Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 05, 1919, Image 1

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I,VIII. NO. 18,312
Entered a t Portland fOrEon)
Pctoffit'" a Sorond-fla? Matter.
Retirement of Private Cap
ital Held Necessary,
Workers, Management and
- Public to Control Lines After
Investors Are Protected.
Move Held for Benefit of Ulti
mate Consumer; Traffic
Systems-Declared Key.
WASHINGTON', Au;r. 4. Organ
ized labor came out today with the
unequivocal, formal demand that pri
vate capital be retired from the rail
roads. A tri-partite control, com
posed of the public, the operating man
agement and the employes, is de
manded instead.
Addressed to the American public
and undersigned by the engineers, the
firemen, the conductors and the Amer
ican Federation of Labor, a formal
statement was issued announcing this
proposal, which will be carried before
congress Wednesday.
"It marks," says the statement,
"the step by which organized labor
passes from demands for wage in
creases to demands that the system
of profits in industry be overhauled."
National Crisis Foreseen.
This sentence sums up in a few
vorHs the proposal of which there
have been hints and indications, but
which is now laid before the country
for the first time. Everywhere in of
ficial Washington it is recognized as
the most serious and fSr-reaching
proposition the country will be called
on to face.
Characterizing the proposal as "la
bor's bill," it is put forth as a remedy
for the high cost of living, because
the railroads are the key industry of
the nation.
It demands the "genuine co-opera
tion and partnership based on a real
community of interest and participa.-
tion in control" of which President
Wilson spoke to congress, and which
the statement says has been ignored
by labor and the private owners of
the railroads.
Open Control Asked.
"We ask," it says, "that the rail
roads of the United States be vested
in the public; that those actually en
gaged in conducting that industry, not
from. Wall street but from the rail
road offices and yards and out on the
railroad lines, shall take charge of
this service for the public."
- Briefly, labor's plan demands:
That private capital be eliminated
from the railroads.
That the private owners receive for
them government bonds "with a fixed
interest return for every honest dol
lar that they have invested."
.That the tri-partite control be es
tablished in corporations which shall j
lease the roads, and in which the pub- I
lie, the operating managements, and
labor shall be represented equally.
Profits to Be Shared.
That the public, the operators, and
the wage-earners share equally all
revenue in excess of the guarantee to
private capital, by granting to the op
erators and the employes one-half the
savings which are expected to be made
by such a perfected organization, and
to the public the other half as con
sumers, either by increasing service
without adding costs or by reducing
"This role originates with labor,"
says the statement, "because labor
happens to have firm organizations
through which it may become articulate."
The trainmen are not represented in
statement, because W. G. Lee, presi
dent of the brotherhood, was out of
the city, but it was said that they
join in it.
Appeal Made to People.
The statement follows:
"The innuendos in telegraphed dis
patches from Washington, appearing
also in the speech of Representative
Blanton of Texas, that the railroad
unions are holding up congress and
the government, may as weil cease.
This appeal is made to the American
people direct. It invokes the judg
) Acocc.uueu on fa.e 0, CoiuiiiB Li
West Coast's First Welcome Will Be
Given by San Diego; Every, Man
to Get Five Oranges.
SAX DIEGO, Cal., Aug. 4. The new
Pacific fleet will become part of the
west at dawn V,' ednesday, when it will
anchor off the Coronado islands, just
outside San Uicso harbor. Admiral
Rodman today notified naval authori
ties here of the arrival time, which Is
24 hours ahead of any schedule pre
viously announced.
San Diego harbor will not be entered
until Thursday morning as planned.
Then Secretary of the Navy Daniels
and an official party will go to the
anchorage of the fleet aboard the de
stroyer Chauncey to welcome the ves-'
sels officially and lead them into the
Hundreds of persons from interior
points were arriving here today to
witness the arrival of the fleet.
Governor O. Larrazola. of New Mex
ico, was in San Diego to welcome the
fleet officially for his state, and Ari
zona had a delegation en route of
which four governors were memebrs.
Governor Stephens and his official
party were scheduled to arrive Wed
nesday night.
Naval diplomacy is being taxed to
its utmost to care for the official
welcoming party. Already more than
125 persons have been named to ac
company Secretary Daniels on the de-
sii-oyer cnauncey, more than a com
fortable capacity crowd for the little
vessel. Besides there were dozens of
newspaper correspondents and motion
picture camera operators to be cared
It was considered certain tonight
two destroyers would have to be used,
and naval officers were concerned with
splitting the party without causing
San Diego today was completing its
plans for the entertainment of fleet
oficers and men and the civilian visi
tors. Particular attention -was being
paid to the comfort and pleasure of
enlisted men. Today manv truck
loads of oranges were brought to the
city. Every man in the fleet is to re
ceive at least five oranges.
Crisis Over Ownership of
Railroads Expected.
Opposition to Government Con
trol Fed by Move.
Effort of Railway Men to Force
Congress to Pass Plumb Plan
Is Bitterly Resented.
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 4. A tele
gram saying that President Wilson
would be here "on or about September
1," to review the Pacific fleet, was re
ceived by Charles Nelson. countv
supervisor, today from Secretary of the
Navy Daniels.
Brukeman Drowned, Ciirl Hit bv
Auto V( Aberdeen, Wash.
ABERDEEN', Wash.. Aug. 4. (Spe
cial. ) Two fatal accidents occurred
here this afternoon. James Grant.
brakeman on the Northern Pacific
freight train, was drowned at the Bay'
City mill, and a 5-year-old daughter of
Harry H. Stout, a shipyard worker, was
almost instantly killed when she was
struck by an automobile on Washing
ton street.
T. J. Cole, millwright for the Na
tional mill of Hoquiam. was driving the
machine that struck the child. He says
he was driving very slowly; that the
child was crossing the street ahead of
him. and that she suddenly became!
frightened and turned to run back.
Grant, the brakeman. lost his bal
ance on a log rollway and fell into the
river. His body was recovered four
hours later. He leaves a wife and two
ington, Aug. A. Members of congress
today braced themselves for a bitter
crisis on the solution of the railroad
question in the light of the demands
made by the railroad brotherhoods,
That the present situation is to be re
garded as a revolution and not a strike
me rn hers of congress were free to as
sert in conversations among them
In the calling out of the railroad
workers everywhere is seen the design
to force the hand of congress into the
adoption of the Plumb plan of govern
ment ownership. Members of the house
committee on interstate and foreign
commerce, which will have much to do
with solving the railroad problem, eaid
that the time had come when ques
tion must be met. Some of them ad
mitted their surprise at the bill pro
viding for the Plumb plan of govern
ment ownership and operation of rail
roads having been int roduced by Rep
resentative Sims of Tennessee.
Congre Against Public Ownership.
Representative Sims has always been
counted as opposed to government own
ership and curiosity was expressed as
to how Jie happened to make the initial
move toward a form of radicalism
which he has always consistently op
posed. Some saw a eignif icance in
Sims, former democratic chairman of
the house interstate and foreign com
merce committee, introducing this ex
treme government ownership measure
on the same day that President Wilson
wrote a letter to Representative Esch,
present chairman of that committee,
calling on congress to help adjust the
differences with railroad employes.
One would gather the impres:on to
day that sentiment in conyrc-s had
been turned against govern mint own
ersh ip more than ever before by this
abrupt move of the brotherhoods. The
newspapers this morning appeared to
have taken the same view of events
as is held by member's of congress.
The New York Times this morning
said :
"The brotherhod chiefs seek the en-
Student Officers Rush to Rescue
and Hold Maniac for Police
at Berkeley.
BERKELEY. Cal.. Aug. A. Alleging
that they had persecuted him and pre
vented him from obtaining a position.
Roger Sprague, graduate of the Uni
versity of California, this afternoon
shot and seriously wounded Professor
H. Hildebrand and Professor Ed
mund O'Neill of the university chemis
try department in the institution's
chemistry building. Following this
Sprague, with a growl of rage, entered
the office of the appointment secretary,
Mrs. Cheney.
The woman, alert at once to her
danger, advanced toward the. crazed
man and grappled with him. As Sprague
pulled the trigger of his revolver. Mrs,
Cheney, with a supreme effort, man
aged to bold Sprague's right arm aloft
and the gun was discharged into the
ceiling. Entrance of two students of
the, reserve officers training camp at
the Presidio prevented further danger.
Rushing upon Sprague, the two stu
dents managed to disarm him and hold
him until the Berkeley police could be
At the university infirmary, whert
O'Neill and Hildebrand were taken
after the shooting, it was announced
that although Professor Hildebrand's
wound was serious it was not fatal.
O'Neill is suffering from a scalp wound
According to the two professors.
Sprague. who is a graduate of the class
of 1819, has been an applicant for some
time for a teaching position. This
afternoon he entered the university
chemistry office undetected, and, after
accusing both professors of hindering
his efforts to obtain a position, tired
point blank at them.
At the police station Sprague was
held for examination as to his sanity.
Action Waits on Attorney-
General's Opinion.
Rights of Public Service Com
mission Questioned.
Whether Oregon Body Can S-t Aside
Postmastcr-GcneraTs Order on
Rates Is Query Raised.
Steady Loss in Spite of Advanced
Fares Forces Suspension.
W ALLA WALLA. W ash, Au g. 4 .
(Special.) Tired of bearing the burden
of increasing costs and decreasing rev
enues, the Walla Walla Valley Railway
company will discontinue its city street
car business soon.
The East Walla Walla line and the
Prospect heights line, the two lines
.making six mites of railway, will be
discontinued December 1. The remain
der of the city lines will be discon
tinued about the first of the year or as
soon as the rolling stock can be sold.
The company, which is a subsidiary
of the Pacific Power & Light company,
has-been losing money for five years.
An increase in fares was announced
recently but that did not help.
Concluded on Page 3. Column 2.
District Attorney Operated On for
Growth on His Spine.
SAN FRANCISCO? Aug. 4. District
Attorney C. M. Fickert underwent
what his physicians say was a serious
operation for a growth on his spine
here today.
The illness has kept Fickert away
from his office for three months.
SALEM. Or., Aug. 4. (Special.)
Whether the public service commission
of Oregon has a legaTright to issue an
order setting aside the recent action of
Postmaster-General Burleson increas
ing the telchone rates in Oregon, and
restore the tariff in effect prior to
July 31, is a problem that will be sub
mitted to Attorney-General Brown for
Although refusing to divulge their
plan of operations, it became known
here today that the members of the
commission, who returned to Salem last
night from Seattle, where they attend
ed the grain rate hearing, have already
taken up the matter of telephone
charges in Oregon and it is said that
some definite action may be taken by
them within the next few days. The
exact nature of this action, however,
will likely, depend upon the decision of'
the attorney-general, who will be asked
to determine the legal status of the
Bsrleaon Schedule Fought.
The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph
company first filed what was known
as the Burleson rate schedule with the
commission on November 5, 1918. This
schedule showed a material increase in
charges and affected both business and
residential service and immediately met
opposition by the commission.
Soon after receiving the schedule the
commission questioned the legal au
thority of Mr. Burleson to grant an in
crease in telephone rates in this state
and after an exchange of telegrams be
tween members of the former body and
the postmaster-genera! it was agreed
that the commission should have fhe
right to determine the reasonableness
of t he charges in the event the ques
tion of jurisdiction was eliminated.
Several bearings were held in differ
ent parts of the state in February and
on May 10 the commission issued an
order granting to the telephone com
pany an increase aggregating about 25
per cent of the amount set out in the
Burleson schedule. This rise in rates
was confined almost entirely to busi
. " (Concluded on Papi 2, Column 2.
Communist Ieader Killed Trying to
Leave Country; Austria Gives
Bcla Kan Asylum.
BUDAPEST. Aug. 4. Budapest
occupied today by Roumanian troops
who advanced from the River Theisa,
in spite of representations made by
Lieutenant-Colonel Romanelli, the
Italian representative of the allies at
VIENNA, Aug. 4. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) Hibor Szamuely, one
of the most prominent of the
Hungarian communist leaders, was shot
and killed Friday night while he was
crossing the frontier near Fuersten
feld. by a guard whose brother, a
farmer, Szi.muely had had executed.
Bela Kun, former dictator of Hun
gary, and his assistants have been
granted asylum by Austria to avoid
disturbances and unnecessary blood
shed in Budapest, according to an
official statement which says they will
be allowed to remain" in Austria under
detention until Hungary is able to re
ceive them again.
tUPh.NHAGEX. Aug. 4. Premier
Clemenceau, president of the peace
conference, replying to a wireless mes
sage from the Italian military mission
at Budapest, declares that supreme
council of the peace conference does
not intend to interfere in the internal
policy of the Hungarian government,
and adds that Rou mania, will be asked
to halt her forces on the line which
has been reached and will not he asked
to withdraw her troops to the line
fixed on June 13 until the new govern
ment at Budapest has strictly con
formed with the conditions of the armi
stice between Hungary and the allied
powers, according to a Vienna dispatch.
Harold Howell, 14, Held to
Answer Grand Jury. .
Expert Says One Rifle Fired
Test and Fatal Shots,
Portland Woman Adds Bigamy lo
Three Other Serious Charges.
SEATTLE. Wash.. Aus. 4. Traced
across the continent by department of
justice ajrents. Ivan R. Fuson. alias
Franklin, former lieutenant in the army
air service in spruce production work.
was Drought to Seattle today from
Jacksonville. Fla.. to face charges of
bigamy, lorjiery. theft of a dead sol.
cners property and violation of the
Mann act.
In an alleged written confession
made to the assistant United States
district attorney, Fuson is said to have
admitted marrying Vera Houghton, for
merly of Portland, Or., last year, while
he had -a wife living in Cincinnati. At
tempting, it is said, to throw federal
officers off his trail, he is alleged to
have spread false reports of his death.
Fuson entered the army service at
Fort Thomas, Ky., in 1917. and in July,
1918, had command of the 64th spruce
squadron at Aberdeen, Wash. Ha was
born in Rosalie. Kan.
Action in Liverpool Follows Aiglit
of ild Disorder.
LIVERPOOL. Axis- Riotous crowds
were driven from the streets of this
city this morning by troops charging
with fixed bayonets. The rioters filled
the streets during the night and it was
not until daybreak that the soldiers
were ordered to charge. The cruiser
Valiant and two destroyers have moved
into the Mersey river to protect the
The employes of bus and tramway
lines failed to report for work this
morning. No notice of a strike had
been given and it is not believed that
the movement was undertaken in sym
pathy with the policemen's strike.
Carloads of Food Sent by Parcel
Iost From Ca lifornia.
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 4. Parcel
post shipments of ham. bacon,
lard, j t
dted fruits, tea. sugar and other food- 1 J
stuffs to individuals in Germany and !
Austria by relatives here have increased ' J
so rapidly in the five days since mail
service to these countries was resumed i 9
that railway mail of ficialsound it nec- j
essary to send three carloads east to- j I
day. Nearly all of the packages con- i
tain fats, such as ham, bacon or lard, i J
poMuiure uiiifiais sa. ;
One woman sent six hams to one in
dividual in Posen, Prussia.
SjM)kane Business Men Start Fund
to Fight Frauds.
SPOKANE. Wash.. Aug. 4. Official j J
action was taken by business men here J 4
today for the vigorous prosecution of '
person? guilty of fraudulent advert is-
ing. 4
It was decided to raise J 5000 for t
stamping out such advertising meth- j- X
ods, and $J50O was subscribed toward
this fund at a meeting addressed by
William P. Green, organization secre-
tary of the national vigilance com- t
mittee of the associated advertising j
ciubs of the world. fc-
if . mmD
Friendly Relations Between FaoH
Hies Leave Officials at Sea to
Account for Motive.
MARSH FIELD, Or.. Aug. 4. (Spe
cial.) On the statement of Samuel
Whetstone, a gunsmith of Coquille. who
declared it was his opinion the ballet
removed from the head of Miss Lillian
Deuthold. and one fired experimentally
from the Stevens rifle, which Harold
Howell of Prosper carried on the after
noon of the murder, were both fired
through the Stevens rifle. Judge C R
Wade of the county and Juvenile courts
today held Harold Howell to answer
to the grand jury at its next session on
a charge of murder. The boy is 14 -
years old.
On application of Howell'a attorney.
F. McKnight, for a ruling on th
question of bail. Judge Wade declared
the offense was one which did not ad
mit of bail, and the youth was returned
to his cell in the county jail.
Older Boy la Freed.
Immediately afterwards, Carroll War
den, arrested at the time Howell was
placed in custody, was released on the
statement of John F. Hall, district at
torney, who advised the court he had
investigated thoroughly and had no
evidence upon which to hold the older
Justice J. J. Stanley, before whom
the boys were to have been tried, waa
retained by the parents of Carroll War
den and the case was transferred to
Judge Wade's court.
Eleven witnesses were examined for
the state and the case had closed on
the declaration of District Attorney
Hall. Whetstone's evidence had not
been produced when the district attor
ney closed the state's evidence and
Judge Wade advised the prosecution
and defense that he would call another
witness, Mr. Whetstone, immediately
after the noon recess.
Both Kami lie at Heariajg.
The witnesses examined in the How
ell case included J. G. Leuthold, brother
of the dead girl, who found some dam
aging evidence; Miss Bertha Jennings,
the close friend of the murdered girl;
Coroner Fred Wilson, Dr. R. V. Leep,
who held the autopsy; Sheriff W. W.
Gage, R- W. Cat tan. deputy sheriff;
Lawrence Leuthold. 14-year-old brother
of Lillian; John Uerber, a G. A. R. vet
eran ; R. G. Lewis, a resident of the
vicinity of the crime; Carroll Warden,
held in connection with Howell.
The parents of both boys were In the
courtroom, as well as several sisters'
and brothers of each, and the Leuthold
family were represented by all, eava
the father.
Harold Howell is an ordinary, robust
Walla Walla Trades Council for Cut
in Firemen's Hours.
WALLA WALLA, Wash.. Aug 4.
(Special) The trades council Saturday
night indorsed the movement for a
double platoon system for the Walla
Walla fire department. The firemen pro
1 to establish the system by the
addition of six men to the force of 22.
Major Powell has sugget ed that as
the city has reached its 'limit of taxa
tion the substation on Aldr street be
discontinued and station Xo. 1 used.
which would give enough men for the i
double system. 1 boy of his age. with a clear eye and
- ' evidn'y no fear of the situation in
I HI n r V . wj 0 iwr-iam! wnicn he is involved. He looked all the
IIMUCA OF TODAY S NEWS witnesses in the eye and at no time did
1 u
The Weather.
TKSTERDA Y'S Maximum temperature. 70
dprt-es; minimum, 57.
TODAY'S Probably fair; not so cool ; gen
tle westerly winds. .
he show any signs of nervousness.
Sand Sifted for Kvidr nee.
Next to the evidence of Samuel Whet
stone in importance was that of the
brother of Lillian, . John G. Leuthold'
who is employed in a local logging
Amrriran mandate hol.t no sinecure
journailn. I'a Ke ti.
Roumanian troops occupy Budapest. Page 1.
Consress stiffens at threats of raiiway men.
1'ajje 1.
Washington experts .Japan to rloar up
tans'e over Sliiiniung award. Pace 5.
Govern mem leatirs pUin conferences to dis-
tUM 1 1 vint? costs. I'a'c
OrS'iniaeri I;ilor licm.imls piivate capital
be retired from railroads, profits shared.
Pase I.
Baker puts universal training proposal be
fore congress. Pase o.
Graduate of t'niverstty of California shoots
fj professors. Page 1.
Railway employes (ff k speedy relief. Presi
dent Wilson is toiil. I'aER .
$l,.Mo offered for arrest of Los Angeles
bombers. Pmkc 3.
Pacific fieet arrivinp in west day ahead of
schedule. Pase 1.
Pari f ic N or t li wet .
Dr. J. I.. Hill, noted pioneer, found dead
in hi apartments. P;i pe 0.
Prosper boy accused of murder of Bandon
girl. Page 1.
Snort n.
N'ew York Giants offer $lu.OOQ for Olrtham
and Blue. Page 1
Mays case promis.-s bitter American league
fight. Pae
Multnomah Anglers club prepares for cast
ing tourney. Page 1J.
(ommerrial and Marine.
Last shipment of government wool until
fail season opens. Page -I.
Heavy nl umpR In cereal o rices at Ch :cago.
owing to p rice agilati'tn. Page 110.
Rails lead riec'incs In - Wall street stock
- market." Page -1.
Monthly service from Portland to orient is
asf-ured. Page 1-V
Port Iaw) and Vicinity.
Phone prohy hi is put up to Attorney-Gonersl
Brow n. Page 1 .
Drug addict pleads for two- ear term.
Pase 14.
Chinese bitterness against Japan growing.
say returning teacher. Page 11.
Portland is hoj-t to visiting buyers of north-
'west. rage 7.
American I .eg ion to probe soldiers' charges.
Pa gc 2.
Citizens agnln warneH tha rorland's
glories are unartvrrt ieed. Paar tt.
Highway commission opens road bids today.
Page lO.
Forty members of legislature f a or special
j j-rpnion. Page 1 0.
Wilier report, data and forecast, Fae 15,
by I camp. When he was called to the stand
it developed he had taken the duties of
a brother in earnest and left no pos
sible evidence to chance.
Believing there was tangible traces
upon which to base an investigation
and prosecution, he went to the scene
of the killing with his father and
others, where they gathered the dust
and sand for a radius of ten feet and
sifted it. It was there John Leuthold
found two copper cartridges within
two feet of each other that fitted the
Stevens rifle which young Howell car
ried ou the fateful afternoon. It was
John Leuthold who weHit to the Howell
home and determined that the Stevens
rifle was the same caliber as the
cartridges he found in the sand and
Motive for Crime la Mystery.
"I will see you again," were the part
ing words Lillian uttered as she left
her friend. Miss Bertha Jennings, itfter
she had lingered about the yard aftr
starting home, and spent t.ome minutes
in picking berries and conversation and
gathering the bouquet of roses and
sweet peas which were fournd strewn
about the locality of the murder.
Evidence produced on the stand from
members of the Leuthold family showed
there were no feelings except tbose of
friendship between the Ho wells and
Lcutholds, and the witness said Harold
Howell had never injured either th
dead girl nor' any other of the
With the general favorable testimony
regarding the relations,of the two fam
ilies, everybody is at a loss to account
for a motive.
A confusing item of the various lines
of testimony is the difference in fixing
the time when young Howell left the
Warden home and when Miss Leuthold
started from the Jennings residence.
Miss Jennings swore that the clock
etriirV h as her friend lft the house.
tiuciudcd qo Pfc 3 Column 1.)