IS TTIE MORNING OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, AUGUST o, 1919. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. Automobiles for Hire. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. HAVNES AUTOS. COLUMBIA H Hi H W A V OARAGE. 42D AND BELMONT SIS. TABOR 5S-H. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVERLANUS HL'DSOXS. LOWXSDALE GARAGE. BDWY. 240S 15TH AND WASH. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. Tsw cars, reasonable rates. City Carage. 8 Huh tit. Broadway S40. FOB SALE) TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. WHILE THEY LAST. USED USED WE HAVE A FEW USED TRUCKS WE ARE OFFERING AT PRICES THAT WILL AS TONISH YOU. THESE HAVE BEEN THOROUGHLY OVER HAULED AND ARE IN A -1 MECHANICAL CONDITION. IK YOU ARE INTERESTED IN A TRUCK, COME A N D L E T U S KHOW YOU SOME Oh" THE BEST BARGAINS IN THE CITY. W. H. WALLTNOFORD CO., ASK FOR BARTLETT. 522 Alder St- Broadway 2402. PRICES ON USED TRUCKS. THAT MAKE YOU LISTEN. BUICK 1-ton speed wagon $530 FORD 1-ton truck $530 FORD 1-ton pneumatic tires $600 KEW CHEVROLET delivery $S00 CHEVROLET delivery. Al condition overhauled, $43 ITUDEBAKER 2-ton attachment $500 HUDSON hotel bus $300 TERMS. OLDSMOBILE CO. OF OREGON. Broadway at Couch. Bdwy 2270.' ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO. FORD ONE-TON TRUCK Have a few left at prices that are right $230 to $550 WHITE 40 In excellent mechanical condition. equipped with express body, complete $900 G- M. C. Three-fourths ton. with good cord tires and express body, com plete $950 TWO-TON REPUBLIC- 1918 model, over hauled, all new tirea; will be sold with new car guarantee at a right price. Broadway 1369. Park and Everett Sts. $1700. Four-ton truck. In will pull any place: s ante on easy terms. Alder st. Broadway Al condition; me cash, bal BurtletL, 522 2492. A SNAP AT $700. 4 -ton G. M. C. in the nest of shape, has delivery body, top and nearly new reS" GARY COAST AGENCY, 71 Broadway. Broadway 2162. HERE IS A GOOD ONE. Two-ton Gary, almost new, only been driven a few hundred miles; take this one for $2Soo. GARY COAST AGENCY. 71 Broadway. Broadway 2162. WHY LOOK FURTHER T Here is a two-ton Gary, platform body, nearly new tires; a real buy tor $2300. GARY COAST AGENCY, 71 Broadway. Broadway 2162. TWO-TON Reo truck in good shape; chain drive, lots of power; engine just over hauled; will gacritu-c for quick sale or trade light car. Sunday call at 303 Bth Kt 7 to 8 any evening or Sunday Mam 54hT. jfoit SALE A two-ton Reo truck with dri . ver's cab, in first-class condition, ''an he bought tt a bargain on term.-. Apply 36 Hoyt st., near Oth st. N., or at 124 N Hih st. VOR. SALE Three 5-ton truck chassis, (rood wheels and tires, suitable for trailers, $250 each. Inspect at Union Oil Co., Will bridge plant. SlOO LA RG E gooseneck wagon with winch and can lie suitable for auto truck body. Green Transfer Co.. Main 1261. A 7261. KKO speed wagon, go goiiu hh new. prictMi to ; will give terms. Phone ye ! ; leaving city Woodlawn S02. 191 S Si -TON Republic, In good running or dcr good tires, one extra, $175. Lyons . Matlack, 401 Main st., Vancouver, Wash. REPUBLIC 1-ton truck. HI IS good condition. $13QO. Phor special motor, 621 Greham. WANT contract, 6 months to 2 years; 4-ton truck, hauling. AH 9. Oregonian. AUTO KKPAIRJNU. DIVISION . . . GARAGE. 1372 Division St. Phone Tabor 5918. We call for and deliver. EXPERT . . AUTO . . REPAIRING. DODGE OWNERS. CALL ON US FOR DODGE REPAIRING. E A RLE F. HEYM, INC., 249 6th st. Main 7352. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. 57.50 UP TO $25. Mever the Tailor pays highest cash prices for men's suits and overcoats, shoes, etc. THE MADISON CLEANERS X: TAILORS. 233 Madison St.. near Third. Cali Marshall 1229. We call anywhere in th e city, day or eve . CP TO $26. FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. We will pay anv price for men's clothes. OREGON CLEANERS A TAILORS. 117 2d St.. N. W. Cor. Wwh- Main So44. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for veatlemen'a and ladles' second-hand clothes. Try m before you call others. Phone Broadway 3033. 245, Burnside, between 3d and 2d. I WANT USED CLOTHING. We pay from $1U up for men's used suits and overcoats. Call us and you will get the right cash price for your goods. lt7 1st St.. near Morrison. Main 73S. "WANTED -To buy first-class cordwood; state price per cord, loaded on cars not more than 30 miles from Portland. Ad dress J. L. Burke, luu 22d sU N. Mam 74'vi. evenings. JUNK WANTED Full value paid for rags. - bottles, oid clothing, tools, old furniture. crap metals and rubber. Call Main 734. joi First st. . ED-HAND CLOTHING WANTED WE PAY' H IG HEST PRICES FOR C I.UTHINO, FURNITURE AND ALL KINDS OF JUNK. MAIN 4776. 24 o FIRST ST. CASH REGISTERS. SHOWCASES AND TV PEW' KIT I'. R wanted. Main 4495. 12S First, near Washington. "WANT visible typewriter. Underwood pre ferred, from private party. E. J. Glisan, 147 Broadway. DUCK preserve, suitable for four men that can be reached by auto. Broadway 2610 or SO N. Broadway. Jl'NK. rags. ruhher, old clothing, trunks, metals. Good prires. Last 1 tools. 171. WE will buy your ol.l ty pewi iters you cash Oregon Typewriter Co., ind 94 W I XCHESTE R. Remington automatic pump shotguns. Hochfe:d.. v" 3d st. SHOTGUNS AND RIFLES WANTED. 12 FIRST. NEAR WASH MAIN 44!5. HIGHEST SPOT CASH pries paid for dia monds. Dan Marx. 2 Washington. HIZZ CO., 705 Swetland bldg.. wants address of anyone with appendicitis. "WANTED Second-hand safe. Sta le size and price and where at. K 3t, Oregonian. "WANTED Small gas range. Sellwood SSI. or AJ 511. Oregonian. Furniture Wanted. W E MUST have furniture, t herefore e want to p;iv the highest price possible. Call ux up and you will be money ahead. Marshall 122. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURS of any description; have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 427. or 204 First st. CASH FOR USED FURNITURE, Highest prices in city. Main 1633. CASH for office desks. chairs. fi safes Pacific Staty. & Ptg. Co. HOUSE H O I.D FURNITUR E W WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 3332. WANTED Used Main &064, WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture Wanted. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. We want your used stoves, furniture, carpets and all household goods and will pay highest cash prices. Our three large stores enable us to dis pose of these goods at once and therefor we can pay the top market prices. We also buy and sel I hardware, tools, tents. bicycles, sporting goods, type writers, adding machines and ail office furniture. CALL MAIN 9072. LEVIN HD WE. & FURNITURE CO., 221-3-5 Front st. FURNITURE WANTED. WE WILL BUY FOR SPOT CASH YOUR HOUSE HOLD FURNITURE FOR ANY AMOUNT. A PHONE CALL WILL BRING US TO YOUR DOOR. NO CHA ROE. OUR VALUATION 13 HIGHER THAN THE OTHER FEL LOWS. THERE'S A REASON. BE CAUSE WE SELL TODAY WHAT WE BOUGHT YESTERDAY. Phone MARSHALL 59S1 Phone. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY, li5 First street. BEFORE YOU SELL YOUR FURNITURE SEE US. We are In need of all kinds of used fur niture, rugs, carpets, stoves and ranges; ail kinds of gas stoves and office furni ture, and we will pay absolutely the top prices for same. Call MARSHALL 587. and our buyer will call at once with ths cash. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE. 2U5 and 207 First st. Between Taylor and Sainton sta. CALL MAIN 309 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE H IG"4 EST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FUKNIVURE. CARPETS. ETC. YoU R CALL W ILL BRING THE BUY ER WITH TflE MONEY. KL1.NK FURNITURE CO.. 192 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 3o0. BE SURE AND LET US SEE your furniture and household goods before you sell. We are in the market for same and will pay highest prices. PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE. 20S First st. M ain 7728 I WANT used furniture; cash will be paid for stoves and ranges and all kinds of household goods. Call us for one article or a houseful 1. and a competent courteous buypTtti!! rail. Marshall 2693. Crown. I WANT used furniture; will pay as much as any dealer can pay. East 0417. AL 1L Calef. dealer, 540 Williams ave. HELP WANTED MALE. IF YOU HAVE $25,000 CASH and wish to make $300 to $o00 per week in an honest, ciean, fast money earner. handle your money, be your own manager, come and investigate or write. Call 7203 54th ave. S. E. on Mt. Scott carline, 1 block north of Millard ave. WANTED at once, to fill vacancy in ad vertising crew, one young man, energetic and ambitious, must be past 20 and a good mixer. Don't rail unless you mean business. Can you leave town today? Call at Oregon hotel, 9 to 12, today. Ask tor Mr. Gray. ELDERLY couple to look after small sto k ranch in mountains 30 miles from Port land ; must understand stock and chick ens; some plowing and clearing; rare op portunity tr right parties for permanent beautiful home, ow ner's summer home. Ad dreys AC f33. Oregonian. MAN. hand v with tools, with a few hundred dollars, willing to work, can make $4iu to $-uo per month; be your own manager, handle your own money. Call at 7203 54th ave. S. E., 1 block north of Millard ave., on Mt. Scott carline. EXPERIENCED, competent bookkeeper, some stenography; well recommend -d ; good permanent position. Davids, Jewel ers. Inc., 343 Washington st. EXPERIENCED or inexperienced boys, over 16. wanled to learn knitting; good pay. Apply 31 N. 5th st. Janizen Knit ting Mills. ADVERTISING SOLICITORS Veterans' pa per, livestock journal, murine monthly, ad vertising for pocket maps, etc. Clyde, 210 Stock Exchange. WANTED Two expert Ford auto mechanics Do not apply u n less you are first class. Ask for Mr. Stokes. Francis Motor Car Co. YOUNG man familiar with duties of ship ping cb rk; permanent position. BD 5u2 Oregonian. WANTED Office boy; must be over 16: permanent position. Apply manager's of fice Pacuic Telephone fit Telegraph Co. WANT a past? and door put-up man ; alt-o a cutter: good wages to right man. Haw thorne Bracket Co., 100. E. Madison. TWO planing-mill graders, $5.50; 10 planing mill laborers, $4.50. Copalis Lumber Co., Carlisle, w asn. MAN and wife, cook and waitress, for coun try hotel; dishwasher and yara man; also second cook. Marshall 3146. WANTED A good machinist for a sawmill machine shop; $.4i for eight hours. Apply Northern Pac i f l c Lu m be r Co. MEN wanted to work on river boat. $70 a month, board and room. Apply Wash ington -st. dock. MEN wanted for sawmiit. no wood, water or rent charges for married men; school handy. James Cole, Devitt, Or. W A N T E D ( I ood o ffi ce man that u n d er stands sellfng land in small tracts. J. T. R oyston. 44 Wash, st. WANTED Al cleaner, d yer and spotter; wages $50 per week, steady work. Address O. K. Higdon, Yakima, Wash. WANTED Trimmerman for night shift t hand lever at Multnomah Lbr. & Box Co., foot of Bancroft ave. EIGHT experienced men for wrecking, wages 55. 8 hours. Apply Monday at 15th and Couch. Phone East 4325. W ANTE D Male stenographer who is a hus tler and lair penman; good salary to right man. K 40, oregonian. CARPENTER to figure on building number of small houses. Western Construction Co., 21 Morgan bldg. YOUNG lady or man stenographer and office work by financial concern, light work. $50. Broadway 20t"4. NIGHT CLE RK wanted for out-of-town hotel. See Mr. Gault, 510 Oregon bldg., after 2 P. M. PORTER wanted for morning work. Call De Honey Dancing academy, 23d and Washington. CARRIERS wanted for west side routes. Apply City Circulation Dept., room 2u3, The Oregonian bldg. WANTED Pastry cook and pantry . man, out-of-town first-class hotel. Write Osborn hotel, Eugene, Oregon. ENERGETIC young man to solicit for the Chicago Portrait company. Apply b to 10, this morning, 210 Oregon bldg. BARBER, guaranteed $27 : job cood for $35; 8 13 -hour day. Phone or w rite The p.iiace. a 2 Commercial St., Astoria, Or. WANTED Tractor machinist; one with knowledge of Singer. Union. Special and Ueece machines. AC 8oz. Oregonian. COMPETENT surveying instrument maker permanent position. The A. Lletz Co. tU Post st., San Francisco, Cal. FIRST-CLASS shoe shiner; good pay. steady employment. Address Astoria Shoe Shine Parlor. Astoria, Or. YOUNG man for general grocery work; be able to drive Ford ; references. Pat ton road. must 733 ALL-AROUND wood working machine man Apply Champion Mfg- Co., E. 7th and Main sts. COOK w anted. Josephine hotel, Grants Pass, or. Answer by letter as to wages ana experience. WANTED Al automobile washer. City Auto Laundry and Garage. 441t Burnside. WANTED Experienced cabinet makers. Ap ply Champion Mfg. Co., E. 7th and Main. OPERATOR for suburban theater: state wages and experience. AL 272, Oregonian. WANTED Cashier. Alder. Miller's, 3d and W A NTED Experienced coat finisher on men's coats. 403 Merchants Trust bldg. WANTED 2 boys, 17 or IS years ofage. Call at Multnomah club, 5S1 Salmon. OUT-OF-TOWN bookkeeper, experienced In lumber. 3"l N.W. Bank bldg. WANTED At once, day hotel clerk. Palace hotel. 4 40 Wash. st. WANTED Ladies' nrst-elass man. tailor, steadv, job 310 Pittock block. BARBER wanted, $27 guarantee, steady job. Bert Endicott, Astoria. Or. Phone 578. BARBER wanted ; good job for the right man. 210 Madison st. WANTED At once. East Morrison st. an Al woodturner. 329 for general work, ."ham JOI . Crossroads Inn. WANTED Elevator boy. 741 Washington street. WANTED Vulcaniaer. IpP-y 323 Burnside. HELP WANTED MALE. Y. M. C. A. ADVISORY AND EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Is not an employment agency, but a de partment of the Y. M. C. 'A. which aids ambitious young men in prying open the doors of opportunity. In the past ten years we have assisted 17,530 men in find ing positions and at the present time the demand for men exceeds the supply. The standing this department has with employers is due to the discriminating service rendered them over a period of 15 years, and they turn to the Y. M. C. A. for men to fill the better sort of jobs. Ail men seeking employment are cor dially invited to consult with one of the employment secretaries, room 307. A GOOD PASTRY COOK WANTED. 2b2. OREGONIAN. THE OLDS. WORTMAN & KING STORE requires the services of a thoroughly ex perienced alteration hand for men's cloth ing. Apply supenntenuent's office, U to 10:30 A. M. WE REQUIRE the services of a thoroughly experienced salesman in our vacant lot department. To a real salesman we offer a sp lend id opportunity. Our new sei ling plan will help you to succeed; must drive your own car. See salesmanager 8 to 10 A. M. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 4th St. BFINNERS WANTED Night work. 48-hour week, no woik Saturday or Sunday nights, liberal pay. Oregon City Woolen Mills. Oregon City. NEWSPAPER MAN WANTED. Wanted newspaper man for assistant editor of trade paper; excellent opportunity for development of permanent, good paying position for one willing to start on modest salary; state age, experience and salary desired. E 235, oregonian. A FAMILY to take charge of farn, consist ing of able-bodied farmer, expei ienc ed with cow s, who has wife and sei eral chil dren. capab!e of milking and assisting. Give address and describe family, with ages; recommendations required. AF 4S. Orefionian. WANTED Man about 3(. with fair educa tion, not afraid of work, to learn busi ness in large wholesale concern; clerk or salesman preferred; good salary and chance for advancement; state age. phone number, and give references. AG 44, Ore gonian. YOUNG man fully experienced in keeping price, cost books and stock records, in wholesale and retail hardware in Spokane. Good proposition for right man. Give ref erences and experience in full. P. O. Box 2125, Spokane. Wash. WANTED A farm hand ; strong, healthy single man. weight 105 pounds or over, who has hwd experience in farm work; wages $00 per month and board; steady work if satisfactory. Fred Dundee, Bruad- ay and Flanders. MARRIED man for milking and general farm work; must bo good milker; sepa rate house, potatoes, fruit and milk sup plied; a good proposition to the right party. Phone Sellwood 2041 or call at 52S K. 33d st. S. W E I A N use 2 more vou n g mn of nat appearance with selling ability on our sales force; city and road work; good money for the right party. Call 2 to 6 1. M .. 300 Stock Exchange bldg. EXPERIENCED box factory men as follows: Cutoff man. edger man and nailing ma chine man. 8 hours, good wages. Apply Chas. K. Spaulding Logging Co.. S05 Ore gunian bldg. EXPERIENCED man capable of acting as shop foreman in furniture factory ; must be good stock cutter; will pay good salary h nd bonus to rig ht man. AF 50, Ore gonfan. YARD men for our sawmill at Ncwberg at night; good w ages. Apply at office of Chas. K. Spaulding Logging Co.. New berg, or 805 Oregonian bidg.. Portland. Or. FOREMAN, finisher: must be experienced and capable of handling finishing depart ment; steady position. Apply at once, Oregon Chair Co.. 1110 Macadam st. WANTED Locating engineers, transit men, and computers for highway work: eastern Oregon. Call Manche O. Bennett, Hotel Seward. Tuesday P. M. WANTED Men on highway survey. Fine opportunity for right men; give detailed experience in first letter. Write W. P. Hughes, oroiino, Idaho. WANTED Soldiers and sailors on money making proposition. You make 60c an order. Easy to sell. $1" a day. Apply 4:: Railway Exchange bldg. POSITION open for a young man who wishes to a ppren tice for a stationary engineer; splendid opportunity for the right party. Apply Troy Laun d ry. E. 10th and Pine. SEVERAL men, experienced in machine shop assembling; also boys as helpers and two women. Cutler Manufacturing Co., East loth and Mill. HARDWARE salesman wanted, must be ex perienced; good opportunity for the right party. Levin Hardware A Furniture Co.. 221 Kront st. WANTED Union plumber who is not afraid of work; steady employment to the right man; scale $7. Halm's Plumbing Store, Lew iston. Idaho. BOY for'garden. help about house, milk cow. few miles lrom town. Give age, reterences, wages wanted. Phone. Write Y 471 Ore gonian. PA RTNER wanted : would like to get in touch with an experienced trapper for winter's work ; muat know the country. AC JS4i. Oregonian. WANTED Men for sawmill, lath mill and lumber yards; good wages, steady work. Write or wire Weed Lumber Co.. Weed California. Help Wanted Salesmen. FRANK. L. McGUIRE WANTS $5ooo A YEAR SALESMAN. Over 500 homes have been sold by our office since January 1. 1010, amounting to over $I,330.too Over TOO homes listed with us for sale, and we furnish all the buyers you can handle; sa iesman must give the best references, know the city, and own his automobile. Apply only be tween 7 and S evenings. See FRANK. L. McGUIRE. Abington Bldg. Main 100. SALESMEN WANTED. Ten townsite salesmen, men and ladies, new industrial town; U. S. government fos tering $250,000 structure as additional equipment to plant that has paid nearly $2,000,000 to labor past 18 months; mov ing plant, present equipment and new structure estimates $700,ono ; industrial and residence work now going on for past six weeks; no guess work, now working to0 men, will employ 2o0 new plant; work contracted that assures success ; a good proposition to hustlers. D 475, Oregonian. WANTED Salesman for high-grade food line for eastern Oregon territory; must be man of high character and preferably one who has had sales training; unusual op portunity for man with ability to make Income considerably above average; state age, training and present employment. F 417. Oregonian. TERRITORY" will be assigned in states of Oregon and Washington this week to mer chandise for a $l,0o,000 Illinois corpora tion. Write or phone for appointment. Address A. J. W'augh, factory representa tive. Hotel Portland, Portland, Augisj. 4 to 0. WANTED Salesmen to handle as side line throughout the state of Oregon th snap piest seLer on the market in the way of an auto necessity. Vulca Sales Agency, 329 oak st., city. EXPERIENCED salesman of 50. good ap pearance, with reliable firm, to call on mil linen. loggers and manufacturers; northwest territory preferred. Box 133, Aberdeen, Wash. "WANTED 3 solicitors to sell a tea and coffee specialty line to the housewife; cood proposition mr experienced men Investigate at once. Apply Ideal Tea Co., ill union avw. - . EXPERIENCED salesmen, permanent situa tion, theatrical and bulletin advertising business producers easily average $100 weekly. ROBINSON, 207 Stock Exchange. WANTED Live salesmen to sell Pasific fleet welcome window cards; Dig demand bie profit; send for sample: act Quick. Gem Publishing Co., Lissner bldg Los Angeles. SALESMEN loung men, t at nolle, if you are looking to me xuture ior rapia ad vance, big money, easy work, caii 518 Yeon bldg., 4 to o P. M. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for man oi woman with selling ability; unlimited pos sibilities. 616 Gasco bldg. SALESMEN wanted, commission basis between and 4 o'clock, 210 5th st. y ANTED Experienced house-to-house licitors. 510 Eilers Music bidg. LIVE WIRE men with car. I have a g; money -saver. Broadway 3411. WANTED AGENTS. GOOD proposition for house-to-house ; $8 to $10 a day; ladies or gentlemen. See John Brnwn. -4 rtailway t-xchange. AGENTS with car to sell auto specialtlei United Sales Co., 633 Washington st. AGENTS at once. Sell 50c per month hos pital ticket. oo Loroeit Didg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. LIPMAN, WOLFE A CO. require the serv ices of experienced salesladies in t he fol lowing departments: CORSETS. K ITCH EN WARE. CLOAK AND SUIT DEPART MENT. STATIONERY DEPARTMENT; also experienced National cash register inspector, short-hour waitresses, one able bodied woman to' act as bundle carrier. We desire to notify all applicants for sale positions thai Lipman. Wolfe & Co. pay a COM MISSION, besides a flat sal ary. We also maintain an educational department, where instructions are given in all branches of store work. This is free of charne and is given on the STORES TIME. LIPMAN A WOLFE A CO. require the services of an experienced saleslady for their needlework department. Apply superintendent's office between tt and 10:30 In the morning. TYPIST for billing and some shorthand'; good place for beginner who is quick on Underwood machine. Answr, giving ex perience, if any, age, address, phone call and salary expected. AM 432. Oregonian. THE CHICAGO Portrait Co; wants 2' wom en solicitors, 2 women crew managers, city work on weekly salary. Apply this morning 8 to 10, room 210 Oregon bldg.. th and Oak. WANTED One girl to iron curtains, one girl on collars and one on flat garments; 3uc per hour to girl making good; easy to learn; steady work. Crystal Laundry Co., 21st and Sandy road. R. C. Park car. LARGE corporation opening an office in Portland, oilers opening for good begin ner; prefer girl over 21 years; salary to start $0O a month, with excellent oppor tunity. Call loitt Gasco bldg. MILLINERY makers wanted: clean, light worarooms to work in; steady, year-round positions for competent girls. Apply at once. Wonder Millinery, corner Sixth and Alder. EXPERIENCED millinery makers wanted: high salary, all-year position to capable workers. Apply Muller & Raas Co. of JVat hington. 1513 5th ave., Seattle, Wash. WANT stenographer capable and willing to do general office detail work; answer in own handwriting, state experience, refer ences, salary expected. AC 831, Oregonian. WANTED Brlgh t girl for wholesale house, to wait on trade and run stock cards. $15 per week. A nswer in own handwriting, stating experience. AB 10, Oregonian. SALESLADY Clean-cut lady demonstrator; something new; nothing to sell; big wages to right parties. See Mr. Bird Wednesday morning, 431 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Girls to work in woodworking factory, wages $2.25, with advancement after first two weeks; give age and phone number. A E 283, Oregonian. CLEAN cook wanted, work light, $4(1, room with bath and board. Address Miss M. Col dwell, sitpt Skamania Hospital, Ste venson, Wash. EXPERIENCED millinery trimmers and makers wanted for positions in War hing ton, Oregon and Idaho. Apply to Lown gart & Co. EXPERIENCED qualified bookkeeper and si enogritpher, references essential, perma nent pleasant position. Davids, Jewelers, 1 nc, '443 Waih st. BOOKKEEPERS and stenographers. $100 to $125; stenographer and dictaphone oper ator, $125; Wulil Adding machine operator, $75. 301 N. W. Bank bldg. 5 BRIGHT, neat young ladies. 18 to 25 years old for crew work; $2o a week salary; permanent and dignified. Call 432 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. YoL'NG woman stenographer wanted; must be experienced ; state experience and if married or single, also relerences. K 23. Oregonian. WANTED -Waitress; must be experienced; room and board. Mallory hotel, 171 Lowns- dale. WANTED Girl for billing: must be good typist ; Underwood machine. O 741. Ore gonian. TH E Florence Crittenton Home is ready t help any girl in distress. u55 E, Olisan. M. V. car. East 316. ANY grrl in need of a friend apply to th Salvation Army Rescue Home, 312 Eaut IMh st. N., or phone East 123. FIRST-CLASS makers and trimmers. Apply immediately for position. Lotig season, good salary Muller A Raas Co. WANTED Experienced operators on power machines; chance to make good money. Waterp roof Garmcn t Co., 2 N. 5th si. MAN and wife, cook and waitress, for country hotel; also single waitress. Call Marshall 3140. SALESLADIES Catholic. tired of store work, can secure outdoor positions. Call 51 s Venn bldg. 4 to P. M. WEST COAST INSTITUTE OF MUSIC, oth Loor Filers Music bldg. We teach frara rrnlody; no drudgery. WANTED An experienced waitress. pri vate family. Apply Miss Failing, 201 5th s-t. Phone Main 230. or A 4000. GIRLS wanted on light factory work; steady work, good wages. A pply American Can Co.. 14th and rront sts. WANTED Several women for light work in assembling in mfg. plant. Cutler Ml" Co.. 351 E. 10th st. YOUNG lady or man stenographer and office work by financial concern, light work, $50. Broadway 2't4. GIRL about 17 or 18 years of age wanted tor employment as filing clerk. D 40,1 Oregonian. TWO TjAPY barbers wanted, call at 120 Grand avenue. Keystone apartments, room 27. YOUNG woman, capable of checking in voices in large business office; state ex perience. BD 504. Oregonian. S VY1 FT girls to fold circulars; permanent Apply 8 A. M., 222 Stark. nd temporary. GOOD cook for small boarding house. wages. 201 13th st. EXPERIENCED hemstitch operator. Singer Sowing Machine o.. 402 Wash. st. W A N T E D Waitress. Campbell hotel, 23d and Hoyt. FIRST-CLASS pants finishers wanted 300 Peoples Bank bldg., Seattle. Wash. CHORUS GIRLS Bight st wages, long en- g-igements; no travelirg. Casino theater. WANTED Young lady to go on vaudeville ircuit in western piay. o. dox 000. EXPERIENCED telephone operators may be ooiaina oy cam rut iw.', a .joi. HELP wanted in fish cannery. Apply Burke rish Co., rront and Overton sts. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper for short season tt oeacn. ..Rii uroaoway iimi. WANTED Woman to do plain cooking and woman to assist. 12 E. 7th st. FINISH ERS and sewers wanted. sell u re k, 73 '-a Oth St., Bwdy 2377. CHAMBERMAID for Purtiand hotel. room 2-0. EXPERIENCED waitress, good pay. 400 E. Hurnsiue, near rana ave. WANTED Experienced iabelers. Apply Burke Fish Co., Front and Overton sts. WANTED Schoolgirl assist housework: wages. 7V11,- Kearney. Main 700. WANT ED Experienced chambermaid. bewara notei, iutn ana Aider. EXPERIENCED lady presser. Cascade Dye works, o04 ht. Oak st. WANTED Experienced maid; permanent position, notei Lenox. TWO GIRLS to wait on table. Inn. bresham o31. WANTED Dinner waitress, 5:30 to 8 P.M. 741 Washington. WANTE xperienced chambermaid. New Perk'n hotel. GIRL wanted to work on concession, i Second st. 24!' DINING-ROOM girl from 5:30 7:3ft P. M. Campbell hotel. M. to WANTED A chambermaid. 1751 Derby st. Phone Wood lawn 2015. WANTED A middle-aged housekeeper. AF Oregon lan. LADY pianist, one who sings, good circuit, stage experience. P 343. Oregonian. WANTED A chambermaid. 204 Columbia. EXPERIENCED maid. Apply Hotel Eaton. -Dishwasher. 2M Washington st. W anted Domestics. WANTED Competent girl for downstairs work and cooking; wages $00. Telephone morning?. Main 5054. GIRL for second work In private family; references required. Call 421 Vista ave. Main 433. WANTED Experienced cook maid small family adults, ings. Main 5524. and second Call morn- WANTED A girl to assist with general housework; no cooking; family of adults. 31 Tenth st. GIRL for cooking and general housework. Marshall 517. 808 Love joy. GIRL for general housework. 1161 E. Burn side st. Call Tabor5651. WANTED Housekeeper; permanent home for ngnt party. Box5, Mill CI t y. Or. MAID for general housework. Call at 1240 E. Burnside or phone Tabor 1Q44. WOMAN for cook and housework ; good wages: no washing. East 7340. WANT EL quired. Excellent c Phone Main ok. referencea nos. GIRL for housework, family of home. 7o Marshall st. WANTED 1700. -A cook at Patton Home. Wdln. GIRL wanted to care for baby. East 54S2 HELP WANTED FKMAlE. Wanteds Domestic. MAID for sen eral hnnework in our fa mllT of 3; you do no washing, you are treated f- consjderately and you have a room and bath to yourself; house is on Portland Heights; wages $45. Phone Marshall $3V G1RL or woman for general housework and good plain cooking; ater-poer washing machine, electric sweeper; 3 children; wages $30; good home tor congenial par t . Tabor 2uo0. WANTED GOOD PLAIN ''OOM FOR SMALL FAMILY. ALSO SRCo.NI OlRL; OOoD WAuES API V rl K. 2il'P ST. SOUTH. OR PHONE SELL WOO !:. WANTED An experienced second maid, three adults In family, three in help; ref erences required; high wages. Mrs. Louis Lang. 722 Park ave. Main 2103. WANTED Girl for plain cooking and down stairs work; no laundry, good wages; Portland Heights. Phone Marshall 1S70. 641 Gerald ave. WANTED Competent, steady housekeeper, family of three; light work, all conven iences ; good wages. F. G. Sinclair. Bon- neville. Or. WANTED Middle-aged woman for house keeper on farm, can have 1 or 2 children with her. Address Johanson Bros., phone G res ham 765, Boring. Or. WANTED Girl over 18 to help with gen. housework and some care of 1 it tie chil dren; small house, good wages. Phone Main 6045. WANTED An experienced girl to do up stairs work and care for two children. Apply 185 N. 25th st. Marshall 20!t. COOKING and housework a few miles $2.50 per day, referencea Write Y Oregonian. HOUSEKEEPER wanted for small family adults, i Main st. od home, references. 02O Easi GIRL for cooking and general housework; no washing or ironing; $.0 a month. uSJ Clifton. Marshall Mi5. EXPERIENCED girl of 16. housework help er, farm home; $4U; relerences. Write AH 450, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and general housework,, 2 adults, no washing, high wages. Morning. Main 1S77. WANTED Experienced girl for general Phone East 5704. housework, wages $0. WANTED Second maid. Apply to Mrs. Bur rell. JS2S Hawthorne ave. Phone East 37. HELP WANTED MALE OK FEMALE. HOP P1JKKKS W ANTED. T. A. Ltvesny &. Co. yards, near Salem and Independence. Or. We furnish tents, tables, stools, wood, water, straw for bed? and baskets to pick lu. There is a store, cookhouse, butcher shop and dance hall on the grounds. At 00c per box, you make big money and have the outing. Register at 28H N. 4th st.. or phone A 1131 and gee reservations made ior accommodation!. Ask lor Guy Cruzan. room 2a. Ray hotel. WEAVERS. AND SPINNERS WANTED. Steady work; 48-hour week; good wages Apply Portland Woolen Mills. HOP PICKERS WANTED We pay 00c per box and furnish you tents, wood and t-traw free. Write and register now, stating number of pickers in your faniil. E. Clemens Horst Co., Independence, Or. HOP-PICKERS wanted, 34(1 acres, best in state, OOc box; tents, straw, wood free; register soon and secure tents. Address -H. D. Buffum, Oswego, Or. R. 1, box 4b. RAILWAY mall clerk examinations August 23 : $11 00-$ 1000 year; sample questions free. Franklin Institute. DepL i76 R, Roc hotter. N. Y. WEAVERS WANTED GOOD PAY. OREGON CT r Y WOOLEN MILLS. OREGON CITY. MAN or woman of good appearance and sell ing ability to demonstrate a new electri cal instrument which is being introduced. J 50, Oregonian. WANTED 100 berrypickcrs. Holly farm, tires ham, 5c per box. Take Hawthorne car to 71st, meet truck 7;30 A. M. Call Marshall 207. WANTED Fruit pickers, packers, sorters to register now for a long, steady job. Address U. S. employment office, Fayette, Idaho. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker is wanted. Ervin & Co., 205 Selling bldg. K. S. EPICATIOrtAL. ENROLL NOW in the big, practical automobile and gas tractor, school. Classes now forming for fall term. Apply at K EM PH ILL'S TKAUE SCHOOLS, Inc.. 7U7 Hawthorne Avu. HAWTHOllNfc AUTO SCHOOL 401 Hawthorne Ave. Automobiles, trucks, tractors. Ignition and starter work. Vulcanlzlns and re treading, special summer rate. Day and evening clasaea. THE tiCHUOL THAT TEACHES YOU TO BOSS THE JOB. LEARN AUTOS AND TRACTORS. FIVE DAYS' FREE TRIAL. PAY TUITION WHEN SATISFIED. We teach Auto, Tractor, Gaa Engir:s and Auto Electrical Work BIG 100-PAGE CATALOGUE FREE. Address Adcox Auto & Tractor School, Dept. K, Union ava. and Wasco su. Portland. Or. Phone East 7445 POSITIONS ASSURED. EVERY GRADUATE OF BEHNKE-WALKER Business College. Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Young men' and women wanted. Call 218 Railway Exchange blug. Splendid oppor tunity to learn a well-paid protession. Free booklet. Railway lelegi aph institute. DECKER'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. Typewriting, bookkeeping, comptometer. all other mod. business courses. Day. night school. Ailsky bldg.. 3d and ilor. Main 324. MOHLER BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning, gives you a set of tools ; positions secured, aenu ior caiaiug, Phone Bdwy. 1731. 234 Burnside st. ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEACHERS' AGENCY. Frank K. Welles, ex-as&u State Supu, mgr. N.W. Bank bidg. Teachers placed promptly PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE teaches trade in 8 weeks; pay while learning; po sition guaranteed. 234 Couch at. MEN. WOMEN Learn barber trade free wages while learning; position guaranteed. Oregon Baroer Ooliege. 2J3 iiauison st. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Miss Bucket's private school; individual Instruction. 1236 Grand ave. n-ast4i MRS. H ANNUM' S shorthand school open during summer. East 3b 00. 23o Tillamook street. TEACHING position, free registration. Main 435. Fisk teachers Agency, journal MISS MATTING LY'S Shorthand. Typewrit ing school; $0 mo-20U 14th. Main 3tU3. THE International Correspondence Schools can raise your salary. IV 1 Broadway. YATES-FISHER Teachers' registration. Main 6274. Agency Free Broadway bldg. SITUATION'S WANTEi; -MALE. WELL-EDUCATED young man. experienced salesman, executive ability, desires position in ofiice or store; relerences. 1 462, Ore gonian. DRAFTSMAN wanta steady employment with chance for early advancement; state kind of work, salary. AH 400, Oregonian. ALL around handy man middle-aged, wants position, apt. janitor or anything. Mr Gien, 221 13th st. Main 7920. WANTED House painting and repairing bewt work; references. Marshall 126 o; A 1761. FIRST-CLASS cook wishes job out of city either restaurant or camp. AF 51, Ore- g.mian. SALESMAN wishes position with auto nrxn meaium wages and com.; give me chance. G 3 2, Oregonian. DRAFTING and designing by experts, me chamcal, electrical and structural. 60'J Spalding bldg. Phone Main 308. LIVE salesman with auto wishes connection with reliable firm; wholesale preferred. AG 29, Oregonian. YOUNG married man wants steady position as grocery clerk or something similar. Tabor 7007. CARPENTER work, alteration and repair ing wanted. R. Holling, box 507 central station, postoftice. LOGGING cooks, man and wife, want posi tion large camp; best references. Broad way 1060. PAINTING, paperhanging; day or contract: best work; quick service. Gordon, Main PLUMBING expert, repair any plumbing, gas; very reasonable. McCurdy, Sell. 1125. FoR painting and tinting call Broadway 1441. Clean work, right price. ROOFS If you want reshingiing and gutter work, rail Marshall 1072. YOUNG man, attending trade school, will work for room and board. East 7445. JAPANESE couple wants place, man as cook, wife housework. AB 7. Oregonian. BAKER, first class cake, pastry, pies, bread and rols. P 433. Oregonian. 12 X P. auto driver wishes steady position; references Sell. 203. GARDENER and grass cutter. East 330. Call 8 A. M. CARPENTER contracts wanted for building or alterations. Manny. Sellwood 2421. WALL TINTING. Manny. Sellwood 242L SITUATIONS WANTED HALE. POSITION wanted with chance oT advance ment, by young man with good educa tion ; understand machinery, plumbers' and steam fitters' supplies, hardw are. druss. or general merchanulse ; can do cle nca; or k or sei i gooas : bst of references. Write to residence. 1656 Fiske st. YOUNG RUSSIAN gentleman, graduate of P-Mrograd university, wishes to communi cate wRh anyone desirous of learning the Russian language. The commercial oppor tunities In Russia will be unlimited. AN QM. Oregonian. MARRIED man. age 35. well versed in gen eral farming and stock raising, seeks en gagement as working ranch manager. Wilson, P. O. box 2m7. CARPENTER and biacKsmuh. all-around man. wants work in sawmill or loKgmg camp; have carpenter tools; state wages. AC i3S, Oregonian. YOUNG married man with fair education desires position with chance of advance ment. Call between ti and 8 o'clock. Marshall 2136. WANTED A position with some auto firm to learn auto repairing; ha e had several ears' experience as general machinist. W ood lawn 6o55. Bookkeepers, btenwcraulien. Office. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenogra pher, man, fully capable of taking full charge of set of bocks and handling cor respondence; has taken course in corpora tion and higher accounting ; references. Phone Woodlawn 65. D 404, Oregonian. PUBLIC accountant, will take charge of your books, do your posting, make out your monthly statements at a reasonable charge, p 437, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, clerk. 35 years of age: 15 years' experience railroad, lumber and shipyard: good references. Phone Wood lawn 5036. EXPERIENCED timekeeper and bookkeeper want position in logging camp or taw mill. Address AV 337, Oregonian. Al STENOGRAPHER and general office man. 24 years of age, desires position with a future. Main 71 W. BY EXPERIENCED accountant. 2 or 3 small sets books to keep; satisfaction guaran teed. East 0073. FIRST-CLASS ACCOUNTANT and book keeper desires permanent position. AN U2. O'.egonlan. Soldiers and Sailor. A COMMISSIONED officer of the naval reserve flying corps, who was promoted from ranks and who is now on in active duty, desires position; I am a first class machinist, know the automobile' and truck repair business thorough iy and am a skillful pilot: used to assuming re sponsibilities and handling men. Ail 472, Oregonian. DI S ' H A RGED overseas soldier ith lots ot pep and ability wants permanent position where there is a future: I am an ex perienced salesman, age 25, with an ex cellent past record; don't mind a position witn lots or nara work to it, ana am widing to learn . can I have an interview with you? AH 470. Oregonian. KODA K salesman and Al amateur f in is he! desires posit Ion : know led ge of d rug t ra de ; several years' experience; references fur nished. AF 42. Oregonian. STATIONERY salesman and office supply man desires connection; recently ills charged from U. S. army; references fur nished. AF 43. Oregonian. FORMER overseas sold ier wants vacat ion work for corning month: bl I ling, book keeping or general office work. Call Ta bor 6USL CHAUFFEUR. 23 and single; experienced driver; recently discharged from army. AC V.5. Oregonian. EX-SOLDI BR has 1! or 3 hours evenings. wants something cnappv. all Marshall B1S0 after 6 P. M., ask for Ward. EX-SOLDI KR, young man, wants lawn work or putting in wood; $1.25 a cord Call 670 E. Main St. SITUATION WANTKI -FEMALE. YoUNG WOMAN of refinement passing through musical education desires accom panying work for a singer or iolinist; 1ms experieiue and is a good sight reader; fine on time. AL 4 i Oregonian. CAPABLE young woman, good cook, good worker, wishes employment with. gol p pie, 2 or 3 adults; wages $40 to ? IT) ; no Hebrews or Germans. Broadway 733. YOUNG woman attending college in Oregon would like position for two months uriv ing car for private family, or would nurse invaiiu. o oregonian. YOUNG lad y wants posit ion as cashier and bookkeeper or cash ier alone : am e p.. ca furnish best of references. Write to l.sti Berkeley st.. Portland. Or. YOUNG WOMAN" wishes to pluv piano in an orchestra; has some experience; goon sight reader; fine on time. AN 002. Oregonian, WANTED Position to assist with house work or cooking on a ranch by young woman with boy o. AM 4.,s, oregonian POSITION by young woman, good cook. small boarding house or camp; wages $i0 to $75. I 412, Oregonian. WANTED A place to take CLre of children venlngs while mother is away; references. Vjodlawn 1011. WANTED Position by experienced high school teacher; relerences. L. 4ot. Ore gonian. LA DY wants house cleaning, ot her work. hour, day: satisfaction guaranteed. W ood lawn 03O5. LACE curtains, hand lau ndered by expert. East 6106. ("all tor ana aeiiver. CURTAINS stretched; silk shirts snd fancy lauti'lry. Jnit mornings, tast 4.m4. MEN'S WASHING and ironing promptly and neatly done. itl Montgomery st. COOKING for crew river boat or camp dishwasher. AN b'..(, Oregonian. EXP. LADY wishes laundry work. by the day. Last 534. WANTED Day work by competent woman. Call Main 4V23. WOMAN wants work by day or hour. East on so. W A N T E D W ork by day or hour. 5278. WANTED Housecleaning by day or Call Main 5o i. No washing. LADY will work for self and husband's room and board. Sell. 10M. Bookkeepers, Stenograph era. Office. EFFIC1 ENT bookkeeper, stenographer and secretary: 8 years experience, nest or lo cal referencs. Will work for $125. Main 2S17. BOOKKEEPER Stenographer, 10 years' ex perience, wants permanent or temporary position. $110. AE 2?5, Oregonian. YOUNG lady wishes position aa assistant bookkeeper, cashier or general office work; references. A H 475, Oregonian. YOUNG lady wishes position as typist, filing, office work. or switchboard operator. F 303, Oregonian. TYPIST employed from 9 to 5 will work evenings and Saturday afternoons. A 330, Oregonian. WANTED By young lady, position in of fice; .experienced filer and typist. AN 6b3. Oregon lan. BOOKK EEPKR wishes position in office ; have had six years' experience. Tabor 7202. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenogra pher. Best of references. Main 2M7. Ore a m a it era. FOR BEST results and prices in dressmak ing and remodeling see Mrs. Kinder at Emporium Dye Works. 549 Morrison st. Broadway 4l!59. DRESSMAKING Is an art, we are a.tists, fitting stout women our; suHs ard gowns. Mine. Burling, 221 10th st., i.hone Main 038. DRESSMAKER will go out by day ; dress making, remodeling or plain sewing; work guaranteed. Main 0470. 1ADY" with two boys, 8-11, wishes to ke p house for refined gentleman. Call Wdln. 53 J 1. EXP. DRESSMAKER desires few more cus tomers, $3.75 a day. East 3374. DRESSMAKING and remodeling, work guar anteed. Tabor 8104. DRESSMAKING, first-class, home or day. 460 47th. Sellwood 1150. DRESSMAKING at home, 611 Carlton ave., on Sellwood carline. PRACTICAL nurse wants position. Sellwood MASSAGE and medical gymnastics is given in patients homes by a grad uate from Sweden. Miss Svenson. Marshall 4 700. THAI NED nurse will take sick or conva lescent al her own home; male or female; best care; massage given. Tabor 63l".. WANTED Work by practical nurse, tn v;i hd and confinement canes preferred. Tabor 1251. ' UNDERGRADUATE NURSE with 2'i years' training, will take cases; $21 per w eek. East b4tf. Housekeepers. EXPERIENCED housekeeper wishes pomtion for apartment house or hotel for apartment and small compensation. Apt. 4, East t331 POSITION as housekeeper by refined wom an with daughter employed. Bachelor or widower preferred. East 1449. REFINED widow with 2 children wishes housekeeping, city or country. Call or write 1224 East Main bl REFINED, -good housekeeper w ishes house keeping, widower or people employed. AC f30, Oregonian. Domestic. GJRL wants work mornings and evenings for room and board. B 571, Oregonian. WANTED Da v work, washing, cleaning. Call E. 7047. ironing. WANTED TO RENT. Houses, I WANT to rent a ft-room modern unfur nished house in Rose City Park. Laurel hurst or other good district; will pay $40 nioiuhh. Have no small children; best references. Phone Mr. Comte, Main 4522. WANTED Furnished cottage at Seaside. Gear ha rt or Ca tm on Beach ; reply should give full description, location and price Per month, or fraction thereof. 303 Gasco bldg. WANTED By reliable young couple with references. 5 or 7 -room bungalow for winter or longer, furnished or unfurnished, in li viiigton or Alameda. New comb. Main 113. WILL PAY 6 MONTHS RENT IN AD VANCE. MODERN 5 OR 6-ROOM UN FURNISHED HOUSE: REFERENCES. MAIN 2353. K 240. OREGONIAN. W" I LL PAY 6 MONTHS RENT IN A D VANCE. MODERN 5 OR fi-KOOM UN FURNISHED HOUSE. REFERENCES. MAIN 2353. E 24o, OREGONIAN. A 5 OR 0-ROOM bungalow, with all modern conveniences, on or bei ore Sept. 1 ; adul ts oni ; prefer close-in location. AC &oS. Oregon;an. O it 0- ROO M modern home, bungalow or Irvington. Laurelhurst or west de : $35-S4U month; thre aduits: best references W '37, Oregonian. MODERN, unfurnished 5 or 6 rooms, bunga low, apt. or flat; must De in good loca tion; 2 adults only: permiinent: will pay good rent ; references. Tabor 2023. A SMALL buim.i ow, two adults. 1 child S years, in Richmond, Sunnysiae or Haw thorne. Call Sellwood 325S. WANTED at once 7 or S-room unfurnished louse, modern; permanent tenant. AK 04. Oregonian. WANTED To rent 5-room bungalow, pref erably Irvington district, by Sept. 1. East 1 3 1 ?s. VACANT house. S AN 004, to 20 rooms. Oregonian. for house- seeping. Apartment. APARTMENT WANTED. I Four or 5-room. strictly modern, fur nished apartment about Sept. 1. in quiet location, close in, on west side, by middle aged couple; no children; state fully what you have in replying. A 436, Oregonian. I WANT a small, modern, unfurnished ap irt- ment. wit i and gas range, o i or shortly before September 1. Must noi be over 12 or 1 ." blocks from Oregonian bldg. Will be permanent. Phone Mr. Fink. Main 7070. or Marshall 4S01. WANTED Sleeping porch and hoard for tubercular patient. AC 837. Oregonian. Kftomtt With Boara. REFINED young woman desires room and hoard in quiet, comfortable home in at tractive neighborhood : references fur nished. Call East 4f27. WANTED Phu w here father e to board two small girls can board with them; close Htifinc Place. WANTED Office space with us of stenog rapher. Main 6404. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. A Mbderate-Pricod Hotel of Merit. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison and Sixth. Hotel Clifford is the principal east dd hotel and in a hotl of dignity and refine ment. Daily rates $1.00 up,; two in room. $1.73; weekly rates. $ and up. HOTEL ARTHUR. 170 11th st.. half block from Morrison st.. clean, modern rooms, centrally locat ed; transient, $1.50; with bath. $2; montb jy. $-'5. with bath, $30. FREE room register, for young men; listing rooms in all parts of the ciLY: also in Y. M. C. A. bldg.; shower baths, tele phones and club I cat urea. AK 871, Ore gonian. FOR RENT to employed young woman large front room in close-in apartment house; private entrance to room anu nam, steam heat, phone; rent $20. P. M. Main 2Vt44 after HOTEL NAVARRE. 427 Alder u. Corner lltb Elegantly furnished, central location, clean and orderly. Rales by day or week IN BEAUT i FUL home large front room with .add addition. porch suitable for one or two genleiiien, 015 Elliott. East .14S. near a canines A N SON I A HOTEL, 14th and Washington Ciean, respectable home for business peo ple; transient, f 1 up; permanent, $4 up; private bath, HOTEL NORR1S. 533Va Alder Notice sum mer ra tes ; modern outside rooms, $3 per week up: with bath. $5: come and see. EMPRESS HOTEL, Oth and Stvrk. under new management: thoroughly renovated; rooms by trie day, week or month. HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison st- ai Tenth Rates $1 per day up; eekiy, $4 up; run ning water, free phone and bath. FURNISHED parlor bedroom and sleeping porch to rent, close in, west side, very reasonable. 2i4 Stout st. Mar. 425. PALACE HOiEL. 446 Waah. St.; downtown location, respectable and strictly modern. BUam heat, rooms large, clean. PLEASANT well-furnished room for busi ness man, furnace, hot water, walking distance. Broadway 2216. THE PENROSE 140 Grand ave., at Be mont; choice single rooms for men. SARGENT HOTEL. 271 '-i Grand ave., h- leapt- and sleeping rooms. East 291. HILLCRKbT HOTEL Lath, pnor.e; $22.50 month up; without bath, $16 up. 733 Wash. HOTEL MADRAS, Washington and 12th All conveniences, $4 and 5 week; $1 daf. jo. $1 DAY. $2 Hotel Cadillac 5 week up; outside roomi 3d near Jefferson. HAVE good sleeping room, suitable for gen tleman. Main 3y 260 Chapman. NICE L Y furnished front room, walking dis tance. No. 17 Morton Apt. Aiarsnau d.-u. BEAUTIFUL front room for rent at 6VJ Northrup st. apt, l. pnone .Marsnau iaoo. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. TWO dandy rooms close surroundings, all home piano ; brea kfast served Clay st. Main 2228. in with pleasant comforts, use of , reasonable. 46U NICELY furnished room in private family for gentlemen; 15 min. walk to center of city. 205 E 1st N. Phone ClOBfl. LA RG E front room with dining room, also smaller room, use of piano. 133 N. 23d, cor. Hoyt. Phone Marshall 343. FOR RENT One large furnished room near Jefferson high school. Woodlawn 41) b4. ask for Mr. Brown. FURNISHED front room in modern home; bath, phone, lifjht. use of piano, rent $10. Phone Woodlawn 91. TWO nice front sleeping rooms, gentlemen preferred, at 125 E. 2&th 6Lt or call Tft- PEOl'LE accustomed to refined. modern home, neax Multnomah club, call Miin NEATLY" furnished rooms in modern home. 505 Hoyt st. A 1761. NICE room for gentleman, walking diatance. 455 Market. NICE, clean, furnished room for rent in private family. 373 Irving bL A FEW pleasant sleeping rooms, 1 With private bath; close in. Broadway 2266. NICE, clean furnished rooms for rent in private family. 742 W. Kearney st. NEW LY furnished front room, close in, ea-st side, ladies preferred. East 34 NEATLY furnished bedroom, walking dis tance, $2.25 per week. 431 Oth tL NICE, furnished room, suitable for two men. Phone Tabor 1526. Rooms Witn Board. NORTON I A HOTEL, Portland's downtown high-class family hot;l; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families ard business men and women. We giv you all the cumforta of a homo. Reason able rates. CHESTERBURY HOTEL, 201 N. 20TH. American pan hotel; desirable rooms: excellent table; meals served transients. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 3S0 10th at For business girls and Ktu dents; reasonable rates. Marshall 1251. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th. choice rooms and board, modern conveniences, walking dis tanc e. ROOM Jid board for business girls, si. modern conveniences, walking distance, $4 per week. East 4732. 12 E. 7th st PARKVIEW HOTEL Rooms with board, excellent table: close In. 36 Montgomery near West Park. ROOM and board, home cooking; special rats to couples, transient meais. 261 13th St. "looms With Board In Privt Family. W 1 DO W will care for several children and room parents, near 14th and Wash. Bdwy. 37 1 7. ROOM and board for two men; home priv ileges. Marshall 2515. 42S1-i Mill st. WOULD like 1 or 2 children to board, the b -st of r"f 'rences. Sel I wood 2H36. WANTED - love, exce'.i years. Mother's ONE large room In mouern home. Park st. WANT care of child, age U to 4; good horns. Tabor 3704.