Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 04, 1919, Page 8, Image 8

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PH'Hchad by The Oregonian Publishing Co..
135 Sixth Street, Portland, Oregon.
Manager. Editor.
ie Oregonian is a member of the Asso
ciated Press. The Associated Press is ex
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The symposium of republican jour
nalistic opinion in Oregon, conducted
by The Oregonian, shows that the
common judgment of editors and peo
nit is for the leaeue of nations; and
it shows also that there are healthy
differences of opinion among them all
as to the republican nominee for
president in 1920.
It may be a surprise to the public
to note that more Oregon editors, not
all of them republican, are for Taft
than for any other candidate; but it is
easy to see hat the popularity of Mr.
Taft is genuine and the expression of
interest in him as a possible president
is quite honest. The underlying rea
sons are not difficult to find. There
is a common belief among republicans
of the moderate type that Mr. Taft
was the victim of a species of national
distemper in 1912, and that he de
served better from the American
people. Probably this feeling of itself
would not be sufficient to revitalize
party sentiment for him in any effec
tive way; but the words and acts of
Mr. Taft himself, in his great capacity
as a private citizen, during the war
period and after, for an administration
that had displaced his own, and for
the league of nations, have demon
strated the lofty character of his
patriotism and his high capacity for
public service in ways that justify the
previous estimate of him made by his
partisans, so that he is now first in
their minds.
But this is not all. Mr. Taft has
elicited from those who have hereto
fore opposed him an acknowledgment,
of his worth, and they, too. are ready
to acclaim him as fit for the ultimate
American responsibility. It is a curious
fact that one or two democratic spokes
men freely express their preference
for him. The reason is doubtless that
he has been the most powerful and
useful supporter of a democratic presi
dent in his enterprise of a league of
nations. There is no thought that Mr.
Taft has stood behind Mr. Wilson be
cause of any personal predilection for
him or because of any alliance with
the democratic party or acceptance of
its principals; but in spite of them.
He has "adjourned politics" in fact.
where some others did it in specious
and meaningless words. He has for-
e-otten party, subordinated self and
elevated duty.
Whether or not Mr. Taft s fine per
formances will result in a call to him
to become a candidate for president
remain to be seen. It is clear that
some doubt still exists as to his availa
bility. The open partiality of many
democrats for him will not tend to
hulo him with his own ' party. But
when it is weighed for its political
value, and when it is considered that
his prestige with the democratic party
will doubtless wane, in tne exact pro
.portions in which the likelihood of his
nomination increases, probably it will
do him no hurt.
The backfire set up against General
Wood, probably by the adherents of
other candidates, that the country does
not want a soldier for president, has
obviously had the effect of staying the
rising tide of his boom, but he is
nevertheless quite formidable, and cer
tainly there is a very influential body
of sentiment for him. It isIikely that
if General Wood were to be put for
ward solely as a soldier candidate, or
in mere resentment at his gross mis
treatment by a democratic president
' and secretary of war, he would not get
far, though unquestionably these things
enhance his merit as a candidate. But
the real appeal for AVood lies in his
record as an administrator, as a doer
of great works, and as an original
propagandist of correct national poli
cies, such as preparedness and univer
sal military training. It is believed
among his supporters that Wood is
more than a soldier, though a good
soldier, and that he would as presi
dent lead the nation in right ways, and
attack all great problems with courage
and understanding. He has the quality
of leadership. Without it, no one can
be a real president.
Mr. Hughes occupies an anomalous
and uncomfortable position. The opin
ion that he would make a good presi
dent is common: but the opinion that
he is a poor candidate is also common.
No two persons will agree as to exactly
what was the matter in 1916. He was
nominated in that year on his record
ae governor of New York, and in ad
miring recollection of the remarkable
campaign made by him for re-election.
Whether in 1916 Mr. Hughes had too
many advisers or took the advice of
too few sagacious politicians in the
several states is not clear; but a win
ning campaign and an inevitable candi
date were somehow turned into losers,
and "he kept us out of war" prevailed.
Mr. Hughes, it may be said, is not
second to' Mr. Taft in his irreproach
able attitude of non-partisanship in
trying national times; but his oppor
tunities have not been so numerous or
All about and around Oregon are
candidates for president- There are,
in the outlying territories, Poindexter
on the north (Washington), Borah on
the east (Idaho) and Johnson on the
south (California). It would appear
to be natural that in propinquity of
such conspicuous and aggressive presi
dential possibilities the state would
have its vision somewhat blurred as
to the path of its duty to give detached
consideration to the question in its
national and not its geographical
aspects. It might appear also that
the presence in Oregon of a democratic
favorite son (Chamberlain) would
serve to emphasize the sectional phases
of the problem. Ordinarily, we should
say that the republicans of the state
would look with special favor upon
Mr. Borah, and Mr. Poindexter and
Mr. Johnson might have their numer
ous followers, out of a sheer sense of
neighborliness. But how Is it? Neither
Borah "nor Poindexter nor Johnson Is
more than deuce high in Oregon. In
other circumstances we should expect
Mr. Borah to see under way here a
lively campaign in his favor with ex
cellent chances of getting the delega
tion. The collaps.e is wholly due to
Mr. Borah's incessant, unreasonable
and unreasoned outcries against the
league of nations. So It is with Mr.
Johnson and Mr. Poindexter. The re
publicans of Oregon will have none of
them. Oregon is for a league of na
tions, which in present-day parlance
is the league of nations.
The outstanding and most impres
sive feature of the editorial symposium
is its reflection of the public mind
toward the league of nations. One or
two. indeed, appear to be in opposi
tion; but they are heavily outnum
bered, and there is no suggestion by
the minority, or by anybody, that the
people are not for the league. It is
obvious, too, that the almost universal
approval of .the plan for A. league has
been converted into support for THE
league. There is no-rapturous defini
tion of the covenant as a perfect docu
ment, or the league as an immaculate
instrumentality for peace. Not at all.
It is well understood that the proposed
league is an experiment, and that it
has defects, some of which are already
known and others of which will de
velop. It is well enough that there be
reservations reservations that inter
pret and define America's attitude.
and lay the groundwork for -future
action, all in good faith, intended to
be in harmony with the great principle
of co-operation among the nations to
keep the world at peace. But no res
ervations are wanted which mangle
the league covenant and upset its
noble design, throwing the world again
into chaos, or even reopening the all
but settled problems of peace between
the nations so lately at war.
It is strange that some politicians
in congress should have assumed that
the people are against ratification of
the league, or will condone a deadly
blow at its vitals through the ready
weapon of outright amendment. Some
senators are too far away from their
constituencies. They should hear from
home, through voices that correctly
interpret the wishes of the people.
which in this instance represent a
magnificent aspiration. The Oregon
senators, indeed, are all right on the
league. But as much, alas! cannot be
said for Idaho, or Washington, or Cali
fornia, or some others.
The results of the policemen's strike
in Liverpool emphasize a kind of
moral obligation which marks the dif
ference between use of the conven
tional weapon of labor in a public and
its employment in a more or less pri
vate situation. Abandonment by the
police of that city of its task of pre
serving order has left the community
in a state of anarchy, a prey to law
less elements that would be the last
to show their gratitude by aiding the
striking policemen to attain their ends.
The late "Sunset" Cox, onCe minister
to Turkey, describing conditions in
that country a generation ago, tojd
how when a fire broke out the fire
companies would rush to the scene
and immediately begin bargaining with
the owners of threatened property. If
the latter did not pay a sum commen
surate with their conception of the
value of their services in the emer
gency, the fire was left to burn itself
Civilized people were much amused
by the oriental Way of doing things.
It did not then seem possible that this
peculiar form of blackmail ever could
find indorsement in an advanced so
ciety. Yet abandonment of a city to
thugs and thieves embodies the same
principle. And if policemen are jus
tified in using this weapon, why not
firemen also?
There would be a visible analogy if,
for example, the public schools should
be tied up by a teachers' strike, or the
hospitals by a strike of physicians and
nurses. There are certain employ
ments in which 'it would seem that
the broader humanitarian impulses
ought to find expression. It would
be an unpleasant joke on the- Liverpool
policemen if the mob, getting clear
out of bounds, should loot the police
men's homes also. Mobs and fires are
no respecters of persons, and sickness
falls on all alike, and when education
stops all suffer equally. There are
occasions when the strike is no more
a legitimate weapon than poison gas.
The bolshevist appetite for education
furnishes us wtih some ground -limited
for the present though it may be
- for optimism concerning the ulti
mate future of Russia. The ray of
light penetrates the gloom as we read
that schpols for adults are being
opened in the cities, and that the
universities are being opened free of
charge for all who want to attend. The
American pattern, so far as it is com
prehended in that benighted country,
is being quite generally followed. To
give the devil all that is coming to
him, it will be conceded that even
though they sow the seeds of their
own undoing, the bolshevists have
taken the obvious course. That they
have elected to teach reading in some
schools to the exclusion of writing
may be a mere detail of pedagogy not
altogether faulty in the peculiar cir
cumstances. Russians are so largely
shut off from the truth by their in
ability to read that it is, perhaps, the
first essential that they shall be
placed in command of this route to
the original sources of information.
In the same way, it will be set
down as not an irretrievable error
that, in abolishing the system under
which instruction has consisted of
about two-thirds religion to one-third
general education, they have furnished
as a substitute two-thirds socialism
or communism to one-third education.
Three - thirds education, of course,
would be even better, but it was too
much to expect under present leader
ship. Yet one-third is more than the
people have been receiving, and it
amounts to something.
Little by little education will gain
a foothold in Russia. Illiteracy in
that country is appalling. . The true
picture is not given by the statistics
which show that 69 per cent of the
population are "illiterate." American
travelers have estimated that in the
entire population of 180,000,000 prob
ably not 20.000,000 have the educa
tional attainments of the normal
American boy of 14. The number
available for teaching is inconsequen
tial by comparison with the need for
teachers. Russia is now in the posi
tion held, for example, by the Argen
tine republic in 1880, when it began
to build an educational system from
the ground up. That country began
by sending abroad for teachers, and
by establishing normal schools created
a supply of teachers out" of its own
material. The language difficulty in
Russia probably makes this course
impractical. But this will only delay
and will not prevent the working out
of the educational problems in time.
The important fact is the reaction
from early hostility against the "in
telligentsia." Universal literacy in
Russia will open to it the educational
facilities of the world. Demand for
schooling existing, a way will be found
in time to gratify it.
As the autumn fruit harvest brings
its problems of grading and packing,
it also brings reminder that there is
a high degree of economy in utiliza
tion of the grades below "extra fancy"
and "fancy" and their equivalents.
Honest grading is essential to building
up a permanent market, but the pur
pose of this is served by the honest
label. Except for fruit that may
spread infection, such as that which
is scale infected, there is use for
every pound that can be grown. The
problem is especially of moment this
season because - in many localities
spraying with usual thoroughness was
impossible, and there is a larger pro
portion of fruit that does not measure
up to the standard of super-perfection
which is the delight of ambitious
But the calorific value, and other
desirable qualities, of much fruit is
not impaired by superficial blemishes.
All apples of a given variety taste
alike in a pie. The lower grades ought
to be sold for precisely what they are
which disposes of the ethical issues
involved instead of being permitted
to go to waste.
During the war we were enjoined
to prevent waste of every kind. Some
people do not seem to understand that
now that the war is over there is as
much need for an anti-waste cam
paign as ever. Thera are, indeed,
more mouths to feed than there were
a year ago. The kind of thrift which
utilizes everything for its appropriate
purpose is not a thing of which anyone
ought to be ashamed.
An official bulletin issued August 1
by the Portland postmaster announces
the discharge of an unnamed employe
for making derogatory remarks about
his superiors. It is further announced
that this employe was denied the right
of voluntarily resigning but must stand
discharged and discredited.
It may be no more than a coinci
dence that issuance of this bulletin
and the unusual course of mailing it
td the newspapers that it may gain
wider circulation occur at a time when
the postmaster is under fire. It seems
to deserve particular mention, how
ever, for its indication of the character
of discipline under which postoffice
employes labor. Clearly, no person
who works at the postoffice will feel
safe in discussing sympathetically the
case of the returned soldiers who
charge discrimination by the post
master. It also sheds a good reading
light upon the circumstances under
which Carl Proppe signed the remark
able affidavit submitted to the press
by Postmaster Myers and published
Sunday. We publish again the affi
davit: State of Oregon, County of Multnomah, em.
I. Carl Proppe, a clerk in the Portland
postoffice, being first duly sworn, depose
and say that before I was drafted into the
army 1 had night work in the Portland poet
office, and was drawing a salary of $1200
per annum. When I returned from military
service I was reinstated at a salary of $1400
per annum and was promoted again to floiio
per annum on July 1, 191H. I still have the
same night shift that I had before I entered
military service: and I feel that 1 should be
given a day job and a girl put on night work.
Although I am a single man. 2H years old
and in robust health, I believe that 1 should
be given day work and a young woman put
on my night job. A distributor haa Uir.d
up mest of the time, but I believe that t
girls should do this and let us men have the
day jobs on the directory at. which we can
sit down.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
1st day of August. 1919.
Notary Public for Oregon.
This affidavit is produced by the
postmaster with his assurance that it
was given voluntarily. The word
"voluntarily" in common understand
ing means spontaneously; without the
influence of others, or the coercion
of fear. That any sane man would
volunteer a document the wording of
which is carefully designed to humil
iate him as much as possible, and
then make oath to it is inconceivable.
Whatever the three witnesses said to
have been present may say to the con
trary cannot make an intelligent public
believe it was voluntarily given. There
would still remain the bulletin of
August 1 which tells plainly enough
what may happen to . the bread and
butter of a postoffice employe who
criticises a superior and is found out.
as was the case with Carl Proppe.
The postmaster's exaction, accept
ance and publicity of such an affidavit
heaps a gross indignity upon a returned
soldier. Let those who appreciate the
service done the nation by the armed
youth of the land, and particularly
this soldier's recent comrades in arms,
take note of it.
The estimate that whereas at the
outbreak of the world war probably
10 per cent of the men in the Ameri
can merchant marine were Americans
about 40 per cent are now citizens of
this country, encourages hope of
100 per cent American personnel only
until we look further into the figures.
Needs of our ships, already very great,
are growing rapidly. The federal
shipping board, which once estimated
that we would need 85,000 men, now
thinks that fully 200,000 will be re
quired to send out the ships which we
have planned to build. There have been
35,000 applications for training up to
December 1, the date of the last report
of the board, but 35,000 do not go far
toward filling a 200,000 order. Our
training ships may turn out every six
weeks 5000 men fit to send to sea, but
there is dearth of apprentice applicants.
Now, there are two reasons why a
merchant marine that is American in
every sense of the term is desirable.
Sentiment is one of them, and sheer
necessity is the other. It was one
thing to rely on foreign sailors some
of them excellent ones when there
was a foreign surplus, but it is another
thing to wait for them when they are
fully occupied in their own countries.
The Scandinavian countries have
dreams of their own: British companies
have advanced wages almost to the
American scale: the countries border
ing on the Mediterranean never have
furnished as many competent sailors
as their coast lines would seem to
justify the world In expecting. The
colder waters of the north have fur
nished training for the seafaring men
of recent years.
Once it was thought that the navy
would be a source of supply for the
merchant marine. But the navy wants
men on Its own account. Even though
the rate of pay be lower, it is getting
the larger share of the re-recruits. Its
discipline is not irksome to those who
have learned the reason for it. The
work is not so hard. Living conditions
in the navy are excellent, and perhaps
the uniform also has a drawing power.
The nava is actually a competitor of
the merchant marine, rather than a
source of supply.
The new seafaring life. needs most
6f all a not-too-obvious press agent.
The merchant service still rests under
the blight of its old-time reputation.
Conditions," in fact, have greatly
changed. Food is better, sleeping quar
ters are more airy, officers are less
brutal than they used to be. Wages are
fair. Instances are not uncommon of
sailors and firemen who have saved
a thousand dollars or more in two
years. The road to promotion is now
open. Alter two years of service a
man may apply for a license as engine
room or deck officer in confidence
that if he can pass he will get a better
job. Improved conditions in foreign
countries warrant belief that there
will never be a return to the old con
ditions. Neptune needs a publicity man.
There is less second-hand romance in
the seafaring life of today, but on the
whole a lot more durable satisfaction.
The sea furnishes an opportunity for
intelligent Americans, seeking both the
life of adventure and the opportunity
to get up in the world.
We shall hope for increased efficiency
of the Siberian railway, under the man
agement of John F. Stevens, the Amer
ican sent to re-establish it. in view of
the announcement from trade sources
that Siberia contains vast quantities of
hides which thj peasants will not part
with for money or promises, but which
they are willing to exchange for agri
cultural implements, farm machinery
and certain types of useful merchan
dise. Officials of the Russian-American
chamber of commerce are confi
dent that the quantity of these hides
sufficient to make a noticeable dif
ference in the price of shoes in this
country if exchange can be effected.
Siberia has returned to primitive forms
of barter and trade, owing to its ex
pensive experience with fiat money of
various kinds, and it will be necessary
to re-educate the people in the use of
a reliable medium of exchange. Mean
while it is up to Americans of enter
prise to start the movement, which
millions who wear shoes will think can
hardly begin too soon.
Voluntary offer of the owners of the
Chicago "blimp" which crashed
through the skylight of a bank and
caused thirteen deaths to assume full
responsibility for the accident marks
a new era for which the owners in
question are entitled to due credit
Wide adoption of the principle by
those who inflict damages will sound
also the doom of the "ambulance-
chasing" lawyer and work a vast
change in litigation generally. The
incident also calls attention to the
fact that there is as yet no statutory
law covering specifically the acts of
dirigible balloons except a few ordi
nances passed during the war and
attempting to regulate air flights over
municipal territory, but which were
suspended because of the exigency of
war itself. It will now be necessary
to frame an entirely new set of laws
on the subject, one feature of which,
perhaps, will be prohibition of dir
igibles if not of airplanes over territory
that is densely inhabited.
Political economists of high and low
degrees in Washington overlook the
best way to reduce the high cost of
living, which is to quit eating the high-
priced stuff and get back to simpler
ways. Some thrifty people getting
high wages are doing this the bank
deposits attest; but the number is
We are making airplane records at
the rate of two a day. Speed of 137
miles an hour at an altitude of 18,400
feet and a thirty-five-mile glide are
doing pretty well for an otherwise
uneventful Saturday afternoon.
Judge Deich is doing very well on
the municipal bench, maintaining the
scale of fines for infractions of the
speed laws and other offenses that
add to the hilarity of life in a big city.
Shopmen are necessary complement
of trainmen, and if one is to get high
wages so should the other in these
days of making good a deficit by tak
ing it from the general fund.
It barely is possible Portland does
not care to spend $25,000 to see the
Pacific fleet cavort within its borders.
Why not fence the port and sell tickets
at prize-fight prices?
Attorney Kaste, by self-appointment
watch dog of public moneys here
abouts, is going to find himself mighty
busy if he qualifies for the job.
Next to the .big fleet, the Pacific
coast could hardly have a more wel
come visitor than the NC-4, first air
plane to cross the Atlantic ocean.
Many a wife who objects to her
husband's tobacco habit entirely over
looked it in the days when she was
hooking 'and landing him.
Aviation will not be quite up to date
until we read of a flying machine being
held up by bandits.
The wood that we are not building
ships out of will not be wasted. It
begins to look as if we would need it
for making shoes.
These girls running around in khaki
pants should have photographs taken
to show their grandchildren some of
the-styles in 1919.
Cottage Grove pullets must read the
Sentinel. Nothiag less can account for
the strenuous efforts to beat the early
laying records.
For what is the boxing commission
longer waiting? Mayor and post
master each has slung out his defi.
Sugar and coffee are plentiful but
scarce, another anomaly that it is hard
to explain to the man on the street.
"Congress may act soon" on the
high cost of living. Soon, but not yet-
Well, well! If the lawyers aren't
raising their scale!
The housewife seldom gets back pay
to January X.
Those Who Come and Go.
"It looks as if we'll have to convert
bathtubs into beds-." quoth a clerk in
one of the hotels yesterday, as he gazed
with growing uneasiness on the ever
increasing number of names on the ho
tel register. As a matter of fact, every
hotel in the city reports reservations
which will tax every hostelry up to
its fullest capacity to take care of the
hundreds of merchants who are arriv
ing on every train to attend buyers'
week. There hasn't been a dull day
in the hotels throughout the summer
because of the heavy tourist travel.
eek looming I
and now with buyers'
up as a Portland drawing card, cots
in the hotel dormitories promise to
be at a premium before the week is
During the days of the late legisla
ture George T. Baldwin, state senator
from Klamath county, was looked upon
as a sort of weathervane on how the
vote might go in the senate.. His was
the first name to be called by the read
ing clerk and sleepy senators generally
listened long enough to hear how he
would vote and then take a chance on
trailing along with him. But that isn't
Senator Baldwin's only claim to fame.
He's a good roads enthusiast of the
first water. It was he who sponsored
the important bill to permit counties to
increase their bonded indebtedness for
road purposes, his main purpose being
to allow the people of Klamath county
to construct a real road to nature's
garden spot Crater Lake. Senator
Baldwin operates a hardware store at
Klamath Falls when he isn't too busy
attending to affairs of state. He is
registered at the Imperial while in the
city to take part in the events of
buyers' week.
There is one reporter in Portland who I
refuses to write a personal about
man and wife arriving at a hotel. And
you could hardly blame him. It was
during his "cub" days - in a . nearby
state that he pulled his prize boner.
Senator "Smith" and wife had regis
tered in his city and he was sent to'
get an interview. It f-eems that the
senator was a bitter political enemy of
Senator "Jones," who lived in the same
city, and Senator "Smith" spent much
of his time in a discussion of the weak
points of Senator "Jones." The report
er unfortunately let his mind wander
and carelessly became confused in the
names. It cost him his job when his
interview with Senator "Smith" the
next morning concluded in this wise:
"He is accompanied by Mrs. Jones."
Y p ;i r after year those who guide the
destinies of the Oregon state fair are
lavish in their assurance that this
year's fair will be by far the biggest
and best. And as a general rule each
succeeding fair is better than the one
before. For the state fair next Sep
tember the directors are including
numerous features which should prove
exceptionally strong drawing cards.
Among these is the horse show, which
is to be one of the. largest held in the
Pacific northwest. The fajr this year
is to be a victory exposition and a good
one. Judge R. W. Marsters of Rose-
burg, a director of the state fair board.
is registered at the Oregon. He ar
rived here yesterday, following a meet
ing of the fair directors at Salem Sat
U. G. Bean, a furniture dealer of
Walla Walla. Wash., is in Portland this
week, accompanied by Mrs. Bean, to
participate in buyers' week. He re
ports a number of Walla Walla mer
chants are contemplating Portland vis
its during the week. The cool, cloudy
weather here is a welcome relief from
the heat of the wheat belt, according
to Mrt Bean. Harvesting operations are
progressing satisfactorily in Eastern
Washington, with yields averaging
above expectations, despite the unuBu-
ally dry season.
He arrived yesterday on the Stork
Special, which reached the Coe Matern
ity hospital at 11 o'clock in the morn
ing. He is Orton E. Goodwin, Jr.,
eight-pound son of Mr. and Mrs. Orton
E. Goodwin. "70 East Davis street. His
dad, a Portland newspaperman, sought
an interview with the visitor a few
moments after his arrival, but the
young man "had nothing -to say."
Riverside, Cal., is well known
throughout the country as a winter
resort and Riverside inn, its principal
hotel, has much to do with the popu-
larity of the resort. Frank A. Miller,
owner ot Kiversiae inn. is in tne city
on a tour of the coast,
panied by Mrs. Miller.
He is accora-
H. W. Collins, who owns a consider.
able portion of Pendleton the home of
the roundup is registered at the Ben
son on a short visit to Portland. High
way Commissioner V . L. Thompson is
also registered at the Benson from
Demand for eastern Oregon livestock
is just as strong in the North Portland
market as ever and C. H. Miller, well-
known stockman of Redmond, is help
ing to supply the demand. He brought
a shipment into the city Saturday and
is stopping at the Imperial.
G. C. Fulton, an Astoria lawyer who
took part in the Portland rate case
hearing both in this city and at Seat
tle. Is registered at the Portland, fol
lowing his return from the Puget sound
metropolis, where he represented As-
toria interests in the controversy.
B. W. Bates, a Roseburg merchant,
ts in Portland to take advantage or tne
buyers' week offerings. He is accom-
panied by Mrs. tfates. .
baiem residents are continuing to
bend every effort to induce congress to
remove the tax on loganberry juices.
If the tax Is not removed it wjll mean
a confiscation of the industry. Is the
contention. Mrs. Grover Powers, whose
husband is a buyer of loganberries and
other Willamette valley fruits, is reg-
istered at the Multnomah from the cap
ital city.
Sisters Is a thriving little community
in central Oregon and its residents
there demand the same articles for liv
ing as do those in more populous com
munities. That is the main reason why
B. L. Tone, a merchant of Sisters, is
here to take advantage of buyers' week
bargains. With Mrs. Tone he is regis
tered at the Imperial.
E. B. Arthand of Hoquiam, Wash., is
a guest .at the ImperiaL
Miss Mary Porter, who is a member
of the staff of the Letterman hospital
at San Francisco, is a guest at the
Portland. The Letterman hospital is
an army institution.
Mortgage Payment Before Maturity.
OAK GROVE. Or.. Aug. 2. (To the
Editor.) A year ago last January I
secured a loan for three years, on
farm near Portland, for $3000. No pro
vision was made at the time for pay
ment before maturity of note. I am
now in position to pay off mortgage,
but the party from whom I secured the
loan does not wish me to and insists if
I do pay it I must pay him a full
year's interest in addition. Can he col
lect this lawfully? Am I compelled to
pay it or any part of it more than the
mortgage calls for? I am willing to
pay for three months. ANXIOUS.
The man who loaned the money un
questionably did so as an investment,
and if there was no provision for pay
ment "on or before" maturity, it cannot
be paid before the date of maturity
without consent of the holder of the
note. He is entitled to full Interest if
he lnsists.
More Truth Than Poetry.
Br Jamea J. Moolgf.
I haven't any secretary.
All stuffed with useful information.
And all the data necessary
To my exacting occupation.
When anybody asks me what
Cathedral has the tallest steeple.
never know, and so I've got
To look it up. like other people.
haven't any walking college
To give me tips and make sugges
tions. An ee1 me pre-digested knowledge
Tvnen prying lawyers as me ques
tions. I have no facts and dates at hand
To demonstrate my mental fitness.
And if they get me on the stand
I make a pretty rotten witness.
It must be tough to be so shy on
Things one's think-tank ought
That a. person must rely on
A hired human dictionary.
Look at poor old Uncle Hen-
Ry Ford, who pays a compensation
To sundry well-read gentlemen
Who lug around his education:
How the poor old chap must suffer
hen lawyers, curious and discern
ing. Proceed to make him out a duffer
And no one's near to hand him learn
ing! To have to hire some bookish lad
To feed one literary diet.
Must put a person to the bad.
But, Just the same. I d like to try it:
Germany ought to cheer up. Her fu-
ture is Just as bright as that of the
American Brewers' association.
- Even More.
A bolshevik by any other name can
do just as much mischief, as we know
from the performance of the v illistas.
Good Practice.
The prohibitionists are now at work
In England, just by way of warming
up before they tackle Germany,
I Would 'Twere So.
By Grace E. Hall.
Sometimes a little crippled child goes
by. sometimes a scarred, distort
ed face I see;
Sometimes an empty sleeve compels my
sigh, or crutches speak of hopes
that ceaeed to be;
No sinKle dav is spent that something
sad fails to attract by pathos or
And always I say silently, "I'm glad
that I have missed this cross,
the scar, this care."
Sometimes yea. dally! I have studied
hands, those hands that once were
soft and small and white.
Now twisted and hard-knotted by the
plans that they have helped to
fashion by their might;
Hard, coarsened hands that tell of
grinding toil O, somehow they
forever make me sad!
And as I visualize such lives of moil.
for my fair lot I once again am
But O! 1 would the whole earth might
be free of scar and hurt and toil
and pain and woe.
That only joy might reign eternally
along the earthly pathways we
must go;
I would that each might carry lighter
cross, that none need ever suffer
or be sad.
Then I'd be happier still because the
loss of others griefs would make
me doubly glad.
Army Discipline and Living Contrasts
Seen Abroad Cause Great Change.
PORTLAND. Aug. 2. (To the Editor.)
I There 1b, perhaps, no more pleasant
aspect to behold for the keen observer
than our returned soldiers. They are
different from what they were. The
dreamers are awake, and like spring
lilies, with their petals just unfolded.
they bloom and show signs of life: the
lazy have become active; the thriftless
steer for a definite goal and our pro
fessional highway loafers are doing a
I Cood day's work
Now every man of average intelli
gence questions himself and seeks a
solution for this change and in so do
ing his mind travels over a vast field.
Need he roam about the ruins and up
rooted lands of France and Belgium?
Indeed not. The fortune lies hidden in
our American "back yard"! He need
but trace the effect to its cause and
war is responsible.
War placed the man in different cir
cumstances circumstances that con-
trasted with the American home life.
Here, already, he saw his faults, his air
castles began to tumble and his vain
mind began to seek, like the mountain
streamlet, the gentle slope of simplic
ity. In the camp, besides learning dis
cipline, he met all sorts of characters
characters that left an impetus either
for imitation or reform.
Having been sufficiently drilled, he
was shipped across. Vv ords can not
express the impressions made upon his
mind. It was here that he saw poverty
for the first time; here he learned how
little reallv is necessarv to sustain life:
I he saw the leadershio of his coun
trv and here he saw that which hi
I vanity at home would not stoop to see
I the golden and immense opportuni
tips of his rountrv. No more is he im
rmerl with the snirit of "what's the use
to work for the millionaires like John
r. & Co.." but upon comparing the tre
mendous sacrifices that mere life de-
rnands of those European people with
I the little, insignificant denying of the
average American life, he came home
I with a noble ambition an ambition
that is a satisfaction to two hearts,
and is the ultimate foundation of any
and every nation a happy home.
88 North Seventeenth st
There is a picture in my treasure chest.
I cannot often look upon it now,
For tears start and my heart aches:
it is. best
Among my treasured things to let it
My playmate in the other years was
My schoolmate and my pupil and my
And more than playmate, more than
friend to me,
taught me goodness, lore
How many
times, so friendless and
The memory of her cheered me
through the night.
How often when my strength was al
most gone
The hunger of the heart still urged
me on.
O God. how often have I praved to Thee,
"Thy watch, O gracious Father, ever
And be forever kind to her, for she -Is
more than friendship, more than
life to me."
Depth . of devotion never meant for
Hard to relinquish all, yet to have
Has lifted me to heights almost divine.
And, though denied me, I shall not
In Other Days.
Tnenly-flTe Years Abo.
From The Oregonian of August 4.
Washington. President Cla v e 1 a n d
has practically decided to unite with
Great Britain. Germany and Italy to
preserve forcibly the neutrality of the
treaty ports of China during the war.
The committee on parks and public
rroperties and the superintendent of
streets have been ordered to put the
plaza blocks in order, and by way of
keeping it from being the meeting
place of anarchists and loafers it will
oe cultivated and seeded.
Connection of the Great Northern
railroad with Portland has been ef
fected and changes in organization of
the road s forces are announced.
The Mnzanini Benevolent societv will
give its fourth annual picnic at Brus
sels park tomorrow.
F"lfty Year A CO.
From The Oregonian of August 4. ISfif.
The suit of James B. Xewbv mrainsr
the Oregon. Central Railway company
to enjoin the corporation from use of
ts present name is beintr heard in tha
United States circuit court.
New York. A new plan of usinsr elec
tric lichts on trains of the Erie rail
road win soon be introduced.
A meeting of citizens was hefd
Y ednesday to hear reports of the Im
migrant Aid society, which plans to
bring residents to Oregon.
Captain West got the dredge and
snag-puller in position and resumed
active operations on the bar at the
mouth of the Willamette river last
Birth -Was In, Xitt, X. Revolutionary
Land Foret Carried It.
In the course of a plea for a new
flap for the British empire the Union
Jack Is but a combination of the flatrs
ot England. Ireland and Scotland Ad
miral Sir Charles Dundas. according to
London dispatches, said "the ideal na
tional flags are the French Tricolor
and the Stars and Stripes."
This tribute hv an - ...
American flag is the occasion for is
suance by the National Geographic so
ciety of the following bulletin, based
cn a communication to the society from
r-ommander Byron McCandless. IT s
N.. concerning the origin of the taxs
and Stripes:
"In the embryonic days of the re
public, when the thirteen original
Mates were still feeble British colonies
bordering the western shores of the
Atlantic, there were almost as many
varieties of banners borne by the revo
.utionarv forces as there are tod.-iv
races fused into one liberty-loving
American people.
"Disinclined to never- all 4U, .;.w
Ensland. yet bitterly resentful of the
treatment accorded them and unyield
ing in their determination to resist
further oppression, when it became
necessary to adopt an ensign for their
newly-created navy, in the autumn of
.5. the revolting colonies rhniiA a'
flacr that reflected their feeling of unity"
mi m? iitumer country, out at the
same time expressed their firm joint
purpose to demand and obtain Justice
and liberty.
'One. ot the colonial shins, the T-iartv
Washington, was captured on Decem
ber 7 by H. M. S. Fowev. and her colors.
ill in the admiralty office in London.
are described as bearing a pale-green
pine tree on a field of white btintine-.
with the motto 'An Appeal to Heaven.'
This flag was flown by all the ships
under Washington's command at this
time, the design having been suggested
by the commander-in-chiefs militarv
secretary. Colonel Joseph Reed, who
wrote, on October 20, 1775. that he
wished to 'fix upon some particular
color for a flaer and a signal by which
our vessels may know one another.'
Prior to the receipt of the news
of the capture of the British brig.
Nancy (November 29) by one of Gen
eral Washington's ships under com
mand of John Manley. the continental
concress had appointed Esek Hopkins
commander-in-chief of the navy built
by congress as distinguished from the
soldier-manned fleet under General
Washington. Immediately following
his appointment Commodore Hopkins
(the first and only commander-in-chief
the navy ever had) set sail from Rhode
Isiand in that colony's armed vessel
Katy, and arrived in the Delaware
river on December 3. 17io. The same
day the commodore assumed the formal
command of the little squadron which
the congress had placed under him.
The manner in which that command
was assumed is of signal importance.
n that the ceremony marked the hoist- of the first truly American flag.
And the distinction of having released
the banner to the breeze belongs to
that daring spirit, John Paul Jones.
one of the chief among heroes in the
hearts of American naval officer and
a a a
"This was the flag which afterward
figured so extensively in the literature
of the day as the congress colors, from
the fact that it first floated over the
navy controlled by congress. Also
known as the grand union flag and the
first navy ensign, it was the colonial
standard from that day until it was
superseded by the stars and stripes, in
1777. It consisted of 13 stripes, al
ternately red and white, typifying the
13 colonies, with a union bearing the
crosses of St. George and St. Andrew
combined (the national flag of Great
Britain) and signifying the mother
The Gadsden flag (of yellow silk
and bearing a coiled rattlesnake with
the motto 'Don't Tread on Me"), used
cn ths Alfred as the flag of the com
modore commanding the fleet, was pre
sented February 8. 1776, to the South
Carolina provincial congress by Col.
Christopher Gadsden, a delegate from
South Carolina to the continental body
and one of the committe of three ap
pointed on October 15, 1775, to report
on the fitting out of two armed vessels.
When that report was made, two weeks
later. Colonel Gadsden was one of a
committee of seven appointed to fit
out four armed vessels.
"The jack displayed on the. Alfred
on this occasion was a small, nearly
square flag of 13 alternate red and
white stripes, bearing a crawling rat
tlesnake with the legend 'Don't Tread
On Me' beneath it.
a a
"Although displayed on the conti
nental army's first birthday, neither
the grand union flag nor the stars
and stripes, adopted by congress a year
and a half later, was carried in the
fieid by the land forces during the
revolutionary war. The army carried
onlp the colors of the states to which
the troops belonged and not the na
tional flag.
"It was nearly one year after the
representatives of the United States ot
America, in general congress assem
bled, had pledged their lives, their for
tunes, and their sacred honor for the
support of the Declaration of Independ
ence that the crosses of St. George and
St. Andrew, emblematic of the mother
country, which had formed the union
cf the continental union flag, were dis
carded and replaced by a union com
posed of white stars in a blue field,
'representing a new constellation."
"The date of the birth of the stars
and stripes was June Jl, 1777. and its
creation was proclaimed in a resolu
tion of the continental congress.
"Thus it would seem that nbt only
was the first flag of the continental
congress displayed for the. first time
from a naval vessel, the Alfred, but
that from the navy (in the person of
the marine committee of the congress
of 1777) the nation also received the
stars and stripe."