Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 06, 1919, Image 1

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VOL. LiVIII. NO. 18,313 Entered at Portland (Oregon) POTfTT A Yn iWf Tf- r v is --- T-k-r-r-.cs-- . , , , , - .
Pwtnie ai Swond!Mi Matter. J. Ult J. A- U, UK1jO, WED ESr(t0 -a. C GUST 6, 1919., PRICE FIVE CEXTS
WOMAN'0 j30.000
' I AT OrtM rwrnn tath
uuu nlug huh .u
Great Northern Terminals
, Are Hit by Walkout.
Bad-Order Cars Already Begin
to Clutter Yards.
Railroads in AH Paris of Nation
Affected by Action of Em
ployes Who Seek Rise.
,-Thopie,s 's t r I k e spaxs
' ' ' & VL Keret. w her
t . so out. '
e 500 workers
One thousand men vote strike
at Spokane.
Montana railroad centers are
already idle.
Ten thousand shopmen will
strike today on south Atlantic
Fifteen thousand railroaders
idle in middle west.
New York city lines vote to
strike today. 3000 going out.
Union leaders condemn move,
saying: strike not authorized.
O.-W. R. & S. feels first force
of strike at Walla Walla.
CHICAGO, Aug. 5. Further spread of
the strike of railway shopmen, espe
cially in the middle west and towards
the Paoitic coast, where about 15,0u0
workers went out today, according to
union reports, with a strike of 10.000
men on the Norfolk & Western line-set
for tomorrow, marked the fifth day of
the walkout.
The strike has been declared illegal
by railway executives, who have made
that charge to the local bureau of the
department of justice.
The barrier was let down today for
boilermakers to join the other strikers,
according to L. M. Hawver, president
of the Chicago district council of the
Federated Railway Shopmen's Union,
which called the strike last Friday. He
announced a telegram from E. C. Chase,
the boilermakers' representative on the
national agreement committee now ne
gotiating with the railroad administra
tion in Washington, that conditions "do
not warrant holding men any longer."
Strikers Admit Diobrdienre.
While railroad yards in the Chicago
district have become congested with
broken-down cars as a result of the
strike, union officials declare all rail
road service will be more seriously af -fectM
in a few days.
They admit the strike was called in
defiance of the grand lodge officers of
' the unions involved, but say that it was
in compliance with the wishes of the
rank and file of the federation.
The also refuse to take a strike
vote JfcTiiTUst 24, as ordered by the
grand lodge officers, and assert that
the rail administration must treat with
them and grant their demands for S3
cents an hour for mechanics and 60
cents for helpers.
Spokane la Included.
All railroad shopmen employed in
Spokane and at nearby points will
strike at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning,
it was said tonight by union leaders.
The men look a strike vote today, and
although no formal announcement was
made as to the sentiment revealed, it
was said by union members that the
vote for a strike was practically unani
mous. Union leaders were undecided
tonight whether to make public the
vote cast.
About 500 men struck today at the
Great Northern railway shops at Hill
yard, near here. They were locomo
tive shopmen. The car shopmen did
not strike, pending the vote.
Thoucand .Urn to Qait.
Tt was said by union officials about
lt'OO men would walk out tomorrow.
They said the membership was in thor
ough sympathy with the national strike
of shopmen for increased wages
and would stay out until the demands
were met.
About bOO shop employes of the Great
Northern railroiid went on strike at
E erett. Wash., today for an increase
in wage. Skilled men ask an increase
from 6S to S5 cents an hour, helpers and
laborers ask an increase from 45 and
4ft cents, respectively, to 60 cents.
The strike reached the O.-W. R. &
N.' company lines tonight when the
shop force of 15 at Walla Walla voted
to walk out tomorrow morning.
BILLINGS, Mont., Aug. 5. The entire
crew in the local railroad shops quit
work at 11 o'clock this morning in re
eponre to orders from union officials
in St. Faul. The strike affects machin
ists and boilermakers and their helpers
and apprentices. The walkout will
have no immediate effect upon the rail
road service, according to officials of
tiie companies.
HELENA. Mont.. Aug. 5. Machinists,
boilermakers, steamf itters, car repair
ers, blacksmiths and their helpers, em
ployed in the Northern Pacific shops
here, walked out this morning follow
tCoociuded oa Page 3, Column o.J
HarTesters Find- Dog Guarding
Bodies Footprints Indicate
Deed Was Work of Two.
BRAWLET. Cal.. Aug. 5. With their
own belts drawn in a tight knot around
their necks, the bodies of William
Bailey, a storekeeper of Rockwood, a
settlement near here, and James C. Mc
Ilhany,. a returned soldier, were found
it. a field about one mile north of
Bailey's store today.
Men who entered the field to haul
away grain found Bailey's little black
dog guarding the bodies.
Sheriff Charles-W. Applestill imme
diately took charge of the case. Inves
tigation revealed that Bailey's store
had been robbed. Neighboring farmers
declared both men were alive and in
the store at 9 o'clock last night.
Officers believe that two men en
tered the store, robbed it and marched
Bailey and Mcllhany to the point
where the bodies were found and
there choked them to death. Four sets
of f ootprints were found entering the
field and two sets leading away.
Fiume for Italy, With Free Fort
Controlled by League Proposed.
(Copyright by the New York World. Pub
lished by arrangement.)
PARIS, Aug. 5.' (Special Cable.)
Rumors are again current here that the
disputes over Italian aspirations on the
Adriatic are on the point of being- set
tled. It is saii that Premier Tittonl
will bring back with him from London
a settlement which will be favored by
the signatories of the London pact,
which would make Fiume Italian, while
a free port there would be controlled
by the society of nations.
By this arrangement Italy would
make important concessions to Dal
matian Italian interests in Asia Minor
would still be subordinated to Ameri
ca's decision. At the headquarters of
the United States peace mission nothing
is known of the reported settlement,
which, in any case, will have to go to
President Wilson for final approval.
Nomination for Register of Land Of
fice Is Announced.
WASHINGTON. Aur. 5. President
Wilson today nominated Alexander
Swcek of Portland, Or., to be .agister
of the land office at that city.
Alexander Sweek. former state chair
man of the democratic party in Oregon.
and a former municipal judge of Port
land, has been nominated by President
Wilson as register of the United States
land office in Portland, according to
word received from Washington yes
terday. The nomination will have to
be confirmed by the senate.
Judge Sweek was proposed for ap
pointment of minister to Siam several
years ago, but at the time old political
opponents of the judge interfered and
gained the ear of President Wilson.
Albany Collector Discovers Valuable
Jewel in Bivalve.
ALBANY, Or., Aug. 5. (Special.) A
pearl, probably worth $750, was found
grown to the interior of one of the
lids of a large Uno clam, picked up
by J. G. Crawford Sunday, in Bryant's
Mr. Crawford found the clam in the
willow bushes about 200 yards from the
point of junction between the Cala
poota and Willamette rivers.
The Uno clam measures 12 milli
meters in length 4 'A millimeters in
width and the pearl was 3 millimeters
long. 2 millimeters wide and Vz milli
meter high.
Idaho Child Is Found Unconscious
ATter Desperate Struggle.
HAILET, Idaho. Aug. 5. Letha Bur
rell. 15. while herding cattle on the
outskirts of town today, was mauled
by a mountain lion, and after a strug
gle in which she tried to choke it. she
was found unconscious, her arms, back
and chest badly lacerated.
The lion, which Jumped upon her
back while she was in a sitting posture,
tore her clothing into shreds. Citizens
at once organized to hunt the lion,
which has been seen near the town for
a month. The girl will recover.
Spokane Backs l"p Portland's Execu
tive in -Conference Plan.
SPOKANE. Aug. 5. Co-operation in
a plan proposed by Mayor George L.
Baker of Portland, Or., for a confer
ence of mayors and other officials of
northwestern cities to consider means
of cambating the high cost of living
was voted today by the city council.
Mayor C. M. Fassett was directed to
reply to a telegram he had received
from Mayor Baker and promise Spo
kane's support of the proposal.
Alarm Clock Calls Patrolman to
Rescue Machine.
SEATTLE. Wash.. Aug. 5. Two
young automobile thieves early today
found themselves stalled with a stolen
machine directly in front of the home
of Patrolman Howard Kent, just as
Kent's alarm clock was calling him.
The explosions and eputterings of the
stalled car led the officer to invest!
gate. The two were arretted.
Additions for Forest Serv
ice Announced.
Eight Machines Will Be in Com
mission Shortly.
Craft to Operate From Salem and
Roseburg and Cover Most of
West Oregon Timber Area.
SALEM, Or., Aug. 5. (Special.) Six
army planes to be used in the Oregon
forest fire patrol service will report
to Major Albert Smith, in Salem, with
in the next 48 hours, according to a
telegram received here today by Lieu
tenant Kiel, from Major Crissy, in
command of the air service at Mather
Field. Cal. Lieutenant Kiel has charge
of the patrol planes now stationed here
awaiting operation instructions from
Colonel Arnold, aerial offioer for the
western department with headefuarters
at San Francisco.
With eight planes in commission,
state and federal forestry officials
plan to maintain daily service through
out southern and western Oregon. Two
bases will be established, one of which
will be at Salem and the other at Rose
burg, provided the latter city fur
nishes a suitable landing field.
Two Planes to Leave Dally.
Two planes will leave Salem each
morning, one operating over the tim
bered a pea east and west of the South
ern Pacific railroad as far north as
Portland and the other south as far as
A similar service will be maintained
out of Koseburg. one of the planes cov
ering a route as far north as Eugene
and the other as far south as Medford.
At both Salem and Itoseburg two
planes will be held in reserve and the
rviators will alternate every other day
in squads of four. Although the per
manent routes to be covered will not
be completed until the arrival of th
additional planes from California, it
is said to be Forester Elliott's opinion
that practically all of the forest area
of central and western Oregon will be.
included in the daily patrol.
Trial Trip, i-nccessf ul.
The trial trips, extending as far
south as Eugene and north to Port
land, have proved successful, according
to Mr. Elliott, and he believes that the
fire menace will be greatly reduced
through the operation of these ma
chines. Unoffiical word received from Rose-
Concluded on Page 3, Column 4.)
I I . .
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Supreme Court Jurist Scores De
fendant for Xot 'Lying Like
Gentleman" During Trial.
OLTMPIA, Wash., Aug. 5. (Special.)
After signing dismissal of one breach
of promise suit, Dora C. Dundy today
recovered a supreme court judgment
for $30,000 against B. L. Dickinson,
wealthy rancher of Columbia county.
The second suit was instituted after
Mrs. Bundy had procured a divorce
from Fred Bundy, promise of marriage
after which time being the basis of
the heavy Judgment against Mr. Dick
inson. In the first suit she could not have
recovered, it Is admitted, because of
legal incapacity to sue as another
man's wife. On renewal of relations
subsequent to the first suit, she scores
one of the heaviest breach of promise
awards ever allowed in the state, pay
ment of which is secured by an appeal
bond for $50,000 filed by Mr. Dickinson
in the supreme court.
In referring to Mr. Dickinson's testi
mony, in which he denied that love was
a factor in their intimacy. Chief Jus
tice A. R. Holcomb remarks as "sur
prising effrontery" the defendant's
failure to be "gentlemanly mendacious
or discreetly silent where a woman's
reputation was at stake."
The verdict of $30,000 is not consid
ered excessive in view of Mr. Dick
inson's admitted wealth of $90,000, of
which one-third is estimated as fair
value of what the woman could have
expected as her right had the mar
riage promise been kept.
According to the evidence submitted
Mrs. Bundy was employed as cook in
1915 on a ranch owned by Mr. Dick
inson's son. The father became ac
quainted with her there. She procured
a divorce and sued the elder Dickinson
the first time in 1916, and the follow
ing year embarked upon the second suit
that netted' $30,000.
Seaplane Fonnd Cnsuited to Make
Transcontinental Trip.
ington, Aug. 5. The Pacific coast need
not expect a visit from the NC-4, which
made the recent successful trip across
the ocean, the navy department said to
day after considering many requests
from the west that the famous seaplane
make a transcontinental trip.
The department said that the NC-4,
being, a seaplane, cannot venture far
from water routes and that it is, there
fore, impracticable to try to convert it
use to that of a prairie schooner.
Demands for xtra Pay and Closed
Shop Made to Alanagcrs.
CHICAGO, Aug. 5. A strike of actors
and chorus girls, members of the
Actors' Equity association, is threat
ened for tomorrow.
Tliey are demanding extra pay for
Sunday performances, pay for re
hearsals and that the managers employ
only members of the association. A
strike would affect the majority of
the downtown theaters.
Private Rail Ownership Is
Held Best for Public.
Government Operation Is De
clared Least Efficient.
Ballots Sent to 500,000 Workmen.
Problem to Be Taken Before
Congress Today.
WASHINGTON', Aug. S The railroad
problem, which is engrossing the at
tention of both the executive and legis
lative branches of the government, will
be brought " before congress tomorrow
with the appearance before the house
interstate commerce committee of rep
resentatives of the railroad brother
hoods and of organized labor in gen
eral In support of their plan for tri
partite control of the railways.
Meanwhile threats of hundreds of
thousands of railroad employes to go
on strike to force higher wages to
meet the high cost of living were re
iterated. From many parts of the coun
try today came reports that striking
shopnfen refused to return to work,
despite the fact ,that their action was
denounced as illegal by the executive
council of the six shop crafts.
Strike Ballots Sent Out.
Strike ballots were mailed from the
American Federation of Labor for tak
ing an official vote as to whether the
500,000 shopmen shall walk out to ob
tain their demands and express their
disapproval of President Wilson's refer
ence of the railroad wage question to
congress. Demands are being made
also by 650,000clerks. freight handlers
and station employes. Director Hines
was to have discussed their problems
today with J. J. Forrester, grand pres
ident of the union, but other business
interfered and the conference will be
held tomorrow.
' Business men of the country as repre
sented in the chamber of commerce of
the United States favor private owner
ship of the railroads.
Private Ownership Favored.
Based oh a referendum of the -chamber's
670,000 members, this announce
ment was made tonight following pub
lication of the demands of organized
labor for elimination of private capital
from railroad ownership and operation.
Announcement of the vote of 99 per
cent of the business men against gov
ernment ownership was accompanied
by the following explanation of the
reasons actuating the decision:
"1. Under government ownership the
f Con tin ud on r ge 3. Colu m n 1 .
" i 1 i
Lieutenant O. P. Kilmer, Pilot, and
Newspaper Photographer Not
Much Hurt.
SAX DIEGO. Cal., Aug. 5. Re'turning
from a flight to the Pacific fleet, a sea
plane, piloted by Lieutenant O. P. Kil
mer of the North Island naval air
station, crashed in San Diego harbor
tonight. S. E. Deveas. radio electrician,
was killed. Lieutenant Kilmer and Wil
lis C. Baker, San Diego newspaper pho
tographer, who had been taking pic
tures of the fleet, escaped with slight
Peace Conference Asked to Take Ac
tion to Avert Fuel Disaster.
PARIS. Aug. 5. (By the Associated
Press.) Shipping and fuel representa
tives of France, Belgium and Iialy con
ferred with Herbert C. Hoover, head
of the international relief organization,
today and decided to urge the supreme
council of the peace conference to ap
point an European coal commission to
co-ordinate distribution of European
coal in an effort to avert what threat
ens to be a disaster. Mr. Hoover has
said that Europe's coal production was
35 per cent below normal and the
United States could not offer relief be
cause of the shortage of shipping.
Mr. Hoover declined to accept the
permanent direction, of the proposed
European coal commission, saying he
believed the problem to be strictly
Four Big Planes Leave San Fran
cisco for East.
SAN? FRANCISCO. Aug. 5. The four
De Haviland airplanes of the air re
cruiting service, which arrived here
last Tuesday, departed at 2:20 P. M.
today to complete their circuit of the
country. They started from Ellington
field, Texas.
The aviators expected to make the
next stop at Sacramento. They will
leave then for Salt Lake City and will
fly eventually to Kansas City, where
the remainder of the itinerary will be
mapped out. The route wjll lead
through Chicago, Cleveland, Washing
ton and New York.
The airplanes are being piloted by
Lieutenants Clifford C. Nutt. who is in
charge of the squadron: Edward W.
Killgore, Charles V. Rugh and Erik H.
Delegation Announces Observations
Will Be Completed on Time.
PARIS, Aug. S. (By the Associated
Press.) The Austrian delegation for
mally notified the peace conference to
day that it would submit its complete
observations on the treaty te the con
ference at 6 o'clock tomorrow night,
the last day allowed for their reply.
Dr. Karl Renner. Austrian chancellor,
and head of the peace delegation, will
leave for Vienna tomorrow night, he
said, returning about August 12.
The peace conference probably will
take about eight days to consider the
Austrian suggestions. It was said to
be likely that Austria then would re
ceive about five days within which to
make a final reply as to whether or
not she will sign the treaty.
City Executive Catches Man Putting
l"p I. W. V. Posters.
HOQUIAM. Wash.. Aug. 5. (Special.)
Mayor Ralph L. Philbrick played the
role of policeman last night when he
arrested S. P. Dunlap on a charge of
pasting I. W. W. posters in windows
about the city.
The posters warned workingmen
against wage-slavery, one reading:
"Workers, the more you produce, the
less you get. Join the I. W. W. and
take it all."
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. 7
degrees; minimum, u7 degrees.
TODAY'S Fair and warmer, except coast:
gentle westerly winds.
Rumanian.' attitude toward Hungary wor
ries American peace delegates. Page 3.
Diplomatic break between Argentina and
Great Britain threatened. Page 2.
United States airplane, feed flames la
France. Page 2.
Robbrn lead two victims from looted store
to field of murder, mile distant. Pass 1.
Shopmen's strike reaches coast; roads of
nation badly hit. Page 1.
. ports.
Speedboat regatta Is set for Sunday. Page 15.
Football to thrive with war tax off. Page 14.
Coionel rcuppert of New York Yankees dis
putes Ban Johnson' explanation of May.'
suspension. Page 15.
Pacific Coast league results: fan Francisco
.1. Vernon 4; Sait Lake 4. Sacramento 1;
Los Angelea IT, Oakland 2. Page 14.
Pacific Northwest.
Six more army planes coming to patrol
Oregon forests. Page 1.
But 43 legislator, so far ask for .Fecial
session at Salem. Page 7. ,
Woman win. $30,000 heart balm in .econd
suit on same case. Page 1.
Commercial and Marine.
Mixed wheat differentials for new crop are
announced. Page 21.
Corn prices tumble again In Chicago market
Page 21.
Prompt recovery In stock value, in Wall
.treet. Page 21.
Officer, and director, of Willamette Iron
Work become sole owners. Page 22.
Portland and Vicinity.
Police judge hears sad story of two drug
addicts. Page 11. w
Oregon druggists and retail merchant, in
session. Page 16. 9
City and county authorities join to tight
traffic in drug. Page 9.
City will sell army bacon at 34'. cent a
pound. Page J 6.
Influx of buyers nets new record in Port
laud, i'a.e 10.
Commission to Put Brake
on Construction.
Two Counties Suggest Narrow.
Roads to Save Money.
$3,500,000 MAY BE. LOST
Funds Perhaps Must Be Taken Out
of $10,000,000 Bonds to Meet
Federal Appropriation.
Commission fears curtailment
of construction due to increasing
Government projects must be
reconsidered and some eliminated.
Two counties propose stretch
ing their money by building roads
narrower than standard of state.
Bids to pave eight miles south
of Corvallis not opened; old road
to be used as matter of economy.
Commission may postpone grad
ing Hayts hill on Grants Pass
Crescent City road until spring.
Shortage of money causes com
mission to postpone locating high
way through Tillamook.
Unless Bean-Barrett bonds can
be issued to match federal aid
the commission must set aside
$3,500 000 from $10,000,000 bond is
sue for matching, thus interfer
ing with completion of main
trunk roads.
Advancing wages and materials are
increasing the costs of road construc
tion so rapidly that the brakes will be
applied to the road-building pro
gramme. It is costing more than the
original estimates and this will neces
sitate curtailment. The slowing down
process will affect not only the state
work but the government co-operative
projects, some of which will have to be
revised and others abandoned.
At the same time the state highway
commission is in sight of the bottom
of the purse. Funds are rapidly becom
ing exhausted. Miles of road projects
are now dependent on the opinion of
the attorney-general. If the attorney
general opines that the Bean-Barrett
bill enables bonds to be sold to meet the
federal appropriations for Oregon the
road programme can be carried for
ward, with due consideration for
mounting costs, but if the attorney
general's opinion is otherwise it is im- '
mediately necessary for the state high
way commission to set aside $3,600,000
rr meet this governmental assistance.
Unless the government money is
matched, dollar for dollar, by the state,
the federal aid will be withheld from
Road LeglalRtion Wanted.
Such was the situation which devel
oped at yesterday's meeting of the
state highway commission. Immedi
ately after the adjournment several
members of the legislature, who at
tended the session, declared that if a
special session is called they will un
dertake to do some road legislation
which will be calculated to straighten
out a few kinks in the matter of the
road problem.
Possibly of greatest concern to the
commission is 'the matter of meeting
the government appropriation. Com
missioner W. L. Thompson declared the
people of the state would never for
give the commission if this federal
money was lost. The Bean-Barrett bill
was passed to match federal money,
but since its enactment the govern
ment has allotted a much larger sum .
than that in sight when thtt bill was
passed by the legislature. The theory
of the commission and of legislators at
yesterday's meeting is that the Bean
Barrett bill is sufficiently elastic to
match any amount of money the gov
ernment may set aside for Oregon.
For many months the commission htrs
hoped for an opinion from Attorney
General Brown.
Provision Needed Soon.
The time is now approaching When
the commission must make pro"visicm
for matching the government. Dtbe to
the delay on the part of the attorney- '
general, the only safe policy, it 4s
argued, is to set aside 13,500,000 out
of the road bond issue. This meajts
the withdrawing from the regular starte
road programme of just that sum, and
consequently the curtailment of a con
siderable part of the programme, vir
tually one-third of the work which the
$10,000,000 bonds were expected tt
With this status confronting tlcn,
the commissioners are determiaed to
relegate to the future all but the main
roads and the co-operative projects.
Acting on this theory they indefinitely
postponed making a selection between
the ocean' route andthe Foley-Miami
route in Tillamook county, explaining
to the delegation from that county that
inasmuch as there is a shortage of -money
with which to help build the
road, it would inconvenience no one to
defer making the location. In the same
spirit of tuning the suit to fitjjS
(Continued oa Page 2, Column L