Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 05, 1919, Page 9, Image 9

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City Editor Main 7070, A fiHOS
sinday - Editor" ... 7 Main J07O A J005
Advertising Department. ..Main 00. A
Superintendent of Building.M ain .U.0, A COUO
Subscrib with the following agents at
your summer resort to secure the mot
prompt delivery of The Crewman. City
rates. Subscriptions by mail are payable in
Barview. Or r
Bay City, Or. . .
Bayorfan, Or...
Brighton. Or. . .
Carson, Wash . .
C. Robinson
O. E. Shelley
F. E. Mitchell
. .A. "W. Rowe
C B. Smith
arson, w abii - - - - -
Kcola. Or Cannon Beach "r?11"', ,fi0-
Oarlbaldl. Or M- McMillan
. ..V. K. Strauhal
S. F. Anwol
E. Kardell
H. J. Brown
Gfarhart. Or.
Long Beach. Wah.
Manhattan Pach, Or..
Manzanita. Or
Nahcotta. Wash
Nah-kah-nie, Or
Xetarts. Or .-
TCehalem, Or
New port . Or
Ocean Park. Wash
Pacific Beach. Wash...
Pacific City, or
Rockaway, Or..........
Seaside. Or
Shlpherd'a Hot Springs,
F-aviw. Wash. ........
Tillamook. Or
"Wheeler. or
"Woc-dp. Or
Hhoit KprinK. Or
. A. C. Anderson
. . .Mrs. H. M. Cross
D. C. Perejoy
O. T. Herron
.Kmma S. Campbell
Burke Cole
"...r. F. Edmunds
...Frank Miller
' A. J. Gillette
Wash ,
.Mrs. N. St. Martin
..George .". Putnam
. J. D. Lamar
R. H. Cody
. .Charland & reuel
F. W. McLeran
HKIUO I Broadway at Taylor)" The Mm-
nnprari.r " Tonieht
AI.OAZAR (Eleventh at Morrison) Alcaxar
Musical Player. In "The Tenderfoot. '
PANTAOKfl (Broadway at Aller Vano-.ille-
three shows daily. 2:30. 7 and 9:05.
t ,t r i t i u ( i , Broadway at Yamhill)
. - i .. nvrtr nlcturea. 2 to
:45 to 11 P. M. Saturdays. Sundays and
htliHsv .nntiniintlS. 1:15 tO 11 -
STRAND (WanhinGton street, between Ps-r''
and West Park) Vaudevne ana
pictures, continuous,
rntyjcn. chv.s!T Kree amusement park
Take "CC" cars. Morrison or Washington
thk oAK-a ivrsmlENT PARK (oars at
Klrst and Alder) Armstrong Folly com-
Tanv in Tfiusical comedy.
rtOT.lTTwfBT A RKACH (Vancouver cars)
Swimming, dancing, amusements.
On Sale at
Business Office, Oregonlan.
Ikdus Losks Case. Because Frank
Wilson, who said he was r member of
t-h Klnmath tribe of Indians, was
.hnvn never to have received an allot
ment from the government. Federal
Judge Wolverton yesterday set aside
the inri.rment for $400 which Wilson
had obtained against Aba Harrison
wnite. for alleged breach of contract
Th. cas in which judgment was
awarded was brousrht by the bureau
Indian affairs, acting for a. supposed
ward of the government. Harrison
maintained that Wilson was not a ward
of the nation, had not lived on a reser
vation. nor received allotments from
the United States.
Milk and Rest Cttre. In this day of
specialism nothing is so important as
excelling In one dertnite line 01 woik
Tt in with this idea the Moore Sani
tarium confines its work to the milk
r,H rent cure and because or. con
Riant attention to the slightest detail
is able to give the maximum benefits
of this remarkable "cure." Phone East
47. Office 90S Selling bldg. Main 6101.
Missino Fa milt Sought. William
Mangus, 432 Jefferson street, yesterday
appealed to the women's protective
division of the police department for
assistance in locating his wife and two
small sons who left home July 28. He
believes they went to California. 1-te
says he can give no cause as to his
wife's sudden leave-taking- as their
home life had always been pleasant.
K'ablson Estate $4000. James W.
Brown, friend for eight years and a
creditor of the late Norman Karlson,
seeks letters of administration in the
Karlson estate in a petition filed in
the circuit court yesterday. The de
ceased left approximately $4000 and so
far as known to the petitioner had no
close relatives but a daughter, ilrs. J.
A. Cowand, living In Mississippi.
Wild Pigeos Springs Mineral Water
can be had by express by addressing
Rose Fleming, Pigeon Springs. Wash.
Why not spend your vacation at or
near this wonderful spring ana nave
free use of this water? Camping privi
leges free. Try this water and you will
have no more stomach troubles. Adv.
Driver Bound Over. Clayton Miller,
whose automobile struck a wood truck
Friday causing the fatal injury of Fred
Onnd fellow, teamster, was ordered held
to the grand jury under $:J000 cash bail
yesterday by Acting Municipal Judg-e
Eeich. Miller waived preliminary hear
ing in police court.
Burglar Suspect Arrested. Will
iam H. Pester was arrested yesterday
at Broadway and Oak streets by In
spectors Swennes and Graves and is
held on a telegraphic warrant from
Kenosha. Wis., charging him with
burglary and wife abandonment
Iad IN Car Injured. Isaac Enns. 13,
sustained several cuts about the head
yesterday when two street cars on the
bridge transfer line came together.
His injuries were not serious and the
cars were not damaged.
Wht stay home and swelter? Come
one, come all and go to beautiful
Crystal Lake park for a good time Sun
day, August 10. Adv.
See Tcrlat Todat.
Torlay makes good clothes: 421 Fall
ing bldg.. 122ri Third st Adv.
Milk Diet Treatment The Moore
Sanitarium. Phone Main S101. East 47
Knight's Economt Dept. has wonder
ful values in low-heel oxfords and high
shoes for the big misses. Adv.
Kkmmerer Coal. Carbon Coal Co.,
mine agents. E. 11S8. 321 Hawthorne.
Hill Military Acadett, Portland, Or.,
offers primary, preparatory and high
school departments. Adv.
Dr. Gullitte returned. Main 1177.
We GRrTD e-very-thlnsT. Portland Cut
lery Co.. 6 6th 6L. near Stark. Adv.
Dr. Hubert F. Leonard has returned.
Dr. A. D. Walkkr rotnrned. Adv.
Koodle-Maker Fined. George A.
Lehman, manager of a noodle manu
facturing company, entered a plea of
guilty before Federal Judge Wolver
ton yesterday when arraigned on a
harge of violating the federal pure
food law and was fined $50 and costs.
t was alleged in the information that
some of Lehman s product shipped in-
erstate did not contain eggs as the
name indicated. Lehman explained that
had misunderstood instructions, but
connected the error as soon as he
learned of iL As the offense was
committed in 1917, and noodles manu
factured since that time had given no
cause for complaint, the court assessed
the minimum fine.
Aviators Patrol Forests. As part
of their patrol of Oregon forests yes-
erday, Lieutenant Kiel and Sergeant
McKee, army aviators, flew in a cir
cuitous route from Salem to Portland,
a distance of 90 miles, carrying a pas
senger each, and landing at Eastmora-
land municipal golf links field. The
birdmen brought to Portland Super
vising Fire Warden Ferguson of
Clackamas county and Mr. Fuller, a
member of the state forestry board.
of Dallas. The patrol flight was made
n 78 minutes. Cloudy conditions pre
vented the aviators from obtaining a
good view of the forested areas over
which they passed.
Misuse of Mails Costly. -Edward F.
Lee of Albany was found guilty before
! eaeral Judge H olverton yesterday of
misuse of the United States mails, and
was sentenced to a term of 18 months
at McNeil's island. Assistant United
States District Attorney Goldstein
sprung a surprise in the court room as
Lee's attorney was pleading for leni
ency and produced a record showing
that the defendant had been sentenced
in Spokane county in 1916 for a similar
offense. Lee styled himself head of
the Presto Manufacturing company of
Albany and was selling formulas for
making liquor, as well as supposed
remedies for human ills.
Sports to Be Feature. A boxing
and wrestling exhibition will be a
feature of the dinner to be given to
night at the Soldiers' and Sailors' club
by the War Camp Community Service.
The programme is in charge of An
derson A. Garlock. physical training
specialist. Th girls of the victory
chorus will serve the men- in return
for the men's serving them last week.
Dancing in the club rooms will follow
the dinner. Reservations shruld be
made at once by calling the Soldiers'
and Sailors' club, since the seating
capacity is limited.
Hocal Tarifi-s Compiled. Informa
tion relative to railroad switching
charges in Portland is promised in a
booklet to be issued by the depart
ment of industries of the Chamber of
Commerce under direction of W. H.
Crawford, manager. Mr. Crawford has
found difficulty in handling prospec
tive industrial promoters because of
inability to supply immediate informa
tion as to the charges. The booklet
will contain a detailed statement of
charges from the 14 volumes of freight
tariffs compiled by railroads in the
Labor Luncheon topic. "The Labor
Question and the Business Man" will
be the subject of an address before the
Rotary club at its luncheon today in
the crystal room of the Benson hotel.
Eugene E. Smith, editor of Labor
Opinion and member of the state legis
lature, will be the speaker.
Youth in Stolen Auto Arrested.
Paris Young, aged 16, of Salem, was
arrested yesterday charged with steal
ing an automobile from Fourth and
Washington streets. He was in a stolen
car when caught He is alleged to have
stolen a machine at Salem in which le
rode to Portland. He was turned over
to the juvenile court for investigation.
Young Feldenheimer Home. Elmer
Feldenheimer, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles KelcVenheimer, 767 Madison
street, returned Saturday after having
seen service with the American expedi
tionary forces in France. He was
recently mustered out of service at
Camp Lewis.
Painter Seriously Hurt. R. Gale, a
painter living at Oregon City, was
perhaps fatally injured yesterday when
he fell from a scafold at East Second
and Wat.;r streets. He was taken to
Good Samaritan hospial.
Dead Hero Honored. Distinguished
service cross has been awarded to
Elijah W. Worsham, former Portland
business man, who was killed while
fighting in the Meuse-Argonne offen
sive. The announcement came from
Washington yesterday. Worsham was in
a group of seven American officers and
men and one French officer who were
honored. Worsham was a captain in
a machine gun company in the 91st
division and frequently had been re
fered to as the most popular officer of
the division. Prior to entering the
service, he was senior member of the
wholesale firm of Worsham & Vivian
of Portland and Seattle. He left the
first officers' training camp at the
Presidio as a captain and went across
with the 91st. He was killed in Sep
tember, 1918. i
Actress' A k n o t e r Ftnbjd. Oscar
Jentegard, a recently discharged over
seas soldier, was fined $100 in munic
ipal court yesterday after the court
had adjudged him guilty of striking
Flossie Moore, an actress. The girl
testified Jentegard had attempted to
follow her and when she resisted, had
struck her in the face. In sentencing
Jentegard, the court said the punish
ment would have been much more
severe had he not recently returned
from France.
Liquor Demurrer Overruled. Fed
eral Judge Wolverton -yesterday over
ruled the demurrer entered by John J.
Beckman, attorney for George E.
Knowlton and Florence Knowlton, who
were arrested some time ago on a
charge of having 435 quarts of liquor
in their possession in violation of the
prohibition law. The demurrer was
directed at the indictment and in over
ruling it the cgurt gave the defendants
until next week 'in which to prepare
their pleas.
O'Coat Special
at the Lion
Weights for Autumn
and Winter
Not a "left over" sale, but a
timely offering of many of our
Regular $30 and
$35 O'Coats
" No More Worry
about bent or marred
We make 'em look like new,
furnish new ones ready-made
or make 'em to order Right!
Young Men's and Men's Models
Come early and get the best choice of these handsome new autumn
and winter style overcoats. New belted and other models made of
beautifully colored imported tweeds and cheviots silk trimmed and
silk lined sleeves.
These are bargains that you cannot afford to pass! A good appear
ing overcoat is handy the year' round and these are distinguished
looking, service-giving garments in every detail.
See Our Fourth-Street Windows
11th and Davis
" Golden Rule Service
"Hittin the Spot"
for .;irl. 50th year. Conducted by the
JESUS AND MARY. Grade. Academic
and Collegiate Courses, Music. Art. Klo
cutlon and Commercial and Horoeetlc
Science Depta Resident and Pay Stu
dents Refined. Moral and Intellectual
Training-. Write for announcement.
School reopens September 2. Address
emy. Portland.
Disputing Owners of Parents Ask
Court to Act as Solomon.
Suppose you had a blooded Boston i
bulldog and mated him, arranging- with
the owner of the other dog to go 50-50
on the offspring, and the litter con
tained nine pups?
Then suppose two died, leaving" seven,
.what would your judgment as a Solo
mon be?
Fred Black declaras that J. A. Con
s tan tine, when the vroblem of division
was put up to him as owner of the
female, did not even suggest cutting
one pup in half, but told Black, owner
of a Boston Bull named "5ionte,M that
his share was one female pup.
In protest against this decision. Black
filed .suit in the circuit court yesterday
saying that In lieu of one-half of the
litter, he wanted $300 from Constantine.
We Give
"S. & H."
Exclusive Kuppenheimer House in Portland
Miss Harker's School for
ttirls. Palo Alto. CaL
HlR-h School. Lower School. Fully ac
credited. Strong; French, music and
home economics courses. Favorabls
climate and large grounds permit out
door life all year. Resident nun
Catalogue upon request-
18th Year Opens Sept. lo.
Write Miss Harker. Principal.
j Muitnoirih I
I Hotel j
Y Where Horn Comfort ; ,
Abound j
tbJ j Portland, OrccoB .
I e Th Multnomah ttrlvM
B to maintain a rvtc that
I : B Ik superior at prices th?it '
I c" are moderate. With 0o
I , 5 luxuriously furnished
f - f rooms, thrf ball room,
I J spacious mewanine floor
-12 b and lobbv. it combine un- !
VV1 I usual facilities for both I
swi f home cooilort and social . ,
I j ' served la the Uold room? J , I
I t Eric V. Haurr. Frea. I Jj 1
l p ' , A. B. Campbell. Mgr. I t' S
V1 "JUST THE Class
I FOR1W Bldg.
Wanted Chairs to Cane
by School for Blind
L,;82SSo!' Mr. J.F.Myers
This "Over the Top" Event at the
Grocers Picnic.
Just what the "over-the-top" race
for ladies is going to be at the grocers
picnic next Wednesday at Bonneville
nobody knows but the sports commit
teeand they won't tell but a dozen
prizes will go to the winners. Including
Vogan chocolates, Gratton peanut but
ter, a case or JJlckinson jelly, a case
of Knight's table delicacies and the like.
Besides which the grocers' picnic ia
"the greatest good time of the year."
anyway. Dancing, n' everything. "Ask
your grocer." Adv.
GASGO Series
No. 2
Tourists will enjoy a visit to Arrah
Wanna hotel. Mount Hood district, the
finest mountain hotel in Oregon. Cool
mountain air, clear stream, no mos
quitoes, srood fishing, bie; trees, good
food. Rates $20 per week. laily auto
stage from Irvington garage. Adv.
The relatives of the late Roset J.
Mills wish to thank their many friends
and neighbors for their kindness and
sympathy and for the many beautiful
flowers during their recent bereave
ment. MRS. P. MILLS
5 '- fTSS
When You Think of $'
Clothing, Think of
Brownsville Suits $4
Sold by Mill-to-Man method, saving you $10 to
$15 on your suit.
Tailoring; the most durable and substantial.
Colors and shades blues, browns, grays and
fancy mixtures, appeal to the eye.
Styles to Suit Your Taste
Fit and Satisfaction Guaranteed
A Visit Will Convince You That a Brownsville
Suits Is the Suit for You
Woolen Mill Store
Mill-to-3Ian Clothiers
Third and Morrison Streets
(Careful Attention Paid to JUsll Orders.)
J wax,. jumuw . . "'"
1 ? i - - ; iiiiinimiii
- X'J ' ia7 fr f" I
OueetrCy MUSIC x'C
.- . Ki
After your view has been obstructed for weeks, you have this lovely mess greet
your home-coraing. All of which is obviated by installing a Gasco Furnace.
are The New System the "check
up" on all other examinations that
we make of your eyes with our
delicate optical instruments.
Better bring your eyes to a spe
cialist and get "glasses that fit."
If You Were on the Operating Table
would your mind be at rest? Have you enough insurance
to straighten ALL business matters and to care for ALL
the loved ones "through ALL the days"?
H. R. Albee, General Agent
Main 998 1306-11 Northwestern Bank Bldg
f .... y.mmm I , i -JfWti
in Furniture and Atmliances. Vault-
Filing Equipment and Supplies, Blank
Books. Indexes, Cards, Loose Leaf
Forms, Seals and Rubber Stamps,
Engineers' and Tyne-writer Supplies.
9ii m
to m :
ir .
COURTESY, comfort,
homelike atmosphere
at moderate prices,
whether for the day, week
or month.
Absolutely fireproof.
Centrally located.
Convenient to all carllnea and
points of Interest.
Refined and substantial fur-nlsbls;-
etaeerf ul and in villus;.
Portland. Orrcon.
: .ISb.'i'S "fr-fffT? FiTV-i rCr:lii L i
you on
Tb 8EWAKD la a new, modern n4
ttetsantly .ppoiuted hotel. poaing
one of the moat beautiful corner lob
bies lo the Northwest. located at
10th and Alder a is., opposite Olds.
Wortmaa Ae King's big department
store In heart of retail and ihatr
district. Kates. 91 and up. Bus
meets all trains. "W" car also runs
from Union Depot direct to Hotai
bfc.WA.KU. W. al. Seward, fro p.
Eh iff
3 ta..
446 WaMhlntrion Street.
iArire. alrv rDomn. elpntly furnished. In
heart of retail and theater district. Strictly
modern, absolutely fireproof", clean and quiet
surroundings. Rooms without bath. J1.O0.
Rooms with bath. $1.50 and up. Our $1.00
rooms equal to any $1.50 rooms In the city.
Our rooms with bath at $1-50 equal to any
$2.00 In the city. Special rates by week or
month. Best rooms In city for the money.
I' Play Fair With Yourself
How Kilham's FIRST-HAND SERVICE will assist
Every Practical Office Man in
Satisfying His Demand for
Inspect our most complete stock of Commercial Stationery, Typewriter Sup
plies, De Luxe Ledger Outfits, Blank Books, Special Forms and Books toi
Order, Loose Leaf Binders and Systems for Every Type of Business.
Office Furniture and Appliances, Commercial, Cutler and Jasper Desks
Tables, Etc Wabash Wooden Sectional Filing Cabinets and the Natural
Index no waste, perpetual-expansion.
B. L. Marble Office Chairs
Y. & E. "Fire-Wall" Vertical Steel Files,
Wood and Steel Transfer Cases ,
Viking Sectional Bookcases, Weis Card Trays.
"The World's Safest Safe" and Record Protection.
Engineers' Field and Office
Instruments and Supplies
"Everything for the Office"
A Modrratfly-Prid Hotel of Merit.
East Morrison St. and Rast Plxta.
Sl.25 fer Cay. l"er Week Up.
Pathe and O-Keh
ISouleBros. 1
166 Tenth SL, E
Near Morrison
Sanitary 'Roil-Me' Mattresses
Feather beds made Into folding mattreaaaa
with summer and winter sides.
Feather Renovating
town peopla write for liu
which, we will gladly mall.
Feather Mattress -C
of making- all kinds of mattresses.
Oot-of-town peopl. writ for literature,
wbleb ws wUl gladly mall.
aa ruuame An.
Phone East GA49.
A 6548
Store Open 8:30 A. M. to 5:30 P. M.
Firm AMD-OJutSii-
Pocnjiaiv Oaiooai
jjl il I Oak Streets