THE MORNING OREGONIAN. TUESDAY. AUGUST 5, 1919. GOVERNMENT CHIEFS" SCUSS LIVING COSTS Important Conference Is Set . for Cabinet and Leaders. ACTION TO BE OUTLINED Senators Seek Cause of Present Crisis and Xeclare Packers Profits Have Been Huge, the greed of many producers are responsible for steadily increasing prices," the attorney-general said. He will ask Governor Shoup to appoint a commission to investigate prices. Whether the city of Denver will sell food at cost price will be determined at a meeting of city managers tomorrow. WASHINGTON. Au;r. 4- President "Wilson returned to Washington early today from a week-end trip down the Potomac on the Mayflower. Late to day he went to the offices of the fed eral trade commission and spent come time in conference with William B. Col ver and Victor Murdock, members of the commission. Although the subject of the conference was not announced. It was understood that the high coat of living situation wa discussed. Recommendations to President V il eon as to how the government should proceed in its efforts to lower the cost of living are expected to result from the second meeting tomorrow of cab inet members and their officials called into conference by Attorney-General Palmer. There still was no indication tonight of how the conference would view the problem. Director-General of Railroad Hiloe. Assistant Secretary of the Treas ury Leff ingwell and Chairman Colver : of the federal trade commission, ap- j pointed a committee to present sugges- . ttons to the conference, have been en- gaged in an exchange of memoranda, j but it was said authoritatively they had ! reached no decision as to what step should be taken. I Chlfagro Man Called. Attorney-General Palmer has sum- i jnoned District Attorney Clyne of Chi- , cago to report-on the progress of in vestigations which have been under wa y there. Mr. dyne's visit was regarded as significant also because an early deci sion is expected by the attorney-general as to whether information sub mitted by the federal trade commission warrants prosecutions against the "big five" packing companies. High prices and the resulting unrest expressed in strike threats by hun dreds of thousands of railroad men oc cupied much of the time of the senate today, Senators from wheat growing s fates asserted that the government guaranteed price of $2.26 a bushel was not responsible for the high cost of bnead, declaring that wheat was sell ing at terminals at higher figuree. Chairman Gronna of the agriculture committee announced that he had called a committee meeting tomorrow to discuss measures to reduce the cost of living. He said he had no remedy to offer, but declared that increase of wages and decrease of working hours was not a panacea nor would govern nvent ownership or control of utilities solve the problem. Great Profit Scored. Relation of the price of wheat to the cost of living wan debated by several senators. Mr. Gronna denied that the government's wheat price guarantee causes undue prices for bread. He was supported by Senators Kellogg and Nelson, republicans of Minnesota, who said wheat was being old far above the government's guar antee at the principal terminals. Senator Gronna declared that the packers and all dealers in food prod ucts "never made higher profits" than they did under the food administra tion's licensing plan during the war. Senator Smith said if there was profiteering, the Sherman act afforded an opportunity to break it up. He add ed that extravaganace by most persona was one cause of present conditions. Senator Bora h, repu bl ican, of Idaho, . said it would be no task to find the profiteer. Rorah Knows Profiteers. 'We know where the profiteer is," he said, "and he will be just as safe the next four years as he has been the last four." Senator Reed, democrat, of Missouri, declared: "If we can't feed ourselves we ought not try to feed the world. There is a plan on foot to organize a gigantic corporation to finance and feed Europe, and our government through the league of nations is to undertake this plan. We are to drain this country of its money and its goods at the very time our people are clamoring for relief." Senator Thomas, democrat, of Colo rado, observed that the high cost of living was world-wide and asked if any senator could suggest how one nation alone could change conditions. COLORADO MAY HOLD IXQC1KY Attorney-General Asks Governor to P ro 1m Food Pr ices. DENVER, Aug. 4. Prices received by producers, as well as retailers of food, will be investigated in Colorado, if recommendations to be made tomor row to Governor Shoup by Attorney General Victor K. Keyes are carried out. Kconomie cond it ions generally and OMAHA AVILL PURCHASE FOOD $10,000 to Be Expended to Gain Re lief; Investigation Later. OMAHA, Aug. 4. The city commis sion authorized today the expenditure of $10,000 in buying food supplies to be sold to the public at cost. When two commissioners suggested an investiga tion to learn if prices are too high, the mayor shouted: "Not on your life. I demand action, now. Help the people firsts then in vestigate." t Oklabomans to Confer. OKLAHOMA CITY. Aug. 4. Gover nor Robertson today sent telegrams to all county attorneys in the state, ask ing them to meet here Friday to con sider steps toward reducing the high cost of living in Oklahoma. RAILROAD EMPLOYES SEEK SPEEDY RELIEF AH Oppose Plan to Wait for Congress to Act," Is Claim. MIDDLE WEST NEAR TIE-UP 250,000 'Shopmen Already Out; More Wages Asked to Meet Rising Cost or Living. EX-CONSTABLE IS WANTED CALIFORNIA MAN ACCUSED MURDERS IN EAST. OF Governor of North Carolina Asks for Extradition of Horace B. Witt, Now in Rakersfield. SACRAMENTO, CaL, Aug. 4. An ap plication from the governor of North Carolina for the extradition of Horace B. Witt of Randsburg, CaL, on a charge of murder in connection with a shoot ing that took place March 30, 1902, near the North Carolina - Tennessee state line, was taken under advisement today after a hearing in the governor's office here. Affidavits were presented in behalf of Witt, who is detained in Bakersf ield, CaL, to show that he killed two men in Monroe county, Ten nessee, in performance of his duty as a county constable. The indictment charged that the shooting took place in Cherokee county. North Carolina. Witt said in his affidavit that he shot Emery Flowers and his son, both of whom he had gone to arrest on a warrant issued in connection with dis possession proceedings. He used a double-barreled shotgun, loaded with buckshot, the affidavit said. The son was killed instantly and the father died later. Both men leveled guns at him before he fired, Witt averred. Witt said he remained in Monroe county until April 6, 1902. but when because of ill feeling between residents along the border of the two states, it became apparent that it might be necessary "to kill some more people," he decided to leave and went to Los Angeles. From there he went to Rands burg and later to A Task a. When he returned from Alaska his wife told him that she had divorced him and married W. E. Mann in Los Angeles Later, according to correspondence presented at the hearing, a Los Angeles police officer "received information from a man" concerning Witt's where abouts and the charges against him. This information was communicated to the North Carolina authorities, who requested his arrest. ALLIES' TRUNKS STOLEN German Agreements on Restitution Disappear in Hunland. BERNE, Switzerland. Sunday. Aug. 3. (Havas.) Advices from Berlin re port that trunks belonging to the ailied armistice commission in Germany have been stolen. The trunks contained important doc- I umente concerning agreements for the restitution to Belgium and France of machinery that had been removed by the Germans. PROBLEM UP TO MR. BROWN (Continued From First Pajce.) WASHINGTON. Aug. 4. President Wilson was told today by B. M. Jewell, acting president of the ra ilway divi sion of the American Federation of Labor, that all railroad employes were opposed to the proposal made to the president by Director-General Hines that congress constitute a committee to pass on questions of wage increases for the men. He said this process would be too slow and because of the rising cost of living speedy relief was neces sary. Mr. Jewell was accompanied to the White House by the heads of the six big railway shop crafts, who pointed out to the president that thousands of shopmen were now on an unauthorized strike, and that unless the demands of the men approximating 25 per cent presented . last January were granted promptly the situation would get be yond the control of the union officials. , Strike Only After Vote. Efforts are now being made by the union leaders to get the strikers to re turn to work, the president was told. If a strike should .become necessary in order to enforce the demands of the shopmen, the president was informed, union offioials felt it should be con ducted only after a vote by the union membership. Strike ballots will be mailed to 500. 000 shop employes tomorrow, Mr. Jewell announced. The vote will be tabulated August 24. Mr. Jewell declared emphatically that if congress passed the legislation pro posed by Director-General Hines "we'll tie the railroads up so that they'll never run." "So union men could ever be gotten to sit on such an investigating body as contemplated by the director-general and the president." Mr. Jewell added. Mr. Wilson, the union official said, listened sympathetically to what the union officials had to ay, but did not ind icate any intention to recede from his attitude that he had not the power to grant the increases. Time Needed, ayi President. "President Wilson told us frankly." said Mr. Jewell, "that while every agency of the government waa work ing on plans to bring relief from the high cost o living, the country could not expect a reduction to pre-war standards for a good many years to come. He made clear that what the government now was doing would take time and immediate relief should not be looked for and that it would be a long time before there was a marked reduction." CHICAGO. Aug. 4. A tieup eoon of freight traffic in the central west as a result of the strike of railway shop men was the prediction tonight of L. W. Hawver. president of the Chicago coun cil of the federated railway shopmen union, after he had received reports from many additional points telling of the walkout today of shop employes. He said that a total of 200.000 shop men were now on strike and that be fore Wednesday night 75 per cent of the members would be out. "All work in the shops of the Chicago & Northwestern lines is tied up, Presi dent Hawver said, "and they will soon have trouble handling the mail. We hope that officers of our grand lodge are successful in their negotiations at Washington, but will stand firm on the strike order until our demands have been met." THE WORK FOR ME," FARMER SAYS Joe Ellinger of Rockford, Wash., Gains Seventeen Pounds Taking Tanlac "Tanlac put me In such fine shape tnat I was able to plant a big crop without hardly knowing I had done a bit of hard work." aald Joe EllinRer. a well-known farmer, living at Rock ford. Wash., recently. Mr. Ellinfter homesteaded his place In 1SS0 and has been living there ever since. "1 had been bothered a good deal with rheumatism and was generally run down in health." continued Mr. El linger. "I didn't have any appetite to epeak of and sometimes the very smell of food, or even the sight of it. turned me against it and I couldn't enjoy what 1 did eat and it seemed to do me no good at all. At times the rheuma tic pains were so bad I couldn't evrn turn over in bed without first rubbing my legs till they limbered up and ' sometimes they would cramp and draw j up so I would be in such pain I could hardly stand it. If I happened to be J walking when these pains and cramps I struck me I would Just have to stop in j my tracks, because I couldn't take an other step. I was troubled with dizzy spells, too, and if I made a quick move I could scarcely keep on my feet and everything in front of my eyes would seem to go black. I couldn t get a good night's rest, either, because I was wakeful and tossed around a good deal and when I got up in the morning I felt all tired out, with no energy to do anything and I seemed to be getting worse ail the time. "I was in Just this fix when I got to reading about Tanlac and decided to give it a trial to see what it might do for me and it certainly proved to be just what I needed, because since I have taken it I haven't had a single rheumatic.. nnin and mv less don't eramn or bother me a bit now. I never ! get dizzy any more, either, and Tan lac sure did make my appetite pick up, and now just th smell of food makes me feel all the hungrier and I can eat anything I want and enjoy it and what I eat does me lots of good. too. I have gained 17 pounds m weight and have plenty of energy and can go to bed at nignt ana sieep soundly for eight or nine hours and get up in the morning feeling rested and refreshed, instead of all fagged out like I used to. Tanlac certainly did tne worn for me and that's why I think it s such a fine medicine and well worth recom mending to others." Sold by the Owl Drug company. Adv. YOU NEED SLOAN'S ON YOUR VACATION Keep It Handv for the Tired Muscles After the Hike One of the things you must not for get to take on your vacation is a bot tle of Sloan's Liniment. Better Jot It down on your shopping list right now. Then sore, strained muscles, lame back, aching joints will not long interfere with your recreation. Mosquito bites and the sting of insects won't bother you. Sloan's Liniment penetrate without rubbing, with a singling, soothing ef fect. It relieves pains quickly and will not stain the skin. Get yours at your druggist's today. 30c, 60c. $1.20. KC&tZSD 6 Bell-ansi LX V-y2-4iJ waer . hZTxr j.'iH Sure Relief ness phones and did not affect resi dential or rural service. A little later the city of Portland, through its officials, filed suit in the circuit court, for Multnomah county, questioning the authority of the public service commission to grant an in crease in rates and fesking that its order be rescinded. This case now is pending in the courts. Following closely upon the filing of this action came the strike of the tele phone operators and electrical workers for higher wages. The telephone com pany charged that the granting of the demands of the strikers would amount to more than $250, 0U0 a year, and upon this showing appealed to Postmaster General Burleson for relief. A few days later the Burleson schedule was adopted by the company and the sec ond increase in charges within a period of a few months became effective. Under the terms of a congressional act, a copy of which has been received by the Oregon commission, the Burle son schedule is to remain in effect for four months, unless changed by the public service bodies of the various states. Situation Complicated One. Now that the wires have passed from government to private control, the members of the Oregon commission see a chance whereby they may rescind the Burleson schedule and restore the rate in effect prior to August 1. Before this can be done, however, the act of con gress under which the Burleson sched ule was authorized mast be so con strued as to give the commissions of the various states jurisdiction. It is this question that will be referred to Attorney-General Brown, and upon his decision depends action of the com mission. While it is agreed here that the city of Portland acted in good faifh in bringing its suit to question the au thority of the commission, certain state officials believe the action has so com plicated the situation that serious re sults may follow. For Instance, should the city win Its suit against the commission, thereby depriving the latter body of jurisdic tion in fixing the rates of the telephone corporation, it is argued that the com pany could easily declare the Burleson schedule in effect as from November 6. 1918. the date of filing the tariff, and collect back charges from patrons of the service from that time. Other equal ly complicated questions are said to be involved in the case. Hearing- May Be Held. Should the -attorney-general rule that the Oregon commission has legal au thority " under the act of conerress to rescind the Burleson order, it is more (General M. M. McCarver and Mary Mc than likely that such an order will be forthcoming. To do this, however, some of the officials believe it would first be necessary to hold a public hearing and give the telephone company an op portunity to defend its present rates and the legality of the Burleson sched ule. Although none of the commissioners would comment on the contemplated action of the body today, 'it is a cer tainty that the investigation is now well inder way and that the legal opinion of the attorney-general will be the next step in the proceedings. Hurley of Loom is. Wash.; Mrs. Minnie Terry and Mrs. Anna L,e Hoy, Coro- nado. Cal.: Mrs. Carrie Lavis, anta Barbara, and Mrs. Loleatta Labowitch of this city. BIG INCOMES DECREASE 206 FILE RETURNS FOR 1916 TAX; 141 FOR 1917. Roundhouse Workers Tkext. Every roundhouse worker in the United Statesmay be asked to join the general strike" of the federated railway shopmen's union, according to informa tion given out today at the Chicago headquarters of the union. Plans for asking the assistance of the round house employes were under considera tion at a meeting of the union leaders. KANSAS CITT. Mo., Aug. 4. Railway car repair men who are on strike in a number of cities of the country were ordered today to return to work by Frank Paquin. general vice-president of the Rotherhood of Railway Carmen of America, who declared that, as a legal vote had never been taken by the brotherhood, the strike was unauthor ized. PATERSOX, N. J.. Aug. 4. Between 15,000 and 17,000 silk workers are esti mated to have struck today in response to a strike call involving all the silk mills of Paterson. The total number employed by the mills is between 25, 000 and 28,000. Later in the day the strikers were reinforced by some thou sands of workers who were locked out when they reported for work 40 min utes later than usual In an effort to put into effect a 44-hour week. The question of a 44-hour week is the principal contention between the workers and the mill owners. SPOKANE, Wash., Aug. 4. (Special.) Robert McWade, government repre sentative, said at "Wallace today that he does not think there will be a strike of the Coeur d'Alene miners. He lays stress on the demand of the miners for an eight-hour day from portal to portal. His position suggests that the own ers may grant this, although they have given no intimation of any concession on this point or any other. Burke miners voted overwhelmingly to strike, and Mullan is said to be vot ing toaay. If the miners should win their demand for eight hours it will lessen their actual working time about an hour in the large mines, for it takes them now at least that long to go and come to work. 3,472,890 Persons, Three Per Cent of Population, Pay Levy; Aver age for Individual $368.56. WASHINGTON, Aug. 4. Income tax returns were filed by 3.472.85)0 persons. about 3 per cent of the population, for the calendar year of 1917. according to final reports Just completed by the bureau of internal revenue. They showed total net incomes of $13,652, 383,207. The increase over 1916, be fore the law was expanded to meet war expenses, was 3,035,854 returns and S7. 353, 805. 587 in net income. Taxes paid totaled $675,249,450. an av erage of $368.56 per Individual, or 6.03 per cent of the income. A notable feature of the report was the showing that while there were 1296 incomes over $300,000 in 1916. the num ber was reduced to 1015 in 1917. The $1,000,000 incomes decreased from 206 to 141 and the decrease in the amount reported by persons in that class was $157,427,730. The $1,000,000 men, how ever, paid more taxes than any other class, contributing $109,424,999 to the government out of a total of $306, 83a, 914 in income reports. MRS. A. C. ED LUND IS DEAD In Funeral of Woman Who Lived Portland Many Years Is Today. Mrs. Amanda C. Edlund, 53 years old, died Saturday at her home, 930 East Fourteenth street north, follow ing an illness of six weeks. The fu neral will be at 2 o'clock this after noon rom the F. S. Dunning chapel, East Sixth and Alder streets, and in terment will be in Rose City ceme tery. The funeral services will be in charge of Rev. William A. Brinkman, pastor of St. James Lutheran church. Mrs. Edlund had been a resident of Portland for 13 years, coming here from Muskegon, Mich., where a brother and sister live. She was born in Sweden August 13, 1865. Besides her husband, John Edlund, she leaves six children Mrs: J. H. O'Donnell, Mrs. B. E. Bowers. Mrs. Jean Miller. William R., Oscar C. and Henry "A. Edlund. She had been a life-long member of the Lutheran church. OuY Store Will Close at 1 P. M. on Wednes v days During July and August I. Order ta Raanle Our Kaaplorea ta Km Joy a Wrrkly Half-llialldar Iartar These Hat Moutha. Help to Make Thla Movraeut I niveraal by Am.iri.C ta Do tour Shopping la the Korrnon. si Weuaradaya. Jiist in By Express! An Unsurpassed Showing of the Celebrated Go etz Satins Every New and Staple Color Included gt "S T" A Rich, High-Grade Satin of Un- O matchable Quality at JL JLm (ft Come immediately to our popular Silk Section and see these beautiful rich, lustrous Satins they are the celebrated Goetz Satins favorably known among: good dressers for their unusual beauty and dura bility they are shown here in all new and staple colors and have been most moderately priced at $3 yard. Choice From All $1.49 No Phone Orders Great Special Purchase and Sale of ALUMINUM WARE About SO Pieces Each of 6-quart Preserving Kettles 4-quart Lip Saucepan 4-auart Covered Convex Kettle 3-quart Covered Convex Saucepan Coffee Percolators and Rice Boilers Introducing Our New Basement Section (I Through a very unusual and important trade event we vrere fortunate in securing a splendid lot of "Betty Bright" and other well-known makes of A luminum Ware at special price concessions at this great sale you can purchase at the same bargain price. JT It is a brand new lot of Aluminum just unpacked and placed on sale for the first. time our only regret Is that the quantity is limited about 50 each of the following items: 6-qt. Preserving Kettles 4-qt-Lip Sauce Pans 4-jt. Covered Convex Kettles 3-qt Covered Convex Sauce Pans Coffee Percolators and Rice Boilers. It is a saving sale that few housekeepers can afford to miss. Remember, you have choice from the entire assortment at $1.49. NONE SOLD TO DEALERS NO PHONE OR MAIL ORDERS FILLED AT THIS SALE Best Styles and Best Materials in Bungalow Aprons Underpriced Five Great Lots to Select From At$lJ9,At $1.49, At $138, At $239, A t $2.69 tff Every Apron in this sale guaranteed fast color. Cut full to size and well fashioned throughout. It is well worth your while to purchase three or four at the above special prices. It will be a happy shopping for the woman who knows a good bargain when she sees it. leer nt SI 19 I Bungalow Aprons dozens of styles in checks, About twenty-one new styles in both light and dark colors. They are made of heavy scout percales. Asst. 2 at $1.49 Genuine Amoskeag Gingham Aprons in shepard checks plaids stripes, etc, and prettily trimmed in ricrac braids with large belt and pockets. Asst. 3 at $138 Wonderful values in this assortment of Gingham plaids, etc Asst. 4 at $239 These come in best corded Amoskeag and Bates ginghams and daintily trimmed quite equal to and much prettier than many expensive house dresses. AsstS at $2.69 This value is phenomenal. The materials are of the best and many of them are far below even half-price. 'THE STORE THAT UNDERSELLS BECAUSE IT SELLS FOR CASH" Store Opens at 8:30 A.M. Saturday at 9 A.M. v ii i iMi'ii tt Tlie Most in Value The Best in Quality Store Closes at 5:30 P.M. Saturday at 6 P.M. Bp? RILEY'S HHHIHS IS SET COUNTERFEITING SUSPECTS TO BE ARRAIGNED AUGUST 25. Officers Say Man Has Record of Op erations in California Offense Here Also Charged. Information was filed in federal court yesterday charging Dorothy Riley and Joseph E. Riley, her husband, with counterfeiting". They are under $2500 bonds each, pendinjr their hearing-, which has been fixed for August 25 and 26. The Kileys were arrested Sun day at the Genevieve apartments, 414 Fifth street, by William A. Glover, chief secret service operative in the Portland d i strict, assisted by Joseph Walters, secret service operative, and by Thomas Swennes, police inspector. In the information filed in federal court, it is alleged, that the woman passed a worthless silver dollar at the Bon Ton market, and that Riley parsed a spurious $10 gold piece at another establishment. Officers who mad. the arrest say they found parts of the out fit in the couple's apartment. It is said Riley recently completed a sentence at McNeil's island for a sim ilar offense, and that he is well known to secret service operatives of th country. He is believed to have come here from California, where, it is aiid, worthless coins were in circulation some weeks ago. The Rileys are in the Multnonah county jail awaiting hearing, being un able to furnish the bond required. JAPANESE DEMAND HEEDED Chinese Agree to Permit No Troops Within 10 Miles or Chang-Chang. PEKING, Aug. 4. (By the Associated Press.) As a result of the clash be tween Japanese and Chinese soldiers on July 19 at Chang-Chang, Manchuria, the Japanese consul there has made three demands on the local officials. The first is that no Chinese troops shall be allowed within a 10-mile radius of Chang-Chang; the second that two cities of Kirin province must be opened for foreign trade and residence; the POISON OAK OR IVY NO LONGER TO BE DREADED PIONEER OF 1845 PASSES Mj-s. Mary A. Hurley, Daughter of General McCarver, Dies. Mrs. Mary A. Hurley,' a pioneer of Orecon. died at her home In Santa Barbara, CaL. Monday. Mrs. Hurley was the eldest daughter of the late SAILOR'S BODY RECOVERED Funeral of Rex Apleby Will Be Held In Stanton, Neb. The-body of Rex Appleby, who was killed July 29 by a blow from a crane while loading the U. S. S. Minnesota at Fortress Monroe, Va., has been re covered after a week's search in the waters of Hampton Roads, according to information received yesterday by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. Appleby, of Ardenwald station. Young Appleby, who was a boat swain's mate, second class, and served in the navy for more than two years, was struck by a coal crane and hurled overboard on the eve of his discharge from the service. The body will be sent to Stanton, NeL. Members of the family will attend the funeral services at their former home. S. R. green stamps for cash. Holm an Fuel Co.. Main 353. A 231. Block wood, short slab wood. Rock Springs and Utah coal; sawdust. Adv. Carver. She was bora in Lowell, la-, December 15, 1842, and crossed the plains in 1845, locating with her par ents on a farm near Oregon City in 1850. Material was shipped from Maine around Cape Horn for their new home, and the house still stands, a well known landmark of Oregon City. Mrs. Hurley's early education was acquired In the sisters school and old Portland academy. She also studied music under Miss Zeeber. a well-known instructor of those days. November 15. 1858. she was married to the late Professor R. H. Hurley. She was a charter member of the Eastern Star lodge of Oregon City in 1S6S and later a member of Martha.Washington chap ter in this city. The surviving children are George J. ANTONE who has ever experienced oak or Ivy poisoning will be grate ful to know that this extremely pain full and irritating annoyance need riot be feared or longer remain troublesome. The pain, itching,- fever and irritation disappear almost like magic with a few applications of San tiseptic Lotion, and the eruptions and redness of the skin soon follow. Timely use or antiseptic will even prevent the poisoning in manv cases. "SantiseDtic Lotion is the greatest remedy on earth for poison oak," says Carl Larson of Canyonville, Or. I have without Santlseptic in my home." Mr. Larson's experience is but typical of thousands of others who have had the misfortune to become infected with poison oak or poison ivy. Santiseptic also heals other skin irri tations, such as sunburn, w indburn, chafing, fever and cold sores, flea and other insect bites. It is a remarkably soothing and healing lotion. Men use it after shaving, and women for the com plexion and for the baby's skin. Santiseptic is easily procured at most drug stores. If your druggist cannot supply it. sena ou cents, witn nis name. had it in all forms on mv face, arms to the Esbencott Laboratories, Portland, and body. Nothing gave ml relief until I tried Santiseptic. I would not now be Or., for Adv. full-sized bottle, postpaid. third that within the city of Ilan. Kirin province, Japanese shall be given a monopoly to operate the water works. The Chinese agreed to grant the first demand, but the second and third will be referred to Peking. AVIATORS BRUISED BY FALL Plane in 100-Foot Xosc DiTe Crashes Through Y. M. C. A. Roof. CAMP KEARNY, San Diego. CaL, Auk. 4. Captain Sylvanus C. Coon and Lieu tenant Walter J. Mens, of the Rock well field flying station, were badly shaken up and bruised when the plane in which they were making a recon naissance flight nose-dived today at 100 feet and crashed through the roof of Y. M. C. A. building No. 4. near the west end of the parade ground. Read The Oreeontan classified ads. ROSEBURG TO GET . FIELD Chamber "il! Provide Suitable Ac commodations for Patrol Places. . ROSEBURG, Or., Aug. 4. (Special.) The Roseburg Chamber of Commerce today began search for a landing field suitable for the forest patrol airplanes it is proposed to send here. Forest Supervisor S. C. Bartrum is assisting in the work and it is ex nected that a location will be found within 24 hours. The present landing I field is not sufficiently large to allow machines to take the air from any direction-Oakland has made a bid for the air plane station by offering to fur nish a suitable field and all necessary hangars. s Can yon afford to take the risk of being without Chamberlain s Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy dur ing the hot weather? WOOD'S SPECIALS Meals Complete, 25c LOOK AT THESE and up xi.-r si.w rith Vegetables Home Made Style Sausage with Mashed Potatoes Roast Beef with Brown Gravy Corned Beef and Cab bage New England Uinner Hot Cakes Served All Day 6th & Stark Wood's Quick Lunch TB flu tB 9 157 "7- I) I) I) l) D i) i) 9 t ft ft I) w X1 (I g 9 (I THOMPSON'S Deep-Carre Lemtea Are Better Traemrlc Register THE SIGN OF PERFECT SERVICE Thoroughly xp erteneed Optometrists for the examina tion and adjustments, skilled workmen to construct th lenses a concentrated serv ice that guarantees depend able glasses at reasonable prices. Complete Ttrmm fZrffniltn Factory mm tke Premise (I i SAVE YOUR EYES THOMPSON OPTICAL INSTITUTE KTESI6HT specialists Partlaad'a Lurcct. Moat Mad. ra. Beat Eanlppra. ExdnilT. Optlcml ttatabllaluneBt. SSS-la-lt CORBETT BLOn. t'UTH AND MDRKISUX, Slaea ltW 9 4. 87$ 4? 55 e5 5 DANCING Guaranteed 3 In eight lessons ladles $2.5". gentlemen $5.00 at Te Honey's Beau if ul Academy. 23d and Wash ington. New summer classes start Monday. Tuesday and Thursday evenings, 8 to 11:3'). Plenty of desirable part ners and practice. N" embarrassment. Private lessons all hours. Lrearn from professional cancers. f Qodi Adv.