper Walter got no more markers. Despite the seven Beaver blows, Thomas threw his usual brilliant game, and outpitched both Jones and Sutherland, who relieved the young t.wirler in the third. Seattle grabbed a couple nyre in the fifth, just to clinch it, some daring base running, a brace of walks and an error accounting for the tallies. The eccre: Portland I Seattle BRKOAI BRHOA Fpeas.m. . 4 Wis rzil.3 3 12 1 OlC-n-g'm.m 2 1 0 0 0 2 2: Wares 3 0 0 4 lilue.l. ... 3 Farmer.l. 4 iKlin,2. . 4 Haker.c . . 4 Kader.B. . 3 Cox.r. ... 4 Junes. p. . 1 Su'rl'nd.p 1 Malsel.. 1 St h'dtr.p. 0 Koehiert. 1 0 0 6 21 Walsh. 1.. . 3 0 0 2 2 0 2 0 0 12 10 1 0 12 OiCompton.r 3 0 14 2 KniKht.l.. 3 0 0 5 SlLapan.c. 1 0 2 3 llMurphy,3. 2 0 11 o French. s. . 3 O 0 0 Oi Thomas, p. 2 0 5 o o o! 0 0 0 Totals 33 1 7 24 lOt Totals. 22 5 1 27 17 Batted for Sutherland in the seventh. Batted for Schroeder in the ninth. Portland 1 O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 1 Seattle 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 x 5 Errors, Baker. Knight. French. Struck out, by Sutherland 4. by Schroeder 1. Bases on balls, off Thomas 3. off Junes 2. off Sutherland 2. off Schroeder 1. Two-base hi;. French. Double plays. French to Knight. Thomas to Murphy to Kniprht. French to "Wares to Knight, Baker to Sigltn. Sacrifice hits. Blue. Knight, Thomas. Stolen bases, Cunningham 2, C'omptoft 3. Runs responsible for, Thomas 1. Jones 3, Sutherland 1. (.'harge defeat to Jones. Umpires. Casey and Toman. ERROKS SPOIL SENATORS' DAY Six Bobbles Aid Salt Lake to Victory. Score 7 to 5. . SACRAMENTO. Aug. 6. Salt Lake took the second game-of the series from Sacramento, 7 to 6. Dal for the visitors pitched a good game, allowing Sacramento but five hits. The local players displayed a poor brand of ball, -making six errors. Sacramento used .three pitchers. Varni, former Santa Clara catcher, played his first game 1 tor Sacramento. Score: Salt Lake I Sacramento BRHOA1 IS K h (1 A M ssr'rt.m 4 111 V Ptumpf.3. 5 0 0 2 2 Krs,2... 3 2 2 1 4 Midil t n.l 4 110 0 - Johnson. a 4 1 0 0 2 EWIred.m. 3 3 0 2 0 Rumler.r. 5 0 2 2 0 Wolter.r.. 4 112 1 Sheely.l. 5 0 112 0 Cripgs.l. . 3 0 0 13 1 . -M Ilig n.3 4 1 0 0 3 M Uafn.2. 4 12 13 . Fitzp'ck.l 4 113 0 Orr.s 3 O 1 4 7 Bvler.c. 4 O 2 8 1 Varn i.c . . . 4 0 O 3 2 -Dle,p... 4 12 0 1 Larkln.p. 1 O 0 O O Prouph.p. 1 0 O O 2 Pinelli. . . 0 0 0 0 O Crenpi,p. .0 0 0 0 0 ' " Cookf - ... 1 0 0 0 0 . 1 t. Totals. 37 7 11 27 111 Totals.. 32 5 5 27 18 . Batted for ProugH in the seventh. Batted for Crvspi in the ninth. 'Salt Lake 0 2 2 1 0 0 1 1 O 7 Sacramento 2 0 0 0 O 0 0 3 5 - Krrnrs. "Miillii-an Rliimnf :1 flrr Vnrni "Innings pitched, Iarkin 2a, Prough 4 t-3 ram en to 6. OAKLAND OVERHAULS ANGELS SeTenUi-Inning Rally Nettins o v Runs Cinches Contest. LOS ANGELES. Aug. 6. Overcoming a lad of three runs. Oakland scored five men in the seventh inning of the fame with Los Angeles, taking the con test, 6 to 4. A single, two infield hits, , two errors and a walk succeeded in .-bringing Wilie. Murphy. Bo line, Mitze - and Lane home for the five tallies. Scorer Oukland 1 los Angeles BRHOA xi it H O A ...ane.m . 0 4 0 Rates. m. 1 "J 0 1 Fabr'q u?. 0 0 a t.; rover.': . 4 Cooper. 1. 4 tiiiisto.l. . 4 Wilie.r.. . 3 Murphy. 3 4 Bohne.i.. 4 Mitze.c. ."3 K'ik'b-g.p 2 111 O Kourni'r.l 4 0 1 10 1 oil O'Orawfrd.r 4 2 112 0 B.issior.r. 4 0 1 2 S I O 1 2 K nw tv.2 4 O 0 6 4 1 t 2 S Ki:is,l 4 0 0 1 0 1 2 4 0 Neihoff.3. o 1 1 1 3 0 0 0 2 Pertira,p. 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Crund U.D 1 0 0 0 0 J imes . . 1 Kremer.p 1 0 0 0 li 1 Totals 32 0 27 p! Totals. 33 4 27 IS Batted for Falkenburg in the seventh. Oakland o 1 0 0 0 0 ft 0 0 Ioa AnKcles 2 0 o 1 1 0 0 0 04 Krrors. Fabrique. Ken worth v. Stolen toases. Fabrique. Two-hase hits, Guisto. Crawford. Three-base hit. Crawford. Sac rifice hit. Lane. Bases on ba'us. off Faik enburg 1, off Pertica 2. Stfcick out. by Pertiea 1. by Fa'.kenhurg 2. by Crandall 1. by Kremer 2. Inntngs pitched. Falkenburg Kremer 3. Pertica rt 2-3. Crandall 2 1-3. Ivum responsible for. Falkenburg 4. Pertica 3. roubie pLays, Bassler to Kenworthy, "Ntehoff to Ken wort h v t n Fournier 2 l . tredit victory to Falkenbur. Charge de- i.eat to Pertica. Umpires, Held and ason. x &E.LS TWIST TIGEIiS' TAIL One-Sided Slugfest Goes Against Vernon Score 5 to 2. ' SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 6. San Fran cisco again look Vernon's measure to day, defeating the Tigers 5 to 2 in a one-sided slufrfest. The Seals opened the scoring early, putting a run across in the second with av two-base hit and a single. They Three-base hit, Rumler. Two-base hits. Mc Oaf f i Ran. Orr. Sacrifice hit. Johnson. Bases on balls, off I-arkin 2, off Prough 1. off Date 5. Struck out, by l.arkin 1. by Prouph 1, by Dale 8. Double plays. Origrss unassisted, Proufrh to Orr to Griggs. Wild pitches. Prouph, Dale. Passed ball. Byler. Runs responsible lor, Larhin l, Frnugh 1. Crespi 1 rifllp ft T.eft t n tnvut Sa It T nlro fi Zi- Umpires, Krary and Phyle. CHICAGO AMERICAN AND FOR THE FIRST TIME AT came back again In the third and with two doubles, a single and a home run, scored four runs. Corhan knocked the ball over the center fiehier's head and under the club house for four bases. Koerner scored ahead of him. Bill Essick agiin used all his avail able pitching staff in an effort to stop the Seals' hitting streak, but to no avail. Score: Vemon ft " I San Francesco BRHOA! BRHOA Mitchfll.s.. 400 2 2'Schicfe.m.. 4114 0 Ch'db'ne.m 2 0 O 2 O Kitzger'd.r 4 0 2 4 0 Meuel,3... 40 1 1 SZamloch.l. 41110 Borton.l... 4 1 1 11 SjKoerner.l. 3 1 1 11 2 High.l 4 0 0 1 OOrandall.2. 41111 Fisher.2... 4 0 2 1 3 Corhan.s. . 412 2 4 Eddinet'n.r 3 00 1 OiKamm.3.. 1 0 0 0 1 Cady.c 4 0 1 5 0 Baldwin. c. 30 2 2 1 Dell.p 1 O O O 1 Bromley. p. 3 0 O 1 3 Dawson. p. . Ill 0 O Codd'toc,3 2 0 O 12 Beck 0 O O 0 Oj From me. p. 0 0 0 0 l Devormerf. 1 0 0 0 0 Totals.. 32 2 6 24 11) Totals. 32 5 107 14 Batted for Dawson in eighth. tBatted for Fromrae in ninth. Vernon 0 0 O O O 1 0 O 1 1 San Francisc O 1400000 5 Error, Kaf im. Innings pitched. Dell 3, Dawson 4. Stolen ba-s, Schick, Fitzgerald, Fisher. Hon; e run. Corhan. Two-base hits, Fitzgerald. Crandall. Zamloch, Koerner, Dawson. Sacrifice hit. Chadbourne. Bases orr balls, off Bromley 3. Fromrae 1. Struck out, by Dell 3. by Bromley 1. by Dawson 2. Double plays. Dell to Meusel to Bortom, Borton to Mitchell to Borton. Runs re sponsible for, Dell 5, Bromley 2. Charge de feat to Dell. M'LOUGHLIN LOSES MATCH SAX FRANCISCO NET STAR FALLS BEFORE VOSIIELL. 1 Californian Fails to Show Former Ability Rain Prevents High Class Performances. NEWPORT, R. I., Aug. 6. Six matches, all of them championship cali ber, were finished in the third round of singles at the Casino tdday before rain brokeupplay. The only thing approaching an upset came when Maurice E. McLoughlin of San Francisco, former national cham pion, was defeated by S. H. Voshell of Xew York. 6-3, 5-7, 7-9, 6-2, 6-2.- The last set was played in rain. Mc Loughlin showed neither the fleetness of foot nor the accuracy of placing his smashes that once marked his work. The points: Total score for the five sets showed ISO for Voshell to 151 for McLoughlin. Summaries : William T. Tilden of Philadelphia, today defeated W. M. Washburn of New York, 0-4, 4-, 6-3. JO-S in t h third round of the Newport Casino tennis tournament. W. J. Johnson. Philadelphia, won from P. Burden. New York, by default in the third round. I. Kumagae. Japan, defeated Axel G. Gravem. San Francisco, 6-1, 6-3, 6-1. William M. Johnston, San Francisco, de feated T. C. Bunuy, San Francisco, 6-1, 6-2. 10-S. C. J. tiririm, t-an Francisco, defeated Pan J. C. Cushman. Newport, fi-4. 4-rt. fi- 6-3. EX- f., . : t ; . . ,: ,, J .. ! '' '.' ,P- ' ' t ' : m-"-f - :"" .:,-': ; i I- '' i t1 ' - L ' $42.'- -mm- I I I L ; Jl LJl t f CI1.VHLKS W. MI LLE.X. I ; .1 AVHY THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT SAYS, ; LIFT THE WAR TAX." : t i ' ' WOKlOER. WHAT THM "lc TE-ACH ; -v. TB NA.rAE.s of HIM TO KEEP-OUT OF 4? ITS THOSE STARS j j v' 1 1 1 ?i I j V Li Q . TCo stu&v J Jb1 I YANK WHO LED RAINIERS SEATTLE YESTERDAY. E BEATS ALEX KEATIXG S HIT FIXDS HOLE FENCE FOR HOMER. IX Cocky Cincinnati Reds Fall Before Brooklyn Dodgers Cardinals Trim New York Giants. CHICAGO, Aug. 6. Ray Keating's drive, which bounded through a hole In the fence and went into the bleach ers for a home run, with a man on base, decided a pitching duel between Alexander and Keating in favor of Boston, making it two straight over Chicago. Score: R. H. E.l R. H. E. Boston 2 5 OChicago . . . '. 0 3 0 Batteries Keating and Wilson; Alex ander, Martin and Killifer. Brooklyn 6, Cincinnati i. CINCINNATI, Aug. 6. Brooklyn bat ted Salee and Fisher very hard today, while Cadore held the Cincinnati team to four scattered hits and defeated them, 6 to 1. Score: R. If. E. R. H. E. Brooklyn.. 6 13 2, Cincinnati . 14 3 Eatteries Cadore and Wheat; Sallee, Fisher, Luque, Allen, farmer and Win go. St. Louis 8, Xew York 4. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 6. St. Louis again outbatted New York today and took the second straight game, 8 to 4. Toney was ineffective in the pinches, only two of the locals 13 hits going for naught. Jiornsby, with a home run and a single, drove in' four runs. Sore; R, H. E-l R. H. E. New Tork. 4 9 OjSt. Louis... 8 13 2 Batter it s Toney and Snyder; Tuero, Woodward, Jacobs and demons. LEONARD HOLDS GRIFFMEX Detroit Hits Harper Enough to Save Day Score 4 to 1. . WASHINGTON, Aug. 6. Oetroit took the second game of the series here to day. Harper was batted hard at times, while Leonard was effective in the pinches. Score: R. H. E.l R. H. E. Detroit 4 10 2;Washgton. 1 10 3 Batteries Leonard and Ainsmith; Harper, Zachary and Agnew. Mayer Goes to White Sox. PITTSBURG. Aug. 6. Erskine May er, Pittsburg National pitcher, was re leased to the Chicago American league club today under a waiver claim. The Pirates secured Mayer last season from Philadelphia in exchange for Elmer Jacobs. Field experiments in Ireland have shown that liauid manure nrodiiPM better hay crops than any other fer tilizer. "INTERCOLLEGIATE FOOTBALL IS CONDUCIVE TO LIFT THE WAR TAX." NEW YORK PROTECTS MAYS BY INJUNCTION Temporary Writ Restrains Ban Johnson From Meddling. LEAGUE HEAD IN DANGER Rnppert Calls Meeting Mondaj Which Is Considered Beginning of Ouster IMght. NEW TORK. Augr. 6. Owners of the New York American baseball club ob tained a temporary injunction in the supreme court here tonight restraining President Ban Johnson of the American league, the St. Louis and Cleveland American clubs and all league umpires from interfering with the pitchinsr of Carl Mays, recently suspended indefi nitely by Mr. Johnson. The order, issued by Justice Luce, is effective until next Tuesday, when a hearing 'will be held to determine whether the time shall be extended pending hearing of an application for a permanent injunction. Colonel Ruppert, president of the Yankee club, announced tonigrht that invitations had been sent to all club owners to attend a meeting here next Monday. At this meeting, it was indi cated, plans may be laid for an effort to oust Mr. Johnson as president. Toledo liclcascs Mullen. SEATTLE. Aug. 6. Charles Mullen, new manager of the Seattle Pacific Coast baseball club, today was released by the Toledo American association club, which accepted a cash offer for Mullen. Tomorrow Mullen probably will appear in the Seattle infield. NEER WINS FROM TAYLOR PORTLAND BOY TAKES SINGLES AT TACOMA TOURNEY. Miss Fording Eliminates Miss Schreiner la Record Match t Running to 16-14. TACOMA. Wash., Aug. 6. (Special.) Phil Neer of Portland won his third round match in the northwest tennis tourney today when he defeated Bill Taylor of Seattle, 6-2. 6-4. The Port land boy is putting up a great game on the courts of the Tacoma club. The Portland doubles team, Neer and Smith, also stayed above today by defeating Fenimore Cady and Channing Wake field, the crack inland empire team, 6-2. 6-4. Miss Fording of Portland stayed in the woman's singles running by defeat ing Miss Schreiner, Seattle, 6-3, 1-6, 16-14, the longest match of the tourney. Henry Graham of Tacoma is proving the star of the tourney. Today he bowled through Bob Wabraushek, Se attle star. Marshall AlVen also proved a surprise when he defeated Fenimore Cady, the inland empire champion, who was expected to be a contender up to tle finals. BASEBALL I SUMMARY! National Icarue Stand in g-n. W. L.. Pct.j W. L. Pet. Cincinnati. 1! 3(1 .74 Pittsburgh .. 43 4H .473 New York.. 57 30 .tir" Boston 34 52 .3i" Chicago. . .. 4S 4J .533 Philadelphia 33 53 .3nH Brooklyn . . 43 45 .500 St. Louis 33 55 .375 American league Standing. W. L. Pet. I w. I Pet. Chicago. . .. .vs 35 St. Louis. . . 4! 41 .544 Detroit. 53 41 .5rt4 Boston 42 4 .42 Cleveland.. 52 41 .55'.; Washington 3ft 57 .4ot New York.. 50 40 .556 Philadelphia 25 64 .2bl How the Nrir Stand. A t Seattle 1 game, Portland no game; at Sacramento no game. Salt Lake 2 games; at Los Angeles 1 game. Oakland 1 game ; at San Krancisco 2 games, Vernon no game. Where the Tramn I'lay ext Week. Oakland at Portland, Salt Lake at Los Angeles, Sacramento at San Francisco, Ver non at Seattle. Beaver Batting Averages. AB. H. Av.l AB. H. Av. !gfn. . .. 415 123 .2 Speaa 21S 53 .243 wtsterzll. 342 lim .2H2 Maisel 177 43 .24 Karmer. . 21 'J til .2 n Maker 275 ti Radtr. . .. 22 78 .27 Sutherland 50 10 Blue 443 120 .270 Penner. . . . 80 10 Oldham.. 128 22 .25tJ Schroeder. 11 1 Koehler.. 41 .247 Jones 5J ft Cox 3.VJ H't .24 40 10 00 0S The Rainier Products Company relieves retailers and consumers of the neces sity of paying Revenue Taxes on Rainier Beverages by paying all taxes thereon direct to the Government. Lang & Company, Portland, Oregon DISTRIBUTORS TO VIE FOR TITLE TRAPSIIOOT1NG CHAMPIONSHIP EVENT OF PROMISE. , " All Winners in State Competition Expected to Compete at Chi cago August 14. Previous Winners of Woman's Tranhooting CliampinnKhtp. IfllO Mrs. r. J. Dalton, St. Iouis R IftlT Mrs. L. C. Vogel. Chicago 88 i 101S Mrs. H. Almert, Chicago 89 i There ia more than the u.ual amount of interest manifested in the. woman's amateur trapshootlng- championship this year. 1 Heretofore the fair Diana with the highest score in the grand American handicap was awarded the champion- diii j ituh ii. a. ne w vine ii aan i always shoot from the same mark -and one can't very well award a championship in -i handicap race. Therefore the female members of the trappun brigade will shoot from 16 yards this time and make a real cham pionship out of ' the race. The event will be held on Auyrust 14 classifica tion day in the prand American handi cap trapEhooting" tournament. The shootinsr will be done on the South Shore Country club grounds, Chicago, 111. Each entrant will shoot at 100 tar-. CTets. ' There will be two trophies. There will also be two trophies for the women who shoot in the grand Ameri- can handicap. The first woman to enter the cham pionship event hails from Lima, O. She is Mrs. T. Randall and lives at 316 North Scott street. This is Mrs. Ran- HIGHER LEARNING. SO WE'LL Recognized the flavor There is no mistaking RAINIER SPECIAL once you taste it. That unmistakable, very unusual flavor enables anyone to distin guish it from any number of sup posedly similar products. No other beverage can be like RAI NIER SPECIAL because the process is an exclusive one we control the patents. To secure RAINIER SPECIAL goodness, you must call for RAINIER SPE CIAL. Drink it when you're thirsty. Order a case for home "use to serve friends the soft drink that really satisfies. , RatmlM Pnwlnrt . . 1 1 . tf a MaRufaettmr ef Rainier Spwciai. Rainier Bock. Malt Rainier, F aiaif Careai. Syr and Dcma. 4: ji dall's first attempt in the woman's championship and the prand American handicap. About a dozen women have bfct-n Bhnoting in the grand American for a number of years, but Stony Mc I'inn. ihe manager of the American Trapshootinsr association, is confident that with the renewed interest in trap shooting there ,will be at least 25 women on the firing- line. It is to be expected that all the women who won state championship titles will participate in the event and there are a number of fair Dianas who failed to win in the state titular races who are expected to turn up in Chicago seeking glory that is na tional. Some 1919 womerftrapshootingr cham pions: State and shooter Score. California. Mrs. C. E. Groat. Los Ange 2S0 Iowa, illJS Emma Wetlleaf. Nichols.. 1" Indiana. Mrs. W. M. Meyers. South Bend -'S'- I ti M lllr.nl.. Mrs Harold Almert. Chicago. . . Idaho. Mrs. O. M. Jones. Boise i ......., . i x r R Karb.r. Mlnne- 60 240 205 I apull.o .'. Mississippi. Mrs. J. L.. uoggett, tirn rta'p IXcv Jersey. Miss Alice Doerkin. Pater- New York, Mrs. Harry HarTison. Roch- -ter - Nebraska. Mrs. W. C, Edmiston. Ralston Oregon. Mrs. Ada Schilling;. Portland .. 271 L'SO Pennsylvania, .airs. J. n. iiruti. x-m-burg ..... South Dakota, Mrs. C. M. Buchanan, Sioux Falls Tennessee. Mrs. Curtis Kins. Memphis... Wisconsin, Misa Ruby Dreyfus. Milwau kee I Washington. Mrs. D. H. Boles. Tacoma Vermont, Mrs. R. J. Harmon. Montpe iier 261 2fi" 216 24 S 99 213 Shot at 200 targets, tshot at tarpcets. tUfk-d a 20-eauice pun. Shot at loll .tarseta. JOSHUA TAYLOR says: "There are two points about women's golf that have always stood out to me as matters of great impor tance. . They are the Inability to get out of -a bunker at the first time of asking, and a certain feeling of want ing to run before they can walk with regard to golf generally. Ladles never seem to realize that when they are unfortunate enough to get into a bunker they must content them selves with losing at least half a stroke. Bather do they attempt to make up for lost distance, with the result that, instead of getting out in one shot, they frequently play so many that their interest in the competition comes to an end tn that bunker. "I have always found in women a strange reluctance to hard practicing. They seem to fancy that there is some loss of dignity in practicing one shot until they have attained a degree of success. They all want to start from the first tee and play perfect golf for the whole '18 holes, without having to go through the drudgery of learning. As I have frequently pointed out to women. It is obviously impossible to play Chopin without having first learnt the notes. Try to get out of each and every bunker at the first attempt: It doesn't matter how far out, but get out, and when learning, do not expect to know all that is to be known in the first week. If the game coild be learnt in such a short space of time, and with 'the minimum of trouble, it would not be worth playing., There is ho proverb that links itself so closely to golf as 'hasten slowly.' " COUNCIL TO STAGE BOUTS Catholic War Organization Bills , Show lor Friday Night. Two bouts will be staged by pro fessional boxers Friday night at 8:30 at the smokerto be given under the auspices of the National Catholic War council at 243 Couch . street. Another feature of the ring stunts will be a comic bout. Dr. Vincent Montpier is to act as referee. Music and feature films will complete the programme. Joe Little, in charge of the office, has been active in placing a large number of ex-service men in positions through its employment bureau. Several hun dred men call there daily and the free library, writing desks and checker boards are well patronixed. Special free entertainments are provided on Sundays Wednesday and Friday nights and are open to everybody. 5Js by COX TAKES PRESS STAKE XEW ENGLAND r RIVER $3000 PURSE. NABS Double ti. Disappoints Followers in 2:12 Pace, Won by Tenna, an Outsider in Iietting. CLEVELAND. Aug. 6. McGregor the Great, owned and driven by Walter R. Cox of Dover. N". H.. won the S3C00 ureas stake for 2:17 trotters, the feature event of today's grand circuit meeting at North Randall. Cox made it two straight when he drove Mignola to vic tory in the 2:07 class trot. Both horses completely outclassed their fields and won in straight heats at prohibitive odds, their best time Deing respectively 2:084 and 2:86. After winning the first heat of the 2:12 pace yesterday Double U.. the fa vorite, succumbed today to Tenna, a rank outsider, in the betting. Double G. finished a poor eighth in the second heat and Valentine was substituted for Sturgeon in the sulky in the third heat, but Double U. could not finish better than fourth. Tenna's best time was 2:094. Gold Quartz was the third favorite to award, finishing first in the 2:17 pace in straight heats. Bella Chaffin, which finished second in the first heat was drawn after placing fourth in the sec ond heat. Gold Quartz's best time was in the second heal, paced In 2:105. Sum maries: - 2:12 class pacing yesterday : purse $1200: first beat Tenna. b. m., by Rex Leon (Stokes). .4 11 Double G., b. g., by Silent Brook (Sturgeon and Valentine) 1 8 4 Grattan Repent, b. g., by Solon Grat- tan (Hedrick) 2 3 g Nellie Rous, b. m., by Ante Ross (Sweeney) g o 7 Harper, b. s., by ilcEwcn (Garri son) fl 6 2 Oro Lou. Billy L&ndes, Admiral, Highland Lassie. BiK Frank U. and Clul AloquetLe also started. Time 2:09'4. 2:10'i. 2:09';. 2:17 class pacing, purse JIL'OO: Gold Quartz, eh. g., by Peter the Great (Valentine) 1 1 1 Abbe Bond, b. m., by The Abbe (Erskine) 5 2 2 Prince Pepper, blk. g., by Prince In- sromar (Hyde) 3 3 3 Liberty, ch. g., by Oratorio (Palin.4 10 4 Silent Annie, b. m., by Silent Brook (Crawford) n 0 5 Harley R., Bonlque. Auto race. Belle, Chaffin. Willy Fay. College Boy and Jcannie Castle also started. Coupled. Palin entry. Time 2:111,. 2:10 i, 2:12i. The Press, 2:17 class trotting; purse $3000: McGregor the Great, b. h., by Peter the Great (Cox) 1 1 1 Joseph Guy. b. b., by Guy Axworthy (Hyde) 2 2 4 King Watts, b. h.. by General Watts (Whitehead) 7 2 3 Hollyrood Naomi, b. m., by Peter the Great (Dodge) ...3 7 2 Zomidotte, b. m., by Zombro (Mc Donald) 5 4 5 Sister Scott and Bitton Forbes also started. Time 2:US. 2:0K,. 2:10. 2:07 class trotting. $154)0: Mignola, ch. h., by Allcrtupi tCox...l 1 1 Peter June, ch. h., by Peter the Great ((Jeers ) '. 2 8 2 Peter cnenault. b. h., by Peter the Great (Murphy) 5 2 5 Allie Iou, b. m., by Kinney Lou (Ward) 4 3 3 Peter Coley. b. g, by Peter the Great (Valentine) S 5 6 peter Billiken. Miss Woodhird, Early Dawn and Alma Korbes also started. Time 2:0ti'-i 2:07; 2:08. NEWARK WANTS KILBAXE BOUT New Jersey Town Ofrers $15,000 for 8 Rounds With Valger. ' NEWARK. N. J., Aug. 6. -A. purse of $15,000 was today offered by the New ark Sportsmen's club for aov eight round no-decision bout between Johnny Kilbane. featherweight champion, and Benny Valger. the French champion, who has been Kilbane's most persist ent challenger. The bout would take place Labor day, with two-thirds of the purse going to Kilbane. Grants Pass Bathers Frolic. GRANTS PASS. Or.. Aug. 6. River side park, n the banks of llogue river, is a place of great attraction to scores of swimmers. Last week a number of swimming and diving contests were held and it is proposed to popularize the park by frequent events of this character. The swimming events were followed by a band concert.