TTIE3 3IORXIXG OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1919. 19 FOR RENT. Rooms With Board in Private Family. LADY would like to have of elderly lady or board and room 2 rnidd le-a jr-d working girls, r-iasonable. nifc mod-rn hu;e. 4 tiiii 7rh si., Firland Station, M. fe. car. LiRGE well-furnished room for 2, excellent table board, ai con vet nres. in one of f inest homes in city. E. 20th su Ea.n 80Stf. G(.OD room and board in private home for healthy f boy, 6 or 7 years old ; no other boarders. evil wood 304&. NURSE will give mother's care and atten tion to srn&;l children where parents may room. 1JJ4 E. Main at. LA RGB room in private home, brakfasi if desired. Gentleman preferred. 114 K. 10th St. Phone Ka.-:t 722. KICELY furnished room suitable for 2 young Indies, separate beds, excellent meals, ciose in. Main 9325, 547 Oth St. AN EXCLUSIVE home offers rooms, with good home cooking: home-made bread. Broadway 4314. 14:i N. V-th st. A -fARGE, clean, front room, good location. ciose in; breakfast if desired, reasonable. 39 10th at. Mam 12tt3. Fnrnlsned Apartments. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Streets. Five minutes' walk to Meier .& Frank's tore : good surroundings, strictly modem. 2 and 3-room furnished apts.. all outside, with French doors and balcony. RATES BY WEEK OK MONTH. VILLA &T CLARA. Twelfth aud Taylor. Most modern furnished apartment on the Pacific coast. Roof Garden in Connection. Walking distance. References. STELWYN APARTMENTS. HIGH CLASS. 3 and 5-room and sleeping porch, beau tifully furnished in Chinese and Turkish rues and wiliow. available at once. Mar. 2:0. BEAUTIFUL furnished 3-room apt., large private bath, lignt, phone; adults only; tenants furnish own silver and linen; S'.O per month. hiO Union ave., near Beech. KiNGSBL'KY apts.. 2H6 Vita ave., one nice ly furnisned o-room apart m nt with 2 dis appearing beds and outside balcony, $0. Main iiS;-i. m THE PENROSE, 14fc Grand ave.. at Belmont. Thres-roon. ap-irtmeai. completely fur nished. East 4048. THE STAN Fl E LD, 204 Porter apts. completely furnished; Main 7SJ2. st., 2-room reasonable. TUB DEZENDORF APTS 208 10th Su. Near Taylor St. Completely furnished .1-rm. apartments. THREE-ROOM apts. with bath, toilet and dressing room. $27.30 to $40. Phone East 2S4'j. Jackson apts. THE CARLOIS Modern brick, outside apts., living room. k . tv henet t e, bath, private phone, $35; adulm. 41 14th. cor. Market. A 2-KOOM furnished apartment, $15 a mo. Corner Klrhv and Russell, bet. Mississippi and Williams aves. t'huite East ELM WOO L A fT S.. 41 5 1 O t h st. 2 and 3 -mom furnished apts.. $4.-5o per month; desirable location. I'hone Main 1 I-1 ROOM partly furnished, no objection to children, rent reasonable- Apply all Kirby, corner Kussell. East 1504. lCELY furnished 3-room apartment, $30, west side. Marshall Apts., 04 Marshall. Broadway 351. . 4- ROOM furnished apt., private phone and ba th, ready today. Main 10-. Call af ler S A. M. . JI'LIANA APTS., 4f Trinity Flare 3-room furnished apartment, adults only. Mar shall 61J. I'ENINSITLA APTS.. 1135 Albina ave Con crete bldg.. 2 and 3-room apts- Wdln. XI At, KING distance, 3-room apartment with bath, toilet, sink. Main 27 1 or 0jf 4th st. ELITE two rooms with kitchen and private bath; no chi'dren. 3! Rut-sell Bt. COMPLETE apartment, $19: toncrew blutf. Union ave. and Killingswortji. t BAGOAGB and furniture moving; phone Broadway 4Ul Aiert Transfer 411 i Stark. LEONCE ApXrTMENTS 3 room", bath and phone. lbU N. 22d. Marshal 1 2i:50. 2-ROOM furnished apartment, ?IS a month; front rooms. Phone East I5i4. SNA P 3-room apt. and kit client Ue room, gentleman. 406 Fourth st. singld FU KNLSH Ei". modern, rooms, $10 and up. 11 :in housekeeping th st. POKTN'O.MAH. 4 rooms, hanlwood walking distance. 2t0 E. 13th. LA M BROOK ARTS., East 7th and lajiihlli Two-room apt- East 40t5Z. BOZANTA apts.. 1S! N. 2."d st.; 3 and 4 ro.m apartmeiit.-i.f urnished. jTrOOM apartment, electric range, piano, for one month. Tabor 5!..!. FURNISHED 3-room apartment, sublet lor tour months. Tabor oV.tJ. NICELY furnished 2-room. apartments. 3'JO J e f i e rsoii- JULIANA APTS., 45 Trinity place; 4-rooin turn i shed apt. M ar. 6 FOR RENT 2-room apt. Call 421 6th sL L'n furnished Apartnients. 2-ROOM modern floors. Whec I'M ba anient a pt.. n. r.oti Annex. 10th a nu mi .m-m. APARTMENT for rent ; have furntturo for .ale. Apt. 203. Tudor Arm?. Furnished or tnTurnislu-d ADartments- ONK modern 4-rooni unfurnished or fur nished front apartment. -" blocks from Mor rison st . wf-s: sid-.; $.W and $45; ailuils only. Main -.".00. " " Flat- 6 ROCiMS, $15.50; gas, electric lights, bath, screens, right on Kivervttsw ( Fulton car, west side. 12 minutes out. 1205 Cttrbett st. -ROOM upp nacre, wood t riat, lift, w walking distance, fi est side.- Marshall 12 4 AND 5-room tlats. $6 to $15. Tabor Furnished FTats- $3.1 P. FURNISHED Mall ory ave.; p r i v a t Union ve. 3 blks. line. -room lower flat. 140 resi lence; 2 blks. to to Williams ave car FIVK-ROOM furnished Hat. Ivardwood floors, tiled bath, sleeping pr- h and f'r.-piace. 3K .tenn ave. Hjuthorn-1 a r. TO RENT for 3 day., v and bath, furnished, Bve. N., ner.r A Itn-ria. ML'BLY furnished - room flat. mod-1 reasr! abl , on 10th st., near Salmon. 1'iit Mam 5Mf. HoufseKeeiHtig Rooms. THKt'E nife houseU te pi n g romis. kitihen ett, sleeping porch and liv.ig room: also one small h"i..-' -k -epm g room for working gtrl. very rfusonable. 'Jo's N. lotll St., Hro.d way Sut'-- TH E C A DILL C. -'"-d near Jeiletson. S4 week up. furnished H. K. suites; sinp.e H K rooms $2.50 up. including baths, hot water at nil lnun-a, etc Save earfaie. 5 MONTH an am heat. fr up. single H hot waijir f laundry. 2-room apt Wdln. 4405. $ 10 and up. 2 Stanton. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, walking distance, hot and cold writer. A 17. 9 or over either phone. 5ol Harrison St.. near 14th. . CUT: AN. attractive front apt., thoroughly renovated, quiet, central, summer pruvs ; Iso sleeping rooms, summer pricea 24 7 '-3 T I J TT vrT'-.i iMKUY. corner E. Sth and E. Morrison Completely furnished 1 and -'-room H. K. apts. TU t rooms with kit. porch with electric eiu-;u and sltcpiiig lights and cooUiiji." 5-J7 Taylor st. gas. $30 Main 2U.i: ' - . FURNISHED housekeeping .1 sleeping rooms, cheap rates West Park. , business center. lJsi TRUNKS, BAGGAGE, delivered In dow town district for 2c; checks caiied t Auto Service, phone FAST 6434. ONE front room with kitchenette; 1 single H. K. room, also living room and kitchen at lfi7 Hth. . B iGG AG E and furniture moving . phons Broadway 4UL Alert Transfer, -i 1 1 S Sta k. NICELY keeping furnished front 152 l- Grand av for house BImont. .TWO unfurnished H K. 4-ooms, water, gas, beautiful view. FURNISHED housekeeping cheap. The Gilnun. 1 42 THREE unfurnished rooms, not modern. c; ; Albina; du:ts. Tabor 371. TWO or three desirable unfurnished k ee p 1 :i g room .-. clo se In. :i'.rj i-j Uh $4 SMALL H . K. room, suiiaM f- person. Norris Hotel. 533 S Alder. H. K. Sl'ITE for couple, modern p. ace; Alder. Xt'Tis rnte 2 FRONT rooms, Clay. Main ."3i H. K.. $5 per eek. 400 ONE and three-room jt loth. Mar. - H. K. suites, furnished. Housekeeping Room In Private Family. CLEAN IT K. r porch entranc' -1 . running water, private 15 Morrison. Cor Irtth. 2 LRGE. clean housekeeping rooms, in, l; adults. 553 E. nth st. S BUSIN ESS lady or two may housekeep in modern home of adults. E 7St0. TW'O H. K. rooms, all conveniences. Phone E. 321. 574 E. Couch st. SLEEPING room an of porch. East 42'.'. d kitcnen with one end 1 LARGE H. K. rooms. $18 per month. West Park. FOB RENT. Housekeeping Kooms in Private Family. ONE or furnished housekeeping or sleeping roome. employed people preferred ; use of phone, reasonable rent. W oodlawn 21 JS. ;i ROOM and kitchenette and 1 single room. or will rent together, suitable for lour ' girls employed. 331 Montgomery. TWO furnished rooms for light housekeep ing, suitable for 4. 424 3d St., corner Hall. Phone Main fe'JO. LIGHT housekeeping rooms. Phone Tabor 1 52;. Houses. 6-ROOM modern house., block and hair irora K. C. car, excel, eni neisii'riiii.u, .j.ju clean first-class furniture, for $375. must be soid bv Wednesday: here is your chance for a good home with fruit and garden. Owner. Tabor 6070. WILE rent home for four or five weeks to responsible party; C rooms, nicely fur nished: piano and sewing machine. Call Pell wood 1'iS. . WHEN YOU MOVS Use NORTH WJSsTKK iiJ!iJ i. ugot servlce- Broaaway 5S0. A C747. IRVING TON "-room house, strictly mod- frn, possession immediately; rent d. H. GuHtaff, 400 Henry bldg. Main 2274. MODERN 8-room house with sleeping porch and sunroom : best restaence district un west side. AF 37. Oregonian. MOVING Piano, furniture ana long-ais- tance hauling a specialty, w. iru Service Co.. 40 2d st Phone Bdwy 5121. NEW furniture in a five-room modern house for sale, house lor rent, very reasouauie. 362 Knott st. 10-ROOM hou-e, nswly d- corated, electricity. 502 Dekum bldg. nod location, west sidt (i-ROOM house. Cook ave. district, $40 per month, ('all Broaaway ii-mj. , '-KOfi.M houae for rent, all modern. W o r d 1 a w n 3323. -ROOM nouse. 2R7 Sheridan st. Inquire 6- 4 4th st. Main fil 0,. 5-ROOM house for rent. 730 Kearney st. Phone 34y. Furnished Houses. WILL lease for six months or longer, beau tiful I v furnished 5-room bungalow, fur nace " fireplace, lawn, etc., SSO per month, first and last month's rent in advance; no objection to children. 352 B. 47th st. 7-ROOM, very desirable, beautifully fur nished house, good district; rent $0; par ticu:ar. telephone Main 7732. from 8 to lo A. M , or East 4337 from 1:30 to 2 P. M. ' SCENIC LOUGB CCCTTAGE. 524 Heights Terrace. 3 rooms and porch. fine view of mountains, ' mimes to heart of city. Cheap rent. walk WILL rent my home, strictly modern. 7 rooms, piano. completely iumiaiifu. uaj T'.- etc.. adults. Call Se'.lwood JM. i.R("jOM furnished housf tricity. furn;u-, ga rag East Alder. East 7S20. bath. gn. elee large yard. ti9 FURNISHED 8-room house in Irvington. to rent for one or 2 years, $75 per month. 6 SO Tillamook st. 4-ROOM modern furnished cot tape. K nth st. S.. near Hawthorne; f2:ts. 3J1 Vz East -1 , . t t r A-mnm lower ir Vt,k i hiu from R. M. car; adults only: $3". Li-nvinfc'.l .i-riMim cot tace. East Wash. st ' s;pt, 1, $-4. AH 4S2. Oregonian. 5-ROOM furnished house for rent. clos fruit. 73i! Mi-nuesota ave. 7-ROOM furnished cottage. Phone East Bummer Resort. MacLEA N'S CAMP, Oswego lake; camP taee for rent, furnished with essentials swim miner, boating. fUhing. Apny a camp, reached from Oswego station or Fourth-street red electric line. r-t -f-r- -mrti-e at Seavlew, Wash., living room, dining room, kitchen . t i fi.nni!. rf h,i rh. electric iiffhta inniiire mornincs at 441 W. Park st.. city, or address Box 75. Seaview. CAMP site now available at Coiumbia beach. , 1 o inrind nc electric lirht. watei and wood; 'ask for Mr. Holm at the beacla. t,t a r.r furnished cottage, Sea side or Cannon Beach; responsible party. AK 5uJt, Oregonian. 1 'T-rrrn - . - . . ...t.v. tt oca. tn rent durins Alsusi. Ocean Park. O Orego- nia n. Hnrr:. MAYNOR. Nve Creek. Newport- Cooking privileges; $1 per da? and up. Store , -l . TTitble for retail tire salesroom. " Inquire Lewis E. Obye Motor Co.. 40 N Broadway. t T,- n-ith livinc rooms. Phone with 514 5. Wood la 2 STORES 1st St., Tabor 1114. 94 ft. Ions; 20 each. Offlc t,,-r rvvt Rloeant suite of offices in Ar.m nn.tA.rlHtfl office building down- .xI.k-pH rental. SDCCial ,i,.imn ' f..r month of August. Call 203 Stevens building. Phono Main 170. nKSTRARI.K private office with use of re rLtion room and telephone. U-1 P- w Han'K bldg. , ..- i i rj t l- Afficeii mortem convenience Stark street, between 3d and 4th- Apply room 312. Railway fcicnange. DOE halts for rent. Main 331 S. M iscelianen- TT or - unfurnished rooms for ofIces or apts.: also sleeping. Room ui, ia Uiph bldg. Phone 4o33. BUSrNESS OPPOKTCMTTFA Iranizing on the And-r son vulciiiii:,er. For little money you can enter a most profitable business. e guarantee to teach you in ten days and we Vav buyers $2 per day expense money ih"ii limine, because we sell the work '.. j- -r-v,,. a n.irnr, Stpam Vulcanlz ing" Branch School and Shop, 545 Washing ton street. Portland, ur. " FOR SALE. t.ton selling 15 t 300 gal Ions gasoline daily; ais i--n vuVauizing and do repairing; profits large. Room 4H Dekum bldg. ( poi s. T EFTrst -class confectionery store, ii . ViocV- from Union depot, doing a Jine bulnes; a real chance for someone with the cash 14.". N. 3th at. Broadway44. 1U ery; has all cash: choice residence district: will in voice. Call room 511 Railway Exchange. CIG RS soft drinks, lunches, etc., a cash tore 'in workingmens district: profits -imi month. Room 401 Dekum bldg. r.,.mx iitvv rent: i'"1"-' - A P-YR'LL town is a certainty; its being built now; get busy; seeing is believing; we can show you. F rKonian. PaTiTN ER wanted In" a profitable business in market: duties to solicit trade: $4(Ht re quired Call room 511 Railway Exc ha n ge . W ANT man to invest few hundred dollars in" going bo factory, with or without serv ices. 4 14 Gcrlinger bldg. - Al-T,-, ?t;;k LINE, clears ?40() month; $'5i0 will handle it; money fully secured. Room 401 Itekum bldg. SOI ID delicatessen business in apt. district. west side, a bargain; some terms to right party. Call 511 Railway Exchange. A C'h GROCERY in brick building, clears .o month : will sell at actual invoice. Koom 4oi pekum bldg. 2;i2 FIRST ST. For rent. SL -For sale. O. 2 rooms. K. restaurant. tX rg E CAFETERIA FOR SALE. WELL LOCATE D. AC MG. OREGONIAN. $2M' BUYS s t o rt.' . com e i rood - pa ving grocery. 54th and E. Lincoln. Copyright, 1919,' by Nfewmpaper Ftur, Serrica, Ine. fimt BUSINESS OPPO RT UNITIES. TRUSTEE'S SALE. COMPLETE HARDWOOD MILL. ELECTRICALLY EQUIPPED. 50.000 FEET LOGS IN BOOM. READY FdR IMMEDIATE OPERATION. Located at Harris burg. Copy of Inventory Sent on Application. Address Inquiries to William Hutchison, trustee estate J. Al Pattison Lumber Co., Inc., 1108 Northwestern Bank building, Portland, Or. DO you want stock in an industrial con tracting concern which has paid 25, dividends each jear the last two years and from present indications will continue doing so? You can secure $1650 par. value for $1 650 cash. Reasons for sacrificing is on account of financial condition of owner. If interested in this proposition It Is im perative you communicate with me as soon as possible at K 42s. Oregonian. STORE3 OF ALL KINDS. We have several good buys in grocery stores, confectionery and cigar. In fact anything in the business line; we make a specialty of business chances, of selling and bu ving. ATLAS BUSINESS AGENCY & REALTY CO., 716 Board of Trade bldg. Main 5315. WE WANT BUYERS FOR Grocery Store, Cigars and Confectionery. Restaurants. Garages. Hotels and Rooming Houses. Anything In the Business Line. If you wish to buy or sell call ATLAS BUSINESS AGENCY & REALTY CO.. 716 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 0313. CONFECTIONERY AND CIGARS. Downtown location, averaging about $tt0 a day; rent $40 a month with living rooms 3 years' lease: this is a snap. ATLAS BUSINESS AGENCY & REALTY CO., T16 Board of Trade bldg. Main 5315. OLD eat. grocery and market, cold storage, dome a good business ; stocK a doul so 'o", with or w ithout iuiidings; good Willamette valley town; market fully equipped with sanitary coid storage glass counters; good ice trade ; will stand close investigation. No trades. AB 12. Oregonian. BICYCLE and general repair shop, only shoo of kind in citv of 4000, on main business street; will invoice about $lioo or $1200: have lathe and grinder, besides small tools; will give bargain for cash; am going away and must 11 at once. O. Craft, McMinnvllle. Or. CASH GROCERY and confectionery, doing $75 a day, right in the heart of city; years' lease; rent $40; price $27uO: will invoice that much ATLAS BUSINESS AGENCY & REALTY CO., 716 Board of Trade bldg Main 5315. grocery-, confectionery store FOR S A LB. $1500 will buy this place, good west side location, rent 4), doing a uay casn business and can be doubled ; by far th best buy in the city of this kind. Call Simms, 431 Cham, of Com. Main 0127. A BIG MO.NEY-UAKKR. On account of poor health will sell m v up-to-date bakery, with Improved ma chinery; only practical bakers apply; no competition; wi.i stand investigation, eam uei Viereck, Til lamook, Oregon. N E W payroll town being built ; U. government fostering; quarter million dol lar loan : old company : paid to labor two million dollars past IS months; will em ploy 200m men. Investment and business. O 755, Oregonian. $650 BUYS good restaurant, open day and nignt. Also nrw ou.vm grocery sure on Morrison st. doing S100 per day business Must sell on ar count of sickness. Have others up to S.jOuO. See John Brown, 32 Rv Exch. bldg. Marshal! 3331. LOOKING for sure investment or business location? Have a new payroll town that s a certainty: don t 1-t the future reproacn you for your skepticism or shortsighted.- ness; got busy. K. J'.. Oregon! Lll. LOOKING backward you c an see what you have overlooked let us show you another opportunity and see what you do. It s certainty, backed by U. S. government and reliable company. K. 43, Oregonian. FOR SALE Variety store in one of Ore gon's best towns ; good location, low rent. long lease; an Al proposition; about $5joo r-ouirod to handle; no trades; act at once. The Fair Store. Bend. Or. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal of so-called Interest In established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL COWGILL. Secretary. GROCERY store and butcher shop for sale will take $M0 for fixtures ana invoice about SUtn stock : rent si)?, nomg . - day. Call Simms. 431 Chamber of Com m-Tce. Main 01 2 1 . $12.0u0 stock of general merchandise In town on mat n niiinwuy in rvmn chance for live merchant: can be bought a a d iscount. Inquire L. Dinkespiel Co., 47 North 5th st, DO you want a business of your own where vou can make big money with small cap ital to handle state of Oregon? If you interested answer this au. A 42u, Ore gonian. NOW S the time to install bowling alley: for comine season, opens Sept. 1. Have tw alleys complete with spot lers at a bar gain. 1. W. Blaney, Broadway. OWNEF4 busy garace. central location. side, obliged to leave city ; will sell a bargain; big storage and repair business Call 511 Railway Exchange. BARBER SHOP FOR SALE. Tf vou are lookinir for a nice little two- chair" shoo doing S-U0 a month, I have it Simms. 431 Cham, of Com. Main Gl MEAT market, eastern Washington; old established business, fully equipped an doing good business: will stand close vestiga. ion. AV 3. Hi. Oregonian. OIL LAND for sale in 1 and 2 H tracts, near Aberdeen. Wash., 0 acre, easy terms. J. T. Roys ton. Washington street. FOR SALE $O0 cash, stock, showcaf shelving, counters, etc.. of confectionery a n h rneerv Take M. A. car to tumne at l' Albina ave. Also some furniture. LONG-ESTABLISHED cash grocery for sal hv nwner- husuiess o per aa : man am wl"e hustlers, can handle: no overhead expense. AE 2H4, Oregonian. WANTED Banker or accountant and book keeper able to invest $ 1 0.OOit in proposi tion navine salarv 3nnn and dividend a Add r-s :S."I, Orwgutiian. $5000 WANTED can show you a sure $2000 profit on this investment by January next. This Is absolutely safe. Investigate. A H 42, Orpgonia n. ' ACTS and entertainers, furnished for all oc casions. Art. Baker, theatrical booking offices. Main 3473. 621 Henry bldg. Open day and evenings. A DANDY transfer business, well estab lished; new trticRS. Best of reasons for selling. Price reasonable. C 3, Oregonian. FOR SALE Grocery, invoice $ln. rent $15. including living rooms and counters; saies average $40 day. 73 Hood st. BARBER SHOP, 3 chairs, in good town out side of Portland, for sale. This is a good buy. AV 354. Oregonian. PARTNER wanted in salmon and berry cannery, who has experience canning berries and has $15.000. J 57, Oregonian. tijhT grocery and confectionery store for saie, 3 good living rooms, furnished. 6U East SOth . xaKo aiom ii FOURTH interest r,.o S")"iftO. H. manufacturing plant ; Meathers, room 62o, tmnerlal hotel. Portland wnu SLE Restaurant; good location; will sacrifice bc a u se of h ealt h Cl 1 Bdw y . 2 3 r. MEAT M RKET for rent. 20 month; good ' location. 53 E.Morrison and lXth sts. AI'XT Sh 55fek Wbrt! (vt A 1 vuteD! sfea aJ, I ' Looks, isWT j Lvl BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. PACIFIC EXCHANGE. INC., Suite 514 tn Sift Swetland Bids. Marshall 3989. GARAGES. $S00 Located about 25 miles from Portland; 26 cars regular storage, good accessory, gasoline and oil trade, lots of work for a good me chanic; 2 floors, rent $75 on 5-year lease. Snap. $1500 Garage and blacksmith shop lo cated about 25 mites from Port land; fully equipped shop, acces sories and oiia. good storage, reas onable rent. This is in a good town where business is cask. Look this up. $1750 Half Interest in good going icarage i where profits run from $5u0 to $0K every month: steady storage of. from 55 to 60 cars; good trade in accessories and oil. Owner has other busineas is reason for selling. S2S00 Well located garage In gvd city In valley: good brick building 60x80. rent only $50 per month, lease for 4 years, agency for popular 6-cy!-inder car goes with this. Owner can show a good business. $3000 Concrete building 50x125. well equipped shop, good location, g"od lease, rent only $30: shop is work ing 5 men. Hurry if you want this. $4000 Excellent location on west side that is doing a good business ; floor space 5Ox70 and always full of storage ; nothing less than $10 and up to $15; a good, high-class trade where business is cash; can have entrance on Washington street if wanted. Can show profits of $500 to $'00 a month; low rent, good lease. A fine location. $4500 Two-story 60x100 concrete build ing. 60 cars regular storage, west side location. 4-year lease ; shop working to capacity, employing ? men now. Here i3 a well estab lished busineo3 where a man can make some money. Better look this up, a it won't last long. In cludes $500 deposit on lease and service car. $4500 Garapre on west side, 100x100 with fully equipped machine shop; best west side location in town, all the work that can be taken care of. 50 cars regular storage at $S per month. This is absolutely the best buy in Portland; better hurry, as it won t last long. $6000 East side location, concrete build ing 50x100, long lease, $85 per month rent. Rig stock of acces sories and supplies; clearing $500 per month. $17.000 - Best garage in one of the best cities in Willamette calley , good locat ion. low rent. 2 -story concrete building 80xlo0. 22.000 feet of floor space. Ow ner can show you profit of $1000 per month. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. Suite 514 to 510 Swetland Bldg. Marshall 3&80. $G00 -CONFECTIONERY and cigars, doing S13 to S-JO daily, place should do to y $o0 daily, went side corner. $1204 Soft drink and confectionery, a.v- erage daily sales $30, rent $50, very busy corner. t $2000 Confectionery and grocery on Washington St., rent $50, daily sales $50 and up, will invoice. CARL E. TUGGLB, 630 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3002 REST A IRANT SNA P. BIGGEST BUY IN CITY. Here is absolutely one of the best buys Jn a restaurant ever loitered in fort land Has at least 45000 of first-class equipment fine large kitchen, large dining room with even thing complete and doing a good business: right on Washington st. RENT ONLY S50, AND PRICK ONLY $650. You will have to hurry to get this. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. SOo, Oak St. Broadway 4133. GROCERY. Fine location, doing $70 a day, low rent, 5 rooms, stock at invoice. CAFETERIA. Average $75 a day. priee $1500. SOFT DRINK AND CON FECTION E H Y, Four good ones from S6U0 to $35u0. JOHN P. WESTON CO.. 630 Northwestern P.ank Rids. RESTAURANT FOR SALE. $700 takes this place if you can arrange to handle it at once; gooa west sine ioca tion, doing about J.m business a day; reir J4(l. If you are -jonsidering the restau runt business. 1 am sure this place wil interest you. Call Simms, 431 Chamber of Commerce. Main b!27. '"OR SALE Cash deal onlv, confection en- and pool hall doing good business isrt-.Hll but good payroll town, sickness only reason for selling. Price $2000. might rem small car ud to S50U as part. quick if you want this snap. AV 357, Ore g-nian. PARTNER WANTED. A handy man with $." can buy an equal half Interest in auto repair bu ness with mechanic: also sell iied cars etc Can make large profits. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. GOO I concrete garage for lease; frr sa I cheap, gas pump and tank, all installed read v for busi ness. and contents of ga r ace ; must sell at once, lea ving town. Cal .145 Alberta st and B. 27th st. N. AITTO GARAGE. 30 cars steady storage and good repai bu.sinss: also sell sunolieH. gasoline, etc. profits extra good : $ 125 casli required. (all rooom 401 Dekfcm bldg. StocK and Bonds. WILL buy 2000 Idaho Gold & Ruby Minin stock at ll'c Box 3Hl. conax, wasn. Business Opportunities Wanted. HAVE monev to Invest with services: I hav had experience in managing large corpora tlon and handling salesmen. Give full par tlculars first letter. AB 6, Oregonian. CONFECTIONERY Nicest little business 1 town ; come $ee for yourself; $2000 wi handle. 703 Hawthorne ave, at 20th s THREE men want dairy farm on shares, a! stocked up D 466. Oregonian. WANTED By competent physician, loeatic or would purchase. AV 34, Oregonian. Hotels and Rooming House. 6-o PENT HOTEL. FURNISHED COM PLETE; LOCATED IN GOOD TOWN. CALL AT 129 GRAND AVE . PORTLAND. KEY.STU.Mi At-io.. to'-n BEST buy in the city. 11 rooms complete! r,.mishp(l for H. K.; this is a clean, re .-pectable place and good furniture. $70O. See owner. 370 1st st.. near Montgomery. FOR best bargains in rooming or apartment house ee members of the Realty Board. Yates Realty Co.. 24 4th at. 30-EOOM rooming house, 631 H Hood street; pr i c e 9 SOO. Inquire of owner, Mrs. A.. Matson. at above address. 1() ROOMS. 2 kitchenettes, choice location, good furniture, good condition; no agents. 1!5 11th, corner Taylor. FOR SALE By owner, a first-class, modern hotel in heart of city; $2000 will handle it AB 11. Oregonian. BARGAIN 10 nice large 11. K. rooms, al ways full; rent $25. Owner, 631 Tliurman Ft., near 20th st. , "0-ROOM. rent $50; Income $lrt5: close In. Price :t10nn. Miers. 325 Ry. Exchange. GOOD BUY S rooms, all full, A 1 location; must sell, no agents. Main 3443. POLLY AND HER PALS. BriUan Rigku RMrviL RejUt.r.d in .tl-tU.ib IKOlhs to BU THK EACEPT1UV TO THE KtLE- BUSINESS OrTOBTl N IT LES. Hotels and Koomlnf IlouK. IF YOtJ "WISH TO BUY OR SELL Business Hotel. Rooming or Apartment House of any kind, anywhere ae F. Rierdon. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. t FOR SALE 9-room boarding house, well furnished, will accommodate 16 men, about four blocks from shipyard ; owner must sell on account of sickness; will sacriiice for $hoo it taken this week: $5k cash, balance easy terms. John Malone, McCLURE & SCHMAUCH CO., Main 1503. Marshall 1417. LOST AND FOUND. STOLEN. $50 reward. Ford touring car stolen July 31. 1019. from 2d and Taylor. Portland. Or. Oregon license 67768. Motor 21)21220; black body, black running gear. no bumper, no spotlight ; top half of wind shield cracked straight up uAd down on right side; H. & D. shock absorbers on front, none on back; one extra radius rod: Goodyear Allweather oversize tires all around, front 30x3 rear 31x4. $25 re ward for recovery of car and $25 arrest and conviction of thief. INDIVIDUAL UNDERWRITING COR PORATION, P21 N. W. Bank Bldg. THE following articles have been found on cars or the rortiana uanway, iitcni k Power Co.. August 2: 5 purses, 2 gloves, letter, bottle, 7 packages. 4 suit cases. 4 hand grips. 3 lunch boxes, hat. earring; wrenches, wire. coat, sweater. 13 umbrellas. August 3 : 2 purses, hand kerchief. 2 tas sels, bib, 2 pair gloves. 5 packages, wire grate, a suitcases. 1 lunch box. Ji um brellaa. Owners may obtain property at First and Alder sts. LADY'S purne containing $12 in hills, at Aider st. entrance to Meier A t ranK s; please call Broadway 12 WO and receive reward. AC h2J. Oregonian. LOST String pearls between East 7th North and Meter at mtiK i Kewara. Miver v.t., apt. 203. 22d and Hancock. East 7235, LOST Suitcase at Hood River. between Winens station and puncn itowi roau $5 reward. Return to 334 Fourth. FOUND A black cow with four white feet and no brand, juiy 'i. inquire at air. John Smith's. LOST Liberty bonds, this afternoon; I 1"0 and one 50. in envelope, tan laoor yoot. Keward. BUNCH of keys and handkerchief, marked M. R- Finder please return to oyu l-ovejoy Mtreet. - TiK-v'-c RV MISTAKE Lady s suitcase Union depot, sunuay a. jjo.. uwiier t-Mit 5006 42d ave. S. K. fiARN'ET brooch between Market and Jack son sts., on luth; reward. jiarwet LOST Parrot, gray back and pink breast. Finder please phone C Jb-'-'J. newaru. LOST Saturday evening at Hip., navy blue silk umbrella; reward, i-ast biw. LOST A dental fraternity pin set in opals. Liberal reward. Broauway 2wtuo. FOUND Lady's diamond ring. Coffee Cup lunchroom, 1JJ Para. LOST Sunday afternoon, small black purse. 71M Selling bldg.; reward. LOST 1 .ally's glasses In case. Please phone bast s.u. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. MOT1CR TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received by- the Commission of Public Works of the state of Idaho at the oftice of the commissioner, Hoisi'. Idaho, until 2 o clock P. M. on tli 22d day of August, 101U, for the construc tion of 30.5 miles of the north and south state hignway, in Adams and Idaho coun ties, between New Meadows - and W hite Bids will be opened and publicly read n.t the a 1 10 ve -stated hour. Plans, specifications, form of contract nroDosal forms anil other information may be obtained at the ot f ice of the Director of HiL-liviavP. Boise. Idaho, and at the Km ployers' Association of the Inland Empire Hutton bide Snokane. Washington. All proposals must be made on the forms furnished, and must be signed by the bid dcr with his address. The riirht is reserved to re.iect any all btdtf. or to accept the bid or bid deemed best for the state of Idaho. No bid will be considered unless accom nanled by a certified check, on some bank in the state of Idaho, made payable to the Commissioner of Public orns. in th amount of per cent of the total amomi ol the bid. This certified check is t become the property of the state of Idaho, not as penalty but as liquidated damages, it the bidder, upon acceptance 01 nis tia falls or refuses to enter into a contia or to furnish the required surety bond within ten days (not including Sunday; after presentation of the contract by tt Commissioner of Public Works to him for execution. A bond with a surety company author Ixeil to do business in the state of Idaho, and satisiactory to the Commissioner Public Works, will be required for th faithful performance of the contract. the sum of fifty per cent ("tit'", of th total amount of the contract price. It is the purpose of the commissioner t build the road in the shortest time con sistent with pood construction, and con pl'-te and w-II -designed equipment an eirective 'organization will be insisted upon. W M. .1. MA LI,. Commissioner of Public W orks August 1, lt19. BIDS for th erection of the propose Women s Dunning tor the university Ore eon will be received by the buildin commit tee of the board of regents of th University or Oregon, until 2 p. M. on Tuesday. August 12. at the Admini tration building. University of Oregon Kueene. or. p.uns and specifications be secured by applying at the offices o: the architects. i-awrence & Holiord. 102 Chamber of Commerce buiiding. Portland Bids var desired for th general contrac omy. The building committee reserves the right to reject any or all bids. cessful bidders will be required to furnis bonds for the faithful performance of the con tract. L. H. JOHNSON, Secretary Board of Regents. University of Oregon. M Iscel laneons. AFTER July 7 I will not be responsible f any bills contracted by my wife. Mam Quesinberry. Signed. DEXTER QUESINBERRY FINANCIAL. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS. CASH PA TD FOR ANY ISSUE OF BONDS. FULL PRICK. ' LOAN ON LIBERTY BONDS YOU CAN BORROW CASH OF US ON BONDS AND SAVINGS STAMPS. OR TO FINISH PAYING FOR VICTORY BONDS. SEE E. BURKITT. PRESIDENT ORtX'rON BOND & MORTGAGE CO. 212 SELLING BLDG 2D FLOOR). CORNER TH AND ALDEli STS. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVKB REAL ESTATE. TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY. TITLE AND TRUST BLXKk U.S. Patent OiTic. -BY CLIFP FINANCIAL LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS. If you must sell your liberty or victory- bonds, sail to us. If you can buy more liberty or victory bonds, buy from us. e bu v and sell libertv and vietorv bonds at the market. YOU CANNOT DO BETTER; YOU MAY DO WORSE. On Vnnrtv Animr J we nnld the fol lowing prices for United States government 1 liberty and victory bonds, which were tne closing New York market prices, plus the accrued interest : N. Y. Market. Int. .4! .5 it .50 Total. lOu. oi l4.74 94.27 It4.t;i S4.40 00.1.7 3 - s i.o 1st 4s W4.18 2d 4s :3.3S 1st 4tis 14. IO 2d 4-s i3.4rt 3d 4"ss 15.02 1.H5 4th 44s i3.44 1.30 14.74 Victory 3 i.s :., 14 .7t It0.i2 Victory 4-s 9i.S0 .00 l'H.7i In purchasing liberty and victory bonds we deduct from the above prices 37c on a $50 bond and $2.50 on a $1000 bond. In selling liberty and victory bonds we charge the New York market price plus the accrue d interest. ASK ABOUT THE MORRIS BROTHERS PLAN. Burglar and fireproof sate deposit boxes for rent. v MORRIS BROTHERS. INC.. The Premier Municipal Bond House. Morris Building. 30-31 I Stark St.. bet. 5lh and tith. Telephone Broadway 2151. Established over 25 years. LIBERTY BONDS. AU Issues Bought and Sold, Befor buying or selling get our Quotations. EL L. DEVEREACX A COMPANY, Government and Municipal Bonds. 67 Sixth Street. Between t ark and Oak. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BON S BOUGHT AND SOLD. NEW YORK EXCHANGE QUOTATIONS WITH INTEREST ADDED MONDAY AS FOLLOWS; First .i'-Vr $100.09 SECOND 4r0 04 27 TH IR1 47. i.73 FOURTH 44- 14. 72 FIFTH 4' 1UO.N3 WE WILL PAY YOU THE MARKET PRir-E FOR YOUR BONDS. WE LOAN 90 ON THE FACE VALCB AT INTEREST. FINANCE SECURITIES COMPANY. STOCKS AND BONDS. 231 TJ. S NATIONAL HANK BLDG. OPEN SATURDAY UNTIL 8 P. M. BONDS BOUGHT. 6POT CASH. SPOT CASH." MARKET PRICE. CASH for RECEIPTS. Ws will LOAN you money on buNUS, W. S. 3.. or to make PAYMENTS on BONDS, 7. 72a Gasco Bidg.. Fifth and Alder. CELLARS-MUKTON CO. PAT ENTS on two newly-invented carpen ters toots i or saie ; sma.ii investment in these inventions will bring large returns. Call and see them. Portland Patent Co.. 514 Commonwealth bldg. Phone Broad way 1 5 21. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' con tracts on real estate in vvaani'ifiion or Ore gon. H. E. Noble. 316 Lumbermen a bldg. Money to Loan on Itead Estate. OUR Installment plan is the best and surest method ot paying a loaa. 5.'l2-36 per month lor 36 months, or 21 24 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 for bd months pays a $1U00 loan and interest-Other amounts In proportion. We loan on improved city property. " No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAYINGS 4fc LOAN ASSN.. 242 Stark st, Portland, Or. RESIDENCE LOANS. From to 7 per cent tor five years. YOU MAY PAY $1U0 or any amount on principal and reduce interest. ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE! TO APPLICANT. Also see us for lowest interest rates on business property. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. Phone Main 254L 1524-2 Yeon bldg. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan lowest current rates on Willamette valley farms. Po commission. ro aeiays. LEV ERE A UX MORTGAGE COMPANY. H7 Sixth st, Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges. A H- BIKRELL CO.. 217 North western Bank building. Marshall 4114. A 4113. MORTGAGE LOANS made on improved city property; prompt action; no aeiays. PORT LA N D T R UST CO., OF OREGON. . or tn western jbtanK oiag. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM A-ND CITY PROPERTY, 5 PER CENT, 0 I'tiii 1. Philt CENT. UNION ABSTRACT CO. Corbett bidg. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved farm and city property , lavorable repaying prtvl leges: no commission or delay. TAlisi OHKiiuN MORTGAGE CO, LTD. out nail uiatf. jriaiu ii. $300. $400, $500, $630. $75u. $1010 AND UP lowest rates, quick action. Gordon Mort gage Co., bJi cuam. 01 com. Main 1370. TO lAJArs. juu, iuuu. iaw ana up on real estate, at u to i per ceuu George P. Lent, 111 uoroeu oiag. $300, $400, $500. $T0, $1000 and up at lowest rates; quick action. Fred W. German Co.. o namoer ol commerce. Main o44a. 120.000 TO LOAN In sums to BUitT'DuIldin loans, lowest rates. X. G. Becifc. 215-21ti railing Diug. i-none m&iq o4Ui. $5oo, $1000 AND upward on improved real estate; iavorauie icrnis, no aeiay, no brok erage. John iaam, 5J7 Spalding bidg. $50 u. $10U0. $1500. $1700, 2500. J3U00. F. H. DESHON. 615 of Com. bidg. LOANS on city and t arm p roper ty, 5 per cent up. F. Fuclis, 42U Cnain. or Com. BEE-OREGON" INV. & MORTGAGE CO 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark- MORTGAGE loans, lowest rates. Harding, 312 Railway Exchange. MONEY' to loan on farm and improved city property. K. KL Baxter, l4 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, 'and7PER CENT. Louis Salomon & Co.. 4s selling biug. $1 1.OUU 54"S. -WILL DIVIDE IF DESIRED. EAST Motiey to I-an Chattels and SatlurieM. DO YOU" NEED MONEY? We make a specialty of loans on auto mobiles, furniture, victrolas. etc Security left in your posession. Small weekly or monthly payments. ALSO IvOans made to salaried people. Rates reasonable. Private office. All busineas confidential. PORTLAND LOAN CO. (Licensed). Third and Washington Sts. 3Ort-307 Dkum Bldg. Marshall 328- MON E Y to loan on diamonds. Jewelry ; legal rates; uli articles held a year; established since; 1JSS. Dan Marx. 2S3 Washington. SIKRKETT. FINANCIAL, Money to Loan Chattels auid Salaries. - PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN Ag-SK: Phone Broadway 910. 894 Stark Street. Near 10th. Loans on diamonds, watches." "rtctrolas, P'anos. kodaks. shotgu?i furniture, mtui cal Instruments and any thing of vsUua, ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE PORTLAND TO PROTECT THJfl BOB ROWER. City snd coonty tace vaiu. wvrmnta cashed tot Carrie mtiers-herrmax, lianacar. SALARY. LOANS. CHATTELS. WE LOAN MONEY on short notice to sa.. axled or worktn m men on their own notes. Weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments. F.-rta transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGES. NO INDORSETL ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household furniture pianos, etc.. without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COJiPAHL LICENSED. 21S Failing Bldg. GEO. HARVEY loans money on hnmnhotd gofcis. Legal rates. Tabor 3S0. mMtis TT anted. W ANTED To borrow from private partx, 6000 for 3 to 5 years at 6 on farm property. A-l security. N ins, Oregonian. WANT $45oo at 6 per cent on excellent ret dence security. Uan formerly $700, Phone Mar. 2f..t. No brokers. ON IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY. $ 1 500. $ 1 0O0. $ 1 750. $ 2500. $5500. F:HJDESHPX. 615 Cham, of Com. Bldy. WANT $1100 building loan on corner lot nf house. Rose Citv park district, near Sandy blvd. AK 50. Oregonian. WANTE1 vaiued I.onn of $12,000 on apple orchard at f,.r 3 years, no broker- as-. AB Oregonian. $000 FROM private party, first-class securi payable monthly with, interest, B 4-14 Oregonian. WANTED To borrow $2000 from private party on first -class bungalow. Woodlawm 144o. WANT to loan $3500; good security, farml private property. P 394. Orego n i an. SEE OREGON INV. i 222 Chamber of Comr : MORTGAGE CO lerce. 4th and Utark. $0O0. 7?r, WANTED 5-room cottage, west side; worth $2uoo. AM 4:7, Oregonian. FEKfiOXAL ADVERTISING. The greatest "Ad" a store may ret Comes not from printer's ink; But trom the service it may give. If you will stop and think No doubt you've been to many a store And you had in mind some hue; But "Indifference" of the sales forc Make everything look blue. And when you come within out store Each girl will have a smile; We 11 make your shopping homelike Is that not worth the while? As we from pleasing service We know you can save more. On each fall SUIT. COAT, DRESS ANT At the PETERSON UPSTAIRS STORK Second Floor Pit lock Block. SYLVIA BURR. Anyone communicating th present w hereabouts or the present address of Sy:via Bun- to Leonard Bolton. General Delivery, Portland, Or., will receive $10 reward. WHO will give, financial aid to a Eirl whA is nearly is years of ane, is bright, Indus-'' trious, ambitious, good looking poor, in debt for un finished education T Address Boys' and Girls' Aid Society. THE FUR SHOP Invites your inspection of fine furs, ready to we;t r and to order, at upstairs prices; remodeling, repairing, redyeing. ti06 Swot lund bldg.. 5th and Washington. spiritualist camp meeting at CedaxviUs park. Limit-man Junction, Or., Jufy 27 to August 31. Three services daily. Physical and mental mediums. Take Gresham, Esta cada and Bull R mi cars. SURGEON chiropodist, manicurist. scalp, facial treatments, superfluous hair perma nently removed.. Open evenings. Sundays, fit 11 Liush-Lane bldg.. Broadway and Alder. MISS M. ARNESEN. scientific massage and mwlical gymnastics, graduate from Nor way. Telephone East 2400, hours by ap pointment. DR. RUTH OLSSON. 552 Washington bldg. Swedish massage. electricity, exercises, steam, constipation; 12 years experience. Main 634. $1 WILL get both feet fixea up good st Dr. Eaton's, the CH1KOPOD1ST. who doesn't hurt you; 5 years here; exam. free. Globs theater bidg 11th and Wash. Bdwy. 2324, HONOR BRIGHT! THE KKDEE HA1S CERATE. Does grow hair. Write or call SCO Union ave. N.. for positive proof. MRS. STBVENs, 25 years Portland's re nowned teacher of paimistry and crystal gazing ; has crystals for sale; also hsx book 'Palm!stry Made Easy." 375 Taylor. MRS. M. L. LAMAR, 235 STH ST. SPIRITUAL ADVISER. Instruction in the theory of health, suc cess and Harmony. FEBVET & HANNLliUT, leading wig and toupe makt -s. finest stock human hair gooes, halt dressing, manicuring, face and s c ai p t reatmenu 34'J Aider. Main 546, NEW medium at 1 4i 11th st. ; teach you pl.inets that harmonize in marriage. Daily reading. 1U A. M. to 5 P. M. Bdwy 3253. KEVT MRS. J. C. SCHOm. spiritual adviser. IZi Eat 15th st. N., cor. Buniside. Question meeting Tues.. Thurs., S P. M. East 3064. GRADUATE nurae treats lumbago, etc Hours 2 to 5. or by appointment. Phoo Main 104. Office 3US-C Third St. DETECTIVE United Service Detective Bu reau ; work executed by skilled operatives. 007 Stock Exchangebldg. Main 3M2. . E TH EL ADA M.S Scaip specialist manicur ing. 4u Morrison st., office 216; hnv, llio S. Sundays 11 to 3 P. M. SUPERFLUOUS hair destroyed forever by multiple needle methods. Indorsed by phy sicians. 504 Swetiand t-ldg. 5th at Wash. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed by lu needks method; trial free. Josie Fin ley, 014 Bush A Lane bldg. Main 6363. DR. ELNA SO REN SEN. 5uS Panama bldg. Drugiess methods. Stomach. kidneys, rheumatism, constipation, etc Main oQrsfl. DR. NELSON cures corns, bunions, ingrow ing nails without pain; consultation Ires; very reasonable. 5.-3 Dekum bldg. touPii 1 A B. SEIP. spiritual adviser, 200 Goodnough bldg. Question meetings Tues days and Fridays, a P. M. Marshall 25u MA DAM E EL"G EN E Instructor; scientific palmistry. twoms 1 nn i, z,orn notei. c o rn er biftli an nrrison sts. BEST steam bath, vibration, electric and chiropractic in city. D. Margaret llaynis, 215 Swetland bldg. Main 1765. LADY BARBERS Face massage. 35c; scalp treatment a specialty. 325 Glisan. cor. 6tn. DO E S N TT o no,- Dl3k or Harry pay you I gee Viereck. collectiona. Dekum b lag. k1JFt1;RECAN BE CURED without an op eration. Free booklet. P. Q. box 1105. PILES CAN BE CURED without operation; send for free booklet. P. O. box 11Q5. PF-I M EDA BALM, formerly called Balm of Figs. M4 E. 35d. Sellwood 2213 mornings. GERTRUDE DANIELS, superfluous hair, m aaifu r i n g. f ace, scalp. 322Fltedner bldg1 . MAY ANDREWS, phrenologist, card read ing. 282 Park st. Main 7543 tvLiiNSiCkD ii. K., cio in. 11 1